Shared Grief free porn video

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I'd always thought I possessed all the time in the world and the idea never occurred to me things might change. The thing is; I was so positive I would always be with Carol; I really thought we would be together forever. I was so positive time would wait for us; that it would wait for me to get all of my business' in order, and then we would have time for the rest of our lives. Had I known the big "C" was waiting around the corner, and was going to ravage that lovely body and then steal my Carol away from me so early; I swear I would have done so many things differently.

If asked today if I would give up the corporations, the money, and all of my success just to have her back, I'd gladly do so. I would consent to be a pauper if I could just have her back and she could be a part of my life once more. However, I have learned one cannot dwell on the "what if's" or the "I should have of's" ... I know you have to move on with life and yet ... more than two years later ... I find I miss her more than ever. I would say don't dwell on the past; but if the truth be know, at night, when my dragons escape in my mind and then are allowed to roam free; my guilt and sorrow is still all consuming.

After she died, Saturdays just seemed to become my day to spend with Carol. Allow me to explain; part of her gravesite consists of a large, chocolate colored granite bench, big enough for 3 or even 4 people to sit on. This bench stands just in front of her marker, and when you sit on the bench; you can look right down on her. Anyway, every Saturday for the past 2 years I've gone and sat on that bench and talked to her. Every Saturday I'd sit there sharing with her the week's happenings, just talking to her grave marker. I'm sure many people thought me very strange, and as strange as it sounds, I've always felt somehow she was listening and understood. However; the entire previous week I was attending meetings out of town and for the first time since her death, I wasn't able to make my normal Saturday meeting. Instead, I was to visit her the next day.

My corporate plane arrived very late Saturday night and today, Sunday, was going to have to be my day to visit. I asked my driver Walter to stop at the flower shop and I picked up something to take to her marker, something I never do. When we arrived at the cemetery, I asked Walter to park the car in the normal space I usually use and I got out of the car and headed towards Carol's grave. Her resting place is just over the crest of a small knoll and has a nice view of the cemetery. As I came up over the rise and stared ahead, I saw somebody was sitting on the granite bench ... on OUR granite bench ... someone was desecrating my darling's final resting place and I felt anger welling up inside of me. As I started to walk towards the bench, I was totally prepared to tell this person to get off what I considered to be "our bench".

I stormed around in front of the bench and came to a fast stop staring down into two interestingly deep blue/grey eyes looking up at me, set in a lovely face. The eyes were slightly misty from crying and she looked up at me with a startled look on her face. My anger seemed to quickly seep away as I gazed down at the charming young woman sitting on the bench. The surprised look stayed on her face and with a shaky voice she asked, "Oh ... how come you're here today?"

I was completely taken aback by her question and I queried, "I don't understand; how do you know today isn't my normal day to come and visit?"

Her face turned red with embarrassment and she stood quickly, "I'll leave."

Responding promptly, I begged her, "No! Please sit down. Please don't leave. Tell me, why'd you make the comment about this not being 'my day'? How do you know that?"

As she sat back down, she moved to the end of the end of the bench and motioned for me to sit down on the other end. She was silent for a moment as she gathered her skirt and long coat against her body. It was as if she was collecting her thoughts as well as her clothing. Finally, she began, "My Mark died a few days before your wife. I was here the day you buried her and I saw you. I come here often ... to ah ... visit Mark, and I noticed you were only here on Saturdays. So, any day I come other than Saturday, I sit on this bench. Mark is buried just behind us."

I turned and saw the marker with Mark's name on it, along with the date of his birth and death. When I looked back into her face, I was surprised with my feelings. For the past two years, I'd not really noticed another woman. I would speak to them every day at work, but today was the first time I was actually sitting one on one with a woman since Carol passed away, discussing something besides business. In the past, I wasn't even interested in looking at another woman, but for some reason, this woman sitting in front of me had caught my attention.

What I also found strange was when I had turned back from Mark's marker; I thought I had seen something in her face as well. I had not been interested in meeting other women; that didn't mean I wasn't aware if a woman found me interesting. However, as I considered what I thought I had just noticed, it occurred to me it wasn't possible now, I was at least twice her age; why would she be interested in any man my age? Especially somebody as beautiful as this young lady was. I decided it was best for me to leave and I started to stand as I commented to her, "I will leave you to your privacy. I am sorry I disturbed you."

She reached out and touched my sleeve, causing me to stop. "Wait. Please don't leave. This is your bench and your place of solitude. I am the one who is intruding. I am the one who should leave." As she finished speaking, she started to rise.

"Would you consider the idea that we both sit here ... together?" I asked her softly.

She looked at me. I could see her deliberating what I had just asked and then she settled back down on her end of the bench.

"Good morning. I guess we never got that part of our conversation taken care of." I smiled at her comment and then asked her what happened to Mark and she told me about the car accident involving a drunk driver speeding the wrong way down the freeway at 2 in the morning. She went on to share her anger and her sense of loss, she shared so much of her past two years of pain and I allowed myself to open to her words, which helped me realize I had felt some of the same feelings she was describing to me. She asked me what had happened to Carol and after a few minutes, I realized there were tears running down my face, and how much I was sharing with her about my pain and anger. I told her how hard I had worked to create the business empire I ran, but now that she was gone, it didn't matter as much anymore. I told her how much I wished I had done things differently and how I wished I had spent more time with Carol. I didn't know if it was the outpouring of my grief for the very first time since her death, or the embarrassment of sharing so much so quickly with a stranger, but suddenly I had an overwhelming need to leave this woman I just met. I quickly stood and told her that I needed to depart

"Please wait..." she implored. "Don't go..."

"I'm sorry, I have to leave." And I strode off to my waiting car.

Sitting in the back seat during the drive home, and for most of the next week, I found I could not get the young lady's attractive face out of my mind. Her soft blue/green eyes, misted with her grief and her lovely face haunted me. Along with thoughts of her was also the guilt; I should not even be thinking of another woman after Carol. Why did my mind keep returning to her sweet face and those beautiful eyes? And then the other fact would occur to me; I was at least twice her age and what was I thinking ... how could I even contemplate anything with her in any way considering my age? I started to feel I was truly an old fool.

It wasn't until 3 days after I saw her sitting on the stone bench that I realized I didn't even know her name. And I found each time I thought about her, I ended up embarrassed about my feelings considering the difference in our ages. I realize we only spoke for a short time and neither of us really mentioned anything about a relationship, but it seemed to me there had been a spark ... or was it really just an old fool dreaming? I did know I kept thinking about her and wondering what she would be like ... and then the guilt would kick in, along with the feelings of what an old fool I was.

Saturday came and I prepared myself for my weekly visit to Carol's grave. On the way to the cemetery, I kept fighting the urge to ask my driver to go faster, but I held my tongue. After we parked, I sat for a moment in the back seat and pondered if she might even be there today. As I sat in the cocoon of my back seat, mulling it all over, unexpectedly I became shocked by the realization of my feelings; the feelings I really hoped she might be there today. I wondered what was going on in my head. Why those few moments with her last Sunday captured my imagination so quickly? Then I remembered what she told me; she didn't come on Saturdays because she knew I would be there; but I still possessed the hope she might be there today.

My driver Walter opened the door and I got out of the car and headed off across the damp, morning dew covered grass. As I came up over the rise, I saw somebody sitting on the bench. My heart leapt and I was truly bewildered by the happiness I felt inside. As I thought about it, I realized I was happier than I had been in the past 2 years. As I approached the bench, she stood and looked up. "Good morning," her voice was sweet and musical. "If you wish, I will leave."

I quickly replied, "No, please stay ... um ... I wondered if you would be here today ... actually I hoped you might. I think I need to talk to you."

"That's interesting; I was hoping we could talk today as well. But you go first, what did you want to talk to me about?" she asked with a puzzle look on her face.

"Well, first off, I am sorry how I ran off the other day, but I was embarrassed when I became such a cry baby..."

"NO!" She raised her hand. "Stop!" She had spoken with such force and her voice was so sharp it startled me. She smiled to soften her words and continued, "You showed me how you felt; that was real and I felt honored you'd share it with me. Forgive me if this is a bit forward, but I think it was the first time since Carol died you allowed so much of your feelings to show to anybody."

As she paused, I nodded my head affirmatively. I felt as if she had slapped me in the face. It was true; it was the first time since I lost Carol I had talked to anyone about it. It was the first time I cried in front of anybody and expressed any of my anger and grief. I could feel myself getting embarrassed again because I shared so much with a total stranger. As I sat there, somehow she seemed to feel my embarrassment. I felt her hand on my sleeve and as she spoke, I heard her voice, soft and gentle as she could possibly speak, "Please ... please don't pull away! Your words touched me last week and I was surprised by what you told me. You seemed to express things I have been feeling but hadn't realized were inside of me. Thank you for sharing and trusting me that much."

I smiled at her. It was time for me to confess as well. "There have been mixed feelings all week about last Sunday. In ways I am so embarrassed and yet I found that being able to share everything really has made me feel better." Let's face it, there was no way I was going to share with her the rest of my feelings. I had no idea how she felt about another man, or anything along those lines, let alone the fact I was old enough to be her father ... or more. No, I was going to just let things be. "I hoped all week I might find you here, and yet ... I was both afraid and embarrassed. Anyway, I am pleased you are here and we had a chance to talk. You know, I don't even know your name."

Her laughter was gentle and I liked the sound of it. She extended her hand as she spoke, "Hi, my name is Amber." I bowed my head slightly as I took her warm hand in mine and told her my name.

"I know," she colored slightly, "I asked at the caretaker's cottage."


Her face grew even more flushed than before. She dropped her head and I decided the gentlemanly thing to do was to drop it for the time being. To help ease the moment, I asked her to tell me some more about Mark. For a moment she brightened as she told me how they met. She had a couple of amusing stories about the two of them and then I saw the light go out of her eyes. Tears started to creep from the corners of her eyes and then run down her cheeks. "Damn it!" she cried. "Two years now and I still cry when I think about him."

"Well, is that such a bad thing? You must have really loved him."

"I did in the beginning." She sobbed.

"And when he died?" My voice trailed off.

She lifted her lovely face, tears streaming over her cheeks and she shook her had in a negative fashion. She lowered her face and continued to cry. I so much wanted to reach out and put my arm around her, but I feared the advance would not be appreciated. I reached into my back pocket, pulling out a clean handkerchief and handed it to her, silently thanking mother for instilling the importance of always carrying a clean handkerchief. She opened it and held it to her face. With one great hiccup, she seemed to settle back and she looked so beaten down. In a voice as soft as I could use, I spoke to her, "Would it help to talk to me about it?"

She smiled a very brief smile and then in an almost whisper she started, "I don't know ... I think part of the reason I keep coming here is to deal with the guilt I feel about his death. I do know the night he died he was just as drunk as the person who hit him. He had been drinking all evening and I made some comment about something and he struck me in the face and knocked me to the floor. I screamed at him to get out and he kicked me several times as I was lying there. Then he slammed the door and left. I don't know what I did wrong, but it was my fault he died that night. I told him to leave. I knew he was drunk and he should not be out driving around. I told him to get out of the house and it was my fault he died." Again, tears welled up in her eyes.

Her confession angered me. The words seem to just come out of my mouth as if somebody else put them there. My tone was so abrupt she drew back as I spoke, "You are not at fault. The bastard hit you. Look at me," she was looking into her lap now, "look me in the eye..." I reached over and gently lifted her face so she was looking at me. "No man has any right to hit a woman. Perhaps it is because of my age, but I have always believed that. A man has no right to hit a woman for any reason. You had every right to tell him to get out. You were protecting yourself! It was not your fault he decided to drive drunk! And, it is not your fault somebody hit him in his car. You need to keep telling yourself it was not your fault ... because it wasn't."

Amber's face fell and she lunged at me. My arms encircled her body as if they had their own mind and I held her as she wept. Her face was against my chest and my chin rested on the top of her head. I could smell the fragrance of the shampoo trapped in her hair, she smelled fresh and I reveled in the delightful smells of her. I gently moved one hand up and placed it alongside of her face to take her head and hold it to my chest. As I held her crying in my arms, I could feel her finally releasing some of the pent up guilt she had kept stored within. As she wept, I found I too had started to cry again. For some reason, her allowing me to experience her grief touched something inside of me, and I felt more of the pain, grief and guilt I had kept stored deep inside for the past 2 years, welling up and finally leaving.

How long we sat there holding each other and crying I don't know. When her crying stopped, she looked up at me and I will never know why I did it, but without thinking, I moved my face down to hers and I kissed her. I was completely unprepared for her reaction. As soon as our lips touched, her hands went to each side of my face and she returned the kiss with deep hunger and amazing passion. Her lips parted and I felt her tongue gently touch my lips as if questioning if her action was acceptable. When I opened my lips, her tongue slipped between them ... questioning ... searching ... exploring. My tongue reached out and touched hers and I heard a deep groan escape from within her body. Suddenly my mind clicked and I realized how wrong it was what we were doing. I gently pushed her away and she softly cried out, "No ... please don't pull away."

"Amber ... stop. Listen to me. You are feeling venerable. That is all this is. Besides, look at me ... I am old enough to be your father or..."

"I don't give a shit!" Her response held a touch of anger. "I am sick and tired of all the expectations and rules and..." she gave a slight hiccup from her crying. "As far as I am concerned, age has nothing to do with it. A person's age is irrelevant. I thought I had married one person and he turned out to be something else. I don't know what happened ... but he was my age and at the end, I was ready to leave him because he was just a spoiled brat. A mommy's boy who resorted to violence to get his way."

"Amber ... I am sorry, but to me your age is a factor. And I still haven't forgotten Carol."

Her voice took on a firm tone as she continued, "I am not asking you to forget anything or anybody. I am just trying to tell you I think you are an attractive man. I have watched you for two years now and I think I know a bit about you. I enjoyed being held by you just now. I really liked being kissed by you." She paused and took a breath. The silence grew between us until she finally said, "Well, say something."

"I think I need to go. I always thought Carol was my one and only ... and ... well ... I need to go." My head was spinning and my feelings were all screwed up. I could not believe how I felt; I was so attracted to her. Yet, the worst part was her age, looking at her made me feel like a dirty old man. Well, maybe not that bad, but to me, her age was a factor. I stood and said my good bys and started to head back to the waiting car.

I heard her call out, "I'll see you next week?" And it sounded like a question.

I stopped and turned back to look at her, "We'll see." I responded.

The week next week was difficult. Between a lot of problems at the company, I also found I couldn't keep my mind focused. Every time I let my guard down, thoughts of her came flooding in and I found it was difficult to push them to the back of my mind. By Friday, a part of me couldn't wait to see if Amber was going to be waiting on the bench tomorrow; then there was the other part of me consumed with guilt about those feelings. I still felt like I was cheating on Carol in some way; but the most difficult thing I found was the age difference between us. That feeling was presenting the most difficult of all for me to deal with.

Saturday morning came and I decided I would go to Carol's grave and if Amber was there, I would explain to her just how I felt about everything. I would explain how things were and put a stop to anything before it really got started. Walter pulled into the parking lot and I glanced around at the parked cars. As I looked around, it dawned on me I had no idea what kind of car Amber drove. I chuckled to myself about my looking since there was no point. Walter asked me, "Sir, what's so amusing?"

"Nothing Walter ... just something that occurred to me. Please wait here."

I headed towards the gravesite and as I crested the knoll, I saw the bench was empty. Empty... "Empty!" The word filled my head. Amber wasn't waiting on the bench after all. A deep sadness consumed me and I was taken aback at how intense those feelings were. I could not believe how disappointed I was to see Amber was not there waiting and I now realized just how much I hoped she would be. It didn't matter she had no idea if I was going to be there or not, it was just she wasn't there and now I realized I had wanted her to be there.

When I got to the bench, I felt if I wasn't careful I was going to start crying. I slumped down on the bench and as I sat there, I started thinking about all the strange new feelings stirring within me. I stared down at Carol's grave for a while and then asked out loud, "Would you mind if I started to see another woman?"

From behind me a gentle voice spoke, "I really think she would want you to." I spun around and found Amber standing there. "Sorry, I am late." She smiled timidly and continued, "I didn't know if I would find you here. I am really happy you're here."

I stood up and was surprised how quickly and easily the words came out, "When I came over the knoll I couldn't believe how depressed and disappointed I was after I saw you weren't sitting on the bench. I knew we didn't have an appointment or anything, but I was so sad when I thought you weren't going to be here today." I paused for a moment and then continued, "I think we need to have a talk about what's happening."

Amber smiled at me, "I would agree." She stood there for a moment, looking around and then looked up at me. "Would it be OK for me to ask you to go someplace else ... besides..." Amber waved her hand towards the two graves and continued, "and share a cup of coffee or something?"

I understood her feeling and I nodded my head affirmatively. As we turned to head back towards the car, the sun came out from behind a cloud and I thought it seemed to beam down on both of us. Something caused me stop for a moment and I turned back to look at Carol's grave. I'm sure it was just the light from the sun, but the way it was shining, it actually appeared as if her gravestone was glowing and at that moment, I knew she was giving me her approval. I knew Carol had somehow been showing her approval and it was OK for me to befriend Amber.

As the two of us walked side by side, I looked over at Amber walking next to me and was pleased to see the top of her head came just above my shoulder. Since I am rather tall, I have always liked a woman to be tall as well.

Amber stopped at the end of my car, staring at the driver holding the back door open. She seemed startled, "This is your car?" she blurted out.

"Yes ... why?"

"I've seen it here before but I thought it was a funeral car or something. I never realized it was yours." She looked from the car to Walter standing next to the door and then back at the car.

"Does it make a difference?" I noticed the unhappy look on her face. "What's the problem?"

Amber shrugged her shoulders, "No problem, it's just that the last time I rode in a limo it was when ... well ... the day of the funeral and I ... ah..."

It suddenly occurred to me my car and driver was perhaps bringing back unhappy memories. I put my hand on her shoulder and turned her to face me, "Would you rather take your car?"

"No!" She said with some force, "actually, I think I want to ride with you in your car," Amber gave me a little grin, "and then I will have a better memory to replace the one I have." She was so sweet the way she said it, it felt as if my heart was going to break. I adored her smile; when she smiled, her whole face lit up and her green eyes would twinkle. Her smile made her face soft and warm and I liked the way her smile made me feel happy inside.

We climbed into the back of my car and I instructed Walter to take us somewhere where we could get a cup of coffee. We rode in silence for a couple of blocks and then Amber asked, "This is different than the limo's they use for funerals, isn't it?"

"Why do you ask?" I asked her in return.

"This is a lot nicer than the other one I was in. I mean, look at all the wood trim in here and you even have a little desk there. This is not like the other limo at all."

I had to chuckle, from her comment. "Yes, it is a lot different. This is a company car. It's made in Germany and is quite a bit more expensive than what a funeral home would have." As I finished, Walter pulled in behind a small coffee shop located in a shopping mall. We went in, placed our order and then found a table outside with an umbrella. Amber sat across from me, looking with an expectant look on her face. The pause grew longer and longer as I continued to stare into Amber's deep green eyes. Finally, she grinned at me and asked, "Are you waiting for me to blink first?"

I laughed and shook my head in a negative way. "No, it just seems I have so much to say and I really don't know where to start."

"OK, tell me why you were so disappointed when you thought I wasn't there this morning."

She went right for the heart. I was still working on that one question. After some thought, I started, "I haven't stopped thinking about our kiss all week long. In ways, I feel it was wrong because I still have issues about Carol and I felt I was cheating on her, but I think I am feeling different about it now. But there is one thing which hasn't changed ... the difference in our ages. Amber, I am at least old enough to be your father and perhaps even your grandfather! I have a real problem with that. Looking at you makes me feel like a dirty old man." I grinned at her with my last remark.

Her laughter was sweet and musical; she reached out and put her hand on top of mine. "OK. How old do you think I am?" I looked at her, trying to appraise her age. I am very aware that trying to guess a woman's age can be a very dangerous thing. It was as if she sensed what I was thinking, as she demanded, "I want you to be honest. Don't try to make something up. Tell me exactly how old you think I am?"

"I know that guessing a woman's age is dangerous," I smiled, "honestly I would guess you to be somewhere in your late 20's ... early 30's at the most."

Amber beamed at me and squeezed my hand. "You are way too sweet. I will be 38 on my next birthday. That makes me starting middle age at least!" She giggled with her remark. There was a long pause and looking directly into my eyes, she asked, "So what's your problem?"

I gave a small laugh, "First off, you do not look anything like what I thought a 38 year old woman should look like." She grinned at this remark and I continued, "My problem, as you put it, is that I will be 61 my next birthday. Look at it this way; you are young enough to be my daughter! Amber, you are a beautiful young woman and I am flattered that you kissed me; but to be honest, I feel like a very foolish old man to be even thinking about you the way I have over the past week."

Amber arched one eyebrow, paused and in a very soft voice asked, "And exactly what thoughts have you been thinking about me?" I could feel my face growing red as I squirmed in my seat. Amber placed her hand again on top of mine and squeezed it. Her voice was soft and more intense, "Tell me, what you were thinking about me?"

I could feel my face growing hot as the words stumbled out, "Amber ... ah ... this is really embarrassing. I was being foolish and I had thoughts about you men my age aren't supposed to have about women your age." I continued to fidget in my seat, "Now please stop with the questions. Besides, this is not what I wanted to talk to you about!"

She ignored my comment and continued, "Do you mean you had erotic thoughts about me?" She paused again and I could feel my face was flushed. Amber lowered her voice so I had to strain to hear her. "Did you think about making love with me," another pause and she added, "The way I've thought about making love with you?"

I could not believe my ears. What did she just say? I felt light headed and everything around us seemed to become very bright. Things were spinning around in my head. I sputtered and finally asked, "What did you just say?"

"You heard me!" she laughed. Amber lowered her voice again and looked me directly in the eyes, "But since older men have problems hearing ... I asked if you thought about making love with me the same way I have been thinking about making love with you." Amber laughed harder at the look on my face.

This conversation was getting very uncomfortable. Lucky for me there was a table between us or she would have seen the front of my pants sticking out. Things were going way too fast and I felt I needed to stall. Taking a sip of my coffee, I stared into her beautiful eyes. Her hand was still on top of mine and I still felt things were still moving way too fast. I had no idea on how to slow them down. "Amber ... look ... I ... um!"

"Stop!" She squeezed my hand tightly, "I have watched you for two years come and go at Carol's grave. The first year I thought I was losing my mind. I was interested in you but I thought my feelings were because I was trying to forget Mark ... or I was trying to forget what I did to him. I thought perhaps an older man would be a father figure to me; that perhaps you could help me deal with my feelings about Mark. Over the past few months I began to see I needed to move on with my life." Amber paused and I could tell she was thinking over what she wanted to share with me next.

'I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't found me sitting on the bench that day. I wanted to talk to you, but I was afraid to say anything. I guess it was good we accidentally met the way we did." Another long pause, "Our conversations have made me think and made me examine what I am doing with my life. I have not been on a date since Mark was killed ... and I'll bet that you haven't either since Carol passed away! Am I correct?"

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Chris Grief

There was a knock on the front door and Sam Wilson opened it. There stood two police officers. “Sam Wilson?” the officer said. “Yes,” Sam replied. “Are you Chris Wilson?” “Yes,” I said. “Boys, I’m afraid we have some bad news for you,” the taller officer said. “We regret to inform you that your parents were killed in a car accident this evening.” “What?” I cried. “I’m sorry,” he said and they turned to leave. Sam nodded his thank you and closed the door. We stared at each other for a...

4 years ago
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Easing His Grief

The Amtrak train was making good time headed south. In all his sorrow, Steve could only stare out the window as towns and cities passed like wispy clouds that brought neither rain nor shade. It had all changed so fast. One minute he was a loving husband and father, the next he was a grieving widower on his way to Atlanta. He needed something to take his mind off what he had lost. His family was gone, dead, killed in a car crash. All three of them dead in an instant. Steve saw an ambulance...

1 year ago
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Shared Wife Threesome MMF DP

I was browsing through the racks, Rachel having wandered off to glance at the science fiction section. I noticed an autobiography by a well-known porn actress and picked it up. The cover featured the author looking very hot in a black corset and matching boots. Rachel returned while I was reading the blurbs on the back cover. She saw what I was looking at and chuckled."I see you've found something for your mom's birthday," she quipped."It actually looks interesting," I said, returning the book...

3 years ago
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Shared Wife and Husband

Shared Wife and Husband The Wife&hellip,. &hellip,.I had a great husband. We liked to get in bed and read porn stories out loud to each other from our lap top at night. It was kind of a game to see who would close the lid on the lap top first, and attack the other one and have to have great sex. &hellip, We had our favorites. Him reading it one time then maybe me reading the same store the next time. It was like being told from a mans and then a womans point of view. &hellip,.He told it...

1 year ago
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Shared Love With A Beautiful Soul

This is my 2nd write-up. Any feedback, appreciation, criticism can be sent to Enjoy the story now :) We had been chatting on Hike for last 3 to 4 months. It had started with friendship and I didn’t think that it was going to become something more intimate that that. We use to talk mostly about her family and our day-today routine life at work and home. She was a little unhappy with in-laws and hubby. So our chit-chat was going on about these domestic issues and mundane things mostly at late...

3 years ago
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Shared With A Stranger Part 5

After telling me he would think about our arrangement with John, Sir wrapped me in his arms and we drifted off to sleep. I awaken to soft kisses on my back. I roll over and look up at him.“Good morning baby girl.”“Good morning Sir.”“I do love watching you sleep, so peaceful and innocent. But we must get going now, we have to get you home and I have a plane to catch.”“How long will you be away this time Sir?”“Only a few days baby girl. Baby girl, I need to tell you this, before last night I had...

2 years ago
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Shared Wife

It never ceased to amaze me how so many guys had trouble getting their heads round the fact I was alright with sharing my wife and that she was more than happy with being shared. Though of course not all guys had a problem with the idea at all, in fact they were all for it.One of the guys that couldn't get his head round it at first was a guy of about forty we met while on holiday in Cairns, we first met on Skyrail sharing a gondola up to Kuranda. Brett was on his own and we got talking, did...

3 years ago
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Shared my wife with my buddy

Shared my wife with my buddyTrue Story Happen in the seventies. I had been married to my wife for 6 months and sex life was great. Been hanging with a high school buddy Ed Saturday afternoon we had been drinking beer all afternoon. As the early evening came. My wife asked if Ed he wanted to play cards. Ed said "sure" started off playing spades. After an hour Ed suggested playing poker. Drinking beer and an hour later. My wife asked Ed "truth or dare?" Wife asked Ed had he been in a 3 some? Ed...

3 years ago
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Shared Cindy Judys story part five

This story can be found online at the now-abandoned blog, “Shared Cindy”. As it's a true story and far too good to be allowed to disappear, I'm putting it on my blog here for everyone's pleasure. This is part five, and finally Judy is getting to enjoy Joe's thick cock. Enjoy! Going in The sexual tension in the room was palpable and no-one moved. Slowly and confidently, Joe reached under Judy's gorgeous, round ass and pulled her closer to him and the edge of the overstuffed arm of the couch. All...

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Shared Cindy Judys story part one

This story can be found online at the now-abandoned blog, “Shared Cindy”. As it's a true story and far too good to be allowed to disappear, I'm putting it on my blog here for everyone's pleasure. Enjoy! Judy came into our “family” accidentally. I say “accidentally” because it was a slip of the tongue by Cindy that brought it about. Judy is a year or two older than us, a single mother, divorced for almost two years. She lived only a block away from us. Cindy had befriended her and they would go...

3 years ago
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Shared Honeymoon

Hi friends..handshake to guys, boobs shake to girls..Your comments and appreciations has forced me to write another story..Do not forget to comment on this story mail and I work in an MNC where my senior manager Prakash and my manager Sahana are husband and wife..They both had been very nice to all their subordinates..I was quite close to both of them since I was always very good at work..They were good friends of mine rather than my seniors.. The story begins when they were about to...

4 years ago
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Shared With A Store Clerk

The closest Nick ever came to sharing me with another man happened just a short time ago.  We were on a three-day business trip. Our workday ended earlier than expected the second day so we returned to our hotel room and got into swimsuits and then went downstairs to the back of our four-story hotel to the outdoor hot tub. We got in and watched the rooms above us as people would turn on lights as they came into their room and close the window blinds.  Some left their blinds open and we could...

3 years ago
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Shared with Sperm Amanda Used Part 4

Chapter 9 “The Day After” The alarm on my mobile phone woke me and I sat upright, feeling definitely worse for having only a couple of hours sleep on the couch. I dressed and went to the back bathroom again to straighten up my head. I got myself breakfast as quietly as I could and was ready to leave 20 minutes after getting up. As I left, I paused outside the bedroom door but couldn’t hear anything at all. I assumed Matt and Amanda were sleeping peacefully after fucking themselves...

2 years ago
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Shared with a strangerpart 3

Shared With A Stranger- Part 3(From Part 2)I awaken and find myself alone, I have no idea what time it is or where Sir is. I sit up to see him sitting in a chair across the room just smiling at me.“Good morning baby girl.”“Morning Sir?”“Yes baby girl, morning. You were sleeping too hard and I didn’t want to wake you. You worked hard last night. I am very proud of you.” He comes over and sits on the edge of the bed and gives me a gentle kiss.“Now let’s get you dressed and I’ll take you home to...

2 years ago
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Shared By Two Lovers

Shared by Two Lovers Our car pulls up in his driveway. We have escaped from our place with nosy teenagers..]  We had previously decided to watch DVD’s together me and two guys. Let me describe myself, I am a 5’2 brown haired, blue eyed and sexy I have large bouncing breasts that will fill a man’s hand, firm erect nipples, flattish tummy, big hips, big bum, big thighs, and a shaved pussy *meow*. My lovers are two wonderful men both about 5’4”, larger guys with warm and tender kisses, roaming...

2 years ago
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Shared Secret Between Roomates

Shared Secret Between Roomates Ilay in my bed listening for the familiar sound of him coming home. He has her in tow, as usual. I rush to hide my half-naked body under the covers as he opens my door to check if I am asleep. Happy that I won’t be walking in on them anytime soon, he closes my door and turns off the hall light. I hear the stereo in the living room come on. I can picture the scene already, they are sitting on the couch and she is sitting in his lap, facing him, arms wrapped around...

2 years ago
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Shared cuckold fantasy directed by a special coup

This was too good to be true; here, in the pub once more were Mike and Linda. I can't say how happy I am to see them, especially after last weeks games!I blushed a little as I recalled my behaviour. I remember how crude my flirting became after a while, rubbing my stiff prick into Linda as we danced, and Mike was watching. Somehow, I did not think that was a problem, and he did not make any protest. I would have forgiven him if he had flattened my nose with a hard punch. Instead, they sat...

3 years ago
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Shared with a Stranger Part 2

Shared With A Stranger- Part 2From Part 1“We have what we need, are we ready ?”“I believe we are, and I know baby girl is.” Stranger stands and offers me his hand to help me stand, as I am rising Sir pulls down my skirt, but I still feel as though everyone can see all they want. Sir stands and wraps his arm firmly around my waist. Stranger looks at Sir and we begin to follow him, but we are not headed for the exit. Where are we going? We follow Stranger past a few more booths, I notice everyone...

2 years ago
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Shared Cindy Judys story part three

This story can be found online at the now-abandoned blog, “Shared Cindy”. As it's a true story and far too good to be allowed to disappear, I'm putting it on my blog here for everyone's pleasure. This is part three. Enjoy! Cindy pressed me forward, forcing my rigid cock into Judy's yielding wet pussy. I watched and felt the full length of my achingly-hard cock become wet and warm as it slid deep into her snug pussy. As my shaft bottomed out against her fleshy lips, I caught a glimpse of her...

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Shared Cindy Judys story part two

This story can be found online at the now-abandoned blog, “Shared Cindy”. As it's a true story and far too good to be allowed to disappear, I'm putting it on my blog here for everyone's pleasure. This is part two. Enjoy! Despite the pink sexual flush still on her face, she blushed warmly as she looked down shyly and weakly said, “Hi.”.“Wow, that looked incredibly sexy.”, I said softly. “I hope it felt as good as it looked.”“Ohhhh.”, she moaned in response, still swooning.“Damn, hun… you nearly...

4 years ago
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Shared Secret Between Roomates

Shared Secret Between Roomates Ilay in my bed listening for the familiar sound of him coming home. He has her in tow, as usual. I rush to hide my half-naked body under the covers as he opens my door to check if I am asleep. Happy that I won't be walking in on them anytime soon, he closes my door and turns off the hall light. I hear the stereo in the living room come on. I can picture the scene already; they are sitting on the couch and she is sitting in his lap, facing him, arms wrapped around...

1 year ago
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Shared By Two Friends

My lover Avinash was my husband’s best friend. My husband Ravi, aged 34 is Area Manager in a Bank and is always on a tour. His tours leave me lonely and that brought me closer to Avinash. Avinash is a bachelor and is very handsome. In front of my husband he addresses me”Kavita Didi”. That keeps our relationship safe from others. I call him “Avinash Bhaiya”. He has a big cock and I love Avinash and his cock. He owns a hotel outside the city and often takes me there. Last week as usual Ravi was...

1 year ago
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Shared By Two Lovers

Shared by Two LoversOur car pulls up in his driveway. We have escaped from our place with nosy teenagers..]  We had previously decided to watch DVD’s together me and two guys.Let me describe myself, I am a 5"2 brown haired, blue eyed and sexy I have large bouncing breasts that will fill a man’s hand, firm erect nipples, flattish tummy, big hips, big bum, big thighs, and a shaved pussy *meow*. My lovers are two wonderful men both about 5’4”, larger guys with warm and tender kisses, roaming...

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Shared Husbands cock with friend

Dont feel shy...come on... hold it....feel it in your hands..It wont bite you.... " I was telling Reena, my close friend--- to hold his twitching cock and feel it...I had opened the zip of his pants and pulled out his cock from his briefs for her.......The young cock had already gone stiff, hard and was bobbling up and down in my hands...Reena was my close friend. She was newly married but her Hubby was unable to penetrate her as his cock was tiny...She wanted to see how a strong virile cock...

2 years ago
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Shared Cindy Judys story part four

This story can be found online at the now-abandoned blog, “Shared Cindy”. As it's a true story and far too good to be allowed to disappear, I'm putting it on my blog here for everyone's pleasure. This is part four, and things are just starting to heat up. Enjoy! Joe Arrives“Uhmm… why don’t you just let me show you?” I asked. “You have to show me? You can’t just tell me?” “I’d just rather show you,” I said. “You’ll be more receptive them.” A very exasperated, “Tsk…” and a sharp intake of breath...

3 years ago
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Shared wife

I am Moni the wife. I love telling these stories from the wifes perspective. I wanted to be a shared wife from the beginning so it all started a few weeks after we were married. One day hubby's cousin Dan was visiting from out of town ans was staying with us for a week. We had never met but i found him cute. i had alreary told my hubby how i wanted my lifestyle and he agreed as long as he always got to watch. On his second day there he had told my hubby how lucky he was since he thought I was...

2 years ago
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Shared Passionate Kiss With My Bai

Hi guys. I am Raj. This is my first story on ISS and certainly not the last. This incident happened when I was 20 year old. I was very desperate for sex as I was still a virgin. I stayed along with my parents in a 1 BHK flat. My Parents occupied the room and I slept in the Hall. We had a maid. She was a 28 year old chubby woman with wheatish complexion and long silky black hair. Her name was Sarita. I always fantasized about her. She was married and had a 6 year old son. Sarita had big breasts...

4 years ago
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Shared Fantasies With My Kinky Naughty Intern

I just got to see the new intern who was assigned to me for completing her summer training. To tell you about the intern a round-faced girl with all good assets at right places one will die to see. She came wearing a business suit which was body hugging and showing all her contours. Coming back to the story. We interacted as a regular work thing wherein I explained her all her job responsibilities and future roadmap for her training. She had come to Pune for the first time and was staying in a...

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Shared Ladies

I was about 34 years of age when I was working the night shift about 20 miles out of town. Anyways during the time, I was at work, a very powerful storm hit my end of town, leaving the road I live on flooded by the river, and as I result,I had nowhere to go.So I would go across town,where my mother lived so I could get some breakfast and have a place to sleep, until at least through the weekend. Well, it turned out that she was not home at the time, but her friend, Melanie was visiting other...

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Shared Fantasies

As I woke, Jessie was snuggled up holding me close with her head resting on my shoulder. I could feel her naked skin against mine, her large, firm breasts pressing into my chest. It was a wonderful feeling as I regained full consciousness. I sensed she was awake herself, but was just peacefully lying still. Once completely awake I found myself thinking of the previous evening's activities. The thoughts were causing a bit of stirring in my cock, but after some of the most robust and athletic sex...

4 years ago
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I dressed carefully in a skintight black skirt which rides high and tight across my upper thighs and ass. Then a soft pink conservative button-up blouse, a little tight so the space between the top two buttons gapes open slightly. I have chosen my lingerie with the same careful attention, A lightweight shelf bra which showcases my ample breasts and black silk nylons supported by pink and black garters which highlight my shapely legs. The panties I leave at home as I am instructed to give him...

2 years ago
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Shared Double Penetrated Honeymoon

Like every girl has a dream of the fear & experiences of the first wedding night, I too had been awaiting what was in my share. To tell you about myself, I am Mita, the elder of two girls, brought up in very controlled environ of an extremely orthodox landlord father and a very devoted & religious mother. My initial formative years were spent in a village, where the school and the home were next to each other. I was not allowed to mix around with the other village c***dren. My father...

3 years ago
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Sven, darling, I'm putting this right at the top for you to find. Go to Pat's Story when you're ready. All my love, Pat Pat, if you followed the shortcut you found this, my sweetheart. I know we said we could do this, and not tell, but she wanted me to write it down. She didn't want there to be any secrets between you and me -- and, I guess, her as well. In the end it was Jan. Why was I surprised? It was always Jan. Jan was kind. Jan was thoughtful. Jan was sexy. Did I just say...

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Shared with sperm Amanda used part 3

Chapter 8 Aftermath I withdrew my cock from Amanda’s ass and watched her sphincter gradually shrink back to almost its proper diameter. As I watched, some of my cum welled up and spilled out in a thick white dribble that ran down the side of her pussy, past Matt’s cock which was still full and fat and buried deep inside Amanda. They continued to kiss and Amanda, who had dropped down on to her knees as I had started to pull out of her, began a slow, persistent rhythm sliding up and down on...

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Shared with Sperm Amanda Used

Anyone who meets Amanda thinks she is a very beautiful, intelligent woman with high personal standards and a serious attitude to life. And she is that, but only outside the bedroom! Of medium height, with fine, tightly curled brown hair, Amanda has an attractive, well-proportioned body created by a childhood of competitive swimming and track and field, and maintained by an adult interest in dancing and netball. Her legs are proportioned and well-toned, her hips shapely, her waist narrow with...

1 year ago
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Shared With A Stranger Part 4

It has been a month since Sir invited John to become part of our lives, while I wasn’t certain how this arrangement would work it seems to be going very well. He does not always join us but when he does it takes me days to recover. Sir still has complete control and while he shares me with John when it suits him, he has not allowed John to take my ass or take me without Sir present. We have not seen John in almost two weeks, and our last meeting they seemed to be at odds about something...

4 years ago
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Shared With A Stranger

I turn off the ignition and look around the parking lot, I’m not certain what Sir has in mind tonight, this is new, meeting in public. The thought turns me on and intimidates me at the same time. I’m suddenly worried about my choice of outfit, he had been specific, the skirt was to be short and top light in color, no bra, no panties. The black skirt barely covered my ass when standing, just the way he likes, but in this place I’m not sure he will be pleased. My top is white, fitted at the top,...

3 years ago
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Shared apartment at on site

Hi Friends Raj here again from Bangalore. As I mentioned I had been in IT and worked across the globe in various countries. One such project trips me and two gals were onsite and we were sharing an apartment. One gal was petite but with 36 bubs and fantastic ass 5 ft tall. Her name was Amala. The other gal was Neena she was 5.7 ft tall but with 34 bubs and 33 ass. Now the apartment was 3 bedroom and cost us 120 Euros. This was well within out budget and allowed us to cook. We were there for...

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Shared by my hubby

One evening, my beloved hubby called me, saying he would go to a bar with some of his office mates. Victor suggested I could wait for him at bed, since he was coming back home late.I was in the mood for wild sex that night and I could not wait for my hubby.So, I lubed up my favorite huge black dildo and played with it on my pussy lips, until I shoved the tip up my horny wet cunt. I came three times before feeling my cunt sore but fully satisfied. So, I dropped my nicely pussy juice coated toy...

1 year ago
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shared my pussy with boyfriends boss

Trip to Goa with my boyfriend leads to hot sexual encounter with his boss who squeezed my juicy body and fucked me hard as per his liking One deep secret between me n my pussy...Nick n I had planned on for a holiday to a beach resort. It was summers and we loved to show off our body to the sun n get hot.he beaches, the sun, the naked body, the water rides, the alcohol, all was dancing in my headThe day we planned out trip, we met Nick's boss in the plane. He was with his wife flying to the same...

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Shared Wife First Betrayal

Our FetLife friend and I also discussed our similarities and differences regarding our experiences...what our expectations were as opposed to what actually happened...sometimes on different planets...but loving the fact that our wives were enjoying the hidden pleasures that resided deep within them...with or without us. Setting: We, meaning my wife and I had already had a threesome with this dude. It was impromptu and happened late one night while playing a board game. We changed the rules...

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Shared with Sperm Amanda used Part 2

Amanda smiled across at me and carefully took Matt’s three-quarters erect cock in her hand and began to slowly but firmly stroke it up and down its length. Looking up at Matt, she extended her tongue and gently licked over the tip once before sliding his huge glans into her mouth once again. She placed her hands on his hips and started him off, slowly fucking her mouth with his cock. Not wanting to be left out, I climbed onto the bed behind her and started to pinch and tease her nipples with...

3 years ago
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Shared My Wife At The Poker Party

It all started one night, years back, when my friend was at our house playing cards with us. Just your normal card game, not strip poker or anything like that. AS it was a hot night, no AC, my wife was wearing a pair of silk pajamas. A button down top with the shorts bottom. My wife has blonde hair and at that time, 36C tits, and a sweet ass that got plenty of looks from guys. As we were playing cards, I accidentally slid one of her cards off the table. I never thought much about it, until I...

4 years ago
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Shared Spaces

I’m struggling to focus – minimizing another handful of nonsense websites and pulling back up the statements I ‘m supposed to be editing. My computer’s glow is a window of white in the increasingly dark 25th floor. Shut up and get it done, I tell myself, drawing a deep breath and straightening up in the rolling chair. There’s no manacle on my leg, no bars on the doors, but this office has always had a way of making me feel captive all the same. Rows of empty desks and bouncing screensavers sit...

2 years ago
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Shared Wife

It all began with me taking my wife Trudy dogging after having a few drinks the first place we tried was an out the way country park l had heard about. There was a bloke staring at us from his car and would go in and out the toilets then wonder close to our car, so the next time he went to the gents l followed and struck up a conversation as you do then when we came out, he came over to the car and began speaking to my wife Trudy the conversation got more personal and the bloke admitted he...

3 years ago
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Shared between two bisexual guys

My loving Victor would be out of town during that long weekend on a business trip and I really was starting to get bored home alone.My longtime friend Gunnar called me. He invited me to take a walk that Saturday night and of course I accepted in delight.My good friend was younger than me, a handsome guy, very polite, with fire in his eyes; he had a nice thick cock but…he was gay…As I was getting ready, I made my best to be sure I was looking good. A very tight black dress and a pair of sexy...

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Shared with my husbands friend

That night I was really tired after a long day at the office, so, when my hubby suggested we could go out for a drink, I declined the proposal and said that I would go to bed.Then Victor called a couple friends and they agreed to meet at the local bar.I went to bed before he came back, hoping he would not want sex…I had passed out early, but around midnight Victor woke me up, saying he wanted me to go downstairs. I was a bit tipsy, but he insisted and went down before me.Then I put on a night...

2 years ago
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Shared wife

My neighbor, Tom, stood next to me at the window looking out on the gathering below in the garden. "She's pretty. Your wife, I mean. She's very sexy," He said."You mean for a guy like me?" I asked half jokingly. He put is large hand on my shoulder and laughed. "You scored with her Paul," he said. "Don't know how you did it, but she's a looker."My wife, Jemma, was scurrying around the garden attending to her guests at the barbeque. She wore a pair of lime green shorts that emphasized her curved...

3 years ago
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shared my wife

My friend from work was having a difficult time as his wife had recently left him, so I invited him to come celebrate mothers day with my wife and I. It was 7 in the eve when I pulled into our drive, as I reached to open the front door, it was opened by my wife, she was wearing her "FUCK ME ATTIRE". I had stopped and gotten her a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of wine, her eyes lit up when she saw I had gifts, but then she noticed I wasn't alone, I had a companion with me. Her eyes grew wide...

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Shared with his friend

So me and my boyfriend had been dating for quite a while and were living together right out of highschool by this point. We would have small get togethers with his friends and we would all end up getting pretty drunk. One of his friends in particular would always end up having to stay the night. This friend we will call Drew. Drew was actually a virgin and was quite awkward around women. He was very nice and funny and a bit outspoken. He wasn't the best looking guy and a bit too thin for my...

2 years ago
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Shared Cab Mein Hetal Ki groping

Ye kuch din pehle ki hi baat hai. Jab bohot barish ho rahi thi aur bus time par nahi the. Maine hamesha ki tarah bra nahi pehni thi. Ek toh maine ek blue tight crop top pehni thi jo mere boobs par chipak gayi thi aur mere boobs clearly dikh rahe the. Niche maine ek jean short pehni thi jiske vajah se mere gore gore pair chamak ke dikh rahe the. Mere sath 3 log bus stop par khade the aur teeno mujhe bohot gande nazro se dekh rahe the.Woh tino bohot hi bekar dikhne vaale uncle log the. Isliye...

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