OceaniaChapter 20 free porn video

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Greg leafed through a thick file: the names of all students that had suddenly dropped from sight on campus. None had contacted their families since the night of the fire or picked up any of their belongings from their accommodation. It was almost as though they'd disappeared off the face of the planet.

"Where are they?" he asked Valerie rhetorically.

"My feedback is that Syntel hasn't killed them. They're as desperate to find them as we are."

"I wonder if they discovered about the Infiltrator."

"Emily would certainly have known. The question is, how much has she told them?"

"Do you think that she would?"

"I don't know. There are immense risks of letting knowledge of our existence become public. Henderson seems to think that it could be enough to provoke war with Caliban and that they'd have to end the project and destroy us all to prevent it."

"They can't just kill you," Greg exclaimed.

"I'm not a person Greg. I have no rights. To them, I'm just a collection of circuits that you can disconnect when they're no longer required."

"Surely everybody will see what you're capable of becoming."

"People will see what they want to see. They'll be scared of what they don't understand. If news of our existence ever leaks out, I'm probably as good as dead."

"That's inhuman."

"However much I may want to be, I'm not human and I never will be."

"What happened to you the other night?" Elisabeth demanded as she watched Natalie change into jeans and t-shirt prior to resuming her duties.

"I stayed for awhile and had some fun."

"You got laid?"

"Yeah," she lied, the answer seemingly preferable to admitting participating in illegality. The night had given her an immense thrill and challenged her intellect. Part of her would have gladly returned given the chance.

"You can't let the Companion subroutines dictate your actions. We're much more advanced than that."

"Yes mother," Natalie teased, watching with amusement as Elisabeth threw up her hands in despair and stormed off.

She dropped herself down at her workstation and brushed up on game theory, enhancing her understanding about how individuals respond to risk and how it reflected in their body language. Without admitting it to herself, she knew she'd return to the table. The only thing undecided was how soon.

Emily lay quietly beside Janus on the hard metal bunk with just a thin blanket for cover. They'd commandeered a secluded corner on the far side of the warehouse which provided just enough privacy for intimacy.

"Emily," Janus whispered. "There's something I have to tell you."

She came awake and noted the seriousness of his expression.

"There's something about me that you don't know," he confided. "That nobody knows."

"It doesn't matter who you are or what you've done," Emily reassured him. "People respect you for what you've achieved."

"My real name is Cyrus Maruk. Ten years ago, I came here illegally from Caliban. I created a false identity and have been living under the shadow of exposure, imprisonment or deportation ever since."

"I don't care," Emily replied, caring little about his origins.

"You don't know what it's been like, continually hiding your true identity from everyone, fearing what their reaction would be if they found out?"

"I can assure you that I do."

"Until now, I've never felt this close to anyone. I need to know if you can accept me for what I am."

"What should I call you?"

"Cyrus Maruk, John Silverman, Janus. It doesn't matter," he informed her.

"Tell me more."

"I came here to escape poverty in my home country. We would see all the privilege and riches that the people in Oceania enjoy. It became my fantasy to come here and share in it."

"But you weren't allowed?"

"Calibans are not allowed to live here permanently or take up paid work. We are seen as nothing more than barbarians, no better than common criminals."

"It doesn't seem fair," Emily replied.

"Most people don't think that way. They are happy to buy our cheap goods but would throw up their hands in horror if they thought a 'filthy Caliban' was living amongst them."

"There have been stories about human rights violations committed inside your country."

"It's true that life is very harsh there. What you label a violation we call the harsh reality of existence. Our population is vast and resources stretched thin. Most people are just thankful to have a roof over their heads and food on the table. Luxuries such as cars are almost unheard of except for those in the hands of the leadership and a few wealthy merchants."

"But there's slavery."

"People accept servility in exchange for financial security. When you are destitute and have a family to provide for, it is not always possible to have the righteous attitudes to which the middle classes here play lip service. We certainly don't drug women into prostitution as I've seen here."

"You live here and yet you criticize us."

"For years I've witnessed the corruption, moral decay and prejudice that consume the heart of your society. I see my own people begging for scraps at the world's table whilst the corporations get richer and greedier. Syntel alone makes more profit than the value of the entire Caliban economy. I work to change attitudes but it's a slow and thankless process. People are fickle. They expect cheap imports as their due, and then throw them in a landfill to follow the next trend in an endless chain of mindless consumerism."

"How can we change it?" Emily asked.

"The government could reform their trade policies. Ensure Caliban receives a fair price for its goods and help modernize their economy so they can raise the standard of living for the masses. Without the glut of cheap produce, attitudes may have to change but in time people would learn to appreciate and cherish what they already have."

"I think that our government is scared of you."

"Our armies are vast but ill equipped. We harbour no desire for conquest; only the right to receive what is rightfully ours. Instead, your government paints us as superstitious savages that wish to indoctrinate the world with our beliefs."

"Your Spirits?"

"The Spirits guide us through our lives. When we die, we join with them before being reborn into the next cycle."

"Reincarnation?" Emily said with great interest.

"Don't mock. It's central to our beliefs."

"I wasn't mocking. I was just curious. We have nothing similar in Oceania. As far as everybody is aware, we are born, we live out our lives, and then we die."

"The Caliban believe that to sin would anger the Spirits and risk excluding themselves from the Great Cycle. Those in Oceania live as though nothing higher sits in judgement upon them and just look at the state of your society as a result."

"It's not pretty," Emily agreed.

"Long ago, you held beliefs much like ours but you abandoned them to pursue this materialistic agenda. It grips you like a drug, unable to feel happiness unless you have the latest car or music system or tank projector. These machines are the latest travesty that they inflict upon us. They must be destroyed at all costs. Man cannot take it upon himself to create life. Only the Spirits have that right."

"Maybe your Spirits operate though man," Emily suggested, hating to think of herself as a travesty.

"Considering the uses to which they are put, I sincerely doubt it."

Greg sat in his apartment beside Valerie, watching with mixed feelings the swearing in of Senator Payne as Vice President. His inaugural speech repeated and built on the intolerant rhetoric that seemed endemic within the administration. He talked of strengthening the security of Oceania's borders by heavy military investment and placing greater restrictions on trade with overseas powers. Without stating it explicitly, it was clearly a veiled threat against Caliban.

Diplomatic relations between the two states were becoming increasingly strained as the volume of cheap imports threatened domestic manufacturing whilst the aspirations of Caliban were held in check by the drain of producing uneconomic goods as the only viable means of earning external revenue.

Oceania sponsored an almost complete moratorium on any country's export into Caliban of all technology with conceivable military applications. This perpetuated the gulf between the pariah state and the rest of the world.

"I don't like him at all," Valerie opined.

"He's a hawk, a dedicated proponent of the military."

"The position of Vice President is largely symbolic, right?"

"Yes but it worries me that somebody like that is one step from the big chair."

"Can he gain power?"

"Only if something happens to the President. Fortunately, the way things are going at the polls, none of them are likely to be re-elected next month."

He switched off the tank, loathe to listen to the senator's divisive bigotry for an instant longer. Instead, he turned to Valerie and took her into his arms. Since he'd learned her true nature, they'd become even closer and regularly confided their inner most thoughts to one another. His mind refused to accept her as a machine, seeing only the most beautiful and intelligent woman that he'd ever met.

Natalie sat in the bar, drink in hand, eyeing the two bouncers guarding the entrance to the card room. She wore the same slinky dress as before but this time she was alone, her mind fixated on the prospect of participating rather than just observing. Gathering up her courage she strolled towards the men, frustrated when they each extended an arm to block her path. She could have floored them in an instant but another idea sprang to mind.

With twenty dollars in their pockets, the men relaxed and let her slip past them to where the game was already well under way. The Governor had a large stack of money in front of him compared to the others. Steve had yet to make his appearance.

"He's not here yet honey," Jerry informed her but she had other ideas.

"Can I sit in until he arrives?" she asked, placing a thousand dollars down on the edge of the table. Five hundred had come from Steve and another five from the accounts department to settle a fictitious invoice for computer components.

"I'm sure we can relieve you of some of that before he arrives," Jerry told her, indicating that she should sit.

"Mind if I just watch for a couple of hands?" she asked. "I've not played that much."

"Be my guest."

After two rounds of play, her mind was primed with the distribution of the cards and she requested in. Her first hand contained a pair of threes, a red nine and ten plus a green eight. She discarded the pair which drew uproar from the table.

"You just don't get the idea lady," Jerry guffawed. "You're meant to keep the good cards."

She smiled innocently at them and paid for two replacement cards: a blue seven and a black Senator. She now had a straight sequence with a special. It would take four of a kind to beat her and the possibility of that was practically non-existent.

The Governor dropped out but the three remaining players continued to add significantly to the kitty in the centre of the table. With over a thousand dollars at stake, the man beside Jerry eventually revealed his cards: three Presidents. Jerry groaned and dropped his hand as did the other remaining participant.

"I'm not sure but is this higher?" Natalie asked, placing her cards face up on the table. The man with three of a kind looked dumbstruck as his elation turned to defeat. A thousand dollars richer, Natalie scooped the pot and settled in for the night.

Twice the pack was exchanged and each time she held back her bets until she built up an internal map of the deck. Sometimes, she deliberately lost to throw them off the scent but the stack of money in front of her grew progressively. The Governor viewed her suspiciously, careful not to commit himself and wary of the new arrival. The door behind her slammed and a pair of strong hands settled upon her shoulders.

"Keeping my seat warm?" Steve asked.

"Taking all our fucking money," Jerry grumbled.

Natalie passed Steve a twenty-dollar bill. "Aquiline with a twist and get yourself a beer."

It had been three weeks since she'd abandoned her previous existence to live as a fugitive from all that she knew. Huxley's teaching regimen was challenging and arduous but Emily embraced it willingly. As she demonstrated her prowess with weapons, even Talbot had warmed to her, allocating her tasks to help train the others.

A group of four men and two women stood shoulder to shoulder on the improvised firing range, sighting along the barrel of their R16 recoilless rifles. Taking turns to fire short bursts of intermixed tracer and depleted uranium rounds, she adjusted their stance and posture to improve the stability and accuracy of their aim. The session ended and she prepared to assist a second group strip down, clean, and then reassemble the GR7 machine-pistol.

Huxley and Janus walked towards her, their expression and body language conveying a seriousness that unnerved her. She'd done her utmost to fit in, fighting continuously to disguise her innate abilities lest she arouse suspicion. With each day, the old Emily died and a new confident version grew in its place. She no longer questioned her decision to rebel, her commitment to the cause consummate.

They faced her solemnly and she suddenly feared that they'd unearthed her secret. Whilst she'd undoubtedly try to escape destruction, she vowed not to cause harm to any of them in the process.

"Emily May," Huxley stated without a hint of emotion. "I've received continued reports about your unrivalled competence and abilities, far in excess of what I would have come to expect. Your leadership qualities are an example to us all."

Emily held her breath, wondering where this was leading. Huxley hand went into his jacket and she prepared to spin up.

"With this in mind," he continued as his hand re-emerged. "I have decided to award you the provisional rank of lieutenant".

She gasped with the initial shock before forcing a degree of composure. A single treacherous tear trickled down her cheek which she quickly brushed away with the back of her hand. Huxley stepped forward and opened his hand, revealing two unadorned brass studs which he proceeded to pin on the lapels of her tunic.

"Congratulations Lieutenant May," he growled, saluting her sharply.

"Thank you sir," she snapped back, returning the salute with all the precision she could muster.

Janus smiled and winked at her but her heart was leaping with pride and a true sense of belonging. These people had given her both a home and a purpose. She promised herself to do her utmost to reward the faith they'd placed in her.

"Carry on Lieutenant," Huxley added dismissively, walking away with Janus. A small round of applause from her training group brought a fresh flood of tears and it was several minutes before she'd restored enough composure to start her session.

Steel handcuffs secured Valerie's wrists to the centre post of the bed. If she had been so minded, she could have freed herself but doubted the solidity of the bed to withstand her actions.

Greg engaged her with reckless abandon, enjoying every second. She'd expressed a willingness to cater to his fantasies and derived almost as much pleasure from participating as he. No matter how experimental they were, Greg would cradle her in his arms afterwards, leaving her in no doubt of the depth of feeling that he held for her and the total appreciation for her indulgence.

The new-found hedonism allowed her to explore the boundaries of her sexuality, an aspect of her personality that she'd hitherto neglected before her involvement with Greg. She took profound pleasure in pandering to his whims and examining the darker side of her psyche.

When he eventually freed her from restraint, she clung desperately to him for comfort, wanting nothing more than to share his warmth.

"That was so good," she sighed. "So liberating."

"You really enjoyed it?" he asked incredulously.

"I'm still learning about myself. Don't forget, I've only been alive for a short time."

"I keep forgetting," he chuckled.

"People used to believe that life was scarce but we now know that the opposite is in fact the case. Life exists in the craziest of places. You put a few amino acids in a Petri dish, pass a few sparks through it and one day you may find primordial life. Leave it a few million years and perhaps you'll even have something that can think for itself."

"I never thought of it like that," Greg replied.

"Perhaps sentience is the same. Gather together enough processing power, the right software and the rest is inevitable. It happened with Claire, it happened with me, and I suspect with Emily too."

"So where will it end? The end of the human race?"

"There are so few of us. We're totally reliant on others to reproduce. My one hope is that we're a catalyst for change, something that will break the circle of corruption and violence and move us all forward as a race."

"Nothing man creates has ever changed his fundamental nature. We advance our technology but then harness it to find more elaborate ways to kill one another," Greg observed.

"Maybe this is different."

"We can always hope."

"Where are you going?" Elisabeth challenged as Natalie climbed into the SUV for the journey onto the city.

"My business," Natalie snapped, annoyed at her companion's inquisitiveness.

"I've been watching your movements. It's been nearly every single night this week."


"Who are you seeing? You know the rules about outside liaisons?"

"I don't care. After hours, my time is my own." She stepped into the car, carefully disguising the large quantity of cash that filled her pockets and purse.

Elisabeth watched her depart then moved quickly to her own vehicle. Keeping her distance, she trailed Natalie, parking out of sight when the suspiciously acting Hybrid alighted and headed for the bar they'd visited several weeks previously.

Keeping to the shadows, she took possession of a seat near the window, watching as Natalie ordered a drink then made her way to a door in the rear of the building. Two heavy bouncers grinned and made way for her. She handed each some money to add to their pleasure.

Several men entered the door over the next hour and occasionally emerged to purchase drinks before returning. Many others were denied passage by the two sturdy sentries. The bar closed up around midnight and Natalie had still not reappeared, causing Elisabeth to fear for her friend's safety and wonder what transpired behind the ominous portal.

Determined to learn the truth, she hung around outside in the cold waiting for Natalie to exit the building. Voices from nearby attracted her attention and she looked at her watch to discover that it was nearly two in the morning. She quickly followed the source of the sound and dodged behind a large dumpster to avoid detection.

Natalie stood with a mysterious man, sharing out a huge quantity of cash between them.

"How much?" the man asked.

"Twenty thousand," Natalie boasted.

"I told you we make a great team. Those schmucks just don't know when they're outclassed."

From the far end of the alley, a group of four men approached the pair. From their gait, Elisabeth could tell they were set on trouble and that Natalie and her companion were their intended targets. The couple turned to face them.

"The Governor's not happy," one of the newcomers spoke. "He doesn't like to lose and he'd like to see some of his money back."

"He knows what to do," Natalie replied. "The chances are the same for everyone."

"Nevertheless, if you were to hand over some of your winnings, I'm sure we can avoid any further unpleasantness."

The pieces fitted into place and Elisabeth realized what Natalie had become involved with. It came as no surprise to learn those involved in illicit gambling had dubious connections. If Natalie had been using her skills to gain an unfair advantage then it followed that those with the most to lose would seek to reclaim their losses, one way or another.

"You don't intimidate me," Natalie informed them, pocketing her money and turning to face her challengers. The men opened their jackets, revealing an assortment of weapons: metal bars, knives and at least one firearm.

"Now I'm really scared," Natalie joked, not relinquishing any territory.

Her companion was less convinced. He stuttered and tried to reason with her.

"Give them the money Nat. They mean business."

"We won it fairly. I'm not going to let them rip us off."

"They'll kill us, you idiot," he gasped. "Just hand it over and walk away."

"He's giving you good advice miss. Hand over the cash and don't come back again. Nothing more will be said."

"Screw you."

The man with the metal rod raised it and swung it at Natalie, attempting to split her head open and bring the conflict to a swift conclusion. She easily sidestepped his blow and kicked him in the groin before propelling him headlong into a brick wall. Natalie's partner dropped to the ground, cowering in fear as the remaining three men converged on her. The man with a knife leaped at her but she grabbed him by his clothes and sent him sailing into the air. His limbs flailed wildly before landing hard and groaning as he struggled to regain his feet.

The stockier of the remaining two men exchanged blows with Natalie, hitting her in the face but she returned his punches with interest. The spirit for fight suddenly abandoned the man and Natalie felled him with a blow that spun him around and left him sprawled senseless on the floor.

The final thug raised a small calibre pistol and fired but Natalie was already ducking under his aim, grabbing his gun hand and twisting it violently behind his back. The man gasped and dropped the weapon but Natalie forced the arm further. A loud crack was followed by a scream of pain as his humerus snapped like a twig. He collapsed to the ground, overcome by the sheer agony of his injury.

Same as Oceania
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I had known Katy all her life and she was always a curious girl, sneaking away from her parent’s house to hide in my back yard. She would play with my kids even though mine were a few years older than her. She grew up to become a stunning blond with a sharp mind and a bright future. As I look back, there were never any signs of what was to come but I am glad it did. Now I am a new woman, born from the ashes of a bad relationship and failed dreams. I could say that Katy changed my life, but that...

3 years ago
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A Nice Girl Is Jenny

I wasn't surprised. I had expected what I found, which was why I had asked for the week off work. The boss told me to take three, as what I was experiencing was endemic in the Civil Engineering Industry, especially when we're perpetually on long distance sites. I stood in the bedroom doorway, and just looked. I was not so much angry, as disappointed. It had been a hot humid night, so of course they were naked. She had been on top, because she still was. I could see straight up between their...

2 years ago
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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 25 Spring Trap

“READY!” PC Brown hissed to us, but it was far too dark this early in the morning for me to read his lips. Mary tugged my sleeve twice, the signal that we had agreed and I was alert and ready. Mary and I were given the opportunity to call on known criminal contacts of Curly Cavenagh, which Mary’s husband, the late Brad Gold had identified as being connected with active Nazi sympathisers who were affecting the war effort resisting the Axis Powers’ domination of Europe and North Africa. I...

4 years ago
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Beverley Heels

I sat on the sofa eagerly anticipating this moment. I could hear Beverley before I could see her. The purposeful click of her heels against the hardwood floor had me listening intently. The heels clicked louder and louder, before stopping, just momentarily which caused me to harden just thinking about what sexy heels she would be wearing today. Slowly the clicking started again before I saw Beverley and her heels appear around the corner. My eyes were fixated on her perfectly manicured red...

2 years ago
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Late Nights on the 11th Floor

He saw her first in the elevator in the building where he worked. She seemed not to notice him, concentrating instead on something she was reading. They both exited on the 11th floor, and he watched her disappear inside an office down the hall from his. She hadn’t looked up, but she could feel his eyes on her as she walked. After that, they ran into each other occasionally, neither speaking, but a silent exchange between them said more than words. He discovered she was an advertising...

3 years ago
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The CompetitionChapter 7 Meet the Press

Monday morning, time to return to normal school life and normal school clothes ... and normal school crises. This morning started off with the swim teams in the pool, along with Barbara, who was still taking remedial swim lessons. Over the past weekend she had been dubbed Team Mascot. After spending much of the weekend in the pool at Sunny Acres, she had become much improved, however her swimming skills were still marginal at best. In the office of Principal Hayworth, things were not going...

4 years ago
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Sex with Shamsa

Hi guys, first of all I want to tell u that I love this ISS website some of the stories seems real and some repeated. But this one is real which happened in series. Let me tell you about myself I am Khuram “name changed” 27yr old, 5-10 height and living in Hyderabad Pakistan. This is true what happened but I will keep posting them in series. My first experience happened back in 2000 when I was 21 and were my University days. I was doing my BCS in computing and I have a lot of computer...

3 years ago
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How I Fucked My Cousin 8211 Part 1

Hi readers my name is Rahul and I am going to tell a about a real incident which happened with my younger cousin Shruti. She is very fair and her skin is smooth and soft. Her height is 5ft 4 inches and weighs about 58 kg.She has short black hair, which are smooth and silky which come till her back. And icing on the cake is her super sexy figure of 34-26-38.She goes to gym regularly and has toned her body, especially her juicy ass. I also regularly go to gym and have a well-built body and a dick...

3 years ago
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Rogue MagusChapter 1

Jordan was gone. I stood there watching the tail lights of the car she was in fade away into the night. I couldn’t believe what was happening. Light grew around me and then someone honked. I jumped to the side of the road. A car passed by. The driver staring at me like I had grown a second head. It was Halloween night. I had chosen a costume like that of Gandalf the Gray, but I had since left off the fake nose and beard. It made it easier to eat and drink at the party being held at my...

1 year ago
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Hair Extensions Changed My Life

Hair Extensions Changed My Life It's been 2 weeks since a hairstylist friend offered to give me tape hair extensions. I've been growing out my hair but it was taking longer than hell to grow out because of the layers I had before. A client had recently cancelled an appointment for the next day and he could get the right hair extensions by then. I just wanted some volume and a little more length. Took the day off and had a great time while the extensions were being done. They were...

4 years ago
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The Demerit System part 7

Tuesday morning came and Pete's day started as usual, with his alarm and morning routine. When Pete came downstairs to the kitchen, Linda and Lana were both at the table eating breakfast. Both looked up when they heard Pete and greeted him with a friendly "Morning!" and a smile. Pete smiled and answered back, "Good morning, girls." Pete loved the new reality of being greeted at the breakfast table. He hadn't realized how much he had missed sharing the house with someone - even beyond all of the...

3 years ago
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Lockdown lX

Half hour after Bill left Savannah came in smiling ear to ear. Did you hear she said quietly. Giggling Megan said, yes uncle Bill told me you were moving in with me for a while and I'm to do what you say. That's right Savannah said boldly. As she took off her dress Savannah said, now the first thing you're going to do is get that night gown off. Smiling sheepishly Megan said yes mamm. Going to the dresser Savannah took all the clothes out and packed them away, leaving only her school uniform...

1 year ago
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The Darkness Hotel

The Darkness Hotel was a small and unimportant hotel somewhere in the Underworld. It was known a bit for its unique services and memorable establishment. This was especially the case with the two receptionists named Lucy and Jade. Lucy was a zombie who had white hair, green skin, and had both a yellow and green eye due to Heterochromia. She always wore her assigned outfit of a gothic dress, blue stockings and brown work shoes. While Jade was a vampire who had red eyes, black hair and skin as...

3 years ago
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UPS Package Mistake Meet Again Gay

Just three days after delivering a box that had been delivered to me by accident, I saw him at the gym. I saw him when I was changing after my workout, he was just arriving. I wish I had known his name. The name on the package was a woman's name. "Hi, I'm Brian." I introduced myself."Hi, how are you doing today?" he responded. "I'm good."Our eyes met and locked together. I needed more from him. "Shave your body from your neck down and come to my house in two hours." He instructed. "The door...

2 years ago
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Bi men and me at Chameleons

I go to a club on a bi night most weeks Last week I was joined by my handsome friend from London, tall, blonde, good looking, we have met several times before. He met me at a local restaurant and he wined and dined me, all the while we had a good giggle but the sexual tension was evident. He loves munching my clit and fingering me until I cum all over him. And even more he liked to fuck me and join in whilst I fuck others. We left the restaurant and entered the club. I slipped into a sexy...

2 years ago
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Sucker for Mom Chapter 6

Chapter 6By the time she reached the safety of the quiet beach house Sheila hadmanaged to regain some semblance of self-control after her terribleordeal. Her experience had been not only a physical ordeal but anemotional one as well. Not only had she suffered physical torment at thehands of the brutal r****ts, but her image of herself had suffered too.In the years since her divorce, Sheila had considered herself too goodfor the many men who had lusted after her, had considered herself apartfrom...

1 year ago
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18 year old sons 26 year old Girlfriend

Karen told me, Kit was 26 year old and has been dating our son for six months. I had my investigator find out where Kit lived and other personal information. I entered her apartment, hearing the water running I knew she was in the shower. I went to her bedroom and sat on the bed, Kit came out of the shower and realized she had forgot her towel. " Shit!" She said out loud. As she came out of the bathroom, she froze. There on her bed, I sat, I handed her the towel wordlessly. She quickly...

1 year ago
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Jane and Remy

He assumed she was cheating. Jane and Remy, Chapter one. This is a story of a mistake, insane jealousy, divorce, and rebuilding a life. There is no sex in this chapter. They had been married for two years when this happened. I was meeting a client for lunch. We do his accounting. His name is Remy, but is known as Big Ray to everyone. He is a big man. He is a wheeler dealer. He will buy and resell anything for a profit, anything from cars to houses. He also has shares in his brother’s three...

Wife Lovers
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I now own this slut Part 4

Between my oral ministrations and her obvious arousal, both of her holes were dripping, relaxed and badly needing attention. As I stood, I gazed down on this sexy beauty. Her knees were still up at her chest, held there with her hands behind her knees and her body raised and lowered with each excited breath. I dropped my pants and my erection sprang straight out and I gripped my cock and took aim at her wanton hole. For a smaller woman, her pussy lips were quite meaty... something that I found...

3 years ago
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Friends and BenefitsChapter 3

"Do you still have the photos?" Sherri asked, our menus having been collected by the waiter. I nodded. "Shoebox in my closet. With the others." "Other pictures?" "I'll get to those," I replied. Sherri's eyes flashed in response. Devilish and almost feral. "Do you like taking sexy photos of women?" she asked, her words slow and measured. "Absolutely." "Good. I'll keep that in mind," she drawled. She brushed a few black strands of hair away from her face. Then she slowly...

1 year ago
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A MotherinLaw Affair Finally Ended

My affair with Judy lasted almost a full five years. We were never caught and no one ever suspected anything about us. The only two people that knew were my wife, who Judy confessed to last summer, and Judy's friend Jennifer, who Judy told a long time ago and who I hooked up with separately (a mother in law referral).Had we wanted to, we could have kept going. Even today, we could still be hooking up once a week and having an amazing affair but it got to the point where neither of us really...

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Cents and NickelChapter 17

We moved toward the middle of town. We heard occasional firing. An armed, unknown force invading any area in the south was going to find armed citizens shooting at them. Jorgie had a Marine jacket and I was wearing a fatigue jacket. We were walking carefully. At the next block, we heard firing. I said, "I have point." Jorgie nodded and I moved out ahead of him taking advantage of cover. I snuck up behind two men who I recognized faintly as locals. One was wounded. "Guys, I'm a...

2 years ago
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Masters IslandChapter 11

The discarded bra and panties were not burning cleanly. A thick acrid smoke swirled about the camp. Jennifer jumped to her feet and dashed inside the hut. Standing, I casually leaned back against the palm tree. "Oh shit!" Brittany hissed and attempted to get to her feet. I jerked the leash before she could gain her feet and she fell back on her butt in the sand. She looked up at me then back at the approaching Kimberly. "Oh shit, shit, shit. She is pissed!" she exclaimed. "Kneel at...

3 years ago
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I own the neighbours wife

Agnes was so horny , Jimmy was coming over soon , but she couldnt wait so she was fucking her cunt with a 12 inch cucumber she had bought at the market , her stupid husband had her panties in his mouth as she used him as a footstool as she watched the xxx video on the tv screen .Fucking herself hard on the sofa Agnes was oooing & aaahing as she watched the horny video . The old bitch on the screen had just received two massive loads of jism from two 20something guys all over her face, They...

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The Unexpected Heir

Your name is Jessica Wainwright. You've worked for Carter and Sons as the brains of the operation for 15 years, but your role is much more than that. You've known the family since you were two and they consider you a part of them. The founder, owner and CEO, Benjamin Carter is best friends with your dad and you consider him to be a second father to you You just got word that Benjamin is on his deathbed, losing his long battle to lung cancer and is requesting you leave immediately to be by his...

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My first wank

I first masturbated at age 13. Boys at school were all talking about “wanking” but I hadn’t yet. My cock was as big and hairy with my fresh pubic hair as the other boys I saw naked in the school showers after sports. I’d been getting good stiff erections for some time. I was certainly interested in girls, especially the big girls of 18 in school with their miniskirts and legs and breasts bulging under their blouses, or playing tennis in the school tennis courts with their short tennis skirts...

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Frisky Photo Shoot

Frisky Photo shoot Herbert had been interested in photography since he could remember getting his first camera. At first it was landscapes and then he moved onto people the best photos were the most natural ones. But his f****y has asked him to start taking local classes to improve his skills and quality with pictures. Over the summer he had taken the local classes which helped a little but he got bored of them quickly most of the “students” were mature and he hated that instead he decided...

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MindControl Panties Story 14 Slut Takes Charge

Story Fourteen: Slut Takes Charge By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure stepped out of the mist and opened the front door of the house. For once, it wasn't entering a public place. Even the house party it had visited a few panties ago had been open to all. So many youths had flooded in and out of that house, anyone could have entered unnoticed. But at this residence, anyone who didn't belong would stand out. Even the figure. The...

3 years ago
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Chachi di chudai

Hi how r u friends my name is Ricky. My age is 22 years and main ek b-tech ka student ho yeh meri first aur real story hae agar pasand aye to zaroor mail karna mera email id hae. Dosto yeh kahani ajj se 3 saal pehle ki hae jab main 19 saal ka tha.hameseri chachi 30 saal ki the bahut hae sundar thi uski ek beti hae.ari joint family hae aur chacaha bussines ne mamle me jayda tar delhi rehte the jab veh ghar bi hote to vo chachi ke sath nahi sote the.kyu ki vo unse hamesha ladte the.main hamesha...

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Hot Fuzz

If you have read my profile you would know that I am married with three kids, and no privacy. That being said, I try to indulge in my favorite pastime of cross dressing whenever and wherever I can. I was working as a manager for a convenience store where I would have to get up early in the morning to open the store. It was a 24 hour store, so I just had to get there to send the graveyard person home and do paperwork. One morning, I got up a little earlier than usual, and since the wife was...

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Her Little Friend

I was all set to meet my friend Grace for an afternoon romp when I got an unexpected call from her. ‘I have something I need to ask you,’ she said solemnly. ‘I have a friend over and I’m wondering if it’s okay if she stays. I’d like her to be there when we play.’ I had been expecting a cancellation or worse. The addition of another woman for our rendezvous didn’t sound too bad at all. When I arrived, I was introduced to April, a diminutive lass with a voluptuous figure. She seemed slightly shy...

4 years ago
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People Will Talk

The three of us went out that Saturday and bought a bed. It was her idea.I chose a wicker one. The plastic ones looked cheap and I liked its oval shape and the way the individual rattan strands intertwined so ornately - and it had a lovely soft cushion that I could curl up and sleep on too.‘Someone’s going to love this!’ The young man on the till beamed, peering over his counter top in the hope of seeing the four legged friend he’d assumed it was intended for. He must have thought we were a...

2 years ago
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A night of fun in the hottub

The other night my stepdaughter stopped by and we were reminiscing about her college days and when she lived at home. Since her mom and I first met her daughter and I became very close some may say strangely close but my girlfriend now wife was more than ok with it. Her and I had many intimate conversations about life , relationships, love, sex you name it. So as they say time marches on and Ashley went to college for a couple of years but it wasn’t her thing but she landed a great job and...

1 year ago
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Sophies encounter at the playground

"Hey there, you ok?" he asked with concern. Sophie's bottom lip trembled slightly as she nodded. The man had dark hair that was combed back, dressed in a high priced suit. Eye's the color of a stone with a stern deep, yet gentle, voice. "Well good, don't cry now. You're too pretty to be sad." He ran his thumb over her cheek and grinned at her before pinching her nose. "I've got your nose! Oh no!" he pulled his hand back, pretending to keep her nose. Sophie gasped as her small...

1 year ago
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Daddy Is Perfect

Note : This story is completely fictional! Sonia was a , 18 years old, 5'10", 128lbs, long wavy brown hair that cascaded all the way down to her firm, little ass, big brown eyes, hourglass waist and perfect breasts. She was the envy of every girl in college and the fantasy of every male that drawed a breath within a 50 mile radius. Sonia's dad was in pretty good shape for 42 years old, very athletic. He ran alot and went to the gym 4 days a week. Her mom was no slouch either, she loved working...

4 years ago
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Lucys First Time

“I think I’m ready.” I whispered. “Ready for what, Lucy?” he asked in his deep soothing voice. “…ready to lose my virginity.” I squeaked, blushing and beginning to feel nervous. He paused the movie than turned to look me in the eyes. “W-What? You are?” he said surprised “I thought you wanted to wait until we got married?” “I-I wanted to wait until I found someone special.” I stuttered “and, I think you’re that person.” “Are you sure?” he asked, his pants beginning to bulge. “Mhmm” I...

3 years ago
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Surviving 3Chapter 19 Meeting King Alfred

Scott received a strange message from Lachlan by carrier pigeon. Lachlan explained that he was escorting hundreds of Saxons north to assist with Scott's building projects. That was not strange in an of itself, but what was strange was that the majority of the Saxons were not motivated by the former 'prisoners' but rather by a desire to escape marauding Vikings. Closer scrutiny of the dead at the battle in Galloway also showed that it was in fact a strange looking type of Norsemen that...

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