The Hypnotic Adventures Of BeautyChapter 4: Happily Ever free porn video

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My name is David Rothman, and this is a story about the three most impressive women I've ever met.

Now, one of those ladies I already knew. Wanda Perkins, a fellow grad student at Berkley. Sharp, pretty, witty, and a total bitch. Well ... she could be, when she wanted to. I had pursued her during the past two years ... and I'd even gotten her to go out with me once. We both had a really good time; but when I had tried to kiss her goodnight, she turned me down flat; and she'd refused to accept another date thereafter. My only consolation over the next year was that she had apparently refused to go out with anyone else, either.

Because of our chosen fields of study, we were forced to work together closely ... in classes, in labs, and in extra assignments. In point of fact, we kept things pretty civil. She had helped me when I needed it, and I had reciprocated. But I never actually got over her, if you know what I mean. From time to time, I'd suggest discussions over coffee or drinks; and I could tell that she wanted to, but she never allowed herself any intimacy whatsoever where I was concerned.

Things became a little strained when I came up with something truly important ... something that would definitely result in money and scientific recognition. I sought her help in some areas of this venture, but she accused me of trying to use my good fortune for the benefit of promoting romance. She was right, of course; but still...

Basically, I had developed a mathematical model for ... and then built ... a 5-qubit quantum processor utilizing a laser shining through a crystal of cesium chloride, which had been obtained from a sample of pollucite, which is a zeolite mineral normally found in Manitoba. (My sample, however, had come from South America.) Most people who had tried multi-qubit processing in the past had done so on the atomic scale ... beryllium, for example. But cesium chloride (or at least my sample of it) had an absolutely perfect cubical crystalline structure, much more exact than iron pyrite (fool's gold) or potassium chloride (common salt). And so, every time I broke and parsed pieces of my perfectly cubical crystal, I came up with other, smaller perfectly cubical crystals ... a few of which I'd managed to get down to only sixteen molecules in size. A programmed laser would use that molecular structure as a switch; sending the beam left, right, up, down or straight ahead. Five qubits.

I wrote a scientific paper on my findings (leaving off the little detail about where I had acquired my sample mineral), and I was just beginning to receive serious inquires about my work, when I got a registered letter from BQPC, the company that had already built a 3-qubit processor. But the thing that made this offer different was that they said they wanted to see Wanda, as well. That put her in a bit of a bind. I knew she didn't want to piggyback her work with mine ... however, she couldn't very well turn down an offer by BQPC. When she called them, they told her that they were interested in HER ... not just in me. And so ... off we went.

We flew American from San Francisco through Dallas/Ft. Worth to Raleigh-Durham. It was late when we arrived, of course, due to the time zone change; and they had arranged for a couple rooms at the Hyatt, there at the airport. Wanda refused my invitation for dinner and drinks, but I found her at breakfast, and she couldn't politely keep from sharing a table. I told a few jokes and related some humorous incidents from my past that finally had her laughing; and so things were actually pretty decent between us when SHE walked up. Yes, this was Impressive Woman Number Two, who introduced herself as Riya Phillips. She was one of the most exotically beautiful girls I'd ever seen; olive complexion, huge brown eyes that glistened with intelligence, glossy black hair and an aura that screamed in equal parts cleverness, mischievousness and sexuality. She sat down and ordered coffee, and shortly thereafter, Wanda kicked me under the table with enough force to make me cry "ouch!"

"Please forgive my companion for staring," she told Riya, and then promptly changed the subject before I could defend myself. Riya sported an engagement ring, and it appeared that her intended was none other than the president of the company, Anthony Bionicci. February wedding date, she said. I'd never had the opportunity of hearing Wanda talk about "girl things," and I was surprised ... and a little impressed ... at her degree of femininity. I enjoyed sitting back and observing. But after awhile, we were in a limousine bound for "the house," which turned out to be a mansion in the woods, south of the university district. It was unique, to say the least. The front of the estate faced a large lake (usually, the back of a house does). But that, as it turned out, added significantly to the privacy in the back of the place, where there was a pool area and a garden.

We were to interview with William Smythe first; and he, of course, was the person both of us were most interested in meeting. A significant number of people were convinced that he didn't really exist. There were no pictures of him, and he was never seen in public. There were stories, of course ... And here is one of the most impressive ones (pardon me for paraphrasing):

A popular online blogger and photographer had decided to take up the task of snapping a picture of Smythe after one eccentric computer magnate offered a ten thousand dollar reward for a photo that could be verified ... just to prove that there actually WAS such a person. The blogger had set up camp on a highway pullout that overlooked the mansion. However, no sooner had he erected his tripod and affixed his camera and long-range lens, but a black sedan pulled up and two VERY unsavory men in black suits approached him. The smaller of the two (the one without the broken nose), walked up to him and said: "We hear that youse is tryin' to infringe upon da privacy of da nice people in yonder mansion. Please say it ain't so!"

While the intrepid journalist tried to defend his First Amendment rights, the big man (the one WITH the broken nose) picked up the camera rig, took it back to the sedan, deftly released the camera from the tripod, and climbed into the back seat with it. Obviously, our hero protested vehemently. The smaller man told him to please remain calm ... that Rollo was only a camera enthusiast, and that he would go and get the camera back. Smaller Man was gone a long time ... almost five minutes ... before he returned with only the tripod. He explained that Rollo, in his affectionate haste to examine the camera, had unfortunately broken it. However, their boss had philanthropically agreed to replace it; and a brand new Nikon D5200, 24.1 megapixel camera (sorry, he explained, the 16 megapixel model, like the one Rollo had broken, was no longer available), along with an AF-S 300mm lens, had already been shipped to his sister's address in Arlington, Virginia, via overnight delivery service. Of course, the reporter had never given the men his name; and so, more than slightly freaked out, he quickly departed the scene. A brand new camera and lens did indeed show up at his sister's house the next morning. This story had not QUITE gone viral on the internet ... but it had enjoyed far more than moderate dissemination.

So anyway, with a great deal of anticipation, Wanda and I followed Riya into the palatial foyer, up one of the three grand staircases and down a hall, where she knocked gently on one of the doors and led us inside. I had thought Riya was stunningly beautiful, but the young woman that now stood before us broke that mark. If her face or body bore any flaw at all, I certainly couldn't see it. She was nothing short of spectacular! Her long red hair was a mass of natural curls that framed a face that I can only describe as erotically innocent. Her whole being seemed to exude childlike honesty and curiosity. Riya was introducing her as Betty Smythe, and explaining that she and "Billy" had recently been married in a private ceremony here in the mansion. Betty was now his personal executive assistant. As Betty came around a desk to greet us, Wanda dug an elbow into my side and whispered "Try to keep your tongue from dangling, David."

Once again, Wanda surprised me with her ability to speak in genuinely social terms. It had been so long since we had engaged in any type of banter other than quantum physics that I had completely forgotten how utterly charming she could be. The three of them were going on and on about how Betty wanted to "change the decor" of the room we were now in; color schemes and types of woodwork and trim and drapes and whatnot. I was most satisfied just standing back and listening ... and looking. Wanda is an awfully pretty lady herself, and having the three of them together was sort of like watching a super model convention or something.

At long last, Betty told us that "Billy" was expecting us, but that he was "doing a little math in his office," and she waved a hand at a closed door to our left. She led the way, and I sort of naturally offered my arm to Wanda as we followed. She just as naturally refused; so I trailed close behind her into a huge room covered with bookcases and dry-erase boards, then stood beside her as Betty addressed a massively-built man with his back to us who was writing on one of the walls. Her voice was clear and to-the-point. "Billy, this is David Rothman and Wanda Perkins. You've been wanting to meet them."

And then he turned around and faced us.

Okay ... I had actually been expecting something like this. Nothing quite to this degree ... but something. I mean, assuming that the man actually existed, there had to be SOME reason that he would never show himself to anyone; and hiding a physical characteristic or disability was one of the reasons that I'd imagined. But while he had been in the process of turning toward us, and in the split-second that followed, Betty had made her way to him and snuggled into his arm. It was that split-second that made the difference, though; because Wanda totally freaked out.

I had taken half a step forward, my hand coming up in preparation to extend and shake his. But before I could complete that step, she had issued a high-pitched shriek, grabbed my shoulder, spun me around and flung herself into my arms, burying her face into the side of my neck. The entire maneuver had caught me so off guard that my momentum caused us both to spin around in a stumbling 360-degree turn. She had plastered herself against me, and I was extremely aware of her ample breasts pressing into my lower chest. She was shaking violently.

The way the Betty had walked up to Billy ... and the way she had slipped one of her arms through one of his while caressing his shoulder with her other hand ... was frankly like something out a wet dream. Her whole being seemed to exude adoration, sensuality and desire toward him. He, by himself, might be considered visually repugnant. She, by herself, might be considered lovely. Together, they were erotically fascinating! But Wanda hadn't seen that sight yet. She was obviously too afraid to even look.

My right ear was ringing due to the vicinity and volume of the scream. I cast a look at our host and hostess in an attempt to convey a silent apology, and I put my arms around my companion, trying to calm her. She was muttering to herself in a tone so low that only I could hear: "Oh my God! Oh my God!" and she continued to clutch my body to hers and shiver uncontrollably. My left arm was now around her waist, and my right palm was against her back, holding her to me. I put my lips next to her left ear and shushed her quietly. "Everything's alright, Wanda. There's no need to be like this. I'm right here. Let's say hello to our host."

She actually tried to raise her head, but couldn't seem to muster the courage to do so. She held me even tighter. "I ... I can't! Oh, God, I can't! David, I'm so ashamed!"

I looked helplessly toward Smythe and Betty. If he was having any reaction to this at all, I certainly couldn't read it. He seemed to be shifting his head very slightly to the left and right, and I came to understand that it was difficult for him to focus both of his eyes on something at the same time ... they were too widely spaced, and they were actually pointing in different directions. And as for his wife, she continued to hold his broad arm possessively, but she had moved a bit more in front of him, as if she intended to shield him from all of the world's discrimination using nothing but her slight body and her love for him. I had never witnessed anything like it, and for a moment, it brought a lump to my throat. Seeing no avenue for help in that direction, I looked behind us, where Riya still stood at the doorway. She actually bore a small smile, and her eyes sparkled with raw interest ... and something that was perhaps a little predatory. It was a very strange expression, but as soon as she noticed that I was looking at her, it faded immediately, and she quickly walked to us and put her hands on Wanda's shoulders.

"Why don't you come with me, sweetie," she crooned softly. "We'll let David and Billy talk for awhile, and I'll introduce you to the business half of the company first. You can come back here later, when you're ... feeling better."

Finally, my companion pulled away from me slightly. She peered up miserably into my eyes. "Oh, David ... I'm SO sorry!" She actually cast a fervent glance at the other two ... but only for a moment. "Mr. Smythe ... I'm sorry. I..." But she seemed incapable of continuing; and, releasing me at last, she grasped Riya's hand and hurried from the room.

Believe it or not, I had rehearsed this meeting in my mind during the flight out. So much for rehearsals. I strode over to them, my arm outstretched. "Okaaay then," I fumbled. His oversized hand engulfed mine. "Mr. Smythe, you have no idea how much I've looked forward to..."

"Y' gotta call me Billy," he said cheerily. "You've got a right fit bird there, mate! And no 'ard feelins, by any means. 'Appens all th' time!"

It was as if a mighty weight had been cast from my shoulders, and I threw back my head and laughed. I turned to Betty, who was still a little unsettled, and said: "I hope you, too, can find it in your heart to eventually give my right fit bird another chance." I spoke behind the back of my hand in a mock-whisper to her: "What the hell IS a right fit bird, anyway?"

The corners of her mouth twitched a couple times before curving into a smile, and all hard feelings seemed to melt. "I've found it best to assume that he's giving compliments until you can prove otherwise," she said softly. She moved away from us. "I'll leave you two alone for awhile. Let me know when you're ready for me to take you down and introduce you to Tony." And she left, closing the door behind her.

"Welcome to my domain," he said, extending his arms and indicating his drawing boards. "I was jus' workin' on this bit 'eer."

I froze when I saw what he was indicating. It was as if someone had just gripped me around the throat. It was my formula! Not the RESULTS of the formula, mind you ... which I had both published in a journal and posted online ... but the formula itself! There was only one copy of this ... or so I had thought ... locked up in my safe at home. I hadn't even copyrighted it, knowing that if I did, it would be in the purview of the public. "How... ?" was all I could say.

He clapped his hands delightedly and began making a strange, rhythmic grunting sound (that I would eventually come to recognize as laughter). "'That's IT, ain't it?" he announced with glee.

"Where ... where did you get this?" I asked. Already, the implications of him possessing this were staggering. I would be left with ... nothing! "Who did you talk to? How did you... ?"

"I didn' get it ANYWHERE, bloke! I figgered it out! Y' posted yer findins, so I had a startin' point and an end point. Fillin' in the stuff in the middle was a right proper little problem!"

I leaned heavily against one of the desks. "So ... you don't need me," I said dully. "You've got all you need right here! All except the crystal ... and it'll only be a matter of time before you put THAT problem together, too. Why did you even ask me to come here?"

"Aw, don't get yer knickers in a twist!" he exclaimed, picking up an eraser. With broad sweeps, he began eradicating the figures. "Yer formula's all yer own. I don't want it. I only wanted to see if I got it right."

I suddenly pushed away from the desk. "WAIT!" I shouted. I had just seen what he was in the process of erasing. He had taken the formula to another level! He'd discovered a next step!

He paused, taken aback at my outburst, then turned and studied the writing. With additional laughing sounds, he continued swiping at the board until it was all gone. "Make y' a deal, mate," he said. "Whether y' decide to hire on with us or not ... come back 'eer sometime, and we'll work on continuing that ... and other things. We'll have us some brandy, an' we'll do a little proper math ... and we'll change the world, you 'n me!"

Rather than answer him immediately, I paused, my eyes on that blank spot on the board, trying to envision what I had just seen. But it was gone. "You son of a bitch!" I said, laughing.

"Aw ... y' can do better than THAT?" he prompted.

"You bloody... !" I wracked my brain, but I couldn't think of any British idiom.

"Wanker?" he prompted.

"Right!" I exclaimed. "You're a bloody son of a wanker!"

And at that point, we were suddenly two laughing math nerds with a common interest, some blank space on a board and a roomful of problems to talk about. I won't bore you, but I had a great time; talking and chuckling and figuring and writing. Suffice it to say, when Betty opened the door to tell me that it was past the time to go for the second half of my job interview, I was dumbfounded to learn that almost two hours had passed! Billy and I shook hands warmly, and I had to promise him that, job or no job, I would come back and do this again sometime soon.

I followed Betty's enticing figure out of the apartment, down the hallway and stairs, and into another wing of the mansion. Anthony Bionicci's outer office contained a desk (but no secretary) and several chairs around the periphery of the room. Betty picked up a phone from the desk and spoke briefly before hanging up and telling me that "Tony" was talking to someone, and would be with me shortly. She excused herself, saying that she had to check her messages, and she sat down and started fiddling with her phone. I decided to sit and do a little work on my phone, as well; and since Betty was preoccupied, I plugged in a set of earphones and started listening to some tunes. And so it was that when a VERY pretty dark-haired girl came out of the inner office, I was looking down at my phone ... but I could clearly see her in the reflection of the gadget's screen (which I keep darker than normal). And I could hear, as well, because the song I was listening to had just ended, and my phone wasn't programmed to play another one.

Betty and this new girl squealed like long lost friends and hugged. "Belinda! I haven't seen you since ... that night! How are you?"

"I'm wonderful! I'm still working for the Cellini Brothers in accounting!"

They talked animatedly about Betty's marriage, examined the ring and other things.

"What were you talking to Tony about?" Betty asked.

She cast a suspicious look in my direction, but I kept my head down and pretended not to hear. Betty even called my name softly, checking. I felt a little like a spy collecting information. Content in the false knowledge that I couldn't hear them, Belinda said: "You know..."

"He had you hypnotized again?" Betty asked.

"Oh, yes. Deep."

"I don't like this idea of Tony 'conditioning' you Belinda! You shouldn't put up with it!"

Betty's friend smiled. "You don't get it, girlfriend. This is what I want. It's what I need. Before, when I was ... sleeping around with people from the offices here; I'd find I guy I liked, and then I'd tease him. I'd tease him mercilessly. I'd push him to the breaking point ... and then I'd push a little further. I wanted him to take me; take me hard! The harder, the better! I wanted to be forced ... to be dominated. That's who I really am." She paused for a moment. "You didn't know that, did you?"

Betty shook her head, her curls swinging all around. "And ... and what happened to you after that night? What happened in your new office?"

Belinda smiled. "Within an hour on the first day I went to work for the Cellinis, one of them had me bent over a desk, taking me from behind. By lunchtime, another had demanded a blowjob." She paused for effect. "I was in heaven, girl!"

"Belinda! My gosh!"

"Oh, it only gets better," she confided. "One of them loved to tie me up. Another one liked to take pictures. I think it started out as just games ... role playing, you know? You see, I can't afford to lose this job. I mean, I really, really want to keep this job! I'd do anything to keep it. Anything! They knew that fact ... and they used it. They humiliated me, and I LOVED it! At first, it was just blackmail ... you know? ... pictures; and threatening to expose my 'slutty ways.' But the deeper I got into the habit of following, the more THEY became my masters. By the third week, I was a slave ... a real, no shit sex slave! I had to ask permission for everything! Even going to the bathroom! I was turned on constantly! I had to start bringing two extra pairs of undies every day because I soaked them through so often! I know it was wrong, but I couldn't have BEEN any happier!"

"So ... you just have sex all day?"

Belinda laughed. "Oh no. They worked me like a slave, too! Their filing system was a train wreck before I got there! And because of the ... other demands they put on me, I often had to stay late to do all the typing that needed to get done. But then last week ... things changed."


The dark-haired girl actually blushed. Mark me: she HADN'T blushed up until this point. "Well..." she continued more softly, " ... two of them stopped ... um ... making demands on me. For sex, I mean. I even asked one of them if something was wrong ... asked him if I could give him a blowjob or something. But Terry and Tom simply refused to demand anything from me at all ... except office work, I mean. And Tim ... well, Tim not only took me twice in his office that day ... once bent over the arm of his couch and once with me straddling him in his chair ... but then he ordered me to go home with him that night! It was really strange. And really nice! It's the first time I'd slept with a man ... I mean, all the way through the night until morning ... in years."

"Was that the only time?"

"Oh no. It's been that way every day since. He makes me make him breakfast every morning. And I have to wash his back in the shower ... using my breasts. And sometimes, he makes me read to him in bed at night. And last Saturday, he did it to me four times! But on Sunday, I burnt his toast and he spanked me. But then he licked me until I passed out! And in the mornings, I always wake up in his arms. I can't BEGIN to describe what living with him is like!"

Betty cleared her throat. "And what, exactly, did Tony call you in to talk about just now?" she asked.

"He didn't. I asked to talk to HIM," Belinda replied. "I wanted ... I wanted to ask him if he could call Tim and give him my trigger phrase. Tony never allowed me to remember it. I mean ... Tim has taken me sexually just about every way a man can take a woman. But, if he wants me ... wants me completely ... then he should know how to control my mind, too. That's the one thing he hasn't done to me yet."

Betty held her by the shoulders. "You're in love."

"Yes! Can you believe it? I want to tell the whole world: I belong to him! He owns me!"

They stood like that, close, smiling. But slowly the smiles faded, and they were just looking into each other's eyes. "Betty ... do you ever think about that night? Do you ever think about ... the kiss?"

And the door opened. Quickly, Belinda backed away from her friend, as if she was guilty of something. "Belinda! Are you still here?" the man said gruffly.

I stumbled to my feet. Somehow, I had acquired an erection, and I tried to shift things in front of me unobtrusively. I don't know if I entirely succeeded, but at least I could walk alright. I strode forward and shook his hand, introducing myself.

"Please, call me Tony," he said, before turning again to the women.

Before he could say anything else, though, Betty interrupted rather forcefully. I found myself only being more and more impressed with little Betty. "My friend, Belinda, and I are catching up on old times, Tony. I'll walk her out to her car. Okay?"

She said the last word in such a way that argument was absolutely impossible. "Certainly," Tony responded. "Oh, and Belinda ... I just called Tim, and he has the information you requested. I'm sure you will both find it ... adequately satisfying." Belinda blushed again. The two girls left as Tony ushered me into the inner room. I never did learn about "the kiss." It's one of the small regrets in my life.

He waved me into an overstuffed chair, and pulled his office chair around the desk to be closer to me. I allowed him to spout company history to me for about thirty seconds before I politely cut him off, informing him that I had learned just about all there was to know about it. He studied me openly for a few moments. "Billy tells me we need you on our team, David," he said. "I always believe Billy." He stared at me some more. "And so now, it's time for me to ask you: What will it take to bring you onboard?"

"Just a few honest answers ... Tony," I said slowly. I was nervous ... not about who he appeared to be, but who I thought he was. He made a gesture, urging me to go on, and I took a shaky breath. "Just now ... in the outer office, Belinda said she worked for some men named Cellini."

He nodded. "They do our accounting."

"Cellini is your mother's maiden name," I said solemnly. "Are they your cousins?"

His eyes narrowed. "Man, when you study up for an interview, you do a good job of it."

My hand was shaking a little, and I grasped the arm of the chair to try to control it. "Thirty years ago, your father joined two of the most influential crime families in the country ... from New Jersey and Chicago," I continued. I paused, and we both scrutinized each other. "Mr. Bion ... Tony ... If Wanda and I 'join you team, ' will we be working for the Mafia?"

He frowned, leaned back, and started idly drumming his fingers on the desk beside him. He sat that way for the better part of a minute. Finally, he nodded ... more or less to himself, as if he'd just made an important decision. "Okay ... here's the deal," he said earnestly. "Hollywood has it wrong." I didn't know how to respond to that, and he went on. "Have you ever seen a movie about a crime family; and the youngster ... the son who wants to take over ... accuses the 'oldsters' of pussyfooting around? Tries to convince them use more violence? Tries to 'ramp up' the types of crime? Tries to 'expand the operation?' ALL the movies do that! Whether it's about the Italian Mafia, Russians, Japanese Yakuza ... it's all the same! The younger generation wants to 'modernize' crime. Well ... that's bullshit!"

He'd gotten himself worked up, and he tried to corral his feelings. "Last year, I asked my old man for a loan to get us started here. He made it a gift ... two hundred grand. As an experiment, he gave my older brother the same amount. Vince took over some of the prostitution and drug operations. Do you want to know what he earned on that investment? Five million. Two and a half percent. Want to know what THIS company is going to post for first annum? HALF A BILLION!" He paused and frowned. "Well ... half of the raw profits will be going to Billy. But ... don't you see? The 'new generation' knows what I know. Crime doesn't pay. Oh, I guess it pays ... but not nearly ENOUGH! And you want to know why? The overhead is astronomical! A quarter of Vince's workforce is in jail! Legal costs are huge! Graft payments have gone through the roof! I could go on and on! Hell, even Vince is under indictment in Chicago!"

I cleared my throat. "I'm sorry ... so the answer to my question is... ?"

"I am legal. WE are legal. One hundred percent. If I see a crime ... I report it! And ... one of the reasons that I'm doing all of ... THIS," he made a gesture to indicate his world around him, "is to make a point to my 'family.' The old ways are crazy! If they REALLY want to make money, they should get OUT of the old business. And legislation over the past twenty years has only made it easier to make money WITH money! The failed 'War on Drugs' is almost over! States are going into that business themselves! And lawmakers are doing things ... not so that they can shut down illegal dealers ... but so that other people can make that money legally! Capitalism is the new organized crime! I can't promise you that everything I do will always be ethical. But I CAN promise you that it will always be legal."

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Hypnotic Adventures of Cinderella Ch 03

Chapter Three Cinderella’s Humiliation Cindy awoke to her alarm at six-thirty, and she found that if she put out her hand as far as she could, she could silence the thing by hitting the snooze bar at its top. She stretched languorously, relishing the feeling of the fresh sheet covering her naked form, the down-filled mattress pad beneath her, the feather pillows upon which her tousled hair was spread. She surveyed the room … her room. Her very own room. She felt the towel, still between her...

2 years ago
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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 6

Sheri’s husband had lost all interest in having sex with her and wanted a divorce. She really did not care; he was not satisfying her anyway. She had developed a sexual addiction, and her husband was not fucking her near enough. Joey had started the chain of events. He really did not care that she was being fucked. The problem was that it was beginning to affect the whole family. Joey decided he needed to intervene. That evening Sheri was in her room sitting at her dressing table. She had...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 2

When they got to the cabin, Joey got out of the car and told his sister and Billy to get out of the car and go into the cabin. Still being controlled by the Hypnotic Eye, Cindy and Billy did as Joey said. “Billy. You lounge around out here while I take Cindy into the bedroom. Oh, do you have any condoms here? I would not want to knock-up my own sister; for now, anyway,” Joey said, with a big grin. Joey’s beautiful and sexy sister just stood there, as Billy said, “There are some in the...

2 years ago
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Hypnotic master and then slave

HYPNOTIC MASTER AND THEN SLAVE HYPNOTIC MASTER AND THEN SLAVE Pamela was the sexiest girl in the office.? She always wore thigh high black or dark brown boots to accentuate her sexy legs, and a short min skirt.? Her blouses or sweaters were always tight to show off her breast.? She had a cute face with red hair always done in a classic style.? But all this great packaging was not the thing that made Pamela so sexy.? It was the way she acted. Pamela was one of those girls who had a...

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The Hypnotic Adventures of CinderellaChapter 4 Cinderellas Sacrifice

And so, Cindy's life slowly began to form a set pattern. After dinner that night, she had begged Stepmother to allow her to work at night, after dinner, but her request was firmly denied. It became evident that she would be working Sunday, as well ... and most probably, EVERY Sunday. She went back to her room, stripped, put on her robe, and curled up in her chair, thinking about her day. The exertion from the workout, however, had left her very tired, and so she rose, set her alarm clock,...

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The Hypnotic Adventures of CinderellaChapter 2 Cinderellas Surrender

"Look at you!" Stepmother said, dragging her over to a full-length mirror. Cindy gasped. Her skirt and blouse were back in place, though the blouse was too tight up top. The new bra cupped her breasts firmly, drawing them upward and together, displaying them to the whole world. She ran her fingers through her hair, which had been brushed, and her usual mousy brown curls shown with a luster she had never seen before. "It's time to go now, dear. Your new father and Pablo are waiting...

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The Hypnotic Adventures of CinderellaChapter 1 Cinderellas Seduction

Startled, Cindy looked up from her seat as the inner door opened and an incredibly beautiful young woman emerged. The girl looked miserably sad, shaking visibly, her lower lip trembling. She also looked ... perfect; her blonde hair long and flowing, her eyes large and round and evenly spaced on her ideal face, her nose pert, her lips full and red. She had the figure of a supermodel, with firm bosom and hips framing an almost impossibly slender waist. The girl was suddenly startled to see...

1 year ago
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Hypnotic Tits you have to be kidding

The new neighborI am now in my early thirties, keep myself in good shape physically, taking time each day to attend the gym, not far from my home, working at a hospital pharmacy gives me steady hours and the pay is good, could be better, but I can’t complain. I graduated with out any debt, so the first two years, i stayed at my mom’s house, saving everything I made, taking my time to find the perfect home for me and maybe someday a wife if she ever came along. Dating and my sex life are all...

3 years ago
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Hypnotic Adventures of Cinderella Ch 01

Chapter One Cinderella’s Seduction Startled, Cindy looked up from her seat as the inner door opened and an incredibly beautiful young woman emerged. The girl looked miserably sad, shaking visibly, her lower lip trembling. She also looked … perfect, her blonde hair long and flowing, her eyes large and round and evenly spaced on her ideal face, her nose pert, her lips full and red. She had the figure of a supermodel, with firm bosom and hips framing an almost impossibly slender waist. The girl...

1 year ago
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Mysterious Hypnotic Spiral Hypnotizes Mom

Susanne Butler was settling in for the night in her house, she was Caucasian, she was 62-years-old, she was 5'8, shoulder length long blonde hair, blue eyes, she was wearing underwear, a long satin silk nightgown, she was also a loving divorcee mother to her 18-year-old teenage Daughter named Katherine, she's also Caucasian, she's 5'7, brunette hair, hazel eyes, her 16-year-old son named Peter, he was also Caucasian, he was 5'9, brown hair, brown eyes, her 3-year-old Toddler son named Mark, and...

Mind Control
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Hypnotic Sex Therapy Ch 01

‘You understand why you are both here?’ the distinguished psychiatrist, sitting behind a large, wide desk spoke in a gentle tone to the two anxious young people seated before him. Andrew Grant, the youngest son of the wealthy industrialist Hector Grant, fidgeted with his pen as he answered quietly, ‘Because my father doesn’t trust my choices.’ ‘Your father is concerned for you, Andrew,’ Dr. Carter answered tactfully. ‘He is concerned for both of you, to be fair. You are both so young and the...

1 year ago
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A Hypnotic Casino Connection

Carol knew she couldn't continue like this. She was middle age, very pretty and very sexy. At her age, men and even teen boys still whistled at her when she walked by in short shorts or a tight dress. She needed some satisfying sexual encounters. She wanted to feel a man's hard dick between her legs, giving her the satisfaction she needed. She thought more and more about what Ed had suggested some time ago. He knew she wasn't happy with his attempts at sex. So he suggested that they find...

2 years ago
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Hypnotic Destruction

Chapter One Debbie sighed, it was almost quitting time on a Friday afternoon. She would do the same thing she did every weeknight. I'm in such a rut. She'd drive home from work, cook dinner, engage in lame conversation with her husband Jim over dinner, clean the kitchen, and putter around the house until Jim said he was going to bed. Then as his dutiful wife she would go to the bedroom to strip and get under the sheets to wait for her husband. He would do what he did every night. Climb...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 13

When Jeffery Howell got home, he was surprised to find a teenage boy there with his wife. When he came in the door, Sophie got up and walked over to him and gave him a kiss as she normally did when he got home. She then said, “This is Joey, the son of a friend of mine at school, and he has something incredible to show you.” Joey got up and took the still open little box out of his pocket and held it out, causing Sophie’s husband to look into the Hypnotic Eye. Instantly, he went into a deep...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 12

Joey was incredibly surprised to discover just how attractive and sexy Cassaundra’s thirty-seven-year-old mother was. He would find out later that she had given birth to her first child, Cassaundra’s half-sister, when she was only sixteen, and had Cassaundra when she was eighteen. He could see her large breasts pushing out against her robe. He could even see the imprint of her nipples and knew she did not have on a bra under the robe. Joey strongly suspected that she was nude underneath the...

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The Hypnotic Adventures of CinderellaChapter 6 Cinderellas Choice

"You've got to be kidding!' Cindy giggled. She was lying on her stomach on Betty's bed, her chin propped in her hands, her bare legs and toes flexing, her eyes wide. "Pablo?" "Weirdest thing I ever saw," Betty responded, lying beside her. "I got feeling all guilty in the middle of the night, and went back down to see if Bimbo was down there by herself somewhere, but she wasn't, so I figured that she'd left with the guys. And then this morning, I got up early and went down for a...

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The Hypnotic Adventures of BeautyChapter 2 The Beast

Okay, so here's what really upsets me. If a guy refers to some other guy as naïve, or innocent, or gullible; well, that's derogatory, right? There's no way any of that would be viewed in a good light personally. But if he's saying it about a girl ... well, that's a whole different ballgame. Those traits in a woman ... especially a pretty woman ... turn men on; make them hard; make them aggressive; appeal to them. I've had that problem my whole life. I'm too trusting, too quick to...

4 years ago
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Hypnotic Adventures of Cinderella Ch 06

Chapter Six Cinderella’s Choice ‘You’ve got to be kidding!’ Cindy giggled. She was lying on her stomach on Betty’s bed, her chin propped in her hands, her bare legs and toes flexing, her eyes wide. ‘Pablo?’ ‘Weirdest thing I ever saw,’ Betty responded, lying beside her. ‘I got feeling all guilty in the middle of the night, and went back down to see if Bimbo was down there by herself somewhere, but she wasn’t, so I figured that she’d left with the guys. And then this morning, I got up early...

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Hypnotic Adventures of Beauty Ch 04

Author’s Note: Chapter Four isn’t really a ‘Chapter’ at all: it’s a separate story that picks up just a little down the road in our characters’ lives. If the previous chapter had told you that they lived ‘happily ever after,’ then this tale would pick up somewhere between ‘Happily’ and ‘Ever.’ ***** My name is David Rothman, and this is a story about the three most impressive women I’ve ever met. Now, one of those ladies I already knew. Wanda Perkins, a fellow grad student at Berkley. Sharp,...

3 years ago
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Hypnotic Adventures of Beauty Ch 02

The Beast Okay, so here’s what really upsets me. If a guy refers to some other guy as naïve, or innocent, or gullible, well, that’s derogatory, right? There’s no way any of that would be viewed in a good light personally. But if he’s saying it about a girl… well, that’s a whole different ballgame. Those traits in a woman… especially a pretty woman… turn men on, make them hard, make them aggressive, appeal to them. I’ve had that problem my whole life. I’m too trusting, too quick to agree, too...

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Hypnotic Adventures of Cinderella Ch 04

Chapter Four Cinderella’s Sacrifice And so, Cindy’s life slowly began to form a set pattern. After dinner that night, she had begged Stepmother to allow her to work at night, after dinner, but her request was firmly denied. It became evident that she would be working Sunday, as well … and most probably, EVERY Sunday. She went back to her room, stripped, put on her robe, and curled up in her chair, thinking about her day. The exertion from the workout, however, had left her very tired, and so...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 28

Joey decided to go check out the boys that were blackmailing Constance Fagan, their English teacher. He wanted to get some background on them before confronting them and decided to go visit Austin Whittington’s home first. It was at his home where Constance was originally drugged, rape, and blackmailed. It was one O’clock in the afternoon when Joey rang the doorbell at the large fashionable Whittington’s home. He was surprised when a beautiful woman, which looked to be in her late thirties,...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 9

Things had settled down to a normal routine. Joey had moved in with Olivia and Stacy. Everything was going smoothly now that Joey was engaged to Stacy and fucking her and her mother both. They both also performed oral sex for him regularly. For some reason, Joey liked having Olivia sucking his cock while her daughter watched. He had to admit Olivia, at thirty-three gave better blowjobs and was actually a better fuck than her daughter. That is not to say that Stacy was not a fantastic fuck and...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 5

As they laid there resting after sex, Joey asked his mother while she was under the influence of the Hypnotic Eye, “Were you a virgin when you married dad? Have you ever been unfaithful or tempted to be?” “Your father was my first and I have never been unfaithful, but every time your father is out of town working on payday, his boss hits on me when I go to pick up his check,” Sheri answered. “Have you ever considered letting him fuck you?” Joey asked. “No; but it does excite me very much....

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 10

Ironically, both Olivia and Stacy went into labor in the same week. They gave birth a day apart, with Olivia delivering a baby girl first. The next day, Stacy gave birth to a baby boy. Joey, now seventeen, was now the father of two boys and a girl. Stacy had dropped out of school after getting pregnant. Olivia continued to work, but she took maternity leave to have the baby. Joey had decided that there was no need in being married to Stacy, now that her and her mother were his sex slaves, and...

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Mommys Hypnotic Discipline Chapter 3 Mommys Hypnotic Surprise

Chapter Three: Mommy's Hypnotic Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Anna Miller “So what did you want to speak to us about?” my neighbor Rita Bowers asked. She was the mother of Wendy, that little slut that helped my daughter destroy my kitchen a few days ago. Her daughter was turning into a handful the way my daughter had. And Wendy's older sister, Sheila, was even worse. Holly Anderson, another one of my neighbors, nodded. “This...

4 years ago
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Hypnotic Theory

Hypnotic Theory REWRITE.... This is a rewrite to fix a basic schoolboy (or schoolgirl) error in biology..... Just a quick fiction idea I had, very short but had to write it as the idea wouldn't go away, hope you enjoy it..... (Oh and I know hypnotic regression doesn't ACTUALLY work like this but....who cares) My name is Alex and It was on my stag night in Blackpool when it happened. The club we were in, had a hypnotist act on stage. He had done the obvious chicken hypnosis gag...

2 years ago
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Hypnotic Incest

I always knew I had hypnotic powers but I never really put them to use until now. My name is Bill I am a pretty typical guy for my age (18) however I have something that sets me aside from everyone else. The power to hypnotize anyone who looks into my eyes. I always knew had this power and I use it every now and then to do pranks, humiliate people, get good grades nothing huge. To tell a little more about me I live with my mother who is actually quiet attractive and my sister who is only a...

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Hypnotic Persuasion

This happened in December, 2002. My first semester at Clinton State University was nearly over. Most of the kids had already gone home for the winter break, but I was stuck with a final exam scheduled on the absolute last day of the term. I guess I didn’t really mind the peace and quiet which was a nice alternative to the 24/7 party atmosphere that had permeated the dorm hallways from pretty much the time I’d moved in.I was never really great at parties. I didn’t really like to drink or do a...

Mind Control
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Hypnotic Daddy Does The Twins

Dr. Johnson was 40 years old, and had begun to utilize his two medical specialties psychotherapy and hypnotherapy a great deal in his practice at home. He is married and has three high school aged children, Jason, and his twin girls Sara and Amy. His wife was a real estate salesperson and was away from home a great deal. It had taken several special permits to allow him to practice inside his home but after some modifications to his...

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Mommys Hypnotic Discipline Chapter 2 Mommys Hypnotic Delight

Chapter Two: Mommy's Hypnotic Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Anna Miller “Shoot,” I cursed beneath my breath. I hadn't considered my husband would feel guilty for punishing our daughter and fucking the little whore. “Mitch, look at me.” He stood trembling in our kitchen, the cordless phone clutched in his hand. He was naked, a muscular man with short, sandy-blond hair. He looked horrified, his shoulders hunched, his limp cock...

4 years ago
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An Innocent Hypnotic Fantasy

Jason found himself surfing the web for female hypnotists. He had seen it in the movies when a female vampire would charm her pray, a villainess would trance the hero, or a deadly femme fatale would lull her victim into trance with her feminine wiles and every time he found the thought of the woman winning the struggle a huge turn on. Unfortunately for Jason in the movies the hero always seemed to come out on top and spoil it for him. So here he was searching for some way to indulge in his...

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Hypnotic Submission

It was a dark, stormy night. The rain was coming down in moderate amounts but the unrelenting wind made it seem as if it were raining much harder. Lightning flashed brightly every few moments and a sharp crackling sound of thunder followed immediately. Car alarms went off due to the intensity of the storm, and the lights from the street lamps did little to brighten the dark neighborhood. On this night, Jillian had promised to meet her mother for dinner, but the storm-watch warning issued by...

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Hypnotic Justice

Hypnotic Justice by Vanessa White Dr. Vanessa Morgan sat behind her desk and filed some paperwork as she waited for her 9 a.m. appointment to show up. In fact, she had reserved the entire day for this particular client. It would be the final session in a two-year project she had been working on. To say she was brimming with excitement would be an understatement. She smiled as she heard a car door shut out in the parking lot and she knew that her appointment had most likely...

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Sarah the hypnotic fuck toy Ch01

The man was gasping and grunting with the exertion of cock-slapping the pretty teen actress with his grotesquely engorged cock and, feeling that his orgasm was not too far away, aimed his tool at Sarah’s open mouth, filling it with his swollen dick. Sarah, the hypnotic fuck toy Ch.01 Sarah had returned to her hotel room after a long day. She enjoyed her work, helping promote the message of the Teen Pregnancy foundation, which strove to reduce teen pregnancy. Still, the busy schedule did...

2 years ago
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Hypnotic Sex Slave Ch 5

Since I started this series I have received many very interesting emails. Sexual slavery is clearly a turn on to both men and women. Women are interested in both being the slave and the master. This story is fiction. It is based on experience and it could have happened. Enjoy the story and please vote when you finish. See chapter two for the genesis of the story line. One of the women in this story is afraid of hypnosis unlike the previous women. Sybil came in with a women she thought was her...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 22

When Joey and Latonya got to Fritz and Renee’s, Joey instructed them and then also Riley, Rachel, and Alicia of Latonya’s status as one of his sex slaves, and that she would be treated accordingly. Latonya stood by Joey’s side while, Riley, the gorgeous twenty-five-year-old blonde, wrapped her arms around Joey’s neck and gave him a long very enthusiastic kiss. After they kissed, Riley said, “I missed you. You know I am here for you,” in her sweet soft seductive voice. Joey looked at Fritz and...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 27

While Ms. Fagan was continuing to be blackmailed by Austin Whittington and Jimmy Aldrich, Leslie Platt got moved into her living area at the Home for Unwed Mothers. She was extremely happy for the first time in over a year. She could now turn her life around and not have to deal with men and boys that only wanted her for one thing: the use of her, admittedly, sexy body. Leslie’s first day at the home, she was introduced to Joey Wilson as the other managing partner of the home. When Dianne...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 23

Now that the construction company had completed the Home for Unwed Mothers, Riley, Rachel, Alicia, and Latonya, along with Alyssa, had moved into their respective living areas. With Rachel and Alicia’s babies due first, Joey decided to look for an obstetrician that could be on call to deliver babies at the home. Using the internet, he started looking up local female obstetrician’s bios. Joey wanted one that would fit in well at the home. She had to be attractive and sexy. Married was ok, but...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 30

While Abigale Whittington, the mother of one of the blackmailing students’, was in the bathroom cleaning herself up after having sex with Joey there in the parlor, he put his clothes back on. The beautiful nude wife, seeing that Joey had gotten dressed when she came out of the bathroom, asked, “Shall I get dressed also? Or would you prefer me to stay nude?” in a soft submissive voice. “You may get dressed,” Joey replied. “As you wish,” the incredibly sexy wife said, in her soft compliant...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 4

Dianne continued to live with Marty as she breastfed the baby. While he agreed to wait six weeks before he fucked her again, he made her perform oral sex regularly. After the six weeks, Marty started pounding the teen’s pussy again. Dianne was still an exceptionally good fuck, but now at seventeen, she was not near as tight down there after having the baby. With the exception of her breasts being larger, Dianne’s body showed no signs of her having been pregnant. The problem started when...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 14

Now that Melinda had picked up her daughter, they were on the way home. From the backseat, Rachel asked Joey in a soft polite voice, “I haven’t seen you at school, I am in the 9th grade, what grade are you in?” Turning to where he could look at the extremely pretty girl, who had just turned fifteen a few days earlier, Joey said, “I just transferred in, and I am in the 11th grade,” not wanting to tell her that he was a dropout now that he had the Hypnotic Eye. The strange boy made Rachel...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 35

After Joey got Jimmy’s twin sister to the Home for Unwed Mothers, he introduced her to Dianne Benson saying, “This is Janie Aldrich. She is going to be living here. For the past week, I have been fucking her. If she is not already pregnant, she soon will be.” The young dark-hired beauty stood there beside Joey with her head slightly bowed, not looking at the beautiful woman in her thirties. Janie remained silent while he talked about her as his newest sex slave. Joey looked at Jimmy’s twin...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 7

Saturday evening, Joey went to Stacy’s house to pick her up for their date; he was going to meet her mother, Olivia King, for the first time. She already knew he was her daughter’s best friend’s brother. Joey knew Olivia had raised Stacy as a single mother and little else. Olivia had told Stacy that her father, at eighteen, was serving in the Army after graduating high school when she got pregnant, and that he was shipped overseas and got killed before they could get married. However, it was...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 11

When Joey and Olivia went into the living room, Billy and Cassaundra were telling Stacy how they met, and how Billy had asked her for a date at least a dozen times before she relented and said she would go out with him. They all three were sitting on the sofa with Billy in between Stacy and his wife. That day Cassaundra was wearing a button-up shirt and jeans, while Stacy had on a pullover top and skirt, and Olivia had on a skirt and blouse. Joey required Stacy and Olivia to wear skirts...

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Hypnotic Session

Several years ago we visited an amusement park in Southern California that has a western motif. I'm sure you know which one. We came upon an area that was set up as an old wagon camp and in the center, was a stage. Outside, there was a sign that advertised fun and somewhat naughty hypnotist. My girlfriend was excited as she had never been hypnotized and I thought the whole thing was a crock, but I agreed to go to the show anyway, since it was advertized as being naughty. I had no idea how...

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Hypnotic Sex Slaves Ch 2

Clearly the concept of a sex slave has appeal to both sexes. Both men and women wonder about being a sex slave. Hypnosis is the Great Enabler. This is a the second in a series of stories of encounters that raise the issue of being a sex slave. Read on. Then vote and let me know what you think. Everything I write about I believe is possible. I have not, necessarily, done everything depicted in these stories and I cannot advocate making people do things that they would not approve of, if asked. ...

2 years ago
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Hypnotic Sex Slave Ch 4

Since I started this series I have received many very interesting emails. Sexual slavery is clearly a turn on to both men and women. Women are interested in both being the slave and the master. My perspective is being the master. This story is fiction. It is based on experience and it could have happened. Enjoy the story and please vote when you finish. See chapter two for the genesis of the story line. Most of the applicants for the research were people who were genuinely interested in...

4 years ago
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Episode 4 of the Adventures of John and Holly

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 37: Light My Fire A few months passed before we broke our pledge of monogamy. Seriously, In this house, with Stephanie and Sandy just a few feet away, that’s quite an accomplishment. I bet if you put Stephanie in a convent, in a month you would have a whole bunch of bi-curious nuns. Of course it was Stephanie that ended our monogamous relationship. It didn’t matter though; Holly and I had gotten back the confidence in our relationship that had...

4 years ago
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Hypnotic Sex Slave Ch 3

Clearly the concept of a sex slave has appeal to both sexes. Both men and women wonder about being a sex slave. Hypnosis is the Great Enabler. This is a series of stories of encounters that raise the issue of being a sex slave. Read on. Then vote and let me know what you think. Everything I write about I believe is possible. I have not, necessarily, done everything depicted in these stories and I cannot advocate making people do things that they would not approve of, if asked. To understand...

1 year ago
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My hypnotic love slave

It started with a faint buzz, but soon the signal became louder, sharper too, more persistent. At Island force HQ, Scooby looked up alarmed. There could be no mistake, this was an S.O.S. Somebody needed his help and sent out a code red. He looked at the blimp on the screen. The signal came from one of the faraway and less explored forest island groups called “Muddy Galore Archipelago”. He wondered who gave the place that name and why.Protocol said to wait for Donatello for back-up and make a...

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