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Chapter 1 Co home
This is my home? Although I saw the family's disposition through the crystal ball, I didn't expect it to be worse than I thought. I really wanted to turn around and catch up with the teacher and go back to the mixture of paper, medicine and metal. Go to the tower.

I huddled in the chair, and my family’s eyes were like a liar, a rogue, a beggar, and many years of dreams shattered in an instant.

When I was seven years old, I was taken by the teacher. He took me away with magic and became his apprentice. After seven years, my parents died as early as possible. Now suddenly I go home, my parents’ personality will inevitably bring me. Be a liar.

In these years, I used the magic in the crystal ball to see through them and bully them. But Lee is the figure, in order to promote the rich and the wealth of the typical little aristocratic mentality, but I did not expect even my lost son to go home, is also considered
There is no attempt, if not for me to take out the necklace from my body, and under the clothes, family-specific birthmarks, they kicked me out. Now I have been skeptical when I have tested it, and I am a liar.

Father, mother, sister! "I hesitated for a moment and decided to end this embarrassing situation. "I miss you so many years! "Father frowned, the fat destroyed his still handsome face, and now it is even more ugly. "First arrange a room for you, what will be said later!" Father said coldly. I After hearing it, I lowered my head. After a while, I suppressed my impulse to cry. I slowly raised my head and said with a red eye: "Okay, father, everyone, everything is listening to your arrangement, but I only live for two months. Just leave, just give me a The room is ok! ” Still my mother was soft. After all, I was a piece of meat she had born. She waved at me: "Come, come and let my mother see how these years have passed!"

I walked slowly with my head down, and my mother held me in my arms. The fullness and softness of my chest made my heart beat faster and I couldn't breathe. "... Is this really my mother? Is that fat man really her husband?" I have such a question in my heart--the mother of 36-year-old has a beautiful appearance, and she has been well-maintained and well-maintained, making her The skin is smooth and fair, and the body is not deformed by the birth of a man and a woman. There is also a charm that the girl does not have; and the father has a lot of exercise because of the overeating, lack of exercise, and a hard-earned drill. Forty years old, he has a white hair prematurely (our family is black and black eyes, although most people in the mainland of Castel are blond, but like our family is not a minority, this feature makes The father's aristocratic dreams are twists and turns, and the white is more than a few times more effort than others.) It looks like a flower is inserted in the "that".

From the age of ten, I have been using my own blood to cite, use the crystal ball to check the situation of my loved ones, and see that many times my father wants to get more benefits, let the woman who holds me in front of him serve his boss and one. Some friends who can bring him benefits, now he can be a small treasury as a viscount, to be a small director of the Imperial Tax Office, the mother at least accounted for the majority of credit. Now, although it is less likely for my mother to open the way for his future, it is because it is no longer that his "brothers" can help him, so he has the idea of being under the age of sixteen. Hope to continue After inheriting the beauty of my mother, I can marry into the giants, let him step into the sky and jump over the dragon gate. Looking at it all with a cold mouth, I buried my head in my mother's arms, but the mental strength of the exercise allowed me to take everything inside Sanzhang in my heart. People around you are also not welcome because of family members. And for this young master, I despise it from the bottom of my heart.

From the age of ten, I have been using my own blood to cite, use the crystal ball to check the situation of my loved ones, and see that many times my father wants to get more benefits, let the woman who holds me in front of him serve his boss and one. Some friends who can bring him benefits, now he can be a small treasury as a viscount, to be a small director of the Imperial Tax Office, the mother at least accounted for the majority of credit. Now, although it is less likely for my mother to open the way for his future, it is because the "brothers" who are no longer going to go up can help, so they have the idea of being a sister under the age of sixteen. Hope to continue The younger sister who passed the mother's beauty can marry into the giants and let him step into the sky and jump over the dragon gate. My sister looked at it with a cold mouth, although I was buried in my mother's arms, but the mental strength of the exercise allowed me to take everything inside Sanzhang in my heart. People around you are also not welcome because of family members. And for this young master, I despise it from the bottom of my heart.

Lying on the wooden bed of hard state, I feel a lot of emotions in my heart. My loved ones are not as close to the teachers. Is fame and fortune so charming? In fact, as long as they are better to me, I can easily reach them without breaking the treaty limits of the Masters Federation. Now, I only hope that the teacher will hurry to finish the regular meeting of the Masters Federation. Come and pick me up. If I didn't play too much when he was not at home last time, the tower we lived in will be flattened, and the teacher will not put it. I sent it back to this sin...

In my confusion, I began to fall asleep. My mother’s feeling of oppression in the deep cleavage reappeared in my dreams, which made my life dream for the first time. I was only f******n years old...

When I got up in the morning, I panicked and cleaned up the traces I left last night. I was afraid to come in and discover the servants. Fortunately, I have been cleaning up the room for so many years, and I will finish everything soon.

Dreaming of my mother and dreaming, I have a sense of guilt, but it makes me feel very excited. I saw my mother doing the same thing with other men many times. I didn’t know anything about men and women. I had a special feeling for her, but my daily work was so overwhelming. I fell asleep and went to sleep until the last moment of my heart was hidden in the deepest.

"Young master, the lord told you to go to breakfast!" The shouts of the next person came in.

This is a luxuriously decorated dining room. A hundred square meters of room has a rectangular nanmu dining table for twenty people. Although more than ten precious crystal lamps on the wall can not show their dazzling brilliance during the day.
But it is enough to make people's comments on the owners who own them. Although the murals on the walls are not painted by famous artists, they are very suitable for the atmosphere of the whole room. There are several beautifully carved silver candlesticks on the huge table. The people who dine here can clearly see the dishes in front of them. I know that this is the mother's arrangement. My father didn't have the water mill to figure this out.

Sitting at the dinner table, I feel like a transparent person. My parents keep licking vegetables to my sister. I just don't exist. For them, the younger sister is the father's step that can go one step further and even a few steps. For her mother, it is the guarantee that she will be changed from the title of the Viscountess to the count, even the Duchess, and I, the son who has been away for many years, is only It’s an outsider who comes back to eat and even eat money. I just looked down at the rice, hoping to end the tasteless taste of the food, such as the thorns on the back of the breakfast, the chopsticks and the bowl of the collision sound alarmed the mother, she remembered at this time, smashed some dishes in my bowl: "slow slow Eat, don't lie! ” "Thank you mom!" My tears almost flowed out, or my mother was more human. My sister looked at me from time to time and looked at me as an enemy who didn’t share the sky. I knew she hated me and took back some of her love, but I was her brother...

"What have you done with the man who took you this time?" Father was stuffed with food in his mouth, The cold and cold spit makes me cold and cold. "Sorry, my father, the teacher told me that I can't say anything to you and anyone in these years, because that violates the agreement between us, but I promise that everything I do is noble!" I replied This is a rigid provision of the Masters Federation. It is not allowed to disclose the existence of our generation to unrelated people. Offenders will be severely punished. "Father big man?" Sister Gao said: "Don't call it so intimate, we haven't seen your identity authenticity. Who knows if it is a younger brother who has been missing for many years. I don't know where to find the necklace to lie. Deceive, you said that everything you do is noble. As far as I know, thieves also say that everything they do is noble. The old man will not be a thief? Father, we must be careful about the property of the family!" My sister sneered. I took a deep breath and suppressed my anger. I just had to reply, and my father interrupted me with a wave of his hand. "Cleite!" Father told a man standing next to him! "You should go to the back garden to pour water for the flowers." Clett agreed, and looked at me before leaving, his eyes filled with contempt.

When I came out, it was obvious that someone was watering the flowers. Now I clearly heard the words of my sister and asked me to search my room. My heart was angry and arrogant. The hand under the table was tightly held... "Dear, he is indeed our son can not be wrong, I will be mistaken if I gave birth to myself? Although after seven years, it is true that he is right!" Mother could not see. I grateful to see my mother, my mother smiled at me, although she knew that she would sell her personality and body for the sake of prosperity, but she is always my mother, and is a beautiful woman, now give me It feels more like a goddess. "Thank you, Mom!" I said gratefully: "Oh, I think so too!" The father smiled falsely, and he did not know how the beautiful mother would look at him. "But I am also afraid that he will bring people out of the way in these years, and prevent it from happening!" "Yes, I should ask him to say what he has done in the past seven years, and wherever he passed, clearly, let us ask people to look up!" My sister poured oil on the fire.

My father’s round face approached me: “What do you think? I really don’t trust your experience over the years, just say it!”

I looked down and thought about it. Although the Masters Association issued a standard for each magimeter, the two-footed statute clearly stated that it is not allowed to reveal their identity to unrelated people, but they are my parents and sisters! and
They saw it by themselves, I just used a little magic.

I suddenly came up with a good way to let parents know what I did and not to violate the statute.

"Okay!" I said wronged. "But I just want to tell you, can you let the servants back first?"

The father waved his hand impatiently, and the next one took a nap and retired.

"You can say it!" said the father impatiently.

I smashed in my mouth (this is not a spell, I am swearing), the fire element in the atmosphere gathered in my hand, "bang", a three-foot flame appeared in my hand, cheerful Jumping.

The bright fire shines on the faces of the family. They are showing me their healthy and white teeth. In my father's eyes, there is a hotter eye than the flame in my hand. I have a bad feeling in my heart. The spell flowed through my heart, and the flames suddenly dispersed.

"Hey!" The father smothered the mouth of the mouth. "I didn't expect it. I really didn't expect that there was a magician in our home. It was God's blessing." The father seemed to be rushing.

My mother couldn’t go anywhere, and the same shot made me afraid.

"What is the name of your teacher? When he comes back, we must entertain him, thank him for taking care of you in the past few years!" said the mother excitedly; the sister's face was excited and excited. "Wean, tomorrow, my sister will take you out." Play, introduce a few beautiful aristocratic ladies to you, oh huh..." O-shaped little mouth made a terrible laugh, if outside, I... I don't know her!

According to the laws of the empire, as long as it is a magician, even an apprentice, with only one magic, can become a noble, no matter what his identity and even slavery; the title depends on his contribution to the empire, the lowest It is also a Marquis. This is because magic is really difficult to learn. It is rare for 10,000 people to have several physiques that are suitable for learning magic. Of course, the magic here refers to the magic of the elves. The physique of the elves is a little different from that of human beings. Although magic is not easy to learn, it is at least much easier, but the mage's interest is magic research. The interest comes at most to recruit only one apprentice. Few people recruit more than two. Otherwise, when the gods and the gods jointly attack, the wizards will not lose. It’s so bad. Hey, I don't know if I should correct their views. I am a mage, not a magician, but I still forget it. Just don't think of the bad things, just play magic. Master, is a group of the same existence as the demon, mastering the highest power that humans can master, we are not willing to participate in the world's unnecessary disputes, only in the hidden and uninhabited places to enchantment, concentrate on the study of magic The mystery, but our power makes the demon jealous, the two sides unite together to attack the mages.

The unprepared mages lost their hearts and lost in the hands of the multi-ethnic coalition forces of the devil and his enemies. Even so, the number of gods who were sent to the infinite purgatory under the Master’s hands also made it impossible for the two families to completely rule the mainland after the war.
Can be controlled by selecting an agent.

When the Master was reduced from 40,000 to 2,000, a magic that was enough to destroy all the creatures that participated in the war was studied. When hesitating, the tired wizards left nothing under the storm of the coalition day and night. To
Hundreds of people, when they found that the few remaining members of the group together sang the infinite spells, the demons who felt the infinite magic gathered were horrified, and hurriedly led the coalition forces to stop the attack and exit the battlefield.

The gods who are afraid of jade and burning have to sign a binding treaty with the mages. One of them is that the mages must not recruit apprentices at will, unless a formal mage premonitions that he is going to hang before he can die.
Received an apprentice for ten years. (Mage's life is much longer than the average person, almost equal to the life of the tortoise, and the life of the tortoise is now.) Now plus me and the teacher who has a year of life, the world's mage is just a hundred people, the youngest is me, ten
Four years old, younger five hundred years old, third youngest 653 years old, not the oldest, because everyone can't remember their age.

This is the situation of the Master I know. Since I explained it to my parents, I almost took it to the house. Even if I repeatedly stated that I would only have the simplest fireball technique, my parents still regarded me as the future magician. If I was not f******n, they were I am sure to tie me to the palace to accept the emperor's reward. In desperation, I only have to go to the street to go shopping all day long, avoiding the family's excessive enthusiasm. The c***dren who have not tasted the prosperous red dust for seven years are of course curious about everything, so there are more c***dren who wander around the streets in the capital of the Kea Empire, where there are many people, where they are busy, where they go. I hand out It’s a very bad thing. I don’t pay attention to diet and nutrition all the year round. It makes me much shorter than my peers. The master who is addicted to the magical world always only wants to fill the stomach for the most purpose. I don’t even consider that I am growing up. The body needs (add a note to the account that the teacher has to count), and I am obsessed with magic theory all day long (due to the shortage of medicinal materials required for magic experiments in recent years, it is very difficult to do experiments, so I can only study the theory of the predecessors. The experiment was only done at the right time. There was no request for food from the teacher. It seems that it should be noted later.

It’s hard to live a hard two months (the enthusiasm in the house is enough to drown me a hundred times), the teacher will pick me up after the meeting, and the grand welcoming ceremony prepared by the parents is enough to meet the emperor. Deserve it, who told him not to install ordinary people, secretly coming in from the back door, but to come in from the main entrance.

The red carpet was directly outside the door, and the servants at home were dressed in neat new clothes. The orderly standing was on both sides. The sister also held a large bouquet of flowers in his hand. His parents’ warm words of thanks and respectful expressions made he
Such as sitting on a needle felt, but it is worth living for two thousand years, he said, a dark blue portal appeared out of thin air, throwing a sentence: "Wean will go back to learn magic with me, wait for him to graduate, then send him come back."

I took me and stepped in, leaving my parents to look at each other.

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 27

"Complications, Carl?" Seamus asked with a frown. "There were a number of cabins under attack also. Not everyone had gotten as far as the fort before the Shawanoes caught up with them, and they had holed up in some of the cabins near it. They needed immediate assistance, and we took care of that first after securing the fort. The Shawanoes broke off the attack, once we secured the fort and the cabins with Defensive Shells. We followed them, and eliminated the majority of them," I...

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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 15

The sun was well up when I awoke the next morning. I was indeed loved. Gretchen was still in my arms, and Clare and Shannon had moved up against me. Clare was pressed against my back, and Shannon was pressed up against her little blond friend. I lay there for a time thinking about what had happened last night. It had indeed been an exceptional night, but I was worried. I had three women in love with me. Somewhere along the line, I had already decided to marry two of them. This, of course,...

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MagicChapter 57

Having nothing better to do, Sean walked down the path that led to the convenience store to pick up a soda. It was a nice Saturday afternoon and the weather had convinced him that it would be nicer to walk there rather than take his truck. Traveling the well worn path, he reached the junction that led off to Max’s house. Much to his surprise he found Max seated on a fallen tree trunk tossing pebbles across the path. After checking around to say hello to Clea, Sean realized that Max was alone...

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Magic 101Chapter 4

I spent most of the afternoon calling, or summoning, I guess, some books from Pat’s library. Maggie’s suggestion had me wondering, and once I thought to look, it wasn’t at all farfetched. The search might have gone faster, and did go faster except I was transcribing as I went. I got quicker with my transcription spell though, and by the end of the day, could pull a new book and transcribe the readable portions in mere moments. In a book called ‘Fledgling Magic‘, there was a section about how...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 29

Seamus continues his Narrative: The following new characters appear in this chapter: Sarah MacKenna, Chandra Duncan's Sister, Seamus's Wife, 5'-2" tall, 100 pounds plus, 34C-20-30, 18 years old, long lustrous black hair, brown eyes, beautiful Duncan MacKenna, Oconostota Chandra's Brother, A & A's Husband, 5'-10" tall, 145 pounds, 16 years old, dark auburn hair, gray eyes, a very handsome young man I transferred Black Bear, the Ranger Lieutenant, and myself back to the...

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Magic 101Chapter 5

It was just before Halloween when I heard from Pat again. He had never bothered to tell me what the Council investigator had found, or even what the investigator had been looking for in the first place! It must have been because I was thinking of him, because the next thing I knew, I could feel him calling, scratching against my shields. I opened up a bit and... ‘Hey kid, Hank, you there? Hank?‘ he was blasting loud today, making my ears ring. Well, not, um, not ears, but whatever took their...

2 years ago
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Magic Dick

MAGIC DICKI watched as she entered the bar. She wore a little black dress, hemline mid-thigh. Probably in her mid-thirties: she sported perky small breasts and a trim figure. Raven black hair and porcelain skin. She was petite so had to struggle a bit getting onto the bar stool. I enjoyed the brief view of skin above her thigh-highs.I smiled at her and she smiled back. With one look we both knew what the other wanted, and it wasn’t each other. She was definitely a Coyote, in pursuit of young,...

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Magic Ink VI the Final OConnellChapter 7

I awoke the next morning a very satisfied and rested kitty. I instantly knew that it was morning even with no windows to see out or the fresh air of dawn to sniff. The remains of last night's meal, about twenty pounds of meat, were still there and I wolfed it down in short order before starting to clean my muzzle and whiskers, which I had neglected to do last night due to tiredness. Following cleaning up, some of last night's meal was anxious to depart, and I deposited my cat scat in the...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 55

The following new characters are introduced in the next two chapters: Savannah Collins Shannon's twin, James's Wife, 5'-2" tall, 105 pounds, 34C-22-34, 17 years old, blond hair, gray eyes, very cute Shannon Collins Savannah's twin, James's Wife, 5'-2" tall, 105 pounds, 34C-22-34, 17 years old, blond hair, gray eyes, very cute James's Narrative of his trip to Boston: I went north with Gwyn, Glanda, and their soon-to-be lawyer Husband plus a number of other Representatives to...

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Magic Ink VI the Final OConnellChapter 5

The following new character appears in the next several chapters: Franklin (Frank) Mahony Master Wizard, Celeste's boyfriend, 5'-9'' tall, 160 pounds, 22 years old, dark auburn hair, gray eyes Frank's Tale: I had heard rumors of creatures down in the tunnels under the headquarters building of the Wizard's Council that stole people's Magic if they ventured into the wrong areas down there. There were also stories of missing Wizards who had vanished trying to eliminate this...

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Magic Ink VI the Final OConnellChapter 6

The following new characters appear in this chapter and the remainder of the story: David Strickland Master Wizard, President of the Council William Rittenhouse Master Wizard, Oldest Member of the Council, builder of the trap James Knox Master Wizard, Member of the Council, Master of Creatures Taylor Peale Master Wizard, Member of the Council, creator of the Magic-stealing creatures Ross King Master Wizard, Member of the Council, in charge of external security Neville...

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Magic Ink IV Ken and KellChapter 24

On arriving at the Hall for the evening meal, we were surprised to see a larger table set up and that several other guests were already there for the meal. The current conversations all stopped when we entered the Hall. "These are my house guests," Lady Feidhelm told the others. "The young man is Master Kellen O'Connell and the young ladies are the Mac Sweeney Sisters, Airmid and Almha, his Apprentices," she finished. "Kellen, these are my guests for the evening meal: Master Murchadh...

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Magic Ink VII the Fourth RealityChapter 5

Grace takes over the narrative: Margaret O’Connell and her Husband returned that evening after supper. As promised, she brought the wedding dress and a box of books, but she also brought two lamps with her. “These are Magic Powered lamps, which don’t require fuel or electricity to work. All that you need to do is activate the spell in them with your Talent, and then you can adjust the intensity of the lamp to the level that you require,” she told Owen and me, before demonstrating how to do...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 34

The following new characters are introduced in this chapter: Culann McCallister Blacksmith, Jillian’s husband, 6’-0” tall, 180 pounds, 21 years old, black hair, green eyes, handsome, a huge Talent Connor Gallagher Nora and Nola’s Uncle, D & C’s Husband, 5’-10” tall, 170 pounds, 20 years old, long auburn hair, gray eyes, a strong Talent Amelia, Anann, and Duncan returned the next day, Tuesday. When they were informed of the attack on Olive Hill, my Sisters were shocked that they had...

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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 9

"Oh Dear!" the Smith groaned in distress at the table. "What is it, my Sweet?" he asked, as he quickly rose to see what was the matter. He never did make it to the bedroom, as his wife led a small boy and girl out into the main room. She was followed by a girl a few years older than the pair of youngsters, and Clare and Cathleen. "Look at them, Henry!" the wife demanded, excitedly. "This morning, they could hardly hold their heads up, and now they are as well as you, or I. How could...

1 year ago
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Magic Anime Network A Pocketful of Trouble

Magic Anime Network: A Pocketful of Trouble A Wish Fulfillment Story by Rugburn The Magic Anime Network is a mysterious place that can be accessed through a special converter box connected to your television. People enter their televisions and become anime characters on a series of planets dedicated to different genres of the popular Asian animation style. Many use this to enact their wildest fantasies; to become superheroes, or young teens in love. Others enact what might seem...

4 years ago
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Magic part 1

A week later, she got an email response from an older man entitled, Magic. “Hello Kandie, Are you as sweet as Candy, oh please tell me you are! I can tell by your pictures that you would be one delectable delight! I am looking for some sexy fun as I travel throughout the western part of the state. I go through your town quite often and would love to stop by and visit you sometime. I want to take you out to dinner and if we clicked, help you full fill some of your wild fantasies. ...

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Magic Part 1

Kandie just finished her profile on an adult date finding service. She decided it was time to add a bit of spice to her life. She sat back and wondered if she added just the right touch of sex appeal. She read the words again, Sexy older woman looking for sexy fun and excitement. Preferences are one on one sex, a bi-curious relationship and a fantasy called stranger-stranger encounter. “I can be traditional or kinky, depending on the mood I am in. When it comes to sex, I am in it for fun,...

First Time
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Magic part 2 the magic continues

“Hello Kandie, Hi, I see you posted your story. I hope that it will be as enjoyed being everyone who reads it, as it was obviously fun for you in writing it. I loved having my share of fun in inspiring you in writing it. Hmmm, I wonder if the seed of desire to fulfill that stranger/stranger fantasy has set itself. Perhaps some more stimulation to captivate your imagination and desires will further fuel it. I know you’re looking for fun and excitement, so allow me to excite you...

2 years ago
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Magic Part 2

Kandie sat down at her computer and after logging on noticed an email from Magic. She had taken their erotic emails and turned them into an erotic story, then posted it on an erotic story site. She couldn’t wait to read his reaction to their story.“Hello Kandie, Hi, I see you posted your story. I hope that it will be as enjoyed being everyone who reads it, as it was obviously fun for you in writing it. I loved having my share of fun in inspiring you in writing it. Hmmm, I wonder if the seed of...

First Time
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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 25

Mark's Narrative Continues: We didn't see Seamus or most of his people for ten days following dinner that night. Meagan and Maureen did appear for dinner a couple of times during that period, and they borrowed Dymphna for a time as Seamus and Carl had taken Dealla and Cessair with them. Having three Mages in the Ohio country put a strain on our one remaining Mage, Coleen, who was rather busy with two locations to take care of. Things on this side of the Ohio River had not slowed down or...

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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 34

Final characters introduced in the story: Wolfgang Patrick O'Connell Mike and Gretchen's son, born 7 November 2053, auburn hair, green eyes Carl Michael O'Connell Pat and Petra's son, born 7 November 2053, reddish blond hair, blue eyes While Pat and I had been busy with our Wives and Sons, a bit of a brouhaha had developed at the University. It seems that some of the other Faculty members were jealous of our Parents and Aunts, and their position in what had become one of the...

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Magicians Assistant Friends Lovers 6

Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers 6 By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink Copyrighted 2002 Preface Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers takes place in the Magatrix the Magnificent Universe, which was first introduced in my serialized seven-part story, Magician's Assistant. The premise upon which both that story and this story are based revolves around the fact that Magatrix the Magnificent has been reprimanded by the ethics review board of the Magician's...

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Ameiliees Storiesthe End of True Elves and Their Empire

Timeline: The elf-orc war at end of first era, About 1400 years before beginning of "Luvirini's Journey" Story as told to Luvirini Dameira. You should really not talk about what I am telling you now to anyone. You need to know because of events that are likely to happen, but should keep the information to yourself. At that point the war with the orcs had been going on for almost a hundred years and after the initial setbacks and the long stalemate period we were pushing the orcs back and...

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Three Square MealsChapter 139 Laying the foundations of a new empire

The freighter shuddered as it neared the planet’s surface, its retro-thrusters running at full burn to slow the ship’s descent towards the starport. There was a grating rumble as the merchantman touched down, the ship skidding a couple of metres across the ferrocrete until the captain shut down the engines and the bulky vessel finally ground to a halt. Governor Lucyna Novitsky relaxed her white-knuckled grip on the passenger’s seat, wishing that was the last time she’d have to endure another...

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Magic Box

Magic Box By Adrienne K. I looked at the box curiously. It was about the size of a shoebox and made out of some sort of grey stone. The box itself wasn't what intrigued me. On the top of the box was some sort of puzzle lock. The pieces moved, but the former owner had no idea how to open it. For five dollars, I figured it was worth finding out. The inscriptions on the side were worn down, but even if they were clear, I had no idea what they meant. They were written in some foreign...

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Magic Depot Changed My Life

'Magic Depot Changed My Life' Today I'm wearing Sally Cooper - DNA from the nearest Magic Depot superstore of course. I'm hoping that appearing as the popular newsreader will put my interviewee at ease, more than my normal male self would have done. I have arranged to meet her in Anna Miller's, where she works as a waitress. It's an appropriate venue. Anna Miller's is a restaurant that is a version of a chain of restaurants in Japan, that itself imitates western restaurants. So a...

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Magic and Malice at the Movies The Conclusion

MAGIC AND MALICE AT THE MOVIES A GENDER SWAP TALE Rachel Rose Parker Mr Williams has trapped Joey in the job (and in his clutches) by altering her reality even further and all because Stephanie and she were developing their relationship in new ways... How are they going to find their way out of this nightmare and back into their old lives?! Sorry for the delay in posting, it's been a manic time, but in return for your wait, why don't you enjoy... THE CONCLUSION of Magic...

4 years ago
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Magic Ink II the ChildrenChapter 8

Annie and Sara arrived at the printing plant just after 12:30. Sean and I were just finishing cleaning up the presses, and only needed to use a quick spell to clean ourselves up and be presentable. Annie and Sara were wearing jeans like Sean and I were, but had on heavy blouses and jackets rather than the "Magic Ink" T-shirts that Sean and I were wearing with our sneakers. They had also brought jackets for us. "It's a lot colder in Denver than it is here," Sara told us, as they handed...

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Magic Ink II the ChildrenChapter 7

At home on Monday we all relaxed for a while except for the need to weed the fields and some maintenance on the new Tractor. Sean and I took Annie and Sara out to show them how to weed with Magic. They were surprised that they knew the spell, and at how easy it was to weed the large fields with Magic. Later our Moms took them out and introduced them to the herbal garden and weeding by hand because many of the herbs and other things growing there would be considered weeds by the Magic spell,...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 56

"Shannon, what are you doing?" Savannah demanded, standing in the hall behind us. Shannon's head came up off my chest, and she turned toward her Sister in a more determined way than I had seen before. "It's all right, Savannah. He will take us with him and will marry both of us," she told her Sister. Savannah gasped in surprise. "Really? Both of us? Are you sure?" she asked in a doubtful voice. "I told Shannon that I would marry both of you. I will be glad to have both of you as...

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