Tecumseh Valley free porn video

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Author’s note:

This story is based on the song ‘Tecumseh Valley’ written by the late Townes Van Zandt. As far as I can tell, the song itself is fiction, this story certainly is. No characters in the story are based on any living or deceased person.

It is set during a major recession in the US in 1880. Conditions portrayed in the story are as I imagine them to have been at that time and once again are fictional, as are the locations mentioned in the story, and probably in the song.


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Jed slumped at the rough wooden table on which Caroline had placed two bowls of watery soup. He looked at the soup, then at his beloved daughter, and tears welled in his eyes.

‘Ah’m sorry, darlin’,’ he said with a sigh, ‘This ain’t how Ah ‘magined it’d be. Ah had no right bringing you and yer Ma out here to struggle and suffer like this.’

Caroline placed her hand on his arm.

‘Pa,’ she replied, ‘We’re together. I’m your daughter so I need to look after you now Ma’s gone. I’m sorry I can’t do much to help you. There’s just no work here, the mine’s closed because it’s not worth digging the gold out. It isn’t your fault.’

‘Yeah, ’tis,’ he replied, ‘Shoulda never brung yer out here. Goddammed cold place. Be snowin’ afore ya know it.’ He sampled the soup, pulling a face as he tasted the foul meat and weeds that was all they had for food. ‘Best ya go ter town ter get yerself a job. Leastways yer’ll have sumpin’ to eat then.’

‘Are you sending me away?’ asked Caroline, looking aghast at him. ‘I could never leave you here like this.’

‘Well, if’n yer don’t, then we’ll both die here. Best yer save yerself. Yer young and healthy, nearly 20. Me, ah’m old an’ grey an’ tared an’ past it. No great loss if ah cark it, but you’ve gotten yer life ahead of yer. Get out now an’ make sumpin’ of it.’

Caroline was quiet for a few moments while they both drank their soup, which did little to quell the ravenous hunger eating away their strength, health and good humor. When they had both finished, Caroline replied.

‘Guess there’s not many other options. I could get a job and send the money back to you so you could at least eat. Then I could return in spring and help you with your prospecting if you like.’

‘Nah, best if we part ways fer good,’ he replied.

‘Pa, I couldn’t,’ she says, tears coming to her eyes as she puts her arm around his sagging shoulders and buries her face in his neck, sobbing. They stayed like this for a few minutes. Jed gently stroked her long blonde hair, thinking how much she was like her mother. Oh how he missed Mary. If only he’d got to her sooner she mightn’t have drowned in the river when she slipped and hit her head. No sense thinking about that now. Enough problems here now without delving into the past.

‘Well, it’s ’bout the only thing we can do,’ he replied resignedly. ‘Yer got a better idea?’

Again there was silence for a long time and they both considered the enormity of what Jed was suggesting. At last Caroline replied.

‘I guess it’s our only hope. But I’ll send money when I can and I’ll be back in spring. That’s final. You look after yourself till then, y’hear?’

‘Don’t yer go and worry yer pretty little head ’bout me. Ah’ll survive just fine on me own. Now, there’s a wagon headin’ over the hill to Tecumseh Valley town this afternoon. Ah’ll talk to Hank an’ see if ah can get yer on it. So yer’ll need to be packed by then. Go an’ start now, ah’ll clear away.’

Caroline went to her small cold room and looked at her few belongings. She had nothing really to pack. She found a small case that used to be her mother’s and carefully folded her clothes and placed them inside. She looked about her and added a book of wise sayings, some paper and a pencil, and her Bible which had all been given to her by a travelling priest. She closed the case and took it into the kitchen.

‘I’m packed,’ she told her father, tearfully, still not believing that she was going.

‘Good,’ was his gruff reply, hiding the devastating emotions he was feeling. ‘Come with me an’ we’ll find Hank.’

They found Hank at the livery stable, stacking his loaded wagon with hay for the horses. Jed persuaded him to take Caroline as a passenger without payment, promising him an ounce of gold from the mine he was convinced he would find very soon. Hank felt sorry for the old prospector and miner so agreed, with no expectations of ever receiving his payment. However, if he played his cards right, he thought sizing Caroline up, who knows what could happen.

It was a very emotional farewell, Caroline and Jed clinging to one another, both weeping openly in spite of it being in public.

‘I’ll write when I can and be home in spring, promise, Pa,’ sobbed Caroline.

‘Thank yer, sweetheart,’ replied Jed, holding Caroline away from him so he could get a last look at her. ‘Ah’ll write yer too.’

Caroline climbed onto the hard seat next to Hank and wrapped herself up in her warmest shawl. Hank whistled the horses and they started off at a slow pace out of the settlement next to the Spencer mine. With tears in her eyes and grief in her heart, Caroline looked behind at her father until he had disappeared behind a rocky outcrop. Only then did she look where they were heading.

The road, more like a track with two wheel ruts, was rough and at times sidled around bluffs with a sheer drop on the other side. At such times Caroline held on in terror, as though the act of holding on would keep the wagon from tumbling down the cliff. Hank watched her surreptitiously, noticing her stiffen in fear and relax when the going became smoother and the track wider.

‘Y’enjoyin’ yer ride?’ he asked.

‘N-n-not really,’ replied Caroline hesitantly. ‘Is this the worst part?’

‘Just about, though there’s a few steep bits up ahead a mile or so. That really tests the horses. Not too bad with a near empty wagon, but when she’s full takin’ food to the camp it’s real hard. ‘Specially if there’s still snow onna ground.’

They rode in silence for a while, Caroline lost in her thoughts of her father and mother from what she could remember of her, and Spencer, the village near the mine which was the only home she had ever known. The enormity of leaving her only home and her loving father and setting out alone into the world was almost overwhelming. However, she had come from strong stock so she was determined to make the best of it.

‘How long’s it take to Tecumseh Valley?’ she asked, breaking the silence.

‘Ahhh, we should get there about this time termorrer if the weather holds,’ replied Hank.

‘So where do we stay tonight?’ asked a now seriously concerned Caroline.

‘There’s a hut about another two hours travel from here. We’ll stay there the night, then push on at first light.’

Caroline envisaged a rustic house of several rooms, a warm cosy fire and soft beds to sleep on. It really could be quite romantic, she thought, wondering if she would have a view of the snow-capped mountains from her window.

Reality hit home a couple of hours later when Hank pulled the horses to a halt in front of a tumbledown shed amongst the pines made of rough timber and covered with a rusty iron roof.

‘Here’s home fer the night,’ he announced.

‘What, is this where the horses stay?’ asked Caroline.

Hank hooted with laughter. ‘Nah, this is where we sleep the night. It’s quite cosy. Ah stopped the cracks in the wall with moss a while ago so it ain’t too drafty, it has a fireplace for cookin’ and heatin’ and the bed’s comfortable. Can yer take our stuff inside while I tend the horses, then ah’ll get a fire goin’.’

With her case and Hank’s bedroll in her arms, she pushed the door with her foot. It gave with a creak of its rusty hinges and Caroline entered the single room, if it could be called that. It looked more like a stable. A fireplace, simply a grate with a tin
chimney, sat in the middle of one wall, there was a bench at one end and an area that looked like a sleeping space at the other. She put their belongings on the bedspace. After her ride she really needed a bathroom so went outside to ask Hank where that was located.

‘Any tree yer like,’ he replied with a wave of his hand, ‘Just help yerself. Washin’s done in the stream over there,’ he added pointing to a narrow track leading downhill to where Caroline could hear running water.

Caroline went into the trees a way, out of sight of Hank, and did her business, then walked down the track and tried her best to wash her face and freshen up in the almost freezing water. Once she returned to the wagon she noticed that Hank had split a hay bale to feed the now hobbled horses and given them a bucket of water. They both arrived at the hut at the same time.

‘There’s stew inna pot an’ a few carrots yer can add if yer like while ah get the fire goin’,’ he told her, pointing to the pot and vegetables and collecting an armful of dry wood from a lean to outside.

Caroline tended to the stewpot and by the time it was ready for cooking Hank had the fire blazing. It was almost dark outside, the inside of the hut being lit by the flickering light of the fire. They both sat on their packs of clothing and bedroll.

‘So where do you sleep,’ asked Caroline pointedly looking at the bed.

‘Ah usually sleep this side so yer’ll be on t’other side. That suit yer OK?’ he asked.

‘We’re not sleeping in the same bed!’ she exclaimed horrified.

Hank guffawed with laughter. ‘OK, have it yer own way,’ he replied, ‘Ah’m sleepin’ there, yer can sleep wherever yer want. Wassa matter, yer never slept with a man afore now?’

‘No, I’ve never slept with a man and I don’t intend to start now,’ replied Caroline aloofly, concerned now.

‘Waal,’ began Hank, ‘Ah guess there be a firs’ time fer everthin’. But suit yerself.’

They sat, gazing into the flames as the stew boiled and the carrots cooked. Caroline thought hard. She had never been with a man but had heard some of her friends talk about it. She remembered her mother telling her it was something special and should be saved for marriage, but her friends had told her, with hushed giggles, how much fun it was, how great it felt, and part of her wanted to get rid of this thing called virginity, the other half wanted to keep it as a treasure for her future husband. And anyway, she thought, was Hank the right person for her first?

Hank interrupted her reverie by taking two tin plates and a couple of spoons from a shelf and ladling generous portions of stew and carrots onto the plates, handing a plateful and a spoon to Caroline.

‘Here, get some food inter yer and yer might see things different,’ he grunted.

They sat and ate silently while the fire heated a pot of water for some tea. Caroline came to a conclusion. Hank seemed a good-hearted man so while she wasn’t ecstatic about the possibility of him being the one to take her virginity, at least it didn’t seem like he’d be rough and he seemed to be caring. So she came to accept that if it happened tonight, then it happened.

After they’d emptied their plates, washed these with some of the hot water, and had the tea brewing in the pot, Hank asked:

‘So, have you decided where yer goin’ sleep tonight?’

Caroline nodded towards the bed, ‘Yep, right there.’

‘Nexta me?’

‘Yep, sure am.’

‘So yer not concerned ’bout sleeping with a man for the first time?’

‘Nope, just keep your hands to yourself and we’ll both sleep well.’

Hank sipped his tea in silence for a few moments.

‘How old’re yer?’

‘Nineteen, nearly twenty.’

‘An’ yer ain’t never slept with a man. Amazin’. So yer never had sex either ah guess?’

Caroline blushed furiously, the colour hidden from Hank by the orange glow of the firelight.

‘Never. My Ma told me to keep it for my husband on our wedding night.’ She decided to open up a little to Hank. ‘But some of my friends have been having sex. They think I’m stupid to keep it for my husband. They say I’m missing out on lots of fun and they also say what would happen if I don’t marry or if I die before I marry, I’ll have completely missed out.’

‘Well, ah guess it’s somethin’ yer’ll just havta work out for yerself. We could do somethin’ ’bout it tonight ifn yer like.’

Caroline blushed furiously again, part of her aghast at the thought of having sex with this rough outback wagoner. But then, she thought, was she so much better? She was the daughter of a failed miner and prospector, not exactly the highest recommendation in the wife stakes for an eligible husband. Maybe she should just take what she can get, when she can get it. Her friends had said that sex was fun, why was she so concerned about keeping it for a husband who may never happen?

‘Guess you’d like that, eh,’ she replied, grateful of the fireglow to hide her blushes.

‘Well, yer could be right there too, li’l lady. If yer want to, ah’m sure ready. Anyways, we gotta big day termorra so ah’m goin’ to bed. If yer wanta join me yer can otherwise suit yerself.’

Having said that he tossed the dregs of his tea into the fire, pulled off his outer clothing and lay down on the bed, pulling a couple of blankets over him.

It was now or never, thought Caroline. Following suit she tossed the dregs from her cup into the fire, turned her back to Hank, wishing it was darker. Then removed her dress and petticoats, leaving her blouse, slip and bloomers in place. She lay on the side of the bed as far away from Hank as she could and gave the blankets a tug, hoping to retrieve enough to cover herself.

She couldn’t budge the blankets, Hank was lying on the far side, so she had the option of either freezing or moving closer. She chose the latter, moving just close enough so that she could draw the blankets over her. She heard her heart beating fast, a frantic response to being in bed with a man for the first time.

Hank lay still, eyes closed. He sensed that she was lying next to him, and sensed she had moved closer than she really wanted. Tentatively he reached towards her, touching fabric gently and continuing until he felt Caroline’s body beneath his hand. He gently rested it on her shoulder.

Caroline felt the pressure on her shoulder. Was he awake or asleep, she wondered. Had he just moved in his sleep or was this the start of something more? She didn’t know what she hoped for. She left his hand where it was, neither encouraging nor rejecting his touch. His hand started gently moving, caressing her shoulder lightly. He was awake.

How to respond? She could just move his hand off her, or she could move away. She did neither and instead reached her hand towards him, resting it on the singlet covering his ribs. She also began a gentle caressing motion in time with his own.

After several minutes of this, he moved a little closer. The blanket between them sagged slightly and Caroline relaxed. She started enjoying his caress on her shoulder and moved her hand slightly, slowly down his ribs to his abdomen, maintaining her slow caresses all the while.

Caroline felt his hand move gently to her neck, making skin contact before it very slowly, very tentatively slipped under the fabric of her blouse and down the side of her ribs, carefully avoiding her breast. She also felt him roll towards her slightly, allowing his other hand to rest on her blouse at her waist. The intimate touches she was receiving caused her to tense up and freeze, stopping her own caressing of Hank’s abdomen through his singlet.

Hank felt her tense and maintained the motion of his hands, hoping she would relax. A flighty filly, he decided. She relaxed slowly and continued her caresses through his singlet before she moved her hand downwards, searching for the lower edge of the garment. Once she found it she carefully, slowly and tentatively eased h
er hand beneath it against the skin of his abdomen.

Caroline felt Hank’s hand follow her lead, pulling her blouse up slightly so he could slip his hand under it and lightly, teasingly caress her lower ribs and abdomen. She felt a tremor pass through her body and, analysing it, noticed it was excitement and a previously unknown feeling which she guessed must be lust. She wanted him, no, she decided, she needed him, now, hard. She wanted him inside her!

A part of Caroline’s mind examined her thoughts and feelings unemotionally. What are you thinking, woman? This is wrong, this is against everything you’ve been taught, everything you know. Get out of here now.

However, that part was quickly swamped by the overpowering lust she was feeling, the sensations of being a woman. Her lusty self won out, she rolled onto her side and moved closer to Hank, using her free hand to gently move Hank’s hand over her breast, holding her breath as she waited to see what he would do.

Hank gently rested his hand on her soft breast, cupping it as he waited for her to release her breath and relax. Once she did, he started to slowly move his hand, kneading her breast ever so gently, lightly touching her engorged nipple while feeling her hand on has abdomen gradually moving downwards towards his hard and ready penis, which was tenting his pants and causing him pain from being constricted. He wriggled his hips, trying to make it more comfortable.

Caroline had seen her father’s penis when he was washing, but it had always been small and floppy. She had never even known that a man’s penis could grow hard and huge. She had never touched a penis either. She decided it was time to remedy that.

Slowly she continued her exploration, moving her hand down further beneath Hank’s pants and underclothes as the tips of her fingers felt the space created by his hard penis tenting his clothing. Caroline gasped as her fingers found his rigid member. She followed it upwards towards the head, amazed at the size and hardness.

‘Is it painful having this so constricted?’ she whispered to him, the first words spoken since they lay together.

‘Mmmm, yep, sure am,’ he replied, ‘Yer could pull it upward if yer like, that’d help.’

She reached around his penis, noticing it was so thick her fingers didn’t meet the palm of her hand, and carefully, slowly pulled it upwards until it lay on the lower part of his hairy abdomen, pointing towards his chin. She tentatively held it, noting that it was far longer than the width of her hand. She explored carefully, feeling the head, which was wet on the end, and giving it a small, tentative rub, causing Hank to groan.

‘Did that hurt?’ she asked.

‘Nah, not hurt, jes’ felt good,’ he told her.

Hank moved his other hand to cup her other breast and started a more serious massage of both breasts and nipples. Caroline lay still, enjoying what Hank was doing, holding his penis in her hand and making slow movements which Hank responded to by moving his hips.

‘What do you call this?’ she asked giving his penis a squeeze.

‘It’s me prick.’ He replied. ‘What d’yer call these?’ he asked giving her nipples a squeeze.

‘They’re my titties,’ she giggled. ‘It feels lovely when you do what you’re doing to them.’

‘Yeah, I like yer playin’ with me prick too.’

They continued playing with each other, Caroline becoming increasingly more at ease with Hank touching her intimate parts and giving her all the wonderful feelings that were coursing through her body. After a while Hank moved over towards her and she felt his warm breath on her cheek.

‘Yer ever kissed a man?’ he asked.

‘Only my Pa,’ she replied.

‘Well, here’s ‘nother first. Jes’ relax.’

She felt his lips meet hers, their breath mingling as his lips gently at first, then with more pressure, pressed down onto her mouth. She then felt his tongue lick her lips, then gently spread them apart and insinuate its way into her mouth. The feelings it gave her were very erotic, her lust was rapidly increasing. Ohhh, she needed him inside her, although she had no idea what that would feel like.

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Beth arrives at Stardew valley stepping out into the warm spring air and takes a deep breath of the country air. The scent of cherry blossoms and fresh grass brought a smile to her face. Wearing only overalls the sun bathes her large chest in warmth as it bounces on her walk to her new farm. Aside from her chest and butt she was a pretty average sized girl at about 5'6". She was fairly slender and her physique was very feminine, though despite her looks she was rather strong for a girl her size.

3 years ago
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Big Melon Valley

Please send any and all feedback to serrated2. Ron Marrick was in his room playing on his computer when his mother called for him. Pausing his game he walked over to his door and opened it just wide enough to stick his head out and yelled back to her. "What?" he asked. "Can you take out the garbage right now?" she replied. "Yeah okay." he said. Shutting his door, he went back to his computer to save his game and then turned it off. When he was done, he opened his door and stepped out into the...

3 years ago
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The CompetitionChapter 9 Valencia Valley

The knot of people standing to the side included Mr. Gregg and four women. Mr. Gregg was profuse with his admiration of the efforts of both swim clubs. "Mrs. York, ladies of the girls' swim team, let me introduce you to Principal Fabian of Buchanan High School, the senior athletics instructor Miss Penelope Strathroy, the chair of their Home and School Association, Mrs. Margaret Phelps, and the captain of the volleyball team Miss Leona Sharpe." Principal Fabian started the ball rolling,...

1 year ago
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Comics Valley! There are many reasons to love erotic comics. They take us to places few other mediums can go. For me, vanilla erotic comics make absolutely no sense. If I want to see regular missionary sex, I’ll watch it in real life. When I’m reading porn comics, it’s because I want to see something morally objectionable.It’s hard to sell live-action porn where a mentally disabled man who used to be brutally abused by his mother relives his trauma by raping older women on the street. Even the...

Porn Comics Sites
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Bondage Valley has a funny name. Half of the equation makes it sound like a nice, relaxing place to take a vacation or even retire if you’ve managed to save anything by the time you’re old. Then again, you may end up tied up, gagged ad getting fucked in the mouth by a machine. Whether that’s your idea of a chill time or not probably depends on who you are and which side of the bondage you’re on. You know, maybe this would be a good place to spend a few sick days, after all…As you may have...

Fetish Porn Sites
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A night in the Valley

All my previous stories have been true.This one starts out as true but the actual encounter is not.Bored, slightly drunk and lonely on a business trip, I check into an adult chat site. I find you playing on cam. Damn nice dick there. You are staying at the hotel I normally do but I am across town this time. I want you cock in my mouth. I am jacking off and watching. But you won't let me come over. You have a girl coming by. By you say I can lick her juices off :)A couple of hours...

4 years ago
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A Full Moon PhaseChapter 10 Mating at Last in the Gods Valley

Awaking shivering, lying on top of snow, the Colonel felt heat in waves pass over him and the snap and crackle of a fire and smelled the smoldering smoke unpleasantly tinctured with the smell of burnt flesh. He also heard the swooping noise of blades battering air. Surrounding him were Wolf and Maria and Heinrich and Bobbie and Gretchen, all of whom except Gretchen holding pistols loosely and impotently towards the ground. Raising his head, he felt a pain at his chin. Wanting to rub it, he...

3 years ago
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Our Babysitter Julia

“So what time does she get here?” I asked, my wife then checked her watch and then looked up at the clock. “In about an hour.” she replied. “Why check your watch and then the clock?” I asked her, “Didn't know that was the time.” she answered. I continued tapping keys at my laptop while she got dressed. She was a beautiful woman, with short curly black hair and a size 8 figure. Her breasts were natural, which some people didn't believe because they were so pert. Sitting like two half...

1 year ago
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After the Rain II The Verdict

AFTER THE RAIN II: THE VERDICT: A short story by Tamsyn Eighteen months have passed since Jack Welch was freed from years of slavery and abuse; his body changed beyond all recognition. It has not been easy; nightmares, struggles with identity and gender, publicity and celebrity, and now the trial of his captors. The young woman stood on the steps of the imposing building, looking out at the sea of faces and cameras. She wanted nothing more than to disappear back inside the safety...

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DeepLush Lily Larimar She Wants It Deep

Lily Larimar and I have sex for the first time in this sweet and passionate scene together. We start up against the wall making out and teasing each other before I lick her pussy and bend her over to fuck her. We move to the bed and have sex in a bunch of positions as Lily tells me to go deeper. She cums multiple times while I fuck her and hold a hitachi on her clit. There’s POV during the blowjob and while she rides my cock. She licks my asshole really well before we finish in missionary...

2 years ago
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Shadow Dancing Ch 01

Chapter 1 – There Shadows Meet It seems like only yesterday that fear and old taboos used to rule most of my 40 some odd years of life, then like shadows dancing in that unreal time between dusk and dawn they disappeared, as all shadows must when the sun’s rays slowly kiss dawns golden lips. No I’m not crazy at least I hope I’m not, nor am I perverted, kinky or sick as some others my age might think. I am in fact in love truly and deeply for the first time in my life, regardless of the fact...

3 years ago
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القصه بداة لم سبت البيت ورحت سكنت فى شقه بعيده عن اهلى تانى يوم انا مخدة الشقه فى امين شرطه وامراته جم سكنو فى الشقه الى جنبى فى نفس الدور المهم انا عايش فى حالى ولئنى شخصيه خجوله محولتش اعمل مع الراجل جارى اى نوع من انوع الصدقه مفيش مبينى وبينه اكتر من السلام والست بتعته انا معرفهاش خالص ولكن صوته بصراحه كان بيهيجنى هى بتحب تسمع اغانى طول اليوم وصوته على وهى بتتكلم مع جوزهيوم ورا يوم بدات الخناق مبنهم واجوزه بدا يضربه وهى تشتمه وتصوت صحيت من النوم مفزوع فتحت الباب لقيتو بيضربه امام...

2 years ago
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A Passion for Halloween

It was a dark and foggy night as I made my way home along the country road. Stopping suddenly I heard a noise, waiting I didn’t hear it again. Shrugging I again started to pedal. I felt safe as nothing bad had happened here for hundreds of years. Nothing bad like women being violated, murdered or robbery. I breathed a sigh of relief, my 36C breasts rising and falling rapidly as I tried to calm my breath. I reached the modest home that my father had left me. As I started to open the door, I...

1 year ago
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Finding a sexy nymph in the new intern

I had landed my first official job, right out of college and was working in the accounts section. I was a horny guy, but still a virgin and had zero experience on how to get a girl to do it with me. I got through college by completing it online and never had a chance of meeting and getting cozy with college girls. Getting a degree and a job to put food on the table was more important. But luck favored and I got to meet a sexy nymph soon! A few weeks into work, I heard stories about cam sites...

2 years ago
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First time turning into dirty sissy slut

If you are reading this now and finding it disgusting, i suggest you don't comment. Am just an african teenage of 21 of age, living in my own apartment, i am single as far as i remember and being a sissy is my fantasy which i realy wish to turn true. dont get me wrong guys, i realy do want a girlfriend, but trying another man cock in all position makes me hard many times. well luckily this is a story of how it became a reality. it happened few weeks ago from now. it all began when i...

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Life on Earth

Madison knew it was forbidden. That was what enticed herforward. The burning cold lay before her. And behind her… Well she couldn’t go back now. Not back to Purity. She refused to remain Pure, the burden of it pulled at her heart. Or at least, where her heart would be if she had one. But since she had met Jasper, he was all she longed for. The Pure aren’t supposed to allow themselves to feel desire in that way. They are only meant to desire to serve the Pristine Goddesses, the virginal saints...

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Fun In Engineering College

Well, there ends the seventh semester of my college life. I am an Engineering Student in one of the reputed college of Nepal recently named as Central Campus, Pulchowk. I present here a story partly based on the happenings of my college life and partly as a fiction. If you are looking for a straight-sex-masturbation story this is probably not the story for you. I like to take things slow. All the characters are fictional and any resemblance to the real life is purely coincidental. It was the...

4 years ago
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Mary Lost the Use of Her Hands

"How is my favourite Daughter today?""A bit better than yesterday."I always call her my favourite even though she is my only c***d. Normally it makes her smile, but not today. I guess she is in too much pain."Have the Doctors said anymore about your hands?""Only that they are not as badly burnt as they first thought, and that given time they will heal OK.""That's great news, I was really worried.""Me too, but this pain is a bitch, though it is easing off. They have given me stronger...

2 years ago
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Ray arranged a stranger to fuck me

Hi friends, I am Rajesh, a 25 years old Bisexual Hyderabadi boy living in Melbourne, Australia. I started crossdressing when I was in my graduation, and it was just out of curiosity. When I’m crossdressed, I get hard, and I like the feeling. It made me try having fun with guys. I’m here to share my recent experience. If you read , you’ll know that Ray is my neighbor. We have sex regularly. Now we both live in the same house. For the past month, we rarely had sex as our work timings are...

Gay Male
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The Small Town Country Gal

I was making my way back to Dallas from a business trip toeast Texas when I decided to stop off at a local country store in a very small town and grab a snack. As I pulled into the gravel-topped drive of the store, I noticed a fairly good looking gal walking down the sidewalk towards the same country store where I had just pulled into to park.I pulled up in front of the store about the same time she walked right in front of my car. I smiled as she looked my way and she smiled back.I love...

Quickie Sex
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Mystic Night PART ONE

He was walking through the forest, deep within his thoughts. The last peace-making mission took a lot out of him. He was tired of the world and sleepless nights were taking a toll on him. He looked at the hidden moon lurking behind the clouds and sighed. He was hoping that the nightmares would end soon. He did not want to go to any psychologist, because it was not his thing to talk to strangers about his feelings. He did not talk about them with anyone. Then he heard a scream, and he turned...

3 years ago
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Batman and Robin Changes in Wayne Manor

The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. I would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send me. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it! I wrote a story a few years...

1 year ago
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Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 11 A Bouquet of Pheasants

On a hunch, Clint asked his Vanguard counterpart in Boise to go through the old surveillance videos before the raid on the Gunther compound in northern Idaho. A raid clandestinely approved and funded by Senator Harper Wainwright. And orchestrated by his chief of staff, Constance Grayson. And field-directed by Matt Striker. Boise called back the next day. Winner-winner, chicken dinner! Martin Folsom again. That tied him to two American Nazi compounds. And also made me start reconsidering...

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I watched them

I'd been out on the town with some friends and by the end of the night a couple of them pulled and buggered off leaving me, my best mate Mark and his stunning girlfriend Sam . Mark and sam asked if i wanted to stay at Marks house as his parents were away for the weekend as it would mean catching a taxi on my own , costing me a small fortune. Mark said that he would drive me home in the morning , so i agreed. We all got in a taxi, Mark sat next to me and Sam opposite me her long brown hair...

2 years ago
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Anal whore

There was this guy named Ken who was a friend of the family and one night I ran into him at a local gay bar he was surprised to see me there and asked me what the hell I was doing here that he thought I was straight. I smiled at him and said so does everyone else nobody knows my secret he then said my secret was safe with him and then bought me a drink, the more I drank the more relaxed and looser I became. He asked me about my first experience and if I had any fetishes or fantasy's I told him...

3 years ago
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How could this happen

How could this have happened, over the past year I have become what most people would call a slut. Let me explain, I am a 50ish Hispanic female with 36d breasts and am 5 foot 6inches weighing in at about 145. I have always enjoyed sex, and have been happily married since I was 25. Before getting married I was a bit wild, having tried many of the basic sex things, 2 guys, a girl, and many different positions. But this past year I do not know what has gotten into me. My husband knows about...

1 year ago
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A guy convinces his girlfriend to fuck and suck her brother in a threesome

My buddy Erno and I have been friends for a long time. We’ve been through a lot together, and have done a lot. Up till last Saturday, though, I wouldn’t have believed what happened could happen. I started going out with his sister Nicolette about five months ago. His Dad married her Mom about twenty years ago, and they became brother and sister that way, when he was 14 and she was 10. Erno’s 34 now, and I am 32. Ever since I had first met Nicolette, she was a total slut. But...

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Moonlit Love

I am lying in my bed, staring out the window at the pale orb above me. The moon is so bright, so full, so hypnotic. He is tugging at my heart, pulling me into orbit. ‘Come away with me,’ he whispers, ‘I’ll protect you.’ I float out of my bed and slip out the window. Like a spirit I fly over the spider web of lights, my dear city now far below. Over rivers and mountains, deserts and plains, I soar. My love knows no earthly boundaries. I swim through the air, eyes on my lovely moon, calling...

3 years ago
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My Cousins Pussy

It was 2am in the and i was crawling on my knees towards my cousin Layla’s bed my heart beating fast and my erect penis shackin underneath me as i moved. Suddenly my head bumps into the bed and i smile as i rise and put my hand into her blanket my hand moves up as i try to feel my way up to her panty my hand touches her warm thigh and i feel her move i freeze. She stops moving and i pull my hand out fron under the covers and put it on my chest i almost jump feeling its coldness so i put it back...

1 year ago
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Sallys punishment for texting while driving

I was riding my motorcycle to the hardware store in Long Beach, near LBSU, to pick up some eye hooks. There was a car in front of me all over the lane. I thought that person must have had a few drinks for lunch? Or they were on the phone or texting?? I switched lanes and came up on them on the drivers side. I couldn't believe it? It was Sally! And, yes, she was texting! She knows I hate when people do this while driving! When I'm riding my motorcycle I want people to pay attention. I was...

4 years ago
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Sexy Chandra

Hi, hello friends, I’m back with a new story. I’m happy that my second story also got published. I feel really happy because I never knew that my stories would become so popular and I would get friends from various parts of the world. Before, I used to write a lot of stories but it was really frustrating because I couldn’t share them with anyone but now it is not the case, there are people waiting to read my stories, Thanks to indiansexstories2.net This incident happened few years before. When...

3 years ago
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On The Road Again

Finally back on the road, it had bee a while since my last business trip and I was ready for some action. Since I was young and playing show me yours I’ll show you mine with others in our neighborhood, I knew I was Bi. This usually made it easy to find fun on my business trips. I checked into my motel and quickly logged onto a cruising site to see what was out there. It’s always easy to find action when I am able to host so I was optimistic of the possibilities. After sending a few initial...

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My Wifes First Gangbang

I had just finished the website of a pro-am porn actress. We were going to a party at the home of the video star and her husband. There was always some pretty wild going-ons at their home. Our housemate was also going to the party. The housemate, my wife and myself had all enjoyed glorious three way sex many times and we had enjoyed other couples and singles being with the three of us. This time it was something totally different. Our host had told us there would be some couples and several...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 58

Monday was like a new beginning. It was the first time in almost six months that I had a normal schedule. Seven to four, five days a week sounded good, for a while at least. The question was, would it keep me interested and excited? We even had a good healthy breakfast of fruit, whole grain cereal and orange juice. I was going to stop at the donut shop on the way home and get a dozen bagels and a tub of cream cheese to add a little variety to the breakfast meal. We left home in a mini...

2 years ago
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Women object is quite different

Women object is quite different, and beats the man physiologically, I shall give you Omthala, because the differences countless women is higher than a man's ability to generate red blood cells and white capability, so you can do the task of feeding the fetus, and the blood of the menstrual cycle compensation, and that the apparatus immune capabilities outweigh the immune system of the man, and for that the fetus does not reject the foreign body, and are incubated and nurtured as part of the...

3 years ago
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Friends Treat

I had recently split with my wife and was feeling very down.I was invited to spend a few days with my old friend Dave and his wife Tracey.The first night I was there Tracey turned to Dave and said that we needed a boys' night out and why not go to his club. Dave agreed it was a good idea and within minutes Tracey was dropping us outside what appeared too be a Georgian townhouse.I hadn’t known that Dave was in a club and was surprised to find he was a member of one. He had refused to reveal what...


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