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Bev wasn’t sure whether it was getting easier to resist every day, or if she was just getting better at it. She hoped it was getting easier, she didn’t know how hypnosis worked, but surely if she just kept fighting Mona’s suggestions, they’d have to wear off sooner or later…right?

It sure didn’t feel any easier this morning. Just the opposite, Bev woke up with cobwebs in her eyes after smacking the snooze button three times, and had to concentrate to remember why she needed to wake up at all. That was the difficult bit. Bev had never realized just how much of the day she went through on automatic pilot until she had to concentrate on every little action in order to make sure it was really her own idea.

Not that she always knew. Bev rolled out of bed with a grunt of effort and staggered towards the shower. She couldn’t remember any specific instructions, all she could remember was Mona’s voice, guiding her into a warm, pink mist of good feelings and happiness. The words just didn’t seem that important next to the soft, coaxing tones of Mona’s voice in her memory. All she remembered was what she needed to remember, and all she needed to remember was how good it felt to relax and let go. It didn’t even seem strange that Mona had hypnotized her, although Bev was pretty sure that was something she’d been programmed to think. It just felt like an enjoyable, pleasant experience that she’d be glad to return to again and again.

(And again and again…) Bev pulled her hand away from her pussy. That was part of the trap. Trying to remember didn’t bring the memories out of the mist, it brought Bev back into it. And once she was lost in the mist, it was all too easy to do whatever it was Mona had programmed her to do. She didn’t need to think about it, she didn’t need to think about anything. Obedience just happened, all on its own. Obedience felt so effortless, while resistance…resistance required constant work. Bev turned the shower on, leaving the water as cold as she could stand it. She needed help waking up this morning.

Because the nights were always hardest. The first night, she’d tried to just go straight to sleep, but her body kept distracting her with arousal. She remembered the sticky warmth between her thighs, pulsing in time with her heartbeat, preventing her from relaxing. And every time she tried to relieve that arousal, whether with her hands or with toys, her fantasies would always turn to thoughts of Mona. Mona’s fingers pinching and tweaking her stiff nipples, Mona’s breath on her clit, Mona’s well-lubed strap-on sliding slowly into her asshole, and lingering in the back of her mind was the question of whether they were fantasies or memories…it took her hours to make herself cum without picturing Mona fucking her.

The next night was even worse. Bev wasn’t much for one-night stands, but she’d almost gone out to a bar just to pick up a guy and bring them home. But she’d been so busy thinking about how nice it would be to find a good hard cock and fuck it until the sex drove Mona right out of her head that she hadn’t paid attention when getting on the elevator. And whenever she wasn’t paying attention, Bev always hit the button for Mona’s floor. It had taken her ten minutes to make herself turn around and press the call button. She’d given up looking for a one-night stand after that. Better to just spend her nights masturbating and trying not to think of Mona when she came.

And she needed to cum every night now. Her body was so horny…

Bev let out a tiny whimper. Then, turning it into a groan of frustration, she plunged her body into the icy water.

The cold helped. For one thing, it made her want to get in and out of the shower quickly. She’d already had a couple of close calls this week, Bev tried not to remember the lost moments where she simply luxuriated in the feel of the warm water beating down on her skin and let her fingers wander and her thoughts drift. Because when they drifted, they always drifted back to Mona. Not for the first time, Bev cursed the day she’d met her neighbor.

Bev ducked her head under the cold water, tensing up as she felt it sluice through her long blonde hair. No point in getting upset, that would only distract her further, and Bev knew she needed to keep a clear head. Whatever Mona had done, it was done now, Bev just had to keep pushing until it was all out of her mind again.

She stepped back out of the shower, shivering violently in the cool air, Bev’s nipples stood up hard and erect on her chest, gathering into tight buds from the chill. Bev focused intently on them as she dried herself off, she always had to pay very close attention when touching any of her erogenous zones, now. Seconds could quickly turn into minutes, and innocent touches could turn into lascivious caresses without her even realizing it. Bev remembered the way a quick bathroom break last week had turned into a half-hour masturbation session almost before she’d even noticed. She’d managed to realize what she was doing before she could pull out her cell phone and call Mona, but she’d still needed to bring herself off before she could get back to work…

With a start, Bev realized that she was applying lipstick to her nipples. She wiped it off angrily, and began to apply her cosmetics properly. She might not know exactly what Mona had put in her head, but Bev could make a few pretty good guesses.

But only because Mona hadn’t finished brainwashing her yet. (Bev hated to use the word ‘brainwashing’, even in the privacy of her own head, it sounded so melodramatic. But it was the only word that fit.) If she gave Mona the chance to reinforce all this programming, Bev felt certain that she’d stop even noticing its existence. Her conscious mind would join her subconscious mind in obedience, and she wouldn’t even want to fight anymore. The thought tickled her clit like a licking tongue, but Bev pushed it aside.

Above all, she couldn’t give Mona the chance to finish what she’d started. Bev felt that pull, an insistent suggestion in the back of her mind that told her it would be so nice to wander down a couple of floors and drop by Mona’s apartment and thank Mona for all the help she gave Bev in moving in. But Bev felt sure that if she went to Mona’s apartment even once, it would undo all the good she’d done in two weeks of resistance.

If she’d done any good at all, of course. Bev half-suspected that some part of her didn’t want to fight Mona’s suggestions, she enjoyed the masturbation, after all. She enjoyed the warm, drifting pleasure that she felt when she let go of the effort of resistance and did whatever felt natural. She enjoyed the way that her body seemed to automatically know what Mona wanted her to do, and the way that she didn’t need to think about it at all. Or about anything else, for that matter. That blank, dreamy sensation felt so good that Bev wasn’t sure if she’d ever be able to shake it permanently.

But she needed to try. Bev focused on that thought, ignoring the treacherous whisper in the back of her head that asked, ‘Why?’ She needed to try because she couldn’t trust Mona (but she could, she could trust her intimately and completely.) She needed to try because she wasn’t into girls (but Mona was special, different, her warm, wet pussy was so hot and sexy and lickable…) She needed to try because her gallery was just starting to become a big success (so why not hire an assistant to handle the boring day-to-day work while you lost yourself between Mona’s sweet, sensual thighs and gave in to her erotic spell?)

Bev looked down to realize she’d gotten most of the way dressed in her reverie. Apparently, her subconscious had decided that a miniskirt, a sheer blouse, and silk stockings were the perfect outfit for a day at work. With a sigh of frustration, Bev looked at the clock. She was running late, too. She quickly pulled off her clothes and opened her underwear drawer.

It was empty. Fuck. Bev remembered just a little too late how bored sh
e’d been putting away her laundry last night. Evidently, she’d been a little too bored to pay close attention to what she was doing, and the part of her that belonged to Mona had decided to put her panties and bra somewhere else.

Bev looked up at the clock again and grimaced. Admittedly, she was her own boss, it wasn’t like she was going to get in trouble for showing up late. Or even taking a day off to get to know her downstairs neighbor a little better…Bev cut the thought off before it could turn into a sexual fantasy of wandering down to Mona’s apartment, still wearing nothing but the stockings, and the delicious thrill of knowing anyone could see her walking down the hallway with her dripping, shaved pussy exposed to the cool air–

Bev cut the thought off again, harder this time. She looked down at her snatch. Yep, shaved. Probably while she was thinking about how important it was to resist. Today was not going well. Bev decided to get out while the getting was good. She searched intently through her closet for a nice long skirt and a nice thick blouse, and made sure she put them on before grabbing her purse, pulling on her shoes and walking out the door.

She concentrated on each step as though her mind depended on it, heading to the elevator and pressing the call button. It’d be easier once she got to work, Bev told herself. Maybe she’d let herself jill off today, just a little. It might be easier to fight the rest of it if she locked her office door, pulled up her skirt, and slid her fingers over the smooth skin of her hairless pussy until they found her clit. She’d just let herself cum, chanting Mona’s name over and over and over again as she rubbed the silky, slick flesh of her cunny, and then she’d be able to focus on the important things, like–

Like getting off on the right floor. Bev pulled her hand back from the button for Mona’s floor with what felt like a physical effort. Focusing all her mind on the single task, she reached down and hit the button for the lobby, stabbing her finger out so hard she almost broke a nail. She stepped back from the panel, grabbing the railing behind her so tight her knuckles went white with the strain. Only then did she breathe a sigh of relief, relaxing once again.

She just needed to fight this a little while longer. It was bound to subside eventually, once her subconscious forgot the way Mona made her feel (and Bev’s eyes glazed over as she almost, almost remembered just how good it did feel, kneeling at Mona’s feet and whimpering with lust at the scent of Mona’s arousal…) She just needed to fight another month, another week, another day. Just one more day, Bev told herself. Just get through today, and maybe tomorrow would be easier. That was the only way to resist. One moment at a time.

The door chimed, and Bev let go of the railing. She waved hello to the stranger getting on (and thank God it was a stranger. She had half-nightmare, half-fantasy dreams of being trapped on the elevator with Mona, the other woman pinning her to the wall and whispering in her ears as Bev leaned back helplessly and watched with half-closed eyes as her reflection in the mirrored walls slowly succumbed to Mona’s irresistible charms. The dreams were always so real that Bev could feel the tickle of Mona’s breath against her skin as she seduced Bev into an erotic spell of pure mindless bliss..)

Bev stopped. She looked around. This wasn’t the lobby. She was standing in front of a door, her arm raised as if to…Bev slowly lowered her arm. She knew exactly where she was standing.

Desperately, Bev racked her brains, trying to piece together the events of the last few moments. She’d gotten lost in another fantasy of Mona, but she knew that she hadn’t gone up or down any stairs. She’d pressed the right button, she’d gotten off when the doors opened…

The stranger. She’d gotten off when someone else got on, instead of getting off in the lobby. And that person just happened to live, through sheer bastard luck, on Mona’s floor. And Bev’s subconscious had leapt at the chance…but when had she noticed? Before she knocked, or after?

No time to think about it now. Right now, Bev needed to get her feet moving. She needed to focus all her concentration on moving her right foot, then her left foot. One step at a time, so that she could get back to the elevator before the door opened and Mona locked eyes with her. Because Mona’s stare would be so irresistible. The promise of ecstasy in the endless depths of that gaze would hold Bev as sure as any ropes, but that wouldn’t stop Mona from wanting to tie her up just to deepen that feeling of helplessness. She’d tease Bev’s wet, needy pussy until Bev begged to submit.

Bev clenched her teeth and stared down at her feet. She lifted one and set it down again a few inches to the right. The effort of it exhausted her. Come on, she told herself. Just a few more, just down to the corner before Mona opened the door, totally naked, her hair still gorgeously tousled with sleep but her eyes bright with the promise of seductions to come. Her finger would beckon Bev inside, and those same legs that felt too heavy to move would automatically follow their true controller to the bedroom where Bev could collapse and give up the struggle once and for all, sinking into Mona’s eyes and letting herself go back into the soft, pink mist and the pleasure it promised.

Bev dug her nails into her hand so hard they almost bled. She took another step. She must not have knocked. If she’d have knocked, then Mona would be here by now, unless she was in the shower or something. If she was in the shower, then she’d be busy soaping up her slippery, naked body, her fingers sliding over her delectable tits until she heard the knock and rinsed herself off. She’d wrap a robe around her damp, luscious flesh and head over to the door, her pussy barely concealed by the hasty effort, and she’d find Bev there…and then the robe would come off, so that Bev could lick every drop of moisture from that perfect body…

Bev whimpered. One more step. One step at a time. Focus only on the step, only on the motion. It was the only way to get away. Block everything else out, and focus only on walking. One step at a time. She could do this. She could do this. Two steps became three. Three steps became four. She could do this. She could–

The door opened. Involuntarily, Bev turned to see Mona leaning out, a seductive smile on her face. ‘I just wanted to see how far you’d get,’ she said in a purr. ‘But you didn’t think I’d let you walk away, did you?’

Bev felt her resistance draining away. ‘No, ma’am,’ she sighed out, unable to think of any other way to respond. She tried to back away, but all the fantasies of the past week were playing themselves out in her mind at once and she couldn’t stop them anymore. Mona was in lingerie, Mona was in leather, Mona was in latex, Mona was naked, Mona was wearing nothing but a strap-on harness and holding a flogger/a riding crop/a sparkling crystal pendant that captured Bev’s thoughts…

Mona beckoned, just like Bev had imagined she would. ‘Come on in, pet,’ she said softly.

Automatically, Bev followed her inside.


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*** Chapter 1 My names Dominic Stevens I’m a 19 year old college student with sea blue eyes and light blonde hair, I’m not one of the most popular lads at the college but then again I recon I’m still considered quite popular, with the girls, I’ve had a few girlfriends but none that ever got serious. So I’m still a virgin. Me and Steve just came out of a morning lecture and where heading over to lunch when I spot her the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen walking towards us I catch her gaze as...

First Time
2 years ago
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Craig HillChapter 22

Victoria did not forget to ring Serena. She rang her at six, as soon as the cheap calls were available. Elspeth answered the phone. "Hello, Lady Bowers, it's Victoria back again. Please may I talk to Serena?" "Yes, of course, my dear but on one condition." She put on a school-mistressy voice. "You're a big girl now so you call me Elspeth." Victoria giggled. "Yes, Miss," she said and Elspeth giggled too. "Thank you, Elspeth." "Cheeky wench," Elspeth chuckled. "So that's...

1 year ago
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JamesDeen Stella Cox Off The Clock Anal Threesome

Stella Cox just finished getting fucked by Markus Dupree for This clearly wasn’t enough sex for the big natural boob having British babe, because James catches her and the big cock Russian going at it in a bedroom off set. Stella reaches out and grabs James’ cock and starts sucking off the porn star while Markus switches off on her ass and pussy. They then fill up both of Stella’s holes, double penetrating the all natural slut and watching her go wild. Stella...

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Hey Sana I Like Your Pussy Stubble 8211 Pt 2

Boys and girls, I can understand that a lot of you liked the first part of the story with Sana with the sheer number of likes and I would be more happy and glad if you could please let me know your feedback/love/hate/tips. Without wasting any time, I will get on with what happened the following day. Remember, my colleague Sana and I were yet to rehearse and perfect our dance presentation, but before that, we had already explored each other orally. Here we go: — “Hey.. whatever you did with...

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FTL II First ContactChapter 22 Shift In Balance

Star Date 5.002 President Flowsman's Personal Log: Technology is a wondrous thing. However, even using replication technology it takes time to get it all figured out. I asked for a coke today, and was shocked when I got a tray with half a dozen two-inch long 'lines' of white powder. Integration of earth foods into the system has not been without its errors. I dread asking for steamed lobster tail, with drawn butter. My dear wife Annette thinks that I will get a 'pen and ink' picture if...

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Night Shift

Julie sat on the edge of the chair, nervously twisting the straps of her purse in her hands. She had just graduated from Nursing Care of the Elderly Academy and this was the first job interview that she had been sent on. The Elderly Estate was a very expensive nursing care facility and the pay was good, especially for a new graduate she felt.Suddenly, Julie was jerked out of her musings by the receptionist calling her name and motioning for her to follow her. Julie took a deep breath, stood up...

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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 20

“Haha, that was great. Thank you so much!” my mom laughed as she left our neighbor’s bedroom and adjusted her blouse because she had clearly had her tits out while she was in there sucking Mr. Greenbaum off. “No, thank YOU! lovely lady with the lovely daughters!! No one will ever believe this story if I told them!” Mr. Greenbaum said. “Well, we aim to please! I assume we have your business and we can come over to clean again?” my mom bent at the knee and smiled at him. “I am already going...

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A Sunday Afternoon

It is a typical Sunday afternoon. A young couple enters the living room together. He is fully dressed. She is completely naked from the waist down, wearing nothing but a casual tight-fitting top. The top makes her very aware of the nakedness of the rest of her body. Her bottom and thighs tingle with anticipation. She is wet between her legs. He leads her by the hand to the sofa. He sits down, and she goes to her knees in front of him. He takes her hands in his own and kisses them. They look...

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Rain Helped Me To Fuck Friend8217s Mom 8211 Part 2

Any older woman like Aunties or milf, girls can contact me through my email for more fun and provide your feedback for the 3rd part “”. I keep your promise. continuation of Part1 Me: I’m shocked for her reply and went near her, and squeezed her boobs hard on her blouse and water started pouring as when we squeezed the washed clothes Sarika: That’s so rough mother fucker Me: Why do you call me like that? Sarika: you’re fucking a woman of your mom’s age Me: But you’re not my mom and started...

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Cuckold Via Video

I love technology. From my office I logged onto my new remote security system video feed. I had the system installed a few days prior and was playing around with it. The guys installing my new flooring were to be at the house so I figured I would use the system to check their progress. I clicked on the camera that covered my living room. There where the two men finishing the final touches on the floor as my wife, Lydia, walked in from being at the gym. She was wearing her black yoga pants and...

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Fist time giving blow job

I'm bisexual and have always felt that there was something different about me. I've always had an affinity for both girls and guys although the latter really accelerated when I was in college. I found myself staring at cocks every opportunity I had and would even steal copies of my Aunt's Playgirl magazine to admire the well hung hunks on its pages. My roommate in college was Billy, a somewhat effeminate guy, but one who was a good friend nevertheless.I came back to the dorm room early one...

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The SmithChapter 29 Love

March 19th, 2022 At Rachel’s twenty first birthday party, Cat gifted one of the Gopher bots, GB3 to Rachel. She had started its AI Programming on cleaning since her lover was a natural slob. What she did with him after that was up to her Rachel’s imagination. Cat had been working the last two months with their programming. Having a template along with my classes and notes boosted her results significantly. “It’s still dumb as a box of rocks. They make Adam seem bright.” Cat complained,...

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How I got my comic book collection

As a young boy going through puberty I had hormones raging. I liked girls, but was pretty much a dork. And I knew it. But men who like boys were all about me. I was brought into the fold of gay sex by my neighbor. He made sure not to force it. He got me to where I liked it and sought it out on my own. One of the things most boys did was read comic books and graphic novels. I was no exception. I would walk the few blocks to my local comic book store and buy the few comics I could...

1 year ago
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The New Neighbor

He just came back from a job he’d done but he discovered they’d let him go once he came back from it. Why, he wasn’t exactly sure. In truth, he didn’t like the company but there were other jobs he knew he could get so meanwhile he’s stay with his parents while he worked at getting a new one. Mitchell decided he’d think on exactly what he wanted to do. As he hung around his parent’s house he discovered a few things had changed. One of them being that the next door neighbors had moved and a new...

Straight Sex
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The Girl Next DoorChapter 8

"Are you ready, Paulie!" "I guess so!" "You don't sound very sure!" "I'm not! Are you?" "Of course! You know I've wanted one for ages and now I'm old enough ... but if you don't want to come with me..." Whether the sad look on her face was genuine or not, it didn't matter: she knew he hated to see it and would agree to virtually any­thing rather than have to. Penny took his hand in hers; something else he didn't seem comfortable with anymore, so it was more like a limp...

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So, a second OCD GOD story to follow the second part of The Determined Man. As promised this is silly and sexy to counteract the lack of action (so far) in The Determined Man. Please do read both! This follows straight on from OCD GOD 1, but it pretty much stands alone. The concept is about a low level functionary god who has a compulsion to make patterns and balance amongst the people he's responsible for. That's about all you need to know OCD GOD 2 So it turns out that a...

1 year ago
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Silken Smoke

She was sitting in one of the two deep, mahogany coloured leather chairs positioned by the fire in the Hunt Club, a long white cigarette dangling carelessly from her slim, manicured fingers, when I first saw her. When I first fell in lust with her, rather. Her red slingback stiletto heels dangled from her stockinged feet, and her red silk sheath dress had slipped up just enough to reveal a hint of the lace tops of those stockings. She appeared to be waiting on someone, but had the look of...

1 year ago
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Rubber Dicky I Love YouChapter 2

Brandy decided to approach her brother first. He was unlikely to throw her out of the house, and, if he threatened to tell her father, she could blackmail him into silence with her knowledge about his masturbation. She expected him to laugh at her and then call her a pervert. Brandy was a very innocent young girl. She found him in his room, reading a comic book. "Aren't you a little old to be reading comic books?" she asked, as an ice breaker. "No" he said shortly. He was almost...

1 year ago
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Thot Sextapes! There is an old phrase that says ‘once you go black, you never go back’ but it’s mostly aimed at white girls trying black dicks. Thot Sextapes turns the tables and instead focuses on black amateurs getting dirty and naughty in hardcore scenes that will leave you longing for fucking more. Ebony sluts are known for their nastiness, and the case here is largely the same. The fact that the videos are mostly homemade only adds on the thrill. If you like seeing naughty amateur ebonies...

Black Porn Sites
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Sissies Revenge Drifting

Sissies Revenge, Drifting By: Malissa Madison Herma was a small galaxy, the royal house was small and at war with the neighboring Vorge Empire. The Vorge had taken over three other galaxies, and now were offering peace to Herma. That peace hinged on the marriage between Prince Dread and the Royal Princess Deanna. But Deanna, born a Hermaphrodite, took offence at the way the Vorge treated the sissies of the surrounding galaxies. Especially when he did so in front of her. She was sent...

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Sissy and Paul

The double ended dildo had appealed to her sense of humour and made her wet thinking about using it on me. Sissy and Paul Years ago life was very different to nowadays, for a start pubs shut at 10.30 unless they had and extension for special occasions, they had different bars such as the main or public bar, the lounge and sadly no longer, a room called the snug. This room was usually used by the 'older generation' or people who wanted a bit of quiet/privacy. We had married several months...

1 year ago
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Student Ki Chudai Se Mam Behal

Hey friends!myself Sangram from Odisha.I am a student of Btech. Well this is a true sexual incident about my friend Vicky and our English teacher Mrs Madhusmita Roy. Ok agee ki story main aap ko hindi main batana chahunga. Main jaab 3rd semester main tha, toh hamari english ki class lene Madhu mam ayee thi. Aur vicky jo ki mera dost hai ek bahut hi bigda hua ladka hai. Shayad hi aisa koi buri habit ho jo ki usne na kiya ho. Un buri adat main se ek tha uska sex ka adat. Mauka milne par woh...

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Hot And Amazing Sex With A Reader

Hi… dears and darlings!! My debut story “Love Dies, Not Lust “got huge response from ISS readers. I’m very happy for that. Thanks a lot for your enormous encouragement and support. If you haven’t gone through my debut story here is the link for that All suggestions, comments and critiques are cordially invited!! Please leave your valuable feedback at As you all know, Myself Pratham 21 years old from Mysuru (Karnataka). I got ‘n’ number of mails for my debut story and I honestly replied to...

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Why I Hate Magic Pt 3

Daniel could feel his muscles throbbing, keeping rhythm with his heartbeat. His body ached and he was soaked in sweat, the moisture cold and wet against his skin. His mouth, though, was completely dry, as if he had been sucking on a cotton ball until just recently. Lying in bed Daniel opened his eyes to the world around him. Judging from the darkness that had crept into the room, several hours had passed since Daniel had fallen asleep. As his eyes began to adjust to the lack of light...

3 years ago
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A bus ride to remember

She was sitting there, on the other side of the bus, with that short skirt and tantalizingly tight shirt. She knew I was watching. She could almost see the lust in my eyes, even though she never once acknowledged my existence. I could see her adjust her hair and expose her delicious, almost edible neck to me. My cock forgot what it felt like to not be hard, as it continuously throbbed. I had to keep my bag firmly over it to avoid completely confessing my perversion. This routine would continue...

3 years ago
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A Taste Chapter 8

When she did that I was usually being disciplined so I was resisting going to her bed. Mom was shaking me.  She said, “Timothy Ivan wake up.  We have chores to do.” There weren’t nearly as many chores to do as there used to be since before dad left he had sold the cows and butchered most of the chickens.  We only had the pigs and a half dozen laying hens so as I checked to see that the chickens had not fowled their water and gave them some feed, mom slopped the sow. We were done and...

4 years ago
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Weddings and Reunions Part 2

Chapter 7 Katie was unsure how to respond from this ghost from her past suddenly appearing in front of her and her girlfriend. She had tried hard to disassociate herself from everyone she knew except her parents, Louis and Tamara Reagan. Even though it had been 19 years since they had seen each other Melanie saw right through the changes to herself and confronted her head-on as she always did. Alison Eliza was caught in a conundrum. She knew Katie's history but she also knew her...

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