The Daughters of COVID 20Chapter 9 Island in the Sun
- 3 years ago
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While waiting for their physicals, the newcomers were busy. Some were touring the dorm, choosing suitemates, and selecting suites. Two were making lists of clothing and other items needing to be procured, the others were visiting with the original residents. There were more than a few speculative looks in my direction.
I was sitting quietly with Chastity and Rachel when my phone sang. “Virgil, may I speak with Rachel or Chastity?” Pete asked. I handed my phone to Rachel thinking, ‘Why haven’t I got them their own phones?’ and added that item to my mental to-do list.
The pair huddled over my phone for a brief while, then stood. Chastity took my hand and told me, “We are needed,” and led me down the hall, Rachel following.
We quickly arrived at the nurses’ clinic and were met by Jenny and Pete. “They need a fix, Virgil,” Pete told me. “They asked your ladies nicely; that’s why they brought you here. They’ve been interviewed and were recently tested for STDs, so the decision is up to you.”
I looked at my two loves, and they nodded ‘yes’.
The three of us squeezed past Jenny and Pete and entered the indicated room. There we saw the seated Eva and Karen clad in light blue paper gowns and shivering in spite of the room’s jacked up temperature. While I stood in the door, Chastity and Rachel each chose one woman, moved to her side, and kissed a cheek.
Rachel stepped back, leaned against the wall, and explained, “You are probably wondering why Chastity and I insist on being with our husband when he sexes another woman. At first, it was because we are newlyweds and were concerned that he might become enamored with someone new. Now, while that is still a little concern, but not so much, and I’ll tell you why.”
“See, every one of the women you met today became family. Watch how they look at Virgil and how they make opportunities to touch him. Some are in love with him but all of them care for him. Yield to him, and you will begin to care for him, too.” Rachel warned them, “You need to decide if ridding yourself of discomfort is worth binding yourself to him and us. Chastity and I will never give him up.”
Eva and Karen looked at each other, and Eva asked, “Do the major and captain agree with this theory?”
Chastity smiled, “Unless they are listening at the door, I doubt they are aware of it. After all, they aren’t in here with us for very long periods, like you will be.” She looked at me and said, “I doubt Virgil knows either; he’s a man. He’s an honorable man and if he were aware, would have warned you when he made his little speech.”
I kept my mouth shut while Rachel took over. “Look. We don’t even have a high school diploma, but we did have some education. My father kept us locked up, and when he wasn’t raping me, we read, and watched anything educational we could. We knew we would need knowledge if we ever escaped the evil asshole. Four of us girls lived together in the basement, next to the laundry room. We know confinement.”
Chastity watched the women who were stunned by the revelations and added, “There is something about the act itself. We’ve been experimenting a lot. A quickie can give short-term relief as long as there were mutual orgasms. The more orgasms the woman has, the better and longer lasting the relief seems to be. We women help each other get those multiple orgasms while Virgil’s penis is doing its work in the vagina.”
“So you see,” Chastity continued, “Our husband is not a warm dildo or turkey baster. If you still wish it, he will make love to you, and so will we. There is only one lesbian couple in our group, and three others say they were originally bi. Now, when we are with Virgil, we are mostly enthusiastically bi. There’s more, but you have the essentials. Are you in or out?”
Eva, stood, removed her gown, and moved to give Chastity a soul-stirring kiss then duplicated it with Rachel. With that as my cue, I picked her up and placed her on the bed.
I felt rushed, so I did my two-minute soap and rinse and returned to the lobby. Showered and dressed, my ladies and the glowing Eva and Karen soon sauntered back into the dorm’s lounge. “All right, ladies, who’s next for their physical?” Eva called. “We can take two at a time.”
Two of the newcomers looked at each other and stood. One of the other women, obviously very horny, grouched, “Well look at the brightness twins. Did you get your ashes hauled?”
I blushed when Karen told her “We certainly did, and unless you are a prudish Missus Grundy, you are in for a real treat. But, you’ll need to wait, because the Colonel isn’t the Energizer Bunny and needs time to recover. However, you’ll find he insists on quality service...”
With that, they escorted the next two volunteers back to their new clinic for their physicals.
After the lecture by my loves, I began to take note of the rest of the women in orbit around me. Of course, they were right. I was touched, catered to, and seldom alone. There were friendly innuendos and jokes like I’m told develop between happily married couples, but we weren’t married. We were becoming family, though, and families have a bicker here and a dig there, but I was catered to.
Don’t take this wrong. Well under the circumstances, I suppose it’s hard not to, but I really enjoyed the scenery. The other women started to dress in sexy and skimpy clothes to attract my attention. With two prime beauties of my own, I wouldn’t have suffered without the extras, but because they were there and put on a show, my eyes were pleased.
I continued to wear my .45, so many jokes were on the theme of my having two guns, upper and lower. “Which gun can he reload quicker?” “I dunno, seems about the same to me.”
Now that was a thought to consider. My stamina had increased some, and in fact, was still increasing. I was rising to the occasion or occasions, so to speak, and would need to continue to rise if I were to keep twenty-two women reasonably happy and all of us sane. Was it practice or something else? I found that I could now sex two women with a very short cycle time, but good sex takes more than sexual stamina, and I would not relent and consent to quickies. Our lives did not completely center on sex, though I spent a lot of very pleasant time with the ladies. Fortuitously, the intervals between their needed maintenance doses seemed to increase. This was difficult to know for sure, because they were almost all healthy, normally sexually active, women and wanted more than the bare minimum. The need for affection and touching continued unabated, as did the desire for more frequent intercourse. The teens were almost insatiable.
I had told them I wasn’t some kind of warm dildo, and the sex was all good, but it was like a diet of continual desserts. It was a damned good thing I had Chastity and Rachel to love and who loved me before this all began. The two of them were my steak and potatoes.
Yankee Pasha, indeed.
If they hadn’t before, most of the newcomers took advantage of the remainder of the afternoon to select rooms, pair up with suitemates, and call loved ones. No one had an issue with my request to keep our location secret, even from parents, spouses, and children. Dead bodies and bullet holes had reinforced the need for confidentiality, but we forgot about ‘find my phone’ and similar aps.
We waited until the new arrivals finished their physicals so that each could tell their tale and all could hear it. Pete and Jenny escorted the last two back, and they joined the remaining adults gathered in the lounge. The mothers had positioned themselves where they could watch the mobile children who were dividing their attention between a tea party and the TV. Two mothers sat with their babies asleep in carriers.
I was once again very impressed by Ronnie and her aircrew. After ensuring the kids had juice and snacks, they were handing out adult beverages, still remembering preferences of those they’d served. I blessed Pete and lifted my glass to her for having hit the base’s Class Six ‘package’ store for a nice variety and plenty of alcohol and mixers.
This time, Chastity got her evening’s one-shot ration of Booker’s, though I again advised her to add water. Booker’s is approximately fifty percent stronger than most Bourbons, and for a rookie drinker, the usual Bourbons are too strong to drink straight. She reached over me and offered a sip to Rachel, who sniffed the drink and declined while grimacing.
My two ladies bracketed me and were preparing to snuggle in. Of necessity, I whispered an apology and stood to address the group, “It appears that we all were hit with the same virus – just at different times. My group’s sequestering here was mostly direct. We lost all our men, except me, but painful as that was, it appears to be nothing compared to your ordeal. We have about an hour before dinner is served in the cafeteria, and we’d very much like to hear your stories.”
Jane Hatfield, a svelte older woman with natural silver-gray hair stood and introduced herself. Then she began their story:
“You probably know that as we taxied to the terminal, the captain informed us that there was a plane just down the causeway deplaning several very sick people. We would be allowed to deplane but would be required to remain near our gate until all the passengers on that other flight were gone and the area was decontaminated.
“Our plane was the only one past the affected plane at the far end of the concourse, so I’m guessing inconveniencing a small number of passengers wasn’t a big concern with everything going on. We could look a few gates down the concourse and see a clear plastic barrier going up. At least there were restrooms on our side. In other ways we were lucky, too. In our little area, we could eat, drink, and even buy a book or candy bar – but not diapers. All of that became very important over the next few hours.
“The airport was using the mushroom theory of management, and it looked like there was going to be longer than a little wait. Three of us got something to eat at the barbeque place, and two guys were slamming down beers like the county was going dry tomorrow. After about an hour – your flight was long gone – one of the guys headed for the restroom.”
Ruth Holcomb, one of the young mothers, stood and took up the story in a soft voice we could barely hear:
“Peggy and I were heading back from changing my Samantha and her Tricia, and we recognized one of the men passengers headed the way we had come from. I looked at Peggy and told her, “He doesn’t look well. Maybe we should tell his friend he might want to check on him.”
“Once we got back and our young’uns settled, Peggy watched them while I walked over to where the other man was buying another beer. I told him he might want to check on his buddy, as he didn’t look at all well. He thanked me and told me they both were drinking a little too much. He’d give Ole Pete a few minutes, then see if he was worshiping at the porcelain altar.
“When he finally went to check on his friend, he wasn’t gone but a couple of minutes before he was running back. He was yelling about ‘dead and bloody on the floor’ and ‘call 911’ and a bunch of other stuff I couldn’t understand. Then he went to one of the trashcans and threw up all the beer he’d been drinking.”
Jane Hatfield, stood and returned to the tale:
“You know, whatever the sickness was on that first plane down the concourse, it was very lucky for San Diego and very unlucky for us. That barrier they put up kept whatever we have from spreading into the city, but if we passengers weren’t infected on the flight, we sure as heck were exposed while waiting together in the terminal.
“So now, there were several 911 calls and one of the gate attendants reported in with his phone. It seemed like forever before anyone came, and maybe it was forever. We could see through the plastic, and the EMTs taped a second sheet around themselves and their gurney before they came in. I think they had learned some things from handling the COVID-19 cases and weren’t taking chances. When they finally slit the first sheet of plastic and came through, they were wearing a white plastic suit that covered them completely and a mask behind a face shield.
“After a half hour or so, one of the EMTs came and gathered us passengers together, plus the people running the newsstand and the other concessions, as well as the gate attendants. He announced that the airport authorities were quarantining us ‘in place’ because this seemed to be something new. This abundance of caution wasn’t taken well, however, events proved the decision wise. Before the EMT could leave us, the dead man’s drinking buddy coughed up blood and died right in front of us. After that, I was in shock, and the rest of the evening is a blur.”
Peggy Griffin, the other infant’s mother told us:
“Out the window, we could see an ambulance pull up. One of the gate agents punched a code for access, and suddenly it got busy. The two bodies, sealed in body bags, were wheeled out and down to the tarmac and sprayed with something before they were put in the ambulance. We thought it was strange that the ambulance didn’t leave. Other people in the same type white suits took mucus samples and drew vials of blood from us. There was always one suited person staying with us, and when one of them left, they were sprayed, too.
“They eventually brought in cots and pallets for us, and our luggage arrived, that didn’t do me a lot of good because no one thought of diapers. But I was lucky that Ruth had enough extras to get us both though the night anyways.”
“A guy named Paul made us all meals from the barbeque place, whatever we wanted. Said ‘screw the boss, it’s the right thing to do’. He passed out beer or soft drinks to whoever wanted. A real nice guy, but in the end, he died too.
“What a horrible night that was! By morning, all the male passengers were dead. They all died the same way, we’d hear a gasp, two or three or four choking coughs, and blood would spray. The door to the outside would open, two suits would enter, and another body was gone. I’m so very glad my husband wasn’t traveling with us, because I don’t think I could have stood to see him die like that.
“I cried for them. The guys were real heroes. After the third or fourth death, they saw the pattern, and one by one, they moved their cots across the circle to spare us women and children as much as they could. Logan lost his father that night, and it took several days before he would talk with anyone.
“In the morning, only the men from in the concourse and the plane’s cleaning crew were still alive, and they were really scared, as they should have been. Other than us women passengers, there was Paul, five cleaners, two airline gate agents, and a janitor named Isaac. There was also a woman gate agent and another lady who worked at the newsstand. And, of course, the white suits, but they didn’t count...”
Maeve Benton the freckled redhead now told us, weeping throughout:
“Jane said the night was a blur, but the next day was worse. The white suits thought to bring us breakfast sandwiches and stuff from Mickey D’s, and there was juice. Paul kept the coffee coming, but he was also spending a lot time on the phone with his girlfriend. I overheard the two gate agents saying goodbye to their wives.
“My Maysie Bird, she’s with the kids at the television, and Linda’s Lynne were upset and pretty much running wild. The sugar intake from their pancakes didn’t help. Logan just sat staring out the window.
“Then our cell phones started going off, big time. Someone must have notified the press, because we could see people and cameras on the other side of the plastic, and we were getting calls requesting interviews. On the waiting area’s monitors, we watched talking heads speculate and speculate some more about what was happening at Lindberg Field.
“That wasn’t enough, so some lawyer started calling wanting to represent us in a class action suit. Against who? He was very vague. I hung up on him because he sounded like a real opportunistic sleaze. Besides, who did I want to sue – the goddam virus? I called my husband and ignored the incoming call beeps.
“By lunchtime, the rest of the men were dead and their bodies removed. In addition to ambulances, there was now a refrigerator truck on the apron outside our gate. None of us women were dead or even sick, but we were terrified and could hardly eat the boxed meals they brought us. Then a different type of suit came and called us together.
“The new arrival identified himself as Lieutenant Colonel Ashmore, and for the first time, we heard something of what was going on. He told us that none of us had the COVID-19 virus, but that their tests showed indications of a virus they’d never seen before. It was close enough to COVID-19 that they could reasonably assume that it was a mutation from nineteen. More tests were needed to be sure, and we were to be moved to the nearby Naval Air Station where a better quarantine facility was being prepared.”
Patrice Middleton, a young, chocolate-brown woman stood and took over their story:
“They moved us before dinner, but the preparations took a while. We were asked to wear these sealed suits like the medical people; they had sizes for the kids and carriers for the babies. After they checked our seals, we went out the boarding door and down steps to the tarmac where we were sprayed with a disinfectant. We took a short bus ride over to the Naval Air Station where a large building had been set up with dividers, so we could have some privacy. At the entrance, I noticed that the same sort of spray truck was set up, just like the one that sprayed us down as we left the concourse.
“When we entered, there was a separate area where we could wipe any of the remaining liquid from our suits and move to another place to take them off. The smell was irritating, and I was sure glad to move on through some heavy doors.
“Our quarters were near a noisy runway and obviously thrown together. One of the suits told me we were in a hanger, but it was all a welcome change from the terminal concourse. There were televisions, games for the children, and fast wifi. Some thoughtful soul had even provided several boxes of diapers, and I heard Peggy get happy with that.
“For dinner, they had a nice buffet set up by more people in the different, camouflage suits. I was hungry and managed to eat two helping of chicken and dumplings plus a slice of really good apple pie. We watched the news and the talking heads speculated some more, but we were kinda pushed aside by New York and the rising national death toll. I was exhausted, and early on, I was asleep.
“Then, right after breakfast, some guy named Ridgemount was on the news claiming that there was a new virus killing only men – had that part right – and that the Army was keeping the infected women prisoners – had that part wrong; it was the Navy. Some of the others, across the room, were watching a religious program and called the rest of us over. A man was ranting something about the Sin of Eve being revisited and the need to root it out.
“Jane looked at us and predicted trouble over that one. She was right. The next thing we knew, the news was reporting that there were mobs killing women. We were terrified. With everything else, it was almost too much to bear, and some of us were so upset that we simply couldn’t eat any lunch.
“One of the suited guys came in and gathered us together. He told us that San Diego was getting too dangerous and that we would be airlifted to some secret and safer place where the new virus was being studied. He said there should be a specially equipped Air Force plane arriving the next day. He should have told us to keep quiet about it, but he didn’t.”
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On Monday morning I received a message from my old fuck buddy Alex telling me that the local pool has been shut down as part of the Corona measures.To be honest, I was surprised they stayed open as long as they did.I saw on the news last weekend some of the tourist beaches, like Bondi were shut down, but that hasn’t happened here and I don’t think that would happen here at my sleepy little town... but who knows what next week will bring.In Alex’s message on Monday, he suggested that whatever my...
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The pickup went smoothly, if you consider a diminutive, shoulder-high, redhead, squealing, hugging, weeping, bundle to be smooth. She was petite and wore new jeans and a yellow tee with ‘Daddy’s Girl’ surrounded by a red heart. Her curves were well started, and her pokies were showing. Oh crap, we were going to need an early-on discussion of bras and the wearing thereof. However, my first challenge as a new father came when Chastity wanted to ride to our hotel on my lap. Sam, a skinny...
Easter morning! Something like six weeks ago Sam called, and I was off to San Diego and rescued someone I never knew existed. A couple of weeks in California, marriage, almost a month in the middle of a harem, and now I was keeping my girls occupied while the harem set out Easter baskets and hid eggs that the kids dyed the previous day. Sad, awful really, but none of my loves had ever had a real Easter. Sarah had tried, but confined to a windowless basement, her resources were limited. When...
After the invasion, as we called it, almost everyone expressed an interest in self-defense training, especially in learning to shoot. Our dorm’s basement had a long hall terminating in a large unfinished room at each end. With Ruby Schaaft’s assistance, I had one room set up as a shooting range for air rifles and small caliber pistols and the other as a dōjō. Some future expansion must have been planned for the basement, because air circulation was very good. The dōjō was an easy setup with...
We find the stunning sixteen-year-old Tammi King lying on her bed amid a tangle of soft cotton sheets that smelled of perfume and sex with her eyes closed. As she slowly descended from her orgasmic high she ran her hands down the front of her firm and tanned body in an effort to take inventory.Her white cotton blouse had been ripped open and the few remaining buttons were held on by threads, but that's what she had hoped for. Her fingers and sensitive breasts could feel that the cups of her...
IncestYou feel the false softness of cheap foam in your seat, barely offering any relief for your sore back. You'd been carrying suitcases and suitcases all day: ... you and your single mother had just moved out of your one-bedroom apartment, and it amazes you how you two managed to pack so much when you didn't actually have many things. At least you've got the window seat! Your mother shuffles-in beside you, and you turn to look her way... she's just had her 40th birthday. She has soft white skin...
IncestCovid Cunt #1It was still Winter and they seemed to get a few inches of snow every week. Beau was pulling his cock from Tabby's asshole having fucked her there since she was on her period. “Feel better”, she giggled “I'll be off my period tomorrow”. Unknown to them, her long lost son Chubby had found them. Being internet savvy he had back traced Beau's inquiries, got their ISP address and charted their activity. Most was normal but a frequent login in to FetLife late nights caught his...
Covid CuntMature and Younger, Extreme Sex, Up Skirt Flashing, Multiple partnersThe virus had closed the school season early, her nonessential work shutdown and her part time janitorial work ended. Her days had started at 6am feeding Beau by 7am and at work by 8am. She rushed home to cook dinner by 5pm and out the door again by 6pm until 8pm. She had lived at poverty level working 14hr days. Beau was her joy she lived to educate him and he was a good son, asking little. Her saving grace was...
The 912 was still at Reese’s place, I hadn’t yet made arrangements to retrieve it. I’d already ordered a shitload of parts to continue rebuilding it, and eagerly awaited the chance to work on it. I was planning on flying out in the summer and overseeing the loading and shipping of the car, but increasingly, it was becoming clear the world was going to shut down, sooner than later. The Covid crisis was rapidly overtaking China, and parts of Europe, it wouldn’t be long before it came to the U.S....
I wanted to thank him for the delivery , i wanted him to see how pink and slutty i dress to ride my dildo watching sissy most days since the crysis locked me homei see him every weeks delivering the food to our areawondering if he would have a bbc to make me suck onits been a month and i am staying in my new little chastity device training my ass like most of us sissy confined home, training into good little butt slutI never imagine it but i love getting me ass shaved, putting on smooth little...
Well I just flew into an airport and was looking for a shuttle to the hotel that I had booked. I usually stay in a Chain hotel that I have loyalty points with and due to my loyalty I usually get a pretty nice upgraded room. I was expecting the same treatment again when I reached this hotel. The shuttle service arrived and I was even impressed as it was a long stretch black limousine. The driver took my bags and placed them in the trunk and I slid into the back. The privacy window was open, I...
I spend time browsing the ads on doublelist, usually flakes that are just wanting to chat, and honestly that has been me at times too. One day i choose to post my own ad, mwm early 40s looking for discretion, trust and safety. Not long after the ad was posted I get an email from Sam, he is in the same boat, we had both had an experience of two, but both of us were too scared to have done much. Sam was also married, and after many emails, we got comfortable and agreed to meet first.Covid has...
A COVID Transition I was working on grading papers when the phone rang. I answered it seeing that it was my wife calling. Following my simple "hello," she let the conversation. "Hello Tricia, how did your class lectures go today? Did you wear the outfit I set out for you today? Did you look good on camera while you were lecturing?" "Yes Ann, I wore the outfit. I was a bit nervous about the black knit top and bralette. The crew neckline concealed the lacy bralette just fine and I could...
I was feeling the stress of the COVID-19 restrictions and needed some downtime to relax. A resort was located in Vermont which had limited accommodation and had posted its guidelines to provide for a safe stay. I was in luck and booked the last open reservation. I was set to fly out Friday night.The evening flight was not full, and I was able to upgrade to first-class. I was fastening my seatbelt when I was interrupted by a tall brown-haired girl. Her long slender legs caught my eye first and I...
Gay MaleCOVID Transition - 2 I am filled with a flood of emotions and thoughts as I end the call with my wife, Ann. She is right, our conversation about love making had left me with wet panties. (That darn Cowpers gland.) I started closing my teaching apps on my computer, checking to make sure my camera was off, and the cap is over the lens. I do not need to broadcast to my class, much less the rest of the world, that I was wearing an above knee length white pencil skirt, (Ann calls it my...
The hum of the engine lulled Dedrick Strong as he drove alone to the grocery store. The fifty year-old personal trainer had seen a huge downturn in business since the pandemic had broken out. Not only that, but he and his wife had opened their 2,900 square foot home that had four bedrooms and three-and-a-half bathrooms to family needing help during this crisis. Normally there were three people residing there; now there were eight people living in his house.The brawny, powerfully built man with...
Mike woke up feeling good he moved and stretch his cock feeling hard and great, warm and wet waking up remembering last light he look down up under the drapthe little eyes looking at him , mouth open his collar locked to mike legs , mouth full of cock, this thing is fantastic he thought having a very good night his cock inside his new pet mouth , the scarred lil white boy he had hunted when the crysis happen had finaly been tamed''oh hello again''''i slept so well inside your mouth, hpw many...
Brian continued to put his dick inside my wife at he office for the next three weeks as I watched on from home. Cherry was only too happy to oblige given the havoc that COVID had wreaked at her office. We were relying on her income since my work had dried up and keeping her boss happy was worth it for both of us. Not that we minded of course, Cherry loved new cock and I was able to watch on via her laptop camera at work and our on camera's that Cherry had started to take in each Wednesday. I...
It had been awhile now since I have had any cock...moving in with my GF to Pasadena CA has definitely made it harder to hook up! But now with all this Covid bs going on she now works from it has been over 6 months now since I have had any dick and desperately been trying to find some...on several sites but then threw up a random ad on CL and it actually got several responses before getting deleted...Most all just seem to be pic collectors and nothing happens...But finally talked to...
This Covid world has been very difficult for everyone and, as swingers, my guy and I have barely played with anybody. The parties around here have really not been worth taking the obvious risk.I’ve managed to have some fun and my husband and I have played a few times — but I've spent more time trying to find worthy adventures as you can read in my journal entries.I’m always seeking new people but nobody, male or female, has jumped out at me for some time. Then, last week at work, I got a notice...
TrueTo make matters worse i lost my job but still had the payments to make on my new car. My parents helped me out but they’re struggling and I don’t want to have to sell it. I’d applied for hundreds of jobs and been rejected from hundreds of jobs. There was only one that I had instantly ruled out!! Sales assistant in a sex shop on the industrial park. As much as I needed money there was no way I was going to sell sex magazines and videos to dirty old men and have to look at them. The thought...
Following a fairly blissful nap, I spent a few more hours lounging in my room - mostly in bed - contemplating the absurdity of what took place with my mother that morning over the phone. Did she really recommend I “shove my big cock down her throat” or something near to exactly that?“Shove it up my cunt” but “I gotta taste it first” so “Show me what you want from me… push my head down on you… grab my hair and fuck my mouth… I want your salty cum, all over Mama’s big pretty TITS!!”That’s...
IncestIt was Thursday morning, and our babies would be here today. I was both nervous and extremely excited to see my kids again after a couple of months. Covid had been hard on everyone with so many losing so much, so I was happy we had each other.I had sent Jack to the store to go shopping after nearly emptying the house of food over the last few weeks while I rushed around tidying the house. I had woken up early and grabbed one of Jack's tee-shirts and threw it on to clean the house. Typically, I...
IncestIt was a Sunday morning in late January 2020 and 2 students from the Central University of North Torquay were laying on their bed in one of the University’s Student’s Accommodation Houses just down the road from both the Medical School and the Computer Sciences block. Sophie was a 3rd year med student and Lewis was a 3rd year Computer Sciences student. They’d met at a frat party just after they started their first year at the university and been together ever since. One of the things that...
Hi! It’s me again, Ladyboy Kevin-Jeanne Bardot! I don’t know about you guys but - I HATE this social distancing! I’m an adult video store whore, so you can imagine how this has cut into - not only my lifestyle - but my income as well! It’s ok though, I’ve been fortunate to have built up a clientele of regulars over the last few years, and we’ve been able to get together for our mutual satisfaction. Still, I miss the seedy sexually charged atmosphere of the adult arcades. I was with one of my...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Daughters Ready to Breed By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Maria Reenburg I trembled on the exam table in Dr. Wilson's clinic. The busty OB/GYN smiled at me as she lifted up my hospital gown. She arched an eyebrow at me as she stared down at the hairless flesh of my pudenda, my thighs pressed tight, only the top of my slit peeking out. “Someone forgot her panties,” Dr. Wilson said, an amused smile on her lips. “She didn't forget them,” said my...
I felt a little strange before my first get-together with Matze in absence of Nadine on the next Tuesday. Not that I was nervous or anything, I mean we had known each other for years now. It was just this sense you sometimes get, this feeling that something has happened before but not in a déja-vu kind of way. It's hard for me to explain this right in English and maybe this even is a personal thing of mine but don't you sometimes get this situation in your life when something happens and you...
Alcohol affects people in different ways. It sometimes can make you lose your inhibitions or intensifies emotions that are already there. I have however observed over the years that many individuals have a baseline they incline towards. Nadine for example gets tired and more introverted, me I am getting more brave and outgoing. Also I can drink a lot, until I get shit-faced. This is my secret superhero power actually. Nobody expects the lanky Asian looking girl to hold her liquor like I do....
Full Moon Rising: Part 1 On a dreary, meek night; I found myself alone, walking down Poplar Ave after a rocking party. "REX...What happen to, "I'll be your wing man?"... What a douche, walking off with a blonde bimbo. Knowing him, he's somewhere out in the middle of the Minnesota timbers getting it on like the horny mutt he is," I mumbled. In the distance I could hear a car coming up beside me. "Hey look, if it isn't bawl. What's the matter? Bawling because your...
___________________________________________________________________________ Mat stayed overnight. I loved it and I remember that I didn't want to fall asleep, wanting to savor every minute of the time we had together. We talked far into the night. Not about what would happen with our now changed (and messed) relationship but about our past. We had talked about some of these things before on our afternoons and evenings together but it was different now after we made love. I told him about...
I hope that you will enjoy it better. I've added a few story elements to add interest for those who have read my first version. It should make it worth the read. The following story is all fiction, with none of the events or characters based in reality. Not to say that the same the events written here do not occur in reality; there may be someone out there whose life resembles this story. It does contain sex with teenagers; if you find this offensive please discontinue reading. This...
MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS: ABBY & BARBWHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW …This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This first story is an interracial story.This is a story about a mother, Abby Ordman and her daughter, Barb. Abby is 43 and Barb is...
My Secretary Mrs. Moon After working together for almost a year my secretary asked me for a raise. When I hesitated for only a second she got mad and asked, “What do I have to do to get a raise around here, moon you every day?” Then she turned around, lowered her pants and her panties, and mooned me. She was leaned over quite far and the entire rear of her pussy was visible and it was quite hairy too. Her pussy lips were puffy and there was a glistening to her pussy lips that could...