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Poziv da provedem 10-tak dana godisnjeg odmora kod kumova u Bg-u, sa zadovoljstvom, sam prihvatio To je bila prilika da ih, nakon 2 godine, vidim, cestitam rodjenje djeteta i zamijenim skype razgovore neposrednim kontaktom. Oboje su u ranim tridesetim godinama i veze nas jako dobro prijateljstvo koje smo razvili kroz decenijsko poznanstvo.
Dane smo ispunjavali setnjama, dugim razgovorima, dobrim raspolozenjem, hraneci se po restoranima. Sve mi je govorilo da imaju skladan, harmonican brak i da su se jako dobro snasli i pozicionirali u novoj sredini. Medjutim, u danima koji su uslijedili, dosao sam do nekih saznanja koji su me uveliko demantovali i uveli u cudne i neocekivane situacije.
Jedne veceri, dok je kuma uspavljivala bebu, kum i ja smo izasli u jedan kafic, prijatnog enterijera i dominantno muskih gostiju. Ispijajuci pivo, priznao mi je da vara suprugu. Uslijedila su moja pitanja na koja mi je odgovorio da je selidbom u Bg realizovao neke svoje davnasnje zelje i fantazije.
-"Konkretizuj, ako zelis" obzirno sam ga pitao.
-"Varam je sa muskarcima" netremice me je gledao u oci izgovorivsi to. Zastao je i nastavio:
-"Zelim da sacuvam porodicu ali i da uzivam u muskom tucanju...dok god mogu..... nekako mi se cini da ce mi ta zelja splasnuti s godinama, kad mi se i libido smiri"
U momentu kad sam pokusao nastaviti razgovor i prekinuti kratkotrajnu tisinu koja je uslijedila, cutke je ustao od stola i otisao. Zatecen, osvrnuo sam se i vec ga izgubio iz vidokruga. Razabirajuci misli, osjetio sam uzbudjenje.Napalilo me i njegovo priznanje i pristigla telefonska poruka od njega:
-" Toalet. Dodji"
Prao sam ruke, cekajuci da momak za pisoarom zavrsi i izadje. Cim se to desilo, prisao sam jednoj od cetiri kabine cija su vrata bila zatvorena.Cuo sam dahtanje. Znao sam da je unutra i to me jos zesce napalilo. Odskrinuo sam vrata. U cucecem polozaju, sa spustenim gacicama, pusio je kurac konobaru koji nas je usluzio. Pogledali smo se dok se borio sa pozamasnim komadom u ustima. Nije stao.Cak su ubrzali, kao da ih je moje prisustvo jos raspalilo.Primijetio sam kumov kurac,prvi put. Drkao ga je. Iako sam bio iznenadjen, osecanje napaljenosti je bilo dominantno. Namignuo sam mu,osmjehnuo se,zatvorio vrata i vratio se za sto. Stigao je nakon 10-tak minuta:
-"Suocio sam te sa mojim zadovoljstvom! " kicoski je nastupio.
-"Tako mi je drago da udovoljavas sebi"
-"Imas neku kritiku, reakciju? mozda ti se gadim onako spusten na koljena sa kurcem u ustima?
-"Naprotiv! Kritika je pozitivna...a reakcija...uh...preplavio me talas zelje i napaljenosti" izgovorio sam to, ozbiljno zagledan u njega.
-"Intimno sam to prizeljkivao" polutiho je to rekao i spustio ruku na moju preponu, skoro mi ga dodirujuci.
-" Jel mi to nas odnos komplikujemo?" znatizeljno ga upitah.
-" Ne! Samo podizemo na veci nivo....idemo"

Odvezli smo se do nekog mracnog parkinga. Uz put su pale zavjese, nas razgovor je tekao u smeru dva napaljena muskarca, dva ljubavnika. Cim je parkirao, spustio sam naslon od sjedista. U sekundi je bio na meni, zabijajuci jezik u moja usta. Lizao mi je lice, sisao usne.Uzvracao sam.Slast, strast i suzbijana zelja su se oslobodile! Pribijao sam ga uz sebe. Skinuli smo se. Sad sam vec osjetio njegov kurac na moj! Trljali smo se, vec glasni od napaljenosti. Jos jace sam ga uhvatio za guzove i nabijao uz sebe dok su nam kurcevi divljali i pojacavali trenje i uzbudjenje. Stali smo na momenat, pogledali ka njima. Curili su, uzareni i spremni da prskaju.
-"Malo mi treba! nastavi....mmmmm trljaj ga! odvedi me u najaci orgazam" van sebe sam bio.
Samo sto je nastavio, pukli smo! Praznili smo ih izmedju nas, po nasim stomacima. Prstima sam pokupio nasu spermu.Oblizali smo ih, zvalajuci se i razmenjujuci pljuvacku.

Vec smo bili u stanu. Bila je ponoc. Kuma je ustala, pozravila nas i otisla spavati. U dnevnoj sobi smo pili pivo osvrnuvsi se na malopredjasnji dogadjaj. Primjetna je bila veca doza opustenosti i relaksiranosti u nasem razgovoru nakon svega. To me radovalo i dodatno uspaljivalo.
-" Idemo u krevet....ali svako svom" pecnuo sam ga.
-" Ne zaboravi da smo samo uvod imali. Nijesmo isli do kraja" uzvratio je.
-" A jel? Cuvacu se nocas" razvukoh osmijeh i odoh na tusiranje.
Zakljucao sam se u kupatilu. Znam samo da sam morao izdrkati i umiriti nabrekli kurac jer su me slike nase bliskosti i vatacine iz auta obuzimale. Iz kante za ves sam uzeo njegove donje nosene gacice. Prinio sam ih licu. Zaudarale su na mjesvinu mokrace i sperme. Uvlacio sam taj miris u nozdrve dok sam jezikom kupio skramu sa njih! Kurac mi je pulsirao kao nikad. Zacuh kucanje na vratima i njegov glas:
-"Jesi gotov?"
-"Samo tren. Upijam miris sa tvojih gacica i mahnito drkam" zeljan igre napaljivanja mu odgovorih.
-"Uh otvori mi! Gorim"
-"Necu,srce....svrsavaaam" pripijen uz vrata mu rekoh i poceh da punim njegove gacice.
Istusirao sam se i, znajuci da ce on na tusiranje nakon mene, ostavio sam njegove gacice
umazane mojom spermom na podu. Smjestio sam se u gostinsku sobu i, razmisljajuci o novonastaloj situaciji i odnosu sa kumom, zaspao.

Prenula me iz sna telefonska poruka: " ne spavam ali ona tvrdo spava...sta mislis? ne mogu vise...". Bio sam jasan: "Zelim te....odmah". Sakrio sam se iza vrata. Cim je usao, s ledja sam mu prisao, pocepao gacice, privio se uz njega. Ruke su mi bile svuda po njemu dok sam mu vrat zasipao poljupcima. Uvijao se kao kucka zarobljen u mom zagrljaju.
-"Ovo cekam odavno" izustio je i uhvatio me za kurac.
Osetio sam kako mi ga podmazuje lubrikantom.
-"Mmmmm u tvojim je rukama...stavi ga u sebe!" naredio sam mu.
Osetio sam vrhom kurca kako razdvajam njegove guzove i kako ga centrira na rupicu. Onako klizav i podmazan samo je skliznuo u njega! Progutao ga je svojim cmarom! Oslonio se rukama na zid i u , stojecem polozaju, sam poceo da ga jebem. Zakucavao sam se u njega kao da sam htio da plati za sve ove godine propustenog. Balio sam po njegovim ledjima, grizao ga po vratu. Nasa strast je bila na vrhuncu.
-"Oooohhhh....cijepaj me...rasturi moju rupicu..."
-"Mmmmmm zelis moj kurac,a...filovacu te, droljo moja" nastavio sam ga razarati, udarajuci u njegove guzove. Prijetili smo da probudimo kumu.
Pukao sam. Praznio se u njegovo crijevo. Ujeo sam ga za rame kako bih prigusio glas oslobadjanja. Vrckao je guzom, izvlaceci i poslednju kap iz njega. Pao sam iscedjen na krevet dok je on momentalno iscezao iz sobe. Bio je to najaci adrenalin koji me pogodio. Jebao sam kuma, do tada ga dozivljavajuci kao pouzanog d**ga, dok je kuma u susjednoj sobi, sa djetetom, spavala.

Probudio sam se. Na cedulji je pisalo da su sa prijateljima izasli i da su me ostavili da se naspavam. Samo sam razmisljao o kumu i o nasim seksualnim nagonima. Kopkalo me sta se zbiva u njegovoj glavi. Pustio sam mu poruku:"Bilo je cudesno dobro...ali opet nijesmo isli do kraja". Nadao sam se samo da kuma ne dodje u posjed njegovog telefona. Stigla je poruka:"Izvucicu se....ocekuj me ubrzo. Znam sta nedostaje"
Skinuo sam se odmah! Pustio razvratne misli da me obuzmu. Nauljao prste i zabio ih u guzu.Jebao sam sebe, sireci rupicu i spremajuci je za kumov kurac.Zelio sam ga sto pre, zelio sam da me jebe kao ja njega. Otkljucao je vrata i zatekao me, kako zavaljen u trosjedu, dignutog kurca, masiram rupicu. Pohotno sam ga gledao, oblizujuci se.Dok mi je prilazio, sk**ao se. Iskocio mu je u punoj erekciji.
-"Gubi se u moj bracni krevet! Tamo cu da te jebem" stisnute vilice mi je naredio.
Kao da mi je pogadjao misli, kao da je znao sta me lozi, izvlacio je najskrivenije i najbezocnije misli iz mene. Dok sam isao ka sobi njihovoj, osvrtao sam se, gledao ga.Pratio me dok mu se kurcina prijeteci klatila, spremna za moju guzu.Palio sam ga. Bacio sam se na krevet. Bio mi je na ledjima u sekundi.
-"Podvuci njen jastuk ispod tako da ti guza bude isturena...nek ti kurac bude na mjestu gdje joj je lice" saptao mi je na uhu.
-"Uh! to me loziiii...jebi me kao sto nikad nijesi nju" vapio sam, gurajuci jastuk ispod mene. Kako sam povukao jastuk, ugledao sam kumine gacice koje je drzala pod jastuk.
Divljacki mi ga je sjurio! Dreknuo sam.Zadrzao ga je. Kao da sam osecao kako pulsira u meni. Bio sam spreman za jos jedan udar. Izvadio ga je i manijacki opet gurnuo do jaja.Pa opet. I opet. Bol je prelazila u nevjerovatan osecaj.
-" Oooohhhh to mi radiiii...jos! jaceeee! Dominiraj!" u transu sam izgovarao
Odlepio je. Jebao me sumanuto. Lupao mi je samare po utegnutoj guzi, vukao za kosu, roptao i bivao sve agresivniji. Anus mi je cepao. Zgrabio je kumine gacice i nabio mi ih u lice.
-" Osecas miris njene picke?!" gubio je totalno kontrolu ne uzmicuci i probadajuci me svojom kurcinom. Eksplodirao sam.
Svrsavao sam po jastuku kume. Lavina je krenula iz mojih jaja. Stisnuo sam zubima njene gacice. I on je bio pri kraju.Ubadao me poslednjim atomima snage kad je krenulo.
-" Aaaaaaahhhhhh puniiiiiim teeeeee...." kraske znoja su padale sa njega po mojim ledjima dok se nije srucio kraj mene. Trzao se od siline orgazma. Guza mi je pulsirala dok su iz nje curili njegovi sokovi.
Povratili smo se i u strasnom grljenju i ljubljenju proveli sledece trenutke. Oralno smo, jedan d**gom, "ocistili" kurceve od sperme.

Produzio sam boravak kod njih neznatno ali dovoljno za nase intimne trenutke u tajnosti. U autu smo se jebali ali znali smo iznajmiti i motelsku sobu i privatan apartman. Promjenu u nasem odnosu nije primijetio niko, cak ni kuma. Jedino smo se cesce posjecivali. Dok smo se jebali, palilo nas je da pominjemo trece lice, praveci analogiju. Obicno je to bila kuma, moja sestra, njegova sestra i d**gi rodjaci. Time smo razotkrivali nase skrivene misli i neostvarljive zelje koje su nas dodatno lozile.

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On a weekend away in the highlands of Swaziland my young wife gets gangbanged by three young black Swazis. I watch and take pictures My newlywed wife and I were offered a cabin in the Swaziland highlands to use over a long weekend. The highlands of this little Kingdom of Swaziland are planted to hectares of commercial pine tree plantations. Being on the escarpment there are mountainous areas with pristine streams and rivers that cascade over rapids and waterfalls as they make their respective...

2 years ago
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I Like The Oldies

I was at the pool with some friends and my girlfriend, we had decided to back to one of their houses and I needed to change back into street clothes. As I got to changing rooms they were all full but one and as I got there I met this old lady who wanted the same room, "we can share as long as you don't mind seeing an older woman changing out of her swim suit" she said as we went in and locked the door behind us. For as long as I can remember I have had the hots for older women. I don't know...

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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 2 Look Ma a damsel in distress

I continued down the hill following the stream until it abruptly fell off the side of a short cliff. The sheer face didn't even have any vegetation just a few exposed rocks. The risk of injury from sliding against the jagged rocks seemed too high. I needed to find a different way down. Choosing another path to follow I ended up climbing a few hundred feet. All the while trying to keep the stream within hearing distance. Near the bottom of the hill, I spotted an old overgrown path. The...

4 years ago
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FTL II First ContactChapter 11 Education

Soon the kids were up and awake. Everyone gathered in the kitchen for breakfast. Jim decided he wanted eggs, bacon, and toast. What he got was definitely different than he expected. The eggs were not from chickens. That was certain. The bacon tasted about normal, but the toast was to kill for. Jim could never remember tasting dark bread, or any bread, with so much flavor. "Well, we are going to have to get that replicator reprogrammed with some of our food, at least for the eggs," Jim...

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BlacksOnBlondes Cory Chase 03022021

Cory is the madame of a whorehouse frequented by men from a military base nearby. Today Isiah brings a couple of fellow GIs over for some pussy but unfortunately all of the girls are busy with other clients and Cory has the only available pussy. But she would have to do them one at a time. Now these muthafuckas are in a hurry to get some poontang and can’t be waiting all day so Cory decides to take them all on at once. Soon she is buried in cock as she slurps on all three at once. Loving...

1 year ago
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Sharing Mothers

Note : This story is completely fictional! Russel and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. We are actually more like brothers than friends. Neither of us have siblings, so we probably subconsciously rely on each other to fill that gap in our lives. When we graduated from high school, we joined the Navy together. After we finished our schooling, we were assigned to different ships and went our separate ways it is our heart breaking separation but we accept the situations...

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Fantasy Island

Copyright© 2003, Jack Spratt. ALL Rights Reserved Just the thought of spending a Saturday at Fantasy Island has me in a foul mood. My wife Jane and daughter Celeste haven't given me a moment's peace since the ads for the concert started appearing in our local paper. Being the typical male, I do my best to ignore their rants. However, one of the feature writers starts a daily series, extolling the virtues of the group. Each morning at breakfast there is a continuous drone of babble about why...

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Choke On This

CHOKE ON THISBy Hungry Guy    _BWEEDLE!  BWEEDLE!  BWEEDLE!_     _BWEEDLE!  BWEEDLE!  BWEEDLE!_     Furball jumped off Nancy's lap at the strange noise coming from the coffee table and ran off to hide under some chair.  Nancy leaned forward, grabbed her cell phone, and flipped it open.  Seeing the call was from her friend Katie, she pressed the _TALK_ button.  "Hello!" she said.    "Hi Nancy!"    "Hey Katie!  What's happening, girl?"    "You'll never believe what Dan bought after he got that...

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The Share Auto In Thane

It was a typical July evening in Mumbai. The skies threatened to burst out any moment and I was traveling back from my office in Cuff Parade to my home in distant Thane in the packed 6:45 Kalyan fast. Life had become too monotonous for the past few months now. But I guess that is the same story for a 34 year old working lady with a 3 year old kid. Manali Joshi that’s my name, I work in a financial firm and have been married for the past 7 years now. My husband works as a senior executive and...

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Carls wedding

Amy well…what a babe she is. I was invited to my best mate Carl’s wedding and found myself staying at the same hotel in town as Amy…the maid of honor.   We knew each other vaguely from other family parties but I always thought she was either hitched or well out of my league.   On the eve of the wedding I was alone at the bar of the hotel. It was getting quite late when the girls all returned from the Hen night…all very merry and in very high spirits. Most of the girls who were staying at the...

2 years ago
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Collision Course and AfterChapter 29

Ralph Barrows looked down at the grave he had just filled. He and his dad had made it through some bad times together. This time, though, his dad had succumbed to some sort of sickness that he couldn't shake. There had been no way to get help. Most of the roads and bridges were out, and the remaining stock and chickens had to be to taken care of. Besides, there had been people out there that had taken shots at him for no reason, the last time he left the protection of the farm. He had been...

3 years ago
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“Want me?”It was a sentiment he heard during night and day dreams. Those words alternated in his wandering thoughts like switches in a circuit that were powered by his lust for her; conquering him during sleep was no longer enough. He knew when she was on her way. Her arrival was preceded with a sensation that left his skin tingling, as if needle after needle pricked his feverish skin. Bleary eyes fluttered in fervor. It took only a reminder. His relapse could be caused at times by a clicking...

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Outward BoundChapter 20

As we came into sickbay, it was a picture of organized chaos. Medical staff were scurrying about from one room to the next. You could feel the urgency in the air. And yet it was surprisingly calm and quiet. Doc Holland was standing at the central desk, talking to a formidable-looking nurse. She had a grim look on her face and was nodding her head to what Holland was saying. As he turned from her, he spotted me and started towards us. “Captain, any idea what is going on?” Before I could...

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Unfaithful And True Wife Fucks

My name is Vinod and I am around 50 years old. My wife Suchi is much younger, hot and desire able. We have two kids who are in hostel and we lead a quiet life. I am involved with my business and hardly get time to be at home. Suchi is a punjabi while I am from the south, and it was a love marriage. But then with kids and all, things just happen. Suchi is a bomb shell and she knows it. He is five feet in height with a perfect figure. Her ass is rounded and her tits just lusty. She walks with a...

4 years ago
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Sarah Carerra Chapter 11

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: ) Chapter 11 - Boy or Girl? That is the Question. My mom wouldn't let me wear gloves to school Thursday morning. Even though it was late May and the temperature was high, I needed to hide those French tips! If I couldn't cut them...

3 years ago
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Body swap and possesion ring

Recently, I was walking in the park late at night. I bumped into stranger and something fell out of his pocket. It hit the ground with a resounding thud and flashed. I picked it up. It was a ring. It was gold and had a rather large red stone on it. I turned around and looked to see how far this passerby had gone. I couldn't see him in the dark, so I shouted, " Hey, mister! You've lost your ring!" He didn't respond. I stood waiting for him for a while, then put the ring in my jacket pocket and...

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Southern BellesChapter 4

Darlie and I had just dried off when we heard Wilma’s knock on the door. Darlie was wrapped in a bath towel, I was still completely naked. Opening the door a crack I spied Wilma carrying what looked like a computer bag and opened the door wide enough for her to see my full nudity. Wilma stepped inside. As I closed the door she said, “Well Mr. Damron your face is the same one I saw when you registered. But you are as limp as you were when you left me earlier in the week. I hope your girlfriend...

4 years ago
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She wrapped her fingers around the handle, turned around and said, ‘Just don’t let them get to you and I’ll see you at lunch.’ My first day at school. Don’t think I’d ever felt so nervous in my whole life before. I could feel every single pair of eyes watch me as i walked to the middle of the class room, barely able to look up. ‘…My name is Mr. Wilson and I’ll be teaching you about Religious Education this year.’ That’s right. I’d sold out, given up and gone against everything i used to stand...

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Futanari Chaldea

The Chaldea Security Organisation is one that endeavours to protect all of Pan Human History from temporal attacks, to ensure that humanity continues to move towards a future that will always be there if they have anything to say about it. But then the bombs went off. Now Chaldea stands upon a precipice. The vast majority of their staff, and most importantly their stock of Masters, have all been killed or injured so severely that they have had to be interned into cryo until they can be healed...

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The phone rang but it wasnt my wife it was Piper

Then the phone rang I looked at the caller ID and it was my wifes phone number. I answered hi honey when are you coming home? The voice on the other end was not my wife it was a very sexy sounding woman. She said hello my name is Piper, in the sexiest way I can't even describe. I said, okay hello Piper are you with my wife? she said, oh yes infact I have been with her for the last few hours and she is really hot. I was puzzled at this point, okay well can I talk to her please?...

3 years ago
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Dead Write Ch 07

*A repost of an old romance story with a fresh edit.* ****** Sam enjoyed the landscape of Sherry’s body, as the shower rained on her pink hills and valleys. His fingers slid from her satisfied clitoris to splash in her belly button pond. Wrapping his arms just under her breasts, he hugged her, and whispered, “You’re beautiful.’ In the quiet afterglow, while holding her in his lap, he thought of Jan, and realized three years had passed since making love had been uncomplicated by illness....

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Happy Birthday

After several months of Monday morning coffee, conversation and great sex with Cheryl I realized that it was her birthday and I just had to give her a gift that she would never forget. I started to prepare for this event a few weeks in advance and couldn't wait to give it to her. our usual meeting time was about 9 am well as is the case when you have a big day planed you end up over sleeping and now everything seemed rushed. I gave Cheryl a key a long time ago so I knew she would have no...

2 years ago
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My Name is Sara II

One day my girlfriend asked me if I would come to lunch with her so she could talk. It sounded like something, but I couldn’t tell if it was good or bad news. We ended up going to a sandwich place that had a balcony. It was nice and relaxing. “Hey Trish.” I said as I stood up and hugged her. “Hey Sara.” She said hugging me tightly. We exchanged pleasantries for a while and ordered our food. After not to long the waiter came back over and Trish ordered a margarita. “Is it bad news?” I...

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Mommy You cant be serious me baby sit

Mommy: You cannot be serious, me baby sit? By Princess Panty boy There once was a guy who thought he could do whatever he wanted and there were no consequences to his action. Yes, this is about me, I'm just like any other teen ager who thought he was bulletproof. Well I found out the hard way that we all have rules and some live by them and some well that would be me who didn't live by other people's rules. I always thought the rules were for someone else. I just never had...

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Four Roses Part 1

NOTE: This story is completely fictional! This all started when I was eighteen and just finishing my junior year at our local High School and my Sister was just starting Junior High School. We live with my Mother and Father. They were married when my Father was forty-two and my Mother was thirty-two. That’s ten years difference. I came along five years later. Dad was forty-seven and Mom was thirty-seven. POINT: My Father’s first wife died on their honeymoon when he was twenty-three. He was...

4 years ago
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My Sissy Life Part 15

My Sissy Life Part 15 Author's Note: I started writing this because I was telling a friend about a real life sissy that I knew. He said that I should make a story out of it because people on TG story sites would like to read it. The only thing I knew about TG was that one person that this story was originally about. I never thought I'd write 15 parts. I know I have said many times that this story is not real, and that is true. But just like any other fiction story, it does have...

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Painsluts of Buttermilk Falls

ONE "You see, Entworth, I saw you last night at the PainCafe, when you were hitting that girl's breasts....she was tied down, her hands were, and you kept, like thrashing her with that wire thing." Jinx O'Casey smiled at Entworth beseechingly. ? Entworth's swarthy face?stared at Jinx through his prescription sunglasses, his copy of "Soap Opera Digest" forgotten. "You-you aren't here about my share of the rent?" He tried to look matter of fact, but this was an extreme relief. ? Jinx shook her...

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The Back Of The Bus

You're sat alone at the back of the school bus again, being the first to get on in the morning. Naturally, as an adolescent male, you start thinking about sex. You have just obtained a rock hard 9 inch boner when the bus door opens to let the next students on. You try as hard as you can to will your erection down, but the realisation that two of the hottest girls in school have just got onto the bus isn't helping any. "Hi Paul" The girls say merrily in unison as they sit either side of you on...

2 years ago
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Mentoring Brandon 3

Introduction: Continuing Story of Brandon and Bob MENTORING BRANDON By Bob Chapter 3: An Afternoon to Remember! Are you okay with this? I asked Brandon as I was sliding my fingers closer to his manhole. Oh, yes, it feels good, was the reply I wasnt really expecting. I thought, with him having never been with another male before, this might be a bit too much. But, with his verbal reaction, as well as the reaction I was feeling with my fingers, I knew that he was ready. As he continued to...

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Stole My Money and Fucked My Wife

We had known Nick for a few years and used to hang out all the time. Had drinks, ate out, saw movies, went camping and hiking even. They were more into the hiking and I was more into the drinking. But that was okay with me, kept wifey fit and I wasn't guilted into skipping out on them because she could go with Nick and his girlfriend Kelly. Kelly was pretty hot but she and I never really got to be all that friendly. Shauna liked her alright but really we were friends with Nick. He could be...

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NuruMassage Lauren Phillips Sneaky StepMom

Lauren Phillips thinks her step-son, Nathan Bronson, is one of the hottest men she’s ever laid eyes on, and she wants him BAD. As a masseuse, she works out a sneaky plan with a fellow masseuse so that she can finally get her hands on Nathan once and for all… And he’s due to arrive at the parlor any minute now. When Nathan arrives, Lauren’s coworker goes out to greet him. When Nathan says he’s just waiting for his step-mom to get off work, the coworker tries to get...

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Mandy Can Fuck DadbyThe Needler©I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. It seemed unreal, everything that happened the day before, and I was still figuring things out. I got up, ran through the shower, dressed and came into the kitchen just as Mandy was putting breakfast on the table."Hi Daddy, sleep well?"She was wide awake and cheerful, and the only thing she wore was an apron. It wasn't terribly broad, and I could see the outside of her nipples at the edges of the cloth. She had dimples on...

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