Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonChapter 25
- 3 years ago
- 24
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Day one 5:30 am: Sunrise
"SON OF A FUCKING BITCH!" I said as I jumped up from the bed.
I stood there looking at the sun rising to the east or what I assumed was the east and then looked at the stacks of lumber, cabinets, bricks, concrete but no house. "If I get my hands on those fucking aliens I will kill 'em," I snarled as I looked at my family's home stacked in its basic components. On the other side of the stacks of 2x4s I could see my dad's motor home. Standing against the dresser beside me was the M1 so I picked it up so I was armed. The girls were sitting on the bed in shock, as they realized their home would have to be built.
"James, look at this," she said holding up a piece of paper.
I walked over and took the paper.
I'm sorry for what my captain has done. He was pissed because we allowed Jane to get the best of us. I was able to get some things built for you, though. Near the caves to the west of you, you will find the two barns. There are holding your cattle and horses, and the dogs are in their pens. We also built a smaller building in which to keep the mothers with pups.
Furthermore, the wind turbines are set up on the top of the cliffs and the cables go through the mountain and into the main cave for you. The pool is set up near the front entrance with the spa. All have power and you will never need to supply the chemicals to them. It will clean itself after every use. I also installed a six-foot wrought iron fence around the pool to keep it safe.
There is a surprise inside what I call the 'garage cave' for you. I also placed the trailer with Jane's medical equipment inside so you wouldn't have to move it, as well as all the freezers and fridges so the food stays frozen or cold.
Also, the main replicators will stop working in most of the freezers in one year. There is also another surprise in one of the boxes from me. I had everything placed up off the ground with 8x8s so you can use the forklift with it. Everything is on pallets ... all the bricks, concrete, lumber, so it's easier for you to move. All the stuff in the house and garage that wasn't in boxes is packed in six-by-six-by-five foot plastic containers. These containers can be carried by the forklift. They are held together by pins so you can dismantle them.
You will have five days of good weather to get everything under cover, but beware of the animals. We have no control over them. The 'garage cave' is big enough to contain all of it and the vehicles.
None of your vehicles will ever need fuel or oil, and the tires will never wear out. There are several 55-gallon drums marked with special lubricants that you will need for the equipment. Every six months they will refill on their own.
There is plenty of game and wild produce growing in the valley. There are also a dozen tribes of Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons living in the valley and in several offshoot valleys. Be careful of the wildlife, as it will kill you. All of you have been altered; you are stronger, healthier ... and younger in the case of you and Jane. We left Naomi's age alone, so she can still have somewhat of a childhood. You are now the equivalent of eighteen years old and as long as nothing kills any of you, you and your descendants should live a long life. Your ladies will find a surprise eventually.
Back on your own earth, you were all killed by an F-5 tornado. Your funerals were attended by eight-seven percent of the town, and a new building is under construction called the Anderson and Candle Boy and Girl Scouts Retreat.
Have to go. This is our last communications with you all.
Good luck and Goodbye
P.S. Breakfast is on the table for you all.
"Fuck! We are so screwed," I said after I finished reading the letter aloud so they all could hear it.
"No we're not. We have the motor home for now to sleep in until we can get the cave ready. If you think about it, the cave will be better to live in because it will stay around the same temperature and it will offer us protection from winter and animals. We don't know what the winter will be like here. Also, think, he said we're in the equivalent of 12,000 BC. That means Mastodons, Sabertooth Tigers, Cave Bears and I mean BIG bears, bigger than a grizzly. A wooden house wouldn't be a good thing to live in. So a cave is now our home and we'd better get used to it," she said and then looked at the girls and continued, "Ladies, let's get the food ready while James finds the tractor."
"Yes, Mom," Charlene said.
I watched the four girls go looking for the food. Then I walked through the maze of pallets and found the tractor at the edge of the stacks next to the five trucks. I was surprised, because each truck had a fourteen-foot flatbed trailer with it. Each trailer had three sets of 8x8s on them to set a cargo on. I didn't see the two stock trailers but I was sure they were around somewhere. What surprised me was the limestone road that went from the drop off point to the west and I knew that was going to help.
"James! Breakfast! Hurry before it gets cold!" Jane shouted.
I started to turn but saw movement out of the corner of my eye. Raising the rifle I looked through the scope and saw it was two deer, eating. I was tempted to take a shot but knew we didn't have time for it.
Turning, I went through the maze, and found the girls sitting at a huge table that I knew wasn't my dad's. It was dark wood, and looked like oak. It had clawed feet and fourteen high back chairs around it. Walking over I spotted several two-foot inserts standing next to several benches that were in the same design. Each was padded with a maroon material that made them stunning to look at. Standing beside the table was a food warmer, with four trays, in the same design as the table and chairs.
Jane pointed to a chair. I sat down and my ladies brought me my breakfast and then served themselves. Looking at them I knew I could get used to this.
I smiled as I said, "Good morning ladies and I want you to know I love all of you."
"Even me?" Naomi asked while the others just smiled at me as they started eating.
Reaching over I tweaked her nose, and replied, "Even, you sweetie."
"Good then teach me sex!" she said with a wistful look on her face.
"Not now, in a few years," I said as I started eating my eggs.
"Why?" Naomi asked as she batted her eyes at me.
"You're not old enough," I replied as I took a sip of my coffee.
"I am so! I had my first period three months ago," she stated.
Coffee sprayed from my mouth and nose and I know I started turning beet red as I started to cough from the coffee that flowed into my lungs.
"Naomi! You apologize to James, right now," Jane said furiously.
"What? Martha said once I had my first period I was ready to have babies. I want James' baby," she stated as she looked at Jane smugly.
I stood up and walked to the serving table and grabbed a cloth napkin and tried to stop coughing. I blew my nose to get the coffee out of my lungs. It seemed to help, as I was able to sit down on a stack of plywood. Wiping my eyes, I looked over at the table and they were looking at me in concern. "I'm all right. The coffee just went down into my lungs," I said as I walked back to the table and sat down.
"I'm sorry!" Naomi said and hung her head as tears started running down her face.
Getting up, I picked her up out of the chair and walked away from the table. Sitting down on a stack of plywood I held her as she cried. "Naomi, don't push so hard. Give yourself time to grow up. If we have sex, and I say if, we will. But you may meet someone here that you like, and may want him. Also, right now you're too small for me. If I was to make love to you, you would need surgery to fix what I would hurt. Do you understand me?" I asked.
Naomi looked up at me and shook her head as she replied, "No I don't."
"Ok, let me explain with my fingers," I said. I then made a circle with my fingers and explained how big she was right now and then with my other hand I made a larger circle and explained that was how big around I was. I then placed them together and I saw her eyes open wide in shock and then I saw the fear that came to her eyes.
"So you understand now?" I asked.
"I think so, but ... how ... umm how will I know when I'm ready?" she asked as Jane walked over to us.
"Sweetie, do you masturbate?" Jane asked as she sat on my left side.
She blushed, and then nodded her head.
"Ok, before we left, I bought hundreds of toys called dildos for trade to the woman on this world. Some are an inch around and some go up to the size of James' penis. I will give you one of the smallest to use right now. Once you're comfortable using that size we will increase it to another. Remember, each time you use a larger size, it will hurt at first. It could take a few years until you're ready to try something like James. All I ask, is that you don't hurt yourself. Also the first time you put one inside your body it will hurt because you have a hymen and it must be broken. Now I can use a scalpel to cut it in half for you or you can use the dildo. The choice is yours. Do you understand me?" Jane asked.
Naomi nodded her head, and hugged Jane.
Then she hugged me and whispered in my ear, "I still want your baby!"
I watched her jump down and run to the table and sit down. I shook my head as she started eating, and I then hugged Jane.
As we broke our hug I said, "Thanks."
"You are in for it when she does get to the larger dildos, I expect it will be about three months, and she will be sitting on your lap begging you to fuck her," she replied as she walked back to the table.
I stood up and walked over to her and hissed, "You said it would take years."
"I lied to her on that, but I heard what she said to you and I saw how she has been looking at you. She looked at you like you were a slab of prime rib. Which you are in my book," she replied as we reached the table and sat back down.
We finished eating and stacked the plates to wash later. Jane grabbed the remaining food and found a five-gallon bucket. She dumped it all in the bucket and set it carried it to her truck and placed it inside. Walking back, she said, "Ok, James, start loading the trucks while I find rifles and pistols for us."
"Ok, five loaded trucks coming up," I said and walked to the tractor and started loading the beds of the trucks. Each truck had a pair of 8x8s spanning the bed ... I also lifted the first of the PODs and the tractor groaned under the weight and I knew I would have to be careful when I set them down. Going to the first of the Dodge Rams, I centered the POD and lowered it down onto the 8x8s that were placed on the trailer. I was backing up when Jane yelled at me.
"JAMES! NO MORE ON THE TRAILER!" she shouted with concern in her voice.
I nodded my head and loaded the rest of the trucks and the big thirty-foot trailers that were attached to the U-Hauls. On the U-Haul trailers I loaded the larger stacks of wood and the rebar on the first truck. On the second I put six pallets of concrete and the big generator. I watched the four girls climb into the trucks and we followed the gravel road. I was driving point in the tractor, with the rifle across my lap. I watched the odometer on the tractor and we went six miles before I saw the barns and the caves.
We drove up, and I noticed that the cliff overhung the cave entrance by forty feet. If there were ever an avalanche of snow, it would land a ways out from the entrance. I just prayed no storm ever came from the East or it would be hell to pay.
As we pulled up, I noticed the entrance of the main cave was fitted with what had to be 16x16 joists and across the top as well. It was flush with the walls and roof forming a tight seal. There was a knife thrust through a folded piece of paper in the left beam. Shutting the tractor down, I walked over and pulled the knife free.
I opened the paper and read the note.
I had the engineers fix the entrances on both openings so you can hang doors. When you make them I suggest you use 4x4 beams and make each door nine feet wide with 2x4 supports. Nail plywood to each side and fill the insides with insulation you will find stacked inside the cave. There are titanium hinges with them and bolts that you should be able to mount to the frames. I took the liberty of pre-drilling the support beams for you. On the inside is a titanium nut set firmly into the wood so it won't turn. There is also a pulley system so you can put a cross bar to seal the door. It is a nine inch thick I-beam and the set up is so simple a child could open it. It can be locked down to keep you safe. Also there is a sprayer with the insulation and two 50-gallon drums with a chemical that will protect the wood from rot and all wood-eating insects. Spray each piece of wood you use and let dry for one hour. I placed what you call a halogen light system in each cave like your construction people use on the highways at night. They should light up the caves while you work. The cave is big enough to hold everything that you won't need at this time. Also, I had our engineers dig a shelf, and steps. The freezers and fridges are on this shelf including a surprise. Use it wisely, remember the replicators in the freezers will stop working in one year ... oh yeah I forgot to mention, a year here is 420 days. I made a calendar for you and each month is 30 days. You will need to name the extra two months. All your computers have been set for your new month system and we were able to finish all your Winmx downloads for you and we have set up a relay so you can browse the TV and Movie database that we have set up, I did this because I can tell you like your entertainment. You won't be able to send mail or contact anyone. But if you enter a movie or show, it will be transferred to your hard drive the next morning. Also if you need any information on something, enter it and the satellite in orbit (yes we're monitoring the planet) will download all relevant information and upload it to you. Winter is six months, so be prepared.
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When I am horny, I put myself at the risk of discovery by uploading this file for some time to the net, knowing very well that somebody might come across, download a copy, and have me at my balls. But traffic on most sites like Fetster or xhamster is rather poor, thus I usually get away with my risky game. For obvious reasons, I delete the post again after a couple of hours., when YOU read these lines, YOU NOW HAVE ME AT MY...
I saw her by the keg, she was already tipsy and she was going up for more. Earlier that day her boyfriend broke up with her and now it seemed as if she was trying to drink his memory away. Last time she did that she almost died of alcohol poisoning. If I hadn’t rushed her to the hospital, she’d already be dead. She was Kelly, my best friend and crush for a long time now. I had been there for her throughout high school and part of middle school. Kelly had long blond hair, deep green eyes, and...
EroticTO COLLECT HIS PAPERS AND STAMP A KISS ON HIS ROD IT GAVE ME A GREAT EXPERIENCE My name is Catina L., a diligent assiduous fan of your erotic stories, also attentive in visiting your web site, never posted a story, my contribution has only been a “passive” one instead of an active association or membership though. Here comes my first account and particulars. It’s opportune to describe myself and I wish I’d be a blonde in this story, a model with blue eyes and so on, but decided to be...
Ann awakened that Monday morning feeling as cold and forlorn as the Alaskan snowdrifts that blew violently across the barren snow covered landscape. Even from her warm bed, Ann could hear the gusts of winds howling outside her Quonset hut and knew the snowstorm and blizzard that had been predicted to blow in Sunday evening had arrived in gale force. Looking over at the handsome man sleeping next to her, Ann felt a haunting sadness. She realized that today would start the first day of their...
As Drew became more familiar with the power of his new toy, he came to receive a perverse pleasure in humiliating people he thought to be, shall we say a bit pompous. One morning on the way to work, a mean spirited woman verbally abused a young boy who had accidentally stepped on her toe. After listening to her upbraid the lad for at least two minutes, Drew gave her a suggestion, and to the delight of the men and the shock of the women, the old biddy lifted her dress and masturbated to orgasm...
Making Wishes By Thames It wasn't the sort of thing that should have fallen into the wrong hands. Nevertheless, the vessel was drawn toward the desperate and the lowly, toward those whose lives needed desperately to change. So it was perhaps fitting that it ended up at a bar. Jack Booker sat at the bar, grinning, but unhappy. He was lonely, but was too self-absorbed to admit it. The fact that he spent so many of his nights sitting on that same barstool should have been...
"Brian?" Millie asked, sweetly. "Why did those men deliberately run into you and then both start hitting you last night? I got so mad I wanted to run out on the field and defend you myself." She was still mad. It was cute. I wondered how the Orioles would have reacted if Millie ran out to protect me? It made me laugh just thinking about it. She did have a point. Rebecca and Colleen sat up a little straighter to hear my version of the truth. We were in the living room of our suite,...
“Truth or dare?” “Okay, truth.” She said. “Have you ever let one of the guys touch your breasts?” “Mary-Jane! C’mon! You know I let Todd touch me all the time. He even got his hand into my panties once.” “NO!” “Yes! He just touched my hair though. Did David touch your titties when you two were going out?” “Yes. We were at the movies and he had his whole hand around my...
The 2nd was a fireman. Really good looking. But he seemed just a little straight, a little uptight for me. Not nervous, just straight. We took a jacuzzi, the natural chemistry wasn't really there but neither of us wanted this to be a waste of time... speaking for myself. I moved my foot to his crotch, just to break the boring dynamic of chit chat,, so he moved closer. I started to feel a much better vibe from him, he reached inside my bikini top to massage and squeeze which i love, with his...
Penny Wishes 3: Speak Only Truth By Captain Webster and Dr. Isosceles Make your wish on a magic penny and then, watch out. John was depressed. He had really blown it in school today. His parents were gonna be so "P.O.'ed" at him. He knew what the problem was, he just didn't know how to fix it. He always got very nervous under pressure and, when he got nervous, he tended to lie. He just couldn't seem to help himself. He started out meaning to just tell the truth and take his...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Martin often spied on his mother. He liked to watch her undress through the crack in her door. Sometimes he imagined she knew he was there. That thought made his dick even harder. Tonight was special though. She was going to a costume party at the Guderian's. He stood outside her bedroom, knowing she wouldn't hear his ragged breathing. Sometimes when he came watching her, he moaned. She never even heard that. This was because Kathleen played the red...
IncestWelcome to Pictures and Prompts, a place where you can post some pictures and an accompanying prompt/idea, so people can pick them up and do some short stories with them, before posting their own combination of pictures and prompts. Some rules to make it work: 1) This is a give-and-take, so the whole concept lives from people participating. If you feel inspired by a picture and a prompt, add an chapter and write your story there. Afterwards, add another chapter, where you post your pictures and...
It was a beautiful morning with the sun streaming though to herald a new day. I felt completely rested, Fatima was lying next to me and I could make out the rise and fall of her body as she breathed in and out. I eased myself from under the quilt and crept to the shower, ensuring I did not disturb her slumber. Once in the shower I soaped myself and gradually became more awake, as I did so I slowly became slightly aroused as I thought of all the sex I've had with her within 24 hrs , my penis was...
Dana fidgeted next to Mia on the bed, checking her watch every few seconds. Moments before sunset, she bent and pressed her lips to Mia's. She thrilled at the sensation of having the vampiress come to life beneath her. The limp, still lips became firm and pressed fervently back against her own and an arm curled up around her to pull her into a tight embrace. The kiss lingered for long minutes until, finally, Dana drew back with a grin. Mia smiled back up at her, "That was an interesting...
They did not spend the rest of the day in bed and, after a snack lunch, went for a walk on Blackheath. That was a good thing as they got to know each other better and better, their conversation becoming easily intimate. They teased each other, laughed with each other, sympathised with each other. They discussed their interests and their hopes for the future. All this continued when they got back to the flat and sat on the sofa with their arms round one another. After a cup of tea they did go...
It was a rainy day in Chennai, where i work as a Receptionist for a Sales and Marketing Company in Maraimalai Nagar. I am a pretty girl in early 20s with 34D-28-34, fair skin, black long hair, brown eyes. Usually i wear official uniform of Shirt or t-shirt and Pant except Friday, when i wear my choice ranging from saree, half saree, skirt, t-shirt, other casuals. On this Friday i was in my sleeveless red chiffon saree. Morning sky was clear and reached without issues. But evening, it started...
Rebecca thrummed her fingers against the table top in a mindless tune and eyed the door in front of her worriedly. For the nth time in the past two hours she checked her watch, and then the large digital clock pinned above the counter, and wondered if the guy she was meeting today would be another no-show. The bells above the door chimed and she looked up anxiously, only to deflate when a woman pushing a stroller bustled into the café. There was no one behind her. Another glance. Her watch...
I had to go shopping for a big shop so I called ahead for a taxi I was told all I had to do was call when ready and a cab would be sent so after I finish shopping I called and said I was ready and they said wait a few moments and driver Abbie would be there to pick me up after about 5 mines she arrived and she got out and helped load the boot of her car I noted she was wearing a very short skirt and a beautiful fight top showing her beautiful huge tats and cleavage I reached Into the trolley...
Married ten years... Warren grinned up at his parents. Seven candles littered his birthday cake. The snow outside was blowing, but inside he was warm and having the time of his life. He looked over at his sister, her little face covered in frosting his mother had let her lick from the spoon. He didn't mind though his new bike was already put together, so who cared if Maggie got extra frosting. He got a bike! The candles glowed and encircled his freckled face with their light and when he...
When I returned, the sun was low in the western sky. I'd given them enough time. Now, I was going to have all the answers to my questions, one way or the other. Once again, just as my life was beginning to follow some sort of badly needed routine, it had been turned topsy-turvy. Tonight, I was going to know why. Dee had outdone herself in the kitchen. Both she and Brenda came to kiss me when I entered, while Willie simply stood and blushed at the open display of affection. Brenda had...
The Potty Training Buddy By tammie2 I. "Ohhh, Tom, dear, may I ask you a little favor?" Tom looked up from his reading, both surprised and suspicious. Relations between himself and Rita, his wife of almost five years, had been a bit cold lately. Part of it was their ongoing debate, an argument really, about whether to have children. Tom wanted to wait, Rita was hearing her biological clock tick. So far he had prevailed,but he could tell she wasn't happy and didn't consider...