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"I don't know, Daddy. I'm just not sure if I have what it takes," I sighed and listened to my father. Two thousand miles doesn't seem as far on the telephone, but when you hang up it seems like ... forever. That's why I was still trying to explain my reluctance to join a sorority. If he'd been there, facing me, this conversation would have been over long ago.

"I know, I know ... Meet people, it's not who you are it's who you know ... yayaya ... Daddy, I know what you're saying" He hates it when I say that.

It's not who you know, it's who you blow; isn't that what you really mean, Daddy? I was dying to say it, just to get some real attention. This sorority thing was just an excuse for our weekly Father-Daughter quality time. On the telephone. Right.

I watched the TV out of the corner of my eye. I found myself wishing Big Bird was on, and then it would have been juuuust perfect. Like I'd never even left.

Later, after I'd almost forgotten my conversation with Daddy, I had another one.

"I don't know Susan, I'm just not sure I have what it takes, ya know?" I sighed with a strange sense of deja vu and listened to my roommate yell at me from the bathroom. Her voice echoed down the short hallway into the kitchen and made me wince.

"What? What do you mean? Of course you have what it takes! God! Don't be so dense!"

I looked at my salad and dropped my fork into it, pushing it away. I wasn't hungry anymore.

"Look," she said, padding across the carpet with her wet feet, knotting one of my towels between her breasts. "You're almost in anyway, right? I mean, you have like one thing left to do and that's it, you're home free!" She tilted her head to one side and gave me a funny crooked smile while she rubbed stiff fingers back and forth through her short black hair, separating the wet strands and giving it a puffy spiky kind off look before combing it straight back.

Susan was a junior and a member of the sorority. She was also my sponsor, which was why we roomed together. Once I'd accepted the invitation to apply, my campus housing assignment had suddenly changed. I wondered if I failed the final test, if I'd be moving again.

"Yeah," I reluctantly agreed. "One thing left and I'm home free."

Susan was going out, mercifully. I loved her like a sister, I guess. My own sister, Erin, was a total bitch and she'd run off with a guy named Coors on the back of his motorcycle when she was seventeen. When we were both seventeen. Daddy sometimes confused us, calling me Erin when he was really angry. Like Lisa would never do that to him. Of course, that would set me off ... if I wasn't already. Bad enough being twins, but didn't it ever stop?

I sat down in the soft glow of the television, turning the sound all the way down so that all I could hear was the drip of the faucet in the kitchen. Like a metronome keeping the beat, keeping me company. I rolled my eyes. If I started talking to the sink I was going to lose it. I picked up the little piece of parchment. Literally. It was real parchment.

Sorority games; I shook my head.

It was rolled up and tied with a red bow. It had even been sealed with wax and imprinted with the compass and scales of the Phi Lambda's, as if someone might want to steal their secrets. The writing was hand lettered and even beautiful, I thought in abstract. I wasn't quite ready to give them too much credit. What was I resisting, I wondered? A sorority was a good thing, right? Meet other women, foster friendship and contacts for success later. We were all business majors, all of us struggling with the knowledge that we were preparing for a male dominated world that really didn't want us in it.

Was that it? Second thoughts and self doubts; Lord knows I'd considered switching to journalism often enough. It wasn't too late. Or ... I looked at the parchment, unrolling it. Maybe it was this final little thing that was bothering me.

"To our most beloved pledge-sister Lisa..."

You know you're in trouble when someone calls you most beloved anything. In this case, disguised within the prose of whereas and wherefore and to wit lay the real challenge...

" ... Thus have thee been charged, pledge-sister Lisa, to discover and deliver upon our most noble traditions suitable companionship and comfort to the passions of our dearest Sophie..."

Sophie was a dog.

" ... Above all knowest thee, our Pledge-Sister, that lovely Sophie, being a soul of such sweet countenance and fervent grace that mortal staffs should ne'er deign her petal bruise..."

Blah Blah Blah

" ... Tis a mighty fount of youthful vigor required to quench the fires of her deepest thirst..."


" ... Know ye that only such a staff as might a Grecian God posses shall entertain thy holy endeavor; let him be known to precious Sophie from Beginning unto End..."

Subtle huh? It went on for awhile like that, believe me.

It was signed by the President-Sister of the sorority, who had deigned to pen, in her very own crimson ink ... there at the bottom... "This means get her laid by an Alpha Omega!"

As if I couldn't figure that much out.

I scratched my head anyway, just because it felt good. Our sorority mascot, our precious, thirsty, delicate Sophie, was a 5 year old Black Lab. At the nearby school for boys, Winchester Academy, our sometimes rivals, sometimes partners in all inter-school activities, were the Alpha Omega's. Somehow I needed to get one of those young men, the cream of our nation's Ivy League preparatory school youth, to...

I shook my head, not really wanting to believe it.

... to have sex, intercourse from beginning to end, with Sophie. I glanced at her, sleeping on the corduroy covered bean bag chair that she came with. Yeah. That's right, she'd been entrusted to me. What would I say to a guy? How drunk would he have to be? I mean, I could probably set up something over the phone, guys were guys, right?

I tried to think of her as ... well ... as..."She's ... a short girl. Sort of ... likable. Very friendly." I frowned, not liking the way it sounded at all. "She's dark, with brown eyes ... deep brown eyes! And, um she's ... very oral!" I said it sexy, like "Mmmmm ... she swallows!"

And then I laughed. This wasn't going to work.

I could lie, you're thinking. But no. I had a camcorder too; I had to get it on film for the archives. Not to mention a roomful of drunken cheering college coeds watching some drunken college guy fucking their dog. Some of them no doubt would be hoping that that particular Grecian God would become someone important so they could blackmail him later. It's not who you know, it's you blow ... Thanks Daddy.

Did I want to have what it takes?

I only had a week too. The initiation was happening on the next full moon. Journalism ... sounded better and better. I fell asleep holding my brochure for Columbia, dreaming of interviewing the Red Hot Chili Peppers in the shower after a concert. It was so hot and wet in there!

"Hey ... Lisa ... Wake up..."

I opened my eyes expecting to see Flea stroking his huge ... Dildo?

"You didn't play with Sophie did you?" Susan shook her head. "You have to do it or she's going to get moody!"

"Huh?" I rubbed my eyes and sat up, only to have that big strap-on doggy toy shoved in my lap. "What time is it?"

"It's time for you to play with Sophie. Come on!" She tugged at me and I swear, if she hadn't been my best friend for 2000 miles I'd have...

"Yeah, yeah. Okay already," I sighed.

This wasn't so bad anyway and I did have a pleasant little warmth down in my tummy from that dream. I picked up the dildo, 8" of flesh like space-age rubber stuff shaped like a human penis.

"Are you sure you don't want to..." I looked at Susan and she shook her head with a wry smile.

"Honestly, Lisa! You're such a dyke!"

"No I'm not. I'm just horny!" I stood up and stretched, taking off my oversized t-shirt and pulling down my panties. "Besides ... you're the one who seduced me, remember?"

"Well, not tonight. It's Sophie's turn."

I nodded. It was useless arguing with Susan anyway. I'd been losing arguments all my life and she knew it. I'd never been with a girl until I got invited to join the sorority. Our first challenge as pledges had been to submit to the pleasures of Sapphic love. It's not who you know...

"Here Sophie!" I whistled, holding up the dildo and she lifted her head, opening her mouth so that long rough pink tongue lolled out. Of course our submission to Sapphic love had started with Sophie. I sighed and felt my pussy tingle as the dog licked her lips and jumped off her chair.

She knew what she wanted. The term for it is flagging and Sophie was flagging me. Moving around me playfully while I tried to strap the dildo around my waist. There was a little teaser that slipped right inside my lips, not much, but it rubbed the clit just right. I was getting it perfect while Sophie held her tail high and started rubbing her ass against my thigh. That dog was insatiable! But what could you expect being the mascot to over two dozen college girls?

I reached down to tease her, whispering to her gently while Susan sat down in the chair I had just vacated to watch. I knew she'd masturbate and eventually use my mouth, or maybe Sophie's to get off on, but I didn't mind. I'd be getting off too in a moment. I rubbed the soft tulip shaped vulva of Sophie's sex. It was soft and warm and I was glad to find she'd even started getting slightly wet. She didn't always and sometimes we needed to use a little doggie lube. I fingered her little hole gently, being careful because even though my nails were short, dog vaginas are pretty tender!

"Hurry up, Lisa!" Susan had slipped her panties off and I could see her rubbing her slit slowly, although I don't know if it was to tease me, or to tease herself.

"I have to get her ready!" I retorted and smiled as my long middle finger slipped right up inside Sophie and I wriggled it around, making her give soft little growls that meant she liked it.

"See!" her voice took an 'I told ya so' tone. "Sophie needs it. Don't you baby?" She smiled at the dog and I obediently pulled my finger slowly out, shiny with Sophie's juices.

I put it to my mouth and licked it clean. I'm not a real lesbian, like I said. I mean, girls taste okay, but it doesn't trip my trigger. But Sophie ... Mmmm ... I don't know what it is with her and sometimes I wondered if all dogs tasted like that. It was like faintly sour milk. With a little brown sugar in it, just to take off the edge. It doesn't sound good, I know, but believe me, it isn't bad at all!

I savored it and then let a little saliva run from my mouth down to my fingers, so I could work it around the cock. I know she was probably wet enough, but I wanted to make sure. She didn't mind at all when I got on my knees behind her, pulling her a little so I could get the right angle. Sophie is a large dog, not huge or anything, but a couple feet at the shoulders and hips and maybe 75lbs or so. But she didn't protest when I grabbed her by the thighs, holding her and talking to her.

The weird thing about dogs is their pussies just seem to go straight up, at least Sophie's does. I positioned the head of my fake cock at her little hole and pushed upward, more than straight inward, letting the rubber adjust to the right angle. Sophie loved that! She wriggled and growled and turned her head, panting and even her tail was wagging, but not very much. I slid into her slowly until she had it all and then she gave me a look like 'Is that all you got?' and I laughed despite myself.

I rocked in and out of her slowly, feeling that little push against my own sex, that sweet rub over my clit and it was good! I tell you, it was nice! Now, I don't know for sure if Sophie can really cum on that strap-on. The girls had been training her with it since she was barely old enough to take it, but if she didn't cum ... she could have fooled me! Her body starts shivering, her legs look like they're going to buckle and she really does grind! She grinds better than Susan does! I think it's because she wants the knot, really. She wants puppies, even though she isn't even in heat!

Silly dog!

And then my cum starts getting close and that's when I really have to hold her. I wrap my arms around Sophie's body and just push that fake cock inside her to the hilt. I love the way her fur feels on my boobs, spread over her back so her smooth furry backbone runs right between them. My nipples get hard and dark and burning while we grind. Her tail rubbing across the fire in my belly, teasing me delightfully! Oh fuck yeah! I love grinding with Sophie!

After a couple nice ones I was glowing and that was when I felt Susan tugging at me..."My turn..." She whispered and I pulled out of Sophie's soaking wet hole slowly, turning on my knees to push the dildo covered with doggy cum deep into Susan's waiting sex with one long push until our cunts were mashed together.

She pulled me close, my breasts found hers and I felt her tongue slipping into my mouth, exploring sensually while mine tickled across it. Susan wrapped her legs around my waist and we began our own sweet dance into pleasure, that shaft of imitation flesh connecting us while we fucked languidly.

Over time we found a little rhythm and that became a soft pounding, my hips moving back and forth, working the cock in and out of her until I was straining at it, arching my back and slamming inside the woman with her legs tense around me, urging me to fuck her harder until she could cum finally, her fingers on my back, digging into my hot flesh and making me cry out as my own orgasm swept through my rushing blood.

And then, breathless and smiling, our flushed and sweating bodies pressed together, she would stroke my hair and kiss me. "Sometimes," Susan whispered, "I almost wish I was a lesbian!" And we both giggled at that because right then, so did I.

The next day I figured I'd better get off my butt and do something. I started trying to think of plans. Like ... hmmm ... I could get some of that date rape drug. But would that work on a guy? I mean, if he went limp noodle I'd be out of luck ... and fifty bucks, since that was how much the geeks in the Winchester science lab were selling it for. One of them asked me if I wanted something to drink ... Yikes!

Okay, none of that.

Well ... blackmail. I'd get the goods on one of them and force him to do what I wanted. Yeah ... and how likely was that? Anything I might get on one of those guys would probably be something he thought was worth bragging about!

And let's not forget, I didn't want to become known as the girl who was looking for someone to fuck her dog! That would be total humiliation! I had to play it low key, close to the vest, and still find a way. What exactly was this preparing me for in life, I wondered? They should have asked my sister to join. I think Coors might have done Sophie, just because she had less than six legs. So far as I knew that was his only real criterion in a sex partner.

Well ... that could be spite talking too.

"Hi!" A voice startled me out of my plans and I looked up, annoyed. "You're Lisa Pavageau, aren't you?"

"Yeah," I said warily. I was sitting down by the dock house on the lake. I could see Winchester on the other side, the tall red brick buildings with pretty white trim. Somewhere over there was a boy...

"I'm Michael," he said, still looking at me, I dimly realized. "Michael Clary."

"Uh, okay." I smiled nicely, hoping he'd get the hint that I was busy.

"Can I, um ... sit down?" He gestured at the empty spot next to me. An empty spot that went for twenty yards in every direction, actually.

I looked around anyway, like an idiot.

"Sure," I shrugged like it was a free country. I was regretting wearing my navy blue skirt. It was too short for me and as I sat there I had the suspicion that Michael Clary was getting an eyeful. The wind was stirring too, blowing my long blonde hair into my soft blue eyes and I hated brushing it away, because I knew how flirtatious that could look. But it was annoying!

"I'm a pledge too," he said, almost touching my left boob with his finger.

I jerked away and stared at him. My breasts were nice and I admit my nipples were showing a little, but jeez! I was about to introduce him to the hand when I realized he'd been pointing at my sorority pledge badge that I'd pinned to my blouse. It was just a little thing, gold and silver and bearing the sorority seal. I had to wear it at all times or else the Earth would stop spinning.

"Uh, sorry." He smiled sheepishly and I blushed a little, realizing I was turning into my sister.

"No, it's okay. I was um, just a little preoccupied." I gave him a reassuring smile and pulled my hair back, holding it finally and trying to pretend I wasn't by leaning my head against my hand. I had my elbow on my knee and I was afraid to look down, just knowing the white cotton of my panties were plain as day.

Michael started looking down and I spoke up quickly!

"So, uh ... what fraternity are you pledged to?"

"Oh! The Alpha Omega's," he replied. "They're great. And um, well ... I saw you and I thought, you know, we're like ... brothers and sisters."

"Yeah!" I returned his smile. Light bulbs were going off in my head.

I looked closely at the guy. He seemed sort of geeky, but cute geeky. Thin and tall, maybe six feet or so. He had brown hair and hazel eyes I think, brown flecked with green. Or maybe the other way around. He wasn't exactly handsome, but cute I suppose. And geeky. I was probably a little out of his league. Tall leggy blonde me, ripe firm breasts, tight round ass, decidedly beautiful and I knew it. I started wondering just how far a guy like Michael would go to get a shot at a girl like me.

I glanced at him and he was tying his shoe lace, or trying to pretend like he was. Mikey had his nose so far up my skirt I was surprised he could find his feet.

"Need help?" I offered, spreading my legs a little more.

"What are you doing?" Susan asked me later as I stood in front of my little closet naked, looking through the hangers.

"I'm going out tonight," I said without turning.


Susan sat down on my bed and then I did turn around, holding up a rather small red dress. It had spaghetti straps and it barely covered my ass. I'd worn it once, just to get a grade in my English class that I'd really needed. I thought of it as my lucky dress. So did my professor apparently, because he'd given me an A+ on my paper without bothering to look at anything but me.

"I thought you weren't going to see anyone because you have that boyfriend at Harvard."

I nodded. "Yeah, I do. But what he doesn't know won't hurt him," I shrugged. "Besides this isn't really a date." I started putting on the dress, letting it mold itself to my body, clinging in just the right places.

She snorted. "That's some serious artillery for not really a date, Lisa." I thought she looked a little envious. Her ass would have never fit into it.

"This old thing?" I made a face. "This is just bait. I'm seeing a guy from the Alpha Omega's and..."

"Ohhhh..." Susan laughed as the gears clicked. "I was wondering when you were going to take care of that. Are you bringing Sophie along?"

"Hmmm..." I hadn't really thought about it. "I was thinking about just bringing him back here. I don't know, what do you think?"

"Well, there isn't a lot of room here," she shrugged. "I'm taking off for the weekend anyway, so it's up to you. But if they make a mess, you have to clean it up!"

"Yeah yeah," I rolled my eyes.

I'd just be glad when it was over with. I'd go out with Michael, tease him a little, get him all hot and stiff and bring him back to my place so we could be alone and then, just as he was about to sample the goods ... I adjusted my firm round tits, pinching my nipples through the fabric so they got nice and hard ... When Mike was ready to sink the pink, that's when I'd introduce him to Sophie!

It seemed like a perfect plan!

"I want to be a writer," Michael explained, and believe it or not, I was listening. I'd found myself quite charmed by this man, this person who had seemed so geekish! It seemed he was anything but and it was frightening. He was smart, fun, and even amusing ... In a good way. I liked the way he made me smile.

"A writer?" I wondered and shifted in the front seat of his car. We were parked at what passed for the local lover's lane, a small stretch of gravel along the lakefront not far from our schools.

"Yeah," he nodded. "I ... well ... I came here, to Winchester, trying to live up to expectations. My Dad went here, my grandfather," he shook his head. "They're big on the fraternity thing, but..."

"Sounds familiar." I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, what do you write?"

"Oh, everything!" He laughed self-consciously. "Whatever I can think of ... stories, plays. Poems, uh ... prose..."

"Poems?" I smiled at him in the dim glow of the moon far off. "Tell me one."

"Oh no, I can't ... I don't remember any," he said, giving me apologetic eyes, teasing me softly.

"Ohhhh..." I gave him a look. "You can't bring me out here and tell me you write poetry and not tell me one!" I giggled, "That is so wrong!"

"I uh, okay ... I wrote something a month ago and I..." He swallowed hard. "I've been trying to memorize it in case, uh..."

"In case you got some girl out here alone?" I laughed at him.

"No!" He shook his head and looked away, playing shy. "Not just some girl, I mean. I wrote it for ... you." And he looked at me then.

"You didn't even know me a month ago!" I waved my hand at him.

"No, but I saw you and..." Michael sighed. "I saw you..." his voice was soft.

"Okay," I was talking softly now too. "What uh ... what is it?"

"It's sort of ... mmmm ... well ... you promise you won't get mad, Lisa?"

I laughed again. "No!" I stared at him, but my mood was playful. "Of course I can't promise!"

Michael nodded. "Okay well ... Can you, um ... close your eyes?"


"Because!" He laughed nervously. "I'm going to close mine."

I smiled then, not like before, but tenderly and I felt my heart thumping a little. It was nice. "Okay," I whispered, and I did close my eyes, but I took Michael's hand in mine and we sat there for a moment before he spoke. Softly at first, and then a little louder, more animated as he gained confidence.

I felt myself floating ... someplace. Away.

"You must know that I dream of you. You must know how you make me feel, how full of desire, of bare lust. The need to have you. To possess you. It tears at my mind and rends my heart without mercy!

"I gaze upon you every night, as though through a shadow dancing in the light of a single candle. I have undressed you a thousand times, caressed you, whipped you ... Loved you.

"My eyes grow dim to remember the dreams. Like soft tendrils of moonlight seeping through cracks in the sky. Or violent, jagged flashes; thunder rolling across the night. In the center of the storm are we, lovers of a nature tossed in passion's fury!

"When all is calm and gentle is our touch, I feel your tears upon my flesh. We move together, each kiss a moment freed. The dreams which bind us to our hearts unleashed, untamed by mortal hand. In moonlit pools we join, drinking our desire, letting its urgency course through our veins.

"I want you! Tender touch aroused to desperation. The teeth upon my lips, the nails dragged across my back. Hands which a moment more would bring a moan of pleasure dig deep into your hips. Pulling you hard against me, impaling, thrusting, seeking the depths of love denied.

"Tilt your head to heaven with eyes open, seek you there the face of God. Let him see the rapture in my arms. Feel my manhood, swollen in your womb, the rush of it stabbing deep. Lift yourself; grip me tightly with your sex, your legs around me, pulling me, holding me. Feel your nipples hard against my chest, my breath ragged in your ear.

"Move your arms around my neck and run your fingers through my hair, along my spin. Stabbing me, clawing me. Let your hands become your need; let them release your pain. Give it to me, all of it! Moan softly against the velvet crush of night, silent as it watches. Love the night; speak to it with a beating heart and jealous sigh."

We sat there not saying anything and I felt like I'd just had sex with the man. It was a strange, heady sensation ... Michael's words had been ... juvenile perhaps, in places. Overdone and saccharine, but for all that, it was the sound of his voice that gave them something ... life. Emotion. It was an expression I suddenly understood.

"Come here..." I whispered, pulling him to me, seeking his lips with mine. We kissed for a long time.

"Do you want..."

"How about if we..."

We were both talking at the same time, breathless and flushed, and as soon as we realized it we stopped and looked at each other expectantly.

"Go ahead." Michael smiled.

"No. You say what you were going to," I insisted, licking my lips.

"Uh..." He blinked at me. "I was ... I was wondering if you wanted to, uh ... come..."

"Cum?" I lowered my chin and stared at him.

"Uh yeah, come to my er, room ... If you want," Michael said, and cleared his throat a little. "I mean."

"Oh!" I giggled. "I thought you meant..." I shook my head. "Never mind."

We sat there for ten seconds before I realized he was waiting for an answer.

"Uh, sure. Okay," I nodded, thinking I should have said no and then kissed him some more, and then after that, invited him back to my place. That would have been the perfect plan. Infallible. But I was sorta still thinking about his poem and ... I was slow, what can I say?

"Great, okay..." He seemed pretty eager, as well he might be considering he'd had his tongue wrapped around my tonsils, but I hadn't complained either.

I just had to remember not to fuck him. Michael didn't seem like the hit it and quit it type, and he'd knocked my socks off with his romantic sincerity, but now that we were going to his place I was getting some of my sensibility back. I just needed him hungry, I told myself, hungry and hot and willing to fuck a dog if he couldn't have me. We could get married later.

"Wow. Okay, nice place," I said, stepping into Michael's dorm room at Winchester. It was actually pretty average looking, but that would have been impolite.

I looked around while he turned on the soft light by his bed, the soft radio by his computer, and picked up all his dirty clothes. There was the bed, the desk, the bookcase, the dog, the television, the...

I stared at the dog. It was kind of a big one, brown and white and sitting on a bean bag chair like he owned the place and staring at me like, well, like he owned me as well. He was definitely a he too, I could tell by the big penis sheathed in fur and the large furry balls hanging just behind it. He was getting up and coming over to say hello.

"Uh ... nice doggy," I swallowed hard. "Good doggy ... good boy..." And I backed up a little because he was even bigger than Sophie, whom I'd thought was about as big as a civilized dog should get.

"Is he, uh ... civilized?" I asked Michael, who had been out of the room doing laundry or something. At least he'd come back empty handed.

"Oh! Hey yeah, that's Einstein, we just call him Stein for short." He smiled at me. "He just wants to say hi."

"You named a dog Einstein?" I stared at him for a second wondering if the Geek Richter Scale really went up that high, or if we had to use a slide rule to convert it to a useable number. Nobody was gonna believe this.

"Well, I didn't!" He laughed.

The dog was sniffing at me, thrusting his huge snout right up into my crotch, ignoring the hand I'd held out so bravely.

"Whoa ... good doggy!" I jumped back a little.

"He can smell fear," he shrugged, like that was helpful. My mood was rapidly becoming just another memory.

"I can smell lust," I said, staring at the dripping wet pink tip of the animal's penis as it slid from its sheath.

"Uh, oh ... Come on, Stein! Be nice..." Michael tried grabbing the dog by the collar and tugging him back, but I think the beast weighed as much as his namesake. Probably more. "He must smell something on you or something ... uh, do you have bacon in your pockets or something?"

The dog was backing me up to the bed.

"No!" I snorted. "I don't have pockets."

"Oh." He had the dog in a hammerlock, but Stein didn't really notice.

"Ooops!" I tripped as I bumped into the bed and my knees bent and I flopped backwards into what turned out to be a rather soft landing. I was flat on my back on Michael's bed and Einstein shoved his nose 12" up my skirt, so that I could actually feel him sniffing at my panties.

"He likes you," he said helpfully.

"No kidding," I breathed trying to push the animal's head out from under my skirt. "Do something!" I finally yelled.

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Fighting Hawk entered his fifteenth year in the reading lodge. He had applied himself almost exclusively now that he didn't have to teach the boys. He only hunted once or twice a week, and all other times he was in the reading lodge. He was surprised when Little Mule came into the lodge. Gray Eagle had never allowed anyone into the lodge. It was even stricter than the Spirit Lodge. He looked at her and asked how she got in. She said that Water Lilly had sent her in to bring the food, and she...

3 years ago
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Solipsism or Johnny Are You Queer

Cassie sipped the espresso and waited for Tiffany to come back from the restroom. Tiffany was her best friend, and utterly loyal. She had some minor flaws-- that outfit made her look rather slutty, for instance-- but by and large Cassie had few complaints. And since Cassie was the type of girl whose tolerance of other people's flaws shrank rather than grew as she got to know them better ... well, that was a good thing. Tiffany tipped the remnants of her coffee into her mouth as she sat down....

3 years ago
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Stephanie Kelly Part5

Stephanie licked her lips as she looked at them. "I have a surprise for you, too, " she said quietly to Kelly. "Ohhhhh, I like the sound of that," Kelly purred. "What is it?" Stephanie felt her cheeks grow warm when she thought about showing her surprise to Kelly. She couldn't quite believe she had done this. "Um, well, I went to one of those adult stores and bought something. I brought it home and washed it, and it's in this towel, " she said with a touch of embarrassment,...

2 years ago
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Cold flour

CaughtKneeling on the cold, concrete floor beside the toilet, dressed in lingerie and wearing pink lipstick waiting for the door to open, my mind kept going around in circles to what led me here, wondering if I could have done anything different to prevent it.I remembered sitting on the toilet, I looked at my bight pink nylon and white lace panties, resisting the urge to play with myself. They looked so lovely against my pale, shaved legs above the stocking tops and garter straps. I blushed...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Dominno Mary Rock Nympho Housewife Dominno Seduces Her Maid And Invites Hubby to Join In

Dominno is a bored housewife, and all she ever thinks about is sex. Today, even though her slender young maid, Mary Rock, is cleaning the kitchen, she can’t resist fingering herself and squeezing her colossal knockers. But Mary doesn’t really mind since she has a crush on her sexy boss. Soon, Dominno invites her to the bedroom where they can pleasure each other in ways that only women understand. When Dominno’s husband, Vince Karter, gets home, he’s surprised to see his...

2 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 295 Blow Job Outlook

Bill and I slumped into each other's arms. We were both in the after glow of orgasm. Men and women have always experienced orgasm differently. Now there was a third variation. ROBO-ORGASM, it was something which the humans could aspire too. No it wasn't better, it was just different. Humans would never rest until they could experience one, should they ever find that there was such things. It was therefore essential that they never find out, I was informed secretly. The message came from...

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Shanika at the Plantation Club Chapter 11

Chapter 11 - The DirtballsThe next morning the cycle began again. Elois, the young negro attendant prepared Shanika for the day."Yo' coochie so smooth, girl!" she observed, stroking the slave girls waxed pussy. "Won't be needin' to shave you for a while!"The experiences of the previous evening were still fresh in Shanika's mind. She closed her eyes and remembered the touch of Mr. Richards on her as he masturbated her to orgasm for the amusement of his dinner guests at the anniversary gala. It...

1 year ago
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Night Adventures With Didi 8211 Part II

Dear readers thankyou for liking my first story “Night Adventures With Didi”. So many readers wanted to know what happened next, whether I was successful in making physical relations with didi or not. After my didi got married, we used to meet occasionaly on her son’s birthday or on some marriage functions. It was month of January and there was a marriage of one of my cousin brother and the baraat had to reach girls place at Ajmer. My sister called me on phone and asked whether I was planning...

3 years ago
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Summer of 63 Part 3

Well it’s Sunday and I wake up to the smell of bacon cooking. I love my summer so far it has been so full of pleasures I didn’t know I could feel. I take my morning piss and walk into the kitchen area where my aunt is cooking. I love looking at her it’s like having a live porn magazine. She notices me watching her and tells me to come here and give her a good morning kiss. I walk over and kiss her on the cheek and she looks at me and tells me that when a woman wants a kiss she doesn’t want...

2 years ago
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WHEN THE LAST GUEST WAS GONE, those staying gathered the remains and took them to the refrigerator. We all seven kissed in every possible combination of twos and threes and then Melody, Bree, Whitney, and Lissa all went to the big bed. I assumed that Wendy, Kate, and I would head for Kate’s queen-sized bed after we brushed our teeth, but Wendy grabbed our hands and led us to her room. She only has a double bed, but we’d all three fit in it, I figured. We three had never been together in...

1 year ago
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A Welcomed Guest 8

Sekhmet - Goddess of fire, war, and dance Hathor - Goddess of the sky, dance, love, beauty, joy, motherhood, foreign lands, mining, music and fertility. Serket - Goddess of scorpions, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites Maat - Goddess of Truth and Justice Tefnut - Goddess of Rain, Air, Moisture, Weather, Dew, Fertility, and Water Mut - Queen of the goddesses and lady of heaven Isis - Goddess of health,...

3 years ago
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My friend taking control

We had been talking abut our own appart for a while , going to college in the next city , this summer was our big move and we were over hype at the ideaIt was our big day, the move went real fine and i was getting my stuff ordered in my room , way too happy to finally be free from the parents, alone to do whatever we like toThen mike just showed up in my room with a drink to celebrate and a cardboard boxi drank only half before i fell weak and confusedMike telling me to sit down and let him...

4 years ago
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Powers to Control from an Artifact

Introduction: Story has a long build up of how he obtained his powers but once past that the erotica is worth the read I was new to this sleepy little town. I had moved here from the Midwest and now found myself in a quiet little town where everyone knew everyone elses business. News spread quickly around town that a stranger had moved into the old Mason Mansion on the knoll overlooking the entire town below. I was settling in and unpacking boxes that I had carefully labeled by room to make...

3 years ago
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Das Tor

Jackpot!! Ich sa? fassungslos vor dem Fernseher. 6 Richtige und Superzahl! So langsam wurde mir klar, was das bedeutete. Nie wieder arbeiten, in Rente mit 25... Und es schlich sich mir ein Gedanke in den Kopf, den ich schon vergessen glaubte: Das Tor. Jetzt w?rde ich es gr?ndlich untersuchen k?nnen, jedenfalls besser als beim ersten Mal, vor langer Zeit. Damals sorgten die Ereignisse f?r einen Umzug und einen Schulwechsel. Und ich sah das Tor zehn Jahre nicht mehr. *-* 10 ...

1 year ago
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Caught Jacking Off 2

For a week or two, there were no more words spoken and only an odd wave from Gina. I kept getting flashbacks. These flashbacks weren’t about Gina and her well maintained toned body or her platinum blonde locks, they were instead about Jordan. All-day I felt guilt. Whether it be at my part-time job at the liquor store or at home, my thoughts kept being interrupted with visions of his cock sliding into my mouth. Up until that day I would never have fathomed I would willingly do anything so...

3 years ago
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Sigma Omega SigmaChapter 4

With the ceremony over, Lizzie and I headed out as soon as practical off the Order’s property and began exploring the main campus a bit more, especially since I still had classes to attend (unlike her, though few knew it yet). I got a few bizarre looks for my priestly garb, as well as for the handcuffs and being bound to Lizzie in such a manner, while she received them for her Catholic schoolgirl costume. In the mood to relax and see what happened, I went to the campus bookstore, still cuffed...

3 years ago
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Bro8217s lust

Should’ve known that when my hot shot older brother came back from his sixth year in college that things would be exactly the same, well maybe not exactly the same. I am six years younger than he is. Over the six years that he’s been away I have grown up quite a bit. My hips filled out as well as my breasts. After years of dancing my legs have become strong and perfectly shaped. My stomach toned and my ass firmed and became round. The bus ride home from school was complete hell. I did not want...

2 years ago
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A servant and Mistress

Part I -- Arrival I arrived at the DeMarcco mansion in late August. Summer was alreadyfading into fall as winter comes early in such a northern province. Ifound the castle cold and dark and foreboding, despite the presence ofthe Master, who was young and handsome and extremely wealthy. He and hispretty bride were renowned for their lavish parties and generosity, andanyone in the country, including the Duke of Kennington, was alwayspleased to receive an invitation. I viewed my change of...

4 years ago
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Sighs MatterChapter 14 Black in Back

Hello again, dear reader - your pal Roderick here, picking up where dear old Tess left off. She was so kind to fill in for me with a few chapters of our adventure, but now I feel rested and refreshed, and whatever intestinal bug that crawled up inside of me seems to have been flushed out of my system, so to speak. The day after my dear wife's dinner with our host and his attendants, I woke to the birds chirping in the trees, the local animals snoring peacefully in their dens, and the insects...

3 years ago
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My Best Friends Wife Part 2

I never intended to write a second part to this story, but after some careful consideration, I noticed I left myself open for a sequel. Enjoy and please leave feedback!Cindy arrived the next morning as Shane and I began to prepare for breakfast. She looked beautiful as ever. "Hey baby." I said to Cindy as she walked up and gave me a hug."How are you, love?" She asked with a grin. "Was last night fun?""I don't know what you're talking about." I shot back with a devious smile and a laugh."Oh...

Group Sex
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White DelightsChapter 5 Making A Date

The next day the Emir's personal telephone rang. It was Paulette who sounded very nervous, "I thought I ought to explain. I wouldn't mind going out with you but I have nothing to wear, and I would be nervous among all those people in the Opera. So I really must say no." "That need not be a problem. Is there a particular opera you would like to see?" "Well, Tosca is on, but tickets are very difficult to get." "Let me worry about that. When is your next evening off?" asked the...

4 years ago
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Sienna pressed her forefinger to her gin-soaked lips. “Sssshh,” she giggled, a feeble attempt to control her sudden burst of hiccups.The clink of the door keys signalled Sam’s drunken attempt to find the lock. “Fuck, you’ll get me into trouble,” he whispered, trying to hide his laugh from any spying neighbours.Sienna pressed her petite body up against his, as they stumbled through the door, locking out the snap of cool midnight air. He quietly chuckled at the sound of her sweet giggles,...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Kodi G276

Get settled in and ready for an action-packed, very special episode of, because this week’s gangbang clocks in at nearly 60 minutes! Kodi told us in her interview that she was a sexual ball of energy and she wasn’t lying. Switching things up and starting it off a little differently this week, Kodi begins her gangbang with her head hanging off the pedestal and her tight, shaved pussy at the other end. Randy takes advantage of both sides by first sampling...

2 years ago
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Biker Bitch 4

We returned from Holidays and were just sitting around relaxing and the phone rang. It was one of Rick's friends he told me that Rick wanted to Fuck her again and he gave me the name of the hotel and room number. I called my wife and told her that was Rick and he wanted us to meet him so that he could fuck her. My wife got an excited look on her face and we headed for the hotel.We found the room knocked on the door and were let in. There was Rick naked on the bed stoking his cock a look of...

2 years ago
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Sulphurette Part II

The thumping of the club's music could be heard as soon as he turned the corner of the block. He'd been here many times with his girlfriend—now ex-girlfriend—but it had been a while. A flash of his ID to the bouncer, and he was pushing his way past the heavy, velvet curtains into the main floor of the club.The club was once part of some kind of factory building. It was all open brick, metal girders, and support beams. The bulk of the room was dedicated to a sunken dance floor: more of a pit,...

1 year ago
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MyWifesHotFriend Lila Frey 23663

Pete spies on his wife’s friend Lila Frey dragging his better half across the floor and into the bedroom, and he finds out that she threw her back out and she’s zonked on pain medication. At the same time, he then spies on Lila get naked and change into her yoga clothes, and then start stretching, sticking her big ass up in the air. What perfect timing! Lila clearly knows that Pete’s attracted to her, as he can’t stop staring at her ass and tits, and when he kisses her while his wife is passed...

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Ameena arabamerican wife

Xavier watched Ameena flee when she saw him. Hecursed under his breath. He was never going to fuck her if shekept avoiding him. She'd been wearing a small bikini giving him aquick glance at an incredible body. When his prey was out ofsight, Xavier finally noticed her husband had been standingnearby. "Your wife have a problem with black men?"Norman Howard was leaning over an expensive looking digitalcamera on a tripod. He'd been trying to photograph his wife andlooked upset that he'd been...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Lyra Law Chloe Cherry My Slutty Cousin

When beautiful, chaste bride to be Lyra Law leaves the house to pick up wedding invitations her visiting step cousin Chloe Cherry can’t keep her slutty ass off of her fiance’s Steve Holmes huge, hard dick. Lyra returns to find Chloe tied up and freshly fucked. Watch to see what happens…. Two blonde creamy skinned cuties get tied up tight and fucked into submission with flogging, deep throat blow jobs, pussy fucking, hard core anal and more! Lyra and her slutty cousin just...

2 years ago
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Ashaant ShantiI

ASHAANT SHANTI-I Hello Huma at your service again with a sexy story that I hope all my readers will like to read. This is a hot tale of a hot girl who is always hungry for a cock which is true to a great extent with names changed and has been made spicy with combining a little fantasy to truth. Readers may send their comments on my email id Kahani ke patar iss tarah hain. Shanti Devi, adhed umar ki kamuk aur ashant choot wali aurat, umar 42 saal. Vo vidhawa thee. Uske pati Raghu ka dehant...

2 years ago
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How I was conquered

One Saturday afternoon, I drove my old car down to the local grocery store for the next week’s groceries. It was a hot summer day. I was a little absent minded when I got out of my car and headed to the store from the parking lot. I suddenly realized that I forgot to take my car key out before locking the door. It was the only key I got, and knowing so little about the system in this country I didn’t know what to do. I got panicked. How am I going to go back to campus? And what’ll happen to...

3 years ago
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Circumstances change elsewhere

Yvonne Marsh was at home awaiting the arrival of her husband Tony and she was nervous on two counts.Tony had moved out a couple of days previously after a blazing row between the pair and Yvonne had, on her own admission, behaved like a real bitch towards him.She had visited her friends Sheila and Jim Butcher to talk about her problems and Sheila had suggested that Yvonne tried to get them rectified in the way that had led to a change in the set up of the Butcher marriage.In the very recent...

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Me and my stp saster

When I was 17 my father remarried, over 10 years after my mom passed away. I was happy for him, but my new step-sister was one of the hottest girls in my High School, Nicole DeLeon, whom I’ve had a huge crush on for years. Not that I really had a chance, but now that we’re ‘related’, my chances were basically 0. To help paint a pic picture a girl with jet black hair, green eyes, perfectly toned body with an ass you could bounce a quarter off and large shapely tits that she loved to show off....

3 years ago
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Trucker get a grip on yourself

I was rolling down I-81 in Virginia thinking my thoughts as my big diesel ate white stripes on the two-lane interstate. My thoughts were currently on my internet friend/lover Sarah.I'd met Sarah some months previously in an online chatroom. We'd hit it off very well and become cyber lovers. I know, many of you think that's stupid, icky, gross. I have found it to be stimulating. It titillates my biggest sex organ, the soft round one which is located between my earsWe'd explored many scenarios...

4 years ago
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Baby Sitting Bobby 2

Well I guess your right Rick, having sex with a kid whose penis has fully grown isn’t really losing my virginity. Well then the next time I had sex was 2 years later. . . It was my senior year in high school, there was about a month left of school and I was the queen of the school. I was the captain of cheerleading squad. I was adored by the boys, and every girl wanted to be me. I was living the high life, I was invited to every party and with out me at a party the party was dull. I...

1 year ago
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Overboard TooChapter 14

Kay again: O my! I thought Rob was gonna go ballistic over that frying pan thing; for a minute I thought I'd gone too far! But I couldn't resist – Dad has one, and he's very particular about who gets to use it, and even more so about who gets to clean it. No soap, and definitely no scrubbing! Won't even let Mom wash it! That reminds me, I have to call home and let them know how I'm doing. Couple months ago I forgot to check in with them for a few days, and they almost called out the...

1 year ago
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Fun a truck driving school

Hi, my name is Arvin, I’m 6’4 245lbs with blue eyes, brown hair and a good tan body. My story starts in May of 1997 I was in Indianapolis, Indiana at C1 truck driving school learning how to become a truck driver. The day I arrived at the school I meet my teacher he was a pretty nice guy and he informed me that I would be sharing a hotel room with two other students. I said ok and headed to the hotel to get checked in and it was a nice hotel it had a in door pool, bar, and a restaurant. I got...

3 years ago
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A Surprise Encounter Ch 03

Her alabaster skin seems to glow even in the unforgiving lighting of the bathroom. I never understood the fascination with tanning and the flawless beauty before me reminds me why. There is something so alluring about a woman who hides herself from the world leaving only me to explore her wonders. And explore I shall. I kneel before her and slowly run my hands down the front of her legs. As I approach her knee I move to the back massaging her calves gently. I pull up on her left leg bringing...

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Dark Skies

Dark skies surrounded London. A black smog stretched across the horizon emanating from the factories that dominated the sprawling cityscape, drenching the sprawling metropolis with a dark haze that seemed to smothher all the light of the city. Suddenly, the sleek, sooty underbelly of a ship sleuced through the clouds, breaking the eerie calm of the skies. The ship was a small affair of aging wood and rusted steel, dwarfed by the galleys and battleships floating off the Thames. The agile cruiser...

4 years ago
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Neighbour FantasiesPart 14

It had been about a week since I last slept with Gloria, and our schedules kept me from running into her. Lorene was due back home from her extended three week business trip in three days, and I was feeling a bit horny. I pulled into the driveway, but stopped sort seeing a purse laying on the concrete. I got out, picked it up, and saw it was Gloria's. I walked over to her back door and knocked. It was a few minutes before she answered the knock, and I heard her say, "Come in...I'm in the family...

1 year ago
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Dost Ku Bhai Se Chudwayi

Hello friends mera Naam Geeta mai Mumbai se, aj mai mera story share karungi. Do you know why? because maine jabse ye story padti hoon bahut excite hoti hoon, first I thanks to all the story writers, mujhe pata nahi ye story kitna sach, kitna jhoot, jaise hi main panda shuru karti mera ungli apne aap meri chut mein chali jati, kitne bar meri chut pani chodti iska tho hadhi nahi hota.. meri chut toh khuli reh jati isi tara mera story padke apkii chut bhi pani chode aur lund bhi pani chode, mujhe...

2 years ago
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GenerationsChapter 41 Prom Night

It had been a pretty good evening, all things considered, thought Robby. First, dinner had gone very nicely, even though his attempt to order a couple of drinks had been laughingly dismissed by the waitress. Heather had simply looked luminous in her evening gown, an effect heightened when midway through dinner she had removed the jacket. Every man in the restaurant had turned to stare, some discretely and some less so, at the beautiful young woman, and Robby had felt unbearably proud of...

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Being my sons Valentine

As I woke up in my bed and turned to avoid the light coming from a window in the room, I found a rose bouquet on my night stand. I was amazed to see that, and I grabbed it. It had a card too.I read that card. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Mom. From your loving son, James,” James was my step-son. He was nineteen years-old; a good looking young guy. He was tall, short hair, and had nice body. After the death of his dad three years ago, he decided to go to hostel while I took care of business. He had...

1 year ago
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Stuck Between A Sub And A Dom Place Part 2

Leaving me cuffed to her rack, Miss Laura pulled something from her cabinet, which appeared jammed full of sex toys and restraints. I couldn’t tell what it was that she picked, and to be honest, my eyes couldn’t seem to leave the allure of her body. I wanted to bust out of the cuffs and take her like Kristie likes to be taken-- hard, fast and rough. I wanted to rip that black vinyl dress from Miss Laura and bury my cock deep in her, but this was Miss Laura’s game. Her home. Her turf.When she...

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SecondChances Chapter 23 La Vie en Rose

It was already dusk when I got into my car. The radio was still on. Chumbawamba's "Tubthumping" was playing. "How appropriate" I thought to myself. The Radio gods must be telling me something. I pulled out of the driving singing, "I get knocked down, but I get up again. You are never gonna keep me down..." As I drove, I rehearsed what I'm going to say to Chase. I'm going to tell him the truth. Well - a variation of the truth. I won't mention time travel or future events. I certainly...

2 years ago
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Swim Coach chapter 3

My date with Richard, quite predictably, turned out to be a nightmare. We had started off at the local A&W which went well despite long periods of awkward silences. He then took me to the movies, choosing a horror film in an attempt to get me to cling to him. It actually worked until he started ‘clinging’ back and I wigged out and left the theatre after being groped one too many times. There were a few tears as I left the movie, but to his credit Richard caught up to me and calmed me down,...

First Time
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mom is a widow

Sam Smith fretted anxiously at the kitchen table while he waited for his mother to return from the district attorney's office. How could he have been so stupid? Breaking into the new neighbor's house had been a disastrous idea from the start. Ms. Johnson was an attractive, impeccably dressed older widow who had moved into the house- mansion, really- a few doors down. Billy Cravitz, Sam's nemesis, and the rest of the neighborhood gang had given Sam an ultimatum: break into Ms. Johnson's house or...

2 years ago
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The Beach BumChapter 6

Police Officer Lucy Jergens was frustrated and angry. Angry, as a woman, that this serial rapist had not been identified and captured; frustrated as a police officer because the only clues of these crimes were the ever increasing number of DNA vials stored securely in the hospital evidence room. Twenty eight girls, all between thirteen and sixteen, all virgins, all from northern states, all on vacation with their parents and (she believed significantly) not travelling with a large group or...

3 years ago
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Domestic Bliss caught dressing and my life was ch

As I mentioned in another story, I started dressing when I was around 11, at first in my older sister’s clothes, she was just getting into her teens and had her first bras and stockings and I had my first thrill wearing them. There were just the three of us at home, Mother, sister and I, father had long disappeared. Mother worked in the fashion industry so back in the 1950s/60s/70s when there were still the classical fashions being worn daily, she was always immaculate.As I got older, I...

1 year ago
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Swinging for my boss

The room was busy, and the party was in full swing. It was a swinger’s party and it’s an interesting story how I ended up there.I work as an assistant to a wealthy man, he is handsome and often had made passes at me. Being in my mid-thirties and single, I never minded, even though he had a wife. After a nearly a year of banter and even some close to sexual harassment from him, he made an outstanding confession to me.“Bella, I know you are single and don’t often go out on dates. How would you...

3 years ago
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Rewarding my Heros part 1

When i turned 18 i got a fake ID and started going into the city on weekends to go bar hopping with my friends at our favorite bar i was approached by a young good looking black guy who offered to get me and my friends high but i thanked him and told him no thank you. He bought us a round of drinks when i turned to thank him he was walking out the door. I didnt see him for a couple weeks then just my one friend Suzy and i went to the city to visit our favorite bar. As we sat at the bar talking...

1 year ago
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Helping the wife recruiting new cuckolds

All this started when one night I shared my fantasy with my wife. Being married to a five foot four one hundred pound blonde hair and blue eyed spitfire with perfect thirty four b cup tits caused it all. I told her that I'd like to watch her have sex with a well hung guy. She always dresses to please and for years I have witnessed my friends and strangers seeking looks at her body.At first she thought I was giving her a hard time, but when I convenienced her I was serious she said she would...

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