A Pastor's WifeChapter 5 free porn video

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Janice White at fifty-six, was the sole owner of a small but lucrative accounting firm. She employed one other CPA, two bookkeepers and a receptionist. On her drive home from the board meeting, she decided that she would call Janet, knowing she had an accounting background, and offer her an accounting position that had opened just that week. Janice knew that they needed financial assistance and she was in a position to help.

Being the church treasurer, she knew how much the Pastor was getting paid and although it was adequate for their needs it did not make them rich. A few months ago when Doug had approached the board with his desire to pursue his master's degree in counseling, they encouraged him to do so. They also provided funds to help him, but it did not cover the full tuition.

The Pastor was very big on teaching about financial accountability. One of the well-known national ministries offered small group study courses to help families get control of their checkbooks. He bought the materials and taught several of these small groups. One of the main points that the author made was to have three to six months living expenses saved. Doug admitted one night that this was the toughest thing for him and Janet to do, but they had managed to save the three months and nothing more.

Janice thoughts shifted as she approached her house. She thought back to the conversation she had with Tom Garner that afternoon after the Pastor had called his impromptu board meeting. Carefully phrased questions got her the information she was seeking, maybe not all the details, but enough to understand why he felt the need to leave. Janice's mind drifted back to a little over a year ago and her disastrous affair. It started out as an office thing and quickly got out of control. Now she was a divorced woman with a grown son, married with two teenagers. "If I had only known what was about to happen, I would have never hired that person," she thought to herself as she pulled into her driveway and shut the car's engine off.

Opening the side door of her house, Janice stepped inside, turned the kitchen light on, closed and locked the door. She had thrown the days mail on the counter earlier but did not have time to go through it. She glanced through it now and decided there was nothing there that needed her attention. The next step in her routine was to check her answering machine. Not seeing a blinking red light, she knew that there was no point in walking in that direction. It had been a long day. She had a cantankerous client in her office all afternoon that she would really like to get rid of but his was a large account and he paid his bill on time. At the board meeting Mrs. Green made her want to slap her, who cared if the Pastor was doing his wife in his office? Charlie Hammond's response to Mrs. Green was classic on his part. She knew no other person other than Pastor Berg who knew his Bible better than Charlie Hammond. Hearing him put Mrs. Green in her place, tactfully, almost made up for her afternoon.

She walked into her bedroom and got undressed and hung her skirt and blouse in the walk-in closet before examining her body in the full-length mirror. She cupped her breasts, lifting up, pretending to be doing self-examination for lumps. But she knew she was only lying to herself, she was playing with her tits. She let go of them and said out loud, "fuck you, gravity, I still look good."

She left the closet and entered her master bathroom. Adjusting the water temperature in the shower, she stepped inside letting the warm water flow over her tried body. She closed her eyes as she leaned her head back and felt the water run through her hair.

Remembering when she was twelve or thirteen, she had spent the night at a friend's house but came home earlier than her parents expected her too. Being the polite daughter, she opened her parent's bedroom door to tell them she was home but what she saw shocked her. Her father was on top of her mother and his hard penis was sliding in and out of her mother's vagina. There were loud moans of deep passion coming from both of them. Janice knew that she should close the door and leave but she was frozen in place. She did manage to close the door so that if they looked that way, she could simply walk away. Her mother's legs were spread wide and in the air. Her father had his hands on either side of her mother and had raised his body off of hers. Janice watched her mother's breasts as they swayed with each thrust of her father's hips.

"Yes, Steve, fuck me. Fuck me just like that, baby," she could still hear her mother say. "Harder baby, fuck me harder."

Janice stood silently and could not tear her eyes from the sight of two people making love. It didn't matter that the two people were her parents. All that mattered was that she was seeing how it was done.

"Yessssssssss!" her mother had screamed when her father gave a strong thrust, this time not pulling back.

Janice still could not move as her father finally rolled off her mother and lay beside her. She could see her mother's hairy pussy plainly now. The pubic hair was matted down and the lips were still open. Janice's young eyes were amazed when she realized that the white stuff leaking from her mother was her father's cum.

Movement caught her eye and she saw her mother staring at her. A moment later her mother gave her a wink and rolled to her side to give her husband a kiss. The spell holding Janice in place was broken and she closed the door and ran to the safety of her bedroom, where she stayed for the whole morning.

She got hungry around noon and was thinking of sneaking into the kitchen to get something to eat when she heard a knock on her door.

"May I come in?" her mother asked and without waiting for a response entered the room and closed the door behind her. "We didn't expect you home so early."

"Sorry, Mom," Janice gushed. "I didn't mean to spy on you."

"It's okay," her mother said, "did you enjoy watching?"

Janice met her mother's glaze for a second and then looked to the floor in embarrassment. She just nodded her head in acknowledgement.

"Daddy doesn't know. If you are quiet, and don't say anything, I'll let you know the next time we do it."

She was never allowed to participate but her mother always told her when they planned to make love and Janice always hid in the closet. As far as she knew her father never found out about her voyeurism. To this day, she still loves to watch two people make deep passionate love.

She stayed in the shower for a very long time soaping her body up and rinsing off the lather several times. It wasn't that she felt dirty she just liked the way she felt with the hot water running over her. Reluctantly, she turned the water off and reached for an oversized towel, drying her hair first then the rest of her body. She deposited the towel in the hamper and walked back to the kitchen and fixed herself a sandwich, poured a glass of milk and took them back to her bedroom. She got under the covers and picked up the book she been trying to read for the past several nights.

"This has to be the most boring book in history," she said as she put the book down and finished her sandwich and milk.

Janice arrived at her office promptly at 8:00 o'clock the next morning. Her receptionist was always there fifteen minutes early to unlock the front door and make a pot of coffee for the office.

"Good morning, Inez." Janice said as she walked to her office. She always turned her computer on and looked at her agenda to see what accounts were due and which ones were coming in. She had them all memorized but still she always checked.

Janice then walked to the coffee pot and poured her first cup of the day. Seeing Inez, she asked, "Is there life without caffeine?"

"Yes, but it's not worth living." Inez quipped back.

Janice and Inez chatted a little about the current news items and the warm weather they were having and then settled behind their respective desks and began their day.

"Hello?" Janet said into the telephone receiver.

"Janet, this is Janice White."

A flood of thoughts rushed through Janet's mind when she heard the woman's voice. "Why is she calling me now, I don't have time for her," she thought to herself. "Hi. What can I do for you?"

"I was wondering if you would be available to talk with me this afternoon," Janice said. "I have a job opportunity that you might be interested in."

"Yes, I would be," Janet heard herself respond. "What time should I be there?"

"I have a lot on my plate this morning but are you available at one this afternoon?"

Janet had a few errands to run before the meeting but arrived at the firm of White and Associates promptly at one o'clock. Janice met her in the foyer and escorted her to her office. She motioned for Janet to sit as she closed the door and walked behind her desk and took her own seat.

"Janet, are you ok?" she asked after taking a moment to gather her thoughts.

When Doug first told her of his plans to resign, Janet was scared. Scared because in her mind, if she had been stronger he would not have to give up the very thing he loved doing. There were other fears as well. Financial fears, mostly. Although they lived comfortably in the modest home, the church did not pay them overly well. Their savings amounted to three months living expenses and maybe a little extra but not much. She looked at Janice and studied her face before responding.

"I'm fine, thank you."

"I mean are you and Doug okay." Janice clarified.

Janet looked at the other woman for a few moments trying to figure out what she wanted to hear.

"Doug and I are dealing with our issues," she said.

"You are very calm for a wife whose husband admitted to his church board that he was having an affair." Janice probed.

Janet wanted to either slap the woman or walk out of her office. The only reason she did neither was she needed this job. "Like I said, we are working through our issues."

"Did Tom Garner tell you I called him before the board meeting?"

Janet looked across the desk and glared at Janice. "Yes. He said something about you having an office thing that soured."

Janice grinned as she looked down at her desk and then into the eyes of Janet. "He didn't give me too many details about Doug's thing either."

Janet got to her feet and was about to walk to the door. "Janice, I really don't want to discuss my marriage with you. I thought I came here for a job interview not to be pumped for information."

"Janet," Janice said softly, "please sit down. The job is yours if you want it."

"I do need it but I'm not sure that it would be a good idea. You know too much about my personal life."

"The office thing I referred to had been with another woman." Janice said not taking her eyes off of Janet's.

Janet froze in place. She didn't know how to respond to this new information.

"It soured when she became pregnant," Janice continued. "Now we both know a little too much about each other."

"Why did you feel the need to share that with me?" Janet asked as she sat down. "Pregnant?"

"Ever since I first met you, what nine years ago? I admired you and respected you as the Pastor's wife. There was always something in your eyes that told me you had a secret. A deep dark secret." She said ignoring Janet's question.

"What do you really want, Janice?" Janet asked.

"Whose panties did Sharon Green find in your husband's office?"

"They weren't mine." Janet said with a slight grin.

"I wouldn't think so. Let me say a name. If I am wrong, tell me. If I am right, you don't have to say anything." Janice said as she leaned back in her chair and played with the collar of her blouse.

Janet watched Janice's face until her eyes traveled down to her hand. She watched as her new boss pulled on it, revealing more of her cleavage.

"Cindy Garner." Janice said breaking the silence that filled the room.

Janet's eyes quickly shot up to Janice's. "How did she know?" she thought. She almost denied it but then decided against it.

"I thought so," Janice replied when Janet remained silent. "Tell me, did you know or did you catch them?"

Janet lowered her eyes to the floor and thought for a few moments on how to respond to this question. Did she tell her the truth or just let her think it was an affair between Cindy and her husband. She slowly raised her eyes to meet those of Janice's and said, "Neither."

A quizzical look crossed Janice's face. She did not expect an answer like that and she wasn't sure what was meant by it. "You're going have to explain that to me."

"I doubt that too many people know about your office thing?" Janet asked.

"We all have our secrets, Janet. Yours are safe with me."

"The Garner's made an appointment with Doug and me. We didn't think too much about it at the time, but they had in mind to seduce us." Janet paused to gain her nerve and then continued, "My deep dark secret is that I'm bi-sexual. It was Cindy and I, not Cindy and Doug."

"Oh." Janice said as she unbuttoned her top button.

"We totally forgot all about the panties. Tom and Doug had to leave for the staff meeting and Cindy and I left to continue it at her house."

"I see." Janice said and another button came undone.

"She has very small breasts but very sensitive nipples." Janet told her friend as she watched the third button open revealing the top of her bra-encased boobs.

"Where were her children?" Janice asked in a husky voice.

"Christine wasn't home, but Jason was."

Janice's cupped and lifted her breasts. "Go on."

"Have you had a sixteen-year-old boy?" Janet asked as she raised her skirt and spread her legs.

"Yes I have." Janice replied as she closed her eyes.


"And his fifteen-year-old sister," Janice sighed.

"Oh god." Janet moaned.

"That doesn't bother you, does it?" Janice inquired.

"No, not at all."

"Let me guess. I think that you not only have had a certain sixteen-year-old boy but his sister and maybe a certain thirteen-year-old girl as well?"

"Two out of three is not bad."

Janice had unbuttoned her blouse completely and was playing with her nipples through the material of her lacy bra. "Which two?"

Janet got to her feet and walked to the door to make sure it was locked. She slowly turned around and walked behind Janice's desk. She spun the chair to the side so she was facing Janice. "You know one was Jason, now the question is; have I had Christine or Ali." Janet lowered her face until she lightly kissed Janice's lips. "Who did I have?"

Janice's hands came up and cupped Janet's breasts. She loved the way Janet's perfume smelled on her. She loved feeling her breath on her cheeks. She loved having her breasts in her hands. "Please, tell me."

"Ali has the sweetest pussy. Lightly adorned with soft brown hair and when she cums, it's a mouth full." Janet whispered as her lips made contact with those of Janice.

The ringing of the telephone interrupted them. Janet straightened up as Janice composed herself before answering. "Yes?"

"I'm sorry to interrupt your appointment, but a client insists on seeing you."

"Okay. Tell him we'll be through in five minutes." Janice responded as she watched Janet straighten her skirt.

"We'll have to continue this at another time." Janice said as she started buttoning her blouse and arranging her attire.

"Does your husband know about you and your... ?" Janet asked.

"Yes. It was Bill that got her pregnant." Janice said. "Shortly afterwards they ran off together."

Janet had wondered about Janice's sudden divorce when it happened and made herself available if Janice wanted or needed to talk. Janice never came to her and Janet didn't want to intrude where she wasn't wanted.

"By the way," Janice said, "can you start at 8 o'clock Monday?"

"I'll be here." Together they walked out of the office.

Janet got in her car and sat there for a long time. She had known Janice White almost as long as they pastored this church and never would have imagined that she liked women. For ten years, she thought that she and Donna were the only "perverts" in the church. Then Ali got in the game, then the Garners and now Janice White! "My God, do we have a congregation full of swingers?"

Janet pulled into her driveway a half hour later. Doug was home and Janet found him in his study. The Master's program he was in allowed him to step up his pace so that he could fit eighteen months of classes into a twelve-month period. It would require a lot of hard work but he was confident he could do it.

"How did the interview go?" he asked as he looked up from the book he was reading.

"I start Monday morning." She looked at him and smiled, "You would not believe what happened."

Doug leaned back in his chair and raised his eyebrows as to say "tell me."

Janet sat in the only vacant chair in his office and sighed deeply. "Tom didn't tell us everything Janice told him."

"Like?" Doug really wanted to get back to his book.

"Like the fact that her office thing was with a woman." Janet said smiling at her husband.


"I don't know if Tom knows this part but the other woman got pregnant."

Doug paused for a second, "Immaculate conception?"

"Funny. No it was the normal way. Want to know who the proud daddy is?"

"Tell me" Doug was now hooked.

"Bill" she told her husband. "The reason for their divorce was that he ran off with her."

Doug's mouth dropped open. He tried to speak but words just would not form on his tongue.

"I invited Janice over tonight," Janet told her husband.

"Just her or everyone?" he asked as he regained the use of his voice.

"Would you mind finding something else to do tonight?" Janet asked.

Doug looked at his wife and thought about the request for a moment. "I was thinking of paying the Garners a visit."

Doug left after dinner and Janice pulled into the driveway ten minutes later. After Janet left her office she had to deal with a demanding client. When he was satisfied she closed the door of her office and could not think of anything else but Janet Berg. For years she had imagined what it would be like to be with her and this afternoon was so tantalizingly close. She tried to do some work but the moisture between her legs was a constant reminder just how close she had come to realizing her desire.

Janet met her at the front door and led her to the living room.

"May I get you anything?" she asked.

"No thank you, I'm fine." Janice answered her.

Janet smiled at her guest as Janice took a seat on the sofa. Boldly, Janet stepped up to her and leaned forward, cupping Janice's face with her hands. "Where were we?" she asked as she kissed the older woman.

Janice brought her hands up and cupped Janet's breasts. She realized that she was not wearing a bra when her nipples bore into her palms.

Janice leaned back against the sofa. "Where is the Pastor?" she said in a breathy voice.

"He went on a visitation." Janet replied kissing Janice's neck.

"Pity. I really enjoy watching."

Janet straightened up and looked down at Janice. A slow smile came across her face as she said, "You just want to watch?"

"At first, yes. It gets me excited."

Janet turned and walked over to the telephone. She faced her guest as she pushed the speed dial for Donna. "Do you need some excitement in your life tonight ... It's a surprise ... no you'll have to come over and find out ... okay, see in a bit."

Janet put the phone down and looked over to where Janice was sitting, watching her every move. "We'll have company in a couple of minutes."

"Who did you call?" Janice asked feeling the excitement build within her.

"Does it matter?" Janet answered as she sat next to her friend. Janet could see the excitement in her eyes, could hear it in her voice. "Just knowing that you get to watch turns you on, doesn't it?" she asked as she let her fingertips roam lightly up and down Janice's thigh.

If Janice was excited in her office, she was doubly so now. "I have always liked to watch."

They heard the backdoor open and footsteps coming their way. Donna walked into the living room and froze when she saw Janice sitting there before a smile of understanding came to her face.

Janet got up and put her arms around her lover's neck and kissed her deeply. "Our friend here says she gets excited by watching."

"Then maybe we should give her something to watch," Donna said as she returned Janet's kiss.

Janet accepted her lover's kiss pushed her breasts tightly against he, feeling both of their nipples harden. Janet looked sideways towards Janice and noticed that she still had on the clothes she worn to her office. She also noticed that Janice had pulled her skirt up and spread her legs wide. Surprisingly, Janice was not wearing and panties. As Janet massaged Donna's breasts, she watched as Janice ran a finger up her slit and started rubbing her clit.

Over the past several weeks she had been watched and had watched her friends in many different sexual encounters. Tonight was different. She would love to walk over to the woman and push her face into the obviously very wet pussy but knew that would spoil it for Janice. She slowly dropped to her knees and slid her hands down Donna's body and looked up into her smiling face. Without hesitation, she opened the front of Donna's blue jeans and pulled them down her long legs. She didn't need to look at Janice to know if she enjoyed the sight. Her low slow moan confirmed it for all of them.

Janet got to her feet and stepped behind Donna who was smiling at the woman of the sofa. Janice had inserted two fingers deep inside her watering canal and was busy stroking them in and out. As Janet started unbuttoning Donna's blouse, Donna said, "She seems to get excited quickly."

Janet pulled Donna's blouse off her shoulder and let it fall to the floor. She always loved undressing her and watching her charms come into view. She could not decide if she wanted to watch Donna's bra come off her tits or continue to watch Janice watch them. Leaning down, Janet kissed the side of Donna's neck as she slid her hands between her and her lover to open her bra. Donna's hands came up and pulled it the rest of the way off.

Janice was lost in the moment. She came here hoping to watch Doug and Janet. She had wanted to see them together for as long as she knew them. Yes, she wanted to lick Janet's pussy and have her lick hers but there was still the thrill of watching a husband fuck his wife knowing they were being watched.

She had her eyes glued to Janet as she kissed Donna when she entered the room. For a long time she suspected that there was more to their relationship but couldn't quite put a finger on it. This afternoon when Janet confirmed that she was bi she knew that Donna and her were lovers.

As Janet dropped to her knees, Janice absent-mindedly brought her hand to her pussy. It was so wet and hot that she just had to rub it. As her new employee slid her lover's pants down her legs, she could not help but slip two fingers inside her pussy and let a moan of pure pleasure escape her mouth. While one hand was busy twiddling her clit, her other hand cupped and played with her tit. "God, this is so fucking awesome," Janice thought as Janet stepped behind Donna.

Janice was very glad that Janet chose to let her watch as she started unbuttoning Donna's blouse. Her fingers picked up speed as she watched the garment fall to the floor. She knew they were saying something about her but the bliss of seeing them together made it impossible to comprehend. "I am so close. So close, let me see her tits," she moaned to herself.

Her fingers were buried deep inside her, her fantasy was coming true in front of her eyes and then as Donna's bra fall to the floor, she could not hold back any longer.

"Yesssssss," she moaned as her orgasm washed through her body.

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John was at a party comprising pastors, deans cardinals and all sorts of other religious men and their wives. There was a lot of chatting with pompous men and very prim wives.Janice was different. Janice was dressed in a scarlet dress that finished just below her pussy. (I bet she caused a lot of gossip amongst the other wives) Janice was a free spirit. John could not figure how she became the wife of such a boring, pompous dean of the cathederal (John's boss).Janice's dress was low cut in a...

4 years ago
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Pastor Love Part 2

Standing over the prone teenager, I smiled and said, "Did that satisfy your 'needs', Janie?"Rearranging her clothes she smiled up at me and replied, "And then some, Rev.! I don't think I've ever cum that hard before! You were amazing."I wiped her juices from my beard, but the scent lingered making me uncomfortably hard. Coming to my senses, realizing the depth of depravity I'd just visited on this impressionable young girl, I stammered, "I..I don't know what came over me. I should never have...

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Pastor family 19

The next morning, I wake up to Luke shaking me and telling me wewere running late. I had forgot to set my alarm. Luke had already showeredand was standing beside the bed wrapped in a towel. I so wanted to suck hisdick but I know he hates to be late. I took a fast shower and dressed.Breakfast was a banana that I grabbed on there way out the door. We raceoff in the car. We get close to my school and all I see are fire trucks everywhere.Luke gets as close as we can and the fire and smoke seem to...

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Pastorrsquos family 13

13We get to the bathroom and Luke starts the shower. He waits until I get inand he follows. He kneels behind me and says grab your ankles. I reach downand grab my ankles. This spreads my ass as he starts feeling my hole. Goddamn Mattie, you are still gaping open. Your little hole is bright red. Ifeel his fingers as he pushes around my hole. He stands up and grabs thesoap. He starts lathering my ass and cleaning me up. He reaches between mylegs and soaps my dick and my nuts and then does my...

3 years ago
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Pastor family 11

..Saturday morning I wake up and go pee. I peeking my bedroom and Luke's isstill sleeping. He is shirtless and my sheet is covering from his waistdown. I close the door and go back to Luke's bedroom. I open the door tothe hall and John's coming out of his bedroom. He has a huge duffle bagpacked and says good morning. He tells me to come on down and letstalk. We get downstairs and John throws his duffle on the floor near theback door. We sit at the kitchen table and John says we need to talk...

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Pyro and Ravin ch20

-fellow goths, punks, and rejects Pyro and Ravin Ch2 I woke up to the sound of someone entering the house talking to each other. "shhhhh there probably sleeping keep it down" one voice said. "there probably past out cold from all the fucking" another voice said. they all laughed. I looked at my phone for the time, 2:23AM. The four girls walked into the living room and noticed me up and Ravin still sleeping on the couch. "Hey guys" I said. "hey" Autumn said. They were all...

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Divorced Lady Gets Full Satisfaction

Hi everyone myself pritam from chennai , basically from north india . Here i settled down for my family and business purpose .Any aunties or girls in and around chennai or tamil nadu can contact me in this email id : . And im sure you will be 100% satisfied with your pleasure . So lemme come to the story, i will continue the story in hindi so that the womens will get excited .Toh jaise ki maine bataya ki main chennai main rehta hu ,waise mera client ki office mere office se thodi hi dhur par...

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Confessions of a Stripper

Introduction: I sat on a bench in the locker room thinking to myself, What have I just done? I looked at a stack of money I was clenching in my right hand. I counted a total of $1100. Numerous emotions ran through my head as I was trying to decide whether having just fucked a stranger for money was a good thing or bad thing. Im an entertainer at a gentlemens club, more commonly referred to as a stripper. I love my job because I figure, hell, I have the body for it, and I make good money doing...

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College Friends0

I was fine with that. I didn’t feel like dating. I didn’t care to meet up for drinks, to wait by the phone, to come up with crap to talk about; everything that went along with dating. I was fine being alone, having sex to, well, myself. I had my toys, my fingers, everything I needed to orgasm. I also enjoyed spending time with my son. There was desire to have a person in me, yes. I got so horny sometimes, the lust and desire to touch another human, I had to masturbate in the...

4 years ago
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MarshalChapter 5

"Your incompetence cannot be tolerated! Guards, remove this vermin!" "But, Master, Please give me another chance! I guarantee to remove that troublesome marshal this time!" "Oh, very well. I'll give you one more chance. But, if you fail, it will be your last chance!" "Thank you, Master. I won't let you down!" "Friends, we have reached a serious point in our relationship with Master Chin. He has threatened to have me killed if I cannot eliminate that marshal in Sacramento, and...

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The Things They Dont Teach You In School

By the time I decided to actually go to college, settle down, and figure out what I was going to do with my life, I was in my late 30's. Not that I had a bad life. Not that I had any complaints. Going through the time frame of my life, I'd hung out with friends, had decent paying jobs, enjoyed a lot of fun, drank a lot, partied a lot, and I'd gotten laid a lot. I had no complaints at all.I finally decided at some point that I needed to slow down. I actually was working full time and decided to...

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FamilyStrokes Taylor Blake Horny Stepsister Homework

Taylor Blake wants to have fun, but her mom is kind of a hard ass. It is the weekend, but she still has to do her homework before she can go out. Little does her mom know, Taylor can have all the fun she wants staying home. While her stepbrother is doing work, she touches himself on the couch quietly. He turns around just as she is about to cum and decides to give her a hand. He licks her sweet young slit and then splits her pussy lips with his throbbing cock. She moans and gasps as he thrusts...

2 years ago
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Private EyesChapter 5 Sarah

After Chris left the presentation there was clearly no reason for me to stay either. The guy from American Muscle that I'd charmed earlier looked hurt that I was leaving before their presentation even started. "What about later?" he asked with a whining tone in his voice. "Sweetie, as much as I was dreaming about fucking the shit out of you," I said. "There can't be a later. I'm doing this to protect you." "Protect me from what?" he asked. "My husband," I whispered. "He's...

3 years ago
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The Peeping Tom Day Three

The peeping tom – day three Compared to the other days so far this week I am late to get into the attic, it is nearly 08:30 . I open the window as normal, but I am not naked and ready to go, in all honesty I think I’ve missed the boat and everybody will be up and dressed and going about their business. I scan the neighbouring houses and there seems nothing is going on, but then, by chance, I catch movement in the corner of my eye. It is in the bedroom of a woman called Jean, she is in her...

2 years ago
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Toms DiaryChapter 8

Friday, March 22, 2002 JR did not come to check on us the next morning; Jenny got up with me at the alarm, vanished into the bathroom by herself. I followed shortly, then a simple breakfast with everyone bright-eyed and smiling around the table. Mom stopped me before I left the table. "You're going to the basketball game tonight?" "Yes." I looked at JR and Jenny. "I promised I'd take JR, Jenny and Penny. The girl I'm going with asked if she can take her sister. She's a freshman....

3 years ago
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Old Mans Tales Part 3

Mary left as summer approached, and work went on a seven day schedule. I worked weekends. As the senior boat captain, I liked working weekends because none of the bosses were around and usually the days went by quickly and stress free. One Saturday in May I docked at headquarters to drop off some mail from the islands. Usually, there would be nobody there since it was a weekend. I was surprised to see Jackie working at the copy machine. Today she was in regular clothes, nice pants and a blouse....

1 year ago
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The Operative FIle 01 An Easy Case

‘Good Evening my stud Agent captive.’ I said into the mic of my little booth. I could see him visibly shudder at my words. It’s not surprising. My voice is a weapon, honed to perfection, just the right mix of breathlessness and husk, mingled with the dominating tones of a confident Queen. One of my subjects said that hearing it was like having a pair of soaked silken panties wrapped around his dick. I like to tease my victims with this first. ‘We’re going to play 20 questions. If you want this...

1 year ago
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Woolly Wilds 2Chapter 13

It was nine months before I saw another office, and by then only Siân was still pregnant. However during those nine months I had been by turns bored and fascinated, sick to my heart, and even angry. I very quickly found out that Melissa was not on the moon, but I couldn't find out where she had gone. It didn't bother me that much as we hadn't got on all that well, but I would have still liked to have known. The anger came quite early on when I realised that I hadn't been told something I...

2 years ago
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The Milky Way

I had not been taking the pill for about six months. Greg and I had decided that after two years of marriage we were ready to bring a baby into our life. Our usual active, satisfying and spontaneous sex life was now more controlled. I had been charting my periods, trying to pinpoint my fertile window. All the literature said the day of ovulation was usually fourteen days before my next period should begin. Since I was as regular as clockwork, we had sex at least once a day, four days before and...

4 years ago
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Fucking A Hot Woman And A Sexy Air Hostess

Hi , i am Aditya Wadhwa from Delhi .This incident is about me and the sexy women whom I met at Jet Airways flight while traveling from Mumbai to Delhi. In October one of my friend Bhumi was getting married to a rich businessman, though I hate to attend marriages which i feel boring , but Bhumi emotionally blackmail left me with no other choice, as usual I didn’t enjoy the wedding much and felt it was waste of time. On returning to Delhi via jet airways flight , I find window seat , and got...

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Me And My Sister

Hello guys n girls….I’m Viraj again back with another story to make you dicks hard and pussies wet.Well, this is a story of my childhood friend….So what are we waiting for, Let’s Begin…..The story I gonna be in my friend’s perspective. Hi guys, I’m Vikram(name changed),20 years old guy.My height is 6ft and I weigh 70kgs..I’m a good cricketer and I have a well-built body.I’m studying engineering in a reputed college in Jaipur.My family consists of my Parents, me and my younger sister.My father...

3 years ago
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Tell and Show

It started out as a during and after-dinner chat about all things right and wrong in the world. Jacinta and I had been sent away on a work assignment together. No one would have ever suspected that I would be laying on a bed with my face in very close proximity to her cum-covered pussy - her cum only at the moment. I had had a lot to do with her cums - just tongue and fingers so far. Jacinta was 25 years old, tall and slim with firm rounded tits and a sexy shapely ass. Me, on the other hand...

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The Young Cherry Cheerleader

CHAPTER 1 Jennifer Wilson walked home from school that day. The young freshman enjoyed the crisp September afternoon as she strolled down the sidewalk on the half-mile trip home. It was Friday, and her friend, Heather Bradley, had invited her on Thursday to come home with her on Friday. The two girls were planning to change into their J.V. cheerleading uniforms at Heather's home, have dinner at a local burger joint and then go to watch the first varsity football game...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Harley King Stepsis Mind Fucks Stepbro

Harley King and Alex Mack are brand new stepsiblings who are still working out how to live together with their newly married parents. It doesn’t help that ever since the wedding their parents have been all over each other, in all parts of the house! Today, Harley and Alex’s parents are going at it loud and proud in the living room. Alex dips into Harley’s room to get away from it. Harley invites Alex to get into the bed with her, but he decides to sit on the floor. While Alex...

2 years ago
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Goodbye Miss GrangerChapter 4 Belindas Rules for Virgins

I woke up at midday with a mild hangover and my face burning from third-degree pash-rash. I pulled on my robe and trudged to bathroom, and as I sat on the toilet, I jerked in surprise at the crazy-woman looking back at me in the bathroom mirror. God help Emma Watson if she ever looked like this; I had bloodshot eyes, hair in a crazy tangle, and my lips and chin were glowing red and swollen. I looked like a meth-addict's mug-shot. Stretching for the medicine cabinet while I peed what felt...

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Infernal Lust

It was a dull day as you sat within the confines of your office. Rain drummed against the nearby window whilst the heavy wind made the wooden frames shake wildly. Looking away from the paper stricken desk you stare idly at the screen for a few moments. Just outside the office, you can hear the familiar click of your secretary typing away as her lithe hands quickly flick across the keyboard. Many people would have been overjoyed to have such a cushy administration job within city hall. At first,...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 5

“Can I spank Aunt Amanda?” Jessie asked his mom. My sister was trying to enjoy her food and have a beer. She was amused by this spectacle but not overly invested in it. I don’t think it had quite registered to her what I agreed to do. “I guess if she doesn’t mind,” Kim shrugged like she really couldn’t care. She picked up some freshly grilled corn on the cob and began to nibble on it. She had big buck teeth. I pictured my sister, her holding someone’s dong and nibbling on THAT the same...

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Zendayas Curiosity

The dog, seemingly satisfied with the cleanliness of his balls, moves on to his second favorite hobby, humping his stuffed bear into oblivion. “Noon! Really?” Zendaya yells at the dog, but he only locks eyes with her and continues his molestation of the thoroughly used toy. Gaze affixed on the hound, Zendaya can’t help but feel a twinge of something growing inside her as the pup persists in his recreation. She finds her hand slipping beneath her daisy dukes and between her thighs. Spreading...

2 years ago
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A Second ChanceChapter 30

Still sore from the 'collision', we were there Wednesday night. Ellora understood that there was to be NO contact between the Austin siblings of tab A and slot B ... although she didn't understand why. "Common as the dirt on the ground or leaves in the trees. Why should a girl with questions have to ask her girlfriends or schoolmates to give her answers when her 'mates' don't know any more than she does? Isn't it better to have the people she knows and trusts to explain the way of a...

4 years ago
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Eternal Desire

*note to the writers: it is strongly encouraged to add or edit new chapters. this is my first story in writing this on a platform I'm unfamilliar with**art by: tincek marincek* as you gaze upon the starry night sky, you breathe in the cool crisp air. the wind gently caress your face, sweeping away your hair, revealing your red right eye. as you look around, you can only see trees and mountains. but beyond those vegetation and rock formations, you hear the bustling sound of a busy city. you...

1 year ago
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Neighbours 3

Authors note: This won't make much sense if you haven't read Unexpected Consequences and the first two chapters of Neighbours. I apologise for the delay of this chapter, too many other things demanding my time! To those of you who have enjoyed my stories and know this plot: read on and enjoy! She picked up the phone on the third ring. "Claire speaking." "Hello Claire, this is Tanya Darlington. I wonder if you have a few minutes for me?" "Tanya! Good to hear from you again,...

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The Fitting Ch 04

It turned out the children were laughing at the double rainbow. Rachelle marveled at the beauty of natures work. She was soaked to the bone, dripping, feeling so much emotions. This was such an odd occurrence for her. Looking at Robert side ways she saw a man with strength of steel. Handsome and very sensual. The cause of him having to sit a little longer was easing up. He finally stood up and stretched his long legs. ‘Rachelle, double rainbow means its stopped. What do you want to do now?’ He...

3 years ago
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Mistaken Identity Part 2

But surely it couldn,t be Christina as 1, She lived in London. 2. She had a fiancé who she lived with quite happily. She WAS very talented at acting, dancing and Singing, but had always drawn the line at porn modelling and stripping so it just Could Not be her. The couple were now openly kissing and passionately embracing each other till the woman keyed the door and the male removed his suit coat and tie and joined her in the spacious back seat. I zoomed the cameras in more and watched as they...

2 years ago
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Sleeping over at Brians

I am currently in my final year of studies to become a chemical engineer and really need a break before the finals start in 2 weeks and the party was going to be the perfect chance. I got dressed and left for his house which was about a 15 minutes’ drive from my place. I stopped to get some booze and something to pop on the fire. I arrived just after 7 pm and the party had already kicked off but was still fairly quiet. As I arrived a saw his younger sister, Bianca and her friend going...

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A Home Is Made Of Love Alone A TWILIGHT ZONE story

You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE. - Rod Serling A Home Is Made Of Love Alone - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Cade, in a desperate attempt to flee from his Mother's abuse, runs away. His only crime was trying to escape the wrath of a spiteful, drunken woman that hated everything about her son. On a...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart IX 6 Dreams People Share

Some people have a love for cars, some for horses, others for big chested women. Their eyes constantly scan for the images that excite them in a way nothing else can. I enjoy many of these myself, but the weekend following Halloween, my eyes nearly missed the object in the sky that would become an object I would drool about. "What is that," Suzi said, hearing the strange distant buzzing sound. "Sounds like a plane or something," Joey said, searching the sky with his eyes. The November...

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The Club

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Feedback, critiques and comments are always welcome! Just drop me an email at [email protected]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I had finally found one I liked. After six stores and countless hours, I had finally found one I liked. It was snug and gave me just the right amount of support. The color was amazing too. A bright orangish yellow that really popped. I...

1 year ago
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Coffeehouse Slut

There is a coffeehouse with an upstairs that, although busy, has relatively private nooks, comfy seats, sofas and various tables and booths. Plenty of students spend their time there, as do shoppers as it is in the centre of three big shopping centres. It would be easy for an older man to corner a younger woman, to get chatting to her there. There would be plenty of people around to hear a rejection, or at least to see the two together – to see them meet. As the bathrooms are upstairs as well...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Fun

Faye and I had been married for 6 months tonight and I wanted to do something special for her. We had met just after my divorce and I couldn’t believe such a sexy young woman would be interested in someone over twice her age. She was 24 and I was almost 50. She had been working in a clothing department when we met and she agreed to go out to dinner with me that very night. It was magic since that first night and I couldn’t believe that she initiated sex with me on our first date. I guess the...

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Fairyland 2

Fairyland 2 By Paul G Jutras A cold harsh winter wind blew across John's face. Despite being bundled up for the ski contest, he was totally frozen. He looked down the run and he rose on the ski lift and wondered what he had gotten himself into. "Ahhhhh!" He screamed. He scanned the area around him as he got off the lift and joined the men and women in the ski contest. High above them in the clouds, Melissa snipped away snowflakes for Jack Frost to give out. The mountain...

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Lost Daughter

Lost Daughter By Dauphin I was 11 and lived in a poor area in London in the year 1836. Mum said that it was time for me to get some work. She read that Lady Seymour wanted a young boy to be her friend. Mum thought this would be an easy job, and hoped that my future would be as a butler somewhere. Dad wanted me to work in the factory, where I would have a real man's job. Mum won. We were standing outside the gates to an old large house. As we walked through its garden path, we could...


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