- 4 years ago
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Introduction: What happens when you fuck over your partner and what happens next. Just a quick note to let everyone know that when I write erotica, I write a story, not just a bunch of words stuck together for someone to jack off to. If you dont want plot and character development, then my story will not be for you. What the fuck!
I stared across the street and actually rubbed my eyes once to see if the image burned into my brain would disappear. It didnt. She stood there beneath a weeping willow on the banks of the river, his arms around her, and, unless I missed my mark, his tongue down her throat. I waited for what seemed an eternity to see if she fought him off, in which case I would relish beating him to a bloody pulp. She didnt, and when they broke the kiss and she rested her head on his chest, fury as I had only known once before boiled my blood until I thought I just might spontaneously combust. My fists clenched, and I instantly wondered what she saw in the bastard. I was just under six feet tall, weighing about one eighty, and I prided myself in staying in prime physical condition. Lots of guys said they had a six-pack, but I actually did, and the last time I went to the gym, I benched two hundred, which had been my current goal. The prick she was kissing looked to be no more than an inch or two taller than her, which would put him at about five seven, five eight at the most, and he was soft. Pudgy, even.
Whats wrong?
My coworker had no idea who I was, really, no one did. Only a chosen few knew about my inclinations, and I could count on one hand with four fingers left over how many had ever been witness to one of my rages. Most who knew what went on behind the closed doors of my home left with only the knowledge that I was a strict but fair Master. Later tonight, she would find out that there was another side of me, a side I rarely let anyone see.
Nothing, I said mechanically as I turned back to him and we walked back to campus. What were you saying?
The rest of the day dragged on. I texted her to tell her that I would be home at six and for her to be ready by the front door. Im sure she thought she knew what I meant by that, but she didnt. Sure, shed be waiting for me where she should, with the proper level of submission. She was very good at that. As a matter of fact, if I hadnt seen it with my own eyes, I never would have thought it possible for her to cross me in any way. The thing that kept the rage alive throughout the day was that if shed wanted out, all she had to do was say so. If shed fallen in love with someone else, she damn well should have had the decency to just tell me, and I would have let her go. Thats the way it went, but the fact that she was kissing another man while still under my roof was in no way acceptable, and she would find that out soon after I stepped foot into my house.
Finally, it was time to go home. I was glad I had taken the train that morning because I wasnt at all sure that I was in a fit condition to drive the thirty miles to my home in Hempstead. As I sat on the train, quiet conversations going on all around me, I seethed silently, my mind conjuring up all sorts of scenarios. Once I reached the station, I only had about a mile to drive to my house. I keyed in the code for the gates and waited impatiently as they swung slowly inward. After I drove through, they closed just as slowly, but once they were shut, it was as if the outside world ceased to exist.
Unlike many gates, mine were solid steel, not bars. The wall in which they were set was almost ten feet tall and made of brick. Security cameras were placed every twenty feet around the perimeter, and they missed nothing. They were calibrated so that when one rotated away from a particular part of my residence, at least one, and often two others were already filming there.
I drove into the garage and parked. Then I took a long, deep breath and schooled my face to hide my rage. I walked through the door to the house and into the foyer. I deposited my briefcase and keys on the table beside the door and turned my attention to her. It was five minutes before six oclock.
She was right where she should have been. Her head was bowed, her eyes were on the ground, her hands were clasped behind her neck, and her feet were tucked underneath her as she knelt naked by the front door. On any other day, I would have praised her for her obedience, but that was the furthest thing from my mind at the moment. I walked to stand in front of her. Like the good girl she was, she moved not a muscle. I stood there for several moments, and then I spoke quietly.
Five minutes.
Yes, Master, she said meekly.
I turned from her and went into my study and fired up the computer. I wanted to see exactly what time she had left and what time she had returned. I cued up the security tapes for the front gate and watched as her car left at a little after eight. I frowned. That was shortly after I had left. I fast forwarded until I saw the car again, and the time stamp showed five thirty. The rage built in me again. It wasnt that she was confined to the house while I was gone, but she was supposed to tell me where she was going and how long shed be. She had done neither and had been gone for over nine hours. I had no doubt where she had been for those nine hours.
I powered down the computer and went to my bedroom to change. Normally, I would wear my jeans, but this time, I wore my leathers. That in and of itself would tell her that something was wrong, and, although it was not my goal at other times, tonight, I wanted her afraid. Ten minutes after walking through the garage door, I entered the dungeon.
Again, she was kneeling by the door in the perfect position, but I walked right past her without a word. I walked to the chest and pulled out the things I would need, and I did it as quietly as possible. Then I turned to look at her. Her head was down, but I saw her attempting to see what was happening without letting me know. That only fueled the fire in my blood. I slowly walked over until I stood in front of her.
Where did you go today? My voice was cold and tight.
Shopping, Master, she said, her voice shaking slightly.
And what did you buy?
Some food, Master. I thought to surprise you with dinner tonight.
I see. Anything else?
No, Master.
Did you forget about something?
Yes, Master. I didnt tell you.
No, you didnt, but thats not what Im talking about.
I dont understand, Master.
Oh, I think you do. I abruptly grabbed her ponytail and pulled her to her feet. She kept her eyes down and bit her lip to keep from crying out. It didnt matter. By the time I was done, shed be doing more than crying. Since when does it take nine and a half hours to go shopping for food? I hissed in her ear, and then I turned and dragged her to the frame in the middle of the room. I only used the frame for punishment, and she knew it. She shuddered as I released her hair and snarled, Do not move, and do not speak unless I ask you a question.
She nodded her head, and I swiftly and efficiently secured her wrists and ankles to the frame. It was, in turn, secured to the floor and ceiling, so I had no fear that my ministrations would cause it to fall over.
Look at me, I said, and her head came up in surprise. I want to see your eyes for this. I slowly circled her, and she squirmed uncomfortably as I once again stood in front of her and held her eyes with mine. Hold still. Now, why are you here?
For punishment, Master.
And why do you deserve to be punished?
Because I didnt tell you I was going shopping, Master, she said quietly, her eyes wide with fear. They were about to get a lot wider.
Partially, I said, but there is a much bigger reason. Can you guess what that might be?
No, Master.
No? I think you are lying to me. You wouldnt lie to me, would you?
No, Master, she whispered.
Which is, in itself, a lie. I think we need a reminder of the rules. Well jump to number six. What is it?
Master, rule number six is: Honesty is everything. Without honesty there is no trust, and without trust there is no safety.
The desire to strike her almost overwhelmed me, but I held it in check for the moment.
Weve already gone over rule number ten about telling me when you leave the house, but there is one rule that you have broken that means more to me than any other. My hand snapped up, and I grabbed her chin, digging my fingers into her jaw. Take a guess where I spent my lunch hour today.
She was unsuccessful in holding back a whimper. I dont know, Master.
Well, let me give you a hint. Theres a river in this place, a large river, and weeping willow trees, and I saw something that I never thought Id see. What do you think that was?
Her eyes did indeed widen further, and she sucked in her breath. I can explain, Master.
Explain what? My voice dropped ominously, and my hand tightened, causing her to cry out softly. Explain why you were kissing another man while living under my roof? Explain why you spent the day with another man while I was taking care of you? What would you like to explain? My voice hadnt risen in volume, and I think that scared her more than anything else.
Hes just a friend, Master, she blurted out. He doesnt mean anything to me.
I shook my head. Another lie. You dont kiss a friend like that. You dont cling to a friend like that. I stepped closer to her. I told you I saw you, and I know what I saw. I let her go and took a step back. What is rule number one?
She was crying now, tears rolling down her face. Master, rule number one is: Faithfulness and fidelity above all else.
Faithfulness and fidelity, I repeated as I circled behind her to the chest. Above all else. I picked up the strap and moved to stand behind her, my leather-clad body pressed to her naked one. Above all else! I yelled in her ear, and she flinched.
Im sorry I disappointed you, Master, she blubbered, and I moved in front of her again.
Disappointed? No, I am not disappointed. I glared at her and let her see the rage within me. I am fucking furious! No one has ever cheated on me before! I have been faithful to you! I have taken care of you and given you every fucking thing you ever asked for! And how do you repay me? You betray me with another fucking man! I took a deep breath and stepped back. And now you will pay the price for your fucking betrayal!
I brought the strap down across her ribs just below her breasts with all my strength. She gasped and cried out wordlessly as a red stripe formed immediately, but I was just getting started. I methodically laid stripes around her ribs and abdomen until she was writhing in her restraints and sobbing.
Blossom, Master! she screamed. Blossom!
Oh, no, I hissed. No safe word. I am not your fucking Master anymore. You are just a goddamned whore who fucked me over.
I dropped the strap and picked up the birch cane. It was one of her least favorite implements, and I didnt usually use it on her because of that, but tonight I didnt care. I was out of control with fury.
No, Sir, please no! Im sorry!
I ignored her pleas and swung the cane, catching her just above her ass, in the small of her back. She screamed, but I paused for a moment to watch the welt rise on her creamy skin. I continued to mark her ass and legs and back until I drew blood, and then, as it dripped onto the concrete floor, I moved around her and struck her breasts, stomach, and thighs over and over and over, relishing in the injuries I was inflicting. Her screams had died down to incoherent groans, and I looked at her. He head was dropped onto her shoulder, and her eyes had rolled back in her head.
Oh, no you dont, I said, going back to the chest for smelling salts. I broke a vial underneath her nose, and her head jerked back violently as she took a deep breath and then screamed again. I picked up the cane again and started where I had left off. The cane left weals and welts from her shoulders to her calves and shins, and blood dripped steadily from several places where the tip of the cane had dug into her. I had to revive her twice more before I finished with it, but in between her faints, her screams were music to my ears.
By the time I dropped the cane, she was hanging limply in the restraints, whimpering softly, and I left the dungeon to get a drink. As I added ice cubes to a lowball and poured the bourbon, I thought about what I was doing. I had beaten her before for her disobedience, but never to this extent. The only other time I had gone to this extreme was when a girl had stolen from me and ran. When I found her in that grimy warehouse, doped up on who knows what, I had strung her up and beaten her viciously, but I had a feeling I might go even further tonight. Theft was one thing, infidelity another. I drained the glass and poured another two fingers before returning to the dungeon.
She was looking at me with terror blanketing her face, and it sent shivers of pleasure through my body. I stalked toward her, sipping the whiskey as I moved. When I was behind her, I finished the drink and stepped close to her, wrapping one arm around her and pressing myself against the welts, causing her to cry out.
Tell me again why you are here, I snarled.
I…I was unfaithful to you, Ma…
I am not your Master! Do not call me that! I grabbed her ponytail and pulled her head back as I dropped my voice. Did you fuck him today? Hmm? Did he fuck you like I do? Did he give you what you needed? No, he must not have because you were here waiting for me to give you more, werent you? Insatiable little bitch, arent you? How many times did you fuck him while I was working to pay for your clothes, this house, your food? I paused, and she said nothing. Tell me! I screamed, yanking her head back further.
Please, Sir, she whimpered, let me go. Ill leave, and youll never hear from me again, I promise.
Tell me how many times, and Ill think about it. My hand tightened in her hair.
Twice, Sir, she whispered, and white-hot fury flowed through me. If she had said they hadnt fucked, I probably would have been done, but the thought of another mans dick in her was more than I could handle.
How long? I hissed.
Four months, Sir. Her voice was barely audible.
Do you realize how fucked up this is? I said, my tone suddenly deathly calm.
Yes, Sir.
Why didnt you just tell me and call this off?
Because he wont do the things you do, Sir, and I need it. But I love him.
Well, I said, releasing her hair, youre going to fucking get what you need from me tonight, and then you can go love him as much as you fucking want.
No, Sir! Please, stop!
I think not. Not only did you fuck another man while pledged to be mine, you used me to feed you and clothe you and house you while you did it. Im not sure which pisses me off more. I stood in front of her with the bullwhip, and held it up in front of her face. Oh, yes I do. It was you fucking him, thats right.
I stepped back and snapped the whip in the air. She mumbled protestations, but I ignored her completely. I had a lot of practice with the whip, and I had gotten to the point where I could place the tip wherever I wanted. This particular whip had a small metal shard attached to the end. I had never used it on her before, and I stared into her eyes for a moment and watched as realization formed in them.
No, please! she screamed as I snapped the tip on her left nipple. Immediately, blood started to ooze from the tiny hole left behind. I repeated the process on her right nipple, forcing another scream from her lips.
Lets see, I said coldly. Two fucks a day, lets say five days a week for what, 16 weeks? Thats one hundred and sixty fucks. Shall I whip you that many times? One wound for each fuck?
No, Sir, please, it wasnt that many!
Oh? How many times, then? Ten, twenty, fifty?
Weve only been sleeping together…
Fucking! Youve only been fucking! Say what you mean!
She gulped. Weve only been fucking for two months, and I only saw him twice a week, Sir.
Fine, I said, doing the math quickly in my head, thats thirty-two fucks, then, give or take a few. Lets just round it to thirty-five, shall we?
No, she moaned, but I barely heard her as I flicked the whip so that another bead of blood formed just on the underside of her left breast.
Thats three, I snarled. I continued, circling her body and counting out the whips, delighting in her screams. Four, five…thirty-two, thirty-three… I paused and watched her as she slowly brought her head up to look at me. Thirty-four, I snarled as I snapped the whip so that it hit directly on her clit. The hoarse scream dragged from her flowed over me, and I shivered in delight. I laid the last strike in the exact same spot, and she passed out completely.
I dropped the whip and left the dungeon. The demon inside of me was finally sated, and I went to her room and pulled out some clothes. Returning to her, I noticed that she was still unconscious, so I released her ankles and slid on underwear, tight jeans, socks, and tennis shoes. I wrapped my arms around her torso and held her as I unfastened her wrists. She flopped onto my shoulder, and I laid her on the floor away from the blood pool beneath the frame and strapped on a bra before adding a tight T-shirt. If it hadnt been for the blood soaking through the shirt, she might have just looked asleep, and the sadist in me grinned evilly at the thought that the blood would dry soon, and shed have to pull at the scabs to get her clothing off.
I left her on the floor and went to my bathroom to clean up. I had blood covering my leathers, and I decided to just trash them. Amazingly little blood was on my skin, and it was an easy process to wash it off. I dressed myself in a white button-down and black jeans and slipped my black loafers on my feet. Then I went back to the dungeon and picked her up, not gently, and carried her to the garage door. I sat her on the floor, leaning against the door, while I grabbed her long overcoat, making sure her keys were still in the pocket. As I put it on her, it dawned on me that it was more to hide the blood stains on her shirt and protect my cars upholstery than for any desire to protect her from the chill of the night. Then I carried her out to my car and put her in the front seat. She slumped against me, and I buckled her in tightly. When I climbed in behind the wheel, I watched her for a moment. I had deliberately avoided marking her face, and now, she just looked like she was sleeping, her chest rising and falling rhythmically.
I drove to her apartment, which, incidentally, I was paying for while she was with me, and when we arrived, I broke another vial of smelling salts under her nose, the sharp stench quickly filling the car. She jolted awake and immediately groaned as she looked around her.
Where are we, Sir?
Your home, I said, my frigid tone betraying the fact that I was still fucking pissed.
Her eyes went wide. But, I thought…
I glared at her. You thought what? That after I beat you, Id fucking forgive you? What you did was past forgiveness.
Then why did you beat me, Sir? Why didnt you just kick me out?
I laughed then, and she cringed at the sound. Why do you think? I beat you because I was fucking furious and because I liked it and because you needed to understand that I am not someone you can fuck over and get away with it! Now get the fuck out of my car!
She stared at me wide-eyed and then started crying as she opened the door. Just before she got out, she looked over her shoulder, wincing as the movement caused her clothing to rub against her wounds.
Ill miss you, Andrew, she whispered.
It was the first time she had ever used my name, but it didnt matter. Im sure you will, Terri, but I wont miss you. Maybe you can get your little fuck toy to give you what you need, but I doubt it. Now get the fuck out. I never want to see you again.
She sobbed once and left, shutting the door quietly behind her. I drove away without another look back. I knew she wouldnt tell anyone what had happened to her. I had too much on her for that.
I drove aimlessly around Queens for about twenty minutes, trying to calm the restlessness in me, but it wasnt doing any good, and I finally pulled into a dark driveway in a residential area near the East River and took a deep breath. Normally when I came here, I was looking for a new partner, but this time, I just wanted to fuck someone for a long time. I walked to the door and knocked twice. When it opened, a very large, very muscular man stood in the doorway, his bulging arms crossed over his massive chest. I barely came to his chin. Most people would have run at that point, but when I raised my eyes to his, a grin crossed his face.
Master Andrew! Long time, no see! Come on in!
Thank you, Thomas, I said stepping through the door. Is she in the basement?
Yes, sir. You remember the way?
Yes, I said tightly, shucking off my trench coat and handing it to him.
Sir, is something wrong? Thomas asked as he hung it up. You seem a little upset.
I laughed shortly. I am way past upset, Thomas. I have just had the worst fucking day of my life.
Im sorry to hear that, sir. Ill let you go, then.
I nodded and headed to the basement stairs. I punched in the code to unlock the door and started down them, once again marveling at the amount of time it must have taken for Ella to transform a modest family basement into a soundproof sex chamber. I punched in a second code at the bottom of the stairs, and when the door swung open, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, inhaling the scents that bombarded me: leather, sweat, cum, fear, lust. I stepped inside and shut the door behind me.
Andrew, darling! What a nice surprise! Ella, dressed in her own leathers, crop in hand, hurried to me and tried to kiss my cheeks, but I grabbed her and crushed my mouth to hers, forcing her lips open with my tongue. I fisted my hand in her hair and plundered her mouth. When I broke the kiss, she stepped back, eyes wide.
Good to see you, too, love, she breathed, holding onto my arms. What the hell was that for?
I stared at her for a moment and then looked around the room. Three naked girls were in various positions of bondage, but I didnt want them. I brought my eyes back to Ella.
I need to fuck you, Ella. Now.
Me, darling? she laughed. No, no. She disengaged herself from my grasp and stepped back. Maybe one of my girls. Theyre all new, but theyre learning. She tried to take another step, but I grabbed her arm and pulled her to me.
You, Ella, I said firmly. Ill hurt one of them considering the mood Im in right now, and I know you dont want me to do that, right?
Right, she breathed, but first we talk. What happened with Terri?
I growled deep in my chest, and her breath caught. She was fucking another man.
Ella gasped. Shit! While still with you? I nodded. What did you do to her?
I laughed. I beat the living shit out of her. What do you think? Then I dumped her on her doorstep and told her I never wanted to see her again.
Andrew, Ella said, her eyes wary, youve gotten that out of your system, right? I dont want to be bruised or bloody tonight.
A chuckle escaped me. You like the pain I give you, Ella, and you know it. I reached my hand around and grasped her ass, squeezing tightly. I lowered my mouth to her ear. I wont hurt you much, I said softly as I pulled her into my rock-hard cock. Just enough to make you cum.
She inhaled deeply and nodded. Then she grinned as she cupped my balls through the denim of my jeans. You dont mind if they watch, do you? She gestured with her head toward the three bound girls.
Not at all, I said as I lifted her. She wrapped her legs around my waist as I kissed her again, this time more softly. She moaned into my mouth, and I deposited her on the black fuck bench. I stripped her leather pants from her, leaving only the mesh top and harness, and after I strapped her on, I dragged it to where all three girls could see me.
Im not interested in beating you tonight, Ella, just fucking you.
Whatever you want, Andrew, she said with a smile. Im all yours.
I stood by her head, slowly unbuttoned my shirt, and dropped it on the floor. Then I kicked off my loafers and removed the rest of my clothing. Whatever I want, right, Ella?
Oh, yeah, baby, Ella said. Come to Mama.
I happily obliged. Stepping close, I grabbed her head and slowly slid my cock between her lips. A groan came from me as inch after inch after inch disappeared into her hot, welcoming mouth until the full seven inches were down her throat. No teeth, I growled as I slowly began to fuck her mouth, or I will hurt you.
She nodded feebly, and I fisted my hands in her hair and deepthroated her, barely pulling back long enough for her to take a quick breath in between thrusts. She was an expert at this, though, and as soon as I felt my balls tighten, I slammed into her throat and held her still while I pumped my load into her, the feeling of her swallowing extending the experience.
Fuck! I gasped as I pulled out. She just licked her lips and grinned.
Not bad, huh, baby?
Shut the fuck up, I said, slapping her ass hard, but I smiled back. I slowly circled the bench until I was between her bound legs. I stepped close and let my semi-hard cock rest on her ass.
Oh, baby, fuck my ass, she moaned.
I slapped her again, harder this time, and she cried out. I said shut the fuck up, Ella, I growled. One might think you wanted to be beaten.
She shook her head vigorously, and I smiled. I slid my hand off the red mark I had made on her ass and felt her slick cunt. She wasnt a gusher or a squirter, which is what I liked. I was all for a little natural lube, but I didnt want to be covered in the shit. She groaned as I slid my first two fingers in and out of her silky snatch, but I knew she could, and would, take more. I was not a small man, and neither were my hands, and when I added two more fingers, she gasped.
How long since youve been fisted, Ella? Too long, Id say, if that affected you.
Fuck you, Andrew! One of the girls fisted me yesterday, but you know how big your fucking hand is compared to hers?
Fuck me? I added my thumb so that all that was keeping me out fully were my knuckles. I leaned over her back until my mouth was by her ear as I slowly pushed my hand forward. I spoke softly. Oh, yes, darling, you will fuck me. Or rather, I will fuck you, and you will be sore tomorrow. I hope your girls are comfortable because they wont be going anywhere for a long, long time.
Ella groaned louder as I worked my knuckles into her. From there it was easy, and I slid my fist in up to my wrist.
Fuck me! Ella screamed.
Your wish is my command, sweetheart, I laughed, and I began fist-fucking her, slowly at first and then speeding up.
Oh, God!
Not my name, Ella, but you know that. I slapped her ass and uncurled my fingers inside of her.
Fuck, Andrew, what are you doing?
Youre not the only one who gets to cum from this, I said, sliding my dick in next to my hand, causing Ella to scream in pain as I stretched her out. Once it was in, I grasped it and jacked off while pounding into her. It was awkward, but fuck did it feel good. I could hear her breathing quicken, and her fists clenched in their restraints. She tried to buck her hips, but I slapped them down, and she complied. If you fucking cum before I do, Ill beat your ass raw before I fuck it, I snarled, hoping that she would and give me an excuse.
She tried not to, I know she did, but I felt her shudder, and she grunted and tensed mere seconds before I climaxed silently but violently, releasing a meager amount of cum into her. I pulled both my hand and my cock out and rested my head on her back for a moment, catching my breath. When I stood, I saw that her head was turned sideways on the rest, her eyes were closed, and she was trying to regulate her own breathing.
Shit, that was good, I said, and she opened her eyes and smiled.
Got it all out of your system? she asked, hope shining in her eyes.
Oh, baby, you forgot something.
I didnt say anything as I walked to the wall that held her equipment. I ran my fingers over the thinnest cane and looked over my shoulder at her, my eyebrows raised.
No, Andrew, please, she said softly.
My fingers left the cane and dropped to the whips. I looked at her again. She shook her head desperately.
What did I say? I said, moving my fingers to the belts.
She sighed resignedly. I couldnt cum before you.
Or youd beat my ass raw before you fucked it.
I selected an inch-wide, black belt from the wall and turned to face her. She nodded reluctantly. And did you? Cum before me, that is?
Yes, she said quickly, but just barely. She tried grinning at me, but it didnt reach her eyes. And you enjoyed It, I know you did.
Oh, I enjoyed it immensely, I said, stalking back to her and running the leather down her spine. She shivered and squirmed, and I lightly snapped it on her shoulder blades. Hold still, Ella. You know better than that.
Yes, Sir, she mumbled. I was shocked. She never called me Sir or Master, and I never told her to. She was my equal, and she knew it, even when I had her strapped down. Thats why I let her choose her method of punishment. She must really not want this if she was playing that game with me. I moved in front of her and squatted down, taking her chin in my fingers.
Talk to me, Ella. Rule number six.
She sighed. I just know how you are when you are angry, Andrew, and I dont want to get hurt.
Oh, sweetheart, I said, kissing her lightly. Im not angry at you. I already hurt the bitch that pissed me off. You have nothing to fear from me. I held up the belt. Yes or no?
She smiled, and this time it did reach her eyes. As long as youre in control, yes. She laughed when I grinned delightedly and bounded to my feet. I ran the leather along her spine again, and this time, she shuddered, not in fear, but in pleasure, based on the moan that accompanied it.
You did please me, I said softly as I reached her ass and flicked the belt over her perfect cheeks, so Ill amend my warning. Not raw, just red.
The belt came down harder, and I sucked in a breath through my teeth as a red stripe formed immediately. I struck again, backhanded, and another stripe crossed the first. Again and again, the sound of leather meeting flesh filled the room, and by the time her ass was the perfect shade of red, Ella was moaning and trying to rub her clit on the table, but I had her strapped so that there was no chance of that.
Oh, fuck, Andrew, make me cum, please!
Without a word, I grabbed her hips and slammed into her pussy, and she cried out. It was still stretched from the fisting and fucking, but I just wanted the lube. After three strokes, I pulled out and placed my hands on her ass, feeling the heat. I squeezed hard, and instead of red, the skin around my fingers turned white. I spread her cheeks, and she grunted in pain. My dick was ready for the third and last fuck of the night. I had trained myself over many years to go three times and three times only, once in each hole. I grabbed it and placed it on her puckered asshole. Slowly, I pushed until the head popped in, and then I stilled.
Goddammit, Andrew! Ella yelled, and I spanked her red ass hard, eliciting another cry of pain.
Watch your fucking language, Ella, I said, and then I slid into her ass. Shit, she was tight. I gasped and asked, How long since anyones been here, baby?
How long you been with Terri? she responded with a gasp of her own.
Fuck me, I groaned. That was almost a year ago. I was the last? For some unknown reason, that really turned me on, and I proceeded to fuck her ass slowly and deliberately. It didnt take long before I felt my climax building, and I reached around Ella and thumbed her clit. Almost immediately, she tensed and groaned loudly, her entire body spasming. The clenching of her sphincter around me was enough. I pounded her ass and then bottomed out as my climax hit me like a fucking freight train.
Holy shit, Ella! I cried out, grabbing her hips and making shallow thrusts into her as I trembled with the force flowing through me. When I could breathe again, I slid out of her and collapsed onto her back. Fuck me, baby, that was intense, I mumbled, kissing her smooth, sweaty skin.
She just nodded her head, and I forced my shaking fingers to release her restraints. She barely flexed her hips upward, and I carefully stood on wobbly legs. She slid off of the fuck bench and practically fell into my arms. I held her close and kissed her deeply, savoring the taste of her. When I released her, I smiled and said, Thank you, baby, I really needed that.
My pleasure entirely, she said with a return smile. Im always here for you, Andrew. You know that.
I do, I said, kissing her forehead. I glanced around the room as I got dressed. Two of the bound girls had their eyes closed and were crying softly, but one was surreptitiously staring at me with undisguised lust in her eyes. Zipping up my fly, I stood in front of her. She was shackled to a St. Andrews Cross, and her eyes dropped as I reached her. I studied her closely. She was pretty without being gorgeous. Her dark hair fell around her face, and I took her chin in my fingers and raised her face to mine. Her eyes stayed down, though.
Good girl, I said softly. What is your name?
Tanya, Sir, she whispered hoarsely.
And how long have been here at Mistress Ellas, Tanya?
Almost two months, Sir.
And did you like what you just saw, Tanya?
I… she faltered.
Ella, dear, I said, not moving.
Yes, Andrew?
What is rule number six?
Honesty is everything. Without honesty there is no trust, and without trust there is no safety.
Good girl, I said softly. Now, Tanya, answer my question. And look at me when you do. Her eyes came up slowly to mine. I can always tell when someone is lying by the look in their eyes.
I liked it, Sir.
I see. And what were you thinking as you watched?
I was wishing that it was me strapped to the bench, Sir.
Are you a masochist, Tanya?
Yes, Sir, she breathed.
You enjoy pain?
Yes, Sir.
Good, because Im a sadist, and I enjoy inflicting pain. Physical pain, mind you, none of that emotional shit. If you want to be humiliated, youll have to find someone else.
I dropped her chin, and she dropped her eyes. I stepped close to her and ran one finger down between her breasts, over her navel, and down to her cunt. She was wet but not dripping, and that boded well. I slid the finger into her and noticed how tight she was.
Do you want me to hurt you, Tanya?
Oh, yes, Sir, please.
Begging annoyed me, and it made me want to whip her until she cried, but she wasnt mine. Yet. At the moment, she was Ellas. I took my finger from her, and she moaned in disappointment. That pissed me off even more. I spun quickly and walked to Ella, who had also redressed.
How long?
For you? Two weeks.
One. Just long enough to get the rules down.
Andrew, darling, I cant get her ready for you in a week.
I dont want her ready, Ella. I want to train her myself. Is she what I want?
Oh, most definitely. Especially if you want to do the training yourself. Ill have her at your place in a week, contract signed.
Thank you, love, I said, kissing her briefly. You never fail me.
Truer words were never spoken, she laughed, and I went upstairs.
Thomas held my coat as I slipped my arms into the sleeves.
Feeling better, sir, he said with a chuckle.
Oh, Thomas, I said, turning around and shaking his hand. You have no idea. And with a grin, I walked out to my car.
If you like this story, please consider buying my novel Crossing the Border from Amazon. It is a true erotic romance, not an S&M story. Thanks. –Genevieve Lynne
A scene so familiar, a drama ubiquitous - who has not seen, from Shakespeare to soap opera, the tragedy of someone discovering his or her mate *in flagrante delicto*? But when there is no falling curtain nor rolling of closing credits to remind one that it's all just fiction and fantasy, the cold wave of shock and the wrenching in the gut seem entirely unique and unprecedented. The evidence of betrayal, in whatever form, reaches within to the very foundations of one's self- respect, sundering...
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Another contest entry, as you can tell the theme was betrayal Betrayal, a word you never think of ‘til it happens to you. The dictionary defines it as the action of betraying one’s country, a group, or a person; treachery. Treachery, yeah that’s more of what I feel it is. As I said, no one really thinks of it ‘til it happens to you. Ok, to get everyone up to date, I am John Trumbel, six-foot, athletic build, chiseled chin. Sounds good to me right? If you ask my supposed loyal wife nothing...
They say love is blind. I can testify that at least for me it was. What nobody ever said was that the betrayal by the only thing you cherish in the world will cause more pain than any whip and cut deeper than the sharpest blade. That's where my story begins. Kat (Kathy) was my wife. We're not divorced yet, but she is no longer my wife. She knew the difference between right and wrong and she decided to do wrong again and again. I don't give a rat's ass why. For the past several weeks she...
Introduction: A son learns the truth about his mother and late fathers kinky activities over the years Definition of Netorare: A Japanese term that describes a situation where a loved one is taken away or betrays the main character. Similar to cuckolding, but is a much broader term. It involves situations between the betrayal of husband and wife, mother and son, brother and sister, friends and so on. It is very popular in the hentai/doujin market. It is designed to play with the readers...
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Her hands were trembling as she prepared for his arrival. She had never kept anything from Him. And now contemplating her fate she wasn’t sure what to do. She knew his temper; she knew he would never tolerate another touching her flesh, not since she had given herself to Him. She never intend things to go this far, it was simply a diversion during his long absences. The computer seemed like such a safe place to explore her fantasies when He was away from her. Damn his job that could take him...
Erotic FictionBetrayal, a word you never think of ’til it happens to you. The dictionary defines it as the action of betraying one’s country, a group, or a person; treachery. Treachery, yeah that’s more of what I feel it is. As I said, no one really thinks of it ’til it happens to you. Ok, to get everyone up to date, I am John Trumbel, six-foot, athletic build, chiseled chin. Sounds good to me right? If you ask my supposed loyal wife nothing could be further from the truth. In her...
Amy’s Betrayed It had been a hectic day and everything that could go wrong for Amy did, just when things couldn’t feel any worse the phone rang and startled her out of her deep thoughts of Brad, the man she always felt was the one until she came home early and found him in bed with her best friend. She suddenly felt sick in the pit of her stomach as her thoughts went back to that dreaded day and quickly forgot the phone ringing. She remembered that day like it was yesterday, it was...
Amy’s Betrayed It had been a hectic day and everything that could go wrong for Amy did, just when things couldn’t feel any worse the phone rang and startled her out of her deep thoughts of Brad, the man she always felt was the one until she came home early and found him in bed with her best friend. She suddenly felt sick in the pit of her stomach as her thoughts went back to that dreaded day and quickly forgot the phone ringing. She remembered that day like it was yesterday, it was...
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When Calyndi awoke the next morning, she was once again lying in the middle of the graveyard, the sun pounding at her eyes and her body weak from loss of blood, her sex still quivering from the many climaxes that she'd felt. But this time there was no flutter in her chest at the thought. Devin had been cruel, forcing her at first to pleasure him with her mouth while offering her nothing in return. Then, as if to further prove his power over her, he had taken her from behind, commanding her...
It had been a hectic day and everything that could go wrong for Amy did, just when things couldn’t feel any worse the phone rang and startled her out of her deep thoughts of Brad, the man she always felt was the one until she came home early and found him in bed with her best friend. She suddenly felt sick in the pit of her stomach as her thoughts went back to that dreaded day and quickly forgot the phone ringing. She remembered that day like it was yesterday, it was their two...
It had been a hectic day, and everything that could go wrong for Amy did. Just when things couldn’t feel any worse, the phone rang and startled her out of her deep thoughts of Brad. The man she always felt was the one. Until she came home early and found him in bed with her best friend. She suddenly felt sick in the pit of her stomach, as her thoughts went back to that dreaded day and quickly forgot the phone ringing. She remembered that day like it was yesterday. It was their two year...
CheatingShe knew she was making a mistake, that the road she was about to go down would lead only to shame, regret and the end of her innocence. But thoughts like these are logical and logic is the first thing abandoned when your urges take over, when your blood runs hot and desire takes over. She gasped as his lips found her neck, his exploration of her body becoming more urgent. Warm sensations flooded her mind as he sampled her, breathing in her scent and tasting her need. His hand grasped the zip...
Straight SexDOUBLE BETRAYAL by Long Tall MaryIt seemed like the perfect plan. Diane would have the wife of her lover for nearly two days to use as her sex slave, while hub was away on business. But something had gone terribly awry, and now Diane was the enslaved, naked and chained in the dank basement holding cell of a professional dominatrix.For nearly three years Jim had carried on an extra marital affair with Diane, his personal secretary. Jim, 49 years old, was owner and CEO of a small high tech...
NOTE: To keep things relatively realistic, I sometimes use terms that are common to the photographic and arts industry but may not be understood by others. In this story I use, “TFP.” The literal translations is; “Time For Prints.” Now days, of course, we rarely make prints anymore, we make digital images but the term has stayed the same. It means exchanging services with others in the trade. If a model wants to update her portfolio with a certain look or revise it with new pics, she can call...
As soon as she woke up in the morning, she found that she could reflect on the previous night's activities with a clear head. Yes, Meg had broken her trust, but she decided that she wasn't going to let it bother her. Meg had obviously been sorry about what she had done, and that was the important thing. Lissa might have been angrier if it weren't for the fact that she had been touched by a woman like that before. If she had had no prior experience of this kind, it might have been...
It had been a hectic day and everything that could go wrong for Amy did, just when things couldn’t feel any worse the phone rang and startled her out of her deep thoughts of Brad, the man she always felt was the one until she came home early and found him in bed with her best friend. She suddenly felt sick in the pit of her stomach as her thoughts went back to that dreaded day and quickly forgot the phone ringing. She remembered that day like it was yesterday, it was their two year anniversary...
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I gingerly turned my head from side to side looking for the discarded clothes of last night and fighting the urge to be ill. My skimpy red outfit was missing. There was nothing in the closet or small dresser. I could feel panic creeping into me and I steadied myself on a wall to keep from falling. I wobbled back over to the bed and lay down on it trying to devise a plan and to sort through the jumble of emotions, memories, and ill fitting puzzle pieces. I felt completely foolish as I...
(TG) Transitions Part 3 The Betrayal By Colleen Shepherd Chapter 13 School Daze I arrived at school and went to my assigned home room. As the class filled with other students I could feel the eyes of some of the other students on me. I knew that no one knew who I was so I had to assume they were checking out the new girl, no doubt they were wondering who I was. The teacher took attendance by calling out everyone's name. When she got to mine the whole class looked at...
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Hello all, please read the last part before proceeding with this story about the betrayal. Madhan pumped me and left horny. Mukesh had fucked around 5 times, but still, I was not satisfied. I felt incomplete, and I wanted hardcore drilling to satisfy my lust. Madhan’s dick was in my mind, and I remembered moments with him, especially ass fuck. He fucked me for a long time. His stamina is so far better than Mukesh. Madhan’s pussy licking was amazing. He kissed, licked, and sucked my pussy at a...
Chapter 1 as told by Bill Williams Greg Benjamin and I have known each other since fourth grade. We lived across the street from each other for almost eleven years when we were kids. We had been best buddies for almost all of that time. That’s why I can’t believe what he has done to my wife and I don’t even know why! It was last Saturday I had come home early from my golf game because it rained us out on the fifteenth hole. We could have waited the shower out but Greg wasn’t there because he...
"Don't hit me. Please, for God's sake don't hit me," Jerry Smith begged. The man Jerry was pleading with was Ben Stillman, known as Big Ben on the street. The nickname was due to Ben's size, he was 6' 6. If he'd had been shorter, he would have been called stocky; he weighed 270. Instead, he was considered muscular and not someone to mess with. Ben was holding Jerry off the ground with one of his big hands around the neck because his boss, Moe Farrell, had ordered him to collect the...
Ken jerked his head around to the main tactical screen. "To all ships! Red alert! All hands man your battlestations!" Ken ordered. He turned and walked quickly to the main CIC panel. He looked at the hyper wake coming in. "Estimated time of arrival?" "Six minutes, Sir," replied the sensor officer. "Stack us up. I want a full broadside of weapons to bear on the targets. Launch all fighters." "Yes, Sir! Launching all fighters, stacking the ships." "Dispatch the rest of...
It only took a few minutes to walk to the edge of the Fount. Bright energy-laden Ether spurted up like water under high pressure from the rift in the ground in front of him. Jake saw what the others could not: the rift between the planes was only about a eighteen inches across, but the stream was nearly quarter of a mile across itself, and shot nearly ten times as high. Jake marveled at the care that must have gone into constructing such a well of power in the mortal plane. Brent had...
Sitting at the telecom station in the Center, Murph rolled in his chair, kicking his feet up on the desk. He hated waiting for others, it was a waste of his time. CGB leaned against a brick wall to his left, his bulky arms crossed as he bounced a tennis ball against the floor impatiently. “These fucks do this shit on purpose,” CGB sneered, walking over to his chair. Finally, after waiting almost ten minutes for a thirty second conversation, the red light flashed on the monitor, advising that...
Aerick awoke first to the chains. The surroundings confused him at first, but his eyes slowly acclimated to the dim chamber. His wrists were bound above him, and his feet brushed the bone covered floor below. A moan to his left caught his attention, and he saw the similarly dangling form of Toril against the far wall. To his right, Savren lay crumpled in a heap, covered in blood and bound in wire. Of Kieron, there was no sign, giving the ranger pause to whether the young human had evaded...
Calyndi's eyes practically bugged out of her head. "Do you mean to tell me that you've been with Devin tonight?" Calyndi was surprised to find feelings of excitement and a strange sense of jealousy flittering through her. "No, not tonight," Linki said, "last night. I didn't want to tell you because I knew you'd be so worried. But it worked! The ring protected me from his powers." "How can you be sure?" "Well, after we ... had our fun last night, he tried to claim me. He did...
Calyndi was happy to see the sun drop below the horizon. She'd regained enough of her strength to leave Linki's place following a delightful, blonde meal. Linki had thankfully not made any overt attempts to engage Calyndi sexually, instead focusing her energies on driving the young blonde girl as wild with sexual need as possible. Sometimes stealing a girl away like Linki had done with the blonde would result in a meal filled with the bitterness of fear, but with two succubi working her...
Author’s Note: This series is a continuation of my last story series, ‘Ghosts of the Past.’ It is taking place 18 years plus into the future and involves the children of the group of friends surrounding Charles and Diana Richards and Tom and Lynda Seldon… who are just about to learn the ‘Price of Past Miracles…’ ********** ‘Mama… I love him and he loves me!’ Megan Richards exclaimed as she clung to her lifelong friend and soul mate, Brad Seldon. ‘Aunt Dee… I know you probably think we’re...
Chapter 1 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Joey's Background +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ January 8, 1980 Joey wanted nothing more in this world then to be a rock star, but the odds were against him. He did not know how to play any instrument, nor was his singing ability anything special. It hurt him even more that he did not know anyone within the industry. Still, he wanted to be a rock star. Unfortunately for Joey, he was also lazy and undisciplined. He was just a few...
Like any young guy starving his through college, I'm always in the market for easy money. Scanning the paper a few weeks ago I saw an ad asking for a nude model. Being the somewhat shy type, I started to pass it over. That is, until I saw how much it paid. Three hundred bucks! One session for an hour and a half. Temptation found me in front of the vanity mirror seconds later (oh, the vanity). I stripped down and started gawking at myself. Well, yeah we guys do that pretty much every time we...
Excerpt from ‘ The price of Rebellion’A Crucim story in progress. By [email protected] sleek Roman war galley drops anchor and a short time later the captain speaks to General ‘Crassus.’? We couldn’t catch the pirates sir. The slaves are lazy and didn’t put in all their effort even with a liberal taste of the whip.The captain is nervous, he knows that the final blame will lay with him. He takes the generals silence as liberty to...
The day couldn’t have been better for our little reunion. It had been a year since the four of us had last gotten together. It was the summer break after our first year in college and we decided to meet in a little coffee shop in town. There was Jill, my best friend since 4th grade, Britney who we met in 6th and Tonya who moved to our town during 9th grade. Through the rest of our days in high school, we were a foursome. Always together and as tight as four friends can be. We were also the most...
Introduction Some people are just too damned stupid to appreciate the value of what they have until they don’t. They later wail about how unjust it is that it’s impossible to undo the damage they did that has cost them (and their trusting victim) everything. True justice is that their suffering is tenfold when they’re finally forced to face the reality that the word impossible means what it means. When Jack, 26 and Denise, 23 realized that for more than three months neither of them had...
Treachery, yeah that's more of what I feel it is. As I said, no one really thinks of it 'til it happens to you. Ok, to get everyone up to date, I am John Trumbel, six-foot, athletic build, chiseled chin. Sounds good to me right? If you ask my supposed loyal wife nothing could be further from the truth. In her words, I was boring, especially in bed. I'm sorry I wasn't raised by prostitutes, trained in every nuance of lovemaking. Ok, ok, so I'm not the most romantic, passionate man alive....
2nd Battalion Combat Team, 2nd BCT Major Kai (Ghost) Espiritu Commanding The young major inserted his 5.56 mm ammunition cartridge into the last of his 50 round magazines. The Boxer Command APC smoothly rolled through the marsh filled landscape of central Ar’Raq, six men plus the three crews occupied the wheeled combat vehicle. Unlike the other battalion commanders of the Rim-Cats, Major Kai Espiritu known as ‘Ghost’ to others is an infantry and commando operations expert. His very own six...
New Year’s Eve 1956 in Washington, D.C. was the night Tom and Lynda Seldon made the ultimate sacrifice for their best friends, Charles and Diana Richards. They had made the most gut-wrenching decision of their lives… and they’d had second and third and fourth thoughts about what they did. But at Charles’ insistence, Tom had finally relented to that one-time attempt to help them create a miracle… ********** ‘Kiss me, Lynda. I’m going to lose it because I don’t think I can do this!’ Tom...
The Price of Power 3-Melissa's New Life Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these were physical, others...
The Price of Power 5 - The Flying Fox Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these were physical, others...
New Year's Eve 1956 in Washington, D.C. was the night Tom and Lynda Seldon made the ultimate sacrifice for their best friends, Charles and Diana Richards. They had made the most gut-wrenching decision of their lives ... and they'd had second and third and fourth thoughts about what they did. But at Charles' insistence, Tom had finally relented to that one-time attempt to help them create a miracle... "Kiss me, Lynda. I'm going to lose it because I don't think I can do this!" Tom...
I woke up in a pool of sweat, my heart racing and my breathing heavy. I couldn’t believe the dream that had just ensued. The neighbour to whom I had lost my virginity exposed my intimacy to the website that I frequently visited. It couldn’t be right; he couldn’t have done that. I sat up in bed with a bewildered look on my face as I looked at my laptop sitting on the bedside table. In my curiosity, I pulled it towards me.As the laptop started up, I immediately loaded up my favourite website,...
Straight SexMy wife Sarah was out for lunch with 3 of her friends, on of who was having her 50th birthday, so knowing it would be a boozy affair i offered to pick her up from her friends house where they were continuing the motion although she had said it wouldn't be a late one. So collected her just after 6pm. It was only about 40 mins home so no hassle and i thought i may get lucky as she’d be tipsy and owe me a treat for picking her up. Almost as soon as she got in the car she said “Guess what?” she was...
I don't doubt that reading a bank statement has bought unhappiness to many people. It's almost certainly a common thing, probably caused disasters far worse than my own. But that didn't help -- not one bit.I was just sorting through some papers on my wife's desk at home, trying to find whether she'd paid the phone bill or something similar, something quite ordinary and innocent. That's when I found it, lying there under a pile of bills and other things.A bank statement, from Barclays as it...
"Not that godforsaken buzzing again," he groaned and rubbed his throbbing head. "That's what I get for taking an extra sleeping pill at 1:00 A.M. in the morning. Oh well." Dylan mumbled a few more irritated words and then hit the snooze button once more. He gingerly rolled over and drifted back to sleep. He dozed until his wife's voice beckoned him to wake. "Dylan, come on. It was time to get up half-an-hour ago." The anxiety and frustration was very evident in her voice as it had...
It was the morning after the fight in the Horny Bull and Lara ached. She had taken a few good hits in that brawl, especially near the end. She had an impressive black eye and there were a few other bruises and marks about her body. It was nothing new; Lara had spent more than a few mornings like this, nursing her wounds and exulting that she was still in one piece. She still had memories of her Natla adventure, injecting antibiotics with shaky fingers while dizzy with pain, or stitching up...
Bruce was right. I was only nineteen. I wasn’t forty-two or forty-three or whatever. Even the memories I had of future history were more like déjà vu than foreknowledge. I knew there were big things coming up in the next few years. But what I considered big was what had been important to me in the last life and didn’t include things like who won the Kentucky Derby or the World Series. If I was going to get rich, it was going to be by being savvy in the real estate market, not by betting on...
December 12th, 1885 Rain pattered against the windows of the Misk household’s expanse library. Virginia had, helpfully, set every light in the room to as bright as it could go. Warmly burning oil lamps and electrical bulbs shrouded in comforting draperies both worked with the stoked fireplace to give the room a warm, cheery glow – but it did little to offset the grim mood that had cast its pall over the Misk house. With both Victor and now Wesley the butler both dead within the same week,...
THE PRICE OF POWER 8-RANGER TO WAC Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these were physical, others mental,...
Our FetLife friend and I also discussed our similarities and differences regarding our experiences...what our expectations were as opposed to what actually happened...sometimes on different planets...but loving the fact that our wives were enjoying the hidden pleasures that resided deep within them...with or without us. Setting: We, meaning my wife and I had already had a threesome with this dude. It was impromptu and happened late one night while playing a board game. We changed the rules...
At the end of the corridor, Jane almost pushed him inside her cabin and closed the door. He turned around to find her standing, arms across her chest, breathing heavily (her heavy breasts rose and fell in the most hypnotic rhythm), and nostrils flaring. He tore his eyes away from her chest and tried to look into her sharp, stern eyes. He had nothing to say. “So? What were you thinking?” Michael stood there, fingers in his pockets, shoulders hunched and dropped his gaze to the floor. He...
My boyfriend Jacob and I had been together for about a year and a half and we had a relatively good relationship, which couple doesn’t fight or argue but he treated me well and I think I loved him. He had recently started a new job and he seemed to enjoy it, being a welder in a new steel plant being constructed. His only complaint was that there was one particular co-worker - Dennis, who frequently crossed the line with his jokes and crassness. I did a bit of digging on facebook, to see who...
She was old or more to the fact of age, she was ancient in terms of human life. She had walked the earth for centuries searching for the men she craved to survive on. Men of wealth and means, men of fame and fortune and men of great physical stature, she had them all over time, used them all and in most cases killed them for their life-sustaining source she needed to survive.Yet that had changed in the eighteenth century when she had met Harold. Harold had loved her and provided for her...