Black Widow Spy Vs Miracle free porn video

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Black Widow submits to S.H.I.E.L.D

Black Widow rises, while another falls between her...

Black Widow Sexual Espionage

The prisoner shuddered awake with a start: bolting upright only to rattle the chains holding her in place. Twisting in the wooden seat, the redhead groaned, head still spinning. Leaning forward she blinked hard as light slowly returned to her world. Attempting to ignore the ringing in her ears, Natasha Romanoff surveyed the dank surroundings with disdain; even as she began testing her bonds.

So the mission had gone sour, she was used to that. While Natasha hadn't intended to be knocked u*********s it was an operational hazard, and the redhead was more than equipped to deal with it.

Shifting her hips against the bottom of the wooden seat, Natasha felt the weight of the utility belt strapped around her waist. Nothing but empty p. No weapons, no communications, no back up. The ex-S.H.I.E.L.D agent released a frustrated breath, brushing a booted heel against the ground. In the old days there would have been a task force specifically to get her out of this; now she was alone.

The mission parameters had shifted, that was obvious, though the essential requirements had not changed: the redhead was here to survey the castle for potential threats; intelligence suggesting this Sokovian fortress was a HYDRA sub-base. Given the high security she had encountered, the ex-agent was now more inclined to believe them.

Natasha stayed calm: she had a team that backed her up in this kind of situation. They weren't exactly reliable, but they packed a big punch, and more than that, they were friends. Natasha closed her eyes. She could hardly blame Tony Stark for this one, she had chosen to survey the castle alone, believing it to be a minor stakeout: hardly worthy of the Avengers. She had been arrogant, but when your team consists of Gods and monsters it's hard not to have something to prove.

Hearing the metal door to her cell clunk menacingly, Natasha straightened up in her seat, ready to confront her captors. Choosing a more upright, dignified pose, the redhead felt her black combat suit tighten reassuringly against her curves: coiled and ready to strike.

The door swung open alarmingly quickly, the heavy metal slamming against the castle wall and reverberating in place, dust falling from the brickwork around her. Given the rust and weight of the vault-like entranceway, Natasha was surprised to find a small, waifish brunette standing opposite her, illuminated only by the light that could now spill into the cell.

Both women eyed each other carefully, neither greeting the other. Natasha guessed the girl was around 20: not a leader, so perhaps an underling? Hardly suited for intimidation. Yet the brunette had an otherworldly quality; the tilt of her head, the twist in her stance. Combined with an unusual dress sense her demeanour suggested something... unprecedented.

Stepping into the room, the brunette moved with purpose, boots echoing against stone. Taking in the girl's body, Natasha was again surprised, next to no muscle, no visible weapons. This c***d was to be her interrogator?

"You don't talk much," Natasha stated curiously, watching as the girl continued to take her in; passing behind her chair as she circled the tied-up redhead. Neglecting to respond, the brunette slunk soundlessly around her, bright eyes never leaving the Agent's face.

Natasha decided the girl was pretty, in-spite of her somewhat unkempt appearance. Her gypsy-like attire suggested a Sokovian origin; the clothing mismatched yet somewhat appealing:

The brunette's slight, distressed black dress was thin enough to reveal the pert body underneath. The garment was cut revealingly: the neck deep, the hem just reaching mid-thigh. Wrapped in a deep red shawl to keep out the cold, the tattered garment was indicative of the girl's streetwise nature.

Meeting the brunette's bizarre gaze, Natasha was absorbed by the girl's huge green eyes, seemingly transfixed by the redhead's very existence. Surrounded by excessive, blurred mascara, the Sarkovian's stare seemed to penetrate her soul, while ultimately betraying the youth and underlying lack of confidence of her interrogator.

"This your first time?" Natasha asked playfully, watching the brunette twitch in reaction:

"It's a good act, but do you really think you can torture me?" Natasha scoffed, smirking in-spite of her powerless position:

"I didn't know HYDRA had fallen so far they would use little girl's to do their dirty work."

Eliciting no response, the redhead began to wonder if this woman even spoke English. If she didn't then this wasn't an interrogation; meaning torture was now more likely. Since Natasha wasn't really in the mood for pain, she decided it was time for a daring escape.

Turning back toward the entrance, Natasha listened carefully: The redhead could register no sound coming from the hallway beyond. No armed escort? If she could break free of her restraints this would be the perfect time to break out-

-The brunette flicked her arm, hand contorting as it suddenly moved through the air. Natasha watched, astonished, as the heavy metal door swung back on its hinges without the girl even touching its surface: Slamming shut with an echoing clang, the sound reverberated around the tiny room, more dust dropping from the ceiling:

"No more thoughts of eh-scape Spy, you leave when I'm ready. Or in bag..."

Natasha opened and closed her mouth; had she telegraphed her intentions in some way? Looking back up at the mysterious girl, she noted the red smoke wafting up from her left hand, before meeting her eyes once more. Natasha watched as they faded from red to green. The ex-agent braced herself:

"So you're one of Strucker's enhanced? Telekinetic or psychic? S.H.I.E.L.D has done research into Neuro-electrical interfacing..."

The brunette frowned as she struggled to register the redhead's assertion. Realising her words had not translated, Natasha spoke more carefully:

"You," she nodded at the brunette, " You can move objects with your mind?" The redhead's nose crinkled:

"Did you know what I was going to do?"

Not responding immediately, the brunette stepped forward slowly, eyes moving across the other woman's face. Swiping a loose strand of dark wavy hair behind an ear, she spoke calmly; her strong Sokovian accent coming through in just a short statement:

"All you need to know? I am weird."

Shrugging of her shawl, the brunette hung the worn weave over the back of the dilapidated chair. Leaning over the prisoner, the girl raised a hand; flexing her long fingers in the air around the ex-agent's head. Natasha watched cautiously: If this girl was telepathic this interrogation could actually go pretty badly for her:

"So you're weird, I get that... But you don't want to go poking around in my mind, you might not like what's in there..."

The brunette ignored her, the girl's large eyes sliding over Natasha's face and back up to her gaze:

"I grow up in war-torn hell-hole, I am... experiment. I get off on fear..."

The redhead nodded: the girl had a point; if anyone could understand having a messed up background, it was Natasha Romanoff. Maybe then she could use their shared experience as leverage, reason with the foreign girl on mutual ground:

"I get it, I went through the same thing as a k**, till S.H.I.E.L.D took me in."

"You also get powers through Alien staff taken from Norse God?" The brunette responded, her broken English not disguising her amusement.

"Well no..." Natasha replied, taken aback. Deciding on a different approach that suited her own style, the redhead continued, asking questions herself since the girl apparently didn't need to:

"So they made you, using the staff? We tried to deep-six that research but I heard all of your kind died in HYDRA's experiments, or were at least horribly scarred..."

Natasha ran her eyes over the brunette's lithe curves appreciatively; making sure the other girl could see her inspection:

"But I guess you lucked out. You fit together pretty well."

The brunette's mouth became a thin line of irritation; she had given away information. Again. Who was interrogating whom? Meeting the redhead's eyes, it was her turn to be intimidated, green orbs amused but giving nothing away. The Sokovian chose to scowl back at the other woman's smirk. When she replied the girl was overly assertive:

"You think you will geht out of here? This is your... ultimatum? I see S.H.I.E.L.D's scars all over the inside of your head Romanoff. You are, muddled..."

"Getting lost in my head huh?" Natasha said, a small grin curving her lips. Maybe she could keep this girl out, provided she kept to the right thoughts:

"Why do I think you're winging this?" Natasha asked playfully.

Again the brunette stared back at her, hard eyes faltering slightly:

"Right, another American expression..." the redhead explained apologetically:

"I think you are making this up as you go along, preying on my vulnerability. What if I don't believe in your tricks huh?" Natasha asked, pausing to conjure a thought before asking her next question:

"Like, what am I thinking right now??"

Focusing on the spy's mind, the brunette felt imagination reverberate through the redhead's consciousness. Eyes flickering red, her mouth feel open:


Naked and crouched on all fours, she felt the plastic cock pushed between her virgin cheeks, the hard spear stretching her crack wide open.

Feeling the massive dildo press against her puckered little hole, she could not speak, frozen in place; the image hazy but unmistakable.

Shuddering the brunette gasped, spittle flying from her lips as the enemy agent gripped her waist tightly. Plunging forward, the redhead swung her hips upward.

Soft flesh reverberated under the impact, her whole body shunted forward. Overwhelmed, the brunette howled, light and ecstasy pulsing all around her.


Wanda flinched, gasping in shock and scrabbling away from the redhead as she frantically escaped the spy's thoughts. Falling back against the brickwork, the brunette gaped, eyes wide as the fantasy faded from her mind, hands instinctively grasping her own behind.

Natasha chuckled darkly, watching the shocked young woman twitch:

"So you saw that huh? Like it??"

Leaning back, the Spy seemed at ease in her confinement, opening her thighs and cocking an eyebrow suggestively.

Meanwhile her façade of confidence shaken; Wanda twisted the many cheap rings that adorned her fingers. Taking a steadying breath, the girl responded weakly:

"You think- think you can shock me??"

Natasha frowned:

"You're good, but if I were trying to shock you I'd be thinking about this..."

The brunette felt the dark thoughts flood over her before she had time to shut them out, the horrors of Natasha Romanoff's past all bombarding her at once.

Stumbling forward, Wanda squeezed her eyes shut, rubbing her temples; She had to keep the agent's pain out. Reaching for the redhead, she slapped the woman across the face:

Natasha reeled sideways, her chains rattling. Shaking short, wavy red hair away from her brow, the ex-agent saw fear in her captive's eyes. Blinking, Natasha came to her senses; She could not let this devolve into a who's more screwed up contest; antagonising a clearly deranged witch might end badly for her. Deciding to be reasonable, Natasha responded:

"I'm sorry, that was... unnecessary. But I wanted you to understand; we are the same. I can get you out of here!"

The brunette took a deep breath, still flustered by the ex-assassin's projection:

"Perhaps we are more alike than I thought..." Wanda mumbled, looking away from her captive.

Natasha smiled: This vulnerability could be a critical turning point in their interaction. She could use this!

"I hear what you ah thinking Romanoff..." The brunette responded dryly, turning back, her conviction returning, "you are the only prisoner here Spy! And I have my own Ultimatum..."

Natasha scowled; it seemed that any clear, focused thoughts she formulated became accessible to the girl before her. By that logic the only way to keep her secrets concealed was not to think of them. To stay calm and distracted:

"I won't tell you anything. We both know you've been through a lot k**, but you're no soldier, you're not even a baby monster! Just a scared little girl."

Now it was the young woman's turn to smile:

"You know nothing of me. You think I have to hit you, to even talk to you, to play my mind games?"

Sauntering forward, Wanda moved close to her captive with renewed assurance. Natasha blinked, eyes widening as the girl threw a long, hose-covered leg over the chair; lowering herself into the Spy's lap. The redhead tensed as the psychic planted her body against her own, seemingly getting comfortable:

"Sorry nowhere else to sit." The brunette said matter-of-factly, flipping long, loose dark hair over her shoulder:

"Since you resist I must go deeper now."

Natasha watched suspiciously as the girl slid forward; thighs brushing tantalisingly against the agent's own.

Raising her hands, the brunette flexed her palms, black nails gyrating as they hovered just above Natasha's temples.

The redhead's mouth fell open as she began to feel movement in her own mind; this was different, the girl was really getting inside now:

Feeling this presence grow, Natasha attempted to resist, squeezing her eyes shut and shaking her head feebly before staring nervously back at the girl once more.

Red, glowing Iris' greeted the Agent's befuddled gaze, power emanating from the smaller girl's stare:

"What, what are you?..."

Natasha felt woozy, the room around them fading into endless black.


"Welcome to de inside of your head," the girl responded, smiling back at the bewildered redhead:

"Kind of empty in here, no?"

Natasha looked around them: It was dark but they were bathed in light, it's source seemingly nowhere; or maybe everywhere. Colours twinkled floating in space, close but just out of reach. The redhead sensed they hadn't moved, that they were still somehow in the cell, that she could even see it if she focused hard enough. Natasha frowned; Something told her there was much more to this than she could even comprehend:

"I don't know what kind of trick you're playing here, but if I weren't cuffed to this chair-"

"You aren't cuffed Romanoff," the girl said lightly, "not if you don't want to be."

Natasha pulled at her chains; but they had already gone.

"Woah..." Natasha gasped, not sure whether to be anxious or impressed.

The girl smiled, stepping backward before turning on a heel; studying the glowing haze all around them:

"This is the doorway into your mind, your inner sanctum."

"My head... So I can do what I like?" The redhead asked carefully, examining her free hands in the dream space.

The foreign girl twisted back around, eyebrow raised:


Before the brunette could finish she flinched backwards; Natasha had both sidearms raised, her trusty twin Walthers both aimed at the girl's head:

Pulling the triggers, the guns bucked in her hands, the flash of each shot pulsing around her mind's eye. Pulling the triggers over and over, Natasha waited until she heard them finally click, emptied.

The wide-eyed brunette stared back at her attacker; alarmed but totally unharmed. Recovering from this shock the Sokovian smiled weakly:

"Thinking about hurting me doesn't actually hurt me."

"Right, just checking." Natasha replied slowly, considering her next option:

"Except... there is that one thing..."

The brunette blinked.


Eyes squeezed tightly shut, dark mascara ran down her cheek, whimpering as the dildo was slowly tugged backward out of her.

Struggling to comprehend this bizarre feeling, the girl could only shudder as the tip rubbed her forbidden opening; eyelashes fluttering.

Then the redhead powered forward once more, and she gasping, winded as she was stuffed yet again; the huge dildo burrowing deep into her bowels.


Wanda shook her head, eyes wide and disbelieving:

"H-how are you?..."

"A doorway into my mind: Wanda Maximoff??" Natasha replied scornfully:

"Doors can be passed through in either direction: You screw with me, I screw you."

The girl gulped, realizing she had lost the advantage; the prisoner had learnt her name, what else could she uncover? The redhead eyed her smugly: Even trapped inside her own head, she could play the brunette like an open book.

Casting around, Wanda realized she could still only access the surface memories. Searching desperately, the girl used the only knowledge she had gathered from the Spy:

"You really only think of sex Romanoff!? You are Avenger, this iz your power?"

The brunette watched the redhead's smile twitch, she'd hit a nerve. Good. If she were to expose a weakness she would have to go deeper:

"You are seductress?" Wanda asked, circling the agent cautiously.

Natasha blinked.


Natalie was at Stark Industries, on her knees; the CEO was calling her false name even as the strawberry blonde's cream ran down her chin.

"Seems like she is boss though, no??" Wanda asked chillingly, eying the erotic scene as it unfolded before them.

The omnipresent light flickered yet again.


The Black Widow was on her back, naked, the younger agent slipping her tongue deep between her pussy's delicate folds. The blonde girl was determined, her technique sloppy but insistent; nose buried in her superior's snatch.

"Who's pulling your strings Romanoff?" Wanda asked condescendingly:

"Or are you just a puppet??"

Natasha shook her head angrily:

"I'm always in control!"

The Witch was getting to her, the light surrounding them flickering more erratically.


Natasha was in a dojo. Where was she, San Francisco?

"Now dis tells me who you really are," the brunette stated smugly.

"Wait..." Natasha started, studying their new surroundings more closely:

"Oh no..."


"Try to hit me," the redhead proclaimed simply.

She took a loose, playful combat stance, ready for an attack but by no means threatened by the woman that she challenged.

"Seriously?" The taller brunette asked, shaking her head; short brown bob dancing around her elfish face, grinning at her sparring partner:

"Your sure about this?"

Natalia nodded: Spoilt trust fund k**, daughter of a powerful CEO: S.H.I.E.L.D had to keep these mad scientists in check. Unfortunately, Hank Pym was too old for martial arts. Thankfully, Hope Van Dyne was a different story.

The young board member began to stretch, inadvertently advertising her toned, athletic, but undeniably feminine frame. Sweating from their already intense workout together, her body glistened; encased in the tight polyester of her workout clothes.

The redhead smirked; Hope was a lot more fun than her usual marks. Unpredictable too. But women with Daddy issues were always ultimately the same: so desperate to rebel. That meant no pads; the gloves were off. All Natalia had to do was give the brunette a push, the Russian lilt of her accent punctuating her taunt:

"Come on Lady Science, show me what you've got!"

Hope grimaced, Natalia was literally asking for it.

The brunette lead with a fist that the redhead dodged easily, then an elbow she had to block to avoid. Stepping backward Natalia goaded the aggressive administrator with a naughty grin. Catching Hope's high kick, she suddenly had a realization: her attacker was not as outmatched as she originally thought. Deciding to end this quickly, the agent put the other woman down.

Unable to break free, Hope could only gasp as her leg was yanked upward. Balance now way off centre, within a second she had gone from standing to on her back.
The annoying trainer leant over the brunette's winded body; smirking.

"Well that was easy."

Hope growled, taking the bait:

Springing off the mat, the brunette flung her hips toward the redhead. Wrapping her legs around the other woman's head the brunette twisted sideways; bringing her opponent crashing down onto the floor with a dull thump.

Natalia didn't flinch; a padded surface beat concrete any day. Not letting up, Hope attempted to drag the redhead backward, tough hands tugging at her tight grey leggings. Waiting until she was directly under the brunette, Natalia rolled them both, planting herself on top of her surprised partner. Tightening her abdomen, she pressed against Hope, before gripping her wrists and pinning them against the mat.

"Ready to give up yet?" Natalia asked smugly.

"Never!" Hope spat, struggling in the other woman's grasp.

Natalia held firm, twisting against her captive to alleviate the brunt of her force. Time to have a little fun:

"Well since your not giving up and I can't pin you any further, I guess we're stuck together," Natalia joked, eying the other woman playfully, "maybe I should get comfortable..."

Leaning into their embrace, the redhead pressed her full breasts against her less well-endowed partner's. Just as quickly, Natasha squeezed her thigh up between the young board member's taught legs.

Hope gasped, lashes fluttering, as an insistent knee pressed against her vulnerable core. Watching her partner in astonishment, she felt the redhead begin to gyrate slowly, driving her leg into the brunette's still covered pussy. In-spite of her indignation, Hope couldn't deny the friction was delicious:

"Ooooh... that's... Talia, you promised you'd be professional this time."

Natasha wanted to roll her eyes but remembered to stay in character; she was supposed to be Natalia Sokonova, horny Russian gymnast, not a manipulative S.H.I.E.L.D agent. Natalia... hardly her most creative alias:

"I just thought, even powerful business women need to let off some steam every now and again..."

Natalia thrusted her knee into the brunette's core, watching as the woman tensed, eyes wide. The agent was taking an aggressive gamble, launching herself at the woman like this.

The brunette's eyes turned angry, even as her lower lip trembled:

"What are you doing!? I'm not paying you to, to!.. If I wanted I could- mmmphh!!"

Natalia cut Hope of with a surprising kiss.

The young board member was immediately muffled as the impertinent redhead captured her face, holding her in a smoldering embrace.

Hope's mouth opened in shock and she fell backwards onto the mat. Attempting to complain, her lips u*********sly parted and her opponent's tongue took advantage, slipping inside. Hope balked, tasting the Russian even as her soft lips smeared against her own.

The brunette squirmed as the kiss deepened, Natalia leaning in to press their hot, sweat covered torso's together; her trainer's fuller body gliding against her slimmer frame, her red hair drifting past Hope's nose.

Turning her head away, Hope gasped, her face flush:

"Y-you think you can just-MMmmmgh!"

Natalia didn't let up, diving into to kiss the unconvinced woman once more. Sometimes her targets needed... convincing.

The brunette's eyes narrowed: Talia wanted a fight? Then she would get one.

For the insistent agent the kiss suddenly became interesting; Hope pulling her in and deepening an already intense make out. She had had a feeling the brunette would like it rough, her aggressive tendencies and interest in martial arts a pretty good give away. Still, Natalia was alarmed to find the other woman taking a hold, even mid-kiss!

Loosening her grip on the brunette's short bob, the redhead tilted her face further to the left, letting her tongue glide instead of thrust: finally allowing the board member some much needed air. That was when Natalia realized the tide was changing, that she was somehow losing this encounter!

That was when Hope struck; sucking Natalia's lower lip, the brunette went from nipping to biting her opponent's succulent flesh.

Natalia hissed as Hope's teeth tugged at her plump lower lip, her grip momentarily loosening.

Grabbing the redhead's wrist, Hope used all her strength to thrust upward into her trainer. Using momentum and surprise, the brunette dragged Natalia sideways, pressing her face first into the mat and twisting her right arm up into the woman's back.

Momentarily flailing, Natalia felt the brunette mount her from behind, twisting her body into the matt: she was trapped. In-spite of herself, the agent was impressed.

"Oww..." Natalia said sheepishly, her speech muffled by the padding pressed against her cheek.

"Your such a bad girl Talia!" Hope panted victoriously, "You, you thought what? I'd just let you take me?!"

The brunette laughed derisively, before using her free arm to check her watch.

"Hmmm, I still have time, at least enough to teach you some manners..."

Natalia frowned; she knew the brunette was a control freak, that testing her resolve would get a response. Yet in-spite of herself, the redhead felt nervous.

"Ohh, this is nice." Hope said calmly, running an appreciative hand up the back of Natasha's leg to squeeze the swell of the agent's posterior. Palming her personal trainer's behind, she tested tense flesh.

Natalia bit her lip; at least Hope had taken the bait.

In that moment the board member thought of backing down; she had won, this wasn't even necessary, or even appropriate! But the brunette couldn't forget the redhead's conduct, her nerve. It was the principle! And for all her agitation, she had enjoyed the girl's advances, even if they weren't on her terms.

"Well since you were so keen, allow me to respond in kind..." the brunette stated coldly. Using a knee to keep pressure on the small of the redhead's back, the young board member gripped the hem of Natalia's grey athletic tights. The brunette paused, shaking her bob as she focused, short dark hair swishing from side to side.

Tugging and stretching the tight fabric down around the girl's hip, she was pleased to see Natalia had worn no knickers under her compression clothes. Intentionally dragging a knuckle against her trainer's sex as she probed, Hope elicited a sharp intake of breath from the redhead and smiled dangerously; she still wanted this.

Wriggling, Natalia felt the hand move around her waist as the tight fabric slipped over her ass and down her pale thighs in one swift motion. The taught material tangled around her knees, further binding the helpless agent.

Hope's breath caught in her throat; there it was, Talia's shapely ass, tantalizingly raised and ready for punishment. It was now or never...


Natasha heard the slap before she felt the pain in her right buttock, a stinging sensation she was not expecting. This quickly turned to uncomfortable warmth, the soreness focused around the area of impact.

The redhead blinked; she knew the brunette like it rough, but had never considered this outcome when she started their foreplay. This was, humiliating.

Attempting to break free, Natalia struggled against the mat. But before she could get away Hope rested her weight on the agent's back, pressing her down.

"Talia stay still!" Hope commanded firmly. The agent relented, biting her lip once more. She was a superior fighter, a seasoned spy. But that was not her role here. Her seduction had failed and this was her only back up strategy.

Surreptitiously lifting her free hand to her sore cheek, Natalia attempted to rub her pale flesh. Before she could however, Hope slapped her fingers away, refusing the agent any relief. And so Natalia shrugged the blow off, remembering she was an ex-soviet assassin, a veteran S.H.I.E.L.D agent; she could handle this.

"That the best you can do?" Natalia asked weakly, brushing wavy red hair from her eyes.

Hope scowled, raising her hand once more.

The second swat fell harder against Natalia's cheeks, landing with a shallow thwack. Before she had a chance to react however, the same palm came down again.

Pain reverberated through the agent's ass, spreading like wildfire. The redhead winced, squeezing her eyes shut.

Two more blows, as hard as the first, landed in quick succession. This time Natalia did gasp; pain flaring across her backside, lower lip wobbling.

She wanted to resist, to throw the brunette off. But something held her back. Feeling trapped, Natasha held her breath, waiting for the next blow.

Hope rested her hand on Natalia's behind, gently massaging the reddened flesh even as she applied pressure over the tender area.

"Has the bad girl learnt her lesson?" Hope said breathily, still tired from all this exertion:

"Enjoying being spanked by your superior?"

Natalia shuddered minutely as the hand that caressed her behind pinched a sore cheek. Embarrassed, she attempted to hide beneath the red curls that slipped down over her face.

At that moment Natasha hated herself, her job, all which lead her here. When she came to S.H.I.E.L.D she thought she would be making a difference, cleaning up her ledger. Instead Maria had her servicing wealthy Daddy's pets, using her body and soul to manipulate and deceive. The redhead blinked back tears; she deserved this.

The next smack came as a surprise, Natalia having become accustomed to Hope's condescending caress. Caught out the redhead yelped:

"AHHH-Okay!" Natalia croaked: "If you let me go I'll do whatever you want, alright?!"

"Really?" Hope responded deviously.

Reaching between the redhead's thighs, the young board member cupped her trainer's hot wet pussy:

"Cos you seem to be getting all the benefits..."

Natalia swallowed nervously; surely this couldn't get any worse? The glowing heat emanating from her cheeks now also resided in her core, leaving the agent worked up and flustered. Hope was clearly keen to see this through, in-spite of her prey's reluctance.

Natalia knew the protocol; give the mark what they want and they'll be inclined to do likewise. So the redhead tensed her long legs, bracing herself whilst trying to maintain a modicum of self-respect.


This time there was no warning, no holding back as Hope released her pent up frustration. Natalia stifled a cry, biting a knuckle as the accumulated pain became beyond uncomfortable, her eyes watering. The slaps the Russian felt were sharper, merciless, while that heat spread further, a primal part of both woman's psyche's unleashed.

Soon the blows started to fall like rain, one after another after another. Each time the shock reverberated through the redhead's body, arched back aching, ass cheeks on fire.

"You let her win?" Wanda asked in astonishment, watching the sordid event unfold:

"Dat is your role in de Avenger's?"

Natasha watched herself being spanked as if in a haze, the out of body experience making her feel woozy.

"It was the right play, she invited me in to PYM Tech that night..."

"And there she had you again and again" the brunette replied smugly.

"Ahhh... AHHH... AHHHHH!!" the past Natasha screeched, wide eyes tearing up. Finally the redhead could take no more:

"Ohhh!! Hhhhope!!"


"You like it don't you?" Wanda asked surreptitiously as the memory faded, "the submission..."

"Of course not." Natasha replied bitterly. The redhead did a double take, snapping out of her lust filled haze with a start as she suddenly realizing how far she had gone, having lost her grip on reality:

"I do whatever it takes. That's it."

"No..." Wanda responded ponderously, circling the wary ex-agent:

"S.H.I.E.L.D takes ordinary people and forms them into assets: The Hulk smashes, the Iron man flies... and you let them all dominate you."

Blinking hard, Natasha tried to detach herself. It was difficult; this was her head after all. Her memories, her own actions; all used against her.

"Enough." Natasha said flatly, "stop this now."

"Why?" Wanda asked, her Sokovian tone almost teasing:

"Is the Black Widow uncomfortable when she is truly naked??"

"I said enough!" Natasha bit back her temper, but the anger was boiling over. She was being probed, manipulated, the brunette using her the one thing she knew of her; sex, to delve deeper into her mind. Natasha knew she had to resist, but for once, all her combative skill meant nothing. Still, it helped with the frustration:

Reaching for her sidearm the redhead froze once again; her guns were gone; her stealth suit too: Natasha was literally naked.

The foreign girl smirked; smoky eyes drinking the agent in, gaze travelling down the redhead's midriff as she moved cautiously closer to the beautiful Spy.

Wanda tried to stay calm; or the Agent would know she was well out of her element. Nevertheless staring at the woman's body came so easily, her perfect form almost glowing in the throbbing light that surrounded them both:

Romanoff was curvaceous, her magnificent breasts rising and falling as the surprised redhead realised how out of her control this situation truly was. While her stance suggested agitation, the agent did nothing to cover her modesty; clearly used to being ogled in this manner. Wanda tried to blink, eyes wide: perhaps disrobing the redhead had backfired:

"In the end, this body is all you have..." Wanda whispered, still engrossed by Natasha's curves, eyes anywhere but the redhead's own. Hands u*********sly rising, her palms hovered over the ex-agent's magnificent bust, flexing as if magnetized to the older woman's flesh.

Natasha saw that lustful gaze: for all her supposed omnipotence, her interrogator was still just a k**. She could use that:

"And you're so different?"

Wanda gasped: her own clothing disappearing. Recoiling, the brunette attempted to cover herself, now only clad in skimpy underwear.

"Huh, guess you've got more to hide than me?" Natasha said slowly, reaching forward and twanging the girl's lavender bra strap.

The brunette balked, her rags replaced with revealing lingerie. She felt violated, the redhead able to see so much of her skin, new brassiere and heels emphasising curves she had meant to hide. Even her hair had changed, her dark, lank locks now wavy and quaffed.

Looking up from her transformed clothing, Wanda spoke through gritted teeth:

"You put me in dis, dis ridiculous outfit?"

"I have an active imagination... besides you look, cute," The redhead purred in response. Natasha, to her shame, was enjoying the girl's new attire. Perhaps it was wrong to sexualize a peasant, almost 10 years younger than herself. But she had to admit, the waifish brunette was appealingly pert.

"You want me?" The girl asked disgustedly.

"I want you out of my head, I want out of this cell. So yes, I want you..." Natasha replied, her tone becoming darkening:

"But if we're talking about my screwed up head, versus your screwed up head..."

Natasha sauntered forward, till the women were practically nose-to-nose:

"...yours is going to lose."

Wanda snapped, grabbing the irritating spy by the scalp, long finger's tangling in wavy red locks; frustrated by her tenacious prey:

"What eez wrong with you?! Silence you mewling- mmpphh! Unnghh!"

Natasha rolled her eyes, slipping free of the brunette's grip with ease and diving forward; cutting the young girl of as she captured her soft lips in a bruising kissing.

"Unngh!" was all Wanda could get out as her mouth was invaded by another woman's tongue for the first time; slipping easily to the back of her throat. The Witch wanted to resist but at the same time realized this was a fantasy, a trick of two minds combined. Nothing more. She could use this, assert dominance and find a way to crack the devious redhead. So instead Wanda pushed back against the invading tongue; hoping to gain some control.

Natasha leant into their embrace, tipping back the brunette's head as she deepened their kiss. Lips smearing together, the ex-agent was impressed by the girl's insistence, if not by her sloppy technique. The Sokovian was inexperienced and aggressive.

Yet both women were shocked by the pleasure they derived from the kiss, which despite being hard, was also soft and inviting. Wanda tangled her tongue with Natasha's desperately, leaping at any chance to assert dominance; one she could not afford to miss. But unlike the spy she was overwhelmed, becoming lost in sensation, oblivious to the strobing light and deep purple mist that swirled around them. Hands at first falling loose at her sides, they soon drifted to the redhead's waist, beginning to wander. Pushing her own tongue into Natasha's mouth, she licked lips and teeth alike with increasing earnest.

This left Wanda vulnerable, distracted and barely registering what the redhead was doing with the rest of her body. Natasha used the purchase her hand's had on girl's butt too grind her clad pussy up and down on an own outstretched thigh. Over and over the naïve Sorkovian rode a confident limb, her steely guard failing.

Increasing the pressure gradually, Natasha lifted her free hand to the brunette's breast, gripping a cup firmly. Massaging the pert globe, the ex-agent slipped her hand arounf the girl's back; flicking open the clasp as she went.

Almost unaware of her actions, the brunette allowed the bra to fall from her chest; the Spy's fingers reaching for an increasingly hard nipple.

Wanda gasped, open-mouthed, as the redhead tweaked her straining flesh, squeezing her eyes shut as the more experienced lover plucked at a vulnerable peak. Suppressing a squeal, she held her ground admirably, even as she was attacked on multiple fronts: Soon however, the light around them turned red hot.

For what felt like an eternity the women tangled together, bodies and minds as one. Wanda waivered back and forth, enraptured moans escaping helpless lips. Both frantically worked against each other, each trying to assert control. Natasha knew it was only a matter of time till she broke the young brunette. Hormones control the body, the rational mind. She could still reach her ultimatum.

Eventually Wanda found herself attempting to push Natasha away, even while furiously aroused:

"You k-know, none of this is real, that, that you are still a puppet, doing.. doing dare- their bidding. Her bidding..."

Quickly recovering her breath, Natasha licked her lips determinedly:

Launching herself forward, the two women fell, entangled, onto a luxurious red bed. Surprised, the brunette barely comprehended the change in their surroundings before the redhead was on her; straddling the nervous witch. When she replied her tone was victorious:

"Mmmm... Feels real enough to me..."

Butterfly kissing down the nape of the girl's neck, Natasha made short work of the quivering Sorkovian, licking and kissing her collarbone before descending onto her chest.

Conflicted, Wanda flexed her lithe frame against the glorious royal bed; she'd never slept in a place so soft, been wrapped in sheets so fine. The witch cursed herself; this was a fantasy, a mirage she'd helped create, a method to ensnare the enemy Avenger. Her fingers curled into the silk sheets, and the brunette sighed desperately. She could play along with this little fantasy... couldn't she?

Natasha's hand slipped tantalisingly down the girl's exposed stomach, trailing over skimpy lavender underwear: close to her needy core. Tugging the frilly fabric down, the redhead observed a neat patch of hair before descending into obvious wetness. The Sokovian gulped; eyelids fluttering open as long digits spread her vulnerable flower, straining against the other woman as her body was easily manipulated.

"So tell me, assuming I can convince you I'm worth saving, how would we get out of here?"
"W-what?" the witch murmured; attempting to gather her wits even as the redhead slipped a long finger into her pussy.

"I know we're in my head, that's a given. I'm talking out of this cell..."

"Uunggh!" the brunette gasped in frustration, brow knitting as the Spy stimulated her pleasure centres cruelly. Brushing her thighs together, Wanda attempted to relieve her ecstasy to no avail, the redhead easily stirring the girl towards orgasm with a flick to her clit. Then tickling her pussy lips with practiced effectiveness, Natasha played with her prey, forcing the witch to shudder and twist in her grip.

"Y-you are... devious Romanoff," Wanda moaned in reply, eyes rolling as the redhead brushed her G-spot once more.

The Sokovian bit her lip, struggling to come up with an answer as the redhead sent sparks of pleasure up through her belly, a second digit slipping between her delicate folds. She elected to respond simply:

" Ahh ugh! Never! I will Never help you!"

Natasha leant over the shaking brunette, slipping a hand beneath the girl's head.

Reaching down, Natasha firmly separated the girl's legs. Licking her own fingers she ran them up and down the blonde's pussy; forcing a hiss from the shuddering girl:

"We'll see," Natasha said, gazing down into desperate green eyes.

Drifting up the girl's body, Natasha crawled forward until she was straddling the girl's chest, the redhead looking down at a nervous face.

Wary of movement, Wanda discovered she had been effectively pinned against the pillows by tensed thighs, how close she now was to the redhead's core:

"You, you are not serious?!" the brunette spat, her hands shooting up to the ex-agent's legs, attempting to hold the woman back.

"I just thought, since this is my fantasy..." Natasha purred, enjoying the sense of control she had gained from the girl. The brunette wriggled between her legs, dark rimmed eyes wide and nervous.

The Spy grinned, reaching down to grasp her captive's hands, still tightly gripping her parted thighs, before combing her fingers through that dark luxurious hair, mocking the other girl:

"Just go with it..."

"I am in control here!" The witch shrieked unconvincingly, struggling even as the woman's pussy down to meet her:

In-spite of her anger, Wanda was captivated by the sight of Natasha's womanhood. She had never looked at one before. It was pretty... like a flower.

However, the brunette had her lips tightly shut as they were pressed into the redhead's core, the girl fearing what would happen to her if she had a taste of the sweet smelling nectar within.

"I will have them torture you for this! I will make your nightmares real, I'll -mmmggh Unnngh!"

Natasha, realizing their conversation was going nowhere fast, responded by applying more of her own body weight, settling down onto the witch's pretty face and stifling the raging witch:

"Figured that would shut you up," the redhead said triumphantly; as she rode the brunette's face

Wanda whimpered in frustration, now struggling to breathe. Closing her eyes she opened her mouth and attempted to yell, her voice lost in the redhead's womanhood, her tongue accidentally licking pussy for the very first time; the soft pink implement swiping over wet folds.

The taste took the Sokovian by surprise; how could this creature taste so... good? 
Cautiously she stuck out her tongue again, licking the redhead once more. Warm syrupy sweetness dribbled down over her extended tongue.

Trying to stay calm, the brunette considered her options, attempting to rationalise her submission: It wasn't real; she constructed this place in the woman's subconscious, bound by her sense of reality! Nothing that happened here counted. So, beginning to surreptitiously lap at the Spy's core, Wanda played along, unaware of increasing appetite. Soon she was lost in the woman's delicious peach; now pulsing against her mouth.

Natasha ran a hand through her own wavy red hair, feeling a rush of ecstasy as her body got some much needed relief; It felt good to have someone between her legs again, much better than being tied to a chair.

Looking down, she could see the witch's dark tendrils of hair spilling out over the pillow. Natasha stroked it back condescendingly, hoping to give the Sokovian more encouragement while she ate her out.

The girl's tongue made clumsy and inexperienced progress, attempting to unlock the woman she had been sent to break down.

"That's it girl, now who's boss?" Natasha asked shakily, gasping for air, " Ohh yessss... Good girrrl!" 

The redhead rolled against plump lips, her own eyes rolling as the brunette responded in earnest.

"AHHHH!!" Natasha screamed as, without warning, the brunette begun swirling and pistoning her tongue; possessed by the task itself. The brunette had talent, a delicacy and dexterity that must come with the power that seemed to seep from this girl. Natasha closed her eyes, trying to think; she was only in control as long as she could keep her consumed. With every second that became harder.

Struggling to retain her composure Natasha let out a guttural groan, her taught torso beginning to twist and flex in correspondence with the brunette's stellar efforts.

Breathing hard, the ex-agent looked down once more. The brunette seemed shocked at her own conduct, disgusted and proud of herself all at the same time; even attempting to arch her back to gain greater access. Unfortunately for Wanda, this only meant more of her puffing mouth was engulfed in pussy. The witch shook her head, screaming into the Spy's nethers as the petulant redhead rode her face.

Gripping the brunette's hair, Natasha pulled her nose deep into her folds, beginning to grind against the girl greedily.

Wanda shuddered, struggling to breath and bucking under the larger woman's full weight. Losing herself, the redhead jerked against her face faster, thighs tightening around her head as powerful warmth spreading through her loins. Throwing her head back, Natasha fully indulged her urges as she fucked the Scarlet Witch.

Wanda gasped, closing her mouth as warm, wet juice spread over her lips, cheeks, nose and eyebrows. Aware that this allowed the Spy to move even faster, the wet squish simply lubricating her face, all the girl could do was shudder like a rag doll, whimpering as her skin was covered with warm sticky cream. The Sokovian grimaced, the humiliation making her growl uncontrollably.

Close to a major climax, Natasha's body tensed up uncontrollably. Leaning back on her haunches and pressing against Wanda's face, the redhead swept back her wavy hair, staring up at the infinite, pulsing blackness above them.

"MMMNGGHH!!" Wanda cried uselessly; suffocated by the horny Spy, twisting her lithe body uselessly in place and gripping the ample butt above her chin, digging black nails into porcelain skin.

Clinging onto the writhing girl below her; Natasha rode the witch like a bucking stead between her legs. Soon however, the stimulation was simply too much.

"awwWWW!! MMmmmm, UNNGH!!" Natasha yelled, her body giving way:

"How dare- Unnnnghhh! Wanda attempted to snarl, before the woman's orgasm burst onto her face, closing her mouth just in time to avoid swallowing any of her Spy's hot cum.

"Yesss..." Natasha moaned as she doused the brunette in cream, dripping all over her pretty face, mingling with hair and stinging green eyes. For several minutes the redhead just sat, her body taught, waiting for the humiliated the brunette to go limp.

Needing to breathe, Wanda opened her mouth gingerly; inadvertently allowing the cream to run down to the back of her throat. Caught off guard, the brunette choked and reflexively; hot liquid gurgling down her throat. The brunette clapped her mouth shut, going into wide-eyed shock as she realized what she had done.

Stumbling backward onto the tangled bedspread, Natasha took a moment to catch her breath. Rolling over, the redhead stretched like a satisfied cat. Eying the mortified brunette, Natasha smirked, almost feeling sorry for the sticky girl. She'd done well for a first timer. Then again, did it count under these circumstances?

Knowing she must look a complete state, Wanda gingerly wiped the cream from her eyelids. She felt dirty. Her hair was now greasier than ever; knotted with sweat and pussy juice. Her eyes, normally calm and striking, were wide and shocked, her mascara smeared down her across her temples. And she was horny; oh desperately, hungrily horny.

That fact was not comforting; Wanda not sure she could even live with the shame of letting a sworn enemy orgasm into her mouth.

The brunette did not need to be a mind reader to tell that the spy was taking great pleasure in her latest humiliation. That she was now in a line up of countless other women the redhead had fucked made the Witch feel like a whore.

In that moment, that horribly undignified moment, Wanda realised that's exactly what she had become. In her desire for control she had become blind to the fact she was prostituting herself. Literally exchanging sex, every fibre of her being for the chance to know this woman's mind. And that was when she discovered, suddenly, that she did.

Natasha crept closer to the stunned girl, feeling in control:

"Now, what were we talking about before I cut you off?"

"Wanda shook her head like a petulant c***d, still staring upward:

"I will not tell you how to get away..."

"Not even If I'm really, really nice?" the redhead asked playfully, resting a hand on the girl's thigh.

"I am not one of your tramps!" the brunette replied bitterly, turning to meet the Spy's eyes:

"Kiss. My. Ass!"

Wanda turned away; she didn't want to look at the woman anymore. Unperturbed, the Spy maneuvered behind her, the brunette grunting; raised grudgingly into a position on her front, forgotten panties tangling between outstretched thighs.

The Sokovian barely blinked; she didn't think anything could embarrass her anymore. That was when Wanda felt hot breath on her vulnerable behind.

Natasha let her hand rest on one of the girl's pert cheek to relay her intentions. When the brunette didn't respond, she slowly pulled the witch's succulent globes apart.

The redhead knew she was exposing herself here, acting almost subservient. This was the bluff, signaling to girl that she was willing to be vulnerable, that they were the same even as she gained more control. She had to mislead the Witch; make her pliable and willing. Build her up again before she broke Wanda completely. After what Natasha had planned, the brunette would be willing to do anything. All she had to do was suffer a little indignity:

Natasha pursed her full lips, staring at the girl's quivering pucker as it expanded and contracted before her.

Feeling bold, Natasha licked along the length of the girl's crack, feeling the hollow of the Witch's anus as her tongue rolled over it. Not slipping inside, she leant forward and placed a gentle kiss on the delicate flesh. Going further, she licked slowly all around the rim of the brunette's asshole.

Wanda's eyes widened. Surely the Avenger couldn't be this depraved? The first flick of Romanoff's expert tongue let the brunette know, the girl releasing a guttural groan. Twisting her head, the Sokovian could just make out red hair above the twin mounds of her behind. Unable to speak through this bizarre new sensation, the inexperienced brunette simply whimpered.

Natasha held her breath, tasting the little witch cautiously. To her relief, the brunette was fresh, unbelievably so; tasting tart and earthy. The girl's hot sphincter was deliciously tight, her warm insides hugging the redhead's tongue with each penetration. Snaking the muscle in an out of the witch caused the young girl to twitch and moan with each escape. Natasha let her resting hand squeeze a pale cheek while continuing to surreptitiously pleasure the Sokovian. Enjoying the delicious jiggle of the girl's flesh for a moment, the redhead focused on the task at hand.

Keeping her cheeks spread with her palms, Natasha placed her thumbs on either side of the girl's asshole and opened it gently, just enough to expose the tender, pink interior. Becoming more invasive she licked firmly, then pushing the tip of her tongue into the entrance, Natasha slipped into the brunette's butthole.

Using her tongue to penetrate Wanda, the ex-agent tried not to think to hard about what she was doing, maintaining the same pace while switching up her style; determined to extract an orgasm from the astonished brunette.

Purple light twinkling in the Sokovian's eyes, the girl shuddered as the wet instrument twirled in her forbidden passage. Starting as a wet tickle, the brunette could only snort and shake as the tongue found nerves she didn't even know she had, her whole body tightening with each pulse from the Spy's mouth.

Wanda held on, eyes watering as the redhead's lips sealed around her pucker, Natasha's hot breath rushing into her exposed colon.

These new sensations, combined with Natasha's vigorous efforts, lead to an almost unexpected orgasm. Gasping, Wanda fell forward, burying her face in the nearest pillow as her body was suddenly claimed. Shuddering in place, the girl quivered as the redhead licked her behind, amazed by this turn of events. But the depraved Spy didn't let up:

"Grom te Spalio!" Wanda screamed in Sokovian, lurching forward once more as her body vibrated with each wave of pleasure that exploded from her nethers. Lost in bliss, the brunette practically went fetal, long dark hair spilling over her blushing face.

Natasha knew the girl was ready; her body open and exposed before her. Now if this truly was her mind, and the girl was distracted, then she should have exactly what she wanted. When the redhead looked down she immediately got just that.


Tied tightly around her hips had appeared a dildo larger than any she had used before. Natasha didn't question how it had gotten there, the redhead smiling; this was her u*********s mind, anything could happen here.

Testing the erect cock, Natasha ensured the little witch was still doubled over, oblivious to her new appendage; this would be the final stage of her submission. Just as Agent Hill had once re-made her, the ex-agent would take her anal virginity, her last sanctum of dignity. After that her cause wouldn't matter; Maximoff would be hers to use.

Peeling apart fuller butt cheeks, the redhead then pushed the girl's legs open with her knees, before lining up her hips. Feeling the body sway, she held the brunette still, before pressing forward.

Natasha savoured the moment of taking anal virginity; the head of her strap on slowly stretching the woman's butthole wide until it slid inside, popping her cherry.

The second she took her ass the brunette cried out in pain, gripping the bed sheets and tensing up so tight Natasha was surprised the dildo didn't shatter. More aroused than ever, the redhead slipped another inch inside.

Repeating this short routine, the ex-agent slowly delved into the brunette's rectum, until Natasha was about halfway in.

Beginning to flex her muscles, Natasha skillfully dove in and out of the Sokovian's tight orifice. Not waiting until the pain died down, Natasha smiled when the brunette's growls of discomfort quickly dissolved into grunts of strained pleasure: the woman unknowingly defeated.

Unfortunately for the brunette, this was incredibly arousing for Natasha, and instead of backing off as she should have the ex-agent took deeper strokes into her tight rosebud; allowing the sheer girth of her tool to do all the work.

Natasha was happy to give the ass a hard pounding, but was surprised by how quiet and compliant the Witch had become, a far cry from the fiery brunette she had first encountered. But for this to be over, the Sokovian had to acknowledge this. Permission was essential in control; otherwise later the girl wouldn't do as she was told.

When she finally gave in however, it was nothing like Natasha expected.

The Witch didn't say anything as she was slowly pounded, still bent over, the only sign of life her raised her ass; pushing back against the redhead's thrusts.

For the ex-agent it was a sign; this woman wanted her ass fucked, she wanted to test her moral, physical and emotional limits.

"You like it don't you?" Natasha asked, sweat running down her brow as she continued her anal exertion, pistoning her hips in and out of her charge at a steady pace.

There was no response.

"You want more?!" the redhead asked condescendingly.

Still no response.

"Well if you want more, you're going to have to ask for it!" Natasha said patiently.

Natasha was surprised the girl was still holding out; it would be impressive if it weren't so frustrating. Pushing half her dildo in and out of the Witch's ass, she pulled fully back until the head almost came out and then shoved back in, never adding more inches or increasing the pace, slowly sodomising the stubborn Sokovian.


It was muffled because her face was buried in the sheets, but the girl sounded somehow different, less foreign, more commanding.


Again it was muffled because her face was still buried in the sheets, but the voice felt... different.

"Sorry, what?" Natasha said more uncertainly, leaning over her charge.

There was a moment's pause and then the brunette lifted her head, twisting to face the redhead.

Maria Hill glared back at her:

"MORREEE!" the brunette screamed, eyes red and glowing.

Natasha blanched scrambling backward and falling into Wanda's waiting arms.

Holding the redhead close to her breast, the brunette leant over the frightened Spy's shoulder, whispering into her ear:

"I can play mind games too."

Natasha struggled in the girl's grip, feeling feint; what just happened!? Twisting to face the Sokovian, she eyed the girl fearfully:

"I can't control dreams..." the Witch said simply, "but nightmares..."

Natasha's head was swimming, the light around them wavy, distorted.

Falling forward, the redhead met the bed where her former boss had been, feeling nauseous and disorientated. The girl had tricked her, exposed her!

"All that strength, that confidence. Its an act!" Wanda said smugly:


She broke you didn't she?"

Natasha whimpered, foreign hands gripping her meaty cheeks, sharp nails digging into her flesh. Tugging her hips backward with impressive force, the redhead could only gasp as her asshole was impaled on the dildo without warning; the witch making no attempt to be gentle.

The ex-agent tore at the sheets, eyes bulging as the brunette sank several inches of the dildo into her back door. Even by Maria standards, this was rough; no preparation, just determination as her body was forced to swallow several inches of hard plastic cock.

Natasha kept breathing, ragged uneven gulps of air, remembering her strategy for this kind of assault. Still it had been a while and the girl's technique left little time for adjustment; stuffing the redhead like a Christmas goose.

Wanda didn't hesitate; not any more. Not when she was beating this agent. All this time she had been waiting. Waiting for the famous manipulator to reveal her strategy. Then it had been simple to turn it on her. Somehow the redhead hadn't seen it coming; apparently the little girl act working on even the most hardened female assassin's. Now however, was not a time for doubt, the brunette could show no mercy. Wanda had to keep pressing, only stopping when her hips banged against the Spy's dildo stuffed cheeks; 12 inches now all the way inside her full ass.

Natasha didn't realise the full magnitude of the moment until the girl's thighs slapped against her behind, sending shockwaves through her core: she was being butt fucked by a 23 year old girl!
In that moment the former S.H.I.E.L.D agent lost any semblance of assurance, the walls in her mind crumbling away. The Sokovian was right. All her training, all of her intentions meant nothing. And her body and mind were now forfeit.

Wanda took a few moments to let the realisation sink in, all the while stretching the deepest part of the Spy' bowels. The Witch's expanded ego made her want to bask in the glory of the sight before her; the Black Widow on her hands and knees; 12 inches of cock buried in her vulnerable ass. She had done it! And now Wanda was on the path to what she had been aiming for since her family was torn apart years ago. Now she could begin her revenge on the Avengers.

As much as Wanda enjoyed her first moment of being deep in Natasha's behind, she was unashamedly too horny to wait around and it wasn't long before she gripped the redhead's waist and slowly removed the phallus from her rear.

Natasha let out a relieved moan, having held her breath for what fell like forever; taking her treatment like a good soldier, attempting to stay relaxed as the brunette slowly pulled out her dildo, the head now only stretching her anal ring. Then the Witch slowly pushed all the way back in; until every inch was back up the Spy's butt.

Wanda was entranced by the sight of Natasha's asshole stretching around her cock, the long, thick dildo strapped around her waist sliding in and out of the redhead's backdoor, the Spy moaning at almost every movement of her strap on as it moved through the redhead's ass.

Wanda knew everything now, the redhead's sordid sexual history becoming clearer to the girl with every passing second as she unlocked the Spy's brain. Agent Romanoff could take a pounding like no other woman she had ever met, all for an agency that no longer even existed, for a woman that didn't care: Tonight would be no exception.

Twisting and rolling her hips, the brunette frowned, determinedly accessing every crevice of the Spy's rectum to ensure she was nice and pliable.

Natasha groaned and shuddered, eyelids flickering with every move. Hanging on as long as she could, the redhead clung onto her misplaced idea of modesty before inevitably giving in:

"Pleassseee..." the ex-agent rasped.

"What's that Spy?" the Witch replied coldly, "Please, more??"

Wanda was struggling to stay focused on the illusion, just stretching the redhead with wide rotations of her hips instead of fulfilling her ultimatum and pumping the strength from her charge.

Natasha gritted her teeth, her resolve spiraling with every

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Black Widow part2

The rest of the day was just a blur, I was trying to get my head round what had just taken place. Whilst I was incredibly turned on by the whole experience, I didn’t know if I wanted more or I wanted to get my own back. Not only had she spanked me over my own desk and finger fucked my arse whilst wanking me off, she had not shown any emotion, it just felt like she had used me for her own pleasure. Thankfully we finished off the days figures for the day and Miss Cooper departed, saying that we...

3 years ago
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Black Widow part2

The rest of the day was just a blur, I was trying to get my head round what had just taken place. Whilst I was incredibly turned on by the whole experience, I didn't know if I wanted more or I wanted to get my own back. Not only had she spanked me over my own desk and finger fucked my arse whilst wanking me off, she had not shown any emotion, it just felt like she had used me for her own pleasure. Thankfully we finished off the days figures for the day and Miss Cooper departed, saying that we...

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The Winsome Widow Part 2

Chapter 5 - Riley The months that followed were a misery for me; I loved Evan, and I was sure he loved me, but I couldn’t reconcile that against the secrecy of his God-damned club. There was something going on at that terrace in Potts Point, something sexual, I was sure, and I felt that Evan had in some way been cheating on me, all the while giving me the best sex I would ever experience. I felt jilted and wronged and completely justified in my actions; but I also felt petty and small and...

3 years ago
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Jab Meri Widow Bahen Sasur

Dosto me aaj apko ek reall story batane ja raha hu. mera name mehul hay or me ek badi city me rahta hu, mere sab relative gaav me hi rahte hay, me akela city me rahta hu, gaam me mera ek chhota bhai or mumy or ek widow sister hay, papa nahi hay, me saal ke 2 baar gaav jata hu, abhi just me gav gya tha to vaha 15 din ruk ne ka moka mila, or Padosh ke hi gaav me meri widow bahen enke chote devar jo abhi 12 years ka hay or unke sasur rahte hay, bahen ki saas to jab meri bahen ki saadi nahi hui thi...

2 years ago
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My 54 y old japanese mature widow partners sex add

this is the story and details about my japanese woman partner. this is a true story . hope you will enjoy it like i enjoy it seriously. and i will add or change more details and incidents about her when i disclose them and will publish more photos about her what i like to share with you.I am 43 and originally from sri lanka who lives in japan and sri lanka time to time. my woman sex partner is a japanese. she is a 54 y old [ in 2019 ] 3 times devorced and 1 time husband died [ overall 4 times...

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College Widow

The college widow was born in 1850. During the war she lost her heart to an older boy who went off to the Union Army. He was killed in the fighting. After the war, she was educated at one of the first new colleges for young women. A visiting male professor courted and married her. They were wed the day after her graduation and went off to honeymoon in Europe. He was 48, she was 22. He was virile and experienced and on their honeymoon he taught her the art of love. She had her first orgasm on...

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The Winsome Widow Part 3

Chapter 7 – Evelyn “Aleeeeeeeeex.” I looked around, startled from my contemplation of the idol by the voice, a female voice, whispering my name; soft, sweet and enticing. “Aleeeeeeeeex. Come to me.” Breathy and sexy, it seemed directionless; all I knew for sure was that it wasn’t any of the men around the table calling me; they couldn’t even hear it; they all remained absorbed in Johanssen’s narrative. He had closed out his Bridge night adventure with Evelyn and was now explaining how Adley...

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The Winsome WidowChapter 6 Johanssen

If the transient sexual prowess of its members was a mystery, then the library itself was the enigma wrapped in the riddle wrapped in the mystery that was The Winsome Widow gentlemen's club. I was initially charmed by the high shelves stacked with bound volumes; there were no windows and all four walls were completely covered floor to ceiling with bookshelves and a wheeled ladder attached to each wall. In the centre of the room were two Chesterfield sofas and two sumptuous matching armchairs...

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StripChat Spy Shows

Sometimes, you want to watch beautiful cam models stripping and getting nasty on the camera for you. And other times, you want to watch them do all of that without their knowledge that you are watching. I know the idea of creeping into other people’s live shows and watching them without getting caught will get a lot of you fucks enables perverts like yourself to spy on the amazing camgirls on Stripchat. It is where you are going to find all kinds of cam girls that you can...

Live Voyeur Cams
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The Widow Brannigan part 1

The watching crows sat cackling in the skeletal trees as a cold October wind blew through the graveyard as Mr. Brannigan was put into the ground and laid to rest.We stood a ways back from the black-veiled widow as she stepped forward and dropped her small posy of flowers onto the coffin as it was lowered then stooped down to grab a handful of dirt and threw it into the grave.My Mother crossed herself as she turned and made her way back to the small white church that sat atop a windy hill...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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The Winsome Widow Part 1

“It is the tale, not he who tells it”Stephen KingChapter 1 - Barrow In one of the secluded laneways off Macleay St in Potts Point, Sydney, sits a set of five handsome two-story Victorian brick terraces; each with a brass plaque beside the door identifying the surgeon or barrister who practices within. The westernmost of the group has no name on its plaque; just a relief impression of a woman in profile, not unlike the obverse side of a coin; one from a realm blessed with a most beautiful and...

3 years ago
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Rebel SpyChapter 25 Julia the Widow

"This woman I am sending you to is an old friend of mine, but she's not very old; just foolish. Her husband, her second husband, is a preacher, Anglican, Church of England, you know what I mean, the King's bunch." The Madam fluttered about, pressed a sealed note into my hands, gave me directions and shooed me on my way. "Do what you can for her," were her parting words. Julia Marshall might have been thirty-five, perhaps forty but I doubt it. She was slim and quiet. Her home, a modest...

2 years ago
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The Widow

The Widow lived across the road. She didn’t fit the image. She was my age, smart, kept herself trim. She had a pleasant but not overly exciting figure, though it was the sort that left you wondering what it looked like naked. She was vivacious, lively, had a smile which lit everything up but she had never remarried. It didn’t appear to be for want of suitors, there wasn’t a string of men or even a queue to the door. In fact she didn’t go out a great deal, but if she did go there was always a...

2 years ago
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Bikini Beach Black Widow

Bikini Beach: Black Widow Synopsis: Guys are turning up dead, and the cops have no leads. Who is this very mysterious serial killer, and are BB's customers on the list? [email protected] ********************************************************************** Bikini Beach: Black Widow The club was busy, but not as busy as it normally was on a Friday night in the early summer. Guys sat in groups, watching the girls, as was the usual order of business. It was...

4 years ago
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Muslim Widow Aunts Memorable Road Trips

Hi all, its Ali here!I’m back with another post of my slutty widowed Aunt, Sheen. This is a compilation of THREE of the most memorable road trips with Aunty Sheen. I hope you enjoy this post as much as you did the previous ones. I’m eager to hear your reaction to this so feel free to Like my story and drop in a Comment!A little background first…About me - I’m Ali. I’m very fair-skinned, stand over 5” 10” tall with sharp features and straight, long dark hair. I have a tall and trim muscular...

1 year ago
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BongaCams Spy Shows

Everyone knows BongaCams, but their Spy Mode is another matter. The feature is often overlooked, lost in the shuffle of all the other sexy, fun shit the website has to offer. I wonder, of the half-million pervs tuning in every month to watch live sex shows, how many of them even know about the voyeuristic pleasure of the spycam. Spy mode is pretty much what it sounds like: letting you peek in on another user’s “private” one-on-one sex show. If you thought peeking in your neighbor’s windows was...

Live Voyeur Cams
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The Farmers Widow Willow

I woke up in a crummy mood. My dream about Willow walking down the aisle didn't help. Why I would dream about my cousin was beyond my comprehension. Maybe it had something to do with her always being on my case about me fucking the widow Cece.Being called another man's name just as I unloaded in Cece's pussy didn't help either. What Cece does is Cece's business. Just don't call me someone else's name while I'm fucking you. She is a hot MILF and that's what I'm in it for, a hot piece...

First Time
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The nice widow gives up her tight ass

Barbara came from across the street again on Monday evening, as soon as she saw me coming back from my office…I had fucked this old sexy widow on the previous days and she knew my lovely wife would be still away from home for some time yet.This third time she entered my house after me and quietly she undressed in the living room. I told her I would take a relaxing warm shower and later we would see what we could do together. Barbara just smiled and purred like a kitten.When I came back, I found...

3 years ago
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My Widow Professor 8211 Part 5 Teacher8217s Darkest Secret

Hi, my cutie pies. How’s the day? This is a continuation of my story. Please read the previous parts to enjoy the story. But before I continue my story, I would like to thank the ISS team for publishing my story. I got to make many friends who read my story and send their valuable feedback. Some became very close friends of mine. Thank you very much for being my buddies. Here I continue. The next day I was fidgety. It’s been a long wait since I proposed her. And after yesterday’s incident, my...

4 years ago
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The Widow and The Squaw

We rode into the McAlester ranch south of Black Mountain too late to prevent the carnage. The Comanches were gone and the coyotes and buzzards had started feasting on the bodies of the twenty-one men and boys they'd killed. We let our horses rest and graze in McAlester's grass while we buried what was left of them in shallow graves and piled the rocks high over them. The Captain opened his Bible and said a few words. That was the Comanche way. Kill the men. Take the women and horses and guns...

1 year ago
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Unleashing the Fire of a Widow without Sex for 7 years

I went Chengdu for a business trip. One of my student's mum, a china lady (also a widow - i shall name her Ms Y) also happened to be back in Chengdu during the school vacation. We met in chengdu and had dinners, chats, get to know more friends. After two days, i needed to visit chongqing and to my surprise, Ms Y offered to be my guide (actually she was very keen to travel). I was happy to have a companion and she was a great one. We went separate ways during the day and had dinner at night in...

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A Gentleman and the Widow

We met online, innocently, really, instant messages on a forum, a simple hello at first and welcome to the site. I replied with a thank you and how thoughtful. He sent another message, ‘I found your bio interesting.’ Of course, I had to ask, ‘How so? What makes it so interesting, different from the rest?’ A simple reply came from him, ‘Your honesty.’ I was trying to write stories, erotica, and I was unsure of myself. He offered to help. How could I refuse? I sent him a writing sample. He...

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Widow Lady Ko Satisfy Kiya

Hello friends I am back again with my new story.This story is all about satisfying a widow whom I met at kolkata.As I have mention in my earlier story that I m a good looking guy having 6″ penis.I loved the response of all you people and that’s why I am back again to share my recent incident with a widow . For any feedback you all can contact me at I would love to satisfy women of any age. Lets come to my story . As I like hindi hope you all will like my lang. Baat 3 saal phele ki h jab mai...

1 year ago
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The Spy Who Loved Me

The Spy Who Loved Me Part 1 The mouse scratched at the walls of the small Plexiglas box it found itself in. It didn't seem to notice when the lights in the room dimmed or when a robotic arm with a laser scanner descended from the ceiling and bathed it in a red wave of flickering light. A slight electrical hum filled the room. Moments later a shining object looking rather like a giant sparkplug lowered itself over the mouse. A slightly hollow sounding female robotic voice echoed...

2 years ago
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37 year old Widow

She doesn't know how long she stood at the base of the ladder when she found me standing in front of her and my hand on her cheek. I asked her if she was okay. She stammered a broken yes, then she found herself sitting on the couch in the living room. Her mind exploded. She could not process any real thought. She is consumed with emotions she did not understand and overwhelmed with a desire she did not know she had. I lean in and suddenly kiss her hard, thrusting my tongue into her mouth,...

3 years ago
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Black Widow

Black Widow by Laura303 My head was spinning as the elevator doors closed. The sudden acceleration as the car started upwards up was enough to cause me to grab onto the handrail at the back of the car. The flowery scent of her perfume was magnified by the close quarters, and for the umpteenth time that evening I wondered how I could be so lucky. It had been just a regular Friday Afterwork Club night. I'd gone to a local bar with a few of the girls from work, and knocked...

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Muslim Widow Aunt Tries BDSM

Hi all, its Ali here!I'm back with another incident with my widow aunt where she introduces me to BDSM and I discover one of my favorite kinks.Let me quickly share a few important background details for the new readers. I come from a very strict Muslim family. It is an extended family which consists of my father and the families of his 7 brothers. We live in a big city in central India which I will not name for privacy reasons. Our family is well-off as my father and uncles are mostly at high...

4 years ago
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Widow Aunt and I experience BDSM

Hi all, its Ali here! I’m back with another incident with my widow aunt where she introduces me to BDSM and I discover one of my favorite kinks. Let me quickly share a few important background details for the new readers. I come from a very strict Muslim family. It is an extended family which consists of my father and the families of his 7 brothers. We live in a big city in central India which I will not name for privacy reasons. Our family is well-off as my father and uncles are mostly at...

1 year ago
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The Widow Next Door

The street I lived on could have been anywhere in America. Lush trees lined it and cars were often parked below them instead of in the driveways. Most of the time, the driveways had been turned into basketball courts or used as parking for bicycles.My family’s house was at the end of the street. It had a neighbor on one side and, on the other, what we used to call a forest but it was in fact no more than twenty trees or so clumped together. It was a safe place to grow up in and we kids were...

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A nice widow across the street

That Friday morning I was horny as hell, since my beloved wife had gone to visit a girlfriend out of town. Ana would not come back home until Monday and I was going crazy about thinking in just sex…So I had a good idea; I would invite our neighbor across the street, Barbara, who was a recent widow in her early sixties, to come home and have a chat.I was thinking about it, as the doorbell rang out. Just a pure coincidence; but my sexy neighbor Barbara was standing there, smiling at me and asking...

2 years ago
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The Dominant Widow and her Young Neighbor

The Dominant Widow and her Young Neighbor By billy69boyI had known full well that marrying an older gentleman was a risky proposition. It opened me to the distinct possibility that I would eventually become a widow before my time. But I married Morgan Mount nonetheless. I just couldn't resist: despite the fact that I was just twenty two years of age and he was almost twice that when we wed didn't matter to me at the time. I was totally in love with him and to this day, I am still. Morgan...

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Sextale Of A Widow

Hello, guys, it’s Rakesh again with another erotic adventure tale. It’s not of mine but of a person who contacted me after reading my previous story ” She found new life in son “. You can go through my profile to read my tales. For new readers, I am Rakesh, 21, cute lad (i get that a lot ), in my final year of engineering and horny as fuck. I usually prefer women above 35+. No upper limit. I don’t know, I just find women above 35 damn attractive and give my best to give them a memorable...

1 year ago
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The Grieving Widow

(This is the sequel to 'Man Of The House')"My condolences," the driver said, as he looked back through the window between the back and front seats of the limo. "It'll take us about forty-five minutes to get to the cemetery. I'll make the ride as smooth as possible.""Thank you. Take your time," Rory said, pushing the button that raised the solid panel, closing the two compartments off from each other. Between the solid panel and the extremely darkly tinted windows, they were completely isolated...

3 years ago
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Widow Aunt Hard Fucked

Hi, friends Rinku once again with new story. Now I am going to tell you another true story about my widow aunt. Manu my cousin was an only daughter of my uncle. My uncle was died due to tetanus after one year of birth of Manu. My aunt was 38 years old when this incident was happened. Manu was 18 year old and I was 18 year old. Let me describe my aunt first. Her height was 5’ 4” and her boos size was 40, waist size was 32 and hip size was 38. She is looking like hot sex bomb in that age also. As...

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Lost Virginty to a Widow

My name is Tarun & This is how i lost my virginity to a widow. I work as a Team Lead for a call center in Bangalore.A team of 20 members were assigned to me,except one lady all the other guys and girls were young & enthusiastic but every one use to gel well and worked as a team. As this was a new team i had to know about every one’s background so i use to have a one on one session with my team and so did i with this lady (sarala-good looking lady with a great figure/structure) who then told me...

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Webcam Model Trains Me To Fuck My Widow Aunty

Serendipity! I have utterly understood the meaning of this word (…at 23 years of age!) from a recent encounter that occurred in my life. If it wasn’t for one of my friends, I would have never got to meet an open-minded webcam model who also became an agony aunt and advised me to better fuck my widow aunt in the pussy rather than in her tight asshole. This is what had occurred in my life guys.. I was working in the city far away from my hometown when the ongoing lockdown was imposed. My job...

2 years ago
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The widow lived across the road. She didn't fit the image. She was my age; smart, kept herself trim. She had a pleasant but not overly exciting figure, the sort that left you wondering what it looked like naked. She was vivacious, lively, had a smile which lit everything up and she had never remarried. It didn't appear to be for want of suitor's - there wasn't a string of men or even a queue to the door. In fact she didn't go out a great deal, but if she did go there was always a handsome...

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Deacon Johnson Consoles a WidowChapter 3

Now that the Church of Divine Intervention had their official status as a Non-profit Religious entity confirmed, They began to unofficially incorporate the Hatfield sister’s moonshine operation into their regular distribution network and more often than not when they gave out the bibles there was a couple of bottles of home-grown hooch in the box as well. The Hatfield sisters began to dress all in white to give a spot of color to their Sunday services and they started to accept a few of the...

1 year ago
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Wild West Widow part 4

Karen Masters woke up aching in every joint the morning after being gang banged by the eight officers from the fort outside town. They'd given her a very . Their big cocks had repeatedly and roughly penetrated both her holes and she'd been used as a prostitute. Large, well muscled men who took their pleasure without worrying if they hurt a woman. Karen had experienced several orgasms because her clit became very sensitive with all the friction of the large shafts thrusting inside her, but she...

Group Sex
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Muslim Widow Aunts Nudist Nature

Hi all, its Ali here!I'm back with another long, but incredibly detailed memory. This time I've decided to make a post of the top five times my widowed, Muslim Aunt Sheen boldly showed off her nudist nature at different places. I have tried to put the events in a chronological order and included as much details as I can remember from all those years ago, so I hope you like these short posts as much as you did the earlier ones I uploaded. *Please don't forget to like and comment below as it...

3 years ago
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Black Widow

"Agent 69, please wake up. It is time for work," booms a voice over the loudspeaker. Agent 69, Code Name Black Widow, sits up in her bed, completely nude. She is a young girl of only 19 years of age, birth name Justine Dark. She was given her code name and code number for her combination of raw sexuality and violent tendencies. Since a young age, she has been known for her fighting prowess and her lack of mercy for her enemies. She wis also known for her unquestionably good looks. She stands...

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The Spy

The Spy     "What are you doing with the lord's papers?  You are readingthem!  You are a spy,"     "No, milady, I wasn't reading them.  I don't k now how toread."     "You pretend, but you are a spy!  Guards!  Guards!"  Shedrew a dagger from her girdle and backed the frightened maid into acorner.  Two men-at-arms rushed into the room.  "That slave is a spy. Take her to the courtyard and remove her clothes.  We'll have thetruth out of her."   The lord's house was not a proper castle.  It wasmore...

4 years ago
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The Doctors Widow Gets Blacked 2

Juliana loved to be fucked in her ass. Especially by big black cocks. Well, she had only learned that love two days ago on her trip to East Cleveland. On that trip the petite white widow received her first anal sex of her life when she wandered into what turned into a BBC five-man gangbang. She went looking for black cock and bingo she had found it. The 31-year-old tiny 5’1” 126-pound recent doctor’s widow with the 34b-25-32 measurements handled it all like a champ. The contrast of her...

3 years ago
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The Farmers Widow Mike and Cece Reunite

My phone rang, I picked it up and saw that I had an incoming call from my father."Hi Pops, what's up?"“Mom and I are going to visit your Aunt Barb and Uncle Bill. We would like you to come and stay awhile so we can see you. It's been almost two years since we last saw you. Please say you will come.”“I don't know, Dad. I'll check at work and see if I can take some time off. It would be really nice to see you and mom, Aunt Barb and Uncle Bill too.”The next day my boss said, “Get the fuck out of...

2 years ago
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The Doctors Widow Gets Blacked 2

Hooked on black cock, Juliana considers a proposition.D-Con pushed Juliana’s knees up past her head on the living room rug near the couch and her little white ass and pussy pointed straight up in the air. Holding both of her tiny ankles with one hand, he took his other hand and stuck his 14-inch black cock back inside her wet and dilated open asshole. Juliana’s eyes rolled back into her head as he pumped his large black rod deep and hard into her tight little anus.Juliana loved to be fucked in...

3 years ago
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The Lonely Widow

I’d never thought of or looked at Sue in a sexually way until I saw her striding behind her petrol lawnmower, still dressed in her clothes from church, it was the way her shapely black nylon covered legs appeared through the split at the back of her long stretchy black skirt. But I was mesmerised by the way the material stretched and clung to define her peachy shaped bottom as she moved. She turned at the top of the garden and saw me looking, raised her hand and smiled and I waved back to her...

4 years ago
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My Hot Widow Maid Archana

Hi readers of indian sex stories dot net This is Raj from Mumbai. I am 21 single 6 ft, fit body, and the business guy and I love to have sex. I have had sex with my girlfriends, neighbor and her daughter, many friends and 2 hot college professor from my college.I have a 6″ long and 3.5″ thick cock which I know to use perfectly. I completed my graduation from Mumbai University. So let’s get to the story. 100% real. This story is about my hot maid Archana. Archana is a widow and has a daughter...

1 year ago
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Widow Aunt8217s Best Sex With Nephew

This story is based on a small village and a joint family. Sudha was the bride of the younger son of the family, Ravi. Ravi had been in a terrible form over the years, his older brother had parted his land share. And all money was lost to drinking. Even all the ornaments that Sudha had were sold to finance Ravi’s last rites, leaving Sudha, an otherwise attractive voluptuous woman in her late thirties, with no money or children. Ravi’s elder brother, Kishan had passed away long before, leaving...

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The Miracle

The Miracle 14 year old Deepu lay in his bed wide awake, scared and sad. His dad was drunk and shouting in the hall while his mom was in her bedroom crying. He wondered how everything went so wrong so quickly. A few weeks ago his mother had given birth to his baby brother. A child that his parents were hoping and trying for, for years. It was like a festival at his home. Unfortunately the baby developed some complications and died. It sent the family in to a deep tailspin. His father was drunk...

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AimlessChapter 7 Spy

“Peanut, I’m going to be traveling for a bit,” Master told me as I was lounging on top of him. I just sucked a load of his sperm into my mouth, and was feeling quite content just being next to him. I knew by now it was hormones and stuff from the collar, but I was starting to look forward to the closeness I felt just being there. As soon as he fell asleep, I would be a good little whore and retire to my little spot on the floor. Immediately, I panicked. I don’t know how I would survive...

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