Magic Medicine free porn video

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MAGIC MEDICINE Christopher Halstead was at the end of his tether. He was only 50 years old but felt deep down in his soul that his useful life had come to an end. To understand why it is necessary to go back some twenty-five years. In 1992 Christopher married his childhood sweetheart Amy. He and Amy had grown up in adjacent houses; attended the same schools; and had had an unspoken 'understanding' from their teens. They only occasion they spent time apart was whilst they were at university. Christopher went to Durham to study law whilst Amy read psychology at Bristol. Even then the two stayed faithful to each other and travelled the length of the country as often as they could in order to spend time together. Amy and Christopher married soon after they graduated and were both fortunate to finding good jobs in Nottingham - Christopher with a firm of solicitors and Amy with the East Midlands Health Trust. They bought a small house in a pretty village just outside the city boundary and settled down into a conventional but happy provincial life. Everything seemed set for a successful marriage. Both Amy and Christopher wanted children and it was the one disappointment in their life that for five years they failed to conceive. They consulted doctors and were told that there was no physical reason why they could not have children and that they should continue trying. One night in November 1997 Christopher and Amy were driving home from dinner with friends. When driving, Christopher was scrupulous in avoiding alcohol, and the night was clear and the roads dry. There was therefore nothing untoward to alert Christopher to being especially careful of oncoming traffic. The black jaguar car that piled into his front of-side wing came out of nowhere. Christopher was forced off the road. Unfortunately, at that point the road was crossing an embankment and Christopher's car rolled down, ending up on its roof. It was a bad crash and Christopher was knocked unconscious. He came to just as firemen and paramedics were placing him on a stretcher. A paramedic saw his eyes flicker and leaned over; "It's OK mate, we'll have you in the ambulance in two ticks and get you off to hospital. In the meantime I'll just give you this injection." He pushed a syringe of sedative into Christopher's arm, and Christopher passed out again. Christopher awoke in a single room in Nottingham Hospital. He hurt all over and out of the corner of his eye could see he was wired up to a number of machines and drips. A nurse was leaning over him. "Don't try and move Mr Halstead," she said, "you have been involved in a serious accident and are strapped into your bed." Christopher managed a groan. The nurse allowed him a couple of sips of water that helped him articulate the question that was burning within him; "Amy, how is Amy?" "All in good time Mr Halstead," the nurse said soothingly. "Now that you have come round, I just have to get a doctor to come and see you first." She vanished from Christopher's sight and he fell back into semi- consciousness. A doctor appeared within a few minutes. "Welcome back Mr Halstead," the doctor said. "You have been under sedation for three days. Your injuries are, I'm afraid, very severe and we will have to keep you strapped down for a while yet." "That's alright doctor," Christopher croaked, "but how is Amy?" The doctor's face stiffened. "I didn't really want to tell you this just yet Mr Halstead, but I'm afraid your wife didn't make it. The emergency services cut her free from the car, but she died on her way to hospital. I'm so sorry." Christopher groaned in despair and did not feel the injection with which the doctor sent him back into blessed oblivion. Christopher spent many weeks in hospital; first as his injuries healed and then in rehabilitation as the medical team tried to get him back on his feet. The damage his body had sustained in the crash was extreme and he was told he would never be able to walk properly again. But Christopher was a fighter and persevered. Even so the doctors insisted on issuing him with a mobility scooter and crutches - and he soon found such aids were essential. The death of Christopher's beloved wife hit him extremely hard. Even though he wasn't really well enough, he insisted in being wheeled to her funeral and gave a short eulogy from his stretcher-bed. It took him months to begin to start coming to terms with his loss, and he talked to Amy constantly in his head. It was the memory of what she would have expected of him that gave Christopher the fortitude to struggle through his ordeal. He was off work for months but eventually recovered to the stage where he was able to resume some limited legal activity from home and, occasionally, from the office. After a couple of years, however, even this limited activity proved too much for him and he retired from practice. A claim on the insurance of the car that had forced him off the road provided a limited income so long as he was careful with his money. Without Amy, work, or adequate disposable income, Christopher soon slipped into a slough of despair. He started drinking and taking drugs. Initially in order to reduce the constant pain he suffered, they soon became a prop on which he increasingly relied. Time passed; and we come to the present day. Christopher was, as has already been stated, at the end of his tether. He had no life worth speaking of; he was in constant pain; and his limited financial resources were fast running out. He had just about come to the conclusion that he needed to end his life through suicide. Pursuing this thought, he started to accumulate a supply of powerful drugs in tablet form that he intended to use to commit the act. He just needed another few tablets and he would have sufficient to ensure he finished himself off properly and couldn't be dragged back from the brink. Thus on this particular day Christopher drove his mobility scooter into Nottingham, heading for a pharmacy he knew might be prepared to sell him the drugs he needed. However he still had some distance to cover when his scooter developed a puncture. Swearing under his breath, Christopher hauled himself out of his chair and onto his crutches. Painfully he set off on the long walk to the pharmacy. The walk proved harder than he had anticipated and he frequently had to pause to recover his strength. It was on one such stop that he spotted a pharmacy he had never seen before. "That's funny,' he thought, "I could have sworn that there was a cycle shop there the last time I came this way." The chemist shop in question was clearly not a new installation. Paint was peeling of the shop-front and the windows were full of dusty old display items. Its name was painted in faded script above the window; '.....(something indecipherable) followed by 'R US'. "Um, that looks like a shop where they might not be too particular about the restrictions on the quantity of drugs they are allowed to sell to a single customer," Christopher mused. "With that 'US' in the name it could be a branch of an American company." He lurched his way up to the door and entered. Inside the shop proved to be as he had anticipated. A long, mahogany counter ran across the back and dusty cabinets on either sidewall were full of strange medical appliances and old-fashioned packets of drugs. There wasn't any sign of the proprietor. Staggering up to the counter, Christopher bashed the ancient brass bell that stood there. A very strange man emerged from behind a faded velvet curtain that separated the shop from the rear part of the premises. Christopher assumed he must be the pharmacist as he was wearing a dirty white coat. He also sported a pair of horn-rimmed spectacles and a long white beard. Not exactly what you expect from a modern chemist! "Hallo Christopher, let me get you a chair," the strange old man said by way of greeting. Thankfully Christopher sank into the proffered chair before the oddness of the greeting struck him. "How do you know my name?" he enquired; "I have never been into this shop before." "Oh I always know the names of people who need my help," the man replied. "I am a wizard you see and such skill comes with the job." Christopher was gobsmacked. He had evidently encountered a lunatic. He struggled to get back onto his feet and leave, but the old man put his hand on Christopher's shoulder and gently pushed him back down again. "I know you are sceptical, customers always are," he announced with a smile, "but I can assure you that I really am a wizard and, what is more, I have something that will help relieve you of your pain without your having to take the drastic step you are contemplating." It was this statement more than anything else that made Christopher pause. He hadn't shared his thoughts on suicide with anyone, so how did this stranger seem to know what he was planning? "I really do understand and sympathise with your predicament," the Wizard continued, "but suicide is not the only option. I have here a magic medicine that will relief your pain; improve your mobility; and give you a new perspective on life. If you follow the instructions on the packet, I can promise you an improvement that will make your current thoughts redundant!" Christopher thought furiously. "Maybe he does have some psychic power," he mused. "I'm not sure I believe in magic, but he certainly knows things about me that he shouldn't!" "Tell me more," he said out loud, "I'm willing to listen." "That is very fair," responded the Wizard. "The medicine I am willing to sell you is transformative. So long as you follow the instructions on the packet and complete the entire course of treatment, life will undoubtedly become worth living for you again." He produced, from under the counter a bottle of yellow liquid and a large packet of pills. "There is just one thing I need from you," the Wizard said. "The medicine needs to be customised to your specific needs, so I require the lock of your wife's hair that you are carrying in a locket around your neck." Christopher grabbed his throat. No one knew that he carried a lock of Amy's hair with him at all times. "No you can't have it," he snapped. "This locket of hair is all I have left of Amy and I'm not going to part with it." The Wizard smiled kindly down at him with a sorrowful expression in his eyes. "Think what Amy would really have wanted for you," he said gently. "Would she have wanted you to use her last gift to help you move forward, or to take her hair with you into oblivion?" This rocked Christopher back on his heels. The Wizard was right; Amy always had had a positive approach to life. She would have wanted him to take whatever opportunity was offered to improve his health. "Very well, I will give you Amy's hair," Christopher said in a shaky voice. "It is what she would have wanted. But how much is your treatment going to cost me? You mentioned 'selling'." "I will use the hair for your treatment and keep the locket as my payment," the Wizard replied. Tentatively, Christopher unfastened the locket and handed it over. The Wizard took out the lock of hair and put into a glass beaker. He uncorked the bottle of yellow liquid and poured it over the hair. Instantly the beaker started to glow and the liquid fizzed and bubbled as the colour changed from yellow to pink. "Interesting," the Wizard muttered to himself under his breath. When the reaction in the beaker had calmed down, the Wizard poured the liquid back into the bottle. The lock of Amy's hair had completely disappeared. "Now, I want you to drink all the contents of this bottle tonight before you go to sleep," the Wizard instructed. You will then need to take four of the tablets, three times a day for a week. The pink liquid is the principle medicine. It is very powerful and the tablets will help your body cope with side effects." Christopher took the proffered medicine and struggled out of the chair to stand. "Oh, I have taken the liberty if repairing your mobility scooter and bringing it here," the Wizard announced with a smile. "I thought you would find that more comfortable that having to walk back to where you left it." It was the fact that the Wizard had control over inanimate objects that finally convinced Christopher that he was the 'genuine article'. Whilst it might be possible to explain away their human interaction as some weird form of hypnotism, there was no way that explanation could be applied to a mobility scooter! On the ride back home Christopher thought long and hard as to whether he should take the medicine the Wizard had prepared for him. Finally he decided that, on balance, he might as well. After all, when he had entered the strange pharmacy he had been trying to source drugs to help him commit suicide; if the new medicine turned out to be poisonous, it really would make little difference. That night, after Christopher had hauled himself into bed, he unscrewed the bottle cap and downed the sparkling pink draught in one go. It tasted of raspberries with hints of other summer fruits. "Well if that is going to kill me, at least my last drink has been delicious," Christopher thought as he lay back on the pillow. He fell immediately into a deep sleep and enjoyed the first night of undisturbed rest in twenty years. When he awoke the next morning he felt a little disorientated. Normally he woke to a body wracked with pain. This morning, however, although he still hurt, the discomfort was much less. "Well I'm still alive." He thought. "Maybe that quack 'magic medicine' has some genuine restorative properties after all." Gingerly he swung his legs out of bed and, to his amazement was actually able to stand unaided. He walked gingerly to the bathroom and relieved himself. As he sat on the toilet he couldn't help noticing that the scars that crisscrossed his legs as a result of all the surgery he had undergone were very much fainter. Also there was muscle tone to his thighs where previously they had been thin and wasted. After a shower - (during which he found he was able to move his arms and shoulders much more freely) - he towelled down and returned to the bedroom. "If the pink draught has had this miraculous effect, maybe the pills will bring about further improvement," he thought. He found the box on his bedside table and quickly swallowed four. Dressing was much easier than it had been for years - (he actually managed to get his socks on at the first attempt). "I wonder if I dare try walking without my crutches?" he thought. Bravely he set off for the kitchen without them and, apart from a couple of minor stumbles, made the journey safely. "I'm suddenly ravenously hungry," it occurred to him. "I think I fancy a fry-up." But, of course, he didn't have any bacon, mushrooms, or baked beans. "Mm, eggs on their own aren't very appealing," he murmured, so, getting his wallet he walked through to the garage. He was just about to get into his mobility scooter when a thought struck him; "I feel so good this morning, maybe I could walk to the corner shop; its only about 100 yards." Greatly daring he decided to try it. It took him a little while to make the journey but he got there and back safely and without any real pain. The shopkeeper was amazed at Christopher's remarkable transformation. "You look ten years younger Mr Halstead," he remarked. "It must be the fact that you aren't in as much pain." The fry-up was a great success and after a meal larger than he had eaten in years, Christopher sat back replete. After his meal Christopher felt sleepy. "Must be all that unaccustomed food," he thought, and headed back to bed. It was mid-afternoon before he woke up again. He felt much more relaxed and his routine pain had virtually disappeared. "Amazing," he thought, "maybe magic truly is involved in the healing." As he swung his legs out of bed he couldn't help noticing that the improved musculature he had noticed in the morning was now overlaid with a generous layer of fat. Christopher stood up and looked critically at his naked self in the mirror. His hips, thighs were indeed sleek and smooth and his scars had faded totally. As he turned sideways he noticed that his bottom looked rounder as well. Gingerly he embarked on a series of squats and stretches. To his relief he was able move flexibly and without discomfort. This un accustomed exercise resulted in his tummy rumbling and he had to bolt for the lavatory. Without wishing to be crude, his time there was extensive and violent! "My goodness I wouldn't have believed one good meal and a little light exercise could have had such a dramatic impact," he groaned. Finally he felt able to move out of the bathroom and get dressed. The development in the lower half of his body meant that his trousers were tight around the hips and, equally surprisingly, loose at the waist and somewhat too long in the leg. Christopher was hungry again so cooked himself another meal and swallowed a further four tablets. This triggered another long afternoon on the toilet! By now Christopher was becoming a little concerned about the frequency and strength of his bowel movements, but he still took his third dose of tablets. On a whim he weighed himself and was surprised to see that he had shed several pounds in the day in spite of having the biggest meals he had eaten for years. "I wouldn't have thought it possible to lose so much weight simply by going to the lavatory," he mused. The next morning Christopher felt further improved. He almost bounded out of bed and, in the process, tripped over his overlong pyjama legs. Looking in the mirror he came to the conclusion he had lost some four inches in height overnight. "Very strange," he thought, "but maybe a price worth paying for my feeling so much better." His inspection of his body also revealed a further narrowing of his waist and now his torso seemed slimmer as well. He looked even younger than the day before. "That can't all be due to the cessation of pain," he surmised, "it has to be something to do with that 'magic medicine'." As his clothes fitted even less well than the previous day, Christopher dragged on a baggy tracksuit top and trousers and slipped his feet into a pair of trainers. (He needed to wear three pairs of socks to pad out the shoes, as they were too large for his feet.) Feeling really bright and perky, Christopher decided to risk a longer walk. He felt better and better the further and faster he walked and, in the end, completed a three mile circuit before returning home. Another hearty lunch; more tablets; (and a further extended visit to the bathroom), was followed by an afternoon nap for a couple of hours. This pattern of enhanced appetite, exercise, and physical change continued for the rest of the week. By the seventh day Christopher was a full 60lbs lighter than he had been when he started taking the magic medicine - (and he hadn't been very heavy to begin with!) His body had changed considerably to accommodate his weight loss. He was shorter; much slighter, with a slim waist; curvaceous bottom and hips; long smooth legs; and silky skin that showed no trace of previous operational scarring. In addition his hair had grown rapidly and now hung just below his shoulders, and he looked closer to twenty-five than his true age of fifty. "If I didn't have a cock and balls, and had grown breasts, I'd think I was turning into a woman," Christopher mused. "Whatever it was made of, that is one powerful medicine! I think I should go back and see the Wizard to check whether there are likely to be any further surprises in store for me." This time he walked into Nottingham. It wasn't easy as his trainers - (the only shoes he could wear) - were far too large and he was constantly worried about stepping out of them. His tracksuit trousers would only stay up because he has improvised a belt out of a length of rope - (his own belts didn't have enough holes to fasten round his much thinner waist!) He half expected the old pharmacy to have disappeared but it was still there when he arrived at the parade of shops. He went in. The Wizard was standing behind the counter. "Ah, good morning Christopher. I see the medicine has done the trick. You look so much better than when I saw you a week ago." "Agree," replied Christopher, "but not without consequences. You can see how my body has altered. What magic did you put in that potion?" "Still down and I will explain," said the Wizard gently, indicating a chair. Christopher sat. "You see Christopher, what neither you nor Amy knew at the time of your accident, was that she had just conceived and was carrying an embryo that would, in time, have developed into your daughter. Naturally the baby also died in the crash." Tears welled up and cascaded down Christopher's cheeks. To learn now, after twenty years that the crash had robbed him not only of Amy and his personal health, but also the longed-for child they had both desired was too much to contemplated. He collapsed in a paroxysm of sobs. The Wizard patted his shoulder. "There, don't take on so. I know this news is a great shock, but all is not lost. The yellow potion I showed you originally is a generic magic draught. The addition of Amy's hair personalised it to the two of you, and by its changing colour to pink I knew that her unborn child would have been a girl. Had the liquid turned blue it would have indicated a boy." "It is your undying love for Amy that has been the key to your recovery. The magic medicine has given the soul of your child a second chance of life. You are slowly turning into the young woman your daughter would have been had she survived the crash. The changes you have been experiencing will continue for a few more days and then you will become your own daughter. Reality will shift a little so that it will have been 'Christopher' who died with Amy in the car and 'Veronica' who survived." Christopher couldn't comprehend what he was hearing. "But none of that makes any sense," he spluttered. "A newly conceived embryo could not have survived outside her mother's womb!" "Don't try and apply human logic," the Wizard advised gently. "It is magic we are dealing with here. Now go home and rest while the final changes to your body take place." "But even if what you say is true, how can I suddenly start living as my daughter? I know nothing about how to be a twenty year old woman!" The Wizard smiled. "Trust me Veronica, when the time comes you will know. Gradually your femininity will take control of your body and you will behave totally naturally as the woman everyone will believe you to have been since birth. Only you will retain a memory of the last twenty years as 'Christopher'. Those memories will lodge at the back of your mind so that they do not interfere with your new life going forward, but when you need them they will be there for you to draw upon. Think of it this way, you will bring to Veronica knowledge of her mother that she could never have acquired through a conventional existence. You are fortunate in being able to return to being twenty years old with a repository of masculine experience you can draw upon should you need to!" "Now, as I say, go back home. The changes to your body will be complete in another three days. In the meantime I will use a little more magic to amend your wardrobe to something more befitting a pretty young woman." In a state of shock Veronica - (s)he could no longer think of herself as 'Christopher' - got up and moved to the door. "I think I want to thank you for giving both of us this second chance," she said in a confused voice. "But everything seems so weird." The Wizard gently hugged her. "Don't worry, it will all become clear. Just go with the flow." The Wizard stood on the doorstep of his shop, watching unto Veronica vanished out of sight around a corner. "It is really refreshing occasionally to be able to right a wrong that has happened to innocent and well-deserving people," he mused; "It makes a pleasant change from tricking misbehaving men into becoming bimbos!" He went back inside the shop - where the sign 'Spells R Us' now shone brightly on the newly freshened fascia. There was a gentle sighing sound as the shop slowly dematerialised, to be replaced by a boring old cycle store! Veronica slowly made her way home. Her mind was racing. How could she believe such a fanciful story? But the evidence was there right in front of her eyes. The house she entered was no longer 'Christopher's'. The decorations and furnishings now reflected the tastes of a fashionable, fairly wealthy, young woman. In the bedroom the closets were full of pretty dresses, blouses, skirts, and tailored suits. The drawers of her bureau were neatly laid out with bras, panties, hose and, blushingly, some rather naughty sexy lingerie for 'play-time'! Wearily Veronica peeled off her crumpled and worn tracksuit. She watched as it and the trainers faded into oblivion. Lying down on the bed Veronica fell into another of the regular deep sleeps she had been experiencing over the last few days. When she awoke refreshed, she was thrilled to see little bumps on her chest marking the development of new breasts. 'Down below' things were much reduced in size! As the Wizard had said, it took a further three days for Veronica's physical changes to become complete, but, on the fourth morning, the reflection she saw in her mirror was that of a beautiful your woman in the prime of health. She felt a warm glow suffuse through her body as she looked at the person she had become. "Thank you Dad for giving me the chance of life," she whispered to herself. "I promise I will make you and Mum proud of me from now on."

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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 15

The sun was well up when I awoke the next morning. I was indeed loved. Gretchen was still in my arms, and Clare and Shannon had moved up against me. Clare was pressed against my back, and Shannon was pressed up against her little blond friend. I lay there for a time thinking about what had happened last night. It had indeed been an exceptional night, but I was worried. I had three women in love with me. Somewhere along the line, I had already decided to marry two of them. This, of course,...

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Magic empire

Chapter 1 Co homeThis is my home? Although I saw the family's disposition through the crystal ball, I didn't expect it to be worse than I thought. I really wanted to turn around and catch up with the teacher and go back to the mixture of paper, medicine and metal. Go to the tower.I huddled in the chair, and my family’s eyes were like a liar, a rogue, a beggar, and many years of dreams shattered in an instant.When I was seven years old, I was taken by the teacher. He took me away with magic and...

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MagicChapter 57

Having nothing better to do, Sean walked down the path that led to the convenience store to pick up a soda. It was a nice Saturday afternoon and the weather had convinced him that it would be nicer to walk there rather than take his truck. Traveling the well worn path, he reached the junction that led off to Max’s house. Much to his surprise he found Max seated on a fallen tree trunk tossing pebbles across the path. After checking around to say hello to Clea, Sean realized that Max was alone...

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Magic 101Chapter 4

I spent most of the afternoon calling, or summoning, I guess, some books from Pat’s library. Maggie’s suggestion had me wondering, and once I thought to look, it wasn’t at all farfetched. The search might have gone faster, and did go faster except I was transcribing as I went. I got quicker with my transcription spell though, and by the end of the day, could pull a new book and transcribe the readable portions in mere moments. In a book called ‘Fledgling Magic‘, there was a section about how...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 29

Seamus continues his Narrative: The following new characters appear in this chapter: Sarah MacKenna, Chandra Duncan's Sister, Seamus's Wife, 5'-2" tall, 100 pounds plus, 34C-20-30, 18 years old, long lustrous black hair, brown eyes, beautiful Duncan MacKenna, Oconostota Chandra's Brother, A & A's Husband, 5'-10" tall, 145 pounds, 16 years old, dark auburn hair, gray eyes, a very handsome young man I transferred Black Bear, the Ranger Lieutenant, and myself back to the...

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Magic 101Chapter 5

It was just before Halloween when I heard from Pat again. He had never bothered to tell me what the Council investigator had found, or even what the investigator had been looking for in the first place! It must have been because I was thinking of him, because the next thing I knew, I could feel him calling, scratching against my shields. I opened up a bit and... ‘Hey kid, Hank, you there? Hank?‘ he was blasting loud today, making my ears ring. Well, not, um, not ears, but whatever took their...

2 years ago
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Magic Dick

MAGIC DICKI watched as she entered the bar. She wore a little black dress, hemline mid-thigh. Probably in her mid-thirties: she sported perky small breasts and a trim figure. Raven black hair and porcelain skin. She was petite so had to struggle a bit getting onto the bar stool. I enjoyed the brief view of skin above her thigh-highs.I smiled at her and she smiled back. With one look we both knew what the other wanted, and it wasn’t each other. She was definitely a Coyote, in pursuit of young,...

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Magic Ink VI the Final OConnellChapter 7

I awoke the next morning a very satisfied and rested kitty. I instantly knew that it was morning even with no windows to see out or the fresh air of dawn to sniff. The remains of last night's meal, about twenty pounds of meat, were still there and I wolfed it down in short order before starting to clean my muzzle and whiskers, which I had neglected to do last night due to tiredness. Following cleaning up, some of last night's meal was anxious to depart, and I deposited my cat scat in the...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 55

The following new characters are introduced in the next two chapters: Savannah Collins Shannon's twin, James's Wife, 5'-2" tall, 105 pounds, 34C-22-34, 17 years old, blond hair, gray eyes, very cute Shannon Collins Savannah's twin, James's Wife, 5'-2" tall, 105 pounds, 34C-22-34, 17 years old, blond hair, gray eyes, very cute James's Narrative of his trip to Boston: I went north with Gwyn, Glanda, and their soon-to-be lawyer Husband plus a number of other Representatives to...

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Magic Ink VI the Final OConnellChapter 5

The following new character appears in the next several chapters: Franklin (Frank) Mahony Master Wizard, Celeste's boyfriend, 5'-9'' tall, 160 pounds, 22 years old, dark auburn hair, gray eyes Frank's Tale: I had heard rumors of creatures down in the tunnels under the headquarters building of the Wizard's Council that stole people's Magic if they ventured into the wrong areas down there. There were also stories of missing Wizards who had vanished trying to eliminate this...

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Magic Ink VI the Final OConnellChapter 6

The following new characters appear in this chapter and the remainder of the story: David Strickland Master Wizard, President of the Council William Rittenhouse Master Wizard, Oldest Member of the Council, builder of the trap James Knox Master Wizard, Member of the Council, Master of Creatures Taylor Peale Master Wizard, Member of the Council, creator of the Magic-stealing creatures Ross King Master Wizard, Member of the Council, in charge of external security Neville...

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Magic Ink IV Ken and KellChapter 24

On arriving at the Hall for the evening meal, we were surprised to see a larger table set up and that several other guests were already there for the meal. The current conversations all stopped when we entered the Hall. "These are my house guests," Lady Feidhelm told the others. "The young man is Master Kellen O'Connell and the young ladies are the Mac Sweeney Sisters, Airmid and Almha, his Apprentices," she finished. "Kellen, these are my guests for the evening meal: Master Murchadh...

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Magic Ink VII the Fourth RealityChapter 5

Grace takes over the narrative: Margaret O’Connell and her Husband returned that evening after supper. As promised, she brought the wedding dress and a box of books, but she also brought two lamps with her. “These are Magic Powered lamps, which don’t require fuel or electricity to work. All that you need to do is activate the spell in them with your Talent, and then you can adjust the intensity of the lamp to the level that you require,” she told Owen and me, before demonstrating how to do...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 34

The following new characters are introduced in this chapter: Culann McCallister Blacksmith, Jillian’s husband, 6’-0” tall, 180 pounds, 21 years old, black hair, green eyes, handsome, a huge Talent Connor Gallagher Nora and Nola’s Uncle, D & C’s Husband, 5’-10” tall, 170 pounds, 20 years old, long auburn hair, gray eyes, a strong Talent Amelia, Anann, and Duncan returned the next day, Tuesday. When they were informed of the attack on Olive Hill, my Sisters were shocked that they had...

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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 9

"Oh Dear!" the Smith groaned in distress at the table. "What is it, my Sweet?" he asked, as he quickly rose to see what was the matter. He never did make it to the bedroom, as his wife led a small boy and girl out into the main room. She was followed by a girl a few years older than the pair of youngsters, and Clare and Cathleen. "Look at them, Henry!" the wife demanded, excitedly. "This morning, they could hardly hold their heads up, and now they are as well as you, or I. How could...

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Magic Anime Network A Pocketful of Trouble

Magic Anime Network: A Pocketful of Trouble A Wish Fulfillment Story by Rugburn The Magic Anime Network is a mysterious place that can be accessed through a special converter box connected to your television. People enter their televisions and become anime characters on a series of planets dedicated to different genres of the popular Asian animation style. Many use this to enact their wildest fantasies; to become superheroes, or young teens in love. Others enact what might seem...

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Magic part 1

A week later, she got an email response from an older man entitled, Magic. “Hello Kandie, Are you as sweet as Candy, oh please tell me you are! I can tell by your pictures that you would be one delectable delight! I am looking for some sexy fun as I travel throughout the western part of the state. I go through your town quite often and would love to stop by and visit you sometime. I want to take you out to dinner and if we clicked, help you full fill some of your wild fantasies. ...

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Magic Part 1

Kandie just finished her profile on an adult date finding service. She decided it was time to add a bit of spice to her life. She sat back and wondered if she added just the right touch of sex appeal. She read the words again, Sexy older woman looking for sexy fun and excitement. Preferences are one on one sex, a bi-curious relationship and a fantasy called stranger-stranger encounter. “I can be traditional or kinky, depending on the mood I am in. When it comes to sex, I am in it for fun,...

First Time
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Magic part 2 the magic continues

“Hello Kandie, Hi, I see you posted your story. I hope that it will be as enjoyed being everyone who reads it, as it was obviously fun for you in writing it. I loved having my share of fun in inspiring you in writing it. Hmmm, I wonder if the seed of desire to fulfill that stranger/stranger fantasy has set itself. Perhaps some more stimulation to captivate your imagination and desires will further fuel it. I know you’re looking for fun and excitement, so allow me to excite you...

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Magic Part 2

Kandie sat down at her computer and after logging on noticed an email from Magic. She had taken their erotic emails and turned them into an erotic story, then posted it on an erotic story site. She couldn’t wait to read his reaction to their story.“Hello Kandie, Hi, I see you posted your story. I hope that it will be as enjoyed being everyone who reads it, as it was obviously fun for you in writing it. I loved having my share of fun in inspiring you in writing it. Hmmm, I wonder if the seed of...

First Time
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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 25

Mark's Narrative Continues: We didn't see Seamus or most of his people for ten days following dinner that night. Meagan and Maureen did appear for dinner a couple of times during that period, and they borrowed Dymphna for a time as Seamus and Carl had taken Dealla and Cessair with them. Having three Mages in the Ohio country put a strain on our one remaining Mage, Coleen, who was rather busy with two locations to take care of. Things on this side of the Ohio River had not slowed down or...

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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 34

Final characters introduced in the story: Wolfgang Patrick O'Connell Mike and Gretchen's son, born 7 November 2053, auburn hair, green eyes Carl Michael O'Connell Pat and Petra's son, born 7 November 2053, reddish blond hair, blue eyes While Pat and I had been busy with our Wives and Sons, a bit of a brouhaha had developed at the University. It seems that some of the other Faculty members were jealous of our Parents and Aunts, and their position in what had become one of the...

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Magicians Assistant Friends Lovers 6

Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers 6 By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink Copyrighted 2002 Preface Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers takes place in the Magatrix the Magnificent Universe, which was first introduced in my serialized seven-part story, Magician's Assistant. The premise upon which both that story and this story are based revolves around the fact that Magatrix the Magnificent has been reprimanded by the ethics review board of the Magician's...

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Magic Box

Magic Box By Adrienne K. I looked at the box curiously. It was about the size of a shoebox and made out of some sort of grey stone. The box itself wasn't what intrigued me. On the top of the box was some sort of puzzle lock. The pieces moved, but the former owner had no idea how to open it. For five dollars, I figured it was worth finding out. The inscriptions on the side were worn down, but even if they were clear, I had no idea what they meant. They were written in some foreign...

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Magic Depot Changed My Life

'Magic Depot Changed My Life' Today I'm wearing Sally Cooper - DNA from the nearest Magic Depot superstore of course. I'm hoping that appearing as the popular newsreader will put my interviewee at ease, more than my normal male self would have done. I have arranged to meet her in Anna Miller's, where she works as a waitress. It's an appropriate venue. Anna Miller's is a restaurant that is a version of a chain of restaurants in Japan, that itself imitates western restaurants. So a...

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Magic and Malice at the Movies The Conclusion

MAGIC AND MALICE AT THE MOVIES A GENDER SWAP TALE Rachel Rose Parker Mr Williams has trapped Joey in the job (and in his clutches) by altering her reality even further and all because Stephanie and she were developing their relationship in new ways... How are they going to find their way out of this nightmare and back into their old lives?! Sorry for the delay in posting, it's been a manic time, but in return for your wait, why don't you enjoy... THE CONCLUSION of Magic...

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Magic Ink II the ChildrenChapter 8

Annie and Sara arrived at the printing plant just after 12:30. Sean and I were just finishing cleaning up the presses, and only needed to use a quick spell to clean ourselves up and be presentable. Annie and Sara were wearing jeans like Sean and I were, but had on heavy blouses and jackets rather than the "Magic Ink" T-shirts that Sean and I were wearing with our sneakers. They had also brought jackets for us. "It's a lot colder in Denver than it is here," Sara told us, as they handed...

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Magic Ink II the ChildrenChapter 7

At home on Monday we all relaxed for a while except for the need to weed the fields and some maintenance on the new Tractor. Sean and I took Annie and Sara out to show them how to weed with Magic. They were surprised that they knew the spell, and at how easy it was to weed the large fields with Magic. Later our Moms took them out and introduced them to the herbal garden and weeding by hand because many of the herbs and other things growing there would be considered weeds by the Magic spell,...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 56

"Shannon, what are you doing?" Savannah demanded, standing in the hall behind us. Shannon's head came up off my chest, and she turned toward her Sister in a more determined way than I had seen before. "It's all right, Savannah. He will take us with him and will marry both of us," she told her Sister. Savannah gasped in surprise. "Really? Both of us? Are you sure?" she asked in a doubtful voice. "I told Shannon that I would marry both of you. I will be glad to have both of you as...

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Magic Returns Drafted

Drafted By Circe John Spencer yawned mightily as he waited for the scanner to finish copying his latest work. He glanced at the clock and sighed. It was past midnight, which meant that some of his fans would be already posting bets on the forum as to when or if he would upload the latest episode of his web comic "Justice for Hire." Finally the scanner beeped and a window appeared on his computer monitor. John leaned forward in his chair and smiled as he looked over the...

2 years ago
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Magic Part 3 Mesmerized

Magic stood in the darkness of his room. His mind was obsessed with a stranger he met through his email. Her name is Kandie; she seemed to walk out of his dream into his life. Oh god, he just had to have her! First, he wanted to drive her desires higher than they had ever been, then when they meet…..the magic would turn into pure ecstasy! He sat down and began writing her another enticing email.“My sweet Kandie, I found myself so wanting, last night, that I discovered myself standing there in...

First Time
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Magic City

Magic City By Mouse Standard disclaimer: this story is a work of fiction. This story uses the actual names of a couple of places and locations, but the resemblance ends with the name. Any other similarities between people and places are entirely coincidental. This story contains adult themes and attempts to describe acts of a sexual nature. If you shouldn't be reading this sort of material, please stop reading now. * Ebony swayed rhythmically between Jeff's legs. In...

3 years ago
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Magic Pill Adventure

Hello and welcome to my first breast expansion and transgender story. This story originated from some of my early BE Addventure posts. I am always working on it, so it is never really finished. However, if I waited until it was complete, it might never get published. ;) Anyway, I had a lot of fun writing this, and my goal is to pass on some of that fun to you. I hope you enjoy it. Many thanks go out to Adama, who is a wonderful proofreader and friend. Please send any comments or...

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MagicChapter 2

Sean ran down the path cursing his choice of flip-flops. They weren’t exactly the best footwear for running around in the woods. He looked down at his feet thinking that he was going to have to start waiting a little longer after waking before leaving the house. He reached the location where the altercation had taken place that morning and looked around. He said, “Now I find out if it was a dream or not.” The three dwarves stepped out of the woods. Surprised that they were actually there, he...

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Magic Is An Art Not A Science

Magic is an Art, Not a Science By Bashful Albert stood next to the car as the final suitcases were loaded. Gary walked out and put a pillow in the back seat along with a headset radio. He stood there awhile, like Albert, scuffing the ground with his feet. It was a warm clear day, the beginning of summer. The two 14 year old boys should have been happy that school was over for nearly three months. Instead, they were both closer to tears than they would care to...

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Magicians Assistant Friends and Lovers 11

Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers 11 By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink Copyrighted 2002 Preface Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers takes place in the Magatrix the Magnificent Universe, which was first introduced in my serialized seven-part story, Magician's Assistant. The premise upon which both that story and this story are based revolves around the fact that Magatrix the Magnificent has been reprimanded by the ethics review board of the Magician's...

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Magic Is Gross

I had heard there was a new girl, but until I saw her: Holy Shit! Where was Curtis? It had been his job to collect and catalog all the hot chicks at school. She was a brunette. Her hair waved around her oval face. She had clear, lightly tanned skin and pale pink lips. Her body! I mean, Yes! Yes! Yes! She was tall, at least 5’8”, and slender but with a flare to her hips that promised an incredible ass if she’d only turn around. Her jeans were baggy but I’d bet her legs were as hot as the rest of...

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Magic Ink II the ChildrenChapter 23

Annie and I spent a troubled night with thoughts of Weres waking us from time to time, as I was sure others in our family did. We had all heard tales about them, but had always assumed that they were just that - tales, and not anything real. We were about to discover if they were real or not. Annie and I were up early for breakfast and were joined by Sean and Sara, who were up equally early. After breakfast there wasn’t anything to do at our houses, so we went over to our parents’ house to...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 30

Mark resumes the Narrative: The following new characters appear in this chapter and the rest of the story: Clare O'Hara Mark's Wife, 5'-1" tall, 100 pounds +, 34C-21-32, 16 years old, auburn hair, gray eyes, very cute Saoirse Ward Wolf's Wife, 5'-0" tall, less than 100 pounds, 32C-20-32, 15 years old, bright red hair, green eyes, very cute Nora and Nola Twin Sisters, 3'-0" tall, 35 pounds, nearly 4 years old, red hair, green eyes, adorable The following characters reappear...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 31

Mark resumes the Narrative: I didn't have a chance to return to the barracks room until sometime later. I had checked with all of the Platoon Leaders and the remaining leaders of Olive Hill. I had also created the permanent Portal to Hickory Hill to get supplies in here. Wolf came over to me as I entered the room. He had very hesitantly left the girl that he had rescued, who was asleep on one of the bunks. "I'm sorry that I let you down, Mark, but I ... I just couldn't leave Saoirse....

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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 25

It was just after 4:00 that afternoon when the radio broke the silence. "Attention all O'Connell teams! We have just received word from the Intelligence Corp that the Persians have landed a short distance down river from Frankfurt. Keep a sharp lookout for their arrival. That's all for now," Grandfather Mark finished. Pat and I used the small pair of binoculars that we had been issued to search the area west of the city, but could only make out the top masts of several ships down the...

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