- 3 years ago
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‘WANTED. Young student to do small house jobs, start dinner nightly and clean pool weekly for 30-something couple. Negotiable hours and good pay.’
‘Oh this is perfect. This is exactly what I have been looking for.’ said Sash gleefully over the top of the classifieds section.
Melanie finished drawing on her drink and put it down on the table, condensation from the glass dripping from her fingers. She licked her lips and steadied her eyes to where she suspected Sash was on the other side of the newspaper. ‘Are you sure you don’t have some ulterior motive for this? You seem so very excited about the concept of regular employment.’
Mrs Audery Franklin stood in a prim manner, stiff through her back, one leg slightly forward and to the side to balance her. Sash found the stance somehow appropriate for a high school teacher.
‘My husband and I will be home between six and seven and expect dinner to be ready then. If you want to cook something special then leave a list of what you need and we will buy them for you. You will have a key to the front door and the code for the downstairs alarm only. There will never be a need for you go upstairs. Do you have any questions?’
Although she was talking to Sash she had spent most of the time of the speech gazing over the patio through the large french doors.
‘It all seems perfectly set out.’ Sash almost stammered, feeling a little intimidated.
‘One little question though.’ Sash spoke up. Mrs Franklin raised her eyebrows for her to continue ‘I was under the impression that I might be doing sort of baby sitting. Are there no children for me to walk home? Or something like that?’
The door slammed and a thick set man in a dark suit walked into the room and gave Audery a heavy kiss on her cheek. She turned her head to meet his lips for a brief smacking kiss. Audery introduced Sash to the man ‘Sash, this is my husband Joshua.’
He slipped around his wife letting a hand slowly trail along her waist and offered his hand to greet Sash. She caught her breath, she forgot to stand to meet him but extended her hand. His grip was strong yet gentle and she felt enveloped in the power of it. Her eyes darted from his hand to his eyes and quickly back again when she couldn’t hold his stare. She felt that his dark, sparkling eyes has seen her very core. She felt the skin of his hand then quickly let it go.
‘Come outside and I’ll tell you about the running of the pool.’
Sash sat for a second collecting her thoughts. She had been stunned by the sudden appearance of this majestic man, but she now felt in control much more than she had when it had been just her and Audery in the house. She rose and followed Joshua with a little smile across her face and a spark in her eye.
She had almost been shocked when Audery called her to say that they had accepted her. So for two weeks now Sash had walked over to the house five nights a week, emptied the dishwasher, prepared and cooked a meal and cleaned the kitchen. On the Fridays she fought with the pool’s vacuum cleaner, cleaned the filters and added the appropriate chemicals while the meal bubbled in the oven. And five nights a week she had walked home across town in the dusk with a handful of crisp cash.
Joshua called a greeting to Sash from the doorway followed by a complement on the smell of the dinner and a curse on the sweltering weather. He loosened his tie and punched the code to deactivate the alarm upstairs.
Sash hugged up against the door post of the kitchen and asked Joshua if he would like a beer.
Yeah,that would be great. Just leave it out on the patio.’ he called as he climbed the stairs.
Joshua wandered out on the patio feeling much more comfortable in t-shirt and shorts than his suit. His beer was standing on the seat in a tall thick glass frosted with condensation. Sash was sitting near it engrossed in her study.
‘Come out to enjoy the sun, have we?’ he asked.
She raised her eyes and stared straight into him ‘I was wondering if I could go for a swim?’
‘Sure. Absolutely.’ he said taking a long draught of his beer. His whole body relaxed as the cold ran through him.
Sash walked down to the edge of the pool lifting her top off as she descended the stairs from the patio, threw it down and dived bare breasted into the pool.
She reached the other end in a smooth gliding motion, stood in the shallow end and turned to the patio to stare at Joshua.
His back was turned!! She didn’t believe it. She had been flirting with this man the whole time. She had smiled deeply at him, given him suggestive glances, brushed his hands when he helped her in the kitchen and even brushing his buttocks as he passed in the hallway.
Then he stood up. An arm snaked around his neck and he stooped to kiss. She was back!! Sash ducked down into the water to cover herself. The couple chatted lightly and then moved inside the house. Sash felt dejected and swam back to the near side of the pool and climbed out. She picked up her top and strode up the stairs proudly, briefly feeling stupid having not brought a towel with her. As she walked up to the french doors they opened and Audery stepped out. Sash’s heart double timed but her face gently smiled.
‘Good evening Mrs Franklin.’
‘I thought you would need this.’ Audery said handing her a towel.
Sash took it graciously and started drying her arms and shoulders.
‘If you wish to go swimming again I suggest the you take one of my suits from the box in the laundry.’
‘Thank you Mrs Franklin. Dinner will be ready to serve in about twenty minutes. I wasn’t expecting you home so early.’
‘No, obviously you were not.’ Audery muttered as she turned back into the house.
The key slid into the lock and the bolt popped open with a clunk. The door swung open and Sash stepped into the house, dropped her bag, closed the door and locked it.
She was a little late today and she strode to the alarm key pad, quickly turning off the downstairs alarm and jogging on into the kitchen. Lentils tonight. The beans had been soaking on the bench since last night but would still need a lot of boiling to be ready in time for the Franklin’s return. She quickly go some water boiling and draining the beans, added them to the water before starting cutting the vegetables.
With the soup simmering there was a good 45 minutes before Sash had to think of starting on the fish. She wandered around the lower floor of the house looking at the ornaments that had been collected. The symbols of the memories of 12 years of marriage and the heritage of their families. Plates, vases, bowls, paintings, sculptures and candle sticks were on every surface of the house.
‘Bloody DINKies.’ Sash muttered to herself, pondering a contorted surrealistic still-life. ‘No kids to spend their money on, too busy to spend it on themselves. So gild the house with nonsense.’
As she wandered through the stair well she stared up at the ceiling high above her. The whole of the upstairs was in darkness, no light came in to indicate to her where doors or windows may be. She couldn’t even see the end of the banister.
Sash wondered where the alarm sensors started up the stairs. How far up them could she get without setting off the alarm.
She started to climb, always staring at the ceiling above her as it slowly came more into view, always scanning the walls for the sensors.
There it was – blinking at her with it’s red eye,the first sensor. It was aimed away from where she was now but she couldn’t get to within six feet of the top of the stairs without triggering it.
She slowly descended the stairs and began to hear a crackling in her ears, she turned her head to the right, away form the wall and it became weaker, but more piercing – almost painful. She turned to the left with her eyes closed and the sound became more clear but har
monious and encouraging. She stepped forward and opened her eyes. The sound abruptly stopped. She was staring directly at a light fixture on the wall. A curling of wood from the wall became two candle sticks holding plastic tubes with flame shaped bulbs in them. This cuteness suited the house in Sash’s mind. She turned from the fixture to continue walking down stairs. Aloud crack startled her and her eyes darted back to the fixture. Near the bottom of the left hand candle stick there was a tiny drop of clear fluid. Sash wiped it off, but it wouldn’t move. It was hard, it was dry glue. She looked carefully at the side of the candle stick and saw a faint line where the whiteness of the paint did not meet. A fracture line. The candle stick had been broken off at some time and repaired.
Sash continued her descent of the stairs and came to face an ancient dresser. It’s dark wood reeked of history and the dented upper surface described not carelessness but centuries of small intermittent accidents. On top there was a round green vase. Quite easily mistaken for kitsch junk until the depth of the paint was observed, it was not just green. It was a swirl of iridescence, with perfect imperfections that gave it a pearl like quality. Streaks of Cambridge blue and bright yellow so pure and so fine they were not really there. Previous coats of paint peaking through later ones at the whim of the artist. And beyond them a storm of purple and navy blue. This was the only item in the house that Sash had any appreciation for.
As she gazed deeply into the tumultuous design of the vase she noticed a streak of fluid on its underside. This was also a drip of glue. She reached out to touch and a spark of electricity leap from the vase to her fingertip. Her hand shot back to her side, from surprise rather than pain.
Sash began to hear a noise. Like the sound of ice warming the second it is brought from a freezer, the grating sound of something stretching its bonds. The sound built and went on as if at any moment something would….
The vase exploded. Small fragments flew in all directions imbedding themselves in the dresser, the walls, Sash’s face and eyes. She fell to the floor screaming and bleeding.
She opened her eyes and was standing before the vase with her finger against the drip of glue and her heart racing.
The following afternoon Sash discussed these discovers with Melanie. ‘I am beginning to get the distinct feeling something’s not right in that house. I think he’s violent. Probably beats his wife for fun.’
‘Ooh, no he beats her because she can’t have his kids.’ Melanie enthusiastically contributed. ‘Or there were kids but he beat them death.’
‘Now your just making fun of me.’ Sash said slumping in her seat.
‘You are making this supposition because of one broken vase. Things get knocked over in houses.’
‘Yeah, usually by kids. Where are the kids? I had the very clear feeling that he broke that vase while he was angry.’
Forget some ingredients for dinner. Walked to supermarket.
Will be back soon. Goulash in the oven will be done at 6:20pm if I’m not back in time. S
Sash strolled along the footpath in the late afternoon. She was becoming much more adventurous with her cooking, mostly for the challenge. As her skills increased, she raised her expectations of herself.
Her flirtations with Joshua Franklin were also becoming more adventurous. She had often packed her slutty little skirt in her bag and changed into it at the house.
Sash had not dreamed of him in a while. His chest solid and strong. Not the pert nippled, pectoral bound heart throb of her age but the solemn dignified furry chest of an older man. His embrace comforting and consoling. His love gentle, patient, experienced and satisfying. She had not had those dreams for some time and Joshua had stopped being a fantasy, he had become a project. A target. A test of her seductive powers, a measure of her fresh womanhood.
Sash creep up to the front door and opened it. The instant she did loud voices spilled out of the house. They were arguing. Sash crept nearly to the doorway to the lounge. Her breath shallow and quiet.
‘That was the idea behind this arrangement.’
‘You can’t ignore me like this. I need support, this year is shaping out to be heavier than ever. We have deals that could crush the business if they are not planned properly.’
‘That’s just an excuse, we are not talking about your business commitments.’ Quipped back Audery.
‘I suppose that this was the kind of stuff that made you go and fuck Jack for two months.’
Sash caught herself.
‘That was four years ago you bastard. How dare you bring that up.’ Her voice quivering. She started to storm towards the door.
Sash, panicked and step quickly towards the front door.
‘But you still don’t regret it! Do you?’ Joshua shouted back after her.
‘No of course I don’t. Why should I?’ She said coldly fighting back tears.
Sash went back and slammed the front door then walked quietly past the door to the lounge and onto the kitchen.
Sash felt dinner had been a success, the Franklin’s had not commented as she left before dinner was finished. It was now deep dark night and Sash sat up on the curb at the rise in the road. A position that allowed her an excellent view of the house and exactly which rooms had the lights on. The lights downstairs had been turned off for about ten minutes and now only five windows were illuminated upstairs. The one at the end had been turned on and off three times in the hour and a half that she had been watching and she had summarised that it was the bathroom and of no consequence. Four windows remaining.
The two windows nearest the road went black. But not entirely, there was a hue of illumination defusing up the curtains of a greenish tone. The other two windows went black now too. But there was a similar dull glowing of the curtains washed out towards the top, but this was of a red tone. Then she worked it out. Bedside lamps with coloured lamp shades. That seemed okay. Sash continued to sit, she was in no rush to get home. Then realised – two lights. Two sets of windows. Two rooms. The Franklins were sleeping in separate rooms.
‘So what of it?’ Asked Melanie a little to loudly for the bus.
‘It means that they are on the road to divorce.’ Replied Sash imploringly, slightly more conscience of the ears of the other passengers.
‘And I suppose that you think that your effects to Mr Whatsit are the reason for this.’
‘No not at all. They have been probably degenerating for years now. Remember Mr mentioned an affair that Mrs had.’
Melanie shrugged. She seemed unimpressed and uninterested.
This infuriated Sash.
Sash strode quickly into the house, flung down her bag and went down to the alarm key pad to deactivate the downstairs alarm. Her hand froze hovering above the keypad. She steered intently at the panel to be sure of what she saw. Next to printed lettering ‘Alarm Zone One’ and the pencilled lettering ‘Upstairs’ there was definitely a dull brown, unilluminated LCD.
She cautiously climbed the stairs staring intently at the sensor eye. It was hard to find as it did not have its glowing red eye watching the stairs. She held her breath and climbed further, frightened of the dark hall that loomed before her. The stairs creaked and Sash winced although there was no one to hear her. She reached the top of the stairs and the eye had not flicked, the alarm had not sounded. She made a little jump to be sure that the eye was not watching. Neither ignoring the eye or turning on the lights made her feel any more comfortable up there.
The hall laid before stretching beyond to a small door at the other end and a smaller window beyond that. On either side lay two doors. The first on the right was closed, Sash slowly turned the handle and stared inside. Ill
uminated by the dying sun through the windows of the far side of the room were piles of boxes and various pieces of furniture. ‘Junk’ Sash summarised and she moved on to the other room on the right. There she found home gym equipment, the metal bar skeleton silhouetted against the golden sky. This was also not useful to Sash’s purpose.
The first door on the left was dark, as it was on the opposite side from the setting sun. Sash slowly pushed the door open, it swung silently on well oiled hinges. She crept slowly into the dim light from the hallway and saw the head of a queen bed. She fumbled for the light switch. Just as she was about to flick it she heard a faint gasp. The sound a person makes when they have been found, or when they find something shocking. Sash ignored this and turned on the light.
Sash searched around the room, still not sure what she was looking for but very sure that she must not pass up this opportunity to find something of interest. The fact that she had to get dinner on was nagging at her conscience but she kept on searching in one more place, one more place. The first room was Mrs Franklin’s and Sash was now looking through the wardrobe. She had already perused the drawers of the dresser and the bookshelf in the corner. Sash ran her hands over the extensive collection of blouses and skirts, dresses and coats. Sash looked down at the shoes covering the bottom of the wardrobe and knelt to look at them. Piled up against the back wall of the wardrobe were shoe boxes. Sash picked two of them up and found them empty. She tapped the others with her finger nails all sounding as hollow as the first. Her mind wandered to where she should look next when the last shoe box, right at the bottom, in the corner, resounded a solid thud. Carefully so as to be able to return them, she unpacked the boxes and took out the last one, staring at it like a treasure chest.
First there were the photos. Wild parties with great crowds, photo of Mr and Mrs Franklin standing with, drinking with and hugging various friends. There were also some forgotten family portraits. Most of them were old and some of them were black and white. Then there were the letters, Sash knew that she had no time to read these and she was only half way down the shoe box so she skipped them bringing her to within an inch of the bottom of the box. Here she found an unsealed envelope. it was unmarked and Sash gently pulled the contents out. There were a series of photos and a pile of letters. Most of the photos seemed to have been taken on the same day, in a park with a pale blue sky over head. There were only two people in the photos, Mrs Franklin looking younger and happier than she did now, and another woman. Sash flicked through the letters, most were quick notes and the rest were formal letters. She read a note.
‘Sorry I missed you at the cafe. I would have sent flowers with this but we don’t want to start and rumours. I hate waiting to see you again. Please meet me for a serupticious coffee (and maybe a bite!) on Thursday, 2pm at Chestnuts.
Love you,
looking forward to fucking you senseless in the near future,
Pay dirt thought Sash. This was the information that she was looking for. The rest of the notes went along the same line. ‘Sorry I missed you, ‘I just dropped by but you weren’t in’, ‘Just wandering what it would feel like to suck you from under your desk while you taught your brats’. All signed in a flourishing hand, Jack. The formal letters were much more thought out and less erotic. They talked about how family members had been and how work was and problems around the house. They too were simply signed Jack, usually annotated with ‘missing you deeply’ and wishing for one last kiss’. Sash looked up at the address at the top of the letters.
‘Jacqueline Evans,
Pohutukawa Drive,
Jacqueline!! Jack! Sash quickly picked up one of the photos and turned it over. Written on the back in blue ball point was ‘Jack and me – Whenuakiti – 11 January 1997’. Quickly brought back from her daze Sash looked at her watch. 5:20!!! She had been snooping and reading for two hours and she had 40 minutes to have dinner ready.
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"Are you okay Holly?""Yes.... I'm fine...... Did I do it right Granddad? . .. Were you pleased?""Oh yes you were wonderful. You know in all my sixty-nine years you are the first real read head I have made love to.""Oh grandpa... you're so sweet."Looking up, Ed caught a glimpse of Sheri standing in the hallway. "Sheri... Sheri... is that you?.... Come on in and join us.""Oh no... no Dad... this is Holly's night.""No Mom come on in... and celebrate with us..."Dropping her robe as she entered,...
My parents had rented the room to a university student after my older sister left home. He was a 20 year old guy studying chemistry at university, and I thought he was pretty cute - but also a bit annoying. I was also aware that it probably wasn't a good idea to get involved with a guy who was paying rent to my parents. Even though I was only 15, I could tell he found me attractive. After all I had a nice body, guys at school were always trying it on with me. I had small but nice and...
He held her head in is hands, cupping her ears to steady her while she stood, statuesque. Her feet planted slightly apart, arms hanging down by her sides. Apart from her eyes and heaving chest, noting else moved. John looked into her eyes with a steady stare, questioning and trying to gain reassurance that he had read her signals correctly. Letting go of her head, he undid the buttons of her heavy cardigan, pushing the bone shaped fastenings through the buttonholes, starting at the button...
How can anyone, especially you, find all this you wave your hand around, gesturing to your naked body lying before Tom on his bed attractive? You see fault where I find beauty, he says gently, running the backs of his fingers down your cheek. The corner of his mouth turns up. By the end of this night, you will feel as if you could tempt a saint. Why would I want to do that? you ask. Ive already got you&hellip, Havent I? Tom bends down and places his lips on your collarbone while briefly...
Hi friens,my name is Rajbir.Today i want share my experience with my friends mother.i am from kol .two years back i shifted my room to another sector. …on that new place i was new,nobody was known to me.one day a sweet boy neext to my door had introduced himself with me.he was 12 years old.with the time we are good friends …one day he invited me at his home,one i visited his home.i met his mom,mu god i can not share with u ,how sexy she was.she was having nice buttocks,nice boobs,and nice...
This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the sex story are fictional. I suggest you read the previous parts of this series in order to keep up with the plot. Any suggestions and comments are appreciated. This is a completely new series and none of the characters has any kind of association with the old stories submitted by me. I am currently working on my SON MOM AND AUNTS series and appreciate all the love sent to me via email (). Amy and Alex: The next...
IncestTaking Mom Down to the Woods__I was so proud of the fort I had made down at the woods. It was hidden in a bank by the creek. I told my mom how cool it was and how no one could see or find it. She smiled and said how her dad had built her one when she was young. A private place where dad and her could go to talk private. Talk private? I wondered what they would have to talk ‘private’ about. She would say no more but just stared out the window with a smile on her face. “Ya gotta come down and see...
Hi friends my name is Sameer and I m from Delhi.Let me describe you the hot figure of Pooja and she is in her late 19 and she has hot fucking assets with 33 28 34 which I discovered when I took her virginity.She has a pair of big rounded juicy boobs and shapely rounded ass which can make movement in anybody's dick and she has the perfect equally marginal body and she has fair complex and this happiest moment happened in my life around 6 months backOur both of the family living in the same...
It had been four months since my ex had broken up with me. I admittedly had a hard time getting over being so unceremoniously dumped so those four months had passed without a date and without any female company outside of my close female friends. One Friday night after work I decided to ‘get back out there’ as my friends had recommended so frequently. I was going to a dance club that I always saw advertised in the weekly arts and entertainment newspaper but I was going alone with no friends to...
What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Kimmy Kimm is hanging out with her swap brother Rico Hernandez. The swap siblings are in the middle of doing a whole lot of nothing on the sofa when they hear sounds of sex. They investigate and find that their swap parents, Christy Love and Clark Kent, are fucking in the middle of the day. Rico and Kimmy confront their swap parents, who deny everything. Taking Rico’s...
xmoviesforyouI thought I was a grown up but in reality I was a 21 year old with no life or world experience. I hit puberty very late compared to the guys I went to school with and it made it hard for me to find a girlfriend. I was a top grade student and was pretty much considered a geek. Living on campus was expensive, so my parents gave me the choice to find another place to live and use the extra money on whatever I wanted to use it for. The first apartment I had shared with a couple of other guys, but...
A few months ago I had a great experience that was not only unexpected but unforgettable.I had been seeing a friend off from the International Airport. By chance I met a young woman who had just farewelled her parents on an overseas holiday.She lived with her parents in a small country town on the West Coast and I had known her mum and dad before I moved to the city. The daughter, I’ll call Jessie, was still in high school, and was now a gorgeous young woman of eighteen; some twenty years...
An extract from the story of my ex-wife Jan had been round the block a few times, I knew that, and sometimes she could be a proper whore in the bedroom, but other times she could be really prudish and even virginal in her approach to sex. I remember one time we were driving back from London on the motorway after going down to see my sister. We’d had a few drinks the night before and the conversation had become quite smutty, and we got to talking about which celebrity we’d least like to have sex...
"Sunlight streamed in through the open windows of the apartment; A warm spring day was just awakening and from outside the voices of people heading off to work in the city rose through the tepid air. The aroma of fresh coffee wafted invitingly through the rooms, dispersed by the gentle breeze that fluttered the open curtain edges like softly beating angel wings. Cindy-Anna yawned as she sauntered in from the hall, the mornings paper and mail clutched in her hand. Barely glancing at the...
When I grew up I always thought I knew what I liked. Sexually, I mean. I always thought I wanted a skinny girl with a nice ass and a pretty face. That's the kinda gal I dated all my years, since Junior High. But it want' until Jeannie broke up with me that I opened my eyes to a whole new world that was completely worth exploring. I was browsing profiles on some internet dating site, when I got a message from a girl. It didn't say much, mostly that all she wanted was a fuckbuddy. I considered...
My neighbour Alliyah is a beautiful, sexy and intelligent young woman. She had beautiful curly hair and luscious lips. What makes this story interesting is the fact that we grew up together so I know how inside-out. One night we were chatting online and having harmless conversations about who gives better blow jobs and stuff. So I said “I bet I’d suck pussy just as good too” and she was like “I know what you mean, I’ve been dying to yam down one myself” A bolt of electricity passed through my...
LesbianHello readers. This is your Mukesh back with my real experience, more than an experience it’s my life which is 100% true with my darling sister.This is my sixth story here in ISS. I wish you to like and support this story also. So before getting into the story, I would like to thank all of you people for your tons and tons of love and support without which I cannot come this much. I am overwhelmed by your comments and appreciation. I need this love and support forever. I apologize for all of...
IncestHey friend, this is my first story. I am new to ISS. So if I make any mistake then forgive me and give me your feedback. And to all unsatisfied bhabi and girls contact me for having fun. My e-mail id is So lets start the story. Ye kahani aaj se karib 3saal purani hai. Mera naam sourav hai. Me 20saal ka ek handsome boy hun.Mera dost log mujhe handsome hunk bolke pukarte hain. Me cuttack odisha me rehne wala hun. Ye kahani meri ek tuition ki ladki ke upar hai. Us time me +2 2nd yr re padh raha...
It is the year 6969. A race of a-sexual humanoid creatures from another galaxy have declared war on all earthlings and all forms of life treaty-ed to the earthlings. Inter-Galactic Intelligence has uncovered a plot by the enemy to engage in germ warfare. They are allegedly researching and planning to release a germ that will travel through space and attack the male population causing their genitalia to wither and rot off. It is estimated that in a full scale attack approximately 84.3 per-cent...
James took me by the hand and led me down the short hallway to his bedroom. Stepping behind me he slid his hands under my shirt and began pulling it off over my head. He began nibbling gently at my neck as his hands played lightly across my bare chest, pausing to stroke my now very responsive nipples. He worked his hands slowly down to my waist and under my shorts. I could feel his breath growing hot on my neck as he massaged my rock hard cock. He lossened my shorts and eased them off my hips,...
GayMS M. and Mr N. first made contact on a popular site where people contact each other pursue erotic meetings. At first they made brief comments to each other on the chat line but later started chatting on a messenger service and after building up trust they decided to meet in person. Both were sexually frustrated and needed the touch of a real human. Plans were made and anticipation grew as the date of their meeting approached. Jittery nerves prevailed as they both wondered if the other...
Mac split the squads into four man sabre teams as he had learned during his time with the SAS. Each member of a sabre team had skills that complimented the others in the team to provide the whole with a broad range of experience. Helfe had already proven herself the equal of any of the troopers and she led a team in her own right. That gave Mac some three hundred and fifty teams to use and he knew he could cause a hell of a lot of mayhem with the skills they had. He split the team up, fifty...
The Stanley, Room 217 I finally managed to earn the copious amounts of money required to book a night at the famous Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado. Being a horror movie buff and a recreational ghost hunter, room 217 at the Stanley was the ultimate haunted room. Even though I had to book the stay six months in advance, I was beyond excited knowing I'd be able to stay there on June 25, the one night per year that paranormal activity was supposed to be at its highest at the...
My girlfriends Laura and Camilla had invited me to a new aqua club pool that warm afternoon.We enjoyed sunning ourselves at the poolside and having some nice drinks at the bar. Later we went sliding down the tube and having fun in the wave poolI was waiting in line without my friends being separated from the group, as I went back in the wave pool.After a huge wave I ended in the arms of a huge black man.''Do not worry, babe… here I got you…'' He said, as he helped me to take the next wave. I...
My fiancé and I have a pretty satisfying sex life. Both of us were virgins when we met, she had the idea of waiting for marriage. Smooth talker that I am we started fucking after a few months together. I knew she had a wild side that just needed to be let out; I could see it in her eyes. We didn't live together but fucked every chance we could, in the park at night, in the stairwell in her apartment, in the bathroom of a bar, wherever the mood struck us. And by us I mean her. Her strict...
Out of many encounters, I would post them one by one. All encounters have happened in Mumbai. This story is about me and Asif’s hot mom Mubina. Telling about Mubina, she is a 42 years old decent-looking lady with a very appealing figure of 36-32-38 dusky complexion. Even at this age, she was quite maintained and was a very conservative woman as a Muslim. This was when I was 26 years old, and now I am 31. I am a normal physique guy. My stamina to last long in bed makes me different from others....
Writing a story takes much more than only the pen and paper, it requires courage to describe everything in detail. I have been constantly trying my best to write more and more and doing it better every time so that my readers are satisfied to the most. If you find this piece of story interesting do please mail me at Running late by almost four hours due to a long operation in a small time nursing home in Balugaon, we were desperate to return home as we were tired and away from Bhubaneswar...
IncestEllen was preparing herself a light lunch when her husband called on the kitchen phone. Dick called to suggest that Ellen go and invite Walt and Betty's son, Jack, to dinner. Betty and Walt were her and her husband’s best friends, and next door neighbors. The women have been close since they were pregnant with their first children together; that was eighteen years ago. Just last month both families celebrated Jack and Michelle, Ellen’s daughter, graduating from the Chicago Predatory Academy. In...
BisexualA short time later Bahn was at his desk, in his partitioned cubicle, in the large room used by the small group of field agents that make up the CSIS Trouble-Shooting section. Checking his computer, for more information on the four men murdered by the seasonal killer, Bahn had gleaned that they were all involved in politics, in one form or another, and that all had been killed in different regions of the country. Cross-referencing found that they seemed to have no case or issue in common and...
[ As globalization has effected the worlds economy in all sorts of ways, so too, has certain non-economic, ancillary, effects and opportunities arisen. As the world shrinks due to the effects of globalization, along with the Inter-net, all sorts of new possibilities are available, and to sectors of the world's population that could never have been into such close connection with one another before. This story, 'A Moroccan Adventure', is one example of these new, and ever-emerging opportunities...