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There is no explicit sex in this story. I wish to thank the people who helped contribute to and edit this story, per their wishes, they remain anonymous. This story is totally fictitious, any resemblance the characters might have to persons living or deceased is purely coincidental. No part of this story may be published at any other site without the express permission of the author. © January 20, 2010


Dazed and barely conscious, Eric slumped forward against his steering wheel. As blood began to pulse from the gash in his forehead his mind went totally blank. And for a second or two, nothing registered, not even the loud ringing in his ears.

Then as the red fluid began to drip from the end of his nose, flashes of memory started to return. But they were too disjointed… too out of place… and too distant for him to make sense of.

Suddenly, somehow… somewhere in all the muddle, Eric was finally able to piece together just enough to wonder, ‘Why does everything seem so confusing… why can’t I think?’ With that, his brain forced itself to search for something familiar. Something it could latch on to and use as a focal point.

All of a sudden the mental image of, ‘Sharon’ popped into his head. He was momentarily confused, but then remembered, ‘I’m not alone.’

Instinctively Eric tried to turn, but quickly discovered that even the slightest movement would require more effort than he could muster.

Frustrated, Eric strained to look sideways, but what he saw wasn’t what he had expected. Sharon was lying on her side next to him, her face covered with blood from busted lips and a broken nose as she sobbed in pain.

Then without warning, Eric’s own protective wall of shock began to crumble. As the first wave of pain broke through, he groaned loudly.

Sharon reacted to his sound, but Eric could only watch helplessly as she struggled to lift herself. After a couple of attempts, Sharon paused to get her breath while bracing herself on one elbow. Then using her other arm, she slowly pushed herself back up into a sitting position.

Now more confused than ever, Eric vaguely wondered, ‘What the hell just happened,’ as he desperately strived to recall an evening that had started out like any other.


When returning from a night out, Eric and Sharon always parked at the curb in front of her parent’s home. It had become their spot, the place where they could take a few extra moments to just hold each other before she had to go in.

Tonight though, Sharon seemed preoccupied. Even the shadows inside the car couldn’t hide her concern as she kept glancing at the house.

Suddenly Sharon turned and with a beaming smile, teasingly replied, ‘First you have to promise.’

Eric knew it was her playful, loving way of bringing the evening to a close. Still he pretended to have no choice, and relented, ‘Oooookay, just one more kiss. Then say the magic words and I’ll disappear… but,’ with a mischievous grin, added, ‘I will be back in the morning.’

In return, she teasingly wrinkled her nose at him and smirked, ‘I had no doubt.’

Ever since her mom and dad had begun to treat Eric like part of the family, it wasn’t uncommon on weekends when he was home from school to see him at their breakfast table.

Sharon was in her senior year of high school and Eric, his second year of college. Even though very young, they were deeply in love, and had been almost since their first date two years ago.

With Sharon still three months away from graduation, it had been quite a shock that morning at the breakfast table. No one seemed surprised when she and Eric announced their engagement.

While making some toast at the kitchen counter, her mom turned and said, ‘That’s nice dear.’ Sharon’s twin sister was reading a fashion magazine and didn’t even bother to look up. Her dad just grunted as he finished eating a spoon full of cereal. Eric and Sharon looked stunned until everyone started laughing, then the hugs, congratulations… and real questions began.

Her parents had given it their best shot, but Sharon refused to wait. At the end of summer Eric was transferring and would be starting the fall semester at a graduate school in another state. Since he could only come home on holidays, Sharon didn’t want to be separated that long, so the wedding was planned for the end of June.

It was a great family and Eric knew it. Both girls loved and respected their parents immensely.

James, their older brother, was married and had a home of his own. He had taken a liking to Eric from the beginning. When told they planned to get married, him and his wife gave them four thumbs up.

But Eric did feel that Sharon’s father was way too lenient and spoiled his daughters rotten. Like tonight, Eric enjoyed the extra time, but it was already past Sharon’s usual ‘twenty minutes late going in.’

Normally her dad would come to the door right at midnight, look out, spot them, then point to his watch. It was his way of saying, ‘Time to come in, evenings over.’ But Sharon knew just how far she could push her father. He always came back exactly ten minutes later, got their attention, firmly pointed at his watch and waved for her to get her ass inside. At twenty after, he would stand in the doorway until Sharon got out and came in.

But for some strange reason, her dad hadn’t made his usual appearances. And since their cars were in the drive, she knew her parents and sister were home.

Now more than a little concerned, Sharon wanted to get inside and find out what was going on. So this was going to be her and Eric’s final kiss for the evening. Sharon tilted her head slightly and they leaned in towards each other.

Suddenly the passenger windows facing the house exploded inward, scattering bits of safety glass through out the car as the impact from the explosion forcefully lifted that whole side of the vehicle off the ground.

It hit so hard and fast that Eric and Sharon never even heard the sound as it slammed their faces together. Instantly his eyebrow split open and her nose snapped as teeth sliced and bit through lips and tongues before cracking together, chipping a few, but one gave way.

Sharon’s initial scream turned into gasping sobs as she fell over sideways on the seat. A loud roaring in their ears was all either could hear while excruciating pain reverberated through their bodies. Both were dripping blood as Eric’s tooth slid out in a red drool.


After Sharon sat back up, they rapidly became conscious of their surroundings and what was happening. As Eric moaned, Sharon looked at her parent’s house. Flames were rolling out the top of now empty window frames and a huge gaping hole stood where the picture window and front entrance used to be.

Gurgling a scream, Sharon began clawing at the door. Finally getting a grasp on the handle, she jerked and pushed with all her might. As the door swung open, Sharon went rolling out onto the ground, not realizing that her whole body was in shock from the impact of the explosion.

Suddenly Eric saw what was happening and tried to jump out, but his muscles and nerves still weren’t functioning properly. With his entire body in pain, it took all his will power just to stand. Then through pure resolve, he staggered around the car, frustrated, knowing that he had to get to Sharon before it was too late.

By the time he reached her, she had given up on standing and was now desperately crawling towards the house, screaming, and crying, ‘Mommy, daddy, sissy.’

Eric knew she was not thinking and would crawl right across the yard into the burning structure. The only thing he could think to do was to fall on the back of her legs, pinning her to the ground as he reached up, grabbing at the waistband of her jeans. Finally getting hold of her belt, Eric hung on for dear life.

In their determined effor
ts, neither noticed that windows of nearby houses had been blown out, or that lights were coming on up and down the street.

People were pouring out their front doors to see what the hell was going on. Distant sirens could start to be heard. Help was on the way. But Eric and Sharon were oblivious to it all as they continued their struggle on the grass.

Striving to get to her parents and sister, Sharon jerked one leg lose and half way rolled over, still screaming and sobbing, ‘ERIC, LET GO DAMN IT… Oh God… please make him let go.’

Eric knew that if he did, she would crawl to her death. His hand kept a tight grip on her belt.

In a desperate attempt to break loose, Sharon drew back her free foot and kicked Eric hard as she could. Her shoe caught him right above the ear as it raked down the side of Eric’s head, tearing the top of his ear loose.

Realizing that he was still hanging on, Sharon sat up and swung with all her might. Her fist caught him just below the same ear as her engagement ring sliced a gash the full length of his jaw.

On the verge of passing out, and only partially aware of what was happening, Eric suddenly felt his hand being pried loose from Sharon’s belt. At first he panicked, but then realized others were taking hold of Sharon and dragging her away from the immense heat now radiating from the burning house.

Eric had a brief feeling of relief before vaguely hearing her scream, ‘You son-of-a-bitch. You killed my parents.’ Then she sobbed, ‘I could have saved them…. Why did you stop me…?’ At that point Eric blacked out, not even knowing he was being carried to safety also.

After coming to in the ambulance, Eric tried to sit up while managing to slur, ‘Sharon… how is she?’ A firm but gentle hand pressed him back down, just before the needle penetrated his arm.

‘She’s fine,’ the attendant’s voice sought to reassure him, ‘now just lie still and relax. Everything will be fine. We’ll be at the hospital soon.’

That was all Eric remembered. The drug went to work and he slipped off into a painless sleep.


The creases in James’ forehead displayed his concern as he sat in his small den and stared out the window. James and his wife were terribly worried. It was the end of summer, almost six months since the explosion, and Sharon wasn’t getting any better.

With no where else to go when she got out of the hospital, Sharon had moved in with her brother and his wife. Of course they were more than happy to help and at first thought Sharon’s depression would pass, that she would gradually improve with time. Instead, she seemed to be getting worse.

With each passing day, James and his wife could tell that Sharon was becoming more withdrawn. She was going through the motions, but there was no life in her step, or light in her eyes. She just moped around and after losing several pounds, still only picked at her food.

James and his wife just finished discussing the problem and both agreed that something had to be done, and now. Sharon couldn’t go on like this. It wouldn’t be much longer before her health would be in serious jeopardy.

His wife had gone to Sharon’s room to get her. James was mulling over what he needed to say, and do.

Even though he dreaded the fact that things had reached this point, for his sister’s sake, James knew, ‘I have no choice. She has to have help.’

After Sharon stepped into the den, she just stood, staring blankly at her brother. James was shocked, her skin was even paler and her eyes more dark and sunken than he thought.

Collecting his thoughts, he said, ‘Sharon, please sit down. We need to talk.’

Without a word, or expression, she mindlessly followed his instructions and dropped into the chair he had set up across from him.

‘Sharon… I’m going to be blunt. I have a friend. He’s a psychologist. His name is Patrick and he has agreed to see you. He’s good. I truly believe… no, I know that he can help you,’ James informed her.

He could tell by the look on her face that the words hadn’t sunken in yet. Finally, with a slightly surprised look, she replied, ‘I don’t need any help James. I’m fine.’

Sadly, he stated, ‘No sis, you’re not. Sharon, this is not an option. You don’t realize what’s happening to you. Something has to give. Sis… either you see Patrick… or… for your own sake, I’m going to have you committed for observation.’


Sharon had been very upset, but finally agreed to see James’ friend. Her appointments were scheduled for twice a week. At least in her mind, it would get James off her back.

At first, the questions were nothing to be upset about, but this was her fifth visit. And Patrick started off by saying, ‘Sharon, correct me if I’m wrong, but it’s my understanding that it was an accident, a broken gas connection in the basement. The fire marshal thinks your parent’s two pet dogs probably knocked over a freestanding heater while playing. And the coroner’s convinced your parents and sister were already asphyxiated from lack of oxygen before the explosion?’

Slowly and ever so slightly, Sharon nodded her head in a positive manner.

Casually he asked, ‘Then why do you feel so much guilt, Sharon?’

Surprised and a little angry, she suddenly resented this man and his constant questions. Then without thinking, replied, ‘Because you don’t understand. It wasn’t fair or right. I should have died in their place. It should have been me in that house… or at least I should have been with them.’

Angrily, Sharon thought to herself, ‘He has no right to invade my privacy. My feelings and thoughts are my own, no one else’s.’ Suddenly she mentally cursed her brother, ‘Damn you, James, for making me come here anyway.’

The psychologist’s next question caught her off guard again. As usual, she immediately tried to figure out where he was going, and what he was trying to accomplish. This one had her though when he asked, ‘Sharon, tell me who you’ve met that made you feel you could live their life for them?’

After cautiously pondering the question’s potential for a moment and coming up empty handed, she replied sarcastically, ‘Why no one. You can’t live someone else’s life… for them or yourself.’

Patrick nodded, leaned forward, and very seriously but with great concern, asked, ‘Then why do you think you could or should have died someone else’s death?’

As the correlation between the two questions hit her, a tear rolled down Sharon’s cheek. For the first time since her parents and sister’s death, someone had finally broken through her façade. Patrick got through to her.

When she got home that night, James and his wife could tell for the first time, there was a difference. Sharon, even though ever so slight, responded to her surroundings, and the most important thing to them, she ate some of the food on her plate at dinner.


James smiled, Sharon was back to her old normal self. Patrick had performed a miracle, at least to James it seemed that way. Except James and his wife noticed that as Sharon got better, she also seemed to be more nervous, agitated, anxious… it was time for another talk.

As Sharon stepped into the den, James pointed once more to the seat across from him. Sharon looked puzzled, but happily sat down and asked, ‘What’s going on, James?’

Not looking overly concerned, he replied, ‘You, sis. Do you mind telling me what’s making you so edgy lately? It’s almost like you are constantly walking on pins and needles.’

Embarrassed, Sharon turned slightly red, but knew exactly what James was referring to. ‘Well… I…,’ she stuttered.

‘Come on sis, we’ve always been able to talk about anything and everything. Now fess up, get it off you chest, what’s got you so flustered?’ James jokingly inquired.

‘It’s… it’s… damn it James, it’s Eric,’ Sharon said as her eyes became teary.

Confused, James ask
ed, ‘What about Eric?’

‘That’s just it James, there is NO ERIC.’ With that she broke down and started crying, ‘I miss him… I love him… I wish he was here.’

James nodded his head and smiled. He had suspected, but was glad to hear Sharon finally say it as he leaned forward and clasped her hands between his.

‘Then why don’t you tell him?’ James queried, making it sound so simple.

‘Because I’m afraid that after all this time, and all that’s happened he will no longer love me,’ she now started bawling.

James didn’t mean to be disrespectful to his sister’s feelings, but he couldn’t help but chuckle, ‘Sis, you will never know if you don’t ask. If you stop and think about it, what have you got to lose?’

‘I know… but I just couldn’t bear the pain of seeing rejection in his eyes… that would kill me,’ she sniffed as James handed her a tissue to wipe her nose.

‘But you have to admit, after everything that’s happened, you owe Eric that much. He has the right to tell you, face to face, how he feels, one way or the other,’ James stated firmly.

Then Sharon hopefully asked, ‘How about I call him on the phone?’

‘No way sis,’ James informed her, ‘that’s not our way. Mom and dad didn’t raise us to be afraid. Plus, no matter what happens, you will feel better about yourself in the long run. Just do it and get it over with.’

‘I know… you’re right… I’ll leave tomorrow. I’ve put this off long enough. It’s time to face the music… but… what if he hates me James, I don’t know if I can stand that,’ Sharon painfully cried.

‘Then you will live with it, and life will go on sis. That’s just the way it is, but you’re doing the right thing. At least you’re giving Eric the choice, and he deserves that after all that’s happened,’ her brother replied.


Eric loved Sharon with a passion so intense that it had made life unbearable the first couple of months after the explosion. He tried repeatedly to see her. But starting at the hospital, and then at home, her family put up a protective wall around her.

They sympathized with his plight. But with Sharon’s recent loss, her depression, and her insistence that Eric was to blame for stopping her from saving her family, they had no choice. Claiming that she was adamant about not even talking to him, they blocked Eric’s attempts at every turn.

By the end of summer there was no option left, school was starting and Eric had to return. After picking up the pieces of his life, he’d done his best ever since to move on.

But now with his arms folded across his chest and his neck lying over the backrest, Eric sat half sprawled on the campus bench across from his dorm. Looking up at the evening stars, he only knew one thing for sure, after several months without a single word from Sharon… he had finally given up.

But unbeknownst to him, at that very moment, just hours away, Sharon pulled her single piece of luggage from the trunk of her car, before shutting the lid. Holding the room key in one hand, she stood with her suitcase in the other as she paused to look up at the heavens. With bitter sweetness, she took a short opportunity to enjoy the moment, relating it to some beautiful memories.

‘They used to belong to Eric and me,’ she thought. Then as tears filled her eyes blotting out the stars, she wondered, ‘Is there any chance they ever will again?’ She would know tomorrow.


Sharon stood outside Eric’s dorm, peeking inside. She had watched several boys and girls coming and going, but could see a front desk just inside. There was a ‘Visitors Check In Here’ sign just in front of it.

Suddenly a male voice said, ‘May I help you?’

Looking up, Sharon found a friendly looking face smiling at her. ‘I… I don’t know. I’m looking for a friend of mine. I haven’t seen him in almost a year and I hoped to surprise him,’ she replied.

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Magic Part 1

Kandie just finished her profile on an adult date finding service. She decided it was time to add a bit of spice to her life. She sat back and wondered if she added just the right touch of sex appeal. She read the words again, Sexy older woman looking for sexy fun and excitement. Preferences are one on one sex, a bi-curious relationship and a fantasy called stranger-stranger encounter. “I can be traditional or kinky, depending on the mood I am in. When it comes to sex, I am in it for fun,...

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Magic part 2 the magic continues

“Hello Kandie, Hi, I see you posted your story. I hope that it will be as enjoyed being everyone who reads it, as it was obviously fun for you in writing it. I loved having my share of fun in inspiring you in writing it. Hmmm, I wonder if the seed of desire to fulfill that stranger/stranger fantasy has set itself. Perhaps some more stimulation to captivate your imagination and desires will further fuel it. I know you’re looking for fun and excitement, so allow me to excite you...

2 years ago
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Magic Part 2

Kandie sat down at her computer and after logging on noticed an email from Magic. She had taken their erotic emails and turned them into an erotic story, then posted it on an erotic story site. She couldn’t wait to read his reaction to their story.“Hello Kandie, Hi, I see you posted your story. I hope that it will be as enjoyed being everyone who reads it, as it was obviously fun for you in writing it. I loved having my share of fun in inspiring you in writing it. Hmmm, I wonder if the seed of...

First Time
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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 25

Mark's Narrative Continues: We didn't see Seamus or most of his people for ten days following dinner that night. Meagan and Maureen did appear for dinner a couple of times during that period, and they borrowed Dymphna for a time as Seamus and Carl had taken Dealla and Cessair with them. Having three Mages in the Ohio country put a strain on our one remaining Mage, Coleen, who was rather busy with two locations to take care of. Things on this side of the Ohio River had not slowed down or...

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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 34

Final characters introduced in the story: Wolfgang Patrick O'Connell Mike and Gretchen's son, born 7 November 2053, auburn hair, green eyes Carl Michael O'Connell Pat and Petra's son, born 7 November 2053, reddish blond hair, blue eyes While Pat and I had been busy with our Wives and Sons, a bit of a brouhaha had developed at the University. It seems that some of the other Faculty members were jealous of our Parents and Aunts, and their position in what had become one of the...

4 years ago
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Magicians Assistant Friends Lovers 6

Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers 6 By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink Copyrighted 2002 Preface Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers takes place in the Magatrix the Magnificent Universe, which was first introduced in my serialized seven-part story, Magician's Assistant. The premise upon which both that story and this story are based revolves around the fact that Magatrix the Magnificent has been reprimanded by the ethics review board of the Magician's...

2 years ago
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Magic Box

Magic Box By Adrienne K. I looked at the box curiously. It was about the size of a shoebox and made out of some sort of grey stone. The box itself wasn't what intrigued me. On the top of the box was some sort of puzzle lock. The pieces moved, but the former owner had no idea how to open it. For five dollars, I figured it was worth finding out. The inscriptions on the side were worn down, but even if they were clear, I had no idea what they meant. They were written in some foreign...

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Magic Depot Changed My Life

'Magic Depot Changed My Life' Today I'm wearing Sally Cooper - DNA from the nearest Magic Depot superstore of course. I'm hoping that appearing as the popular newsreader will put my interviewee at ease, more than my normal male self would have done. I have arranged to meet her in Anna Miller's, where she works as a waitress. It's an appropriate venue. Anna Miller's is a restaurant that is a version of a chain of restaurants in Japan, that itself imitates western restaurants. So a...

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Magic and Malice at the Movies The Conclusion

MAGIC AND MALICE AT THE MOVIES A GENDER SWAP TALE Rachel Rose Parker Mr Williams has trapped Joey in the job (and in his clutches) by altering her reality even further and all because Stephanie and she were developing their relationship in new ways... How are they going to find their way out of this nightmare and back into their old lives?! Sorry for the delay in posting, it's been a manic time, but in return for your wait, why don't you enjoy... THE CONCLUSION of Magic...

4 years ago
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Magic Ink II the ChildrenChapter 8

Annie and Sara arrived at the printing plant just after 12:30. Sean and I were just finishing cleaning up the presses, and only needed to use a quick spell to clean ourselves up and be presentable. Annie and Sara were wearing jeans like Sean and I were, but had on heavy blouses and jackets rather than the "Magic Ink" T-shirts that Sean and I were wearing with our sneakers. They had also brought jackets for us. "It's a lot colder in Denver than it is here," Sara told us, as they handed...

4 years ago
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Magic Ink II the ChildrenChapter 7

At home on Monday we all relaxed for a while except for the need to weed the fields and some maintenance on the new Tractor. Sean and I took Annie and Sara out to show them how to weed with Magic. They were surprised that they knew the spell, and at how easy it was to weed the large fields with Magic. Later our Moms took them out and introduced them to the herbal garden and weeding by hand because many of the herbs and other things growing there would be considered weeds by the Magic spell,...

4 years ago
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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 56

"Shannon, what are you doing?" Savannah demanded, standing in the hall behind us. Shannon's head came up off my chest, and she turned toward her Sister in a more determined way than I had seen before. "It's all right, Savannah. He will take us with him and will marry both of us," she told her Sister. Savannah gasped in surprise. "Really? Both of us? Are you sure?" she asked in a doubtful voice. "I told Shannon that I would marry both of you. I will be glad to have both of you as...

4 years ago
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Magic Returns Drafted

Drafted By Circe John Spencer yawned mightily as he waited for the scanner to finish copying his latest work. He glanced at the clock and sighed. It was past midnight, which meant that some of his fans would be already posting bets on the forum as to when or if he would upload the latest episode of his web comic "Justice for Hire." Finally the scanner beeped and a window appeared on his computer monitor. John leaned forward in his chair and smiled as he looked over the...

2 years ago
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Magic Part 3 Mesmerized

Magic stood in the darkness of his room. His mind was obsessed with a stranger he met through his email. Her name is Kandie; she seemed to walk out of his dream into his life. Oh god, he just had to have her! First, he wanted to drive her desires higher than they had ever been, then when they meet…..the magic would turn into pure ecstasy! He sat down and began writing her another enticing email.“My sweet Kandie, I found myself so wanting, last night, that I discovered myself standing there in...

First Time
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Magic City

Magic City By Mouse Standard disclaimer: this story is a work of fiction. This story uses the actual names of a couple of places and locations, but the resemblance ends with the name. Any other similarities between people and places are entirely coincidental. This story contains adult themes and attempts to describe acts of a sexual nature. If you shouldn't be reading this sort of material, please stop reading now. * Ebony swayed rhythmically between Jeff's legs. In...

3 years ago
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Magic Pill Adventure

Hello and welcome to my first breast expansion and transgender story. This story originated from some of my early BE Addventure posts. I am always working on it, so it is never really finished. However, if I waited until it was complete, it might never get published. ;) Anyway, I had a lot of fun writing this, and my goal is to pass on some of that fun to you. I hope you enjoy it. Many thanks go out to Adama, who is a wonderful proofreader and friend. Please send any comments or...

2 years ago
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Magic Medicine

MAGIC MEDICINE Christopher Halstead was at the end of his tether. He was only 50 years old but felt deep down in his soul that his useful life had come to an end. To understand why it is necessary to go back some twenty-five years. In 1992 Christopher married his childhood sweetheart Amy. He and Amy had grown up in adjacent houses; attended the same schools; and had had an unspoken 'understanding' from their teens. They only occasion they spent time apart was whilst they were at...

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MagicChapter 2

Sean ran down the path cursing his choice of flip-flops. They weren’t exactly the best footwear for running around in the woods. He looked down at his feet thinking that he was going to have to start waiting a little longer after waking before leaving the house. He reached the location where the altercation had taken place that morning and looked around. He said, “Now I find out if it was a dream or not.” The three dwarves stepped out of the woods. Surprised that they were actually there, he...

4 years ago
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Magic Is An Art Not A Science

Magic is an Art, Not a Science By Bashful Albert stood next to the car as the final suitcases were loaded. Gary walked out and put a pillow in the back seat along with a headset radio. He stood there awhile, like Albert, scuffing the ground with his feet. It was a warm clear day, the beginning of summer. The two 14 year old boys should have been happy that school was over for nearly three months. Instead, they were both closer to tears than they would care to...

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Magicians Assistant Friends and Lovers 11

Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers 11 By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink Copyrighted 2002 Preface Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers takes place in the Magatrix the Magnificent Universe, which was first introduced in my serialized seven-part story, Magician's Assistant. The premise upon which both that story and this story are based revolves around the fact that Magatrix the Magnificent has been reprimanded by the ethics review board of the Magician's...

2 years ago
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Magic Is Gross

I had heard there was a new girl, but until I saw her: Holy Shit! Where was Curtis? It had been his job to collect and catalog all the hot chicks at school. She was a brunette. Her hair waved around her oval face. She had clear, lightly tanned skin and pale pink lips. Her body! I mean, Yes! Yes! Yes! She was tall, at least 5’8”, and slender but with a flare to her hips that promised an incredible ass if she’d only turn around. Her jeans were baggy but I’d bet her legs were as hot as the rest of...

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Magic Ink II the ChildrenChapter 23

Annie and I spent a troubled night with thoughts of Weres waking us from time to time, as I was sure others in our family did. We had all heard tales about them, but had always assumed that they were just that - tales, and not anything real. We were about to discover if they were real or not. Annie and I were up early for breakfast and were joined by Sean and Sara, who were up equally early. After breakfast there wasn’t anything to do at our houses, so we went over to our parents’ house to...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 30

Mark resumes the Narrative: The following new characters appear in this chapter and the rest of the story: Clare O'Hara Mark's Wife, 5'-1" tall, 100 pounds +, 34C-21-32, 16 years old, auburn hair, gray eyes, very cute Saoirse Ward Wolf's Wife, 5'-0" tall, less than 100 pounds, 32C-20-32, 15 years old, bright red hair, green eyes, very cute Nora and Nola Twin Sisters, 3'-0" tall, 35 pounds, nearly 4 years old, red hair, green eyes, adorable The following characters reappear...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 31

Mark resumes the Narrative: I didn't have a chance to return to the barracks room until sometime later. I had checked with all of the Platoon Leaders and the remaining leaders of Olive Hill. I had also created the permanent Portal to Hickory Hill to get supplies in here. Wolf came over to me as I entered the room. He had very hesitantly left the girl that he had rescued, who was asleep on one of the bunks. "I'm sorry that I let you down, Mark, but I ... I just couldn't leave Saoirse....

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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 25

It was just after 4:00 that afternoon when the radio broke the silence. "Attention all O'Connell teams! We have just received word from the Intelligence Corp that the Persians have landed a short distance down river from Frankfurt. Keep a sharp lookout for their arrival. That's all for now," Grandfather Mark finished. Pat and I used the small pair of binoculars that we had been issued to search the area west of the city, but could only make out the top masts of several ships down the...

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Magic 101Chapter 6

Mom and Dad had purchased a nice RV, the kind that have the van front end and the cabover spare bed, but this one had a long body and lots of room. For their Christmas present, I got a new stereo installed in the RV with a CD player and everything. There would be one in the dash and one in the lounge area. I also got CD versions of about thirty of the albums and cassettes, even a few 8-tracks they had laying around. This was all a major bummer, of course, as I was too young to drive and...

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Magic 101Chapter 13

It hit me then. It was like a blow to the back of the head, and I recognized why others, like Lady Eisenham, for instance, thought she was unfeeling. After spending so long with Doctor Atkinson and with his patients, I recognized, at least partially, what was off about Dame Matsuko! She had facial paralysis, at least partially. When I was done reasoning it through in my head, I looked up again, realizing I must have seemed preoccupied. Dame Matsuko was staring at me, her eyes seeming to bore...

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Magic Part 3 Mesmerized

“My sweet Kandie, I found myself so wanting, last night, that I discovered myself standing there in the darkness stroking my hardened cock. I imagined you kneeling naked before me, taking me in your mouth. As you lick and suck my cock, one hand was moving up and down the length of my thickened shaft as the other fondled and massaged my balls. I could feel cum building up in my balls. As I jacked off, your desires have me captivated. I know you want to taste my nectar as you take me...

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Magic Ink IV Ken and KellChapter 19

Characters introduced in the next two chapters: Lady Caoilinn O'Doherty Master Cahir's Wife, the current owner of Glenveagh Castle, 5'-7" tall, 135 pounds, 36B-24-37, 32 years old, dark blond hair, gray eyes Master Cahir Imprisoned the Mac Sweeney sisters, Lady Caoilinn Husband, 5'-7" tall, 175 pounds, 41 years old, Long brown hair and brown eyes Donough Servant, 6'-2" tall, 255 pounds, 27 years old black hair, blue eyes Sean Og O'Doherty Captain of Guards, Lady Caoilinn's...

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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 6

We materialized in the Duke's apartment on the second floor of the Manor house. The lamps there ran on Magic and they were lit. There was a fire in the large fireplace, making it much cheerier than the cell that we had just left. Of course the four girls couldn't see any of this, but they could feel the increased warmth. A large sumptuous dinner had been set out on the large table in the dining area here. It appeared that the Duke and Duchess had been interrupted as they prepared to have...

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Magic Ink II the ChildrenChapter 18

It was July before more checks showed up. It was Wednesday, the 13th, to be exact. On Thursday, the 14th, we returned to Nassau to deposit the latest checks and some excess funds from our parents' regular bank account in Georgia. Our parents were maintaining a large reserve of cash on hand in their house now. They had built it up over the last eleven months. This deposit brought them to over 225 million dollars in the two Nassau banks. It would appear that we weren't the only ones moving...

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Magic Ink VI the Final OConnellChapter 9

Mankato's (Robert's) awakening: I awoke next to the woman who had rescued me. From the size of the Talent that I could feel and the amount of Magic energy surrounding her, one would assume that she was a woman of large proportions and stature. In fact, the woman next to me was short with large breasts and a slim but very female figure. In her sleep, her breasts rose and fell rhythmically, and I watched them joyfully for a considerable period of time. At last she awoke and sat up. "How...

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Magic Ink IV Ken and KellChapter 20

I hated to interrupt the Sisters' fun, but it was getting late in the day, and we needed to come to a consensus on what was to be done. "Would you ladies like to leave here with me?" I asked when they took a little break after exploring the room. "Leave?" they both thought in my mind. "Yes, go somewhere else with me." "We had never considered that we could go somewhere else!" Airmid said in surprise. "How would we do that?" Almha asked. "I can use my Magic to transfer us to...

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Magic Ink IV Ken and KellChapter 34

We awoke fairly early the next morning, as the Sisters wanted to see this new castle. I was worried about what Ken had said, and that they would be disappointed. We quickly dressed in our Wizard's robes, but I didn't know if Ken and the O'Hallinan Sisters were up yet. "Ken could still be asleep," I told my women, who were ready to leave for his apartment. "No, they are awake and up," Airmid told me, confidently. "Are you sure?" I asked wondering how she could know that. "Yes, we...

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