The Cinderella Taxi Caper free porn video

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A sequel to Cinderella's Taxi From Eric: 90% of this is from my shy but talented friend, though I polished and edited it. From Gambler: My reason for writing this is that the initial story ending seemed weak enough to stand on its own, but what really happened was that I was too tired to go on in the morning after writing it for about 6 hours (while downloading MP3 files from Napster and watching TV with one of my eyes in the same time, a real multi-tasking person I am!). I sent it off to my wonderful best friend Eric for his approval and editing when my eyes were having trouble keeping open for 3 seconds. Yes, it's a bad excuse, but it's really what had happened that Saturday morning when my eyes were already sleeping, my hands were on strike, and my brain stopped producing creative juices. The initial story was an experiment in story writing for myself, trying to see if I can improve upon my story writing skill. The story telling format was borrowed from the wonderful film "Princess Bride". The retelling of Cinderella's tale in a modern time with the intended twist was initially inspired when someone mentioned that Sleeping Beauty might not really be in a deep sleep for those long years, but was really a vampire and only got up at night to hunt for prey. Plus, of course, I want the story to have the cursed taxi make its appearance to really change everyone's life. So in a short sentence, basically I borrowed the format, recycled old Cinderella fairy tale, adopting it to modern day setting in NYC, and put every character in the story in hell with the addition of cursed taxicab near the end. After Eric's hard work on the rewrite and editing of the story (even though he wasn't feeling well that day), the story was sent to the lists. Several readers took some of their precious time from their busy life to gracefully respond with their reviews and comments. As a new author that's still wet behind ears, I'm always grateful and joyful to have others read the story and give helpful feedback, and I gladly to read reviews that saying it's a wonderful story, or even reviews that rip the story apart. I do save and treasure ALL the readers' comments, responds and feedback, and read them when a story I have in progress is stuck in heavy mud or development hell, to remind myself why I write the story in the first place. I'm that kind of writer sees all responds and feedback to any story as a great tool for the next story in development. And if you have noticed, there was a sort of thank you notice written in the Cinderella's Taxi story, by mentioning most of the folks that had given feedback to my previous stories. I forgot to put a few names in the story due to my lousy memory, but I promise they will soon appear in other stories, if I manage to finish them. Going back to reader responds/feedback on Cinderella's Taxi, with exception of one reader, most said it was a very sad ending for Cinderella, that the ending could use some polish. So with that in mind and after a few days of good sleep, this part of the story slowly formed in my head. I have to thank all the readers who have taken their time to respond with their comments, that's the main reason second part of the story is about to be told. Oh, yeah. In case you're wondering, I haven't got any inspirations from those late night TV infomercials I encountered almost every night. But who knows... The Cinderella Taxi Caper By Eric and Gambler Two long days after baby-sitting for his grand daughters the old man looked forward to seeing those delightful, restless twins again. His daughter was getting back to dating, as she finally managed to get rid of that no good ex-husband of hers. The two had met and fell in love during her college years at NYU. The ending of their long union started when Kathy found that there was another woman in their marriage, her best friend! The old man was glad that at least she was getting back in the dating game. The only down side of the whole thing was Kathy might need the service of babysitter to care for her twin daughters at short notice, when she had to work late, at night classes or church functions where she was busy trying to find a man. Thank God he had talked his daughter out of the disastrous bar scene! The old man was usually the one looking after the girls, watching children's video programs with them and telling them endless bedtime stories. But tonight, he was in his small apartment, watching television and waiting for his bedtime to come. Of course, this also meant that his attempts of finding a certain taxi driver had failed again, as always for the past five long years. He knew he would never give up his quest for that chance to get back to the life he deserved, and he probably never would be able to find that taxicab that changed his life forever. Five years ago, he was someone else living a horrible life, Cindy. But after the help of friends from Fictionmania and other related sites on the Internet, she had finally been able to attend the party she had dreamt of. She had met the love of her life, who just happened to be the only son of the wealthiest man on Earth, when she stepped inside the party. The two had looked in each other's eyes, never separating from each other for a moment at the birthday party in his honor. That is, until she realized she had to return to her house, hurriedly at midnight and broke away from the handsome young man. Just as she was glad to have all her dreams came true that night, the cursed taxicab and driver took it all away from her and stuck her in the body of this old man when the full moon ended. A couple of years back, he might be crying over the lousy luck fate handed to him. But now, he looked at the TV and just wondered if he would ever find that taxi driver. On the Learning Channel he watched, with not much interest, "History's Mystery". Tonight's episode was about what if Napoleon had been poisoned by his most trusted friend while in exile. A quick knock on his apartment front door pulled him from his TV world. The old man slowly, with aches and pains, got up from his chair and walked to the door. He saw through the peephole someone he hadn't seen in five years! He couldn't believe his eyes and just stood there. Then the second series of knocks woke him from his reverie. He hurried; fumbling as he unlocked the five locks guarding his apartment, opening the door. For the first time, he was face to face with the person he wanted to see for the last 5 long years, the taxi driver! The two men looked at each other, not knowing what to say to each other, or even how to say it. The old man puzzled at why the taxi driver was in front of him now. But before he could say anything, the taxi driver broke the ice by gesturing if he could come into the apartment, the old man then showed him into the small living room. As the two sat, facing each other, questions were still in the old man's mind. What, why, how, who, and what now? "Hello," the taxi driver said for the first time. The old man just looked at him, not able to show any emotion, still too puzzled to see the guy after five long years of futile search. "I know you are wondering why am I here, but just give me 10 minutes. You can decide then if you want to kill me or kick me out of this apartment. But just hear what I have to say." The taxi driver pleaded to the old man to give him a chance. The old man thought it for a moment and nodded for the taxi driver to continue. ***** Four and half years ago, Walter Pascal and Cindy Fitzgerald had just returned from their honeymoon. The two were madly in love and still couldn't be apart from each other for long. But Walter had noticed something; something was little bit different about his newlywed wife. On the evening they met for the first time, she was sweet, beautiful and smart. Now, she was even more beautiful, and might be even smarter, but she had lost that sweetness in her personality. Cindy was now into making her stepmother and stepsister penniless, she spent most of her free time on the phone to the lawyer team she assembled, with twenty of the best family, estate and criminal lawyers New York City had, and set them loose on her stepmother and stepsisters without mercy. First her lawyer team was able to prove the stepmother had forged her father's will during his dying days. After rounds of testimonies from twenty different handwriting experts from around the world, the judge declared the will was a total fake, and reverted her father's will to the previous one, which left all of his possessions to his little daughter. Then the case was turned over to the local DA to prosecute the stepmother on the charge of falsifying documentation, illegal child labor, child abuse, and tons of other charges. Striped of most of her wealth, the stepmother wasn't able to get lawyers that would be able to fight those charges, and in the end, was sentenced to serve for 80 years in jail with no chance to parole until 40 years. Then the civil suit filed by Cindy's lawyers took all stepmother's wealth away and put her two stepsisters out on the street destitute, with no skills to earn a living in the dead of New York winter. Of course, besides the team of best lawyers money can buy helping her, the skillful PR campaigning on Cindy's part had made the public on her side long before the first of the five trials opened, which was covered by all major TV networks and CNN live. Plus the wealthy Pascal family connections, aided by New York City's most powerful, gladly helped the new Mrs. Pascal on her fight for justice and revenge. Walter was troubled by this side of Cindy that he never seen in their first meeting and couldn't believe she could be like that. Even after the trials were over, the sweet Cindy he knew never did return. Instead of going with the flow of things as the old Cindy would do, the Cindy now sleeping next to him in the waterbed would fight anyone that blocked her path to anything. Almost as if she changed her personality with one of her lawyers, she would fight to the end at all costs. Maybe she spent too much time with her lawyers, Walter thought, and he finally convinced her to take a two-week vacation at family owned island near St. Thomas. But that still didn't change her much, except she was now glued to Court TV in her free time and would deride the judges and lawyers on TV with few legal terms that Walter wasn't even sure what they were, and Walter had took a few business law courses while getting his MBA in Oxford University! The family and his employees saw Walter as the heir to the family business; he had been groomed to take over his father's position as CEO of the company in ten years. Walter had thought, in the slow periods at work, that it was almost impossible for him to believe that he would find a girl like Cindy, losing her and finding her again after an almost futile search. It was a dream come true, they got married and would happily ever after. He was even more surprised to find out on their first night together right after engagement that she was a virgin and never been with a man before! He was so lucky to find a girl like her. But somehow, even though never having been with a man before, she knew sure knew how to get the most out of her partner during sexual intercourse! When and where to touch, to make her mate feel he was the best lover in the world and her full lips were wonderful to kiss! Her long fingers could caresses all over his body and he never got tired of her smooth touch and light gliding motion as she used her hands and fingers over his male sexual organ. In a simple phrase, she was incredible. And was she smart! After they got back from the honeymoon, Cindy finished all her college courses at the community college at the top of her class and transferred to NYU. There she finished the two upper division years, after changing her major from child behavior to pre-law. She went on to law school and passed her bar exam in flying colors just a few weeks back. Also, she didn't want to have a kid right away, which was strange since it at their first meeting she had talked about her dream of becoming a loving mother with lots of kids! Another thing that had changed was her insisting to be able to work after marriage, the Pascal family was glad enough to give her some easy position, but Cindy somehow managed to get assigned to the corporate law division and over saw the teams of lawyers in house! She was ruthless in her dealings. Her rapid upward career moves had stepped on a few toes in the company, but she had dealt with them by either crushing them to pieces, or forcing them out of the company. Not only by using her position as Walter's wife, but all with merciless drive of a seasoned lawyer. Cindy got what she wanted without giving a thought, ousting others in her way. That scared Walter the most. For most of the five years they were married, the Pascal family had wanted to see a heir produced to continue the family name of Pascal. But again Cindy didn't want to have a child so soon and did her best to delay being a mother until she finished her higher education and passed her bar exam. Even with other powerful family members asking when would there be a little child on the way, Cindy would just change the subject as she tried her best to hide her intentions from the larger family circle. So it was logical for Walter to decide to hire ten of the best private investigators in New York City two months back, to do a complete check on what had happened to his wife. Could it be some earlier child abuse that forced a second personality that suddenly surfaced after all those years, or there was something that no one could explain clearly or dare to tell. The simple instructions were that no stone would be un-turned, any and every lead would be checked. Two months of checking all Cindy's family background and her life under close examination, nine of the ten investigators turned up nothing unusual and reported back to Walter with much of note. Except for the middle aged Jimmy Parish, owner and lead investigator of Parish Detective Service. He was proud of his family business; it had been the best for the last 50 years! He had to take over his father's investigation firm when he was still in high school, when his father had been killed. Jimmy was the best in the city; he had an imagination beyond the ordinary! He saw it all and heard it all, and believed anything could happen to anyone, anywhere. He was about to retire from the business and had agreed to sell the firm to others upon retirement, but the money Walter Pascal offered and future business dealing with the Pascal family would mean a much higher sale price he could get from the future buyers of the firm. So he took the case, cleared all his work in progress cases to junior investigators, and tried his damnedest to find what his employer wanted to find out. Unlike other investigators on the case, he didn't believe Cindy's childhood had anything to do with her sudden change of behavior, nor that her stepmother and stepsisters did much of the damage to her psychologically. He believed that her behavior changed happened after the night of dance on Walter's 23rd birthday party, and before Cindy had answered all the questions the search team had asked of her, successfully proving she was the one Walter fell in love with. He went to interview the stepmother that was now serving time in the minimum women detention center just outside of New York City. With good food and lack of exercise, her figure had ballooned up. And during the visitation hour, her hands never stopped knitting, but she still had the sense to ask for four hundred bucks to answer all his questions. Jimmy pulled out four new hundred dollar bills and slid them across the table without giving it a thought, as he would just charge it to the expense account of Walter Pascal. After few minutes of normal questioning, Jimmy asked if anything different about Cindy that the stepmother had noticed after she attended the party in secret. At first, stepmother said she didn't think so, but she said after Walter had asked everyone to leave the party, she had tried to stick around a little bit longer to get a better chance for Walter to notice her two daughters after everyone had left. But Walter wouldn't see anyone and was busy calling all the taxi companies around the city to see if their taxicab had just picked up a customer in front of Plaza hotel between the times of 11pm to 11:10pm. She looked back at the investigator and told him that Walter was angry and later told his people to handle the calls to the taxi companies, while he used his cellphone in the garden to call someone in California, asking if anyone could break a security function on some gadget. The answer he got wasn't to his liking either and he made several calls after that and got frustrated. The stepmother remembered she had to check on Cindy and she called home with her own cellphone. Cindy did answer the phone, but only after letting it rang for 5 or 6 times. She was breathless while answering the expected call, claimed she was watching TV in her basement room and had to run up to the living room to answer the phone. Then Cindy said: "No, I didn't try to take a bite out of the gourmet ice cream that no one dared to touch for the past couple of months while watching their figures and waists for the party. Only dogs and pigs would want to eat ice cream!" "I gasped at her rudeness and vowed she would pay for it later! She were the last to leave, but oddly there was another limo parked in the parking lot and the driver was still waiting for their customer to show up." Jimmy wrote all the clues down, and thanked the fat woman bulging out of the prison uniform, still busy knitting. He got in his car and went to the Plaza Hotel, asking for the doorman that was working that night. The doorman was now the night shift reception manager, thanks partly to Walter's highly appraising comments after the doorman had told Walter about Cindy dropped Palm Pilot PDA, enabling Walter to track her down and later play a role in proving whom she was. The night manager met Jimmy just before he started his shift, and had to cut the meeting down to 15 minutes. The two of them just stood in the hotel entrance, and the manager pointing out how the whole thing happened that night. Jimmy wrote everything down and thanked the night manager. But before he turned toward his parked car, Jimmy asked if the doorman heard anything the previous taxi customer said about the taxi driver or the taxicab. The manager thought about it for a while. "The receptionist that night did mention to me that the customer in question was very mad about his ride in that cab. The older gentleman said the middle age taxi driver was rude and the taxi cab smelled like an underground sewage had pipe burst open inside the taxi, but the taxi driver spoke perfect English with no accent of any sort." Jimmy wrote the clues down and thanked the night manager. The next day, his other junior investigators assigned to the case had found the two stepsisters of Cindy; they lived in the same small apartment building but right across the hallway from each other. He checked the address and knew it was in the lesser part of the city that tourists would never dare to drop by. He decided to take the worst looking company car, checked the three handguns he usually didn't carry, and made sure he didn't have too much money on hand while dressed in the undercover clothes set he usually wore for stakeouts around central park at night, old and smelly. He parked his car, set the car alarm, and went up the apartment staircase to the 5th floor, finding the two doors he was looking for. He knocked on one of them, finding one of the stepsisters busy taking care of eight children inside the small apartment. From the look of the apartment, she wasn't doing too well in the money department. She shouted to him what he want, just barely above crying babies', toddlers learning to talk, and kids that were busy playing hand held video games. He told her his intention. In her shrill voice she said: "It'll cost you 200 bucks!" Jimmy sat down on the sofa, between the two kids focusing playing their hand held games. The sister was overweight and seemed to have another baby on the way, told much of the background information Jimmy had on the woman. She sat down across from him, after making sure the two hundred dollars bills weren't fake in any way. "Was Cindy was any different after that night of birthday party?' The woman thought for a while and managed to munch down a bag of potato chip before answering. "That ungrateful bitch Cindy did seem to change a little, she was more aggressive and tried to counter orders from my kind, sweet mother. Cindy was surer of herself and didn't cry as much as before. God! I still can't believe what she did to us! And we were so kind to her!" She cried little and continued. "And because of her disobeying mother, Cindy was sent to clean the fireplaces and chimney around the house when the group of PI searching for her showed up. That was why THAT BITCH Cindy was wearing dirty overalls and a sweatshirt that was gray, she was cleaning the fireplaces and with her head inside the chimney, of course her clothes were all filthy! Her hair was a mess and her face had few patches of black soot marks on it." As Jimmy finally got all the questions he wanted to ask, he said. "Is your sister at home?" She shook her dirty head. "My sister is working as a janitor on the day shift in the county courthouse. I work the night shift in the same building, so we could take care each other's children while not to spend a dime on child care. We can barely afford beer!" He thanked her and left for the government building for the last interview on his book. By the time he found the other stepsister of Cindy, she was on her lunch break and was busy wolfing down three Big Macs with bacon stripes. She said pretty much the same thing her sister had told Jimmy. "I do remember that the ungrateful bitch the morning after the party, promising to sue the pants off everyone in the house when my sister ordered her to clean the upstairs bathroom, after we had thrown up what we had eaten at the party last night." Jimmy thanked her. "Never mind the thanks, buddy! Show me the money!" Back in the detective agency, Jimmy was chewing on his pencil while reading the notes he had taken down in the last few days. Adding in what Walter said, plus few other sources that backed Walter's claim of what happened in the party, a much clearer picture was emerging. The sweet girl Walter Pascal saw on that party was the usual Cindy. But the Cindy after the party was totally different. Jimmy wrote down this thought, wondering if it was possible that a second personality had surfaced right after the party, or Cindy knew right after party that she was able to leave her family with one hundred percent certainty. But neither case was likely. "But then the old damn case is unlikely. Why would a sweet passive girl suddenly turning a bloodthirsty lawyer? Why would a girl who wanted family and children suddenly avoid kids like the plague?" He reviewed what he knew so far. Cindy did take a limo to the party earlier that evening. Cindy's two original gowns were cut up by the stepmother and the stepsisters long before the party, but in the party she had another gown that was so beautiful that others tried to find the gowns in local designer shops and didn't find the dress in question. And that gown had never shown up again, nor had Walter himself ever seen the gown again. For some reason, Cindy didn't take the limo she came to the party with, but instead took a taxicab to get back home. That was a bit unusual, but not unheard of. The sweet Cindy before and during the party was never seen again after she returned home. So it must be something that happened to her that was so harsh that she changed her outlook in that taxicab. By coming to that conclusion, Jimmy thought himself nuts to state that as a fact, but nothing else fit the whole case. He checked Walter's original statement that his people did try to find the taxicab that Cindy rode home. They had called all the taxi companies in the city, but none of them reported to have been at the Plaza Hotel in that period of time or and picking up any customer going to Cindy's address. He checked the police logs finding that no crime had been reported involving a taxicab that night. So it was the taxicab, but what could happen in a taxicab? Jimmy Parish was clueless at that point. He called several taxi drivers he knew in the city and none of them had anything to offer. Then he left a message on a source he used sometime, the person was on the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission Board and he might know something or the other about any weird taxi driver in the city. He decided to call it a day. The caseload and customers had been dropping in the firm. It happened because of that sneak Donna Peterson, a young woman junior investigator he hired and trained for the last two years. But Donna didn't want to be a junior investigator forever, and after she was trained and she thought she was ready, she had decided to quit the job two months back and setup her own investigation firm, stealing half of the customers from Jimmy's agency. She had been undercutting Jimmy's price, doing the job faster and quicker without paperwork or ethics, plus she accepted some cases from the mobs in the city that Jimmy never handled. He knew he didn't have any of the resources to go against Donna, whom he personally trained and took care of during those two years, almost treating her as his own daughter. But once her wings were full, she had showed her true colors, jumping ship, now undercutting what Jimmy had worked so hard to get over so many years, getting down so low as to help out underground criminals! He put aside any thoughts he had with Donna and went on to other business he needed to take care of. ***** The visit by that private investigator, Jimmy something, had refreshed the stepmother's fury. She wanted to get back what was hers from that no good Cindy. That bitch! Somehow she had been able to prove the will was fake, taking everything back her father had owned, and then getting the DA to charge her with all those crimes. The so and so made her own sweet, kindly stepmother stay in jail for 80 years! Then, as if it wasn't enough, she decided to take whatever the stepmother had owned through civil cases and had made the two stepsisters penniless and left them on the street with nothing in the dead of winter. Oh, she remembered the trials she had to get through, loosing in the end. The teams of best and biggest lawyers backing Cindy up really made the stepmother's one lawyer in the criminal case look like toddler in the court. The idiot couldn't handle a case while the big boys chipped away his entire defense to nothing on the first days of the trial. And with help of handwriting experts, the will was proven to be a fake just within two hours of the trial, then that old and bald headed judge declared the previous will would have the power and Cindy got her father's wealth back. Oh, she didn't see it coming at all, the stepmother told herself in her small cell while knitting the sweater for her cellmate, Big Kate. She didn't expect Cindy would have that kind of fighting strength in her, after living with her for over 10 years in the same house. It wasn't really like Cindy to be against the flow of things, since normally she would just do what everyone around her wanted her to do and do so without questioning the reason, just accept the order of things. Then she remembered something she heard and saw during the two weeks after the party, just before the search team found Cindy and pulled her out of her wonderful stepmother's reach, setting everything in motion for the stab in the back on her own lovely stepmother. She thought it through a bit, and decided she might be able to do something about it. But first, she had to leave this hellhole. Then she smiled to herself; it won't be a problem for her to get out. It might be a little bit hard on Big Kate, whom had became her "husband" of sort in the jail, protecting her during daytime from other white collar criminals and enjoying the rewards in the middle of night after lights out. She almost wanted to laugh out loud in her cell, but thought better of herself. Oh, poor Cindy, wouldn't you just love to see your stepmother after all those years? ***** Five months pregnancy had made her movement around the office a little bit difficult and slower, but her staff and lawyers all around her had tried to get out of her way whenever they saw she was heading their way. Nobody in their right mind wanted to be the one stuck with the other end of the million dollar law suit for endangering the new company CEO's wife and their future son. Cindy still dressed as elegant and looked the best as she usually did ever since after return to Walter's side five years ago. As she sat down in her office and began sorting through cases of lawsuits needed to be filed or counter filed, she enjoyed the work. During a small break while reaching for a cup of tea, her eyes caught the gold-framed picture of Walter and herself two months before their wedding on the desk. The two lovebirds were sitting in a Paris caf?, smiling and kissing each other while holding on to each other tightly. She remembered that day well, he just proposed few minutes earlier, and one of his security detail took the picture for the two happy young kids who were madly in love with each other. To others, she deserved the fairy tale outcome of her life. Married to the young, handsome and very rich Walter, and into the richest family of the world, the Pascal family. But Cindy knew it wasn't really like that, unless you added a certain cursed taxicab to be the part of the fairy tale. Over five years ago, she wasn't Cindy Fitzgerald living as maid to her harsh stepmother and two stepsisters, but a man named Keith Renoir, the best lawyer in town for estate planning and trust funds. At least that was what he thought of himself, the best of the best money can buy. That is, until several estate benefactors found out their take were much smaller than what they were led to believe, several million dollars short, to be exact. Which sent the DA and IRS to his office while he was only minutes ahead of them, as he transferred all his liquid assets in the bank to offshore accounts and got out of his office via the backdoor, running like hell into the dark night in the back alley. As soon as he saw the taxi was heading toward him, he didn't hesitate for an extra second. He flagged it down and told the driver to head for the airport. He would buy a ticket to Jamaica at the airline ticket counter with cash, with the help of a fake passport he bought for this purpose of getting out of country in a hurry several years back. The driver was mumbling something about how he used to be the deputy mayor of New York City, but Keith didn't pay too much attention to him from the backseat. But nothing did go according to plan on that night of the new moon. Once he reached the airport and was about to grab his briefcase full of cash and the small carry on bag of clothes, the taxi driver told him than to "Have a nice day." One moment he was nervous, but happy to be about leaving the city behind him, the next moment he was sitting in the driver's seat and looking back at HIMSELF giving him a hundred dollar bill as he walked off toward the airline counter. Surprised would be a word to describe him at that moment. But what he saw the next few seconds made him glad the impostor was in his place. A team of airport police and IRS agents were waiting for Keith Renoir to make a dash out of the country. They grabbed him, handcuffed him and led him away from the airport in a small van. The new taxi driver saw it all and the thought of spending time in a jail really frightened him. But since he wasn't Keith Renoir any longer, as he checked his new face in the rear view mirror in the taxicab, the risk of going to jail wasn't there anymore. And, if he able to find out how the switch was done, maybe he could find a way out of the money trouble he had lately. Just be rich, wealthy and not have to lift a finger to do much of anything every day, just enjoy the sun next to a swimming pool and letting women massage him all over his body all day long. So over the next two weeks, he read the journal in the taxi driver's small and dirty apartment, found the rules he had to follow, and what phrase he had to say and decided who he wanted to become. He took the taxicab out for fares in normal days and practiced his new job to perfection, rude to every single customer he saw, just what a big time lawyer would do to a low paying client for a small job. Finally, the day of full moon arrived and the taxi driver couldn't wait to continue his next part of journey. The first 5 fares he got in the late afternoon to the evening were all short ones, and he cursed each one of the poor customers as they left his taxicab. The 6th customer of that night was an old woman whom wanted to go across town. Normal, any body would be better than the taxi driver's fat and big beer belly body. But the old woman must have been near her end on Earth; she was barely able to walk and had to use one of those walkers to assist her to even take one step. Getting her in the cab took several minutes, not to mention the time needed for her to fold the walker to fit in the cab. The trip took 30 minutes with fare of around 14 bucks. The taxi driver didn't want to switch with the old, old woman and didn't say the word. After the old woman paid her fare with 2 bucks worth of tip, the pain came. It overpowered the taxi driver to the point he almost passed out, his skin burns and his brain felt like about to be ripped off from his head, and he was blind! The next time he was able to see, it was about 10 minutes later and he had attracted a group of people around his taxicab, wondering if he needed help. The taxi driver gathered his thoughts and cursed everyone around him and took off in his taxicab, going back on the streets to look for the next victim. He circled around the town, but didn't get any fares and decided to take a late dinner around 9pm with whatever money he had made that day. So he hit the deli near the Central Park that usually served cheap, but great toasted turkey sandwich in a huge plate. After the sandwich with two beers, he decided he needed to hit the local sports bar to catch up on the sports of the day a bit, and empting another three bottles of beer down his stomach without a problem. It was around 10:50 that he decided he wanted to find few other fares, a few victims before calling it a night. An old, but well dressed gentleman flagged down the taxi few blocks away and told him to head for Plaza Hotel. The taxi driver closely examined the old man in the back seat via the rear view mirror. He was dressed to the point of spreading the look and smell of money. Must be a rich dude, the taxi driver told himself. But the problem was the ride would be a short one. He tried to expand the ride, but he arrived in front of the Plaza Hotel in 10 minutes. He was pissing mad and started to curse the old man customer. The old man paid the fare with a 2 bucks tip without saying a word to the driver and headed for the hotel entrance. The taxi driver was totally mad, the night was supposed to be his golden chance for a new life to start all over in this world. But, no... all he got was old men, women or a bunch of people that didn't want to ride long enough in the taxicab. He vented his anger at the steering wheel with fists of rage, and got a quicker and short shock in return by the courtesy of the taxi defending itself. Just as he was about let loose another session of cursed words and degenerative phrases inside the taxicab, he saw a young and beautiful woman dressed up in a sexy yet elegant gown appear on the side of the hotel, looking for something toward the parking lot. As he followed the young woman's movement, she seemed to be in trouble or something. She looked toward the area where at least 100 limos were parked but her face soon turned from being nervous to a woman that was deep in trouble. Must have been stood up by a boyfriend or something after he promised a secret late night rendezvous, or she just got thrown out of a party. But that wouldn't be his worry or anything. He checked his watch and decided if no one wanted to take a ride within another half of hour, then he would just go back to that little filthy doghouse that the taxi driver called home, maybe finishing up the remaining three cans of beer he had put in the refrigerator, if there was nothing better for him to do before hitting the sack. That would be one of the way for him just to knock himself out of this world, even if for few hours so he could be someone and somewhere else in his dream. Just as he was pulling the taxi out of the hotel entrance, the young lady in the elegant gown ran over to his taxicab and gave him her home address and told him to hurry. With that command, the taxi left the Plaza Hotel and went back on the street of New York City. As the taxi driver trying to talk up a conversion with the young lady and maybe get some helpful hints about who she was in return. He told her he used to be a great lawyer and his life full of story went on and on, but the young lady wasn't paying too much attention to the driver. He could see her smiling into the view outside of the taxi, but at times would become nervous at something. Then, her nose noticed the smell in the taxi and she had that certain kind of look on her face. Of course, the driver knew the part of the city the woman wanted to go back, it was the area the rich had their well maintained houses, and might even have a doorman or two. He might have just struck the gold mine! Although the young lady wanted the taxi take her to the address as fast as the taxi allowed, the driver in fact slowed it down a bit, just in case he needed the extra one or two minutes. Barely keeping an eye on the road while driving on the city street near midnight, the driver was watching the clock and the fare meter with constant eyes. But most of the time his eyes were admiring the wonderful female figure and beautiful face on the back seat. 23 minutes later and with fare of $13.40, they arrived in front of the big house the young woman must call home. There was something familiar about the address in the driver's mind, but he didn't remember why. The young lady was in a hurry, the driver noticed. She opened the door fairly quick, but as she was trying to step out of the taxicab, her floor length gown was giving her a problem, not being helped by her pair of 3-inch high heels that she couldn't see under the gown. Finally, she pulled the gown up and her right leg was about to hit the pavement. And then, the taxi driver yelled at her. "Have a nice night, Miss!" Then he was the young woman with part of her gown gathered in her hands, standing on the pavement in the pair of high heels. He knew then and was certain the body swap was a great success as her hands let go of the gown. She smiled to herself and gladly looked inside the purse she found she was carrying, and found two hundred dollar bills inside. She took one of them out and handed to the now paled face taxi driver, and was about to wait for the taxi driver to break the hundred dollars bill and return the change in full, she wasn't about to give the new taxi driver a penny in tip. But then she suddenly remembered whom she was, why she was at that birthday party in the garden of Plaza Hotel, why she had to be home before 11:30pm, and what happen if she missed the expected phone call from her wicked and evil stepmother! "Keep the change!" And she turned around hand ran at full speed back inside the house. The phone had just started to ring, and the new Cindy Fitzgerald was able to cover the distance between the front door and the phone in the living room just before the caller gave up and hung up the phone. It was her stepmother! "Why did it take you so long to answer the phone? You know I would call home to check on you and you didn't wait next to the phone for the last half hour? You know you wasted my time for five extra phone rings!" Cindy heard the stepmother taking out her anger at her from the other end of the phone call. And she knew why! Then she remembered whose house this was, the Fitzgerald's! As Keith Renoir, the estate lawyer in the former life, he had personally handled all of Cindy's father's estate planning and all other investment assets. And when he got married and later on his deathbed he handled all of his financial dealings. The woman, now on the other end of the phone call, had proposed to him that for a 10% cut of the dying old man assets, he would help her forge his will and transferred all to the stepmother instead giving them to Cindy. 10% of the total assets of around 14 million dollars was a lot of money over 10 years ago. He cut the deal and covered all ends of creating a new will, and he earned the money fair and square for quick day worth of work. But now, he was the penniless Cindy, the young woman he help to transform from a would be rich heiress to someone living with her stepmother basically as a living maid ready for call 24 hours a day! What comes around does go around, he thought bitterly. "I'm sorry Mother! I was down in the basement in my room and watching TV down there. I didn't mean to anger you," the new Cindy decided to handle the stepmother by saying things the good old Cindy would have said. "No, no. From the sound of your voice, you must be having a feast with the foods in the refrigerator! Did you take a couple of spoon bites out of that Ben and Jerry Dark Chocolate ice cream? Or that Dreyer Cookie Dough ice cream? Don't tell me, you ate the whole carton of the Haagen Dazs Silky Smooth French Vanilla!" Cindy's stepmother accused her. Cindy was now getting mad; nobody, and she mean nobody, dared to talk to her in that kind of voice in her previous life as great Keith Renoir, the estate lawyer! And her top blew right then while still on the phone with her stepmother. "Listen, you bitch! Only dogs and pigs like you and your two ugly and fat daughters need to eat tons of ice cream right out of the cardboard carton without a spoon! I said I was watching TV in my room, and that meant I was watching TV in my room! If you dare to accuse me one more thing tonight, I'll will make sure you will be hit with the biggest lawsuit you ever see in your life!" And Cindy slammed the phone set down hard, still angry by her stepmother. At the other end of the phone call, the stepmother was totally shocked her stepdaughter would say such things to her. She was speechless for a few moments before decided that bad mouth of Cindy's would need a good punishment really soon. She looked and finally gathered up her two daughters still busy chasing after waiters and waitresses for the plates of foods that were being sent back to the hotel kitchen. The three of them went to the front of the hotel and found their limo was only one of the two limos from the party was still in the parking lot of the Plaza Hotel. The stepmother kicked the driver out of his deep dreams and told him that they would like to go home, NOW! As the black limo was pulling away, the stepmother noticed the only limo left was the white one and its driver was fully dressed in typical limo driver uniform and hat, but he was looking for something or someone. She didn't think too much about it, as her mind was totally filled with lack of success of her two daughters, and that certain stepdaughter of hers dared to talked to her like that on the phone. In the same time, back in the house basement, the new Cindy was busy removing her makeup and tried her best to get her hair back to what they used to look like before, messy and unattractive. The gown and other things she wore and brought to the party was now carefully lying on her bed, and she had no place to hide them. She cursed the stepmother and her stepsisters again and again as her hands quickly making wipe clean of everything she put on before the party. The smell of the perfume was going to be hard to get rid of, and she would need to take a quick shower to get rid most of the smell. Then, she would find dirt or something to make her face and body dirty up again, just what Cindy normally would appear to be. Just as she was still worrying where to hide the gown and shoes, in front of her eyes, the gowns and others things sent over by Mindy started to disappear before her eyes. Cindy rubbed her eyes in disbelief, but the gown and all the matching items she had on an hour ago had disappeared into the thin air. It was then Cindy decided Mindy, the good old Cindy's friend from the net, must be a witch! Cindy then remembered that the friends Cindy had on the net and was scared at what would happen if they found out the new Cindy wasn't the good old Cindy from before the party! She must stay away from them in the future. She got in the shower and quickly scrubbed down her new body. She saw her perfect and naked female body in the bathroom mirror. It was a heavenly sight to behold as her hands held on to her two mammoth mounds she called breasts, and it felt real good to hold them in her hands! She quickly washed her new body and washed her hair without much time being spent on them; since she knew her stepmother and stepsister would be on their way home soon. After the shower, she grabbed a handful of dirt from the basement, near the heater, and put them on her face, hands and legs. She put on an old hand-me-down cotton nightgown from her stepsisters that was a size or two too large for Cindy's perfect body. As she was ready to play the role Cindy to her new family, she heard a limo pulling up in front of the house and she could hear the loud voices of her stepmother and two stepsisters even from the basement. Cindy quickly turned off the light in her bedroom and went on top of the small cot that Cindy had been calling her bed for the last few years. Soon, her stepmother went down to the basement, and turned on the light in Cindy's room. Cindy faked her deep sleep by slowly opening her eyes, starting to rub her eyes as if she had just woke up. "How dare you to shout back to me like that on the phone earlier tonight?" The stepmother yelled at Cindy, her anger was still strong, as usual. But the new Cindy wasn't going to have any of it. "Because that's the only way you would understand, bitch!" Cindy told her and flipped the middle finger and gave her stepmother the Hawaii welcome sign. "How dare you!" The stepmother's face was turning red, almost blowing her head off. But Cindy wasn't finished yet, not for a while. "What are you going to do? Kick me out of the house; out of this lousy place I call my room? Yeah, as if you could? Then you have to pay big dollars for a maid that you could boss around 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year! Gee, who's that stupid and desperate to need a job like that? Besides, any maid that's stupid enough to try to get a job here would be talked out of the idea by other maids working around here when she walked from the subway station or from the bus stop!" Cindy was enjoying the healthy exchange she was having with her new stepmother. Such an ugly woman, Cindy thought. Maybe few more talks like this, Cindy would be able to get out of Cindy's miserable existence for good! The stepmother didn't know what to say or respond to her stepdaughter. She never dared to talk back to her in her memory! But what could she say now to save her face? "I'll get you for this, I'll get you!" The stepmother stormed off the room and hit the wall hard several times on her way back up to the kitchen. She would find a way by tomorrow morning to put that little bitch in her rightful place, the stepmother told herself. "Go ahead, sweetheart, take your best shot!" Cindy yelled after her stepmother It felt great! Almost as good as being a lawyer. She looked at her bed and down at the nightgown she was wearing, and decided she had to change a few things around here. She took off her nightgown and panties, after closing her bedroom's door. She turned off the light and went back on the bed, sleeping in the nude as the good old Keith Renoir had done for the rest of his life. The cold sheet touched Cindy's nipples and they hardened to the point that she could felt something was happening to her new body. In fact, her hands were exploring her new body under the thin and cold military issued green blanket in the middle of darkness. Her body was reacting to her hands as her breath started to get heavy. Her hands moved down slowly over her smooth and thin belly, then down between her legs. She felt her finger probing her vagina, in a slow fashion. Her mind was totally excited and her eyes closed as she started to experience what it felt like to be a young woman. Cindy was so busy with her exploration that she didn't hear the sound of footsteps outside of her room, where both of her stepsisters were down there about to brag what kind of party they had that night. But before anyone of them could open their mouths, they heard Cindy moaning from her room, the kind of moaning the two of them had experienced only twice each. That is, when the men in question at different occasions were sharing a bed with either of the full figure women, the men being drunk to the degree that they almost couldn't function as a man should have. As the morning light hit the cheap motel room, the men would wake up first, see the woman next to him and yell a cry that none of the two sisters would understood why. The men would get quickly dressed as soon as they could and run out of the hotel room, and one of the men didn't even bother to put his clothes on, just ran out of the room with his clothes, all hurried, gathered in his hands. The moaning bought back pleasant memories for the two women, but did that also mean there was a man inside the room now with Cindy and giving her the pleasure that the two all remembered so well, plus the heavy breath of cheap booze? They wanted to take a look, but settled to just listen outside of the room and wonder whom it might be with that ugly and dirty Cindy now. Next-door gardener whom was about 70 years old? Must have stolen one or two Viagra pills from the rich Jewish Mr. Barak next door. Or it might be swimming pool cleaner that checked on the Campbell Mansion once a week from late Spring to early Fall, but the guy was kind of weird, only wearing a women G-string and nothing else when working. Cindy didn't know her stepsisters were outside of the room and were listening as while she was about to have her first female orgasm. Her finger getting deeper and deeper inside her, the intensity of the pleasure increased and frequency of pain and pleasure getting closer. Then it came, and Cindy almost let out a big yell but caught herself at the last moment and covered her mouth with the pillow to muffing her cry of achieving orgasm as a woman! Slowly, Cindy's breath returned to normal as she was enjoying the afterglow of her first orgasm as a young woman. Her naked body was covered with heavy sweat and her hair was dampened and wet. She remembered what her orgasm felt, the pain, the pleasure and the smell of it all. She smiled to herself in the darkness of her room. "Oh man! I never would have dreamed that a female orgasm would be like this! I'm glad I exchanged my old male body for a body like this!" She gloated to herself in the darkened room, and then decided she need to try it all over again and working on her second orgasm as a woman. Her stepsisters outside of the room heard Cindy talking to herself but didn't understand a thing she was saying. Was there a man there, or was Cindy was all by herself and was doing a single sex show in her bedroom? Before they could find out, their mother was calling to them asking if they had ate dessert before going to bed. The two sisters silently went back up to the kitchen and wolfed down half gallon of ice cream each. The two stepsisters went back up to their bedroom on the third floor, and was chatting away how the ugly and stupid Cindy must be masturbating. One of the sisters made the gesture of sticking her index finger deep inside her mouth to give the impression of grossness of the mental picture they were forming. But before she could pull her finger out of her mouth, she felt something she ate in the party, plus the half-gallon of ice cream she just had few minutes ago, was finding their way back up. She ran to the bathroom and barely got there in time to throw up her dinner and dessert into the toilet bowl for about 20 minutes. The other sister heard and smell the gross things been erupting in the bathroom and was laughing at the other sister's expense. But then, she felt her stomach wasn't feeling too good and went to another bathroom barely in time to see the white and clean toilet bowl before her world was filled with green and yellow floating things. When both sisters finally emerged from the bathroom after brushing teeth and using mouthwash at least three times, the smell of what each of them puked up was still at tip of their tongues and inside their mouths. That, both of them decided, was Cindy's fault. And would she get it over the next few weeks, and the two stepsisters could hammer out ways to punishment for Cindy without much trouble. As both of them returned to their respective bedrooms to sleep, soon were dreaming about the only dish they weren't able to taste at the party, all because their mother tried to get the two sisters to see that so-so looking Walter Pascal. ***** Over the next two weeks, the new Cindy was able to read about Walter was trying to find the young woman that stole his heart at his 23rd birthday party. It was the talk of the town for most of the two weeks, since Walter was trying to find out who she was. The taxicab companies in the city were turning upside down over and over again, just trying to find if their drivers had picked up such lady that night. And the tabloids in the city picked up few clues that the best computer code breakers and experts were in New York City trying to break something important for Walter Pascal, the son of the wealthiest man on the face of Earth. Then the best private investigators in the city and around the world joined the search for the mystery woman that stole Walter's heart. A week after the party, nothing turned up, nothing. The New York Police Department and FBI were all called in the case and did their best, but also handed empty result to the Pascal family, except for the police artist drawing of the woman in question. Newspapers and tabloids had a field day of printing Cindy's beautiful face from that night on their first page. Lots of women in and around stepped forward, saying they were the mystery woman in that party, but all were discredited after little digging by the police and packs of private investigators. The toll free hotline Walter set up for any information led to finding the mystery woman was often jammed but nothing came out of it. Walter even offered 5 million dollars worth of reward for the person able to give helpful information that would lead to finding the mystery woman. Days passed, and then a week passed, nothing! After a week and half, the reward money was still unclaimed, except lots of want to be get rich guys and gals that gave false information and soon were round up by the police right after their initial meeting with the teams of private detectives Walter and his parents hired. Then Walter decided to go back to basics and put out teams of 10 private detectives and his security personnel to check on each of the guests that attended the party that night, plus the employees of the Plaza Hotel, and the caters, the waiters and waitresses at the party that night, just want to leave no stone unturned. Two weeks after the party, no solid leads were to be had even though Walter had poured tons of money into searching for his love. He almost gave up after 2 weeks of restless sleep every night, and seeing that beautiful face almost everywhere after the doctor told his parents that their son was getting too little sleep and might go nuts soon if the woman wasn't found quick. Walter's parents put even more manpower and money into the search, now it wasn't just finding the woman, but trying to save their son's mental health. Then on the 15th night after the party, the team of 10 private investigators money can buy visited their last house on the team's list of who had attended the party that night yet to be visited and interviewed yet. With 20 teams interviewing those people on the list all around the city, 5 other teams already called back in saying they got nothing after more than a week of interviews. The signs weren't that good, and Walter was personally manning his phone in the search command center for his dream lover, not eating anything that day and only drinking a small glass of water. His parents saw their son and knew tonight would tell if the woman of their son's dream would be found, or not. The team of the 10 investigators knocked on the house and the stepmother and the 2 stepsisters already knew they were coming, since Walter's people had called ahead the day before, telling them a team of interviewers would be asking few questions around 8pm. And it would be most helpful if everyone in the house attended the party would be made available in the clothes they wore to the party that night, and mentally ready for few rounds of questioning. So when the front door bell rang, less than one second later, the front door was wide open and the three women were all standing there, greeting the 10 investigators as if they were kings of some oil rich countries. Soon the meeting was taking place in the living room. The youngest stepsister was the one to be asked after verifying her identity with her passport and one other photo ID. Then a picture was taken of the stepsister in the dress she wore to the party "Miss, could you tell me if you lost anything in the party? And what is it?" the leader of the team asked and everyone in the search team took out their notepads and making sure the 4 different video camcorders were all working, all aiming at the woman been asked. "Of course, I lost an earring in the party, a 5 caret diamond earring." She told the investigators with a smile. The investigators in return almost wished they didn't have to go through with this household at all. The reason these three guests were among the last to be interviewed was because Walter remembered them fairly well from the party, and told the investigation teams that the chance of finding his dream love in that house would be almost impossible to no chance at all. "Thank you, uhm, Miss." The 10 investigators wrote her answer down on their notepad, and went on interviewing the other stepsister. Seeing her sister hadn't answered the trick question right, she was glad. She thought she had the answer, the answer she had been rehearsed since the news of interviews for all party attendees had been reported in the newspaper. "I lost my heart in that party, to that young, handsome and rich Mr. Walter Pascal." She said with her most sincere voice. The team of investigators, almost wanted to throw up, it was the same answer over 80 girls and women had answered in their interviews. The interviewers turned to the stepmother, and asked the same question to her. The stepmother knew she had the correct answer, she was so sure. She even bought the storybook of Cinderella from a bookstore, which the fairy-tale storybook had suddenly become the best seller around the nation. "Oh, I think I lost my glass slipper in the party. Do you guys have it?" the stepmother said with a smile. The ten investigators really wanted to throw up this time, since it was the most popular answer of all. The leader of the search team checked off all three women in front of him, and saw something else that wasn't right. "Ladies, one quick question to you all, please. Won't take that much time." The three women, all knew their answers were the wrong and were about to boot the 10 men from the house. But from the sound of the lead investigator, they might still have a slim chance to be rich. "Yes," all three women said at once. "There were three invitations sent to this address. Two of them were addressed to you two, which you two bought your mother to the party, correct?" All three women nodded to the question. "But where's the third young lady that was invited to the party? Was she sick or not able to be here with us tonight?" the lead investigator asked. All he got was rounds of laughter at his face. Few minutes later after the laughter in the room died down, the guy asked why the women were laughing so hard? "You mean dirty and ugly Cindy? Oh, she did receive the invitation from Mr. Pascal. But she didn't attend the party because, because we cut her two gowns up! If she had went to the party, she would be naked!" And the three of them went into another round of laughter. The lead investigator was now very short on patients then, but he controlled his emotion a little big longer, and asked: "Could we see this Miss Cindy in question?" "Oh, sure. And she would be dressed in her best clothes when she meets you in few minutes!" The three women laughed a little bit longer before went to the staircase leading toward the 2nd floor and yelled their lungs out. "Yo, Cindy! Get your ugly butt down here now!" the three women yelled in the same time. The 10 investigators talked among themselves, wondering if this would be another dead end, and might have to kiss their bonus check of half million dollar for good-bye for good. Cindy was in the middle of cleaning up the fireplace on the third floor, all because her stepmother and stepsisters were punishing her for her new and shocking attitude against their family. When she heard her name was been called, she knew her chance of getting out of this hellhole had come. Without trying to clean herself up too much, she slowly walked to her stepmother and stepsisters, all three were still giggling about something. They escorted Cindy to the team of investigators. After the usual necessary procedure of proving who she was, the lead investigator asked the question of the night again. "Hello, Miss Cindy. Did you lost anything in the party over two weeks ago, the birthday party for Mr. Walter Pascal, held at the Plaza Hotel garden?" he asked, and was sure it might be a dead end for the team. The young woman in front of them fit the descriptions their employer gave, but she was dressed in a very dirty overall and a gray color sweatshi

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Cinderellas Taxi A Taxi Ride Universe Tale

(Eric's note: I edited, added a little bit, and put a little extra in the ending, but this is 90% my friend's work. It is a very poignant tale.) Cinderella's Taxi (A Taxi Ride Universe Tale) By Eric and Friend The twin girls were almost ready for bed, but their bodies were still full of energy at 9pm. It wasn't easy for their sitter to get them ready for bed in the first place. Even after begging and bribery, the twins still wouldn't get in the bed and sleep like the angels four...

3 years ago
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Cinderella Cinderella

"Be careful sneaking in like this, Lover." Sheila whispered conspiratorially. "My husband might come home some night and catch us!" I pinched her nipple hard, and she squealed in delight! "Oh, is that you, Bob? I thought you'd forgotten where we live!" I rolled her over and straddled her. We tongue wrestled feverishly for several minutes while I mauled her beautiful breasts with my hands. I massaged her breasts and pinched her nipples. I knew her pussy would be gloriously wet for me...

2 years ago
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Cinderella The Real Story

This is the second in my series of TG fairy tales in verse. The first, also available on FM, is: SLEEPING BEAUTY: The Real Story * CINDERELLA: The Real Story by BobH (c) 2007 He came to our town, a Prince from afar, Seeking a bride, her station no bar. Charming by name, he's giving a ball, He's invited our nobles, the townsfolk and all. My step-sisters have gone there, but sadly not me, Their hopes are quite high, though they're very ugly. Being a boy,...

3 years ago
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A Christmas Cinderella Miracle

A Christmas (Cinderella) Miracle Written December 1-2, 7-9 2019 Ok darlings, I would thank all my readers and fans for a wonderful few years I have been writing TG Fiction. I give thanks to all my followers on dA and the like that I have the pleasure to chat/discuss stories and what not. I thank the writer metrix32 for giving me the blessing and support to continue the wonderful Claire Robbins story line. I hope you all enjoy the multi-part stories and the one shots. And of course, I...

4 years ago
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The Props Master 1 Ritual RealityChapter 2 Midnight Caper

Judith tucked her hair up under the short black wig until no blonde strands could be seen. She positioned the black broad-brimmed hat on her head and fastened the cape neatly around her black bodystocking, its red silk lining adding the only color accent to her costume. The cape also served to cover the black shoulder bag that was slung behind her. Finally, she fastened her rapier to the belt. This was her third date with Wayne in two weeks—a kind of dating speed record in her experience....

2 years ago
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THE CHEERLEADER CARWASH CAPER By STORMKING (M/fff, NC) All characters are fictional and are assumed to be at least 18-years old or of the minimum legal age in your community or region. The idea for this story came from cheerleader car wash pictures someone shared with me a few months ago. A picture really is worth a thousands words or more. Bear in mind that this article is fantasy and not real. Don't try this for real, or you may suffer an adverse change in your life status. If you...

1 year ago
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The Great Timing Light Caper

Author’s Foreword— This is my first Non-Erotic offering to Literotica. It’s my seventh posting since I created my profile, instead of giving you the titles of my six previous submissions, it’d be easier for you to simply visit my profile and look in my archives. Enjoy! * * * * * * * * * * * * The Great Timing Light Caper The following is a true story. My family moved to Coolidge, Arizona after a historic blizzard paralyzed half of the lower-48 states in January and February of 1978....

2 years ago
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The Sidewinder Caper

Orlando eased back on the yoke, cut thrust, and the sleek Gulfstream jet settled gently onto the runway of the King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh."Hey! Wake up, beautiful!" he said, leaning across the thrust console and giving Indri a gentle nudge. He braked seconds after touchdown, steered towards the apron, and cut across a taxiway, heading for a private hanger on the outskirts of the busy Middle Eastern airport."We there?" she murmured, rousing herself from an inflight nap. Indri...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates The Baby Sitter Caper

THE BABY SITTER CAPER by Eric David was desperate! He wondered if he could kill his parents and then plead for mercy on the grounds he was a poor orphan! His parents had converted to the weirdest damn religion. They had pulled him out of public school and he wasn't allowed to his see any of his old friends any more. He now went to religious school where the studies and the kids were god awful! They had pulled all the TVs out of the house. Bad influence. All his favorite books...

2 years ago
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The Hypnotic Adventures of CinderellaChapter 6 Cinderellas Choice

"You've got to be kidding!' Cindy giggled. She was lying on her stomach on Betty's bed, her chin propped in her hands, her bare legs and toes flexing, her eyes wide. "Pablo?" "Weirdest thing I ever saw," Betty responded, lying beside her. "I got feeling all guilty in the middle of the night, and went back down to see if Bimbo was down there by herself somewhere, but she wasn't, so I figured that she'd left with the guys. And then this morning, I got up early and went down for a...

3 years ago
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The Hypnotic Adventures of CinderellaChapter 4 Cinderellas Sacrifice

And so, Cindy's life slowly began to form a set pattern. After dinner that night, she had begged Stepmother to allow her to work at night, after dinner, but her request was firmly denied. It became evident that she would be working Sunday, as well ... and most probably, EVERY Sunday. She went back to her room, stripped, put on her robe, and curled up in her chair, thinking about her day. The exertion from the workout, however, had left her very tired, and so she rose, set her alarm clock,...

1 year ago
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The Hypnotic Adventures of CinderellaChapter 3 Cinderellas Humiliation

Cindy awoke to her alarm at six-thirty, and she found that if she pu out her hand as far as she could, she could silence the thing by hitting the snooze bar at its top. She stretched languorously, relishing the feeling of the fresh sheet covering her naked form, the down-filled mattress pad beneath her, the feather pillows upon which her tousled hair was spread. She surveyed the room ... her room. Her very own room. She felt the towel, still between her thighs, and the previous evening's...

4 years ago
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A Cinderella Story Part 1

Just a little information about this story. It was inspired by the characters in Cinderella. It will more then likely be a series. So just because I do not want to get in trouble for using any names. I am going to change the name of the characters. (Cinderella will be called Camille, Anastasia will called Ashleigh, Drizella will be called Daphne. Prince Charming will be called Cooper.) Sorry for all the changes, but I felt they needed to be made. PART ONE : INTRODUCTION OF CHARACTERS Camille...

1 year ago
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Cinderella the sexy version

Cindy was down in the dumps. She had been sent to stay with her cousins in Georgia. The thing is, her 21st birthday was coming up and it looked like everyone had forgotten. Not that they cared - her cousins that is. Cindy called them the Botox twins. They had been jealous of Cindy since she turned up. She didn’t have cellulite on her thighs or lips that looked more at home on a trout! Cindy was the archetypal baby doll with long blonde hair, perky tits, a tiny waist and a bum like two bowling...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 1

A Cinderella Spell (Part 1) "I'm going Mam," I shouted as I was leaving the house. "Ok dear, you have a good time and try to get back before midnight," she shouted back. I started walking towards my friend's house. It was a big day today, I had just finished my last day at school and tonight was our school prom. Now let me just get a few things straight here. This is England, not the US. We do things a bit differently here. First of all we leave school at 16, with the option...

1 year ago
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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 2 Lifes a Witch

A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 2, Life's a Witch I was really worried now. How had I gone from about to put on a t-shirt and jeans, to wearing a full skirted dress, without even realising it? I must be losing my mind. And why is Monique all girly all of a sudden. I know she was wearing a ball gown last night but that was just to piss off the snobby crowd at school. I followed Monique into her front room where her Grandma was sat waiting. "Well Dean," she started. "Don't you...

3 years ago
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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 5 A Twisted Fairy Tale

A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 5, A Twisted Fairy Tale "So how much are your vouchers worth then?" an excited Monique asked me when we got on the bus into town. "We got ?100 each" I replied. "I can't wait to see what clothes you pick out for yourself." "What do you mean? And who says that I'm going to spend them on clothes?" I asked. "Come on" she said "You are the girliest girl I have ever met, including the snobby clique from school. Of course you're going to spend them...

2 years ago
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A Cinderella Story Part 1

Just a little information about this story. It was inspired by the characters in Cinderella. It will more then likely be a series. So just because I do not want to get in trouble for using any names. I am going to change the name of the characters. (Cinderella will be called Camille, Anastasia will called Ashleigh, Drizella will be called Daphne. Prince Charming will be called Cooper.) Sorry for all the changes, but I felt they needed to be made. PART ONE : INTRODUCTION OF CHARACTERS Camille...

4 years ago
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Cinderella Liberty Pt 1

When she walked through the door I was pleased.  She wore a simple but elegant dress in the color I'd call teal.  It was sleeveless and showed off the swell of her breasts.  Her blonde hair was a little longer than shoulder length and delightfully curled.  Her face was neither intent nor intense as she scanned the room.I stood so she could see me.  I could see the recognition register in her eyes and she walked deliberately toward me.  This lady was all business.I held out my hand to her."No...

Love Stories
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The Hypnotic Adventures of CinderellaChapter 5 Cinderella at the Ball

They were both right. Cindy had feared that the encounter would change them ... and it did. However, she was forced to admit that she and Betty were, if anything, even closer friends than before. Betty had sworn that this would be their only sexual encounter ... and she was as good as her word. She continued to help Cindy with the housework three or four days each week so that they could spend more leisure time together ... they even had another Sunday outing. She continued to be a bit of a...

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Hypnotic Adventures of Cinderella Ch 01

Chapter One Cinderella’s Seduction Startled, Cindy looked up from her seat as the inner door opened and an incredibly beautiful young woman emerged. The girl looked miserably sad, shaking visibly, her lower lip trembling. She also looked … perfect, her blonde hair long and flowing, her eyes large and round and evenly spaced on her ideal face, her nose pert, her lips full and red. She had the figure of a supermodel, with firm bosom and hips framing an almost impossibly slender waist. The girl...

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Hypnotic Adventures of Cinderella Ch 05

Chapter Five Cinderella at the Ball They were both right. Cindy had feared that the encounter would change them … and it did. However, she was forced to admit that she and Betty were, if anything, even closer friends than before. Betty had sworn that this would be their only sexual encounter … and she was as good as her word. She continued to help Cindy with the housework three or four days each week so that they could spend more leisure time together … they even had another Sunday outing....

3 years ago
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Fucking Cinderella

The man staggered along the Grassmarket. The area below the Castle battlements was thronged with crowds on a rare sunny Saturday afternoon in Edinburgh. He looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks. His hair was dishevelled, sticking up as if he’d stuck his finger in a plug socket.His face was flushed but it was his eyes you noticed. They were wild, staring. He scanned the ground, then the faces of people walking past. He stumbled towards women, and then he would stop, staring into their faces...

2 years ago
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Cinderella with apologies

Cinderella... with apologies By JDG It all happened a long time ago in a land far away. Don't all these stories happen in a time long ago and in a land far away, after all? But I digress. A young Prince had been forced, by the will of his father, The King, to participate in a rather gaudy and highly embarrassing Royal Ball. The sole purpose of which was to find him a suitable bride from amongst the locally available females. The cream of society was invited, as well as a bit of...

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Cinderella A Modern Version

THE MODERN VERSION OF CINDERELLA By Old Timer Cindy's 18th birthday uneventfully passed last week and the only thing important to her was a way to leave the McDowell house forever. She contemplated her choices as she rode the mass transit home from her job. Earning money had become her primary concern as her adoptive mother didn't offer financial support. Times were tough since her husband unexpectedly died and she only had enough for her two natural' daughters. Not getting...

1 year ago
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Cinderella Wishes

Cinderella Wishes --------------- A pair of teenagers find a genie in a bottle on the beach, and begin to make wishes... --------------- My boyfriend and I were walking out along the beach when we found an old bottle washed up on the shore. No it wasn't the usual garbage that floats up on the shore these days; this was a rather ornate fancy looking bottle. My boyfriend Phillip pulled the stopper to see what was inside, or if there was anything good inside. Hey, we were a couple...

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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 3 Dancing the Blues Away

A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 3, Dancing the Blues Away "Beth." "BETH!" "ELIZABETH VICTORIA BENNET!!!" shouted my Mam from downstairs. I sat up in bed and wiped the sleep from my eyes. Whatever's wrong it must be urgent for her to use my full name including a middle name I didn't realise I had. "WHAT?" I shouted back. "DON'T "WHAT" ME YOUNG LADY," she shouted back up again. "YOU'VE GOT TO BE FITTED FOR THREE DRESSES THIS MORNING BEFORE YOU TURN UP FOR PRACTICE AND YOU'RE...

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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 4 Darker Tidings

A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 4, Darker Tidings It was Monday morning. Since I'd just left school and college didn't start for another eight weeks, Mondays didn't seem so bad anymore. I'd arranged to meet Monique and her Grandma to talk my suddenly becoming a witch and what it entailed. Especially about what this dark entity was all about? Monique had said that it's probably bullshit and even if it wasn't it would need some kind of anomaly to your regular witch to be able to do...

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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 6 A Fairy Tale Apocalypse Part 1

Authors note: Yes, I know I said at the end of the last chapter that this would be the final part and I had fully intended it to be, but since there was a lot more to this chapter than I had realised and I can't seem to feel comfortable writing stories that are more than around 20k in memory, I've decided that this chapter will split into parts (most likely 3, but I promise nothing). Hope you enjoy it, Sophie xxx A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 6, The Fairy Tale Apocalypse...

1 year ago
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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 6 A Fairy Tale Apocalypse part 2

A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 6, A Fairy Tale Apocalypse (Part 2) Monique's Story I was galloping at full speed to where I had last seen my Grandma, David was chasing after me. "Monique!" He shouted "Wait up!" he caught up to me and grabbed my arm. "He's got her!" I said with tears streaming down my face. "He's got her and I haven't even tried to find her." "Who has who?" "Ulric, the one who caused all of this, has got Beth, my best friend," I almost screamed at him...

4 years ago
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Once Upon a Trans Cinderella

Once Upon a Trans: Cinderella Once upon a time in a faraway land there lived a wealthy lord in blissful happiness with his wife and young son. One day, however, the wife grew sick and died shortly afterwards. The lord married again and soon they were a whole family once more with the young boy gaining a stepmother and two stepsisters. Everything was fine and all seemed happy until, after around a year of marriage, the father sickened too and soon he died as well, leaving all his wealth...

4 years ago
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Cinderella Liberty Pt 2

I looked up at the ceiling and contemplate everything that had happened.  This wonderful woman had crashed into my life.  I sensed that there was a connection.  But there was this contract she had that said we could only meet once or she'd be cast loose with nothing.  How could I let her go without even the smallest hope of trying to make a future together? My anger was tempered with a fatalistic realization that I was doomed to a life without the most perfect woman for me that I had ever met. ...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Taking the Road TogetherChapter 24 Cinderella

"Go, enjoy," she heard Darren say. What was going on? It was his weekend for a fantasy date and he was sending her off to the mall with Cassie. Stephanie was confused. The past month had been an emotional roller coaster with the big blowup and then the phenomenal high of the renewal of their vows. It was like being newlyweds again. Darren had been attentive both in and out of the bedroom. Stephanie was one satisfied lady. Even a few of her students had commented on how happy she was...

1 year ago
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Second chance for cinderella

After tom and i made love we promised our love to each other. But a tragic happened, he died on a car accident. My world shattered to pieces, when i heard the news. After 5 months, i met Carlos, an half italian. His icy blue eyes and his natural black wavy hair kind of attracts me whenever he's around. And of course i can feel his love even though i always hears gossips that he's a playboy. Well i just ignored it, and after a few weeks of teasing me, he confessed his love to me which i quickly...

1 year ago
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Second chance for cinderella part 2

I woke up this morning,and spotted him beside me sitting. "Ah Carlos why are you here?",i asked then he sighed.And caressed my cheek. "I just wanted to see you, my love",he whispered to my ear then i blush. Then he let me lie to my bed,and deeply kissed me,i lightly moaned and he noticed it. "I love you kelly",he huskily said then he passionately kissed my neck and rolled his lips down to my cleavage. "Ahhhhhhhh,carlos i want more",i pleaded then he smirked. "As you wish my princess",he said...

2 years ago
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The Taxi Makes More Rounds

Eric would like it known that his friend does most of the work, he just helps out. The Taxi Makes More Rounds By Eric and a Friend It's day 14. I've been driving this awful, smelly, evil taxi for two weeks now, and it should be the time for my life-changing ordeal to take another turn again. Let me start from the beginning. Two weeks ago, I was a middle age stockbroker. I put heart and soul into the job, and that left me with no social life, no family, very rare dates and no...

1 year ago
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The Taxi Makes Its Rounds

The Taxi Makes Its Rounds By Eric and a Friend (Eric's note: This was written almost totally by my friend. I just did some polishing, editing and minor changes) I should have known there was something wrong with Nick the day he took a taxi to my apartment just to tell me that he had passed his bar exam. I really shown have known! He could have just told me over the phone, but Nick has been like a child for most of his life, he couldn't wait to share the news with the whole...

4 years ago
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Hell is a City Much Like New York a Taxi Ride Story

Eric's Note: A large majority of this tale was written by my friend. I changed the ending, polished some and added dialogue. Hell is a City Much Like New York, a Taxi Ride Story By Eric and Friend Don Mason looked at the pink slip he just got and for the first time of his life, he felt as a total failure. At the age of 54 and working for the last ten years in mid level management to one of the international life insurance companies, he had thought his job was secure amid the talk...

1 year ago
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Taxi Ride

Taxi Ride By Kachakali See an accompanying picture and other captions over at Enjoy! I know $2000 will go a long way to pay off my tuition. But I shouldn't have replied to that Kregslist ad. It promised easy money for people willing to do some special requests. I wonder how many other people have done it already? What are those special requests about? I didn't think it through, and I fear it's already too late. I should have done...

2 years ago
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Natalie heaven sex storyrsquos cheating with the taxi

Natalie heaven sex story’s cheating with the taxi driver and anyone who wanted me Hello everone it’s natalie hear agein with a nother sex story off my my real life experiencesThis story is about me cheating on one off my boyfriends or fuck buddy with the taxi driver and then telling my boyfriend to lick the taxi drivers cum out my ass and anyone else who wanted me This story take place meny years go was 23 at the time I was 22 when I meet ( F ) For story purposes boyfriend name is ( F ) and...

3 years ago
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A Taxi Ride

(A good friend of mine asked me to expand and redo his excellent Short Story and send it to the list. I hope you all enjoy it.) A Taxi Ride By Eric and Friend I checked my appearance. Shit! I really look disheveled! The long flight from California hadn't done my make-up or hair any good at all! I fixed myself up and when I left the airport restroom I noticed with pride that almost all the men stared appreciatively at me. It sure puts the spring back into a girl's step. I called...

2 years ago
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The Taxi Driver Her husband watched

Introduction: He drove – while I sat in the back with his wife I had been driving my big yellow and black checkered taxi most of the day. It was starting to get more crowded downtown. I honked a few times to make room. I pulled over to take a break. I was parked outside this very upscale restaurant. I looked out the rear of the parking lot. There was a taco truck selling some Korean barbecue. I got a few tacos to go. I drank a cold beer as I waited in the back seat of my cab. The restaurant was...

3 years ago
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The Taxi Cab Driver

I had been driving my big yellow and black checkered taxi most of the day. It was starting to get more crowded downtown. I honked a few times to make room. I pulled over to take a break. I was parked outside this very upscale restaurant. I looked out the rear of the parking lot. There was a taco truck selling some Korean barbecue. I got a few tacos to go. I drank a cold beer as I waited in the back seat of my cab. The restaurant was very busy. A few limos pulled up and dropped off some rich...

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The Taxi Cab Driver An Adult Story

I had been driving my big yellow and black checkered taxi most of the day. It was starting to get more crowded downtown. I honked a few times to make room. I pulled over to take a break. I was parked outside this very upscale restaurant. I looked out the rear of the parking lot. There was a taco truck selling some Korean barbecue. I got a few tacos to go. I drank a cold beer as I waited in the back seat of my cab. The restaurant was very busy. A few limos pulled up and dropped off some rich...

4 years ago
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The Taxi Driver Her husband watched

It was about an hour later that I jumped out the back seat. I walked around the back of the parking lot. I was taking a piss in the back alley of the restaurant. I was only wearing a tight black shirt. Some cargo shorts. Some black sandals. I pushed my wet cock back in my black boxer briefs. I looked around as I walked back to my cab. I was maybe five feet from the back when I heard a loud noise. I then heard some people shouting. A couple guys were whistling. I looked up in front of my cab....

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