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I love all the readers input from my stories before but I would like to respond to your coments so please leave a way for me to contact you if you have read any of my stories and try to clarify who you are if you have left one before please as the usual all comments are accepted.
October, 1982
Walking back down to the old field brought back all the memories, all the wonderful moments of high school. I’d had a better time of it than most kids these days, and I remembered those autumn afternoons spent on the gridiron fondly. I guess the fact that I was the starting quarterback and captain of the team had a little bit to do with it. The memory of those years was running through my mind as I approached the field. There was another game going on today, one with different players and different opponents, but some things remained the same. Youthful enthusiasm, dedication, drive, determination, the hunger to win… it was all still there, out on the field and in the stands.
I stopped down by the end zone and leaned over the waist-high fence that surrounded the football field. This was the same exact field I’d spent four years on as QB. I looked over at my high school team, in a huddle, and had to grin. The QB was wearing my old jersey, #15. Only, instead of my last name written across the back, it said ‘JENNINGS.’ I wondered who Jennings was, and if he was any good. I decided to stick around and watch a while.
Looking over at the home crowd, I spotted the cheerleaders working the stands, their short, dark blue skirts swishing side to side as they went through their routines. I had to smile, and then I had to remember.
October, 1972
My breath was coming hard. I chanced a glance over my shoulder. The clock on the scoreboard, and the scoreboard itself, told the entire story. There was less than a minute in the game, the score was 28-0, and my team, the Falcons, were leading. I’d passed for four touchdowns and over 200 yards that day. It was the last game of the season. After coming off a perfect 8-0 undefeated season, I’d taken the Falcons first to sectionals, then regionals, and finally, to the state championships. Well, the Class III-C championships, but it was still the state championships. And we were winning. With less than sixty seconds to go, nothing could stop us. The clock was stopped, and I took a few seconds to catch my breath.
I looked at my teammates in the huddle and had to smile. We’d come far as a group, playing together for four years, first as the Freshman team, then as JV, and finally when we were Juniors, we were all promoted, en masse, to Varsity. And we’d kicked some serious ass all up and down the county. This was our crowning moment. I looked from face to dirty face, uniform to muddy uniform. And then my eyes came to rest on Todd.
His uniform was spotless. His helmet unscratched. The back of my own helmet had sixty-three small football decals on it, one for every touchdown I’d passed, handed off, or run across the line myself. Todd’s helmet was bare. In four years of playing football, Todd had been in on exactly six plays. This was his seventh.
Todd was my best friend, had been since the 2nd grade. Todd was a great guy, the absolute heart and soul of the team. Everyone liked him, a few of the guys might even have loved him. He was at every practice, giving two hundred percent, doing everything the starters did, only slower and a little less gracefully. Hell, a lot less gracefully. Todd was a great guy, my best friend, but possibly the worst football player the world had ever seen. The six previous plays the coach had put him in on were all in games where we led by at least three touchdowns, and always late in the fourth quarter. He’d played hard and sweet and honest, but I’d never given him a pass or a handoff. The coach called the plays, and as much as the coach knew Todd wanted to handle the ball just once in a game, he’d always called running plays or passing plays to the opposite side. I smiled at my best friend and he smiled back, excited to be playing in this, the state championship game. Something he would be able to tell his grandchildren about, I thought.
I glanced over my other shoulder and took the sign from the coach. He wanted me to fake a handoff to one running back and give it to the other. I nodded, turned back into the huddle… and set a completely different set of circumstances into motion. We were one, maybe two plays away from the end of the season, the end of our high school careers, the end of a championship year. I was captain and QB. I was taking control.
I looked at my teammates and said it. ‘Red right 39. Todd.’ Todd gulped. I looked from face to face, looking for dissent. At least three of the linemen had seen the sign, and knew that I’d changed it. All I saw were warm smiles and knowing looks. They wanted this, too. They wanted to give Todd the chance to catch a ball in a game, make a contribution. He’d earned it, and I knew that my teammates would give their all to make sure that it happened.
We broke the huddle and assembled, Todd on my left, at tight end. The play was simplicity itself. A twenty yard run, then ten in. When he turned, the ball would be in his hands. He knew it, I knew it. He had only to catch it.
The defense lined up, and I checked it. They were expecting a run play, or perhaps even for me to fall on the ball and run down the clock. Everything started moving in slow motion. I could see my breath coming in soft white puffs as I leaned over the center and looked right, then left. My eyes met Todd’s, and then unfocused a little more, and I saw Lynn standing behind Todd, on the sidelines, her pom-poms forgotten, her hands at her face, looking at her boyfriend.
Lynn and Todd had been going out since anyone could remember. He had asked her out in the seventh grade, when she was… well, not exactly ugly, but she was nothing to brag about. Kind of short, with dirty blonde hair she wore in a listless ponytail. Todd had shyly approached her and asked her to go out with him, and thrilled, she had accepted. They had been together ever since, and were a shoe-in to be named Senior Couple when the yearbook came out later that spring.
Lynn had changed a lot in the six years she and Todd had dated. Sometime over our sophomore summer, she had bloomed. She was gorgeous, tall and lithe and blonde and tanned and perfect. Her high, saucy breasts caught more than one eye as she walked down the hall, and the rear view was even better. Her tight, taut ass was something to behold. The boys had started coming around then, hanging around Lynn’s locker, asking her out, trying to pry her away from Todd. To Lynn’s credit, she had stayed loyal, remembering when none of the boys would even give her a second glance. Remembering that Todd had loved her when she looked just okay… and she loved him. Todd loved her. And I loved her.
My head swivelled back to stare at the opposing noseguard, and as I called out the count, I remembered…
June 1972 – three months earlier
The phone call caught my by surprise. It was the first week of summer vacation, and I was planning on sleeping in. My summer job wasn’t scheduled to start for another week, and Todd was away at summer camp, working as a counselor. My own girlfriend and I had broken up about a month ago, so it couldn’t be her.
”Lo?’ I mumbled from under the covers.
‘David? It’s Lynn.’ There was something wrong, something in her voice that snapped me awake in a second. ‘Could you come over please? I… I… oh, God, David, please just come over!’
‘I’ll be right there,’ I said, and hung up. I jumped out of bed and threw on a pair of old, faded jeans and a t-shirt. I slid my naked feet into some topsiders and ran down the stairs, grabbing my car keys as I went out the front door. My new car, a ’69 Mustang, sat in the driveway, sleek and silent. Dad had given it to me for my 17th birthday a fe
w weeks ago, and it was the love of my life. I jumped in and fired it up, backed into the street and turned towards Lynn’s house. It was normally about a ten minute drive. I made in three.
I knew something was up when I turned down her street. Cars were parked everywhere. I parked in a neighbor’s driveway and made my across the street. Parked directly in front of Lynn’s house was an olive-drab Army staff car. Standing on her front porch were an Army captain, a chaplain, and a woman, probably the Captain’s wife. It was a notification team, and I knew instantly what had happened.
Lynn’s brother, Kevin, was in Vietnam, with the Army. He was a LRRP (Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol), assigned to the 173rd Airborne Division near Chu Li. LRRP duty was among the most dangerous duty there was. Their name said it all. Long Range Recon, deep into enemy territory.
I ascended the stairs and nodded to the Army personnel. I tapped the chaplain on the shoulder and motioned him over with my chin.
‘Yes, my son?’
‘I’m a friend of the family’s. Actually, a friend of Lynn’s. She called me a few moments ago, but I don’t know what’s happening. It would help me a lot if you could give me some idea. I assume this is about Kevin?’ The padre nodded sadly. ‘KIA?’ I asked, and he shook his head.
‘MIA. I’m sorry, son.’
I thanked him and went inside. Lynn was sitting on the couch in the living room, sniffling softly. I went to her, and she buried her face in my shoulder. I held her and stroked her back as she let it out, the sobs wracking her petite body. After about half an hour she straightened up, ran both hands through her hair and demanded that I take her somewhere… anywhere.
We jumped in my car and we drove out to the country. County Route Twelve is a long, windy stretch of driving with plenty of serene, beautiful scenery. I held Lynn’s hand as we drove, more to give comfort than anything else.
Now, before any of you think me a cad and assume that I made moves on my best friend’s long-time girlfriend when she was vulnerable, let me just say here that I may have been a normal, hormonally-charged horny teenager back then, but I wasn’t that much of a cad. I was just there for her, when she needed a friend. As the weeks went by, we spent a lot of time together. She and Todd still wrote, and Todd wrote me a letter thanking me for being there for Lynn when he couldn’t. He’d wanted to quit his summer job and come home to be with her, but Lynn had insisted that he stay. Todd needed the money for college, and Lynn had me there for… comfort.
Neither of us was sure when it started. She slowly became accustomed to the fact that her brother was missing in action. The crying jags lessened, and she started to smile and laugh more. The first time I made her laugh after the awful news, she stopped in the middle and looked stricken. I took both her hands in mine and told her softly that it was ok to laugh, ok to have some fun, that Kevin would want her to go on with her life. (I was always careful to refer to him in the present tense.) ‘Never forget him, Lynn… but live your life.’ She thanked me, and kissed me on the cheek, and I forgot about it.
About eight weeks after the awful news had been delivered, towards the middle of August, Lynn and I were spending most of our free time together. We went to the movies a few times, and out to the lake once or twice. I enjoyed her company, and she mine. She was a funny, intelligent girl, sexy as all hell. I can still remember how she looked in that bikini… and later, how she looked out of it.
How Lynn and I almost came to make love in the back seat of my car up at the lake is still a little cloudy. I knew from Todd that Lynn was a virgin, and that she was saving herself for her husband. Even in the aftermath of the sexual revolution, some girls still wanted to present their husbands with an untouched body. Apparently, Lynn was one of those girls, and it added, somehow, to her sexiness. Knowing (also from Todd) that she loved to neck and that she’d let him touch her nubile breasts through her top, but never underneath, listening to Todd’s accounts of her growing excitement and horniness under his hands had always turned me on. I’d been silently rooting for Todd to wear down Lynn’s resistance and finally make love with her. For me, at that time, it was a foregone conclusion that they would marry after college. After all, they were applying to the same schools.
Lynn and I were up at the lake, one of the last weekends of summer before Todd was to return. She got all sentimental on me, thanking me for being there for her when she needed it, for being her friend. She was sitting in the passenger seat, turned slightly towards me, and I could see the crotch of her bikini stretched tightly across her mound. So tight, in fact, that the fat lips of her pussy were creating a channel in the material.
I leaned over and was planning to kiss her on the cheek, like I always did, when Lynn turned her head at the last minute and our lips met for the first time. It was a soft, lingering kiss, one that slowly grew in heat and passion. The shared experiences of the last two months surrounded and enveloped us, and before we knew it, we were necking like long-time boyfriend and girlfriend. Her arms came around my neck, and she pulled me against her, forcing my body on top of hers. My hands went to her hips, her soft, silken hips, and then around her back. We were sort of half on our backs, half on our sides… my hand gently cupped an asscheek and tested its firmness with my fingers.
Her buttock was perhaps the most perfect female teenaged butt I had ever felt, and I never wanted to let go. I pulled her against me, and she could feel my warm, aching need pressing into her belly from inside my swimsuit.
Suddenly, Lynn’s mouth opened against mine, and I felt her tongue licking at my lips. I opened my mouth to hers, and we started Frenching deeply, adding more fire and passion and heat to the kiss. One of my hands came up and cupped a breast, I expected her to stop, and half of me knew that I’d grabbed her tit for exactly that reason. I was hoping that she would break away and slap me, tell me to behave myself, and then the moment would be over. But I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t admit that the other half of me wanted to feel her breasts for the sake of feeling them, that I’d always wondered what it would be like to feel and taste her delicious looking, saucy little tits.
Surprising me, Lynn groaned into my mouth and pressed her body harder against mine, crushing her right tit into the palm of my left hand. My thumb worked the nipple softly, slowly, arousing it to a hot, hard point in a matter of seconds. And then instinct took over. Unlike my friend Todd, I had enjoyed the pleasure of a woman, two women, in fact. I knew what to do. I’d fucked both my previous girlfriends, but I knew instinctively that this was not a fuck. I was going to make love to Lynn, and her to me, and it was going to be one of the most special moments of both our lives.
My hands went to her neck, and I undid the knot holding her bikini top on. It was dark and deserted at the lake, but the moonlight gave me enough to see by as her top fell away to reveal two breasts, perfect as only a teenager’s can be, full and firm and round. They were stark white in contrast to her tanned chest and abdomen, and the difference really turned me on. Hadn’t someone once said to me that white meat was the best part?
I dropped my lips to her breasts and circled one full, hard nipple with my tongue, taking it gently between my lips to suck and lightly bite. Lynn’s fingers wrapped themselves in my hair as she tugged me tightly to her breasts. I went from one to the other, giving as much equal attention as I could manage.
‘Oh…. David…. this feels so good,’ Lynn moaned. I just grunted in response… and then I lifted my head, looked into her eyes and kissed her softly, almost brotherly, on the lips. ‘Ar
e you sure?’ I asked.
Lynn stared into my eyes.
‘We’re going to make love, aren’t we?’ she asked in a small, scared voice.
‘If we keep this up, we are. But if you want to, I’ll stop right now. I’d be full of shit if I said I never thought about doing this with you. I’ve been attracted to you for years. But…’ I drifted off.
‘Todd is your best friend,’ Lynn said softly. ‘And he’s my boyfriend.’ I just nodded. Lynn kissed me again, and then buried her face in my neck, her hands lightly stroking my chest. My arms went around her back, and we held each other for about two minutes.
Finally, Lynn pushed away from me, only a little, and then kissed me again, hungrily, like a woman would. ‘David,’ she said, ‘This is probably not going to make much sense. What Todd and I have is… separate from you and me. I love Todd and you can believe that. But, in a way, a different way, I love you, too. Not the way a girlfriend and boyfriend love each other, not romantic love, but love just the same. A special love. You were there for me when I needed you. You spent all your free time with me this summer. You helped me get through one of the toughest things in my life. I would have fallen apart without you. When Todd comes back, he and I will still be going out, and you and I will just be… over. It wouldn’t be fair to Todd to, well, share me with you. This is my way of saying… thanks.’
‘You could have gotten a card,’ I teased, and then grew serious. ‘Lynn, it does make sense. You feel very close to me right now, very special and loved and protected, and I’m glad that I could do this for you. But this is something special, something you should share with Todd, or the man you’re going to marry. I love you, kiddo. Not in the way that a boyfriend loves a girlfriend, or a husband loves a wife, not even the way a brother loves a sister. The way two very special friends love each other. I’ll always be here for you, Lynn. I’ll always be your friend. Even if Todd and I aren’t friends, which is pretty hard to believe, you and I will still be, because we’ve shared this night, this moment. Even though it’s not going to end the way either of us planned, it will still be special, because we both realized that we love Todd more than we love each other, because we both know that we wanted to do this — but we didn’t. We stopped in time.’ And with that, I picked up her top, retied it around her neck, gave her one last, soft kiss on the mouth, and sat up.
We were silent on the drive home, both of lost in our thoughts. I was sure that I was going to kick myself in the morning. When I dropped Lynn off, she got out of the car and walked around to my side.
‘Walk me up?’ she asked, and I got out and followed her. At her front door, Lynn took my hands and put them on her waist. ‘David, you have no idea how much I love you right now. What you said, up there, in the car, goes double for me. I’ll always be your friend, and I’ll always be here for you. All I can say is that the girl that gets you is going to be the luckiest girl I know. You’re a very special guy, David, and I don’t want you ever forgetting that.’ And then we kissed one final time. Softly, gently, on the lips, the passion overriden by tenderness. We hugged, and Lynn let herself in.
Todd returned six days later.
October, 1972 – The Game
I saw Lynn standing there, on the sidelines, her pom-poms forgotten, hands at her mouth. I caught her eye, and she smiled at me for a half second before turning her attention back to Todd, back to the man she loved. Some of the other cheerleaders had teased her at first, for dating the guy who was essentially the team loser. Lynn had defended Todd so ardently and, yes, viciously, that they had backed off. No one was looking at her as she watched Todd. They were working the crowd, the other girls taking up Lynn’s slack as she watched perhaps the final play of Todd’s high school football career.
LynnLynn and I had known each other for over ten years as friends. She had divorced about two years ago, but I am still married. We openly talked about everything and even flirted some, but always kept our personal lives as friends and nothing more. One afternoon Lynn needed her garage door opener fixed she invited me over to fix it. It took me a few hours to fix it and being in the middle of summer I sweat a bunch and needed a shower very badly. My clothing also needed washing as well. Lynn...
October, 1982 Walking back down to the old field brought back all the memories, all the wonderful moments of high school. I'd had a better time of it than most kids these days, and I remembered those autumn afternoons spent on the gridion fondly. I guess the fact that I was the starting quarterback and captain of the team had a little bit to do with it. The memory of those years was running through my mind as I approached the field. There was another game going on today, one with different...
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Hi, this is ilrumjack here again after a long time. I wanted to share an episode that happened recently at my workplace. Hope you find it interesting. All ladies who want to know more can write to me at and we can have some good times. Here it is… My working days are Mon-Fri but sometimes I do land up at work on Saturdays – basically to catch up on pending work. Hence, I was at work last Saturday. Being a non-working day only a few of my colleagues had come in to work. I work on the corporate...
Haley’s turn: I’m lying back in Bill’s arms. Part of me is still incandescent, despite all the moisture, and I am happier today than any day in my life. I’ve had some really happy days to compare this to, you know. Bill and I are getting married. I knew it a long time ago. I just never saw Bill as somebody who’d play with my heart and NOT continue until one of us died. I knew, too, that he’s had a great relationship with his daughter Deena, my FRIEND Deena, and that her disapproval of our...
One ‘WANTED. Young student to do small house jobs, start dinner nightly and clean pool weekly for 30-something couple. Negotiable hours and good pay.’ ‘Oh this is perfect. This is exactly what I have been looking for.’ said Sash gleefully over the top of the classifieds section. Melanie finished drawing on her drink and put it down on the table, condensation from the glass dripping from her fingers. She licked her lips and steadied her eyes to where she suspected Sash was on the other side...
It was the college prom night. For those who don’t know what a prom night is, it’s basically a night where guys have to get themselves a date in order to go to a dance party. No date, means no entry. It’s a huge tradition in West! I was the youngest member of my college cultural team. And our team was assigned this event with a great budget. And since this was new for everyone around, they were excited to prepare for it. My senior, Myrah, asked me to take care of the Music system and...
Sybil, Martha, and Sister Sybil, formally known as Geha was no longer confused. She now knew who she was and how it all started. The one thing she and her alter ego had in common was their origin. She was born on a planet named New Olympus colonized by the Privileged. She once again knew that the Privileged were exiled from a society known as New Gods who had split into three distinct societies, the Standards, the Outcasts, and the Privileged. The Privileged split into four groups and left...
Prior Lives A Short Story By Maryanne Peters I regained consciousness with McLennan's voice in my ear. I looked around his office to get my bearings and noticed the clock on the wall - 4:30 - I had apparently been asleep for well over an hour. "Well I have to say that it was most interesting", he said, flipping over some notes in his hand. "And I can tell you that I have reached some conclusions and some possible solutions to your problems." My problems. I prided myself that...
Karen I wheedled ... Hairy slipped me two straps ... I bounced into the “tower” and said, “Receipt ... serial numbers ... for everything.” “I knew you were going to be more trouble than you are worth.” “You’re an accountant. You demand solid numbers. That’s what I want.” It wasn’t enough that he was willing to take the boxes at their word ... no ... the covers had to come off, the numbers checked, if they matched ... great ... if they didn’t ... out with the original logbooks and hunt...
It turned out that there was a spare seat on the afternoon flight to London, but Derek was disappointed to find that Shafiqa was not the one of the stewardesses. Before leaving, Derek enquired further about the hunt; the Ambassador advised him that this was no holds barred full scale traditional English hunting, but in Kobekistan. An outfit of hunting pink was an absolute requirement for him and he was instructed in the etiquette of the chase. He was not a Kobekistani and so must not be in...
Passion in James County XIV: A Week In The Mountains Chapter thirty Frankie and Kay had to remain in Jamestown for a week after the funeral because the Bobar family lawyer wanted to meet with them to review the will and go over other legal issues related to the death of the young man’s parents. Kay was in the kitchen making breakfast when Frankie came downstairs the morning of their appointment with the lawyer. He was dressed in the same three-piece charcoal gray suit he’d worn to the...
So the wife and I went to a friends party out of town. We didn't expect many people to be there and the dress attire was informal. So we arrived around 7 pm or so, I was surprised by how many people were there. We talked to a lot of other people and had some drinks. In fact we might of had too many drinks. Anyways around 10 pm or so, I noticed this tall black male enter the room, he was stunningly beautiful, dark sexy black, muscular build and beautiful white teeth. I was definitely NOT worried...
This is a slow, romantic build to eventual hot sex in later chapters, between two lovers who find each other. Character based the story is about people who care and want to give pleasure to each other, in all aspects of their lives. If you like romantic stories please enjoy, and give feedback as the ending is not yet written! Just like in real life. * Misha and Froo stared across at the ringing phone, the shrill noise insistent in the quiet room. Sliding off his lap, and walking across to...
It was a very good day. We were about to go for a long trip to kodaikkanal. I went to my aunt’s house to issue their ticket. They were living in a rented house in the second floor. The entrance door in the ground floor was locked. I pressed the calling bell of my aunt’s house. She saw from the terrace and dropped the key. I caught it and opened the door. The family in the ground floor was away. Similarly the family in the first floor was also away. I went to the second floor. There I saw my...
IncestMore movement. More shuffling. “WHERE DID ALL THE BEER GO?” He drank it all. Mom tries to remind him. He thinks she drank it. More loud crashing. A door slams and a car engine roars peeling out of the drive way. Good he’s gone. It’s quiet apart from the TV. Some sort of late night news. I think it must be mom watching it until I hear something thrown at the TV and it sputters for a moment. He’s still here. It’s mommy who is gone. Muttering and steps down the hall. I turn my back to the door...
Simon had just gotten off the phone with General Manlius. It was 2300 and it was time to go to work. Calmly, Simon packed the reference material and equipment he would take with him. When he had policed the suburbs of Washington DC, his equipment had been basic: sturdy web gear, carbon fiber body armor, and a 9 mm pistol. Now, with the resources of the government at his disposal, he was a one man army. In addition to his high velocity.50 caliber bolt gun and lightweight body armor, his...
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and I do not condone any of the things written about. This is a sad story about my wife (Jackie) and I (Dave) who live in Boston. My wife is a Realtor for a large firm who specializes in selling commercial property, large sprawling ranch houses and large old mansions through out the tri state area. Myself, I work for a utility company, so I’m on the road a lot. I’m six foot 1 inch 200 pounds while Jackie is a stunning red head, five foot four inches 115...
They lay side by side in the king sized bed. He reached over and took her hand. It was several minutes before their breathing returned to normal. He could see that she was deep in thought. "Our Rulers have lied to us. You did not cause me pain. It was very pleasant and made me feel very good. Sex is very good and I would like to try it again sometime." He smiled and squeezed her hand, "Is the tension gone now?" "Yes, but I feel very strange. There is a tingling in my chest. It feels...
The following day I found myself with mixed emotions. I knew it was wrong for me to have sex with this young guy but at the same time I was so excited from thinking of it that I simply had to masturbate. I remembered how it felt to see his young cock so hard and wanting me and even more how badly I wanted him in me somewhere.It was raining this morning but he showed up right on time. I told him that he not need to work in the rain but then he said that his friend and he were willing to get...
I am married, not unhappily but still believe there is more to be had. And yes, I cheat on my wife. I have this lady friend, recently divorced. I know her ex. My friend has had a very narrow view of sex on the wild side as has my wife. In their previous marriages, beyond masturbating for her ex to watch, and on my wife's case just occasional conventional sex.I have been encouraging my friend to explore with other men and she has. Most of them are in it to have selfish sex with her. She...
These are the true events that transpired during a weekend trip to a small group of islands located in British Columbia. This is the first story I wrote and published on lush once before, let me know what you enjoyed about it and how I could improve. Thanks and Enjoy! My girlfriend Katie was pushing me to take a vacation with her and we finally agreed on a short weekend camping trip to BC. I wasn’t thrilled about the idea of heading off camping since I had done quite a bit of traveling earlier...
Oral SexI don't know why it is like that. I'm not a politician, time is not waiting for anyone. I’m an average guy with my own house and few apartments that I’m renting. After many years that I have devoted to my company, now I have more time for myself. As I’m single, I wanted to have a female companion. I must say that running my own business deprived me of morality. That's why I don't think I would do anything wrong, just exchange. Money for life. You see I have an eye for a beautiful...
Now, you have to understand that I grew up in an conservative, but open-minded household. There was nothing special about us....working class parents with two teenage k**s just trying to keep head above water type of family. We lived in a suburban paradise in the northeast and we just got over one of the biggest natural disasters the east coast had ever had. We had four channels on our black and T.V.s, banana seats on our bikes, and the only pools were the community ones. Life was much...
I stood by the window in anticipation of your visit. The house was deserted, leaving plenty of space for us to play. Anxiously I check my watch hoping time would move faster. Sadly no, so I continue to wait until you come to me. After what seems an eternity I see a car pull into my drive way. I spring from the window and rush out the door to meet you.“Hey Rebecca it’s so good to see you again!” I say in an upbeat tone.“Thanks I’m glad we could get together today” you say with a mischievous grin...
Quite some time ago I received an inquiry from another writer as to why I signed off on my posts with the words: I remain. I was a little surprised by that as in all the time I’d been posting on the bulletin boards, no one had ever questioned me as to why I did that. Or for that matter, what it meant until she asked me. It has been nearly four years now since I started writing stories and a few poems calling myself ‘Thesandman’. As that anniversary draws near once again, so does another that...
Twin Switch: Kelly and Mark By Karen Singer Chapters 5 - 8 Chapter 5 The following morning, Janice was almost relieved to see her two twins back to being themselves again. And she spent a lot of time that morning just looking at them that way. Kelly once again looked absolutely lovely in another of her new outfits - high heels and all. She had once again repainted Kelly's nails for her the night before while Mark looked on and filled his sister in on everything the rest...
We walked into Sarah’s room holding hands. Holding hands wasnot an unusual thing, but it was an indicator of Sarah’s mood. “I missed you last night,” whispered Sarah, putting her arms around my neck. “I missed your touch.” “I thought you came three times last night?” I asked. “I did. And it was good. It was very good. But I woke up this morning wanting you.” Sarah untied her pajama bottoms and let them fall to the floor. While I watched, she unbuttoned the top of her PJ’s. She didn’t take the...
Straight SexWhat’s up, horny fuckers? Guess who just got done with another marathon session of babes backing up into some big balls? This guy! And boy, do I have something to share! Have you ever wondered what the Arabian world has to offer other than the hot weather, beautiful architecture, and threats to Western civilization? Hot bitches is what! Yeah, that’s right! If you were ever wondering what was under those straight jackets, you would be pleasantly surprised. It’s usually a hot piece of ass! What’s...
Arab Porn SitesHi…mera naam raj hai,mai jammu mai rehta hoon meri ye kahani 1 saal pehle ki hai,mai roz subha sabzi lane ke leye jata tha.mai roz ek ladki ko dekhta tha wo sabzi ke leye aati thi,wo bohut khubsurat thi.perfect figr tha uss ka.kamal ke boobs aur gol gol gand lambe baal,,,uff kya lagti thi wo….ek din sabzi wala nahi tha wahaan jahan se hum sabzi late thee…uss din uss ne pehli baar mere sath baat ki boli ye kahan gaya hey ab kya ho ga? Mai ne kaha thoda agey ja ke le atey hein…ab hum roz milte...
Well. It has been a very busy summer, and I have not had enough time to keep up my stories – sorry to all my friends. I started working at a hospital as an RN in the ICU and it has been hard adjusting to working nights, and sleeping during the day. I have been keeping up my days with my group of guys, but over the past 2 to 3 weeks I have lost 3 members of the group because they had to leave the area to go to college – I made them promise that we would all meet as a group when they return for...
Karen and I had a normal sex life. Either one of us could rollover and initiated sex when the mood struck us. That changed when I moved upstairs. I had to come down stairs when I wanted sex and Karen had to come upstairs when the mood struck her. When my daughter moved back in that all changed. We didn’t want to get caught sneaking back and forth between bedrooms. What we had to do was make our plans in advance and I would stay downstairs for a while after Taylor retired to her room. This...
Slaves are supposed to wake earlier then the mistress but i wasn't the same i was up earlier than my hubby every morning to have a check on his abused body and the necessary reinforcements from me on his current state. He was on the cold floor the whole night after the ball busting and pegging from the last night. I found his asshole kind of stretched in mms with the pegging last night but I have two bigger sizes as well and I was not planning to pawn or sell any of them so mercy was not an...
Now Gina is 36yrs. 5'7" about 118lbs. married with two k**s a boy 10yrs. and a girl 17yrs. her and her husband Tom live a good safe life married 20yrs. both work good high paying jobs nice home the total package. There sex life is good not great but good. Friday at the start of the day Connie a girl at work comes in all happy and ask everyone to the bar after work she is getting married, Gina thinks I know Tom would not like me to go but why not I'll be home early it'll be fun, so she calls...
Notes: this is my first story (as you may tell) and this story may not transition or conclude as a normal story would. I do appreciate tips [email protected] The Alternative Universe. By Joanne Chapter 1 John was a shy and lonely man, after leaving his teenage years recently behind him he has found it hard to cope with the real world, This is his story on how he eventually was able to cope with his fears and...
What Causes Arthritis? A man smelling of booze and cigarettes sat down on a subway next to a priest. His tie was stained, there was red lipstick on his collar and face and a half-empty bottle of gin was sticking out of his torn coat pocket. He opened his newspaper and began reading. After a few minutes the man turned to the priest and asked, “Tell me Father, do you happen to know what causes arthritis?” The priest replies, “My son, it’s caused by loose living, consorting with cheap, wicked...