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October 20th – Kandahar Valley, Afghanistan

Finally, mail from home. Scott hadn’t received any correspondence from home since his outfit deployed to Afghanistan two months ago in late August. Grabbing the half dozen letters he headed toward the tent he shared with five other Marines. Of six return addresses on the envelopes three were from his mom and dad, two from his younger sister and only one from Stephanie. That was disappointing, maybe there would be more tomorrow now that the mail had finally caught up to the outfit.

Saving the one letter from Stephanie until last he quickly read through the ones from his family. Mom’s letters were typical mom to son letters. Everything was fine at home although his father still worked too many hours at the office. She was still active in the church ladies group sending cards and gift boxes to the troops overseas. Mom closed each letter with. ‘We love you and are praying for your safe return.’ The first letter from his sister, Robin, was full of stories about her return to college that semester, how great the football team was doing and a description of her latest boyfriend.

Robin’s second letter was not as much fun to read. She spoke of seeing Stephanie several times in the last several weeks. Stephanie was always with the same guy, Kyle Johnson. Robin was not happy about seeing them together, but she didn’t go into any details. She closed her letter with ‘hurry home, you are missed.’

Opening Stephanie’s letter he began to read.

September 17th

Dear Scott

I know of no other way of saying this but I have been dating another guy ever since you left. I ran into Kyle Johnson in the hospital cafeteria during my lunch break from the emergency room. One thing lead to another and he asked me to dinner and I accepted. That Saturday we went to Cafe Max and he told me that he saw you at the Hilton the night before you deployed. Remember, that was the night that I had to work overtime in the emergency room because of the school bus accident that sent so many young kids to our trauma unit.

Anyway, Kyle told me he saw you sitting in the bar. He said you told him you were waiting for me. That’s when your cell phone rang. It was me telling you I would be at least two hours, or more, late meeting you. I know you were unhappy, but there was nothing I could do about it.

It was then that Kyle left you to join some friends at another table. He told me that he saw Susan Morgan come into the lounge and sit next to you at the bar. Then he told me that he saw you walk her to the reception desk, get a room key and go up with her in the elevator.

I didn’t want to believe it but then I remembered how cold and distant you seemed to be with me when I finally met up with you three hours later.

Kyle has been more than a dear friend to me and has told me quite a lot about some other things he saw you doing in the weeks before you left. How could you do that to me? I never want to hear from you again!

I have fallen in love with Kyle and he asked me to marry him. The wedding is October 12th. Don’t bother sending a gift.


Scott sat on his rack stunned, tears rolling down his cheeks. He folded the letter and placed it in his shirt pocket under his flak jacket. Just as he opened his foot locker to take out a pad of writing paper the camp came under a barrage of rifle and automatic weapons fire. Grabbing his M-16 and helmet he ran to join his squad. For the next two hours the unit was engaged in a fierce fire fight with hundred or so insurgents. During the engagement Scott was hit several times and a tiny piece of shrapnel nicked his optic nerve and everything went black.

November 2nd – Ramstein, Germany

‘Well Lieutenant it looks like we are shipping you home tomorrow to complete your recovery. The surgery went well and I believe we were able to repair that tiny nick to your optic nerve. I put your chances at about seventy-five percent that you will have your eyesight fully restored. We’ll have to keep your eyes wrapped for a while before removing the bandages and then we will see how successful the operation was,’ The doctor continued saying. ‘The bullet wounds to your legs did considerable damage but that also should heal nicely. You will be in a wheelchair for the time being. But with extensive physical therapy you should be able to get around, unaided, without any trouble. One of your nurses will be in shortly to get you ready to leave. Good luck to you, son.’ And with that he left the room.

Thirty minutes later a pretty, young red haired nurse with green eyes entered Scott’s room. ‘Hi Lieutenant Anderson. It’s me Katelin, Katelin O’Hara. I see that they’re sending you home tomorrow. You even get your own personal escort all the way to the veteran’s hospital in your hometown. Want to guess who it is?’ And then she quickly answered her own question, ‘Me!’

When Scott was first brought into the military hospital Katelin had been assigned to him. Katelin was the first nurse in a program, funded by a grant, from a large and influential consulting firm. The idea was that severely wounded service personnel would benefit from having one individual to provide them with physical and emotional support that was so important in their recovery. She took more than just a professional interest in him. She could see he was a good looking young man even under all the bandages covering his face and eyes. There was something about him that captivated her. He had a very positive attitude about his treatment and recovery. It was only when she brought up the subject of him going home and who might be waiting there for him did he become depressed and stopped talking.

One day, shortly after he arrived he asked about the uniform he had been wearing on the day he was admitted. She told him it was still there, hanging in the small closet along with his flak jacket and some of his personal belongings. He sighed and asked if there was still a letter in the shirt pocket.

When she retrieved the folded letter from the shirt said he needed to answer it and since he couldn’t see would she please write it or him.

‘Sure, no problem,’ She said as she sat next to his bed. ‘Fire away.’

‘First you need to read it while I think about what I want to say,’ he said.

As she began to read tears soon came to her eyes and then anger. How could anyone be so cruel to make accusations like this without hearing and considering any possible explanations.

Katelin began writing Scott’s letter to Stephanie.

October 22nd

Dear Stephanie.

By now you may have heard what happened to me and I know you didn’t want me to contact you. Let me begin by saying that there is nothing I can do or say can stop you from marrying Kyle. But I find it necessary to respond to some of the things he accused me of doing. Yes, I did secure a key from the reception desk with Susan. But it was a key to one of the banquet rooms on the second floor. You see Susan’s mom and dad were already up there getting ready to set up and decorate for her engagement party. She came back down and saw me sitting at the bar and asked me to help her dad with some of the heavier boxes of liquor. I think you know her fiance, Thad Peterson.

Thad is an Ensign in the Navy and only had a two day pass before reporting for sea duty. He was on his way but was delayed by bad weather in Atlanta. So, Susan and her family were trying to have everything ready when their friends and he arrived. I helped them and I’m glad I did.

As far as being ‘cold and distant’ with you, I apologize. I knew I would have to leave you for a very long time in less than 12 hours and I was feeling sorry for myself. But you seem to forget how annoyed you were with me when I spoke about our upcoming separation.

And what ‘other things’ did Kyle tell you about me? I love you. I would never do anything to hurt you in any way.

I am not going to say anyth
ing about Kyle other than he has always had a problem with telling the truth. I know he has been after you for years and it looks like he finally got what he wanted. As you can see this letter is not in my handwriting. One of my nurses has been kind enough to write it for me as right now I cannot.

As far as a wedding gift goes I can only wish you the best.


P.S. My name is Katelin O’Hara. I am Lieutenant Anderson’s nurse. He does not know I am adding this post script. You will never begin to fathom how much this man has sacrificed. I have sat with him many, many nights and listened to his tortured speech as he suffered through nightmare after nightmare always professing his love for you. You are one cruel and stupid bitch. Katelin did accompany Scott on the flight back to Jacksonville Naval Air Station and then on to the veteran’s hospital in his home town. When he asked her why she replied, ‘I always wanted to live and work in Florida and I was just lucky enough to get a job at the hospital where you are being admitted.’ She didn’t tell him that her father, who had considerable influence in the Department of Veteran Affairs, had seen to it that a position was made available to her.

November 4th – Malcom Randall Veterans Hospital, Gainesville, Florida

Scott and Katelin arrived late in the afternoon and after processing Scott was assigned a room and was moved into it. Scott’s parents, John and Patricia Anderson, and his sister Robin were there waiting for him. After a lot tears, hugs and kisses the family sat down to catch up with all that had happened to Scott in the past few months. Katelin stayed in the background and only after Scott asked for her was her presence made known to the family. She explained what was going to take place over the next few days and that she would be there to look after Scott.

A little after seven that evening Doctor Schmidt entered the room. He explained in detail what Scott would be facing over the next several weeks and months. The bandages would removed from his eyes in a few days. He could start physical therapy as his leg wounds were healing nicely. Scott would be allowed to leave the hospital during the day time as long as he was accompanied by his nurse. Again, it was Katelin who was assigned this task.

On a Sunday afternoon the day before Scott’s bandages were to be removed Scott’s mom and dad decided to have a combination good luck/welcome home party for Scott. Scott’s aunts and uncles along with his cousins and several friends and neighbors were invited to celebrate his homecoming. About four in the afternoon there was a knock at the door and Robin went to answer it. It was Stephanie standing there clutching Scott’s letter.

‘I would like to speak with Scott, if I may?’ she asked.

‘Why? Haven’t you caused enough heart ache for him?’ Robin replied.

‘I’ve, I’ve come to apologize,’ she stammered. ‘I discovered that Kyle was, is, a liar. When I confronted him about everything he said, he became abusive and hit me.’

‘All right. Come in but make it quick and then get your ass out of here,’ Robin said as she turned and walked back into the house.

As Stephanie stepped into the room all conversation ceased and everyone looked at her, some with downright loathing, knowing what she had done to Scott.

‘Scott, I am so sorry. How can I ever ask you to forgive me? The day after Kyle beat me I saw an attorney, got a restraining order and started divorce proceedings. I want to go back to the way things were before you left’ she said as she knelt down in front of Scott’s wheelchair and put her arms around him.

Standing behind Scott’s wheelchair Katelin stood there with tears in her eyes and a look of sadness on her face. Katelin’s reaction was not lost on Robin. Looking at her she immediately knew how much in love she was with her brother. Poking her mother she nodded toward Katelin. Mom’s eyes said she had the same thought as Robin.

‘I forgive you.’ Scott said with a smile on his face. ‘And, and . . .’

Before he could go any further Robin stepped between them and said, ‘I think it’s time we were getting Scott back to the hospital. He has a long day ahead of him tomorrow. The bandages come off his eyes and we are praying his eyesight will return. Come on, Katelin, let me help you get him back into the van and I’ll follow you to the hospital in my car’.

Stephanie stepped back as family and friends surged forward to say good-bye and wish him well.

‘I’ll come by the hospital tomorrow. I want to be there when they take the bandages off and then we have a lot to talk about,’ Stephanie said as Katelin wheeled him out to the van.

Monday – November 14th

Monday morning Katelin wheeled Scott to the ophthalmologist’s examination room. She left him there and went to a small conference room just down the hall. Inside the room she found Scott’s parents, sister and Stephanie. Katelin explained that the bandage removal and subsequent tests would take about thirty minutes to complete and then Scott and his doctors would meet with them.

An hour passed before the door opened and Scott was pushed into the room by the eye specialist. The look on Scott’s face and the fresh bandages covering his eyes said everything even before the doctor spoke.

‘There is no change. He is still blind,’ Doctor Fletcher said. ‘I’ve ordered an MRI for this afternoon and perhaps that will give us some idea of what’s going on.’

Everyone was speechless. They had such high hopes that Scott would regain his sight. Katelin rose and stepped behind Scott’s wheelchair and putting both hands on his shoulders began to gently massage the tension from his body. ‘OK. This is a setback but it is not the end. I’m sure Doctor Fletcher and his staff will be able to devise a another, more successful, treatment,’ she said.

Scott’s parents and sister began offering positive comments in hope of raising Scott’s spirits as they surrounded him.

Stephanie just sat in her chair. ‘I am not sure I can handle Scott being blind for the rest of his life. I mean, what am I going to do? I can’t care for a blind man for the rest of my life,’ she said as she stood up and left the room.

‘You bitch! Get the hell out of here!’ Robin shouted after her. ‘Oh, Scotty everything is going to work out. I promise,’ she said softly to her brother.

Scott finally spoke, ‘I think I would like to go sit outside in the sunshine. Will you help me, Katelin?’

For the next hour and a half the family and Katelin sat in the court yard giving Scott all the love and support they could. Looking at her watch, Katelin announced that it was time for the MRI exam and they needed to go back inside.

After settling the family in the waiting room she pushed Scott down the corridor toward the MRI examination. Katelin and two techs placed him on the table that would slide him into the imaging machine. Before leaving him she bent down and kissed him and whispered into his ear, ‘Please don’t worry. I am here for you and I’ll always be here for you. I love you.’ She then rejoined the family in the waiting room.

When the exam was completed the MRI techs got Scott back into his wheelchair and the family, as well as Katelin, spent the remainder of the afternoon together.

Later, after mom, dad and Robin had left for the evening Scott and Katelin had a long conversation lasting well into the night.

The next morning after Scott had his breakfast and received a shave and a sponge bath by another of the nursing staff Katelin arrived. Putting him into his wheelchair she said, ‘we’re going for a little ride to another wing of the hospital. There is someone I want you to meet.’

After a short ride, with Katelin pushing him, they arrived at the Gait and Balance Clinic. ‘Scott meet Todd. He is going to begin with your physical therapy this morning. I am leaving you for a little while. Be back to get you later.’

‘Good morning Lieutenan
t. I went over your medical records and it looks like you and I are going to become close friends for the next several weeks. I won’t lie to you, it’s going to be rough. But, if you work hard I guarantee you will be standing and able to walk without crutches or a cane before Christmas. And if you work really, really hard you might even be able to going dancing on New Year’s Eve,’ Todd said as he wheeled him over to the first of the progressive weight machines he would be exercising on that morning.

Two hours later Katelin returned. ‘Hey, big guy,’ she announced. ‘Are you ready to leave?’

‘Damm, get me out of here! This guy is trying to kill me. If I could see him, I’d slug him,’ said an exhausted Scott with a grin on his face.

‘Hey, it wasn’t that bad. Just wait until tomorrow. That’s when you’re really going to get a workout, you big sissy,’ Todd chuckled as they left.

‘Scott, they told me that they got the MRI results back. Let’s go see Doctor Fletcher before lunch and hear what he has to say,’ Katelin said as they headed back toward the main building.

‘Well, Scott I have some news. Some good and some bad,’ Doctor Fletcher began. ‘First the good. I went over the MRI results for hours last night and this morning. At first I couldn’t see any reason why your eyesight has not returned. Your optic nerve has completely regenerated itself. As we went through the images, one layer at a time one of my MRI techs, Peter, noticed something. A small speck, about half the size of a grain of fine sand, appeared at level five of the images. It wasn’t visible at level six and was not there at level four. Peter enlarged that image for me. We discovered that speck to be a tiny fragment of the original piece of shrapnel. Your body has been trying to isolate it by growing scar tissue, essentially a cyst around it. It’s this cyst that is causing pressure on the nerve and preventing the return of your eyesight.’ ‘Can’t you go back in and remove it?’ Scott asked.

‘It’s not quite that simple,’ Doctor Fletcher replied. ‘The surgery is very tricky and complicated. There are only a few surgeons, three to be exact, in the U.S. that have the skill and expertise to to it. The one I’d recommend is Doctor Susan Lee at John Hopkins.’

‘Great.’ Katlin interjected, ‘can you get her to come and perform the surgery?’ ‘Remember I said that there was good news and bad news. When I went to administration to secure permission to contact her to see if she would be willing to come down and help us they turned me down. No reason, just no. I think these bureaucrats only think of the bottom line. Too expensive.’

Doctor Fletcher continued, ‘we’ll appeal this, but it could take weeks, if not months, to reverse the decision. Time we don’t have. As the cyst continues to grow it will completely destroy the nerve and then the blindness will be permanent.’ With this dreadful news hanging in the air, the doctor excused himself and left the room.

After several minutes of silence Scott said, ‘Katelin, please take me back to my room. I am not very hungry any more.’

Once Scott was safely back to his room Katelin excused herself saying, ‘I’ll be back shortly. I have to do something. I’ll be back as soon as I can. I love you.’

Once outside, Katelin tapped a number into her cell phone. When a voice answered she began speaking. ‘Hello, Andrea, it’s me Katelin. I need to speak with my father. It is really important,’ she said, beginning to cry.

Andrea Phillips was one of Katelin’s father’s long time aides. She had been with him for close to thirty years. Had seen Katekin born and was there when Katelin’s mother was killed by a drunk driver when Katelin was only five. Rather than placing her in a daycare center or with a nanny, Andrea had taken her home to spend time with her children who were about the same age while her father grieved and then returned to work.

‘He’s in a meeting with the President right now. I’ll slip him a note and have him call you right back,’ Andrea replied.

She re-entered the conference room and passed Thomas O’Hara a note with just three words written on it. ‘Katelin, important, crying.’

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Roger sat there in shock, listening at the receiver in his hand but not hearing anything, desperately searching for an excuse, yet none surfaced. It had been a conscious decision, he had known about the possible consequences and had taken the required precautions why had this happened? How had this happened? He hung up on Veronica and relaxed on his bed, allowing himself to dose briefly, fighting to overcome the weariness that had suddenly overcome him. Finally he drifted off into a deep...

3 years ago
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The Christmas Miracle

It took considerable coaxing but I agreed to making the long trip to see family for the holidays. I truly did not think it would be an enjoyable experience. Many, so many, times I thought about calling and canceling but, in the end, off I went. Once there I asked myself more than once, ”why”? There were some folks I enjoyed being around but, for the most part, ”why”? Dinner went well with a lot of giggles and smiles being exchanged between myself and a cousin, by marriage, who is quite...

2 years ago
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Genetics is a miracle

Firstly I must apologize in advance that because of my English. I hope you understand my story well. That Friday, when mom came home from work, unpleasantly surprised me by saying that tomorrow morning Ill go with her into the cottage, because Dad has to work through the weekend, on an important overhaul companies, and that I and this way, not doing anything clever at home, so I could bass a little to help her around the garden. I was furious, but I still had to go with it. Late evening when...

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My Christmas Miracle

This was my third Christmas Eve as a widower and it was the coldest on record. That night, the wind howled as the snow storm intensified and the drifting snow began to pile up. I found myself alone, once again in my dark and empty house, and dwelling on the loss of my wife Carol, whom I had been married to for forty years. It was just before she passed, Carol made me promise to continue our tradition of celebrating Christmas.Carol’s death had taken its toll on me, I had become withdrawn and...

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Black Widow Spy vs Miracle

This is a continuation:Black Widow submits to S.H.I.E.L.D http://xhamster.com/user/penelopeslut/posts/524285.htmlBlack Widow rises, while another falls between her...http://xhamster.com/user/penelopeslut/posts/529468.htmlBlack Widow Sexual Espionagehttp://xhamster.com/user/penelopeslut/posts/544277.htmlThe prisoner shuddered awake with a start: bolting upright only to rattle the chains holding her in place. Twisting in the wooden seat, the redhead groaned, head still spinning. Leaning forward...

1 year ago
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Nothing Is Miracle

Hiiii… This s Gotham m 26 yrs Coimbatore. This is my first sex story, so be humble to my narration. I am being a fun loving guy, I always use to tease people regardless of their age and gender. Maybe that’s the reason our neighbors try to tease me back which gave us chance to be close to everyone. I hadn’t had any intention towards her until one fine holiday to play run n chase. Well, you know in a run and chase it can’t be just u can touch only where you want to. I was out and I started...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Miracle

I sat on the exam table, clad only in a paper gown and panties. As usual, the exam room was too cold, and I shivered. I had come in to the doctor because I had not been feeling well for several days. The nurse came in and told me I could get dressed and that the doctor would be right in after I was dressed. Thankfully I put on my dress and sweater and waited for the doctor. I did not wait long before he came in with my file, thick after two years of going to his clinic. "Well, Ms....

3 years ago
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Midlife Miracle

Jessica Ascot - 20 Ben Ascot - 42 As the Dreamliner dipped its wing while encircling Sydney at dawn, the plane’s cabin filled with an excited buzz; the iconic view of the glittering harbour beneath it’s passengers, suddenly becoming visible. “Oh Dad! It’s just so beautiful!” exclaimed twenty year-old Jessica; her face glued to the window by which she sat; her hand squeezing her father’s thigh behind her in excitement. “It sure is Jessie; it sure is.” replied Ben, referring not just to the...

4 years ago
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Twin SisterChapter 4 Tragedy and a Miracle

If it weren't such a serious circumstance, one might be amused to see a girl eight and a half months pregnant waddling down the street like a duck wearing snowshoes. Teddy realized that at that stage in her pregnancy it was not a good idea to be running anywhere. Realizing that fact, Ted made sure to keep a steady, slow pace as they went down the street. Because of the trees and bushes at each of the houses, they could not tell which house had smoke coming from it. It wasn't until they were...

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Incestuous Bedtime TaleChapter 4 Daughterrsquos Incestuous Miracle

Avalon Young – September 2033 I trembled as Mommy rubbed the wand vibrator up and down my pussy. I loved the birthday gift she bought me, the buzzing end of the massager humming against my entire pussy at once, sending wicked sensations through me. It made listening to my parents talk about their first dinner date even more naughty. I was on the edge of my seat (figuratively). “What happened when Daddy said that he loved you?” I asked. My stomach squirmed with excitement, my clit aching as...

1 year ago
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Believe Me Ill Be Back

Having recently moved from the country into town you have discovered that you have a bit of an exhibitionist side.The small town you moved to has lots of regular evening walkers. It seems like everyone on your street walks around town every night or at least down your street. Not being used to living so close to other people and also having a sidewalk right outside your front door, is an odd circumstance. You don't always remember to pull the blinds.At the outset of the first night in your new...

2 years ago
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Believing Or Actually Experiencing

Believing Or Actually ExperiencingBy: Londebaaz Chohan It was beyond belief for both Jonathan and Melisa. After almost 10 years, they met and in a city bar no less. They were not only neighbors but also attended the early school years together and then came the moving time. The families were separated, almost lost and now suddenly this. Melisa gave Jonathan her phone number, telling him that she lived alone and was working for an employment agency in the town. Jonathan also informed her about...

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"Don't say a word and just go pay for your shit and come back out to your car.. I'll be waiting. And don't say one word to the bitch behind the counter or I'll shoot you before she can even think about what you were saying." Were the only instructions I received before the stranger walked away. I knew if I tried anything slick it probably wouldn't work so I just went along with this scary figure's plan. I somehow sensed that the cashier knew something was wrong yet she didn't ask say...

1 year ago
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Last Summers

Have been reading stories here for ages now and loved them. Here would like to share my real story, with a bit of modification and name change. Hope you all read and like it. It’s a one off incidence that will for ever be itched in my memory. Would love to hear your comments. 9i wont bother you guys abt who and what i am) Well me and my friends all married and with young ones had planned to go out for a small vacations to a hill station say nainital. Everyone was very excited and gay as it was...

4 years ago
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An ClochnChapter 57

It was 10:00 hours the next morning when the Iridien, Monque, Atewa, and Órarduine delegations settled into their seats for their first full day of discussions. “Good morning,” said those from Sarah’s Clan. Judy continued with, “We hope you had as an enjoyable time yesterday evening as we did. Please remember that the dining area is available for meals whether we are there or not. This morning will begin with a presentation of our plans for this area by Eibhlin of Maureen’s Clan....

1 year ago
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The sexual awakenings of private schoolgirls teenage part 4

The morning after Sarah and Miss Shapely’s erotic adventure together, the alarm rang loud and clear. Sarah rolled over to see Miss Shapely on her bed and looking her way. Both young women smiled at one another. With the memories of last night’s sexual adventure still fresh in their minds, the taste still on their lips. The young ladies got up, dressed and headed to the mess hall for breakfast. “Is there anything not done communally at this camp? The sleeping quarters are communal. The eating...

2 years ago
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Scottish Holiday

Edward’s eyes lit up when he walked in the door and saw me. I’d pulled out all the stops for my visit to the pub where I’d met him two days ago. My basic black cocktail dress stopped four inches above my knees, legs clad in dangerous thigh-high black stockings atop my patent black, five-inch heels. I’d plucked and painted ever so delicately, and my hair was a dark riot of full, shining curls. The dress showed a modest amount of cleavage, enough to draw Edward’s attention right away. The silver,...

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Into the Unknown

I reclined in a chair on the back patio, staring out into the night sky and sipping on my hot chocolate. The fire pit crackled and spat next to me, but other than the small amount of light it gave off, my house's outer suburb locale meant light pollution was low enough to see plenty of white pinpricks speckling the black sky. It was a little chilly out, but I was dressed warm enough and preferred to work in the fresh air when I could. This was merely a break, since I needed to do another ninety...

2 years ago
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After Hours

Jessie wearily removed her glasses, closed her eyes and rubbed at her temples. She glanced at the clock and groaned. Eight o'clock, and she still wasn't done with the proposal. She reluctantly picked up the phone. Connor would not be pleased. This was the third day in a row she'd worked late. She hadn't even dialed yet when she dropped the phone back into the cradle. She sighed deeply and turned back to her computer. No sense starting another fight. They'd been having too many of those...

4 years ago
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DJ WifeChapter 2

She said it softly like she was mystified not angry, so I stopped and turned toward her. She was wearing one of her shorter skirts and a tight sweater top. At least she didn't have a bare midriff. Looking up I saw her hair was streaked. It was her natural brown interspersed with streaks of a very white blond color. She liked to do things like that with her hair when she was Passing. I said, "I'm going home. It looks like you don't need me here." She looked puzzled so I said, "Since...

3 years ago
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The Big Break Part 1 Quimble

The Big Break. Part 1, Quimble My friends and I had been to school in Brisbane together, dropped out of university together, got drunk and all lost our virginity on the same night at an exceptionally memorable party. Much of that party did not feature in my own memory but I was told I was no longer a child. We all worked as shelf stackers at one of the big supermarkets in Brisbane, Australia. In the evenings before we went to work, we practised our music in a genuine garage on the...

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I My First Time As A Girl

My First Time I Had Sex With A Boy, I Was Dressed As A Girl.The boy next door first noticed one Halloween back in 1971, My sister helped dress up in one of her cheerleader uniforms. In the seventies I wore my hair shoulder length. Blue and gold. To hide my penis, (Not that it took much hiding) She put me in a tight panty girdle. The funny thing was, that my tiny testicles went right back up into a pocket just above the point where the penis came out. My sister was just amazed and had never seen...

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BreakdownChapter 2

The phone rang. Henry answered it brusquely. He'd already spent most of the morning arguing with Aly--about Leanne. Unfortunately, her arguments found fertile ground, and he was beginning to question his commitment to his wife. So he was glad for the distraction of dealing with the broken-down truck. "Ready when you are, Hank," Tyler said. "Do you want me to pick you up at the Grand?" "Please," Henry said. "I'll meet you out front in five minutes." When he hung up, Aly stood and...

3 years ago
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A Piece of EdenChapter 3

I’ve gotta take a little time A little time to think things over I better read between the lines In case I need it when I’m older Foreigner – “I Want to Know What Love Is” Moran woke up to the sound of her alarm clock. Her eyes opened wide and excitement washed over her. After two nightmarish months, the day she dreamed of was finally here. The scars Ayala left on her soul still hurt her, but they seemed like such distant dreams that they started to hurt less. Sharon and Ofer also helped,...

4 years ago
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Blood Red Wine0

Entering the establishment, I flashed a sly smile to a man standing just inside the doorway, noticing as he alternated between eyeing my full, red lips and my breasts. I moved on, scanning the occupants of the bar quickly. They were all too loud, too silly, with too many people, or just not attractive enough. Finally, my eyes landed on the perfect one. She was sitting at the end of the bar, alone, absent-mindedly running her finger around the rim of her drink. She appeared...

1 year ago
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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 35 The Attack

Around the system, ships started hypering out. The ships destined to stay, started recovering the injured and helpless from the explosions on Terra; while Commodore White, along with his wife Maria, begin dealing with the UN. Two weeks later, the ships dropped out of fold and reformed into their attack wings. Ken stood on the Flag Bridge, facing the main viewer. On the screen were Captain Nickolas Johansson of the Hope, and Captain Jenny Mai-ling of the Freedom Train. "Captains, good...

2 years ago
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Playing the GameChapter 29 Respect

On Friday night, Michael drove me over to pick up Kristina. We were meeting Josh and Andrea at the mall, and then we were going to go see a movie. I knocked on the front door and Mr. Mendoza opened the door. He stepped aside, gesturing me in. He was not very tall but he was substantial. I could see just how Jorge would look in twenty years, looking at his father. I stepped into the hallway. Mr. Mendoza held out his hand and in a heavy accent said, "Welcome, Sean. Kristina will be here in...

4 years ago
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Her Cheating Husband

Her Cheating Husband I had listened to Cheryl complain about her cheating husband almost every night at work. We both worked the night shift as security guards. Cheryl was a pretty woman of thirty-six. That was her bra size too because we used to joke about that and the fact that her husband always called her Double-D. I was sixty-two years old and thinking about retirement, my wife left me years ago, and I found Cheryl to be very attractive. She sure filled out her uniform. I...

3 years ago
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Hard to ChewChapter 20

Mary's fingers slipped against the bright red blood seeping from Lou's lips. She wanted to hold his already swelling lips out of her way. Instead, she kept loosing her grip, so instead of pounding her rock against his teeth, Lou's lips were being mashed to a messy pulp. She couldn't keep the teeth exposed and level a solid blow at the same time. She simply couldn't break them loose from his jawbone. Mary was at a loss. "This isn't working, Lucifer," she complained. Mary had thought...

2 years ago
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My dream woman my sexy mother

Hello to all iss readers I am sohail from Lahore Pakistan and I am a very Horny boy. I have always fantasized about my mother in a dirty way. Even when I was a kid and at that time when a kid never think about these kind of things I have always fantasized about my mother’s ass And have always have a deepest disair to fuck my mother’s ass. I was not an adult at that time so I was not having any idea about pussy and I was not having any idea that what kind of a thing a women have between there...

1 year ago
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A Little Adventure in TimeChapter 17 Revenge on a Small Planet

It seems that one of the more raffish of the hangers-on that are evidently continually present on a ship of Mothers size, she would, after all, make a decent small planet, has conceived a passion for Simone, or Ship. The edict passed against Ship is running the gamut of the rumor mill and he is not capable of discerning the difference between the two. Words have been said to both, in the mistaken belief that both are Ship, or Simone. Indeed, a blow was struck, and the evidence plain upon the...

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Doctor Who Companion FuckaThon

After having to work late, you're walking back home through the park in the dark, tired and miserable, fed up with your stupid job and wishing there was some way you could leave it all behind. Suddenly, you hear a strange, unearthly grating sound and stop in your tracks, startled. A man in a tweed suit and bow tie comes bursting out of the bushes in front of you and stares at you wild eyed. "Oh, hello. So, this is how I meet you then? I'd always wondered." He sticks out his hand, grinning. "I'm...

4 years ago
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Countermove Ch 10

Summary so far: Day 1: Onyx vs. Tyger- Onyx loses for the first time ever and pays the price. Day 2: Onyx vs. Jewel- Onyx defeats Jewel to stay alive in the tournament but realizes she is slowly changing into a bimbo. Day 3: Onyx vs. Chaos- Onyx defeats Chaos to make it to the final 4 but discovers she has been set up. Interlude: Onyx travels to Darkview to investigate Tyger. Interlude- part 2: Onyx learns more about Tyger while coming to terms with being pierced and tattooed. Interlude-...

3 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 3 Chapter 2

Jessica Sampson was twenty-two, and was 'fed up to here, ' as her father was wont to say. Her father's placer mine was kaput. She had stayed at his side for all those years, but finally decided enough was enough. She had saddled Sally early in the morning, and then cooked breakfast. As they ate, Horner could tell something was eating at Jessica. He paused to take a sip of the weak coffee and noticed that Sally was saddled. "You planning on going somewhere, today?" he asked, clearing his...

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