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Poziv da provedem 10-tak dana godisnjeg odmora kod kumova u Bg-u, sa zadovoljstvom, sam prihvatio To je bila prilika da ih, nakon 2 godine, vidim, cestitam rodjenje djeteta i zamijenim skype razgovore neposrednim kontaktom. Oboje su u ranim tridesetim godinama i veze nas jako dobro prijateljstvo koje smo razvili kroz decenijsko poznanstvo.
Dane smo ispunjavali setnjama, dugim razgovorima, dobrim raspolozenjem, hraneci se po restoranima. Sve mi je govorilo da imaju skladan, harmonican brak i da su se jako dobro snasli i pozicionirali u novoj sredini. Medjutim, u danima koji su uslijedili, dosao sam do nekih saznanja koji su me uveliko demantovali i uveli u cudne i neocekivane situacije.
Jedne veceri, dok je kuma uspavljivala bebu, kum i ja smo izasli u jedan kafic, prijatnog enterijera i dominantno muskih gostiju. Ispijajuci pivo, priznao mi je da vara suprugu. Uslijedila su moja pitanja na koja mi je odgovorio da je selidbom u Bg realizovao neke svoje davnasnje zelje i fantazije.
-"Konkretizuj, ako zelis" obzirno sam ga pitao.
-"Varam je sa muskarcima" netremice me je gledao u oci izgovorivsi to. Zastao je i nastavio:
-"Zelim da sacuvam porodicu ali i da uzivam u muskom tucanju...dok god mogu..... nekako mi se cini da ce mi ta zelja splasnuti s godinama, kad mi se i libido smiri"
U momentu kad sam pokusao nastaviti razgovor i prekinuti kratkotrajnu tisinu koja je uslijedila, cutke je ustao od stola i otisao. Zatecen, osvrnuo sam se i vec ga izgubio iz vidokruga. Razabirajuci misli, osjetio sam uzbudjenje.Napalilo me i njegovo priznanje i pristigla telefonska poruka od njega:
-" Toalet. Dodji"
Prao sam ruke, cekajuci da momak za pisoarom zavrsi i izadje. Cim se to desilo, prisao sam jednoj od cetiri kabine cija su vrata bila zatvorena.Cuo sam dahtanje. Znao sam da je unutra i to me jos zesce napalilo. Odskrinuo sam vrata. U cucecem polozaju, sa spustenim gacicama, pusio je kurac konobaru koji nas je usluzio. Pogledali smo se dok se borio sa pozamasnim komadom u ustima. Nije stao.Cak su ubrzali, kao da ih je moje prisustvo jos raspalilo.Primijetio sam kumov kurac,prvi put. Drkao ga je. Iako sam bio iznenadjen, osecanje napaljenosti je bilo dominantno. Namignuo sam mu,osmjehnuo se,zatvorio vrata i vratio se za sto. Stigao je nakon 10-tak minuta:
-"Suocio sam te sa mojim zadovoljstvom! " kicoski je nastupio.
-"Tako mi je drago da udovoljavas sebi"
-"Imas neku kritiku, reakciju? mozda ti se gadim onako spusten na koljena sa kurcem u ustima?
-"Naprotiv! Kritika je pozitivna...a reakcija...uh...preplavio me talas zelje i napaljenosti" izgovorio sam to, ozbiljno zagledan u njega.
-"Intimno sam to prizeljkivao" polutiho je to rekao i spustio ruku na moju preponu, skoro mi ga dodirujuci.
-" Jel mi to nas odnos komplikujemo?" znatizeljno ga upitah.
-" Ne! Samo podizemo na veci nivo....idemo"

Odvezli smo se do nekog mracnog parkinga. Uz put su pale zavjese, nas razgovor je tekao u smeru dva napaljena muskarca, dva ljubavnika. Cim je parkirao, spustio sam naslon od sjedista. U sekundi je bio na meni, zabijajuci jezik u moja usta. Lizao mi je lice, sisao usne.Uzvracao sam.Slast, strast i suzbijana zelja su se oslobodile! Pribijao sam ga uz sebe. Skinuli smo se. Sad sam vec osjetio njegov kurac na moj! Trljali smo se, vec glasni od napaljenosti. Jos jace sam ga uhvatio za guzove i nabijao uz sebe dok su nam kurcevi divljali i pojacavali trenje i uzbudjenje. Stali smo na momenat, pogledali ka njima. Curili su, uzareni i spremni da prskaju.
-"Malo mi treba! nastavi....mmmmm trljaj ga! odvedi me u najaci orgazam" van sebe sam bio.
Samo sto je nastavio, pukli smo! Praznili smo ih izmedju nas, po nasim stomacima. Prstima sam pokupio nasu spermu.Oblizali smo ih, zvalajuci se i razmenjujuci pljuvacku.

Vec smo bili u stanu. Bila je ponoc. Kuma je ustala, pozravila nas i otisla spavati. U dnevnoj sobi smo pili pivo osvrnuvsi se na malopredjasnji dogadjaj. Primjetna je bila veca doza opustenosti i relaksiranosti u nasem razgovoru nakon svega. To me radovalo i dodatno uspaljivalo.
-" Idemo u krevet....ali svako svom" pecnuo sam ga.
-" Ne zaboravi da smo samo uvod imali. Nijesmo isli do kraja" uzvratio je.
-" A jel? Cuvacu se nocas" razvukoh osmijeh i odoh na tusiranje.
Zakljucao sam se u kupatilu. Znam samo da sam morao izdrkati i umiriti nabrekli kurac jer su me slike nase bliskosti i vatacine iz auta obuzimale. Iz kante za ves sam uzeo njegove donje nosene gacice. Prinio sam ih licu. Zaudarale su na mjesvinu mokrace i sperme. Uvlacio sam taj miris u nozdrve dok sam jezikom kupio skramu sa njih! Kurac mi je pulsirao kao nikad. Zacuh kucanje na vratima i njegov glas:
-"Jesi gotov?"
-"Samo tren. Upijam miris sa tvojih gacica i mahnito drkam" zeljan igre napaljivanja mu odgovorih.
-"Uh otvori mi! Gorim"
-"Necu,srce....svrsavaaam" pripijen uz vrata mu rekoh i poceh da punim njegove gacice.
Istusirao sam se i, znajuci da ce on na tusiranje nakon mene, ostavio sam njegove gacice
umazane mojom spermom na podu. Smjestio sam se u gostinsku sobu i, razmisljajuci o novonastaloj situaciji i odnosu sa kumom, zaspao.

Prenula me iz sna telefonska poruka: " ne spavam ali ona tvrdo spava...sta mislis? ne mogu vise...". Bio sam jasan: "Zelim te....odmah". Sakrio sam se iza vrata. Cim je usao, s ledja sam mu prisao, pocepao gacice, privio se uz njega. Ruke su mi bile svuda po njemu dok sam mu vrat zasipao poljupcima. Uvijao se kao kucka zarobljen u mom zagrljaju.
-"Ovo cekam odavno" izustio je i uhvatio me za kurac.
Osetio sam kako mi ga podmazuje lubrikantom.
-"Mmmmm u tvojim je rukama...stavi ga u sebe!" naredio sam mu.
Osetio sam vrhom kurca kako razdvajam njegove guzove i kako ga centrira na rupicu. Onako klizav i podmazan samo je skliznuo u njega! Progutao ga je svojim cmarom! Oslonio se rukama na zid i u , stojecem polozaju, sam poceo da ga jebem. Zakucavao sam se u njega kao da sam htio da plati za sve ove godine propustenog. Balio sam po njegovim ledjima, grizao ga po vratu. Nasa strast je bila na vrhuncu.
-"Oooohhhh....cijepaj me...rasturi moju rupicu..."
-"Mmmmmm zelis moj kurac,a...filovacu te, droljo moja" nastavio sam ga razarati, udarajuci u njegove guzove. Prijetili smo da probudimo kumu.
Pukao sam. Praznio se u njegovo crijevo. Ujeo sam ga za rame kako bih prigusio glas oslobadjanja. Vrckao je guzom, izvlaceci i poslednju kap iz njega. Pao sam iscedjen na krevet dok je on momentalno iscezao iz sobe. Bio je to najaci adrenalin koji me pogodio. Jebao sam kuma, do tada ga dozivljavajuci kao pouzanog d**ga, dok je kuma u susjednoj sobi, sa djetetom, spavala.

Probudio sam se. Na cedulji je pisalo da su sa prijateljima izasli i da su me ostavili da se naspavam. Samo sam razmisljao o kumu i o nasim seksualnim nagonima. Kopkalo me sta se zbiva u njegovoj glavi. Pustio sam mu poruku:"Bilo je cudesno dobro...ali opet nijesmo isli do kraja". Nadao sam se samo da kuma ne dodje u posjed njegovog telefona. Stigla je poruka:"Izvucicu se....ocekuj me ubrzo. Znam sta nedostaje"
Skinuo sam se odmah! Pustio razvratne misli da me obuzmu. Nauljao prste i zabio ih u guzu.Jebao sam sebe, sireci rupicu i spremajuci je za kumov kurac.Zelio sam ga sto pre, zelio sam da me jebe kao ja njega. Otkljucao je vrata i zatekao me, kako zavaljen u trosjedu, dignutog kurca, masiram rupicu. Pohotno sam ga gledao, oblizujuci se.Dok mi je prilazio, sk**ao se. Iskocio mu je u punoj erekciji.
-"Gubi se u moj bracni krevet! Tamo cu da te jebem" stisnute vilice mi je naredio.
Kao da mi je pogadjao misli, kao da je znao sta me lozi, izvlacio je najskrivenije i najbezocnije misli iz mene. Dok sam isao ka sobi njihovoj, osvrtao sam se, gledao ga.Pratio me dok mu se kurcina prijeteci klatila, spremna za moju guzu.Palio sam ga. Bacio sam se na krevet. Bio mi je na ledjima u sekundi.
-"Podvuci njen jastuk ispod tako da ti guza bude isturena...nek ti kurac bude na mjestu gdje joj je lice" saptao mi je na uhu.
-"Uh! to me loziiii...jebi me kao sto nikad nijesi nju" vapio sam, gurajuci jastuk ispod mene. Kako sam povukao jastuk, ugledao sam kumine gacice koje je drzala pod jastuk.
Divljacki mi ga je sjurio! Dreknuo sam.Zadrzao ga je. Kao da sam osecao kako pulsira u meni. Bio sam spreman za jos jedan udar. Izvadio ga je i manijacki opet gurnuo do jaja.Pa opet. I opet. Bol je prelazila u nevjerovatan osecaj.
-" Oooohhhh to mi radiiii...jos! jaceeee! Dominiraj!" u transu sam izgovarao
Odlepio je. Jebao me sumanuto. Lupao mi je samare po utegnutoj guzi, vukao za kosu, roptao i bivao sve agresivniji. Anus mi je cepao. Zgrabio je kumine gacice i nabio mi ih u lice.
-" Osecas miris njene picke?!" gubio je totalno kontrolu ne uzmicuci i probadajuci me svojom kurcinom. Eksplodirao sam.
Svrsavao sam po jastuku kume. Lavina je krenula iz mojih jaja. Stisnuo sam zubima njene gacice. I on je bio pri kraju.Ubadao me poslednjim atomima snage kad je krenulo.
-" Aaaaaaahhhhhh puniiiiiim teeeeee...." kraske znoja su padale sa njega po mojim ledjima dok se nije srucio kraj mene. Trzao se od siline orgazma. Guza mi je pulsirala dok su iz nje curili njegovi sokovi.
Povratili smo se i u strasnom grljenju i ljubljenju proveli sledece trenutke. Oralno smo, jedan d**gom, "ocistili" kurceve od sperme.

Produzio sam boravak kod njih neznatno ali dovoljno za nase intimne trenutke u tajnosti. U autu smo se jebali ali znali smo iznajmiti i motelsku sobu i privatan apartman. Promjenu u nasem odnosu nije primijetio niko, cak ni kuma. Jedino smo se cesce posjecivali. Dok smo se jebali, palilo nas je da pominjemo trece lice, praveci analogiju. Obicno je to bila kuma, moja sestra, njegova sestra i d**gi rodjaci. Time smo razotkrivali nase skrivene misli i neostvarljive zelje koje su nas dodatno lozile.

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Toys Ties and Teasing Part 2

Well hi there guys.  I know it’s been a couple days, and I am generally a really rapid updater, but I’ve been ill! I hope you like the story, this is the last part of it, so after this you’re going to have to wait for a whole new concept!  It had to have been about seven in the morning when I heard him shuffling around outside our bed room. I had somehow managed to fall asleep, but then I was forced to realize the pool of my liquids forming underneath myself. The smell of my juices filled the...

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Meri Pyari Aunty

Hello friends mera name ankush hai or mai punjab ma rehta hu meri age 25years old hai jeh story hai meri or meri mom ki frnd jiska name hai madhu woh hmara ghr ka sath wala ghr mai rehta hai unki age 48 yrs hai woh dekhne mai bahut hi mast maal hai unka figure hai 40d 38 42 unki gand bahut mast hai or unka boobs bhi bahut bda hai   woh jada tar suit hi pehnta hai unka beta bhi hai jo abhi pdhta hai chalo toh hum story par aata hai jeh story hai aaj sa 2 saal phele ki aunty ka ghr par koi bhi...

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My son had borrowed my cordless drill on Friday and promised to return it the same day. Well here it was Monday and I needed my drill and it was not in my shop. My son has a way of forgetting things so I walked across the alley and came in the back door. I called out to his wife Sara but got no answer. I went down to the basement and into his work shop. There my drill was right on his work bench. I grabbed it and started up stairs. The kitchen phone is right behind the basement door I was near...

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Being Transitioned

Back in the days when studying for my marketing degree, I had a girlfriend who worked at the front desk of a salon.  Sometimes, I would pick her up after work.  I remember loving the smells and sounds of the salon, seeing how women would enter looking one way, undergo a makeover, sometimes a pretty radical one, and leave looking totally different.  I remember thinking how much power the stylists had to transform someone and then not even think about it by the time they were back with their...

2 years ago
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His Willing Victim

Fear would have made me speechless, were it not that I had already lost the ability to speak. My eyes desperately tried to pierce through the intense darkness; the gag that had been placed in my mouth making it impossible to call for help. I was tied to a wooden chair which was pressing against my back in a way that was far from comfortable.The rope that bound me was digging into the tender skin of my wrists, making it not at all tempting to struggle and increase my discomfort that way. To my...

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Aditi Fucked In A Hotel 8211 One Night Stand

People, this is Naresh here. Last time I had shared my sexperience with kavitha. Now would like to share another incident of one night stand with aditi. This happened some times last year September!! I used to regularly visit a pub near my office to have couple of beer mugs and to listen some nice retro English songs!! I dun remember the day, but as a routine was sipping a mug of beer at my fav place, suddenly a lady comes and occupies a table right in front of mine!! It was bit unusual as I...

4 years ago
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SHORT PIECES Lesbian Tales Volume 7

SHORT PIECES (Lesbian Tales)- Volume 7THE HEAD NURSE“Hey !”, said Helena, a slim black nurse with gorgeous eyelashes“Hey sweetie”, answered Julia, who had a crush on Helena, and about every other female nurse, nurse’s assistant, female cafeteria employee, or female patient under 100. “Are you getting some ?”, whispered Julia to her black friend“I was working last two nights….room 112…bed near the window. Caucasian female about 40. Horny as hell. She ate me each night.”, whispered Helena“Maybe...

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67 Pams holiday 2

67. Pam`s holiday. (2)The couples went to their own beds, agreeing it was better they had not swapped as if the k**s had had a nightmare or whatever it would have been at least a little difficult to explain.Jim lay with Pam quietly chatting over the day, or more correctly the evening, his time with Molly, had been to use Carls term ‘awesome!’ she may seem like a quiet little old lady, but she had proved a tigress. He said she had told him that in the club she was normally a sub, she loved...

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In the Limo and Beyond

He walked by again and I catch my breath quietly. He is so handsome, not the tallest boy on the block, but dark skinned and a smile that would make any female melt before him. He was…my boss’s son, Fouad. I began working with him around 3 months ago when his parents saw my exceptional work ethic which molded perfectly with their son’s. “I wish we molded together” I am 19 and he is 24. We both love sports and work hard to keep lean athletic bodies. I never threw myself at him, or fought for a...

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Mother In Law3

After we were married and had several kids, my MIL came to help us. In fact she lived with us for several years. Soon I noticed that I became an object of her conquest. My wife and I began to experience marital difficulties and it was related to my wife's inability to stay at home, kind of like her mom. Work became everything to her, she was gone constantly. My MIL became a bigger part of my life as she and I shared kid duty. On days my wife traveled I noticed my MIL dressed more...

1 year ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 22

We made our way through the town and arrived at the bank just as the girls and Jerreth, were leaving. Lillian had a satchel on her shoulder, which I assumed had the money they were supposed to take out. Based on their happy expressions, things must have gone well, and it looked like Jerreth had taken the opportunity to start talking to Liza. I was glad that Janet’s choice was to be in my wagon, as it helped them spend some time together on the trip other than at meals. “Jerreth, you and Liza...

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Sleazy married guys fucking me in a public toilet

It’s been a bad couple of weeks I’ve been working long hours and I really needed some stress release. When I first moved to Sydney I used to go to a toilet block used as local beat. Normally now I go to Arrows a local sex club as “Toni”. But I was so tired that I couldn’t be bothered putting on the all the make up, clothes etc. I drove down to the beat about 9pm and parked 50 meters away with a good view of the entrance. While I was waiting I slowly started to play with my cock hoping that...

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Mike and Lily Naked in SchoolPart 6 Friday Evening

Well, the shower in a baseball locker room after a victory is always a happy place. When you beat a team you haven't beaten in six years, it's a particularly happy place. What I found out that day was, when your girlfriend is there and asks you to help wash up-it's a very happy place. Of course, it would've been happier if said girlfriend was asking me to help wash something other than some pretty nasty cuts. But, hey, you can't always get what you want, right? What was a bit strange...

2 years ago
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Positive ReinforcementChapter 6

"I don't know," Jack admitted with a shrug after they put the question to him. "I'll have to study it some. Give me a little time and a perscomp with access to the web and I'll let you know." "You'd be willing to do that for me?" Anne gasped in wonder. "What? Have another beautiful woman enslaved and at my beck and call?" he said with a grin. "It's a sacrifice but we are family; a strange family I admit, but still family." "But I'm not your family," Anne stated. "Yes,...

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Please Sir

It had been a normal day in school when the Headmaster had summoned me too this office that afternoon and thats when the nerves set in. Girls had been called into his office before at random and came out different, they came out and refused to speak of what happened. Rumors spread that he was using the cane on girls to keep them in line during his uniform check and if he found anything wrong it was a swift thwack with the cane to the knuckles. So when my name was called out I became very...

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Zoya sex life

Hi everyone there raaaza with my friends new story . if any one need my contact pls mail me in madhusudanchaubey at yahoo dot com or call me here 009009530932 i also work as a call boy any one need my service pls contact me. I’m Zoya living in India Mumbai. Age 22 now. I have been regular reader of this web site. And here I came up with my 1st ever story of my life…….I’m Zoya. Working with airways as cabin crew. Can’t tell you all details. I think it’s enough. As far as looks are matter u can...

Group Sex
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The Professor and the Bimbo

Here's another "gargoyle." Now that it's out of the way, I can work on the long one for a while. The Professor and the Bimbo By Ellie Dauber (c) 2001 "Yo, Gordo, the grades are in," Steve Lambert said, knocking on the open door of the room he shared with his frat brother. Gordon "Gordo" Barrenstein had his back to the door. He was sitting on a stool doing biceps curls with a set of weights taking his timing from the heavy rock music coming through his stereo headphones. Gordo...

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Black Own City The Precinct Chapter 1

Chapter 1Emily Jacobson stood proudly by the stairs to the western police precinct, it was her first day on the job.The 24 year old, buxom blonde had finished the academy just a few months ago, and she had moved back to her hometown to join the Police force there.Emily walked inside and up to the desk sergeant to whom she handed her papers."Officer Emily Jacobson." She said as the busy black sergeant looked over her papers."I'm Sergeant Jackson, just out of the academy huh. Well, check in with...

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My life pt 7

I woke up. Then went in to the shower. I Just stood there, letting the water run over me. I cleaned myself. as i was finishing. Kelly walked in. she got into the shower. But as she tried to touch me i got out and dried myself. "whats wrong" she said "i don't want to" i said I did but i was not going to let her decied when i did it like last night. I went into the living room. Sara was sitting on the couch. "what you watching" i said "just some tv nothing special"...

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Rick has more fun Pt 7

Introduction: Rick becomes one with Prince We woke Tuesday and decided to call Jim and Mark, and have them bring a few guys from the beach to the house today, around lunch time, we had already sent Rick a sms telling him to arrive about 10. Grant and I were ready, when Rick turned up, so we told him to use the douche as before to get ready, he was now loving using it, and cleaning his butt for anal sex… Grant and Rick gave me a good licking, then filled my pussy and butt with cocks, fucking me...

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It started with a kiss

What had started as simply a fun evening with friends to celebrate New Year had become one of those ‘Once in a lifetime’ experiences. It started simply enough. I met the others at Bob’s place, the plan was to have a few wines, some pizza and pickies, then to go and watch the fireworks. The fireworks are usually good, quite spectacular in fact, and a great way to bring in the New Year. It’s great that here in Australia Christmas and New Year are in summer, lovely warm evenings. That part...

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The teaching of a fem roommate

''its ok , dont be shy i know you want to be my girl''''mike no please stop i can explain''''oh stop moving u dont want to cut you''this cant be happening , im getting shaved by my roommatehands tied , ass up on his dark skin legs , un the shower his bbc under me feeling so big already as he shave my ass to be his pussy''mike please bro i swear i dont watch these.....''''oh little liar , you little bitch watch sissy porn all the time''he shaved me as i argue i dont like it ''noooo i dont Mikeee...

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Crystal PassionChapter 6

"We've been invited to her home!" an excited Andrea announced after she and Crystal emerged from the hotel lobby's public phone booth. "Whose home?" I wondered, not really having paid much attention. I was sitting splayed across one of the Crown Hotel's most threadbare red velour sofas. We were now on the latest stop of our trans-American tour and in the city of Providence, the capital of the tiny Ocean State of Rhode Island. I'd been browsing statistics about the state in a tourist...

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RestorationChapter 6

I looked around when we entered the leather shop. It isn’t exactly crowded but there are half a dozen couples and a few single males looking around. The owner saw us enter and waved from the counter. He finished ringing up the sale he just made and hurried over to greet us with a big welcoming smile on his face. Kelly said to him, “My friend wants to be fitted for a set of those restraints you sold us yesterday if you have the time.” His eyes slowly scanned Bev’s sexy body. He leered openly...

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Harem Building The Southern California ConnectionChapter 9

I pulled into work and Ray was just getting out of his car. I had seen him pass when I was out of my car talking to Officer Cindy Smith. She had gotten me out of the vehicle to discuss more than my Hollywood roll at the stop sign. Ray asked "So did she give you a ticket? "Sort of." "Sort of?" "She said she wanted her ticket punched. Does that count"? With a little laugh added in. "You're falling into a shit house and coming out smelling like fucking roses." "Better lucky than...

1 year ago
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The Bitch in the Barn

The call had been somewhat cryptic, which is unlike Patricia, that alone peeked my interest, not that Tricia isn’t welcome. She has after all visited us several times, staying a few days usually before heading back to University, until she graduated, then we didn’t see her for nearly a year. I let Laura and the others know to expect another visit soon, then promptly forgot about it, I had a project going in the workshop and that is where my entire focus was. So when Tricia’s pickup truck...

2 years ago
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Mystery Woman SnoopyChapter 2

This is a work of fiction based on the television movie series called, Mystery Woman. Book store owner carried out her fantasy of spy filled and intriguing adventures. I do not own Mystery Woman, its characters or make any money from the writing or posting of this story. Snoopy From Online To Undercover Schoolgirl It had all started with an online lie, well actually an omission. Samantha had already proven she could be quite the Snoopy. The nickname Chief Connor had tagged the pretty lass...

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CherryChapter 10 Time to Go Back Home

The decision On the drive back to the cottage from our public holiday trip to the city, Ben asked me what I wanted to do about my money. I asked him to keep it for me, saying that if I took it home my family would only steal it from me and spend it on booze and drugs. The conversation then changed to when I was going to go back home. Ben asked, “Have you heard from your mother or father Cherry? Maybe a letter that arrived when I was at work?” “Not a thing, I would have told you; have...

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A Good Favor

When I reached to answer my phone, still half asleep, Kelly sounded a bit panicked. It wasn’t even 9 am yet? What could be such an emergency? “I have a paper due tomorrow and I so haven’t got a clue what to do about it?” “Umm..okay? How long does it have to be? What’s the topic and all that?” I asked. “History. We have to read this book about colonial living and then we have a few topics we can choose to write on. It’s gotta be 3-5 pages, and I’m totally screwed,” she sighed. “Any thoughts?”...

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Student se chudai

I was taking classes for the 10th, 11th & 12th students. In class 10th there was A student (Let’s call him Rohit) who was almost 6ft, dark skin, always managed to Get himself into trouble someway or the other. You can see him outside of class For not submitting assignments, doing his homework or he did something in class That irritated the teachers, almost everyday. His English was good & always Preferred to write essays in his own words unlike other students who memorized Whole parts of the...

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The Best Prom Ever

Introduction: The worst prom ever suddenly turns into the best one due to circumstance This is a long read but in order to fully enjoy the good parts, I suggest you tough it out and read the whole story. I promise you wont regret it. ****************************************************************************************************************** Im a Chinese kid in a relatively white-dominant town. Despite my best efforts, people at school didnt want to be friends with me. They thought I was...

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The Set Up

       This past weekend was one of those weekends that just deserves a story. So here it is, now relax and enjoy, because I sure did. It started with a typical day of classes for me, then working in the afternoon. I'm taking classes for chemistry and science. It's been a busy year and I haven't had much time for getting out, having fun, or having a girlfriend. So when my buddy Mike suggested we go hiking in the nearby mountains, I accepted the offer. We both had class, so we agreed...

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