Mark Brannigan
- 4 years ago
- 24
- 0
The watching crows sat cackling in the skeletal trees as a cold October wind blew through the graveyard as Mr. Brannigan was put into the ground and laid to rest.
We stood a ways back from the black-veiled widow as she stepped forward and dropped her small posy of flowers onto the coffin as it was lowered then stooped down to grab a handful of dirt and threw it into the grave.
My Mother crossed herself as she turned and made her way back to the small white church that sat atop a windy hill surrounded on all sides by the remains of those whose journey had come to an end.
Most of the local rural community had turned out to pay their respects to old man Brannigan who had been well regarded in life as a hard working and hard drinking man of God who did right by you if you did right by him. Brannigan had been pushing fifty when he went. He had been a tall, solemn man of few words and who farmed his piece of land from dawn to dusk to make a living for him and his young wife.
I looked over to where Mrs. Brannigan stood surrounded by those offering their condolences and our local Pastor who was giving her words of comfort in her time of distress. The woman was dressed all in black from top to toe and only the shadows of her face could be seen through her veil.
Mrs. Brannigan had always been in my life. Her family lived about a mile outside of town and my earliest memories of her were of a teenage girl with long flowing sawdust hair when they came to stock up with supplies at McGinty's General Store in their beat up truck. There she'd be with her folks, the Caulders, and she'd jump down running around helping out as they loaded up.
She looked as pretty as a picture and must have been about eighteen I figured which to a then five-year-old like me made her seem as old as the hills. But even back in those days, I always knew there was something about her.
From memory, it was a couple of years later when word went around that she had gotten engaged to someone from way up North. A man called Silus Brannigan who was twenty years her senior. As with most things in a small town like this, rumor and gossip were the order of the day and various tall tales were told about the where and why this had all come about. Their eventual marriage a month later was a private family affair and for the rest of us life pretty much went on as usual as the days turned into months that became years.
Her name was Mary Beth. Mary Beth Caulder.
Most of the mourners had moved on as Uncle Joe and I stood there waiting for the Widow Brannigan to finish talking with some of the townsfolk that knew her.
Uncle Joe was a gruff man with a buffalo temperament and a build to match. He had moved in a few years back to try and put down some roots. The old man had long since gone to God knows where to leave Mom having to look after our farm and raise me on her own. I had been just twelve when he disappeared one Saturday in June and as the years had passed came to learn that he was a weak-willed man who hated responsibility and loved his drink. The extra pair of hands had been a Godsend and Uncle Joe settled into the routine of farm and rural life.
He gave me a nudge and I looked up to see the woman in black and a female companion approaching us as we stood there in our Sunday best holding our hats respectfully in front of us.
She took my Uncle's hand first and thanked him for coming and then she turned as she looked at me through her veil. It had been an age since I last saw her and only had vague memories of what she looked like.
"You must be Thomas," she said, taking my hand in hers. Her grip was firm and strong, "My, you've grown," she smiled, "How old are you now?"
"Nearly eighteen, Ma'am," I said as I stood there as red as a pickle in a vinegar jar, "I'm uh, sorry for your loss, Mrs. Brannigan."
She simply nodded and let go of my hand, "Thank you. My late husband always used to say that when God knocked on your door it was time to reap what you had sown in this life and hoped it was enough to get you into the next. For the rest of us, the sun will still come up tomorrow and life will go on. Thank you for your condolences."
We both watched as she turned to walk back to the church where the undertaker sat on the headboard of the wooden wagon waiting to take her back home.
"Tough one, that one," said my Uncle as he pulled on his black hat and began to walk towards our truck, "Never saw much of her when he was alive and will probably see less of her now that he's dead."
I stood there staring at her with the stiff breeze ruffling my thick black hair. What my Uncle said was true enough. Life was pretty isolated out here in the back of beyond. Neighbours pretty much kept themselves to themselves only meeting up if there was an emergency, a social dance, or if they were in town on business.
Schooling and the age difference was also a thing. Thirteen or fourteen years is a big old river to cross all things considered. She would have been leaving school just as I was starting I figured. At seventeen, I had finally finished with school and could now concentrate on the farm full time.
I took a deep breath and put my hat on as I gazed around at the rows of crosses and weather-worn stones silently asking those in life to remember them in death. For some reason, I turned and walked back to the open grave as one of the journeymen began to fill in the dirt. Six feet down was a plain, simple oak coffin and I stared at the flowers scattered on top of it.
The wind whistled through the trees as I turned my head to watch the wagon carrying the Widow leaving the graveyard and head out onto the never ending road that disappeared into the far distance. My eyes fixed on the small figure sat huddled against the cold and somehow knew our paths would cross again.
High up in the branches of the bare trees, the murder of crows watched in silence as the wheels of fate slowly began to turn.
It was three months later when the first Winter storms in nearly seven years hit the region and left a thick quilt of deep snow as far as the eye could see whichever way you looked. Thankfully, we had already stocked up for the season and the barn was full of everything we would need to get us through to Spring.
It had gone mid-morning and the sun was bright as it hung in the slate grey skies with the freezing air cold enough to take the breath away. Mom was in the kitchen making a rabbit and potato stew with my Uncle in the shed chopping logs for the fire as I cleared away the snow in front of the house. Suddenly there was a dull "Honk Honk" in the distance and I looked up to see a battered old Ford slithering its way up the long driveway towards our house.
The car pulled up as its hood gently steamed in the cold. It was Ned Beckett, one of the major store owners in town and he got out of his motor looking like an Eskimo. I leaned on my shovel as he stood in front of me jumping up and down on the spot to warm himself up.
"Hey, Tom," he shouted above the grumbling sound of the car engine, "Last night was a doozy, wasn't it!" He reached into his overcoat pocket and pulled out his pipe and stuck it into his mouth as he tried to light it with a match.
"Yes Sir," I nodded, "Pretty bad. What are you doing out this far?" I asked him.
He took a long draw from his pipe that had his ears flapping as he blew out a cloud of smoke that hung in the air for a moment before slowly fading away in the light breeze. "Civic duty, son," he said firmly, "Civic duty. Checking out the local folk roundabouts. Making sure they're holding up in this weather. He pulled out a map and laid it on the bonnet of his car, "Done as far north as Pottersville, as far east as Petersburgh and now I'm heading as far west as Burkdale."
I stood beside him and looked at the map. "Burkendale?" I muttered, "Isn't that the Brannigan place?"
Ned, a fifty-three year old ex-railroad engineer, reached up and scratched his head through his thick wooly brown hat. "Reckon it is. What's it been?" he wondered, rubbing his grey whiskers, "Three months now? Wonder how the Lady is getting on. Can't have been easy keeping that place going what with losing her husband and this snow and all. Maybe she hired some help though can't says I've heard anything in town. I guess she got a decent sum when her old man croaked. Sensible to see how she's doing all things considered. I've got a bunch of supplies in the back just in case. Cans of beans, oats, and stuff."
"Howdy, Ned," said Mom as she suddenly came up behind us.
Ned waved his pipe at her. "Mornin' Mrs. Cassidy," he replied as he folded up his map, "Now that just ain't fair. Shame on you for making an old fella's belly grumble before he starts his day's work." He winked as he sniffed the crisp air and the smells coming from the kitchen.
Mom smiled. "Rabbit Stew. You're more than welcome to sit with us."
He grimaced. "Temptation is a sin!" he laughed as he opened his car door, "Another time. Heading West to check out all the farms as far as Burkdale."
She frowned. "Mary Beth Brannigan's place?"
Ned nodded.
"I'll come with you," I said as I ran back into the house. Anything to get out of clearing the yard of snow.
"Well," said the older man, "I ain't one to be refusing a bit of company. So long as it's all right with your momma here."
I came back out pulling on my thick overcoat and hat as my mother stepped behind me and made sure I was wrapped up warm and tight. "Okay, Mom?" I asked her as she pulled me around and tugged my hood up.
"You have my boy back before sundown, Ned," she ordered as the man slipped behind the wheel and unlocked the passenger side door, "As for you, don't do anything stupid, mind your manners and I'll keep your dinner simmering in the pot for when you get back."
She reached up and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
Jumping into the passenger seat, I yanked the car door shut and settled in for the ride as my mother waved us off with light flurries of snow beginning to fall again.
A solitary raven sat atop the mailbox warily watching us as we turned into the entrance to the Brannigan farm and headed up the snow covered road towards the white house that sat quietly on a small rise with a single wisp of smoke coming out of the chimney.
Brannigan had farmed a mixture of wheat and livestock and was thought to be a man of some means when he and his new wife had taken over the place as tenants. Not much was known about him. The odd rumor that he had come down from the North East and was looking to start a new life away from the pressures of city living. It had been through these initial visits that he had met the Caulder family and his eventual wife, Mary Beth.
Ned pulled up before the house and we both got out. There was no one around and the only signs of life were a bunch of chickens peeking out of a hen house next to the barn. Stepping onto the porch, I banged on the white door a couple of times and stood back but there was no answer. Maybe she had gone into Burkdale for a food run in case the weather settled in for a stretch. There would be no traveling anywhere if another foot of snow fell in the next day or so. You could practically smell it on the wind as the temperatures began to drop again.
I glanced at Ned who went over to the window and peered in. It was beginning to look like a wasted trip which for some reason disappointed me more than it should have.
"Can I be helping you fine gentlemen?" said a voice suddenly behind us.
We both turned to see a woman walking up from the defilade that was on the far side of the homestead holding a shotgun with the break action open over her right arm. In her left, she was carrying a pair of ducks and what looked like a decently sized goose.
Removing his hat, Ned stepped down and nodded as the woman came to a stop and looked the pair of us up and down.
"Mrs. Brannigan?" he asked as he quickly replaced his hat due to the biting cold, "I'm Ned Beckett and this," he said as he turned to me, "is Tom Cassidy. We've been doing a neighborly check of all the outlier farms in the district after the storms last night. Making sure that folks are okay and all that. Especially those that are living on their own."
Trying not to stare, I took the woman and her appearance in. She was dressed in a dark grey padded overcoat with a thick black scarf tied tight around her neck, a long black skirt which reached to her ankles and she had on a pair of what looked like brown leather laced ankle boots. On her head, she had a dark tanned cattleman's hat pulled down tight with her long dusty blonde hair tied at the nape of her neck with the tail hanging down her back.
But it wasn't her clothes that drew the attention. She was a remarkably striking looking woman with a sharply defined facial bone structure that was enhanced by a pair of clear blue eyes, dark eyebrows, a firm nose and a wide set mouth with the hint of a cleft on her chin.
I was so surprised at her appearance that I hadn't removed my hat until Ned gave me a nudge and made a face at me as I whipped it off and gave her an apologetic smile.
This made her smile back at me in return and I felt the world sort of fall timelessly away as I stared at her with my heart somewhere down inside my boots before lurching back to thump loudly between my ears. It was a simple smile but it lit up her face in the most stunning way imaginable. Like she had suddenly walked into the circle of God's light. Even old Ned looked flustered as he coughed and clapped his cold gloved hands together.
Mrs. Brannigan nodded slowly. "That's mighty thoughtful of you," she smiled as she walked up the steps and stood on her porch next to us, "But things are fine here. Already cleared the yard mostly and spent a couple of hours with Duke catching the fowl as they head North."
Duke was obviously her hound who was running around chasing squawking chickens and rolling around in the snow looking as happy as a pig in dirt.
Ned rubbed his whiskers. "Well, Ma'am," he said nodding towards his car, "There's beans, oats, salt, and some sugar in the back if you be needing them."
I kept quiet as I listened to the conversation as they began to talk about the conditions and other things such as how she was on for dried peat and logs for her fire. The Lady knew her business and was considerate and firm in her demeanor and answers as the older man showed her his map and pointed out the roads which were pretty much impassable and the workarounds if she needed to head into town for whatever reason in her truck which was parked over towards her barn.
Her attention was on Ned as I came over to stand behind them as they both looked at the map which was on the bonnet of the car. I glanced at her and let my eyes slowly roam over her person as she stood there with her back to me.
She was about five-eight and the top of her head was about level with my nose. From what I could tell, she had the build and figure of someone who knew what hard work was. Farming was no life for the faint of heart or for those lacking determination or effort. It was then I noticed her hands as she pointed something out to Ned on the map.
Those were hands of someone who was used to the dirt and understood the lay of the land as it shaped you both mentally and physically. As Uncle Joe had said at Brannigan's funeral, she was tough. As tough as they came.
My eyes stopped on the swell of her hips and the curve of her backside hidden under her thick skirts and I felt something stir within me. She really was one fine looking woman and it was a complete mystery to me as to why she was living here in the outback alone.
Or maybe she wasn't alone. Maybe someone was already paying her a visit. Was three going on four months time enough to mourn? Any woman that looked like she did and was now available would surely have every single and not so single man Jack and rabbit knocking on her door in their Sunday best asking for her favor. That thought didn't sit well with me at all and I frowned.
If only I was older.
Not that I'd have the gumption to enquire for her if I was. Thirty one was such a long way away in the grand scheme of things. The man she welcomed in her bed was going to be one lucky son of a bitch that was for sure. Not that I was an expert in matters of the fairer sex.
Rural living sure did restrict whatever opportunities were available which weren't many all told. Even school had been pretty barren. There had been a couple of secret kissing and cuddling sweethearts that had been strictly off limits because if the worst thing that could possibly happen did actually happen then me and my skinny ass would be running for the hills full of buckshot.
Better to be safe than sorry I figured. I sighed before I realized the conversation had stopped and the Widow Brannigan was looking at me with an amused expression on her face as I stared at her imagined backside.
Uh. I jerked my head up and put my hat back on as I stuck my hands in my coat pockets trying not to turn purple.I glanced at her to see her still staring at me as I raised my eyebrows wanting the ground to open up and swallow me whole.
"Give my regards to your mother," she smiled, "Mister Cassidy."
I gave her another quick glance and nodded. "Yes, Ma'am. Will do."
She seemed much amused at my awkward shyness and as she went to open the screen door, she suddenly put a hand on my arm and flashed me a look of understanding that made me shiver from head to toe as I felt her calming touch.
Ned, oblivious to my little drama, put his map away and waved at Mrs. Brannigan. "Glad to see you've got everything in order, Ma'am," he shouted as he got back into his car as I did the same, "If there's another whiteout make sure you stay indoors and keep warm now. Once it passes, I'll arrange for myself and others to check up on folks again. So if you hear a horn honking you'll know who it is. You take care now!"
The woman gave us a wave as we turned and headed back up to the main snow-covered road. As we headed East, I turned and looked out of the passenger side window at the figure standing there all alone in front of her house.
The dawn awoke from the overnight blizzard as the misty blue sun rose over a pristine landscape that sparkled with black ice, frost and another good foot of snow. Uncle Joe was already out checking the various outhouses making sure that everything was still in one place and that what livestock we had was safe, secure and fed. Mom was making breakfast as I wandered into the kitchen pulling on a shirt and fastening my belt as I stood there yawning as she stirred the big pan of oats on the stove.
"Take a seat," she smiled as she grabbed a bowl and used a ladle to spoon the thick porridge into it, "Here you go, son," she said as she put the steaming bowl down in front of me as I sat at the table.
Once she had put the lid back on the pot, she came over and sat opposite me holding a mug of steaming coffee.
"Bad night," she said as she looked at me munching away, "Another one."
"Mmmmm," I nodded as I sucked my spoon clean, "Could hear the wind lying in bed. At least it looks like its blown itself out. Yesterday, Ned said the radio says it'll be clear now until the end of the week at least. Don't think there'll be a thaw for awhile though."
Mom took another slurp of her coffee. "Got them errands, remember," she said as she turned her head to look out of the window as Uncle Joe pitchforked some hay for the cattle that had been kept in the barn overnight.
We sat in silence as she watched me finish up before she put her mug down on the table and rested her chin on her hands.
"So," she said matter of factly, "What did you think of the Widow Brannigan?"
I gave a slight twitch at the mention of the woman's name as I felt myself getting hot under the collar at the thought of her. I gave a shrug. "She was fine," I admitted, "Nice Lady."
Mom smiled as I avoided her gaze.
"Certainly is a looker."
She was definitely that.
"I guess," I mumbled as I grabbed the pitcher and poured myself a mug of milk trying hard to not look that interested in whatever it was she wanted to talk about. We hadn't really spoken about what happened yesterday when I got back. Most of the late evening was spent getting ready for the storm.
"How's she bearing up?" asked Mom.
I glanced up at her. "Alright. Seems to be coping and everything," I sat back in my chair frowning, "Uncle Joe says she's as tough as a pair of old boots. Keeps mostly to herself I reckon. Why you askin'?"
Mom waved a hand. "Oh, no particular reason is all," she replied, "Some of the ladies in town were talkin' about her and wonderin' how she was doing with no man around the place anymore. Her being relatively young and all as she rarely comes into town from the sound of it. Keeping herself to herself seems to be her thing."
"That ain't a crime," I said.
"No it ain't." Mom smiled knowingly at me as she got up and went to stoke the fire, "Folks is curious about her that's all. See, son," she said, "Some women need to mark out their territory just in case. It's just in their nature because that's the way they are. That lady has looks to burn. When God put her together he used the best parts and took his time."
I didn't say anything but just shrugged. What Mom had said was true though. God had done a real damned fine job with the widow Brannigan.
Mid-morning found me in the truck heading into town.
The roads were as bad as I thought they'd be as I wrestled with the wheel bouncing up and down like a jalopy as the wheels struggled for traction in the deeply rutted snow. Thankfully, the nearer I got to the junction and the main road into town it looked like the plows had been out which made the going easier as there was already a bunch of cars and trucks left stranded by the roadside.
Bedrock Falls had a population of a couple of hundred folks and serviced not only those that lived and worked there but the wider farming community in the district. Its single main street was made up of various suppliers, tradesmen, stores, and conveniences of one sort or the other.
It was the social hub of the area and where people congregated and mixed together in their daily lives. McGinty's General Store had been the first establishment to open back in the early 20's and as more people moved into the interior, the town had developed around it and became a waypoint for the shipping and selling of cattle and grain when the railroad finally came through.
Most people knew most everyone else and a strong community had emerged as the social foundations were laid with the first church being built on the hill to the West. As time passed, more civic structures were put in place with the formation of a town council who laid out certain statutory rules and laws with a Sheriff's Department being set up to enforce those laws.
Winters in these parts were usually biting cold and severe with folks hunkering down and going into hibernation until Spring came around. As I crested the rise and drove over the railroad crossing, I was surprised to see a decent amount of people and traffic moving around in town. No doubt they were taking advantage of the break in the weather to replenish their supplies just in case. Better to be safe than sorry and all that.
I pulled into a spare parking space and turned the engine off as I jumped out of the truck into about six inches of packed snow. As I made my way along the sidewalk to Tanners Hardware Store, I didn't notice another truck pulling in a few spots up from where I had parked.
Archibald Tanner was as wide as he was tall.
He was a stout, hearty man with a bald pate and a set of whiskers that could best be described as exotic. Archie, as he liked to be known, rubbed his hands in his apron as he licked the tip of his pencil and jotted down my order.
"Alrighty," he said as looked at me over his half-moon spectacles which hung around his neck on a silver chain, "Five inch or seven?" he asked as he bounced back and forth behind his counter pulling his wooden ladder after him.
Uh. What had Uncle Joe said again? I scratched my head as I stood there holding my hat in my hands. That's right. The south ridge might need reinforcing he had told my mother over breakfast this morning and we were running short of long nails and leather binding to do the job.
"Make it seven," I nodded, "Give me five packs of seven and some fence clips."
Archie scooted up his ladder like a rat up a pipe, pulled open a long wooden drawer and counted out what I wanted. Already on the counter were a dozen lengths of rolled tanned leather strips to bind fence posts and gates together.
"Here we go," he said as he put everything into a big cloth sack, "That it?"
"Yup," I nodded, showing him my mothers note.
He totted up the total and handed me the slip of paper with the amount due on it as I took out my wallet to pay him. With our business done, I tapped the brim of my hat and bid him a good day as I left his store and headed towards McGinty's where I had more items to pick up for Mom who had ordered some things a couple of weeks ago and were due to come in as freight on the railroad.
As I made my way along the sidewalk, there was a group of men standing outside of Harveys Barbers just shooting the breeze and laughing amongst themselves. Two of them I recognized from town meetings as tenant farmers with the other two being townsfolk about the same age as myself.
They all turned as I approached and tapped the brim of my hat. "Gents," I nodded.
"Cassidy," replied the oldest. A tall, thin wiry guy called Mitch Jones who worked the soil due South of here to support himself, his wife Agnes and their four kids.
The other farmer was a thick-set man with a weather-beaten face named Jackson Turner who had a cattle ranch East of where we lived and who, from rumor, was courting one of the Simpson twins whose parents owned the funeral parlor at the far end of the main street. He was in his early thirties and every time I saw him he was always chomping on a stogie.
Billy-Bob Hogg and Rufus Ford were two old classmates who I had grown up with over the years and we had spent many a time just hanging around town watching the world go by.
"Where you heading, Tom?" asked Rufus as he stood there in a black coat two sizes too big for him with his curly ginger hair sticking out either side from under his flat cap, "Thought you folks over there would be snowed under by now."
I shook my head and stuck both hands in my pockets. "We're doing okay. Could have been a lot worse if the wind hadn't blown it over. Some places are up to their balls and tits with the stuff but once you get onto the main roads things are passable. What are you lot up to?"
Mr. Jones nodded towards where his truck was parked. "Same as you, Son," he said, "Stocking up on the stuff we might need and some stuff we probably don't but you can never be sure out here. How's your Momma and Joe doing?"
"Doing alright," I nodded, "Always got that big pot of stew on the go."
He laughed. "Yep, that sounds like your mother alright. Tell her I'm asking after her and that Agnes will be over once the thaw sets in. God only knows when that will be."
The talk turned small as we stood there discussing this and that about whatever news or rumors were doing the rounds. The conversation was slow and easy like the way life was in these parts and it was Billy-Bob who saw her first.
"Holey Moley!" he muttered nudging his friend as he stared over our shoulders at the woman walking towards us with a bag over her arm and purpose in her stride.
We all turned to see what had left him standing there wide-eyed, open-mouthed and fiddling around trying to fasten the top button on his shirt. There was that sudden murmur of surprised appreciation as we all stood there looking like the dumbest bunch you ever did see.
"Geez," said Mr. Turner who grabbed the hat from his head as she approached our little group, "Will you just look at that," he breathed as the Lady looked up to see us all staring at her.
The Widow Brannigan stopped and regarded each of us in turn with a smile. She was dressed pretty much like she had been yesterday but the cut of her clothes was much more striking with her now in a matching dark blue coat and pleated skirt. Over her shoulders, she was wearing a thick grey shawl and on her head was what looked like a hat made of raccoon fur with its tail intact and curving down over her shoulder. Not a single one us could stop staring at her if we wanted to.
We parted like the red sea and the rest of us removed our hats as she walked between us with a "Mornin' gentlemen," by way of greetings as we all responded with respectful "Ma'am." and stood there coughing and shuffling our feet.
As she was about to walk by me she stopped briefly and glanced up at my red face with a smile of recognition.
"Mister Cassidy," she said, "Nice to see you again."
Then she continued on her way as we all stood there blowing out our cheeks. Slowly the rest of them turned to look at me with frowns on their faces and a "What the hell?" question in their eyes.
I stood there with a stupid grin on my face and stuck my tongue into my cheek. Swear to God, if I had one of Jackson Turner's cigars to hand I'd have taken a long slow draw on it and checked out my nails like I was the Queen of England.
McGintys General Store had been there on the main street for as long as I could remember and probably even longer with the ownership of it passing down from generation to generation over the years.
The current proprietor was Marybelle McGinty who was a cheerful auburn haired Lady with an ebullient manner and voluptuous frame to match. Always one with a nod and a wink, she was a breezy ray of sunshine on a cloudy day and everyone far and wide knew of her and the McGinty's General Store.
"Well," said the fifty year old owner as she nudged her assistant, a fraught looking middle aged woman called Estelle Walker who was as thin as a rake with a head of frizzy grey hair and the oddest pair of brown bug eyes you ever did see, "If it isn't the most handsome young man in town!" she winked as she went over to the counter where she handled the mail.
The other woman tittered and giggled nervously at me as I followed Mrs. McGinty over to where a large stack of parcels was kept. Delivery was usually really early in the morning and everyone knew when the loco was due because you could hear the whistle a mile off as it crossed over the junction and came into the station at the North end of town.
As she went searching, I stood there looking around the store to see if I had forgotten anything that we might need that wasn't on the note. Food wise we were pretty much good to go and the only thing we might be short of was salt which we used to spread around the yard if the ice got bad.
Above the door at the other end of the store, the bell rang as someone came in. The place was getting busy with Estelle running around serving customers and I stepped back from the counter as I glanced up at the mirror above the till which was there so that whoever was serving could see who was coming and going at the other entrance.
When I saw who had come in I felt my chest constrict suddenly with my heart bouncing around inside it like a jumping bean.
Everything else was forgotten. Every single person in the store became nothing more than a phantom as I froze and watched Mary-Beth Brannigan idly browsing around the shelves and racks of this, that and the other. I moved away from the gap that separated each part of the shop so that she couldn't see me but I could continue to watch her in the mirror.
The woman was like an emotional magnet. I had this overwhelming urge just to be around her. To be able to just stare at her without her knowing I was. Merely looking at her made me feel warm inside.
"Here we go," said Mrs. McGinty suddenly, "Three for Cassidy including mail. May as well take those now seeing as George isn't going to be making delivery's anytime soon in this weather!"
She lifted the latch and went back behind the counter and put each package on the scale to weigh it for the postal charge. Mom was always ordering stuff and we had built up enough credit to cover the cost of the freight.
As I was stood there in front of the counter as she flipped each brown package this way and that checking the information on the labels, I suddenly felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end as a shiver went up and down my spine. I glanced up to see Mrs. Brannigan standing behind me to my right. It was then I saw she was looking up at the mirror as well and I blinked as our eyes met and held for what felt like an age before I flushed with embarrassment and looked away.
"Sexy lingerie, frilly bloomers, pink panties, and French knickers to go," said Mrs. McGinty with a straight face as I turned back to her in shock wondering if I'd heard her right as she picked up the largest parcel and read out the contents label to the whole store.
"Uh," I mumbled trying to clear my head, "They're what?"
Was she serious?
I twisted around trying to read what she was seeing. What in the name of sweet pickle was my Mother ordering from out of state?
Then the older woman burst out laughing and reached over the counter to ruffle my thick hair as she squeezed her sides in amusement.
"Oh my," she gasped, "The look on your face!"
The Lady behind me was laughing too and I glanced over my shoulder feeling like a ten-year-old being teased by a pair of old Aunts. Mrs. Brannigan came to the counter and leaned over to read the label.
"French knickers to go, huh?" she smiled as she winked at the store owner who was still chuckling away to herself, "Least you've got good taste in underwear."
What? I stuck out my chin. "They're not for me!" I replied lamely.
"I should hope not, Mister Cassidy," she replied, "You'd be the talk of the town if they were."
Mrs. McGinty put the package back down on the counter and picked up another bobbin of string to tie them all together for me to carry back to the truck. The woman standing next to me raised her eyebrows in amusement as I bent down to read the label for myself.
"Mister Cassidy!"
I looked up from the back of my truck as I was loading up some lumber I'd just purchased from the local sawmill for new fence posts. I came back around to where Mrs. Brannigan was standing on the sidewalk holding her own supplies.
I tapped the brim of my hat and smiled at her "Ma'am."
The thing I had noticed the most was something which I would never even consider at all. That actually looking at her was a difficult thing to do even though it was the one thing I wanted to do more than anything. Another thing was that once you were looking at her it was even harder to look away.
To me, everything about her was perfect. Even though we'd only met briefly over the years, I had always felt she was someone with a good heart and a positive outlook on life. That she was also most definitely the most attractive woman I'd ever seen made just being near her such a pleasure.
She raised her hand to shield her eyes from the glare of the sun squinting as she smiled at me. "Just wanted to thank you for yesterday," she said, "When you came over with Ned to make sure everything was alright." She paused and stared more intently at me, "That I was alright."
There was little I could do other than stare back and openly admire the beauty of her face and the natural intensity of her gaze. Not sure how to describe what I was feeling but my world was rapidly beginning to revolve around this woman in a way that took my breath away as she began to dominate my every waking moment.
"That's fine," I finally managed to say. "That was absolutely my pleasure, Ma'am."
She just smiled and nodded a little as if she was surprised at something she felt or had occurred to her. "Well, that's good. Good," she replied as she began to turn away before stopping to look back at me, "Hope you enjoy that French underwear, Mister Cassidy," she said with a grin as I watched her walking back up the snow covered sidewalk to where her truck was parked.
I stared at her as she got into her vehicle, reversed out and headed off down the road back home. It was then I noticed a number of folks were standing there doing the same as her truck disappeared into the distance.
As for that French underwear. The only way I'd enjoy those imaginary things more was if she was standing in front of me wearing them...
End of The Widow Brannigan part 1.
Continues in part 2 soon.
Author Notes: Still working on "The Dreamers" and "Spanking Agency" stories.
Black Widow This story starts about 3 years ago. I was one of those typical self made men in America. Very popular and athletic, I had lettered in every sport that I tried. This success followed me through college, and was a major help upon graduation from college. I had alumni going out of their way to help me out, and I decided to go into the commercial real estate business. Business was far better than I even thought it would be. Within a year, I was grossing a mid six figure...
"Nervous?"Natasha smiled softly, "Would you hate me if I said no?"Maria returned the smile and wrapped her arms around Natasha from behind, "I could never hate you Nat."Natasha smiled, "Well, isn't that cheesy."Ignoring the dig Maria pushed, "Seriously though, are you still ok with this? Because we can still cancel-""God no! I want this." Natasha said firmly, spinning around in Maria's arms and looking her girlfriend in the eye as she continued, "I've wanted this for so long, and now I finally...
"Nervous?"Natasha smiled softly, "Would you hate me if I said no?"Maria returned the smile and wrapped her arms around Natasha from behind, "I could never hate you Nat."Natasha smiled, "Well, isn't that cheesy."Ignoring the dig Maria pushed, "Seriously though, are you still ok with this? Because we can still cancel-""God no! I want this." Natasha said firmly, spinning around in Maria's arms and looking her girlfriend in the eye as she continued, "I've wanted this for so long, and now I finally...
Black Widow In 2099ADBy Sonya Esperanto [email protected]:New York 2008The New Avengers were fighting for their lives. As for who were the New Avengers, they were America?s mightiest superhero team. Right now, they were fighting the robot army known as The Sentinels. The Sentinels stood over twenty feet and beams kept on coming out from their eyes and palms. Captain America shouted to his men, ?We thought this was never going to happen but looks like it is?. As for what he...
Chapter 5 - Riley The months that followed were a misery for me; I loved Evan, and I was sure he loved me, but I couldn’t reconcile that against the secrecy of his God-damned club. There was something going on at that terrace in Potts Point, something sexual, I was sure, and I felt that Evan had in some way been cheating on me, all the while giving me the best sex I would ever experience. I felt jilted and wronged and completely justified in my actions; but I also felt petty and small and...
SupernaturalDosto me aaj apko ek reall story batane ja raha hu. mera name mehul hay or me ek badi city me rahta hu, mere sab relative gaav me hi rahte hay, me akela city me rahta hu, gaam me mera ek chhota bhai or mumy or ek widow sister hay, papa nahi hay, me saal ke 2 baar gaav jata hu, abhi just me gav gya tha to vaha 15 din ruk ne ka moka mila, or Padosh ke hi gaav me meri widow bahen enke chote devar jo abhi 12 years ka hay or unke sasur rahte hay, bahen ki saas to jab meri bahen ki saadi nahi hui thi...
this is the story and details about my japanese woman partner. this is a true story . hope you will enjoy it like i enjoy it seriously. and i will add or change more details and incidents about her when i disclose them and will publish more photos about her what i like to share with you.I am 43 and originally from sri lanka who lives in japan and sri lanka time to time. my woman sex partner is a japanese. she is a 54 y old [ in 2019 ] 3 times devorced and 1 time husband died [ overall 4 times...
Chapter 7 – Evelyn “Aleeeeeeeeex.” I looked around, startled from my contemplation of the idol by the voice, a female voice, whispering my name; soft, sweet and enticing. “Aleeeeeeeeex. Come to me.” Breathy and sexy, it seemed directionless; all I knew for sure was that it wasn’t any of the men around the table calling me; they couldn’t even hear it; they all remained absorbed in Johanssen’s narrative. He had closed out his Bridge night adventure with Evelyn and was now explaining how Adley...
SupernaturalThe college widow was born in 1850. During the war she lost her heart to an older boy who went off to the Union Army. He was killed in the fighting. After the war, she was educated at one of the first new colleges for young women. A visiting male professor courted and married her. They were wed the day after her graduation and went off to honeymoon in Europe. He was 48, she was 22. He was virile and experienced and on their honeymoon he taught her the art of love. She had her first orgasm on...
This is a continuation:Black Widow submits to S.H.I.E.L.D Widow rises, while another falls between her... Widow Sexual Espionage Widow Spy vs Miracle DayAvengers TowerNew YorkA lone Avenger walked casually through the luxurious communal area of the...
If the transient sexual prowess of its members was a mystery, then the library itself was the enigma wrapped in the riddle wrapped in the mystery that was The Winsome Widow gentlemen's club. I was initially charmed by the high shelves stacked with bound volumes; there were no windows and all four walls were completely covered floor to ceiling with bookshelves and a wheeled ladder attached to each wall. In the centre of the room were two Chesterfield sofas and two sumptuous matching armchairs...
This is a continuation Black Widow submits to S.H.I.E.L.D The Mercer Hotel, SoHo, New York.Lat: 38N 53' 33.78" Long: 77S 3' 38.91""Nothing's been the same since New York," gasped Natasha Romanoff, shuddering as the firm hand met its target once more."Well that's literally the understatement of this century." Maria Hill replied coldly, her calm drawl noticeably clipped, at least while her breathing settled: "You've proven to be...
This is a continuation:Black Widow submits to S.H.I.E.L.D Widow rises, while another falls between her... Widow Sexual Espionage Widow Spy vs Miracle Widow waiting for a new...
“It is the tale, not he who tells it”Stephen KingChapter 1 - Barrow In one of the secluded laneways off Macleay St in Potts Point, Sydney, sits a set of five handsome two-story Victorian brick terraces; each with a brass plaque beside the door identifying the surgeon or barrister who practices within. The westernmost of the group has no name on its plaque; just a relief impression of a woman in profile, not unlike the obverse side of a coin; one from a realm blessed with a most beautiful and...
SupernaturalThe Widow lived across the road. She didn’t fit the image. She was my age, smart, kept herself trim. She had a pleasant but not overly exciting figure, though it was the sort that left you wondering what it looked like naked. She was vivacious, lively, had a smile which lit everything up but she had never remarried. It didn’t appear to be for want of suitors, there wasn’t a string of men or even a queue to the door. In fact she didn’t go out a great deal, but if she did go there was always a...
MatureBikini Beach: Black Widow Synopsis: Guys are turning up dead, and the cops have no leads. Who is this very mysterious serial killer, and are BB's customers on the list? [email protected] ********************************************************************** Bikini Beach: Black Widow The club was busy, but not as busy as it normally was on a Friday night in the early summer. Guys sat in groups, watching the girls, as was the usual order of business. It was...
Hi all, its Ali here!I’m back with another post of my slutty widowed Aunt, Sheen. This is a compilation of THREE of the most memorable road trips with Aunty Sheen. I hope you enjoy this post as much as you did the previous ones. I’m eager to hear your reaction to this so feel free to Like my story and drop in a Comment!A little background first…About me - I’m Ali. I’m very fair-skinned, stand over 5” 10” tall with sharp features and straight, long dark hair. I have a tall and trim muscular...
I woke up in a crummy mood. My dream about Willow walking down the aisle didn't help. Why I would dream about my cousin was beyond my comprehension. Maybe it had something to do with her always being on my case about me fucking the widow Cece.Being called another man's name just as I unloaded in Cece's pussy didn't help either. What Cece does is Cece's business. Just don't call me someone else's name while I'm fucking you. She is a hot MILF and that's what I'm in it for, a hot piece...
First TimeWe rode into the McAlester ranch south of Black Mountain too late to prevent the carnage. The Comanches were gone and the coyotes and buzzards had started feasting on the bodies of the twenty-one men and boys they'd killed. We let our horses rest and graze in McAlester's grass while we buried what was left of them in shallow graves and piled the rocks high over them. The Captain opened his Bible and said a few words. That was the Comanche way. Kill the men. Take the women and horses and guns...
Barbara came from across the street again on Monday evening, as soon as she saw me coming back from my office…I had fucked this old sexy widow on the previous days and she knew my lovely wife would be still away from home for some time yet.This third time she entered my house after me and quietly she undressed in the living room. I told her I would take a relaxing warm shower and later we would see what we could do together. Barbara just smiled and purred like a kitten.When I came back, I found...
This is a continuation:Black Widow submits to S.H.I.E.L.D Widow rises, while another falls between her... Widow Sexual Espionage prisoner shuddered awake with a start: bolting upright only to rattle the chains holding her in place. Twisting in the wooden seat, the redhead groaned, head still spinning. Leaning forward...
Hi, my cutie pies. How’s the day? This is a continuation of my story. Please read the previous parts to enjoy the story. But before I continue my story, I would like to thank the ISS team for publishing my story. I got to make many friends who read my story and send their valuable feedback. Some became very close friends of mine. Thank you very much for being my buddies. Here I continue. The next day I was fidgety. It’s been a long wait since I proposed her. And after yesterday’s incident, my...
I went Chengdu for a business trip. One of my student's mum, a china lady (also a widow - i shall name her Ms Y) also happened to be back in Chengdu during the school vacation. We met in chengdu and had dinners, chats, get to know more friends. After two days, i needed to visit chongqing and to my surprise, Ms Y offered to be my guide (actually she was very keen to travel). I was happy to have a companion and she was a great one. We went separate ways during the day and had dinner at night in...
EroticWe met online, innocently, really, instant messages on a forum, a simple hello at first and welcome to the site. I replied with a thank you and how thoughtful. He sent another message, ‘I found your bio interesting.’ Of course, I had to ask, ‘How so? What makes it so interesting, different from the rest?’ A simple reply came from him, ‘Your honesty.’ I was trying to write stories, erotica, and I was unsure of myself. He offered to help. How could I refuse? I sent him a writing sample. He...
Hello friends I am back again with my new story.This story is all about satisfying a widow whom I met at kolkata.As I have mention in my earlier story that I m a good looking guy having 6″ penis.I loved the response of all you people and that’s why I am back again to share my recent incident with a widow . For any feedback you all can contact me at I would love to satisfy women of any age. Lets come to my story . As I like hindi hope you all will like my lang. Baat 3 saal phele ki h jab mai...
She doesn't know how long she stood at the base of the ladder when she found me standing in front of her and my hand on her cheek. I asked her if she was okay. She stammered a broken yes, then she found herself sitting on the couch in the living room. Her mind exploded. She could not process any real thought. She is consumed with emotions she did not understand and overwhelmed with a desire she did not know she had. I lean in and suddenly kiss her hard, thrusting my tongue into her mouth,...
Hi all, its Ali here!I'm back with another incident with my widow aunt where she introduces me to BDSM and I discover one of my favorite kinks.Let me quickly share a few important background details for the new readers. I come from a very strict Muslim family. It is an extended family which consists of my father and the families of his 7 brothers. We live in a big city in central India which I will not name for privacy reasons. Our family is well-off as my father and uncles are mostly at high...
The Dominant Widow and her Young Neighbor By billy69boyI had known full well that marrying an older gentleman was a risky proposition. It opened me to the distinct possibility that I would eventually become a widow before my time. But I married Morgan Mount nonetheless. I just couldn't resist: despite the fact that I was just twenty two years of age and he was almost twice that when we wed didn't matter to me at the time. I was totally in love with him and to this day, I am still. Morgan...
The street I lived on could have been anywhere in America. Lush trees lined it and cars were often parked below them instead of in the driveways. Most of the time, the driveways had been turned into basketball courts or used as parking for bicycles.My family’s house was at the end of the street. It had a neighbor on one side and, on the other, what we used to call a forest but it was in fact no more than twenty trees or so clumped together. It was a safe place to grow up in and we kids were...
Taboo(This is the sequel to 'Man Of The House')"My condolences," the driver said, as he looked back through the window between the back and front seats of the limo. "It'll take us about forty-five minutes to get to the cemetery. I'll make the ride as smooth as possible.""Thank you. Take your time," Rory said, pushing the button that raised the solid panel, closing the two compartments off from each other. Between the solid panel and the extremely darkly tinted windows, they were completely isolated...
Hi all, its Ali here! I’m back with another incident with my widow aunt where she introduces me to BDSM and I discover one of my favorite kinks. Let me quickly share a few important background details for the new readers. I come from a very strict Muslim family. It is an extended family which consists of my father and the families of his 7 brothers. We live in a big city in central India which I will not name for privacy reasons. Our family is well-off as my father and uncles are mostly at...
That Friday morning I was horny as hell, since my beloved wife had gone to visit a girlfriend out of town. Ana would not come back home until Monday and I was going crazy about thinking in just sex…So I had a good idea; I would invite our neighbor across the street, Barbara, who was a recent widow in her early sixties, to come home and have a chat.I was thinking about it, as the doorbell rang out. Just a pure coincidence; but my sexy neighbor Barbara was standing there, smiling at me and asking...
This is a continuation Black Widow rises, while another falls between her... is a continuation Black Widow submits to S.H.I.E.L.D the endless mill of washed out tourists from the veranda of the cheap cafe, Natasha Romanoff couldn't help but feel... inconspicuous. Lisbon was an old world tourist town, struggling to stay relevant in modern times; and yet she was here....
Hello, guys, it’s Rakesh again with another erotic adventure tale. It’s not of mine but of a person who contacted me after reading my previous story ” She found new life in son “. You can go through my profile to read my tales. For new readers, I am Rakesh, 21, cute lad (i get that a lot ), in my final year of engineering and horny as fuck. I usually prefer women above 35+. No upper limit. I don’t know, I just find women above 35 damn attractive and give my best to give them a memorable...
Hi, friends Rinku once again with new story. Now I am going to tell you another true story about my widow aunt. Manu my cousin was an only daughter of my uncle. My uncle was died due to tetanus after one year of birth of Manu. My aunt was 38 years old when this incident was happened. Manu was 18 year old and I was 18 year old. Let me describe my aunt first. Her height was 5’ 4” and her boos size was 40, waist size was 32 and hip size was 38. She is looking like hot sex bomb in that age also. As...
IncestMy name is Tarun & This is how i lost my virginity to a widow. I work as a Team Lead for a call center in Bangalore.A team of 20 members were assigned to me,except one lady all the other guys and girls were young & enthusiastic but every one use to gel well and worked as a team. As this was a new team i had to know about every one’s background so i use to have a one on one session with my team and so did i with this lady (sarala-good looking lady with a great figure/structure) who then told me...
Serendipity! I have utterly understood the meaning of this word (…at 23 years of age!) from a recent encounter that occurred in my life. If it wasn’t for one of my friends, I would have never got to meet an open-minded webcam model who also became an agony aunt and advised me to better fuck my widow aunt in the pussy rather than in her tight asshole. This is what had occurred in my life guys.. I was working in the city far away from my hometown when the ongoing lockdown was imposed. My job...
The widow lived across the road. She didn't fit the image. She was my age; smart, kept herself trim. She had a pleasant but not overly exciting figure, the sort that left you wondering what it looked like naked. She was vivacious, lively, had a smile which lit everything up and she had never remarried. It didn't appear to be for want of suitor's - there wasn't a string of men or even a queue to the door. In fact she didn't go out a great deal, but if she did go there was always a handsome...
Now that the Church of Divine Intervention had their official status as a Non-profit Religious entity confirmed, They began to unofficially incorporate the Hatfield sister’s moonshine operation into their regular distribution network and more often than not when they gave out the bibles there was a couple of bottles of home-grown hooch in the box as well. The Hatfield sisters began to dress all in white to give a spot of color to their Sunday services and they started to accept a few of the...
Karen Masters woke up aching in every joint the morning after being gang banged by the eight officers from the fort outside town. They'd given her a very . Their big cocks had repeatedly and roughly penetrated both her holes and she'd been used as a prostitute. Large, well muscled men who took their pleasure without worrying if they hurt a woman. Karen had experienced several orgasms because her clit became very sensitive with all the friction of the large shafts thrusting inside her, but she...
Group SexHi all, its Ali here!I'm back with another long, but incredibly detailed memory. This time I've decided to make a post of the top five times my widowed, Muslim Aunt Sheen boldly showed off her nudist nature at different places. I have tried to put the events in a chronological order and included as much details as I can remember from all those years ago, so I hope you like these short posts as much as you did the earlier ones I uploaded. *Please don't forget to like and comment below as it...
My phone rang, I picked it up and saw that I had an incoming call from my father."Hi Pops, what's up?"“Mom and I are going to visit your Aunt Barb and Uncle Bill. We would like you to come and stay awhile so we can see you. It's been almost two years since we last saw you. Please say you will come.”“I don't know, Dad. I'll check at work and see if I can take some time off. It would be really nice to see you and mom, Aunt Barb and Uncle Bill too.”The next day my boss said, “Get the fuck out of...
MILFHooked on black cock, Juliana considers a proposition.D-Con pushed Juliana’s knees up past her head on the living room rug near the couch and her little white ass and pussy pointed straight up in the air. Holding both of her tiny ankles with one hand, he took his other hand and stuck his 14-inch black cock back inside her wet and dilated open asshole. Juliana’s eyes rolled back into her head as he pumped his large black rod deep and hard into her tight little anus.Juliana loved to be fucked in...
Juliana loved to be fucked in her ass. Especially by big black cocks. Well, she had only learned that love two days ago on her trip to East Cleveland. On that trip the petite white widow received her first anal sex of her life when she wandered into what turned into a BBC five-man gangbang. She went looking for black cock and bingo she had found it. The 31-year-old tiny 5’1” 126-pound recent doctor’s widow with the 34b-25-32 measurements handled it all like a champ. The contrast of her...
I’d never thought of or looked at Sue in a sexually way until I saw her striding behind her petrol lawnmower, still dressed in her clothes from church, it was the way her shapely black nylon covered legs appeared through the split at the back of her long stretchy black skirt. But I was mesmerised by the way the material stretched and clung to define her peachy shaped bottom as she moved. She turned at the top of the garden and saw me looking, raised her hand and smiled and I waved back to her...
Hi readers of indian sex stories dot net This is Raj from Mumbai. I am 21 single 6 ft, fit body, and the business guy and I love to have sex. I have had sex with my girlfriends, neighbor and her daughter, many friends and 2 hot college professor from my college.I have a 6″ long and 3.5″ thick cock which I know to use perfectly. I completed my graduation from Mumbai University. So let’s get to the story. 100% real. This story is about my hot maid Archana. Archana is a widow and has a daughter...
This story is based on a small village and a joint family. Sudha was the bride of the younger son of the family, Ravi. Ravi had been in a terrible form over the years, his older brother had parted his land share. And all money was lost to drinking. Even all the ornaments that Sudha had were sold to finance Ravi’s last rites, leaving Sudha, an otherwise attractive voluptuous woman in her late thirties, with no money or children. Ravi’s elder brother, Kishan had passed away long before, leaving...
IncestDuring a routine robbery, two large black men unwittingly robbed the Westcott house while the grieving widow was still home. Mistakenly, Juliana took them for the plumbers that her late husband had scheduled before he died. By the end of the night, the only ‘pipes’ that the two black thieves ended up working with were the ones hanging between their own legs. They pumped the little white widow hard and long leaving her fuck holes leaking, and opening up her mind and sexual desires to a world of...
After a wild night Juliana's black cock fever guides her further into the darkness.A little over six months ago, Juliana Westcott was living in the suburbs of Pepper Pike, Ohio married to a promising bright young doctor. She was 31 and already well to do, and her life seemed well planned. Then her husband died suddenly in a freak car accident leaving the poor young girl with wealth and responsibilities. Never in her wildest imaginations did Juliana ever dream what her life would turn into since...
I met the widow by accident at a shopping centre in a large country town in the north of the state. I was on my way from the shops to the carpark when this lady in front of me took a fall. All I did was respond in the usual gentlemanly way. When I had retrieved her and her shopping, and got her to her car close by, I could see that though not hurt she was a bit shaken up by the accident. While initially she was a bit reluctant, and maybe a little embarrassed too, I got her to agree to have a...
They called the Black Widow but I had never actually met her. She was the Group Company Accountant and had a fierce reputation as a hard nosed bitch. I had only been head of our business section for a couple of months but had so far avoided meeting her, then one day out of the blue she decide to undertake a surprise audit of our division. One of the girls in the office announced that the ‘Black Widow was coming the next day and everyone fell silent, the other girls in the office looked like...
I had spent a very hard busy day at my office; working like a donkey during several hours. I was wasted when I arrived at home; but still I wanted some good sex to relief…The worse thing was that my lovely wife was visiting some grilfriend and she had warned me she would spend the night outside.Then I had a warm shower before trying to cook some quick dinner; but I was really tired even to jerk my cock by myself.As I was having dinner, I thought about an old lady who was our neighbor.She was a...
The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
“Escaped convict, the black widow, strikes again, so far five dead.”David looked up at the screen of his television. The picture of a dark, attractive woman was on the screen.“If you see her, do not approach her. Call the police and report her whereabouts. This woman kills for pleasure, do not be her next victim.”David laughed, he loved a good horror story and all this scaremongering over the last month had tickled him.He was an egomaniac and could not help but think to himself, I could change...
HorrorMy name is Mike Wilson. The story I'm about to tell you really happened. I've just changed names and places. My first name is Michael, but my last name is not Wilson. If a certain farmer knew of me, I'd probably be beaten to a pulp, my body left for the buzzards. *** I had just turned seventeen, and completed my junior year in high school. I lived with my mother and father in a small Kansas town. Every summer since I was ten years old, I had spent the summers with my Aunt Barb and Uncle Bill,...
MILFHi, Pramod here. Email id: . I come to the incident directly as everyone knows me and my profession. I came across a widow who needed sexual pleasure. I had posted an ad in 1 app stating my private massage service. She contacted me through the mail id provided in the ad and inquired about massage. She didn’t mention she wanted to have sexual pleasure. She took all the information. She was mailing me as a male. She asked me how will I massage women in front of her husband and if her husband is...
Hi, this is Ansh, 27-year-old from Delhi and I am back with my recent encounter with Naina. Naina is a widow and a recent mom. She contacted me after reading my previous sex experiences shared on ISS with Nitya and Malvika. So, coming directly to the story and describing Naina. She is 32 years old, 5’3 in height, average complexion and a figure of 34-30-35 with a cup size of C. She got married at the age of 28 but her husband died about a year back while she was pregnant. She gave birth to a...
Hello, friends, I am Sam from Haryana this is my second indian sex story which I’m sharing with you This story is all about satisfying a widow whom I met in Chandigarh I would love to satisfy women of any age. Let’s come to my story. As I like Hindi hope you all will like my lang. Baat 2 weak pehle ki h jab mai Chandigarh gya coaching k lie to mai waha Apni Masi k pass rehne lga 4 days hi hue the Mosa g Job krte the mai the isliye room m jada nhi aate the or khana Masi bana k de deti thi.Flat...