Whitedogs Lucky Lotto Cuckold Story Chapter 2 free porn video

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Lucky Lotto
Chapter 2

On Thursday evening as I was preparing dinner for my wife and me the phone rang, I went to answer it as Sara was taking a bubble bath after her exhausting day of house hunting. "hello" I said "is Sara there?" a strong male voice on the other end asked "she's not available right now may I take a message?" I asked pulling out my palm pilot quite use to taking messages for my wife. "yes you can, tell her this is Steve and I just wanted to know what time the limo was arriving tommarrow" I was caught quite off guard, I knew the state limo was picking Sara up tommarow at 9am for the three hour ride to the lotto headquarters to pick up her check but I had not known anyone was going with her as I knew I couldn't because I had to work. She had mentioned finding a friend to go with her but I thaught she meant a girlfriend.

I'm not the jealous type but for some reason this guys strong masculine voice was a little disconcerning, but being the good little secretary I was I answered the gentlemans question "the limo gets here at nine Steve, ah are you a friend of Sara's" I added definitelly wanting more information from him "ya, you could say that" he chuckled and then added "just tell your wife I'll be there at 9:15" he then hung up the phone, he obviously knew Sara was my wife but he spoke to me like I was the damn maid or something who was asking questions that I had no right to ask.

I waited for my wife to finish her bath and as she came out to dinner which was all laid out on the table waiting for her, I told her of the call "Steve called and said he would be here at 9:15 tomarrow" She raised an eyebrow at me and damn she sure looked beautiful even with the towel wrapped up in a bun on her wet hair and then said rather sternly "is that jealousy in your tone Tim, I must say that's not like you and to be frank I don't at all like it" I was immeadiatelly put on the defensive "ah no I'm sorry Sara I just didn't kow you had found someone to go with you" I quickly tried to be apologetic "Steve's a friend of mine from the gym, I told you I was going to try to get a friend to come along with me sinceyou were working" she said making it appear there was nothing more to it while still using a tone of voice that scolded me for questioning her intentions.

She kept up the appearance of being dissapointed with me throughout dinner and we didn't talk much more, when she finished eating she just got up and walked away which told me she was indeed angry with me as she almost always would give me a peck on the cheek and thank me for dinner before leaving me to clean up.

I cleared off the table and loaded the dishwasher and then went to our master bedroom where Sara was relaxing on the bed reading one of her many romance novels. God she was stunning, I can't beleive I let my body go to pot as she really took care of hers, she looked better now than she did in her early twenties. I couldn't beleive I would do anything to upset her I loved her so much and even though we didn't have a traditional marraige I knew she loved or at least cared for me afterall we had been married now for about twelve years and since I knew I couldn't satisfy her sexually why should I deny her affairs if she was still willing to keep me as her husband.

It was during this moment of weakness that I probably offered her way to much freedom as I tried to appologize to her. I went to the bathroom and returned with a bottle of massage oil saying "Sara, honey I'm so sorry I made you angry can I give you a massage and can we talk?" I asked in a very submissive tone, she seemed intrigued by what I had in mind as she looked over her book at me and said "hum a massage would be nice, why don't you start on my feet and legs and tell me what's on your mind" as she set her novel down beside her on the bed.

I poured out some lotion on my hands and rubbed them together to heat it up and then began to work it into her sexy toes and soles. She let out a gentle sigh as I said "I know I don't satisfy you in bed any more honey and I'm so afraid of losing you that sometimes I do get a little jealous of other men calling you." she was listening closely to what I was saying and also enjoying the sensation of my kneading fingers working on her tender soft soles as I continued "I ah I guess what I'm saying is I could understand why a woman as sexy and vibrant as you might need a more verile lover in her life" her eyes really opened wide as I said that and her look encouraged me to continue.

"I really guess what I'm trying to say is that if you ever decided to find someone who could give you what I can't sexually I ah I guess I'm alright with that as long as you don't leave me" There I said it, I just gave her carte blanche, she would no longer have to attempt to hide her little affairs that we both knew she had been having, it was like a load off my chest. I continued to work my thumbs into the balls of her feet my head down in a sign of submission waiting for her response.

Finnally after what seemed like hours but was actually just a minute or two she replied "Why Tim are you really saying that if I go out and find some young stud to share my bed that your ok with that?" She asked wanting to make real sure what I was offering her. I thaught for a moment to try to choose my words wisely but I knew I couldn't backtrack on my offer now as I said back "I'm just saying I would understand Sara, I would do anything to keep you happy and I just couldn't bare to have you leave me" I probably not choosen my words as carefully as I had hoped to, in fact I had probably just confessed to her that I would go along with anything she wanted just so she wouldn't leave me.

She gave me a huge grin and said "that's so sweet honey, but I told you before that I could never replace you. Where could I ever find another husband who takes such good care of me and worships me the way you do, you make me feel like a goddess. You just keep doing what you do and we'll be together for a long long time sweethart." her words made me vary happy and more importantly she was now happy again and that made me feel very good but as to not let my offer go to waste she did add with a chuckle "and now your telling me it's alright with you if I see other men, well that's just perfect, what more could a girl ask for, a devoted house husband and a lover on the side, you've got to be the best catch ever"

Well that pretty much settled it, she would no doubt begin dating again but at least it would be out in the open now, I wouldn't have to sit at home alone wondering if she was out with her girlfriends or another man, she could just tell me. I also now knew exactly where I stood with her as she put it basically as long as I continued to devoe myself to her comfort and pleasure we were fine and that was ok with me as I just wanted her to be happy and when she was happy she could be very affectionate.

She opened her arms and we hugged for several minutes and then she said "I'm so glad we had this little chat Tim, we should talk like this more often now please be a doll and repaint my toenails, I want to look sharp when I pick up that check tommarrow, and then you can go down on me and just maybe we can take care of the little stiffy you've got there" she spoke so seductively as she brushed her toes along my member almost causing me to shoot my load right there, I was like a toy to her, tightly wrapped around her little finger and there was no place I would rather be.

I gave her the best pedicure ever and then brought her to three quivering orgasams with my darting tongue. Then as she relaxed recovering from her orgasams I went back to the foot of the bed and finished blowing her nail polish dry, after a few minutes she giggled and said "that was just wonderfull honey, now let's take care of that cute little weenie of yours" she always refered to my penis as small but I didn't mind, I just took it as her way of being playfull. She had me kneel on the floor at the foot of the bed as she slid herself to the end and all she had to do is just lightly touch the head of my boner a few times with her toes and I spurted all over.

She giggle again and said "your just so easy honey, now be a good boy and clean up that mess and let's go to bed" I was in pure heaven as I got a towel and wiped my cum from the floor and then joined her in bed and as we kissed goodnight and I was about to turn out the lights she said "you know honey I as planning on stopping to see Kim on the way back from the capitol, we pass right by he campus. Why don't you drive up and meet us on Saturday" "ah ya ok sure honey, that will be nice" I replied "yes it should be intresting, ok goodnight honey" she replied back and I turned off the lights.

I layed awake for several minutes thinking about how she said interesting, what did she mean by that. I was pleased that she asked me to meet her there though, before our little chat I don't think she was going to include me. I was also very interested in seeing how Kimberly was living, something told me I was going to find it quite fasinating.

Just as I left for work the next mourning I saw the long stretch white limo that the state furnished to bring the lucky lotto winners to the capitol to collect their checks. I had a feeling things were going to be much different from now on but after my conversation with Sara the night before I was much less nervous about the future. Friday seemed to go on forever as I was really looking foreward to going to the college campus tommarrow, it will be my first trip back there since helping Kim unpack almost a year ago. At that time it was a dorm room but she had since moved to a larger three bedroom apartment with two of her girlfriends, it looked quite nice from the brocheres she had given to her mom and it cost quite a bit more money but Sara quickly gave in to Kim and increased the allowance we were giving her.

On Friday night Sara called me at about 11pm, she was giddy and sounded alittle drunk and I could here the strong male laughter of Steve in the backround. She told me she got the mock check as the real money was being wired into her account and she was celebrating. They were staying at the exclusive Four Seasons hotel near Kim's apartment. I didn't get a chance to ask her any questions as she began giggling saying "stop that, I'm on the phone" she then said she had to go and said goodbye. I didn't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what was going on and although it didn't thrill me I was happy she at least called.

I headed out early Saturday and headed for the college with nervous anticipation. I reached the campus at about 11am and couldn't reach Sara or Kimberly on their cell phones so I drove around looking for Kim's apartment. I found the complex and it was quite impressive, there was even a guarded gate where luckily Sara mustv'e put me on the list and I was able to drive in. I found her apartment which was actulally more like a townhome and noticed the complex must've been primarily college students.

I knocked on the door and was greeted by a rather twerpy young guy who invited me in. He said that Kim was showing her mom and her boyfriend around the campus. I was quite shocked by the word boyfriend but figured it was just his interpretation of Steve. He interduced himself as Duffas and although I thaught that was a strange name I remained polite and shook his hand. He told me I was welcome to wait on them but he had to get back to what he was doing.

He offered me a bottled water from the fridge and I took a seat on the sofa and watched the skinny little guy go into the hall bath where he knealt and continued scrubbing the floor which was what he had apparently been doing when I knocked. I felt a little guilty sitting there as when the guy finished in the bathroom he headed to the kitchen and began doing some dishes and wiping down the counters. I tried to reach the girls again but to no avail.

I then asked the young guy if he minded if I looked around the place, he told me to help myself as no one else was home. I was pretty impressed at how neat and organized everything was, not something I expected of three college girls living together. All the beds were made there were no clothes or shoes laying around even each of their makeup desks were completely organized. I wouldn't have even thaught I was in Kim's room if I hadn't recognized some of the furiture.

I then remembered the brochere had mentioned maid service was available and then assumed that was this guy was doing, earning some college money working for a maid service. I know I did some crazy jobs when I was at college to earn some spending cash. I was still in Kim's room when I heard a female voice call out "doofus! Bring me a water now!" It was quite an authoritive voice and I knew it wasn't Kim or Sara and I was a little nervous about walking back out to the living room.

I nervously fidgited in Kim's room for a minute or two before working up the courage to walk out and interduce myself. I walked into the hallway and saw a stunning nineteen year old black girl seated on the sofa wearing a tight black spandex top and jogging shorts. She had dark shoulder length waivy hair and her perfect long bare long dark legs were stretched out on the coffee table where she was pushing off her bright white Nike running shoes with her toes. Her back was to me so I took the oppertunity to peep as Doofas carried out a tray with a bottle of sparkling water and a remarkably clean glass of ice.

I watched as he balanced the tray on one hand and filled the glass with water and then offered it to the black girl who took the glass and then Doofas set the tray on the coffee table next to her perspiring glistening smooth legs. I didn't want to get caught as a peeping tom so I made my way into the room. The girl was a bit surprised but I quickly interduced myself saying "oh hi, I'm Tim, Kim's dad" The girl gave me a sligh grin and said "don't you mean stepdad, and isn't that even stretching it some" I had just quickly been put in my place by this wicked temptress and began to turn red, obviously Kim filled in her roomates on our somewhat unique relationship.

"oh yes that's what I meant to say" I nervously studdered out "um hum, will I'm Tracy one of Kim's roommates" she said rather confident knowing she had me squiming before her, she then paused for a second and looked sternly at Doofas and threw her arms up "well...what the hell are you waiting for, you know the routine when I come back from my jog." "oh yes I'm sorry great superior one Miss Tracy" Doofas exclaimed as he jumped into action and headed back to the kitchen, Tracy's gorgous face broke out into a huge grin as she chuckled "damn pledges, they can really be quite stupid" "ah pledges?" I asked her nervously "yes pledges, I guess Kim didn't tell you, are other roomate Michele is dating a fraternity pledge master" she paused as Doofas came back into the room carrying a big metal bowl filled with ice water and a couple of fluffy towels, i watched intently as he very carefully began to pull off Tracy's ankle sweat socks and once she was satisfied he was doing it correctly she began again.

"anyways like I was saying Doofas here is among two other pledges who failed the first cut so for their second chance they were given the option of an extended pledging which goes for the whole school year. A big part of whether they get in or not depends on how well they serve us three ladies as we give them grades every two weeks, isn't that right Doofas?" she asked the guy tapping him on the forehead with her toes which were now bare. "yes great superior one Miss Tracy" Doofas answered and Tracy giggled "I just love the way Josh makes them answer us"

I guessed that Josh was the pledgemaster, Doofas had just finished soaking a washcloth in the icewater and was about to start washing Tracy's feet but she stopped him saying "wait, go put my shoes away first and don't forget to clean the soles this time" "yes great superior one Miss Tracy" Doofas replied and picked up her running shoes and headed into her room. Tracy had just wanted him out of listening distance for a moment as she said softly to me "actually these pledges don't have a chance in hell of becomming members of the fraternity, we all just string them along, they make such great little lackeys. At the end of the school year they'll either be offered another year of pledgedom or they'll be blackballed and we'll start over with some new losers. There's plenty of losers who'll do almost anything to be accepted by the in crowd but I guess you know all about that huh"

Again she did it just as I had sat down and was feeling a little less uncomfortable she threw out that little remark about me knowing what it is like to be a loser and once again I began to squirm it was like a game she was playing wit me. She didn't even wait to here if I had response as she called out "what's keeping you Doofas my feet are really sweaty!" the young guy came scurrying back out and knealt again before the black girls bare soles and began to delicatlly wipe the persperation from her toes and soles. Tracy leaned back totally relaxed and wiggled her toes a bit as she took a big sip of water and sighed.

I couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy at her feet remembering all to well how cruell some young college students could be and how others tried so hard just to fit in, I was sure he and the other two took just as much abuse if not more froim the fraternity brothers. My face had regained it's normal shade and I was again feeling a little less tense when the little bitch did it to me again. "so do you think my feet are pretty, youv'e been steering at them long enough" she sort of sneered at me "I ah I was ah" I could think of nothing to say, she had caught me off guard and I was flustered.

"aw, don't be like that, I think my feet are very attractive, lord knows Doofas here and the others take great care of them to make sure they stay soft and pretty. Don't think your the only one with a foot fetish there's probably at least a hundred guys and some girls on this campus who have a thing for feet also. Some of the guys are pretty hot looking also, their not all wimps but I enjoy teasing the hell out of any of them when I see one gawking at my feet." she was just as wicked as my oiwn stepdaughter, probably cut from the same cloth as the saying goes.

She took another sip of water as Doofas continued rinsing the washcloth and was now working his way up her calves. She then continued to say "who knows maybe when Kim and your so called wife return they'll even allow you to give my feet a kiss, wouldn't t that be nice?" this time my face had not even returned to normal color as she got this jab in, making it clear that she felt I had to seek permission before doing such a thing but she was right I would love to kiss her delicious looking feet.

After the bathing of her feet and legs Doofas carefully dried her off and then Tracy said "ok Doofas go put my socks in the hamper, have you finished your chores?" "almost great superior one Miss Tracy I just have to finish washing the kitchen floor" he answered "ok then finish up and you can go, I'm going to take a shower" Tracy said as she stood up and walked to her bedroom, Doofas following behind with her dirty socks. He returned a few moments later and went to work on the kitchen floor. I felt like telling him he was being used but I knew Kim would never forgive me if I did so I kept my mouth shut and twenty minutes later I just said goodbye to him as he left.

Chapter 3 my wife and step daughter return

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Groomed by My Girlfriend to be a Cuckold for Blacks

The quote from the Forrest Gump movie, ‘Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get,’ was certainly true in my case. I was born and raised in the San Francisco suburbs and had a pretty normal childhood. My parents have a stable marriage, and I had every reason to believe that I would find the perfect wife and live happily ever after with the girl of my dreams. This story documents my path to finding a happy life, but in a much different way than I could have dreamed...

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Wife hits jackpotyour a Cuckold Husband

So you want to be a cuckold?Here's the good news: YOUR WIFE WANTS TO CHEAT ON YOU.How do I know? Because your wife is a human being and it's a biological fact that human beings are wired to desire a variety and multiplicity of sexual partners. This includes your wife.But let's back up and talk about you, the would-be cuckold. I suspect that the biggest obstacle between you and the realization of your dream is your own shame and social conditioning. One of the things that makes the cuckold...

3 years ago
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A better Cuckold Contract

Cuckold ContractThis contract forms a binding agreement between the two parties named below in respect to their cuckold marriage:Hotwife _________________ & Cuckold ____________________agree to comply with the following agreement.This agreement creates a 3 month trial period whereby the hotwife will become a black only cock slut, and the husband will become a chastity cuckold. This means that the hotwife will not have sexual relations with little white dick (her husband) and is obligated...

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or CUCKOLD: A LINGUISTIC ASYMMETRY, by Holly Rennick plus CUCKOLD: IF THE MILKMAN DELIVERS AT 9:30, WHY MAKE YOUR BED TWICE? by Cindi Barton AUTHORS' NOTES This literary contribution may seem a bit like ping-pong if our co-authorship is new to you. Actually, this is our fourth publication. Visit Holly's ASSTR website for "Notebook", "Top Tips" and "Oneida" to get a sense of our literary partnership. We offer our insights not as a final analysis, but merely as a point of embarkation...

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My Small Cock GF Trains me to be a Cuckold

After high school I went to college at the Rochester Institute of Technology and earned a bachelor's degree in computing and information services. At the beginning of my junior year there, I met a girl named Alyssa who is my age. She was working on her degree in psychophysiology. I was immediately attracted to that beautiful girl, who just happens to look a little like the actress Scarlett Johansson. And for some inexplicable and happy reason, she was attracted to me as well.Alyssa is five feet...

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Eporner Cuckold

Eporner comes with a healthy dose of cuckold porn for your horny, porn-wanting eyeballs. A library with over ten thousand videos all dealing with cuckold to some degree. It's certainly enough to keep you entertained for quite a while until you beat your meat into submission. Or finger your pussy until those sweet convulsions consume you. Cuckold comes in a few flavors. It always involves the wife being unfaithful to her husband who probably can't satisfy her anymore. In other situations, he's...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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SpankBang Cuckold

You've probably heard of "cuckold" before. But do you really know what it means? A cuckold can be created in two ways and both of those ways involve someone in the relationship cheating. The first way can be a guy's wife going out and fucking some other guy because at least he gives her dick, you know? The second can be a guy making a move on another dude's wife and fucking her. Some of these situations can be quite obvious and in the face of the person who's being cheated on.The wife doesn't...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Encouraging My Innocent Wife to Cuckold Me

It is interesting how sometimes our hobbies and other personal pursuits that seem to have no tangible benefits, except for our own personal pleasure, can turn into an amazing opportunity. That was the case for me when my secretive hobby of writing pornographic stories resulted in my wife and me enjoying a full and erotic cuckold life style.I am a mid-level manager in a small manufacturing company in the Birmingham, Alabama area, and I travel out of town overnight an average of four times a...

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Magic Potion Makes My Cuckold Dreams a Reality

My name is David, and the main events in this story began when I was thirty-five years old, and my beautiful wife, Kate, was thirty-four. We are still living in a middle-class suburb of Hartford, Connecticut, where our daughter is in the fifth grade. Kate and I met in college, when I was a senior and she was a junior, and we got married when she graduated.I was thirty years old before we could afford to move to the suburbs, and we were lucky to have such good neighbors in our cul-de-sac. We...

4 years ago
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Make Your Wife Cuckold You

Confusing hah... well I only want to say that women don't cheat with the intention of deriving pleasure from making their husbands cuckold, while the men or husbands sometimes want their wives to cheat and they derive pleasure in it. I faced similar situation, derived pleasure in secretly fantasising about my wife cheating on me but do not know how to make it a reality. I have overcome it and now I am a very satisfied cuckold with an equally satisfied married life. Cuckold is a fetish, a...

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Cuckold Chat

TheCuckoldConsultant has a Cuckold Chat that I only touched on briefly when I reviewed the site and the service. I could have crammed a few hundred more words into the original review, but that wouldn’t be doing the community justice. One of the main features you look for in any chat group or forum is a thriving, active userbase, which this cuckold site has in abundance. I’m visiting the place on a weekday morning, and there are nearly 1000 users online. This is a legit online cuckold...

Sex Chat Sites
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Cuckold Short Stories Volume 1

Walking in on interracial cuckoldingNormally you announce your arrival when you get home from work. Today you can hear your wife moaning before you open the door so you keep quiet. She’s either having sex or masturbating, and as she usually masturbates in the bedroom, you suspect there’s another man in your house enjoying her pussy.It’s so much louder when you open the door. Her moans are loud and beautiful. You can hear the sound of flesh slapping together as another man fucks your wife. You’d...

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My Cuckold Wedding

My Cuckold WeddingI stood at the altar alone with Rev. Carl, the minister, looking out at the wedding guests. It wasn't a large wedding, still to me it seemed there were a lot of people looking at me. I saw my parents and my brother, as well as a handful of cousins, all with big smiles on their faces. My family had approved of Laurel as soon as they met her. My father and my brother kept telling me how lucky I was to be marrying her. On the bride's side of the aisle there were many more guests...

2 years ago
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It all began over twenty years ago when I met Lizabeth, the girl who became my wife.I had no idea what Mother Nature's plan was for me in those early years. I did realize that I was different than the other boys and felt that I never could quite fit in.During all of my school years I was a shy, naive boy who never participated in any school activities; never went to any of the school dances and never dated any of the girls even though I so much wanted them.I would only look and watch them from...

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iXXX Cuckold

Some porn sites host their own fetish porn, such as cuckold. Others are the high and mighties. They're the ones who collect all kinds of cuckold porn and display it all neatly for your horny souls. iXXX is that site that has gone all over the internet and created this massive library of cuckold porn ready for people to come and enjoy. While what they've done as a whole is pretty interesting and doesn't leave much room for getting bored, there doesn't seem to be a lot special about iXXX.Their...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Cuckold Short Stories

Walking in on interracial cuckoldingNormally you announce your arrival when you get home from work. Today you can hear your wife moaning before you open the door so you keep quiet. She’s either having sex or masturbating, and as she usually masturbates in the bedroom, you suspect there’s another man in your house enjoying her pussy.It’s so much louder when you open the door. Her moans are loud and beautiful. You can hear the sound of flesh slapping together as another man fucks your wife. You’d...

3 years ago
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Office Cuckold Complete 4 Parts

Josh is cuckolded by his boss and coworker.Chapter 1Emma had just started in our office. She was the assistant for an executive, sharing his office, filing his paper, and doing other odds and ends. My office was next to his large corner office, so I was able to see Emma often as she walked past carrying a file or an envelope to be mailed off.Fresh out of high school, Emma was getting some experience in the real world before deciding what she wanted to do and going to school. She always wore...

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Husband Creates Opportunity for Lactating Wife to Cuckold Him

My name is Kent, and I met my wife, Megan, a year after I graduated from college and moved to Huntington, West Virginia for a job in healthcare administration. She graduated from a community college in the area and was working as an accounting clerk. We dated for two years and were married when I was twenty-five and she was twenty-three.I dated several girls in high school and college and was active sexually, especially loving oral sex, but Megan comes from a religious family, and we didn’t...

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PornHub Cuckold

With the porn industry always offering new pornographic content, you know that you will never get bored. No matter what you might be searching for, there is always a website that will fulfill your naughtiest desires. As for those who are specifically into something that is considered a fetish or a kink, finding the right type of a website might be a challenge.However, that is why I am here. I shall tell you all you need to know about different fetish porn websites, and the suggestions are all...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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iWank Cuckold

The online world is filled with all sorts of porn movies, including many popular fetishes. So if you are searching for something specific, I am sure that you will be able to find it. However, the process of searching for your favorite porn sites can be quite tedious, because a lot of porn sites are really not worth your time. That is why Fetish Porn Sites is all you really need.I am here to talk about a site that is filled with cuckold pornos. iWank.tv is a free porn aggregator that has...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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My Life as a Cuckold

Living with a cheating spouse.After the first year of marriage, my wife began an affair with her manager. He was the first of many men over the years. Some of them I knew about and I may have even encouraged them but most were done behind my back, in secret. Because she has these secrets, not a day goes by that it doesn't play on my mind. One day in my angst, I typed the word 'infidelity' into Google and discovered Literotica.There are so many stories here about unfaithful spouses and I...

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My Life as a Cuckold

Living with a cheating spouse.After the first year of marriage, my wife began an affair with her manager. He was the first of many men over the years. Some of them I knew about and I may have even encouraged them but most were done behind my back, in secret. Because she has these secrets, not a day goes by that it doesn't play on my mind. One day in my angst, I typed the word 'infidelity' into Google and discovered Literotica.There are so many stories here about unfaithful spouses and I...

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Cuckold Captions

The cuckold world is very split, you are either a hardcore cuckold lover, or you do not understand it at all. Since you clicked on this review, you are either a lover, or you do not understand what the cuckold fetish offers. Well, let me give you a simple explanation. When a person enjoys watching their spouse or significant other get fucked by another person, they are called a cuckold.Of course, this is a spectrum. Not all cuckold videos are the same; they can also be separated into two...

Reddit NSFW List
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Sexcom Cuckold

For me, I have come to crown this fetish as the weirdest of all fetishes. I have come across the shittest of shit here on the Pornosphere, from machine fucking, tickling, pissing, bondage, submission and all sorts of sexual antics, but when it comes to cuckold, well, I don't have words to describe this shit. Some men are into interracial porn. To my amusement, these perverts want to watch their women worship and be stretched by big monstrous cocks from black maniacs. The weirdest shit is that...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Our Black Neighbors Cuckold My Husband

It sometimes amazes me how luck can play such significant roles in our lives and this story describes how those factors caused a dramatic change in the sex lives of my husband and me. My name is Joan, and my husband Ed and I had recently moved to Tampa from the Boston area at the time of this story.Ed is an executive with a high-tech company, and he was being promoted to manage the company’s facility in Tampa. I was forty-two years old and Ed was forty-five, and since we had married very young,...

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Pennys Promiscuity 6 Cuckold Copulation

As I drove home from work that Wednesday evening – the day our lives changed - all I could think was how extraordinary my husband really was, and of course of the incredible events of the last few weeks.I’m not sure how I expected to feel the day after I told Pete that after over twenty years of faithful monogamy, I had been having an affair with a close family friend. I’m not sure I had thought it through any more carefully than I had planned my affair. I had, I might have suspected that he...

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ImageFap Cuckold

Is this a joke, hombre? Do you fucking have a real girlfriend? Oh shit! I just remembered. You settled for the ugly BBW bitch on the Tinder dating app. Or could you be talking about your gay stud, faggot? Whatever shit it is, you just want a warm hole to nut in. Dumbass, I have seen it all in the pornosphere, but even if fetishes can get weird and kinky, cuckold is cringy. How lusty babes enjoy doing all shit with strangers as their boyfriends and husbands watch still amuses me.And how does a...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Our Black Neighbors Cuckold My Husband

It sometimes amazes me how luck can play such significant roles in our lives and this story describes how those factors caused a dramatic change in the sex lives of my husband and me. My name is Joan, and my husband Ed and I had recently moved to Tampa from the Boston area at the time of this story.Ed is an executive with a high-tech company, and he was being promoted to manage the company’s facility in Tampa. I was forty-two years old and Ed was forty-five, and since we had married very young,...

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Cuckold in Training

I figured I would find some pornography. In fact, I hoped that was all I would find. I'd never suspect that Tony would cheat on me, but my heart was racing with the thought I might be wrong. I started thumbing through the different folder names, scanning for anything that would send me straight to a divorce attorney. Luckily, it seemed to be just a stash of dirty pictures and videos. Not a big deal, right? I breathed a little easier, but now I was curious as to what things were turning my...

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Cuckold in Training

I was a stunned by my discovery! My husband Tony was out of town for a few days on business and I needed a tool from his workroom. While digging through one of the tool drawers I found a small, portable hard drive. "Why would this be in here?" I thought, but then the little voice inside my head started to scream, "Put it back you fool! Don't look inside; you won't like what you'll find!" But I never listen to that little voice anyway, so I took it upstairs and plugged it into the computer.I...

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My WellFed Cuckold Husband

-Most of my stories are from my perspective as first person, but this one is from the point of view of my wife Joan, who cuckolded me.My name is Joan and at the time of this story, I was thirty years old and married to Ed, who was thirty-two years old and a successful marketing director with a company in the sporting goods industry. We had been married for five years and had a beautiful four-year-old daughter, and had decided to have another child, so I had recently stopped taking my birth...

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The Cuckold Test Part I

Danny drained the remnants of his beer from the bottle, his eyes and thoughts on the attractive blonde stood at the beach bar a few yards away. A sudden breeze opened her wrap around skirt briefly allowing him to get a flash of tanned thigh and panties. There were others sat around tables as the evening sunset began to take hold but no one else seemed to notice the sudden flash of naked flesh. The barman who was serving her didn’t get a look either; it was difficult from his vantage point...

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Husband turns me onto BBC Cuckold

I'm Suzy, and I've been married to my husband David for 15 years. I'm currently 35, 5'10, 140lbs, have shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, and measures 38-28-38". David is 38, 5'11", 175lbs, has blonde hair, blue eyes and has a 7" cock. Five years ago we started spicing up our sex life by visiting sex sites online, visiting adult video stores and renting their movies. We also agreed to try what each other wanted at least once.The first time that we involved someone else, was at a adult...

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The Cuckolded Reviewer His Wifes Story

I think it only right and proper that I put you fully in the picture about Tim’s story. I also need to tell you the truth about Abe and me. Tim is now fully in the picture and wants me to share this with you all. The first thing to tell you is that Abe and I actually got together a few weeks before Tim’s account of our first coupling. Some of you more observant readers may have guessed that already. The fact that I could be comfortable being naked in the presence of a stranger on that first...

1 year ago
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The Cuckold Consultant

TheCuckoldConsultant sounds like a businessman who’s pretty knowledgeable about things like operations, profitability, and management, but happens to fall short when it comes to pleasing his wife. I really thought this next website was going to be a typical cuckold porn library with a really professional backdrop to the scenarios, but nah, it turns out that’s entirely wrong. It’s actually an information resource and service that aims to get your wife into the sack with other dudes.You’re free...

Interracial Porn Sites

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