Junk In The Trunk
- 4 years ago
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It was during Harold Robinson’s sophomore year of high school that his parents purchased the ‘Roanoke Salvage Yard.’ The family moved from Lynchburg to Roanoke to reside in the house on the Salvage Yard property. Harold transferred to the Clay High school.
Harold was a tall, quiet, studious, honest kid, who was a good basketball player. Some new students try to get attention by cutting up, or other disruptive behavior. Not Harold. To the contrary, he was self assured. He preferred to watch, listen, and gauge the character of the various students before committing himself to any of the cliques.
As is customary in most high schools, the girl that he found to be the most attractive in his sophomore class, one Sandra Simpson, was dating a senior boy by the name of Fred Martel. Fred’s father let him drive the family thunderbird, gave him lots of money, and even purchased a case a beer for Fred and his friends to drink when the father and mother went away for the weekend.
To Sandra, it was cool to be offered a cigarette, a beer, and be driven around in a thunderbird. Fred was racy too. Though she would not let him do anything, it made her feel grown up when he tried to paw her tits, or more.
Fred graduated and went away to junior college in Greensboro. As the junior year started, Harold phoned Sandra for a date. They went to a movie, and then to Friendly’s for a coke and sundae. Harold was soft spoken, attentive, had a nice sense of humor. His pants were just plain kaki, and he had on a plaid shirt. His car was one that he had purchased with money he had earned himself. Sure, it was ten years old, but it ran well. Alas, he offered no cigarettes, no beer, and did not once try to paw her tits.
They had two more dates. Sandra’s parents became a little dismayed. She was a top student, and now was president of her class. Certainly she could do better then this Harold guy. They both begin calling Harold, ‘A Junk Yard Dog.’
Sandra dropped Harold. She begin dating Billy Johnson, who was driving his dad’s Corvette. Another cool guy, with money, beer, cigarettes, who was trying to get into Sandra’s pants at every opportunity.
Sandra had planned on going to college. After graduating from high school, In July, she missed her period. Billy’s and Sandra’s parents pushed them both to get married right away before the baby arrived. Billy went to work for his father’s bank. A second child was born a year later.
Sorrowfully, Harold watched these events unfold. He realized that when she grew up that Sandra would be more, much more then these events portrayed her to be. She was off the table, as his father would say, so he moved on with his life. He got a two year degree in computer programming from Roanoke Junior College.
His father took him in as a partner in the Salvage Yard Business. To this point, it had been a local business. Harold categorized every part in their possession, and contracted with the Southeast Salvage yard Association to go on-line,with his computerized inventory so that the members had access to his inventory, and he had access to theirs. From then on, Roanoke Salvage Yard was the place to find parts in Western Virginia.
At age twenty-five, Harold met Mary Jane Pitts who had moved the fifty-five miles from Lynchburg to Roanoke. Harold had known her in grade school, when she was an innocent kid. One of the reasons that she had moved was she had begin dating Bart Gatling right after high school. She did not know it, but the Gatling boys were a tough bunch that, along with their kin, made their money making some of the best moonshine in Virginia.
On every date, Bart would produce that jug of moonshine. On the second date, Bart took her to a remote cabin in the Blue Ridge Mountains. They walked in the dark cabin. Bart steered her to the back bed room. ‘Baby, I love you. You make me so hot. I’ve got to be with you.’ He reached under her sun dress, grabbed her panties, sliding them to the floor. ‘Bart, we should.’ Bart interrupted her with a kiss on the lips. As she tried to speak, his tongue went into her mouth. He lowered her to her back. Bart dropped his pants. Lifting her ankles, he removed the panties, then he held her legs apart and he lay on the bed between them.
‘Bart, Bart, I’m not ready. I don’t know you that well.’ As she was saying ‘Well,’ Bart pulled her cunt lips apart. A hard push. Mary Jane’s virgin days were over.
‘Bart. Bart.’ Bart took her head in both of his hands. He gave her a deep kiss preventing her from saying anything else while his ass was swinging in and out, as well as side to side, giving Mary Jane a good fuck.
Soon, the pleasure grew in his cock. He pumped hard. With a long, ‘Ooohhhoooo,’ he cum in Mary Jane.
He stayed on her. ‘Bart, I’m only eighteen. What will people think?’
Bart recited an old poem, ‘When roses are red, they’re ready for plucking, when girls are sixteen, they’re ready for fucking.’ Bart kept Mary Jane on her back, with him on her for five hours.
Mary Jane thought long and hard about if she should date Bart again. She knew that if she went out with him that he would fuck her. Bart called. ‘Hey Mary Jane, I’ve got tickets to a ‘Billy Ray Cyprus’ concert in Roanoke. Pick you up at seven.’
Bart was cool. He had a lot of money and a fancy pick-up truck. ‘I’ll be ready at seven.’
Knowing that the cabin awaited her after the concert, Mary Jane drank a lot of Bart’s moonshine. Bart fucked her for another five hours. From then on, she made sure that she had a lot of ‘shine’ in her when he was going to fuck her. Bart treated her like shit, but he was the only game in town, because other boys were afraid to date her. She was his to fuck, sometimes six or seven times a week, for seven years.
Bart’s family became aware that Mary Jane was Bart’s fuck. One night she was naked laying on the bed. Bart had gone into the bathroom to take a piss. He had taken another long swig of moonshine. He slumped down in a chair, out of it.
In walked Jake, Mack, and Pappy Gatling. The Gatlings had made it a custom of fucking each other’s woman, so naturally upon seeing a naked Mary Jane, with her young tits, and small waists above a fanny that was just right to hang on to as a man buried his cock into her cunt, they took off their clothes, spread her legs, and without comment begin to relieve themselves in her.
It make no difference what she said. They used her at will. The next day she moved away from Lynchburg to Roanoke to get away from the Gatlings.
Harold dated her. Six months later, they were married.
Harold’s parents, who had him when they were in their late thirties, and who were both heavy smokers, both died within a month of each other. Harold and Mary Jane were now alone in that big old home which was part of the Salvage Yard property.
Life was good for Mary Jane. Whether Harold was in the yard, or in one of his trucks in town, she could reach him at any time with the two-way radio. Harold was considerate, shared his hopes and dreams with her, and make sure that she had plenty of money.
Seven more years passed.
What Harold was not, was cool, or exciting, in May Jane’s eyes. He was not into rough sex. He was, well, he was Harold.
Harold make it a practice of traveling for three days every other week to pick up needed parts, in nearby cities.
Mary Jane had put on fifteen pounds. It had all settled in her breasts. Men could not keep their eyes off those melons. She unknowingly made it worst by not wearing a bra, due to the hot weather. She and Harold were trying to have a child, so she was off the pill.
Bart Gatling dropped by the Salvage Yard to purchase an engine for a moonshine truck. He was surprised to find Mary Jane there.
‘Hey Mary Jane, I wondered where it was that you ran off to. Sure do miss you Baby. You are the best sex that I’ve ever had. Sure would like to give you a beef injectio
Bart had taken her virginity. It had been a very exciting time for her. She had put out of mind the night when the brothers and father fucked her.
‘I’m married to a very nice man now Bart, she said with a smile. What can I do for you?’
‘Need a 1997, Ford F150, V8 engine.’
‘Follow me to the pole barn. They are in there.’
After picking out the engine, paying Mary Jane, and using the hoist to load it on the truck, Bart tuned to Mary Jane. ‘Where is you hubby now?’
‘He just left for three days.’
‘He the one that they call the Junk Yard Dog?’
Flustered, Mary Jane answered, ‘Well, yes.’
‘Big doings tonight at the auditorium. ‘Alabama’ in in town. C’mon and join me.’
Eyeing Bart suspiciously, Mary Jane paused. It had been seven years since he had virtually owned her. She was excited to see him, to see what he looked like. She rationalized going with him to herself by thinking that she now could control Bart, and it would not hurt for her to just go to one show. ‘A l a b a m a!’ Whoo!
‘Okay, we should be back by eleven-thirty.’
‘Ya, Sure, No problem.’
Mary Jane had not had moonshine for seven years. She had forgotten that just four ounces was enough to put you completely out. She had that, and more, at the concert. Bart carried her to his truck. Forty minutes later he undressed her on the bed at camp. Before he started fucking her, he phoned his brothers and father.
Bart was just cumming in Mary Jane for the second time, and she was beginning to regain her senses when the others walked in.
‘Oh, it is too bad you let this one get away son. She has a really fine set of jugs.’
It was shortly before ten AM the next day, when the last Gatling pumped his cum in her.
A friend of Harold’s saw her drunk, with Bart pawing her tits, at the concert. He told Harold. When she announced the next month that she was pregnant, it was too much of a coincidence for Harold not to be suspicious. When she delivered the child that resulted from that evening, Harold had a DNA check which revealed that he was not the father. He divorced Mary Jane.
She sought support payments from the Gatlings. Got them assigned by the court. All the Gatlings have been fucking her ever since.
In the meantime, Billy Johnson’s father passed away, leaving him as president of the Johnson Bank. Federal auditors did an audit. It was discovered that Billy had made fraudulent loans to himself to cover his home and gambling debts. Billy was sentenced to six years in prison. His and Sandra’s home was confiscated. Sandra and her two children, a boy and a girl, were out on the street with little more then the clothes on their backs. This was the last straw. The things that Sandra once thought were cool, weren’t so cool, when her husband drank too much, chased every skirt in town, and gambled away what money he earned. Now sent to prison, she divorced the bum.
Sandra rented a cheap apartment. She applied for state welfare payments. Those and her wages from Home Depot were just enough to get by on.
Standing in line to check out some merchandise, Harold realized that the woman who would wait on him was Sandra Johnson, who he had once dated, and thought so much of. He had read in the paper about her husband being sent to prison.
‘Hi, remember me?’
‘Oh, yes. Hi Harold. How are you?’
‘Fair to middling.’
Thinking quickly, Sandra wanted to let him know that she would like to see him later. ‘Harold, I’m single again. Here is my phone number.’
‘Thank you. I’ll call you tonight at…’
‘Nine-thirty would be a good time.’
Saturday night, Harold took Sandra out to a movie. Then they spent an hour just walking through the mall. Sandra studied Harold. His six foot five frame, which when she knew him weight just one hundred and eighty pounds, had now filled out to a solid two hundred and forty pounds, due to his lifting and moving of heavy parts every day.
He spoke very quietly. There was none of the phony boasting that was part of every conversation with Billy. He listened, really listened to what she said. God, he had done that when they were in high school. Why had she not paid more attention to this man?
Sandra had been ‘Run hard and put away wet,’ as the horsemen like to say. A smart woman, she knew that there was a better life out there. Would Harold consider her damaged goods? She had baggage. Two teen age kids were part of who she was now.
‘Harold, I would like you to have dinner with me and my kids Sunday afternoon.’ That would put the fat on the fire. I don’t want to get my hopes up, if he has no interest in my kids, she thought.
‘Sandra, I would love to meet your kids.’ Harold said softly, with a warm smile. On impulse, Sandra reached up with her hand. Gently turning his face toward hers, she kissed him lightly on the lips.
They walked hand in hand to his car. He did not try to grab her ass like Billy would have, nor paw her breasts.
As he drove her home, Sandra smiled to herself. She was exposed to a new kind of cool. The classy, gentlemen’s cool. Now, she understood, for the first time in her life, just what it was.
Sunday dinner was fun and most informative for Sandra. Billy’s interaction with their children had been shallow. Not Harold. He put both teens at ease immediately. He got them to talk about what in school and in their life they were interested in. Teens talking? The man was magic.
Wednesday night, she went with him to his home. It was a large old farm house with four bed rooms, a large living room, and a completely finished off basement.
After a meal that he had cooked, they were sitting on the couch talking. They had been talking about a subject of local interest, when Harold said, matter-of-factly, ‘Do you think that your kids, Molly and John, will enjoy living here?’
Sandra froze. Her eyes were locked on Harold’s. He was not kidding. He was dead serious. Slowly, evenly, with her eyes locked on his, she said, ‘The greatest thing that could happen to Molly, John, and their mother would be to be given the privilege of sharing this home with you, Harold Robinson.’
‘Sandra, I fell in love with you when we were both sophomores at Clay. I knew that there would never be another you, but I could not hold on to you, so I went on with my life, but you were always in the back roads of my mind. I’ll do the best I can to give y’all a good life, if you give me a chance?’
Tears flooded Sandra’s eyes. He took out his handkerchief to dab her eyes with. She blew her nose. He hugged her. Gently, slowly, softly, he kissed her on the mouth. They were both thirty-seven years old. For Harold, his greatest dream was unfolding.
The next weekend was very busy. Each of the kids got to pick out the paint , carpet, and furniture for their rooms. Two weeks later, they all moved in. The next Saturday, Harold and Sandra flew with the kids to Las Vegas to be married, with Molly and John standing as witnesses for their mother, and step-father.
Harold kept them hopping. He introduced Sandra to the company books. She would be the office person. She was amazed, no, astounded, when she observed that Harold had paid taxes on over two hundred, and seventy-five thousand dollars last year. In contrast to Billy, he kept no secrets from her, and they consulted each other before any family purchase.
‘Sandra, as I recall, you wanted to go to college?’
‘Yes, very much. I wanted to get my teaching degree.’
‘Now’s a goods time.’
‘Oh, Harold, the kids education is far more important.’
‘No, it’s not. I’m planning on putting all three of you through college. We can afford it. Oh, hey, Molly and John, come here.’
They and Sandra gathered around. Molly, who enjoyed teasing her step-father said, ‘Well?’
Harold laughed. ‘Well yourself, Miss Smarty Britches. Clean up, and we will go get some lu
nch at McDonald’s.’
‘Big Whoop,’ Molly said.
‘Oh, I think that it will be a pretty big whoop. After we eat, we will go to the Volkswagen dealer and buy two new Beetles for you cherubs to motor around in.’
Both Molly and John said at once, ‘Cool!’
Sandra thought to herself, Yes, Cool indeed. Thank you Lord.
There is a serene peace in a trusting, true love. Sandra, and Harold made love that night. There was no charade, nor was one the taker. With his cock in her they would move as the fancy suited them, then stop to stroke the other, or whisper, ‘I love you.’
Both the kids asked to be adopted by Harold before they turned eighteen. Proudly, they changed their last name to Robinson. The next fall Sandra and the kids all became freshman at the University of Virginia, Roanoke campus. Four years later, an extremely proud Harold watched as each received their degree.
Sandra was standing behind the counter at the Salvage yard one day when in walked her ex-husband, Billy Johnson.
‘Bud, over at the car dealer, said that I would find you here. I have a job selling cars. Pretty shabby around here. Thought that you might want to go out on the town?’
‘Billy, I’m happily married to Harold Robinson now. Molly and John wanted to be adopted by him, and to have nothing further to do with you.’
‘You mean that you married the Junk Yard Dog?’
‘Yes, Billy, but he is my Junk Yard Dog.’ As she said that she looked over Billy’s shoulder and smiled at her Junk Yard Dog.
Harold grabbed Billy by the scuff of the neck. He got right in his face as he said, ‘Y’all will see just what a Junk Yard Dog can do to your ass, if I ever see you around here again.’ With that he dragged him to his car, opened the door and shoved him inside.
As he drove off, Sandra put her arms around Harold’s neck. ‘Kiss me Doggie.’
I’m Softly
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DOGGINGWe pull up in the car park by the reservoir, it's ten at night and everything seems really quiet. It's a hot night so I wind down the car windows to let in the moonlight.We'd been out drinking, but I got the driving job so I was perfectly sober, but my wife had had plenty to drink and was no doubt feeling a little horny.I put her hand on my lap as we kissed and without hesitation she had undone my flies and had my cock in her hand, starting to slowly wank it. After a few strokes I was...
DOGGINGWe pull up in the car park by the reservoir, it's ten at night and everything seems really quiet. It's a hot night so I wind down the car windows to let in the moonlight.We'd been out drinking, but I got the driving job so I was perfectly sober, but my wife had had plenty to drink and was no doubt feeling a little horny.I put her hand on my lap as we kissed and without hesitation she had undone my flies and had my cock in her hand, starting to slowly wank it. After a few strokes I was...
The next morning, Dog, as I began calling him, followed along with me when I went to bring the cows in. As soon as he saw the cows, he trotted out to them and started to herd them toward the barn. It was obvious Dog had worked stock before. Even though the cows knew where they were going, Dog followed and kept them bunched up close together, nipping a leg here and barking at a wanderer there. They headed for the barn and each cow went to "her" own feed box. Dog lay down in the door on his...
Master Karl inserted a funnel gag into its mouth, strapping it around the head. He bound the arms behind the back in leather cuffs shackled together with an S clip, separated and secured the legs with a spreader bar attached above the knees, locked the neck in a thick steel collar and then connected that with a short steel linked chain clipped to an iron ring on the floor so it couldn’t escape from a prone position. He allowed it to kneel on a cushion, although he could just as easily...
I was at my girlfriend's place and we were going to have a fuck. She had rung me and said she was horny and would I fuck her. While we were getting undressed, I told my girlfriend about the story. She said, “She had heard of it but didn't know any girl who would let it happen.” I joked and said, “You should try it one day.” And she didn’t say anything. Then we had our fuck and while we were doing it she started to talk about what I had said. “Do you think it could happen?” she...
When I first loved, was loved by, a dog, it was a novelty. My favorite. Then, two dogs, got my neighbor involved and soon she too had a dog which I learned to enjoy. It had been weeks now and we would invite each other to our respective houses for a bit of dog fun… but then I started choosing. My dog was better than hers and so on. One time we had both our dogs involved, switched dogs — a kind of dog swinging — watched each other with our dogs and then, in a sea change, I...
Cody, being of legal drinking age, offered me one of his beers to ease my nerves in preparation of finally losing my virginity -- to the family pet! He turned on the big-screen living room TV and soon a porno was playing, porn actresses' moans echoing through the house. My brother cheered as a huge-titted porn star's face was nutted on by one of the male porn stars. I watched from the kitchen, sipping my beer and petting Bones on the head. He sniffed under my short flowered dress,...
Bonnie’s remark caught me off-guard. “My next dog is going to have a big tongue.” My girlfriend’s little beagle was enthusiastically licking her hand when she said it. We had been drinking tequila. Alcohol always makes Bonnie more uninhibited, but even so I was a little shocked at what she had said. “Why’s that?” I asked, trying to sound naive. “Because they say you can train a dog to do anything,” she replied with an impish smile. “I...
As I lazily drove along in the evening’s dim light and looked down at the hem of my black PVC mini-skirt, I saw that as I passed under the orange glow of the street-lights, the knob-end of my semi-hard cock, my black suspenders and my stocking-tops were plainly visible between my nylon-clad thighs! I seldom if ever wear panties or briefs preferring to let my cock and balls dangle naked and unhindered underneath a short skirt or dress. Maybe I should explain right here and now that...
Nikki’s remark caught me off-guard. “My next dog is going to have a big tongue.” My girlfriend’s little beagle was enthusiastically licking her hand when she said it. We had been drinking tequila. Alcohol always makes Nikki more uninhibited, but even so I was a little shocked at what she had said. “Why’s that?” I asked, trying to sound naive. “Because they say you can train a dog to do anything,” she replied with an impish smile. “I...
I had originally intended to have a career in cybernetics. I had worked with a girl called sue at uni where we developed a chip to monitor brain waves in animals and humans. It was a variation on the bio chip that most pets are implanted with. We incorporated the chip into a small titaniun ring which could pick up small nerve currents. The titanium was engineered to allow the bodies repair mechanisms to incorporate it into the cells surrounding the spine. So unlike most bio chips it wouldn't...
This is what happened to me not so long ago with a stray dog. I was on the Internet reading stories from white shadow and was slowly getting turned on, I removed my knickers and was finger fucking myself, then started thinking of Max my Doberman dog that died last Christmas. When I decided to get a drink, as my mouth was dry thinking of all the fun times we had. I looked in the cupboard for a coke, there was none, so off I went to the off-licence, at the bottom of my street next to the park. As...
The Skate Park—The yard job Jamie and me show up at Mr. Wilson's about 9:00 AM. I had recuited him the day before to help me do his yard. I promised him a mouth full of jizz—lol cheap labor.It was a big yard, about 1 ½ acre. Lots of trees and bushes, and wood chips. This would be an all day gig, then the “bonus” afterwards for Mr. Wilson and his friend, Johnny.Took us about 2 hours to do the front. Mow, trim some bushes, and a few bags of mulch. By now we were both pretty pumped up, and...
This is a true story.This took place back in the late 1970s when my wife at that time, we're now long divorced, and I were very horny young adults. We both had strong exhibitionist tendencies and, even though we had young k**s at home, we managed to do a lot of playing at night after the k**s were in bed upstairs.We liked to have sex down stairs, both in the living room with its big picture window, (the curtains open – of course), and in the dining room with its big sliding door that opened...
Amanda was by any stretch of the imagination a truly beautiful woman even at the age of 34 she still held the figure of a woman over a decade her junior and has shoulder length dark blonde hair which framed her angelic face. Her breasts, whilst not being particularly large were perfectly shaped and in proportion to her slight 5′ 4″ frame. She had met her husband Francis at high school they had dated and she had fell pregnant on her seventeenth birthday having a son who they named...
I didn’t like him at first, feeling intimidated and a bit afraid of him, but those feelings changed over time. I don’t know how to explain in a way that you would understand, that Bruno, on some animal level, could “read me,” understood what I wanted and needed. Perhaps it was just my imagination, but sometimes I actually felt Bruno behaved and had the emotions and even sexual perceptiveness of a human male. What is it? What’s the word for projecting human qualities and behavior onto a...
I first must tell you about my wife Linda, she was 4 years younger than me. She was about 5 foot 4 inches tall. Weighted about 95 pounds soaking wet. And had Red Hair. I met her when I was 27 years old. When my truck that I was driving broke down in Duluth Mn. And I was stuck there for two weeks. I met her at an Army buddies house during this time at a dinner party put on by my friend’s wife. People talk about true love, and I know most people say no such thing exists. But I fell for Linda,...
I'd never told my boyfriend what really happened to me while I was tied to the kitchen table as part of his little rape fantasy. I did tell him that his best friend, Bill, had fucked me while Tommy had been passed out on the chair, oblivious to my situation. Mind you, I enjoy sex and hadn't minded Bill fucking me, but what I didn't tell him was that Caesar, Tommy's big mastiff, had taken advantage of me as well. Yes, Tommy's fuckin dog fucked me, not just once, but twice. You see, I...
Nick steered his sleek silver turbo-charged coupe across the deserted Cambridgeshire by-roads towards Ely. The town was justly known as 'the ship of the Fens', as the tower of its majestic 16th century cathedral was like a navigational lode star. Ely's train station was only a few hundred yards from the cathedral and Cathy stood waiting in the shade of the station building's canopy. She wore the shortest of floral print dresses, with pink fishnet stockings and open-toed high heels, revealing...
CrossdressingSue and I have been wanting to try dogging for years around our local area of Brighton and Hove It had started tonight while driving back from the local pub after watching the football, I suggested driving into the park and having a bit of fun just between the two of us. Before this we’d never even really considered dogging as one it was like a fantasy and especially as we are both well into our 50s and assumed dogging was for young couples, not like us old farts but although a mature couple we...
Todd was 20 years old when the subject of bestiality first entered his life. He was an average guy. 5’ 10” tall. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. He was athletically built by hereditary luck. Todd was already married and had a young child. His wife, Denise, was pretty average, too. She was 5’ 3” tall and was a brunette with green eyes. She was blessed with size D breast, thick thighs, and a nice ass. Todd and Denise had a good marriage and a more than kinky sex life. They had sex at least once a day...
Introduction: Elena thinks shes in for a boring weekend alone while her family is away…but things are about to take an interesting twist She was laying on the sofa, a bowl of potato chips resting on her stomach, as she flipped aimlessly from one channel to the next. There was absolutely nothing good on television during the day. What was the point of being home from school in the summer if there was nothing to do? She could hear the sound of her family coming down the stairs, arms full of...
Simply put, Virginia wanted to fuck. She didn’t care who or where just as long as she got some hot male sausage to stuff into her aching pussy. “A girl can only go so long without riding the big shaft,” she thought, “and I’ve gone about as far as I want to go.” It had not been all that long. Only yesterday she had screwed the mail boy down in the basement of the building she worked in, and last night Ralph had pumped her cunt full of cum before he had to...
“That should do it,” I said. I was just finishing the final knot. “Will that do?”“Oh, yes. It’s perfect!” Brenda purred. I could tell she was already incredibly aroused. “Let’s wake him up now.”John really hadn’t known what was about to happen to him. One minute he was enjoying supper, laughing over wine, and then he was slumped in a chair. He’s a big man, and Brenda and I struggled a bit to get him in position. After stripping him naked, of course. But we made sure the armchair was...
Introduction: Heres a story about a woman whos caught fucking her landlords dog. I lived at my roommates apartment for several years since I began working at a local retail shop. I had met up with her after responding to her listing in the local pages when she needed a roommate. She and I became decent friends after a while of living together. We split the rent in half and shared the responsibility of paying the utilities. Everything seemed to be working out fine in my life until I found out...
Used Panties In My Yard One Sunday I found a used pair of panties in my backyard not far from the fence that separates my yard from the Garrison’s backyard. I picked them up and looked at them. They were a small size, they were cotton, pink in color, and they had a cum stain in the gusset. I quickly assumed that they belonged to one of the Garrison girls but why did they toss them into my yard? After that I found another pair each Sunday morning. They were all the same size and...
I am not a yard sale kind of guy. However as I drove past this farmhouse way out in the country I saw a tiny sign that said “Yard Sale.” The sign was being held up by a very pretty young lady. She was wearing a bikini! How could I resist? I stopped as quickly as I could and backed up. As I pulled into the driveway the girl ran to the house. I sure enjoyed watching her ass gyrate as she ran. She called out and a slightly older girl came out of the house in a bikini too. I parked and got out...
Of course, I was consumed with curiosity and dying to hear more about my poised, cultured and beautiful wife's straying into that most outré of lusts. It happened more than once, she said, with more than one animal, but she never let any of them fuck her and she never jerked any of them off in exchange for their attentions. She was reluctant to tell me more at the time, so I let it drop with a supportive comment, but I was really curious. Although women and dogs hadn't been one of my...
My wife and I have been happily married for over ten years now. She is in her early thirties and me, well I’m forty now. Anyway, we have a great sex life and don’t have any children. She is small, only 5’2″, about 105 lbs, and built very well for her small frame. We will call her Amy for now; the name has been changed to protect the innocent. We got Internet service about a year and a half ago. As many men do, I was surfing the net one night, looking for all those porn...
Introduction: Ginnys recently discovered bestiality, and living on a farm the temptation is too great…she has to try it for herself. Ginny had grown up her entire life surrounded by farms, she lived on a farm, all her friends lived on farms, she was home schooled on a farm…it wasnt much of a life, but she didnt know much better. It was kind of the normal around her, she didnt think anything of it. She spent most of her day helping her parents around the house, it was just her mom and dad, and...
Warning : This sex story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life. I met Erno at a Christmas party given by a friend. He had seemed nice, the quiet and unassuming type. We had talked about the party, the movies we had seen recently and about chatting online, which we both seemed to enjoy. He told me he has this really close friend in Spain that he chatted with twice a week, they had been doing this for 3 years. That was a long time for...
My name is Christine and I’m thirty-five years old woman who was raped by a dog. The only reason that I’m writing this is in response to the stupid stories that I’ve read on the Internet regarding dog rape. I now know that a woman can be raped by a dog but if that happens the woman sure as hell isn’t going to start having great orgasms and wanting to suck his dick. I submit the following: Two years ago I lived 12 miles east of Seattle. The house I was renting had an...
Ginny had just turned eighteen, and like most of the girls around her age she was starting to feel more like a teenager and less like a kid. She was certainly starting to look like a teenager, almost like a real woman. Her long gangly legs and become shapely, her tiny breasts grown into full size B cups, her hips more rounded. She felt more and more desire to make herself look good. She no longer pulled her dark brown hair up into a mess bun and walked into town with an oversized t-shirt and...
Chapter 1: The stray I don’t know where she came from. It was a cold, rainy day when she came scratching at my door. She was a beautiful chocolate lab with deep brown eyes. I opened the door to my apartment and she came bolting inside. She was no more than 6 months old and was very skinny. I hadn’t really intended on letting her in but what was I to do now? I went after her into my apartment trying to see where she had fled to. When I found her she was laying on the couch, her wetness...
I noticed the new dog walker the minute she came into view. Even from a distance I could see she had a fuller figure, she was not one of the regular dog walkers I would say hello to. As she got closer I could see she was indeed curvy, I also got a look at what she was wearing. Black leather calf length boots, into these were tucked skin tight jeans which certainly flaunted her curvy bottom. Into the jeans was tucked a white severely cut blouse. To me it all said Dominatrix but then I am...
Through the years, if historians ancient and modern are to be believed, there is hardly a creature--bird, beast or fish--that has not been used for man's sexual gratification. We have already referred to the Roman arena spectacles, wherein giraffes, leopards, mandrills, bulls and boars were involved in the action. It is also recorded that Roman ladies of that time enjoyed running snakes up their vaginas in the warm weather for a cool, refreshing fuck. In ancient Egypt both men and women...