Full Moon Rising free porn video

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The werewolf drifted through the crowd of writhing dancers at the club, Gothic Noire and scowled. Although the moon had yet to rise over the horizon, he could already feel its power calling to his soul right through the brick walls of the club. I’ll have to find someone to fuck soon, or I’ll spend the next month locked in my wolf shape.

In the smoked mirrors that lined the club’s walls, his eyes glowed a brilliant predator green, reflecting in the club’s low lighting. He turned his head, changing the angle of reflection. The glow winked out. Apparently, his eyes had started the shift from ordinary human hazel to wolf gold.

He leaned against the wall in a dark corner to sift through the scents, searching for appropriate prey. With so many warm, sweating bodies rubbing against each other in multiple parodies of sex the aromas merely aggravated his hunger. He rose from his slouch, stretching to his full height and moved away from the wall.

He curled his lip in annoyance. Trying to find someone with enough passion to keep up with his appetites every full moon was a real pain in the ass. Unfortunately, nothing less than a woman’s climax would give him enough power to keep control over his changes. Not having a woman of his own was his own damn fault, but he just couldn’t see himself actually trying for a long-term relationship.

“Oh, hey, you’re cute. And by the way, I’m a werewolf; is that okay with you?” He scowled ferociously. Oh, yeah, that’d go over real well. Then I’ll have another freak chasing me cross-country with a shot-gun full of silver. Not that silver could do him any real harm. He smiled, revealing the gleam of sharp incisors. Not one werewolf slasher movie had gotten it right yet. Not that he was about to complain.

A clean, fresh aroma drifted through the cigarette smoke and alcohol fumes.

He sniffed deeply to be sure catching baby powder, soap and warm, frustrated woman. His cock rose to full erection, pressing uncomfortably against his snug leather pants and a smile curved his lips. Perfect… He followed the enticing fragrance to a tiny female leaning against the wall, completely alone.

He drifted past her, noting the waterfall of silvery blond curls that flowed past her shoulders to swing at her hips. Electric-blue eyes peeked out from under overlong bangs. Her full breasts were barely contained by the pearl buttons of her tight white blouse. The black lights made the lace of her bra glow fluorescent white through the sheer material that was tucked into a very short leather skirt.

She shifted her stance slightly, revealing a tiny glimpse of white panties glowing under the black lights.

He whistled under his breath. That is one hot little package. His rigid flesh pressing insistently against his stomach agreed wholeheartedly. He breathed in deep, studying the context of her delicate scent and was pleased to discover the complete lack of another male’s scent. So, she‘s not here with another guy, nor has she been touched by one recently. A cunning smile curled his lips. Good. He walked past her through the door to the enclosed porch outside. Now, how to corner her and get her out into the parking lot for a fast fuck?


Heather leaned against the wall of the crowded Goth club and absently swept her long, silvery-blonde hair behind her shoulder. The harsh Gothic-Industrial music throbbed loudly, pressing against her flesh like hands, closing in on her.

In an attempt to look calm, cool, and collected, she took a sip of her Long Island Iced Tea and froze. Someone was staring at her. She could almost feel their gaze brushing like ghostly fingers across her body, lingering on her breasts and her far-too-exposed thighs.

Nervously, she dropped a hand to the hem of her leather mini-skirt, tugging on it in a futile attempt to cover herself while looking around. She’d received a lot of curious looks because of her short skirt and tight blouse, but this was far more intrusive, almost aggressive.

No one seemed to stand out as the source of the gaze she felt.

Heather sighed and pulled at the buttons of her sheer white blouse. “I should’ve never let Lisa talk me into wearing her clothes. Everything’s too damned small. I’m gonna pop a button any second.” She tugged up the tops of the black seamed stockings that refused to hide beneath the hem of the leather skirt. The lacy straps of the snowy white garter belt showed every time she took a step. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a damned thing she could do about it. Growling in frustration, Heather took another swallow of the sweet, potent drink and looked over at the crowded dance floor.

The huge orgiastic mass of dancers swayed and writhed to the heavy music in slow, exaggerated movements showing off their skimpy leather, vinyl, lace, and velvet costumes. Their faces, male and female, were practically disguised by heavy theatre make-up.

Heather winced. Despite how daring she'd thought her outfit was, compared to everyone else she still looked like an innocent school-girl. She took a healthy swallow of her Long Island iced tea. God, I can’t win for losing. And where the hell had her roommate gone anyway?

She straightened from the wall to look for her absent friend and suddenly felt light-headed. The bartender had apparently made her drink far stronger than she’d thought. She carefully set her glass on the narrow bar against the wall, determined not to drink any more. The last thing she wanted to do was pass out in this crowd. Maybe I should go outside and get some air?

With careful steps, Heather walked to the doorway of the enclosed outside porch without too much trouble. “Thank God I didn’t wear those spike-heeled boots, or I’d be flat on my ass by now.”

The tiny tree lights gave only a dim glow, especially after the harsh glare of the club’s powerful strobes, but it was enough to see that the enclosed outdoor patio was practically empty. The crisp autumn breeze blew some of the fumes away, and Heather’s mind cleared a little. Breathing deep, she smiled and looked up at the clear stars, then turned and promptly walked into a firm, hard-muscled body.

Strong hands gripped her upper arms, steadying her from their collision.

“Oh! Sorry!” Heather looked up—and up—into the eyes of a very tall and strikingly handsome man with fine, if sharp features and a pronounced five o’clock shadow. Dark brows slanted up over bright, yellow-green eyes framed by thick black lashes. The corners of his eyes tilted up to give him an exotic, feral look. Long waves of lustrous black hair fell over his shoulders.

Heather blinked at him. He’s so tall… Her head didn’t quite reach his shoulder. “Hi. I, ah…”

He pressed his finger gently to her lips for silence and a smile curved his lips.

Her lips tingled where he touched them. She licked them without thinking.

His smile widened, parting his lips slightly, revealing a bright flash of white teeth. 

Heather blinked. Are those fangs? Oh, wait, this is a Goth club. She smiled ruefully. Just about everybody wore fangs, and half of them really wanted to be vampires.

He reached out with fingers tipped in long, curved nails and grasped a thick lock of her blond mane, letting the silvery strands slide slowly through his fingers. His eyes followed the path of his hand, apparently fascinated by her hair.

Intimate warmth curled in her belly. My God, he’s beautiful. I can’t stop looking at him.

His green-gold eyes locked onto hers and focused.

The fine hairs on the back of her neck rose. It honestly felt as though he was attempting to reach in to take hold of her soul.

He leaned forward slowly.

She shied back. Is he trying to kiss me? He was seriously handsome, but that didn’t change the fact that she didn’t know a thing about him.

He flashed a quick smile, grasped her hand, and raised it to his lips. Watching her closely, he softly brushed his lips across her knuckles, then brushed them fleetingly with the tip of his tongue.

She shivered visibly, but didn’t pull away. She’d never been kissed on the hand before.

He smiled and eased his hands into her hair, then very gently cupped her head. In a sudden move, he turned and pressed her back against the wooden palisade wall.

Her eyes widened and she let out a small yelp of surprise. Her hands clenched in the lapels of his leather vest.

Leaning forward, he touched his nose to her ear. Slowly, he inhaled, then exhaled with a soft growl.

Long rippling shivers spilled down her spine. Oh, God, what is this guy doing to me?

Lightly, he touched his tongue to the shell of her ear tracing the curve, then dipped delicately into the sensitive center. He exhaled softly, creating a cool breeze against the damp flesh.

She trembled again, drew a ragged breath, then released a tiny moan. Her hands tightened on his lapels. The aroma of leather and his potent male curled around her. He feels so good... He smells so good...

His hand firmly cradled her head and his powerful body pressed against her, holding her captive against the wooden fence. He trailed his open mouth, nibbling lightly, along her jaw, and touched his lips to hers.

Shock rocketed through Heather’s cloudy mind. Is he…kissing me? Her lips parted in alarm.

He swept in to stroke her tongue with his.

Holy shit! This gorgeous man is kissing me! He tasted only lightly of beer. Clearly, he hadn’t had much to drink, unlike her.

He stepped closer, his erection pressing against the cradle of her hips, hot through the leather and heavy with intent. He deepened his kiss, slanting his mouth over hers for deeper penetration. His tongue stroked against hers in leisurely swipes then rolled his hips, pressing his entrapped cock against her softness.

Overwhelmed by the fierce sparks of pleasure deep in her belly, she felt powerless in his embrace, and oddly reluctant to do anything about it. She moaned into his mouth.

Slowly, he slid his hand from her silky hair down her shoulder and arm to press against her narrow waist. Carefully he skimmed his hand up her ribs. His hand closed over her breast through the blouse and he squeezed firmly.

She shivered, her nipple rising to a tingling point under his hot palm. She knew she should shove him away for his audacity, but she just couldn’t summon the energy to do it.

His long nails closed on her hardened nipple through her lace bra and tugged.

A white hot spark of pleasure seared downward to throb in her core. She gasped into his mouth and a shudder racked her body. A small moan escaped her throat.

He captured her soft moan in his mouth and inhaled deeply to steal her breath.

Want and need coursed urgently through Heather, washing away everything but the urge to get closer, to feel more, to feel him, to touch him. In a dreamlike haze, she pulled her hands from his lapels to slide them under his vest. She swept her hands over the silk shirt he wore, and found that he was a solid wall of whipcord muscle. She swept her hands down his back, scoring him lightly with her nails, then dug in to pull him closer.

His growl of pleasure vibrated through her.

She wanted to touch his skin, but his shirt was tucked in. She hesitated. She couldn’t just tug his shirt out; that would be rude. Damn it!

His thumb rolled her tender nipple through her blouse.

With a deep sigh, her spine arched eagerly, pushing her breast into his hand. Her hips rose to meet his, pressing strongly against the heat of his erection.

He lifted his head to look at her with heated, hungry eyes that blazed more gold than green. Licking his lips, his fingers unfastened the straining buttons to her blouse. His warm hand slid inside her bra and his hand closed on her bare flesh.

The reality of a man’s bare hand on her naked breast shocked Heather from her passion-hazed stupor. Oh, God, I must be drunker than I thought! Startled, confused, and alarmed, she tried to pull away, only to discover how firmly he had her pinned.

His smile grew feral and he continued with the caress. He tugged sharply on her captured nipple.

Lightning bolts of liquid pleasure pulsed straight down, making her body jolt in time to his touch. She became aware of a slick wetness dampening her panties. Something deep inside fluttered with hunger and anticipation.

Heather turned away, her hands firmly planted against his chest. Oh, God, I can’t be doing this! Biting her lip in sexual frustration and humiliated by her body's easy submission, Heather shoved him hard and rolled out from beneath him. She grabbed her parted blouse and bolted for the ladies’ room inside.

Fearing to look behind her, Heather threaded her way through the crowd. I can’t believe I let that guy kiss me like that, I can’t believe I was kissing him back! I hope to God nobody saw me kissing a total stranger like that! She dove into the hall and headed past the stairs, only to find a line in front of the bathrooms halting her escape. “Shit.” Heather felt a tug on her skirt and was turned around sharply.

The man she’d been kissing smiled down at her. His golden eyes were narrowed and intent. “Going somewhere?” Between one breath and the next, he imprisoned her arm in a powerful grip and bodily shoved her through a doorway and up a short staircase.

Heather very nearly tripped on the stairs, but his grip on her arm kept her from falling. “Hey, uh, I don’t know you and I, uh, normally don’t go kissing people. There’s been a mistake, I didn’t mean…!”

He urged her into the dimly-lit narrow room upstairs. “You didn’t mean to kiss me?” His hypnotic voice slid over her like potent whiskey.

Heather could feel her self-control slipping away from her reach. Her voice dropped to barely a whisper. “Not like-- Not like that.”

He turned to look at her with eyes that were slits of gold fire. He licked his lips, the sharp points of his teeth gleaming in his predatory smile. “I have no complaints.” He slowly backed her into a dark corner of the empty room. “In fact, I rather enjoyed it.” The light from the solitary lamp etched his face with menacing shadows. “And I was under the impression that you enjoyed it too.”

Heather trembled in his grip. Oh, God, oh, God, I think I’m in trouble!

Abruptly, he turned and sat in the room’s only chair, facing her. He tugged her closer. “I want you.” His voice vibrated with unleashed passion. “I need you.”

With him seated, their eyes were on the same level. Her traitorous body responded with a sudden and compulsive craving for his touch.

He released her arm to capture the back of her head, gently but firmly gripping her by the hair.

Her mouth opened to protest.

He pulled, bringing her parted lips to his and his tongue swept inside.

Waves of hot and hungry desire washed over her and her objections faded into a long moan. She was lost in the firestorm of excitement that swept through her blood screaming in voracious desire.

He moaned into her mouth and his arm closed about her waist, his hand cupping her rounded ass. He tipped her toward him.

Feeling herself falling, she put her hands on his shoulders and gripped the leather of his vest.

His arm tightened pulled her down.

She fell forward to straddle his muscular thighs, pressed up against his body with her soft breasts crushed against the wall of his chest.

His fingers curled in her hair. Slowly, irresistibly, he pulled her head back, breaking the kiss. His moist tongue stroked her neck. Tingles followed in the wake of the caress.

Her eyes fluttered closed in erotic bliss and she moaned.

His fingers tugged on her buttons while the wet heat of his mouth closed on her throat. His sharp teeth grazed the delicate skin of her exposed throat. He nipped lightly.

Held still by his hold on her hair, a small hungry sound escaped her lips. Heather felt the front of her bra unlatch, releasing her vulnerable breasts to his mercy. Her nipples hardened powerfully in the cool air.

His hand closed about one full breast. He swept his hand over her pliant skin, nails biting lightly into her softness. A callused thumb slid over one sensitive nipple.

Small streaks of lightning raced downward and pulsed in her clit, as though his thumb touched here there instead.

The furnace of his wet mouth slid from her throat down her collarbone and onto the flesh of the breast. His mouth feasted on the delicate skin, with his tongue making damp circles. He took possession of a nipple, sucking softly, and then more strongly.

She gasped with the delicious pleasure that sincerely felt as though his mouth was far, far lower on her body.

His tongue flicked the nipple against his teeth, insistently shocking her with bolt after bolt of intense delight. He suckled strongly on one nipple and then the other, pulling on them until both were painfully erect.

Heat gripped her body in spasms of greedy desire and she cried out softly in carnal lust. Barely conscious of anything beyond the powerful rippling sensations of hunger engulfing her body, she arched her back to lean into his mouth for more of his kisses.

He slowly spread his muscular legs between her soft thighs, irresistibly opening her legs wide. Her skirt slid up to her waist, exposing her completely. A hand splayed on the silk of her stockings, moving up in a slow heated caress to the flesh of her inner thigh. Suddenly his palm covered her heat, and he squeezed in possession.

She moaned in primitive fear and volatile anticipation.

A finger lightly caressed her panties, tracing the damp shape of her cleft through the snowy satin. The finger pressed deeper, becoming a long, slow rub against her excited clit through the pliant fabric. The finger worm its way under the satin, seeking out her softness until he touched wet sensitive flesh.

She jumped.

Continuing his explorations, his fingers slid further under the white satin, parting her soft curls. He gently stroked the tender outer lips, then dipped into the mouth of her drenched cleft. The finger drove slowly into her moist depths, foraging deep, then deeper yet to caress her trembling inner flesh. He swirled his invasive finger to gather her dew, and slid out. His mouth left her wet, exposed breasts and the sounds of him licking and sucking reached her ears.

She blinked, more than a little shocked. He was sucking the fingers that had been inside of her.

“Delicious, Princess.” The pleasure in his voice caressed her. Using the unrelenting grip in her silver-blonde hair, he tipped her head forward and brought her lips once more to his.

She opened her mouth under his and could taste herself on his tongue. She shuddered in reaction.

He pulled away to lock onto her eyes. Passion was written across his face like pain, his breath hard from panting. He spoke in a harsh whisper. “I want to watch you as I make you cum for me.” Again his finger slid into her cleft, and another finger joined the first.

Her body clenched in wanton hunger to hold him within.

He withdrew his damp fingers to trace up her tender flesh and rub lightly against her clit.

The bolts of pleasure from his fingers jolted her sharply. Heather inhaled sharply.

He rubbed quickly back and forth against her.

Her lips parted and thighs tightened against the muscle of his leather-clad legs. She ground her hips onto him, begging for more.

He pulled her mouth to his for a hungry kiss, but kept his eyes trained on hers. He dipped his finger in her once more, sliding deeply to rub her inner flesh, then pulled them out, pushing in again, then pulling out in a slow fuck. Her wetness slid over his palm, and he rubbed at her clit with a damp thumb.

She whimpered softly and slid her hips forward onto his possessing fingers, wanting more, needing more, fucking herself on his hand.

He crushed his mouth to hers, capturing her soft cries in his mouth. He slid a second finger into her, burrowing strongly to find the soft, fleshy button buried deep inside. He pressed it with his fingertips, flicked it lightly, again and again in an insistent rhythm.

Her body rocked unconsciously against his palm until she edged toward the threshold of a crushing orgasm. Driven closer and closer, she let out soft, breathless sounds until she balanced right on the glittering edge. She let out a muffled scream of frustration that was swallowed by his mouth.

He gave her a smile that was filled with long teeth. “Yes, yes…”

Her hands tugged insistently at his lapels and her hips rocked against him in mindless lust. Harder and harder, she thrust against him, encouraging him to push deeper into her. Her breath came in harsh pants

Eyes intent on her, he whispered. “I want you to cum for me, Princess. I want to feel you. I want to taste you as you cum.”

She arched, stiffened, then her mouth opened to suck in a deep breath and hold it. A powerful orgasm crashed through her, taking her in a howling, glorious blaze. She thrashed, crushing herself on his hand.

Firmly, he brought her lips down to meet his and he took her cries into his triumphant mouth.

Rapt in their throes of pleasure, neither noticed the couples that silently came into the room. Silently, intently, and voraciously they watched the elegant blonde and the rugged dark man in the chair, their eyes avidly devouring the scene before them. Clothing was loosened and hands roved and stroked, pleasuring each other.

In the mirrors, the blonde’s full white breasts pressed into him while his mouth took hers, tongues working against each other ravenously. Her white panties were stark and visible in the dim light.

The dark man’s eyes turned toward them briefly, wide-open and brilliant gold then he returned his eyes and attention back to her, deepening their kiss.

The full moon was rising.

The werewolf could feel the moon’s power vibrating in his bones, even behind the walls of cement that surrounded him. He had run out of time; he must take her now, and damn the consequences. With the power of her orgasm singing through his blood, he could finally achieve one of his own strong enough to retain control over his ability to change at will. Without her orgasm to strengthen him, the full moon would force him to shift and lock into the shape of a wolf until another orgasm brought him back to his humanity.

With the sharp tips of his nails already extending into claws, he tore the delicate satin of her panties from her soft body with one hand, pushing them into a pocket. He released her long, silky hair and held her in a warm embrace while her after-tremors still shook her.

Her mouth locked to his in complete abandon, sucking on his tongue.

He ripped his trousers open to free his painfully hard flesh from its prison. Slipping a hand under her firm ass, he lifted and pulled her forward to impale her on his heavily erect cock, burrowing into her wet depths. Feeling her flesh giving way to accommodate him, he moaned harshly, his eyes losing focus with the intense pleasure.

Her eyes opened with a small cry of surprise. She looked around, apparently realizing they had an audience. She clenched around his cock in reaction. Clearly alarmed, she shoved at his shoulders, trying to pull away.

He almost smiled. It was far too late for second thoughts. He captured her hands and pulled them behind her, holding her wrists together with one hand. “Oh no you don't. It's my turn, Princess.” Personally, he could care less who watched. He needed her and he needed her now. Already he could feel his ears lengthening to points. He gripped her firmly with both hands and thrust up hard into her hot and tender flesh with a harsh grunt.

Her body shook with the impact and a soft cry escaped her lips. She closed around him like a moist fist.

His head spinning, he moaned. Fuck, she feels good... His booted feet planted firmly for support, he tilted his hips back to withdraw almost to the tip, then flexed his thigh and ass muscles to drive back into her wet depths – then again, and again...determined to bring himself to climax while there was still time.

Dampness slid onto his thighs from her excitement and the slaps of flesh against wet flesh were surprisingly loud.

Again and again, the werewolf thrust; deep, then shallow, then deeper, stronger and harder... Heat and pressure low in the back of his balls began to coil urgently. Almost there… He gripped her breast and took it hungrily into his mouth, sucking at the nipple to distract her, racing to beat the threatening moon swelling toward full strength in the sky.

A shudder wracked her body, a moan slipped from her throat. She leaned into him, her fingers tightening on his lapels, and started rocking into his thrusts.

He lifted his head capturing her frightened, but heated, gaze and smiled. “Good girl.” Their panting breaths matched tempo. "Yes…” He felt the deep, tightening pleasure in his balls and he knew he was ready to spill into her hungry flesh. He was close, right at the edge. He growled in lustful pleasure. “Yes, yes, yes!”

She tightened around him with tiny spasms, her fingers clutching his vest. Her head tilted back and her breath stilled, then a cry exploded from her lips.

She had cum – again.

He jerked within her, his cock swelling to excruciating hardness. He pulled her down powerfully onto his cock, her ass tight against his balls. With a wrenching howl of ecstasy and triumph, he spilled into her depths.

Trembling in aftershocks of carnal pleasure, and fighting for breath, he released her wrists and enclosed her tender body in a fierce hug. Ah, yes! The werewolf sighed deeply in relief both mental and physical. Human for another month. He could now seek his wolf form without losing his ability to return to being human. Gone also was the fear of being lost in a far more hideous form; a form trapped between man and wolf. At least until the next full moon.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, burrowing into him, openly seeking comfort. Tears slid down her cheeks.

He kissed her lips and then kissed her tears away. “It’s okay, Princess, it’s okay.” Gently, he lifted her from him and pulled out a black handkerchief to wipe his seed from her thighs. He helped her rearrange her clothes, and closed his pants with a satisfied smile. He became aware of the sounds of the others in the room and remembered the audience.

The intruders were utterly oblivious to the two of them as they moaned and writhed, seeking their own pleasures.

Gently taking her still-trembling hand, he led her to the stairs past a man moaning, eyes closed, gripping his lover by the hair as he pumped himself into her mouth.


Trembling on rubbery knees, Heather went into the ladies’ room. Strangely, it was empty. Or perhaps not so strangely, considering just how many people had crammed into the upstairs room to watch them do…that. She felt both ashamed and strangely exhilarated. A minor tremor shook her and her face burned. She used the sink to wash off the dregs of her make-up. Two! I had two orgasms!

Right in front of all those people watching.

Oh, God, does this make me a slut? Too late to think about that now. She grabbed a bunch of paper towels and wet them to wash the stickiness form her thighs. That’s when she noticed. “Shit! My panties!”

Heather walked out of the ladies’ room into the main room of the club wondering how she was going to deal with this...situation.

He walked over with a smile and handed her a drink.

She thought about running, but discarded the idea. He’d already done his worst and she could really use the drink. She took the glass, drinking deeply. Alcoholic fire went straight to her brain. She winced. “Shit, I just chugged a Long Island Iced Tea.”

He shrugged, a relaxed smile on his lips, and slouched against the wall. “That’s what you were drinking before.”

Heather looked into his lambent green eyes and scowled. “Yes, and look what kind of trouble that got me into.” Memories of his body scorched through her and her face heated. She took another, smaller sip.

He smiled.

She frowned up at him. She could have sworn his eyes had been yellow only a few minutes ago.

A slender, dark-haired girl came out of the crowd on the dance-floor. “Hey! Heather, where have you been? I’ve been looking all over for you! Did you hear? We missed the side-show going on upstairs!”

Heather winced.


The loud music and press of people closed between the werewolf and the spent blonde.

He slid away in the confusion and headed for the door. So, her name is Heather. He slipped out of the club and took a deep breath of the crisp autumn air. Cautiously he made his way to a dark corner of the parking lot where he’d parked his bike. Perhaps Heather will still be around next month?

Maybe he would seek her out before the next full moon?

He pulled a scrap of white satin from his pocket and took a deep appreciative sniff. Oh yes... He would have no problems finding her. I have her scent now. 


Heather looked around. The guy was nowhere to be seen. Ignoring her roommate, she ran out of the club. Did he leave? That son of a bitch! She looked about the parking lot, and heard the thunder of a motorcycle revving up. That sounds like my Dad’s old bike.

Looking toward the street, she spotted a classic Indian motorcycle.

The rider sped by in a distinctive leather coat and long dark hair whipped down his back. He looked back, smiled, and waved a scrap of white fabric that were quite obviously panties.

She didn’t even know his name.


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The Girl In The Moon

This story has an adult content and must not be viewed if under eighteen. The Girl in the Moon by Stephanie CHAPTER 1 I suppose I should have realised something was wrong by the way she was acting, but by then I was totally under her spell. I met her one Saturday night at one of the bars downtown, I was more or less a regular there and I knew most of the people there by sight. And there she was on her...

3 years ago
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Goddess of the Moon

Goddess of the moon By Keterra Sands Copyright c 2000 by Keterra Sands all rights reserved [email protected] This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is unintended. This story contains adult situations, describes sexual activities, and deals with changes of gender. If such material upsets you, or if it's illegal for you to read this - DON'T. This is a story of ancient powers and magic. A young man sets out to find a fortune using...

4 years ago
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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 13 The Moon

-- Ant - 2057 -- Our team soon settled into their new lives. We didn’t get to take the first team of construction workers to the Moon. UNSEC had built a larger ship that could house thirty people. It would become the base until the construction crew got the first dome built. A lot of planning had gone into the design of these domes to reduce construction time. Once the underground bases had been constructed, the Domes would be built like giant jigsaw puzzles. They could be built with no...

4 years ago
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For The Love of The Moon

“Good morning my name is Miss Siena and I am here to talk to you about the moon,” Siena said calmly as she floated in the zero gravity. “I am currently orbiting around the moon as this broadcast is being recorded. I have been on the Collins orbiter for the last three years and before that I was on the lunar surface at the Tranquility Research Base. What I am here to teach you about today is the selenology of the moon,” she allowed a pause for any teachers to pause for questions. As she read her...

3 years ago
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For The Love of The Moon

“Good morning my name is Miss Siena and I am here to talk to you about the moon,” Siena said calmly as she floated in the zero gravity. “I am currently orbiting around the moon as this broadcast is being recorded. I have been on the Collins orbiter for the last three years and before that I was on the lunar surface at the Tranquility Research Base. What I am here to teach you about today is the selenology of the moon,” she allowed a pause for any teachers to pause for questions. As she read her...

Love Stories
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Full Moon Syndrome 2 Jans Toybox and Cedrics Pleasur

I stared blankly at cedric’s smiling face. He looked so cute half asleep, I couldn’t help myself the full moon was still in the morning sky… I kissed him, our tongues dancing inside each others mouths. It was turning me on so much, through sheer force of will I stopped kissing him and managed to choke out. “so… uh… how’d you sleep?” I asked him fearfully. “I slept great” he said. “uh Cedric, listen…” I began but what he said totally blew my mind (and made me horny automatically)...

2 years ago
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Promises of the Wishing Moon

It had been a trip six years in the making. Between juggling school and work, the three friends were excited to be in the place that had held all of their fascinations for the past decade. Now at twenty-four, Beth’s heart gave a small patter as she looked out the plane and saw the infamous skyline of London as they approached. Upon landing, the long process of getting off the plane began and on more than once occasion, Beth had her heels hit by luggage and knocked her not-so-funny funny...

2 years ago
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Promises of the Wishing Moon

Introduction: Seven years after her last dream of the fairy prince Conlan, Elizabeth travels with friends to England to visit the fables site of Avalon, Glastonbury Tor. What happens when she passes beneath the Tor changes her life for the better. A small bell dinged and the televisions in the cabin dimmed and muted as the flight attendants voice came over the speakers announcing their descent into London. Tuning out the noise, Elizabeth and her two friends, Amber and Greg, gathered their trash...

1 year ago
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Full Moon Adventure

Full Moon Adventure by Bill Hart I remembered that night as I looked at the calendar. Being attacked and savagely bitten - a wound impossibly healing overnight - was something unlikely soon forgotten. Tonight, another full moon would shine. Once again I would be transformed and seek out fresh meat. The moon peeks over the horizon. Its light caressingly floods across my body. My skin begins tingling. Then the pain strikes. My body rapidly reassumes its newly acquired...

4 years ago
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full moon

When the moon hits just right, everything around you takes a turn, for the good or bad. It's hard to do, but when it happens you better watch out and be careful who bares witness of anything you might regret at a later time. Here is a story of the two couples who had a little too much fun during a full moon. It was about 10 p.m and the two couples, who was really buzzed, wanted something fun to do and just let loose. So Nikki, Kris, Kristy, and Megan decide to go swimming,but they didnt have a...

4 years ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 7

“If you do not mind, Davik,” A familiar voice from behind me said, “I would not mind a plate of that delicious smelling food.” I jumped in surprise and turned to see who had just said that. To say I was shocked would have been an understatement. “What in the seven hells is going on, Lillian? You’re a Voguel?! How can you change into a wolf without a blood moon? Why have you been helping me all this time?” She laughed at the rapid succession of my questions and it was only then I realized,...

3 years ago
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Touching the Moon

Touching the Moon By Morpheus Part 1 All through history there have been stories of beings who could do things that that were far outside the normal, things that would be considered miraculous or even impossible. Nearly every culture has legends of people who could transform into animals or perform unbelievable feats of magic. Gods... demons... monsters... witches... There were almost as many names for these beings as there were stories. And as with most stories, these ones...

2 years ago
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 47 Moon Maidenrsquos Sugary Passion

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Nemberon Plains I pulled out of the moon maiden’s pussy and stared down at the newest member of my harem. “What’s your name?” “Diane,” she said, her...

3 years ago
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Blue Moon on Halloween

Lucinda was standing at the porch of her little house. It was almost midnight on October 30th. Halloween was just minutes away and staring at the moon she sighed. This year October 31st will have a Blue Moon. Blue Moons usually appeared every three or four years, and in those occasions many unexplained phenomena happened. It was not so much that the Blue Moon usually caused a stirring in the gifted communities of witches, wizards and warlocks, but it also brought out monsters, demons and ghouls...

2 years ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonChapter 22

Aphronia slowly regained consciousness and felt agony in every muscle and fiber of her body. The bastard had spent who knows how long torturing her. Not for information or her acquiescence, but for the simple and perverse joy it brought him. He had been cutting her skin, with slow and precise slices. Generating the most pain for the least amount of damage. Her abilities helped her heal quickly, but the psychological impact was hard on her. She still had not eaten, and her hunger, coupled...

1 year ago
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Hentai Moon

I see the Hentai Moon a-rising; I see cumshots on the way. I see tentacles and ecchi, and I see really good times today. All jokes aside, who’s up for some truly filthy animation from the Land of the Rising Sun? As much as I love some live-action hardcore fucking, sometimes porno anime does it for me in a way the real stuff can’t. No offense to babes like Abella Danger or Kali Roses, but I’ve never seen either one get fucked by a big hairy monster or squirt milk all over the place in an orgy of...

Hentai Streaming Sites
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The Last Full Moon

The cottage door closed behind her as the wind whipped down the side of the mountain. The trunks of the trees stirred and groaned, as though their sleep had been disturbed. It was late autumn and Charlotte felt the cold down deep in her bones. She wanted to turn around and go back inside, to just sit by the fireplace and wait for the morning. But she couldn't. There were no stars in the sky. A pale yellow moon drifted in and out of the clouds as they passed. A full moon meant danger, it...

3 years ago
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Fertility Moon

In a jungle far away in time and distance was a group of people who lived a simple life. They planted seeds by the moon and they planted seed in their women also by the moon. The priests had long ago determined the best time for c***dren to emerge from their mothers was in the fifth moon. During the seventh moon, fertility grass was harvested, one stalk in the number of fingers on two hands leaving other nine stalks to fertilize the grass that helped sustain them. This grass had fine...

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Full moon fertility ritual

Kate had made her ritual trip to the top of the hill, climbing up through the forest until she reached the open clearing. It was late evening on a hot Summer’s night. The curvaceous young witch disrobed and knelt down on a soft blanket, the bright moonlight glistening on her pale skin. She opened her bag of herbs and pigments, and ground the recipes with her pestle and mortar, mixing with some water from her ceremonial bottle. She longed to be with c***d, and longed for the embrace of a real...

2 years ago
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Part 2 By Hardrive Several days passed since Danielle’s encounter with the police officer. She used that time she experiment with the Moon Stone and got to know how to use some of its powers. The alien’s gift was amazing and there was much more to learn, but she had other obligations. There were deadlines to meet and several photo essays to produce before the end of the week, so she tossed the stone in her sock drawer and went about her business. A few days later she was putting...

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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonChapter 27

I was told when I finally woke up that I had been out for nearly five hours. Everyone wanted to be there with me when I woke up, but they knew the importance of the burning of the skulls. Lillian had stayed by me and told the others when I finally came to. I explained to them the meeting I had with Phaltina and that the curse had been released from the skulls when they broke apart. Kayla was a bit disappointed that she would not be using her mortar and pestle, but she was happier that I was...

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Hunters Moon Ch 01

Chapter One — Discovery Please be aware that the ‘Hunter’s Moon’ series of stories may involve minimal sex. I’m doing this as an experiment in writing. For those that are looking for strictly sex, this story is not for you, but keep reading if you wish. I would also like to mention that many of my ideas may come from other stories of varying media. So if you notice a similarity to another story it is usually by coincidence. So prepare to embark on the first chapter of ‘Hunter’s Moon’. ~~~~~ ...

2 years ago
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Queen of Harvest Moon Part 2b Rickys Halloween Surprise

Queen of Harvest Moon Part 2B By Angel The town of Harvest Moon was a very rich and connected town. In actuality, Harvest Moon belonged to a corporation and that corporation was footing the bill, as it were. Taxes in Harvest Moon were almost nil. Even the state tax was subsidized by the corporation, so all who lived in Harvest Moon kept most of what they earned. If you did your research you would find that the entire town's populace could be categorized in four parts: 1)...

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Einstein 3 Life on the Moon and an Early Departure

On the moon base, when you were on duty, things were expected to be totally professional. I, Bruce McCoy, will not say that sexual relationships did not show up at work, but when it did it was consensual, at least between sponsors. Many sponsors had their concubines as secretaries. Even so most people liked to keep the sex at home, including most discipline. When you were off duty, sex was everywhere. There was not much traveling to places because of the transporter pads. Once at any public...

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By Hardrive It was bitter cold and the fridge air hurt Danielle’s lungs. Every breath felt like razors ripping open her chest, but, in spite of the pain… she was forced to… take in large gulps of air… to satisfy her desperate need for oxygen. The struggle to the top of the ridge was exhausting. The icy terrain made the climb difficult, allowing her only a few steps forward for each step she slipped back. That was frustrating but she had no choice but to persevere and do everything...

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Teahouse Of The August Moon

The Teahouse Of The August Moon The Teahouse Of The August Moon was a very nice movie made back in 1956 staring Glen Ford, Marlon Brando, Eddie Albert, and Paul Ford. It took place after WWII on Okinawa. That was all that I could think about as I had my building constructed. My ‘Teahouse Of The August Moon.’ I had it all thought out and designed. I had an Oriental designer help me decorate and furnish it. It was going to be a romantic restaurant for couples only. By couples I meant...

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White Brides Horny Moon of Hell

my name is Jenny, and I am nineteen years old. I come from a good family and was one of those girls that was raised right. I guess it is a little ironic that I kept myself pure all while I grew up only to have it taken so filthy from me on the very night of my wedding which was suppose to be the start of my lifetime of respectability.It was still worth it to me that I stayed pure until my weeding night and earned the right to wear white for my walk down the aisle though. It pleased me how...

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Blue Moon

Laura Lee was 18. Well, two weeks from tomorrow Laura Lee would be 18. Having graduated from high school that year, she was aware that her future lay ahead of her, but she had no idea what that future would hold. She had been dragged along with her parents to visit her Grandma Mandy who lived way down in the Florida swamps. Grandma Mandy was 98 at the time and some say she was the family witch or shamaness. She found herself with nothing to do most of the time when she first got there. Her...

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Moon Phases

Moon phases.Six months earlier.It was at a beach party that Jack was turned. Someone, an acquaintance, invited him and a few bottles, to the dunes on the South Kentish Sea front near Dungeness.As usual, he drank a bit too much, but he was sure afterwards, that his drink was spiked. Certainly, he had a metallic taste in his mouth the next morning and a monumental headache, the like he had never experienced before. He was also quite photosensitive to the point of almost being blinded by the...

First Time
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Full Moon Syndrome Chronicles Cedrics Story

(Long story short Jan our hero gives into his sexual urges and pretty much rapes our 13yr pedo-magnet Cedric. Jan passes out and the following morning Jan wakes up to find that Cedric is okay with this. Jan decides to test Cedric durability and pain tolerance as well as his control. Jan decides to put Cedric to the ultimate test of tender sex.) Sorry if the last part didn’t make sense there is very little blood going to my head right now, giggity (YES I know I am sick freak.) If you...

3 years ago
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Full moon surprise

A low animal moan escaped her lips. She doubled up, trying to squeeze out the pain that came in waves in the pit of her stomach. Her long black hair cascaded onto her knees. She stood breathing hard like a racehorse that had run its race, nostrils flaring, black eyes opening wide with pain and then narrowing. Obsessively raking her lower lip with her regular white teeth. Oh God.Mum had been right, she was genetically predisposed to horrible, exceptional period pain. Why was Mum trekking through...

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The Taking of the Moon Maiden Ch 03

‘She was a goodly woman and respected by most. She lived alone on the boundary between the McVörss and the Claire’s. People would come to her for curing potions and such. Then the fields closest to her cottage began to fallow. The harvest began to shrink. Whispers from both clan of witchcraft started. Both Laird’s tried to protect her, but fear does strange things to people. The fire began in the small barn and quickly spread to her cottage. One Laird risked his life to save the old woman, the...

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Racing the Moon

Running fast. Running hard. Her arms are around my shoulders. The wind whips our hair into a mass of knots. It is cool enough our jackets feel good but not so cold as to give us an ice cream headache. We lean into the curve. The bike starts to drift just a bit. I crack the throttle to power us through the curve and to correct the drift. We race the full, bright moon. The moon is winning, although we are running a close second. The vibration from the engine makes its way through the soles of...

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Wish upon a moon

You get out of your car after a night shift that seemed to go on forever, your girlfriend gets out of the passenger side. It was nice having the same shift at the same job, even if the shift was over night. You're walking up the path to your house's front door when she stops you. "Gray, don't you remember? You said we could watch the super blue blood moon!" You look at her skeptically, "Explain what this is again?" Naomi sighs and elaborates, "It's a moon that's at it's tightest radius in orbit...

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The Dark of the Moon A Sock in the Mouth

A Sock in the Mouth by Christopher Leeson Josette had a face and even a body like the old time troubadours used to sing about. Wow! That golden cascade, those swinging hips. I kept asking myself, "How can a nobody like me be so lucky?" and "How long can it last?" I was absolutely crazy about her, and who could blame me? She dressed the way I would have wanted any girlfriend of mine to dress - in mini- dresses and stiletto heels. The one worry I had that kept me...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 45 Naughty Moon Rise Approaches

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Lasla – Haunted Woods I trembled beneath Argil, fear flooding through me. The barguest, in his human form, had me pinned to the ground. I shook my head. I couldn’t...

1 year ago
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Moon Phases

Six months earlier. It was at a beach party that Jack was turned. Someone, an acquaintance, invited him and a few bottles, to the dunes on the South Kentish Sea front near Dungeness. As usual, he drank a bit too much, but he was sure afterwards, that his drink was spiked. Certainly, he had a metallic taste in his mouth the next morning and a monumental headache, the like he had never experienced before. He was also quite photosensitive to the point of almost being blinded by the...

3 years ago
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Howling at the Moon

The branches and twigs whip against this alien body as I rush through the trees. My unnatural eyes see through the darkness of the forest, the trees blurring as they fly past, my claws sinking into their bark pulling me onwards. Your scent filling my nostrils, my muscled legs tear up the distance between us. The silvery globe above me flickering and dancing through the canopy of branches. Always seeming stationary, guiding me, and leading me on. This heart pounds within my chest, pumping fire...

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Howling at the Moon

The branches and twigs whip against this alien body as I rush through the trees. My unnatural eyes see through the darkness of the forest, the trees blurring as they fly past, my claws sinking into their bark pulling me onwards. Your scent filling my nostrils, my muscled legs tear up the distance between us. The silvery globe above me flickering and dancing through the canopy of branches. Always seeming stationary, guiding me, and leading me on. This heart pounds within my chest, pumping fire...

4 years ago
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Under the light of a full moon

Under the light of a full moon"Ahhh, Another full moon!" Thor moans looking up at the night sky and the glowing moon.He sits down on a stump and watches the fire burn. He occasionally tosses a stick into it and see it disappear into the flames. Leaning back against a log, he felt a swelling between his legs and looks down his body across his chest and six-pack abs. He sees the front of his pants bulging and smiles as he runs his hand across the bulge feeling the heat from it.He opens up his...

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The Power of The Moon ch4

Sorry it has been so long since I have written about these two but Holidays are crazy!Grace and Matty's date had been perfect. He had been standing right outside her office building, with two cups of hot coco with way too many marshmallows on the top. They had walked through the park that was between her apartment and her office. It started to rain, and quickly turned into snow. Matty stood with his face turned up to the sky, letting the snowflakes hit his face as though he had never seen snow...

Love Stories
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 24

“Please. Join me, Davik, I have been waiting for some time, knowing that you would eventually find your way to Retvan. We have a lot to discuss.” I turned to find Ruben’s eyes staring at me, signs of care and weariness in them, but a cold resolve behind them. He looked a bit thinner and a bit more haggard in appearance since the last time I had seen him, though he had been falling into a chasm when I saw him last. The beard, as well as the used and torn clothing, would not let anyone except...

1 year ago
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Star ChamberChapter 21 Going to the Moon

On Saturday: 7:24 AM in West Seattle. Frank was going to wash that Alien ship. He had been wanting to do that all week. The buckets weren’t where they should be. The rubber gloves were also missing. As he exited the shelter Zeke was sitting on the steps, “How long have you been here?” “I couldn’t sleep, I got here at 6:35,” Zeke said “Let’s get you a cup of coffee.” Frank turned around, “Follow me.” When they got to the kitchen, Frank asked, “You got any money?” “Got a ten, five, and a...

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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonChapter 15

We woke early and decided against having a morning meal, instead hoping to get on our way sooner. I collected my goods and made my way out of the inn with the others. I took Janet’s equipment as she was going to head to the carrier bird aviary to send out a message to her contacts. She would meet us at the stablemaster’s when she was done. Lillian padded alongside me and we were warmly greeted as we approached. “Hello, my friends,” he said warmly. “You are ahead of schedule, but I was able...

1 year ago
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How the moon was formed

Once upon a time there lived a lovely young planet named Earth. She was an attractive young lass, and many a planet tried to court her in her first billion years of life. Earth enjoyed hiking in the mountains and volleyball. One day, Earth was out for her early morning walk, in space, when she noticed a huge orange orb only a few billion kilometers away. She decided to go see what this monstrosity was. She flew her way there, this took her 40 years, but this is a mere blink of an eye for a...

Erotic Fiction
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Codex 02 The Moon of Deznessuian

Author’s Note: People didn’t seem that interested in the last codex, so this will probably be the last one. I’m only submitting it because I already had it done. This is the history of the gem that Datoran gives Lyriena in chapter one. **** 69 years before the beginning of the current Age of Peace, the Moon of Deznessuian was found in a mine on the isle of Felara. Roughly the size of a chicken egg, it was found already cut, polished, and in pristine condition. The original miner who found it,...

1 year ago
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March Moon

The sky stretched around them in a sheet of black midnight, the dim light from the half moon casting dull shadows that stretched longer as the hours passed. Rhia had been monitoring the hours by watching a cactus a few feet away, the night time shadow lengthening as time dragged.The crunch of the gravel behind her, and then the sound of one last, long inhale told her that Dean had finished his cigarette. This fact was confirmed when he came back around the front of the truck and leaned up...

3 years ago
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Chosen Of The Moon

In the distant past, the moon goddess Ama looked down upon the world of humanity, and saw countless women trapped by the will of men. She saw daughters passed over in favor of sons, denied their birthright and forced to marry as their fathers dictated. She saw wives ruled by their husbands, denied freedom and independence and confined to their homes. In each generation she heard the prayers of those women who wished to live their own lives free from men, until at last she was moved to act. One...

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Under the Full Moon

A vampire can only reproduce on a Friday the 13th, under a full moon, and the female has to be a virgin. Passion, lust…love; it doesn’t matter the kind of fuck, as long as the female becomes impregnated. We’re prepared for it during our schooling, but it could happen at any age in our lives, provided we are sixteen or over, and that it’s the right date and moon cycle. Of course, we never get to choose who we fuck for the first time, it’s always the males who decide. My boyfriend planned to fuck...

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Drarry Neon Moon

I was listening to Neon Moon from Brooks & Dunn and because I’m nowhere close to a scene like this in my RP’s, I decided to write it myself. I haven’t written a store by myself in forever. I am using lines from the song in this!WARNING, it’s a sad and short Drarry one-shot, no happy ending. I might make a happy ending, because I do have an idea for...

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