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Cheerleader Sale

By King Leopold

[email protected]

Short synopsis for the story: A Cheerleader is kidnapped and prepared tobe sold into slavery

Story codes: M+/f, Teen, BDSM, Slavery, NC, Heavy

Fourteen year old Mandy found herself being dragged by her hair into theroom built to resemble a large medieval torture chamber. She struggled andfought, but the more powerful man forced her down on onto the top of a leathercovered table and sat down on top of her. He straddled her to keep her fromescaping as he pulled her hands up above her head and locked each of her wristsinto leather restraining cuffs attached to the end of the table.

Once he had her hands secured he turning around and he forced each of herlegs down. She tried to kick him as he buckled and locked her ankles one ata time into leather restraints, forcing them off to each side of the table.He bent her legs backwards at the knee and attached the leather cuffs to thesides of the table, forcing her to leave her thighs spread wide apart.

All the while he was doing this; she was screaming obscenities at him, yellingat him to leave her alone and to let her go.

Finished, he climbed down off of her and pulled a leather strap across thetable and buckled it down tight right across her abdomen.

The strap bit into her belly and made it difficult for her to breathe indeeply. Though she still continued to scream, yell, curse and plead with himto let her go, it now wasn't as frequent nor quite as loud as she had to suckin air in short breaths.

The man then hiked the skirt of her cheerleader's uniform up to her waist,exposing her ruffled blue panties. Taking a pair of shears in his hand, hemade short work of cutting her panties off of her body leaving her virginalflower exposed for the enjoyment of his gaze. He balled the cut up pantiesinside out in a tight wad and before Mandy knew what was happening, he hadforced opened her mouth and shoved the wad of smelly, sweat and bodily fluidstained panties into her mouth, silencing her. Just as quick, he pulled anotherstrap across the table, directly across her mouth and buckled it down tightto the other side of the table.

Now, she could not lift her head off the table or move it about, nor wasshe able to eject the wad of panties he had stuffed into her mouth.

With her bound to the top of the table, he took his time moving around theroom and gathered a few items which he placed on the table between her legswhere Mandy wasn't able to see what they where. She was able to watch him fromthe corner of her eyes as he drew a bowl of water from a sink and brought itover to the table with everything else.

Looking down toward the end of the table where the man stood, she couldsee him as he dipped a wash cloth into the bowl of water and then rung outthe excess water. Unfolding the now wet cloth, he spread it out and droppedit on her so it covered her Venus mound and her exposed sex.

The water on the cloth was hot! Taking Mandy by surprise, she screamed intoher panties as the hot cloth felt like it burned the sensitive area of herbody, though it did not.

Mandy got used to the heat on her sex as he left the cloth on her for severalminutes before removing it. While he allowed the cloth to sit on her he wasbusy shaking up a can of something. After removing the cloth he sprayed thecontents of the can into the palm of hi right hand and then began to rub thefoamy substance all of her cunny and surrounding area. Only then did Mandyrealize it was shaving cream! Mandy's stomach began to turn queasy as she felthis hand touching and rubbing her secret private place as he spread the shavingcream around.

Taking a small hand towel, he wiped the excess cream off of his hand andpicked up one of those three bladed disposable razors. Then starting at thetop of her Venus mound, he began using the razor to scrape away the shavingcream and along with it, her soft blond pubic hair.

The man worked slowly but methodically, relishing every moment as he scrapedaway all the hair covering her sex until she was completely bald as the dayshe was born. Then, taking up the towel again, he wiped away any left overshaving from her sex and thighs. Her now naked cunny felt cold from the airwithout the soft pubic hair to keep it warm.

The man placed his hand on her sex feeling the smoothness of her shavedpuss as he cupped her mound and squeezed gently. His hand stroked her all overher sex including her inner thighs which he squeezed several times. His fingerslightly toyed with the lips of her sex as they lifted apart the petals of herrose.

Bound as she was, Mandy couldn't help herself as her body responded to histouch and began to heat up. His fingers stroked her up and down between thelips of her sex as she felt herself become wet with her love juices. Withina few minutes, she began to breathe rapidly as she tried to suck in air despitethe tight restraints as her body responded positively to his touch. She hatedherself for it, yet, the pleasurable feeling as if an electrical current surgedthrough her body began to overwhelm her thoughts as her mind began to swimaway as his fingers penetrated deeper between the folds of her flower untilhe touched the membrane blocking the entrance to her womanhood.

The man watched her face and saw her eyes glaze over in pleasure as hisfingers fondled her pleasure knob. He stimulated her clitoris by flicking,squeezing and rubbing it, her eyes rolling upwards as her body strained againsther bonds. Suddenly she began to quiver and shake as her a powerful orgasmover took her mind and creamed his fingers with her sweet sticky cum.

When he was finished fingering her, he put his fingers into his mouth andsucked them clean. He then bent over and buried his face into her pussy. Usinghis tongue began to lap up the sweet honey flavored cum which had drenchedher sex.

More pleasurable than his rough fingers, his soft tongue stroked her pussybetween the folds of her lips starting at the bottom and sliding upwards slowlyuntil it reached her clit where he used his tongue to pop it up and down sendingwaves of pleasure to crash over Mandy. Again and again he repeated the actionswith his tongue as he took his finger and used it to press against the puckeredrosebud of her anus.

Mandy could feel the pressure of his finger against her ass as he slowlypushed it inside of her passed the sphincter ring. She tried to keep it outby keeping her rosebud puckered tight, but with his tongue driving her intoanother cycle of a pleasurable orgasm, she realized she was fighting a loosingbattle.

Suddenly his lips were wrapped around her clit as he sucked into his mouthcausing Mandy to relax. The man felt her body go and that was the moment hewas waiting for! He shoved his finger into her ass up to the knuckle of hishand and at the same time he sucked her clit into his mouth and bit down hardwith his teeth.

It was more than Mandy could handle as she screamed into her panty gag fromthe pain of the bite as well as the pleasure of the most powerful, intenseorgasm she ever had. So much so, she had actually blacked out for a few momentsas she exploded over and over, drenching his face with her cum.

The man stood up over smiling. He picked up the hand towel and just beforehe wiped his face and his chin, he licked his lips in a discussing manor andudder the word, "Sweet."

Exhausted from her ordeal, Mandy was too tired to struggle as he un-strappedher from the table and removed the gag from her mouth and made her stand up.

Her hands hung loosely at her sides tugging her skirt down as he pushedher to the center of the room where he placed a short spreader bar betweenthe ankle cuffs which were still locked around her legs. This forced her tostand with her legs wide which prevented her from trying to run away or kickhim. He then removed her shoes and socks leaving her barefoot on the cold stonefloor.

Next he took a leather harness set and buckled the first part around herright arm pinning her forearm up against her bicep in a chicken wing fashionagainst her right shoulder. A single strap from the harness passed across herback where the other end of the harness did the same to her left arm. He thenadjusted the strap across her back so tight that it held her arms in placepinned against her body.

Next, he picked up two leather mitts and pulled each one over her handsand buckled them tight over her wrists. The one on her right wrist had a strapextending from it. This one he pulled behind her neck over to the other onewhich had a buckle attached to it. Pulling the strap through the buckle forcedher hands to bend towards each other on top of her shoulders.

Once again Mandy was bound with no hope of escape.

The man picked up a hard rubber ball with several straps attached to it.He told her to open her mouth and forced the ball into her mouth. He buckledone set of straps behind her head while the second set was buckled up underher chin. The ball gag didn't fill her mouth like the panty gag did, but itwas much more effective as a gag.

Picking up a black leather collar, the man buckled it around Mandy's necklike a dog.

Picking up a large hinged ring, he opened up the ring separating the bluntends and inserted them into her nostrils, snapping the ring shut. The bluntends came together with only her nasal septum separating them. It hurt likehell and the pain was so awful that she cried out and tried to shake the ringloose from her nose. Tears began to well up in her eyes as she stood therewith this large ring hanging from her nose as if she was some kind of animal.

The man grabbed the ring and yanked it upwards forcing Mandy up, liftingher heals off the floor so she stood balancing on the balls of her feet. Hethen attached the ring to the end of a small chain hanging down from the ceilingleaving her in her precarious situation.

Mandy was totally helpless once again as he pulled her cheerleading sweaterup over her breasts exposing her nice round globes hidden behind her whitecotton bra.

Reaching between her breasts he unlatched her bra allowing her firm orbsto be free of their captivity. Pushing her bra aside, the man grabbed eachof her breasts with his hands he first caressed them and then he began to squeezethem. He squeezed them harder and harder until it was painful. Releasing herbreasts his fingers found their way to her tender nipples. As he began to playwith them they grew to form two hard pebbles from the stimulation He grabbedeach of them between his fingers and pulled on them. Mandy, bound as she was,she could not get away from him or the pain he was inflicting upon her breastsand nipples. All she could do was cry into her gag as he pulled her nipples,stretching them forward, forcing her to arch her back as she strained againsther bonds before letting them (her nipples) go, laughing at her as she struggledto keep her balance on the balls of her feet while her head continued to beheld upwards by the nose ring.

A scissors made quick work of her bra straps as he pulled it off her bodyand threw it aside. Walking over to a table, he opened a drawer and pulledout a long needle and a pair of rings. He moved back over to Mandy, leanedforward and taking her left breast in his hand, placed his mouth so it coveredher nipple and began to suck on it as well as play with it with his tongue.It didn't take long before her nipple began to turn hard again.

The man stopped sucking and stood up. He grabbed her harden nipple betweenhis fingers and taking the needle in his other hand, pressed it horizontallyagainst her nipple.

The sharp pain from the needle poking her nipple hit her brain immediatelyand she began to scream into the ball gag when suddenly there was a pop ofcartlege as the needle slid completely through her nipple. Mandy screamed asloudly as possible as the pain from the piercing hit her.

The man slid the needdle out of her nipple. Swabbed it in alcohol and inserteda permanent nipple ring. Once the ring was clasped, there was no way of removingit except to have it cut off.

Finished with her left nipple, the man leaned forward for a second timeand began to suck on Mandy's right nipple. This time Mandy new what to expectand dreaded every moment leading up to the piercing of that tit. She even triedto beg him not to do it, offering to give him or do anything he wants, butwith the ball gag in her mouth, her pleas were useless. The pain was just asfierce the second time around as he pushed the needle through her other nippleand ringed that one.

Finished, he left the room and left her standing there on the balls of herfeet, spreader bar between her ankles, arms pinned to her shoulders with herhands bound to each other by the leather mitts and her head tilted backwardsas the ring in her nose was pulled wards by the thin chain hanging down fromthe ceiling. Her sweater was pulled upwards over her breasts exposing her newlypierced nipples and though her cheerleading skirt was on covering her bottomand sex, she had no panties on and her recently shaved pussy was cold fromthe bare exposu re.

Though it seamed like forever that Mandy stood there in that position, itwasn't much more than an hour when the door to the room opened. This time whenthe man returned he had someone else with him. As they got closer to her, Mandycould see it was another older man. A well dressed man. Very well dressed.As if he was rich.

The man who had captured Mandy and brought her to this place said, "Justas you like sir. Blonde, blue eyed and young. I believe she's thirteen or fourteenyears old."

The other man walked around Mandy, looking t her as if he was inspectinga piece of meat. He moved up behind her and reaching around her he groped herbreasts. "Hmmmm, nice and firm."

"I took the liberty of piercing her nipples for you."

"Yes, I see that." He said as he pulled them forward. Mandy triedto move with them to relieve the pain on her nipples as her breasts contortedinto cone shapes as he steadily pulled the rings outward, but her bonds wouldnot allow her to do so. She wailed in pain behind her gag until he releasedthe rings in which her cries were then reduced to muffled groans.

Still pawing one of Mandy's breasts with one hand, he moved his other handslowly downwards, gliding over her semi-flat belly, down past her skirt toher bare thigh. There his hand changed directions and traveled upwards on herthigh, under her skirt, lifting it as he went along. He then gripped a largepart of the soft flesh of her inner thigh just below her sex between his thumband index finger and pinched it painfully.

Mandy screamed into her gag and wriggled in her bonds begging him in mufflednoises for him to release her. He just laughed in her ear as he felt her squirmingin his arms as he continued to pinch her thigh, creating a bruise.

Finally, he let her thigh go, but before Mandy's body had a moment to relax,she felt him cup her pussy with his hand.

"Hmmm, a nice smooth, hairless puss." The man said.

"Yes, I shaved her clean shortly before your arrival." The otherman responded as he watched the older gentleman inspect Mandy.

Mandy tensed and tried to will his hand away from her sex as his fingersunfolded the petals of her sexual flower and slipped up inside of her.

She became embarrassed when she realized how moist and excited her pussywas. Her mind told her it was wrong what he was doing to her, while her bodybetrayed her and she responded with pleasure to his touch. As his fingers slippedpast the protective shield of her sex he found her clitorious and began tostimulate it with his finger.

Mandy's eyes half closed and a small pleasurable moan could be heard comingfrom behind her gag as his fingers began to make her body quiver.

"Is she would you say... intact?" He asked as he continuedto rub her clit, but at a faster pace now as Mandy's breathing grew rapidlythrough her nose.

"You mean, is she still a virgin?"

"Yes. Exactly." He answered, while rubbing her clit even faster,bringing Mandy close to a climax. "Is she still a virgin?"

"Yes. I checked her out already. I grantee that her hymen is stillthere."

Mandy was on the verge of the most powerful orgasm when suddenly the manstopped rubbing her clit and removed his hands from her body. Mandy groanedin frustration at him through the gag.

"Excellent!" The man who had been rubbing her said. "I'lltake her." And the turning to Mandy he said, "Don't worry my newlittle sex slave. They'll be plenty of time for you to have orgasms later whenyou are busy serving me as my new toy. But first I need to write this man anice hefty check and make arrangements for you to be delivered to my estate.So, I'll see you in a few days, and then we'll have lots of fun together aswe spend our days and evenings training you to serve me." He told herand kissed her on the center of her gag.

Both men then turned and left the room, turning out the light as they wentto complete their deal, leaving Mandy alone, scared and in the dark.

The End

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Cheerleader Audition

Mary Beth was eighteen, just out of high school, pretty as a picture, perky little tits, rosy red lips, hardly black at all considering her dad was black as O’Barma, and she was just so thrilled when I asked her out and suggested she was cheer leader material. She wasn’t exactly girlfriend material, no great shakes in the brains department, no style, no sense of humour really, so her best chance of going to uni was a scholorship. I suggested she try out for the cheer leader squad and she...

5 years ago
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Cheerleader Making the Team

First thing you need to know is, I come from a small town. Not a farm town specifically but small enough to be straitjacketed in many ways. But we enjoyed life. High school was fun. In a mildly risque sort of way. My body was in great shape. When I was young I started in gymnastics and really got into it. I loved the thrill of flying, bouncing and stretching. I found that I liked being an extrovert. The more attention I got the more I liked it. The tight uniforms, the postures. All got me...

4 years ago
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Garage Sale

GARAGE SALE ?Mo-om! You won?t believe this! Linda is at the garage sale!!!?Trine?s voice was strained, she gasped for air after having run all the way from the Petersons two hundred yards down the street. Sweat had formed on her neck and shoulders, partly from the hot sun and partly from the running.?So? She?s just helping out with her parents? garage sale! What?s so strange about that?? asked her mother. Mrs. Bremmer was doing the dishes. Since it was Saturday and she and Trine?s...

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Monicas big blowout sale

At first, we thought it must have been vandalism. On the other hand, in retrospect, we should have known better. The final ‘o’ and ‘t’ hadn’t been scribbled out, like the typical vandal would do. There had been a very neat, straight line drawn through each of them. AND they were printed considerably smaller than the other letters... and not capitalized like the others. And who the hell was Monica anyway? About an hour earlier, my three housemates and I had decided it was finally time for us to...

Group Sex
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The Rummage Sale

The Rummage Sale By Margaret Jeanette Margaret Strom was very happy. She had just sold an antique dining room table with six chairs for over a thousand dollars. She had gotten it at a rummage sale two towns over for a pittance and now had realized a handsome profit on it. The sale assured that her antique shop would be in the black for some time. She was on her way home when she saw a rummage sale sign. She parked across the street and surveyed the merchandise set out in the...

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Das Spiel Es waren 5 Minuten im letzten Viertel des Superpokals übrig. Ihr Team lag 5 zurück, war aber am Zug. Eine Berührung würde das Spiel drehen. Mit dem Ball wurde geschnippt, der Quarterback fiel zurück und ging vorbei. Abgefangen! Und das andere Team lief den Ball ganz für ein Aufsetzen zurück. Verdammt! Ja, das rundet das Spiel nach oben ab", dachte Elaine," 11 Punkte zurück mit 3 Minuten Restzeit, auf der Uhr. In früheren Zeiten, würde dies den Schluss bedeuten, würden die Leute zum...

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Cheerleader Gangbang

Begleitet von lautstarkem Johlen und Pfeifen besteigt Jessica in ihrer blauroten Cheerleaderuniform den Bus des gegnerischen Basketballteams. Der schwarze Busfahrer kratzt sich am Kinn und starrt begehrlich auf das junge Mädchen. Sie trägt ein kurzes Miniröckchen, unter dem schöne, knackige Schenkel hervorlugen. Das bauchfreie Top, das sie dazu anhat, umspannt ein paar volle Brüste, um die sie jede erwachsene Frau beneiden würde. Jessica´s Pferdeschwanzfrisur, naturblond, mit niedlichem Pony,...

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The Fifty Percent Off Sale

Lara could not believe that she was about to do what she was about to do. Her she stood in the window of Dee Monde Ladies Salon, where she had worked since early October, waiting for the curtains blocking the window to rise and offer the street beyond full view to the shop interior. It was the last week of the Holiday rush and Dee Monde sales had not done as well as forecast. The small lingerie and accessories shop was not faring well against the big chain stores in the recently opened mall...

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THE PASTRY SALEEvery year, and sometimes even twice a year, the ladies of St.Mark’s Church organized a pastry sale to help finance the upkeep of the church. The parish of St. Mark was an affluent one where many professionals resided and also, since the establishment of a Revlon factory, many single women who worked in the profitable field of beauty products. It was difficult to get the younger women to participate in church affairs but Marjorie Halpern had managed to gather half a dozen...

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Cheerleader Panties 1

Cheerleader Panties – 1This is a made up story based on several suggestions for more panty boy stories. If you don’t like stories about men wearing women’s panties you may want to search elsewhere. None of this happened, or did it? I seem to know a lot about this subject. I will never tell!“Amber Lynn, Stephanie, this is my son Larry,” my mother said when the commotion over the two girls getting off a school bus from a town across the state ended. “I guess we hadn’t told you Larry that these...

3 years ago
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Cheerleader Flash

Don't you just love it when fate takes a crap on someone, then turns around and cleans it up nicely? You be the judge! Jo Ann was your typical wannabe in high school: Not quite head cheerleader type but willing to do whatever it took to fit in with the crowd. She put up with the incessant insults about her Italian "mustache", and despite that being somewhat true, she owned a perfectly rounded face, a sweet smile, slightly meaty but creamy rich thighs, dark thick hair, a wonderful olive...

4 years ago
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Cheerleader CoachChapter 18 My Girls Get a new friend

Every thing in our little family was going quite well. The girls and I were in school all day and I was able to do some of my design work evenings and weekends. There was plenty of 'girl talk' going on between the girls which I tried to ignore as much as I could. I figured they needed their privacy so I did not want to intrude. We did though have a lot of family time playing cards, board games and movies or just talking. By the way don't challenge those girls to a game of trivial pursuit...

1 year ago
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Cheerleader Sluts

My name is Jade; I am a 23-yr. Old white female. I have shoulder length black hair and light green eyes. I must admit that I am a very pretty girl, A bit more sexy than sweet. I have the body of a whore and the face of an angel. I use both to my advantage. Let us just say that I am an experimental type. I have a 38D chest, with large light pink areola’s and slightly darker sensitive nipples. I can cum from just having my nipples played with. Hmmm, sorry drifted off there in fantasy a moment. I...

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Garage Sale

It was a cold, rainy Saturday morning in November in the Ozarks and I decided to drive the 50 miles to the nearest WalMart to do some shopping. As I passed through one of the small towns that dotted the hills and hollows of our beautiful Ozarks, I saw a small homemade ‘Garage Sale’ sign in front of a little house just out of town. The home was probably built in the 50s or 60s and had a small free-standing garage behind it. I had found some good tool buys in just such a place in the past,...

4 years ago
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Cheerleader Not Niece

I've had my eye on my not niece Briana for quite some time. She was an early developer and while I would never tell anyone I would sneak as many peeks at her over the years as I could and her bright and pretty smile as well as banging body always gave me an erection. She's a senior now in high school and 18 years old...when I see her these days I am less circumspect about looking at her and often she has caught me looking at her sweet ass. Briana is on the cheerleading squad at the high school...

3 years ago
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Cheerleader Change

Cheerleader Change By Jackie22 It was a normal day at Lakewood High School for Brad Trenton. He got up, had breakfast, did his chores, etc. He caught the bus at 7:10, his normal pick-up time. He went to all of his classes, still getting straight B's. But then something weird after school happened. He was walking home when this girl caught up to her. But not just any girl. This was the cheerleader Ashley from Math class that always likes to wear her uniform to school and sit...

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Cheerleader CoachChapter 9 Accidents Happen

Right when the pyramid was complete the top girl unfurled a Texas flag. The wind came up blowing the flag out straight which was impressive but also caused the top girl to fall taking the whole group down in a pile. As a result the top girl sprained her ankle and had to be carried off the field. I rushed over to her to see how bad it was. She was in quite a bit of pain so we had the paramedics take a look at her. They pronounced there was no fracture and she should stay off that leg for a few...

4 years ago
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Cheerleader CoachChapter 16 Expanding Horizons

That morning I got a very intriguing phone call from the marketing director for a school uniform manufacturer. He said that he would like to commission the squad to model some of their products for their fall catalog. I thought this sounded like something that needed checking into. I told him that we were having a practice session that afternoon and he was welcome to come to my house to make his presentation and discuss his offer with the girls and their parents. After that call I had Kim...

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The Yard Sale

I am not a yard sale kind of guy. However as I drove past this farmhouse way out in the country I saw a tiny sign that said “Yard Sale.” The sign was being held up by a very pretty young lady. She was wearing a bikini! How could I resist? I stopped as quickly as I could and backed up. As I pulled into the driveway the girl ran to the house. I sure enjoyed watching her ass gyrate as she ran. She called out and a slightly older girl came out of the house in a bikini too. I parked and got out...

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Rachel Fucking To Make A Sale

Lauren, the intern that I’m training and I are in the great city of Los Angeles, meeting with a possible customer to make the biggest sale in our company’s history. “Hello! I’m John Cooper, Vice President of ‘3-D creations’. I’m so sorry for making you wait,” he said walking into the conference room five minutes late for our meeting. “Hello, I’m Rachel, and this is my intern, Lauren. Thank you for meeting with us. We have the product for you,” I said as Lauren and I stood up and shook his hand....

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Estate Sale

ESTATE SALE By Persephone Albert Brooks was out driving around aimlessly with no particular destination in mind. It was a typical Friday after work. He didn't have any plans, no place to go and nothing to do. He was fairly new to the area and hadn't made any real friends yet. He was bored and just decided to go out for a drive but once he pulled out of the driveway he didn't know where he wanted to go. He was stopped at the light on 122nd Avenue at the intersection of Market...

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For Sale

FOR SALE By Charles E. Campbell with all due thanks and respect to ss, who put the thoughtsfor this short story in my head, and because she is a is a true and constant inspiration to me. Thank you! This story is copyrighted by me, [email protected]. Noportion of this story may be reprinted or reproduced electronically withoutthe express written consent of the author. This is a work of fiction, derivingfrom the minds of two consenting adults.   I awoke slowly; very, very slowly. The...

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Anything to make a sale

“David, you are not the right sales person for this account. I know the CEO of Cybertix very well, he’s been a client of mine for years, and he won’t relate to you.”I was sitting in the office of Victoria, my boss. There was a big sale opportunity at Cybertix and I badly wanted to be placed on the account so that I could win the sale and earn a big fat commission. Yes, I was desperate. It had been a bad year for me and I had earned almost no commission. I worked as a salesman for Software,...

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Sex For Sale

Now what was I going to do? The question struck to my core. For months, I had been making pretty good money selling adult novelties in people's homes, much like Tupperware parties, except, well, not just anyone was invited. And this is what happens when you don't know your hostess. My husband, Steven, and I had needed some extra money, and a small article in our newspaper had piqued my interest. I'm sure Steven would admit that it piqued his as well. From Steven's perspective, he lost...

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cheerleader lovers chpt1

The sun was starting to go down over the field and I was trying to dry my eyes from the tears that had flooded them only moments before. The girls of my cheerleading squad can be so mean, especially Cori Andrews. She was such a bitch and would have the sophomore girls gang up on me and pick on me just because I was the only freshman on the entire squad. It’s so frustrating that I made the team and these four girls led by Cori have to pick on me because I am new to the squad. I had been sitting...

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cheerleader lovers chpt1

The sun was starting to go down over the field and I was trying to dry myeyes from the tears that had flooded them only moments before. The girls ofmy cheerleading squad can be so mean, especially Cori Andrews. She was sucha bitch and would have the sophomore girls gang up on me and pick on mejust because I was the only freshman on the entire squad. It's sofrustrating that I made the team and these four girls led by Cori have topick on me because I am new to the squad.I had been sitting for...

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Cheerleader Tryouts

I put on my blue-and-white pleated cheerleader skirt and my white fuzzy sweater and admired myself in the mirror. Though I had just turned 18 last week and knew I was still blossoming, I had already filled out nicely. My 35c-23-34 figure looked awesome in my cheerleader outfit, and my long blonde hair and blue eyes finished the picture off very nicely, I thought. I smiled as I looked at myself and then smoothed my clothes again and ran downstairs. Just before I got to the front door, my mom...

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Cheerleader Sister and Friends

Choose a boy's name as first name Choose a girl's name as last name Your name is John and you are 30. You are a graduate of Rice University and make very good money. You're 5'10", weigh 175 pounds and have an athletically muscular build with green eyes and dark blond hair. Your younger sister recently moved in with you. Your parents moved to another state because your dad was given a promotion that required him to move . Doe didn't want to move because she was in her senior year of high...

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Cheerleader fuck Fiction

I'm a part time student in collage. I love going to the basketball games, not only to watch the games but also the cheerleaders. They are so sexy in there short skirts and sexy legs. When they are held up in the air my the male cheerleaders and raise there leg up, I get so turned on looking at there crotch, know it that just under those tights is a warm sweet pussy. Having said that, this is my fantasy:After he game I hung out near the lockroom giving high five to the payers along with a small...

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