Garage Sale
- 2 years ago
- 25
- 0
Half Priced Sale
(Original Equipment)
Chapter one
Marie left a trail of dirty snow on the floor as she walked up to the meat counter and considered the prices on the choice cuts of meat she would need for her party on Saturday. The meat girl on display had a regulation hood that covered her face and the back of her head. Her hair was either cut short or tucked under the hood. By law, no hair was allowed to be visible on a meat girl display. These hoods, or more specifically the electronics built into the hoods, were the main reason meat girls were used by all major supermarkets now. This device, coupled with any source of protein, allowed rapid regrowth of any soft tissue loss. So far the device only worked for women and the search for a similar agent for males had reached nothing but dead ends.
Bob the butcher grew a big smile when Marie caught his eye. He picked up the last of the clear plastic wrapped trays on his block and walked over to the display case. As he placed several trays in the refrigerated section of the meat display he asked Marie ?What can I do for you today??
Marie just smiled at Bob as she tried to add up the cost of a dozen pairs of breasts and a dozen cunt filets. After just a minute she gave up and began talking to the expert. ?Bob, how much would it cost for a dozen pairs of breasts and a dozen cunt filets? Ryan and I are throwing a five year anniversary party on Saturday. You are invited if you want to come over. With so few couples actually making it to five years, I want this to be a real blowout!?
Bob picked up two trays each holding a pair of breasts.?Five years, wow that is a big one! What size breasts are you looking for? I have a half a dozen sets of these ?32 C? cups from yesterday?s display, or we can get you some of the ?34 D? cups off of this display. I am not sure what size I?ll have the next couple of days.?
Marie took both trays and weighed them in her hands while looking at the price on the sticker. ?Wow, judging from the prices on these, I had better take the smaller ones. I am not sure I will be able to stay on budget and get the meats we wanted.?
Bob took the trays back from her and asked how much she was willing to spend.
?I only have one hundred dollars total, I figured seventy five for the meats and twenty five for the vegetables and other things I have to get. Ryan took the same amount for booze and stuff for the cookout. I really hate to disappoint him.?
Bob shook his head. ?Even if I had a dozen of the small breasts, that would only just cover them. And you want a dozen filets as well. I don?t know of anywhere you could get both for that little bit of money.?
Marie began wringing her hands. ?There must be something I could do. John just started in this new job and things are tight, but I really want this to go off without a hitch. Can?t you think of anything??
Bob looked around and verified there were no other customers nearby. ?Well, I actually have a way that would help us both, but I don?t think you would like it.?
Marie brightened instantly. ?What is it? I don?t care. Whatever it is, I will do it.?
Bob smiled and leaned toward Marie. ?Well, remember how I said I didn?t know what size breasts I would have for the next two days? My meat girl display for tomorrow is not back from her vacation yet. She just called and said the airports were snowed in. I was about to start calling around and see if I could find a replacement. If you are willing to be the display meat for Thursday and Friday, I will give you the meat you want for half price.?
Marie?s smile faded. She paused and stared at the naked woman standing on the low display case in front of her. With the hood, you really couldn?t tell who she was. Her hands were cuffed together with a wide leather cuff. The cuffs were attached to a chain hanging from a winch in the ceiling, but unless someone pressed the display button, the cuffs were lowered so her hands were just below her breasts, almost as if she was praying. Marie watched the girl and marveled at how still she was standing. With the exception of the slow rise and fall of her chest, Marie could detect no movement. ?But I don?t think I could do this, standing so still. And naked in front of strangers and people I know. Not to mention, I have never been harvested before.? She swept her hand up and down the front of her body. ?This is all original equipment. ?
?Listen, I will stock up tonight. I should be able to harvest an additional dozen pair of breasts, filets and rump roasts before morning. Normally I am not that busy on Thursdays and Friday mornings. My Friday display comes in at five o?clock. That?s when the weekend crowd starts in. You probably won?t have to do anything but stand there. The hood makes it easy to stand. It sort of stops you from moving around. You?ll see. If the state did not require a live meat display, I would just go without. And if my regular meat girl comes in, I will have her take your place and you still get the meat. With all the bad weather we?ve been having most people are just going straight home from work if they go out at all. ?
?But, what will I tell my husband??
Bob smiled and thought, almost got her. ?Tell him that you won a two day get away to a rejuvenation spa. You just need to be here before the store opens tomorrow, and then you can be home on Friday by 6 pm. I tell you what, I will even throw in an extra dozen clit toppers, and I know how Ryan loves those.?
Bob watched her run her eyes up and down the meat display girl. She walked up to her and ran her hands along the side of the meat. Hefting the breast and pulling on the nipple. Marie thought to herself ?Tomorrow, that will be me be fondled by an unknown hand.? Aloud she said ?Okay, I will do it. What do I need to do??
?Just show up at 5:00 AM tomorrow. I will be here and take care of everything. One thing though, I need to make sure you are up to grade. You need to go straight over to the grading center and have them grade your quality and issue a meat license. I bet you are grade A, but you have to have a card. I?ll call and tell the inspector what?s going on.?
Chapter 2
Marie nodded and left. She still had several hours before Ryan came home, plenty of time to drive to the city, be inspected, graded and makes it back home. As she entered the county meat inspection center, she recognized her neighbor, Alice, standing at the counter. Even worse, John, her neighbor across the street was behind the counter. Before she could turn and leave, Alice saw her and waved her over. Marie walked up to Alice and gave her a nervous hug.
Alice hugged her back and asked ?What are you doing here hun? Are you getting a job somewhere?? Alice got a horrified expression on her face ?Ryan didn?t kick you out did he??
It was a common occurrence for a man to kick out his wife. After being kicked out, one of the few jobs left for women was to serve as meat. Most restaurants had their own meat girls. You could pick a girl and order straight off the woman and have it cooked any way you wanted. Marie had heard that in the city some new Japanese steakhouse restaurants cut and cooked the meat at your table. Marie shuddered and said ?Oh no, nothing like that. I want a license, just in case I ever need one.?
?Well that?s good, I was worried for a minute. I?m getting graded today too. I saw a sign at the new building at the end of our block. It?s going to be a small restaurant. I was thinking of maybe getting a part time job there. But any female employee has to have a meat license. Even though I only want to be a dishwasher. Can you imagine me on the menu?? Alice laughed looking down at her small breasts.
?Okay ladies, both of you need to fill out this form. Once it is complete, go through the door over there? John pointed at a small door marked ?GRADING ROOM? as he continued in a monotone voice, ?remove all articles of jewelry and clothing, place it in the provided boxes and take any available seat. The meat inspector will be right with you. ?
Both women looked at each other once before taking the small clipboards and sitting in the lobby. The questionnaire was fairly simple. Apparently the grading was a free service provided by the government.
All too soon, the form was complete and Marie stood. She walked without looking at Alice straight to the indicated door. Butterflies were dancing in her stomach. She opened the door and walked in, not knowing what to expect. There were several sturdy looking wooden chairs in a row along the two side walls. Each had a small wooden box next to it. Wide leather cuffs like the ones on the meat display girl were draped next to each chair. A regen hood was on the left arm of each chair. On the right arm was a three foot long section of metal pipe with a leather cuff on each end. Marie began to nervously remove her clothes. Soon she was down to bra and panties.
Alice walked in just as Marie was removing her bra. ?Hun, you will have no problem being marked grade A. You look great. I wish I had breasts that size. Mine are barely a 32 B.? Alice had quickly removed all her clothes as she talked to Marie.
Marie followed suit as Alice dropped her panties into the box and sat in the chair opposite the one Marie had selected. The wood felt cold on her bare ass cheeks. Alice took the pipe and placed it between her legs. Both ankles were soon cuffed three feet apart. Marie felt cool air flowing past her pussy lips as she spread her legs to copy Alice. Even though she was nervous enough to shiver, she felt moisture begin to collect on her pussy. Marie thought to herself, ?Not my pussy, that is a cunt filet.? With that thought, she felt a huge gush, almost immediately the smell of her arousal was obvious. In the meantime, Alice had already placed her hands in the cuffs. She merely brought both hands together as if praying and pushed them against the hinged side of the leather, the cuffs automatically closed together and now she couldn?t get out of them if she wanted.
Marie jumped when the door opened again. It was john. ?Surprise, I am not just the clerk, I?m also the grader. Good job Alice, are you sure you haven?t done this before.?
?Never, although I have always wannnnttteed??.? was Alice?s reply as John placed the hood on her head. Her mouth stopped moving mid sentence.
John smiled as he walked toward Marie. ?Let me get these cuffs on you. We can skip your hood if you would like to see how Alice is graded.? Marie nodded as john cuffed her hands together. John pressed a small button on the arm of the chair and Marie felt her arms being pulled above her head. She was quickly pulled to the standing position. Marie shivered as John ran his hand down to her sopping wet filet. ?Someone is enjoying this. It happens more often than you would think. Nothing to be embarrassed about.?
John walked back to Alice. He pressed a similar button on her chair and Alice was raised until she was swinging free with her feet as high as the seat of the chair. Her legs were held open by the bar and her filet was slightly open. She was shaved below her eyebrows and nothing was left to the imagination as John rotated her slowly. John reached up and massaged her breasts, kneading them roughly. He pulled a small device from his pocket, looked at the number on the wall above Alice?s chair, and entered it into the keypad. He then began speaking aloud and the device converted it to text in Alice?s file. ?Barely 32 B breasts. No abnormalities. Half inch areolas, quarter inch nipples. Suitable for breast bacon bits, and light snacks, but not large enough for a meal. Remainder of the meat is high quality with a twenty five percent fat ratio. Filet has been recently rejuved and is sufficient for grading. Subject has requested a full rating and filet is being removed with a standard seven G vibro knife. ?
Marie stared as he picked up a large plastic syringe. It was at least ten inches long and had a nozzle instead of a needle on the end. The tube held what looked to be two cups of a milky fluid. John saw Marie staring and held up the syringe saying ?These are the proteins which work together with the hood. This is what the hood will direct her body to use to replace the missing tissue. Without the proteins, the hood works much slower and it actually uses fat and tissue from other parts of the body to repair the damage. I just wanted to verify that I had it ready for her. With a full rating, we do two filet removals. Once without the proteins measuring how long it takes to re-grow and then a second time, only this time with the proteins. I then measure the second replacement time and record both of them on her chart. It actually becomes part of her license.?
?I?m almost afraid to ask, but what is that kit with the red cross on it?? Marie asked.
John picked up the box and tossed it once before setting it back down. ?This is just in case she is taking too long to replace the tissue. I have only had to use it a dozen times in the last five years or so. Most women rejuv a filet without the protein in about 30 to 45 minutes. With the protein, it is a little faster, say 25 to 30 minutes. Some however take much longer to regenerate. When that happens I first inject the protein solution. If it still isn?t working I use the first aid kit. If necessary we send the applicant to the hospital where they have a more advanced full body rejuv unit. Obviously at that point they are graded ?final sale only?. As I said it has only happened a dozen times in the five years I have worked here. And don?t forget, I process hundreds of applicants a week. You are lucky it is a slow day. With all the bad weather we have been having, most people are just staying home. ?
John put his words into action. He placed the syringe on the top of the box holding Alice?s clothes. Marie watched as he typed additional information into the data pad. As soon as he stopped typing, Alice?s breathing became more rapid. Her nipples hardened again and the smell of female arousal filled the room. John massaged Alice?s clit several times pulling the hood back to expose the enlarged pink nub. In one quick fluid motion, he inserted the knife, twisted and was suddenly he was holding a warm filet in his hand. Marie had seen it in the store before, but she was still amazed at the small amount of actual blood that was released. The butcher had mentioned a special coating on one side of the blade that instantly stopped the bleeding on the meat source side, while not affecting the removed side. This still allowed the chunk of removed meat to bleed out.
John placed the filet on a small scale. The scale communicated the reading to Alice?s file. John turned to Marie ?Bob filled me in on his predicament. It is nice of you to help him out. I will only do a basic inspection and verification on you. I told Bob that as long as he doesn?t have to harvest anything, this would be sufficient. He knows the drill if he has to harvest. He can do the timing and measurements himself.?
John then placed the hood on Marie. Her world went dark and even though she could hear John as he moved around, she could not move. She panicked at first, but after a few minutes that familiar tingling started deep in her core. She and Ryan had played bondage games in the past. Their bedroom games had always turned her into jelly as soon as the first cuff or rope touched her skin. This was just the ultimate bondage game. She would have jumped if she could when john began kneading her breasts. She could hear him as he began inputting data into her meat license.
? 38 D breasts. No abnormalities. One and three quarter inch areolas, three eights inch nipples, strike that. Half inch nipples. Suitable for breast bacon, and heavy snacks, large enough to be considered a meal. Remainder of the meat is high quality with a twenty eight percent fat ratio. Filet has never been rejuved. Original filet will not be used for rating. Rating will be subject to change if and when the filet is harvested. Alternate Method A will be used for initial testing and timing. ?
Suddenly Marie felt as if someone had electrified every sexual nerve in her body. She felt as if she was on the verge of cumming but could not quite make it over the edge of the precipice. Her nipples tingled and her clit was practically vibrating with energy. Through the intense cloud of feelings, she suddenly had that last bit, the one little nudge that pushed her over the edge. It was John as he pulled the hood back from her clit. Marie could feel the honey dripping down the sides of her pussy, no her filet, into the air between her widespread legs. She was sure that John would have a very wet hand. She barely registered the movement as John spun her around. It registered loud and clear when the pain erupted on her ass. She would have screamed had she been able to move. She could feel every sensation as a knife was thrust into one ass cheek. She felt the tug as a fist sized piece of her flesh was pulled outward from her body. The sensation reverted back to the immense pleasure as soon as the knife stopped touching her. She felt one last flash of pain as the knife sliced through the back and freed the pound of her flesh before the pleasure rebounded throughout her mind. She could feel the hood directing her body to rebuild the missing flesh as energies from all over her body flowed toward her ass. Her stomach suddenly felt empty and she almost swore she could sense her body becoming lighter.
John placed the pound of flesh he had removed from Maries buttocks onto the scale. Just over a pound. By the time he turned back to Marie, you could not tell where he had removed the meat. Quickly he pressed the stop button on the timer. Two minutes had elapsed. That was the fastest rejuv he had ever seen.
He walked over and checked on Alice. She was only about half way done. It had been over 30 minutes already for her. John smiled as he placed Alice?s filet and Marie?s first steak in his personal fridge. Technically he should not keep any. One sample would be sent to the center and the second sample should have been given to the applicants after the testing, but it had been a slow day, and he needed his supper. John couldn?t remember the last time he went to the meat section of a grocery store to actually buy any meat. He did like checking out the displays though. John never missed an opportunity to check and see if he could recognize one of the meat girls he graded without checking her ID number against his personal data pad.
John walked back over to the naked hanging Marie and picked up her protein injector. He applied a light coating on the nozzle with a little edible lubricant. John held the syringe with one hand and placed the other hand on Marie?s ass. Gently he spread her cheeks until the rosebud of her anus was visible. A quick shove and three inches of the nozzle was nestled in her ass. John worked the syringe in and out a few times before depressing the plunger and filling Marie?s rear with the protein shot.
Marie was lost in a haze of pleasure when she felt her ass being filled. She had never cared for anal sex and only submitted her back door to Ryan when she couldn?t distract him with a blow job or some other form of sex. The syringe felt even larger than it had looked. With the amount of pain she felt, Marie knew her ass had been torn. The pain in her ass was immediately forgotten when she again had the exact same area on her ass cut free. Once again her mind exploded into a red fog of pain as she felt John tugging on her ass cheek. As soon as the knife left her skin, the pleasant feelings returned and once the syringe was pulled from her ass, all pain was gone and she floated on a cloud of pure bliss.
John could not believe his eyes. With the protein solution, Marie had actually regrown the missing flesh in just under a minute. Within five minutes you could not even discern a difference in the skin color. He had to let Ryan know what he had here. With these ratings, Ryan could be earning a lot of money using his wife. Of course sometimes the effect slowed after a while. Maybe john should just check in on Bob?s grocery tomorrow before he said anything.
John did a final filet inspection as he lowered Marie onto her chair. Marie?s legs were coated in her juices; this filet was obviously self basting. Marie shivered and slumped into the chair as the hood was pulled off her head. The pleasant feelings faded quickly as Marie took note of changes that had occurred, or rather the lack of change. Alice was still hooded, nude and hanging from the ceiling. Marie?s hands were cuffed and her legs were still spread wide by the pipe. John knelt in front of her and undid the ankle restraints first. He would definitely have to clean this chair. As her hands were freed Marie automatically put her hand under her butt to feel where she had been cut. Everything felt completely normal.
John stood and told Marie ?Go ahead and get dressed. We?re all done. You are Grade A++. First one I have ever given. Actually this is the first I have heard of anyone over an A. I didn?t even know the rating existed. Of course this is a temporary rating until the filet is actually tested. ?
John watched her from the corner of his eye as Marie stood to begin dressing. She paused to run her hand over her new ass cheek. ?Do you have any residual pain, stiffness, dizziness or any abnormal sensations??
Marie smiled at him ?Absolutely none. If I hadn?t felt it I would never have believed it. But I definitely felt it. Oh God I felt it. But it only lasted until you took the knife out. Then it felt uhhh really good.?
John handed Marie several tissues, ?I could tell about the good feelings. The rejuvenator only works after the knife is removed. That way it doesn?t heal up before the meat can be removed. The good feelings are a way of compensating for the momentary pain.?
?I like compensation like that.? Marie blushed when she realized what she had said ?Uhmmm, Why is Alice still here??
John was actually working on Alice as he spoke. ?Oh she has just finished her first rejuv. I am about to perform the protein test. Once you get dressed, you can help if you like or you could just watch, if you prefer.?
Marie walked over to Alice. If she had not seen her put the hood on, she would have had a hard time telling it was Alice. ?I think I would just like to watch for now.?
John nodded.?Okay then, I have to reset the Data collector to her application and chair number. I just enter the number over the chair and all her stats come up automatically. Here, hold the Data Pad while I do the protein injection. ?Marie took the small electronic hand held device. Two full length pictures of Alice hanging nude from the front and the back showed on the screen. Just above those were her stats that John had been entering into the computer. A facial shot was to the left of the screen along with her name and address. Marie gulped as she realized these same types of photos would be on her application as well.
John had rotated Alice so her rear was now facing the aisle. Marie watched as he first opened her anus and then inserted the syringe into the tight pink rosebud. He did not move it in and out the way he had with Marie, instead he just depressed the plunger. John left the syringe deeply embedded in her ass as he picked up the knife again. ?When meat is normally being harvested a metal enema nozzle is left inserted during the harvesting. The machinery monitors the harvesting and automatically inserts the proper amount of replacement materials? John leaned close and whispered in Marie?s ear ?Are you sure you don?t want to do a filet removal. Not many women get to do this. If Bob trusts you, I do too.?
Marie thought for a minute then whispered back in his ear. ?I will hold the knife but you have to guide my hand. I wouldn?t want to screw up Alice?s application.?
John handed Marie the knife with a wink. He pantomimed how to hold the blade and then placed his hands over hers. ?If you look you can see that Alice is enjoying the compensation as well. I?ll use a damp cloth to wipe the area first. I wouldn?t want to drop this.? With his free hand, john wiped the filet with a cloth. After placing the cloth back on the table next to the scale, john guided Marie?s free hand to Alice?s hooded clit. After a few small strokes, the pink bud was completely exposed. John then guided Maries other hand toward the moistened filet. With a quick thrust Marie inserted the knife to the hilt into Alice?s spread legs. John guided her hand up along the outer edge of the vaginal lips, above the clitoral hood and then back down. The knife eased through the taint meat between the ass and the filet then rose to meet the original insertion. John then placed a finger into the filet and pulled. With a final cut behind the organ, the meat came free into his hand. John placed the filet onto the scale and started a timer in one fluid motion. ?All done but the waiting. Based on her first cut, this may take up to an hour. I doubt she will even be able to get a dishwasher job with this rating. I know she will be disappointed.?
Once John was satisfied that Alice had started and was going to take a while to rejuv he led Marie back to the counter. John presented Marie with a laminated card. Marie took the card and saw her name, address, rating and her facial shot on one side. She was officially graded as an A++ (*). The (*) also appeared at the bottom of the card stating this was a temporary rating dependent on further testing. The back of the card did not have her face or name and address, but it did have both full nude pictures. The same grade and note were on the back.
?When you are on display, the back of the card will be on display on your pedestal. Don?t worry it is under a plastic cover and only the butcher or chef will have the key, so no one else can turn it over and see your name and address. Good Luck and come back if you ever want any meat girl advice.?
?Oh, I don?t think there is any chance of that happening. This is a onetime deal. I just want this anniversary party to be something to remember forever. You are coming, aren?t you??
?I wouldn?t miss it for the world. Well back to work, I have to go watch Alice.? Said Bob as he disappeared back into the grading room.
Chapter Three
Marie made it home in time to cook a frozen filet for Ryan. She was too nervous to eat. She kept rubbing her ass where she had been graded. She stood in front of the bathroom mirror and twisted trying to detect any hint of her recent grading. It was impossible to find the spot. She kept thinking of being hooded and naked in public. This both excited and scared her. On one hand, she loved bondage. On the other, she had never been nude in public. She also thought about the possibility that she would be harvested. The pain had been the worse thing she had ever felt, but the compensation along with just a little help from John had given her the best orgasm of her life. She had made a promise, now she just had to lie to her husband. He would never permit her to go through with this, it would be an insult to his masculinity, almost saying he couldn?t afford to pay for the things they needed.
When Ryan opened the front door, he could smell the succulent smell of girl meat. He walked into the kitchen and saw Marie standing at the stove. She was lost in her own world and had not heard him come in yet. She was rubbing her butt with one hand and holding a meat fork with the other. A delicious looking browned filet was in a pan on the stove. She had split it open and cooked the outside first. Now the browned clit and hood were sitting on top as the inside cooked.
Marie jumped and turned when Ryan said ?Hello dear, I?m home.?
?You startled me? Marie said as she peeked at the underside of the filet. ?But you are right on time for dinner. Sit and I will have this on the table in a minute.?
Ryan grabbed a beer and sat at the table just as Marie placed the plate in front of him. She sat beside him with a small salad. Marie picked at her salad as Ryan sliced off the small browned clit. He always ate it first and always had the same two comments: How much he loved clit toppers and how Marie?s clit was better than any he had seen in the displays at the grocery store.
Marie smiled and said ?Thank you? just like she always did. She also said ?Since you brought up meat, I went into the grocery store to make sure they would have our order for Saturday and I got a great deal.?
Ryan looked up at her. ?How good of a deal?? he said with one eyebrow raised.
?Uh, yeah. It may have been because I invited Bob to the party before I mentioned needing the meat, but regardless of how it happened, I get the meat at half price. A special sale just for our party. Not only that, but my sister called and said she had been given an overnight stay at a SPA, but couldn?t go because of her work. If you don?t mind I would love to go. They say it can take years off your body. Please say I can go.? Marie had already brought her twin sister, Tanya, in on the situation. Tanya had offered money, but Marie would never accept charity of any kind. Finally her sister had agreed to cover for her, but only after Marie told her which store would be using her as a display.
Ryan replied cautiously ?As long as you will be back in time to prepare everything for the party, it is fine by me. I guess I can go one night without you. I may have a night out myself with a few friends while you are gone.?
Marie jumped up and gave him a big hug as she exclaimed. ?Great, I will be back at Six PM on Friday. Plenty of time to pick up the meat and be ready for the party Saturday night. I will have to leave very early in the morning. I will try not wake you.?
Chapter four
Marie couldn?t sleep and was awake long before her alarm clock?s buzzer went off. She quietly climbed out of bed and stepped into the shower. Her hands shook with excitement as she checked the wax job she and her sister did just last week. It had hurt like the devil himself had her when they had waxed her pussy and ass. Now she was glad they had been so thorough.
It was 4:30 AM when Marie quietly closed the door into the garage. She had wandered through the house in the dark on tiptoes after dressing in the bathroom. All her extra effort at staying quiet kept Ryan from waking until she opened the garage door. Ryan bolted upright when the garage door make the familiar rattling sounds. As he sat in bed thinking of the upcoming party, he had an idea. Instead of having it Saturday night, he would prove how much he loved his wife by having it all ready when she got home Friday. He could email everyone on the guest list and tell them of the date change. He had heard his neighbor Alice was looking for some part time work. He could hire her to help.
Ryan chuckled aloud as he climbed out of bed to set his plan into action. He sat at the computer and had the emails sent within minutes to both sets of family members. He thought to himself, since Marie is getting the meat at half price, I can invite the neighbors as well. A second email was sent to several of the neighbors inviting them to the party. Now all he had to do was arrange to have Bob cut the meat a day early and hire Alice to finish the shopping, pick up the meat and do the rest of the party preparation.
Ryan jumped into the shower and quickly dressed. It was too early to call Alice, but Bob would be open before he had to be at work.
In the meantime, Marie had arrived at Bob?s store. Marie was glad she lived so close to the store; the snow had made even the short drive treacherous. She parked her car in the back beside the dock where delivery trucks normally unloaded boxes of goods for the store. Marie knocked on the back door. When it opened Bob motioned for her to come in. Marie smiled nervously as said ?Special delivery.?
?That?s a good one.? Said Bob, ?Come on over to the preparation area. I need to get you ready for the next two days.?
Marie followed meekly as Bob led her into a small tiled room. A small shower was on one side of the room and a chain hung from the ceiling in the center of the room. A cuff like the one Marie had worn yesterday was attached to the end of the chain. Bob directed Marie to remove her clothes and place them in a box similar to the one at the grading center. Marie removed her clothes, hesitating to remove her bra and panties until Bob turned his back to her and turned on several sprays in the shower stall.
Marie stood naked with her hands covering her breasts and crotch. ?I showered this morning.?
Bob nodded saying?I am sure that you did, however, we have to use the approved cleaning and hair removal solutions on you before you can be considered display quality meat. This will remove even the fine hairs you can?t see. Do you have your license??
Marie turned and bent over reaching into the box to get her purse. As she bent over, Bob was presented with his first of many clear views of her pussy and ass. Marie retrieved the license from her purse and handed it to Bob. He took the license, pulled Marie toward the center of the room and directed her to place her hands together. With a soft click, the cuff on the end of the chain had Marie?s hands pinned together.
Bob took Marie?s license over to a small machine with a control panel and several hoses. He entered Marie?s meat license number into the control panel. Marie?s information was displayed and bob verified it against the license in his hand. When Bob noted the grade on Marie?s license he whistled. Bob thought to himself ?I really lucked out this time. Too bad I promised not to harvest her unless we run out of meat. Ah well, I have until Friday at 5 PM. At least I get to look at this prime piece of meat. Too bad I won?t have enough meat orders to have a harvesting party with her. With her Rejuv rating, he could really make a bundle harvesting her overnight.? Bob shook his head to get his mind back to the task at hand.
?We have to clean you on the inside before we clean you on the outside.? Bob explained as he retrieved a spreader bar and put it between Marie?s legs. Two soft clicks later Marie?s ankles were cuffed three feet apart. Bob pulled a large hose from its holder on the wall. The end of the hoses split into two tubes, one small and one large. Both were connected to a very large enema nozzle. Bob coated the end of the nozzle with an edible lubricant.
As Bob placed the nozzle against the small rosebud of Marie?s anus he said ?Just relax. The nozzle is a little larger than you are used to because it will both inject the enema and then allow you to expel the water. The cycles going to repeat until you are all cleaned out. ?
Bob pushed and the nozzle reluctantly began entering Marie?s clenched ass. Bob waited for Marie to exhale and then quickly pushed several inches into her. Marie grunted at the intrusion. Bob pumped a small bulb attached to the nozzle and a balloon inflated inside Marie ensuring that the enema would not leak. Once the machine detected the balloon inflation, it began its program. First it accessed Marie?s license and determined her weight and height. It then calculated the maximum enema capacity. The first enema would be half the maximum volume. The second enema would be three fourths of the max and the remainder of the enemas would be maximum capacity. These large enemas would continue until the water coming out of Marie was satisfactorily clear.
Marie felt the warm water entering her. She quickly felt bloated. Just as Marie felt the first cramping the water flowed out the larger of the two tubes connected to the nozzle. Marie breathed a sigh of relief as the last of the water was vacuumed from her bowels. Before she could draw in a second breath, warm water began refilling her recently emptied stomach. This time the water did not stop until Marie could see the bulge in her belly from the huge amounts of liquid entering her body. The cramping started almost immediately, but so did the removal of the water. Marie watched as her stomach quickly lost its bulge and returned to normal. The machine allowed Marie to expel the water and then gently pulled a vacuum to ensure the tubing was clear. Marie began moaning as the third cycle started. The bulge in her belly was much more pronounced this time. Marie tried to raise her legs as the cramping intensified in her abdomen intensified. The Machine once again allowed the expelling of the enema water, and then drew a vacuum on Marie?s ass. Silent tears ran down Marie?s face as the cycle repeated three more times.
A bell rang from the enema machine and Bob turned a small knob releasing the air pressure from the bulb in Marie?s rear. With a couple of tugs on the tubing, the nozzle was pulled from Marie. Bob hung the nozzle back on the wall, and then walked back to Marie. He took a second to enjoy the sight of the beauty tied in his meat locker before kneeling to remove the spreader bar. Bob then un-cuffed Marie?s hands and handed her a clear plastic hood that resembled the hood she would be wearing while on display.
?This will keep the solution from removing your eyebrows and hair, while still allowing you to see as you walk around in the prep area. Make sure you tuck all your hair under the hood before you draw the string tight. Then climb into the shower. I already have the temperature set at the optimal level for the solution to work. It may be a little warm, but it?s not too bad.? Bob explained.
?Great,? Marie thought as she took the hood and did as Bob directed, ?the waxing my sister did to me was not necessary.? Once all her hair was tucked into the hood, she tugged on the drawstring and pulled it tight to her face and the back of her head. She had to breathe through her mouth since the end of her nose was covered. Marie stepped into the shower and jumped as the hot water struck her from all directions.
?Use the scrub brush everywhere to make sure your entire body is cleaned. Remember that includes your feet, face, fingers and filet.? Bob said as he watched Marie through the glass shower door. Marie stepped out of the shower when Bob turned off the water nozzles. She was a bright pink all over.
?Almost opening time, let?s get you into position. ? Bob said as he toweled Marie dry. ?Just throw away the plastic shower cap; you won?t be needing it again today.?
Bob led Marie through a door marked ?Harvesting Room. Authorized Personnel only?. The room had a tiled floor with a very large wooden butcher block in its center. Three of the walls were covered in stainless steel, but one wall was all glass and faced into the store. Marie took a moment to look around in the room as Bob went back into the preparation room to grab her license. Different hooks, cuffs and hoses adorned the walls of the room. Marie thought to herself that this room looked much less menacing from the other side of the meat counter. The butcher block had several hoses and cuffs attached to its sides. She was surprised to find the block was not solid but actually had a split through part of the top. Marie thought to herself she would have to ask Bob about the butcher block one day in the future. While she had seen meat display girls cuffed to the wall or hanging from the ceiling while they were being harvested, Marie had never actually seen one cuffed to the butcher block.
Bob returned with Marie?s license and hurried her out into the store. They were behind the butcher counter. The counter had one section about three feet wide for the meat display girl. Marie stepped up onto the circular portion of the counter; it was currently only raised about a foot above the floor. Marie knew the display could be raised or lowered by the butcher or by customers on the other side of the counter. She herself had lowered the counter on numerous occasions to check and see if she wanted the breasts in the showcase or fresh ones from the Meat Girl. What Marie had failed to notice in the past were the two cuffs attached to the base. Bob attached these cuffs to Marie?s ankles as soon as she stepped into the display area. This had the effect of pulling Marie?s legs to the familiar three feet spread apart position. Marie could feel the air as it flowed past her plump pussy lips. Bob cuffed her hands in the praying position in front of her and then attached the cuff to the chain hanging from the winch in the ceiling.
?This is it. Once the hood is on, it will stay on until the store closes. Remember our deal. I had the night shift guy harvest a dozen pairs of breasts, cunt filets, rump roasts and some arm steaks. They should hold out, especially with the snow today. I doubt we will use half of that. Anyway, Friday at 5 PM you leave when one of the two weekend girls shows up. I will harvest the dozen pairs of breasts, dozen filets, and the additional extra dozen clit toppers Friday night and deliver them to you on Saturday about noon. I will only harvest anything from you if we run out of the meat on the counter. ? Bob looked up at Marie?Agreed??
Marie nodded. The snow had just started back as she was pulling into the parking lot. She agreed with Bob, most people were just going to sit at home today.
Ryan was pulling into the parking lot as Bob placed the hood onto Marie. The last thing Marie saw before her eyes were covered was her license lying on the top of the counter. The side with her face was showing. Before Marie could say anything the hood took control of her again. She tried to speak, but found that once again she could not move a muscle.
?I?m putting your license on display under the locked glass. Don?t worry I turned it over.? Bob had placed the license wrong side up in her view on purpose. He loved playing with his meat displays like this. Once they were in the hood they were his to play with physically and mentally.
It was close enough to 6 AM, so Bob walked to the front and unlocked the doors and turned on the lights. The snow accumulated in the parking lot already had one set of tire tracks. Bob was surprised and concerned when he saw the tracks led to Ryan?s car. Ryan was walking toward the store with a big smile on his face.
Just as Ryan walked in, Duran Duran?s hungry like the wolf started playing from Bob?s apron pocket. It was Bob?s cell phone ringtone. Bob waved at Ryan and said ?Just one minute. I need to get this, it?s my register girl.?
Ryan just started walking to the back as he heard Bob saying ?What do you mean, you can?t make it in today?? The meat counters were stocked full of breasts and filets. Just looking at them made Ryan?s stomach growl. Ryan walked over to the Meat Girl on display as Bob walked up grumbling. ?Damn snow. The girl that works the register lives at the bottom of a hill over in the town of Smyrna. Apparently they have a lot more snow than we do. She is stuck. Dammnit.?
Bob looked up at Ryan ?Sorry, not your problem. How can I help you today Ryan??
Ryan reached up and patted Marie?s ass ?New meat girl??
Bob tapped the license displayed under the glass near Marie?s hips. ?Yup, she just got her temporary grade yesterday. She still has all original equipment so far. With this weather, she?ll probably stay all original this week. She is only up here until Friday night.?
Ryan pulled back, he had never seen a meat display girl with original filet still intact. ?Really, Original filet. I don?t think I have ever seen an original filet on a meat girl.? Ryan chuckled. ?That?s actually kind of kinky if you think about it. I mean, this is the clit she stroked for the first time as a young girl.? Ryan reached up and pulled the hood of the meat girl?s clit back to show the bright pink nub.
Bob nodded ?That?s true. I never really thought about it that way. She also has the original breasts and nipples she touched when she was a young girl first exploring her own body. Of course that also means men have had the opportunity to play with her equipment as well. I know the filet is clean now, but she has had sex with men using this filet. The lips are much larger than on a filet that has been rejuved. They graded her using a cut on her ass, so she only has a temporary rating until the original filet is removed.?
Ryan looked up ?How much for her original filet? I think it would be cool to have something like that for breakfast. ?
Now it was Bob?s turn to pull back in surprise. ?Sorry, no can do. I have an agreement with this meat girl. No harvesting of her until I run out of meat in the display cases. I doubt that is going to happen before Friday night.?
Ryan tapped his hand against his head. ?Duh, that is what I wanted to talk about before I got distracted. You talked with Marie about our party this weekend, right???
Bob hesitantly replied?Yes, she invited me over. Saturday at 6 PM right??
Ryan shook his head ?Well, yes and no. The party was going to be Saturday, but I am moving it to Friday at 6 PM now. She is off at some rejuv clinic and I want it to be a surprise for her. I plan on asking our neighbor Alice to help prepare everything. This way as soon as Marie gets home we can surprise her. It is my gift to her, a party with no work before hand. Of course that depends on you. She told me you were giving her the meat half price.?
Bob merely nodded.
Ryan continued ?Great. She told me you were throwing in a dozen clit toppers. I really appreciate that. I need to add another dozen filets. Since we?re getting the meat at such a good deal, I invited a few extra people.?
Bob asked Ryan ?Are you sure you want to change the date? Won?t Marie get upset??
Ryan ?She better not. This is a gift for her. Anyway I don?t think you have enough meat in the counter to fill our order now, so I guess you are going to have to do some harvesting on this one. So, again I ask, how much for the original filet.?
Bob was in a corner. Marie?s heart sank when she heard Ryan change the date. She had a small hope that the prepared meats would cover the list, but once he added the dozen extra filets she knew she was in for it. Marie?s thoughts went in all directions as she heard Bob agree to giving Ryan the original filet for free after he weighed it. Her pussy, the thing that had brought her so much joy over the years. Would the new one work as well? She thought back to the first time she had caressed herself to an orgasm. That warm wonderful feeling that had filled her after that first brilliant explosion of pleasure. The first time she had inserted the ice cold cucumber from her mother?s refrigerator into her sopping wet pussy. She thought of her several boyfriends that had filled her with their seed. Soon that piece of flesh would be pulled from her body. What was Ryan going to do with it anyway?
Apparently Bob had the same question ?What do you plan on doing with it?? Bob had gotten his stopwatch and the filet knife while Marie was wandering down memory lane.
Ryan shrugged ?I don?t know, I may eat it myself. Or maybe I will give it to Charlie at work and not tell him it is used until after he has eaten it. He is such a pain in the ass. I know?. I will save it and cook it at the party on Friday. It will last two days, won?t it??
Bob said ?Sure, no problem. I will vacuum wrap it for you after I weigh it. Do you want to help me remove the filet? The lips on this one are a little larger than I am used to, I wouldn?t want to cut one. Just put your second finger insider and pull the lips together with your thumb and forefinger.?
Marie felt her husband put his finger into her pussy for the last time. Then she heard Bob say, ?Damn give me a minute I forgot to program her ID number into the hood. Won?t take a second.?
Ryan watched as Bob disappeared through the back door of the meat harvesting room. Ryan adjusted his raging boner with his free hand. His other hand was firmly grasping a pussy that would soon be in his refrigerator. As Ryan thought about how cool it was that he was taking her original filet, he started to stroke her clit with his thumb. He took his finger and stroked it in and out of the pussy that quickly had a slippery honey coating.
Bob came back out with his data pad. He gave Ryan the thumbs up as he entered Marie?s data into the keyboard. As soon as he hit the commit button he saw Marie?s large nipples become even more erect. The hood along with Ryan?s playing had pushed her over the edge into an orgasm. Now was the time to remove the filet when the endorphins were racing through her body. Bob motioned for Ryan to pinch the lips together and inserted the filet knife fully into Marie?s crotch just above her clitoral hood.
Marie had nearly gone insane with the pleasure from the hood and Ryan?s fingers, but the sudden pain of the knife thrusts completely cleared her head. She had thought the cut on her ass had hurt; this was that pain multiplied by a thousand. She could feel every sensation as Ryan cruelly pinched her lips together and Bob brought the knife around. It seemed to take forever as Bob cut downward and then had to change hands and draw the knife back up the other side of her pussy. The pain continued as the knife remained against her skin even though bob had stopped moving the knife.
Bob told Ryan ?Now pull on the filet so I can cut the last bit from behind.?
Marie felt as if her entire soul was being pulled out of her body as Ryan pulled down on the slick filet in his hand. Marie felt her body actually move backwards as Bob sliced her womanhood free. She would have cried a tear of loss if she had any control of her body. As it was, she stood totally still and silent as she was mutilated and in pain. Then she was lost in the incredible feelings as her body began to repair itself. The energies flowing through her body toward where her pussy had once been put her on a cloud of pleasure.
Bob removed the knife and started his timer at the same time. He directed Ryan to place the filet on the scale for weighing. The scale automatically sent the weight to the data pad. Bob stared at the gaping hole between Marie?s legs and it began to fill in front of his eyes. Within thirty seconds the flesh reappeared and the filet began to reform. The lips were much smaller this time. It took Bob a moment to realize the pussy lips were not going to get any larger. A lifetime of sex had stretched the original ones to much larger than these. He pushed the timer?s stop button and entered three minutes twenty five seconds into the data pad. This was the fastest he had ever seen a filet regrow.
Bob took the filet from the scale and held it next to the rejuvenated one still attached to Marie. There was a definite difference in size. Ryan shook his head and said ?Wow, she must really like sex to have stretched that thing so much.? He then laughed and said ?Can I have her number??
Bob shook his head as he vacuum wrapped the filet. ?Nope, but if I have a harvesting party, I will be sure to give you a call.?
Ryan took the filet and left saying ?Thanks for the special filet. I will have Alice come pick up the meat around noon on Friday.?
Bob turned back to Marie noting that the store was empty once again. Bob picked up the filet knife as he told Marie ?I will have to be butcher, and run the cash register up front today. Ah well at least it was a slow day. Thanks to your hubby changing the date, you really are going to be personally responsible for making sure it is a blast. Ha, sorry dear. By the way, you should have noticed by now that I have the hood set for pleasure during regrowth only. Given how much pussy juice you put out, if I left you on continuous pleasure, you would soak my counter.?
Marie had noticed. The feelings had stopped after what seemed an eternity. She would have blushed at his comment about her copious juices, but the hood prevented even that. Marie thought again about how her pussy, the one she had been born with, was now sitting in her husband?s car as he drove to work.
?I have to harvest a rejuvenated filet now to send in for additional testing. I will just hook up the protein injection tube first.? Bob said as he pulled the protein injection tube up from the floor between Marie?s legs. The stainless steel tube was topped with a two inch wide metal ball that had a hole in the top to inject the required protein solution. Bob reached into Marie with one finger to gather some juice to coat the knob before he pushed it into Marie?s ass. Once again Marie felt a finger enter her vagina. This time it met considerable resistance. She was a virgin again, if only for a few minutes. Bob coated the knob and pulled upward on the stainless steel pipe. The ball actually lifted Marie into the air before it disappeared into Marie?s ass with an audible ?plop?. The piping that remained outside of her was about an inch in diameter.
Bob tied in the protein injector to the computer that controlled it and the hood using his data pad. He then picked up his filet knife and cut into Marie. This time Bob started at the meat between her ass and filet. The knife slid into her flesh and began an upward cut of pain that exploded into Marie?s mind once again. As the knife reached its apex just above the clit hood, Bob inserted a finger of his free hand into the tight filet. When the knife reached its starting point Bob grabbed and pulled on the filet. With a last deft movement he cut the filet free and started the timer.
As Bob was placing the filet on the scale, Marie felt the pain change suddenly. It seemed to her just as the pain reached an unbearable amount, just before she lost her mind; it changed into pleasure so intense that she rocked again toward insanity. Not quite enough to cause an orgasm, but pleasure similar to that intensity. The energies felt different this time, she could feel a fullness deep in her abdomen as the protein was injected that contrasted to the emptiness where her filet had been removed. Then the pleasure stopped increasing and slowly faded away entirely. Marie was left with her own thoughts. She was unable to move, naked in front of whoever walked into the store, and was to be harvested time and again to feed her friends and family at a party being thrown for her. The thought both terrified and excited her. She shivered in her mind.
Bob stopped the timer and noted that it had taken just over two minutes to re-grow the filet with the protein injection occurring. He entered this information into her data file and sent Marie?s file via email over to john at the grading facility. He would update the data and send Marie her permanent license.
Chapter Five
Bob left Marie to her thoughts as he packaged the filet to send off to the government testing facility. They would test and then store the filet for the five years; the same length of time that her meat license was valid. One month after the license ended the remainder of the sample would be destroyed. Bob tried several times to find someone to run the register, but everyone he was able to reach was either busy or afraid to go out in the snow. Up until noon, other than Ryan, Bob was alone in the store with Marie.
Just before noon, three snow plows pulled into the parking lot. The three drivers climbed out of the truck cabs and walked through the snow into the store.
?Hi Bob!? said the first as he walked in. ?Any chance you can fire up the grill and cook us up a little lunch? You?re the only place open for miles; except of course for old man Johnson?s place. That old codger actually sent a four wheel drive company vehicle with snow chains to pick up his employees.? Old man Johnson had a small sewing factory at the edge of town. He only had ten employees, if you included old man Johnson and his current wife. Everyone that worked there was fiercely loyal. The company picnics were always the talk of the town for weeks before and after they occurred every July fourth.
Bob replied ?You know I had to give up cooking when Joanne left town. She was the only one that could cook, run the register and keep the shelves stocked. The restaurant license is still good for another month, but do you really want to trust my cooking??
?It is so cold out there; I would eat my ex-wife if she was heated up.? laughed one of the men as he plopped down onto a stool set up over by the cash register.
?Okay, you asked for it? said Bob as he walked over to a small section of the grocery store blocked off by a Soda Cooler and a swinging gate. The section had a small grill, sink and a table for preparing lunches. Up until a few months ago, Joanne had cooked steaks and lunch filets during the week for the handful of people that worked in the area that could actually go out for lunch. When Joanne had left for the big city, Bob had tried to do the cooking and the rest all by himself, but it soon became evident it was too much for him. When he went a whole week with no one coming in for lunch, Bob decided to leave off cooking. This was the first time in months he had even gone behind the counter. The grill lit on the first try.
After asking for their orders, Bob headed to the back to pick up three filets. He checked on Marie before heading back up front. She was showing no signs of distress and all her vitals were stable on his data pad. Bob walked back up front with his data pad and four filets. He was getting hungry as well.
When the drivers saw Bob carrying the plastic coated trays they started saying ?Aw come on Bob. Pre-packaged filets? At least one of us should get a fresh cut filet.?
Bob gave them the evil eye as he said? You guys are starting to push your luck. All right, let me go cut a ?fresh? filet. But you need to decide which one of you is the lucky one.?
The snow plow truck drivers all agreed as they followed Bob to the back of the store. ?Hey, where is Vivian? Is this a new meat girl? Damn she has some nice tits. Too bad they don?t look any firmer.?
Marie listened as Bob sighed and explained once again that this was her first day on the job. And that he had only harvested her cunt filets so far. When the men heard this, an argument broke out over who wanted what. They decided instead of cunt filets, they all wanted Breast Bacon sandwiches with clit or nipple toppers. Bob asked if they were sure, because once he cut they could not change their minds.
Bob didn?t want to have Marie rejuving her nipple as fast as he cut it off so he used his data pad to momentarily pause the hood. Marie couldn?t move still, but unknown to her; she would not rejuv her meat until Bob activated the hood again. Marie felt someone grasp her right breast firmly by the nipple. With a quick stroke the nipple was removed from her body. Marie waited for the pain to stop and the pleasure to come, but nothing happened. She felt the knife slice through her breast again and again as Bob sliced thin layers of breast bacon from her body.
After Bob cut the last bit of bacon that he could without exposing the bone, he reactivated the hood. Marie felt only gratitude toward Bob as the pleasure took away all her pain and the energies flowed from her ass to her chest. Bob had only removed Marie?s right breast. It was large enough to make three BLTs without removing the left. Now he only had to get the remainder of the sandwich toppers. Marie fell over the edge into orgasm land when Bob stroked her clit through its hood. Once the clit was fully engorged, Bob picked up a small knife and ran it under the hood, opening the flesh and exposing the entire length of Marie?s clit. A quick flick of the knife later, and Marie?s clit was lying on the pile of breast bacon. After Marie?s clitoral hood reknitted itself together; it sat a little higher and thicker than it had lain originally. The truckers were all staring and making comments about Marie?s rapid breast regrowth. Bob took the opportunity to remove a second clit topper once the small pink nub appeared peaking from under its fatter covering. This time Bob removed the hood and the clit with a single slice. In just a few minutes it was impossible to tell where the pile of fresh meat had originated.
Marie would have screamed aloud if she had been able when Bob removed her clit. The second time did not seem as bad as the first, it was over much quicker. The pleasure she felt as her clit regrew was the most intense so far. The intense pleasure from her clit growing under her hood had been enough, when combined with the pleasure from the hood, to send her into orgasmic bliss.
?All right gentlemen, and I use that term loosely, let?s go cook that lunch you ordered.? Bob said as he herded the plowmen to the front of the store. Bob quickly cooked up the breast bacon and his filet. The clit toppers and nipples were placed on the heated surface only long enough to seer the outside, then they were pierced with a plastic toothpick and put on top of the sandwiches.
The men all ate with gusto as they watched the snow falling through the front window. In between bites the plowmen asked about the new meat girl. Bob was not budging and did not tell them anything new. The three truck drivers paid in cash and then left promising to come back for supper when they were done with their shift.
Bob turned off the grill and turned on the store radio. The weather report called for the snow to stop this afternoon. Bob also learned that the nearby towns of Sharon and Smyrna had lost their power. Marie had actually gotten bored after the men left. If it was possible for her to fidget, she would have been dancing around. She was glad that Bob had turned on the radio, it had been so quiet after the snow plow truck drivers had left. Even though she was naked and on display in public, since there was no public it was boring with a capital ?B?. Marie worried about the fact that she was going to be harvested to feed people at her own party, but other than the pain of the cuts, she had enjoyed having her breast and cunt filet regrow. Marie heard Bob as he walked back to where she was standing.
?This is going to be a long boring day. I will harvest the extra meat tomorrow for your party. Freshness counts from Bob?s meats.? Bob said to Marie as he patted her ass.?You really should consider doing this full time, with your regrowth rate, I would not have to work so many late nights harvesting meat. Plus I would only need one meat girl when you were here, no matter how big of an order I had to fill. Just think about it.?
Bob really meant he would love to hire her on a permanent basis. He decided since the store was empty he would turn on the pleasure portion of the hood. That would make a permanent job here seem more tempting. Bob pulled his data pad out of his apron and set it on the counter as he typed in the codes necessary to activate the hood?s pleasure giving properties. Just as he was hitting enter, he heard the chimes on the front door. The data pad was left forgotten on the counter as Bob rushed to see who had entered the store.
Marie had listened to Bob trying to talk her into a permanent job here, but it was so boring. Ryan would never allow her to do it. And although she was often bored at home, at least she could watch TV. Marie decided to tell Bob that while she appreciated the offer, she just couldn?t do it. That was when the waves of pleasure started cascading through her body. She felt her nipples stiffen and her clit harden. The pleasure came in gentle waves. It was not as intense as the pleasure she felt after being harvested. Marie actually missed the quick change from pain to pleasure.
Bob walked quickly to the front of the store while Marie motionlessly enjoyed her sensations of pleasure. Old Man Johnson?s van was in the parking lot and the man himself was walking back to meet Bob half way.
?Bob,? started Old Man Johnson in his gruff voice ?I heard on the radio you?ve reopened your grill for the snow storm.?
Bob looked surprised as he said ?Oh really, I don?t remember making that announcement. Although I did just cook lunch for the guys running the snow plows.?
Johnson nodded and continued saying ?Yes, well the radio station interviewed one of the men running the snow plows and he mentioned that you had cooked up the ?bestest freshest BLT? he had eaten in a long time. His words, not mine. Anyway, some of my workers were surprised this morning when I showed up to give them a ride. I thought it over and decided since they may not have had time to pack a lunch, it would be a nice gesture to feed them. So, I?d like ten double BLTs to go, a filet sandwich for me and the wife, and make sure to put toppers on each sandwich. I?d also like to give them a little something to take home for their dinner. Why don?t you add ten filets so they can take something home to cook this evening.?
Bob sighed and nodded. He turned on the grill and then headed toward the meat counter. It was the work of a few minutes to run several prepackaged breasts through the meat slicer. When he had obtained enough bacon he was still shy three nipples for the toppers. And he needed two clits for the filet sandwiches. Without even warning Marie, Bob sliced the nipple from her right breast once again. While he waited for the nipple to rejuv, he slid the thin knife under her hood and exposed her clit once again. A quick flick of the knife and the pink clit joined the meat platter. The nipple was almost fully regrown, so bob pinched it and removed the bright pink nipple. It was slightly smaller than the first. Bob then turned back down to her hood, it had regrown together once again. He could see the clit as it slowly grew and peeked from under its covering. Once again he sliced upward through the hood and exposed the fresh clit topper. Bob took a moment to watch her hood grow together and then he removed the last of the nipples he needed.
Old Man Johnson started walking around the store while the scent of bacon filled the air. He wandered over to where Marie was displayed. It would not have surprised Bob to know that Johnson had been staring at Marie?s engorged clit. It would have surprised him to know that old man Johnson was looking at the data pad sitting on the meat counter. Marie?s information was still displayed on the screen. Old Man Johnson chuckled aloud as he realized that he knew the girl under the mask. This information could come in handy at his next picnic.
Bob walked back to the meat counter to get the filets for the employee?s dinners. Marie heard the conversation as Bob once again explained that this was her first day as a meat girl. She also heard Old Man Johnson request fresh steak medallions. Bob sighed as he reached for a knife. This was turning into a busy day. He grabbed Marie?s arm and with several slices, he carved small round steaks from her biceps. This was a new pain for Marie, she had not expected her arm to be the source of such intense agony, and it caught her by surprise.
After Bob plastic wrapped the fresh meat, he put the medallions and the filets in one box and the sandwiches in another. He then helped Johnson take the boxes out to the parking lot. By the time Bob made it back to the meat counter, Marie?s arm had healed. Bob took several paper towels and cleaned the counter under Marie?s filet. Her pussy had started dripping honey onto the floor as soon as Bob had sliced off her nipple. Bob reached for the data pad and entered the codes to stop the continuous pleasure. He was intrigued by the size of Marie?s clit hood. It had regrown together and was nearly twice as large as it should have been. There were no visible scars but there was a gap between the hood and her clit. Suddenly Bob had an idea. If her hood grew larger after being cut and spread apart, maybe he could do the same with other cuts of meat.
Bob sliced open the large hood once again exposing the clit. He made small slices from side to side the entire length of her clit. Even the control of the hood could not prevent small movements as Marie tried to buck in pain. Bob was amazed to see that Marie could move at all. Normally the hood prevented any movement. The clit and hood quickly healed. Bob sliced open the hood again to see that the clit had healed but while it may have been a little fatter, it was not any longer. Bob was once again struck with inspiration. He walked over and grabbed a small pair of tweezers from his health and beauty section. The hood had actually grown large enough now, so that bob no longer had to cut it to be able to see Marie?s clit. Bob made small slices from side to side along the length of Marie?s clit that was visible. Once again the control of the hood could not prevent small movements as Marie tried to buck in pain. This time, before Bob removed the knife from the last cut, he used his free hand to take hold of the end of Marie?s clit with the tweezers. He began to pull downward on the tweezers and removed the knife from her skin. The clit quickly healed. When Bob released his hold on the tweezers, Maries clit had almost doubled in length. Bob repeated this several times, until he had a clit that was several inches long. Bob sliced the hood and the elongated clit from Marie and then went into the back room to call John at home. If anyone had ever heard of something like this it would have been John.
Since Bob was in the back room, he did not hear the bells when Marie?s twin walked into the store. Tanya was Marie?s twin sister and they looked almost exactly alike. Tanya had always been a little jealous of Marie. Tanya walked back to the meat counter and stared at her sister?s displayed body. It was like looking in a mirror. She pressed the small button that raised Marie?s hands high above her head. Tanya could not see it because of the hood, but she knew that they shared the exact same hair cut and color. Tanya looked around before going behind the counter to stand next to her sister. She had never actually stood behind a meat counter and she felt a thrill because of the wildness of the situation. Tanya knelt and looked at the shining pipe that entered her sister?s ass. She then ran her hand along Marie?s belly and breasts as she stood. Throwing all caution to the wind, Tanya removed her clothes, threw them in a pile on a chair and then rubbed up against Marie. Tanya kissed Marie?s red lips as she fondled her sister?s ass cheeks with both hands. Tanya felt an almost electric shock when she took her sister lips into her mouth and bit down. The taste of blood excited her even more and she shook as she bit down again and again on her sister?s lips. Suddenly Tanya realized she could not pull back from her sister. Their lips were actually sealed. Somehow Marie?s hood had caused the twin?s bodies to heal together. Marie was actually reveling in the feelings. Each time that Tanya bit her or pulled trying to get free, the hood would send healing energies into her mouth along with the same erotic pleasures she got from being harvested.
When Bob walked back into the room, he could not believe his eyes. It looked as if Marie had actually regrown an entire new body. He had once heard a rumor of someone trying to split a meat girl into two different girls, but had always assumed it was an urban myth. Now it appeared the myth may have been true. The girls were connected at the lips. The one not in the hood was struggling against the other, trying to pull free. Bob knew if he cut them apart, the one he cut would not regenerate since she was not wearing a hood. Bob reached under the counter for his other meat hood as he listened to the frantic mumblings of the second Marie. She began struggling even more as he lowered the hood onto her head. Once he activated the second hood both women were frozen in place. Bob cuffed the new Marie?s hands together and attached them to the chain that was above their heads. This would prevent the new girl from toppling over when her cut them apart.
Bob took a knife and sliced through the lips of his original Marie close to her teeth. The New Marie teetered back a little providing a gap between the two of them. Bob turned the new Marie around and immediately saw something was wrong. This girl?s filet was an original. He could tell it had been well used in the past. The filet was even larger than the one Marie had when she first came in this morning. Bob sliced the lips from the new girl?s face to remove the excess from where he had freed her from Marie. Bob watched closely as she healed just as quickly as Marie.
?Okay, I don?t know what is going on here, but someone is in a lot of trouble. You have no idea what I can legally do to you since you climbed on this counter of your own free will without a meat license. Didn?t you see the sign?? The sign Bob was referring to was on the back side of the counter. Bob read the sign aloud ?All meat on display is subject to sale. Any meat girl found to be on display without a valid license is considered a final sale.? Bob continued saying ?Legally I am supposed to do a final sale on you.?
Bob removed the hood from Tanya and she started babbling ?She didn?t know, she hadn?t read the sign.?
Bob released the cuffs from the chain but not from Tanya?s hands. He sat her in a chair behind the meat counter while Tanya told him what had happened. Bob explained legally her body now belonged to him. Tanya begged him to not do a final sale on her. She promised she would marry him and make him happy for the rest of his life. She offered to work for free. She asked if there was anything she could do to keep from being a final sale. Bob really wasn?t a bad guy, but he wasn?t about to let an opportunity like this go without taking advantage of it. Since the machinery could not distinguish between the two women, he had a unique opportunity; Tanya would not have been officially registered as a final sale by the hood. Bob decided to have Tanya inspected and graded to use her as a free meat source. He led her back into the meat prep area and locked her into position for the enema machine treatment. Until she was tested, he didn?t plant on using her meat, but he could go ahead and prepare her while the store was empty.
Tanya?s eyes bulged when Bob pushed the large enema nozzle into her ass. She had never had anal sex before and her ass was stretched to its limits by the huge intruder. Tanya pulled back and forth on her chained hands as her belly swelled and shrank. Bob placed the clear shower cap on her while Tanya danced a tune of pain. When the machine beeped that the cycle was complete, Bob pulled Tanya over to the shower stall and started the spray that would remove her body hair. After the shower, Bob roughly dried Tanya with a large towel. Once the majority of Tanya was dry, Bob cuffed the naked woman to a stainless steel wall in the Harvesting room.
When Bob came back into the store, he heard several people talking in the front. Bob was amazed at how many people were milling about the front. Since the snow plows had come into the Bob?s for lunch and then left from here, all plowed roads led to the store. The radio talk interview had not helped either. Apparently everyone was here for a warm lunch. Marie was in for a long day.
Before Bob took orders from anyone, he told them all he was only serving filets or breast bacon sandwiches. Within minutes he had orders from everyone. There was no way he could cut the meat, cook, serve and keep up with the orders all by himself. Bob walked into the locker where Tanya was shivering. ?Clean yourself up and get dressed.?Bob said as he pointed to a small checkered dress hanging on the wall ?Put that on and come out front to help. Unless you weren?t serious about not wanting to be a final sale.?
Tanya jumped up when Bob released her hands and ducked into the small bathroom with the dress. Bob grabbed the remaining prepackaged breasts and quickly sliced them into bacon. He was grabbing the remaining filets from the display case when Tanya walked out of the cutting room. The dress was too short and too small to be considered proper in any way. Tanya was heading toward her pile of clothes when Bob stopped her ?That?s good enough for our customers. No underwear for you. You may as well get used to it. They?re going to be more than seeing that filet as soon as you get graded.? Tanya?s face fell as she realized her ass and filet would be visible whenever she bent over. She slowly walked toward Bob as he said ?I need you to start harvesting nipple and clit toppers. But only pull from the right nipple, I want to leave the left breast for later. Its still an original. Once you get a handful of each bring them up front. Don?t take all day either.?
Tanya just stared at Bob. He looked at her and then huffed at her lost gaze. ?Here take this knife. Always cut with the dull side against meat girl. Make sure you get the whole nipple but don?t cut too much tit with it. Toppers are easy, just watch.? Bob sliced a nipple free placed it on the tray and then after a few quick strokes to enlarge it, he removed the clit and hood. ?If you are in a hurry just do a single slice up through the hood and remove just the clit. Now quit wasting time and get to work.?
Tanya watched as Bob walked up front with his tray loaded with pale quivering raw girl meat. She picked up the knife and told her sister she was sorry as she began the first of many harvests. Tanya?s nipples stiffened as she pulled on Marie?s tit and sliced the first nipple free. While waiting for the nipple to regrow Tanya knelt and slid the smaller knife into the hood just above Marie?s clit. With a quick pull upward the hood parted revealing the small pink bud. Tanya had begun to draw a crowd as people milled about waiting on their food. Several men had an excellent view of Tanya?s filet as she removed the pink bud with a circular motion of the cutting knife. That is, until she stood to place the meat on the plate. Soon another nipple joined the meat on the topper plate. The knife slipped and Tanya cut further into her sister than she had planned when someone grabbed her ass as she cut the hood for a second time. Marie was regrowing meat fast enough that Tanya had little time to rest between cutting the nipple and clit toppers. By the time the plate had enough toppers on it, Maries filet was dripping juices onto the counter.
Tanya picked up the plate of toppers and bravely marched into the large crowd of people in the front of the store. Bob was busy grilling breast bacon and cunt filets. When she placed the plate of toppers on the table where bob was preparing sandwiches, Bob told her she should start collecting money from the patrons as they left. As Bob gave her keys to the register he undid all the top buttons on her shirt. Tanya?s breasts now hung freely under the sides of the shirts. Any movement at all caused her tits to sway in and out of view as she took money from the customers. Every man was sure to make her reach for the money over counter at the cash register; this made her tits dangle into full view. To make matters worse, because of the swaying motion of her breasts against her shirt, her nipples were stiff as pencil erasers.
Several people paid as they were chewing the last bites of her sister. One or two people actually had the toppers still on the toothpicks as they paid. Tanya watched as they placed the morsels into their mouths.
Bob smiled when he saw John from the county inspection center walk into the store. He had just handed out the last breast bacon sandwich and was glad to see an answer to his problem. Bob put his arm around John?s shoulder and walked to a corner of the store to explain his situation. John told Bob he was the luckiest son of a bitch he knew. John agreed to grade Tanya using the butcher hoods in the store. After walking out to his car to get his PDA and portable printer, John led Tanya back to cutting room. Tanya was once again naked, cuffed and hooded. Bob had asked for a temporary grading until he and john could do a permanent inspection tonight. Fifteen minutes later, Tanya was dressed once again in the waitress outfit, but now she had a meat license clipped to the front. Another group of lunch seekers had appeared while Tanya was being graded.
When Bob saw her walking to the front with the license, he waved her over. As she walked toward him, Bob noticed her arms were cuffed behind her back. He also saw that the license attached to the front of her dress had A++ as the rating. Once Tanya was behind the counter, Bob pulled the top of her dress open and tucked the edges behind and below her breasts as he told her ?Ask the customers if they want BLTs or filets.? Bob continued as John handed him an odd looking hood and protein injector. ?Your sister will be supplying all the filets; but you will be supplying the breast bacon. Make sure and ask if they want to thin or thick sliced bacon.?
Tanya?s legs were slick with her secretions by the time she had collected all the orders. Everyone, male or female had played with her breasts as they decided on what to have for lunch. Several people had pulled her onto their laps and fondled her clit topper as they made their decision. Her first orgasm had been applauded by the people at the table of the young girl who had forced her to bend over and allow her to inspect her filet. The inspection had been very thorough and the girl had actually pushed her entire hand into Tanya. Fortunately for Tanya she was very well lubricated from all the pinching and pulling on her nipples and the girl?s hand was very small.
Once Tanya had the orders, she walked behind the counter. She quickly recited a total of 6 thick sliced BLTs and 4 filets. Bob guided her over toward the wall beside the grill. She could feel the heat of the grill as it flickered up towards her breasts. Bob placed the hood on Tanya and she froze into position. He wanted her unable to move on her own for this next part. Bob announced he would be trying something different today. He attached Tanya?s cuffed hands to a chain and then began forcing her to bend forward by pulling upward on the chain hoist.
The grill was split into several sections. The one closest to Tanya was only a foot wide with a several foot gap between it and the next section. The area between the grills was where the sandwiches were prepared. Bob forced the protein injector into Tanya?s pussy to lubricate it and then shoved it quickly into her ass. Bob cut both of Tanyas nipples off and placed them on a topper tray. Bob then quickly pushed downward on Tanya?s back bringing her breasts into contact with the grill. The hissing as the breasts cooked were the only sounds in the store as everyone silently watched the breast meat go from pink to red to a nice cooked brown. After just a few minutes Bob raised Tanya up and sliced several pieces of cooked breast meat from her chest. Thunderous applause broke out as he sliced the remainder of the breast meat off to just above the bone and placed it on the grill to finish cooking.
Tanya had never felt such horrible burning pain in her entire life, but now that she was rejuv?ing the lost meat she was coming almost continuously. She felt the protein filling her ass and her chest grew heavier and heavier. Then the pain was back as she felt her nipples once again cut free. She mentally prepared for the grill and was surprised when she remained upright. Twice more Bob removed her nipples. Then the hood was removed from her eyes and she could see Bob as he prepared sandwiches with meat from her tits.
?Go help John harvest some filets. Give him any assistance he needs.? Bob said as he released Tanya.
John had a gleam in his eye as he followed Tanya back to her sister. Once he was out of earshot of the patrons in the front he stopped her and told her that he knew all about her final sale. He also agreed to keep it secret as long as she was nice to him. Tanya realized she was about to have sex and she nodded eagerly. One of the side effects of rejuving was an increased sex drive.
John held Tanya?s arm as he walked over to Marie and quickly removed several a filet. While he was waiting for the filet to regrow, he pushed Tanya down on her knees. John unzipped his fly and had his prick in Tanya?s mouth as he cut the second filet from Marie. John was able to fill a small platter with filets before filling Tanya?s mouth with his seed.
John directed Tanya to swallow her dinner and take the plate of filets up to the grill. Once Tanya was out of his field of view, John thrust a finger into the freshly grown filet in front of him. He pushed into the tight confines of the wet filet with two fingers and stroked them in and out several times before he felt the contractions of an orgasm.
Tanya walked toward the front of the store with a plate full of her sister?s cunt filet in her hands. As soon as she handed Bob the plate of filets, he had her locked over the grill once again. The remainder of the afternoon became a blur as Tanya was forced to cook her breasts on the grill time and time again. Bob had Tanya stand beside the grill with no hood or restraints until she was needed either to go get more filets from Marie or supply her own breasts for bacon. When a customer asked for a breast bacon sandwich, she would first remove both of her nipples and place them on the counter between the grills. She would lean forward and cook her own breasts on the hot metal. The first time she tried, she was unable to hold herself against the grill long enough for her breasts to cook, so Bob pushed against her back and held her until enough had been cooked. When she straightened back up with the crispy breast bacon still attached, bob cut several slices , dropped them on the grill along with the nipples to crisp them up, before putting the hood on Tanya to allow her rejuv.
Finally it was time for the store to close. John and Bob were left alone with the two sisters in the store. The three exhausted workers walked from the front of the store to the back where Marie still silently stood in her hood. Bob reached up and removed the hood from Marie. Marie immediately began yelling at her sister. Bob raised a hand and said one word ?STOP.? Bob then continued ?I was just going to give you one last chance to touch the last bit of original equipment you have before we harvest your right breast. Tanya, why don?t you suck on both her tits for a little while to get her warmed up.?
Tanya hesitated, but after a firm look from Bob she approached her sister and began to softly lick and nibble on the two nipples. The breast on the left was firm and sat high on her sister?s chest, while its twin sat much lower on the other side. After a few minutes, Bob pulled Tanya away and released Marie?s hands. He set a small timer on the counter with five minutes programmed in. Marie knew what would happen when the bell rang. At first she was very hesitant and shy about touching herself, but she ran her hand over her rejuvenated flesh and was amazed at the feeling of smooth soft skin. Slowly she began touching her last original nipple with one hand, while the other stayed at her filet. Her breathing became more shallow and just as the timer rang out she cried out as her body shook in orgasmic bliss.
Before the echo of her shout had died, Bob had both her hands reattached to the chain above. With one deft movement he removed the entire left breasts once again, and then while looking Marie in the eye, he removed the right. Once both breasts were on a small platter, Bob placed the hood back on Marie and activated it. Bob then took both breasts and vacuum packed them before marking them and placing them in the display case.
Marie was in terrible pain from her left breast removal as she watched Bob cut her right breast free. The incredible sensations from the hood as soon as it was turned on pushed Marie once again over the edge into an awesome orgasm that seemed to last forever. Marie heard Bob order Tanya to begin removing filets and breasts and toppers until he returned with John. She mentally braced for the knife as she listened to Bob and John talking as they walked into the back room.
Tanya stared at the knife in her hand for a moment before she began slicing into her sister. She alternated between removing breasts and cunt filets. Her sister was regrowing them so quickly that by the time Tanya had placed the fresh filet on the tray, a breast was ready to be harvested. As Tanya became more proficient at removing the cunt filet, the breast she was harvesting were actually smaller and not fully rejuved. Tanya began removing clit and nipple toppers just to change things up.
By the time Bob and John had returned, Tanya had piled three large trays full of breasts, and one each of cunt steaks and toppers. Bob said ?Wow, great job. Let?s give your sister a break and get you ready for your permanent grading.? Tanya was led back into the meat cutting area and laid on the butcher block. Her arms and legs were cuffed to the legs of the butcher block with the attached cuffs. Once she was secure, Bob released the mechanism under the table and spread both legs as far as they would go. At this point Tanya could feel air blowing across her ass and pussy.
?Guests choose? said Bob as he pointed toward the open end of Tanya.
John pulled free his cock and in one quick motion was sawing in and out of Tanya. Due to all the sexual tensions of the day, it took just seconds before Tanya was bucking and pulling on her restraints as she experienced orgasm after orgasm. John suddenly pulled free of her grasping pussy and inserted his honey coated cock into the spasming asshole in one quick hard thrust. Tanya?s screams changed in tone as John gave her a different kind of protein injection. Once John had finished depositing his seed in her ass, he walked to Tanya?s face and pointed his prick toward her mouth. Tanya hesitated only a moment before opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue to receive the intruder.
As John was having his dick grudgingly cleaned, Bob began thrusting into the pussy in front of him. Tanya grunted around the cock in her mouth as she was bounced about by the pounding from behind. Bob did not withdraw and instead deposited the last load of cum her pussy would ever have into her womb. Once Bob?s breathing had slowed, and John had removed his cock from Tanya?s mouth, Bob picked up a knife and deftly removed the cum filled filet. Tanya was moaning and groaning as Bob brought the cum coated pussy to her face. He motioned for Tanya to open her mouth and then forced the open end of the cunt filet into her mouth. Bob then gently squeezed the filet to cause his cum to dribble from Tanya?s own pussy into her mouth. Once Bob was satisfied with the results of the tongue bath Tanya gave her removed pussy, he placed a hood on her to allow her to rejuv.
John retrieved his data pad from the counter and took on a serious look as he watched the woman strapped to the butcher block regrow her filet. Once the growth stopped, John took a good hard look to make sure he knew when to stop the timer during her testing. Bob had gotten redressed and walked back out front into the store. Presumably to put away the meat that Tanya had harvested. John tightly pinched together the outer lips of Tanya?s filet and quickly removed it with his knife. He started the stop watch and weighed the filet. Tanya?s filet was regrown within minutes of its removal without the protein. John injected the required amount of protein into Tanya's ass and then removed the second filet. After timing its regrowth, Tanya was given a permanent A++ rating.
John removed Tanya's hood and untied her. Tanya stood and rubbed her groin as John told her ?Go and see if Bob needs any help.?
Note to readers: I am inspired by Pamela's wonderful "Mrs. Canvendish", which can be found on Read it and you'll love it like I do. Please encourage her to continue this un-completed tale, as I have. It is the gentle, non-sexual story of Matt, a young man going it alone in life (a bit naively). He becomes gardener-helper-maid to the elegant, living-alone Mrs. Cavendish, who is fascinated by his long "not neat" hair, and insists on brushing it for him and...
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HumorAs they lie in bed, his arm was around her as they snuggled closely. She told herself God, he’s good. I could do this all night with him. Then she smiled. Once that idea came to her she felt the sensations in her body. Her heart warmed and her loins did too. Something from somewhere told her she was ready to do it all over again with him. She could easily have sex with her brother in law as good as he was. He was a good lover and he had a style she couldn’t get over. No, he is a great lover she...
Straight SexThe Lingerie Sale Tom rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock as he picked up the phone lying next to his bed. 3:15 a.m. Who would be calling at this time of night? "Hello," he said sleepily as he put the phone to his ear. "Good morning, Tom, this is Mara. Sorry to bother you, but I really hope that you can help me out this morning. I just found out that there is a big lingerie sale at Macy's tomorrow and I could use some new bras and panties. Would you mind coming with me to...
A man travels on business to San Francisco and through the inadvertent misuse of a male enhancement cream is transformed into a woman. If you have not read previous chapters this won’t make a lot of sense. As I showered I rolled the tip of my cock around with my finger, and found my pubic hair scratchy on the sensitive tip and wondered if I’d have the nerve to shave my pubic hair. I had never done it but knew that many men did and thought nothing of it. I got out of the shower and toweled...
I am a sales guy in the industrial repair area and travel to manufacturing plants all year long. I had been doing this job for a few years and was doing ok but last year I found the key to success.I was in Jackson, MS trying to get a large company to commit to me selling them all supplies for the next year. I met with the plant supervisor Joe and he was not going to do it because we had too high of a price. I finally got Joe to agree to go to dinner and discuss what options we could make...
I was in the dining room, my 'office'. When we leased the house, it came partially furnished, and the table could eassily seat eight, ten in a pinch. It was perfect for my haphazard filing system, and often you couldn't even see the table. When Cindy was offered a promotion, with a considerable pay raise if she located, I was all for it. Michigan winters were starting to wear on me. She hated my job, for some undefined reason. I think the fact that it was actually a business, with me as...
My name is Darren Price and I am 50 years old. I am the principal of a private boarding school. It is also an all girl school. I love my job and I will never ever want to be doing anything else. It is a pretty prestigious school where I have students from all over the world trying to be a part of this magnificent legacy. We produced students who will be the cream of society and we are proud of it. And being the principal of this school has given me numerous benefits. I have my own mansion in...
I waited, more nervous about this gambit than I would have liked. I'd arrived too early, but I hadn't wanted to miss her. Even though I didn't know who she was. Oh, I had a name, but I knew women in her profession used aliases. Just like their clients did. Like I hoped my boss had. I checked my watch again. Finally only three minutes to five. All throughout the city, civil servants were glancing at their own watches, waiting for those three minutes to pass. Three short ticks and they could...
Andrea was well practiced. She had forgotten how many times she had helped her brother and the curious Englishman, prepare the women for sale. Sometimes there were not so many women, sometimes there were not so many buyers. Always, though, the arrangements were the same. Prepare the women for parade, take them to their sale posts, make them ready for the auction, package for despatch. Alexander helped. Well, he thought he helped. Like in the bar. She snorted at the thought of it. For him,...
The Price of Loyalty A few words at the start: R__, a member of the support group, inspired my story Sweet Confusions with an offhand comment about a leather jacket. She later told me that my first story included a lot of her fantasies and asked that I write a special one for her as a birthday present. This is that story. Chapter 1: The two men looked across the table at each other. One, older and better dressed was composed, the other, younger, in his early...
Her Price Keeps Going Up “I tell you Jimmy, it’s just not fair. Her price keeps going up.” “Sure she has more to offer us, but so what.” “When she was ten we could finger her for nothing.” “When she was eleven she charged us a candy bar to feel her up her pussy and her tiny nubs.” At twelve when she got her titties it cost us a candy bar and a soda.” “Now that she is thirteen, she wants five dollars for a half-hour.” “Yeah she is finally going to let us fuck her…but...
The Price Of Perfection by Marlissa Candy was ready to roll. Damn, I'm hot, she thought. Pretty blue eyes, with thick Madonna-thick eyebrows, winked at her from the mirror. The small bow- shaped mouth all wet and ready for kisses, her scultpted cheekbones framing her face with assertiveness, her small, pointed chin proof of her femninity. Her long dirty blonde hair gave her such a party-girl look all teased up like that, but her perky little Irish button-nose said "good...
Warning, this story is rated G, and the TG element is rather limited. If either of these things offend you, please read no further. The Price of Magic By Morpheus The rain was pouring down hard all over the kingdom of Darst, which wasn't uncommon for that time of the year. However, a young man dressed in blue and gray robes was walking through the rain without seeming to notice it. The thin, oung, minor wizard, Sorven by name, was too lost in thought about his upcoming Trials...
Sometimes there are porn stars that make such an effect on you that you remember the first time you jerked off to them for the rest of your life. Bitches that dig their digital claws so deep into your balls that there is a scar left for life. Bitches that make your cock so hard you spend the rest of your days chasing the dragon. One of these ladies is Little Caprice.Everything I WantLittle Caprice has everything I want in a porn star. I can throw her around the room like a rag doll. I can treat...
Twitter Porn AccountsThe two of them had just “finished” shopping on Black Friday and headed out to the car. Beth Ann, the slightly pudgy younger sister who was Tiffany Rae’s best friend located her SUV. She unlocked the doors and the two of the early 30 year olds climbed into the automobile and promptly buckled their seatbelts. Beth Ann started the SUV and pulled out and got drove on to the main road and located the expressway. Within minutes they were speeding along at somewhere around 70 to 75 mph. Beth Ann was...
The two of them had just “finished” shopping on Black Friday and headed out to the car. Beth Ann, the slightly pudgy younger sister who was Tiffany Rae’s best friend located her SUV. She unlocked the doors and the two of the early 30 year olds climbed into the automobile and promptly buckled their seatbelts. Beth Ann started the SUV and pulled out and got drove on to the main road and located the expressway. Within minutes they were speeding along at somewhere around 70 to 75 mph. Beth Ann was...
My wife, Holly recently had her 1st solo contract presentation. It was at a minority business convention held downtown. I could tell that she was excited and nervous as she barely touched her dinner, but did manage to change outfits a dozen times. She finally settled on a very nice business/evening ensemble. A V-neck blouse, (not too low) and a classy jacket, skirt combo with high heels. A push-up bra, added some cleavage, and a tiny gold ankle bracelet for some spice. She looked hot, but in a...
I had the bright idea this morning to go to a garage sale that was advertising teen girl's clothes in the hopes of finding some nice panties to wear and cum on. I guess it was her mom running the sale, because when I got to the alley garage in the ghetto part of town the woman who came through the door into the garage to meet me she was a young milf but not a teen. She must have gotten started early...I already saw some brightly colored things and some thin cottony fabric folded on the table...
I was driving through town on the way to the parsonage to fuck the preachers wife (see my stories) and as I drove past a garage sale I noticed a couple fishing items I was interested in. I turned and went back. As I walked up the drive way I immediately became more interested in a very young mommy, she was about 19 or 20 had had a baby in her arms. A late 30's to mid 40's blond MILF, obviously her mommy was there also. Both were very fuckable!Anyway, I looked over the fishing stuff as other...
The two of them had just “finished” shopping on Black Friday and headed out to the car. Beth Ann, the slightly pudgy younger sister who was Tiffany Rae’s best friend located her SUV. She unlocked the doors and the two of the early 30 year olds climbed into the automobile and promptly buckled their seatbelts. Beth Ann started the SUV and pulled out and got drove on to the main road and located the expressway. Within minutes they were speeding along at somewhere around 70 to 75 mph. Beth Ann was...
MatureThe two of them had just “finished” shopping on Black Friday and headed out to the car. Beth Ann, the slightly pudgy younger sister who was Tiffany Rae’s best friend located her SUV. She unlocked the doors and the two of the early 30 year olds climbed into the automobile and promptly buckled their seatbelts. Beth Ann started the SUV and pulled out and got drove on to the main road and located the expressway. Within minutes they were speeding along at somewhere around 70 to 75 mph. Beth Ann was...
MatureThis story is mine and if someboy wants to put it up on a different site should ask me first. There are some scenes which are not suited to minors so if you aren?t 18 years old stop reading now. Dear Readers, this is a kind of a sequel to my story Panties for Life. Since quite a while i am in touch with Domme Mistress Stacey Lynne, who has claimed my wife as hers. So far only online but who knows how things will develop in the future. I have written the i on purpose not in...
Just a few weeks ago, my next door neighbor put their house up for sale. I learned this via the typical realtor "for sale" sign in the yard. Although my wife and I did not interact much with this family, given they had only lived there for two years and mainly kept to themselves, I was a little disappointed to see them go. The neighbors have a daughter, Kate that I've enjoyed spying on when she went swimming in, and laid out by, her pool. Kate was 19 years old when the family moved in and did...
Gabriella honked lightly as she spotted her daughter. The tall, scrawny girl with long reddish blonde hair opened the passenger door and threw her backpack into the back seat of Wilbur, the yellow1966 Volkswagen bug. "Hi, mom. I got an A+ on my speech today." She said as she pulled her earphones on and pulled out her cell phone. From there it was all texting and music through the MP3. She had tuned her mother out all the way home from track practice. "How many intervals did you have to run...
Author’s Note: This series is a continuation of my last story series, ‘Ghosts of the Past.’ It is taking place 18 years plus into the future and involves the children of the group of friends surrounding Charles and Diana Richards and Tom and Lynda Seldon… who are just about to learn the ‘Price of Past Miracles…’ ********** ‘Mama… I love him and he loves me!’ Megan Richards exclaimed as she clung to her lifelong friend and soul mate, Brad Seldon. ‘Aunt Dee… I know you probably think we’re...
The Price of Success by Ginny Wolf "You have got to be kidding me!" That is exactly what I said to my oldest friend Isabel Becker. I have known Isabel since we were freshmen in high school. At that time her name, or rather, his name was Dante Moretti. "I certainly am not kidding, Quentin Donne, not about something so serious. Remember, 'The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand and....'" "'... and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have...
My name is Darren Price and I am 50 years old. I am the principal of a private boarding school. It is also an all girl school. I love my job and I will never ever want to be doing anything else. It is a pretty prestigious school where I have students from all over the world trying to be a part of this magnificent legacy. We produced students who will be the cream of society and we are proud of it. And being the principal of this school has given me numerous benefits. I have my own mansion in...
TabooMy name is Darren Price and I am 50 years old. I am just like any other guy of my age I think except for the fact that I am a principal of a private school and I am most privileged as it is an extremely well-known school. Everyone as in everyone dreams to be in my school and being expelled is something unthinkable. Thus, I am privileged since many are willing to do nearly anything to be a part of Saint Catherine Girl School. We even have students from abroad and what a joy to have girls from...
TabooChapter 1 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Joey's Background +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ January 8, 1980 Joey wanted nothing more in this world then to be a rock star, but the odds were against him. He did not know how to play any instrument, nor was his singing ability anything special. It hurt him even more that he did not know anyone within the industry. Still, he wanted to be a rock star. Unfortunately for Joey, he was also lazy and undisciplined. He was just a few...
Part 1: The Kindness of Strangers Nathan had learned that Charity could be a troublesome thing. As a person, she had slept with him for a month before running off with his savings, his TV, and his luxury cherry-red convertible. The Charity of his auto insurance only covered the book price of the car, which turned out to be a fraction of the price he'd gone into debt to buy it for. Without a car and with an empty bank account, he had no way to get to that high-paying job he held across...
My name is Melissa. I am of medium height and slender, but my breasts are enormous, D-cup. This has made me too popular among my schoolmates and at my job, and I know that my close girlfriends envy me, up to the point of increasing their bust sizes as soon as they have saved or they have gotten a rich husband to pay for them. I have discreetly exploited my attractiveness in the sales and marketing world. One day, I applied at a new technology company, and I was hired for my good record in...
Hi, I’m Jennifer, and I appreciate your taking time to read about my life. Up until the time I turned fifteen, it was a pretty ordinary life, from the standpoint of sex, anyway. I dated a lot of boys, had my share of romantic entanglements, and had more than my share of sex. I loved sex, and really couldn’t get enough. It wasn’t out of control or anything — far from it: I was always in control. Always. And I liked being the one in control. I loved it, in fact, right from the time I became...
The feed was in black and white and showed a woman in a kitchen. A gently striped cat sat on one of the kitchen chairs watching her as she picked up a plate from the floor and rinsed it under the tap. She got out a new plate and ripped open a packet of cat food. Swiftly she replenished both dry and wet food, and changed the water. The cat merely observed, waiting until the woman had moved away before hopping down from the chair to feast.The woman looked around. Job done, she had no reason to...
ToysForeword: Dear Readers, I wrote this story nearly 20 years ago. Now, thanks to my new French friend Avaro Le Banni, who searched his archive and forwarded a copy to me, I am pleased to post The Price of Beauty, which is, in its own way, a love story. - Best wishes, Toxis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE PRICE OF BEAUTY by: TOXIS Miranda...
My name is Darren Price and I am 50 years old. I am the principal of a private boarding school. It is also an all girl school. I love my job and I will never ever want to be doing anything else. It is a pretty prestigious school where I have students from all over the world trying to be a part of this magnificent legacy. We produced students who will be the cream of society and we are proud of it. And being the principal of this school has given me numerous benefits. I have my own mansion in...
TabooThe woman strode confidently up the stairs to the upper level of the disused warehouse. Her green cloak trailed behind her, the heavy fabric mostly concealing the attaché case she carried. Beneath her iron self-assurance was a cool wariness; her agents had discovered little about the organization whose representative she was about to meet. She emerged into darkness where a single spotlight lit a metal chair. The invitation was clear and she walked into the circle of light without disguising the...
Well this one is kind of a long one so guys grab you a beer and a bowl of popcorn or ladies, grab you a glass and a bottle of wine and some cheese and I hope you all enjoy! Let me start by reminding everyone that all my stories are true life experiences of my swinging lifestyle and my open marriage! Some of the names have been changed but all the experiences and encounters really happened and conversations are word for word. A note about cock size. Personally my pleasurable comfort size for a...
Prologue He watched her carefully with predatory eyes from behind the cashier's desk, lingering over the flair of her hips. She turned her back toward him, examining the racks of clothes, flicking through the blouses as she searched for her size. His gaze dropped over her narrow waist to her denim clad rear, the pockets of her jeans looked riveted to her behind and the thick seam of denim following the sensual curve between her cheeks. She abandoned the rack and moved away, glancing across at...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Little Sis Pays the Price By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Clint Elliston I had my queen and my concubine perched on my naked thighs, both girls nude, their pussies hot and juicy on my flesh as they squirmed, their arms around my neck, and their breasts thrust right into my face. Both of their nipples were hard and beading with that creamy treat—breast milk. They were the first mothers of my...
Three For The Price Of One I was only fourteen when I attended my first underage drinking party. My sister had been invited to them just as soon as she got her tits, that was four years ago. Ann Marie was now fifteen. I was told not to tell her and then wait a half-hour before following her to the clearing out in the woods where the kids always met. There was drinking, there was music, and there was a big bonfire. I paid the girl five dollars for my plastic cup. That bought me...