Mating With My Woman
- 3 years ago
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Awaking shivering, lying on top of snow, the Colonel felt heat in waves pass over him and the snap and crackle of a fire and smelled the smoldering smoke unpleasantly tinctured with the smell of burnt flesh. He also heard the swooping noise of blades battering air. Surrounding him were Wolf and Maria and Heinrich and Bobbie and Gretchen, all of whom except Gretchen holding pistols loosely and impotently towards the ground. Raising his head, he felt a pain at his chin. Wanting to rub it, he found his wrists had been shackled behind him painfully since he lay on his back and thus on top of them. He managed to see the remains of the lodge, the last of the flames licking at blackened timbers.
"Sorry, Colonel," said Wolf standing over him. "I had to slug you when you refused to settle down."
A heavyset man approached the Colonel, and he realized to whom Wolf's lie had been for. The Stasi general, his boss, shook his head.
"It's them, General!" shouted the Colonel. "They're all werewolves. I came here to destroy them at last!"
"Sure you did, Foxx," the General sighed.
Gretchen approached the General shyly. "Here's the tapes. Sorry about the deceit."
"I understand," said the General, taking a small red canvas bag from her. "Being a problem inside the Stasi made for unusual counterintelligence. Your parents must be proud."
"Did you manage to capture Yablonski?" asked Gretchen.
"I'm afraid not. He managed to escape to the west. His works won't be welcomed in his home country, that's for sure." The General gestured at the remains of the lodge. "What happened here?"
Maria reported, "Comrade General, last night we caught the Colonel limping away from here, the lodge ablaze, muttering something about insubordination and silver bullets and werewolves and such. We couldn't find any of his soldiers and most of Gretchen's troupe has gone missing. You'll find a pistol in the bag with a couple silver bullets. I'm afraid the rest of the bullets might be found lodged in the bodies of those trapped inside and burned. Major Bauer and I along with Gretchen with the help of a local nurse who injected him with a sedative, managed to interview him. The ravings of a madman I'm afraid, and they're in the sack along with video tapes Wolf took over the last few months as he became suspicious of the Colonel's mental health. Further tapes we believe had been taken by an associate of the Colonel's who had worked with him over the years on his insane research and were delivered to us via messenger. We believe Dr. Katarina Manx began questioning the Colonel's sanity several years ago but had fears for her safety. Unfortunately her fears may be well founded as she seems to have gone missing as well. She had been last seen here working in Heinrich's laboratory."
"Heinrich?" asked the General.
Maria gestured at the sad faced, handsome blond man standing nearby with pistol in hand. "Heinrich Foxx, the Colonel's son. He's shook up as you can imagine. His father threatened his life as well, and ... finding his father to be quite mad after being such a model for him..."
"I'm sorry son," the General nodded. Heinrich sadly nodded back. The General noticed a beautiful black haired woman grasping the man's hand in comfort. In fact he noticed the folks surrounding the fallen Colonel were all exceptionally beautiful or handsome. "Such fine looking Germans," he thought to himself.
"They're all a bunch of fucking liars, General, don't you see?" shouted the Colonel.
"Get this..." the General began angrily before interruption.
"Don't be a fool General, you have to..."
"You're the fool, Foxx! Muzzle him!"
Instead Wolf silenced him with a fist. The General chuckled. "Muzzle him anyway, Captain, and toss him on the helicopter. Good work Majors. Report to Colonel Schilling when you return to Berlin."
"Uhm about that, Comrade General," said Wolf carefully. "Would it be possible if the Major and I had a couple weeks of R and R. You see, Gretchen and I plan to be married in a couple of days and Maria, Major Braun, she's to be my, uhm, best man or whatever."
The General chuckled. "Congratulations. Fine. Such work needs to be rewarded, and the processes need to be done discretely without your continued involvement, so perhaps its best to keep you out of Berlin and without assignments for let us say one month?"
"Thank you Comrade General," smiled Wolf sternly.
"Yes, thank you Comrade General," smiled Maria equally stern.
The old woman opened the door to her quaint cottage upon hearing a gentle knock. Smiling she greeted the visitors, "Hello Bobbie. Who's your handsome man?"
Bobbie smiled, "This is my fiancé Heinrich, Frau Heilemann."
"Oh Bobbie, that's wonderful, but what's with that Frau shit. We played together in my youth for god's sake. Call me Olga, Heinrich. Your lovely friend had a good night's sleep after we chatted. She's making sausage and eggs, bless her heart. Hungry?"
"Ravenous," smiled Bobbie and they chuckled.
"Thank you for helping, Hilda," Heinrich said as he entered the warm abode. "I'm afraid she had a most terrifying night. Is she okay?"
"Come and see," Olga said and they followed Olga into the kitchen smelling the spicy smells of sausage cooking and the rich smell of coffee.
The pretty, buxom blonde hid her body in an old housecoat as she worked on the sausages and eggs. "I'll make some more if you're hungry," she asked her lovers.
"Bobbie said they're ravenous," Olga chuckled. Hilda laughed nervously.
"So Olga told you everything?" Bobbie asked, noticing the nerves of the barmaid.
"Unh-hunh," Hilda responded.
"Yes please," Hilda smiled uneasily.
"Are you sure?" asked Heinrich.
Turning towards the stove as she added sausages and eggs to the pots she nodded. "I love you Heinrich. You too, Bobbie. I'm sure."
Bobbie kissed her neck. "It saved you, you know, loving us and us loving you."
Receiving the kiss pleased Hilda, but the words made her tense. Bobbie responded to the tension, "I'm sorry I would have ended your life, sweetheart. It wouldn't have been avoidable. Just know that the Colonel intended it, not me."
"I'm sorry Heinrich, but your father..." Hilda sniffled.
"I'm sorry for my father. You know I'm like him. Until I met Bobbie and found a match for my ... confidence shall we say, I had no room in my heart."
Hilda turned to him. "You're not like him though. You sensed my needs just like Bobbie did and gave me pleasure the way I like it. Your father ... used me cruelly and tossed me literally to the wolves without a gram of compassion. There's a vast difference between shame and abuse given to a submissive and brutal torture."
"But ... I have no models for compassion. Father made sure of it. He made sure I had no such weakness."
Shaking her head and approaching him, Hilda looked up at his eyes lovingly. "You're the stronger man, Master. Being cold and heartless there's no struggle to be human, to be a real man. Your confidence as you call it, maybe I'd call it arrogance if you let me, despite your compassion, makes you quite a man."
Bobbie chuckled and kissed her mate. "I agree, Hilda my love. You're the strongest man I've ever known, Heinrich, and that's what won me."
"Sit you crazy kids and let Hilda finish the meal," Olga demanded cheerfully
They sat and Heinrich grumbled. "Coffee, slut, now!"
A thrill shivered through Hilda's body. "Yes Master," she replied with quiet submissiveness.
Walking surrounded by the ultimate beauty of his three very different new mates as they headed to the meeting house where Gretchen's troupe had slept, Wolf felt like the luckiest creature alive and only wished he had another hand to hold Maria's hand. Fortunately Gretchen held hands with the blonde beauty and seemed to command her through the holding.
"Wolf my love," asked Gretchen, "Karen reminded me last night that wolves mate with only one partner. Not that I'm complaining," she beamed a smile at Nina and Maria, "but what happened?"
"I'm not sure," Wolf replied. "And forgive me Gretchen if I'm delighted. You two know she's the alpha bitch, right?"
"I understand," Nina answered tentatively. "You love her more."
"No my love. She's a leader. Let's not compete about love. I love you all differently but equally, okay?"
"I accept, Wolf," said Maria. Gretchen pulled on the much taller and stronger blonde's hand. "I'm sorry, Mistress. Yes Master." Maria blushed, especially when the others chuckled.
"Tonight we find out what the gods have planned for us," said Wolf. "In millennia, I believe this is a first for werewolves."
"Trixie said there's like a quadruple relationship involving homosexuality with Jag and Leo and Kat," Gretchen pointed out.
"Yes, Gretch," Wolf explained. "That's old news. Cats aren't mated monogamously as a norm, but they do tend to bond closely as same sex friends and share the bonded friendship with a bonded friendship of the opposite sex. It adds to the possibility and viability of procreation although even then these past few decades they've proven sterile at least hopefully until now."
"Uhm, Master? How exactly are you going to ask the gods?" asked Maria.
"I know," Wolf said. "Sounds crazy."
"Being a werewolf sounds crazy, Master."
"Of course. It's what keeps our secret as we demonstrated with the humiliation of the madman. Talking with the gods, well, even Nina's skeptical."
"It's an alpha thing," Nina explained. "Some of us lesser weres have doubts. It helps to perpetuate the importance of the alpha."
"Like high priests or something," Gretchen remarked.
"Exactly, Gretchen," Nina smiled. Gretchen's intelligence continually impressed her, especially for a human less than half her own age. "But I never doubted it. Just looking at Wolf when he talks about the gods makes me certain."
"Tonight you'll know for sure," Wolf told her, squeezing her hand lovingly.
"Tonight?" Gretchen shouted. "What about mating? I'm not waiting another second more than I have to!"
Wolf laughed loudly. "I promise I will fuck you the instant the sun sets. I want it as much as you."
"You had Nina last night," Gretchen grumped.
"And I wished I had you too. If it hadn't been necessary, you'd have been well fucked by now."
"He means it, Gretch," said Nina. "You'd have been first."
"Then I'm glad we waited," Gretchen stated.
"Really?" Nina gasped.
"Yes. Because you've been his friend for so long. You've needed him and desired him and prayed for last night to happen for decades, haven't you?"
The brunette beauty sniffled, releasing her hand from Wolf's and lifted Gretchen into her powerful arms and hugged her. "I love you, Gretchen."
"I love you, too, my beautiful new friend," Gretchen choked out.
Nina lowered her to her feet gently. "Sorry."
Gretchen giggled. "I love your strength and your passion, Nina. I can't wait to hug you that hard."
Nina kissed her sweetly on the lips. "Me neither."
As they approached the meeting hall, Wolf's brother Harry approached them, a surprisingly broad smile on the serious, quiet man's face. Though similar in features being of the same litter, Harry stood a couple centimeters taller with a thinner frame and a smoother, less scarred and thus less rugged visage. Beside him, his long arms draped over their shoulders, walked Laika, his mate of several decades, Sensei's daughter and Reyna's cousin, and another brunette beauty, Linda, cute and full figured, a member of Gretchen's troupe. Gretchen noticed, along with a glow of satisfaction emanating from Linda as well as Laika, that her comrade performer, usually on the fleshy side, looked firmer and more beautiful than she had ever seen her.
"You look amazing," Gretchen told her troupe member.
Linda's grin widened, revealing the cute little gap in her upper front teeth. "I feel amazing," she said, glancing lovingly at her new mate.
"It seems the gods have finally removed the curse and with quite a flourish," Wolf smiled.
Harry nodded. "I predict a village full of pups in nine months. It's strange though, isn't it? Laika took to Linda immediately, not the usual reaction from a mate towards a challenger when in human form. Of course my big brother has to have one more beautiful mate than the rest of us."
"Satisfying three randy werewolves," Laika observed wryly, "and three strong females. You think that's better? They'll fuck him to an early grave."
Gretchen and Maria and Nina blushed but laughed with the others. Gretchen asked Linda, "How did you meet?"
Harry explained, "The quickest courtship in history."
"I found my hero." Linda glanced at her mate fondly, rubbing his thick arm.
Harry continued his explanation, "As we feared, the Stasi goon left here to watch the troupe had orders to kill them if he didn't hear from the Colonel at a specified time. Unfortunately we were delayed too long to rescue the troop. Yablonski took forever to become convinced Gretchen had ratted him out and needed to flee immediately to our porous checkpoint. His boyfriend, an important reason he resisted, actually convinced him to go and let him take the heat."
"Poor sweet Simon," Gretchen sighed. "He's the most radical of us all and Connie's true muse. I used to confide in him my fear of capture and he told me he'd relish it. I used to tease him about all those fresh cocks. He didn't deny that, the slut, but he insisted he intended to organize the prisoners. Radicalize them. I knew the General's trust in my betrayal of my cousin hinged on Simon taking the fall for him. And we used Michael as scapegoat for Connie's foreknowledge so Simon's tortured confession would go easier."
"Simon performed his duty and kicked his lover out finally," Harry continued. "But by the time it had been resolved the sun had set and Laika and I had to fight to stay human and finish business. The couple who let us use their phone had locked themselves into their bedroom in fear for their lives. Resolved to finish business, we headed to the meeting hall next door, snuck through the back door and found the troupe dead, shot with silver bullets, except for Linda."
"All of them?" moaned Gretchen, envisioning her troupe, once vital, being murdered. Anger and sadness mixed heatedly in her eyes. "We should have flayed the skin off that motherfucker. He's getting off too easy."
"I know, my love," Wolf said gently, pulling her into his arms and feeling her tears on his shoulder. "We had to make sure he remained alive and blamed and taken as a crazy man."
"His complete vanquishing, his loss of dignity, his defeat is the greater torture," Maria added. "Believe me."
Gretchen's head nodded against Wolf's shoulder.
Linda shakily took over the narrative, "The fucking Stasi goon tore open my shirt and sliced open my pants and had his dick in his hand ready to rape me when instantaneously I saw my hero standing where the fucker had stood, the fucker's knife which had been at my neck in Harry's hand bloody from the Stasi goon's neck gash, Harry's strong hand reaching towards me. 'You okay?' he asked me as I gripped his hand and he lifted me. I looked into his soulful eyes, the depth there and the concern blowing me away. Practically naked, I hugged him as I shivered. Then I smelled his rich smell, the smell of dawn in the forest. He sniffed too and I felt him harden. Terrified no more of being raped, I wanted to be ravaged by my savior. I clung to him like a vine and kissed him. I wanted him then and I wanted him forever. When I opened my eyes, his eyes looked past me with concern. He said, 'Laika, smell.' I turned my head and saw Laika changing into a wolf, growling."
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Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Nemberon Plains I pulled out of the moon maiden’s pussy and stared down at the newest member of my harem. “What’s your name?” “Diane,” she said, her...
Seb sighed. The hound was not known for disobeying him, yet here he was, wandering alone into the darkening interior of Afon valley. Trees hunched over the path as darkness seemed to watch his every step. The high stems swayed in the breeze and sucked every photon of light from the ever blackening sky. He didn’t know where he was headed and every now and then he shouted the dog’s name; hoping it would come running to him.“Duke. Here boy!”There was no flurry of hair, no pattering of paws, no...
Horror“If you do not mind, Davik,” A familiar voice from behind me said, “I would not mind a plate of that delicious smelling food.” I jumped in surprise and turned to see who had just said that. To say I was shocked would have been an understatement. “What in the seven hells is going on, Lillian? You’re a Voguel?! How can you change into a wolf without a blood moon? Why have you been helping me all this time?” She laughed at the rapid succession of my questions and it was only then I realized,...
NIS Day 1 – After School - Medway High School 2:57pm, Monday, October, 29, 1979 “I’ve got to run and tell Mrs. S that Sammy and I are going to have her spray paint our bodies Wednesday morning,” Tempe said as the two naked girls walked with me and a few others down the side hallway. I was heading to the varsity locker room with my gym bag, while the girls were taking their gym bags up to their lockers. “I’m going to have her do a sexy police woman’s costume on my naked bod,” Sammy...
Aphronia slowly regained consciousness and felt agony in every muscle and fiber of her body. The bastard had spent who knows how long torturing her. Not for information or her acquiescence, but for the simple and perverse joy it brought him. He had been cutting her skin, with slow and precise slices. Generating the most pain for the least amount of damage. Her abilities helped her heal quickly, but the psychological impact was hard on her. She still had not eaten, and her hunger, coupled...
Lucinda was standing at the porch of her little house. It was almost midnight on October 30th. Halloween was just minutes away and staring at the moon she sighed. This year October 31st will have a Blue Moon. Blue Moons usually appeared every three or four years, and in those occasions many unexplained phenomena happened. It was not so much that the Blue Moon usually caused a stirring in the gifted communities of witches, wizards and warlocks, but it also brought out monsters, demons and ghouls...
I see the Hentai Moon a-rising; I see cumshots on the way. I see tentacles and ecchi, and I see really good times today. All jokes aside, who’s up for some truly filthy animation from the Land of the Rising Sun? As much as I love some live-action hardcore fucking, sometimes porno anime does it for me in a way the real stuff can’t. No offense to babes like Abella Danger or Kali Roses, but I’ve never seen either one get fucked by a big hairy monster or squirt milk all over the place in an orgy of...
Hentai Streaming SitesChapter 1 I've got an unusual line of work -- I impregnate women who want to have a baby but aren't willing to settle for the artificial insemination method or that sort of thing. It's quite an interesting and a very rewarding profession I've undertaken and I'd love to tell you about my experiences. There are several reasons why I've found myself in this line of work: for one thing, I can get a hardon at the mere thought of fucking a woman's pussy or just seeing a sexy woman, dressed...
Part 2 By Hardrive Several days passed since Danielle’s encounter with the police officer. She used that time she experiment with the Moon Stone and got to know how to use some of its powers. The alien’s gift was amazing and there was much more to learn, but she had other obligations. There were deadlines to meet and several photo essays to produce before the end of the week, so she tossed the stone in her sock drawer and went about her business. A few days later she was putting...
I was told when I finally woke up that I had been out for nearly five hours. Everyone wanted to be there with me when I woke up, but they knew the importance of the burning of the skulls. Lillian had stayed by me and told the others when I finally came to. I explained to them the meeting I had with Phaltina and that the curse had been released from the skulls when they broke apart. Kayla was a bit disappointed that she would not be using her mortar and pestle, but she was happier that I was...
In a jungle far away in time and distance was a group of people who lived a simple life. They planted seeds by the moon and they planted seed in their women also by the moon. The priests had long ago determined the best time for c***dren to emerge from their mothers was in the fifth moon. During the seventh moon, fertility grass was harvested, one stalk in the number of fingers on two hands leaving other nine stalks to fertilize the grass that helped sustain them. This grass had fine...
Kate had made her ritual trip to the top of the hill, climbing up through the forest until she reached the open clearing. It was late evening on a hot Summer’s night. The curvaceous young witch disrobed and knelt down on a soft blanket, the bright moonlight glistening on her pale skin. She opened her bag of herbs and pigments, and ground the recipes with her pestle and mortar, mixing with some water from her ceremonial bottle. She longed to be with c***d, and longed for the embrace of a real...
The San Fernando Valley isn't my kind of place. Hollywood Burbank Airport is easy enough, but it's basically cars, housing developments, strip malls /clubs, and little else. So far, the highlight of my trip was that my rental car had blue tooth so I didn't have to use my head set when talking to Alix. We'd always talked every day, but since her weekend in California we'd been talking at least twice a day. "You know sweetie, I think it's a very good idea for you to see a contestant...
On the moon base, when you were on duty, things were expected to be totally professional. I, Bruce McCoy, will not say that sexual relationships did not show up at work, but when it did it was consensual, at least between sponsors. Many sponsors had their concubines as secretaries. Even so most people liked to keep the sex at home, including most discipline. When you were off duty, sex was everywhere. There was not much traveling to places because of the transporter pads. Once at any public...
Mating Spell Emily was at her grandmother's house. It was a matter of social obligation since grandmother was assisting her with her schooling. However, every time she visited grandmother she always brought up the topic of marriage and children. She was a bit old-fashioned and believed anyone over the age of twenty who was unmarried had something wrong with them. "College is where you find a good husband," grandmother told her. "Of course, grandmother." Emily rolled her eyes. "I...
Chapter One — Discovery Please be aware that the ‘Hunter’s Moon’ series of stories may involve minimal sex. I’m doing this as an experiment in writing. For those that are looking for strictly sex, this story is not for you, but keep reading if you wish. I would also like to mention that many of my ideas may come from other stories of varying media. So if you notice a similarity to another story it is usually by coincidence. So prepare to embark on the first chapter of ‘Hunter’s Moon’. ~~~~~ ...
Queen of Harvest Moon Part 2B By Angel The town of Harvest Moon was a very rich and connected town. In actuality, Harvest Moon belonged to a corporation and that corporation was footing the bill, as it were. Taxes in Harvest Moon were almost nil. Even the state tax was subsidized by the corporation, so all who lived in Harvest Moon kept most of what they earned. If you did your research you would find that the entire town's populace could be categorized in four parts: 1)...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestBy Hardrive It was bitter cold and the fridge air hurt Danielle’s lungs. Every breath felt like razors ripping open her chest, but, in spite of the pain… she was forced to… take in large gulps of air… to satisfy her desperate need for oxygen. The struggle to the top of the ridge was exhausting. The icy terrain made the climb difficult, allowing her only a few steps forward for each step she slipped back. That was frustrating but she had no choice but to persevere and do everything...
The Teahouse Of The August Moon The Teahouse Of The August Moon was a very nice movie made back in 1956 staring Glen Ford, Marlon Brando, Eddie Albert, and Paul Ford. It took place after WWII on Okinawa. That was all that I could think about as I had my building constructed. My ‘Teahouse Of The August Moon.’ I had it all thought out and designed. I had an Oriental designer help me decorate and furnish it. It was going to be a romantic restaurant for couples only. By couples I meant...
*** Growing up I loved stories about Greek mythology. There was something special about the idea that gods and humans led these interwoven lives and the god-like offspring they could have and about the mythical creatures and historical battles of eons past. What would happen if the gods still existed today? Please note that Hercules is a modernized name for Heracles and I chose to use his traditional name throughout this story. Please write a review and I hope you enjoy the...
my name is Jenny, and I am nineteen years old. I come from a good family and was one of those girls that was raised right. I guess it is a little ironic that I kept myself pure all while I grew up only to have it taken so filthy from me on the very night of my wedding which was suppose to be the start of my lifetime of respectability.It was still worth it to me that I stayed pure until my weeding night and earned the right to wear white for my walk down the aisle though. It pleased me how...
Laura Lee was 18. Well, two weeks from tomorrow Laura Lee would be 18. Having graduated from high school that year, she was aware that her future lay ahead of her, but she had no idea what that future would hold. She had been dragged along with her parents to visit her Grandma Mandy who lived way down in the Florida swamps. Grandma Mandy was 98 at the time and some say she was the family witch or shamaness. She found herself with nothing to do most of the time when she first got there. Her...