- 3 years ago
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For Miss Honey
I had known something was wrong all day. For a start, it had been a good dayat work, almost too good to be true. And then I got home. Happy anniversary!My wife said to me as she walked through the door that evening. My heart sankand I knew I was in trouble. It's not unlike me to forget things, but I haddone this before, and I was sure she wouldn't be happy about me doing it againnow. I tried to make light of it as best I could, and weirdly, she seemed togo along with it. ?I didn't get you a present either' she explained. I gotus both a drink, and we settled onto the sofa to discuss the day we had eachhad at work. It was summer, and the long, warm evenings were perfect for diningoutside on the patio. After the meal she smiled wickedly at me over her glassand said ?I want to play'.
We always have sex to celebrate occasions, so her suggestion came as no surpriseto me. I had been expecting it, actually. She stood up and took my hand inhers. She led me over to a bench in our garden, and we sat down together andkissed. It was all very romantic. I was beginning to get quite excited, andmy heartbeat sped up as she revealed a blindfold and secured it around my head.She gently pulled me to my feet, and kissed me passionately, as we exploredeach other's mouths with our tongues. It makes everything so much more excitingwhen your vision is obscured. When she broke contact, she replaced her mouthon mine with a ball gag, buckled into place a little tight for my liking. Takingmy hand again, she began to walk towards the bottom of the garden, and I ofcourse followed, taking little steps and feeling my way on the grass. Thenshe stopped, spun me around a few times, and whispered in my ear to wait there.I wasn't sure I heard her leave or return, but there was no sound of her fora good few minutes. Suddenly I heard some objects fall to the ground next tome, and I could hear her footsteps around me as she padded about on the grass.She undid my sandals and told me to stand with my legs wide apart, and shewasn't happy until I was about to topple over. She used Velcro straps aroundmy ankles, and they must have been secured then to the trees. It was harderthan you might expect to work out what was going on by sound alone. Then shefastened my wrists in the same way, only the rope was pulled tight over a branchabove me. I could feel some spring in the branch, but if I relaxed, I was stretchedout a lot still, and I suppose it at least meant that I wouldn't fall over.
It was then that I really knew for sure, but I can't believe that I hadn'tguessed that I would pay a lot for my forgetfulness. Her tone and demeanourchanged once I was secure, and she explained how upset she was, and that shehad to find a way to get that message home. The speech went on for some minutes,and there was nothing at all that I could do but mumble words of apology, completelyobscured by the gag. Thinking about it, this was a big danger sign for me,as she clearly didn't even want to hear apologies at all. She simply wantedme to pay. She began to cut away my T-shirt, ripping it off me when the remainingthreads were few enough. I was hit with a wave of excitement as I felt thecooler evening air, and the exposure and vulnerability of my naked chest. Herhand brushed over the area just below my belly button and I flinched, instinctively.Then she moved both hands to my nipples, playing with the skin around them,stretching and pulling gently. She licked one, and then the other. Leavingher saliva there to cool and tease my chest, she continued with the scissors,first for my shorts, and then my underwear. Now I felt very vulnerable. I wasfeeling some strain on my arms and legs as well, and I was starting to sweata little. I groaned, shifting a little on my feet. ?Shhh' she said, all dangerouswhispers. ?It's OK, this is only just beginning darling. There's plenty moreto come that will take your mind off these' as she stroked the insides of mynow naked thighs from knee to groin. She began to masturbate me. If there'sone thing that she knows how to do, it is to drive me insane with her handand a little imagination. She never does it the same way, which is one of thethings that heighten my confusion as I can never guess what is coming next.This time she used her fingertips first, fluttering over my penis at random.Little by little I became more aroused, and before I knew it I was exploding.But before I could, she simply stood back, leaving me poised on the edge, desperately,fruitlessly willing my orgasm to materialise. It didn't, and I relaxed onceI had accepted this. Moments later she took up where she had left off. Thistime, she was firmer in her manipulation of my penis. I really am a slave tomy own desires here, because I always know what the outcome will be, and yetI can never resist the pleasure. Not once has she allowed me an orgasm beforeI first convince her that I would willingly turn one down in order to end theteasing. Sometimes she takes me way beyond that stage, and sometimes she accedesand simply stops touching me altogether. That is what I mean when I say shealways keeps me in a state of confusion. This way I can spend hours, simplyfeeling sensation. I begin to focus purely on the orgasm alone (or lack ofit). This evening I think she must have toyed with me that way for about anhour. Over and over again she took me close to orgasm, and then stopped. Towardsthe end she would stop, and then immediately tease my nipples. This was notquite enough to achieve the orgasm I so badly wanted, but it did take me excruciatinglyclose to it several times. I knew that I would not come though. This was oneof those times when she probably wasn't feeling too generous. I guessed rightas well, which is unusual.
It came to an end and she sat down near to me and lit up a cigarette. Sheteased me for a bit about using the cigarette end to torture me, and did infact bring it worryingly close to areas I wanted to keep as far away from fireas I possibly could. At one point the ash must have been long enough, becauseshe actually touched the end to my nipple. It gave me a shock, but it didn'thurt at all.
Then I heard her unscrew a jar. It took me quite a while to guess what shewas doing, but I found out later that I had guessed right. She used a paintbrushto paint my penis and testicles with honey. It was actually quite an uncomfortablefeeling at that stage, the sticky liquid clinging to my skin and pubic hair.I was excited though, and I enjoyed the feeling as she applied the honey tomy nipples as much as I had lower down. I had thought that she was aiming forthe torture of coping with flies and mosquitoes crawling over me, and I washalf right I suppose. They began their excruciating torment there and then,before she was done. The mind is a powerful thing though, and I have no ideahow many or how big the insects were that I felt, and that was very cleverof her. But it got a lot worse before she left me to it. She began to paintwith a thinner brush, down the insides of my legs, and onto my ankles and toes.She connected my nipples to the network of honey trails last, and then describedthe image to fuel my already feverish imagination. ?There are a few hours oflight left now' she explained. ?I want to make the most of them, so I hopeyou are comfortable'. ?Can you feel the ants yet on your feet? They'll soonreport back to the rest of the colony, and before long you'll have the mostexquisite torment to drive home how important today is to me. You can be mypresent yourself, if you can't remember to even get flowers.' I groaned, butit wasn't really for her benefit. I knew there was no stopping this. The ticklinggrew and grew, rising from my feet to the sensitive skin on the insides ofmy legs. I was whimpering by the time I could feel them over my penis and onmy testicles. I was sure I was being bitten as well; the itching on my chestand nipples as well as penis, testicles, legs and feet was overwhelming. Iwas hard for a lot of the time, though, which was actually not good as it exposedyet more sensitive skin to the insects that were so excruciatingly effectivein their delicate torment.
After a very long time, she came back to me, and I willingly put up with theshock of the garden hose spraying me down. The evening was still very warm,but the water was so cold. She released me for a minute or two, and althoughI didn't dare take off the blindfold or gag, I did flex my arms and legs toreturn the circulation to them. ?Right' she said. This is not over yet. Shefastened my wrists behind my back and led me over to the patio. I obedientlyspread my legs apart as she pulled my testicles away from my body and wrappeda rope around them, tying a tight knot. She tied a rope between my legs tostop them spreading too far, and then somehow fastened the testicle rope tothe floor. She played with my nipples for a bit, giving me an erection veryquickly, and then clipped them with a trouser hanger. This is not too painful,as it can grasp a lot of skin. Obviously it becomes more painful if one triesto pull the clips off though. She made the most of this fact and tied the clipsabove me, pulling the cord fairly tight. I stood immobile again, and wonderedwhat was to come next. It was horrible. She untied the testicle rope from thefloor, and began to pull down. The ache began to spread into my stomach, andI had to bend my knees to stop it getting any worse. This hurt my nipples,but what she was doing to my testicles was so bad that I had to do something.When she tied the testicle rope off again, my legs were shaking from the strainof holding up my body with knees bent. She spent two or three minutes usinga cane on my backside, with muscles flexed, the pain seemed worse then everbefore, and I had a few very good incentives not to move as it struck me overand over.
When she was done she left me there. It took me a while for the pain in mylegs to get bad enough. Finally I gained the courage to further bend my knees,pulling the clamps first onto the delicate ends of my nipples, and then offaltogether. Despite having my hands tied behind me, by shuffling about I wasable to untie to testicle rope from the floor. I banged into a few things,but eventually removed the blindfold by rubbing my head against the wall. WhenI went upstairs she was in bed with her eyes closed, and there was no way Iwas going to wake her, so I lay next to her with the gag still on and my armsstill fastened behind my back.
After a while, she stirred and realised I was there. She lifted herself uponto one elbow and looked at me lying there. One hand moved to idly touch mychest, moving from time to time to tease a nipple. My penis began to reactonce more and she smiled. She sat up straight and, looking me in the eyes,positioned herself over me on the bed. She softly massaged my penis with theouter lips of her vagina. Her face was a picture of pleasure, and despite theache in my jaw and wrists, it was a pleasure I shared. She pushed herself ontome and began moving up and down, first focussing on one angle of penetration,then switching to another for a while. She didn't take long to have her firstorgasm. Her second took a bit longer, and before she came, I felt myself toonear the edge. I signalled frantically through the gag whimpers to this effect,and she lowered her eyelashes to let me know it was OK. My orgasm built toa crescendo, as she lifted herself off me leaving my penis with nothing butair for stimulation. I couldn't believe it, she was till mad. She moved closeto my ear and whispered ?hold on for me. We're going to come together thistime'. I did hold on, as hard as I could. I had made mistakes before and Iwas going to do my best this time to end the evening as she wanted. She helpedas well, by attaching a pair of rather nasty little nipple clamps with a handychain. She also gave me a break for a while and removed the gag so that I coulduse my mouth ?for something constructive'. For a good long time she buckedand squirmed on my face, pulling on the chain if my technique dropped belowpar for too long. We did cum together a fair while later, once she had spunback round to take me inside her, and I know that she was happy with me becauseshe finally untied me before drifting off to sleep.
I lay awake for a while, pondering the evening's events. It's so hard really,because I know that she would have enjoyed flowers a lot less. Maybe I shouldforget again next year?
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My sweet Heather looks like an angel. With her curly apple tinted blonde hair, big creamy D-cup boobs that she's self-conscious about, freckles across the bridge of her cute nose and pale blue sympathetic eyes, she drives the boys crazy on the campus where she's an assistant teacher and from which I graduated last year. What they don't know is that she's a lesbian and I'm her lover. She's the yin to my yang. While she's a 5'5" curvy girl with a sweet face of light, I'm a 5'7" athletic woman...
CLEANING TIMESo how does one get "clean" inside to perform an anal masturbation/sex event? Why not get "clean" and have fun doing it? Go to your local automotive care area of your local store and get a large car wash sponge. Now here's the challenge; in the shower, get your sponge all loaded up with some mild body soap and then go to work at trying to shove one end of it into your ass. Its hard to get started if you are not used to playing with your self. But once you get one end inserted then...
I glanced at my boyfriend nervously. He’d been very quiet for the past half hour, just sitting and staring out the window, like he was waiting for something. It was making me really jumpy. Usually when he was really quiet that meant he was either upset or thinking very seriously about something—both very, very bad things, in my opinion. Cautiously, I sat down by his knees and nudged him gently with my head. “Hey.”He looked down, startled, and the look on his face told me he wasn’t upset. “You...
Dedicated to LUE! The four of us had been best friends for all of our lives. We have been hanging out since as long as we can remember. Steve was our leader; he was the tallest, with curly blonde hair and a fit body. Meredith was his girlfriend, who had a skinny body with long blonde hair. She was the most beautiful girl I knew! Her boobs were not large, but they fit her body. And then there was Anna, my own girlfriend. If Meredith was the most beautiful woman, Anna was the second. She was a...
First TimeIt was just another day at the house. Since my late GF had been gone for some time now, I would sit in front of the computer, read news, watch video's and eventually pull up a porn site to jerk off to. That was about where I was today. Lately I had been watching some shemale video's as they sucked cock, got fucked and fed the guy some cock and cum too. I found that very exciting. My mail program “dinged” informing me of an email. It was from a sex site I had frequented. Someone was interested...
I am not sure how it started, or who suggested it first, but in the end, it really does not matter. What is important is that fun was had by all. OK, so I had fun, and I am sure they did too. It began something like this. I was sitting at my desk, minding my own business for the most part, working on a project that needed to be completed in a couple of weeks, when I got an email with a picture attached. The email said simply: "What do you think?" The attached picture was a two pane view of...
Er aage masee’r kachhe ekebare hate-nate dhara pore chhilam bathroomer darja’r chhidro diye mayer chan kara dekhte giye. Sedin masee aamar kaan dhore kitrim raag dekhiye chhilo, ebong ma ke bole dibe bolechhilo. Kaan dhore aamake tar roome niye baka-jhaka kore bolechhilo “kire madana, paji, badmash, bathroomer darjar chhidro diye khub maja kore ma-masee’r nagta dekhish na? Aamake dekhish bhalo katha, didi jadi ter pay tabe ki kandota hobe bolto? Bashay bashe vcd, dvd te american, hindi, bangla...
I am living at my brothers place right now and him and his wife love to drink, i admit i love to drink as well but they drink to get wasted. My brother left town for business and when he leaves he's away for a while, my sister in law is a short BBW with long wavy brunette hair, glasses and big 38 DD Tits (I know that by looking at her bra on the towel rack after she took a shower) and thick muscular legs and calves that she loves to show off by wearing short shorts. I like to fantsise about...
PART 1 I met M at the work place, he was the CEO of a major corporation that I was working for. I was in my mid 20s then, and was at middle level management in the company. I enjoyed working for M and was learning lots from him about organizations and business under his tutelage. Little did I know then, that I would also be learning many other things from him. M was a boss with outstanding leadership skills and almost everyone in the organization both men and women held him in very high...
My new neighbour who was in her late fifties had introduced herself to me by squeezing my cock the first time she saw me,then inviting me to fuck her when i popped round for some milk.This set her out as a horny milf and i was soon to witness more evidence.One day she was out in her garden reclining on her sun lounger.She had a skimpy top on which she had pulled down revealing her nice pert boobs and a pair of denim cut shorts.She was obviously feeling horny as she had pushed her shorts down to...
I guess we need to back up, what, four or five days… no, lets go back a little further and pick up some backstory first. Yeah, let’s start there. Everything will make more sense by the end. My name is Sarah and I have a younger sibling, my brother, Kyle. Now, Kyle and I weren’t what you would call close-close, but we got along pretty well, for brother and sister. Growing up we never had any big blowout fights with each other and, as I got older, Kyle seemed to appreciate me more and maybe...
"Well," said Dave thoughtfully. "I guess you got what you wanted." "What?" said Sammy in surprise. Dave looked at her with mild reproach. "Julie and I were both wondering why you and Bobby hadn't gotten together yet." "Why would you wonder that?" asked Sammy, trying her best to feign ignorance. "We're just friends." "Sammy... Julie told me how you feel about him." Sammy visibly deflated. "She did, huh?" "Yeah. And Sammy... I already knew you loved Bobby." She began...
The general idea here is to to imagine a world where you can kidnap any girl from any cartoon/anime and do whatever you want to her. ideas for damsels include... Daphne Blake and Velma Dinkley from Scooby Doo.. Kim Possible and the Middleton High Cheerleaders Ava Aayla aka White Tiger, Mary Jane Watson, Gwen Stacey and Felicia Hardy from Ultimate Spiderman Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren and Ahsoka Tano from Star Wars Rebels Catalina "Lioness" Leone, Liza Leone, Samantha "Magness" Payne from Alpha...
BDSMblackmailed – maledom – forced feminization – husband – married – domination – spankingIt was our first apartment and we were very proud of it. It was a few small rooms, but it was ours and that made all the difference. I lived with my fiancée, Julie, a few miles outside of town in a small apartment building that had about a dozen units.I worked in a garage fixing everything from mufflers, to fuel systems, and to drive shafts. I'd always been a monkey wrench, taking things apart and fixing...
Quando ho sedotto il mio uomo io avevo quasi diciassette anni , Peter aveva 43 anni. La nostra relazione era fatta di brevi incontri, 15/20 giorni ogni due o tre mesi , era una relazione fantastica, non solo sesso ma vero amore, ero fedele a Peter e in tutto il tempo che siamo stati insieme non ho mai avuto e amato altri uomini. Peter mi ha conosciuto come un ragazzo un poco sciocco , quasi insignificante nel mio voler apparire una donna. Nel corso della nostra prima vacanza insieme Peter...
To the shower.He wakes up feeling disorientated. The beautiful blonde bob is still lying on his chest. He stretches his legs. Blondie stirs and wakes. Her head twists and she looks at him."Hello. Remember me? We fucked a while ago; we were good, too.” She smiles at him."Of course I remember. You bit me on my chest so I wouldn’t forget you. I can see it. ”He runs a hand over her hair and down her soft smooth back. He looks over his left shoulder to his clock.“I got work in a couple hours, what...
Straight Sex