Price Of Past MiraclesChapter 4 free porn video

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Most of Megan Richards' dreams for the future had been shattered ... the only one that remained in tact was her dream to use her talents in Hollywood some day ... one way or another. She was every bit as talented as her mother, Diana, and she'd always thought her slightly superior intellect had come from her father ... Her Daddy, Charles, was a highly intelligent and rational man, but she'd not inherited her smarts from him ... except maybe by osmosis.

Her biological father, Thomas Seldon, was also very intelligent and a logical thinker as well as a very brave and confidant man, from whom she must have gained her inherent self-confidence. Megan had always wondered why her mother still doubted herself and her talent at times, and she'd learned why when her mother finally revealed her painful checkered past to her.

She'd been especially surprised when her mother told her about the weekend affair she'd had with The Duke, John Wayne, back in 1954 ... although it had explained a lot about why her mother was always dragging her to see his movies! Megan had almost dismissed that story as a fantasy until her Dad confirmed it was real and produced invitations they'd received from him over the years to most of his movie premieres, some of which they'd attended.

Megan remembered meeting The Duke at one of the premieres ... in June of 1969, she and Charlie had also been invited to see True Grit and both of them had loved the movie. She had fully identified with the character of Mattie Ross ... a confident and strongly independent tomboy avenging the murder of her father. Megan had grown up as somewhat of a tomboy and that was the last summer she'd felt like one because the following summer was when her body had blossomed dramatically...

She and Charlie had enthusiastically told Mr. Wayne how much they'd enjoyed the movie and he'd seemed genuinely happy to hear their praise. She'd also mentioned to The Duke how big a fan of his her mother had always been and she recalled the slightly sad smile he'd given her when he replied that he'd always been a big fan of her, too. Megan remembered wondering briefly what he'd meant by that until he changed the subject quickly by remarking to her Daddy that he'd better keep his eye on his little girl because he was sure she was going to turn out to be as beautiful as her mother...

Megan had been accepted and was going to attend Northwestern University because she'd read what an impressive performing arts program they offered. She figured that would be the school to help her discover which of her talents she would find most rewarding to pursue, both personally and financially.

So, instead of spending most of the summer with Brad as she had planned, she was going to the movie studios answering open audition calls. She was also making a little money on the side as a demo and backup recording singer for a couple of music companies who'd called upon her the past couple of years after some of the execs had caught her high school musical performances.

A couple of the recording companies had talked to her parents about the possibility of signing her to a contract. Her parents had left the decision up to her, saying they'd support whatever she wanted to do, but they would not let her make all the decisions regarding her career until she was at least twenty-one. Megan had almost jumped at it until she started looking at the problems some kids her age went through when they suddenly became rich and famous and she understood why her parents had wanted to stay involved. In the end, she'd decided she just wasn't ready for instant celebrity ... She was confident that when she was ready to pursue the stars in her eyes, fame would come...

She and Brad had mostly been avoiding each other for several weeks. Barbie was giving her updates every so often, telling her that Brad was keeping busy getting ready to leave in less than a week to begin practice for the football team at the Air Force Academy in Colorado. The fact that his father was a highly regarded FBI agent and a decorated World War II hero in Marine Intelligence, along with a letter of recommendation from Megan's grandfather, a retired Air Force Colonel with high level security clearances, and Brad's high scores on the ASVAB tests as well as his good academic record had virtually assured his appointment to The Academy. Brad had stars in his eyes as well ... his goal was to train as a jet pilot and eventually work his way into the astronaut program...

Megan swallowed a lump in her throat as she recalled how she and Brad had joked that even though their goals were so different, they were also similar in some ways ... They had worried at times that their career goals would lead them in such opposite directions that they'd never be able to work out how to share their lives together. But they'd both felt so confident that their love was real and when the time was right, things would've all come together. She was beginning to see that it was just another sign that they'd been ignoring in their need to believe that how they felt about each other was real and right...

Megan sighed heavily and pushed the dull ache inside her away as she pulled into a movie studio lot and parked the Chevy Monza that her parents had bought for her and Charlie to drive. She was answering another open audition call for older teenage girls for a bit part in a western movie that they were hoping to begin shooting soon. She'd have to let the studio know that she'd be leaving for college in less than a month, in case there were any delays in the shooting schedule.

As she was heading for the building that the guard at the entrance had directed her to, she heard someone calling her name behind her. She stopped dead in her tracks when she recognized the voice and turned around slowly to see her half-brother running up behind her. "What are you doing here?" she asked nervously.

Brad instantly saw the fear in her eyes and heard it in her voice and he knew it was a mistake to have made the spur-of-the moment decision to follow her when she passed him coming out of their street. But he had to see her at least once more before he left ... it would be months before they saw each other again...

"I'm sorry, Megan ... I just had to see for myself that you really are doing OK. I've been so worried about you. I thought Jonnie would be able to tell me how you're doing but he says he's hardly seen you since that night. And Barbie says all you do when she sees you is ask about me ... So, I just wanted to know that you're going to be OK before I have to leave. I won't be around to look after you any more..."

"Goddamn it, Brad ... I never asked you to look after me in the first place! But now I wish your weird need to look after me like a sister would've told you something and that you'd stayed the hell away from me! I can't handle the thought that you still feel the need to look out for me after what happened between us! Maybe some day I'll be all right with that, but right now ... it's just too strange. So, please ... just stay away from me and let me figure out how to handle this! I promise you ... I will be fine ... you don't need to worry about me!" she stated emphatically.

She paused and took a deep breath when she saw the pain in his eyes. "Oh, Brad ... I know you'll always care about me, just like I will always care about you ... and love each other ... like family ... but we can't let it be any more than that!!! And right now, the deeper feelings are still too close to the surface ... and it may take more than just time and distance to make us let go of them! So I'm going to do whatever I have to do to let go and I want your promise that you'll do the same! OK?!!" she pleaded earnestly.

Brad looked down sadly and nodded. On impulse, she threw herself against him and hugged him and found herself wrapped in his steely embrace. Then she pushed herself out of his arms and backed away from him as she headed toward the corner of the building saying, "Good luck at The Academy, Brad ... and don't you dare dream about me..." she added jokingly and then spun on her heel to run around the corner of the building out of sight before the sob that was threatening burst forth from her.

Megan only got a few feet before she ran into someone and she stepped sideways as she mumbled, "I'm so sorry," keeping her face down so they couldn't see how upset she was and just kept going. She ran into the building where auditions were being held and stopped inside to duck into a ladies room and burst into tears. She let herself cry for a few minutes and then blew her nose and splashed her face with water until she looked presentable and then headed toward the auditions.

John Wayne didn't even have a chance to catch the girl who ran into him just as she came around the corner of the building he'd exited, but he watched her as she rushed inside, noting that it looked like she was about to cry. It reminded him of another time a woman had run away from him about to burst into tears...

He sighed heavily and kept going around the corner of the building to see a young man standing there looking dejected and quickly surmised he was the reason the young woman was upset. The expression on the young man's face quickly changed from sadness and pain to embarrassment and then surprise as he realized who he was.

Brad rubbed his fingers quickly across his eyes to wipe away a few tears and then stuck out his hand and said, "Mr. Wayne, this is a surprise and a real honor to meet you. My father has often talked about what a nice man you are and he even named my youngest brother after you!" he said sincerely as they shook hands.

Wayne released his hand and raised his eyebrows. "Have I met your father, son?"

"Yes, sir ... I'm Bradley Seldon. My father is..."

"Seldon..." Wayne interrupted him. "Your father must be FBI Agent Thomas Seldon. Yes ... I know him ... he's a good man. He and his partner ... Charles Richards. Are they still partners?" he asked the young man when he noted a strange expression on his face.

Brad frowned slightly at The Duke's comment. "Yes, sir ... they're still ... partners," he said quietly. "He and Uncle Charles have been partners and best friends since they met ... there's nothing they wouldn't do for each other," he added sarcastically without even thinking.

Wayne noted his tone of voice and that his strange expression deepened and decided to change the subject. "So, young Bradley, what brought you to the movie studio today? Was it the young lady that ran into me in her haste to get away from you?" he asked teasingly.

Brad's frown turned sad as he nodded his head. "I was just trying to catch up to her and tell her goodbye before I leave for The Academy next week. It's been a little difficult for both of us the last several weeks ... but I just couldn't leave without seeing her one last time..."

Wayne frowned with him. "Ah, yes ... saying goodbye to someone you love is never easy. You say you're leaving for The Academy ... which Academy is that?" Brad told him about his appointment and playing football and his plans to eventually become an astronaut, and The Duke commended him for his lofty aspirations. Then he added, "You know ... if you really love her, things will eventually work out between you and the young lady..." He stopped abruptly when he saw tears filling the young man's sad hazel eyes.

Brad looked away and said hoarsely, "No ... I'll always love Megan ... but things can never work out between us..."

Wayne frowned harder and asked softly, "Did you say Megan?" When Brad nodded, he asked, "Was that Megan Richards you were saying goodbye to?" Brad nodded again. "Why can things never work out between the two of you, son?"

Brad closed his eyes and shook his head. "That I can't explain, sir. It's a much too long and too complicated story." He took a deep breath and swallowed the lump in his throat, opened his eyes and held his hand toward the kind older movie star. "Again, Mr. Wayne, it was a very great honor to meet you, but I must be going. I'll tell Aunt Dee that I ran into you and how kind you were to me and how well you're looking, and I'm sure that'll make her very happy. She's always been a big fan of yours! Goodbye, sir..." he said sincerely as he released their grip, turned around and jogged back to his car in the parking lot.

John Wayne realized as he watched Brad loping away that he'd referred to Diana as "Aunt Dee" and her husband as "Uncle Charles." He wondered if Brad and Megan had grown up thinking of each other as relatives and now they felt confused because their feelings for each other had deepened to something more...

He turned around and headed back into the studio building to find the daughter of the woman he'd never been able to forget. Maybe he could help the young woman realize that she should never give up on true love ... And then maybe, unlike her mother, it wouldn't take her seventeen years to find her true love...

Megan left the audition room with her head down, disappointed to learn that the production schedule on the movie was being delayed indefinitely because they were still in question as to whom the main star was going to be. They had mentioned that The Duke had expressed an interest in the role and the delay was because they were going into negotiations with him. She would like to have gotten a small part in a movie with John Wayne ... she had come to admire the man greatly when her Dad told her of his great respect for The Duke because of his love for her mother.

She stopped abruptly when she ran into a solid torso leaning against the wall just outside the door. "I'm so sorry ... I seem to keep bumping into people today," she said hastily as she looked up into a face she instantly recognized. "Oh, my goodness, Mr. Wayne ... I didn't realize you were there! Again, I'm so sorry!" she said sincerely. Then her eyes widened in surprise at his reply.

"It's perfectly all right, Megan. You are Megan Richards, aren't you?" he asked and she nodded in reply. "I remember meeting you at the premiere for True Grit when you were only about this big," he indicated her short stature when she was just eleven with his hand at her shoulder. "I remember telling your Daddy that he'd better keep his eye on you because you were going to be beautiful when you grew up ... and now I can see I was right!" he said gently as he put his hand on her chin.

He studied her features and could see her beautiful mother's face from her deep-set eyes and sparse lashes, her small nose and her lush lips. And her hair had the same thick, wavy texture but the color was a rich golden brown instead of shining yellow-gold like her mother's. But the color of her eyes seemed strange somehow...

Both her mother and father had sparkling grayish blue eyes, but Megan's were light hazel in color. He wondered how that was, especially when he recalled meeting her twin brother Charlie and seeing that his eyes were also exactly the same color as his parents. She must have inherited her eye color from another relative, like a grandparent or something ... there was any number of explanations.

He smiled softly at her as he released her chin and said, "I can see why that young man was upset when you ran away from him..." He paused when she looked startled. "I was also the person you ran into outside earlier," he added as he chuckled.

Megan was flustered and she didn't want him thinking that she was already having trouble with love at such a young age, so she laughed nervously as she explained, "Oh, no ... that was just my brother coming to tell me goodbye before he left for school, that's all!"

Wayne frowned in confusion and asked, "What?!! Bradley Seldon is your brother?!!"

Megan gasped and backed away from him a couple of steps. "Oh, God ... I ... I was just joking! I didn't realize you knew who Brad was! I hoped you would think he was Charlie!"

"Why would you want me to think that?" he asked softly. "Is it because you and Brad don't want anyone to know you're in love?" He was sure he was right when she burst into tears, burying her face in her hands. He put his arms around her and held her gently as she wept against his chest. When she started to calm down, he pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and gave it to her to wipe her face as he walked her over to a couple of chairs and sat them down.

Then he put his hand under her chin and looked into her sad hazel eyes and said, "I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Brad. If you really love him, things will eventually work out between you..." He stopped again when her eyes filled with tears the same way Brad's did when he said that and it suddenly hit him how similar their eyes were. His gaze narrowed as he stared at her. "You weren't joking when you said Brad was your brother..." She burst out crying again.

Megan knew he'd figured it out so she spilled the whole story to him and watched as his face became etched with sympathy. He didn't even flinch when she confessed that she and Brad had been intimate before they found out and he understood how that had made it even harder for them to let go now. He also told her that he could understand her parents' and Brad's parents' reluctance to tell them when they thought there was no need ... it would probably only have confused them when they were younger.

She felt a little better when The Duke departed after he told her that despite everything, he was certain that the only reason her parents had done that was out of their deep love for each other and their desperate desire to have children. He said he couldn't fault them for that because he loved his children and his greatest joy in life was being a father. Then he'd kissed her forehead and told her that he hoped the right "fella" for her would come along soon...

Megan smiled as she watched John Wayne sauntering away as she'd seen him do so many times in his movies ... and she suddenly understood why her mother had fallen for him. He wasn't one of the most handsome men in the world but he was a very kind, gentle and understanding man. And even at his advanced age, he exuded masculine strength and a certain amount of virility ... the very things about Jonnie North that had always made her so nervous. But she had started to realize the night everything fell apart for her and Brad that Jonnie was also very gentle and understanding...

She sighed, shook her head in confusion and started heading for her car as she remembered that she'd heard Jonnie's thoughts that night. She was lost in her own thoughts as she made her way toward the parking lot.

Why have I always feared the guy who's always wanted and was probably meant to be my soul mate?!! What strange forces have been working against me to keep me away from him?!! The same ones that are making it so damned hard for me to stop thinking about Brad ... he's my half-brother for God's sake!!! Please, God ... take these feelings away!!! Give me some sign as to what I'm supposed to do to make this stop...

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Pastor Sarah Ch 17

This story is a continuation of the stories of Pastor Sarah submitted several months ago. My schedule changed and I did not have time to continue. Many have requested more Pastor Sarah adventures. Thank you are for your input and suggestions. I hope you enjoy this and future submissions. As always your critiques are welcomed to improve the story line. The Double Marriage Pastor Sarah could hardly sleep Tuesday night after receiving four million dollars for the home for abused women and...

3 years ago
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Prices Party Part 2

Price paused and thought things over. “I think this stud is up for it.” I then said, “I can’t say no to another beautiful women.” Jordy looking at me will a big grin as she walked over to the bed. “We have to get him ready again!” Price said, grabbing the base of my cock and inviting Jordy to take the top. Price smiled and joined her, and the two different hands on my cock turned me on, getting me hard quickly. It was easy getting hard again knowing that I am about to have my first...

2 years ago
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Prices Party

When I got there I realized that practically my whole class was there. It wasn’t that warm seeing as it was November, I had came with my friend Tristan and just coming from the golf course. She had a pool with a hot tub so I was lucky to a bathing suit in my car. Everyone was just hanging out, playing beer pong and just hammered. Than it seemed at one moment everyone went for the pool or hot tub. I decided not to go because Price wasn’t going at the time and I wanted to try and get an...

1 year ago
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Surprice in the sauna

Surprice in the sauna !I am a happely married man and I have with the knowlige of my wife also a male friend with whom I have sexual relations.We meet each other about once every twoo weeks.He is a tall , very gentile lover and very good friend.We tell each other our dreems , the things that make us happy and things that turn us on .On wendsday last week I had my birthday and Alex invitet me to a sauna were he would give me a full body massage .Something I just can not say no to !This sauna I...

2 years ago
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It was a long day at work. I was finishing up a shift at the hospital. I made sure to clean my tools and drop my scrubs off at the cleaning department. I was so ready to go home, and see my beautiful wife of 5 years. Although, my boss had other plans… She walks up to me and says, “I know you were just finishing up a case, but it’s urgent that you complete these before you go home. I need you to sign off on a couple of cases, and then drop them off at my desk by the morning okay? I’m sorry, I...

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your head hums with a dull roar of pain as you blearily open your eyes... seeing only gray and brown, then closing your eyes against the sudden light... you try to shut out the room you see revealed as the curtain over the window above your bed(it IS a bed isnl't it ?) is pulled back and you wake to the ache of a dull medicated sleep... only to feel your chin gripped in a strong hand and a chiding voice telling you to" open your eyes so the gents could see them... " you feel the weight of...

2 years ago
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Pastor Sarah Ch 18

Pastor Sarah’s Final Chapter When we left off in Chapter 17, Pastor Sarah had been picked up in a limousine by Dennis Sweeney to discuss some last minute arrangements for the picnic to raise funds for the home for abused women and children. Pastor Sarah had conducted a double wedding for the car dealer, who had forced the females in his agencies to satisfy his every sexual need. After changing his ways, his ex-wife was ready to give marriage another try. Her son and Pastor Sarah’s black...

4 years ago
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My pastors 18 yo son David part 3

As soon as David left the communal showers,i got undressed,completely naked in one of the cabins, i let the warm water flow down my body with the taste of David's sperm still on my tonsils, the thought of his DNA in my stomach turned me on in a strange way, his babies were inside me, he made me his own property now by making me consume his semen, conquered me from inside..These perverted thoughts and the touch of warm water were arousing me to the point i can no longer hold it and started...

4 years ago
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Pastor Sarah Ch 16

Walter and Martha Wilding drove to Barbara and Jeremy’s new home to pick up Barbara’s parents, George and Hilda. Hilda insisted they come in for some coffee and a pecan loaf she had just taken out of the oven an hour earlier. Walter and Martha knew the house well because they had been good friends with the contractor and his wife. Jeremy had already left, because Pastor Sarah wanted to discuss the photographs she needed of the hotel and resort for the brochure. Jeremy had arrived earlier...

3 years ago
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My pastors 18 yo son David part 6

Agnetha and boys were shocked when they saw Pastor Smith standing on the porch, Agnetha tried to grab her clothes to cover her tits and pussy, she was very ashamed and started to tremble with fear, begging to Pastor Smith '' Please do not tell my parents, oh my God, they would kick me out of home if they knew i did such terrible things, they sent me here for learning about faith, Bible and Christ'' with tears in her eyes..Meanwhile, David and Daniel were still in shock with their cocks...

3 years ago
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THE PASTRY SALEEvery year, and sometimes even twice a year, the ladies of St.Mark’s Church organized a pastry sale to help finance the upkeep of the church. The parish of St. Mark was an affluent one where many professionals resided and also, since the establishment of a Revlon factory, many single women who worked in the profitable field of beauty products. It was difficult to get the younger women to participate in church affairs but Marjorie Halpern had managed to gather half a dozen...

2 years ago
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widow and a young pastor cross a line in counselin

No matter how many times he had seen it, Pastor Andy Craft was never really prepared for death. As he stood next to Jim Andrew's hospital bed and held his hand, he knew the end was near. Jim's wife, Kelly, was stroking her husband's forehead. His breath was more and more shallow and infrequent. Finally, there was a noise from his throat and then nothing. "He's gone," the nurse said. Kelly said nothing, just continued stroking his brow. The two c***dren moved behind their mother, holding her....

3 years ago
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My pastors 18 yo son David

I was attending a Crusader Christian camp last summer led by an American pastor, our Bible study group was truly multinational, with people aged 15-21 coming from all around the globe. It was a strictly Evangelical camp and i knew that i would run into trouble if they found out i was not born a girl.Our pastor Smith had an 18 yo teenage son named David and i found him really attractive, he was a very fit, lean, athletic, blond hair & green-blue eyes complexion boy with nordic looks, he was...

1 year ago
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Coaching the Pastor

I spotted her as she slipped into the third pew during the opening song. Her dark short hair highlighted sparkling eyes. She moved with the graceful power of an athlete and she joined the singing immediately. I could not take my eyes off of her. Being the pastor of this growing congregation, I always welcomed any newcomer. Yet I felt strangely nervous as I greeted her after worship. She looked me straight in the face and said, ‘Good Morning, Pastor Tim. I truly enjoyed your sermon. I...

1 year ago
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The blessing of Pastor John

The blessing of Pastor John ( by Brat ) Disclaimer: this story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between this story and any actual person, living or dead or with a religion is coincidental. The story contains mature subject matter.If you would be offended bythese, please don't continue! Chapter one With a deep sigh I look out of my bedroom window. It promised to be a beautiful day, but not for me. Within three hours I have to go to the Church together with my family for...

1 year ago
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Cream pastry

I have a different schedule from my wife. So a have the days to myself, for part of the week. This morning I got up had some coffee, and noticed my 7in cock was very horny. It just kept staying 3/4 hard while I started to get some pastries out for breakfast. I forgot to mention I enjoy lounging around in the mornings completed naked. I also leave the bay window blinds open in the kitchen breakfast nook, just in case some of our sexy neighbors might be home for the day. I like the thought of...

2 years ago
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A Pastors Wife

Cassandra Garrison lay back on the bed. Her legs were spread, her nightgown pulled up to her waist. Her husband, the Reverend Dwight Garrison's unsightly bulging flab pressed into her abdomen, thrusting madly into his wife's vagina. What the Reverend didn't see was his wife's eyes. If he had bothered to look at her in the darkness, he would have seen tears gathering there --- the tears of unfulfillment. As usual, he was out of touch with her needs, her desires. Though he was an esteemed member...

3 years ago
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Pastors Daughter

At the church during Sunday sermon, I always set on one corner of the last bench which was usually not occupied by anyone. This morning was different. Just as the sermon was about to begin a young female frame rushed in and sat down not too far from me on that bench. She was wearing a dress that appeared to have been put on in a hurry. I could tell that her beautiful flowing hair did not need any brushing. As I looked from the corner of my eyes, I could instantly recognize her. Catherine was...

Love Stories
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Pastors daughter not so innocent

Anna and I met by accident at a local burger restaurant. We were each there with some friends, when she overheard what I was talking about. She was seated at an adjacent table, and leaned back to ask me a question. I thought she was an adorable little thing, and soon we were talking and had exchanged numbers, having agreed to get a coffee sometimes. We met at a local Starbucks a few days later. I got there first, and had grabbed a table in the corner. She arrived moments later. She had short...

4 years ago
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A Pastors WifeChapter 5

Janice White at fifty-six, was the sole owner of a small but lucrative accounting firm. She employed one other CPA, two bookkeepers and a receptionist. On her drive home from the board meeting, she decided that she would call Janet, knowing she had an accounting background, and offer her an accounting position that had opened just that week. Janice knew that they needed financial assistance and she was in a position to help. Being the church treasurer, she knew how much the Pastor was...

4 years ago
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Pastor Sarah Ch 15

I wish to thank all who have offered feedback to make this a better series. A.M. Pastor Sarah and Barbara talked about what life was going to be like now that she wouldn’t have to worry about money to be able to provide for Jason. They had been watching the TV coverage and laughing about how frustrated the reporters were when they couldn’t find out why Jonathan Anderson, Jr. was handcuffed to the bed. Either no one at the hotel knew or would say anything that had happened. He had met a...

3 years ago
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The Pastors Warning

[ To the persistence of the pleasures of masturbation! ]As I scrolled through my porn viewing history, I suddenly remembered something I'd heard a long time ago when I was considerably younger. It had to do with masturbation. I grew up in a Baptist church. My parents and I went nearly every Sunday. One Sunday, while I was setting with another group of boys my age in Youth Sunday School, the pastor came in. The Sunday School teacher had apparently known he was going to drop in. The pastor gave...

4 years ago
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The Pastors Property

I Wouldn't be lying if I didn't say I was nervous. We just moved into this community 6 months ago and only got accepted into the local church last month. It was honestly an honor. Pastor Marvin and his family have been known for their work, but are famously secluded. In was only through a work contact and a dinner with a well sitting family in the church that we were asked to attend services. That was 3 months ago. I was interviewed last week, It's my wife Melissa's turn this week. ...

3 months ago
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Mom banged hard by pastor

This is the story of my sexy mom getting banged hard by a pastor. Hi this is Sandy and am 22 years old and am from Kerala.My dad is a driver and he is a drunkyard and my mom is a house wife.Am doing 2 year degree and having good marks.Dad is never good with us he is a fraud loots money and drinks fucks sluts and customer who are alone. His hobby is drinking all time but never bothers about us.Mom is much worried about him.We are praying for his well being and he is always boozing a lot.Telling...

Cheating Wife
4 years ago
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The pastors Family 3

Please remember that I am not the original writer So Saturday night was here. My older Brother Luke wasn't allowed to go out tonight, and I knew that meant he would be back in my room after everyone was asleep. I had finished reading my book and it was close to 11pm. I got off my bed and changed into just boxers and climbed under my covers. I drifted off to sleep. My awoke to the sound of dad beating on the door saying it was time to get ready to go to church. I looked around and I was alone...

2 years ago
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BLAST from the PAST0

The guy she sat down next to and smiled at is me. I live alone in a small house in North Florida, about four blocks from the Atlantic Ocean, and I walk down to this little place on the beach for happy hour on many weekday afternoons. I like the weekdays because there aren’t so many tourists around. Weekends, forget about it, I stay home and drink Cuba Libres on my back porch. The bar is called The Sandcrab, and it’s at the foot of A Street right at the beach. It’s a small place. It has a...

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BLAST from the PAST1

My name is Alex, which is short for Alexandra. I live in a small southern town where everyone pretty much knows one another. It isn't uncommon to become pregnant or marry at a young age, and I was no exception. By the time I was twenty I had two kids and a dead beat to raise. Coming from a broken home myself it was important for me to keep my little family together. I wanted better for my kids; the only problem is he made our lives a living hell. Jeff slept and popped pills all day...

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Die junge Pastorin

Schon nach dem ersten Semester Geografie wusste Jasmin Graumann, dass dies nichts für sie war. Sie wechselte ins Fach Theologie und spürte, dass sie ihre Bestimmung gefunden hatte. Und nun wurde die Neunundzwanzigjährige mit den strahlenden blauen Augen und den dunkelblonden, meist zu einem Pferdeschwanz gebundenen mittellangen Haaren als Pastorin zur Anstellung mit einem Gottesdienst in der Johanneskirche in ihrer neuen Gemeinde aufgenommen. Nachdem sie ihr Vikariat in einer benachbarten...

4 years ago
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The Pasters Thai Wife

Wow where to begin. I occasionally go to a Baptist church in my neighborhood. Well the congregation is primarily asian and other races. Only caucasians are ones like me married to an asian. Well the pastor has a thai wife who is 48 and very very well kept. Always dressed to impress. Well the women were doing a bake sale so one evening I was home alone. Watching some porn on my phone and had the TV on for background noise. The door rang and it was Noime. The pastors wife. Looking her usual...

3 years ago
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A romance Episode 1 Antipasto

"What should I say ?" I wonder. I'm in Copenhagen, about to leave the airport transition zone. Out there, Emma's waiting... I hope. She made me come here. We wanted to see each other. Hardest decision in my life. I thought of De Niro in heat (Michael Mann, 1995).Then I see her. I knew I'd think she is beautiful. Still, it's a shock. Her face is a combination of mature features and teeny mischief. She's put just the right amount of make up, discreet yet sexy. Her hair is put up like THAT time....

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