A Christmas (Cinderella) Miracle free porn video

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A Christmas (Cinderella) Miracle Written December 1-2, 7-9 2019 Ok darlings, I would thank all my readers and fans for a wonderful few years I have been writing TG Fiction. I give thanks to all my followers on dA and the like that I have the pleasure to chat/discuss stories and what not. I thank the writer metrix32 for giving me the blessing and support to continue the wonderful Claire Robbins story line. I hope you all enjoy the multi-part stories and the one shots. And of course, I dedicate this one shot to PJ Wright, one of the first TG writers I came across back in the day as this uses the NuGen bodysuit, albeit with a slight modification by your truly alongside a nice sweet Christmas date story. I hope you all enjoy this piece and Happy Holidays! -Francesca Josephine Warner "Ugh one more spreadsheet to go 'til lunch break," Tim O'Mann muttered as he typed away at the cubicle farm on a Monday in mid-winter. He looked around, seeing the blank white walls of his 'office'. He then took a moment to brush a hand upon his short brown hair and rub some dust out of his dull blue eyes; he had not slept well the night before. Of course, if one could notice, a web browser was opened up, a dating site website it would appear. A calendar next to his desktop read December 20XX, with several Xs crossing out the days past by. Only two weeks remain untouched: the weeks of Christmas and New Years Eve. Christmas Saturday was circled with two words: Company Party. "Hiiii, Tim, what's up?" a slick voice entered his office. TIm turned around in his chair around to see Jeff Dowell, a fellow mate in the cubicle farm and one of his few friends. "Oh hi there Jeff, nothing much, just getting stuff done before lunch break," Tim responded as he turned back to his computer. Jeff saw the web page and remarked casually, "Ah, still looking for a date to the company party on Christmas eh?" Tim stopped and replied, "Ah well yeah man, I just don't have much luck in the girlfriend department." "Ah yes there was that brunette you met with from Accounting...." Jeff began to bring up before being interrupted by Tim, "Yes well, that would not have worked out.....plus she was sleeping around with the Research and Development geeks." "Heh, well that's interesting, dude," Jeff shot back with a sly grin. "Well I could go with you dude," Jeff suggested handily as he got a little too close to Tim while he was still on his desk chair. Sighing heavily, Tim responded back, "Jeff.... I like you ....as a friend.... but you know I do not swing that way." Jeff looked shocked for a moment, then spoke back, "Yes.... I know, man." Jeff looked around at Tim's cubicle unit- fairly spartan, with only a family picture right next to Tim's desktop. He could tell Tim was yearning for a good time at the Christmas party, with a hot young babe at his side. A gal who could beam with confidence, perhaps give him an edge socially. It was then that a wonderful idea entered Jeff's head. Maybe... he thought as he spoke up, "Saayyyyy, Tim, I got a close friend of mine who might be up for a party this Saturday." This got Tim's attention as he asked, "Oho?" "Uhh, yeah, man, she's a total hottie and the perfect gal for you, man," Jeff mentioned, trying not to smirk. "Ah I see then, well perhaps we can meet up Thursday afternoon to chat and get to know each other," Tim suggested. Jeff felt his heart ache a little, then replied, "Ah, OK then Tim.... I will give her your digits, expect her to call a day or two before, eh?" As Jeff walked away from Tim's cubicle unit, he suddenly realized oh fudge I have to put together something quick. After work that day, Jeff got back to his place where he did some quick searching for female disguises. Now while he had done himself up in drag for various parties before, this time would call for something more.... realistic. He thought about the type of gal Tim liked and came to the conclusion to go with a more traditional option, that of a young valley girl hottie as he had heard from conversing with Tim. After some searching (using a private session through a VPN connection to the web), Jeff found a website: NuGen. Aha so I found my 'Fairy Godmother', Jeff smirked as he placed a swift 2 day shipping order. Sure it was more expensive, but for his friend, it would be all worth it. Wendesday afternoon, Jeff got home to find a package unmarked but with a mere address slip. Could this be, Jeff wondered as he dragged the box inside. He finally got it over to his bedroom and opened it up, with a plastic warp with some skin toned fabric inside. Along with that, the box contained 2--3 female outfits: a casual outfit, a set of seductive sleepwear with set of undergarments and a fancy party dress outfit. Down at the bottom, Jeff saw two small cases, one reading 'dentures' and the other reading 'contact lenses, azure blue'. "All right let us get her out of this bag,' Jeff thought as he tore at the plastic bag, pulling the skin suit with attached head. She had a zippered opening down her back from her luscious bum to the nape of the neck. The woman suit had long flowing blonde hair, but an obvious dye job as Jeff noted her thin arch eyebrows and roots were a slightly darker hue, with some strands showing off faded blonde ends. One detail to make the woman 'real' as possible, Jeff figured. He also noted that her soft pink fingernails were chipped a little and her slit had a patch of uneven dark blonde hair down there. Some more 'real details' to sell the illusion Jeff noted as he saw a slip of paper labeled Instructions. Jeff read the first one-to activate the suit, submerge in warm water for an hour or so. Jeff took the suit over to his bathroom, turned on the hot water in the tub and set the suit in. After a hour or so, Jeff got back and saw the woman skin suit floating on top of the tub water. He carefully grabbed it from the hot water, and noticed it looks less plastic and more like the skinned flesh of a young woman. Quite eerie, Jeff thought as he had stripped down to his birthday suit. He quickly pulled up the legs of the female skin suit, his rough legs being replaced by smooth tanned legs. Once he got to her waist with wide hips and tight ass, he struggled to get his Johnson into the sheath inside, leaving him with a flat female crotch, no bulge in sight at all. Now, onto the top part of her, my Cinderella disguise, Jeff smirked as he placed the female torso over his. The D-cup bosom might have a little much, but for a valley gal it would suffice. Once got that on, he used a free hand to pull up the spinal zipper to the neck, leaving the last bit open for the head mask. The suit felt a little loose upon his thin male body, but Jeff figured the suit would tighten up once he got it on. Finally he placed the head mask over his bald head, shaved years ago when he came out of the closet. Ah shoot, almost forgot, as Jeff plucked the ear-stud from his right ear. That will not do as he resumed putting the head mask on, taking time to align this woman (currently unnamed) over his facial features. After a moment, he looked over to the bathroom sink mirror and saw.... a dude wearing an obvious skin suit. How the heck, then he felt a surging pain as the skin suit began to tighten around his body. Urrrr he uttered in his masculine voice as he struggled to stay up before collapsing slowly upon the tiled floor....... A hour or so had past, then suddenly a young woman got up from Jeff's bathroom floor. "Ugh, oh my head..." she spoke up as she looked back at the mirror. "Oh my goodness, it worked! Hahaha, it so worked!" she exclaimed as saw a young woman staring back. She had long flowing dyed blonde hair and a dynamo body-nice thin waist, wide hips and a firm tight ass-a complete babe package so to speak. "Damn girl you look smashing!" she remarked as she heard her voice, changed to a sweet girly girl voice thanks to (with added expense) an embedded voice changer in the suit's neck. Hehe she noted, the perfect voice for this dream girl. She practiced out talking like a valley girl: "Um girl, like that is.... sooooo you!" giggling like a silly schoolgirl. However, she noticed she was missing two vital things. Going back to the bedroom, she grabbed the two small cases from before. Taking them back to the bathroom sink, she opened them to reveal a pair of azure blue contact lenses and a set of female shaped teeth veneers, white and straight. She took time to insert the lenses into his eyes, turning the dull brown eyes into bright blue ones. Next she placed the veneers into her mouth, then flashed a nice and perfect smile. "Now then, girlfriend, my Cinderella, you need a name...." the young blonde hottie thought as she pondered through a short list of possible names. Finally, she settled on a pretty nice name: "Regan.... Regan Blake..... Nice to meet you, Tim!" she called out to the empty bathroom. Regan then grabbed a phone and made a most important phone call to Tim, to set up an initial meeting before the Saturday Christmas party. Heh, that should be quite..... interesting, as she smirked. On Thursday afternoon, after clocking out from work, Tim went over to a local coffee shop. He had gotten a phone call late last night from what he figured was a sexy seductress. Man, this woman Jeff must have gotten a hold of, hoping she acts nice at least. He looked around the outdoor pavilion, looking for this woman. He fidgeted his fingers in his lap, still wearing his worn business suit outfit and slacks with polished shoes. He did his best to make a first impression. "Oh hi there Timothy, dear!" a voice called out to him from across the street. "Oh my...." Tim muttered as he glanced towards the woman, and what he viewed was..... truly captivating. A hot blonde stood at the nearby street intersection, waving her elegant hand up in the air. She was a pure 11/10 in Tim's eyes, good lord where to start: Her long flowing blonde hair, with a pair of stylish shades adorning the top of it. Of course, he glanced over at her beautiful made up face punctuated by bright blue eyes and hot pink lips. So gorgeous as he saw she had a massive rack, straining against a casual white blouse with a Grey cloth jacket on top. from there, she wore a pair of simple tight jeans, wrapping her sensual hips and ass and her long sleek legs. Her feet were adorned with simple dark pumps, making her a total babe package. Damn, I am impressed, Tim thought, where has she been in my life he wondered as he saw her walking across the street. "Oh hi, Miss Regan was it?" he mentioned as she came over to the table he was sitting at. Oh man, he thought as his nose was bombarded with a strong rose perfume emanating from her bodacious body. "Hmm oh yes, you must be, like, Timothy O'Mann eh?" she spoke in a valley girl drawl as she took a seat next to him at the table. "Ah yeah, and you can, so, call me Regan, no need to be formal," she added on. "Sooo, like, I heard from your dear friend you needed a date for some holiday party, eh right?" she asked directly. Taken aback, Tim replied meekly, "Uh yeah that's right Regan, and I must say my thanks to Jeff for hooking me up on such short notice. He is a real life saver," then chuckled weakly. Regan nodded then replied, "Mhm indeed. When I heard your story from him, I felt I needed to do this." "But why so suddenly?" Tim asked which took her aback for a moment. What do I tell him, Regan figured briefly then relaxed and answered back briskly, "Why, Tim, I will tell the truth: I am a professional escort, in spite of being a close friend of your co-worker Jeff." "Oh my..... so should I pay you?" Tim whispered back, trying not to get unwanted attention. Regand then waved her hand freely and replied back, "Oh don't worry I have taken care of that with Jeff..." and then placed said hand upon Tim's own, continuing, "Oh but don't worry, we can just go to the party, no need for, like.... you know..." prompting Regan to giggle a bit. Heh, yeah figured that Tim figured. So the two chatted about their plans regarding the company party on Saturday night. Though Tim had a feeling this was perhaps..... too good to be true. Anyway, Saturday came with Christmas day and a heavy snowfall the night before. Still the company party was still to be held, as the snowfall stopped by lunchtime. Though Tim was still a little anxious about if Regan would show up or pull a fast one on him, like it had happened with other girls he had met. There he sat at the bar, sipping on a mint mojito while waiting on Regan to show up. The rest of the party was in full swing for like a few minutes, so he thought she would show up soon. "Say Tim, whatcha doing, waiting for someone?" asked some other guy from the office sitting at the bar next to him, clearly drunk. Tim responded quickly, "Uh yes man, I got someone coming..... say you have not seen Jeff around eh?" "Hmm nah man, I have not.... he might be out sick or something.... anyway, enjoy the party!" as the office guy took a swig of cheap Ohio beer and went back to the festivities. "Oh hi there Tim dear!" a clear silver voice called out to Tim. He and the rest of the bar took a moment to regard the entrance door and were immediately floored. Regan stood there at the door, wearing a Grey silk winter coat, which she quickly discards to be placed on a nearby coat rack. There, Tim saw her in full regal beauty: a royal purple bandage dress wrapped around her sensual curves. Her face was beaming with light makeup though she had soft pink lips, quite alluring. He looked down to notice she had on dark silk stockings going down to 5in glass heels. One of her hands (with a fresh pink manicure) held a small clutch purse with a chain, which she then slung over her right shoulder. Her hair coiffed quite wonderfully, with her ears shining with bright chandelier earrings. Quite the stunner he noted, as he felt a little tighter in his pants. "Uh hi there Regan, over here!" Tim called out to her, to get her attention. Regan turned to where he was at, and beamed a clear smile to him then walked over to the bar. "I take it I am here only fashionably late?" Regan mentioned as she took the seat next to Tim and then added, "Uh, bartender, I'll have what he's having." "Heh, well for a moment I was worried...." as he saw Regan pecked him on the cheek. "Now now, do not worry I am here now, and, like, we need to enjoy ourselves," as Regan took a quick sip of her drink and then getting up, grabbed Tim by the arm as the two went into the party crowd. They danced and chatted with the co-workers, some of them glad to see Tim with someone so beautiful. At one point Tim remarked, "I am so glad to be with such a hot babe," thought clearly from a state of drunken stupor. Regan looked to him and beaming a sweet smile and blush, replied, "Awww thanks Tim you are, like, soooo sweet," as she hugged him tightly in the midst of the party crowd. Amid much applause, Tim felt like he was on top of the world, and all thanks to his friend Jeff. Of course, as the night worn on, the party crowd thinned until Regan and Tim were walking out towards a hotel that Tim had placed a night for, just in case. He figured that if Regan would be up for it, might as well as go for it. "So, like we are spending the night together eh?" she muttered as the two made their way to the room. "Uh yes I kinda planned for it ahead of time, slightly, though only if you were willing..." Tim sheepishly responded as the two entered the hotel room. Suddenly, Regan began making out with Tim, kissing and groping his groin. "Oh my, quite sudden eh?" Tim remarked with surprise. "Oh yes, Tim..... I yearn for a good time now, please!" Regan as she began to undress from her winter coat and heels, right then and there, once she pushed Tim onto the bed. Tim had no choice but to take off his clothes, his dress shirt and slacks soon followed. But a moment later, Regan stopped and walked over to the bathroom with her purse, saying, "Uh, yeah, Tim..... hmmm let me get ready, be right back out..... have Mr. Johnson ready for me teehee." Tim nodded slowly as this blonde goddess shut the door behind her. Oh goodness, I didn't figure we would go for.... this, Regan/Jeff as she stripped down to her lingerie, a lovely set of soft pink lingerie (bra and panties) with her dark stockings still on. Brushing her hair, Regan placed her clutch purse on the sink and opened it. She pulled out a condom (for his Johnson lol) and a vial of sticky looking fluid. "I am quite dry down there," Regan remarked, pointing down to her flat female crotch. Pulling down her panties, she opened up her vulva, showing a pink tender vagina. Once she got the vial opened, she placed the vial inside allowing it to flow into the vagina, then spread a little around her crotch slit lips, to give the illusion of arousal. Putting the panties back in place, for the moment, Regan touched up her makeup and made sure the suit's mask was still in place. Alright showtime, Regan remarked as she made her way back for a night of pleasure with Tim....... "Ugh, my head....." Tim spoke up as the rising sun rose upon his face. Soon he got up as he saw himself sleeping alone in the hotel room's bed. The sheets were in disarray and smelled of faint musk and perfume. He noticed his usual morning wood, and pulled off the sheets to see his naked body with his penis caked with his cum and Regan's female juice it would appear. Still, what a time, he remarked as his thoughts drifted through the memories of their wonderful lovemaking. He hadn't had such an.... experience since that one time in college with a sorority sister heh good times. Still wishing she had left me a note..... though that thought was stopped as he noticed a silver glimmer on the floor next to the bed. What the.... he remarked inwardly as he got up from the bed, noticing it was the pair of silver heels Regan was wearing the night before. Oh goodness, though as he looked around, she was nowhere to be found. Hmmm, might need to get with Jeff about this as he got ready to head back to his small apartment. Meanwhile, on the other side of town, early Sunday night....... "Oh my goodness that was fun!" Regan exclaimed as she enjoyed a cab ride back to Jeff's place. Man what a good time, she recalled with fondness, the most fun I have ever had with sex, she remarked as she felt the fading orgasm emanating from her. THough her head ached a little from her extremely drunk state she was in last night. Though, still lucid enough to prepare for the sex, she remarked with a sly grin as the cab stopped off a block away from Jeff's house. Once she got out, and paid the cabbie a generous wad and a peek at her nice rack, Regan walked sensually up to Jeff's place, a small house out in the suburbs. It was early morning, so not many were up and about (yet) but she needed to hurry back in and get Jeff back. She noticed a neighbor going out to get his morning paper, and blushed briefly at Regan's disheveled outfit upon her sensual body. Blowing a kiss to the neighbor, she giggled as she pulled out a house key (from the purse's hidden pocket) to enter the house. Soon, she made her way to the bedroom when she noticed at last, why her feet were feeling a little rough. She looked down to exclaim, "Oh shit, my heels!" as she saw her stockings were torn up on her feet and was torn along one of her supple legs. Granted, she had the suit on so her feet did not actually hurt or anything. But still, what to do, Regan pondered as she realized she must left them in the hotel room. She nearly grabbed the phone to call Tim but stopped. No, if I call from Jeff's phone it would be suspected by Tim for sure. Ugh, oh boy, Regan gal you goofed up hard. Still time to unwind and let Jeff back in, Regan smirked as she performed a quick but sensual striptease: dress, then bra and panties along with the stockings, then her earrings which she all tossed haphazardly upon Jeff's bed. She was glad the windows blinds were closed-would not want any unwanted peepers, she giggled as she struck many sexy poses in the large mirror in the room. Perhaps I can make some use of you in the future, she figured with a wry grin. Now, I have to come in contact with hot water to loosen the suit, Regan noted as she walked into Jeff's bathroom. Oh my you are one sexy bitch, Regan said to herself as she turned on the shower to run hot water. Once it had started to run, she gave it a moment before stepping into the hot spray of water. She then proceeded to cup her bosom with one hand, while kneading her crotch with the other. "Ahhhh, uh, AHHHH, yeah harder Tim, harder!" she cried as she moaned sexually in the shower. She nearly ignored the skin suit coming loose, and she heard her sweet female moans morphing into scratchy male moans, as the neck came loose and the voice changer device distended from Jeff's neck. Ah man what a whirl Jeff thought as he exited the shower. Of course, what greeted him at the bathroom sink mirror was clearly a man wearing some freakish woman skin. He quickly pulled off the suit, taking care not to damage it. Placing her on the tile floor, Jeff removed the blue contacts and female dentures fully reverting back to Jeff. Still what a good time I could give to Tim, he noted as he looked down at his slightly flaccid dick, and for myself as a bonus. Jeff spent the rest of the day cleaning out the Regan skin suit and placing order for some more feminine clothes and what not. She might be of use yet, Jeff remarked with a cracked smile. "Ugh a few more spreadsheets, again...." Tim remarked in his cubicle unit as the Monday workload was getting to him again, and it was only the start of the week. Still he had a good time with Regan, and hoped to tell Jeff at lunch break about the whole experience. Tim looked at the clock, nearly noon and time for that I suppose. "So, Tim, how was the Christmas party? Sorry I missed it, something came up this past weekend," Jeff said as the two got to eat lunch in the company lunch hall. "Ah yeah Jeff I had a good time.....with the lovely Miss Regan Blake, thanks for getting her to come with me," Tim responded as he was munching on a sandwich. "Mhm, so did you two.... you know...." Jeff then leaned in closely to whisper, "..... do it eh?" Tim blushed a little and replied, "Well, with the right amount of booze...." "Well, any amount will do it, I knew it!" Jeff remarked with excitement then patting Tim on the back of Tim's back. "Congrats, man! Yes, I must say she appears to be quite the catch!" "Uh-huh, though she left abruptly yesterday morning, without a note or anything like that...." Tim mentioned as he sulked a little. Oh my, Jeff realized, that move hurt Tim a bit; I didn't mean to do that. "Oh I am sure she had her reason for that...." Jeff spoke as he chuckled a little to himself. Tim continued, "Still she was quite fun at the party, and afterwards for our fun in bed heh." "Oh I see dude, well I still have her contact information, perhaps you two can get back together," Jeff said, inwardly hoping that would be the case. "Well I probably need to, cus you see...." Tim said as he pulled out a spare bag, which looked a little bulky. He opened up the bag, revealing a pair of silver high heels. "Yes it would appear she ran off in a hurry and left these in the hotel room," Jeff looked at the heels, with internal shock but kept his face neutral as much as he could. Of all the things to leave behind..... Jeff thought as he pondered his next course of action. "Uhh yeah, I see Tim.... tell you what, I will take those heels and get those back to Regan; she must be worried about such pricey heels," as Jeff took the heels quickly from Tim. The two continued their lunch, with Jeff formulating the next date between his milquetoast co-worker Tim and the beautiful Miss Regan Blake. What a whirl, he figured, but life can be a wild and exciting ride sometimes. Fin

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The Hypnotic Adventures of CinderellaChapter 3 Cinderellas Humiliation

Cindy awoke to her alarm at six-thirty, and she found that if she pu out her hand as far as she could, she could silence the thing by hitting the snooze bar at its top. She stretched languorously, relishing the feeling of the fresh sheet covering her naked form, the down-filled mattress pad beneath her, the feather pillows upon which her tousled hair was spread. She surveyed the room ... her room. Her very own room. She felt the towel, still between her thighs, and the previous evening's...

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The Hypnotic Adventures of CinderellaChapter 4 Cinderellas Sacrifice

And so, Cindy's life slowly began to form a set pattern. After dinner that night, she had begged Stepmother to allow her to work at night, after dinner, but her request was firmly denied. It became evident that she would be working Sunday, as well ... and most probably, EVERY Sunday. She went back to her room, stripped, put on her robe, and curled up in her chair, thinking about her day. The exertion from the workout, however, had left her very tired, and so she rose, set her alarm clock,...

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The Hypnotic Adventures of CinderellaChapter 6 Cinderellas Choice

"You've got to be kidding!' Cindy giggled. She was lying on her stomach on Betty's bed, her chin propped in her hands, her bare legs and toes flexing, her eyes wide. "Pablo?" "Weirdest thing I ever saw," Betty responded, lying beside her. "I got feeling all guilty in the middle of the night, and went back down to see if Bimbo was down there by herself somewhere, but she wasn't, so I figured that she'd left with the guys. And then this morning, I got up early and went down for a...

4 years ago
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A Cinderella Story Part 1

Just a little information about this story. It was inspired by the characters in Cinderella. It will more then likely be a series. So just because I do not want to get in trouble for using any names. I am going to change the name of the characters. (Cinderella will be called Camille, Anastasia will called Ashleigh, Drizella will be called Daphne. Prince Charming will be called Cooper.) Sorry for all the changes, but I felt they needed to be made. PART ONE : INTRODUCTION OF CHARACTERS Camille...

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Cinderella the sexy version

Cindy was down in the dumps. She had been sent to stay with her cousins in Georgia. The thing is, her 21st birthday was coming up and it looked like everyone had forgotten. Not that they cared - her cousins that is. Cindy called them the Botox twins. They had been jealous of Cindy since she turned up. She didn’t have cellulite on her thighs or lips that looked more at home on a trout! Cindy was the archetypal baby doll with long blonde hair, perky tits, a tiny waist and a bum like two bowling...

Straight Sex
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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 1

A Cinderella Spell (Part 1) "I'm going Mam," I shouted as I was leaving the house. "Ok dear, you have a good time and try to get back before midnight," she shouted back. I started walking towards my friend's house. It was a big day today, I had just finished my last day at school and tonight was our school prom. Now let me just get a few things straight here. This is England, not the US. We do things a bit differently here. First of all we leave school at 16, with the option...

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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 2 Lifes a Witch

A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 2, Life's a Witch I was really worried now. How had I gone from about to put on a t-shirt and jeans, to wearing a full skirted dress, without even realising it? I must be losing my mind. And why is Monique all girly all of a sudden. I know she was wearing a ball gown last night but that was just to piss off the snobby crowd at school. I followed Monique into her front room where her Grandma was sat waiting. "Well Dean," she started. "Don't you...

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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 5 A Twisted Fairy Tale

A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 5, A Twisted Fairy Tale "So how much are your vouchers worth then?" an excited Monique asked me when we got on the bus into town. "We got ?100 each" I replied. "I can't wait to see what clothes you pick out for yourself." "What do you mean? And who says that I'm going to spend them on clothes?" I asked. "Come on" she said "You are the girliest girl I have ever met, including the snobby clique from school. Of course you're going to spend them...

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A Cinderella Story Part 1

Just a little information about this story. It was inspired by the characters in Cinderella. It will more then likely be a series. So just because I do not want to get in trouble for using any names. I am going to change the name of the characters. (Cinderella will be called Camille, Anastasia will called Ashleigh, Drizella will be called Daphne. Prince Charming will be called Cooper.) Sorry for all the changes, but I felt they needed to be made. PART ONE : INTRODUCTION OF CHARACTERS Camille...

4 years ago
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Cinderella Liberty Pt 1

When she walked through the door I was pleased.  She wore a simple but elegant dress in the color I'd call teal.  It was sleeveless and showed off the swell of her breasts.  Her blonde hair was a little longer than shoulder length and delightfully curled.  Her face was neither intent nor intense as she scanned the room.I stood so she could see me.  I could see the recognition register in her eyes and she walked deliberately toward me.  This lady was all business.I held out my hand to her."No...

Love Stories
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Hypnotic Adventures of Cinderella Ch 01

Chapter One Cinderella’s Seduction Startled, Cindy looked up from her seat as the inner door opened and an incredibly beautiful young woman emerged. The girl looked miserably sad, shaking visibly, her lower lip trembling. She also looked … perfect, her blonde hair long and flowing, her eyes large and round and evenly spaced on her ideal face, her nose pert, her lips full and red. She had the figure of a supermodel, with firm bosom and hips framing an almost impossibly slender waist. The girl...

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Hypnotic Adventures of Cinderella Ch 05

Chapter Five Cinderella at the Ball They were both right. Cindy had feared that the encounter would change them … and it did. However, she was forced to admit that she and Betty were, if anything, even closer friends than before. Betty had sworn that this would be their only sexual encounter … and she was as good as her word. She continued to help Cindy with the housework three or four days each week so that they could spend more leisure time together … they even had another Sunday outing....

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Fucking Cinderella

The man staggered along the Grassmarket. The area below the Castle battlements was thronged with crowds on a rare sunny Saturday afternoon in Edinburgh. He looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks. His hair was dishevelled, sticking up as if he’d stuck his finger in a plug socket.His face was flushed but it was his eyes you noticed. They were wild, staring. He scanned the ground, then the faces of people walking past. He stumbled towards women, and then he would stop, staring into their faces...

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Cinderella with apologies

Cinderella... with apologies By JDG It all happened a long time ago in a land far away. Don't all these stories happen in a time long ago and in a land far away, after all? But I digress. A young Prince had been forced, by the will of his father, The King, to participate in a rather gaudy and highly embarrassing Royal Ball. The sole purpose of which was to find him a suitable bride from amongst the locally available females. The cream of society was invited, as well as a bit of...

2 years ago
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Cinderella A Modern Version

THE MODERN VERSION OF CINDERELLA By Old Timer Cindy's 18th birthday uneventfully passed last week and the only thing important to her was a way to leave the McDowell house forever. She contemplated her choices as she rode the mass transit home from her job. Earning money had become her primary concern as her adoptive mother didn't offer financial support. Times were tough since her husband unexpectedly died and she only had enough for her two natural' daughters. Not getting...

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Cinderella Wishes

Cinderella Wishes --------------- A pair of teenagers find a genie in a bottle on the beach, and begin to make wishes... --------------- My boyfriend and I were walking out along the beach when we found an old bottle washed up on the shore. No it wasn't the usual garbage that floats up on the shore these days; this was a rather ornate fancy looking bottle. My boyfriend Phillip pulled the stopper to see what was inside, or if there was anything good inside. Hey, we were a couple...

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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 3 Dancing the Blues Away

A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 3, Dancing the Blues Away "Beth." "BETH!" "ELIZABETH VICTORIA BENNET!!!" shouted my Mam from downstairs. I sat up in bed and wiped the sleep from my eyes. Whatever's wrong it must be urgent for her to use my full name including a middle name I didn't realise I had. "WHAT?" I shouted back. "DON'T "WHAT" ME YOUNG LADY," she shouted back up again. "YOU'VE GOT TO BE FITTED FOR THREE DRESSES THIS MORNING BEFORE YOU TURN UP FOR PRACTICE AND YOU'RE...

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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 4 Darker Tidings

A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 4, Darker Tidings It was Monday morning. Since I'd just left school and college didn't start for another eight weeks, Mondays didn't seem so bad anymore. I'd arranged to meet Monique and her Grandma to talk my suddenly becoming a witch and what it entailed. Especially about what this dark entity was all about? Monique had said that it's probably bullshit and even if it wasn't it would need some kind of anomaly to your regular witch to be able to do...

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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 6 A Fairy Tale Apocalypse Part 1

Authors note: Yes, I know I said at the end of the last chapter that this would be the final part and I had fully intended it to be, but since there was a lot more to this chapter than I had realised and I can't seem to feel comfortable writing stories that are more than around 20k in memory, I've decided that this chapter will split into parts (most likely 3, but I promise nothing). Hope you enjoy it, Sophie xxx A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 6, The Fairy Tale Apocalypse...

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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 6 A Fairy Tale Apocalypse part 2

A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 6, A Fairy Tale Apocalypse (Part 2) Monique's Story I was galloping at full speed to where I had last seen my Grandma, David was chasing after me. "Monique!" He shouted "Wait up!" he caught up to me and grabbed my arm. "He's got her!" I said with tears streaming down my face. "He's got her and I haven't even tried to find her." "Who has who?" "Ulric, the one who caused all of this, has got Beth, my best friend," I almost screamed at him...

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Once Upon a Trans Cinderella

Once Upon a Trans: Cinderella Once upon a time in a faraway land there lived a wealthy lord in blissful happiness with his wife and young son. One day, however, the wife grew sick and died shortly afterwards. The lord married again and soon they were a whole family once more with the young boy gaining a stepmother and two stepsisters. Everything was fine and all seemed happy until, after around a year of marriage, the father sickened too and soon he died as well, leaving all his wealth...

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Cinderella Liberty Pt 2

I looked up at the ceiling and contemplate everything that had happened.  This wonderful woman had crashed into my life.  I sensed that there was a connection.  But there was this contract she had that said we could only meet once or she'd be cast loose with nothing.  How could I let her go without even the smallest hope of trying to make a future together? My anger was tempered with a fatalistic realization that I was doomed to a life without the most perfect woman for me that I had ever met. ...

Love Stories
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Taking the Road TogetherChapter 24 Cinderella

"Go, enjoy," she heard Darren say. What was going on? It was his weekend for a fantasy date and he was sending her off to the mall with Cassie. Stephanie was confused. The past month had been an emotional roller coaster with the big blowup and then the phenomenal high of the renewal of their vows. It was like being newlyweds again. Darren had been attentive both in and out of the bedroom. Stephanie was one satisfied lady. Even a few of her students had commented on how happy she was...

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The Hypnotic Adventures of CinderellaChapter 5 Cinderella at the Ball

They were both right. Cindy had feared that the encounter would change them ... and it did. However, she was forced to admit that she and Betty were, if anything, even closer friends than before. Betty had sworn that this would be their only sexual encounter ... and she was as good as her word. She continued to help Cindy with the housework three or four days each week so that they could spend more leisure time together ... they even had another Sunday outing. She continued to be a bit of a...

1 year ago
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Second chance for cinderella

After tom and i made love we promised our love to each other. But a tragic happened, he died on a car accident. My world shattered to pieces, when i heard the news. After 5 months, i met Carlos, an half italian. His icy blue eyes and his natural black wavy hair kind of attracts me whenever he's around. And of course i can feel his love even though i always hears gossips that he's a playboy. Well i just ignored it, and after a few weeks of teasing me, he confessed his love to me which i quickly...

1 year ago
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Second chance for cinderella part 2

I woke up this morning,and spotted him beside me sitting. "Ah Carlos why are you here?",i asked then he sighed.And caressed my cheek. "I just wanted to see you, my love",he whispered to my ear then i blush. Then he let me lie to my bed,and deeply kissed me,i lightly moaned and he noticed it. "I love you kelly",he huskily said then he passionately kissed my neck and rolled his lips down to my cleavage. "Ahhhhhhhh,carlos i want more",i pleaded then he smirked. "As you wish my princess",he said...

3 years ago
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The Miracle

The Miracle 14 year old Deepu lay in his bed wide awake, scared and sad. His dad was drunk and shouting in the hall while his mom was in her bedroom crying. He wondered how everything went so wrong so quickly. A few weeks ago his mother had given birth to his baby brother. A child that his parents were hoping and trying for, for years. It was like a festival at his home. Unfortunately the baby developed some complications and died. It sent the family in to a deep tailspin. His father was drunk...

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Incestuous Bedtime Tale 4 Daughters Incestuous Miracle

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Daughter's Incestuous Miracle By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Avalon Young – September 2037 I trembled as Mommy rubbed the wand vibrator up and down my pussy. I loved the birthday gift she bought me, the buzzing end of the massager humming against my entire pussy at once, sending wicked sensations through me. It made listening to my parents talk about their first dinner date even more naughty. I was...

1 year ago
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I Need a Miracle

I swear to God, I did not sacrifice a virgin, and I did not sell my soul to the devil. Considering the fact that I am married — quite happily — to the most awe-inspiring woman you’ll ever meet in your lifetime, your children’s lifetimes or even your grandchildren’s lifetimes, you may wonder what I did to land her. The answer? Nothing. Zip, zilch, nada. I was simply sitting on a barstool, a lonely 30-year-old man nursing the wounds of my latest relationship disaster over several mugs of beer...

3 years ago
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Holiday Miracle

"Hi Bobby. Don't be afraid, I won't bite..." Oh god. She had a friend from school, Abby Wilson, built much the same way. Abby also knew how to tease. She sat in my row in the auditorium for study hall, one empty seat between us. She had a habit when leaving to need to go in the opposite direction from me. So she'd squeeze by in front of me, letting her tight ass rub across the front of my pants. Then I'd have to hide the hardon during my next class. One day an upper classman in the row...

4 years ago
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I Need A Miracle

I swear to God, I did not sacrifice a virgin, and I did not sell my soul to the devil. Considering the fact that I am married — quite happily — to the most awe-inspiring woman you'll ever meet in your lifetime, your children's lifetimes or even your grandchildren's lifetimes, you may wonder what I did to land her. The answer? Nothing. Zip, zilch, nada. I was simply sitting on a barstool, a lonely 30-year-old man nursing the wounds of my latest relationship disaster over several mugs of...

2 years ago
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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 43 The Celebration of a Miracle

Within seconds the whole scene around that house burst into one of frenzied activity as axes and grappling hooks were brought into play along with chainsaws and all sorts of other rescue equipment. As Jared watched he saw one fireman jump down into a hole of sorts and call out, “It’s some sort of wine cellar. There’s two people lying down here in the wine cellar. I don’t know how they survived but they have. They are unconscious and badly burned but they are still breathing! Get them...

3 years ago
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The Devils PactChapter 31 The False Miracle

"What did you do to me?" I asked Theodora in confusion. The nun was still straddling me, my cock still inside her pussy. When she mounted me, when I submitted to her, I had expected her to exorcise me and steal my powers. Instead, she gave me something else, some golden power. The power had sunk into the very fiber of my being, the very essence of my soul. I could see her aura, no longer the gold of a nun but the silver of a regular person. What was going on here? Mary was bound and gagged...

2 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 124 A Small Miracle

It was all very quiet and sombre in that waiting room when another doctor finally came in to give them the latest update. “Um ... well ... the good news is” he began. “The good news is that Carrie has stabilised again after that last massive seizure - a seizure that was worse again than the one before. We are waiting for her to settle down even further before we try and operate. We want her to be as stable and calm as possible before we do the Caesarian. The operation will go ahead now even...

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Christmas Creep

© 2011 All rights reserved Author’s note: Here’s my story for the Winter Holidays contest. I hope you enjoy it, and votes and feedback are welcome and appreciated. Thanks to LettersfromTatyana, MugsyB and Annanova and my husband for encouragement and beta reading. ================================== Joe Naylor stared at the department store display. ‘I can not believe this.’ ‘What?’ His girlfriend, Noelle Winters, gave him a puzzled look. ‘This!’ He made a sweeping gestures with his arm to...

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Christmas Story One

According to Webster’s New World Dictionary: Aureole is the radiance encircling the head or body of something as in halo or the illuminated area around the sun as seen in a mist or during an eclipse. Areola is a small ring around something as the dark ring around a nipple. Christmas Story One The Christmas Angel I was your typical good looking college graduate working my way up the corporate ladder. I was twenty-eight years old and single because I worked all of the time. It...

4 years ago
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Christmas Creep

Joe Naylor stared at the department store display. "I can not believe this." "What?" His girlfriend, Noelle Winters, gave him a puzzled look. "This!" He made a sweeping gestures with his arm to indicate the shelves. "It's October fifteenth and they're putting up Christmas decorations!" He scowled at the Santas, elves, miniature trees and other Yuletide paraphernalia that sat mere feet from more appropriate seasonal wares. Pumpkins, witches, and skeletons grinned at him from their...

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Christmas With the Devil

“There is a beast in man that must be exercised, not exorcised.”-The Satanic Bible*It was Christmas Eve, and Jolly Old Saint Nicholas had one last job to do. A job he dreaded.He stood at an iron door in the side of a mountain at the top of the world, hesitating as he lifted a rusted key from around his neck. Did he really have to go through with it? Maybe this year, just for once, he could skip this last chore. Maybe everything would be better off if he just left well enough alone…But no.; he...

1 year ago
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Christmas With the Devil

-The Satanic Bible *** Jolly old Saint Nicholas had one last job to do that evening. A job he dreaded. He stood at an iron door in the side of a mountain at the top of the world, lifting an old, rusted key from around his neck and wondering if he really had to go through with it. Maybe this year, just for once, he could skip this particular chore… But no. He shook his head, spilling snow from his crown of ivy. He was obligated to be charitable to everyone in need. And what...

1 year ago
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Christmas Journey

Christmas Journey************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan December 2011The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.It was the day before Christmas Eve in the mid 1960s. I was facing a boring Christmas sitting in my office in Devonport Dockyard waiting for...

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Christmas Overload

Joyce had barely made it back to the apartment from the grocery store where she worked as a checkout clerk and tucked the ham she’d brought home—the last one in the store—before it was time to go pick up the Christmas cake she’d ordered from Gleesons before they closed. She had already been cutting her time short—she still had to go buy a tree and figure out where she’d stashed the ornaments and lights—and she hadn’t gotten off shift when she expected to. She kicked herself for not remembering...

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Christmas Bah Humbug

It is only November 1, and the mall speakers are blaring Christmas music already. The Christmas season hasn’t been a favorite of mine for many years. And each year the commercialization Christmas seems to start earlier. Hell, we haven’t had Thanksgiving yet, and Halloween was just last night! The last Christmas I can remember that I actually got excited about, was nearly forty years ago. It was the last one before my mom died. Christmas was her time of the year. She saved a bit of the...

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