Bizarre Yard Sale free porn video

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Everyone in the story is over 18 years old. This work of fiction is a product of the author’s imagination and the characters, incidents or dialog are not to be construed as real. This story includes scenes of graphic sex and should NOT be read by minors or anyone that might be offended by such filth. No one should publish or post this story anywhere else without the author’s written permission.

The length of this story is around 13,000 words and takes up 4 pages on Lit.

Tags used on this story are: mind control, gang bang, cum, cum eating, forced, control, hypnosis, blond, breasts, nipples


It’s been a year since that day and I still have difficulty believing what happened. I’m writing it down to see if it sounds any more believable in black and white than it does in my head. Sometimes I wonder if it really happened.

I tried to forget it and succeeded in not thinking about it for months at a time. Then a year later, it all came back like a kick to the nuts. It was Sunday, and we slept in late, I got up and put the coffee on, and went out to get the paper.

I’ve started being more attentive to Annie since that time, acting more like I did when we were newlyweds. Not just in bed, but in all the little things I used to do for her. Opening doors, helping with the housework, helping with the meals, getting flowers, things like that. I’ve been trying to treat her like the lady she is. I want to show her that I still love her, love her with all my heart.

So I was going to fry up some bacon and scramble some eggs for her, bring it all up on a tray, bacon and eggs, orange juice and coffee. And of course, the Sunday paper. I thought we could lounge in bed and read the paper like we used to on Sunday mornings. Hopefully we would put the paper down at some point and … enjoy each other.

So I headed out to get the paper, having made sure the door wouldn’t lock behind me. It only takes once to be stuck out in your pajamas without a cell phone to take precautions for the rest of your life.

I headed back and when I got closer to the door, noticed a piece of paper hanging from the knob. A door hanger. My first thought that there was no election for some time, that some eager beaver politician was starting his campaign early. I picked it and intended to toss it in the recycle bin when I got inside.

I didn’t pay attention to it, and just lay on the newspaper, only noticing some sort of map. You know the kind, just lines showing roads and highways, tiny lettering giving the names and route numbers of the roads, with a star showing where ‘IT’ was. I never tossed it into the recycle bin.

My mind lazily just assumed it was a sale of some sort, perhaps a farm sale since it appeared to show rural county roads turning off of some Interstate. I do remember now, in retrospect, that before I went back inside, I looked out across the street, looking at all the front doors that I could see.

I didn’t see any door hangers on any of the other doors, and again my mind lazily assumed they had gotten up earlier than I had and had taken them down. After all who puts a door hanger on a single door, I mean why do that, it would be crazy or something. Wouldn’t it?

So, bacon, eggs, orange juice, coffee, tray, paper, the single rose I picked up on the way home yesterday. Napkins, forks, spoons, sugar, salt, pepper. Then upstairs to see my beautiful sexy wife.

It was wonderful, she was just coming out of the bathroom, had put on a nightgown, (We had fun last night and she fell asleep without one), and was belting her short robe over it.

A good breakfast in bed and I picked up all the detritus and put the tray on the chair by the door, then got back into bed as she pulled the Sunday paper towards her.

‘What’s this Carl? Did it come with the paper?’ Annie asked, picking up the door hanger and handing it to me.

‘Oh, I was going to toss it, just a door hanger, some sale or something,’ I said as I sat down on the bed, my pillows fluffed behind me so I could lean on the headboard.

Then I turned it over and looked at it. Annie was dissecting the paper, finding the sections she wanted to peruse. I was frozen, staring at the hanger. My mind gibbering in terror. How? How did they know? How did they find me? Find Us. Oh god oh god oh god!

All in silence, I couldn’t talk, I was frozen and numb just staring at the flier. It advertised the ‘Annual Kurt, Kasim and Lorena yard sale’ thousands of items new and old, something for everybody, explore our maze of thousands of items in the back, peruse the wonderful kitsch items in front. Come one come all. See map for location on back.

On the back, under the map, in bold letters, ‘YOU cannot miss this.’

‘YOU.’ What did they mean by ‘YOU’? Surely they didn’t mean us, did they?

My hand started shaking, Annie looked over and took it from my hand.

‘Oh wonderful, a yard sale, how innovative to advertise it like that. Look behind the writing they’ve got a shadow image of that old house. Oh Carl, we’ve got to go, we simply must, I had such a good time last year!’

Yes, a wonderful time I thought. You haven’t thought of it or mentioned it since the day after we got back. Except the one time you saw pictures of it and were horrified before you went into denial, or worse.

It made me start to think about that day again. Annie had put the flier on her nightstand and was looking through the paper. I went back to that day last year, when we found that yard sale. I let out a sigh and my my mind drifted back to how it all started.

It all started with a funeral. Annie insisted we go and I was off for the summer and had done most of the maintenance around the house that needed doing for the summer, so I figured why not. All summer off is one of the perks of being a professor in a small liberal arts college.

Not that I enjoyed visiting her relatives, but this time we were staying in a motel, and not at her sister’s place. Her sister’s house has lots of bedrooms. But one and a half bathrooms with two kids plus her sister and brother in law plus us did not make for fun in the mornings.

Her sister Tina is nice enough, and Clyde, Tina’s husband is OK, and the kids were normal kids, but I like my privacy and their house had none. Oh yeah, the funeral was for Clyde’s ex cousin in law.

Let see if I can get this straight. Clyde has a cousin. He married Kelly, then divorced her. But Tina, Annie’s sister, liked Kelly a lot, so Tina and Kelly stayed in touch and remained fast friends. I think Clyde’s cousin moved out West, Montana or Wyoming or some such.

Kelly remarried and that husband died of cancer. We hardly knew Kelly and had only met her husband once. But Annie was always looking for the chance to get together with Tina. So we went to the funeral.

I got out my dark blue suit and off we went in Big Blue, our old custom van, an outdated gas guzzler but great on the highway, and roomy. Annie didn’t have to tell me that she hoped to stop at a few antique places on the way back to see what there was she could buy. Just in case I took out the rear bench seat, to make room for whatever.

Annie had been talking about a new coffee table for the den we had downstairs. The den wasn’t fancy, but a good place to retreat to for the few days or week or so when it was hot and sticky in the late summer. And why not be comfortable when we had to go down there for a tornado warning. And a nice place to put visiting relatives, there was a bedroom and bathroom down there too.

The funeral was OK, it drizzled but we had umbrellas and didn’t take to long. It seems like a grey drizzly day is fitting for a funeral. Afterwords everyone sat around and ate, I mean that’s what you do don’t you?

Tina even brought her spaghetti mac casserole, she claims she’s famous for it and I always say she’s infamous for it. She pretends to slap me and everyone laughs. But hey,
it was all gone and I didn’t see any of it in the garbage can.

So once it was over we had a long drive, about sixteen hours to get home. We had made it in two days going out to Madison on the interstate. But Annie wanted to take three or four going back leisurely like, taking two lane blacktops and going through all the quaint little towns.

Those were her words. So way stayed another day in Madison and headed back. I let Annie navigate, she had the GPS and I went where she said. All I did was keep my eye on the fuel gauge and start looking for gas stations when it started getting low. We had a good time for a while. Stopped at one so called antique mall, browsed for ever, then back on the road. She had me turn onto one county road after another.

Then I saw her starting to get out the paper maps, but didn’t think anything of it for a while until we came to an intersection and she didn’t say anything about which way to turn.

‘So Annie, there’s this intersection here, so which way do you want me to turn babe?’ I said in a calm detached voice

She just rustled her map and tapped on the GPS. I didn’t want to stop and just kept on straight ahead on the road we had been on. Annie still didn’t say anything. I could see her looking out the window this way and that, and looking at the map and the GPS.

The road started getting a little worse for wear, lots of patches and the occasional little pot hole. Nothing serious. The land was flat as a pancake, empty fields with bunches of trees around the occasional farm houses, and planted windbreaks of trees extending off here and there. Not too many of either. Lots of fallow fields and wetlands with cattails, tall native grasses and scrub.

We got to a stretch of land that was low lying, with wetlands stretching off on either side, lots of open ponds and small lakes and tall grasses in between. Red wing blackbirds perched on fence posts or low bushes, and the occasional waterfowl paddling around. I stopped for a big snapping turtle a couple of feet around as it crossed the road.

That prehistoric looking monster barely even looked at the car. And it eventually got past us. I just watched it get across the road and slide into the marsh on that side. I wouldn’t want to be wading anywhere near that guy.

‘Well hon, where are we now?’ I asked Annie gently. It was a sore spot for her, getting lost, so I tried not to sound like I really cared. But the gas gauge was barely above a quarter tank.

‘Um dear, I think you took the wrong road back there see. I can’t tell just exactly where this place is.’ Annie answered, looking at her map.

I noticed that I was now responsible for being where we were, but I didn’t say anything, not wanting to stress her overly much. She hated being lost and went into denial whenever it happened, even though she usually wanted to be the navigator when we started out on a trip.

I love my wife dearly, but we all have our strengths, and navigating wasn’t hers, no matter what she thought. And I didn’t want her to bust out in tears, or get into or a blame match, so I kept quiet and stayed calm.

I mean, what’s the worst that would happen, we might run out of gas, but this was the mid-west, we could walk up to any farm house and get a ride, and there was bound to be a highway with a town and gas station near by anyway.

‘Well, love of my life, are we still in Wisconsin, or have we made it into Minnesota yet?’ I very carefully and neutrally inquired.

Annie let the map flop down on her lap and gave a sigh. She had a strange look on her face. She sighed again.

‘The GPS thing you got here, well, it’s not working. It keeps saying it’s recalculating.’

She sounded like she was going to cry, and I didn’t want that. We had great sex the night before we left and again this morning. It was a great start for the day. I was hoping for more fun in the blankets tonight. There was something about Motels that turned Annie on and I didn’t want her to lose the mood. I found out last night that she had packed some very erotic lingerie, and she wore it, for a short time.

So I kept a smile on my face and headed on. Pretty soon the land started to rise and we appeared to be approaching a small town. As we drove into the town it seemed smaller than it looked from a distance. There wasn’t a gas station. Then Annie saw a sign.

‘Look Carl, there’s a yard sale, a huge yard sale.’ Annie was alive and happy again.

So I turned in the direction of the sign that said, ‘Kurt, Kasim, and Lorena’s Huge Summer Yard Sale’, and turned down another street following the arrows. The streets in this place it were lined by huge trees in front of old Victorian or American Foursquare style houses, nearly every one needed paint. Some looked abandoned.

I turned another corner following the signs, and there it was, a yard sale in front of a large house with an old carriage house behind it. There seemed to be lots of plantings and hedges in back.

I parked between a couple of cars and noticed that there were only a few other cars parked along the street in front of the sale. And it was a huge sale, a dozen large tables were were arranged in the front along with shelves full of everything from old tools to used clothes. There were foot lockers opened up full of stuff, and even a few old oak tables and round top trunks for sale.

There was a perky blond woman who seemed to be the one selling the stuff. She wore shorts and a neat dress shirt. She had short hair and was about five feet eight inches tall.

She seemed to have a helper, he was an older balding middle aged man who was taking the money and making change. He seemed a little spaced out and kept walking back and forth and mumbling to himself in between the infrequent sales. Blond haired perky walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder and seemed to give him a short pep talk.

Annie and I walked up and started looking around. There were a lot of old tools, used modern pliers wrenches and such like, and old wooden planes and chisels and squares. It was an interesting mix and I was quickly browsing the tables.

I heard Annie asking about furniture and clothes, then she came over to me.

‘Honey, I’m going to the back area, she said there was a lot of clothing and some antique furniture.’ Annie said.

‘Sure thing honey,’ I answered looking at an old set of gimlets, still in its well made oak box.

‘Wait a second honey, I may need to take some pictures, in case I want to come back later? Your new phone does a much better job than mine, can I borrow it?’ Annie asked.

‘OK, here,’ I said and handed it to her. It wasn’t until she had gone around the corner that I thought I should have taken her phone in case she wanted me to come carry something for her.

I kept up browsing and about when I finished perusing every table and shelf I noticed a middle aged woman coming around the side of the house, from the direction that Annie had gone. She seemed to be in trouble or exhausted. But had a good figure and her long auburn hair was attractive, even if it was a loose and frazzled looking.

A tall dark haired woman with a severe face was helping her, and two tall, thin and fit looking dark haired men were following them carrying an end table and some bags that were full of clothing.

The balding man put his box of change down on the table, glanced at me, then went to help the woman who I took for his wife. They went to one of the parked cars. The men put the table into the trunk and the wife just flopped into the back and stretched out. They drove off.

It all looked a bit odd, and I was the only one of the few browsers that seemed to have noticed it. The other thing I noticed as the woman passed near me was the scent of sex. Musky, with overtones of bleach. And I could have sworn I saw something glinting, like liquid, on the inside of her leg below her knee length dress.

I was a little uneasy and d
ithered a bit. Oddly I seemed not to be able to think clearly. My mind seemed foggy and I only now noticed it. I tried something that usually brightened up a tired mind, say when I was grading paper after paper.

I tried to go through the family tree of the Saxon House of Wessex, I got as far as Cynegils King of Wessex, but for the life of me I couldn’t go further. I tried, but it was all blank until Alfred the Great some two hundred odd years later. That bothered me. Usually the rote recital got me going.

Come on, I told myself, you’re a history teacher and that is the era your doctoral thesis was on. I went through it again and again. I couldn’t concentrate. I kept thinking about the night before, the love making that Annie and I had, how joyful she sounded and the little gurgling sound she would make when she was just falling asleep afterwords.

I thought about that sexy lavender baby-doll gown she put on. It barely covered anything, and what it covered was visible through the sheer material. She had this matching pair of satin panties, not see through, but a delight anyway.

She came out of the bathroom, her hair done up in two thick braids that hung past her shoulders, her deep blue eyes smoldering at me. I saw she had made them up, and the bright red lipstick that I love. The lavender chase-me-fuck-me stiletto heels had her standing on her toes they were so tall.

She slunk toward me, her hips sinuously moving side to side with each step, a lascivious smile on her lips. Oh those red lips. I got up from the chair I had been sitting in since I had gotten out of the shower. I had been watching a weather report on the TV and snapped it off, tossing the controller away.

She slid toward me, every part of her moving and jiggling and twisting. I swear I could smell her musk. By the time she got to me she had somehow lost her panties. I didn’t know how she did, but she never fell out of step with her erotic slink toward me.

She pushed herself against me. My cock was erect as she pushed into it with her body, her breasts pressing against me and her mouth tilted up, inviting me to kiss her. I put my arms around her and slid my hands down to cup her wonderful bottom. Oh how did I love her bottom, she could walk away from you in ways that would drive a blind monk crazy when she wanted to.

I pulled her to me and kissed her, deeply. Her tongue was the aggressor tonight, weaving into my mouth, sliding around mine, exploring, searching, while her hands slid between us and pressed against my cock. She pushed me back until I fell to the bed, then she crawled on top of me.

She didn’t stop until I was flat on the bed and she was crouched over me, holding on to the headboard she looked down at me, past her breasts, past her tummy, deep into my eyes.

‘Make me cum professor husband, make me cum.’

She lowered her pussy and I tasted her, I explored her and I couldn’t keep my hands off her bottom, sliding, caressing pulling and pushing, until finally I crept between her cheeks, teasing her taint, and flirting with her little rosebud.

One hand kept busy thrusting fingers, one, two and then three of them into her slick wet pussy, while my tongue teased her clit. Her erect clit, her sensitive clit that by now was sticking out of her slit a good quarter inch, I love it and sucked it into my mouth, my tongue circling it, licking it, flicking it.

I pushed my other hand into her pussy, wetting it, lubricating it, I pulled more of her dripping wetness along her taint. I felt her shiver as I did that, and I pushed into her bottom. I pushed in to one knuckle and felt her pussy clench, another knuckle and her hips spasmed and I heard her breath draw in.

My face was drenched and now her hips were grinding into my face, I kept my mouth closed so my teeth wouldn’t hit her, then she lifted and I was able to go back to her clit. And thrust again into her pussy, my finger in her ass pulled out and then I pushed back in with two fingers.

I tried to feel the fingers of the hand in her pussy with the fingers in her ass, and felt movement. I flirted with the thought of my cock pushing into her pussy only to feel another cock pumping her ass, I was hard and erect and I knew she was near to cumming.

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Bizarre Love Triangle

BIZARRE LOVE TRIANGLE "Urgh, God I'm so booooored." Jen flopped on the bed, her six-foot, spread-eagled frame impossible to ignore. Stabbing at the joypad, trying her hardest to do just that, Adrienne lost yet another life in the video game she was playing. "Uh huh." Her friend turned onto her front, kicking her legs childishly behind her. "Can't we just go out for a little while?" She paused the game with a theatrical sigh and put the pad down. "You know we can't, you...

3 years ago
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New Found LustChapter 5 The Yard Work

After Jessica and Melissa left Dave and Steve put the dishes into the dish washer and wiped down the counter and table. Ok bud, let’s get some clothes on and get started on the yard, I think it’s gonna take a while to get that mess cleaned up. With that said both Father and Son went upstairs to dress. Up in his room Steve selected a pair of old shorts and tee shirt that he used for hanging around in and for jobs like yard work and mowing the grass, he grabbed a pair of briefs and was in the...

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caught naked in the yard

last summer i installed a privacy fence so i could go nude in the neighbors are a little older than me and seem to be religeous so out of respect id stay behind the garage when i was nude in the yard.i have a big yard and always wanted to roam free and naked in my yard so last summer when id get each paycheck id buy 5 sections of privacy fence.once i accumulated 15 sections i began construction.once i had about 10 sections up i noticed my neighbors loading their luggage in their car and...

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Black Friday Sale

The two of them had just “finished” shopping on Black Friday and headed out to the car. Beth Ann, the slightly pudgy younger sister who was Tiffany Rae’s best friend located her SUV. She unlocked the doors and the two of the early 30 year olds climbed into the automobile and promptly buckled their seatbelts. Beth Ann started the SUV and pulled out and got drove on to the main road and located the expressway. Within minutes they were speeding along at somewhere around 70 to 75 mph. Beth Ann was...

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Black Friday Sale

The two of them had just “finished” shopping on Black Friday and headed out to the car. Beth Ann, the slightly pudgy younger sister who was Tiffany Rae’s best friend located her SUV. She unlocked the doors and the two of the early 30 year olds climbed into the automobile and promptly buckled their seatbelts. Beth Ann started the SUV and pulled out and got drove on to the main road and located the expressway. Within minutes they were speeding along at somewhere around 70 to 75 mph. Beth Ann was...

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The Sale

My wife, Holly recently had her 1st solo contract presentation. It was at a minority business convention held downtown. I could tell that she was excited and nervous as she barely touched her dinner, but did manage to change outfits a dozen times. She finally settled on a very nice business/evening ensemble. A V-neck blouse, (not too low) and a classy jacket, skirt combo with high heels. A push-up bra, added some cleavage, and a tiny gold ankle bracelet for some spice. She looked hot, but in a...

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The Garage Sale

I had the bright idea this morning to go to a garage sale that was advertising teen girl's clothes in the hopes of finding some nice panties to wear and cum on. I guess it was her mom running the sale, because when I got to the alley garage in the ghetto part of town the woman who came through the door into the garage to meet me she was a young milf but not a teen. She must have gotten started early...I already saw some brightly colored things and some thin cottony fabric folded on the table...

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Young Mother at garage sale

I was driving through town on the way to the parsonage to fuck the preachers wife (see my stories) and as I drove past a garage sale I noticed a couple fishing items I was interested in. I turned and went back. As I walked up the drive way I immediately became more interested in a very young mommy, she was about 19 or 20 had had a baby in her arms. A late 30's to mid 40's blond MILF, obviously her mommy was there also. Both were very fuckable!Anyway, I looked over the fishing stuff as other...

4 years ago
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Black Friday Sale

The two of them had just “finished” shopping on Black Friday and headed out to the car. Beth Ann, the slightly pudgy younger sister who was Tiffany Rae’s best friend located her SUV. She unlocked the doors and the two of the early 30 year olds climbed into the automobile and promptly buckled their seatbelts. Beth Ann started the SUV and pulled out and got drove on to the main road and located the expressway. Within minutes they were speeding along at somewhere around 70 to 75 mph. Beth Ann was...

2 years ago
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Black Friday Sale

The two of them had just “finished” shopping on Black Friday and headed out to the car. Beth Ann, the slightly pudgy younger sister who was Tiffany Rae’s best friend located her SUV. She unlocked the doors and the two of the early 30 year olds climbed into the automobile and promptly buckled their seatbelts. Beth Ann started the SUV and pulled out and got drove on to the main road and located the expressway. Within minutes they were speeding along at somewhere around 70 to 75 mph. Beth Ann was...

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For Sale

This story is mine and if someboy wants to put it up on a different site should ask me first. There are some scenes which are not suited to minors so if you aren?t 18 years old stop reading now. Dear Readers, this is a kind of a sequel to my story Panties for Life. Since quite a while i am in touch with Domme Mistress Stacey Lynne, who has claimed my wife as hers. So far only online but who knows how things will develop in the future. I have written the i on purpose not in...

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Open House for Sale

Just a few weeks ago, my next door neighbor put their house up for sale. I learned this via the typical realtor "for sale" sign in the yard. Although my wife and I did not interact much with this family, given they had only lived there for two years and mainly kept to themselves, I was a little disappointed to see them go. The neighbors have a daughter, Kate that I've enjoyed spying on when she went swimming in, and laid out by, her pool. Kate was 19 years old when the family moved in and did...

2 years ago
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Wife for Sale

Gabriella honked lightly as she spotted her daughter. The tall, scrawny girl with long reddish blonde hair opened the passenger door and threw her backpack into the back seat of Wilbur, the yellow1966 Volkswagen bug. "Hi, mom. I got an A+ on my speech today." She said as she pulled her earphones on and pulled out her cell phone. From there it was all texting and music through the MP3. She had tuned her mother out all the way home from track practice. "How many intervals did you have to run...

2 years ago
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The Bus Yard

I was returning to my district's bus yard to park my school bus for the weekend. It was Columbus Day weekend and I was excited for three days off. The streets were black without a single vehicle on it besides mine. The Lakewind High School District's transportation department was placed in the middle of nowhere. Lakewind Township consisted of vast farmland and miles of long, winding roads stretching across the hills. The bus yard was about twenty-five minutes away from the bustling, suburban...

Love Stories
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Yard Work

I noticed the knot of young boys up ahead and my interest was piqued. Loud music rocked from the front porch - it was one of those well-earned, sweet hot days in late summer, a warm and voluptuous late afternoon. I calculated from behind my sunglasses as I swung down the street: 5 boys, ages 14 to 17, one swinging a golf club, all of them ducking their heads one by one and stealing long looks at me as I approached. The sun was behind my back was undoubtedly silhouetting my legs through my...

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The Important Sale

My name is Melissa. I am of medium height and slender, but my breasts are enormous, D-cup. This has made me too popular among my schoolmates and at my job, and I know that my close girlfriends envy me, up to the point of increasing their bust sizes as soon as they have saved or they have gotten a rich husband to pay for them. I have discreetly exploited my attractiveness in the sales and marketing world. One day, I applied at a new technology company, and I was hired for my good record in...

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The gardener at the back yard

The gardener at the back yardI am a trophy wife and I know itMy loving husband Victor always has told me I am a trophy wife. I know it…On the first years I did not comprehend the real meaning, but after my forties, I understood it very clearly…Our sexual life was perfect; Victor fucked me wildly several nights a week and sometimes even during the early morning, before leaving to work…But I started to get insatiable… I needed more than my husband’s dick…But then I found the solution: the name...

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Fun Down The Yard

A beautiful Spring evening, I head down to the yard with girlfriend Megan, I pull the car to a stop and we walk up to the stables. It's never on my favourite things to do, but the weather was too nice to say no. On the upside though, the stable girl, a friend of Megan's, Roxanne, was out and tending to the horses. She glides around the yard and it's hard not to follow her movements. Her lovely petite frame with brunette hair in a pony tail move around in the same quick manner that it always...

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The yard sale that changed my life

The yard sale that changed my life. By Our Dairywoman Angel It all started with a yard sale. That's not really where most stories start, but it is where mine really begins. The elderly man who lived across the street from where I did, was selling a lot of items for really cheap. While I hadn't had much to do with him, I knew that his name was Nate Miller. I also knew that around six months before, his wife had vanished from his life. I didn't know if something had happened to him...

2 years ago
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Linear Dominate HierarchyChapter 3 The Yard

The “Yard” was what everyone called the auto repair shop out on State Road 41, that Eddie’s dad owned before he died. Like the house it was Eddies now, but Eddie didn’t know the first thing about repairing automobiles. He had a couple of guys that used to work for his dad working there. But according to Eddie the business wasn’t making money. The main reason the garage was called the ‘Yard’ because of the forty acres that the shop was built on. Now it is mostly grown over with vegetation....

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The Skate Park Yard Job

The Skate Park—The yard job Jamie and me show up at Mr. Wilson's about 9:00 AM. I had recuited him the day before to help me do his yard. I promised him a mouth full of jizz—lol cheap labor.It was a big yard, about 1 ½ acre. Lots of trees and bushes, and wood chips. This would be an all day gig, then the “bonus” afterwards for Mr. Wilson and his friend, Johnny.Took us about 2 hours to do the front. Mow, trim some bushes, and a few bags of mulch. By now we were both pretty pumped up, and...

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At the townhouse part 1 In the back yard

This is a true story.This took place back in the late 1970s when my wife at that time, we're now long divorced, and I were very horny young adults. We both had strong exhibitionist tendencies and, even though we had young k**s at home, we managed to do a lot of playing at night after the k**s were in bed upstairs.We liked to have sex down stairs, both in the living room with its big picture window, (the curtains open – of course), and in the dining room with its big sliding door that opened...

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Used Panties In My Yard

Used Panties In My Yard One Sunday I found a used pair of panties in my backyard not far from the fence that separates my yard from the Garrison’s backyard. I picked them up and looked at them. They were a small size, they were cotton, pink in color, and they had a cum stain in the gusset. I quickly assumed that they belonged to one of the Garrison girls but why did they toss them into my yard? After that I found another pair each Sunday morning. They were all the same size and...

4 years ago
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Heroes for Hire No Superheroines for Sale

The woman strode confidently up the stairs to the upper level of the disused warehouse. Her green cloak trailed behind her, the heavy fabric mostly concealing the attaché case she carried. Beneath her iron self-assurance was a cool wariness; her agents had discovered little about the organization whose representative she was about to meet. She emerged into darkness where a single spotlight lit a metal chair. The invitation was clear and she walked into the circle of light without disguising the...

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Making The Sale

Well this one is kind of a long one so guys grab you a beer and a bowl of popcorn or ladies, grab you a glass and a bottle of wine and some cheese and I hope you all enjoy! Let me start by reminding everyone that all my stories are true life experiences of my swinging lifestyle and my open marriage! Some of the names have been changed but all the experiences and encounters really happened and conversations are word for word. A note about cock size. Personally my pleasurable comfort size for a...

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Boutique Sale

Prologue He watched her carefully with predatory eyes from behind the cashier's desk, lingering over the flair of her hips. She turned her back toward him, examining the racks of clothes, flicking through the blouses as she searched for her size. His gaze dropped over her narrow waist to her denim clad rear, the pockets of her jeans looked riveted to her behind and the thick seam of denim following the sensual curve between her cheeks. She abandoned the rack and moved away, glancing across at...

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Mary looked over the card she received from the handsome man at the door to the porno shop in Central City. The well-dressed, black guy. The fellow who had driven her to tears of pleasure. The fellow she had John suck off with her as the last ditch effort to retain her sanity from the yard o’ beef they’d encountered in this gloryhole. The card read, ANSON BLAINE, CONSULTANT. That was all. She lay in bed that night, remembering his huge black cock…tasting it…fucking it…nursing on the...

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Yard Girl Candi Cuts My Grass

I had hurt my foot and needed some help with cutting the grass and some light house work. I found an ad in the local paper for a grass cutting service. I contacted the service and asked if they had any female employees, not wanting a strange man around the house while I was having a problem. They offered to send a girl over and if I was happy they would offer me a contract to take care of the yard on a monthly basis.Mostly it was cutting the grass, trimming around the edges, and cleaning the...

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My wife gets me help with the yard work

I hate yardwork yet it seems like all I have been doing lately, and as soon as I get one project finished my wife adds three more since I was teaching at night from home due to the coronavirus. Granted last Tuesday was a great day for it, plenty of sunshine and not too humid, but it would have been a great day to go fishing too. My project for the day was to clean out a couple of flowerbeds that needed weeding and new mulch put down and to help me with this my wife had hired a local k** from a...

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Jack Mowed My Yard

I live in an older neighborhood in a large wood framed house built, I think, around 1910. I bought the house as a fixer-upper, but being a single mom, I didn’t realize what I was getting into. I was working two jobs, one as a sales assistant at a local department store and the second tending a bar at a local tavern, after getting off from the first job. Often times, all I felt like doing when I got off at 2:30am, was going to bed and sleeping. I woke one morning about a week ago and went out...

Straight Sex
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Yard SaleChapter 2

I excused my self to go put on dry clothes and left her alone on the back porch. When I came back she was gone. I thought of her leaning down and giving me a flash of her tits as I picked her up that morning. Her distress at having her whole body on display after being in the tub seemed out of character. Kate was excessively shy, or had a glitch in her mind. Either one was a problem I did not want in a relationship. I decided to be pleasant if Kate had gone home to change and came back,...

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Thats Not For Sale

I turned around to see where the voice was coming from and there stood women of rare beauty with the most striking blue eyes. I said, ‘I was just admiring the statue’ and was going to pick it up to check the price. She laughingly said, ‘I’m sorry that one is not for sale it was put out here by mistake.’ I shook my head and said ‘too bad’ because I was a big fan of Indian works of art. She said, ‘I’m very sorry but this one is from my private collection, and I really don’t want to part with it.’...

4 years ago
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Oils For Sale

Oils For Sale By Miss Anonna So I had just received my new line of massage oils and put my old ones up for cheap on CraigsList . In less than an hour I received an email from someone wanting them for the price I was asking, too. I have to admit, CraigsList is an awesome service. The guy that wanted them had mentioned he was learning deep tissue and shiatsu massage and wanted to get started without putting out alot of money. He wanted to come by the next day and pick them up but he was so close...

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Old Guy Gets A Blow Job At The Car Boot Sale

I wrote this shortly after it happened. Ten years ago now.When I was a younger man, like most guys I was obsessed with sex, used to walk around with a constant hard-on. If I look at old photos of myself, I could cry thinking about all the gorgeous girls I lusted after but couldn't be arsed spinning a line to. You see, there’d always be tomorrow or the day after. You know, that day when some gorgeous young thing would offer it to me on a plate.They never did, though.At least not back then, that...

Quickie Sex
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Supermodel Slave Sale

“Ladies and gentleman! It’s an honour and great pleasure to be able to welcome you to the first, one and only The Supermodel Slave Sale!” The audience clapped enthusiastically. “My name is Heidi Klum and with me on the stage is Naomi Campbell.” “We’re happy to host this unique event for you” added Naomi “I hope that we’ll all have as much fun as the girls who’ll soon walk on this stage.” Not only the show was unique, so was the audience; obviously it was purely adult, but also significantly...

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Parts for Sale

Out in the infinite multiverse, there is a world very much like our own. However, there is one big, and odd, difference. Society has a market where one can sell ownership of their body parts to others, on either a temporary or permanent basis. Here's how it works: A person can put a part, or multiple parts, of their body up for sale on a market. Whoever buys the body part gains ownership of it, as if it was a part of their body rather than the seller's. Though the part is not removed from the...


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