SRU Christmas Miracles
- 2 years ago
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Author’s Note: This series is a continuation of my last story series, ‘Ghosts of the Past.’ It is taking place 18 years plus into the future and involves the children of the group of friends surrounding Charles and Diana Richards and Tom and Lynda Seldon… who are just about to learn the ‘Price of Past Miracles…’
‘Mama… I love him and he loves me!’ Megan Richards exclaimed as she clung to her lifelong friend and soul mate, Brad Seldon.
‘Aunt Dee… I know you probably think we’re too young, but we’ve known each other our whole lives. We know everything about each other… I love her and I want to marry her!’ Brad stated emphatically as he pulled the bed sheet up around them. Oh, God…this so embarrassing… my girlfriend’s mother catching us in bed together…
Diana Richards’ heart pounded as she took several deep, calming breaths. Oh, God… this can’t be happening! I opened this door expecting to find her in bed with Jonnie! Why couldn’t I have seen this coming… ‘Megan… Brad… I’m going to shut the door and the two of you will get out of that bed and put your clothes on immediately. I’m going to call your fathers at work and get them home! All of us need to sit down and have a long talk.’
‘It doesn’t matter what any of you have to say, Mama… it’s not going to change our minds! We love each other and we want to be together! Brad is the only one I’ll ever love…’
Diana’s heart constricted at the tears gathering in her daughter’s hazel eyes. ‘Megan, sweetie, just do what I said. If the two of you aren’t dressed and out here in five minutes I’m coming back! This is very serious… do not argue with me!’
She shut her daughter’s bedroom door and headed straight for the phone and dialed her best friend’s number. ‘Lynda… it’s Diana. We have a big problem! I just caught Brad in bed with Megan! Oh, God… What are we going to do?!!’
Lynda gasped and then was silent for several seconds. ‘Oh, God… Diana… this is going to kill them! Have you called Charles and Tom yet?’
‘No. I was going to call them as soon as I called you to get you over here!’
‘I’m on my way, Diana. I’ll be there in about five minutes!’
‘I just don’t understand what the big deal is! It’s not like we’re actually related!’ Brad ranted as he paced back and forth in the living room between his parents, Tom and Lynda Seldon, and their long time best friends, Charles and Diana Richards. Uncle Charles had been his dad’s partner with the FBI for over eighteen years. He and Aunt Dee had been like a second set of parents to him and his three other siblings, but they were not blood relatives.
He and Meggie had grown up together since infancy and had been playmates along with their other siblings and close friends throughout their lives. But he’d always felt a special pull toward her for some reason. For a while, he’d felt closer to her than he was to his own sister. But when they hit puberty and Meg’s body had blossomed to be as shapely as her mother’s… She didn’t seem like a sister to him any more.
When they’d turned fifteen, the dreams he’d been having of her suddenly had him waking up in a sweat with a raging hard-on almost every night. Her deep-set hazel eyes framed with sparse lashes would deepen in desire as she stared at him while he took her virginity… He was determined to be her first… they would be each other’s first. Every time he saw her start to get interested in another boy, he’d swoop in and tell her everything bad he knew about the guy to make her think twice. Though he did feel guilty at times for keeping Jonnie away from her…
He’d finally had to reveal his feelings to her. At the beginning of their senior year in high school, she started dating the quarterback of the football team… another friend of his. And there was nothing bad he could tell her about Lee… he was a good guy. But when he saw Lee making out with Megan in the parking lot at school one afternoon in December and saw the look in her eyes…
New Year’s Eve 1974, Megan Richards had gotten the shock of her life. Brad had gone to a party with his and Meg’s close siblings and childhood friends, Meg’s twin brother Charlie and Brad’s younger sister DiDi, and their close friends Jonnie North, Barbie Estevez and Lily Wilson. Jonnie’s parents, Jon Sr. and Barbara, Barbie’s parents, Rick and Dawn, and Lily’s parents, Larry and Maria, were also good friends of Meg and Brad’s parents. Meg had come to the party with Lee, but she’d ended up going home with Brad.
Megan recalled the moment she found out that Brad loved her as much as she had always loved him…
‘Brad, have you seen Lee? I can’t find him!’
‘I sent him away, Meg.’
‘Why?!! I thought you liked Lee! What is it now? Am I not good enough for HIM?!!’ she asked with tears in her eyes. God Brad… Why do you have to keep treating me like I’m your sister?!! She couldn’t get him to notice her because of Barbie… Meg had seen him kissing her a couple weeks earlier. But why did he have to keep interfering with every guy who did notice her?!! And why wouldn’t he let Jonnie anywhere near her any more? ‘Why do you keep doing this to me?’
He grabbed her shoulders and hauled her against him. ‘This is why…’ he said quietly as he lowered his lips to hers and kissed her. It had started out as a slow, tender kiss but it quickly morphed into a full-blown, deeply spine tingling, toe curling kiss. Their bodies felt like they had fused as soon as their lips parted and their tongues stroked together.
Megan clung to Brad’s strong, athletic body, molding her full breasts against his lower chest. Brad tangled his hands into Megan’s long, wavy, golden brown hair. Then he quickly backed her up against the wall behind her, pressing the full length of his body against hers so that she would be in no doubt of how he felt about her.
Megan gasped when she felt the hard bulge in the front of his jeans pressed against her. Oh, my God… all of a sudden I’m not your sister? When Brad finally broke the kiss, she saw the need in his deep hazel eyes… eyes very similar to her own… But there was also something else… something she hadn’t seen since that dance five years earlier…
‘I’ve been dreaming of you since we were thirteen years old. But I was afraid to let you know. I somehow sensed that you felt the same way and we could’ve gotten in way over our heads when we were too young. So I treated you like you were my sister… looking out for you at school… making sure no boys got out of line with you… making sure you never fell for anyone else…’
He untangled his right hand from her hair to stroke her cheek. ‘I’ve loved you all my life, Meg… we belong together. You’re my soul mate…’
They had agreed that they didn’t want anyone else to know how they felt about each other. They were both afraid that it might make their friends or family members feel uncomfortable for some reason. They’d promised each other that they wouldn’t make love for the first time until they graduated. Both of them were going off to college the next fall. They’d decided that they were going to spend a magical summer together before they had to part. Once they were through college and knew that they belonged together, then they’d tell everyone else…
They had stolen moments over the months since New Year’s to kiss and make out as often as they could when no one else was around. They’d even progressed to some pretty heavy petting, stroking each other to mind-blowing orgasms. They’d just graduated a week ago… Friday, June 6, 1975.
They had skipped the graduation party to go to a secluded beach in Malibu to give their bodies… and their souls… to each other for the first time. It couldn’t have been any more beautiful and perfect… Megan had hardly felt the sting of his first penetration. He’d given her a powerful orgasm with his lips and t
ongue and then entered her for the first time in the midst of her climax.
Brad had practiced while masturbating, learning how to control when he wanted to come. He’d kissed her deeply and stroked her body with his until he brought her to another climax and then he’d let go to join her. It had surpassed all his dreams… They were making love for only the third time when Aunt Dee unexpectedly came home from work early and caught them together…
Megan’s attention was torn away from Brad by her mother’s anxious voice. ‘Just how many times have the two of you been together? And please tell us that you’ve used condoms!’
‘Oh, Mama… this was only our third time together and yes, we’ve used condoms every time. I’m not stupid and I’m not ready to get pregnant! We’re being very careful! We just want to spend as much time together as we can this summer before we leave for college! We’ll be careful… we promise! We love each other… and you can’t keep us apart!’ Megan exclaimed as she threw herself into Brad’s arms.
Tom Seldon sighed wearily and stood up to approach them. He said quietly, ‘Kids… it’s not that simple. It’s not about being careful. We have something to tell you… so please… sit down and let us tell you a story.’
Brad and Megan’s similarly colored eyes stared defiantly into his weary hazel eyes. He put his arms around their shoulders and walked them over to sit them down beside him on one of the couches. Charles and Diana sat down on chairs beside their daughter and Lynda sat beside Brad.
Tom began, ‘Charles and I were assigned as partners in September of 1956. We’ve told you that your Uncle Charles and Aunt Dee were responsible for introducing your mother and me and that we fell in love the second we saw each other. And I’m sure you’ve figured out by now that your mother was pregnant with you before we married.’ Brad rolled his eyes and nodded.
‘As a matter of fact, it was that traumatic event just before Thanksgiving of that year that we’d told you kids about that had all of us a little anxious to have children as soon as possible. And as you know, all five of you oldest kids were born that next year… you and Charlie were the last ones, Meggie. Your Mom and Dad weren’t even sure they’d be able to have children at all, but we all prayed for a miracle that Christmas. As a matter of fact, we did a little more than just pray…
‘It all started while your father and I were working on our first big investigation together. We all realized by the time that investigation was through, how fate or destiny had been twisting our chances and choices to make sure ALL our lives would be forever intertwined…’
Tom began to relate the events of the arms smuggling investigation after reminding the kids of the tragic story they’d told them years ago. ‘Also because of that incident, your Mom and Dad realized they could communicate telepathically, Meggie. And then your Mom discovered that she could actually hear your Dad’s thoughts even when he wasn’t trying to communicate them to her!’
Brad interrupted, looking at Uncle Charles and Aunt Dee. ‘I’ve always believed that you two could communicate without words! I’ve watched you do it over the years. That’s why I believe Meggie and I are soul mates… we can read each other’s thoughts sometimes, too! I’m just glad you were never able to read my thoughts about her, Aunt Dee… I’d have been in big trouble!’
Diana looked at Brad with a sad frown. ‘Bradley, dear, just because you and Meggie can read each other’s thoughts, it doesn’t mean you’re meant to be soul mates! And I’ve never been able to read the thoughts of any of you kids… but I wish I could’ve! Just let your Dad continue with the story…’
Tom smiled sadly at Diana and continued, telling them about how Donald Price and Robert Clark had past connections to them and about running into them at that Christmas party a few weeks later. ‘Your mother was none too pleased to see Donald and your Aunt Dee wasn’t very happy to see Uncle Bob, either. And, at the time, Aunt Lisa was the wife of your mother’s ex-husband, Brad, and she was not happy to see your mother. This was also the night we realized that your Uncle Bob and Aunt Lisa knew each other. But it wasn’t until the end of the investigation that we learned they were more than just acquainted.’ Megan jumped in. ‘This is the story why Uncle Bob and Aunt Lisa always say they’re grateful to you guys for the way things worked out for them! You all started out hating each other and now you’re friends? Man… this is starting to sound like a really twisted story. I can’t even imagine how it’s going to end…’
The adults all glanced at each other. Oh, Meggie… you’re not going to like the ending, sweetie…
Tom continued again. ‘It was during this part of the preliminary investigation that your Dad received some devastating news, Meggie. Your Mom had been so upset, wondering why she hadn’t been able to get pregnant, so your Dad went to the doctor to get checked out. He was told by the doctor that he was virtually sterile… most of his sperm were dead. Your Aunt Lynda and I were the only ones they told about that…’
Tom continued to tell them about the night they learned of that and about the poker party and how Aunt Dawn had recognized the last man they still hadn’t identified. ‘It turned out he was Bradley Williams, your Aunt Dawn’s uncle who was supposedly killed during World War II… and he was my commanding officer when I was a Marine Intelligence officer. We’d all thought he was dead all those years, but instead, he’d disappeared and was then a suspect in our investigation.’
‘Wait a minute!’ Brad exclaimed as he jumped up from the couch. ‘Are you saying that the man you named me after was involved in the arms smuggling ring you were investigating? You named me after a criminal? Why?!!!’
Tom stood up and grasped his shoulders. ‘Sit back down, son. There’s a lot more to the story. We’ve got to tell you about the investigation as it unfolded. To jump ahead would be too confusing. This is only the part where we were just starting to put things together…’
Tom’s mind momentarily wandered from the story of the investigation. It had been a fun night playing cards with all their friends, despite the heartbreaking discoveries… Until Diana and Charles had wiped everyone out by cheating together! But he remembered what a good time Jon told the guys he and Barb had that night in their car on the way home… The night he found out about Jonnie…
Tom dragged his thoughts away from the irrelevant memories and continued the story, explaining how all four of them had ended up in Washington for the Christmas and New Year holidays. ‘It was on the way back to Washington from your Mas and Grandaddy’s house in Colonial Heights that your Aunt Lynda and I realized how devastated your Mom and Dad were at the thought they’d never have children. But they tried to keep their hopes up. They told us that the doctor had said there wasn’t a zero chance that your Dad would have children, just that it would take a miracle. So they said they were going to keep trying and praying for a miracle that night!’
Tom skipped the part where Meg’s Mom and Dad actually fucked in the back seat of the car but Charles and Diana looked at each other. Our kids would be shocked to hear how wild we were…and still are… sometimes…
Tom paused and looked at his son Brad and at Megan. ‘Four fervent prayers were heard that Christmas night. And with good intentions, we tried to aid in making a miracle happen on New Year’s Eve. It turned out to be even more of a miracle than we knew… But we’ll come back to that after we finish the rest of the story.’ He glanced around. ‘I need to take a break and get something to drink. Is that OK?’
The adults all nodded, but Brad and Megan looked anxious to get on with the story…
Tom fixed himself a drink and sat back down on the couch between the kids again, and told them h
ow they had returned from Washington with confirmation of Bradley Williams’ alias identity and authorization to start formal investigation of Green Worldwide Enterprises. But their investigation had been stalled until their Aunt Barbara had foolishly taken a job as Harold Green’s secretary and secretly gotten them a piece of key evidence. Brad and Megan had looked at each other in surprise as they realized almost all of their parents’ friends had been instrumental in helping them in that investigation.
Then Tom told them about how they’d tracked down a former army buddy of his to help try and identify who the ‘source’ for the illegal arms was and watched as the kids faces registered their shock to hear that his old friend had turned out to be the source. Then they were further shocked to learn that his old friend, his former commanding officer Bradley Williams, and Harold Green had all conspired to have he and Charles killed. Brad and Megan were shaking their heads in disbelief when he told them that the man they’d hired to kill them was an old boyfriend of their Aunt Dawn.
Megan interrupted again. ‘Uncle Tom… this is a very weird and interesting story, but I still don’t see how all of this has anything to do with me and Brad being in love and wanting to be together!’
Charles took his daughter’s hand in his. ‘Megan, sweetie, I know this all sounds irrelevant, but it’s not. Our group of friends was meant to meet and share our lives together for a very special reason… We all know what it means to have found our soul mates and we’ve tried to teach you kids how important that is… but we didn’t expect it to happen between any of you kids! And for you and Brad… Sweetie… just bear with us and we’ll explain everything in the end. Go ahead, Tom…’ Charles nodded at his best friend.
Tom frowned as he remembered the pain he’d felt when his old army pal Gary Butler had revealed a shocking part of the story. Gary said he’d only done it for the money, but Bradley Williams had felt betrayed by him because he’d fallen in love with the woman Tom had married on Okinawa, Yakira, and he’d had no idea that it was she who’d helped Williams convince everyone he was dead.
Brad and Megan could see the pain on his face and hear it in his voice as he told them how upset he’d been to learn of his friends’ betrayals, his first wife’s deception and that Williams’ had felt betrayed by him and Yakira and that he’d hurt Yakira terribly to get his revenge. ‘I was so upset to hear all of that. I came home that morning and your mother held me and comforted me. I remember it so clearly because it was the first time she felt you move inside her, Brad. She put my hand on her stomach and I felt you, too. I laid my head on her stomach and told you that we were anxiously awaiting your arrival and that I’d keep talking to you until then.’
Brad rolled his eyes. ‘Oh, for God’s sake, Dad! You’ve always been so damn corny! I can’t believe you started it even before I was born!’
‘Thomas Bradley… what a mean thing to say to your own father! I think it’s very sweet, Uncle Tom. Daddy told me he did the same thing with Charlie and me before we were born!’
Tom and Charles stared at each other and Charles said quietly, ‘That’s because Uncle Tom and I wanted to be fathers so desperately… we loved you kids even before you were born.’ He looked at his daughter’s smiling face and reached his hand out to caress her cheek. Then he looked back at Tom. ‘Go on, partner, finish telling about how this case played out.’
Tom told them about how the bust went down at the port docks and how Donald Price had intended to kill Uncle Bob until Aunt Lisa unexpectedly showed up to warn him. ‘They got into a scuffle, so that’s when we moved in. Your Dad and I got Price to lower his gun, and that’s when your Dad saved my life, Meggie. Bradley Williams pulled a gun on me and Charles shot him. Price raised his gun again to shoot your Dad but your Uncle Bob shot him in the shoulder and stopped him. Williams wasn’t so lucky… your Dad hit him square in the chest.’
Friday, May 13, 1977 was the evening Megan Richards was supposed to be flying home to L.A. from Northwestern University in Illinois. It was also the day Brad had flown home from The Air Force Academy in Colorado… the day Barbie had been convinced that his plane was going to crash from being struck by lightning! But Brad had heeded her warning and avoided the sudden storms that had hit Las Vegas… Megan’s mother had been very relieved when she called home to tell them that she didn’t know when...
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Barbie Estevez was sitting on Megan Richards’ bed, helping her best friend pick out an outfit to wear for Jonnie North’s 18th birthday party that evening. She finally helped her to decide on a full, flowing black skirt in a soft, gauzy material with a satiny lining that fell to just above her knees and a fitted white halter-top that supported her full breasts and gave her a lot of cleavage. Then Barbie suggested that Megan show off her well toned legs by wearing a pair of white, strappy wedge...
Most of Megan Richards’ dreams for the future had been shattered… the only one that remained in tact was her dream to use her talents in Hollywood some day… one way or another. She was every bit as talented as her mother, Diana, and she’d always thought her slightly superior intellect had come from her father… Her Daddy, Charles, was a highly intelligent and rational man, but she’d not inherited her smarts from him… except maybe by osmosis. Her biological father, Thomas Seldon, was also very...
Megan Richards waited and watched for a chance to catch Jonnie North alone at his birthday party in the posh nightclub that the modeling agency had rented for their star client. But she rarely ever saw him without that gorgeous model Kristina Davidson hanging on his arm. But she stayed unobtrusive and observant, thinking the other woman was bound to get sidetracked at some point… Jonnie had asked the agency to be sure to invite all of his friends… including Megan. He wasn’t as angry any more…...
Charles and Diana and Tom and Lynda were relieved an hour later when they heard Jonnie’s Camaro pull up in front of the Richards’ home in Brentwood again. They walked to the window and saw Barbie climbing out of the driver’s seat, Jonnie stumbling out of the passenger seat and both of them helping Megan and Brad out of the backseat. They all turned toward the door as it opened. Jonnie North entered behind Megan and he looked right at her mother. ‘If you guys had told Meggie that she and Brad...
Most of Megan Richards' dreams for the future had been shattered ... the only one that remained in tact was her dream to use her talents in Hollywood some day ... one way or another. She was every bit as talented as her mother, Diana, and she'd always thought her slightly superior intellect had come from her father ... Her Daddy, Charles, was a highly intelligent and rational man, but she'd not inherited her smarts from him ... except maybe by osmosis. Her biological father, Thomas...
Barbie Estevez was sitting on Megan Richards' bed, helping her best friend pick out an outfit to wear for Jonnie North's 18th birthday party that evening. She finally helped her to decide on a full, flowing black skirt in a soft, gauzy material with a satiny lining that fell to just above her knees and a fitted white halter-top that supported her full breasts and gave her a lot of cleavage. Then Barbie suggested that Megan show off her well toned legs by wearing a pair of white, strappy...
Megan Richards waited and watched for a chance to catch Jonnie North alone at his birthday party in the posh nightclub that the modeling agency had rented for their star client. But she rarely ever saw him without that gorgeous model Kristina Davidson hanging on his arm. But she stayed unobtrusive and observant, thinking the other woman was bound to get sidetracked at some point. Jonnie had asked the agency to be sure to invite all of his friends ... including Megan. He wasn't as angry any...
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Barbie Estevez cried out to Brad Seldon as his plane was going down in flames after being struck by lightning… then she screamed and sat up in her bed, gasping for air. She looked around and realized it was the middle of the night and she was still in her bed… not with Brad in his Cessna 172 Skyhawk in the middle of a violent storm. She put her face in her hands as she started to cry. The nightmare had seemed so real… she’d never had such a vivid dream before in her life… She couldn’t get back...
Charles and Diana and Tom and Lynda were relieved an hour later when they heard Jonnie's Camaro pull up in front of the Richards' home in Brentwood. They walked to the window and saw Barbie climbing out of the driver's seat, Jonnie stumbling out of the passenger seat and both of them helping Megan and Brad out of the backseat. They all turned toward the door as it opened. Jonnie North entered behind Megan and he looked right at her mother. "If you guys had told Meggie that she and Brad...
Barbie Estevez cried out to Brad Seldon as his plane was going down in flames after being struck by lightning ... then she screamed and sat up in her bed, gasping for air. She looked around and realized it was the middle of the night and she was still in her bed ... not with Brad in his Cessna 172 Skyhawk in the middle of a violent storm. She put her face in her hands as she started to cry. The nightmare had seemed so real ... she'd never had such a vivid dream before in her life... She...
Friday, May 13, 1977 was the evening Megan Richards was supposed to be flying home to L.A. from Northwestern University in Illinois. It was also the day Brad had flown home from The Air Force Academy in Colorado ... the day Barbie had been convinced that his plane was going to crash from being struck by lightning! But Brad had heeded her warning and avoided the sudden storms that had hit Las Vegas. Megan's mother had been very relieved when she called home to tell them that she didn't know...
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Charles Richards was right… Jonnie North and his daughter Megan were building a fire between them that was so hot it was threatening to singe the clothes from their bodies… until they hosed them down from the inside! They had started out sitting on the couch in the den at Jonnie’s house watching television, trying to find something mundane, but every show seemed to involve couples making out… Jonnie had told Megan when they arrived that he would not take advantage of her… anything that...
Megan Richards threw herself into college life at Northwestern University. She devoted herself solely to her studies, wanting to absorb every aspect of creative and performing arts, speech and communications. Her courses varied widely from creative writing to music to drama to an introduction into directing, editing and movie making… and she excelled at and loved it all. Instead of bringing her attention to those aspects that better suited her talents and her interests, she found herself...
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Price of Power2 - Jack gets his wish Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these were physical, others...
Price of Power 4 Britney's Big change Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these were physical, others...
Price of Power 9-Jack gets his wish II-college and beyond Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these...
The horror story is purely fictitious and is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All characters depicted are over the age of 18. This chapter may be distributed freely as long as you don’t charge for it. Price of Fame, Chapter 6.2 Tied She punched and scratched the hand that squeezed her windpipe. Her thighs flapped in the air. Santiago increased the...
The horror story is purely fictitious and is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All characters depicted are over the age of 18. This chapter may be distributed freely as long as you don’t charge for it. Price of Fame, Chapter 8.0 By Emily Wendling Copyright 2021 Stephanie was so caught up with herself that she forgot about her sister. Riley had a...
This story is a continuation of the stories of Pastor Sarah submitted several months ago. My schedule changed and I did not have time to continue. Many have requested more Pastor Sarah adventures. Thank you are for your input and suggestions. I hope you enjoy this and future submissions. As always your critiques are welcomed to improve the story line. The Double Marriage Pastor Sarah could hardly sleep Tuesday night after receiving four million dollars for the home for abused women and...
Price paused and thought things over. “I think this stud is up for it.” I then said, “I can’t say no to another beautiful women.” Jordy looking at me will a big grin as she walked over to the bed. “We have to get him ready again!” Price said, grabbing the base of my cock and inviting Jordy to take the top. Price smiled and joined her, and the two different hands on my cock turned me on, getting me hard quickly. It was easy getting hard again knowing that I am about to have my first...
When I got there I realized that practically my whole class was there. It wasn’t that warm seeing as it was November, I had came with my friend Tristan and just coming from the golf course. She had a pool with a hot tub so I was lucky to a bathing suit in my car. Everyone was just hanging out, playing beer pong and just hammered. Than it seemed at one moment everyone went for the pool or hot tub. I decided not to go because Price wasn’t going at the time and I wanted to try and get an...
Surprice in the sauna !I am a happely married man and I have with the knowlige of my wife also a male friend with whom I have sexual relations.We meet each other about once every twoo weeks.He is a tall , very gentile lover and very good friend.We tell each other our dreems , the things that make us happy and things that turn us on .On wendsday last week I had my birthday and Alex invitet me to a sauna were he would give me a full body massage .Something I just can not say no to !This sauna I...
It was a long day at work. I was finishing up a shift at the hospital. I made sure to clean my tools and drop my scrubs off at the cleaning department. I was so ready to go home, and see my beautiful wife of 5 years. Although, my boss had other plans… She walks up to me and says, “I know you were just finishing up a case, but it’s urgent that you complete these before you go home. I need you to sign off on a couple of cases, and then drop them off at my desk by the morning okay? I’m sorry, I...
your head hums with a dull roar of pain as you blearily open your eyes... seeing only gray and brown, then closing your eyes against the sudden light... you try to shut out the room you see revealed as the curtain over the window above your bed(it IS a bed isnl't it ?) is pulled back and you wake to the ache of a dull medicated sleep... only to feel your chin gripped in a strong hand and a chiding voice telling you to" open your eyes so the gents could see them... " you feel the weight of...
Pastor Sarah’s Final Chapter When we left off in Chapter 17, Pastor Sarah had been picked up in a limousine by Dennis Sweeney to discuss some last minute arrangements for the picnic to raise funds for the home for abused women and children. Pastor Sarah had conducted a double wedding for the car dealer, who had forced the females in his agencies to satisfy his every sexual need. After changing his ways, his ex-wife was ready to give marriage another try. Her son and Pastor Sarah’s black...
As soon as David left the communal showers,i got undressed,completely naked in one of the cabins, i let the warm water flow down my body with the taste of David's sperm still on my tonsils, the thought of his DNA in my stomach turned me on in a strange way, his babies were inside me, he made me his own property now by making me consume his semen, conquered me from inside..These perverted thoughts and the touch of warm water were arousing me to the point i can no longer hold it and started...
Walter and Martha Wilding drove to Barbara and Jeremy’s new home to pick up Barbara’s parents, George and Hilda. Hilda insisted they come in for some coffee and a pecan loaf she had just taken out of the oven an hour earlier. Walter and Martha knew the house well because they had been good friends with the contractor and his wife. Jeremy had already left, because Pastor Sarah wanted to discuss the photographs she needed of the hotel and resort for the brochure. Jeremy had arrived earlier...
Agnetha and boys were shocked when they saw Pastor Smith standing on the porch, Agnetha tried to grab her clothes to cover her tits and pussy, she was very ashamed and started to tremble with fear, begging to Pastor Smith '' Please do not tell my parents, oh my God, they would kick me out of home if they knew i did such terrible things, they sent me here for learning about faith, Bible and Christ'' with tears in her eyes..Meanwhile, David and Daniel were still in shock with their cocks...
THE PASTRY SALEEvery year, and sometimes even twice a year, the ladies of St.Mark’s Church organized a pastry sale to help finance the upkeep of the church. The parish of St. Mark was an affluent one where many professionals resided and also, since the establishment of a Revlon factory, many single women who worked in the profitable field of beauty products. It was difficult to get the younger women to participate in church affairs but Marjorie Halpern had managed to gather half a dozen...
No matter how many times he had seen it, Pastor Andy Craft was never really prepared for death. As he stood next to Jim Andrew's hospital bed and held his hand, he knew the end was near. Jim's wife, Kelly, was stroking her husband's forehead. His breath was more and more shallow and infrequent. Finally, there was a noise from his throat and then nothing. "He's gone," the nurse said. Kelly said nothing, just continued stroking his brow. The two c***dren moved behind their mother, holding her....
I was attending a Crusader Christian camp last summer led by an American pastor, our Bible study group was truly multinational, with people aged 15-21 coming from all around the globe. It was a strictly Evangelical camp and i knew that i would run into trouble if they found out i was not born a girl.Our pastor Smith had an 18 yo teenage son named David and i found him really attractive, he was a very fit, lean, athletic, blond hair & green-blue eyes complexion boy with nordic looks, he was...
I spotted her as she slipped into the third pew during the opening song. Her dark short hair highlighted sparkling eyes. She moved with the graceful power of an athlete and she joined the singing immediately. I could not take my eyes off of her. Being the pastor of this growing congregation, I always welcomed any newcomer. Yet I felt strangely nervous as I greeted her after worship. She looked me straight in the face and said, ‘Good Morning, Pastor Tim. I truly enjoyed your sermon. I...
The blessing of Pastor John ( by Brat ) Disclaimer: this story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between this story and any actual person, living or dead or with a religion is coincidental. The story contains mature subject matter.If you would be offended bythese, please don't continue! Chapter one With a deep sigh I look out of my bedroom window. It promised to be a beautiful day, but not for me. Within three hours I have to go to the Church together with my family for...
I have a different schedule from my wife. So a have the days to myself, for part of the week. This morning I got up had some coffee, and noticed my 7in cock was very horny. It just kept staying 3/4 hard while I started to get some pastries out for breakfast. I forgot to mention I enjoy lounging around in the mornings completed naked. I also leave the bay window blinds open in the kitchen breakfast nook, just in case some of our sexy neighbors might be home for the day. I like the thought of...
MasturbationCassandra Garrison lay back on the bed. Her legs were spread, her nightgown pulled up to her waist. Her husband, the Reverend Dwight Garrison's unsightly bulging flab pressed into her abdomen, thrusting madly into his wife's vagina. What the Reverend didn't see was his wife's eyes. If he had bothered to look at her in the darkness, he would have seen tears gathering there --- the tears of unfulfillment. As usual, he was out of touch with her needs, her desires. Though he was an esteemed member...
IncestAt the church during Sunday sermon, I always set on one corner of the last bench which was usually not occupied by anyone. This morning was different. Just as the sermon was about to begin a young female frame rushed in and sat down not too far from me on that bench. She was wearing a dress that appeared to have been put on in a hurry. I could tell that her beautiful flowing hair did not need any brushing. As I looked from the corner of my eyes, I could instantly recognize her. Catherine was...
Love StoriesAnna and I met by accident at a local burger restaurant. We were each there with some friends, when she overheard what I was talking about. She was seated at an adjacent table, and leaned back to ask me a question. I thought she was an adorable little thing, and soon we were talking and had exchanged numbers, having agreed to get a coffee sometimes. We met at a local Starbucks a few days later. I got there first, and had grabbed a table in the corner. She arrived moments later. She had short...
Janice White at fifty-six, was the sole owner of a small but lucrative accounting firm. She employed one other CPA, two bookkeepers and a receptionist. On her drive home from the board meeting, she decided that she would call Janet, knowing she had an accounting background, and offer her an accounting position that had opened just that week. Janice knew that they needed financial assistance and she was in a position to help. Being the church treasurer, she knew how much the Pastor was...
I wish to thank all who have offered feedback to make this a better series. A.M. Pastor Sarah and Barbara talked about what life was going to be like now that she wouldn’t have to worry about money to be able to provide for Jason. They had been watching the TV coverage and laughing about how frustrated the reporters were when they couldn’t find out why Jonathan Anderson, Jr. was handcuffed to the bed. Either no one at the hotel knew or would say anything that had happened. He had met a...
[ To the persistence of the pleasures of masturbation! ]As I scrolled through my porn viewing history, I suddenly remembered something I'd heard a long time ago when I was considerably younger. It had to do with masturbation. I grew up in a Baptist church. My parents and I went nearly every Sunday. One Sunday, while I was setting with another group of boys my age in Youth Sunday School, the pastor came in. The Sunday School teacher had apparently known he was going to drop in. The pastor gave...
I Wouldn't be lying if I didn't say I was nervous. We just moved into this community 6 months ago and only got accepted into the local church last month. It was honestly an honor. Pastor Marvin and his family have been known for their work, but are famously secluded. In was only through a work contact and a dinner with a well sitting family in the church that we were asked to attend services. That was 3 months ago. I was interviewed last week, It's my wife Melissa's turn this week. ...
This is the story of my sexy mom getting banged hard by a pastor. Hi this is Sandy and am 22 years old and am from Kerala.My dad is a driver and he is a drunkyard and my mom is a house wife.Am doing 2 year degree and having good marks.Dad is never good with us he is a fraud loots money and drinks fucks sluts and customer who are alone. His hobby is drinking all time but never bothers about us.Mom is much worried about him.We are praying for his well being and he is always boozing a lot.Telling...
Cheating Wife