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A young teen with an extraordinary talent is confused as it manifests itself in the form of personal changes and new perceptions one summer at camp. As a result, he accidentally makes a victim of a jealous camp mate, leading to permanent changes and realizations for both of them. ------ When I was thirteen, my parents sent me to a boys' summer camp for two months. I was very excited to go. Swimming, sports, various activities, and making new friends sounded like the best summer ever. My parents expected me to come back from camp a bit more grown up, and they needed time away to go on a business trip to Northern India. They hoped I could use the time to grow a bit more comfortable in my own skin, perhaps - less the gawky preteen and more full of the knowledge of who I really was. But we were all surprised by what happened. When I returned from camp I was no longer a mere thirteen-year-old boy. My parents couldn't believe how much I had changed. Although only two months had passed, I sported a full beard and the thick fireplug musculature of a twenty-something power lifter. Although I had become accustomed to the changes I'd been through, my parents were full of questions I didn't dare answer. I left for camp a pretty standard boy for my age. Five feet tall and one hundred pounds, I was still a boy and far from a man. But I was changing into a man, and I could tell it was happening in subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle ways. My first pubic hairs had appeared, and my genitals had seemed to plump up. My boyish masturbations had started to produce actual ejaculations. All of this spoke of promise. Promise that I would grow up to be like Dad. A real man. When I arrived at camp I was assigned to a cabin with eleven other boys my age and we were escorted as a group to cabin number six by our cabin leader, an older boy named Thomas. Thomas was seventeen and tall and thin. He told us he played basketball at his high school and filled us in on the camp's rules. "Be in the cabin by 9:00pm, lights out at 10:00pm, no exceptions." And if anyone gave us any trouble, tell Thomas or a camp leader, one of the six adults who ran the place. I didn't expect to get into or cause trouble, and I only paid light attention. The other boys were fun. Most of us were my age, but a few were fourteen. We initially had some trouble the first week with pranking one another and making sure our lights were out by 10:00pm. However, Thomas was friendly but firm and we fell into a routine during the second week. There were no fights and no arguments, probably because we were so exhausted from the day's physical activities at the lake and on the mountain. Still, by the time I went to sleep on my upper bunk each evening, I felt like I was on fire. It wasn't uncomfortable; in fact it felt really good. But it was as though my skin were absorbing heat from everywhere around me. As I look back at it now, I compare it to being in a tanning bed. Even heat, prickly but pleasurable from every angle. Except it also seemed to concentrate around my penis and testicles. Every night I fell to sleep bathed in this warmth, and I slept with fewer blankets than the other boys, even on the coldest nights. I felt the same effect some times during the day, too. In the camp vans, at campfires, during groups activities. But the feeling was always strongest when the twelve of us returned to our cabin for the hour before bed. And sometimes the concentrated feeling on my genitals was so strong that my erection became an embarrassment. This sensation started during the first week I arrived, and it was so noticeable that I hardly slept the first night I felt it. As I became accustomed to it, it became less troublesome, and during the third week of camp, I started to look forward to it. Certain situations always seemed to reward me with this warm, sexual heat. Bedtime, meals, and group activities of almost any sort. The more of the boys at camp that were near, the better the feeling. The more acute. Still, I seemed to be the only boy at camp who experienced this sensation when I was near the other boys. And although it was a wonderful feeling that made me feel closer to my new friends, it bothered me that I might be the only one. I wondered if something was wrong with me, or if this was just something everyone felt and didn't discuss. After a few days of worry about my feelings, I cornered Thomas after lunch and posed the question. I started by talking about how much I liked the company of all the boys at camp, and Thomas replied by saying he was glad I was having a good time. "I just feel so warm and, you know - good when I'm with the other guys," I explained. "Do you ever feel like that?" He looked over at me for a second and replied, "I feel a lot of camaraderie with the other guys when I'm here. It's why I'm still here even though I'm too old to participate as an attendee." "Yeah, but do you ever feel - like, I don't know - warmth coming from them," I asked, feeling like I was saying too much. "Warmth?" he asked. I wasn't sure how to describe it. "Yeah - you know. Like you're absorbing energy or heat from them? When there's a lot of them around? Every time?" "Umm... Hmm," he said, pausing. "I can't say I've experienced that." I was silent and probably clearly disappointed. "But every one of us is different, Robby. You may have a special gift that you can use to bring people together." But his suggestion was little consolation. Because other things were happening in cabin six that I was also at a loss to explain. By that week I had noticed that the other boys and I were maturing very differently, but more importantly, that I had begun maturing at a dramatically accelerated rate. Since my arrival, the amount of hair around my penis had grown in from just a few strands to a thick bush of dark brown hair. My previously bare underarms had become hairy, I had a visible dark peach-fuzz mustache and beard appearing, and my chest had started to sprout, as well. My penis and testes no longer had a boyish appearance to them at all. The size of my erection surprised me every morning, and I had to learn new techniques for managing my genitals comfortably in my shorts during the day. In the camp showers I couldn't help but notice that the other boys my age were mostly like I had been the day I'd arrived. And they weren't maturing at the same rate. My situation was clearly anomalous. One of the more precocious boys in my cabin, a fourteen-year-old named Mark, had had a similar peach fuzz mustache the day we met. Lately, he also seemed to like me less and less. I didn't know why, but I now suspect that he was performing similar comparisons in the showers, and was frustrated that he was no longer the most masculine boy in the cabin. Mark was a handsome guy and very outgoing, but he was also very proud of himself and seemed to see himself as a sort of leader within the cabin. He spent a fair bit of time crowing about his strength and bragging about his dubious exploits with girls. And as my changes started to overshadow his own, he started regarding me derisively. Although I was shorter than him by a couple of inches, he started calling me "Big man" and "Big guy" in a condescending tone. As my torso started developing hair, he took to calling me "Ape" and "Gorilla" even though at that point I was nowhere near hirsute enough to warrant it. Twice, bits of paper hit me from across a room, and during a softball game a ball he threw seemed as though it was definitely aimed at my head, not my mitt. It could have been nothing but boyish competitiveness, but it seemed as though there were real malice behind Mark's increasing aggressiveness. I feared a fight was coming. But my rate of maturation continued to accelerate and the feelings of warmth continued. During one particular camp assembly I was surrounded by boys and counselors on all sides and reveling in the warmth when I closed my eyes and realized I could sense each of them individually. I focused my thoughts on the images in my mind. I could see them in my mind's eye, but it was like pictures I'd seen of infrared photographs. Each boy near me was radiating a sort of heat and I could feel that it was being siphoned into me. The boys and men in the crowd each glowed with a different brightness. Each of the adults seemed to glow brightly while the older teens shone with ferocity. And each of them seemed hottest in the groin. I was mesmerized and my eyes were clamped shut as I soaked up the imagery of the energies around me. But Mark, seated directly to my left, noticed that I had my eyes closed and sharply elbowed me in the ribs. "What's that about?" I whispered angrily as I opened my eyes and turned to him. "No sleeping, Ape," he growled back at me. "I wasn't sleeping, I was concentrating," I replied defensively. He simply mouthed the word, "Liar," and turned his attention back to the stage. I sat next to Mark, seething, thinking of what a jerk he was. The spot on my rib where he'd jabbed me throbbed, and I started conceiving awful, imaginary things I'd do to him to get even. In my anger, I noticed that I could sense the prickly heat coming from him with greater intensity, and I focused on it. As I focused, I could feel the energy streaming off him, and the pleasurable heat as I absorbed it through my left side. I saw puffs of what looked like reddish-orange currents in my visual field that swirled around and into me from Mark's direction. It heated my face and arm and leg, and even through my anger it felt erotic and fantastic. My penis became erect in my shorts, and I adjusted them without looking away from the stage or at Mark. My attention was so rapt on the sensations of what I was taking from Mark, that I heard nothing from the speakers on the stage. And I was completely surprised when the heat from Mark flickered and dimmed a bit, breaking my concentration. I looked over, and noticed he'd slumped forward in his seat. He seemed unconscious, and listed to his left, resting against the boy next to him. The boy Mark leaned into looked down at him with an annoyed expression and pushed Mark back my direction. The push was all it took to destabilize Mark completely. He fell forward out of his seat, hitting the chair in front of him with his forehead and collapsing to the ground without moving. The boy on the other side of Mark and I looked at each other with surprised expressions. A counselor sitting behind us stood up, and the boy in the chair Mark struck with his head looked back. There was a commotion for a few minutes while a couple of counselors carried Mark away. I watched the entire time as they carried him out. He never moved. After the assembly concluded, everyone talked about the boy who had to be carried out. They wanted to know who he was, what happened, and if he was going to be OK. Toward the end of the day, word came around that Mark had been taken to the medical cabin, but that nothing seemed to be wrong. He joined us for dinner at the end of the day, but he looked tired and weak. He ate very little, and was escorted back to the cabin. By the time the rest of us returned to our cabin, Mark was in bed asleep. Something seemed really wrong so we all behaved like kids at a funeral, and went straight to bed. As I laid in my bed thinking about the day, the things I'd seen, and Mark's collapse, I closed my eyes. And soon, my head was flooded with the imagery of the boys lying in their beds around me, glowing red images of heat that was slowly billowing off them, like wisps of smoke rising from a dying fire. All of it gently drifted toward me. I laid on my back with my eyes closed, but I could see each boy move and breath in my mind from my top bunk. It was as though the bunk beds and everything were missing, and only the boys, glowing red, lay in space. One boy turned over and fluffed his pillow, and another seemed to be playing with himself. All of it I could see with my mind's eye in this infrared sort of vision. I turned my attention to Mark again. Focusing on his image in my mind, I could see he glowed less brightly than the other boys and that the wisps of heat he emitted were thinner and less frequent. But as I focused, I saw the thickness of the glowing energy drawn from him increase in quantity and speed. Soon it looked like heavy smoke caught in the air current of a strong fan, pulled rapidly toward me. My heart raced with sexual excitement. But the effect only lasted briefly, as the image of him seemed to flicker and dim again, and he squirmed as he slept. Frightened, I broke my concentration. I opened my eyes and assessed myself, hoping to stop whatever it was I was doing. I felt my body with my hands in the dark. My penis was rock hard and absolutely huge in my hands, and my body felt so different than it had a month ago. I was increasingly hairy and even the muscles in my body felt more defined. I tried not to close my eyes, but sleep finally took me, and I rested soundly through the night. ---------- I awoke first thing in the morning before any of the other boys and felt refreshed and full of energy. Rather than lie in bed until the rest of them awoke, I jumped down from the bed and went out to the showers. None of the other boys were in the shower so I stripped and began to bathe. I was stunned by what I found. My musculature had developed over night and was significantly more athletic. I had real pecs. My chest was covered in a thick mat of brown hair ample enough that I could take a handful of it and tug. Similarly, my butt was covered with fine dark hair. My penis was thick and long, and my balls were heavy and hairy. At the conclusion of my shower, I went to a mirror to examine my face and was shocked yet again. I would need to shave, as thick hairs dotted my chin and face in an erratic pattern. I put on my underwear and was continuing to dress when a boy from another cabin came in. He began to shyly hang his clothes on a hanger while watching me. But his brow was furrowed and his mouth was open like someone who was in shock. When I got back to the cabin, all the boys were up and sitting in the middle of the cabin except Mark. He still lay in his bed behind them as they spoke. When they saw me enter, a couple of them made "whoa" sounds and then looked back to Mark's bed. "Robby," one of them said, "you should go take a look at Mark." He spoke in a moderate voice, apparently unconcerned about waking the sleeping boy. "Why?" I asked feeling suspicious and uncomfortable. However, I startled even myself. I had not yet spoken that morning, and my voice was not the one I was used to. It was lower. Deeper, and like the voice of a young man. A few of the boys looked at each other with knowing, concerned expressions. Then one looked back at me and said, simply, "Something's wrong with you guys." Startled, I went to Mark's bed. He was sweating and sleeping hard, his breathing slow and deliberate. And despite his short boy's haircut, he looked like a girl. His nose was short and his face was round. I looked back at the crowd of boys in the center of the room. They were all looking over at Mark and me. A couple of them looked away quickly, and one got up and grabbed his towel and toiletries and headed out of the cabin toward the showers. As though on cue, each of the other boys got up and left the room, leaving me with Mark. I sat at the head of his bed, and just looked on for what seemed like forever. He had one arm up over his head, and the hand and arm both looked fine and thin, like a girl's would. I touched his shoulder and said his name, and he didn't respond. I shook him lightly, and there was no response. After another minute, I decided to see what the rest of him looked like. Listening for the other boys, I pulled Mark's covers back to reveal his bare chest, and was surprised even though I knew what to expect. Mark had perfectly symmetrical breasts the size of those on the girls at school. His nipples were large and puffy and the areolas were wide. His rib cage seemed narrower. I continued to pull the covers back, revealing his pajama bottoms, and paused. I wasn't sure I was ready to look further. The cool air seemed to rouse Mark a tiny bit, and he moaned a little and moved. Fearing that I might wake him but driven by impulse, I pulled his pajamas down to mid-thigh. Between his legs was a tiny penis the size of a baby's, poking straight up over his bunched-up ball sack, all nestled in a perfect triangle of pubic hair. I looked on for a moment, dumbstruck. It was like looking at a pretty, naked girl sleeping there. He had lovely white skin and perfect features. His breasts were young and firm, his neck and arms were thin and lovely. His hips had a hint of width to them, and his male genitals were made to look all the smaller by the breadth of his hips. I was transfixed. And I started to see hints of the glow come from him in my visual field. Pulled, as always, toward me. But Mark moved again, making a high-pitched moaning sound, and I panicked. I pulled his pajamas up and flung the covers back over him and stood back, looking on as though I had just discovered a dead body. And then I ran. I burst out of our cabin and ran straight to the cabin leaders' quarters, pounding on the door loudly. By complete luck, Thomas answered. He was wearing only pajama bottoms and flip-flops and on seeing me he looked shocked for a moment before exclaiming, "What happened to you!?" "No, not me!" I blurted in the voice that seemed like someone else's. "Mark! Something's happened!" He looked at me for another second, seeming confused. I looked back at him with urgency. Thomas reached inside his doorway and grabbed a radio and we ran back to my cabin. Inside, the boys had reassembled and were standing around Mark's bed, some still holding their wet towels. A few boys from another cabin had joined them, and there was whispering. Thomas went to the edge of the group and loudly announced, "Out of my way, boys. Everyone get back to your cabins. Those of you from six, go to breakfast early. NOW." I had never heard Thomas raise his voice before. The boys filed out of the room and I stood behind Thomas as he looked on at the boy sleeping in the bed. "Is this Mark?" he asked. "Yes," I replied. "Oh god." He pulled the covers back from Thomas' torso much as I had, but placed them back immediately. He looked at me for another moment, and looked back at Mark's petite figure lying in the bed. He seemed to get pale and his breathing was shallow, and he said gravely, "You'd better get to breakfast." I immediately complied. As I headed out the doorway, I heard Thomas' radio crackling and his voice shaking. -------- Mark's condition was immediately the subject of superstition and rumor. Some boys said he was really a girl pretending to be boy, but those who'd seen him had even more mystical explanations for what they'd seen. Meanwhile, my condition needed explaining, too. I now looked older than most of the seventeen-year-old cabin leaders, and many of the boys were not shy about asking me very personal questions about my sudden changes. Indeed, late that afternoon, I was called away from a canoeing exercise to the main cabin. A doctor examined me and determined that I appeared to be maturing prematurely. And he talked with the other adults about whether or not my changes could be related to Mark's. I heard mention of parents, hospitals, lawyers, but they always spoke to one another in hushed tones that were hard to make out. Following my examination, which had involved a complete, nude body inspection by the doctor, I was asked to sit on the couch in an adjacent room. While I waited, I closed my eyes and focused on the glow of the bodies I could see in my mind's eye. Although all of them were on the other side of walls, I had a clear image of the warm heat of each man's body, and I could feel a light tingle of their warmth trickling out to me. A boy outside ran near the building drawing a great red streak across my vision and pulling my attention to a faint glow in a room at the other end of the building. It was very faint, and I looked closely, through the walls and distance of the long structure, and recognized Mark. Without hesitation, I stood up and walked outside and around the building to get to where Mark was. Sure enough, I saw Mark through a window. He looked like a girl, sitting on a couch watching a video with his knees held against his chest. He looked like he'd been crying. I knocked on the window, and he looked out at me, his large doe eyes looking innocent and frightened. He didn't seem to recognize me, so I went further around the building and let myself in through a side door. Mark stood when I entered, and his breasts noticeably pushed his t-shirt out, so he held his arms around them. His narrow, feminine shoulders bent inward, making him look smaller than ever. "Are you OK?" I asked. "I'm sick, I guess. Something's wrong," he said, sounding like a girl who's about to cry. "I don't know what's wrong. They called my parents but can't get through." "Are you gonna stay here?" He shrugged. "I don't know. Probably not. This is a camp for boys." He started to cry and sat back down on the couch again, hugging his knees to his breasts. "But you are still a boy, aren't you?" I asked, hoping it was still true. "Well, yeah, I guess sortof..." he sniffled. "Do you feel like a boy?" This was all it took, and I realized I had asked the wrong question. Apparently Mark did not feel like a boy, and he immediately started crying uncontrollably. I had no idea what to do, so I stood there for a moment, and then left, closing the door behind me. As I stood with my back to the door, my heart raced. I knew that somehow, I had caused what had happened to Mark. That all these visions and the anger and subsequent attention I'd paid Mark had changed him in this way. And I felt like it wasn't just changing him, I was stealing his future manhood from him. I was changing me, too. I didn't know how, but it all had to be connected. Someone inside the cabin heard Mark crying, and I overheard them come into the room with him. When I heard them ask, "Are you OK, sweetheart?" I ran back to cabin number six. Later that week, Thomas told me that Mark had been moved to the summer camp's girl's facility. Mark was upset, frightened, and unsure of the future, but like mine, his parents were out of the country for the last month of camp, and it was the only place for him. The camp finally got hold of my Aunt, who came out to see me when they told her what had happened. She arrived looking fearful, then shocked when she saw me. The doctors told her I seemed to be in excellent health and that they couldn't explain what was happening. Futhermore, short of giving me hormonal blockers they were uncomfortable with, they didn't think they could do anything. She asked if I wanted to stay. I said yes. So she made me promise I would tell an adult if anything unusual happened or if I felt sick, and I agreed. But what was happening to me was so unusual I knew I didn't dare say anything to anyone. For the next three weeks, I was very careful to avoid seeing mental images of the other boys at camp. Despite this, I continued to develop at a phenomenal rate. My beard filled out and I had to borrow a razor from one of the counselors. My body bulked up with muscles like a body builder, and cabin six won the canoe competition and the tug of war. Soft, dark brown hair covered my chest, belly, legs, and butt. I started showering at night to avoid being stared at by the other thirteen-year-old boys, and took to masturbating in the shower. My immense penis felt incredible, and I practiced different strokes - long, slow ones, two-handed ones, and short rapid strokes at the tip with my foreskin pulled back. I thought of naked girls, naked boys radiating that mysterious energy, and boys with wide hips and soft skin with perfect little breasts, and it all turned me on. The thick, ropy ejaculate I produced every night hit the shower floor with satisfying splatting noises. ---------- For the final week of the summer, the boy's and girl's camps had a dance. I was nervous and felt like a freak, but I put on my new camp dress uniform to get ready. The camp had provided me with a new uniform to fit my larger, thicker body, and even though I was still the same height as the other ten boys in cabin six, I dwarfed them in sheer mass. The uniform only seemed to accentuate the width of my shoulders and back and the sleeves hugged my arms, making them seem more massive. The narrowness of my hips brought even more attention to the breadth of my torso, but also made my muscular butt and legs stand out. It privately felt great, but going into public felt odd. At the dance, the girls and boys seemed mostly frightened of one another. My cabin mates stood on one side of the hall teasing each other and laughing, and it looked to be a disaster in the making. Finally, the cabin leaders from each camp decided to break things up a bit by asking each other to dance. Some of the older teens from the girl's camp came over and asked our cabin leaders to dance, and they moved out onto the dance floor. I was completely surprised when one of the older girls asked me. Dumbfounded, I agreed and went out to the dance floor with her. I wanted to seem cool, but I had never danced with a girl before. I stepped on her foot and asked her name. She asked how many years I'd been to camp, and was surprised when I told her it was my first year. Obviously, she'd mistaken me for a cabin leader. I was embarrassed. We danced in awkward silence for a few more minutes until over her shoulder, I spotted Mark standing and chatting with some of the girls. He looked really pretty and was smiling. He wore the girl's dress uniform, a simple brown summer dress with a bundle of flowers embroidered on the front. My heart started to race, and my hands became clammy. I broke off the dance with the older girl, and went back to the safety of my friends from cabin six. As the hour elapsed and it started to get dark outside, more of the boys started dancing with the girls, and it started to look like a real dance. And at one point, most of the cabin six boys were on the dance floor with a girl, or just simply hamming it up when Mark approached me. I was desperate to get away, but he spoke to me in a calm girlish voice that said everything was OK, and asked if we could talk. "Um... OK. What do you want to talk about? Mark?" I stammered out. "I've been going by Mary since I switched camps," he explained. "Are you still a boy?" I asked. He sighed. "Yes and no. Can we talk?" We walked outside into the courtyard and sat on a bench away from other people's ears. Mark looked over at me and said, "So, you look a lot different." "Yeah, well, I guess something's going on or something," I managed to get out. I just wanted to run. But Mark was very pretty and his body language said stay. He reached over with a hand and brushed it across my cheek, feeling the evening stubble of my beard. He put his hand back in his lap. "You could say that," he responded. "I haven't changed much since I left." "Oh, but you're much prettier," I said, then immediately regretted it. "Really?" "Well, yeah, I mean, you seem happier than you were the last time I saw you. And maybe you're a little more filled out or something," I said, trying to be flattering. "Yeah, I noticed that, too. Still, I was pretty scared when I saw you last time. I probably didn't look my best." I couldn't bring myself to respond. "You know, about that," he started. "I know it was you, but I'm not mad." "Me?" "Yes, you. I noticed you changing before this happened to me. It's not natural. So then this happened to me, and I just figured you - I don't know - accidentally took my manhood from me." I stammered and sputtered and stood up. "No, no, Mark. I didn't steal anything from you! I didn't know that would happen, I'm not... I'm... Oh god. No, I..." and Mark cut me off. "Don't get upset, and sit down. Everything's fine. Almost everything. I'm fine. My parents are fine. I wanted to talk to you because you left a mark on me, and I can feel it. That's how I knew it was you." "I left a mark on you?" "Yeah. After a couple of days, I got used to being a girl and less scared, and I started thinking about things. And I kept thinking of you. How handsome and manly you are. And I just couldn't get you out of my thoughts." "Oh, whoa. You're really a girl, aren't you?" I asked, unbelieving. "No, not all the way, but in most ways. I have breasts. I like boys now. I like you, Robby. And I know that you can finish what's been started," he said, looking at me intently. "Finish?" I asked, uncomfortable with what he was referring to. "Shut up and come here," he said, taking my hand and leading me back to camp. Like a boy who'd spent his whole summer there, Mark found a secluded spot behind the lake's boat shed, and turned to face me. The moonlight was bright and shone down on the side of boat shed and various canoes, reflecting onto both of us in our uniforms. Mark pulled his dress over his head, and stood there in panties and a bra. I looked away, and he touched my shoulder. "When a girl pulls her clothes off in front of you, Robby, it means you should NOT look away." I was too embarrassed, and yet my penis began making an uncomfortable knot in my pants. "I'm sorry, it's just that, I don't know - Mark..." "Mary. Look, Robby, this has happened, but it's not finished. And over the past three weeks, I've realized it can even be reversed." I was astonished. "It can?" "Yep." Mark pulled off his bra. His young breasts settled slightly and the moonlight flattered his lovely feminine form. I looked on, unable to look away. "You left me mostly a girl. But you stopped short of making me the real deal, Robby. I'm still a boy down here," and he gestured to his crotch. "You see, when I woke up that morning, my dick and balls were like a baby's," he said, hooking his thumbs into his panties. "But time has passed, and they're growing back." He turned around, and facing away from me, pushed his panties to his ankles and stepped out of them. His bottom looked soft and round. He picked up the discarded panties, and holding them in front of his groin turned back around to face me. "I don't know what to make of my breasts filling out, or my hips widening, but I figure they'll go away eventually, too. I feel that they will, anyway." He dropped the panties and stood with his hands at his sides. He was lovely, but his male genitals had doubled in size since my peek at them from under the covers, and they were incongruent with the rest of his shape. "It looks kinda silly, I think," he explained. "The thing is, I like being a girl. I like being attracted to boys. I never would have asked for this, but it's happened, and I don't want to go back. I just want to be a regular girl. And I figure if you finish what you started, I can go on as Mary instead of having to pretend to be Mark. Whatever it is you took from me, you need to take it all. All of it." I stood in silence. I had no response. But the imagery of a beautiful girl standing naked in front of me was too much. My erection became so painful I had to shift my weight on my feet and manually correct its position in my shorts. He seemed to take special notice of my predicament, but was determined to address his concerns. "Can you do it?" he finally asked. "I don't know," I replied. "I can try, I guess. I've never done any of this before. I can only try." "Well then do it," he said with determination. He spread his arms out to the side and closed his eyes. I looked on with awe, and adjusted my hard-on one more time before I closed my eyes. Mark's heat signature was not bright, and I had to focus intently to get an image of the wisps of energy wafting off him. I poured all my attention into drawing them out, and they thickened, moving faster toward me in a brief torrent before waning. Mark's image flickered like a weak flame in a strong breeze and the current of energies being drawn into me sputtered and stopped. I flexed every muscle in my body to draw out more, concentrating on Mark's image, but I could not extinguish the last shimmer of brightness emanating from his body. I opened my eyes, and looked at Mark. He was crumpled over, leaning on a canoe, but still on his feet. "I can't do it," I said. His body sighed and he stood upright again. As he righted himself I could see he still had male genitals, although they had shrunk considerably. They were now even smaller than they'd been that morning in the cabin. "Shit," he said, and sat on a canoe sitting on the grass. "I'm sorry, I don't know about this power, or what I'm doing to you." "But it works," he said. I stood stalk still and he looked over at me. "But damn, you're so sexy. Such a stud." I blushed, but he couldn't see it in the moonlight. "Take out your cock, Robby. It's been so hard this whole time, and I'm tired of being the only one who's naked." "Oh god, no," I replied. Mark got up from the canoe and walked over to me, placing his hand on my erection, and then unzipping my pants, pushing them and my underwear to the ground. "Jesus, Robby, your clothes are soaked with pre cum," he commented before going to his knees. He took my erection in his mouth, and I felt like I'd gone to heaven. For a couple of minutes, Mark sucked and licked my penis before stopping. "If I can't be a girl, I want to feel like one at least once," he announced. He took the tarp off an adjacent canoe and spread it on the ground, then lay down, pulling me down with him. I laid on the tarp and he kissed me, took my hand and placed it on his breast, and began stroking my cock with one hand while playing with the tiny pieces between his legs. After a few minutes, my penis had produced enough pre-cum to leave his hand completely slicked and gooey, and he moved his sticky hand to his own penis, stroking and rubbing it with two fingers. It was tiny, but it looked hard, and I reached for it. Mark moved up to where I could see and touch, and I played with his tiny erection for a moment. It must've been less than an inch long and seemed like it was mostly head. A small bead of pre-cum glistened in the moonlight, and so I licked it off with my tongue. He shuddered, so I licked again, and kneaded his soft bottom with one hand. I then took the whole thing into my mouth, burying my nose in his soft bush of hair and breathed deep. It smelled clean and sexy with a hint of scented shampoo, and I suckled at it like a nipple, getting a slight taste of salty wet a couple of times. He moaned and stroked my much-larger member while I pleasured him. He then pushed me down onto my back and lay on top of me. He positioned my cock against his bottom and kissed me while I played with his nipples and breasts. He rubbed his butt against my pole, spreading precum across his hole, and rocking his hips back to probe himself with my tool. After another few minutes of this, he got back up and straddled me on his knees, and started to press down. I could feel my penis sinking into his butt, and I could feel his muscles tense, then relax, then tense again. He played with his tiny penis and I played with his breasts, and soon he relaxed and sat all the way down onto my gigantic cock. "I never thought I'd be doing this until last month," he said breathlessly. I said nothing, and started bucking up into his butt while he rode me like a cowboy. My cock felt completely encased in his ass, and I started to see his glow. A faint red glow covered his breasts and shone brightly from the spot in his groin, and I could see the wisps of energy drifting off him. And the more he slid up and down my cock and I thrust up into him the more I could see the energy being pulled from him. It was as though having my cock in him released hidden stores of his masculine energy within his body, the ones that could be released in no other manner. Thick billowing clouds of crimson energy washed from his body and prickled and warmed my face, chest, stomach, legs, and cock and balls as I drew them into me. The streams of heat thickened and moved faster and faster until he started yelping, and I realized he was having an orgasm. His hand moved rapidly against his nub of a penis, and I thrust up into him, feeling my focus and passions explode through the tip of my cock deep into his ass. I gasped for air, shaking and jolting involuntarily for a minute, and then lay quiet. Mark collapsed on top of me, sliding my still-hard cock out of his ass. He played my chest hair with his fingertips, and listened to my breathing. I let my eyes close to see his energy, but there was none at all, only darkness. I was disappointed I couldn't see into him that way any more. After a few minutes, Mark stood and walked into the lake. I sat up, looking down at my cock. Although no longer hard, it was plump and looked huge to me. I had lost my virginity by fucking a boy's ass. A boy I was turning into a girl. I looked out to the lake, watching Mark swim and tread water. "You better come in here to wash that big thing off," he warned in a bright, high whisper that carried across the warm still water. I obeyed and pulled off my shirt and shoes, then walked into the water, keenly aware of the weight of my penis as it swayed ahead of me. I swam over to where Mark was treading water and stopped, treading water next to him and wiping water from my eyes. "I'm really sorry about turning you into a girl," I said. "The pleasure was all mine," he responded. "That was really really nice. You have no idea how much I've wanted that." "Well OK," I said. "Plus," he continued, "I've got a surprise for you." "You have a surprise? What do you mean?" He took one of my hands and moved it to his stomach. It was smooth and soft, and he pushed my hand down to his groin. He kept moving my hand down until I had his groin cupped in my hand. He was a real girl. I left my hand in place for a moment, looking into his face. He was smiling. I moved my hand back to caress the lips of his pussy, and to find his clitoris, but he pulled back. "Not so fast," he said. "And definitely not while I'm treading water. Besides, I'm not that kind of girl." He winked and swam back to the boat shed. I followed, and watched him get out of the water. He walked with a sort of confidence, and his female form moved so gracefully. He grabbed his dress, pulling it back over his head. I climbed out of the water, my penis hard again, and went for my pants. Fully dressed, Mark walked over and gave my penis a tug. "You know, now that I have the right parts, this thing is gonna be really fun," he said with a wink. I was still dumbfounded. Everything that had happened seemed too surreal. I pulled my pants back up and fumbled in the bright darkness to find my other clothes. "I'm gonna head back to my camp now and shower up. This was fantastic, Rob. Really fantastic. I'm so glad we had a chance to talk." Her dress had soaked up the water from her skin, and clung to her like a wet t- shirt, accentuating her breasts. "And don't worry, this ability of yours - whatever it is - that secret is safe with me." I managed to get my penis stuffed back into my pants and pulled my shirt and shoes back on. "Yeah, um, Mary. This was wonderful. I'm glad you're happy but this is still weird." "Don't worry about it. Maybe we can try it again some time and we can both lose our virginity again," she said with a teasing sound in her voice as walked off into the darkness. --------- The next morning I awoke and went to the showers, standing proudly under the water, feeling it run through my body hair and over my muscles. My penis and testes were larger than they'd been the prior day, and my muscles and body hair were those of a mature man. I stood under the water for a longer time that usual, flexing muscles and observing what I'd become. I was still thirteen and I had a lot of growing yet to do, but I was special. I had a unique ability that I could use to change lives for better or worse if I chose. Other boys came into the showers, but this time I was not shy or ashamed. I watched their sexual energies move around and behind me without closing my eyes, letting their imagery blend with my visual senses. I watched their delicate maleness move with them as they bathed, and mused that they were completely unaware of the fragility of their masculinity. I let my beard grow for the remainder of the week before returning to my parent's home. I was a new man. I knew my place. -------- This story is is designed to stand on its own, but could obviously be expanded as Robby grows into an adult, going in many possible directions. If those directions interest you, feel free to let me know.

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Ya Better Cum Now

I had the day off so Tonya and I decided to spend the day making love. The first two times were great but what happened on the third go amazed both of us. I started out eating her, loving the taste of both our juices. As usual I made her cum between 6 and 8 times. Just as she was on the verge of another I stopped, slithered up her body and slid my cock in her. She came on the first stroke, something I absolutely loved and had done to her before. We proceeded making love, very short slow...

3 years ago
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Opus OneChapter 2 Offertory

Irina Tertychnaya mostly thought in English now. She wasn't sure when the change had happened. She found it amusing that in the twenty years or so that she had been at the Wexford Conservatory, she had changed her internal language, and yet her accent was as thick as the day she first stepped foot through the glass doors of the school. Marrying an American artist probably helped the change; she no longer spoke Russian other than the occasional chat with Yuri, the principle bassoonist of the...

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The Gift

The Gift by Brad Miller Hey, have you ever wondered what it would be like to be someone else? It was never something I really thought about until a couple years ago when my father told me about my very special gift. A gift that is passed from every male in the Edward's family to another. I inherited it from my father. And I am forever grateful for it. ---------- "Dammit Sean! Would you turn that fucking music down?", my sister, Alicia screamed. "Hell no! I'm trying to...

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Apocalypse BluesChapter 45

An hour later Friday, 25 April, 2014 “Do you, Ted, take these women to be your lawfully wedded wives, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, cherish, and protect, for better or worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?” I watched Sarah officiate the group wedding of her own cuck husband to her very own sister-wives. “I do,” Ted gulped now as his first wife, the Prophetess, winked at him. “Do you, ladies, take this man, Ted, to be your...

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Not Always Fair

Not Always Fair By Julie O Contains Characters from The Julieverse- Vengeance is Bittersweet Chapter 1 "So what the hell happened?" asked Brian Buford as he stepped out of his car. The police officer looked around as if to see if anyone was listening. "Your son was in an accident," replied the cop. "A drunk driver drove across the medium and ploughed into your son's car." "Is...

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RockmanChapter 4

Cassie and Ged both graduated with First Class Honours Degrees and celebrated with their families and friends at their graduation. Cassie's younger siblings, brother Mike and sister Marie came for the degree ceremony along with her parents. The family, with Ged included, celebrated afterwards with a meal at the hotel at which the family were staying. Two days later, Cassie and Ged celebrated with his parents at his favourite restaurant in Chinatown. He was an only child and thus there was...

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MySistersHotFriend Olivia Lua 22351

JMac thinks nobody’s home, so why not sit on the couch and stick his hand down his pants a while? But little does he know that his sister’s friend Olivia Lua is over, and not just that, but she catches him masturbating! J’s embarrassed and stuffing his meat back into his pants, but Olivia wants him to keep it going — especially since nobody else is around! Once she gets a good look at his big dick, the sexy brunette is so impressed that she wraps her lips around it. Pretty soon she’s wrapping...

3 years ago
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Bengali Housewife

Hello everyone this is a story about a bengali housewife that I am going to narrate to you. I am sure u have read many stories related to them. And to be honest it is not a fault of the writers it is just that these women have a sex appeal that can melt even diamond. Before I start let me introduce myself. My name is Nitin im from Bangalore, im 29 year old man. Sex is not an obsession for me. But the whole idea of having sex and interacting intimately with another female makes me high. A female...

1 year ago
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Episode 33 Second Homes

Hi, my name is Stephanie; I’m quite petite – slim, high breasts, short-cropped blonde hair and deeply tanned all over. I’m nearly 16 now, but with the right make-up and choice of underwear, I can be any age you want. I keep my cunt shaved to within an inch of her life – I hate pubic hair – it always gets stuck in your teeth. I was born Stephanie in this tiny village on the south Cornish coast, but most of my friends call me Steph, except for the boys at school who just grunt ‘Bitch’ when I pull...

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Slow Justice

Slow Justice by Ellie Dauber "Mr. Foreman, have you reached a verdict?" The jury foreman rose. He was an older man in a plaid work shirt and jeans. He looked nervously about the court room, his eyes never resting on Jenny or her parents sitting nervously behind the District Attorney's desk. Jenny Benton was a slender seventeen year old, her blonde hair done in a pony tail that hung down well below her shoulders. She wore a pale blue blouse with matching skirt and belt, light...

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A Weekend of Firsts Part 2

The next morning I woke up and really didn't want to go into work, all I wanted to do was get fucked all day like I did the night before.The whole time I was at work all I could think about was last night and what was going to be happening that night. I found it incredibly difficult to hide my erection, which gets a little awkward when speaking to customers. Luckily I lasted the day and got home as quick as humanly possible. I texted both men to see if everything was still on for that night and...

2 years ago
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A different kind of love

“Are you ready?” Brad asked Julie as she greeted him at the door.“I’m as ready as I’ll ever be,“ Julie giggled back at Brad, sticking out her foot showing off her newly purchased hiking boots she bought for their hike.“Very nice.” Brad smiled, loving her enthusiasm for the hike he had planned for them today.  Julie had never been hiking deep in the mountains and was a bit hesitant at first when Brad asked but was up for the challenge.After they drove the hour to the spot Brad wanted to take...

Love Stories
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The Sweat Lodge

The Sweat Lodge. First VisitI was an electrician by trade running my own business – had two full time electricians and each had an apprentice. I usually got out on the tools most days but there was the inevitable office work which my so overworked wife was supposed to do but never did ( stopped working when the first c***d came along and never returned to paidwork) I suppose the k**s were brought up OK as they both got to Uni – got degrees and had both left Australia for the UK to work. So I...

2 years ago
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Behind the church shed

When the boy came into view, she didn’t think anything of it. k**s came to the church building often, usually to play basketball or to skateboard in the parking lot. She and her husband taught Sunday School to a few of them every week. Melinda would never admit it to anyone, especially not her husband, but one of the things she enjoyed most about teaching was the attention the boys in class showed her. At 27, she wasn’t THAT much older than them, after all, and their raging hormones couldn’t...

1 year ago
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Elaine Griffen Black BreederChapter 9

It was one night when Elaine, Brutus and the Blacks & Issengard and the Norsemen raided a couple of "brothels", full of pimps, prostitutes and customers. They disguised themselves as policemen, raided a brothel containing at least 50 sex workers and while the customers were being chased out, the pimps and the prostitutes were loaded into lorries. They raided 7 brothels in one night. The lorries belonged to the NHS Harbor and drove all the way to the NHS Harbor. Elaine and crew opened...

2 years ago
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Mature Slut Wife Hot Swing Swap Night

My hot mature slut wife Debra has been wanting some new swing/swap action. Not enough that I fuck her 2-3 times a week and that we have two other couples we see 2-3 times a week she just always wants more cock. If you have not read some of the other stories about this incredible 59 y/o size mature slut then let me provide you a few details before you read on...... Like said 59, size 8, incredible natural tits with amazing nipples. A face that screams I am slut and fuck me hard and rough.... You...

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