Royal Duties Princess TG Preg
- 2 years ago
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“I got it!” George shouted through the tiny flat to his new bride, Nina.
In January 1982 the University of Hawai’i signed off a plan to support the continued development of scientific facilities at the site. They wanted someone neutral to observe the setting up of scientific projects and how they interacted with the local environment, including the indigenous people. At the end of the year, the observer would produce a report to give everyone a guide to move forward. As a professor of Natural Sciences at Cambridge, George Glass was the perfect candidate.
“But George, dear, it’s a year away, we’ve just got married. I’ve also got a whole load of jobs I’ve just applied for.”
“Nina, you are the love of my life and if you say no, that is the end of it. However, we never really had a honeymoon, what do you say to a year-long part-time one?”
Nina’s grin told George what she thought of the idea and before they knew it, they were on the Pacific islands. As George did his inspection, they explored all the islands. They got to know the local people, customs and lore. They made love, lots of it and they had plain, animalistic sex, lots of that too. They planned to ‘christen’ each island and they succeeded.
As often happens with newlyweds, especially those indulging in the consummation of their vows, Nina soon fell pregnant. On the morning of 29th December 1982, her waters broke, and the midwife was called. Labour continued through the day and at 01:30 on 30th December she gave birth to a beautiful daughter. After a bit of celebrating and some discussion, they chose to call her Mahina Ali’i, Hawaiian for Royal Moon.
When she was born there was an extremely rare occurrence. It was a lunar eclipse and a blue moon. It also happened the moon was at its closest, this combination created a super blue blood moon. Mahina’s birth time was recorded as the minute between peak totality of the eclipse and the full moon. The combination was not lost on George or Nina and so she was named, in honour of the event and of the people they had fallen in love with.
All too soon, they had to return to their lives in England but vowed to return to the islands, possibly even retire there. Nina would never return, on 28th October 1985, driving home from a visit to her parents with the young Mahina in the car, she was hit by a drunk driver. She died on the way to hospital at 17:43. This was the peak of an eclipse of the October moon, the Hunter’s moon, sometimes called the Blood moon. Mahina did not suffer a single scratch or bruise. This devastated George and he retired from teaching and most public life. With various insurance and compensation pay-outs, he was able to buy a house in a dozen acres of English countryside. He lived here with Mahina continuing his research papers for Cambridge while helping her through her studies.
Mahina grew to be a beautiful young woman, who was bright and well educated, she was dedicated to her father and loved the two dogs they had. They were brother and sister from a bitch who had got free and come back pregnant. The bitch was pedigree German Shepherd, the dog, no one is quite sure. The night she escaped, a wolf from the sanctuary nearby also did and it was his howling that allowed him to be tracked down quickly. He had some unusual markings which also appeared on the puppies. Mahina named them Geri and Freki after Odin’s loyal wolves.
These dogs protected Mahina like she was one of their pack, often sitting in the shadows appearing to be asleep, only to be around her ankles at any sign of a stranger or unwanted person. It was her ankles when they were puppies, now full-grown, they stood at shoulder height to her hip. One time George had tried to tell her off and she had to send them to her room so he could do so. Once her studies were complete and all chores done, you could often catch her walking around the property or through the trees that formed a small wood in one-quarter of the land. Mahina was popular and would often have one or more friends over, they loved her and her dogs and the freedom she had to roam in her father’s land.
Mahina learnt to drive around the property when she was young and regularly drove the perimeter to check the markers, fences, walls, ha-ha, hedges and trees. By the time she was thirteen, George was allowing her to get his car out of put it back into the garage. She passed her driving test after ten lessons and George presented her with her first car at Easter 2001. It was a beaten up, rust-bucket, but she loved it. She taught herself some basic mechanics and bodywork skills and did her little ‘Nellie’, as she called it, up with a little customisation of her own.
Later that same year she was awarded straight A’s for her A-levels and was offered two university places. One was at Cambridge, helped only a little because of her father’s work there, the other was for the small local university. She chose the local one so she could keep an eye on George and look after her dogs. It was during her first term that she met Tom, a fellow student on her Natural Sciences course. He was also planning on focusing on extinct British species and reintroduction. Given her connection with the moon and the rumoured pedigree of her pets, it was no surprise that Mahina was interested in wolves.
After the first term, she managed to secure a place at the sanctuary. The owners were surprised when the wolves took to her so easily, especially being a dog owner. The pack alpha approached her and had a sniff, before walking off, apparently, this was unheard of, he usually kept his distance. They had warned her that her dogs may not be too happy when they smelt the wolves. Nervously she got out of her car that night and her pets charged to her but came to a grinding halt. At this point, she was ready to quit, but they cautiously sniffed her before attacking her with more licking of her hands than normal. It was as if they were puppies again the way they bounded around her that night.
As time went on, she grew closer to Tom and it was appropriate that George met him. When he arrived, George was unsure, he had not been too keen on meeting people since his Nina had been killed. His first questions were of Tom’s parents and uncles and aunts, he had it in his head that they might be related to the killer. He was confident that Mahina’s pets would end the burgeoning relationship, but when they were bought in, they had a sniff and returned to her. They showed no signs of being protective or aggressive, they accepted his presence.
It was on the 12th of February that Tom visited. By then they had kissed and cuddled, had fondled and fumbled, but he had always stopped. That Tuesday night was different. Mahina invited Tom to join her taking her dogs for their walk, he took her hand as was usual, but they were not allowed too close as one then the other of her pets would push between. They found this amusing, but what Mahina found curious was, as soon as the house was out of sight, her pets were happy to trot ahead of them. Once they were deep in the woods Tom stopped and pulled Mahina close to him.
Her dogs were suddenly alert, pacing around them, sniffing at them. Tom brought her close and kissed Mahina gently on the lips. As their tongues started to explore each other’s mouths, Tom’s hands rose up Mahina’s back. Mahina put her arms around his neck and as he moved to the side of her face and then down to her neck, she ran her hands down his arms.
Suddenly there was a noise like a wind through the trees. Tom stopped what he was doing and looked around, spooked. Geri and Freki stopped their pacing and turned to face Tom, baring their teeth, emitting low rumbles rather than growls. Mahina didn’t understand what was happening nor why her pets had suddenly changed towards Tom. Then the wind blew again, Mahina saw the direction it came from by the movement of the trees and bushes. As it howled past Tom, he dropped to the ground, holding the back of his neck.
Mahina stepped forward worried about what had happened to this man who she had almost given her virginity to. Geri turned and blocked her path, Freki gripped her jacket with his teeth and pulled her away. While she was distracted, she didn’t notice the stranger appear, but when she turned back toward Tom, she saw a naked man leaning over him. He looked up at her but in the dark, she did not notice his eyes. He looked back at Tom and told Mahina to run home. When she didn’t move, he looked up at her again and repeated himself louder and more firmly, baring his fangs at her. Mahina made no sound, she just turned and sprinted for the house, escorted as always by her faithful pets. The stranger watched them retreating musing how the three looked like a small pack.
George did his best to calm Mahina and called the police. Mahina started to query what she knew of Tom once the police had arrived and interviewed her. She had made assumptions, such as him driving to the house, but there was no car and she realised she didn’t even know what he drove let alone seen him driving. The police searched the woods; they even brought in a dog unit. Unusually, the dog was useless, it was as if it had never been trained. It just ran around randomly stopping and sniffing like it were out on a walk. A check of the local hospitals bore no fruit.
Things got stranger over the next week when the police did further investigation. People at the university had seen him about, but it seemed his only friend was Mahina. Professors remembered him in lectures, but when they wanted his details, the administration said there was no one registered under his name and all registered students could be accounted for.
Investigations of the electoral roll showed he had not registered. They did a search of the census papers and the only reference they could find in the area was at the turn of the nineteenth century. They cross-referenced this with the university records and found that someone of the same name had attended from 1900 to 1903. There was no record of what happened to him after he left. After a couple of weeks of investigations, the police said they could put no more resources into the case. It was left open, but unsolved.
On 27th February 2002, the first full moon after Tom had disappeared, Mahina was walking Geri and Freki. What was noticeable about this night was the silence. They were close enough to the sanctuary that, on full moons, when the wolves howled, she could hear their cry. When she mentioned this to George, he got up and looked out of the window, a tear fell on his cheek.
“Do you know why wolves howl at the moon?” George asked her.
“No,” she replied
When he turned around, Mahina saw a sadness in George she had never seen before.
“They love her but know it is an impossible love. They can never cross the gulf to be with her,” more tears fell as he told her this.
“Sometimes, it is the turn of the moon to howl. On nights like these, the wolves will stay silent.”
George put his arm around his beloved daughter and walked outside with her, flanked by the ever-faithful Geri and Freki. He stopped and looked up at the moon remaining silent for a time. Mahina did not know what to say, she hugged Geroge so tightly that night.
“Sometimes I feel like the wolf,” he said, stroking her hair. “I look at the moon and see your mother’s face. She smiles at me, but I know I can’t be with her yet.”
The following year passed quickly. George finished his current research and on a rare outing accompanied Mahina to her graduation. He thought he could not be happier, certainly not prouder, until they returned home and as he got out of his car he looked up. He looked at the full moon and saw Nina smiling down on the pair of them. Mahina didn’t understand his tears that night. George slipped into a melancholy mood thereafter.
After her graduation, she was offered a full-time position at the sanctuary, with funding to carry on at the university work toward her Master's degree. The night she told George of this was the first she had seen him smile in three weeks and they went to a local pub to celebrate. George went to bed and never woke up. A post-mortem showed no cause of death.
While they were out and later at home some of the things George had said, let Mahina understand his tears. She knew he had died of the broken heart he had carried since the night he lost his Nina. He had only held on to make sure their little girl was ready to forge her own path.
Mahina arranged for his funeral to be on the next full-moon and with tears streaming down her face, she watched all night with Geri and Freki at her side. When the moon was at its zenith, she smiled. She swore that she saw George and Nina appear from either side of the moon and embrace and kiss, before turning to look down on her.
It was about two weeks later that she saw him again, he was in a group visiting the sanctuary. Mahina had been working in the enclosure during the morning. She knew there would be more work to do later, so took her lunch with her. It was not unusual for her, but she was the only one that sat in with the wolves to eat. Sometimes she would be alone and on others, one or two of the wolves would sit with her. She always shared her lunch and her hand feeding them had become somewhat of an unofficial attraction. The pack alpha never joined her but was always watching.
She rushed out of the enclosure and caught up with the visitor group. By this time, he was nowhere to be seen and the guide confirmed she had the correct numbers. Confused, she started to return to her work when she saw him sitting under a tree. As she approached, she noticed his eyes, unlike the only other time she had seen him. The stranger had irises that nearly filled his sockets, showing very little white. The colour was one she had only seen in the wolves and her dogs, a brown so light it was almost yellow. When she stopped a few yards from him, he indicated that she should sit., which after a moment’s hesitation she did. It was then that she noticed most of the pack were visible. Several were around the alpha, several pacing back and forth along the fence.
“I was sorry to hear about your dad. He will be happy now he is back in the arms of his beautiful Nina,” the stranger said.
“What? How do you know about them?”
He chuckled, “At my age, I know far more than you can imagine.”
“What? In your thirties, early forties?”
This caused the stranger to laugh out loud and she noticed his teeth again.
“Please, I’ve been rude, my name is Fenrir. Yes, like the hound that ate Odin.”
Over the next six months, he and Mahina grew closer. He did promise to explain what happened with Tom, but there were certain things she would need to know to understand fully. He told Mahina two impossible stories. The first was of her birthright, the second was of Fenrir and explained what happened to Tom.
Being born under an eclipsed blue moon in Hawai’i drew forth the spirit of Kaupe, a former king of one of the islands who now haunted Oahu in the form of a wolf. He is known to call people to their deaths and can infuse part of himself into children born under a lunar eclipse. When the eclipsed moon is blue, his influence spreads over all places where totality is visible at the same time as Oahu. This infusion was the reason Mahina held such an affinity with canines and they with her.
Fenrir was the alpha of a pack of werewolves. He remembered Tom from when he was at university. It was during this time that he had been accidentally brought into the Fenrir’s pack. A young pup had scratched him, not deeply but the pup had not known to lick it to protect it. The wound got infected and Tom was offered the choice of joining or dying. He chose to join but lived to resent the accident.
Tom had been brought into the pack in 1903, but when he heard of Mahina, he decided to break away with plans to start his own pack. He claimed that due to her birth she was prime to be an alpha bitch. The night she last saw Tom he had planned to turn her, whether she wanted it or not. Fenrir had turned up just in time and managed to stop Tom. They had very strict laws. Tom was returned to the pack, tried and found guilty of trying to turn someone against their will. This was their most sacred law, the sentence for which was evisceration.
“You’re silly, you know that?” Mahina had said when Fenrir finished his tales.
Fenrir nodded sagely and pulled back his lips to show his fangs.
“Yeah, I’ve seen people at uni do all sorts. Piercings, tattoos, even some getting enhancements on their teeth. Sorry.”
“Next week, come to have dinner with us,” Fenrir had said. “Meet the pack, let them convince you.”
“If you insist,” Mahina giggled, imagining a large family dinner.
When she arrived, she was greeted by an older couple, who appeared to be in their seventies or eighties. There were two other adult couples and eight children ranging in age from a babe in arms to what seemed to be a young teen. When they sat for dinner, Fenrir and the older man sat opposite each other with Mahina and the older lady to their right, respectively. The rest were arranged on either side of the table. It was not much different from the meals she had had at friends’ houses. Everyone got involved helping at some point either preparing the meal or clearing up.
It was after dinner that Mahina had her eyes opened. The family went outside to watch the Perseid meteor shower. The adults all had drinks and were sat around chatting and looking at the sky. Mahina didn’t notice the children shed their clothes and race off toward the trees. She did see seven small wolves appear from the woods and was surprised when they trotted up to the talking adults. Fenrir reintroduced the children they had eaten dinner with but could see that Mahina was still not convinced. He looked to the other adults and, apart from the lady nursing the child, the other six stood and started to remove their clothes.
“Erm,” started Mahina
The mother reached out and touched Mahina’s arm, “It’s okay, child.”
The naked adults then ran towards the woods with the pups at their feet. One by one, they dropped to their hands and feet as they ran. Their rear legs warping and transforming to bend the opposite way and their forearms, most noticeably their hands changed to forelegs. Their spines and faces elongated with tails sprouting from above their backsides. Throughout the change, fur was sprouting over their bodies. Fenrir stopped and looked back at her just before disappearing into the woods with the others.
“Oh my goodness!” Mahina was flabbergasted, she had never seen anything like it. “That is one of the most beautiful things.”
The nursing mother was watching Mahina carefully and when they looked at each other she smiled.
“We usual hide just what we are from ‘normals’. To let one watch a transformation like this is unheard of. Fenrir convinced us you would fine.” She smiled again, “I think he was right.”
About half-an-hour later the wolves returned and gathered around the remaining pair. Fenrir was noticeably larger. He stood close to her and licked her hand and rested his head in her lap as the others came forward to greet her in this new way. After much licked and scratching of ears and chins, the wolves ran off, but the humans soon returned.
Mahina grew closer to the pack and they were soon coming to visit her, and she loved how Geri and Freki would run with them. They all played in both wolf and human form. Fenrir explained further how Tom had controlled her pets and how his intervention had broken that control. This explained their change on the night Tom was taken. He also showed her the subtle change in their eyes when they were being controlled so she could be sure no one of his or any pack could do it without her knowing.
As time passed Fenrir and Mahina fell in love and the nursing mother told her how he often howled through the night.
“He’s a werewolf, you’re human, you can’t be together. He’s howling for an impossible love; you are his moon.”
Mahina completed her Master's degree and continued on to do her doctorate. At the start of 2007, she was awarded her degree. At the celebration, Fenrir took her for a walk and told her of issues they were having around their land and she immediately invited them to move in with her.
“What I was going to ask was, if you minded me buying the ten acres abutting your property?”
“Of course I don’t! I’d do anything for you and your family, Fenrir.”
“Except, the one thing I want, can never be.”
She pulled him into a hug as a tear ran down her cheek and repeated “Anything.”
Fenrir looked into her eyes, he could see she meant it.
“Are you absolutely certain? It is for life and I’m already over a hundred and forty and only just middle-aged.”
Mahina swallowed, “For life and beyond.”
“I need to mark you as mine before I announce this. Even though I am their alpha, the instinct is to try and claim any unmarked female. They may flirt and frolic, but they will know we have given ourselves to each other.”
When Mahina nodded, a single claw grew from his thumb, which he pushed into her shoulder. He immediately started licking it.
After this Fenrir started to share the few details he had held back. He had been born in 1858, he was a natural-born werewolf, both his parents had been the pack alphas before him. He had a previous mate, but she had been killed on the night of the blood-blood moon in 1985. She had been crushed by a car that had rolled off the road after being hit by a drunk driver.
Mahina was devastated to know that the accident, that only she and the drunk driver had survived, had caused so much pain to two men who had been a huge part of her life. They held each other as she cried. Fenrir told her how the driver had not been seen after he left prison, he never made it to the half-way house. He refused to confirm or deny any involvement but smiled all the same.
At the next full moon, on March 3rd, 2007, the pack gathered for a meal at Mahina’s. After the meal they all went for a run, the youngest was now old enough to run with them. Mahina smiled as she sat with Geri and Freki watching them disappear into her woods. It was about ten-thirty when Fenrir returned, walking upright out of the woods. He stood over six feet tall and was as broad as any man she had known.
He gathered Mahina into his arms and they kissed passionately, their tongues twisting together. Her pets made no move, unlike before there was no pacing, they sat calmly at her feet. Fenrir slowly removed Mahina’s clothes, button by button, item by item. He bent his head kissing her neck and then her tits. When he got to her nipples, he bit them lightly, but this was enough to draw a trickle of blood, which he lapped up.
He lifted her so she was sitting on the edge of the bench they had been sat at and lay her back. Kissing down past her belly button to her unshaven pussy, he looked up with a smile and remarked that he liked how she let her pubic hair grow free. He used a few tricks that he had learnt with his previous mate. Letting his tongue transform, he lapped at Mahina, before pushing past her labia and into her vagina. Curling and twisting it brought her to her first orgasm by another man.
He stood up and leant over her, pushing his hard cock slowly into her, his claws pulled at her skin as he broke through her hymen. He paused and let her settle around him, when she looked up at him and smiled, he pushed in further. Slowly he carried on until he was all the way in. He started to move in and out and as she cried out in her next orgasm, she did not see the pack gathering at the edge of the woods.
Fenrir pulled out of her and took her to the side of the bench and guided her onto all fours. Her pets lay on either side of her, each giving a single lick on her cheeks, almost as if to say they approved. Fenrir pushed into her from behind again. He was slow and as he reached his depth this time, the moon moved fully into the Earth’s shadow and started its transformation into a blood moon.
Fenrir was relentless, pushing her through a third orgasm, the sweat from his body dripping onto her only to mingle with hers and run off onto the grass. As the moon finished its change, Fenrir threw back his head and howled. Mahina felt his hot seed shoot into her. He then leant forward and whispered into her ear, questioning her one last time. She turned her head and smiled at him. She saw his fangs grow and his face elongate into a snout. His jaws opened and he bit down into her shoulder, holding his grip on her as she cried out. The pain was almost unbearable; so much that she did not see the pack run from the treeline. As she passed out, she had a vague image of the others gathering around and licking at her wound.
She came to the following morning on her bed. Geri and Freki were on either side of her and as she looked, she saw her shoulder had been dressed. Mahina felt strong and refreshed, considering the wound, she was full of energy. She got up and went downstairs with her pets trailing and as she entered the kitchen was surrounded by the rest of the pack in various states of dress, undress and transformation. Each kissed her hand and hugged her, welcoming her.
Fenrir looked at her across the kitchen, they met and embraced, the alpha male and his bitch. Her first transformation was almost accidental and a shock to her system, but she felt so strong and free. As she ran outside, she looked at the setting moon and into the faces of George and Nina who smiled down on their daughter, who howled back at them. Fenrir ran up next to her with Geri and Freki close behind. They ran off into the woods, followed by their pack.
Thank you to the moderators helping me getting this published
And thank you to everyone that reads, comments and/or votes.
All feedback is welcome, either in the comments or via a direct message.
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IncestThe cottage door closed behind her as the wind whipped down the side of the mountain. The trunks of the trees stirred and groaned, as though their sleep had been disturbed. It was late autumn and Charlotte felt the cold down deep in her bones. She wanted to turn around and go back inside, to just sit by the fireplace and wait for the morning. But she couldn't. There were no stars in the sky. A pale yellow moon drifted in and out of the clouds as they passed. A full moon meant danger, it...
In a jungle far away in time and distance was a group of people who lived a simple life. They planted seeds by the moon and they planted seed in their women also by the moon. The priests had long ago determined the best time for c***dren to emerge from their mothers was in the fifth moon. During the seventh moon, fertility grass was harvested, one stalk in the number of fingers on two hands leaving other nine stalks to fertilize the grass that helped sustain them. This grass had fine...
The Teahouse Of The August Moon The Teahouse Of The August Moon was a very nice movie made back in 1956 staring Glen Ford, Marlon Brando, Eddie Albert, and Paul Ford. It took place after WWII on Okinawa. That was all that I could think about as I had my building constructed. My ‘Teahouse Of The August Moon.’ I had it all thought out and designed. I had an Oriental designer help me decorate and furnish it. It was going to be a romantic restaurant for couples only. By couples I meant...
Laura Lee was 18. Well, two weeks from tomorrow Laura Lee would be 18. Having graduated from high school that year, she was aware that her future lay ahead of her, but she had no idea what that future would hold. She had been dragged along with her parents to visit her Grandma Mandy who lived way down in the Florida swamps. Grandma Mandy was 98 at the time and some say she was the family witch or shamaness. She found herself with nothing to do most of the time when she first got there. Her...
The one thing more potent than her zesty juices that rained over my face to soak my dirty blonde locks, was the way she cussed.There was something about the manner in which Minty swore that turned me on. When driven by desire alone, there was no pretence. No aristocratic role to fulfil. Nobody to impress except me, grinding her perfectly smooth, wet sex against my mouth as if pleasure was the only thing in the world that mattered.Disturbed dust particles from the floor of the hayloft danced in...
LesbianRunning fast. Running hard. Her arms are around my shoulders. The wind whips our hair into a mass of knots. It is cool enough our jackets feel good but not so cold as to give us an ice cream headache. We lean into the curve. The bike starts to drift just a bit. I crack the throttle to power us through the curve and to correct the drift. We race the full, bright moon. The moon is winning, although we are running a close second. The vibration from the engine makes its way through the soles of...
You get out of your car after a night shift that seemed to go on forever, your girlfriend gets out of the passenger side. It was nice having the same shift at the same job, even if the shift was over night. You're walking up the path to your house's front door when she stops you. "Gray, don't you remember? You said we could watch the super blue blood moon!" You look at her skeptically, "Explain what this is again?" Naomi sighs and elaborates, "It's a moon that's at it's tightest radius in orbit...
TranssexualThe branches and twigs whip against this alien body as I rush through the trees. My unnatural eyes see through the darkness of the forest, the trees blurring as they fly past, my claws sinking into their bark pulling me onwards. Your scent filling my nostrils, my muscled legs tear up the distance between us. The silvery globe above me flickering and dancing through the canopy of branches. Always seeming stationary, guiding me, and leading me on. This heart pounds within my chest, pumping fire...
The branches and twigs whip against this alien body as I rush through the trees. My unnatural eyes see through the darkness of the forest, the trees blurring as they fly past, my claws sinking into their bark pulling me onwards. Your scent filling my nostrils, my muscled legs tear up the distance between us. The silvery globe above me flickering and dancing through the canopy of branches. Always seeming stationary, guiding me, and leading me on. This heart pounds within my chest, pumping fire...
SupernaturalUnder the light of a full moon"Ahhh, Another full moon!" Thor moans looking up at the night sky and the glowing moon.He sits down on a stump and watches the fire burn. He occasionally tosses a stick into it and see it disappear into the flames. Leaning back against a log, he felt a swelling between his legs and looks down his body across his chest and six-pack abs. He sees the front of his pants bulging and smiles as he runs his hand across the bulge feeling the heat from it.He opens up his...
On Saturday: 7:24 AM in West Seattle. Frank was going to wash that Alien ship. He had been wanting to do that all week. The buckets weren’t where they should be. The rubber gloves were also missing. As he exited the shelter Zeke was sitting on the steps, “How long have you been here?” “I couldn’t sleep, I got here at 6:35,” Zeke said “Let’s get you a cup of coffee.” Frank turned around, “Follow me.” When they got to the kitchen, Frank asked, “You got any money?” “Got a ten, five, and a...
The Imperium has conquered more than half of the world. The Empress is their leader, their matriarchal society is the most advanced of the world, with tamed dragons as pets and weapons they govern all the free world. With the Royals at the top of society and slaves at the bottom, several intermediate chastes do their best to survive. But that doesn't mean that The Goddesses have abandoned them, on the contrary their very much present in the daily lives of the people of this world, they take...
FantasyThe sky stretched around them in a sheet of black midnight, the dim light from the half moon casting dull shadows that stretched longer as the hours passed. Rhia had been monitoring the hours by watching a cactus a few feet away, the night time shadow lengthening as time dragged.The crunch of the gravel behind her, and then the sound of one last, long inhale told her that Dean had finished his cigarette. This fact was confirmed when he came back around the front of the truck and leaned up...
OutdoorIn the distant past, the moon goddess Ama looked down upon the world of humanity, and saw countless women trapped by the will of men. She saw daughters passed over in favor of sons, denied their birthright and forced to marry as their fathers dictated. She saw wives ruled by their husbands, denied freedom and independence and confined to their homes. In each generation she heard the prayers of those women who wished to live their own lives free from men, until at last she was moved to act. One...
FantasyA vampire can only reproduce on a Friday the 13th, under a full moon, and the female has to be a virgin. Passion, lust…love; it doesn’t matter the kind of fuck, as long as the female becomes impregnated. We’re prepared for it during our schooling, but it could happen at any age in our lives, provided we are sixteen or over, and that it’s the right date and moon cycle. Of course, we never get to choose who we fuck for the first time, it’s always the males who decide. My boyfriend planned to fuck...
SupernaturalI was listening to Neon Moon from Brooks & Dunn and because I’m nowhere close to a scene like this in my RP’s, I decided to write it myself. I haven’t written a store by myself in forever. I am using lines from the song in this!WARNING, it’s a sad and short Drarry one-shot, no happy ending. I might make a happy ending, because I do have an idea for...
Warning, this story contains adult material. If you are under 18 or offended by such, don't read any further. This story was written to the specifications provided to me by Snoopbone as part of a story swap. Once in a Blue Moon By Morpheus. Pete Carter watched with a leer as his girlfriend, Lynn Danvers Brought him the beer he'd just asked for. He couldn't help but admiring her nice little body. She was just a hair under 5 foot, had short black hair, that he sometimes wished...
The four of us sat around the campfire on a couple of logs. We were far enough back into the woods that no other lights showed anywhere except the twinkling stars and the full October moon - the Hunter's moon. Now and then the fast moving clouds would alternately hide and then frame the lunar globe. "Ghostly galleons, tempest tossed..." Tom had his arm around my shoulders and Ron had his around my sister. It was perfect weather for Halloween. Temperature in the lower sixties. Just cool...
The four of us sat around the campfire on a couple of logs. We were far enough back into the woods that no other lights showed anywhere except the twinkling stars and the full October moon – the Hunter’s moon. Now and then the fast moving clouds would alternately hide and then frame the lunar globe. ‘Ghostly galleons, tempest tossed …’ Tom had his arm around my shoulders and Ron had his around my sister. It was perfect weather for Halloween. Temperature in the lower sixties. Just cool enough...
Dry logs crackled as the fire tried to consume them. Once she felt the heat infiltrate her body, she shed her deep burgundy, velvet clock and watched as it fell to the ground like pouring wine. The compact inferno threw flickers of light that danced upon her skin. Turning, she lit the spicy incenses of cinnamon and sandalwood on her makeshift altar. Brianna ignited and then dropped scraps of paper into the cauldron at her bared feet. The meshing colors of the flames burgeoned around the words...
A mottled carpet of leaves flew off the blacktop in the rear view mirror and then fluttered back to earth like butterflies descending on a field of sage. Just another hour, he thought. Brady turned his baseball cap around and depressed his right foot, the force of acceleration driving him deeper into his seat. With a push of a button, fresh air rushed into the cabin to the hum of a sliding glass panel. Brady didn’t know that the corners of his mouth had curled upward. He was hundreds of miles...
InterracialI had always been a closet cross dresser. For as long as I could remember I would sneak into my mom and sister's room when they weren't home and try on their clothes, make-up and jewelry. I would pretend I was woman, trying on different clothes and living my life as if I had been born a woman. I guess this is what made me susceptible to the disease in a way. My name is Jack Levitt and I attend community college. I am straight but just liked the idea of being a woman. It turned me on I...
Getting out of the shower, I run the towel down my clean, wet body. Even as I dry my skin, my body betrays me, and I can feel the moisture reappear between my legs. As you come into the bathroom, I smile. “Almost ready, kitten?” “Yes, Master.” You step behind me, your body aligning itself with mine. I am trying to brush the tangles from my hair as you take a step closer to me. “You can finish that in a minute. Pull your hair up and close your eyes, kitten. I have a surprise for you.” ...
BDSMNow, seeing the Earth in its entire splendor, as his little sister Himawari toured the castle of Toneri Otsutsuki carelessly, the boy had to retract his words. Still, since Boruto arrived he has learned nothing at all. The Otsutsuki was not much help either, and his parents spent more time in the room they were given than researching with the hamburger fanatic. "I don't even know where they are." Boruto mumbles, following his sister. Babysitting is not what he expected to do on the moon....
PrologueShe turned the radio off and looked at the dark afternoon sky. Almost at once the rain spattered on the windowpane and left tears shaped droplets. Tears; did she read somewhere that c***dren were told that rain was formed from the tears of angels crying for the sins of c***dren? Or did her mother tell her that in an effort to convince her to be good. She still believed in Angels but she had found more positive ways of being ‘good’, whatever that was. She crossed the room and opened a...
The sun had begun to set on another warm day which made the orange and yellow sky look pretty over the clear water. It reflected the beauty of the evening. In the time Kai had been here, it never failed to awe him. He looked around and saw small white figures walking in the distance. They were enjoying the ambiance of the peaceful scenery too but they did not approach or come his way and for that he was grateful. He stood on the decked balcony of his little beach cabin and turned back to the...
i had been in this forest with my family for a few months now and i pracdily new every iche of it. our cabin set on a hill out looking the forest below. i loved the sight of the moon on the water, at a younge age my greatest joy was looking at the moon. i had my dack painnt my room full of smbols and creature having to do with it. mermaid, unicorns and above all werewolves. i stood and made my way back to the cabin i was in view of my home when a branch broke only feet from me. now most of you...
A vampire can only reproduce on a Friday the 13th, under a full moon, and the female has to be a virgin. Passion, lust…love, it doesn’t matter the kind of fuck, as long as the female becomes impregnated. We’re prepared for it during our schooling, but it could happen at any age in our lives, provided we are sixteen or over, and that it’s the right date and moon cycle. Of course, we never get to choose who we fuck for the first time, it’s always the males who decide. My boyfriend planned to...
As his mind rose from the sweet numbness of unconciousness he noticed but one thing. Pain, the first thing he felt when he woke up was pain, both physical and emotional. His body felt as if it had been abused as a punching bag, he was sore all over. As his mind cleared he noticed that he could not recall what had happened to him. "Where... where am I?" As the young man carefully opened his icy blue eyes the first thing to greet him was the light of the Gibbous Moon shining on him. Beeing bathed...
As his mind rose from the sweet numbness of unconciousness he noticed but one thing. Pain, the first thing he felt when he woke up was pain, both physical and emotional. His body felt as if it had been abused as a punching bag, he was sore all over. As his mind cleared he noticed that he could not recall what had happened to him. "Where... where am I?" As the young man carefully opened his icy blue eyes the first thing to greet him was the light of the Gibbous Moon shining on him. Beeing bathed...
The day started like most other Saturdays. My husband and I worked around the house while the k**s played in the pool. At about noon, as I was making lunch my sister called me. She wanted us to come out to the beach, saying it was far too beautiful a day to waste working. She did make a lot of sense so after talking to my hubby we all changed into our swim wear and headed off to meet my sister at her beach.She was right. The beach was gorgeous. My husband boogie boarded with the boys...
When the moon hits just right, everything around you takes a turn, for the good or bad. It's hard to do, but when it happens you better watch out and be careful who bares witness of anything you might regret at a later time. Here is a story of the two couples who had a little too much fun during a full moon. It was about 10 p.m and the two couples, who was really buzzed, wanted something fun to do and just let loose. So Nikki, Kris, Kristy, and Megan decide to go swimming,but they didnt have a...
A half-hour later over one hundred from the shelter showed up in the parking lot in front of Lockheed’s building in Texas. “Oh, it’s warm and there’s no snow.” Jenny smiled as she took off her heavy jacket. “If you had a choice, where would you like to live?” John asked as they walked up to the steps to the big front door. “With you!” Jenny said. There at the door was Keven Humphreys, The new President of Lockheed International. “Mr. President.” Kevin shook hands with the...
“Well, we are well past GalNet range.” Circuit said sitting behind his console. He had insisted to come along, as this was a real Karthanian freighter and not my own marvelous ship disguised as one. I had contemplated taking the Tigershark, as the Janus mask could have been easily adjusted, but I wanted Har-Hi to have all its resources available, as I was convinced he had to face more than just old-fashioned atomic bombs. “Might be as well, Mr.Circuit. It will prevent me to call back every...
Exoplanet colonization had begun long before Alany was born, but as mankind’s expansion into the stars continued, it faced the same challenges it did in its infancy. Supply lines were expensive to maintain, and many of the planets, like Aquarrii-B2, were too barren for conventional agriculture, and local plant life was inedible. Myrm-tech’s solution was innovative: it promised to convert local biomass to a usable form, without requiring workers to go and gather plant life. Alany was one of...
At that point Joseki made several charges. (your Grace please post your missive) Stephan did try to account for his actions in the face of these charges and aquitted himself well. But was unable to refute the sheer mass of physical evidence presented. He was found guilty of brining a cursed weapon into Avalon. This being the weapon he left in the then Captain Craven’s hand. He was sentenced to remove this Item in the same fashion. It was stuck in his hand and he grandly carried it off. We look...
Prince William looked around his room nervously; the sexy Lucinda had draped her sexy body over the chair at the corner of the room. Even though he was just a couple of days away from being crowned king of Britain, at the mere age of 19, he was still nervous around women. He coughed nervously and asked Lucinda meekly if she would like a drink. “A glass of whiskey please” she answered politely. He rang the bell and his butler was at the door immediately, Prince William ordered for him to bring...
HI Everyone This is a story of a “ROYAL PALACE TOWN MYSORE” two weeks ago.let me tel u about myself Myself Punithgowda living in mysore doing my BE in one of the top reputed college. i am a big fan of ISS wenever i get a time ill sit infront of ISS and spend time in reading the stories in has been coming awesome in tese days,nd i lov it. i’m 5.8inches in hight,slim and some wat a perfect guy.let me come to the story this happened two weeks ago between me and my moms friend. Her name is...
Kushina Uzumaki a 38-year old jonin woman who didn’t look any older than 20 despite having a 16-year old son and daughter was wearing a simple but elegant navy blue strapless dress that hugged her well endowed figure and showed off her shapely legs, her long red hair followed freely with strands framing the sides of her face. As she strolled through the luxurious and elegant casino followed by her fellow Kunoichi Kurenai Yuhi, Anko Mitarashi, Mikoto Uchiha, and Hitomi Hyuuga. They were also...
Mind ControlMy name is Leopold Sar Urr Nas Liious sar Istaban and I am eighteen. I guess I am like my father in a lot of ways. Samuel sar Istaban is human though and I am Kaire. My mother is Caris Sar Nas Urr Liious and one of the few in the Liious clan still alive. When the assassins came for the emperor they took almost the whole clan. All except those fathered by prince Roger Sar Urr Nas Liious and mother Sasha and some cousins. That was why my older sib Serg was chosen to become the new emperor by...
I turned off the TV and headed into my room. I stripped down and put on boxers and a tee shirt for sleeping. I lay down on the bed and composed my mind for sleep. I thought a little about Alice but decided that I really wasn’t interested. Her personality was too toxic. It was quiet and I slept the night through. I woke at my usual early hour. Padding out to the kitchen, I turned on the coffee maker and went back to my room. In there, I washed up and dressed. Since it was Sunday, I was...