The Hypnotic Adventures Of CinderellaChapter 3: Cinderella's Humiliation free porn video

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Cindy awoke to her alarm at six-thirty, and she found that if she pu out her hand as far as she could, she could silence the thing by hitting the snooze bar at its top. She stretched languorously, relishing the feeling of the fresh sheet covering her naked form, the down-filled mattress pad beneath her, the feather pillows upon which her tousled hair was spread. She surveyed the room ... her room. Her very own room. She felt the towel, still between her thighs, and the previous evening's events came back to her. Tentatively, she reached a probing finger to her sex, and she groaned softly. She was sore there.

The alarm went off again, and this time, she sat up and wheeled around to sit on the bed's edge. Eventually, she found the switch that would permanently silence the offending clock, and only after that task had been accomplished did she remember her nudity and the fact that the room had no door. She stood and raced to the closet, where the robe hung on the hook where she had placed it the evening before when she had left the room for last night's shower. Finally relieved of her panic (which was getting to be an all-too-frequent feeling in her life), she settled her mind to the task of planning her morning. This was difficult, considering she had no idea what was expected of her. But there, on her dresser, was a hand-scrawled note from Stepmother:


You will awake each day (except Sunday) at 6:30. Eat breakfast on your own in the family dining room, where we ate dinner last night. Your workday begins at 8:00. I will find you then and discuss your duties. You made me very proud of you last night. And you made your new father gloriously happy.

- Your SM

She couldn't keep the smile from her lips. "You are a woman now," she told herself. She decided to make her bed first, and had problems smoothing out the lumps until she remembered the towel. It was stained, she found, with a rather small amount of dried blood and a rather large amount of dry, crusty white stuff. She wasn't so naïve that she didn't know what it was, but it was her first encounter with the physical detritus of the sexual act, and it intrigued her, especially the fact that there was so much of it.

But then she suddenly realized that there were two full shopping bags of things that had to be put away in her bathroom, so she slipped the robe off (she simply couldn't keep herself from casting nervous glances at the open doorway ... and she knew, somehow, that she never would get used to this), wrapped the soiled towel around her, tucking it firmly between her breasts to keep it in place, picked up the bags, and hurried down the hall to the bathroom.

The first order was to inspect the strange thing Stepmother had shown her here last night. A douche, the package said... "for vaginal irrigation." She blushed. How could she have lived in a building full of females her whole life and never learned about this? But a small slip of paper inside the box gave instructions in VERY graphic detail. She used it, then put it away, far in the back of the linen closet behind the towels, and stepped into the shower. Like last night, it felt marvelous! She scrubbed and lathered and rinsed, then spent five full minutes on her hair, using the shampoo and conditioner from the shopping bags. She dried herself with a fresh towel and used the new hair dryer in front of the mirror (which also let her see the hallway through the non-existent door behind her naked figure). She chose yet another fresh towel to wear back to her room.

It was almost 7:45 by the time she walked into the dining room, dressed in her "uniform," only to find that there was no one else around. Various cold foods had been set out on one side of the table, and there were eggs and sausages in a steam-warmer. Everything here was fabulous, she decided.

But at exactly 8:00, Stepmother appeared and waved a hand for her to follow. Cindy's life of servitude had begun. A three-page diagram of each of the three floors of the mansion was hers for the keeping, and she followed along as she was introduced, first to the laundry facilities and storage rooms in the basement, and then to the various rooms on the first floor. Many of these were used only once in a great while ... ballrooms, meeting rooms, that sort of thing. Stepmother spoke constantly, explaining this or that, what to do, what to avoid, what she must NEVER do ... take a vacuum cleaner into the Stamp Room, for example (Daddy had an extreme fear of one of his precious stamps getting sucked up by a cleaning device).

It was as they were leaving the Stamp Room that they bumped into the man himself, who bade them both a cheerful good morning and begged to have a quick word alone with his new daughter. Stepmother smiled briefly, more of a knowing grin, and walked out of the room, saying to please be quick about it. But upon her exit, Cindy found herself engulfed by his arms and practically smothered in a passionate hug. "Cindy, my love, I want you to know that last night was exquisite! But please, I beg for your discretion! Not a word to my wife of what we did! Ours must be a secret love! Do you promise?"

She couldn't help but laugh at his language, but when he drew back to look questioningly at her, she covered her reaction with another laugh. "Oh, Daddy, I'm just very happy, that's all! Of course I'll keep our love a secret. And I'll be ready for you again whenever you want me!"

He looked back down almost shyly, breaking eye contact. "I ... I want you constantly, my dear. But at my age, wanting you and having the ABILITY to take you are two entirely different things. I am afraid that I can only work up the physical strength for the act every so often."

Cindy smiled and kissed his cheek. "How often, Daddy?"

"Let's say ... um ... once a week?"

"Then Wednesday will be "our day," she told him, and snuggled herself into his arms again.

"Oh, Cindy, I can't believe the depth of your patience and understanding and passion and..."

"I love you, Daddy," she said simply.

"And we mustn't let her learn of our affair!"

"It will be our secret."

"Are you through giving Cindy instructions about cleaning the Stamp Room?" Stepmother's voice called from the hall.

"Yes, dear!" Daddy yelled back.

Cindy lifted her face and let him kiss her briefly on the lips. "Good bye, Daddy," she whispered, and then hurried from the room. Stepmother was just outside, and was laughing quietly. "You heard?" Cindy asked her.

"Oh yes. What a silly old fool!"

"Please don't say that," Cindy urged. "He needs me. I've never been needed by anyone before! And he really DID make me feel..."

"I don't mean to make light of your feelings, dear ... or of his. Please forgive my last comment. And you did wonderfully just now. You will find, however, that he never really lets up on the 'dirty old man' routine. He may only take you sexually once a week, but he is constantly going to be touching you, petting you, leering at you ... that sort of thing."

"Oh my," Cindy said, more to herself than her Stepmother.

But now, the instructions continued. There were ten bathrooms, but only four or five were ever used. Those must be cleaned daily. Six of the largest rooms would only be dusted and vacuumed once a month, since they were practically never used. Pablo cleaned his own rooms, below in the basement. And above, only three of the nine bedrooms were occupied, including her own. Next, Stepmother produced a schedule, indicating which bedrooms, common rooms, hallways, offices, etc, had to be cleaned on which day of the week. Two hours each day were set aside for exercise, including the shower afterwards. And one hour each day was reserved for "mental conditioning" in Stepmother's office, a chore which had Cindy almost gasping in anticipation. If Cindy missed doing a room on its assigned day, she could slide the schedule as necessary. Every Sunday was a "day off" for Cindy ... but any "sliding" of her schedule had to be made up on that day, so that Monday could restart the whole thing afresh.

"Any questions?" the older woman asked.

"Why would I have to slide the schedule?"

"Remember Rule Number One, dear. Wednesday night may belong to Daddy, but Pablo might easily waylay you for an hour at any time."

"Oh my," Cindy muttered again.

"Then, if that's all your questions, I suggest you start with Betty's room. She might not want you to, but please offer. She has never kept her room very neat, and I'm willing to bet that it hasn't been cleaned once in the three weeks that she's been home from college. We're still not sure why she quit school so suddenly. She won't talk about it. She's really been in a foul mood!"

Cindy stocked the maid's cart that Stepmother showed her in the cleaning closet on the second floor and pushed it to the door that her diagram indicated was Betty's. Acid rock music was coming from inside. She knocked softly, waited a minute, and knocked again more firmly.

Betty jerked the door open, making Cindy jump. "What the fuck do YOU want?" she howled above the music.

"Do you want me to clean... ?"

"WHAT!?" Betty screamed.

"Do you... ?"

"JUST A MINUTE!" Betty bellowed, and slammed the door in Cindy's face. A moment later, the music was suddenly turned off, and seconds after that, the door reopened. "WHAT?!" the girl screamed, startling herself. "I mean ... What?"

"Do you want me to clean your room?" Cindy repeated.

Betty gawked at her. "You mean to tell me that the old man adopted you yesterday ... and he's got you working as a fucking MAID today? Are you really as fucking dumb as you look?"

"I ... uh..."

"Wait a minute!" Betty said, holding up her hands. "My bad! Dumb question! OF COURSE you're as fucking dumb as you look! Listen, STEPSISTER: You keep your fat, ugly ass away from my fucking room, got it?"

"Sure, Betty," Cindy said softly, turning away. The door slammed behind her, but then opened again.

"HEY!" Betty hollered. Cindy turned back around to face her. "Why the fuck are you limping? You weren't limping yesterday."

"I ... um..." Cindy stammered.

"Did the old man hit you?" Betty asked, suddenly showing real concern. "Did that son of a bitch beat you?"

"No!" Cindy answered, stunned. "He's ... he's really sweet!"

"Oh, don't go defending the old perv! He's been leering at my tits for the last three fucking weeks. And he's always trying to touch me! Gives me the willies! I told the asshole that if he touched me one more time, I'd kick him in the nuts. That put a stop to THAT! Now, what did he do to you?"

"Nothing!" Cindy insisted imploringly. "I mean ... well ... we ... um ... I mean, we ... uh..."

"OH! MY! GOD! You fucked him! You fucked him, didn't you? You fucked him!"

"Well ... yes ... um ... we..."

"What a fucking WHORE!" Betty yelled, her eyes wide. "You're fat and you're ugly and you're a WHORE! Stay the fuck away from my room!" The door slammed once more. This time, Cindy didn't turn around. She only had to wait a few long seconds before it opened again. "So ... uh ... why are you limping?" Betty asked. Cindy blinked, not knowing what to say. "Is he ... is he really that big?" Betty implored. "Big enough to make you limp after you do it with him?"

"I ... I don't know how to answer that," Cindy replied

"Well ... I mean ... compared to other guys," Betty urged. "Among all the guys you've had, how did he rate?"

"Other guys?" Cindy asked meekly.

"OH! MY! GOD! He was your first, wasn't he!?" Betty screamed accusingly. "You gave the old perv your cherry, didn't you? You gave the fucking old man your virgin cunt, didn't you!?"

"I ... um..."

"What a fucking SLUT!" Betty ranted. "Keep your ass away from my room!" And the door slammed yet again. Cindy sighed and waited. The door opened. "Did he ... um ... did he hurt you?" Betty asked quietly.

"No," Cindy answered. "It was nice, really. I don't know what I was expecting, but it was a lot better than I thought it was going to be."

"No shit?"

"Really. He made me ... shiver."

"Shiver?" Betty asked, confused.

"It was like ... I started shivering, really mildly at first. And then, it just sort of built up and built up ... and then I just exploded in a really big case of the shivers."

"He made you cum, you idiot. He did that, just by fucking you?"

"No, he ... well ... I mean, yes, it happened when he was ... um ... doing it inside me. But the really big one ... was when he used his mouth."

"His mouth?"

"He licked me. He licked me, and I exploded in the shivers." Cindy told her.

Betty stood, not really looking at her, her mouth slightly agape. Unconsciously, she had placed the palm of her left hand against her flat midriff. She said nothing for many long seconds, her eyes unfocused. Finally, she blinked and looked at Cindy. "Stay away from my room, okay?" she said quietly.

"Okay, Betty."

Betty closed the door softly, and Cindy finally turned away and pushed her cart toward the first bathroom at that end of the East Hallway. Three bathrooms and two bedrooms later, she broke for a light lunch in the dining room. Pablo served her a tuna sandwich and some chips, but even though she tried again to engage him in simple conversation, he only shook his head and walked away. His lack of communication skills didn't seem to defray his interest in her breasts, however. He openly stared at them through most of the short meal.

After lunch, her task was the upstairs hallway ... vacuum the carpet and dust the pictures. And then ... it was time for her "mental conditioning" in Stepmother's office. The door to the outer room (the room in which she had waited for her interview the day before and where she was later hypnotized) was open, so she walked through it and knocked on the inner door. "Come in!" Stepmother called out. And as she entered, the elder woman told her to go back out and find the metronome and bring it in with her. Cindy handled the boxed instrument with a reverence deserving of an ancient religious artifact.

"If I ever decide to get out of the gold-digging business, I might take up photography," Stepmother said, smiling. "What do you think, Cindy?" She revolved the flat monitor of her computer to face the girl, who gasped loudly and almost dropped the metronome.

"OH MY!" she squeaked, staring. The photo WAS perfectly framed, she had to admit. Daddy was upright on his knees at one side of the picture, Cindy's legs were draped over his shoulders and hanging down his back. Her body was canted ever so slightly toward the camera, so that Daddy's pink tongue could easily be seen entering Cindy's pink, glistening sex. The girl's body was arched to such an extent that it formed a straight line from the upper right corner of the photo to the lower left. Her head was thrown back so that only the top of her cranium made contact with the mattress, her eyes clenched, her mouth open in a scream. Cindy's right arm (the one nearest the camera) lay along the surface of the mattress, touching Daddy's knee, while the fingers of her left hand were laced in his hair. The fingers of Daddy's left hand were spreading Cindy's pussy-lips, his right hand was clutching Cindy's left breast, making the nipple strain upward toward the ceiling. It was the most erotic picture Cindy had ever seen in her life.

"I'll make you a copy, if you want. Now, open the box, Cindy," Stepmother instructed. Cindy tried to calm herself. Hesitantly, she did so.

"Alright," the woman continued, "do you see how the thing is 'parked' by sliding the rod in the little gap up at the top?" Cindy studied the metronome for a moment and nodded. "And do you see the sliding scale behind the rod? The weight slides up and down the rod. See the little numbers? They're beats per minute. The higher the weight slides, the lower the number."

"That makes sense," Cindy said, nodding. And then she read the words that were inscribed along with the numbers. "Presto, Allegro, Andante, Adagio, Larghetto, Largo..."

"Do you know music, Cindy?"

"Yes, Stepmother ... a little. I played piccolo in the band, but the instructor never used a metronome."

"Conductors pride themselves on their rhythm ... they all believe they don't need one. Anyway, Cindy, YOUR subconscious lies somewhere in the Larghetto. Please slide the weight up until the top of it is exactly at 72. I'm sure you will remember that number from now on, won't you? Good. Now, wind it up using the little key in the back. Yes, that's enough. Now, release the arm, and then lean back in the chair, please. When you are as deep as you can go in you trance, raise your hand above your head. Good girl, Cindy.

The device began clacking, and almost at once, Cindy recognized the beat of the mechanism as her own personal rhythm. She couldn't keep her shoulders from slumping. Exhaustion engulfed her, and her eyes began watering as she followed the arm of the device back and forth and back and forth. She didn't understand the thing about raising her hand, but now, she was too tired to ask. Looking back on the experience, she couldn't decide exactly at what point she fell asleep. She only knew that she was dreaming again, standing near one of the room's walls, watching herself in the chair watching the metronome. The Cindy in the chair just sat there for the longest time, when, oddly, she raised her hand straight up above her head. Stepmother, sitting at her computer, noticed, and began talking to sleeping-Cindy ... but standing-Cindy couldn't hear what was being said. Sleeping-Cindy could, though ... that much was obvious, because she often nodded and answered: "Yes, Stepmother." "Yes, I understand." "Yes ... I will obey ... I will ALWAYS obey." "Yes, Stepmother." It was all very confusing, and it just seemed to go on and on and on.

But suddenly, Stepmother told her to wake up. And suddenly, standing-Cindy was back in sitting-Cindy's body again. And suddenly, she felt GREAT! Awake! Alive! Happy! She sprang from her chair, beaming a smile. "Oh, thank you, Stepmother! I feel WONDERFUL! I think 'Mental Conditioning' is going to be my favorite part of the day!"

That earned her a smile, but then Stepmother became serious. "Sit down, Cindy. We're not finished yet."

"Oh," the girl replied meekly, resuming her seat immediately. "Am I going to go to sleep again?"

"No. We need to talk." She paused, collecting her thoughts. "Cindy, have you ever heard it said that a hypnotist can't make a subject do anything that the subject doesn't really WANT to do?"

"I've read that in books ... but I don't believe it anymore. You could make me do ANYTHING, Stepmother. I'm sure of it."

"You're right, my dear, I can. But the only reason I have absolute power over you is that you WANT me to. That desire to submit ... that desire to surrender ... is just a part of who you are. It's an integral part of what makes you ... you. Do you understand what I'm telling you?"

"I understand it, Stepmother, but I don't understand WHY you're telling me."

The woman smiled. "It's always 'Why' with you, isn't it, Cindy?" The girl grinned sheepishly and lowered her eyes. "Your new father is the same way. He was a master of business and industry in this area, but subconsciously, he longed for the control of someone else. But when I placed the other two members of this household under hypnosis..."

"You've hypnotized Betty?" Cindy asked, startled.

"For all the good it did me!" Stepmother grumbled. "She's just as headstrong and bull-headed when she's under as she is when she's awake!"

"Oh my," Cindy muttered, looking worried.

"But the point that I'm trying to make here is that Pablo was the same way! I had almost no control over him, either! I was able to learn a few clues about who he is, where he goes, desires and dislikes ... that sort of thing. But he almost violently resisted any attempt at actual control. He is a very strong personality. That's why I'm telling you this, Cindy. I'm trying to prepare you for what's about to happen."

Cindy swallowed nervously. "About to happen?"

The older woman sighed. "Alright, first of all ... a little history. My husband met Pablo while he was inspecting a deep-water oil rig off the coast of Southern Mexico. Pablo was the chef onboard. While he was there, some sort of pressure thingamajig malfunctioned and there was a big explosion that blew Pablo overboard ... and by 'overboard, ' I mean sixty feet down to the surface of the ocean. Believe it or not, your father jumped after him ... broke his right leg in the process, but still managed to save him. Pablo has been with him ever since.

"BUT ... I've been able to find out recently that Pablo is married. He's from this itty-bitty little Aztec village up in the mountains; and while he was on that oil rig, he was sending his paycheck home to his fifteen year old wife ... yes, fifteen! They had just been married in some sort of family-arranged thing. I had no idea that the Catholic Church would sanction such a thing ... and from what I've learned since, the church doesn't ... it just sort of pretends not to notice, I guess. Anyway, that was seven years ago. Pablo's been in the United States ever since, and your generous father has been paying him $4,000 a month, after taxes, and helping him send it all home to his wife."

Stepmother paused in her story long enough to sip from a can of diet cola. "I was recently able to contact this wife of his by email ... and then I phoned her and had a nice long conversation. First of all; evidently, that $4,000 represents about 90% of the GNP of that entire village. Little Mrs. Pablo hates her husband. Evidently, he was VERY rough with her that first month of their married life. But now, she takes half of everything he sends her and tithes it to the church, and then gives the rest of it to Pablo's brother, who is using it to start a farm-and-factory operation that produces Mescal ... and evidently employs most of the village's population. Also, Pablo's brother has shown his appreciation to his sister-in-law by giving her all the love she needs, along with two children ... and another one on the way. In other words, EVERYBODY down there wants desperately for Pablo's checks to keep coming ... and they all want just as desperately for Pablo to stay right here.

"Pablo, obviously, knows nothing about this, but he has been just a little anxious for female companionship. Your Daddy used to give him a couple hundred extra every week so that he could go down to the Red Light District and get his pipes cleaned out ... but recently, I put an end to that. There was a big article in the paper about a gonorrhea outbreak in town, and so I laid down the law. He argued, but I had also learned recently that his U.S. visa expired years ago ... so he's illegal. Anyway, I made him get tested, and he's clean, thank God. But I also told him that I was hiring a maid ... and I more or less guaranteed him that he would have sexual access to her." Stepmother shrugged. "And here you are. He's going to be very insistent with you, very soon now ... perhaps even today. Tomorrow, at the latest."

"He must be very lonely," Cindy said sadly.

"Lonely. Yes. But Cindy, he's also a very ... strong man. He has deep, underlying tensions. He is likely to be ... well ... forceful."


"You should be prepared for the possibility that he is going to be a very different sort of lover than your Daddy. And I won't be there to help or guide things. You're going to have to make do on your own. But ... if he EVER hits you, I want to know about it. Immediately. Understand?"

Cindy nodded resolutely. "I'll do my best, Stepmother."

"Alright then," Stepmother said, nodding. "And while you worry about the butler, I'M going to be having it out with my brat of a daughter! It's time we put a stop to her rudeness, and her insolence, and her..."

"Oh, no!" Cindy urged, interrupting. "You can't! You shouldn't DO that..." But she caught herself and fell silent. "I'm sorry, Stepmother. I shouldn't interfere..."

The woman was sitting behind the desk staring intently at Cindy, her face a mask of several conflicting emotions. She was silent for many long seconds. "Let's have it, girl," she said at last. "Say your piece."

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Hypnotic Adventures of Beauty Ch 03

My eyes were already open, and ‘waking up’ was sort of like having a sheer drapery pulled aside in my mind. All of a sudden, I could THINK again. My body still sort of throbbed with sexual longing… especially my breasts and nipples… and my lips. But the REST of my body felt as if I’d just arisen from a long, afternoon nap. I put my arms over my head and stretched like a cat, and when I looked over at Belinda, she was doing the same. I abruptly found that ridiculous in the extreme… and we both...

3 years ago
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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 6

Sheri’s husband had lost all interest in having sex with her and wanted a divorce. She really did not care; he was not satisfying her anyway. She had developed a sexual addiction, and her husband was not fucking her near enough. Joey had started the chain of events. He really did not care that she was being fucked. The problem was that it was beginning to affect the whole family. Joey decided he needed to intervene. That evening Sheri was in her room sitting at her dressing table. She had...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 2

When they got to the cabin, Joey got out of the car and told his sister and Billy to get out of the car and go into the cabin. Still being controlled by the Hypnotic Eye, Cindy and Billy did as Joey said. “Billy. You lounge around out here while I take Cindy into the bedroom. Oh, do you have any condoms here? I would not want to knock-up my own sister; for now, anyway,” Joey said, with a big grin. Joey’s beautiful and sexy sister just stood there, as Billy said, “There are some in the...

3 years ago
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Hypnotic master and then slave

HYPNOTIC MASTER AND THEN SLAVE HYPNOTIC MASTER AND THEN SLAVE Pamela was the sexiest girl in the office.? She always wore thigh high black or dark brown boots to accentuate her sexy legs, and a short min skirt.? Her blouses or sweaters were always tight to show off her breast.? She had a cute face with red hair always done in a classic style.? But all this great packaging was not the thing that made Pamela so sexy.? It was the way she acted. Pamela was one of those girls who had a...

3 years ago
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The Hypnotic Adventures of BeautyChapter 4 Happily Ever

My name is David Rothman, and this is a story about the three most impressive women I've ever met. Now, one of those ladies I already knew. Wanda Perkins, a fellow grad student at Berkley. Sharp, pretty, witty, and a total bitch. Well ... she could be, when she wanted to. I had pursued her during the past two years ... and I'd even gotten her to go out with me once. We both had a really good time; but when I had tried to kiss her goodnight, she turned me down flat; and she'd refused to...

2 years ago
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Hypnotic Tits you have to be kidding

The new neighborI am now in my early thirties, keep myself in good shape physically, taking time each day to attend the gym, not far from my home, working at a hospital pharmacy gives me steady hours and the pay is good, could be better, but I can’t complain. I graduated with out any debt, so the first two years, i stayed at my mom’s house, saving everything I made, taking my time to find the perfect home for me and maybe someday a wife if she ever came along. Dating and my sex life are all...

2 years ago
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Mysterious Hypnotic Spiral Hypnotizes Mom

Susanne Butler was settling in for the night in her house, she was Caucasian, she was 62-years-old, she was 5'8, shoulder length long blonde hair, blue eyes, she was wearing underwear, a long satin silk nightgown, she was also a loving divorcee mother to her 18-year-old teenage Daughter named Katherine, she's also Caucasian, she's 5'7, brunette hair, hazel eyes, her 16-year-old son named Peter, he was also Caucasian, he was 5'9, brown hair, brown eyes, her 3-year-old Toddler son named Mark, and...

Mind Control
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Hypnotic Sex Therapy Ch 01

‘You understand why you are both here?’ the distinguished psychiatrist, sitting behind a large, wide desk spoke in a gentle tone to the two anxious young people seated before him. Andrew Grant, the youngest son of the wealthy industrialist Hector Grant, fidgeted with his pen as he answered quietly, ‘Because my father doesn’t trust my choices.’ ‘Your father is concerned for you, Andrew,’ Dr. Carter answered tactfully. ‘He is concerned for both of you, to be fair. You are both so young and the...

2 years ago
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A Hypnotic Casino Connection

Carol knew she couldn't continue like this. She was middle age, very pretty and very sexy. At her age, men and even teen boys still whistled at her when she walked by in short shorts or a tight dress. She needed some satisfying sexual encounters. She wanted to feel a man's hard dick between her legs, giving her the satisfaction she needed. She thought more and more about what Ed had suggested some time ago. He knew she wasn't happy with his attempts at sex. So he suggested that they find...

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Hypnotic Destruction

Chapter One Debbie sighed, it was almost quitting time on a Friday afternoon. She would do the same thing she did every weeknight. I'm in such a rut. She'd drive home from work, cook dinner, engage in lame conversation with her husband Jim over dinner, clean the kitchen, and putter around the house until Jim said he was going to bed. Then as his dutiful wife she would go to the bedroom to strip and get under the sheets to wait for her husband. He would do what he did every night. Climb...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 13

When Jeffery Howell got home, he was surprised to find a teenage boy there with his wife. When he came in the door, Sophie got up and walked over to him and gave him a kiss as she normally did when he got home. She then said, “This is Joey, the son of a friend of mine at school, and he has something incredible to show you.” Joey got up and took the still open little box out of his pocket and held it out, causing Sophie’s husband to look into the Hypnotic Eye. Instantly, he went into a deep...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 12

Joey was incredibly surprised to discover just how attractive and sexy Cassaundra’s thirty-seven-year-old mother was. He would find out later that she had given birth to her first child, Cassaundra’s half-sister, when she was only sixteen, and had Cassaundra when she was eighteen. He could see her large breasts pushing out against her robe. He could even see the imprint of her nipples and knew she did not have on a bra under the robe. Joey strongly suspected that she was nude underneath the...

3 years ago
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The Hypnotic Adventures of BeautyChapter 2 The Beast

Okay, so here's what really upsets me. If a guy refers to some other guy as naïve, or innocent, or gullible; well, that's derogatory, right? There's no way any of that would be viewed in a good light personally. But if he's saying it about a girl ... well, that's a whole different ballgame. Those traits in a woman ... especially a pretty woman ... turn men on; make them hard; make them aggressive; appeal to them. I've had that problem my whole life. I'm too trusting, too quick to...

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Hypnotic Adventures of Beauty Ch 04

Author’s Note: Chapter Four isn’t really a ‘Chapter’ at all: it’s a separate story that picks up just a little down the road in our characters’ lives. If the previous chapter had told you that they lived ‘happily ever after,’ then this tale would pick up somewhere between ‘Happily’ and ‘Ever.’ ***** My name is David Rothman, and this is a story about the three most impressive women I’ve ever met. Now, one of those ladies I already knew. Wanda Perkins, a fellow grad student at Berkley. Sharp,...

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Hypnotic Adventures of Beauty Ch 02

The Beast Okay, so here’s what really upsets me. If a guy refers to some other guy as naïve, or innocent, or gullible, well, that’s derogatory, right? There’s no way any of that would be viewed in a good light personally. But if he’s saying it about a girl… well, that’s a whole different ballgame. Those traits in a woman… especially a pretty woman… turn men on, make them hard, make them aggressive, appeal to them. I’ve had that problem my whole life. I’m too trusting, too quick to agree, too...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 28

Joey decided to go check out the boys that were blackmailing Constance Fagan, their English teacher. He wanted to get some background on them before confronting them and decided to go visit Austin Whittington’s home first. It was at his home where Constance was originally drugged, rape, and blackmailed. It was one O’clock in the afternoon when Joey rang the doorbell at the large fashionable Whittington’s home. He was surprised when a beautiful woman, which looked to be in her late thirties,...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 9

Things had settled down to a normal routine. Joey had moved in with Olivia and Stacy. Everything was going smoothly now that Joey was engaged to Stacy and fucking her and her mother both. They both also performed oral sex for him regularly. For some reason, Joey liked having Olivia sucking his cock while her daughter watched. He had to admit Olivia, at thirty-three gave better blowjobs and was actually a better fuck than her daughter. That is not to say that Stacy was not a fantastic fuck and...

4 years ago
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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 5

As they laid there resting after sex, Joey asked his mother while she was under the influence of the Hypnotic Eye, “Were you a virgin when you married dad? Have you ever been unfaithful or tempted to be?” “Your father was my first and I have never been unfaithful, but every time your father is out of town working on payday, his boss hits on me when I go to pick up his check,” Sheri answered. “Have you ever considered letting him fuck you?” Joey asked. “No; but it does excite me very much....

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 10

Ironically, both Olivia and Stacy went into labor in the same week. They gave birth a day apart, with Olivia delivering a baby girl first. The next day, Stacy gave birth to a baby boy. Joey, now seventeen, was now the father of two boys and a girl. Stacy had dropped out of school after getting pregnant. Olivia continued to work, but she took maternity leave to have the baby. Joey had decided that there was no need in being married to Stacy, now that her and her mother were his sex slaves, and...

4 years ago
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Mommys Hypnotic Discipline Chapter 3 Mommys Hypnotic Surprise

Chapter Three: Mommy's Hypnotic Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Anna Miller “So what did you want to speak to us about?” my neighbor Rita Bowers asked. She was the mother of Wendy, that little slut that helped my daughter destroy my kitchen a few days ago. Her daughter was turning into a handful the way my daughter had. And Wendy's older sister, Sheila, was even worse. Holly Anderson, another one of my neighbors, nodded. “This...

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Hypnotic Theory

Hypnotic Theory REWRITE.... This is a rewrite to fix a basic schoolboy (or schoolgirl) error in biology..... Just a quick fiction idea I had, very short but had to write it as the idea wouldn't go away, hope you enjoy it..... (Oh and I know hypnotic regression doesn't ACTUALLY work like this but....who cares) My name is Alex and It was on my stag night in Blackpool when it happened. The club we were in, had a hypnotist act on stage. He had done the obvious chicken hypnosis gag...

3 years ago
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Hypnotic Incest

I always knew I had hypnotic powers but I never really put them to use until now. My name is Bill I am a pretty typical guy for my age (18) however I have something that sets me aside from everyone else. The power to hypnotize anyone who looks into my eyes. I always knew had this power and I use it every now and then to do pranks, humiliate people, get good grades nothing huge. To tell a little more about me I live with my mother who is actually quiet attractive and my sister who is only a...

2 years ago
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Hypnotic Persuasion

This happened in December, 2002. My first semester at Clinton State University was nearly over. Most of the kids had already gone home for the winter break, but I was stuck with a final exam scheduled on the absolute last day of the term. I guess I didn’t really mind the peace and quiet which was a nice alternative to the 24/7 party atmosphere that had permeated the dorm hallways from pretty much the time I’d moved in.I was never really great at parties. I didn’t really like to drink or do a...

Mind Control
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Hypnotic Daddy Does The Twins

Dr. Johnson was 40 years old, and had begun to utilize his two medical specialties psychotherapy and hypnotherapy a great deal in his practice at home. He is married and has three high school aged children, Jason, and his twin girls Sara and Amy. His wife was a real estate salesperson and was away from home a great deal. It had taken several special permits to allow him to practice inside his home but after some modifications to his...

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Mommys Hypnotic Discipline Chapter 2 Mommys Hypnotic Delight

Chapter Two: Mommy's Hypnotic Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Anna Miller “Shoot,” I cursed beneath my breath. I hadn't considered my husband would feel guilty for punishing our daughter and fucking the little whore. “Mitch, look at me.” He stood trembling in our kitchen, the cordless phone clutched in his hand. He was naked, a muscular man with short, sandy-blond hair. He looked horrified, his shoulders hunched, his limp cock...

4 years ago
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An Innocent Hypnotic Fantasy

Jason found himself surfing the web for female hypnotists. He had seen it in the movies when a female vampire would charm her pray, a villainess would trance the hero, or a deadly femme fatale would lull her victim into trance with her feminine wiles and every time he found the thought of the woman winning the struggle a huge turn on. Unfortunately for Jason in the movies the hero always seemed to come out on top and spoil it for him. So here he was searching for some way to indulge in his...

2 years ago
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Hypnotic Submission

It was a dark, stormy night. The rain was coming down in moderate amounts but the unrelenting wind made it seem as if it were raining much harder. Lightning flashed brightly every few moments and a sharp crackling sound of thunder followed immediately. Car alarms went off due to the intensity of the storm, and the lights from the street lamps did little to brighten the dark neighborhood. On this night, Jillian had promised to meet her mother for dinner, but the storm-watch warning issued by...

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Hypnotic Justice

Hypnotic Justice by Vanessa White Dr. Vanessa Morgan sat behind her desk and filed some paperwork as she waited for her 9 a.m. appointment to show up. In fact, she had reserved the entire day for this particular client. It would be the final session in a two-year project she had been working on. To say she was brimming with excitement would be an understatement. She smiled as she heard a car door shut out in the parking lot and she knew that her appointment had most likely...

1 year ago
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Sarah the hypnotic fuck toy Ch01

The man was gasping and grunting with the exertion of cock-slapping the pretty teen actress with his grotesquely engorged cock and, feeling that his orgasm was not too far away, aimed his tool at Sarah’s open mouth, filling it with his swollen dick. Sarah, the hypnotic fuck toy Ch.01 Sarah had returned to her hotel room after a long day. She enjoyed her work, helping promote the message of the Teen Pregnancy foundation, which strove to reduce teen pregnancy. Still, the busy schedule did...

5 years ago
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Auther of my own Humiliation

A story based off of Chase sat up in bed as they looked up to the clock. 3am the worst part of the day. Chase had just finished thier last exam just a week before but the stress of it remained. They repeatedly were waking up, unable to sleep and increasingly horny at all times of night and normal porn was beginning to not be enough. As they threw the covers back they saw..

2 years ago
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Hypnotic Sex Slave Ch 5

Since I started this series I have received many very interesting emails. Sexual slavery is clearly a turn on to both men and women. Women are interested in both being the slave and the master. This story is fiction. It is based on experience and it could have happened. Enjoy the story and please vote when you finish. See chapter two for the genesis of the story line. One of the women in this story is afraid of hypnosis unlike the previous women. Sybil came in with a women she thought was her...

4 years ago
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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 22

When Joey and Latonya got to Fritz and Renee’s, Joey instructed them and then also Riley, Rachel, and Alicia of Latonya’s status as one of his sex slaves, and that she would be treated accordingly. Latonya stood by Joey’s side while, Riley, the gorgeous twenty-five-year-old blonde, wrapped her arms around Joey’s neck and gave him a long very enthusiastic kiss. After they kissed, Riley said, “I missed you. You know I am here for you,” in her sweet soft seductive voice. Joey looked at Fritz and...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 27

While Ms. Fagan was continuing to be blackmailed by Austin Whittington and Jimmy Aldrich, Leslie Platt got moved into her living area at the Home for Unwed Mothers. She was extremely happy for the first time in over a year. She could now turn her life around and not have to deal with men and boys that only wanted her for one thing: the use of her, admittedly, sexy body. Leslie’s first day at the home, she was introduced to Joey Wilson as the other managing partner of the home. When Dianne...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 23

Now that the construction company had completed the Home for Unwed Mothers, Riley, Rachel, Alicia, and Latonya, along with Alyssa, had moved into their respective living areas. With Rachel and Alicia’s babies due first, Joey decided to look for an obstetrician that could be on call to deliver babies at the home. Using the internet, he started looking up local female obstetrician’s bios. Joey wanted one that would fit in well at the home. She had to be attractive and sexy. Married was ok, but...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 30

While Abigale Whittington, the mother of one of the blackmailing students’, was in the bathroom cleaning herself up after having sex with Joey there in the parlor, he put his clothes back on. The beautiful nude wife, seeing that Joey had gotten dressed when she came out of the bathroom, asked, “Shall I get dressed also? Or would you prefer me to stay nude?” in a soft submissive voice. “You may get dressed,” Joey replied. “As you wish,” the incredibly sexy wife said, in her soft compliant...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 4

Dianne continued to live with Marty as she breastfed the baby. While he agreed to wait six weeks before he fucked her again, he made her perform oral sex regularly. After the six weeks, Marty started pounding the teen’s pussy again. Dianne was still an exceptionally good fuck, but now at seventeen, she was not near as tight down there after having the baby. With the exception of her breasts being larger, Dianne’s body showed no signs of her having been pregnant. The problem started when...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 14

Now that Melinda had picked up her daughter, they were on the way home. From the backseat, Rachel asked Joey in a soft polite voice, “I haven’t seen you at school, I am in the 9th grade, what grade are you in?” Turning to where he could look at the extremely pretty girl, who had just turned fifteen a few days earlier, Joey said, “I just transferred in, and I am in the 11th grade,” not wanting to tell her that he was a dropout now that he had the Hypnotic Eye. The strange boy made Rachel...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 35

After Joey got Jimmy’s twin sister to the Home for Unwed Mothers, he introduced her to Dianne Benson saying, “This is Janie Aldrich. She is going to be living here. For the past week, I have been fucking her. If she is not already pregnant, she soon will be.” The young dark-hired beauty stood there beside Joey with her head slightly bowed, not looking at the beautiful woman in her thirties. Janie remained silent while he talked about her as his newest sex slave. Joey looked at Jimmy’s twin...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 7

Saturday evening, Joey went to Stacy’s house to pick her up for their date; he was going to meet her mother, Olivia King, for the first time. She already knew he was her daughter’s best friend’s brother. Joey knew Olivia had raised Stacy as a single mother and little else. Olivia had told Stacy that her father, at eighteen, was serving in the Army after graduating high school when she got pregnant, and that he was shipped overseas and got killed before they could get married. However, it was...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 11

When Joey and Olivia went into the living room, Billy and Cassaundra were telling Stacy how they met, and how Billy had asked her for a date at least a dozen times before she relented and said she would go out with him. They all three were sitting on the sofa with Billy in between Stacy and his wife. That day Cassaundra was wearing a button-up shirt and jeans, while Stacy had on a pullover top and skirt, and Olivia had on a skirt and blouse. Joey required Stacy and Olivia to wear skirts...

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Hypnotic Session

Several years ago we visited an amusement park in Southern California that has a western motif. I'm sure you know which one. We came upon an area that was set up as an old wagon camp and in the center, was a stage. Outside, there was a sign that advertised fun and somewhat naughty hypnotist. My girlfriend was excited as she had never been hypnotized and I thought the whole thing was a crock, but I agreed to go to the show anyway, since it was advertized as being naughty. I had no idea how...

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Hypnotic Sex Slaves Ch 2

Clearly the concept of a sex slave has appeal to both sexes. Both men and women wonder about being a sex slave. Hypnosis is the Great Enabler. This is a the second in a series of stories of encounters that raise the issue of being a sex slave. Read on. Then vote and let me know what you think. Everything I write about I believe is possible. I have not, necessarily, done everything depicted in these stories and I cannot advocate making people do things that they would not approve of, if asked. ...

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Hypnotic Sex Slave Ch 4

Since I started this series I have received many very interesting emails. Sexual slavery is clearly a turn on to both men and women. Women are interested in both being the slave and the master. My perspective is being the master. This story is fiction. It is based on experience and it could have happened. Enjoy the story and please vote when you finish. See chapter two for the genesis of the story line. Most of the applicants for the research were people who were genuinely interested in...

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Episode 4 of the Adventures of John and Holly

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 37: Light My Fire A few months passed before we broke our pledge of monogamy. Seriously, In this house, with Stephanie and Sandy just a few feet away, that’s quite an accomplishment. I bet if you put Stephanie in a convent, in a month you would have a whole bunch of bi-curious nuns. Of course it was Stephanie that ended our monogamous relationship. It didn’t matter though; Holly and I had gotten back the confidence in our relationship that had...

4 years ago
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Hypnotic Sex Slave Ch 3

Clearly the concept of a sex slave has appeal to both sexes. Both men and women wonder about being a sex slave. Hypnosis is the Great Enabler. This is a series of stories of encounters that raise the issue of being a sex slave. Read on. Then vote and let me know what you think. Everything I write about I believe is possible. I have not, necessarily, done everything depicted in these stories and I cannot advocate making people do things that they would not approve of, if asked. To understand...

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