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Honey By Jaded I had a set routine that followed a regular pattern. I'd get up around 10am and then after coffee, a cigarette or two and maybe a slice of toast, I'd head through to the front room, roll a joint and usually catch the last half of 'Trisha'. Ah, the joys of morning television - praise the lord for giving people the need and desire to humiliate themselves on camera for all to see. Trisha offers 'oohs' and 'aahs' and 'uh-huhs' at all the right points and then scowls as if passing judgement on the good-for-nothings - the same people make the show watchable in the first place. After Trisha I might select a video or watch channel 5 for some bad drama but usually by this time the first joint might be kicking in nicely so I'd roll another. I've come to the conclusion that 'made for TV' movies are made specifically for potheads. The storylines, dialogue, and bad acting are a smoker's wet dream. I'd maybe watch a film or two, smoke a bit more and then go sit out in the back garden if the weather was nice to read a book - or if the weather wasn't nice, I'd go out for a stroll to a local caf? to sit and read, while drinking copious amounts of coffee. And of course, when the need arose, I'd go sign on for unemployment benefit promising the clerk that 'yes, I have been searching high and low for work,' and 'yes, I'm available immediately for anything.' When the cheque came through I'd cash it before heading round to my dealer to score some more grass. Most evenings I'd spend time in my room watching movies on cable or surfing the Internet. Although occasionally, I might go out to a club I would hang around in the background. I was always the face in the background. I'd hit bed about 2am and sleep through until about 10 the following morning. So you can see a pattern forming here. Mum will occasionally look in on me and ask me when I'm going to go out and find work, make some friends, stop being alone so much. I usually said 'yeah, soon Mum,' her into submission and then I'd be left alone again. Not bad for your average slacker in his late teens, but I'm 32 and I kind of got used to this lifestyle when I lost my job and my wife divorced me. Sounds like a bad blues song, where the only difference is my dog didn't die and my house didn't burn down. If you really want to know, my Ex kept the Chihuahua and the house as both were hers originally. I was down on my luck and low as you can get. I went to the only place I knew: my Mum's. She accepted me back again with open arms. She was happy I guess. The old house she lives in was too big for her after dad died. She was lonely, though I wasn't the best company. So I moved back into my old room and she told me to stay as long as I needed. I was to give myself enough time to get back on my feet again. So I did and I'd been there for 18 months living in my idle rut. For the most part that time had been spent in my room as I became the perpetual teen. Over this time I'd lost touch with old friends and my Ex. In fact my only regular contacts were Mum, the dole office, my dealer and Robin. Robin was one of Mum's friends who visited the house three or four times a week. Usually when Robin visited, he'd always stop and spend some time with me. We'd sit, chat and maybe share a joint as he'd tell me about his hectic lifestyle. He was a senior partner in an architect's office. Apart from TV his stories of office life and socialising were my main links to the outside world for that 18 months. Robin was a bit of an odd guy. Well, not odd. He was really camp, obviously gay, and was extremely effeminate in his appearance and mannerisms. He never came onto me or tried anything on, but I knew he liked my company and I liked his. We had quite a bit in common. The same taste in films, music and just character-wise we got on really well. Mum saw him as a good influence on me. He was successful and in his mid thirties he was still quite young. Mum didn't know we smoked together - she just about accepted my smoking in the house but would've gone mad had she known Robin smoked there too. Robin occasionally tried to talk me into going out with him and my Mum to get me out of the house. I always politely declined making feeble excuses about not feeling too well or feeling tired. He never pushed me. He'd just smile sadly and nod his head before leaving me once more to my solitude, and, although I wouldn't want too readily admit this: my depression. Since the divorce and losing my job - and yeah, ok, I'll admit to losing the Chihuahua too I'd felt as if I had no control over my life. I'd lost all confidence and felt lost and didn't think I'd ever be able to find my way back. So I'd get stoned. There was a period of a couple of weeks when I hadn't seen Robin. I was a bit surprised, as the only time he didn't come by would be if he away on holiday. Mum would always go away with him but this time he wasn't away, otherwise he would've told me. He usually did tell me and he also offered each time to pay for me to go along. I'd refuse each time. I found myself missing him, and missing the routine of us sharing a joint. I asked Mum one day what had happened, but she shook her head and wouldn't talk to me about where he was. She looked sad, but there was a glimmer of anger in her eyes that made me think Robin had done something to annoy her. I tried asking her again, but she shouted at me to leave her alone, go get a job and get out of her hair. I retired to my room put on 'Way Of The Gun' turned up the volume and rolled a joint. Benefits day rolled round once again, so I walked to the benefits office to sign on. 'Have you actively been seeking work since you last signed on?' the clerk asked looking at my form. 'I have,' I nodded, 'but I guess my luck isn't in at the moment.' 'Have you attended any interviews?' I nodded. 'Right,' he replied slowly, 'Well, you've been signing on for some time now and shown no proof of seeking employment.' 'You've never asked for it.' 'Ok, well now I'm asking. I want to see all proof dating back, say three months.' 'What kind of proof?' 'Well, any of these interviews you've attended, I want to see the rejection letters.' 'I usually bin them straight away. Why should I keep them?' 'As proof.' 'But I've never been asked to show them.' 'I'm asking you now,' the clerk smiled. 'Ok,' I smiled back, 'I'm telling you that I don't have them. I'll produce them from now on. Ok?' 'No,' the clerk shook his head, 'I want you to contact the places you applied with, ask them for copies of these letters and then bring them in to me.' 'Jesus. Did you get out of the wrong side of the bed this morning? Who do you think you are?' 'I'm the person who's suspending your benefits until you get back to me. And yes, I did get out of the wrong side of the bed this morning. Now piss off and don't come back until you've got something to show me.' Stunned, I walked out of the office and hit the streets, A light rain was starting to fall and the dark clouds reflected my mood. I felt like crying. I felt like shouting. I felt like marching back into the office and punching the clerk in the face for talking to me like that. How could he get away with that? What right did he have to treat me like a piece of dirt? I wanted a cigarette and fumbled through my pockets and realised I didn't have enough. Not even enough money for a coffee. Mum wouldn't lend me any money, although she was usually quite happy to. I had to do something but I didn't know what. I'd almost reached home and was crossing a road when a black van pulled up in front of me. The side door was yanked open, a pair of arms reached out and grabbing my coat dragged me inside. I banged my head on the roof and fell on my backside. I looked up at the man who'd pulled me inside; he was built like a bouncer, all muscles covered barely by a tight black T-shirt. He smiled and pressed a finger against my lips to shush me, but I was too dazed by the bump to say anything. I shook my head groggily, and felt his body press against mine as he reached over to slide the doors shut. 'Drive,' he said to the man behind the wheel. As the van pulled out he said, 'Ok, now listen, I'm not going to repeat myself. You remain quiet. You say nothing unless asked. You say something without being asked and you get hit. You get hit. It hurts you. You get hurt. It upsets me. You upset me. I might hit you some more. You understand?' I nodded. 'I didn't hear you,' he spoke calmly and evenly, 'I asked you something, so now you speak. I will ask you again. Do you understand?' 'Yes,' I whispered. 'I didn't hear you,' he cupped his ear, 'Do you understand?' 'Yes, yes, I understand.' When I replied, he laughed and ruffled my hair, I flinched. 'Good boy. I knew you were a smart one when I saw you. In fact I told my friend up front behind the wheel, this boy's a smart one. Didn't I say that, Alan?' 'Uh-huh,' a grunt came from the driver. 'Right. Let's get introductions out of the way. The driver is Alan, as I've just said. My name is Tony and you are Jimmy.' 'My names not...' My earth shook as I was stopped by a slap across the face, not hard enough to hurt, but it stung. 'Jimmy. You're a smart boy. Do you want me to repeat what I said earlier?' 'No,' I replied, hot tears stinging my eyes. 'Good. Your name's Jimmy. Outside this van you could be called Frank bloody Sinatra for all I care. But for the time being outside doesn't exist. In this van is what matters. Nobody outside knows you're here. Nobody except for me and Alan. And as we are all in this van together, we are all that matter. So, if I say you're Jimmy, then you're Jimmy. Ok?' 'Yes.' 'Hi, my name's Tony,' he held out his hand, grinning, 'what's your name?' 'Jimmy.' 'Pleased to meet you, Jimmy.' I gave him my hand. He pumped away, grinning, and I felt my arm almost come out of the socket. 'Now, Jimmy, you, me and Alan are going for a short drive...' 'You're not going to...' Again I was slapped across the face. 'Jimmy, please, you hold the power. Do I hurt you or not? You talk without hearing a question first, I hurt you. Use the power wisely, son. But no, we are not going to kill you, if that's what you were going to ask me. Now on this drive, all three of us have set tasks: Alan up there, he has to steer this van and take us to where we're headed, Alan is the pilot.' 'Me, Jimmy, I have to sit here and offer smart comments and make this journey more enjoyable. Now, you, Jimmy, you're task if you choose to take it is this: you have to undress, strip off all your clothes and then sit quietly. Some might argue over who has the harder task. Alan might say his is harder as he has to concentrate on the road. You might say yours is more difficult because of the embarrassment factor about stripping in front of strangers. But me, I think my own job is the hardest, having to sit here all handsome and good natured while trying to be funny, and if need be I have to hurt you - but, like I said, you have the power over that. Now do you decide to accept your task, or do you want me to show you how hard my job can really be?' I quickly shook my head and standing up as straight as I could started to take off my coat. 'You're a tall lad, Jimmy, what are you: six foot one, six two? You might find it easier to kneel down while you undress, don't want you ending up with back problems in later life, do we? You might sue.' He laughed. I knelt down a few feet away from Tony and took my shirt off. 'Bit of flab round the old midriff there, Jimmy. You want to get out more. Do a bit of exercise.' I blushed and started to fold my shirt. Tony laughed, 'Don't stand on occasion, Jimmy. Just toss it in the corner.' Suddenly the van rocked to a standstill and I felt myself falling forward. I ended with my face buried in Tony's crotch. I felt his penis pressing against the taut denim of his jeans. 'Jimmy, please, we hardly know each other,' then he laughed, 'I'm sorry, I do like you, Jimmy, but I'm afraid guys don't do it for me.' I pushed myself back up and started to unbuckle my jeans. I pushed them down and turned onto my backside so I could unfasten my DM's. After I'd removed them and my jeans I sat on the floor and shivered. 'Aren't you forgetting something, Jimmy? You've nearly completed your task, but...don't tell me you're one of those guys who start something, but can't finish.' I looked at him, pleadingly, holding my tongue so he wouldn't have reason to hit me again. 'Pants, Jimmy. Now!' I slowly removed them and sat back down. Tony laughed again, 'Jimmy. For a big man, you're quite tiny aren't you? What is it the Yanks call it, a wiener? Well yours must be of the cocktail variety.' Alan sniggered. We drove in silence for what seemed like hours. Tony skinned up at one point. He lit the joint and passed it to me. 'You want a drink?' he offered. 'Please,' I replied. He handed me a beer from a cooler and took one for himself. 'This is the life isn't it, Jimmy? Two friends sharing a smoke and a beer. Isn't life good?' He grinned, and once more ruffled my hair, 'You're a good lad, Jimmy.' I had two more cans and another joint. There came a point when I needed to relieve myself. We'd stopped once so Tony was able to use a toilet, as he got out he also removed my own clothes to bin them, maybe they'd stop to let me use the toilet? I held up my hand until Tony asked me what the problem was. 'I need the toilet,' I slurred. 'Well I don't think we can stop and let you out like that. Might cause a national scandal - the size of that wiener.' He reached into a bag behind him and threw a small white bundle at me, 'Put that on.' I held up my hand and saw the bundle was a nappy with elasticated sides. I looked from the nappy to Tony who just nodded once, 'Beer and grass gives me a short temper, Jimmy.' I put the nappy on quickly and sat back down on my padded ass. It was a strange sensation: tight in areas, loose in others but it felt like I was sitting on a pillow. I couldn't relieve myself though. Not in front of Tony. I squirmed uncomfortably as my bladder filled. I was handed another open beer before I could refuse and I continued to drink, more out of fear than thirst. Sweat broke out all over my body as the need to urinate increased. I felt so uncomfortable I shifted about on the floor and couldn't remain still. Tony rolled another joint and handed it to me without lighting. 'Here you go, you can be first this time.' I sucked in the smoke and immediately felt a rush in my system. I smoked half of it before I felt it fall from my fingers. The can slipped too and splashed the front of my nappy. Tony laughed, 'Aw, poor baby.' I felt my body falling back onto the floor and could do nothing to stop myself. At this point, I felt hot urine pour out of me into the nappy. I gurgled and curled into a ball. 'How are you feeling, Jimmy?' 'Gooa baaa fooo,' I replied unable to speak. I felt my mind cloud over and lay on the floor staring up at Tony as we continued on our way to some unknown destination. He stroked my hair softly and sang me a lullaby. I fell asleep. I don't know how long I slept for, but when I came to I was lying in a crib, it rocked gently from side to side. A woman sat in a char next to me, her hand against the crib causing it to sway gently. She sang softly and smiled when she saw me start to stir. 'Gonaa bu booby ba,' I said, still unable to talk. I looked down at myself and saw I was dressed in a pink all in one romper suit with tiny rabbits on it. 'Baby's awake. You looked so pretty as you slept, I didn't want to wake you up although you needed changing.' I could smell a mixture of urine and faeces and knew it was coming from me. I started crying out of frustration and fear. What was going on? Why was I not able to do anything? The woman stood up and towered over me, she was about seven feet tall and built like a weightlifter, and she seemed to have no problem picking me up. She carried me over to a changing table and stripped me down. She wiped my bottom all the while talking to me as any woman would a baby. 'After we've cleaned this icky mess up, we'll get some food for my baby. How does that sound?' 'Ick yah bak mm,' I gurgled. She redressed me in a nappy and pink plastic pants with ruffles. The outfit she put me in was what a little baby girl might wear: white tights, pink satin dress and pink shoes with a buckle. 'Awww, baby looks so pretty. Does she want some food now? Come on, let's see what there is.' She picked me up again and carried me over to a chair. She sat down and held me on her lap and released one of her breasts and poked the nipple in my mouth. Clamping down on the nipple I realised my teeth had been removed so the nipple felt soft between my gums. She stroked my face and told me to suck. Once I did, milk shot into my mouth and I drank silently staring up at her face. She smiled back at me and sang softly to me. I fell asleep once more. 'Now Jimmy, no, we'll call you Jenny from now on,' Tony was beside my crib when I awoke, 'I guess you're wondering what's going on. Well, I'm not going to tell you what's going to happen, but I'll tell you what has happened, okay?' 'Goo gah goo.' He laughed and rocked the crib as he spoke. 'Ok Jenny, we've bought you to your new home. But on the way I gave you some medication that made you into this baby you are now. You can't talk or walk at the moment, though that will change in good time. You'll be here for a few weeks with me and Gina. She's my wife by the way, lovely, isn't she? And she'll be your nurse for now.' 'There's really nothing else to say, except your teeth - they were in quite a bad way but will be replaced with a lovely new set soon. Now I'm going to go now, let you get some shut eye, but here's a couple of little presents from me.' He placed a big teddy bear in my arms and slid a dummy between my lips. I looked shocked as the length slid in, it wasn't a regular dummy, but was long, thin and shaped like a penis. I tried to spit it out, but it had a strap that he fastened loosely behind my head. However much I tried to force it out, it would just slide right back in. 'That's good, sugar, you keep doing that so you don't choke.' He bent down, kissed me on the forehead and whispered, 'Pleasant dreams, sugar.' He walked out of the room and switched the light off. I fell asleep a while later sucking my dummy. I was dressed in baby clothing for three days and nights. I was unable to speak anything except baby talk and all my time was spent with either my nurse or Tony. Tony even occasionally changed my nappy. He'd complain about it good naturedly, 'In the old days men would leave it to the women to do this, but you know, women's lib and all that. Next she'll have me up in the middle of the night feeding you.' When I wasn't lying in the crib I'd be allowed to crawl about on the floor and would be told to play with dolls, although I always had my dummy in my mouth. I couldn't even think of escape. How could I? I had no clothes. I couldn't walk. I couldn't talk. I was just an overgrown baby being held captive by this mad couple. On the fourth day both Tony and Gina were beside my crib when I awoke. 'Time to grow up today, little one.' Tony smiled as he stuck a syringe in my arm. Within an hour I was able to wobble about upright and was slowly able to verbalise myself again. Tony allowed me to talk and ask questions, but he refused to answer any questions on what was going to happen to me. All he said was I would be going on soon. To stay somewhere else. Gina came in and started to undress me and said I was going to become a big girl. She dressed me in new clothing, pink panties and vest, pink ankle socks with lacy ruffles around the top, a short flared black skirt, pink blouse and black slip-on shoes with a small heel. She walked me to the mirror and I looked at my reflection. I cried when I looked at myself. I looked like a grown man in a ridiculous fancy dress costume. I had stubble showing through, but Gina smiled and told me I looked beautiful. In the afternoon Alan arrived and silently taking my hand pulled me out to his car. I felt so embarrassed. The house was in a small cul-de-sac and people saw me as I was driven away. They pointed at the car and laughed at how I looked. I blushed and cried and pleaded with Alan to tell me what was going on. 'Shut up,' was all he'd say. When we got to his home, a tiny secluded cottage he handed a can to me and said, 'Spray this all over your body except for your pubic hair, hair on your head and eyebrows.' Walking into the bathroom I did as instructed. All the hair started to fall out, including my stubble. My body felt soft and smooth as I stroked it. I quickly got dressed once more and returned downstairs. Alan had prepared some rice pudding for me as I still had no teeth. Gratefully I ate as it was the closest thing to solid food I'd had in days. Strangely, I missed the void in my mouth the dummy had filled for the last few days and wished I was able to suck on it some more, but I didn't mention this to Alan. That night when it was time for bed, Alan handed me a small nightie to put on. I didn't argue with him. Nor did I think I could fight him. 'You're going to sleep down here for tonight. That might change tomorrow.' Briefly I thought of escape until he showed me where I would be. He told me to sit in a wooden upright chair. It had buckles and straps and he quickly fastened me into it. I couldn't move my arms or legs. There was even a strap around my neck so I could only look ahead of me. He wheeled the chair in front of the television and switched it on. Standing beside me he showed me a syringe and said, 'This is a hypnotic. It'll help you adapt. Help you become your new self easier. It won't hurt. And who knows, you might like it.' He stabbed the syringe into my arm and pressed the plunger. 'Oh yes, I almost forgot,' he said and slid the dummy between my lips. Though this dummy was different to the one I'd used at Tony's house. This dummy was bigger and made of silicone so it felt softer between my lips. A thin tube ran from the base of the dummy and was attached to an IV drip beside the chair. As the dummy moved in my mouth a thick white solution slid slowly down the tube and made its way towards the dummy. 'Enjoy the show,' he said switching the light off and went to bed. After five minutes the video started to play and an image came on screen of a giant cock with white fluid slowly dripping out of the tip. I stared at it, sucking on my own entranced by the image when a voice started to speak. 'Relax, baby, you're my little girl and everything I'm going to show you will help you be a good girl in all ways. How to sit, stand, walk and love. You're going to get a crash course tonight, baby, so no sleep for you. Relax, baby. Relax.' I felt my body and mind start to follow the voiced instruction. I sucked on my dummy concentrating on the image onscreen. A portion of the seat slid away from underneath my bottom and I felt something thin press against my bottom. It slowly moved in and out getting closer to my ring, gently pressing its way home and not moving too quickly. It felt slick and oily and the image onscreen changed to a penis moving up and down as if it were screwing an invisible partner. 'Relax and let me in, baby. You love this. You want this. You want me.' I felt the muscles around my sphincter slowly ease as the instructions ordered and, what I guess was a dildo, slowly found its way home into me. 'You like that honey. You love it, it feels so good...' The voice continued into the night, and the instructions changed. It told me how I should walk and sit, at some point I realised the straps no longer restrained me, but instead I was able to stand and sit and walk as instructed - all thoughts of escape gone, because I just wanted to hear this voice. The voice was my world. Each time I sat back down the dildo slid back into me easier then before, almost as if my ass were its home. The voice told me, in lulling tones, that I was no longer Jenny. I was no longer to answer to any other name except my new one. The voice gave me my new name. My name is Honey. The voice told me what I needed to know and what I didn't need to know. I felt my mind forgetting so many things except some bare essentials. I felt my IQ being stripped down to a fraction of what it once was although some of my original personality remained. I realised that I had nothing to worry about because the voice would look after me. So many other things were said to me throughout the night but I can't remember them all. So many things. But why try to remember? Why worry? I looked at Alan when he came downstairs the following morning. Grinning I said, 'Hi, I'm Honey.' I stayed with Alan for two more days and nights and I never did get to sleep in bed. Instead each night I watched the television and learned so many new things about my new self and who I was going to be. I did manage to sleep during the day in Alan's bed while he was out at work. He would return each evening and get me to prepare us both a meal. I hadn't been able to cook before, but I could now. I didn't try to question where this new talent came from. When I tried to think too much I felt myself getting a headache, so I left the thinking to the man I was with. I had nothing to worry about while I was with him. On the fourth morning with Alan I caught myself looking at my reflection in the mirror and felt sad. I was still after all a man, although for the most part I felt like a woman. I wanted to change that, so over breakfast I asked Alan what I could do to make myself look better. 'Well, you've nothing to worry about Honey. All that's going to change today.' Clapping my hands I asked him what he meant. 'You'll find out soon enough, don't worry your pretty little head.' I ran a hand along his leg and pouted, 'Oh, won't you tell me? Are you going to get me a present?' 'No,' he said, roughly removing my hand, 'And don't do that please.' I started to cry and said, 'Why aren't you being nice to me? Don't you like Honey?' He stared at me and told me to get dressed as we were going out. I dressed in the same outfit I'd arrived in and we left. There was a suitcase on the back seat of the car Alan said was mine, and not to forget it when we got to where we were going. We drove to a small hospital and he told the receptionist we were expected. He gave them my name and two orderlies came to meet us. He told them who I was and what I was there for. I just smiled at them and waited to be told what to do. One of them picked up my bag. I was told to follow them, which I did, my hips swaying as I walked. I caught up with one of the orderlies and linked my arm through his. 'So what's happening here?' 'Wait and see, Honey,' he smiled. 'Oooh,' I stopped, looking around, 'Where's Alan?' 'He's gone now. Forget about Alan.' 'Who's Alan?' I laughed. I was shown to a bedroom, and was told to get undressed by one of the orderlies. There was a gown on the bed, so I put that on and climbed between the sheets. I looked around the room and thought, 'this is nice.' A black nurse walked in, 'Hi Honey, I'm Rita. How are you today?' 'I'm fine thanks, Rita. Excited about today.' 'That's good. I'm going to give you an injection now that'll help you sleep. Ok? You really are lucky having someone pay for all this. Now we've got the exact specification for how you're to look and, Honey, you're gonna be a honey.' I fell into a long dreamless sleep. I don't know how long I was out for, but it was night outside when I opened my eyes. I tiredly got to my feet and staggered towards the door. Where am I? What's happening? I didn't know what was going on. The last thing I remembered was Alan strapping me into the chair before going to bed and now I'm...where? I felt funny. My body felt different. I felt shorter, it's funny how someone can feel shorter but I did. My legs felt weak and I found it hard not to walk on tip- toe. I grabbed the door handle and saw my reflection in the mirror on the back of the door. Is that me? Before I blacked out, I saw that I was in fact shorter, now I was about five two. How could I lose a foot in height? My hair was now a fiery auburn and fell down past my shoulders in loose waves. My eyes were wider, almost innocent looking and blue - my eyes were brown. My whole face had changed, my lips were more defined and I had a tiny upturned nose, and my lips, they were bigger - as some might say - extremely kissable, and they were permanently pouting. I now had teeth again, tiny white sparkling teeth. Further down my body I saw my breasts, big soft pillows of flesh that stood rested on my curvaceous body, the nipples erect. And further down, I saw a tiny, tight slit surrounded by hair that matched the colour on my head. My skin had a soft healthy tan, and I noticed the scar that had been on my left knee was no longer there. Although this inspection only took a fraction of a second it seemed to take minutes, hours even. I knew I looked hot. A tear rolled down my cheek as I realised I was a real honey. That was when I blacked out and fell to the floor. I awoke in bed, but not in the room I'd woken up in. I was lying in a double bed, sunlight filtered in through the windows. I didn't know what time it was, or again, where I was. I hoped it had all been a dream but the weight on my chest told me it wasn't. Climbing slowly out of bed I walked to the bedroom door and went in search of some clue as to where I was. I went downstairs on tiptoe and walked into a big barely furnished lounge. A large screen television in the corner with cinema speakers around the room and a large black leather sofa and coffee table in the middle of the room and a large white sofa against one wall. Against the other wall was a large drinks bar and cabinet containing a wide selection of DVD's. I walked through the lounge and found myself in the kitchen. 'Do you normally walk round naked?' laughed Robin, 'doesn't matter to me though, I'm quite happy to see a pretty lady walking round naked.' 'You did this to me,' I spoke for the first time and was shocked to hear my own voice. I sounded like some bimbo, speaking in breathy tones. I felt my eyes welling up. 'Why? Why did you do this to me?' 'Look, Honey, go get dressed first then we'll talk over coffee, I'll even roll a joint.' 'No, you tell me what's happening first.' Shaking his head, Robin smiled and said, 'Slut-look, Honey.' I grinned and skipped out of the room to rush and get dressed. I ran into the bedroom and went through the drawers knowing where to find everything. I selected my outfit for the day and sat down at the vanity to do my make up. Within an hour I was dressed in a black satin corset, black seamed stockings attached to the ten suspenders. I had on a pair of black thong panties, my breasts threatened to spill out of the corset but just about stayed although they looked perkier. I wore a black, tight pencil skirt and white blouse. Around my neck was a gold necklace with my name resting between my breasts. I found it easier walking in the five inch heels then I had when bare foot, and I glided downstairs to share breakfast with Robin. I sashayed over to him, my heels clicking on the tiled floor and kissed his cheek. 'Good morning, lover,' I said rubbing the red lipstick mark off him. 'Good morning, Honey, sit down. Let's chat.' As soon as he said that I felt control return, and I quickly staggered over to a chair. 'Robin,' I cried, 'what's going on? What've you done to me?' 'I changed you.' 'Why? It's sick, what you've done to me?' 'No it's not. I'll tell you why I did it. You were in a rut. You were depressed and you weren't doing anything to get through your problems. You were drowning. So I decided to make some changes.' 'But what about my mum?' 'What about your mum? She's getting on. She's getting by. We've become friends again now since breaking up.' 'You were seeing my mum?' 'Yes. Didn't you realise that?' 'But I thought you were gay.' 'Me, why?' he laughed. 'You're camp.' 'So? Anyway your mum, she's a really nice woman, but she didn't want to dress how I wanted her to. I like my women to dress like, well, women. Bit of an old sexist trait maybe, but I like women in heels, stockings and,' he waved his hand, 'you know what I mean. Take a look at yourself in the mirror, Honey, you'll get the picture.' 'But why this? Why me?' I implored. 'Because I like you?' 'Robin, I'm not gay.' 'I know. You're a woman.' 'I wasn't a woman then.' 'But you are now.' 'But I don't want to be.' 'Good.' 'But I don't want to be like this. I like you Robin, but as a friend.' 'That'll change.' 'How do you know?' 'Because I'll make you change. Here,' he handed me the joint. 'Look, I really don't care if you like being a woman or not, but that's what you are now. Your mum's got on now. She's had to. She's a strong woman. She's got a new boyfriend and she's happy with him. He looks after her in a way I couldn't and in a way you definitely couldn't.' 'I'll tell her.' 'No you won't. You won't be able to.' 'What'll stop me?' 'What's your name?' he sighed. 'My name's Honey... no, my name's Honey. What's happened?' 'You can't say your other name. He's dead and Honey lives. Get used to it. Besides, she's coming round soon with her boyfriend. She really wants to meet you. Didn't think I'd be able to get the kind of woman I truly wanted. In fact she had a bet with me, that I'd never truly find a bimbo, happy to do what I wanted.' 'You're joking?' 'Am I laughing? Whenever you're with other people you'll revert to being Honey. Honey by name, a honey by nature.' 'I feel sick.' 'Oh, grow up, Honey.' 'What's to stop me from running away? From killing you?' He shrugged, 'You love me.' 'I don't.' 'Tell me, Honey. Tell me you don't love me. Then there's the door, and if you really want here's a knife. Do what you will.' 'I lo... I lov... I love you, Robin. No.' 'Go and try leaving me. See if you can.' I was glued to my seat, 'I can't. I love you.' He smiled. 'See.' 'Now why don't we go through to the lounge and you can show me how much you love me, Honey.' Robin sat on the couch. I stood before him and smiling against my will I knelt on the floor before him, stroking my hand along his crotch. 'That's nice, Honey, but why not release him?' I undid his fly and felt the dick straining against his silk boxers. I pulled them down and it sprang out. All nine inches. I was shocked by how thick it was and wondered how all of it would fit in my mouth. I licked the tip and felt a drop of pre-cum on my tongue. I licked the length before allowing the cock to slide between my lips. Part of my mind screamed out for me to stop, it told me I was sick, but I couldn't stop myself. It just seemed like his prick should be there, sliding in and out of my mouth. My tongue swirling around it. He stroked my hair and whispered, 'I love you, Honey. Always have, always will.' I continued sucking until I felt him pull at me, and I climbed up onto his lap, my legs open, I sat facing him. He tugged my panties to the side and I realised how wet I was, and how desperate I was for his hard cock to be buried deep inside me. He slid in easily, his fingers unbuttoned my blouse and he softly kissed and licked my breasts. Desperately I scooped one out and placed a nipple between his lips. My head thrown back, I sighed as my man fucked me and suckled on my tit. Still at the back of my mind I heard the screaming to stop but I tried to shut it out. This felt too good to try and concentrate or think or worry. 'Oh Daddy,' I sighed, 'Fuck me hard. Honey loves her big, hard Daddy.' I clenched my cunt muscles and felt his dick explode inside me, spraying his cum just as I screamed out, experiencing my first orgasm. I bit his neck, loving the feeling of his dick shrinking inside me and looked forward to the long, dark winter nights ahead on this settee. 'Go clean yourself up, Honey. Our guests should be arriving pretty soon.' 'Ok, Daddy.' I don't know where the name 'Daddy' came from, or why I called him that. Inside I felt sickened by what we'd just done, but there was another part of me that loved to be fucked by this man. And as long as I was with him I knew I wouldn't have to worry. I skipped back downstairs, my cheeks flushed, just as Mum and her boyfriend arrived. Believe me when I say I tried to tell her so many times who I really was, but all that came out was how much I loved Robin. When I wasn't getting drinks for everyone I spent the rest of the afternoon sat in Robin's lap. I nuzzled my ass against him, feeling his prick straining below me. Just as they were about to leave I noticed Mum hand Robin a ?5 note, and say, 'ok, you win. But I'm surprised you made such a good job of him.' She kissed my cheek and said 'I'll see you again, Honey.' 'Yes, I hope so. It was lovely meeting you. I hope we can be friends.' She was laughing as she left. Now I'm just finishing writing this. Robin gave me complete control of my body and mind for the duration, which meant I can remember how I used to feel. And I can remember my old name and even say it. I can even say out loud how I feel about Robin. My name is Honey. And I love Robin very much. Copyright 1st September 2002

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Playing the GameChapter 30 Trust Betrayed

Tryouts for the girl's varsity and junior varsity soccer teams were held at the beginning of March. Jen, Ashley, and Molly ended up on the JV team, while Kristina and Tessa both made the varsity team. Practice was every day after school, starting about the second week of March. The girls were doing a lot of running laps, out on the track when the weather cooperated and in the gymnasium when it didn't. The girls did a lot of good-natured complaining about it, but they knew the benefits of...

4 years ago
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A Military Service

Chapter One: The SurpriseDaniel was an 18 year old celibate soldier, just trained as one of the UNA's top guns. He was about to be sent out to his first assignment aboard a small ship called the Virginia, stationed off the coast of China in the North Pacific. He was going to meet up with his squad, and begin his career as a "mercenary peace keeper", performing missions in war zones, designed to bring the conflicts to peaceful conclusions. Swinging his duffle bag over his back, he climbed into...

3 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 34

Later that morning... Earth time: Tuesday, April 26, 2033 9:00 AM EDT "God damn it you asshole! We haven't got time for that! Run and get me the bolt- cutters! Move!" "Sure thing Carl! Just be a minute..." I heard someone run off, leaving Carl fuming on the outside of the generator hut and pounding on the door in frustration. I was just a meter away from him on the inside. Fortunately there were no windows. Generators around here are priceless, and this one was extremely well...

3 years ago
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Seduced by Feet Pt 2

Then Thursday morning Mike finally said the words I was waiting to here. "Joe, My wife and I need to go out of town this weekend. And we don't think Stacy should be alone for that long. Would you mind? Mike Asked. Trying to contain myself, I replied in a sutle voice "Yes, I think I can do that for you guys, I don’t have any plans this weekend again" "Sorry to hear that Joe. Your still not having any luck with the ladies?" He curiously asked. "Nope, The right one seems to be very...

2 years ago
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The Futa Fairy Futas Forbidden Wish Chapter 1 Keilys Futa Gift

Chapter One: Keily's Futa Gift By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 November was my favorite month of the year. And even though it was cold standing out on the street waiting for the city bus to take us to Washington College, I didn't care. Two weeks ago, on November 3rd, I turned nineteen. Until December 6th, I was the same age as my older sister Deidre. A month of not being younger than her. Technically. And now I had another reason to love November. The days were so short. The sun...

4 years ago
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Cindys Suspension

Cindy’s Suspension By RockbohunkCindy sat naked at the edge of the tub patiently waiting for the bath to fill. As the water reached the desired temperature, she leaned over and shut off the faucet.Rick entered the bathroom holding Cindy's fleece lined leather wrist and ankle cuffs. "I want you smooth and clean tonight. I have a big surprise for you."Cindy smiled at Rick. "Yes Sir," then slowly lowered herself into the hot bubble bath. She took her time washing and shaving her legs while...

3 years ago
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Teachers Pet Ch 4

DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, black mail, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story is despicable, and should not be tolerated under any circumstance. Hence, why this is a story of fantasy, and should not be taken seriously. DISCLAIMER #3: While themes of the story certainly can be dark, I do try to keep things light with a certain "comic book" style....

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Billy hated being a flight attendant, mainly because dealing with public sucked. Most travelers, especially business travelers, were abusive and felt they were the only passenger on a plane. Nonetheless, the pay was good and Billy didn’t have to work too many hours. And, there was one regular traveler that Billy had his eye on. A businessman, James, who commuted on his flight every week. James was one of the few passengers who treated Billy and the other flight attendants with common courtesy....

3 years ago
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Breakfast in bed

You wake up around 7am on the morning of your girlfriend's birthday. She's still sound asleep, snuggled up and smiling slightly. She's an adorably little blonde with a big, devilish smile and piercing, beautiful eyes. The two of you are so in love. You slide stealthily out of bed and hurry downstairs to make your famous eggs benedict. You fry up some potatoes and mix some fruit and yogurt in a bowl, then head back up to her room. You place the spread down on the night stand and kiss Wendi...

2 years ago
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Maiden of RomeChapter 9

Spring came early that year. The soldiers laid down wooden planks to avoid the mud caused by the melting snows. Penelope, as promised, didn't overly do it with the man who replaced Gaius. His name was Marcus and he was very skilled. Because she held back, he often gained the upper hand on her but she always recovered and continued to fight back. She had a leather outfit made where the skirt fell to the length of her boots. It gave her freedom to move quicker than in a robe or a gown. People...

3 years ago
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Escape from Buggery Ch 18

The despair that clouded Sharon’s perceptions gradually lifted, and she even came to view her shaven-headed companions as her friends, although she was frustrated by not being able to communicate with them: her sexual tastes precluding her even from doing so in the sexual way that Sweetness did with them every night. The countryside they wandered through changed from barren fields, to forestry, and then to some high hills covered with grass and the odd wood. And then they were at the border of...

3 years ago
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My Thong wearing Stud is part of a bicouple

I decided to get serious about my level of fitness recently. I am not out of shape, by any means, but, I realized that it’s going to take some work to keep what I have, make improvements on my physique, and to use my body to pic up some extra cash. I’m not sure if that means stripping, go-go dancing, escorting, or modeling. I just want to have options, and I want to wear an assortment of the sexiest gear.I discovered that I have a great affection for spandex/jock gear. Initially, it was...

1 year ago
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Czech Casting

Oh yeah! Czech Casting porn! I've seen this casting site before but I never went deeper into the nuts and bolts of it until now. As soon as I entered the site, there they were, 1901 models all standing with their clothes on. As I hovered with my mouse over them, all of a sudden the clothes were gone and they were butt naked, staring at the camera with a smile on their faces, all 1901 of them. If you've never seen this site I strongly suggest that you check it out since when you have access to...

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