Lynn And Bobby Ch. 05 free porn video

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Chapter 5: Bill Returns

Princess broke the news as gently as she could. Lynn and I were sitting on the patio with her and I had just poured our second round of Glenlivet on the rocks when she said it gently.

‘He’s back.’

I looked at Lynn and neither of us had any doubt who she was talking about. I last saw Bill that horrible night over a year ago when he walked off this very patio and never came back. Lynn was lying on the mat next to the hot tub, naked, with her legs spread, after Bill had fucked her for the last time. She cried when she knew he had left her. She was desperate to get him back, but their four-month affair was finally over. I had stayed with her through it all, because I loved her. I did it because staying with her was the only way to save our marriage. It had hurt me, but I had no regrets. I wanted to keep her and that was the only way to do it. We were happy now and I’m glad I saved our marriage. Still, I was worried about how Lynn might react to seeing Bill again.

Lynn looked at me reading my thoughts. ‘Don’t worry honey, I’m over it now.’

‘It’s not you I’m worried about,’ I said to reassure her. ‘It’s me. I want to kill that son-of-a-bitch and I’m afraid I might try to. I couldn’t touch him before because you were so wild about him that I knew you would do something really crazy if I hurt him. I was afraid to get him then, but now …’

‘But now nothing!’ Lynn interrupted me. She was almost shouting. ‘You leave him alone. You do what your anger tells you and you’ll end up in prison or worse!’

‘I know, I know.’ I was getting angrier by the minute. Still, I knew there was really nothing I could do.

I turned to Princess. ‘What’s he up to?’

‘Lynn’s right Bobby, leave him alone. He’s still doing his development thing. Something on the south side, I think. He dumped that gal he left town with last year. He’s in the hunt. He asked me out.’

Lynn looked surprised. ‘Are you going out with him?’

‘Couldn’t this time. Busy. But, yeah I’ll go out with him. I want to find out what he’s been up to. Of course that ten-inch dick doesn’t turn me on like it does you.’ Princess looked at Lynn and chuckled.

‘Not does – did,’ said Lynn sharply. ‘I’ll admit it did turn me on but now it just makes me sick to think about what a fool I made of myself and what I did to Bobby. And without Bobby, I’d be just a … well, you know.’

‘Yeah, I know,’ said Princess. ‘I just wanted you two to be ready to see him. He’ll be back at the club as a regular.’

Lynn and I talked about it after Princess left and reassured each other. That’s about all we could do. We would meet him sooner or later.

A few days later Lynn came home from her bridge game. ‘I met him,’ she said, ‘and guess what that bastard did.’

‘What did he do?’ I asked.

‘He propositioned me. Asked if I was interested in seeing him again.’

‘He what? What the hell did he say?’ I started to get mad.

‘He asked me if I wanted to fuck – not in those words, but almost. He invited me over to his apartment for the afternoon.’

Lynn was laughing but I didn’t think it was funny. She had made such a fool of herself over him and I guess I was still not sure of her. She must have read my thoughts again – she was always doing that.

‘Bobby, you can trust me. Face it Bobby, you have to trust me. I went shopping after bridge, but I could just as easily have gone to Bill’s place and fucked him and you would never have known about it. You can’t be with me every minute. You have to trust me. I know what I did to you. It was awful, but I never lied about it. I hate that bastard now. And I’m over him and you know it.’

‘I know, baby I know.’

I remembered the talks we used to have when she still had the image of that big dick in her head. Sometimes Lynn and I would sit and talk for hours about what Bill had done to us. Early on she’d figured out what her fetish did to her, but she had still seen that dick in her head and it had caused sexual arousal. And worse, it took her months before she figured out a way to get control of it. Even hating Bill the way she did, sometimes it seemed to take over her mind.

‘I know what you’re thinking,’ she said.

She was reading my mind again. God! She knew me so well. ‘Yeah, I guess you do.’

‘You’re thinking about how I had the picture of Bill’s big dick in my head and I couldn’t get control of myself. How I made a fool of myself chasing after him. It was humiliating – what I did to you. It was unforgivable.’

‘You’re over it now,’ I said. ‘It’s all in the past.’

‘Yeah it’s in the past but it’s still in your head! I can’t blame you, for wanting to kill him,’ Lynn said.

I just nodded my head.

‘You still think about it,’ she said. ‘ I’d known Bill for over two years as a friend. He was your best friend. But the first time I saw his dick in the hot tub that night, I went crazy. He was big. He was hung. So big even when he was soft, that it drove me wild. You remember that.’

I nodded. ‘Yes I remember that.’

‘And you still think about it. You still think about when you went in the kitchen, and looked out and saw us in the hot tub and me playing with his dick. You remember me telling you that Bill was something straight out of my fantasy. Like I saw in my mind when I was in high school laying in bed and playing with my pussy. You remember me telling you that I couldn’t keep my mind off of his dick.’

‘I remember! I remember!’ I was starting to get angry. ‘Why are you talking about it again?’

‘I’m talking about it because I want to get it out in the open. I don’t want it smoldering inside of you and driving you to do something stupid to get even with that bastard. Something that will send you to prison.’

‘I can control myself,’ I said.

‘And I propositioned him,’ Lynn continued, ‘that very night while you were in the kitchen. And I fucked him. And after I fucked him, I had to fuck him again. It was my fetish, I was crazy in my head, but I fucked him for four months. And you put up with it to save our marriage, because you knew that if you didn’t let me fuck him I’d leave you, our marriage would be over, and when he dumped me I’d just be the town whore. You knew what was going to happen better than I did. That’s the truth isn’t it?’

Hearing it was bad, but surprisingly not nearly as bad as having it burn inside of me. He had left her, as I knew he would, and she was devastated, as I expected, but after a period of months she had recovered. She even learned to control that fetish for big dicks that had driven her to such crazy behavior.

‘Yes it’s the truth,’ I said.

Lynn walked over and put her arms around me. ‘You were strong enough to save our marriage. You were strong enough to help me get through a nightmare. You were strong enough to help me get that psychotic behavior of mine under control. And I’ve told you how much I love you for what you did. And you know I mean it. Now you and I have got to be strong enough to deal with seeing Bill again and not lose our self control.’

‘I know. You’re right. But that bastard propositioned you!’

‘And he’ll probably do it again. And I’ll say no again. Bobby, we can’t pretend I didn’t fuck him. We can’t pretend I didn’t chase him for four months. You can’t even count the number of times you saw me on my knees blowing that bastard. And you had to just stand there and watch me swallow a big, thick, creamy, mouthful of that bastard’s hot come, and then hand me your handkerchief to wipe the overflow off of my chin.’

Lynn was right. It was better to hear her say it out loud than have the pictures fester inside my head driving me crazy every time I thought about him. It still hurt but it was over now and I had to learn to control myself. Pretending it didn’t happen just made it worse. After all, I had kept myself under control when she was fucking him
. I could do it now.

‘I don’t know how the hell you could have put up with that. I really don’t know how you could have stayed with me. But you did and I love you for it. I respect you for it. Now we both have to learn to live with it. And you’ve got to keep yourself under control. You’ll probably never have a chance to get even with that bastard, but that’s life. Shit happens. You have to deal with it. Both of us have to deal with it.’

She was right of course. I had to deal with it. But, if the opportunity ever arose to get even with that bastard I was going to take advantage of it. But I wasn’t going to go to jail to do it.


In the next few weeks I saw Bill several times and he was always friendly and gracious. He must have known that Lynn had told me about his proposition but you would never have known it from the way he acted. On occasion he would look at me with a shitty smile that said ‘I fucked your wife,’ but I expected him to do that. Then one day I saw him talking to the new bar manager at the club – Cara Giuliano. Cara was a very attractive thirty year old with a knock out figure. I had met her husband Tony at a gun club target range where I practiced from time to time, but I didn’t know him all that well. Seeing Bill with Cara gave me an idea.

The next day I called up a friend of mine at the gun club who knows Tony real well. I asked him about Tony and the story I got was the one I hoped for and it made my mouth water. It seems Tony is apparently unemployed but always has enough money. He travels a lot. Short trips ‘on business.’ There are rumors of Mob connections but nothing concrete. He’s good at the target range but, according to rumors, he is better with the switchblade he always carries. Everything you hear about Tony, it seems, is a rumor. The only thing about Tony that is not a rumor is that he’s Sicilian.

That night I invited Princess over for cocktails. Sitting on the patio before dinner, I asked her about Cara and Tony. She knows them both. Most of the women at the club are too snobby to talk to a club employee like Cara, but not Princess. She makes friends with everybody.

‘She’s a very attractive gal and Bill’s been hitting on her,’ said Princess.

‘What do you know about Tony?’ I asked.

‘The same thing everybody else knows,’ said Princess, ‘which is nothing for sure plus a big bunch of rumors.’

‘Does Bill know about Tony?’ I asked.

‘I don’t think so. He hasn’t been back long enough.’

I persisted. ‘But Bill’s been hitting on Cara?’

‘Yeah,’ said Princess.

Lynn chuckled. ‘He’d have to have a screw loose in his brain to even think about hitting on Tony Giuliano’s wife.’

‘That’s my point.’ I said. ‘Bill doesn’t think with his brain. He thinks with his dick.’

‘Princess,’ I said, ‘Do you think we could get Cara to go out with Bill?’

Princess thought for a moment. ‘Well, Cara is good looking but not too bright. Tony takes care of her but he’s often gone for days at a time. What’s he doing? It’s all rumors. Who knows? Cara always notices good-looking guys and asks me about them. She even asked me about you, Bobby. I guess she might sneak out with Bill.’

‘You said Bill asked you out. Have you been out with him?’

‘Not yet, but we’re going to dinner Saturday. I really want to learn more about what he’s been up to.’

Lynn shook her head. ‘And you’re gonna’ fuck that bastard to catch up on gossip?’

Princess started to laugh. ‘Lynn, get with it! He’s not a bad fuck – not nearly as good as Bobby here’ – she pointed to me – ‘but he’s good. Hubby is still in Saudi Arabia and you and Bobby don’t want me here every night.’

‘Well girls, here’s my idea.’ I outlined what I knew about Tony and what I thought Bill might do. I finished with ‘And so when Tony finds out about Bill and Cara, what do you think he might do?’

‘I think it’s called a Sicilian vasectomy,’ chuckled Lynn. ‘Bobby, if you can pull this off it’ll be a miracle. But it couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy.’

A few days later Princess went out with Bill. She let Cara know that she did. Then they had a down and dirty ‘girls talk’ where Princess told Cara about Bill. She talked about Bill’s unusual endowment and as it turned out, Cara said she had never seen anything like that before and thought it might be a very interesting experience. The next time Bill asked her out she went to dinner with him and then to his apartment. They went out several times when Tony was out of town on ‘business.’

All I had to do now was wait. Tony was sure to find out. But, somehow I wanted to play a more direct role. It would make me feel better. This was personal. I knew about a place out in the county where you could get a little serious action with roulette and a craps table. It was fancy and expensive and I knew it had to have Mob connections to stay open. I mentioned it to Bill one night at the club. I figured that if he took Cara for a little excitement someone there might notice and tip off Tony. It turned out that I was right.

A week or so later at the club, I noticed that Cara was not working and when I asked where she was I was told she had suddenly quit her job that morning and left town with her husband. I sat at the bar having a drink and wondering what happened.

Princess came into the bar, saw me, and grabbed my arm. ‘Let’s get out of here. Let’s go to your place. You gotta hear this.’

She got Lynn and me out on our patio and I poured the Glenlivet.

‘A toast,’ said Princess, raising her glass, ‘to Bill and what he once was.’

‘What the hell’s that supposed to mean?’ I asked.

‘Bill is not the man he once was,’ said Princess.

Lynn started to giggle. ‘You mean Tony got to him?’

Princess nodded and Lynn started bouncing up and down, ‘Tell us about it, Princess. Don’t just sit there.’

‘It happened last night. All I know is from a nurse friend of mine at Memorial Hospital. Everything is hush-hush because the cops are involved and the CEO is very nervous about publicity. It’s not a pretty story. But the story as Phyllis tells it is that some guy whose name she didn’t know – but I’m sure it was Bill because he was picked up in the parking garage of Bill’s apartment complex – anyway some guy got cut up pretty bad and was taken to the hospital ER. Now Cara had told me that Tony was going to Vegas for a week and she expected him back in town yesterday. And he and Cara left town this morning and Cara quit her job. That’s another reason I think it was Bill.’

‘Anyway,’ Princess continued, ‘according to my friend Phyllis, who is a friend of the head nurse in the ER, the cops were there asking questions while this guy was getting blood transfusions and the ER guys were controlling the bleeding.’

Lynn chuckled. ‘Was it a Sicilian vasectomy?’

Princess nodded her head. ‘Yeah, but it was worse than that. He arrived in the ER with his genitals in a paper bag. And Phyllis said all of his genitals. So Tony must have cut everything off.’

Lynn gasped, ‘Oh my God! His cock too?’

Princess nodded. ‘Everything. And the ambulance guys put the pieces in a sterile paper bag. He got several units of blood in the ER and they stopped the bleeding. Then the ambulance took him to a big deal plastic guy up in LA. His genitals were sent along on ice.’

‘Jesus,’ said Lynn. ‘The bastard deserved it, but that’s pretty ugly.’

I hadn’t said anything. Lynn looked at me, ‘What do you think Bobby?’

‘I think he got what he deserved and I’m glad I had a part to play in seeing that he got it. And the only thing I’m sorry about is that somebody besides me had the pleasure of cutting his balls off.’


A couple of months went by before we found out what happened to Bill in LA with that plastic surgeon. Bill showed up at the club acting as though nothing had happened. He was still working on that construction thing south o
f town. Princess couldn’t go out with him because her husband was in town but she checked with her nurse friend at the hospital and found out that Bill was seeing a urologist on staff there and still saw that plastic specialist in LA. When she got the scoop she came over to our place on a sunny Saturday afternoon and we sat on the patio drinking gin and tonic and listened to her story.

‘Phyllis says the plastic guy in LA sewed his dick back on – at least sewed part of it back on. Several inches were cut so bad that they had to be thrown away. Phyllis says that his dick is only about three inches long now and he can’t get an erection. The surgeon plans to insert a little plastic thing that he can pump it up to get his dick stiff enough to screw with. There was no way they could sew his balls back on so they put in two prosthetics.’

‘What the hell is a prosthetic?’ Lynn asked.

‘In Bill’s case it’s two plastic imitation testicles in his scrotum for cosmetic reasons,’ said Princess.

Lynn started to laugh. ‘You mean he’s got plastic balls?’

Princess chuckled. ‘Well, yeah, I guess you could say that.’

Lynn was laughing so hard now that she couldn’t talk. There was a moment when I started to feel sorry for Bill, but then I thought more about what that bastard had done to us. He got what he deserved, I thought.

Lynn was getting control of herself, but she was still laughing. ‘So he’s got a short little dick and plastic balls. What happens when he comes? Does he shoot out gel foam?’

Again she bent over in convulsive laughter.

‘I can’t wait to see that bastard,’ Lynn said. And from that moment she spent so much time at the club that I thought she’d left me. She came home smiling several days later.

‘I saw Bill at the club today,’ said Lynn and I could see she was eager to tell me something. ‘You’ll never guess what I did to that bastard.’

‘I can’t guess what you did and I’m sure he deserved it. But I’ll bet he didn’t proposition you.’

Lynn started to chuckle. ‘No, he didn’t. But, I propositioned him.’

‘You what?’ I said surprised.

‘I saw him in the hall with nobody else around. I walked up to him, cupped his crotch in my hand, and said, ‘Honey, lets go over to your place and fuck.’ You should have seen the expression on that bastard’s face. He just stood there and looked helpless. I started to laugh at him and he didn’t say a word. He just hung his head. Then I said, ‘Bill, it couldn’t have happened to a more deserving guy.’ And then I just kept laughing at him until he turned and walked away. He never said a word.’

‘Jesus Lynn,’ I said, ‘you sure as hell know where to kick a guy.’

‘I’d have kicked him in the balls if they hadn’t been plastic. After what he did us – to you I mean – that bastard got what he deserved. And, honey, in case you think I might still be interested in Bill’s dick, remember it’s only three inches long now and he can’t get it up until he gets a pump installed. You got even with him in exactly the way he deserved. I love you, baby.’

I fucked Lynn that night, like old times. She grunted as we fucked and had one of those big trembling orgasms. I loved her and I knew that I wasn’t going to think about Bill nearly as much as I had thought about him before.

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Lynn Shows Up Not Unexpectedly

It was Friday night about 8pm. My wife Debi and I were settled in. She was wearing a t-shirt and panties. I had on a pair of gray flannel shorts and a baggy tank top. I sat at the end of the sofa, Debi was on the end of the love seat next to me. We were holding hands and watching TV, the Netflix movie was R rated. Debi was bummed that they didn’t show any cock, we would probably watch some XXX porn later. But we both enjoyed watching the tits shake around in the nude scenes. Watching a well...

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Lynn My Loving Little sister pt1

With each eye searing flash of lightning, and mind numbing concussion of thunder,Lynn gripped my hand tighter and screamed for me to pick up the pace. "Sweetie,it's no use!" I yelled at her,over the buffeting wind. "We don't have any choice! We have to stop! Now!" She and I were still about two miles from the Commune and I knew we would never make it back in time."Not here!" Lynn begged "Anywhere but here! There's that old barn up the road. Maybe if We..." her next words were inaudible,because...

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Lynn And Lee Toy Time

Lynn awakened with a moan, the dream still vivid in her mind. When she shifted in the bed, the covers lifted just enough to allow a breeze from the ceiling fan to kiss her powder blue thong, sending a tingling chill through her from the wet spot there. For the last week, she'd dreamed of what was going to happen two days from now. A couple that she and Lee had met online was coming to visit, and she knew she was going to have her first double penetration in a long time. It would be Teresa's...

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She sits in her living room, the house silent. waiting for his knock. She's dressed as instructed; short skirt, blouse, bra, panties and thigh highs. She looks respectable, almost wholesome. She knows he has her dress this way to add to her "fall from grace". She knows it won't be long before shes panting and begging like the good little pet he loves so much. Thoughts fly through her head. What would he do with her this time? It wasn't very long ago that they were still hesitant to really...

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Lynn wants more of shaunrsquos dadrsquos cock

After leaving Shaun’s house I went home and took a shower and as I was rubbing my tits and pussy all I could think of was the dad’s big black cock and the way he pounded my pussy it felt so fucken good. He fucked me the way I like getting fuck he made me cum several times and I could not believe he was so fucken deep inside my pussy fucking me hard and me telling him yes fuck me harder. His cock was so fucken thick and long I never had a cock that big and my pussy loved every inch of it. I...

4 years ago
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Lynn Becomes Obedient BitchChapter 2

The subconscious of Lynn speaks to whoever reads this story: Hi. My name is Lynn. A week ago I bumped into my ex-boyfriend whom I didn't think of very much. Something strange happened. All of a sudden he was my Master whom I had to always obey no matter what. I have to obey him but he hurts me and even if a part of me wants to run away, I shan't think of doing so as it is forbidden by him, my Master. My Lord. My God. I just wished he wasn't so hard on me and my body. The Week...

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Lynn Cock Pipe

Lynn left the room as Ron, her boss went over the new induction siphon system that the company had incorporated at the suggestion of the state inspectors, the crowd assembled with him in the conference room. He showed the slides up on the screen and took them through the specs and how the plant was much more efficient and very powerful, the thrust of the velocity down the pipe, he explained, was phenomenal, a true upgrade in the wake of other’s failing profits, their plant was actually showing...

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Lynn went to visit Shaun

My name is Lynn and I love fucking young black guys, my story is about me going to see Shaun. He is a young black guy and has a big black cock and he has fucked me several times and I loved it very much. It was a Friday evening and I was restless so I got dress and I wore a red dress very tight and short no bra or panties cause I felt very naughty and nasty. I called Shaun to see if he was home, his mom answered and said sure Hon he is come over so I got in my car and went to his house. I got...

1 year ago
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Lynn a shy hole

Lynn was shy in her normal life, not really timid, in fact she was a mid manager in a good sized corporation. She socialized with many of the top managers and was called upon to speak in corporate meetings to clarify a point or to outline some strategy that her department worked on. She often would attend lunches and spent some nights celebrating with co workers over some new merger they had captured. She was not a wall flower, but neither was she what she knew herself to be. She absolutely...

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Lynn Saturday Cumming Out

It was Saturday before the holiday. It was going to be slow. Lynn’s boss had pulled her in to his office two weeks before he left on a cruise with his wife, had sat her down and explained that the plant had to close down for inspection. The state inspectors needed to see it clean when they came in the following week. Seeing as she was manager of system maintenance she would have to oversee it. She was told Steve, the foreman would be running things but she would be in charge. She had been...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Lynn Humilated And Then Tamed By The Hairbrush

About eight or nine years ago Lynn and I were on the beach. It was a fairly secluded spot – we were the only ones there – and the time was about half five on a sunny August day. I was ready to go home but Lynn fancied a swim first – she wanted to make the most of what was left of the weekend. ‘I’ll nip off now and start preparing tea… by the time you get back it’ll be on the table.’ I suggested. ‘Fine.’ she responded. She stood up and slipped off her shorts – she was already topless. I studied...

2 years ago
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The Temptation of Bobby

Now, a year later, they were still together, but things had taken a turn for the worst financially when Jennifer lost her job because of cut backs. They couldn’t afford the apartment that they were living in downtown, so they needed a roommate. His younger brother Bobby was looking for a place to stay and Tobey decided what the hell, he should help a brother out, right? Tobey was a bit nervous about his brother moving in with them because over the years his brother had always been...

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Its Curlers For Bobby

It was a Friday afternoon on an autumn day in the early 1980s. Bobby was home from school awaiting his mother's arrival, which typically occurred in the late afternoon after dropping off his older sister at dance class. During the interval, he normally played outside with his friends, hung out at a friend's house, read a book, watched television, played Ms. Pacman, Centipede or pinball at the local arcade, or any number of activities typical of an early middle school student of that...

3 years ago
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Hey Bobby

Hey Bobby! ? by: Mary Beth Sanford Fact from Fiction: When I was still slightly confused over this fetish I have I chanced a couple of sessions with a therapist. My attempt then was to rid myself of such things. Meanwhile I was still doing what I did and obviously liking it. Of course I'd heard of dominates and those few professionals that babied but never dared visit one. After all, I was trying to rid myself of such things. Until of course I did dare and did visit one....

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A story of one of my night dreams am Me as Bobby

Over the next few days, Bobby and his mother settled into a routine. Every morning she would wake him for his shower, and he would feign sleep for as long as he could so he could view her magnificent hanging breasts as they swayed in her neglige. Bobby came to realise that her nightwear must have been bought for her by his dad as all her outfits were silky and featured low necklines that showed off as much of her breasts as possible. Today's outfit was red and lacy and hung particularly low at...

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The title of this story isn't really accurate as I wasn't fucking Uncle Bobby see Uncle Bobby was fucking me! He wasn't really my uncle he was just my mother's boyfriend but he lived with us so it was kind of like he was my Dad I really like him a lot he gave me lots of attention and took me places and gave me money for doing chores for him he really was a good guy! He had a boat and it was a nice one too he kept it docked at the Marina and one weekend he asked me if I wanted to go fishing...

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Lynn Does Her Bit For Better Race Relations

My husband was going to a high-level convention with some people from his department for a week. It was in Jamaica. Being a vice-president at the corporation, he got to take me along. It had been a while since we had gotten away so I made sure everything I brought was more than a little sexy. I brought several skimpy bikinis since my days would be spent at the pool while Jim and his team worked, as well as lingerie to wear under my dresses. I wanted my husband turned-on during the entire...

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Lynn The Boss

Lynn didn’t remember much after seeing her boss in front of her except being taken back to his office and being sat on the couch. She assumed that she was going to be fired, this was the worse thing that could have happened. Her boss showing up seeing her being a cunt begging hole that was completely smeared with cock cream dripping from her face, chin, hair and tits, the rest drooling from her lips. Lynn had just passed the State board for certification and this was just the most sickening...

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Boston with its many old neighborhoods is as varied as its people. In the older seedier parts of town many people live and carry on in a world much different from the clinically clean and proper suburbs. On some streets there are rows and rows of the monotonous dark brick two, three, five or six story apartment buildings many exactly like the one next to it and just like the ones across the street. Other streets, while somewhat rundown, have a funky array of different buildings each one a...

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My Sweet Maid Bobby

In the year 2003, I was then 41, as usual I have to find another maid servant, because my wife is a service holder and without housemaid it was impossible to carry out her duty. Suddenly my previous housemaid left my house for seeing her ailing mother and didn’t come back. After a lot of hard work at last I could manage a girl about 12-13 years (Dhaka dwellers better know, how precious the maid servant here). Her name was Bobita but we called her by Bobby. She was a cheer girl with smiling face...

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Pegging Bobby

In the bed, the tell-tale noise roused Beth from her slumber. She held her breath, nerves attuned with tingling energy. A prolonged moment passed. Slowly the door eased partially open, accompanied by the brush of wood against the carpet. She strained her ears, senses on edge as she attempted to pierce the hallway gloom. The hint of a shadowy figure wavered just beyond the door. Her heart pounding with adrenaline, Beth continued to feign sleep, not wanting to spook her stalking secret...

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Hush Little Bobby

Nellie’s bracelets rattled as she wrapped her fingers around Bobby’s cock and began jerking him off. His pants were around his ankles. His legs were between hers—him standing up, her sitting on the sofa. She ran her red fingernails across the skin of his butt cheeks. She pinched them and fondled them. And then she wound her hand back and hit him with a loud spank.“Aw, fuck,” he groaned.“You wanna peek at me in the bedroom, you little creep?” the older woman said.“No, no, no,” said the...

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Justice For Bobby

JUSTICE FOR BOBBY By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2019 Warning: Horror. Author's Note: To the credit of its author, one story on FM disturbed me to the conclusion that, in order to sleep better at night, I needed to write a moral counterpoint to it. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely...

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Ben MorganMy Time with Bobby

I lived off campus in a three bedroom apartment with two other guys, both sophomores. There was Paul, my roommate from last year when we lived in a dorm and Mike, a friend of Paul’s, who was the funniest guy I have ever known. Ol’ Big Mike, as we affectionately called him, was a jolly hunk of a man, standing 6’4’’ and topping the scales at around 300 pounds. Now he wasn’t all fat, but he did maintain a certain jiggle to his walk. Mike was nothing like Paul and I, physically. Paul was...

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HighSchool Hannah Has A Ho Phase Cousin Bobby

Chapter Two.At breakfast the next morning, Dexter is still here.  I slink in not wanting to meet their eyes, his eyes.  Last night, I let this man touch my breasts.  Okay, I let his sweaty beer bottle touch and massage my breasts.  This middle-aged man saw me naked, well, saw my best assets naked.  Other than a hard-on pushing against my ass, this resulted in my mother getting the pounding of her life.  Without the beer and the feeling of power from last night, I am ashamed and humiliated. ...

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Appreciating Bobby

Hi I am 38 years of age,180 lbs, 5" 9 with a solid seven inches of sweet fuck muscle when fully erected.I love sex and I am open to explore all my fantasies and pleasures. My story begins with me coming home from my last day of work and into my 21 days long awaited vacation.I am a hard worker and have not had a proper vacation in years.My last day of work was a Thursday and my wife told me she had a surprise for me when I get home. I love surprises and cold not wait.At dinner my wife...

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About 10 years ago, my wife and I were having lunch with my sister and yacking about some old times and she blurts out to my wife “it’s a good thing that Lynn didn’t snatch up Bobby before you met him”. Wtf. I was stunned and so was my wife. I managed to stammer “what makes you say that?” She replies “well she was sure infatuated with you”. So I have to go into great detail explaining to them both that I only ever had a late night coffee with Lynn. We never even had a formal date. Well it seems...

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It began with a cold wet April late night knock on my door. Bedraggled, wet, and wretched, clutching a small satchel, Bobby stood at my door. “I’ve been kicked out; can I come in?” Of course I let him in. He was a young man, whom I had tutored before his university admission tests. Bright, articulate, personable, but he did lack focus. Decades younger than I, I was never tempted by him, although there was no doubt he was attractive. He just seemed too young, although he was legally an adult. He...

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Z Facing the World and Getting PaidChapter 28 Title Z and Bobby

If you have just started reading I’m Z. I post in an online directory under the “personal service WSM” heading. That heading is code for women (read: hookers) seeking men. The online site forwards messages. Many messages are vile. I laugh and delete them. Example: “Repent Sinner or suffer for eternity in Hell. Jesus loves you.” I get at least one of those a week. Oh wait, here is something interesting. The message reads: From Bobby14: Dinner for two. You pick the place. We talk while eating....

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A story of one of my night dreams am Me as Bobby

Bobby Stevens flew down the Hemsedal mountain side, his skis gliding over the powdery snow. The sky was a brilliant blue and the air was fresh in his face. Somewhere far away he could faintly hear someone calling his name but he paid it no attention. Ahead trees loomed but he confidently navigated the slope changing direction effortlessly with a shift of his weight from side to side, the voice in the distance grew louder and seemed strangely familiar. Bobby was picking up speed now as the...

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Lynn finds a Boyfriend Part I

The holiday season is in full swing with the usual festive gatherings. My wife, Lynn, and I are at a party hosted by one of her friends. We have been married for about 8 years and are in our late fifties. Lynn still looks very good as a result of her attention to her diet and regular workouts. We make the rounds at the party greeting old friends and meeting some new people. After awhile we get separated as we each find people that we have some common interests with. Eventually, I figure that I...

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Little bobby

"Who's your friend," Jake asked while discarding two of his cards and asking the dealer for two more!?! "Uh, this is Bobby Reynolds, my best friend from high school" Peter replied, "he's just here for the weekend!!!" The five boys playing poker in Jake's dorm room all nodded their hellos to the slightly built young man before returning to their game! Peter and Bobby sat down in the corner to watch, but before they were even settled in their seats Jake piped up, "You know the rules, Pete, anyone...

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Baby Sitting Bobby

Now that I am 30 and happily married to you Rick, I now have the confidence to tell u how I lost my virginity. It all started in a small town called Lake Forest in Ohio. . . I was 16 and I was still living with my fucking parents! Ive already told you about 10 times how big of assholes they are! Well enough about them, to earn some money for a car or a new handbag I baby sat. Amazingly I was the only baby sitter for a 3 block radius, so almost every night I was baby sitting babies...

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Sexy affair with bobby

Hi i am santosh, i was 21 & just appeared my final graduations exams & was Waiting for my results. Which was in the first week of aug till then i was Biding my time with share mkt earning adequate with my friends dad firm. I am going to narrate my real sex experience with rathibhabhi 28years of age she Was married early at 17 ( i love to call her bobby it excites me more ), & Having a daughter named dimpy,she lives in with her husband and her in laws in An apartment above my college friend on...


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