Price Of Power 2a-Jack Gets His Wish Contined free porn video

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Price of Power 9-Jack gets his wish II-college and beyond Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these were physical, others mental, others could only be described as magical. Some made physical changes of greater or lesser degree, most did not. Power levels varied greatly also. With millions of so-called 'enhanced humans' living on earth, obviously life became very different, both for the recipients of the change and for those who were not. It was two years past the event. The world was settling into the idea of changees, super heroes and super villians in their midst. Those who had undergone gender changes had mostly settled in to their new lives also, and the world had gotten used to them, too. New birth certificates, drivers licenses, college degrees and professional licenses with new name and gender markers had been issued, and life was returning to normal in most regards. Including for 18 year old Jackie Casey. Jackie Casey, plus her mom and dad had driven in a two car caravan from central North Carolina, their home to Oxford Mississippi, home of the University, aka Ole Miss, a nickname almost two hundred years old. It was a week before orientation and classes beginning, and Jackie had registered for sorority rush, in the hope of being tapped for sisterhood in one of the campus organizations. She was quite pretty, active in several high school groups and was also a southern girl, which most of the sorority girls at Ole Miss were. While a few accepted 'yankees', the vast majority of sisters were from south of the Mason Dixon line (which actually ran through the tip of New Jersey, but that was the sentiment, anyway). She checked into checked into Kincannon Hall, the women's dorm set aside for rush and prepared to be on her own for the first time in her life. Her parents would be leaving in the morning because she had a full schedule of events before the all important evening at the end of the week. She would be able to have dinner with them that evening however. They chose a Chinese Restaurant they had seen on the square for their final meal together for a long while. Jackie was special, though she saw no need to advertise that fact-she had been born Jack Casey in a rigidly fundamentalist town, and had fought tooth and nail to attend a secular college before her deacon father had finally given in, mostly because of her unique history. He realized that with her being an adult, and if he stayed too obstinate, he would lose his child, once his son and now his daughter. So here she was in Mississippi-partially chosen because of its Martial Arts program, based on Isshinryu Karate, in which Jackie already held a second kyu (grade) brown belt. And her power was an enhanced ability in said art-in other words, 'super karate'. Her plans for the next four years included a sorority, the campus Karate club, and enrollment in Air Force ROTC to earn a commission as an Air Force officer. In addition to her degree, of course. It was impossible to distinguish Jackie from any natural born woman-she was slender, graceful, quite pretty and extremely feminine. She had all the attributes of any other female, including the ability to conceive and give birth, with all that went along with it. None of the sorority women she met that week could tell, either. For the first two days, she got ready and put on one of the nice dresses she had brought with her, specifically for that purpose. With groups of other girls, she went from house to house to meet the members, allow them to meet and get to know her and be evaluated for prospective bid offers. The next two days were devoted to return invitations for more intense scrutiny, to which Jackie received several invitations. Friday the active members of each house met to discuss who to invite, and of course, Jackie received invitations from several of the more prestigious houses on campus. She made her decision, and chose to accept an invitation from the Tri-Delta house. Friday night she attended a ceremony designed to accept the new girls into pledge status. They had a semester to go before being formally accepted as full members, but Jackie was entitled to wear the organization's pledge pin. The following Monday, university orientation and registration for classes would begin, with classes beginning on Thursday morning. She registered for a usual spread of classes appropriate to a freshmen-English 101, Calculus 201, German 301 (she had taken it in High School), Chemistry 101 and Lab, World History 101 and Aerospace Science 101 and drill. A total of 20 credits-a tough load. Her schedule would be quite busy-classes, mandatory study hall, karate club, ROTC and sorority pledging. Luckily, the hazing that had been commonplace in earlier years had been eradicated in favor of numerous hours of some sort of community service. She chose to volunteer in a senior citizen facility providing recreation opportunities and just someone for the ladies to talk to. She was also available to give manicures whe requested. In the two years since her transformation, she had gotten quite good at them and was overjoyed that she now had the opportunity and social approval to wear nail polish among other feminine accessories. The first night of karate club she walked over to the gym carrying her karate bag with the Megami symbol on the sides, denoting her as a practitioner of Isshinryu karate. In the bag was a white gi with patch, her brown belt with two stripes, hand, foot and head pads plus a pair of sai, one of the three weapons the system used for training. She joined the other female students in the locker room to change, noting that most were green or purple belts, with one other brown belt and no female black belts at the moment. The other girls greeted her and welcomed her to the club, and she compared notes with the other brown belt, who happened to a 3rd grade, one below Jackie. She found out that there were several other brown belts as members, two of whom were 1st kyu, the highest grade of brown belt. They all filed out and lined up in order of rank. There were several students in sweats, obviously new. There were two black belts in front plus an older woman wearing a red and white belt with seven gold stripes on it. She was the club sponsor, and the one who performed all promotions. After bow in, she took the new ranked students aside to check them out for skill. Jackie performed all eight of the empty hand katas in the system and demonstrated some free sparring, first against some of the girls, then against a male black belt when her superiority became apparent. She actually had no trouble defeating him, sweeping him off his feet and landing a stomp kick in less than 30 seconds-she could have done it faster, but she was hiding her powers. Her rank was accepted and a future black belt promotion was virtually assured. ROTC went equally well. She had already reported to the building supply room for her uniform issue. She was issued a class a uniform (blouse, jacket, belt, trousers, shoes and skirt) plus a uniform cap, and a set of camo fatigues, web gear and boots. No rank insignia as of yet-her rank was cadet airman basic, the bottom of the heap. She could wear civvies to the lecture class twice a week, but they had to be in uniform for drill on Thursday afternoon, and the specific combination would be posted during their regular class. For the guys, it was either fatigues or class a, for the women the class a would be either the trousers or skirt. On active duty they would usually have a choice if they had an office assignment, but in training they would be told. Sorority life was equally enjoyable for Jackie. She ate her meals at the house, and actually had no duties during them, as all houses hired male waiters to serve and clean up afterwards, plus a cook to prepare healthy and tasty meals. All of the girls were of course health conscious so the food was light on the carbs and red meat, plus heavy on the fruits and vegetables. Alcohol wasn't served during meals, but those women over 21 were free to drink in their rooms or the common room if they provided the drinks themselves. Actually, the 21 rule wasn't all that rigidly enforced in the privacy of the houses, and even the university didn't get involved unless there was an incident. Luckily for Jackie, hazing had been eliminated by law, Panhellenic rules, Tridelt policy and the university. Pledging now consisted of dress codes, community service and learning the history and traditions of the sorority. While a few strange rules (no makeup days and such) were imposed, nothing dangerous or humiliating were allowed. Jackie actually enjoyed her pledge semester, especially considering that they were allowed to attend other activities such as the Karate club or required academic events. As the semester continued, Jackie settled into a semblance of normalcy-or routine. A heavy load of classes, which she did well in, even though she wasn't what could be called super intelligent. She did well in ROTC, and during the section on branch selection decided that she would like to become an officer in the Security Forces-the police and base protection force. Her karate ability would aid her there, in the event of a fight or riot her team would have to deal with. She made friends among her pledge class, and became extremely close to her big sister-the active member selected to guide her through the process. Karate club was also doing well-her ability was far beyond that of any other member, including the instructors, though she took pains to hide it to just over the level of a normal female brown belt. In addition, there was a bright spot to her life, one she had never experienced before. Due to the rules set up by her Deacon father, she was forbidden to casually date while in high school. Her church believed in courtship, whereby a young man and woman associated under supervision to compare compatibility and prepare for an early marriage. Jackie had no intention of becoming a young bride, and spend her life taking care of a house and children and being submissive to her husband as head of the household. So she hadn't done any dating, which wasn't a problem, as she knew all of the boys in her school as former teammates and close friends. That would have been too weird. But as a Tri-Delt pledge, she was invited to fraternity mixers, parties set up to allow the groups to mingle and meet each other. One Saturday night, there was a mixer at the Sigma Nu house, famous for being the home of two famous NFL quarterbacks, a father and son duo. The younger of the pair was a coach at the university, and an older brother with a minor disability was an administrator there. Their other brother had attended Tennessee, and had also enjoyed a distinguished career in the NFL. Jackie was dressed to kill, something she enjoyed, in a short red dress with three inch heels and striking makeup and jewelry. She turned a lot of heads, and finally a sophomore running back came up to her, asked her to dance and the two then went to the bar for a drink. Another thing Jackie wasn't used to-so she had a beer rather than something hard. She was smart enough to keep it on her person, she was aware of the penchant of college men to drug their date's drinks to take advantage of them. Jackie had no intention of allowing that to happen. But she did plan on enjoying herself, and she did. She and Carl Avent (a famous name in the Oxford area) hit it off, and began to spend a lot of time together. She made it absolutely clear that she would NOT be sleeping with him, as she had major plans for her life, and pregnancy was in no way part of them. Two months into the semester he presented her with a lavalier with the Sigma Nu letters on them, and so Jackie was officially 'dropped'. In many cases, this was a first step towards engagement and marriage, but in many others it was simply a marker that they were together, and Jackie was taken, and not available to date others. That was how she saw it. But she did enjoy kissing him and being held-and as most Sigma Nus had money, she also enjoyed the nice places he took her, such as to Memphis on weekends and such. When she had the time. The semester went on, and so did Jackie's life. She made excellent grades in all of her classes, and completed her pledge period successfully. One night near the end of the semester, the girls were instructed to report to the house wearing their nicest dress, heels makeup, etc. Jackie and the other girls were inducted into the Tri-Delt house as full sisters, given the oath, a membership pin, plus the meaning of the Greek letters and the motto, handshake, etc. She was now a full member of a sorority, something which might help her in networking in her future endeavors, at least in civilian life. One goal down. She went home for Christmas break, a long days drive. Having had a taste of freedom during the semester, she wasn't looking forward to living under her father's rules again-especially having to attend Three Seeds in the Spirit Church, with its rigid fundamentalism and defined rules for men and women. Especially women. But she could deal with it for 10 days or so. She kind of had to. Things went exactly as she had expected. Her skirts were too short, tops were too low, everything was too tight, she wore too much makeup, pretty much everything about her was subject to her father's criticism. Jackie, being a rather easy going person, put up with it, especially since he was paying for her education. Church services went the same way-though she did follow the dress code and wore a skirt and nice blouse and toned down her makeup-she left her red lipstick off, for example. She went with more of a dark pink instead. Brother Bill preached his usual fire and brimstone sermon, denigrating science as being demonic and anti bible, the usual she had heard hundreds of times before. It wasn't aimed specifically at her, but she got the message anyway. Only a few more times in her life would she have to sit through something like this. But she was actually glad to see her parents, especially her mother, who had guided her through the first few months of her transformation with everything she needed to know about being a female. Even though she was actually overjoyed at the change, having been secretly transgender all of her life. Her small North Carolina town culture made doing anything about that impossible. Finally it was time for her to drive back to Oxford for her second semester. She couldn't move into the sorority house just yet, as there were no rooms available, and she had a contract with the university for a two girl room at Kincannon for the full year. She would continue to take her meals there though, rather than eat in the university dining hall. House food was much better. The Karate club was meeting the first Saturday afternoon after the return for a special event. The three black belts would be conducting a promotion exam-new students earning yellow belts, with more experienced students earning blue, green, purple or brown belts. Plus one of the senior brown belts would be testing for Shodan, first degree black belt. Not surprisingly, everyone in the lower ranks passed, as did the black belt candidate. Jackie's test consisted of seven katas (she knew all eight) and one weapons kata of her choice (she chose tokumene no kun, an Okinawan staff kata) followed by self defense and free sparring. With her powers and skill level, she easily passed and was promoted to Ichikyu-first grade brown belt, one step below her own black belt. At the first ROTC drill session, promotions were also announced. Jackie was at the top of the freshman class in military subjects, and being a country girl, number one female in marksmanship. While most of her class was promoted to cadet airman first class or cadet senior airman, she received the four stripes of a cadet staff sergeant, and an appointment as a squad leader. Which looked good on her record but meant very little else. Jackie's second semester went pretty much the same as the first, with the exception of none of the minor hassles of pledging. Even though her classes were more difficult, she continued to make almost all A grades with an occasional B. She continued to train at the karate club, and actually won first place womens brown belt fighting and kata at a major tournament in Dallas. She continued to date Carl, and the two were becoming even closer than before, but she still refused to have sex with him. Even though she rejected the rigidity of her families church, she still mostly had her general Baptist values, and currently chose to wait until marriage. Near the end of the second semester, karate testing time came around again, with the yellow belts hoping to make blue, blues hoping for green, green hoping for purple, the the purple belts hoping to be promoted to brown. No one was expected to test for black belt at this time. However, everyone was wrong. Jackie had expected to attend the testing as a sparring partner, but was surprised when the master called her forward as the last testee-and ran her through some very tough paces. Basics, katas, two weapons forms, self defense against single, multiple and armed attackers and finally sparring. A lot of it. Against every brown and black belt in the room, almost a dozen. She wasn't expected to win, but she was expected to keep going. Her power gave her great ability, which helped, but it did NOT grant her exceptional strength, speed or endurance. Those she had to develop on her own. Which she did. At the end of the session, Jackie Casey was wearing a brand new plain black belt, denoting her rank as an Isshin Ryu shodan, first degree black belt. Things even went well for her in ROTC. She ran her squad well, and learned how to conduct close-order drill with precision and exactness. She ended up being at the top of the class in military subjects, and promotions at the end of the semester showed it. She was jumped from cadet staff sergeant to cadet master sergeant, a two stripe promotion. Again, meaningless in the grand scheme of things, but also again, it looked good on her resume and her future air force career, however long or short that might be. It would also give her an earlier choice and chance of selecting a preferred career field. She was given the position of assistant operations sergeant for her sophomore year, with the responsibility of helping to plan the training schedule for the coming year. A job that would definitely aid her in the future. A new mall had opened up a half hour away from her home in rural North Carolina, so she planned to get a job for the summer, both to give her some extra spending money and to keep from getting bored. Plus to get her out of the house as much as possible and away from her father's scrutiny. She loved him, but his religion drove her crazy. For three more years anyway. She was lucky enough to get a job at the at the ULTA outlet, as a floor associate selling makeup and other sundries to the women who shopped there (and a VERY occasional male), She wasn't assigned to any of the high end lines, where the commissions and pay were better, she was a generalist. She didn't mind, at $20 an hour (inflation since the 2020s) and working 20 hours a week she was grossing $400 weekly. After taxes that worked out to almost $300 a week, and $3000 for the ten week summer. Plus commissions, 5% of her sales. She was selling almost $1500 worth of product a week, for a commission of another $75, for a total of $750 for the summer. She would be in great shape for the fall. By the end of the summer, Jackie had almost $ 3000 saved up-she did have normal expenses for the summer. Sophomore year started as she had expected it too. She spent time teaching in the karate club, and learned several more weapons forms, including both sides of the bo-bo kata, a two person simulated staff combat form. As a black belt, there was a lot for her to learn, but with her enhanced abilities, she was considered to be the best fighter in the dojo-none of the guys could understand how she was so good. Sorority life went on as expected-she had moved into the house to a two girl room, sharing it with another sophomore, this one from Tupelo, MS. Kelly Chambers was a normal, unenhanced girl who had no idea about Jackie's past . And Jackie wasn't about to mention it to anyone. She continued to do well in ROTC, fulfilling her duties as asst. S3 Sgt diligently. She probably wouldn't be promoted higher this academic year, but she hoped for an officer position as a junior, with a senior staff slot as a senior. Followed by a few years as a commissioned officer in the USAF, hopefully in Okinawa to continue her training. Her classes were also going well. She had taken two physics courses in her freshman year, plus two semesters of scientific calculus. This year she got to specialize a bit more, taking 12 more physics credits and 8 more in calculus, plus differential equations and a course in non- euclidian geometry, neccesary for understanding quantum physics later on. She continued to date Carl, but he was getting a bit annoying, wanting more from her than she was currently willing to give. While she loved being female, she did have faint memories of her male life, and while kissing and cuddling didn't faze her, the idea of full fledged intimacy did. Plus if they did, she was the one risking pregnancy, and she wasn't willing to take that chance at all. She had to make it clear once and for all that she wasn't about to succumb. She knew she was about to receive his fraternity pin soon, which WAS considered a prelude to engagement, and she didn't want that either. She didn't plan to spend her life as a stay at home mom, taking care of the kids and her husband as the 'little woman'. But the year went on, with nothing much spectacular occurring. Junior year went as hoped also. She was elected assistant pledge chair for the Tri Delts, and was appointed a cadet first Lieutenant in ROTC, and given a flight of freshman cadets to command, which won honor flight at the end of the first semester. She continued to date Carl, though still not giving herself to him. As a senior, he was subject to the NFL draft if he so chose. He did sign up for it, and did receive a late round selection to the Raiders, who already had several running backs. It wasn't likely he'd play for Las Vegas, though it could happen that he was traded to some other team. He asked Jackie to marry him, but she nicely declined-she had her own career goals. After the spring formals, with him going off to Cincinnati, they decided to split. It had been fun, but they were going in two opposite directions. She had gone home for summer vacation after sophomore year, and got her job back at Ulta. And it went pretty much the same way as the first had gone. Third summer would be different. She had ROTC summer camp to get through. Part of it in the field practicing combat skills, the rest of it visiting an air force base and shadowing one or more junior officers to see what they did all day, subject to security slassifications. Like most stores in rural North Carolina, the mall she worked at was closed on Sundays, meaning that she had to continue attendance at Three Seeds in the Spirit, which she was really tired of-but her father insisted, and as stated, he was paying the bills so going against him in this matter wasn't a good idea. So she suffered through another summer of fire and brimstone sermons condemning everything under the sun. The dresses she wore to services were somewhat longer and less colorful than what she normally wore at school, but she dealt with it. For one last summer. Finally, it was over and she packed her things, loaded her car and drove back to Oxford, where an amazing year awaited her. As a junior, not much happened in the sorority, as most offices were held by seniors. She did have a little sister from the new pledge class, and the two girls got along quite well. In ROTC, she ran her flight of 20 freshman cadets quite well, earning honor flight at the end of the year. Also this year, she had a pleasant surprise in the Karate Club. Near the end of the year, at promotion exams, she was selected to test for her second degree black belt, Nidan rank. With her abilities, she of course passed with flying colors, and earned the right to place two red stripes on her obi. Many Isshinryu yudansha (black belt holders) chose not to wear the stripes out of tradition, but more and more instructors were choosing to use them. For one thing, it kept them even with black belts of other styles, most of whom did employ the identification. She had broken up with Carl, but as a pretty blonde sorority girl, had an active dating life, something which surprised her given her male past before the event. She still continued to jealously guard her virginity, as she had no intention of placing herself at risk for disease or pregnancy at this point in her life. Her grades were phenomenal, given the difficulty of the Physics and Computer Science classes she was taking. Plus lots of advanced math courses necessary for a physics major. It's said that by the time one gets a doctorate in Physics, the student also qualifies for an MS in Mathematics, and many do hold both degrees, some earning another doctorate in Mathematics at a later date. She also knew she would need at least an MS in Computer Science at some point even if she didn't continue in Physics. The year passed with nothing else much of note occurring, with senior summer and advanced ROTC orientation occurring, instead of a summer vacation at home with her parents. Something that in many ways she was looking forward to. With her degree tracks, there was no way the air force was going to assign her to supply, admin or the security forces. She was headed for one of the technical branches, possibly cyber-defense. She was assigned for orientation, however, to Vandenberg Air Force Base in California for her summer training. VAFB was the home of the First Strategic Missile Division, and had been used to test Minuteman and Titan missiles in the past, and was now a Space Force base, closely aligned with the regular air force. She toured and was assigned a shift in a launch control room with two experienced officers, a week in security forces, and time with the computer monitoring system. She also saw the remains of the launch complexes and some titan and minuteman missiles still mounted for launch, though everything was disconnected. She had the use of the Officers Club during her summer training, and as she was over 21, could use the bar. She had an ID card declaring her a student officer/cadet and was to be treated as such. Though very few of the enlisted personnel knew what her cadet officers insignia meant, they saluted her anyway. She spent her eight week training summer wisely, taking advantage of every opportunity to learn, even going to the range and getting qualified in the standard sidearm and combat rifle used by the Air Force Security Forces, with the right to wear the green marksman ribbon with bronze device for second award on her blue uniform, even back during training days in ROTC. Which was coming up fast, after a short summer vacation home. Which she realized she had to do, as she couldn't do that to her parents, who still hoped she would turn out as a traditional southern girl, even given her history as a male affected by the event. Which was why she had to wear mostly dresses when she went home, something she had been happy to do when she had first been transformed-it had been what she had dreamed of and it was so new and novel for her. Now it was something she simply did as a woman, along with hair, nails, makeup and walking in heels. No big deal anymore. The visit again went as expected. Her mom actually went so far as to fix her up with some of the young men from the church, hoping they would click, and she would give up her idea of the military and a career in the sciences. As a conservative Christian woman, those goals weren't appropriate, but since she had been a changee, she had no intention of that sort of life. She might marry someday, but she wasn't going to be a stay at home, homeschooling mom with her husband, kids and church her only interests. The dates went nicely though, and none of the young men attempted to become intimate with her. Her mom had actually chosen boys who hadn't known her as a male herself, all newcomers to their town. She dressed nicely and in a very feminine manner for her evenings out, but fully planned on finishing her education in the fall. Which she did, leaving in mid august. This was the big year-she was a senior. She was teaching in the Karate Club, but there was no way she was going to make Sandan (3rd degree) this year. She did win some impressive trophies at tournaments, including first place womens black belt sparring in Dallas, the largest tournament in the country. She was elected vice president of the sorority, and placed in charge of Rush for the year, the selection of new sisters to take their place after they graduated. And overseeing the sisters doing public service as part of their obligation. And in ROTC, she received a surprise at the first drill session. She was called up to the front by the Colonel in command and presented with a set of Cadet Lieutenant Colonel's lozenges-she was the cadet commander for her senior year, one of very few women to have achieved that honor in any of the universities three programs. This would actually translate out to an early date of rank when she was commissioned, meaning she would be among the first promoted to First Lieutenant when the time came. Naturally, she wore dresses to class quite often, as she loved being a girl, and actually had ever since the event almost seven years ago. She always took care to look her best, also-hair and makeup perfect with nails usually polished, often in a local salon, though she was quite capable of doing it herself. And for her sisters, who appreciated it. As a senior, she was taking a VERY heavy load of classes in computer science, physics and math. She was hoping to be assigned to cyber warfare after commissioning, but that was unlikely before attaining at least a masters degree in the field. Which the Air Force would pay for. The highlight of her senior year was of course, the Tri Delt formal. The girls went all out for this one, wearing long formal gowns and their highest heels, looking as sophisticated as a group of college girls could. With her blonde hair, Jackie Casey decided to go with a dark colored dress, probably in blue which was her favorite color. There was a department store on the town square that carried a good selection of them for the women on campus, and rather than drive to Memphis or Jackson, she and a few friends decided to start there. Which was a great decision, she found a form hugging dress in midnight blue, with sparkles, a side slit and a plunging neckline (which her father would never approve of, but she was over 21 and would be on her own in the military in a few weeks anyway). Her date was another member of Sigma Nu, a fraternity she seemed to date a lot of men from. He was of course an athlete, a graduating senior football player who had been selected by the Denver Broncos in the fourth round. Like most of the other girls, Jackie spent the afternoon in one of Oxford's salons, getting her hair and nails done. As she had had a lot of practice over the last six years, she decided to do her makeup herself. Once the event had transformed her, with the right to wear makeup, even under the restrictions of Three Seeds in the Spirit, she took advantage of it. She never went out without it, and had gotten better during her four years at the University. Though as a commissioned officer, she would be allowed to wear it, but it had to be subdued, not like she was going to a disco. She could live with that. Only a few short weeks to go and she would be Second Lieutenant Jaclyn Casey, USAFR. With a double major BS to boot. The formal was going to be held in the only really fancy venue in the county, so her date picked her up at the house door. A formal sit down dinner was part of the event, as was the dancing. Jackie was well aware that most of her sisters wouldn't be returning to the house that night, and that practically every room at the holiday inn would be taken by one of the couples. Jackie was of mixed mind about that. She had kept her virginity for six years, and had planned on keeping it until marriage. Both her religious upbringing and the lingering memories of being a teenaged boy served to cause some confusion in her psyche. But being an intelligent and cautious person, no matter what gender, she had a couple of condoms in her purse (hidden and unknown to anyone else) just in case she decided to make the leap. She figured she would be on her own in a few short weeks, and she would most likely have an active social life with the young male officers she was stationed with. The formal was magical, as such events usually are. Her date picked her up in his Porsche, a vehicle he was somehow able to afford after the NFL Draft, dressed in a rather expensive black tux, like most of the young men at the Formal wore. All of the Tri-Delt sisters were at their loveliest, and dinner was exquisite, with a choice of Roast Beef, Chicken, Seafood or even Vegetarian. Most of the males chose the beef, with the ladies mostly choosing seafood or chicken. Jackie had the chicken, and being over 21, had wine and champagne with her dinner. Though the laws on underage drinking weren't enforced very strictly, as long as the younger women didn't overdo it. Roughly the same as a champagne toast at a wedding. The orchestra had been imported from Memphis, and dancing continued far into the night, when the ladies and their dates began leaving for whatever after formal events they had planned. Jackie knew what her escort was hoping, and decided that since she had been female for almost six years, most of her girlfriends had lost their virginity in high school, and most of her sorority sisters had, also. She finally decided it was time. There were only a few hotel/motels in town, and it was likely that with so many girls and their dates checking in, they would run into each other in the lobby, and that could be embarrassing. Jackie and her date went out of town to Batesville, where there were several other fairly nice motels. By the time morning came, Jackie Casey, formerly Jack until 'the event' was a complete woman. Naturally, the couple had used the protection Jackie had brought with her, as she didn't trust any that her escort provided-she knew hers were new and top quality, and it was her that would have to bear the consequences if things went wrong. Luckily, they didn't. The next morning, he drove her back to the Tri-Delt house, and their lives went back to normal. The rest of the school year was anti-climactic. She did well in all of her classes, exams went great, and of course she took first place in the Mississippi College Karate Championship, attended by Ole Miss, Miss State, Southern Miss, the W(a women's university), and a few of the larger Junior colleges. The women's brown and black belt division had over 30 entrants, and Jackie fought her way through 5 tough matches, though with her abilities, they were really no problem for her. But as she had realized, she had nowhere near enough time in grade as a nidan to merit promotion to her sandan rank. However, as she was about to be commissioned, she had her branch assignment and her first duty station orders. Flight operations (computer) and Kadena AFB, Okinawa. Her first choice. With any luck, she could actually train at the Isshinryu home dojo, under the great-grandson of founder Tatsuo Shimabuku. Sandan rank from him would be a great honor, which would carry great prestige when she returned home and started her own dojo someday. Finally, graduation day came, a major event in the life of every graduating senior in every institution in the world. Naturally, her parents drove in from North Carolina to be there for the ceremonies-two in the case of Jackie, about 20 other AF cadets and about fifty from the other two services programs. They were to be commissioned as Second Lieutenants in the USAFR, the Army Reserve, the Navy Reserve and a very few midshipmen had chosen the Marine Option, and would be joining the USMCR. They would all be commissioned in the reserves, even though they would all be on active duty for a period of years, some even full careers. Regular commissions would not be offered until and unless they were selected for the rank of Major or Lieutenant Commander ten to twelve years in the future. Under changes made in the force structure, even academy graduates received this type of commission and had to earn regular officer status. The first ceremony was in the morning, the baccalaureate. Master, Doctoral and professional degrees would be conferred at a separate ceremony later on. Almost 2500 students were awarded their degrees in separate areas for the different departments, with honors being announced for the individual student as appropriate. Jackie was graduating Magna Cum Laude (the highest academic honors possible) with awards being conferred in both Physics and Computer Science. For this ceremony, she wore of course a white gown and mortarboard, prescribed for female graduates, which she happily was. The males wore blue, a throwback to tradition. Under her gown, she wore a lovely pale knee length blue dress and black four inch heels, which she was quite adept at manuevering in. Her makeup was impeccable, with her signature bright red lipstick and matching nails. All things she had never expected to be able to wear while she was still Jack, almost six years ago before the event. Her parents were extremely proud of her, and while they wished she was coming home to stay, with a view towards marriage and giving them grandchildren, they realized she had an obligation to the military to complete first. Her dad was still, after all this time, not comopletely used to the idea of his former son being a beautiful young woman, and wished she would tone down her makeup, but while she wasn't going to be home, there wasn't much he could do about it. Brother Bill's wife had spoken to her about it, but since she had actually formally withdrawn from Three Seeds in the Spirit since she was leaving the town, they couldn't do much either. She attended when home, but as a guest, and not someone under their spiritual authority. The commissioning ceremony was held in the afternoon. All of the graduation students had to rush back to their rooms to change into their newly purchased officer type uniforms, though without rank insignia. All three services held the ceremony together, with a rotating general or flag officer presiding and administering the oath of office. Jackie stood before her unit, as the other two cadet commanders did, and led in parade for the last time. Admiral Leacock of the Navy ordered them to raise their hands and they took the oath of office, after which their parents advanced and pinned their gold bars (or naval shoulder boards with a single gold stripe) to their uniforms. A reception was held at Guyton Hall for the new officers and their families, and the day was over, the students had until the next day to clear out their rooms, including those who lived in Greek letter houses. Which they took, as almost all were thoroughly exhausted. Jackie had 30 days leave before she had to report to lackland AFB in Texas for orientation and then Luke AFB in Arizona for training, and she decided to take it, as it would be a long time before she got home to her family again. They drove to North Carolina, and she settled in to her old room, and changed into jeans and a t-shirt. Which is what she normally lived in, though she had a few dates with men she knew, and of course wore nice dresses for that. But she did NOT get intimate with any of them-among other reasons it would be all over town the next day. She did attend church with her family while she was home. It was a shock to them, however when they saw what she was wearing on that first Sunday. They had expected her, as usual, to wear a nice church dress or skirt and blouse, like all the other women did. She came downstairs to meet them dressed in blue. She was wearing her lieutenant's uniform, complete with her shiny new gold bars and the few ribbons she was authorized to wear. In deference to them and the church policies, however, she had chosen the skirt option with pumps. She was an officer in the United States Air Force and she was proud of it. Jackie Casey had come a long way since 'the event'. From a secretive transgender boy being granted his fondest wish, finishing high school as a pretty girl, going to college as a coed, joining a sorority and all her other accomplishments, she was now a strong, self assured confident woman, with an unlimited future that was totally up to her. And she planned on taking advantage of it and living life to her feminine fullest. More to come?

Same as Price of Power 2a-Jack gets his wish contined Videos

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Wishbone Along Came Jacki

Dave came home from work early, his bitchy boss having told him he wouldn’t be needed there anymore. He hated his life! How was he ever going to get laid when he was unemployed and still lived in his mother’s apartment at 25? Something was weird. His mother’s clothes are scatted all over the living room. She pitched a fit if Dave so much as left his jacket on the arm of the couch, but now her bra is hanging from the ceiling fan. Her clothes weren’t the only ones either. A man’s jeans and...

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"You guys do whatever it takes to keep on keepin' on here. I think it's about time to bring in Military Intelligence." "You better think twice before going that route," Zelda cautioned them. "That bunch Creel was associated with seemed to own the military." She urged Jack up from the table. "Let's get you back into the bedroom. I want to get the rest of that junk out of your back. Anyway I hope this is the last of it." "I have a couple of friends I would like to contact. There...

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Whiskey JackChapter 10 New Start

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Wishes and Power

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That Tuesday night, while Sally and Martin were having sex, Jack had no idea that he and Sally would do it the next day. He did know, however, that Wednesday would bring more sex. Matt had told him that, but Jack didn't know that he would, at last, fuck a woman for the first time. In fact, Jack wasn't even in such a hurry to fuck a girl. Matt's ass (and mouth) had proved to be lots of fun, and Jack spent his time thinking about his brother's body. Not only Matt's ass and mouth, but...

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The ParkersChapter 30 Jack his older sister his brothers and his sister

There they were. Naked. In Matt's bedroom. Matt, Jack, Martin, Sally and Jill. All naked. Jack was surprised. He had just had sex with Sally; he had sex with Matt a couple of days before, but he had no idea that... Martin and Jill were there. Naked. Wow! They both had beautiful bodies, and Jack's cock started to grow. Jill's tits; Martin's cock, wow! Sally closed the door, in silence. Jack couldn't say anything, he didn't want to spoil the moment. So Matt said: "Come here, Jack....

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Jack and His Sister A Tale of Love Incest and Obsession

The noise of engines in the street below brought Jack back to the world. Seven a.m. and every bus in Manchester sounded as if it was using Lever Street to escape the city. Most had to stop at the lights on the junction with Great Ancoats Street and wait for the change that allowed them to turn and continue their journey. On green, the guttural combustion growls escalate in volume and rise through the icy November air and into his third floor room, through the small gap that the fixed...

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jack loves his sexy mom

Jack had recently undergone puberty, and his balls and cock tingled constantly and his thoughts dwelt almost entirely on his hard throbbing straining dick. He stayed in a state of arousal. He stroked his peter and masturbated a lot, but no matter how often he beat his meat, it seemed to be ready to spring up at a moment's notice. Especially when he thought about or saw his mom. Jack's mother was in her mid-thirties, a film actress, attractive, and divorced. Summer had arrived, Jack was...

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The ParkersChapter 29 Jack and his older sister

Jack Parker was excited. He knew that, that Wednesday, December 10th, 2003, after school, he would have sex. Again. He knew it. Matt had promised him. And Jack had no reason to doubt Matt. But Jack thought that he would fuck Matt again. And suck Matt again. And, this time, he hoped (he was so curious about it, he had to try it), he would (maybe) be fucked by Matt. That's what he thought. He didn't dare to mention any of it to Matt, but he was ready. And, after the night before, with...

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Jack and His MomChapter 4

Jack awoke first thing in the morning to his mother mounting his morning erection. He was getting use to Sharon's early morning horniess. She rode him from above letting Jack just lie there while she utilized his stiff cock to satisfy her needs. After Jack had shot his load into his mother's wet cunt in the midst of her own climax Sharon finally spoke. "You can do me in the ass today Baby. I have a enema set up that you can use to make me nice and clean for your wonderful cock." Jack...

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Jack and His Nan Ch 2

This story was inspired by another Lush reader who has an "interest" in her grandson.Jack's orgasm was so powerful, it wiped him out. He folded up "Nan's" cum filled panties and laid them on the other pillow in the bed. He realized that he would have to wash them everyday. In order to keep the fantasy going, they couldn't have his scent in them. Better to have no scent at all. He didn't mind. He could pretend he was actually washing her panties for her. Then when they're finished he could...

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Jack and His Nan Ch 4

Jack tried to keep his mind off Nan and off the thrill of his upcoming visit. But his aroused state and his hard cock made that difficult. She had asked him not to masturbate tonight. He didn’t know why. But he sure wanted too. Between “her” panties that lay at arm’s length, the panties he had sent her, their very erotic conversation, and the very real prospect of being with her, he was ready to explode. For a fleeting moment, the image of Nan masturbating to a picture of him invaded his mind....

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Jack and His Nan Ch 4

Jack tried to keep his mind off Nan and off the thrill of his upcoming visit. But his aroused state and his hard cock made that difficult. She had asked him not to masturbate tonight. He didn’t know why. But he sure wanted too. Between “her” panties that lay at arm’s length, the panties he had sent her, their very erotic conversation, and the very real prospect of being with her, he was ready to explode. For a fleeting moment, the image of Nan masturbating to a picture of him invaded his mind....

1 year ago
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Jack and His MomChapter 2

Jack pulled his mother's silky top off without missing a beat with his mouth on his mother's big breasts, switching back and forth between the two flesh mounds. "Ahhh! You suck tit great Jack. Give Momma's boobies some good loving." Sharon was in ecstasy. She had never surmised that her eighteen year old son was such a good lover. She was nearing another orgasm while Jack concentrated on her big boobs, sending ripples of intense feelings all the way to her sodden pussy. Jack used his...

4 years ago
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Jack and His Nan Ch 1

This story was inspired by another Lush member who is "interested" in her grandson.Jack woke up and looked over at the beauty lying next to him. Parts of her white hair covered her face. He moved the hair out of the way and touched her cheek gently with his fingertips. He moved his fingers down to her jaw line to her chin then slowly up to her lips. He caressed them. These were the lips that only hours before he had kissed in a totally new way...a way reserved for lovers, not grandmothers. But...

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Jack and His Nan Ch 3

Reading the first two chapters would be most beneficial. Dee's orgasm was strong as it washed over her. Her fingers were still between her lips lightly stroking her clit when she came again. "OH GOD, BABY. YOU'RE MAKING ME CUM AGAIN!" After she came down from her climax, she looked at the sheer panties and thought, "I can't wait for Jack to see me in these. But I really wonder what he'll think. I'm 75 years old. I've put on some weight and added some wrinkles here and there. My hair is silver....

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Wishs Chapter 3 Reluctantly I grant my husbands birthday wish

 We ate in the hotel restaurant. I had eggs benedict, Aaron had huevos rancheros. I took a sip of my Bloody Mary and meekly confessed, “You were great this morning. I am surprised at how strongly I reacted.”"I was surprised as well. I do not ever remember you being that turned on," Aaron reflected.My face and upper chest were burning crimson now from embarrassment. "No, I have never climaxed like that before. Once I started, I could not seem to stop." I took another sip of my Bloody Mary,...

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The power of the wishing lollies

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Bell Whistles SecretsChapter 8 Historical Perspective

During the next week the treasure was moved from the treasure room to a vault at H. J. Hendley & Company, a company that specialized in storage and appraisal of collectable coins, gold and antique jewelry. I took no chances with the transfer and contracted an armored car service to make the actual move. The brief appearance of the armored car in the neighborhood was hardly noticed by our neighbors. Leo Hoskins proved to be a fount of knowledge concerning property law and more...

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Jack Alice and Me Jacks version

100% fiction! Talk about good things happening to not so good people! Let me tell you a little tale that started one Friday at work. My immediate supervisor was a real asshole. Now that’s not just my opinion, even most of the honchos felt the same way. The standard joke was that he didn’t buy aftershave lotion, he just rubbed Preparation-H on his face. The only reason he had the job was he was related to the owner. Anyway, his uncle or whatever got tired of him helping himself to anything he...

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Limitless Wishes Dajinni and the Wish Flurry

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Jacki Comes Through

A few days before my guy and his son were going to a Celtic’s game, I put it out there that I really needed some attention. It had been a boring spring for me and… well, I was really horny. I had been bothering Jacki (of Jacki and Ryan) for months to get me into a group they belong to where they have gang bangs. I know my husband would not allow it but, anyway, I’ve done some small groups — it’s just that they weren’t real gang bangs like you see in porn movies. It’s long been a fantasy of mine...

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Jacks Submission

Jack?s SubmissionBy Master IncChapter One(How It Started)Melody lay quietly on her bed.  She was nude and in a very relaxed state.  Buried between her legs was Jack's head.  He had been gently kissing and licking her cunt for the last thirty minutes.  Melody had experienced at least three strong climaxes during this time and was now basking in the afterglow.  As Melody looked down on Jack and the difficult position she had tied him in while he pleasured her, she thought back to how Jack came...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 8 Learning the Truth from Jack

Introduction: I learn of Jacks past and also about Vietnam and the secrets he holds. The Story of Ann Chapter 8 Learning the Truth from Jack I borrowed Janets car to drive into town to get Jack. Susan had told me on the phone that he had been there since early afternoon. She explained to me that he just sits there drinking from a bottle of Jack Daniels. Susan also explained when she went to talk to him she did not understand his reply as it was not in English. Ann, he keeps looking toward the...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 8 Learning the Truth from Jack

I borrowed Janet’s car to drive into town to get Jack. Susan had told me on the phone that he had been there since early afternoon. She explained to me that he just sits there drinking from a bottle of Jack Daniels. Susan also explained when she went to talk to him she did not understand his reply as it was not in English. “Ann, he keeps looking toward the door as if he is expecting someone and from the look in his eyes I think it is trouble he is expecting,” Susan said to me on the...

4 years ago
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The Story of Ann Chapter 5 They Call me Jack

Introduction: I finally remember where I know Jack from, HELL. The Story of Ann Chapter 5 They Call me Jack I followed Jack outside not knowing why he wanted to talk to me. I hoped it was not to ask me out as if he did I was going to refuse. I had learned my lesson after going through three husbands since I was seventeen. There was something about him and it troubled me in a way. I felt I knew him from somewhere I just could not remember. Jack took me over to his truck where Frank was...

1 year ago
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The Story of Ann Chapter 5 They Call me Jack

I followed Jack outside not knowing why he wanted to talk to me. I hoped it was not to ask me out as if he did I was going to refuse. I had learned my lesson after going through three husbands since I was seventeen. There was something about him and it troubled me in a way. I felt I knew him from somewhere I just could not remember. Jack took me over to his truck where Frank was standing and Jack said, “Ann, I want you to have this truck.” “I couldn’t Jack,” I replied. “I only want...

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Jacki and Michelle Chapter 2

Chapter 2 The following week past in a dazed whirl for John. He couldn't pay attention in class, a fact very obvious to his teachers who rewarded his inattention with several after school detentions. John's mother, surprised at the change in her son's behaviour, questioned him a number of times during the week, to no avail. Nothing was important for him, nothing except the coming weekend and a chance to spend more exciting times with Michael and the nasty, exciting porn...

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Jacks Christmas Present Part 2 New Years Ev

Jack's Christmas Present Part 2: New Years Eve Party(i****t - whole family, les, oral, teen, anal, group (MFmmf / (MFFmmff), double/triple pen) It had been a week since a very memorable Christmas for f******n year old Jack. Tall and slim, Jack had been putting his nine-inch cock to good use since Christmas morning. Instead of masturbating constantly like he'd done for the previous two years he'd been fucking his mum and two sisters.His mother, Virginia, was a beautiful blonde who was divorced...

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The Fiery Romance of Jack and AnniPart Two

purplemind Romance, adventure, accident, male/ female, ass to mouth, reluctant, domination: Story follows from part one. Reading part one is essential to understand the characters and plot. It was a miracle that Jack and Anni survived the crash. The Corsa rammed the back of Jack` s pick-up causing the thief to lose control of the vehicle, promptly taking out the corner traffic lights. The Corsa escaped with minor damage to the front bumper, grill, bonnet and lights. Jack` s Bakkie on the...

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Jack and Jill

JACK AND JILL By Tammy Richards SYNOPSIS: When Jack's neighbor discovers his feminine alter ego Jill, it's the worst day of his life. But sometimes bad beginnings have happy endings. ------------------- Jack Williams rolled over and hit the snooze button on his alarm clock. It was 6 AM on Saturday morning. He lay in bed planning out his day. Saturday was Jack's favorite day of the week. From Monday through Friday he was the...

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Bob Comes for a Stay at Jack and Sallys Pt

That evening Bob took Sally and Jack out for dinner and dancing. “It’s a black-tie evening,” Bob told Jack. When Sally came out of the bedroom dressed only in the black slip dress and the black thigh-highs and her black heels, Jack thought Sally was dressed way to sexy for an evening out. He could in the light just make out her nipple through the dress and the black lace t-back Bob had bought. Bob had dressed her, so Jack would know he possessed her, at least for now. She looked good enough to...

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Jack In The Box Ch 6

The four of them rode up the elevator. Jack had his arm around both girls and took turns kissing Kit and Sylvia while Logan looked on a little crestfallen. "Don't worry, Logan; you'll get your chance later," Kit said to him. Logan hoped she meant with the girls, but the look in her eyes made him uncertain, especially when Jack winked at him.As soon as the elevator stopped, Jack led them down the hallway towards Kit's room. Lana suddenly popped out of a room, and Jack could tell by her hair and...

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Jack In The Box Ch 3

Kit desperately wanted to hold Jack's hand as they walked down the hotel hallway to his room. Her student walked slightly in front of her, and she truly felt naked in his wake. The cover-up she wore over the tiny white bikini was see-through, and all it did was emphasize her near-nakedness. When they arrived at his room, she followed Jack in like a good little sub.     Neither of them expected what greeted them. Logan and Sylvia were naked on the bed, her mouth greedily sucking on his cock....

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jack and amnada 2

Introduction: this is the 2nd part to my story i hope u like it. oh and it is incest so dont read it if your not into it you should know there will be incest in this story so if u dont like it then done read it. this is the 2nd one to the story so you should read the first one Jack decided to head home because it was getting late and he didnt want his mom to freak out although his head was anything but clear. Amanda was on IM talking with her friend So what did he say when you made your...

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Jack In The Box Ch 2 Checking In

The hotel lobby overflowed with teenage athletes from all the competing schools. Coach Moore struggled to keep her noisy boys and girls in one group as Coach Buchanan checked everyone in at the front desk.Jack admired his coach's sexy ass for several minutes before sneaking up behind her. "Did you like the show on the bus, Sylvia loves to suck my cock, and I know you wanted it to be you."The sudden voice and soft breath on her ear surprised her. Staring into Jack's piercing eyes, she lost...

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Jack In The Box Ch 4

Kit woke early and admired Jack's naked athletic body as he slept soundly in her bed. Last night, while Logan and Sylvia were having sex, they quietly snuck off.She and Jack talked late into the night and discussed her desire for rough sex. It wasn't a pretty story, and she was lucky to have survived the ordeal that marked her psyche for life. Then, Jack shared his personal turmoil, and the two of them hugged and kissed after their revelations.The night ended with them having mutual oral sex,...


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