Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 27 Prophecy
- 4 years ago
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-- Ant - 2057 --
Our team soon settled into their new lives.
We didn’t get to take the first team of construction workers to the Moon. UNSEC had built a larger ship that could house thirty people. It would become the base until the construction crew got the first dome built.
A lot of planning had gone into the design of these domes to reduce construction time. Once the underground bases had been constructed, the Domes would be built like giant jigsaw puzzles.
They could be built with no underground structures. However, as they planned for the construction Domes to be permanent structures, they had in the Moon’s case, included the extra underground facilities so all the support machinery could be located there.
One of the UNSEC’s biggest headaches was rubbish. The Moon had no atmosphere and no microbes to break the wastes down, so dumping wasn’t an option. We were supposed to maintain environmentally friendly systems. They had to reduce all packaging to an absolute minimum.
It soon became a standard joke that the cargo shuttles were doing the garbage run. We took new crap up and brought the old crap back. As long as the rubbish was sealed in the containers, we had no problems.
We watched with interest as it took the initial construction crew three months just to get the first dome erected and in working order. Personally, everyone thought it had gone up very fast for a building project.
The construction gangers learned a hell of a lot in doing so. The planning had been meticulous, and the crews knew they couldn’t fuck around. As soon as it was deemed functional, the number of workers tripled, and serious construction was got under way.
For four weeks, we did three runs a week, and they were a bit scary. Our cargo was tonnes of compressed hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. We were pretty bugged by the end of that month, and not all of our takeoffs or and landings were smooth.
While the dome was designed to house a hundred people, it had more like twice that number for the next three months while they got the second two construction crew domes built. This encouraged the workers to get their arses into gear so they could spread out.
Quite a few of them were living in cargo containers that had been designed as emergency accommodation. They had them stacked three high, ten long and in two blocks of two rows facing each other. They had even built grated landings so you could move from one level to the other. At least you didn’t have to worry about rain.
People who slacked off on the job soon found the Moon wasn’t a cushy job and they didn’t last long. ‘Pioneer’s only’, was the common catch phrase in the ads back on Earth for workers.
There was an interesting fact about constructions gangs. While Shuttle crews tended to be mostly male, the gangers were the complete opposite. A bloke joining construction had better like having a female boss as they outnumbered the male bosses seven to three.
Nearly all of the machine operators were women and with the lower gravity on the Moon, being big and tough wasn’t a requirement. The blokes also had better like having sex and plenty of it.
The modern girls had no qualms hitting a bloke up for a bit of action, and word soon got around who was good at it. Some of the men said they felt that the world had turned topsy-turvy, as they had become the prostitutes in this outpost.
This little fact kept Gan and Abe happy, as they got more action than they could handle. The gangers were all supposed to be tagged as anyone getting pregnant was soon shipped back to Earth and lost their jobs. Many of the single blokes working the cargo shuttles also took Ant and Phil’s advice, and they got tagged just to be sure.
Married men and men in relationships found it the hardest to handle. A lot of the woman didn’t consider them out of bounds, and many marriages didn’t survive unless the Missus changed her attitude. The old values were changing. A bloke having two girlfriends or a wife and a live-in mistress was a lot more common than even ten years before.
Anne and Ray were surprised that Phil and I didn’t tend to stray. Being two hunky blokes in their prime, as they described us, we got propositioned a lot. The girls often felt guilty when given venomous looks by the woman being turned down by us.
Many of the girls didn’t think it fair that the Anne and Ray didn’t share, not realising that it was Phil and me who didn’t want to share. Phil and I took the attitude that we lived with Ray and Anne twenty-four seven and disharmony in the crew affected us all.
We also had no bitches about our girls in the sack, or out of it, so we were happy. Anne had a rich daddy, and he had purchased her a big house in Cairns. So we four had even moved into together on Earth.
Since we spent half the week in space, and a half on Earth this arrangement suited us just fine.
The first significant change that affected our harmony happened towards the end of 2059.
Ray was promoted and offered a new position on the Moon in a management role. She was going to manage the landing port for the shuttles. She also broke it off with me. She planned to live permanently on the Moon, and she knew I didn’t love her in the forever sense.
I knew that she needed more and she knew I wouldn’t commit to a permanent relationship even though we had been exclusive for nearly two years. We were twenty-six, and she wanted to settle down. I’d felt her restlessness, but I couldn’t change how I felt.
Ray was also bisexual, and she told me that she fully planned to have a co-wife and a husband. She knew I would have been open to the idea as I had no issue with having two partners, but the simple fact was that I didn’t share her interests in the same women.
We had both known for a while that we couldn’t work long term, so I had seen it coming. I was sad to be losing Ray as our pilot and my bed pal. Nonetheless, I couldn’t begrudge her, her dream, so I wasn’t that cut up about it.
Ray picked her replacement pilot, but for some reason, I didn’t take to the new girl. I did like that I got promoted to Captain. The new pilot, Chi, took a fancy to Abe and he was more than happy to have her.
I soon had a new problem. I found that my change in status had become well known on the Moon Base that they now called Alpha-One, and the propositions came thick and fast.
With all three construction Domes complete, and the main compound going ahead in leaps and bounds, there were plenty of women for me to choose from when we visited the Moon, and just as many in Cairns when at home.
I soon became to realise that while I’d had a hard time saying no to some of the women, Ray had been a shield of sorts. The women on the Moon now expected me to put out and a few didn’t like taking no for an answer.
One of the constructions bosses, Tidal, had a real hard-on for me and just to avoid her, I’d accept an offer from another woman. She wasn’t a bad looking woman and had big tits and a bit of height that I liked in my woman, but she just didn’t turn me on at all.
I even complained to Ray when I dropped into her new office one day that I’d been happier when I just had to satisfy her needs. She laughed and hugged me and said she was sorry, but she was happier as she had found two people with whom she was very content.
So I decided I needed to find another woman to replace her. I loved having sex, but the girls on the Moon were just as likely to screw me and hand me on to the next girl. It wasn’t unusual for a group of two or three of them to bail me up and ask me to spend my rest period with them.
The fact that I’d got a reputation of being bloody good in bed didn’t help me either. Anne took great delight in telling me I was the hottest property on the Moon. Apparently, my desire to ensure my partner enjoyed her time with me was back-firing.
At least I got a rest on the flights to and from the Moon. I realise I could have just said no but it’s damn hard when you have two girls rubbing their tits in your face and messing with your libido. There were some real Honeys on the Moon.
There were also some real bitches too. I learnt the hard way, not to leave a drink unattended on a table. These bitches slipped a drug they called Diddle into my drink one night. I left the bar with two girls, but they weren’t the only ones who fucked me that night.
They took me to a room, and we were soon on the bed with me on my back. I felt a bit strange. My cock was hard as iron, but the rest of me felt like I was really uncoordinated as if I was pissed to the eyeballs and just about paralytic.
The girls took turns riding me until they had enough. The second girl was riding me hard when the first one left. When she finished and rolled off, she was replaced by a girl I didn’t even know. Over the next four hours, the girls just kept coming and going. I’m not even sure I was conscious for most of it, so I had no idea how many climbed on.
The drug was starting to wear off, and my cock felt like it had been in a mincer, it was throbbing in pain, and so were my balls. I don’t think I’d actually come once. I had plenty of juices on me, but I was sure it wasn’t mine.
Then Tidal climbed on. She pushed me back onto the bed when I struggled to rise and grinned at me. “I told you I’d get to fuck you. I just didn’t get my turn until now. You must be ready to blow, and I will get what I want from you. My girls said you were one fine ride.”
The best thing about Tidal fucking me was she was loose as they come. I was bigger than the average, but she needed the big end of a baseball bat to fill her cunt. She also had sloppy, big tits with piecing’s in her nipples when they were loose. Her tits looked like she had hung barbells from them and had stretched them to her waist. She was at least wet so she didn’t rub my cock any sorer as I could barely feel her.
She turned me off so bad, drugs or not, I finally wilted. I sighed in relief as I felt my cock go down. I also felt the drug was wearing off, and my limbs started to function, so I wiggled around a bit to get the blood flowing. I think the stupid bitch thought I was fucking her. I let her stay on a bit longer as the pins and needles subsided.
She was really getting worked up, and I wondered how considering I must have barely been in her. She was grinding away on my pubic bone, which was really starting to hurt and I grunted. I had a feeling I was going to be bruised pretty bad, going by the pain. Some of those girls had ridden me as if they hadn’t had a cock in them for years.
Tidal started making noises as if she was coming and I decided to help her see stars. She leant forward to push down on my chest and to lift her hips up, and my right fist smashed into her jaw. She toppled off me to the left. I grabbed her leg and pushed, so she tumbled off onto the floor with a crash.
She didn’t even get to scream, how sad too bad. I rolled over and looked down, but she was out for the count. I checked her pulse, and she was breathing. I was so pissed off I almost hit her again, but I decided that I had better ways to get even.
I stumbled off the bed and hit the bathroom. I tried the taps in the shower and grinned. Someone hadn’t used her water ration, so I helped myself to it, and her soap. I scrubbed my body and pissed in her shower.
I had a feeling it was Tilda’s room. Only Supervisors got the big rooms with a double bed. So I was more than happy to leave her a reminder to not piss me off. I collected my jumpsuit and checked again to make sure she was breathing and left.
I went straight to Ray’s office and reported myself as a rape victim. If there was only one rule in the Moon, it was, rape of either gender was a one-way ticket to Earth. I’d heard rumours that some of the girls were raping some of the blokes and I now had pretty good idea who was responsible.
Tilda picked the wrong bloke to do it too. Ray took one look at me and called the Doctor and Head of Security. I told Security that I had knocked Tilda out and that she had said that her girls were the ones who had drugged me and used me. I told him to collect the camera information from around Tilda’s room and the lift.
We weren’t surprised that the one nearest her door was broken but both cameras to the lift were working, and it wasn’t hard to pick out who had been on the floor in the four hours I had been there. They pulled everyone in and forced all of the girls to undergo a medical.
While they didn’t have semen on them, they had enough evidence of each other and my DNA from sweat and rubbing me raw that it didn’t matter. All but four of Tilda’s team of twenty-four found themselves on the next shuttle to Earth.
I was amused to learn later that I know held the record of having fucked the highest number of girls on the moon in one day. Apparently, most of the other blokes went limp once they became unconscious, but I hadn’t.
They had also had to feed me the drug every hour when I started coming around, on the pretext of giving me water. The doc said something must have gone wrong when I was given the last dose. She could find small traces of it still in my system. She often found it in the guys for days afterwards, but my metabolism must have neutralised the drug somehow.
I took delight in seeing an Army transport shuttle turn up to the Moon and watched the girls being escorted off. I’d heard those shuttles weren’t the most comfortable rides. Quite a few of the girls were crying, but I sure didn’t give a shit. They would all lose their jobs, their bonuses and Ray said they would all do time in prison. I sure hoped they thought I was worth it.
Things quietened down when I got back to the Moon after a month off. The girls still on the Moon left me alone for a little while and then only the braver or dumb ones started approaching me again. Ray had a big sign put up in the bar when we got back.
In bold letters, it said, “You can ask, but no is NO.”
Phil marrying Anne also had me on a downer.
Since my little incident had to be investigated my whole ship got a paid holiday, Anne and Phil decided to make the most of it. We all packed up and went to NZ for the wedding. We stayed for a week. Then they went on honeymoon, and I came home.
It was good to see Eca and Ian. Darleen was a real honey, and at twenty-two years, she was a real knockout. She took charge of looking after me. I was surprised she didn’t have a boyfriend. She was as tight as I remembered. A weekend spent with her went a long way towards erasing Tilda from my memory.
I just hoped Phil never found out I was screwing his sister.
I was still glad to be home when I got back.
We had divided Anne’s big house into two suites with a common dining room, kitchen and big outside entertainment area with a pool. My side was quiet without Ray. I often felt like a third wheel with Anne and Phil these days when we were home. They were tight and did a lot of activities together that didn’t include me.
I didn’t like bringing random girls back to the house. I was more likely to abstain from sex when on Earth as I got more than enough on the Moon. After my last marathon effort, I didn’t feel like doing it with a random person either.
I was surprised I’d let Darleen console me, but I wasn’t in any hurry to get into bed with a stranger now I was back home. We didn’t even do anything the week Phil was still there. It was nice when she had just crawled into bed with me and hugged me for a while then went back to her bed.
It was only the weekend before I left that she took the hugging a bit further and I let her encourage me to make love to her. I never have any bad dreams about that night on the Moon. I did have nice dreams about Darleen though.
It decided that it was easier to avoid women if I stayed home. I don’t think I was brooding, and to be honest, I didn’t really think that much about that night thanks to Darleen. I was pissed about them doing it to me, but I didn’t mope about it. I’d healed up fast, and my cock was working just fine.
If they had asked me for a fuck-a-thon, I probably would have agreed just to see what would happen. But I barely even remembered most of the girls, and I didn’t get to come, so it took any fun for me out of it. I didn’t like being drugged and used, but I couldn’t change the past.
I actually enjoyed the peace and quiet and pottering around the estate’s gardens. Since we did the garbage run, we didn’t have a lot of plants or animals on board only my pied rat Alice and my small herb gardens.
I’d established a large vegetable garden on the block that I loved to spend my time in when home. The house was on two acres, so I had enough area to play with. I still did most of the cooking, and Phil and Anne were more than happy to let me.
Phil and Anne came back from holidays, and I was happy to go back to space. I’d been cleared of all wrongdoing and Tilda, and the two girls who first drugged me were doing time for a heap of different charges. They really threw the book at them.
Most of the other girls got off with suspended sentences, but they now had black marks against their names making it bloody hard for them to find work in construction, even on Earth. They would never work for UNSEC again. I was just glad Tilda got her just deserts. Care factor on my part, about the other girls suffering, equalled zero.
Their positions on the Moon were soon filled, and all new employees both male and female were given special lectures about respecting other people’s rights to say no if they didn’t wish to have sex with them.
It still didn’t solve my problem, as they could still ask.
Abe came to my rescue in an obscure way.
We had been back in space for about a month when he informed us that he had fallen in love with a chick that was now permanently based on the Moon. He was changing jobs.
UNSEC had allowed an International Consortium to erect two small mining outposts similar to the Construction domes and they needed some pilots to run between them and Alpha-One. Abe was to operate one of their low altitude ore transporters.
Being a mechanic and having his pilot’s credentials, the mining company were more than delighted to have Abe. So we found ourselves needing another crew member. This time, however, I got to choose, as I was the Captain.
Phil and Anne were amused that I only interviewed women for the job and guessed why. I really didn’t like my second job of being a male prostitute. It was fun for a couple of months, but I missed having a relationship like the one I’d had with Ray.
I’d done enough screwing around while I’d been doing my training that I now knew that I did prefer having a more permanent relationship, even if I didn’t wish to marry. While I hadn’t loved Ray in the forever sense, we’d had rubbed along nicely, and this was what I was looking for.
I’d interviewed close to two dozen women before I found her. I was almost giving up hope. Her name was Loral Smith. She stood 184cm in her bare feet. She had short cropped, cherry brown hair and big grey eyes that had a purplish outer ring.
When she walked into the room, I took one look, and I was in lust. By the time, my eyes went from her eyes to her feet and back again, I was stretching the crotch of my jumpsuit. Then she spoke, and I felt myself drip as my cock jerked in hunger. I hadn’t been this turned on for a very long time, not at first sight anyway.
While I was looking for a bed partner, I also wanted someone who knew her job. Loral didn’t have a ship and was currently waiting for reassignment. She had been on shuttle crews for a year. I was amused to learn she was also a Kiwi. My file had a note attached that she had already been in three different crews in so far.
I asked her to sit, which she did. “So why do you need reassignment?” was my first question. Nothing in the file indicated she was bad at her job, quite the opposite in fact. They all said she was an exceptional mechanic.
She looked into my eyes and seeing my desire, she sighed. I later learned that this was her fifth such interview since her last berth, and they had all been disasters. Both of the male Captains had for their first question, asked if she put out. One of the females was the same, and the other woman took one look at her and said that she wouldn’t do.
The three ships she had served on were no different. The crews had expected her to screw at least one of them if not most of them if they had mostly males. The fact that she was capable of defending herself had meant after an altercation or two, she was left alone, but the team soon got rid of her.
“I don’t fuck the crew,” she replied coolly.
I grinned, “Good because I don’t share and I don’t stray. Plus Anne and Chi would castrate the boys if they tried.”
“I don’t fuck the Captain either,” she said in an even tighter voice.
“Well, in this case, I won’t force you. As much as I believe that we’d be compatible, the decision is still yours to make. Can you at least act like I am, so that the girls on the Moon leave me alone?”
Loral chuckled, and I got harder as her laugh shivered down my spine in a very nice way. She had a sexy voice and an even sexier laugh. She narrowed her eyes and looked at me. “You’re serious, aren’t you?” she asked.
I nodded earnestly, “Oh yeah! They can be like pit-bulls if they know a bloke is single. Being spoken for is no better if the Missus isn’t with you. It was okay when I was with Ray, as my brother Phil and I were known not to stray.”
“Since Ray left our crew, the girls think I’m fair game. It gets a bit much after a while. Now that Gan has Chi, it would be nice if I had a partner so they’d leave me alone too. It would also make crew more balanced.”
“What about my ability to do the job?” she asked.
“Lady, you’d not be sitting across from me if you couldn’t do the job. The problem with shuttle crews is that because of how much time we spend together, any discord between the members is a disaster.”
“We have to rely on each other and trust is crucial. That doesn’t mean you have to be intimate with the crew. However, when a member doesn’t bond with the others in some way then the others tend to not trust that person.”
“I’ve been lucky in that so far I haven’t had that problem. I’d like you to come to dinner and meet the crew. If you don’t like us, or they don’t like you, then I’ll keep looking. Fair?”
Loral, realised I was entirely serious. I’d made no pretence about wanting her, but I did expect her to bond with the others. The fact they were in committed relationships meant that if she didn’t meet me half way the other girls could see her as a threat.
Apparently, she’d had this happen on all three of the other ships, and I could tell that she now understood why it was happening. She sighed again. She liked my honesty, and I could feel that wasn’t totally immune to me either.
She decided to be straight with me. “Captain, the reason I don’t fuck the crew, is that I can’t,” she said. I was intrigued, so I had to ask why not.
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-- Philip - 2052 -- My name is Philip Carpenter, and I was born in the year 2036 to Eca Johana. My mother lived in Malaysia when she met my biological father whom she called Storm. She liked to tell me that he had the most compelling eyes and that I had inherited them. When we were happy or excited, they shone green. When we were upset or angry, they darkened to grey, and you could see the storm in them. I guess she liked my eyes. I learned later in life that many other women did as well,...
As Smithy had predicted the snowfall wasn’t that bad. It was a very chipper crowd that greeted Trixi and me at the fire the next morning. We did get a few head shakes after the night before, and I did blush. You see I tried something new. Trixi was exhausted after four days of helping me recharge and the magic she had used that day. My girls had indicated to me in the past that it wasn’t so much the sex but me channelling the magic through them when I came. I was going to try to be the...
We were packed up ready to go on our next adventure. It was late autumn, and we were looking forward to going and seeing how our new village was developing. Tara had sent me countless reports and thanked us for the power systems. Volt, one of the shifters from the City that had married into my family, was an electrician, so they didn’t need a crew to come set up the systems. I scratched Hornville, Barton and our homestead from the list of towns needing an electrical crew. Volt had planned...
We had not long rounded the Horn of Federation when we saw the storm. It was bearing down on us from the north-west. The air smelt funny and the sky to the west was dark as far as we could see. Dazzle, the first mated was very worried, and I didn’t blame him. He recommended that rather than turn out to sea as were planning, we go further down the coast and look for a cove that we could hide in. I had seen the results of one of these storms going over land and the mess it made to both the...
The next two days were very busy. Bea being an Earth mage made sure the house paddock was smooth to reduce tripping hazards. She also tidied up the drive and the area beside the new barn Greta, and I had built. The outer floor and walls of the barn are made of packed earth. We can’t really call them bricks because we used a spell to make the compacted floor and walls from earth. We also made the inner dividing walls, posts and second floor from earth, as well as the stairs. We did use more...
I pulled Opal up and looked at the tower. I had been surprised to learn that I owned the top of the second tower. The museum was in the fourth tower. The council chambers were in the third. The bottom floors of the second, all of the first tower and the front three wings that joined the towers together, had been rented out as offices, shops and apartments. The towers of what was called the Citadel were originally arranged in a hexagon shape. The Citadel was located on the western side of...
The next week was a lot of fun. I’d brought hard miners hats that had my crystal lamps attached to the front of them. I’d also made a heap of small crystal lamps that we used to mark intersections. Albi and I would scribe arrows and one or two words to help anyone to get to a particular feature we found, or back to the main cavern. We also marked dangerous tunnels that had sudden drops to catch the unwary. One of the cavern entrances we had climbed up to and accessed from the central tunnel...
I had never been on a long ocean voyage before. I’d travelled a couple times on ships when we had gone to visit the southern properties, but the open ocean was a whole different experience I’d not had. So far, I’d never been seasick. I think my merman genes had a lot to do with that. I had also discovered there was something new I could do with my magic. My fourth discipline was Physics. I could shape liquids and move air. I had a plan to make the voyage more pleasant. In one of the...
The trip to Ochre City was surprisingly boring. Captain Hail had set the suite aside for Sable and I. I had the master room, and Harry was bunking with Sable in his room. We even had our own little reading room between our rooms and a little bathroom. The ship was now fully lit, and they even had a better pump, so we had water for the showers. Silver had added a new water tank in the hold as part of our ballast, so we no longer carried the water barrels. She had even fitted a special...
We found a deserted farm about 2km down the road. The barn was barely big enough for the mothers, but it got them out of the cold. A storm was coming up from the south, and it had a decided chill to it. The herd I had collected from the mountain surrounded my young heifers to keep them warm. Big Ben took up guard duties. I had Bea and Cora touch me, and we were able to create a shield big enough to cover the small house and the barn. If anyone passing by, remembered the farm being there,...
My people had organised activities since this was a first official day of the party. We expected everyone to be here by noon depending on where they had camped the night before. Since all of the players were here, the festivities started in earnest. I was surprised to see that several couples were already inseparable. Since my friends had arrived early, their Herds had taken to the spirit of the occasion and had been checking out who was who and who might tickle their fancy. They also...
Garson was a large city. Cora had often come here to sell their bighorns and woollies, so she knew it well. It looked like she was going to prove very useful. We had to wait for an agent to come aboard the ship before we could unload. He was a pompous arse, and I immediately took a dislike to him. The first thing he asked was what did we have on board. The Captain had docked his ship down the end of the wharf near the stock pens. The dickhead had to have heard several of our bighorns...
It was a beautiful morning to set sail. With the speed of our ship, we should be in Weston late in the day on the second day. Trixi and Foxi had both been to Weston, so they were happy to be out tour guides in the city. Albi would be our guide in the mountains. I think the smoothness of the travel had them all amazed that they were on a ship at sea. We had picked up ten other passengers, a family of four, two single men and two couples. They too found our ship odd. Albi bunked in with...
Trixi took me to see the herds nearest herds to town, which were was sick. I explained my methods of overcoming the sickness to the people she introduced me to. I healed the worst animals and informed them that feeding the mash with the extra salt should get the rest back into good health along with checking that the hay didn’t have the tell-tale mould that seemed to be partially responsible. They had the mould on all three properties, and I told them of my better storage methods for the...
Once were docked we spent the afternoon wandering the docks. We worked out many of the ships were from Weston. A few were from Federation, and several smaller ships were from Orient. They also had a large fishing fleet. There were plenty of taverns and other places dedicated to the entertainment of sailors. We checked out the markets, and I even found a bank and organised an account. I wandered in and out of several jewellery stores. I found some of their styles interesting, but from what I...
As I had predicted, Snort managed to get half his heifers pregnant in the first four days. Tally and I decided to split the herd into six lots before he did the rest. Five lots had ten cows in each. Half were pregnant, and the other half were not. The sixth lot included the other ten girls and Snort. If the owners of the first five lots wanted Snort to finish the job, they would have to pay his new owner. Else, they could put them to their own bulls. We considered this fair and the feedback...
-- Philip - 2061 -- Ant and I looked at the Rih drive. There was no way we were going to get that baby going again. She was Fucked with a capital ‘F’. I was still surprised the computer hadn’t shut it down. It must have failed catastrophically to melt as it had. We went and checked the other three drives. The second drive on this end was fine, giving us some hope. I suggested we might need to do a spacewalk. Theoretical we could drop the cones off and replace them. It was also possible the...
Since we were at the new wharf, I asked Ian and Robert where they wanted their cold rooms. They already had the main road and a road built behind where the other longer wharf would go. The boys also planned another jetty at the other end of the beach. They had a lovely big mound of dirt and rocks that they had created when levelling off the road and clearing an area to start building back from the beach. The road crew were due back in a week to build them a couple more roads. They were to...
It was five years later before I claimed my sixth spouse. Inx’s family had moved to Ochre from Weston. She had been born in a tiny village that was north of Unna, in Orient. They still had problems with slavers, so her family moved. Her family had moved around a lot before settling in Weston for a while. When they heard people could go to the protected city of Ochre, they had applied. They did very well in Ochre finding the people there much more accepting of them being shifters. She became...
-- Storm -- I was a happy man. While my sons were still a mystery to be solved, I had at least gotten my daughters back. I can’t believe my amazing Crystal. She had done everything in her power to save her spirit friend even from himself. In my mind, that made her an exception wizard, and I wished I could give her a box she truly deserved. As for Sable, I took great delight in contacting Bron and telling him what his amazing son had done for my daughter and me. If she wants to marry him,...
We spent two more weeks in town. When I’d asked Rose where she found the extra organisers that I had requested I had learnt some things that I didn’t know. Rose admitted to me that Garnet and Iren had fixed a little replicator that was designed to be portable. It only made items that could fit into a 40cm square by 50cm long area. It was designed to go to new mining sites to provide basics for the miners like toiletries, bedding, small tools, work clothes and safety items like boots,...
The next two weeks were uneventful. We had good weather all the way. The ship went even faster with the clean hull. I think all the damn crystals they had embedded in the ship helped as well. The food was awesome. We had fresh produce every day. The cook, Ben, excelled himself. The ship normally had sixteen crew members, but since the Captain had a feeling he was going to have a bored crew on a ship that would rarely break down, we had left six of the crew with the girls. Half of his crew...
My first meeting was with the rent collectors. I’d spent some time the night before going through the two sets of books I’d retrieved from Enders office. I was appalled by what I had found. When I compared the amounts, I guessed they had ripped off my grandfather over the years but their bank accounts would not show much of the money, which would have been spent or hidden. Going by the decor of the apartment, I could see where a lot of Higgins’ money went. Ender was a different story....
Greta and I left the Bulls to their own devices. I had a couple of meetings I had promised to attend, and the last town forum was being run that afternoon. It was the candidates’ last chance to convince the locals to vote for them. Things had been going well for the first half hour then a few people started asking strange questions of the clerks’ that were running for election and Anna and Nat. They wanted to know things like what spells I had put on them and how often they had to fuck...
The coronation went well. Four of the five Lords attended. The fifth was the one was who caused a lot of speculation. He had sent word that he was indisposed. They had an illness affecting his people, so they didn’t even send a representative. Ryan told me Lord Mark Metal owned a valley that was further away than many of the others. He was also very old and being indisposed wasn’t something new to them. While the Lords operated the Shires in a rough semi-circle around Weston, Mark’s Shire,...
Once we were packed, we headed down the passageway. The man-made features lasted longer in this tunnel. Initially, it was rectangular. After about 20m, it changed abruptly. When I investigated, I pointed out to Mica that I believed it had once ended with a spelled door. When we had flashed our lights down this tunnel, it had appeared as a dead end. It was only as we got to the end did we realise it joined a cross passageway. The new path had a lower more rounded roof and was narrower. We...
Jay turned off his cornerstone and became visible. I noted the calculating look Casey sent his way. I wished her luck. I had a feeling Harry would soon disillusion her of her aspirations. I noted the way Jay looking over Mica and Casey. While it was a look of appreciation for two fine looking women, I knew as well he did that his heart was in Harry’s hands. He was perfectly happy that it was. I suspected my little effort the night before had affected all of those in camp. Harry and Jay...
I was amused to be seated at the head of the table. Greta was on my left and Cavil had the other end of the table. The Bellows may have been wondering what was going on, but I wasn’t in any hurry to tell them. Dick had been seated beside Greta and his sons interspaced with Cavil’s three main spouses at my request. I had invited only one of my grandfather’s people to be at the main table. I was interested as to why my sister Jose had been part of his entourage. She had been seated on my...
Lady Di came out to meet us when we got to her homestead. She seemed in a good mood and pleased to see Cora and me. She gave Bea a couple of long looks, but she didn’t behave inappropriately towards her or Cora. She told me that the reports from her other properties were coming back that the sickness had gone and the herds were improving in health. We went to look at the herd she had purchased from me, and I introduced Snort to Bea. We all laughed when he gave her a big sloppy kiss. He...
On the trip home, we had an interesting discussion. I wanted to go to Weston. Goran had fired up my interest. Sable was adamant that he would be coming too. Harry said if Sable went then he went. Rose said where I went she went. Rose amused me because she seemed to relish the idea of going to visit Silver’s City, so she didn’t even attempt to talk me out of the trip. I also suspected she had a thing for Silver. They had become best buddies when they met in Horn City. I did occasionally...
Cavil’s spouses were confused when he announced that he was no longer married to them. They were not sure why he was now saying they weren’t married, as they all believed that they were now my spouses. We confused them a little more when we explained the status-quo. They weren’t my spouses either. I patiently explained to them that since Cavil had proclaimed that he had stepped down as Bull the marriages were considered null-and-void. They all nodded to this. I then explained that I didn’t...
The big family meeting went better than I expected. While I had shelved a few projects until we got the site for the new village surveyed, we still had plenty of work to keep people busy. I think the fact I wasn’t going to evict anyone also helped. They all understood that I expected them to earn the wages they would be paid. The only real bank we had on the island was in Horn City. Other than that, there was just the money in a Bull’s coin chest. I wanted to introduce a system as I had...
Leigh handed the floor over to me. I laid out some of my plans to the other Bulls. I also looked at Leigh and Bob as I included plans that they could get involved in as my nearest neighbours. I could see them all looking at each other as their minds filled with ideas. I suggest that we retired to the lunch tables so we could mingle. This suggestion was unanimously agreed upon, and the Bulls headed out with a lot of excited chatter. I collared Cavil and got him to wait for me. I had to stop...
“I still can’t believe my magic box opened for you?” I said, to Sable. “I’m as surprised as you are, daddy. I just told the box we needed to charge the crystals to help you, and it opened for me,” he replied. “You are probably the only person it would open for too, son,” I said. “My entity likes you for some obscure reason.” Sable chuckled, “It loves you, dad. I think you frightened it when you collapsed. So it was willing to trust me so Trixi and I could help you.” I looked around the...
Bea wasn’t shy by any means. I stopped and checked what the bathing arrangements were and the landlady said she had two buckets of hot water ready if I wished to carry them up to my room. The tub was already in place as were towels and bathing requirements. I went to the kitchen with her, and she filled the buckets for me. I carefully took them up the back stairs. We were in a large room near the back stairs. I put the buckets down and swung the door to our room open. Picking up the...
To say the wizards stole the show would be putting it politely. While they had arrived in the more acceptable manner by coming to the front door and waiting to be announced, that was about all they did that was mundane. Olivia, Warren and Lillian were amused as they watched them enter the ballroom. To start with, they were the tallest people there. Sarah, Zarka and Payton were breathtaking. There was more than one man in the room who wanted to bury his head in their tits. The fact that that...
The party after the election was massive. It may sound a bit anti-climactic, but I was happy with the outcome of the election. The clerks that I was happy to see promoted were. The candidates I felt would be voted in were and the candidates I felt would take Clerk jobs did. Most importantly, Vaughn shoed it in. I wonder how many people noticed the ring on Vaughn’s finger. Yeah, he got two promotions. I had found him after I’d dealt with Dale and his spouses. I also collected Anna, Nat,...
I went home to get my girls. I was so happy to be home. The family greeted me with a lot of enthusiasm. I spent the day sorting out problems with different projects and finally got to spend some time with my girls. Bea and Cora were bloody horny that night. It had been nearly three weeks since I was home and the girls planned for me to make up for my absence. I was more than happy to indulge them. They intended to get more involved in the running of the property, and both had decided to...
I let Greta into the room in the morning. I wasn’t really surprised to find Honey gone when I got up in the morning. Greta sat me on the bed and informed me that Bea and Cora helped her pack. Honey had appeared in their room hysterical. She explained that she had behaved very badly. My reactions and look of horror had snapped her out of whatever spell she had been under. She couldn’t believe that she had done what she had. She told them she couldn’t face me. So they helped her pack and...