Garage Sale
- 2 years ago
- 25
- 0
It was a cold, rainy Saturday morning in November in the Ozarks and I decided to drive the 50 miles to the nearest WalMart to do some shopping.
As I passed through one of the small towns that dotted the hills and hollows of our beautiful Ozarks, I saw a small homemade ‘Garage Sale’ sign in front of a little house just out of town. The home was probably built in the 50s or 60s and had a small free-standing garage behind it. I had found some good tool buys in just such a place in the past, especially if it was the woman selling her husband’s things. So I pulled in.
The rain had forced the owner to crowd everything into the small garage, and I saw immediately that it was mostly women’s things. I decided to investigate just the same.
The lady sitting behind the small table was petite, maybe about 45 years old, with an almost sad smile and long, dark hair. I am a sucker for long, dark hair. As I passed her and went into the garage I stole a glance at her body and saw that she had full, but not oversized breasts, covered conservatively with a padded bra and V-neck sweater that showed just a hint of cleavage.
I am a widower of five years and an unashamed voyeur, although I try not to be rude or obnoxious with my favorite pastime.
Inside the garage were two women who evidently belonged to the old Ford truck in the driveway. They were looking through a table of women’s clothes and, as they held them up, I saw that the lady preferred quality, yet not too expensive, clothing – and it was not all as conservative as the sweater and slacks she was now wearing.
I walked past the two shoppers to a table of odds and ends in the corner. A couple of older tools caught my eye and I picked up an antique brace and bit that was in excellent shape and had the ridiculously cheap price of $2 on it. There were a few more items that caught my attention, and I had four pieces in my hands as I turned to see if there was anything else of interest.
On one of the tables filled with bras and other intimate wear I saw one of those pink, spring-loaded ‘boob builders’ that every woman in the world must have owned at one time or another. Remembering how I used to watch my wife work her little pink machine, I absently laid down my tools and picked the instrument up, working it with both hands and thinking of Denise.
I glanced up to see the two shoppers smiling at each other. I glanced to the front of the garage just in time to see the owner turning away, a shy smile on her face as well. I laid the instrument down quickly, turning red, I am sure.
As the two shoppers took their purchases to the front and paid, I moved that way slowly, finally stopping at an old desk very near the owner’s table. It had several books and VCR tapes on it. The books were mostly coffee-table fare consisting of travel scenes from around the world, history, and animals. There was one large book on photography and I thumbed through it, but there was no nudity so I put it back down.
The VCR tapes were mostly westerns and 60s movies, most of which I had seen many times. As I shuffled through them, however, I came across three paperback books with their covers removed. Turning to the title pages I saw that they were borderline pornographic and, thumbing through one, I found a series of photographs in the center that contained full frontal nudity.
I looked up quickly toward the lady in charge and saw the two customers climbing into their truck. The lady was watching me and saw the question in my eyes as I looked up from the books.
‘I kind of hid them up front so I could keep an eye on who might see them,’ she said tentatively, feeling an explanation was in order. ‘I wanted to make sure no children saw them, but thought some of the women might be interested in getting them for their husbands. I didn’t expect any men to come today since I have mostly women’s things.’
I nodded and looked back at the other two books.
‘Have you read them?’ I asked, and saw her look away, blushing.
‘No, they were my husband’s, he died a couple of months ago and I am just now getting around to selling some of his things.’
I nodded again and picked up all three books – they looked promising and I could use a little help with my almost nightly masturbation sessions.
As I laid my articles on the table and reached for my wallet, I saw the lady start to speak and then hesitate. I caught her eye and smiled in as friendly a manner as I could.
‘I don’t suppose you have any more tools?’ I asked, hoping to let her off the hook. ‘I collect older tools that people don’t want anymore.’
‘As a matter of fact, I do,’ she said, pointing to a door in the back of the small garage. ‘Leo’s shop is in there and there’s lots of stuff I wasn’t sure would sell. Would you like to see?’
I nodded and she stood to take me back to her late husband’s shop.
‘I sure picked the wrong day for this sale,’ she said, shaking her head. ‘Maybe it will get better tomorrow.’
I agreed with a nod.
‘You just never know,’ I said, following her to the back of the garage as I watched her soft, round bottom move inside the khaki slacks that were not too tight and not too loose. ‘Her husband had been a lucky man,’ I thought as I looked closely at her fit figure and the natural, easy way she moved. I bet she could move just as naturally in other ways and felt a slight tingle in my penis at the thought.
In the cramped little shop in the back, which was made even smaller by the built-in workbench, I found a gold mine. Leo had an entire collection of pre-electric hand tools lined up on a peg board. There was also an extensive collection of nuts, bolts and screws in little baby food bottles hanging over the bench. The old vise alone would bring fifty or sixty dollars at the right sale. There was probably at least three or four hundred dollars value in the little room.
She stood in front of the bench, watching me evaluate the tools, and I was glad that I had long ago developed a poker face from hundreds of auctions and garage sales.
‘What do you want for the whole lot?’ I asked, looking at her calmly. She returned my gaze with one that spoke absolute innocence and honesty, even a hint of warmth.
‘I have no idea what they are worth,’ she said. ‘They were Leo’s father’s and he used them his whole life. How about $50?’
I pursed my lips and picked up a hand plane, testing the blade. It was as sharp as the day it was purchased. The man had taken care of his tools. I couldn’t help glancing at the man’s wife as the thought crossed my mind. ‘He took care of his wife, too,’ I thought.
She saw the look and frowned slightly, not sure what I was thinking, but also not sure she had liked the way my glance went straight to her breasts. Her left hand came up instinctively in a defensive gesture, covering the slight cleavage in front.
I looked away quickly, sorry I had caused her concern, and surveyed the shop again.
‘I can’t do that to you,’ I said, returning my eyes to hers in as warm and friendly manner as I could. ‘These tools are worth much more than that, your husband has taken excellent care of them. I will give you $150 for them.’
Her eyes had lost their look of indecision and she dropped her hand to join its partner resting on the workbench. She looked around the little shop as if it was a good friend before returning her gaze to me.
As she looked around I could picture her coming out to the shop to call Leo for supper and finding herself lifted up on the workbench and disrobed, sawdust clinging to her body as her husband made passionate love to her. The tension had increased in my shorts but I couldn’t help myself.
‘Actually, I hate to sell his stuff,’ she admitted. ‘But I am moving in with my daughter and her family in town and they don’t have very much room.’
‘Are you sure they are worth that much?’ she asked, turning to me again with that be
witching look of genuine girlish innocence.
‘I’ll probably get the best end of the deal,’ I said truthfully. ‘I’m sure I can sell them for more than that if I take the time to sell them individually on EBay. But Leo kept these in too good of a shape to sell. I will probably mark them as a set and keep them for myself, selling some of my other stuff.’
I could see that the thought pleased her, and I found myself hoping that someday she would ask to come see the tools and let me love her in the same way as Leo surely had.
‘It’s a deal then,’ she said. ‘Do you want to take them today?’
I nodded, afraid that someone else might come along and offer her more, although the thought of coming back to see her when no one else would be around was a tempting thought.
‘I think I can get them all in the back of my pickup,’ I said, picking up an old wooden toolbox. ‘I won’t use up your cardboard boxes, I’ll just carry everything out by hand.’
‘You can pull your truck around to the side of the house here,’ she said, and use the door that leads to the house if you want.’
‘Thanks,’ I said. ‘I think I’ll do that.’
It had started to drizzle rain and there were no customers in the garage, so she helped me load the tools. As we passed each other in the narrow shop with our arms full our bodies inadvertently brushed against each other, sending electrical currents through my body that ended in the end of my penis, giving me a full erection that I hoped she would not notice.
We finally finished clearing out the little workshop. She took one last wistful look around and closed the door as I walked to the front of the garage, giving her some privacy.
‘Who do I make the check out to?’ I asked, leaning over her table as she sat down. I had positioned myself perfectly to see even more cleavage as she leaned forward in the process of seating herself. The bra may have been padded, but it was cut deep in the front to allow a delicious view of her ample cleavage to anyone lucky enough to get a glimpse down the front of her blouse. I was appreciating ol’ Leo’s taste more and more.
‘Sarah Tackett,’ she said, and then paused as if to say something else. I looked up questioningly, waiting to make out the check until she came up with a final figure.
‘I was debating whether to ask you something earlier when we began talking about tools,’ she said slowly, looking away toward the highway and taking a deep breath as if you build up her courage.
‘Okay,’ I said quietly, then lapsed into silence while she collected her thoughts.
When she looked back at me she was blushing deeply – all the way down to the cleavage peeking out at me, I discovered with a quick look. But the look in her eyes said that she had decided to trust me, even though what she had to say was difficult.
‘The books you picked out earlier are the only ones I had, but Leo did have some other stuff with the same kind of content,’ she said, almost breathlessly, looking away and then back to me again with those innocent, yet troubled, eyes.
‘What kind of stuff,’ I asked gently, looking into her eyes and then away so she would not feel so embarrassed.
‘Well, there are a lot of sexy videos,’ she said, ‘and he had some magazines which he liked a lot and collected. There are four or five boxes of them.’
‘Can I see them?’ I asked, watching her closely as she looked away. The pulse in her neck showed her heart was racing, but when her gaze returned to mine I knew she was not turned on, just embarrassed to be discussing such things with a total stranger.
‘Follow me,’ she said, after a moment’s hesitation followed by a resolute look. ‘I was hoping I could sell these to some of the women who might want to give their husbands a pleasant surprise,’ she explained as we walked through her back porch and into what must have been her husband’s den. ‘It’s kind of embarrassing for me to be showing it to a man,’ she ended, shooting me a quick glance to make sure I was not misconstruing our venture into the sanctity of her home.
I just nodded at her confession and then moved to five boxes sitting beside a large, oak desk which she had indicated with a wave of her hand.
‘I’ll give you some privacy,’ she said, turning to leave the room. ‘The videos are over there in that box in front of the television.’
‘What do you want for all of this if I want it?’ I asked, sorry she was leaving my presence.
‘I’ll trust you to set the price,’ she said, smiling, and clearly thankful that the conversation would soon be over. ‘I can’t take them with me – in fact I don’t really want to take them with me, it was just something that Leo . . .’ She didn’t know what else to say and just stood there for a second blushing again before ducking out of the door.
I took my time rummaging through the magazines. Leo had three favorites, and had evidently kept every one he had ever bought. There was one showing celebrities in different stages of exposure from movies and ‘oops’ pictures, another magazine was dedicated entirely to amateur housewives pleasing their husbands by posing for pictures they surely never thought would end up on the newsstands, and then there were about ten copies of a magazine featuring male-male-female threesomes.
The VCR tapes followed the same themes. I decided to take everything.
As I was putting the tapes back into the box after checking them out, I noticed a tape cabinet sitting beside the television. I wondered if she had kept any for herself and, after checking to make sure she was still sitting at her table, opened her VCR cabinet.
The top drawer was filled with old movies like ‘The Sound of Music,’ and ‘Camelot.’ The bottom drawer had two or three packages of unused videos waiting to be recorded and five plain videos crammed all the way to the back that had once had tapes on their spine with titles, but which had been torn off. I held the home-recorded tapes in my hand for a second, considering what was on them.
Maybe just Leo skinning out a trophy deer, or grandchildren running around the yard. The way they were hidden in the back of the drawer, however, I couldn’t help but wonder if they contained revealing depictions of the lovely lady sitting outside at the table. I tucked them into the box under the other videos, picked it up and walked out to the garage.
‘I’ll take it all,’ I said, just glancing at her blushing face briefly. ‘And I’ll give you another $50 for the magazines and tapes. These aren’t just the usual cheap stuff. Leo had great taste . . . in everything,’ I concluded looking directly in her eyes and smiling friendly as her blush deepened.
I carried the other five boxes to the truck and stopped to write the check. Sarah avoided my eyes – I had embarrassed her too deeply with my last remark.
‘Thanks,’ I said casually, smiling at her as I turned to leave. ‘See, all this rain actually helped you have a good sale anyway, and tomorrow when it clears up all the ladies will be here to buy everything else.’
She returned the smile tentatively, and I saw in her eyes that she did not accuse me of being crass, although she was too shy to have totally accepted the compliment I had given her.
As I turned the truck in the driveway I waved casually at Sarah, and she waved back. I planned on seeing her again. If the tapes I had taken were just family heirlooms, I would return them and hope for a show of gratitude. If they were what I expected, and contained nude images of her, I expected her to contact me.
When I got home I pulled out the five plain videos immediately. There was one that had been used more the others, so I teased myself by saving it until last.
The first video I put in the player made every dollar I had spent worthwhile. It was Sarah and, I was quite sure, Leo in bed totally naked. He was on top and she had her legs up over her shoulders. The look on her face as she took her man inside her made me weak in t
he knees and hard in the crotch. I replayed the first fuck on the video three or four times before moving on. I was falling in love with this beautiful, gentle woman – who was also very, very sexy. Leo died a lucky man.
One of the videos was filled with Sarah performing various strip teases – some of them looked like they were taken ten to fifteen years earlier. Another was filled with Sarah flashing in various public places, including scenes from several visits to Mardi Gras and Fantasy Fest in Key West. What a woman! And what a body!
Two of the videos were of Sarah and Leo making love – in many different positions and at many different stages of their marriages.
The final video, the one Leo had watched the most often, however, was the real gold mine. It began with Sarah sitting on the sofa dressed to the teeth. When a knock came on the door she answered it and a man – who was definitely not Leo – entered. Sarah then proceeded to undress in front of him, undress him, suck him up hard and then climb on his pole and fuck him as he watched her lovely breasts swaying gracefully just out of reach of his face. Three times she serviced the same man, clearly at three different times spread over a period of several years – the last probably a few years earlier.
I jerked off several times that night watching Sarah please these two men in her life, all the while maintaining the soft class and innocence that I had evidenced earlier that day. As a wife, she was yielding to the fantasies of her loving husband, and exhibited no guilt.
Sarah Tackett unknowingly gave me more pleasure that night than I had experienced in the entire five years since my Denise had died. When I had finally run out of steam I copied all five tapes and fell asleep.
I knew Sarah would be busy with her garage sale all day Saturday, and didn’t expect a call until she began packing to move the next week.
The call came Tuesday as I sat at my desk working on a project I have had been busy with for several weeks. I let the call ring through to my answering service. There was a pause after the message and tone, and I could picture the classy lady composing herself and wondering how to say what she had to say.
‘Mr. Benton, this is Sarah Tackett. You came by my garage sale last week. Um, when I sold you Leo’s stuff from the den I think it included a couple of things that were his favorites which I had hoped to keep for myself . . . kinda like a keepsake. Do you think you could let me buy some of the stuff back? I would appreciate a call. My number is . . . .’
I let her wait until about 7:30 when I returned the call. Before making the call I composed myself, wanting to make sure that I did not give away the fact I had already seen her private tapes.
She answered on the second ring – I suspect she had stayed close to the phone all day.
‘Sarah, this is Cal Benton returning your call,’ I said casually. ‘You wanted to buy back some of the tapes and magazines?’
‘Yes,’ she said softly. ‘I thought I had held out those that Leo liked best, but I guess they got mixed up with all the others. There are only four or five, but I would like to keep them to remember him by.’
‘I don’t see a problem,’ I replied. ‘I haven’t gone through them since I got home, they are still out in the garage. Some of them looked like they might be collector’s items, but you can have whichever ones you want, you don’t have to buy them back. Just give me the titles you need and your address and I will send them to you.’
She hesitated before replying.
‘I don’t really know the titles, I guess I would have to see them to recognize them,’ she finally said. ‘Is there any way I could meet you somewhere for lunch or something and you could bring the whole box of videos? There really aren’t any of magazines I would care to keep.’
She was offering me a date in return for the tapes! She had recognized I was attracted to her. I smiled to myself. Negotiations had begun.
‘That sounds like a good idea,’ I said. ‘I’m really quite busy right now, however. How about next week sometime?’
GARAGE SALES By KK Author’s Note: Once again I want to thank Techsan for proofing this story for me. While fitting in the Loving Wives genre this story, however, does not contain any descriptions of sex scenes. I look forward to your comments. I don’t know what it is about garage sales but they seem to have a calming influence on me. It’s not as though I am out looking for bargains and I don’t go out looking for antiques. I am not sure that I would recognize an authentic antique if saw one...
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Everyone in the story is over 18 years old. This work of fiction is a product of the author’s imagination and the characters, incidents or dialog are not to be construed as real. This story includes scenes of graphic sex and should NOT be read by minors or anyone that might be offended by such filth. No one should publish or post this story anywhere else without the author’s written permission. The length of this story is around 13,000 words and takes up 4 pages on Lit. Tags used on this...
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Hi friends this is your friend directly come to the story ye kahani un dino ki hai jab main 12 class me thha. mere uncle ne ek garage khola thha. meri uncle se achhi patne lagi thhi to mai bas garage me hi baitha rahta thha unka naam thaa “raj”raj uncle ko sexy books and magazines ka bahut shauk tha. wo apne garage me un kitabo ko bahut secrecy k saath rakhte thhe. Khair maine ek do books dhhondh li aur mujhe bhi maza aane laga un kitabo ko padhne me. to phir kya ? jab kabhi uncle kahi jaate...
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The two of them had just “finished” shopping on Black Friday and headed out to the car. Beth Ann, the slightly pudgy younger sister who was Tiffany Rae’s best friend located her SUV. She unlocked the doors and the two of the early 30 year olds climbed into the automobile and promptly buckled their seatbelts. Beth Ann started the SUV and pulled out and got drove on to the main road and located the expressway. Within minutes they were speeding along at somewhere around 70 to 75 mph. Beth Ann was...
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I had the bright idea this morning to go to a garage sale that was advertising teen girl's clothes in the hopes of finding some nice panties to wear and cum on. I guess it was her mom running the sale, because when I got to the alley garage in the ghetto part of town the woman who came through the door into the garage to meet me she was a young milf but not a teen. She must have gotten started early...I already saw some brightly colored things and some thin cottony fabric folded on the table...
I was driving through town on the way to the parsonage to fuck the preachers wife (see my stories) and as I drove past a garage sale I noticed a couple fishing items I was interested in. I turned and went back. As I walked up the drive way I immediately became more interested in a very young mommy, she was about 19 or 20 had had a baby in her arms. A late 30's to mid 40's blond MILF, obviously her mommy was there also. Both were very fuckable!Anyway, I looked over the fishing stuff as other...
The two of them had just “finished” shopping on Black Friday and headed out to the car. Beth Ann, the slightly pudgy younger sister who was Tiffany Rae’s best friend located her SUV. She unlocked the doors and the two of the early 30 year olds climbed into the automobile and promptly buckled their seatbelts. Beth Ann started the SUV and pulled out and got drove on to the main road and located the expressway. Within minutes they were speeding along at somewhere around 70 to 75 mph. Beth Ann was...
MatureThe two of them had just “finished” shopping on Black Friday and headed out to the car. Beth Ann, the slightly pudgy younger sister who was Tiffany Rae’s best friend located her SUV. She unlocked the doors and the two of the early 30 year olds climbed into the automobile and promptly buckled their seatbelts. Beth Ann started the SUV and pulled out and got drove on to the main road and located the expressway. Within minutes they were speeding along at somewhere around 70 to 75 mph. Beth Ann was...
MatureThis story is mine and if someboy wants to put it up on a different site should ask me first. There are some scenes which are not suited to minors so if you aren?t 18 years old stop reading now. Dear Readers, this is a kind of a sequel to my story Panties for Life. Since quite a while i am in touch with Domme Mistress Stacey Lynne, who has claimed my wife as hers. So far only online but who knows how things will develop in the future. I have written the i on purpose not in...
Just a few weeks ago, my next door neighbor put their house up for sale. I learned this via the typical realtor "for sale" sign in the yard. Although my wife and I did not interact much with this family, given they had only lived there for two years and mainly kept to themselves, I was a little disappointed to see them go. The neighbors have a daughter, Kate that I've enjoyed spying on when she went swimming in, and laid out by, her pool. Kate was 19 years old when the family moved in and did...
Gabriella honked lightly as she spotted her daughter. The tall, scrawny girl with long reddish blonde hair opened the passenger door and threw her backpack into the back seat of Wilbur, the yellow1966 Volkswagen bug. "Hi, mom. I got an A+ on my speech today." She said as she pulled her earphones on and pulled out her cell phone. From there it was all texting and music through the MP3. She had tuned her mother out all the way home from track practice. "How many intervals did you have to run...
Found on literotica...Garage Gang ****bySlut4Use©"Friday, finally" I said to my friend Lisa at work that morning. "I thought this week would never end!""I know what you mean Claire, it's this heat, it makes everything go so slowly" She pushed her fringe back from her forehead for perhaps the twentieth time that day.And it had been unbearably hot too – we weren't exaggerating. In fact it was so hot; I had opted to go without underwear for most of the week, hoping that it wouldn't be too obvious...
My name is Melissa. I am of medium height and slender, but my breasts are enormous, D-cup. This has made me too popular among my schoolmates and at my job, and I know that my close girlfriends envy me, up to the point of increasing their bust sizes as soon as they have saved or they have gotten a rich husband to pay for them. I have discreetly exploited my attractiveness in the sales and marketing world. One day, I applied at a new technology company, and I was hired for my good record in...
"Friday, finally" I said to my friend Lisa at work that morning. "I thought this week would never end!""I know what you mean Claire, it's this heat, it makes everything go so slowly" She pushed her fringe back from her forehead for perhaps the twentieth time that day.And it had been unbearably hot too – we weren't exaggerating. In fact it was so hot; I had opted to go without underwear for most of the week, hoping that it wouldn't be too obvious beneath my short skirt suits.We worked slowly for...
The woman strode confidently up the stairs to the upper level of the disused warehouse. Her green cloak trailed behind her, the heavy fabric mostly concealing the attaché case she carried. Beneath her iron self-assurance was a cool wariness; her agents had discovered little about the organization whose representative she was about to meet. She emerged into darkness where a single spotlight lit a metal chair. The invitation was clear and she walked into the circle of light without disguising the...
Well this one is kind of a long one so guys grab you a beer and a bowl of popcorn or ladies, grab you a glass and a bottle of wine and some cheese and I hope you all enjoy! Let me start by reminding everyone that all my stories are true life experiences of my swinging lifestyle and my open marriage! Some of the names have been changed but all the experiences and encounters really happened and conversations are word for word. A note about cock size. Personally my pleasurable comfort size for a...
Prologue He watched her carefully with predatory eyes from behind the cashier's desk, lingering over the flair of her hips. She turned her back toward him, examining the racks of clothes, flicking through the blouses as she searched for her size. His gaze dropped over her narrow waist to her denim clad rear, the pockets of her jeans looked riveted to her behind and the thick seam of denim following the sensual curve between her cheeks. She abandoned the rack and moved away, glancing across at...
I turned around to see where the voice was coming from and there stood women of rare beauty with the most striking blue eyes. I said, ‘I was just admiring the statue’ and was going to pick it up to check the price. She laughingly said, ‘I’m sorry that one is not for sale it was put out here by mistake.’ I shook my head and said ‘too bad’ because I was a big fan of Indian works of art. She said, ‘I’m very sorry but this one is from my private collection, and I really don’t want to part with it.’...
Oils For Sale By Miss Anonna So I had just received my new line of massage oils and put my old ones up for cheap on CraigsList . In less than an hour I received an email from someone wanting them for the price I was asking, too. I have to admit, CraigsList is an awesome service. The guy that wanted them had mentioned he was learning deep tissue and shiatsu massage and wanted to get started without putting out alot of money. He wanted to come by the next day and pick them up but he was so close...
I wrote this shortly after it happened. Ten years ago now.When I was a younger man, like most guys I was obsessed with sex, used to walk around with a constant hard-on. If I look at old photos of myself, I could cry thinking about all the gorgeous girls I lusted after but couldn't be arsed spinning a line to. You see, there’d always be tomorrow or the day after. You know, that day when some gorgeous young thing would offer it to me on a plate.They never did, though.At least not back then, that...
Quickie Sex“Ladies and gentleman! It’s an honour and great pleasure to be able to welcome you to the first, one and only The Supermodel Slave Sale!” The audience clapped enthusiastically. “My name is Heidi Klum and with me on the stage is Naomi Campbell.” “We’re happy to host this unique event for you” added Naomi “I hope that we’ll all have as much fun as the girls who’ll soon walk on this stage.” Not only the show was unique, so was the audience; obviously it was purely adult, but also significantly...
FetishOut in the infinite multiverse, there is a world very much like our own. However, there is one big, and odd, difference. Society has a market where one can sell ownership of their body parts to others, on either a temporary or permanent basis. Here's how it works: A person can put a part, or multiple parts, of their body up for sale on a market. Whoever buys the body part gains ownership of it, as if it was a part of their body rather than the seller's. Though the part is not removed from the...
FetishTre amici, Francesco Andrea e Letizia, si trovano all entrata di uno strano edificio di forma cubica. Una donna gli si avvicina e gli chiede se si trovano lì per il gioco. I tre rispondono affermativamente e la donna li fa entrare. All interno si trovano tre porte. Ognuna delle tre porta a una sequenza di cinque sale in cui si dovrà combattere con ragazzi e ragazze. Gli amici che riusciranno a vincere le lotte si scontreranno alla fine. Dopo ogni lotta sono concessi 5 minuti di pausa. Quale...
There is a knock on the back door of our farmhouse. I go to answer it. Opening the porch door, I find an unshaven, scruffy looking guy stood there, with unkempt looking hair, wearing a tatty T shirt and dirty jeans. He looks about twenty-five, but. it’s hard to tell really. I notice an old push bike propped up against the garden wall. He stares at me, with an odd grin on his face, showing his yellow teeth, one of which is missing. I try not to show any reaction to his disgusting appearance. ...
ReluctanceI had lived next door to Allison for about two years when her husband died in a car accident just before Christmas. It was hard on her and her two daughters but they got through it.Allison was in her early forties at the time. She had two daughters, of which one was married and had a daughter of her own. I was just a few years older than Allison was and I too had lost my spouse in a car accident a few years before. That was why I had moved in next door to Allison. After my wife’s death I...
Oils For Sale By Miss Anonna So I had just received my new line of massage oils and put my old ones up for cheap on CraigsList . In less than an hour I received an email from someone wanting them for the price I was asking, too. I have to admit, CraigsList is an awesome service. The guy that wanted them had mentioned he was learning deep tissue and shiatsu massage and wanted to get started without putting out alot of money. He wanted to come by the next day and pick them up but he was so close...
MILFCheerleader Sale By King Leopold [email protected] Short synopsis for the story: A Cheerleader is kidnapped and prepared tobe sold into slavery Story codes: M+/f, Teen, BDSM, Slavery, NC, Heavy Fourteen year old Mandy found herself being dragged by her hair into theroom built to resemble a large medieval torture chamber. She struggled andfought, but the more powerful man forced her down on onto the top of a leathercovered table and sat down on top of her. He straddled her to keep her...
Slave auctions were not common in New Jersey, that was certain. I never heard of such, but I am told that they did occur in the port cities from time to time. The one I discovered was evidently a local institution of some sort with a list of regulars and certain protocols that everyone in the know recognized and adhered to. As an ignorant newcomer, I stood back and learned as men, women, and children of colors ranging from dusty black to chocolate cream were sold for prices ranging from ten...
100% fiction! I was returning from New Mexico after delivering some items I had sold to a man up there. From where I turn off the main hiway it is sixty five miles to my ranch. About twenty one miles down I saw a pickup camper pulled over and it's hood up. I pulled up and asked if I might be of assistance. A man said, "The radiator is blown. I need to sell one of these girls to get enough to fix it." "No sale. I don't traffic in human flesh. If you need help just ask and I will help you no...
Group SexThe Good Woman of Jerusalem by Melissa Tawn In the year 1906, when the Turkish Empire extended from the Bosporus to the Euphrates, a young widow took up residence in the Mea Shearim quarter of the holy city of Jerusalem, the center of the ultraorthodox Jewish settlement. Her name was Hannah and she was accompanied by her two-year- old daughter, Hassia. Nobody knew from where she came, and nobody knew her background, nor did she volunteer any information about her past. Hannah...
The butcher’s meat sales Author: RotnebSynopsis: Camilla were drawn into the weekly States Meat Lottery and had to follows the rules for human pigs.The story is only fantasyThe legal State Lottery- Then you are also within the meat lottery, Karen? - Yes, unfortunately I got my lottery ticket yesterday, as my 19 birthday gift from the State. I have been waiting for the lottery ticket, but I got a shock when I receive it. - It is not surprising to you. All we girls between 19 and 21 years are...
Subliminal Sales Copyright 1994 Victoria Powers It was flat here! You could see for miles. I was riding a Clydesdale through the dry terrain of a grain field. We were thundering along, chasing another horse and rider. They appeared to have plenty of speed and stamina to stay in front of us for so long. The rider I was chasing was a beautiful woman. She knew how to ride too, not a wasted motion, and moving with the horse's gallop instead of flopping about on the saddle. The one thing...
The church was empty save my father, mother, sister and, of course, me. In the front of us, sitting on two trestles was a plain coffin holding the body of my great uncle Ted. After the short service I said my goodbyes to my family and headed for the solicitor's office. "I expect he's left you his apartment," my mother said. "You always were his favourite." He was my favourite uncle, too, not that he had much competition. He always brought my sister and I a present whenever he called...
After college, I struggled to hold a consistent job for a multitude of reasons. For nearly 10 years I bounced between different sales jobs. I had taken a job selling electronic components and was really struggling. I knew that if I didn’t land a big account soon, I’d be looking for a new job. I was having a really bad day and was on my way home. As I was driving home, I happened to drive right by a business that I had been trying to sell on our product for a while. I pulled into their parking...
The kiss made my entire body tingle and that was in addition to the absolute surprise of it. I had walked into the lounge intending to have one, at the most two, drinks to take the edge off of the hard day I'd had, get a football card off of the bartender, fill it out, give him five bucks and then leave. I hadn't even seen her sitting at the bar between the two men until she jumped down off the stool and hurried toward me. The surprise was total when she threw her arms around me and kissed...