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Through the years, if historians ancient and modern are to be believed, there is hardly a creature--bird, beast or fish--that has not been used for man's sexual gratification.
We have already referred to the Roman arena spectacles, wherein giraffes, leopards, mandrills, bulls and boars were involved in the action. It is also recorded that Roman ladies of that time enjoyed running snakes up their vaginas in the warm weather for a cool, refreshing fuck.
In ancient Egypt both men and women regularly consorted with goats. In the temples, goats were advertised as incarnations of gods, and were specially trained to provide sex-services to worshippers of either sex. Monkeys were also put to sexual use, dog-faced baboons being especially popular. And most intriguing of all, there are reports that some resourceful and highly adventurous Egyptians of the time even managed intercourse with crocodiles.
Chickens and other barnyard fowl have always been popular and are still often used today. Men also have been known to enjoy intercourse with dolphins and sea-cows, and women have found sensual delight in inserting squirming fish up into their jaded quims.
Sheep and calves have most commonly served men down through the years and continue to be most popular with farm boys today, although horses, pigs and chickens still figure prominently in barnyard action. But the most popular bestial partner of all in the modern world undoubtedly is the dog, and especially among city-dwellers to whom he is the only practical animal readily available. Dogs seem to adapt themselves agreeably to sex- relations with humans, serving with either tongue or penis, eagerly cooperative in fucking a human cunt or asshole when offered or slobbering over a honey-smeared prick or pussy.
Women are more likely to favor a dog over all other animals to serve their sex purposes and many an unattached lady keeps a canine lover these days--the perfect partner--always ready--always willing--and always absolutely discreet. A dog will never kiss and tell.
But sometimes the ladies will, as in the following case report.
Case 2
Laura M.
I was married for four years, and for three years and eleven months of that time I was the most miserable mismated wife in the history of matrimony. I'd had my share of affairs before marriage I have to admit, and I'd always thought of myself as a normal heterosexual female that responded with all the proper gasps and twitches when a man made the usual penetrations, but somehow when I settled down into marriage and it became a night-after-night thing, I became a nervous wreck and got so I hated sex completely. I didn't even want that man to touch me anymore for some crazy reason. It was all I could do by superhuman will-power to put up with a wham-bam quick one from him. He didn't know what the hell was wrong with me and I couldn't tell him either, so we just fought and yelled at each other and things went from bad to worse until we wound up hardly even speaking to each other.
If it hadn't been for this girl friend of mine, Vivian, I don't know what I would have done. She lived in the same building and was a decorator. She'd helped me to fix up the apartment when I first moved in and then she went on being helpful in all kinds of ways after that. She spent a lot of time with me during the daytimes, and I told her my sad stories--let her know all about my sex hang-ups and everything that was bugging me about my old man and men in general.
She never had been married herself but she talked as if she knew the rules of the game pretty well. Anyway, she was a lot of comfort to me when my husband finally pulled out for good. I won't say that Vivian and I fell into a lesbian relationship exactly. We didn't go down on each other or anything like that. But we did get pretty huggy and kissy sometimes and I found I was enjoying her holding me and caressing me the way I couldn't stand my husband doing it to me those last couple of years.
But I was getting more and more confused. What the hell was I, anyway? Finally I up and put it to Vivian in plain down-to- earth terms.
"Am I a lesbian or what? I don't really know what I want anymore. I thought it would be a big relief with my husband gone but now I find that I miss him somehow--miss what he could do for me, if you know what I mean. Even though I could hardly stand it when he did, that last year or so. He bugged me so--always expecting his pleasure right on schedule, night after night. Insisting on his 'marital right.' What I need is a nice docile man who's available and ready to go when I want him but never bugs me otherwise--just up and disappears when I don't want him around anymore. Maybe I should hire a gigolo just for one hour or so a week to come in and cool down my passions. Do they have such things?"
Vivian laughed and said, "Let me get this straight. What you would like is a man with a good stiff member who's always up and ready when you say 'go' and then crawls off and lies down in a corner afterwards and stays there with his mouth shut until you whistle for him again."
I laughed too. "You hit it right on the head. But I'm afraid there just ain't no such animal."
"Ha!" she yelled. "You just said the magic word. Animal. The answer to all your problems, honey chile."
"Animal!" I assumed she was kidding. "What do you suggest-- a nice friendly chimpanzee?"
"Hell no," she said. "A chimp is a mean son of a bitch. Worse than a man even. They'll bite the hell out of you, those bastards. A dog is the only animal for a woman. They can do every goddamn thing a man can do for you except soul-kiss, and I can take care of that department for you."
She was good at kissing. That's what had me worried about myself. I enjoyed her expert kisses more than I ever did my husband's or any man's. But what I was missing was the hard root up in the soft shaft. A good stiff prick, to put it bluntly.
But a dog? I still thought she was kidding.
"You're screwed-up and frustrated, right?" Vivian said. "Can't live with a man and can't live without one. A lot of us have that problem. But look at me. Do I seem frustrated? Not for a minute, baby. But did you ever see me dating a man? Forget it--who needs it?"
"Well, maybe you can keep cool just with women," I said. I figured she was giving me a lesbian confession here. "I can't just cut myself off from men though. I'm not programmed that way, I'm afraid."
"Oh, men are fine. I don't knock 'em. Great to talk to-- have dinner with--see a show. But you don't have to let 'em take any liberties. That's when they get possessive and bossy. Keep 'em at arm's length and you got 'em at your mercy. But when you feel that old crotch-fever coming on you and need something up inside there to scratch it where it itches--that's where faithful old ever-ready Bozo steps up and fills the bill for mama."
All of a sudden with a shuddering jolt I realized that this whole thing was serious. I'd seen her walking Bozo a couple of times--Bozo was a gigantic hound she kept in her apartment. Great Dane, or some such thing. I'd never been able to figure before why she wanted to keep such a huge dog in a small city apartment. But now it all came clear. Apparently she had Bozo trained to "scratch her where it itches."
I didn't know what the hell to say. I guess I just gaped at her--thunderstruck. I couldn't believe it.
"Don't look so fucking horrified," she said. "And don't knock something till you've tried it. Come with me, baby. I'm taking over your education right now." She grabbed hold of my arm, "We're going up to my place and I'm going to give you a free home demonstration of the kind of pussy therapy you need. No obligation to buy. But I guarantee it'll put that half-ass husband of yours right out of your mind and give you a whole new outlook on life, sex-wise. You'll be ready and willing to kiss men goodbye and good riddance."
I must have been in some kind of a daze. I don't even remember riding up in the elevator. The next thing I knew, we were in her apartment and big old Bozo was leaping up all over her with his tongue out, sniffing and yipping. He must have been able to smell her intentions. Personally I was scared to death of the goddamn beast. I didn't even like little dogs. It looked like she had him pretty well disciplined though. She yelled at him to quit his messing around and get in the bedroom and he did just what he was told.
I guess I looked as if I was about to faint dead away, so Vivian fixed me a drink, which I really needed at that point, and then she said, "Now, you goddamn prissy-ass Victorian, relax here and breathe deeply until your head clears. I'm going in the bedroom and set the scene for you. When I yell, you come on in and you'll see my free home demonstration of doggy-diddling--the sport of queens."
She left and I could hear sweet-talking and sniffing and rustling around in the bedroom. By now the shock had subsided and I was just burning up with curiosity over the whole thing. It was so fantastic, I couldn't wait to see what she'd be doing with that wild goddamn dog. I still didn't really believe that she'd actually let him--well, my God!
Then she sang out, "Finish your drink, count three, and come on in, baby. Bozo rides again!"
The dog was making a hell of a racket. I could hear him slurping and snuffling as if he was lapping up his dinner-dish. And then I came through the doorway and my eyes popped out. It was even crazier than I'd expected. Vivian had stripped right down to practically nothing--all she had on was her bra and garter-belt. She was sprawled on her back on the bed with about three fat pillows underneath her rear-end, so that her spread crotch was well up in the air where Bozo could get at it. And was he ever at it! He was standing up between her legs, lapping away at her slit with his long tongue, slobbering and drooling all over it. Actually eating her pussy! Can you imagine?
"Oh no!" I said. "You gotta be kidding."
"Pull up a chair, oh thou of little faith," Vivian said. "This is just the beginning. You ain't seen nothing yet."
I couldn't even talk--I was speechless. I sat down beside the bed and couldn't take my eyes off the freaky scene. That wild doggy tongue was going like mad--all up and down her slit and in and out the hollows of her crotch--really lathering her up good.
"Doesn't that tickle?" I said like an idiot. I mean, I didn't know what the hell to say.
She laughed. "You're goddamn right it tickles. That's the whole idea, isn't it?"
"How--how did you get him to--er--do that?" I said. "Did you smear something on you or what?"
"In the beginning I did, to give him the idea of what I wanted. But he caught on fast. He doesn't need any inducements anymore. Now I just lie down like this and spread it and he takes it from there. Ain't it a gas? He gets his reward afterwards-- you'll see."
"I don't believe it," I said. Bozo was really zeroing in now. It was incredible. Right dead-center on her clitoris-- working it over with his tongue just like a human person. I was beginning to get hot myself, just from watching. Vivian wasn't talking anymore. That crazy tongue was starting to get to her. Her mouth was hanging open and her breath was beginning to come hard.
All I could say was, "Wow, wow," over and over. Now the damn tongue was poking up inside actually. Pushing into her like a prick. Her legs were twitching and her ass quivering. And the dog must've been getting excited too, cause he was beginning to drip saliva and he was panting as hard as she was.
Then all of a sudden she let out a whoop and waved her arms in the air. I guess this was the signal for Bozo to cool it with the cunnilingus and really put it to her. And he got the message all right. He raised up his head and barked a couple of times and then he climbed up over her body and gave her face a couple of licks and she kissed him back. Those two were real lovers, I'll tell you. Now I noticed his prick was up by her pussy, in position to do a job of work, just starting to swell up in anticipation of what Bozo knew was coming. Vivian lifted up her legs on both sides of him and stroked his flanks with the insides of her thighs. This was a huge dog, don't forget. The same general proportions as a man. I mean, he really covered her.
She arched her hips upward, aiming her crotch right at his pecker to give him a straight-on target to shoot it. It didn't look like he'd have any trouble ramming it in her from there. Her slit was pretty well lubricated already too slick and glistening wet from the dog's slobbering over it, plus her own juice oozing out from inside.
"Come on, Bozo--come on," she was whispering to him. "Fuck mama, Bozo. Fuck me, boy."
He nudged forward and poked his pecker up between her legs and she wiggled herself a little and pressed up to meet the point of it and put it to the hole. And then with hardly any trouble at all he slipped into the opening of her spread cunt and drove all the way home,
"Go, boy--go!" she hollered out, and he started humping away like crazy.
I had to pinch myself, I swear. There I sat actually watching a decent respectable woman in twentieth century America-- my best friend in the world practically--letting herself be screwed by a Great Dane dog! I thought such things only happened in stag movies or in opium dens in Algeria or some such place.
He was really pounding it into her--wham wham--with his big brown balls whacking up against her ass with every thrust--and Vivian was meeting every push of his with a bump of her own. She was completely out of this world by that time. I don't think she even knew I existed anymore. Her head was lolling back and forth, her eyes rolling in her head, her jaw hanging wide open. The dog was drooling spit down onto her face and neck but she wasn't paying any attention to that. She was practically frothing at the mouth herself.
She grabbed onto Bozo's front paws and lifted them up onto her chest, planting them on top of her boobs, and then she held them there, pressing his hard claws down against her nipples.
I guess she threw an orgasm before he did, the way she was thrashing around and whimpering. I never saw such passion before in my life. But then, I'd never watched another woman get screwed before, by man or animal.
She kept on making these little moaning noises in her throat and the dog started in then sort of squealing himself, as I guess his own orgasm was coming to a head.
But then it was all over all of a sudden. The dog quit his humping and his head sagged down over her face, and she brought her hands up and held onto his body, keeping him in position where he was with his prick still jammed up inside her. She was puffing like she'd run a twenty-six mile marathon and she had to get her breath back before she could speak to me again.
"We have to--we have to wait," she said, "until--the swelling on his prick goes down--before we pull apart."
I didn't exactly get the meaning of that at the time, but she explained afterwards that a dog gets a big puffed-up ball on the middle of his cock when he inserts it into something feminine and starts fucking, and that anchors him inside the cunt, rectum or whatever as if he was riveted there. It only subsides after he shoots his load and goes soft again. If he tried to pull out while the ball was still engorged it would rip the hell out of her cunt and she'd be in big trouble trying to explain her lacerated twat to her family doctor.
That's how dogs manage to get stuck together sometimes when they fuck. The female's cunt clamps down so tight on the base of the male's prick that the blood can't drain off after the orgasm-- the prick stays swollen and the two dogs are clamped together and in big trouble.
I thought it was a funny notion at the time. Little did I know I'd be laughing out the other side of my face later. But Bozo cooled down pretty quick that time and then he backed off from her and she sat up and gave me a big smile. She looked pretty hot and disheveled but very happy apparently.
"Well, how about it? Ever see anything like that at the afternoon bridge club?"
"God no," I said. "I almost don't believe it though. Is it really all that good?"
"Listen--there's only one way to find out for yourself. Get those clothes off, Miss Freeze-ass. It's your turn next."
"Oh, I couldn't do that," I said. "You're used to it and-- and he's used to you. He probably wouldn't do it with me--would he?"
"Are you kidding? He's like any other man. Show him a cunt and he'll fuck it."
"But it--it looks so rough. Doesn't he hurt you?"
"It hurts real good, baby. Hurts in all the right places. You won't believe it till you try it, and afterwards you won't want it any other way. Bozo is 'the spoiler.' The only thing I'm worried about is that after one wild orgasm on the end of that bulbous cock of his you'll want to steal him away from me."
"God, Vivian," I said. "This isn't something I can just jump right into blindly. You've got to realize--you've really bowled me over with the whole thing. I mean--it's not exactly an everyday--oh, Christ, Viv--let me sleep on the idea tonight. Maybe tomorrow. God knows, I need something new in my sex-life, but I'm not so sure this is it."
"Hogwash!" she said. "I know you. If you take time to think about it your prudish nature will scare you out of it. You've got to do it right now, while the juices are flowing. You know damn well you're itching to try it." She was up and at me then, pulling on my dress. "Come on, Laura. Get out of those clothes. You'll thank me forever for this, believe me."
"Okay, okay," I said. "But just the cunnilingus part--okay? Let me see how I like his tongue before I make any further commitments."
"Fair enough," she said. "So get stripped and I'll go get you another drink to loosen your inhibitions. Come on with me, Bozo. Let the lady undress in private."
I laughed. "Thanks. Whatever else happens, at least I can always tell my grandchildren I was once eaten alive by a Great Dane dog."
I peeled down, taking off every stitch. After seeing what a sloppy sucker Bozo was I figured I was better off naked. I didn't want him drooling all over my underwear. So I was stark bare-ass by the time Vivian returned with the drink. Bozo scared hell out of me by making a bee-line for me as soon as he got back in the room.
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Feel free to comment on my stories and all comments, both positive and negative are welcome. Or feel free to email me comments or thoughts or ideas about stories on [email protected]. Cadogan Street Car Park - Crossing the Line My wife was out all day Saturday and I felt a sense of relief as I watched her and my 20 year old daughter drive down the road. Before I could start I needed to be sure they wouldn’t be back so waited patiently until I received the obligatory phone...
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My work requires me to travel to clients for meeting and sometimes the journey can be long. I like to dress smartly for meetings as I love the admiring looks I get from men and women and I always feel very sexy in a tight fitting suit.This particular day, I put on my favourite light grey two-piece suit with a white cotton blouse as I knew that I was seeing a lady who, I believe, is either bi or bi-curious and I love to flirt with her. The skirt is very figure hugging so I elected a skimpy thong...
MasturbationIntroductionThis is probably the final story in the mini-series that started with Episode 83, featuring Grace and her teenage sister Alia. Professor Lola G-spot is hosting the third day of the Copenhagen Sex Therapy conference with a session called Dogging. As her author, we actually met for the first time in the restaurant last night and then her bedroom. The raised leather-topped bed that Lola presented from yesterday had been replaced by a white Tantra Chair. Sitting in the front row it was...
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Chapter 2 – The Big Dog becomes a “Cunning Linguist”A little about me. At 18, I was 6’2” 200 lbs. blessed with a fat 10-inch cock. Because I worked for my dad’s construction company after school and full time in the summer. I was well built and strong as an ox.After graduation, I was going to live on campus at the state university but Maryanne suggested to my folks that I “come live with her and do chores around the house as rental payment instead of moving on campus with no supervision.” I...
As with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies - you choose which you think they are! If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail me and I’ll tell you more than I can put here!One day when I had no work to do and finished up the only job I had early, rather than go home early I drove off to a local shaggers spot up in the woods on the outskirts of...
The sun was almost down now. I thought to myself, I wish I had went another round with the black men, before I let them go. I smiled. I went in and threw on a tee shirt and some shorts. I went around cleaning the house, while I waited for mom.She pulled into the drive, and headed for the door. As she walked to the door, she looked good. I knew where I got my looks from. I smiled. I hope I look that good at 42, I thought to myself, as she walked into the house.Hi honey, she said as she hugged...
Lucky LottoChapter 2On Thursday evening as I was preparing dinner for my wife and me the phone rang, I went to answer it as Sara was taking a bubble bath after her exhausting day of house hunting. "hello" I said "is Sara there?" a strong male voice on the other end asked "she's not available right now may I take a message?" I asked pulling out my palm pilot quite use to taking messages for my wife. "yes you can, tell her this is Steve and I just wanted to know what time the limo was arriving...
it should be noted i am not the author....whitedog is..Lucky LottoChapter 1My name is Tim and this is a story of how the lottery can change many lives. My wife Sara and I have been married for twelve years, she is thirtysix and I am fortyfour. I met her through a blind date and even though she was much more attractive than me what they day about opposites attract in our case was quite true as Sara had a very outgoing, agressive dominant personality compared to my meek, shy kinda wimpish...
IntroductionThis story is set in a holiday camp called Doggers on the North Cornish coast, run by a young couple Paul and Paula. It contains this series usual fantasy mixture of und*r-age and fam1ly sex, so please don't read is easily offended. The first guests to arrive are Naran and his Thai bride sureekorn, who we will meet later.Broadband CornwallLaura phones from the Broadband office, intrigued by the name and its web-site.Paul picks up the phone: "Hello, Doggers, how may I help you?""Hi...
My work requires me to travel to clients for meeting and sometimes the journey can be long. I like to dress smartly for meetings as I love the admiring looks I get from men AND women and I always feel very sexy in a tight fitting suit.This particular day, I put on my favourite light grey two-piece suit with a white cotton blouse as I knew that I was seeing a lady who, I believe, is either bi or bi-curious and I love to flirt with her. The skirt is very figure hugging so I elected a skimpy thong...
The story features cross dressing and gay acts. If this offends please do not read on.Comments always welcome on [email protected] Street Car Park (Part 1)My name is Peter and I am 49 and married but a secret sissy cocksucker. I have a very dirty secret. The feel of women's lingerie against my skin makes my 6” cut cock harder than steel. And it’s more than just the cross-dressing. I am bisexual and I love to submit to dominant older or younger men. I remember as a c***d my...
Slumdogs and Aliens.I am Lucky(real name) sharing my story of encounter with aliens in my college days.It was May 2012, a hot day of summers I got a technical project work on that day the technical project work was issued by our class teacher ‘Hakka’(fictional) .Hakka was a beautiful merried lady and as our lecturer in college. She was very polite and good communication skills . and she also belong to rich family and always wears designers cuts. Actually she was working in the college for just...
I’d been dressing for some years at home before one day, I dared step outside climb into my car and go for a drive. I was dressed in my school girl outfit which was quite daring considering this was my first public appearance. I headed straight for a local dogging spot I knew. An old stretch of road that is now only used as a cut through for the odd bit of thru traffic. I drove slowly up and down passing a few parked cars and vans whilst cautiously looking at the drivers to see if they were...
I wrote this as a way to process my sexual development, as well at to share my dirty secrets with like-minded people.This will be deemed sexually devious, inappropriate and offensive to some people. DON'T READ IT IF YOU'RE NOT A DEVIANT!I’m a 33 year old guy, I’m in a hetro relationship and I’m straight.I love sharing my sexual experiences on-line, particularly those from my teenage years. Sharing stories from my youth, and photos and videos of my more recent sexual pastimes is a very...
I was sat in my fav dogging site one summers evening watching the ever present carpark chasers going round & round the few places that doggers frequent You could almost set your watch to howlong it took them to do a trawl of the sites & back again...So I decided to head to one of the lesser known spots as I had a thought there might be a couple there..How right I was I pulled down the rd & the carpark had 7 cars in it & was full so I went passed turned & stopped in a little...
So it was another freshman weekend at college, i was looking for something to do. Get drunk, find some slut, and get laid. I couldn't find anything right away, but then i went across the hall to my friend Brian's room. He had one of his friends, who was a Junior at the time, over and the friends twin sister. They had already been drinking, so they invited me to have a few beers with them. The friend, Jeff, and his sister, Jen, were both pretty drunk already. Jen was really hot; nice face,...
How to Become a dog bitch. Chapter one. Introduction.I only know since I am with my owners that I am submissive by nature. Or as they say: "A born fuck slut." before I met them I've never been so aware of it, but perhaps they're right. Belonging to some people as their fuck slut is extremely exciting. At the same time a daily routine of the same actions and activities. This story is as much based on my own experiences and on my fantasies. What is real and what is fantasy? Does it...
Hi all, rookie again. This story that I’m going to narrate is about Vikas. Vikas had just turned 18 and had a very strong urges of seeing a woman naked. He was in But he was doing his college correspondence. He could not attend regular college because his financial condition was not very sound. His father was a drunkard and his mother used to do house hold work for others. Vikas used to deliver news paper in the morning and milk too. Rest of the day he would work at pizza hut. Because...
The MaddogIt started when I was 17. I found a stash of porn magazines, in my Dad’s workbench. I wasn’t so shocked that they were there, but what they were full of. They had the most violent kind of pornography- bondage, rape, degradation- it was all in there. What was worse, was that it was giving me a hard- on. I was scared and excited at the same time that it turned me on. I wondered if my Dad had anything else on his computer. I was already quite the computer nerd. I could get around...
My Life as a Dog The Doggygirl By: Arnold Puttwyn Synopsis: A story of innocent young collage girl changes her status from human to canine an experiment.This is a rewrite of the original story My Life As A Dog....
Dogwoman Susan SloanBy susan sloan (the main doggy character in the story)PART 1A rich, middle-aged businessman’s submissive young second wife is methodically transformed into a pet dog by her husband’s teenage son, with the full knowledge and consent of the dominant boy’s dad.She is trained and permanently dehumanized by the sadistic boy, her stepson, who subsequently takes full and legal ownership of her on her husband’s untimely death.This is her story.? [email protected] sloan,...
She truly is not my actual maternal Niece, She is actually my husbands Sisters daughter. Now she by no means is a nieve; Straight laced girl; Just the opposite actually. Wild and acts like a mare in heat!! I know beyond a doubt she's fucked well over her share of young men. But the truth of all that is; She has really never had a big dick in her at all ! You all know the story of that all to well; Those pencil dicked little boys she's fucked have never been able to give her...
I had been under Suzy’s control for almost a year now. Although the last few weeks we had barely met or talked as Suzy was tied up with converting her friend’s barn into a massage studio.Then one day during my lunch break I got a text message from Suzy which read 'CALL ME ASAP' I knew that she would have seen the ‘read message’ sign and began dialling her number immediately.Suzy’s voice came on the line almost immediately "Good dog, I see you have been trained well." She remarked congratulating...
Pepper and I had left that bitch little Niece of mine sitting on the edge of the couch, legs spread widely out, ass at the edge, and that blonde haired pussy of hers all wet and matted haired from her intense orgasm. No doubt it probably was the first real orgasm the bitch had in her life and my Peppers tongue is the cause and reason for it all. I wanted her to come fully back around from passing smooth out from the tongue pleasure my Pepper had just given her, and fully submit to...
Knowing that his Mistress will be home soon, cumdog steps from the shower and hurriedly dries off his body and assumes his position on his knees beside her bed as she liked him to be, naked. He hadn't seen her in days and he was in such a state of arousal and need at the thought of what she will do to him that night that his cock was rock hard.He hears her open the front door and drop her keys on the table. He sucks in his breath as he listens as her footsteps get closer to her bedroom. He...
Debbie was a girl that didn’t try to hide the fact that she enjoyed a good hard dick up her bum more than anything else in the whole wide world unless it was a really good looking man eating her fanny like she was a delicious fruit tart just out of the oven. Her best friend Maggie with her almost orange hair had eaten Debbie’s pretty snatch a few times as well and she knew from experience that the petite and juicy young girl had no control over her squirting urges when a nice long wet tongue...
With the tinniest of squeaks, the door to the storage space under the stairs opened. Washu surveyed the living area unnecessarily as she was exiting, already knowing who was there. The two hundred-twenty four inch Somy Quadragon, with its full stereo surround, filled the living room, both with sound and actual hardware. Displayed currently upon its screen, garish chromatic canines were impossibly addressing each other. "I am the red dog!" The crimson quadruped was announcing as if this...
Good Humans Earth Main characters James Anderson 44 year old MIT graduate, worked in NYC in electronics Jane Candles formally Jane Whitman 42 year old veterinarian Charlene Candles 17 year old daughter of Jane Kari Liao 17 years old Eurasian Naomi Liao 12 year old sister to Kari Kathleen Granger 14 year old best friend of Naomi The Dogs Rottweiler's Daisy four females and a male, kept the male named chewie Rusty black male Sara, black and tan female Blood Hounds all are...
JANE The lightning continued to flash in the window, and I woke up from the intense sound of the thunder. Looking at the clock, I saw it was near four am. I lay there for several minutes, and then slipped out of bed. I walked to the door and pulled one of the robes off the hook on the back. Slipping it on, I walked down the hall, and went into the puppy room to check on the pups. Seeing that they were ok, I went back to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, I grabbed the milk. I went to the...
My coke spayed from my mouth at Kari's words, and I looked at her in shock. "What?" I blurted out. "Only if you strip and parade naked for him, will he fuck you," Jane said. I started coughing and gasping for my breath, as tears formed in the corners of my eyes. Shaking my head, I walked out doors and looked across the desert. Wiping my eyes, I leaned against the porch support, and started thinking hard on what was going on with the women here. 'We are making them more attracted to...
I stood there watching the police car go down the road and then walked back to the house. Turning to step up onto the porch, I spotted a flash of light on the hills to the north as I went inside. Going to the desk, I picked up my dad's Canon binoculars. Going over to the window, I looked at the hill where I had seen the flash of light, and grinned as I saw Mark Hamilton jumping up and down, throwing a fit. His horse was shying away from him as he was bitching. He finally grabbed the reins...
Tuesday the 10th I stretched my legs and tried to move my arms, but Charlene and Jane were sleeping on them. I squirmed and wiggled and ten minutes later I had my arms free. Padding to the bathroom I flipped the lid up and stood there peeing. Yawning, my eyes closed. When I opened them and jumped, my urine went spraying the bathroom. I turned, and snapped, "Fuck, can't you knock?" 'Sorry, just wanted you to know. You have to be ready to go by midnight Friday. It would be best if you...
Wednesday the 11th I woke up to the sound of vehicles coming towards the house. I was looking up at the sky and noticed that it was getting dark from the heavy overcast that had rolled in. I groaned and tried to sit up, my stomach was hurting badly, and my back was on fire as I reached up and tried to pull myself to my feet. I tried to grasp the bumper but my fingers didn't seem to want to work. Shaking my numb fingers, I tried again. I grasped the bumper and sat up. Pain flared through my...
Wednesday the 11th I woke up to a knee in my bladder and realized it was Kari curled up in a ball sleeping soundly on my chest. I could also feel a hand slowly stroking me. Looking at Charlene and then Jane I couldn't tell which was doing it. "Stop, I have to pee," I said as I started squirming. "Sorry, James, I didn't know," Charlene replied as she released my cock. "No problem, can you help me get Kari off me?" I asked. "I'm awake," Kari replied. She stretched her legs out...
Friday the 13th Charlene The phone's shrilling woke me up. I was mumbling as I reached for the phone. I looked at the clock, and saw it was 12.39am. "Hello," I said. "Who is this?" I asked. "Calm down, I can't understand you. Who are you?" I said as I sat up. "Speak up, who is this?" I asked as I picked up the receiver base and looked at the phone number that was displayed. "Kari? What's wrong hunny? Stop crying," I begged as I turned on the light. Looking over at James, I...
Day one 5:30 am: Sunrise "SON OF A FUCKING BITCH!" I said as I jumped up from the bed. I stood there looking at the sun rising to the east or what I assumed was the east and then looked at the stacks of lumber, cabinets, bricks, concrete but no house. "If I get my hands on those fucking aliens I will kill 'em," I snarled as I looked at my family's home stacked in its basic components. On the other side of the stacks of 2x4s I could see my dad's motor home. Standing against the...
Day two 1:30 am I jerked awake as I heard the dogs going ballistic, outside. Sitting up, I slid to the edge of the bed as the girls sat up. Grabbing my boots I yanked them onto my naked feet leaving the strings untied as I stood up. Going down the small set of stairs, I bumped into Naomi who was coming through the narrow door from the back. "Sorry, James. What's going on? What's wrong with the dogs?" she asked. "It's okay, and I don't know. Stay here!" I ordered. I picked up the...
Day three, 5am I woke up to a crying voice, and I slid out of bed. Going downstairs I followed it to the back to the room where Naomi was crying on her bed. "Naomi, are you ok?" I asked as I sat on the bed. Naomi rolled over and clutched me tightly as she cried. Stroking her hair I asked again and she responded. "I miss Kat," she said. "Who is Kat?" I asked. "Kathleen, the girl I was staying at. She's my best friend. When Kari and I went into foster care, she was my first friend...
Day four, 2:12 am James I groaned. My head was ice cold and so was my left eye. I blinked opened my right eye and felt something pressed to my head and eye. Reaching up, Jane intercepted my hand and kept it from touching what I now knew was an icepack. "What happened?" I asked. "Kari was having a nightmare of the rape, and you touched her. She wasn't awake yet and she hit you. When you fell back, your head hit the back the headboard, and it laid you out. I checked you over. You have a...