Amity: 4. The HerdsChapter 23: Events free porn video

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The party after the election was massive.

It may sound a bit anti-climactic, but I was happy with the outcome of the election. The clerks that I was happy to see promoted were. The candidates I felt would be voted in were and the candidates I felt would take Clerk jobs did.

Most importantly, Vaughn shoed it in. I wonder how many people noticed the ring on Vaughn’s finger. Yeah, he got two promotions. I had found him after I’d dealt with Dale and his spouses. I also collected Anna, Nat, Warner and Jean Horn-Bay Junior.

I was delighted Jean won her seat, so was her mother. Jean is also taking over her mother’s department, so she has plenty of help. She had been acting as Jean Senior’s clerk, and with a bit or urging, she’d agreed to run.

The items I handed out were a mixed bag. Most were two gem sets of, a medallion and a ring. Vaughn actually received a three gem set. Neither of us was surprised Nature was his primary discipline. I wasn’t surprised that Lore was his second but Energy did surprise me.

His set had the three major items and as far as I knew that made him the second most powerful mage on the island. This didn’t bother me. His items were clean, and Vaughn’s aura was healthy. Vaughn had very defined principles as to right and wrong.

He also had a compassionate nature, but he wasn’t a pushover. He was a nice bloke, and we were fast friends. Handing Horn City over to Vaughn with the other new novices to help him, I felt it was now in good hands.

The androids told me they too were happy with the new councillors and could work with them. I was amused that as far as the androids were concerned, they had been assigned to the Departments. I knew the new councillors were delighted that they would be keeping their androids.

I’m not sure how many of them knew that if they stepped out of line and the androids found out, then I did too. As long as they behaved, they wouldn’t hear from me other than me telling them that they were doing a great job.

Back to the party, the vibe in Horn City after the election was electric. I did get to shake a lot of hands and meet a lot more of the locals. I had a ball. I’d never needed a lot of people around me. I’ve always been perfectly happy with my own company.

I was amused to realise as I wandered around that I’d become a bit of an extrovert since I put the mages items on. I did notice that the girls tried to make sure I had an hour to myself in the evenings. I still needed a bit of alone time, but I think most people do.

The rest of the time, however, I seemed to be surrounded by people. Greta told me that people gravitated to me. I was already wearing the items when she and I had gotten together, so she didn’t really understand how much of a loner I had been before.

When we had gotten back to Cavil’s homestead after we had been herding, I had been dragged into her family. The fact that Cavil had taken a liking to me beforehand was why she didn’t realise that in my home, I had been an enigma.

The trip to Federation had opened me up a lot more to dealing with people. Captain Hail and his crew had helped a lot. While they didn’t crowd me, they were happy enough to talk to me, and give me space when I needed it.

Cora’s outgoing nature was infectious, and she became my teacher even if she never knew it. I learned a lot from her on how to deal with people. It was in Federation that I learned I had a bit of a quirky nature and love of little jokes.

I should thank Lady Di for teaching me a lot as well. From her, I learnt how to recognise people like her and my grandfather. She also taught me how your actions deem how other people view you and treat you in turn.

Sometimes you have to see the bad to appreciate the good. As much as I’ve not enjoyed some of the bad things that have happened to me, each situation taught me something. I believed I was a stronger person from dealing with what life had thrown at me so far.

Dale was another good example. I had a lot of respect for Dale. He’d been through some really bad shit. To see him now with his thickening belly and his two spouses, you’d be fooled into believing his life had been all sweetness and light.

His easy going nature hid a backbone of steel. I suspect if he had been older before Sony got her hands on him things at the Roan property would have turned out differently. Yet, he has come out his experiences stronger for them, just like I had.

I was standing in the middle of the park wool-gathering and just soaking up the atmosphere when a woman of indeterminable age approached me. She stood in front of me and glared at me. Her hate pulsed off her like flames.

I looked down and met her eyes. Fuck, they were scary eyes. I was wondering if she was insane. Oddly, I didn’t fear her. My medallion wasn’t warm. I felt sadness that she was a twisted soul. I didn’t think our encounter boded well for her.

“Can I help you?” I asked her softly.

“Help! You have buggered everything. I worked so hard to be someone, and now I’m no one. You took everything from me. You! You’re nothing but a little boy with visions of grandeur. You are barely out of nappies,” she barked at me with contempt dripping from her words.

“You think that just because you’re a Horn, everything should be dropped at your feet and people should bow and scrape to do your bidding. Your grandfather was the same. He learned differently. You will too. You will be mine to wield,” she said with menace.

I felt her form the spell. I grabbed her chin and pulled her face up so that her eyes locked with mine. She blinked in surprise and met my eyes. “No,” I said softly.

She screamed in frustration and reeled away from me. “How can you do that?” she spat at me as she held her head. “No, no, there are no High Mages. You’re just a boy. You can’t gain that level of power at your age. It takes years of study,” she ground out in disbelief that I had cancelled her spell so easily.

“Sorry, but I am what I am. Why didn’t you leave with the councillors, Mary Blackthorn?” I asked with compassion.

“This is my home, my City. You can’t drive me away. I won’t let you. I had the others at my beck and call. I ruled, and I will rule again. That idiot Higgins and even your grandfather were my creatures. I had it all, and you will not take it from me,” she screamed at me.

“No, Mary. This is now my City. If it was yours, why did you hide? Why did you let me take it from you so easily? Every action you have tried I have countered. Petty, very petty actions at that. You didn’t have as much control here as you deluded yourself into believing,” I told her in a conversational voice.

“Those fucking androids, you can’t spell an android. They are not people. I should have destroyed them after you left. I knew I should have,” she bemoaned.

“So why didn’t you?” I asked with interest.

“They were fixing things that would be useful to me. I wanted to control them. I just needed a bit more time, but you came back before I was ready. You fucked up everything with your charming little boy act.”

“And these saps ate it up. The Wonder Boy was making things better. You just flashed that cheeky smile, and they sucked up to you like leeches. Then they bow and scrap at your big feet,” she railed at me.

I had to look at my feet. I looked back up at the woman and gave her the cheeky grin that she so hated, “Your right, I do have big feet. You know what they say about big feet?”

She blinked at me in confusion. I saw her eyes drop to my crotch. She couldn’t seem to help herself. Her eyes flashed back to mine in anger. She was pissed that I had distracted her so easily.

“Look, Mary, you don’t have a lot of options. I will take that medallion before we finish this conversation. If you had left when you were given the option, you could have kept it. But now that I know you have it, you have lost that option.”

“I will put the separation anxiety spell on you, but I’ve been told that it won’t totally dispel the loss of a magical item.” I pulled a band from my pocket. She looked at it in horror and then at me.

“Rose said that if I put this on a person who had misbehaved and lost the right to their items that it does help. Something to do with the fact it is a magical item. You won’t be able to use magic anymore, but the effects of having no magic are nulled.”

She started stepping back from me shaking her head from side to side. I could see her silently mouthing the word ‘no’. She turned to run. I winced when she smashed into a metal chest. Two metal hands grabbed tops of her arms.

Rose looked down at the small woman. “I was not happy to be locked up when I had work to do, Mary,” Rose told her. “You are a bad mage. The wizards of old took the corruption of magical items seriously. Corruption of magic was what started a war that decimated this world.”

“We androids are spelled. The spell you tried on Garnet could not work because it both conflicted with her programming and the spell that protects us from coercion spells.”

“We have known of your whereabouts, but we couldn’t observe you doing wrong, so we couldn’t interfere. However, you changed that directive when you tried to spell Bron. This wasn’t very smart of you. We did tell you that he is a High Mage.”

“A novice, even with your training can’t place a spell on one such as him. The simple fact that his aura shines so pure, you should have worked this out yourself.”

Rose looked at me, “You may do your spells, master.” Rose turned Mary around and held her away from herself.

“I’m sorry Mary,” I said sadly. I dropped the cuff on her wrist and removed her medallion when it appeared after I did the spells. She whimpered and cried softly when I removed it from her.

She was broken in so many ways it saddened me further. Her mind was not a pretty place to be. I added a spell that I wasn’t happy to perform. Taking away someone’s memories invaded their rights as far as I was concerned.

Mary’s memories of her early adulthood were gruesome. She had been badly treated before she came here from Federation. An image of Lady Di flaying Mary’s chest and laughing as she did it, flashed up in Mary’s mind.

The intense anger I felt caused Mary to flinch. I gently pulled her into my arms and smothered her in my compassion. She wept against my chest in heart-rending sobs as I rubbed her back. I wanted to cry with her.

“She will pay Mary. I vow it to you, here and now. I knew Di was evil, but I was never exposed to her true nature. When the time comes, she will pay,” I told her in a hard voice.

I placed my hand on the back of Mary’s head and gently pushed the bad memories into a corner of her mind and locked a door on them. I left her a key in her mind. When she felt she could deal with them, she would be able too.

If she never wished to open that door, then she didn’t have to. I felt I had to give her this option. We must all fight our demons, but sometimes the horror robs us of the ability to find a way to deal with them and retain our humanity.

Mary had tried by being like her tormentor. It wasn’t a happy solution as it had only extended her pain. I left her the happy young women who lived in another corner of her mind. They were her most precious memories and who she was before she went to work for Lady Di.

I felt her relax in my arms and she looked up at me with that woman’s eyes. “Thank you,” she said quietly. She reached up, kissed me softly on my lips and then gently removed herself from my arms.

“Now that I can think more clearly, I need to find a way to redeem myself. Thank you, for not letting me forget what I have done or those whom I have hurt. I do need to deal with those demons first. They are my actions.”

I smiled softly at her, “That is all I can ask of anyone, Mary.”

She nodded at me and turned to push through the crowd that had formed around us. While I was dealing with Mary, I had totally blotted them from my mind. I looked at the people in surprise.

One of the men said, “Now that is how a mage should behave. This is one lucky city to have a mage like you, Bron.” I blushed as others also showered me with praise.

Rose and I happily settled onto the grass and talked to the people around us. We joked, and we talked about the election. We discussed what was going to happen in the future amongst many other topics.

At some stage, Greta found me to drag me home. Rose chuckled at my ‘Yes dear’, and said that she needed to recharge, and went her way.

The people we had been having fun talking to also realised it was very late and headed home too.

Greta scolded me.

They had been looking for me for ages. The androids had been naughty and simply said that I was happy and doing my job. They wouldn’t give up my location.

Same as Amity: 4. The Herds
Chapter 23: Events Videos

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 30 Sales

Trixi took me to see the herds nearest herds to town, which were was sick. I explained my methods of overcoming the sickness to the people she introduced me to. I healed the worst animals and informed them that feeding the mash with the extra salt should get the rest back into good health along with checking that the hay didn’t have the tell-tale mould that seemed to be partially responsible. They had the mould on all three properties, and I told them of my better storage methods for the...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 29 Inis City

Once were docked we spent the afternoon wandering the docks. We worked out many of the ships were from Weston. A few were from Federation, and several smaller ships were from Orient. They also had a large fishing fleet. There were plenty of taverns and other places dedicated to the entertainment of sailors. We checked out the markets, and I even found a bank and organised an account. I wandered in and out of several jewellery stores. I found some of their styles interesting, but from what I...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 5 South

As I had predicted, Snort managed to get half his heifers pregnant in the first four days. Tally and I decided to split the herd into six lots before he did the rest. Five lots had ten cows in each. Half were pregnant, and the other half were not. The sixth lot included the other ten girls and Snort. If the owners of the first five lots wanted Snort to finish the job, they would have to pay his new owner. Else, they could put them to their own bulls. We considered this fair and the feedback...

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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 15 What the

-- Philip - 2061 -- Ant and I looked at the Rih drive. There was no way we were going to get that baby going again. She was Fucked with a capital ‘F’. I was still surprised the computer hadn’t shut it down. It must have failed catastrophically to melt as it had. We went and checked the other three drives. The second drive on this end was fine, giving us some hope. I suggested we might need to do a spacewalk. Theoretical we could drop the cones off and replace them. It was also possible the...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 27 Fixit

Since we were at the new wharf, I asked Ian and Robert where they wanted their cold rooms. They already had the main road and a road built behind where the other longer wharf would go. The boys also planned another jetty at the other end of the beach. They had a lovely big mound of dirt and rocks that they had created when levelling off the road and clearing an area to start building back from the beach. The road crew were due back in a week to build them a couple more roads. They were to...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 40 To date

It was five years later before I claimed my sixth spouse. Inx’s family had moved to Ochre from Weston. She had been born in a tiny village that was north of Unna, in Orient. They still had problems with slavers, so her family moved. Her family had moved around a lot before settling in Weston for a while. When they heard people could go to the protected city of Ochre, they had applied. They did very well in Ochre finding the people there much more accepting of them being shifters. She became...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 24 Rings

We spent two more weeks in town. When I’d asked Rose where she found the extra organisers that I had requested I had learnt some things that I didn’t know. Rose admitted to me that Garnet and Iren had fixed a little replicator that was designed to be portable. It only made items that could fit into a 40cm square by 50cm long area. It was designed to go to new mining sites to provide basics for the miners like toiletries, bedding, small tools, work clothes and safety items like boots,...

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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 35 The Storm

-- Storm -- I was a happy man. While my sons were still a mystery to be solved, I had at least gotten my daughters back. I can’t believe my amazing Crystal. She had done everything in her power to save her spirit friend even from himself. In my mind, that made her an exception wizard, and I wished I could give her a box she truly deserved. As for Sable, I took great delight in contacting Bron and telling him what his amazing son had done for my daughter and me. If she wants to marry him,...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 10 Welcome Home

The next two weeks were uneventful. We had good weather all the way. The ship went even faster with the clean hull. I think all the damn crystals they had embedded in the ship helped as well. The food was awesome. We had fresh produce every day. The cook, Ben, excelled himself. The ship normally had sixteen crew members, but since the Captain had a feeling he was going to have a bored crew on a ship that would rarely break down, we had left six of the crew with the girls. Half of his crew...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 19 Meetings

My first meeting was with the rent collectors. I’d spent some time the night before going through the two sets of books I’d retrieved from Enders office. I was appalled by what I had found. When I compared the amounts, I guessed they had ripped off my grandfather over the years but their bank accounts would not show much of the money, which would have been spent or hidden. Going by the decor of the apartment, I could see where a lot of Higgins’ money went. Ender was a different story....

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 22 Debate

Greta and I left the Bulls to their own devices. I had a couple of meetings I had promised to attend, and the last town forum was being run that afternoon. It was the candidates’ last chance to convince the locals to vote for them. Things had been going well for the first half hour then a few people started asking strange questions of the clerks’ that were running for election and Anna and Nat. They wanted to know things like what spells I had put on them and how often they had to fuck...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 35 Visiting

The coronation went well. Four of the five Lords attended. The fifth was the one was who caused a lot of speculation. He had sent word that he was indisposed. They had an illness affecting his people, so they didn’t even send a representative. Ryan told me Lord Mark Metal owned a valley that was further away than many of the others. He was also very old and being indisposed wasn’t something new to them. While the Lords operated the Shires in a rough semi-circle around Weston, Mark’s Shire,...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 39 A Ring

Once we were packed, we headed down the passageway. The man-made features lasted longer in this tunnel. Initially, it was rectangular. After about 20m, it changed abruptly. When I investigated, I pointed out to Mica that I believed it had once ended with a spelled door. When we had flashed our lights down this tunnel, it had appeared as a dead end. It was only as we got to the end did we realise it joined a cross passageway. The new path had a lower more rounded roof and was narrower. We...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 37 Gems

Jay turned off his cornerstone and became visible. I noted the calculating look Casey sent his way. I wished her luck. I had a feeling Harry would soon disillusion her of her aspirations. I noted the way Jay looking over Mica and Casey. While it was a look of appreciation for two fine looking women, I knew as well he did that his heart was in Harry’s hands. He was perfectly happy that it was. I suspected my little effort the night before had affected all of those in camp. Harry and Jay...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 11 Decisions

I was amused to be seated at the head of the table. Greta was on my left and Cavil had the other end of the table. The Bellows may have been wondering what was going on, but I wasn’t in any hurry to tell them. Dick had been seated beside Greta and his sons interspaced with Cavil’s three main spouses at my request. I had invited only one of my grandfather’s people to be at the main table. I was interested as to why my sister Jose had been part of his entourage. She had been seated on my...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 7 Bighorns

Lady Di came out to meet us when we got to her homestead. She seemed in a good mood and pleased to see Cora and me. She gave Bea a couple of long looks, but she didn’t behave inappropriately towards her or Cora. She told me that the reports from her other properties were coming back that the sickness had gone and the herds were improving in health. We went to look at the herd she had purchased from me, and I introduced Snort to Bea. We all laughed when he gave her a big sloppy kiss. He...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 26 Ians

On the trip home, we had an interesting discussion. I wanted to go to Weston. Goran had fired up my interest. Sable was adamant that he would be coming too. Harry said if Sable went then he went. Rose said where I went she went. Rose amused me because she seemed to relish the idea of going to visit Silver’s City, so she didn’t even attempt to talk me out of the trip. I also suspected she had a thing for Silver. They had become best buddies when they met in Horn City. I did occasionally...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 12 Lots of Work

Cavil’s spouses were confused when he announced that he was no longer married to them. They were not sure why he was now saying they weren’t married, as they all believed that they were now my spouses. We confused them a little more when we explained the status-quo. They weren’t my spouses either. I patiently explained to them that since Cavil had proclaimed that he had stepped down as Bull the marriages were considered null-and-void. They all nodded to this. I then explained that I didn’t...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 13 Problems

The big family meeting went better than I expected. While I had shelved a few projects until we got the site for the new village surveyed, we still had plenty of work to keep people busy. I think the fact I wasn’t going to evict anyone also helped. They all understood that I expected them to earn the wages they would be paid. The only real bank we had on the island was in Horn City. Other than that, there was just the money in a Bull’s coin chest. I wanted to introduce a system as I had...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 17 Plans

Leigh handed the floor over to me. I laid out some of my plans to the other Bulls. I also looked at Leigh and Bob as I included plans that they could get involved in as my nearest neighbours. I could see them all looking at each other as their minds filled with ideas. I suggest that we retired to the lunch tables so we could mingle. This suggestion was unanimously agreed upon, and the Bulls headed out with a lot of excited chatter. I collared Cavil and got him to wait for me. I had to stop...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 34 Trade

“I still can’t believe my magic box opened for you?” I said, to Sable. “I’m as surprised as you are, daddy. I just told the box we needed to charge the crystals to help you, and it opened for me,” he replied. “You are probably the only person it would open for too, son,” I said. “My entity likes you for some obscure reason.” Sable chuckled, “It loves you, dad. I think you frightened it when you collapsed. So it was willing to trust me so Trixi and I could help you.” I looked around the...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 6 Bea

Bea wasn’t shy by any means. I stopped and checked what the bathing arrangements were and the landlady said she had two buckets of hot water ready if I wished to carry them up to my room. The tub was already in place as were towels and bathing requirements. I went to the kitchen with her, and she filled the buckets for me. I carefully took them up the back stairs. We were in a large room near the back stairs. I put the buckets down and swung the door to our room open. Picking up the...

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Amity 3 TempestChapter 15 The Ball

To say the wizards stole the show would be putting it politely. While they had arrived in the more acceptable manner by coming to the front door and waiting to be announced, that was about all they did that was mundane. Olivia, Warren and Lillian were amused as they watched them enter the ballroom. To start with, they were the tallest people there. Sarah, Zarka and Payton were breathtaking. There was more than one man in the room who wanted to bury his head in their tits. The fact that that...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 20 Girls

I went home to get my girls. I was so happy to be home. The family greeted me with a lot of enthusiasm. I spent the day sorting out problems with different projects and finally got to spend some time with my girls. Bea and Cora were bloody horny that night. It had been nearly three weeks since I was home and the girls planned for me to make up for my absence. I was more than happy to indulge them. They intended to get more involved in the running of the property, and both had decided to...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 21 Guilt

I let Greta into the room in the morning. I wasn’t really surprised to find Honey gone when I got up in the morning. Greta sat me on the bed and informed me that Bea and Cora helped her pack. Honey had appeared in their room hysterical. She explained that she had behaved very badly. My reactions and look of horror had snapped her out of whatever spell she had been under. She couldn’t believe that she had done what she had. She told them she couldn’t face me. So they helped her pack and...

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