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OK, I'm not really sure why I'm writing this, I don't think I'm feeling guilty but that could be one explanation for this missive. The other is that I want to pass on a good idea that worked out very well for me and I don't see any point in keeping the idea secret. I don't know which is the closest to the truth, and really I don't care. You, gentle reader can make up your own mind.

This story really started one Friday night at the beginning of spring. I had been out for the evening, well that was the original idea, with a young lady. Unfortunately it had turned into a disaster. The silly bitch had been too impatient to get at my money and had blown the whole night I had planned for us.

Just to help you understand where I'm coming from I'll give you a little background on myself. I'm in my early forties, and a little overweight but I have a healthy bank balance brought about by hard work and a little bit of luck. The luck being that I got out of the dot com business before the bubble burst.

Anyway, back to that spring evening. I'd pissed the money grabbing bitch off early and was making my way back to my Bimmer in a pretty foul mood. It was still early and most of the shops where still open, their bright lights depressing me as I strode through the city centre, which was still a chilly place at this time of night.

My personnel misery was rudely interrupted by a grubby hand being thrust under my nose and a whiny voice bleating, "Got any spare change, mister?" Normally in these situations I just brush past, I might be a bit paranoid but I'd worked hard to get my money and I didn't see why I should give it away for nothing. This time, for some reason, I looked at the owner of the hand, thinking to give some young sponger a hard time about being lazy.

The first thing I noticed was that it was a female and she wasn't that young, she had long, dark, straggly hair, pushed back behind her ears. Her face had that worn, dirty, lined look that being out in the wet and cold burdens a person with. Her clothing was a dark blue, ragged tracksuit that looked a little too large for the spare frame it covered. She looked to be in her mid thirties, but that really was just a wild arsed guess on my part.

The hand that wasn't thrust out in front of me was clutching a tatty old duffel bag that I guessed carried her belongings. The most striking feature in an otherwise weather worn face where the green eyes, they were still bright, almost sparkling, undefeated despite her current condition.

"And what would you want my change for?" I challenged, uncharacteristically for me.

"A coffee, sir, on this cold night." She said, trying to sound pitiful.

"Bullshit," I responded. My mind started weighing the options, what would it be, drugs or booze where the obvious choices. Booze, I decided. "You'll just go and get a beer and that'll last you thirty seconds."

She started to look a little angry, "So what if I do, what do you care?" She tried to straighten up, "A little bit of change isn't going to bankrupt you is it?" Her tone no longer weak and bleating.

I smirked at her honest answer, "No it wouldn't bankrupt me, but I'd get nothing for it either." I was about to walk away when a stupid idea hit me. I looked the woman up and down and actually smiled at her.

"I'll tell you what, you show me your tits, here and now, and I'll buy you a six pack, what do you say to that?"

She looked like a rabbit caught in a couple of spotlights, those green eyes grew incredibly round and her head shook from side to side. Whether she was saying no or looking around the street to see who was there was debatable.

I took a look around. I was on one of the side roads off the main thoroughfare. There was one of those cheap booze places on the corner where the street met the main road and close to the junction were a couple of the small shops that were still open. About half a dozen other people were walking along the street we were on, none of them closer than thirty yards.

"Well?" I pushed.

She still hadn't said anything, her mouth was opening and closing, a bit like a beached fish, inarticulate noise were slipping past her lips.

"No, Oh well you had your chance." I turned to leave, before I'd taken a couple of paces she called out.

"Wait, please wait." I looked back over my shoulder.

"Here, you mean I have to get them out here, now?"

"Yes, that's right, strip completely to the waist, right here, right now and I will go to that booze place and buy you a six pack. Anything else and I walk away."

I looked at her expectantly. Would she?

Her free hand was fiddling with zip that held her tracksuit top closed, the other hand, still holding her duffel, was swinging at her side. She cocked her head to one side, obviously appraising me. You could see her thinking, 'how much to show, will he cough up if I do, could I get away with less?'

Our little corner of peace and quiet was broken by the sound of her duffel hitting the pavement between her legs. She grasped the tag on the zip and quickly pulled it down. I caught a glance of a grey coloured top before it vanished from sight as her arms twisted around pulling it over her head.

Keeping the top in one hand she grasped the front of her bra, which I could now see had once been white, with the other hand and pulled it over her head without unfastening it exactly as she had done with the top.

She stood before me, in the middle of the street, her hands by her side, one holding her top the other her bra. Her little tits were topped by small, stiff nipples which she kept pointed straight at me.

She tried to give a little jiggle but not a lot happened, "Happy now?"

I smiled mostly with surprise. I hadn't really expected her to do it.

"Do I get my booze?"

I nodded my head, and set off back down the street, walking past her. I may be a bit of a bastard at times but I will always keep my part of any agreement I make. By the time I came out of the off licence she had her tracksuit top back on.

Still smiling I handed her a 6 pack of lager, "I look forward to seeing you again, " I said with a leer. Without a word she grabbed the six pack from me, twisted around and forced the six cans into her duffel before turning and running away from me.

Though surprised at her abrupt departure I continued my journey home, smiling and a lot less depressed than I had been.

So here I was wandering the city streets in the early evening, staring at the various dropouts and bums and that littered the streets. I'll admit now that I was curious about the little bit of stuff I'd had some fun with last week.

Various thoughts kept going through my head, not all of the charitable. Was she all right? How far would she go? Was she clean? And a million similar ideas. That was the reason for my evening stroll on the darkside of city life, a mix of curiosity and dark fantasies.

It was the duffel bag that lead me to her, though I hadn't consciously remembered it, seeing it triggered a buried memory. On the bottom had been a picture of a fish in a slightly darker blue than the rest of the bag. There, resting on a bench by the bus stop was that same bag.

I made my way over, almost sneaking up on my intended victim. As I stepped in front of her she jumped and started looking for a way to escape, it was only after she saw she was effectively trapped that she even looked to see who I was.

When she looked straight at me it was I who got a shock. She'd been beaten up, it was obvious from the discoloration around one eye and the healing split on her lower lip.

"What the hell happened to you?" I burst out before she had a chance to say anything some of my shock no doubt showing through.

Her breathing slowed as she realised I wasn't attacking her, then I noticed recognition in her eyes.

"Oh, it's you." She said. "Well I didn't get to drink the booze you got me. A couple of blokes took it from me." Her hand came up and touched her lip, "and they wouldn't take no for an answer."

"Tough, and don't tell me there was nobody to report it too."

"What do you think, the pigs are more likely to give any of us a kicking than help us, even if we're in the right."

Now that I could understand. The police might be a fine upstanding body but it was your average citizen that paid their wages, not layabouts who didn't have jobs.

"So, do you want somewhere to stay?" I asked surprising myself.

She looked me up and down as though trying to fathom my intentions, I reacted badly to her inspection. "God No!" I exclaimed, "I've got a shed in the back garden you can use for a couple of days, nothing else."

What I didn't tell her was that my shed as I'd called it, was actually a three roomed summer house made of twenty five millimetre seasoned pine. It was triple insulated and had a log burning stove to keep it warm. As well as full plumbing and power to it. I'd actually stayed in it for the odd evening when I'd had to much to drink and couldn't be bothered to go back to the main house.

I glanced about before looking down at her and saw that she was trying to spot the catch. So I'd give her a catch, hopefully I thought, smiling internally, one she'd go along with.

"If you want some booze" I paused, "I'll get you the same as last time." Another pause, "All you have to do is ride home in my car, topless."

She swallowed, her Adams apple bobbing noticeably as she did so. "Topless, you mean like I was when you were staring at my tits?"

"That's right, nothing on above the waist from when you get in the car to when you get out."

"Why the bloody hell would I do a thing like that." It was almost as if she was trying to convince herself that she was angry at my suggestion.

"For a few cans of beer and somewhere safe to drink it, along with somewhere sheltered to spend the night." I replied, doing my best to look serious.

Despite my best efforts to convince her I could see she was going to say no. For some reason I was trying to think of some way to sweeten the deal but hadn't got any inspiration. Events then lent me a hand.

The whole time the conversation had been going on both of us, her more than I, had been keeping an eye out for any signs of, I suppose, danger. She must have spotted something because she froze, looking off to the side. I followed the direction of her gaze and saw a large, scruffy looking bloke, another street dweller.

"Someone you know?"

She jerked her head round to me, "Yeah, one of the blokes from the other night." She wasn't panicking but I saw her face change as she made a decision. "I'll take you up on that offer after all."

"Good," I said, "Lets go see what we can find for you." I turned and walked back towards my car, and the corner booze store I'd used the previous time. The woman grabbed her bag and followed along, though she did keep glancing back towards the man who trailed along behind us.

The trip through the booze supermarket was carried out as quickly as possible, partly to give her no time to change her mind and in part to keep her safe. Yes that's right safe, I didn't want that bloke to get brave enough to approach us.

As it was he'd just started to move up when I came out of the exit. I gave him a hard look and he retreated back the way he'd come. What I'd have done if he'd kept coming I've no idea but I've found that if you project the right attitude people just expect things to happen.

"Come on then, the car's in the underground garage." I didn't give her time to respond just walked off and let her chase after me. I led the way to my car pondering the best way to carry through on our agreement, I expected her to run now that we'd lost our shadow.

"OK, here's what I've got for you," I said holding the carrier bag open to display a six pack of beer and a half bottle of vodka. Once she'd seen what was in the bag I placed it in the back of the Bimmer and closed up the tailgate.

"Now, get your top off and well go home."

"Can't I get in first?" She asked.

"No, the agreement was topless the whole time you were in the car, that means from when you get in to when you get out." She hesitated, so I walked around to the drivers door before calling out, "Your choice, I'm going, you can either get in or stay here."

I slowly got in and looked across at her. She paused for a moment then even quicker than I remembered from last time stripped to the waist and jumped in the car, dropping her bag between her feet. She held her clothes in front of her obscuring my view.

I scowled at her, "Put the clothes in your bag and fasten your seat belt, we haven't got time to play silly games."

I suppose sheepish is the best way to describe the look she favoured me with before she leant forward and stuffed her clothes into her bag. After she'd fastened her seat belt I took a good look at her. Her small breasts were nicely separated by the cross belt, her nipples were firm red tips sticking out, whether due to excitement or the cold I couldn't say.

I wasn't in any rush and really wanted to see how she'd react so I took the long way home, circling around the city centre to find the route home. This gave many people a chance to spot the half naked woman sat in the front seat but as far as I was able to see nobody noticed and after the first couple of minutes she stopped fidgeting and just sat normally.

Two important points came out on that drive home, the first was her name, Alison, which was the only personal information I asked for. The other was the fact that she stunk, in the enclosed space of the car it was bad, only the fact that it came at me slowly enabled me to keep my mouth shut, but it also gave me something else to do when we got home.

After parking on my drive I led her around the side of the house and into the back garden. She'd been sat there with her mouth open from the time I'd driven onto the development. The houses on our estate were all on separate plots with plenty of land around them, my own house had five bedrooms, a finished cellar and a swimming pool in the back garden. She followed me around the side of the house saying nothing until she saw the shed I'd said she could use.

When she saw it she stopped in her tracks, looked at me and then burst out, "What the fuck is that?"

"It's the shed you're staying in, if you still want to." I answered, trying not to sound smug.

She slowly moved forward and climbed the two steps up onto the veranda, without touching anything she glanced through the windows, then moved over to the opposite side of the veranda and looked through the second window.

What she saw was an open space divided into a sitting area and a small kitchenette. A couple of small sofas provided the seating around a glass topped coffee table. Hanging on the wall was a small flat screen television and under that was the music centre and DVD player combination. The kitchenette had a small fridge/freezer, a hob and a sink along with a couple of cupboards for storage.

In the centre of the rear wall of the main living area where two doors, the right hand one led into a bathroom which had a sink, toilet and shower. The left hand door led into the bedroom, which had built in wardrobes with mirrored doors, a couple of bedside cabinets and a queen sized double bed.

After her inspection Alison turned back to me, "You're letting me stay in here?"

I nodded.

"Why?" She asked.

Yes indeed, why? I didn't know and told her so. "I don't know. When I suggested it, it just seemed like a good idea and one thing I won't do is break any deal I've made."

She looked at me as though I was mad, which I suppose from her point of view I probably was. "Don't worry, the deal was a place to stay for a couple of days and the booze," I held up the bag I'd recovered from the back of my car before leading her into the garden, "for travelling here topless." That was when she remembered that she hadn't put her top back on.

It was amusing to watch her go bright red and throw her arm across her chest before glowering at me and dropping her arms back to her sides when she remembered that I'd seen everything already. When she'd calmed down I handed over the beer and took the key for the summer house off my key ring.

"Here, let me open the door," I pushed it open and stepped back, passing close to her, catching a whiff of her as I did so, that reminded me of how much she stank. "If you give me your clothes I'll get them washed for you."

"I thought you said you didn't go back on deals!" She exclaimed.

I looked at her confused, "Bollocks." I said, under my breath, though I'm sure she heard from the way her face tightened again. "Go in there," I said waving at the door, "and pass those filthy clothes out. I'll leave them on that chair," I indicated one of the chairs on the veranda, "in the morning."

She looked suspicious but I was having none of it. "Just do it."

She pulled her top and bra out of her bag and dropped them on the floor before moving through the door, it didn't take long before the rest of her clothes were passed through a barely open door and dropped on top of the pile.

I bent to pick up the clothes, carefully minimising my contact with them. I smiled as I caught a glimpse, through the window, of Alison scurrying across the room, her pale naked ass wiggling as she headed for the bedroom.

I dropped the, now, clean clothes on the chair I'd indicated the night before and banged on the door. As I waited for a response I chuckled over the previous nights performance, especially when I'd had a go at using the washing machine and tumble dryer. They may have been in the utility room since I'd bought this place but I normally sent everything out to be cleaned so their operation had been a minor challenge.

Inside the summer house nothing much appeared to happen so I thumped the wooden surround again as hard as I could. After a couple of minutes the bedroom door opened and Alison peered out at me. I smiled brightly at her and spoke up, "Your clothes are here," I pointed towards the chair but doubted if she could see them from where she was. "If you want some breakfast come over to the house and join me."

I left it at that and headed back to the coffee and the morning paper I'd left in the kitchen. Half an hour later I spotted movement out of the corner of my eye and looked up. There was Alison freshly washed and dressed. She hadn't done much to change her appearance, probably because she didn't have any cosmetics or anything, but at least she was clean.

I waved her into the kitchen and pointed at a stool, "Grab a seat, what would you like?" I asked.

"I don't know, it's been so long since I had a breakfast." She looked a little wistful, "I'll have whatever you're having."

"I'm having toast and coffee, do you want the coffee or something stronger?"

I watched as she struggled with herself and was surprised when she said coffee. I threw some thick sliced bread into the toaster and while it was cooking collected the butter, cheese and various jams from the refrigerator. I set the whole lot on the breakfast bar, in front of Alison, and sat down myself.

We didn't speak much as we worked our way through half a loaf and a couple of pots of strong filter coffee. I for one was having a few strange thoughts about this woman in front of me, teasing dominant type thoughts. Thoughts that I hadn't had in any normal relationship before, but you could hardly call our relationship normal could you.

I finally broke the silence between us, "Do you have any plans for the next few days?" She looked up and scanned my face, I guess she was trying to figure where the trap was, then shook her head negatively.

"Fancy staying here for a few more days?" I asked.

Her face took on a deeply suspicious look, you could almost see her brain trying to weigh up all of the options. Finally she asked, "What for?"

I thought about my answer for a moment before saying, "More of the same, I'll get you to do things like going topless and in exchange I'll provide you with all the booze you want. You can stay in the shed, I'll even let you have the key for it so you'll feel safe. What do you say?"

She was totally focused on what I was saying, still looking for the trap I was building. After a couple of deep breaths she spoke up, "I'm not going to let you fuck me no matter what you offer."

"In case you hadn't noticed I hadn't mentioned sex." I said with a slight snarl, I took a deep breath to calm myself. "The way I see it," which was a lie, I was making this up as I went along, "is that I will ask you to do something. If you are willing to do it we will then negotiate a price for doing that thing. What this means is that, if you don't want to do whatever it is I've asked for, you say no, and that is the end of it. If you are happy to do the task then I get you what we agreed on and, after you've carried out your part we move on to whatever I think up next."

That sounded a little confused, maybe even complicated, to me but I'm sure I got the gist of the idea over to her.

"No sex." She reiterated.

"If I ask for sex and you say no that is the end of the matter. If I ask you to stand on your head and you don't want to that is the end of that as well. I can ask for the same thing over and over but just because you said yes once doesn't mean it's yes every time. You can always refuse to do something." I stopped and took a sip of my coffee and watched as she mulled over my offer.

Finally she looked up, "OK," was all she said.

I stuck a hand in my pocket and pulled out the key to the summer house, "Here you are," I said, passing it over to her. "Make yourself at home."

The next couple of days were pleasant as I allowed Alison to settle in. She seemed to enjoy the feeling of security she'd gained and started to come out of her shell a little. I guess the only down side for her was me and all I did was keep her topless most of the time.

I don't think it was the sight of her dinky little tits that did it for me. It was more the feeling of power I got whenever she appeared with her stiff little nipples on display.

In the end it was me that got bored, bored of hanging around the house, bored of seeing her in the same old outfit, bored of... well you get the idea. It was the tracksuit that finally did it for me. We had to get her something else to wear, something much more revealing.

"Come on, let's go get you some clothes," I called out.

I was going to have to do something about that look she kept giving me, I just couldn't figure out what.

"Why?" she asked, "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

"I don't like it, it's time for something different." I answered.

"So is this one of those offer, accept, decline things we talked about?"

Got me, "I guess it is. So, what is it going to cost me to get you to come shopping for some new clothes, then?" I asked.

"A bottle of vodka." She stated.

"Too much." I shook my head to emphasise the point. "A half, and you have to do as I say."

"Throw in a six pack and you've got a deal."

"You sure?" I asked.

She stopped, thought over our conversation and nibbled at her lip in concentration. "I can still refuse if you get extreme but I think I'm sure."

Well that was as clear as mud wasn't it. "OK, we'll give it a try and see how we go." I could always throw her out if she got to objectionable.

I made sure I'd got my wallet and we headed for the nearest shopping mall. As I drove along I tried to decide what I was going to get her. A dress of some sort was a certainty, as were a couple of blouses and short skirts. Was there anything else she needed?

"What do you think we should get?" I asked hoping for some ideas.

"I don't know, what do you want me to have?" Alison had a very expressive face and the look she was giving me now clearly said that this was your idea not mine.

"Alright," I said, glancing to the heavens, "I'm getting you a dress and a couple of blouses and skirts," after a short pause I added, "very short skirts." I flicked my gaze over to her. Can you think of anything else you'd need now?"

She was silent for a couple of minutes and then half turned in the seat, "Underwear and shoes."

I gave her a questioning look.

"I doubt if tatty trainers," she held up a foot to show me the state of her footwear, "will go with skirts and dresses."

I nodded in response.

"And if you expect me to wear very short skirts out," she raised an eyebrow and I nodded back, "then I'm going to want some underwear that is better than plain grey knickers, aren't I?"

"I guess you are," I agreed, then had a thought, "What about stockings." I couldn't help but smile as I asked.

"In your dreams," was the reply, though the smirk that went with the comment led me to believe that she wasn't as averse to the idea as she sounded.

After we'd parked up I led her through the mall, just looking at what sort of shops were there. I can't say that I was that familiar with the sort of shops that women went into for clothes. After we'd walked from one end of the mall to the other I decided to call a halt and stopped for a coffee. As I sat next to a silent Alison I contemplated what I'd seen. There seemed to be three general categories of shops, the designer outlets that were expensive in the extreme, the mundane chain stores that catered for the everyday needs of your typical house wife, call it boring. Then there were the shops that targeted the youngsters, fashion clothes that were cheap and cheerful, almost disposable but not expected to be worn by anyone over the age of twenty five.

From what I'd seen in the windows they were the shops we'd be looking in. I finished my coffee then pointed Alison at a shop called New Look. "In there first, I think." Alison didn't say anything just followed me as I trailed a couple of, what looked like, fourteen year olds into the store.

The noise was horrendous, I guess being brain dead allows you to waste money without to much thought.

I looked around and saw a store layout guide fastened to one of the pillars next to the escalators. I made my way over there and had a read, looked like the dresses were on the upper floor thought the rest was down here on the ground floor.

I pointed at the escalator and shouted across to Alison, "Dresses first," and followed her up the escalator.

The upper floor was quieter than downstairs, for which I was grateful. I looked around and realised that I was going to have to look at the whole floor as there didn't seem to be a sign for disgustingly short dresses. I took Alison by the arm and started out in a clockwise direction, just following the natural walk ways and mooched about. Occasionally I'd stop and inspect something that caught my eye but generally kept moving.

A muttered "Nice," from Alison attracted me. I looked over at her and found she had stopped at a rack that I'd somehow missed and was running her fingers over a blue dress. I joined her and looked at what she'd found.

It was deep blue and made out of some sort of clingy material, from what I could see on the hanger it had a deep v-shaped neckline and there appeared to be cut-outs in the sides. "Grab that one, you can try it on in a bit, let's see what else we can find," I said as I headed off.

The next dress I found was also blue, but this time a very pale blue, the attached label described it as a tube dress with a front cut out detail. I handed it over to Alison and pointed towards the changing rooms.

"Try them on and come out to show me." I said, "Don't bother wearing anything under them, OK?"

She nods and just heads for the changing room, collecting the little green tag with the number two on as she passes the shop assistant. I hang around for a couple of minutes, watching the young girls going in and out of the changing room. God they're noisy.

Alison came out in the darker of the two blue dresses, approached me and just before she reached me she spun round causing the skirt part of the dress to flair out. It didn't go high enough to reveal what she was, or wasn't, wearing underneath but it was enjoyable to watch. Where the front plunged down it allowed easy access to her breasts and if they had been large enough would have exposed their edges nicely. As Alison was small on top it merely displayed them nicely. The cut-outs would allow my hands to touch flesh in a normal cuddle and slide inside to cup her ass for something more intimate. On the downside they did show how pale she was.

"Not bad at all," I told her, "Now go try on the other one." Without a word she turned and walked away, flicking her hips from side to side as she did so.

After another short wait she reappeared in the pale blue dress. This one clung to her like a second skin following every move her body made. There was no need to spin in this dress, the skirt wasn't designed to flair at all. Her nipples were making clear marks in the bra like top. Although she hadn't spun round as she approached me I had her do a twirl, just to see how the dress emphasised her ass.

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My wife Katie is absolutely blonde - 5'9" tall - very slim and very leggy, with the most perfectly fit bottom you've ever seen. But the incredible bonus is that most stick-insect models of her build would have no bust at all, she, on the other hand, has a pair of breasts to die for. They are 36C and perfectly proportioned (Heidi Klum style). You might wonder why I am waxing lyrical about her in such detail. The reason is that: I still can't believe that I managed to get her for myself... To cut...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 25

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 25 Friday. The last day of term and as a result, just a half day at that. Paula knew that she would have some spare time on her hands today and she was wondering whether or not she could get some unplanned extra time with Kelly. But first there was still a first period to recover from. In fact, she felt worse. She got up and slowly made her way to the bathroom and took the tampon out. It was soaked in blood and this only made her feel worse still....

3 years ago
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My date with mom

Mom and I spend every Thursday night together as you may know reading my other post regarding our times together. Yesterday was special she took off work and we spent the whole day and night together as mom and daughter. We went for a ride in the mountains had lunch at an small town inn. There were 6 others there and they all were looking at us as we sat next to each other in a booth exchanging quick kisses and our hands on each others legs. Just mom and daughter in love. She was wearing a...

4 years ago
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My Ex and her Sster

My Ex and her S*sterBackgroundMe and Kat went out for about 10 years, we had two k**s together. We split up about 4 years ago. We stayed friends for the k**s sake but hardly talked or had contact apart from when it involved the k**s. That all changed about 6 months ago when she split up with her boyfriend. We go talking about stuff one night on the phone and I chanced my arm and invited her round for a shag. She accepted the offer and we began sleeping together again just going out getting...

1 year ago
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Delivering whats needed

Introduction: Horny housewife jumps the delivery man Dedicated to Cat You wake up to find yourself alone in the house. Your husband has already left for work despite the early hour. Hell be home much later, because his boss demands unreasonable hours. Youll never complain, one look around the luxurious house shows just how much hes done to provide for you. You step into your kitchen, the one you wanted with the new appliances and marble countertops just like youd requested when you were...

2 years ago
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A mom sex story of Sonia and me

Hi, friends. I am Raj, age 23, from Mumbai. I am here to share a real incident of my life that I had hidden from everyone until now. I wanted to have girlfriends and even fling with older women milfs, cougars, etc. Since I was a bit shy and an average-looking guy, I never had a gf till now. The only time I had sex was with a prostitute at a friend’s flat. But that was not satisfying. I wanted to have sex with a lady who was not a prostitute. I had a friend named Kabir in college who was 21...

2 years ago
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The man of my dreams part 2

I went home thinking about how wonderful my day had been. The guy of my dreams just fucked me royally and I loved every minute of it. Then I called him: “Thank-you for inviting me over, I had a wonderful time.” I said happily. “I did too, let’s do it again sometime.” “Yes we should.” I thought, wow, was this really happening to me? I do not know why it was but I do know that I am one lucky girl.“Can I ask you a question?” I said. “Yea sure; you can ask me anything.” “Why did you choose me?”...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Sandy Wants Joshs Cock

Sandy's parting words echoed in my mind, "I love being your whore..." Our late night fuck-fest was unexpected and absolutely fantastic, but I wondered if she would tell Ray that she had wantonly fucked the guy her husband hired to help remodel his Wisconsin cabin. Perhaps tomorrow would be my last day on the job. In any event, I consoled myself with the idea that you can't change history. What's done is done. I had no regrets. Turns out my fears were unfounded. The next morning Sandy and Ray...

4 years ago
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Roommates Chapter 4 Im not gay

"I have been fucked to exhaustion," announced Emily. She was stretched out naked on the futon in her loft apartment. Her roommates, Doug and Jason, also both naked, lay beside her."I'm still in the mood," said Doug. He was the aggressive one of the pair."I could do it again, Emily, but whatever you want is fine with me," said Jason. He was the cupcake, warm, loving, and wimpy."The two of you are too much for me," she replied."I need to come again," said Doug. He sat up on his knees. "I will...

3 years ago
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Photographer Ch 11

Tammy had a mixture of feelings. She hoped she hadn’t lost her chances with Greg by going off with Sylvia yesterday. She wondered if Greg had told her about fucking Amy to make her jealous or to let her know that she wasn’t important to him. As great as her day with Sylvia had been, it was nothing compared to being with Greg. She hoped he would call her. She was too embarrassed to call him. When her phone rang she grabbed it, hoping he would not be mad at her. Good morning Greg how are you. ...

3 years ago
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The VIP Lounge

It was the buzz that I liked most, that moment before you start losing control of your legs. The moment when you're crazy happy,flirty and chilled out at the same time. It was where I liked to be and where I liked to stay whenever on a night out. Maya had been my party pal since college. She was the one who took care of me whenever I overstepped my buzz. When I'd be hunched over the toilet shouting for Huey, shed be there rubbing my back and holding my hair. She didn't usually stop at the...

4 years ago
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Mail OrderChapter 2 The Sexy Bit

We stood there for what seemed like an age but was probably just a few seconds, staring into each other's eyes. My hands were on the shoulders but I slid them down to her waist and pulled her closer to me. Her lips were moist from her tongue running over them and I found my own drawn towards them. Hazel groaned softly as I brushed my lips against hers, and ran my tongue across them, tasting her saliva. Her breasts were now pressed hard against my chest and I could feel her breathing as they...

3 years ago
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Yearning for Mom

It started when I was a teenager and living alone with my mother. I was the youngest of five and all my siblings had moved on after my parent’s divorce. We lived in an apartment complex with a lot of young couples and divorced women with k**s. The pool was a gathering place for everyone, mom was part of a group of backgammon playing, wine drinking ladies. It was during this time when I started to grow. I lifted weights for football and was looking good at 185lbs. and 6′ tall. Sue, one of the...

1 year ago
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Paradoxical ChauvinismChapter 8

Light conversation fills the atmosphere. The lighting is dim, the tables are clean and the televisions behind the bar are filled with images of the news, stock market and horse racing. It is Malcolm’s element, his stomping grounds. There isn’t a crowd he has to shove his way through and by the time he reaches the bar, the bartender has his drink of choice waiting for him. “Put it on my tab, Charlie?” he asks the bartender. The woman nods. “Dr. Winters is waiting for you over there,” she...

2 years ago
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Ashleys Place

As the sun shone brightly outside, Nika and her best friend Ashley were inside shopping at the local mall. The place was bustling with people at every corner, everyone swarming like bees in their hive. Nika and Ashley had just found themselves a place to sit in the centre of the food court after a tiring morning of shopping. They licked their ice cream treats as they talked, the cold chill feeling great on their teasing tongues. “I’m thinking of dying my hair Ashley, do you think it’s a good...

2 years ago
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Chudai ka maza

Hello People… SACHIN here again with another sexy and erotic story based on my girlfriend.Hello all iss reder ki bhabhiya,auntiya & ladkiya,mai SACHIN fir ek nai sacchi kahani aap ko sunane ja raha hu.aap sab logo ko mujhe apna parichai dene ki jarurat to sayed nahi hogi.kyoki meri story to roj 1ss par aa hi raha hai aur aap sari sexy ladies jo mujhse phone ya mail ke dwara contect kar rahi hai unko bhi mai dhanybad deta hu ki wo log mujhe itna pasand kar rahi hai.lekin ek baat ke liye mai aap...

2 years ago
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A girl keeps warm in the gents toilet

It was a freezing night, -15C and to cap it the snow started falling, 'What the fuck', flashed through my mind, too cold to snow?I gather my coat around me, trying to trap what heat I was generating, my short skirt and bare stockinged topped legs, were numb, so there was my heat loss, not from my head, but from my crotch, still I loved this kind of attire, showing my ass and white flesh, framed in black, frilly knickers and stockings, large mesh, fuck I can feel my pussy flow at the thought of...

2 years ago
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Saturday Morning

As any typical Saturday morning Dan is stirred by one of three things, the birds outside the open window, the arguing of his kids over the television or a hard on. This morning was the latter. He spooned behind his wife, Karen. He wrapped his arms over her and nuzzled into her neck. Her mussed curly brown hair hung just below her shoulders. He buried his nose and lips in it just behind her ears on her neck. She was half awake but loved any sort of attention from her husband she could get as...

Love Stories
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Poker Game

The young woman had finished bathing, dressing, and putting on her makeup, and she was ready to leave for work. She stepped out of her bathroom and was confronted by a tall man she had never seen. She was frightened and about to try to run when another man appeared, a man she knew and despised, her nearest neighbor who lived a half mile down the gravel, country road that wound its way within a thick forest. The man she did not know turned to the neighbor and nodded. ‘She’ll do,’ he said. ...

2 years ago
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Sharing Cindy Chapter 34 Cindys New Job and the Men She Meets There

Introduction: This is another in the long list of true adventures my wife and I have shared. Sharing Cindy Chapter 34 Cindys New Job and the Men She Meets Thank to the many of you who have been in contact with me through these stories. Looking back on all the fun times my wife Cindy and I have had over the years, and writing them down for others to experience, has been a very enjoyable experience for me. I can only hope that some of you have enjoyed reading these as much as I have enjoyed...

2 years ago
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Sex make a happy family4

Hi Iss reader Sanjay again here to tell you, my family’s sex story. We is my Mom & me enjoyed our 1st night in my last story. We decided to meet as lover in lovers’ park of the city at 4 Pm. The time were not crossing. My sis, father & mom left the house according to there schedule time and myself also left for college. I reached there before the time around 3.30 and my mom there, as she also reached there before time. She told that after lunch she took half day leave from her boss and reached...

3 years ago
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Suggestible Suzie

Girlish giggles filled the room as Hargraves adjusted the settings on the Monitor console."It feels like you've brought me up to see your etchings," Suzie Masefield observed."I take my work very seriously, Miss Masefield," Jack replied, with a biofeedback sensor in each hand. "If you believe this to be some kind of deception, perhaps we should call it off.""Oh, no, I'm only kidding, Jack.""I suppose you might be nervous and trying to hide it behind a joke," Hargraves...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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My first time with a guy

I lost my virginity early in life to my mom’s best friend, she was bi and she liked to “share” me with her friends, so by the time I hit my 20’s I was well experienced with older women and loved it. One of my mature friends had a thing for anal sex, not just receiving it but also giving it. It started out simply enough with her licking and fingering my ass but it soon turned to dildos and strap-ons. I was enthusiastic at first but when she pulled out the thick 8” dildo she wanted to use on...

2 years ago
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Sid and the big breasted celebs pt5 Tisca Chopra

This happened a few months after the fabulous day I spent with bollywood actresses Zarine khan and Asin thottukamal. I had gone clubbing with my friends. It was a very happening place. Many celebs used to come here to party. Me and my friends were drinking and scoping the ladies when I saw Tisca Chopra. Her tall and shapely frame complimented her good looks perfectly. She had a beautiful 36D-27-34 figure. I pointed her out to my friends and said,"Hey I'm gonna make a bet. I bet I can have sex...

1 year ago
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The slave

Chapter 1 ????????????? Chapter 1   ?????? After work I thought I would go out for a drink ? thinking that going through an alley would be much shorter than walking? a block ,but I was mistaken. Someone came at me with a gun I ran as fast as I could but no luck.? I woke up straped to a hospital bed naked just as I was coming to a doctor came near me ?Well look? Sleeping? Beauty is finally awake.? ?Whaat!? Where am I !!? ?You are at? Madame Adels? private hospital?? ?What happened ??...

2 years ago
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The Hmong girl next door

I just got done mowing my yard, sat and take a sip of cold refreshing water with Max, My 5-year-old golden retriever beside me. As a 60 years old Vietnam veteran I try to keep myself healthy by doing daily outdoor chores and going to the local gym on regular basis, for my age I’m quite fit, standing 5’10 weighing 193 pounds.I’ve been single for a year now, is not that my sexuality took a downturn, is just that finding the right women in these days are tough, it’s even more challenging when I’m...

1 year ago
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Birthday Present for Wife

"So?" I asked cryptically when I opened the door. "So?" he mimicked my tone and a sly smirk formed on his lips. "Oh come on. You have to tell me what it is?" I pouted. "It's my birthday. I deserve to know." He stepped through the doorway, closed the door behind him, and then pressed me up against the wall with his lips on mine. I inhaled the woody scent of his cologne as we tasted each other. My pussy quivered in excitement; the heat of arousal brewed between my legs. He...

4 years ago
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Suburban SuccubusChapter 7 In the cold light of day

The next time I awoke, it was morning. Birds chirped their dawn greetings to all and sundry, raising an impressive racket for their smile size. I blearily opened my eyes, rubbed the sleep from them, and regarded my bedmate, acutely aware of my morning wood jamming into my mother's side. She was wearing a small, satisfied smile after my night of excess with both her and Liira, and had evidently been awake for some time before me. Now that she was awake, she threw back the covers, a...

2 years ago
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Aliens and CowboysThe Alliance

The trip back to Atlanterra seemed to take less and less time each trip they made, Cricket’s updates to the star charts really were paying off! An unexpected side effect of the sensor and communication beacons. Whenever they stopped to communicate, there were messages from either Annabelle or Liyana about the wedding. They created the invite list, which included Samira, Angela and Kaleb from Atlanterra, and Annabelle invited two friends, Tracy and Lindsey from school, who she also asked to...

4 years ago
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Velvets Sweet StallionChapter 7

Velvet's love for her stallion had reached abnormal proportions. She was with the horse constantly. They were always together. They enjoyed each other's company. Every chance she could she touched his cock. She didn't know what had come over her. Her dreams were becoming more vivid every night. Sometimes she would wake up screaming and bathed in a cold sweat. Then she heard Vulcan whinnying in his stall from the stable below her window. Velvet had gotten into the habit of touching and...

1 year ago
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fifth adventure with my daughter

As it was getting close to Karen’s birthday, Susan and I had different ideas about what to get her so we decided to ask Karen one evening if there was anything she would like. So the following Sunday evening while we were all together I explained to Karen that neither her mum nor I could agree on what to get for her birthday and we were keen to know if there was anything special she would like. Karen told us that instead of us buying her some clothes or jewellery she would be happy if we could...

3 years ago
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Fucked The Entire Family

Hi friends, I am Rupesh age 20 from Mumbai. I am 5.10″ tall. This is a real story which took place six months ago. I had a good friend named Ankit. Ankit was 15 years old and used to stay with his family near my house at a distant of 5 mins. His family members included his younger sister Sakshi, mother Raksha and father Suresh. I and Ankit were very close. I used to stay most of the time at his place only. His mom and dad also treated me very well. I was like one of their family members. Ankits...

2 years ago
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SRU High School Reunion

This is written for the third anniversary of the SRU universe. It's a little late, but somethings can't be helped. The first story specifically designated as SRU (although I spelled it all out the first couple of posts) was posted to the TSA-TALK mailing list on October 8, 1996. At first, I wasn't sure if I would have the time to write an anniversary story. There was the crossover series with the Altered Fates universe to consider, although that project now looks dead. And I didn't...

2 years ago
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Theatrical 9

Theatrical…..9 We arrived at the club and found a seat a waitress in a small skirt that was more like a pelmet came over and asked us what we wanted to drink, “a white wine and a coke” I said before he got the chance to order, she sashayed away to the bar, her buttocks clearly visible below the skirt, he watched her go, I slapped his hand, “hey, you are with me remember” I said, “and I thought we had an open relationship, after you and the waiter, well!, I’m gutted” he feigned disappointment...

3 years ago
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Wolf Eve

Introduction: A werewolf for Christmas. Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to. -Mark Twain, Following the Equator *** It was an old forest, with ancient trees and long shadows through which kobolds and goblins might creep, and with deep hollows and still ponds and hidden caves and secrets and hazard. Peter walked with his pack and his stick and when he came to the forest he went in. It seemed a good place to be alone. He was not a priest anymore. Excommunication, they called it....

3 years ago
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LilyChapter 3

Lily woke to find that Rich's seed was still sticky between her cheeks, and that Rich had buried his face into her bosom at some point during the night. She felt his breath on her chest, his hand on her hip, and his hard-on pressing against her thigh. Rich woke to find that something was moving under the sheets, and that his cock was in something wet, and warm. He subtly shifted his leg, not wanting to let her know that he was awake, and he watched the figure bob up and down underneath the...

1 year ago
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ShesNew Paisley Porter Cheerleader Next Door Sucks More

Bleach blonde cutie Paisley Porter is brand new to the industry, and this girl is a looker. She has a sweet and innocent face that could make you melt with just a glance. She is also a super sexual person, so it makes sense that she would become a porn star. Today, she is jumping in headfirst and taking a big dick in the process. She loves giving head andher pussy pounded doggystyle… something about getting fucked from behind just hits the spot for this dirty girl. Then, she takes a...

3 years ago
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sub girl fantasies

found: subgirlfantasies.wordpress.com1. The Beginning…So…I’m that depraved, malleable, passive little fuckhole you’ve been wanking about…Let me tell you a little story. I’ll let you decide how much of it’s true and how much is simply the product of an overstimulated imagination, but I bet you’re wrong… Going to University felt like freedom, full uninhibited freedom, for the very first time. I was a fresh young lamb, albeit a pretty horny one, let loose in the big (hopefully bad) world, ready to...

3 years ago
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Back Stage Cum Slut

Loren paced around the room. She checked her phone but there were no texts. Where is she? What's taking so long?A few days ago her roommate Angela had scored two back stage tickets to the Paramore concert for tonight. Loren almost died hearing the news. She'd had a major crush on lead singer Hayley Williams ever since she saw the tiny little thing dancing on stage with Taylor Swift. To make matters worse though her roommate was going to take her boring boyfriend instead of Loren. Solved that...

3 years ago
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Will And Tess Excellent AdventureChapter 19

Saturday night was surprisingly low-key. Tess and Kim wanted to eat in, but we all had spent a lot of physical and emotional energy during the long day of play, so we ended up putting away seven Lean Cuisines between the three of us. There was no sex. Nobody felt like having sex. Well, I did, but I could tell, right away, that neither of the women did, so, naturally, I just tried to stay out of the way. We knew that the final group's start time on Sunday would be after noon. It was too...

4 years ago
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Driving TruckChapter 2

We walked slowly back to the factory where we had parked the truck. A man came out of an office and wanted to know if we were in a hurry. "Anytime. We are headed north just as soon as we unhook." Teri spoke. "I'll back it up to the dock. You do the paper work." The dock worker made small talk as we went into the office. "That your wife driving?" "No, just a team driver. She had a load for the west coast and her tractor gave out so I took over with mine. She is damned good though...

1 year ago
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Tammy was my older sister’s since they were in grade school and now at 19 she was a real hottie. Long dark hair and a sweet a person as you’ll ever want to meet. I had the hot’s for her for years, and loved to watch them as they practiced putting on their makeup and try different clothes on and model them for me, Mainly so I could be close to Tammy! It used to make me mad to listen to Tammy talk about her newest boyfriend and how they always tried to get in her pants. Even though I had only...

First Time
3 years ago
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My Sister JeanChapter 3 Our First Sex

Suddenly dropping her raised leg, she pushed one hand into her skirt-covered crotch and seemed to cup herself as she asked, "Just what do you think about, Billy? I mean, what do you think about me when you, uh, do it?" She'd taken the bait! By this time I'd decided to turn up the intensity. Screw this pussy footing around. Let's get going. "Okay, Sis, I'll tell you everything... everything you want to know... I'll tell it all, but first, you've got to tell me something. I'm way...

4 years ago
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Vacation Preparation

This is my first attend in writing these events, the person’s names has been change, the events has not. Also if there any grammatical mistake please let me know and I would do my best to clean them up. Julia and Sandy are two very attractive 40, and 43 year old wife. I am married to Sandy for the last 19 years. They are both petite hot looking ladies that exude sexuality. Sandy has a very nice tight ass; this is due to her constant Zumba dancing. Julia has almost the same figure as Sandy but...

1 year ago
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Devils Food

Devils' Food By Curtis Lemmon Satan slammed the fork down on his plate, smashing it. "Dammit, doesn't anybody cook from scratch any more?" he bellowed. His minions cringed, especially one particular little devil, who had just served his master dessert. It was Satan's favorite food - Devil's Food Cake, of course. But the Prince of Darkness had become increasingly frustrated with the quality of his favorite. Her personal chef had hoped that he'd like this one, baked from...

1 year ago
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Fuckfeast in the gym

I was leaving school for the day and realized that i forgotten my pen case. I searched my locker and my last period classroom. The I remembered that I had it at gym and placed it in my satchel. I raced back to the gym and found the doors chained for the night, I started to turn away when I got this crazy ideal as to how I could get in. I placed my books behind the radiator and squeezed through the double doors and chain. Once inside i made my way quickly to the back of the gym and down the...

2 years ago
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my friend ex gf toy

''stop moving, stop it , its going in you and you gonna train with it until you can take my cock''''Sebbbb my god no stop im not ahhhhh fuckkk please im str8 i was just currious'''arm tied in the back at the mercy of my black friend roommate''shut up, str8 dont watch sissy porn , they fuck pretty sissy ass like yours'''wow you open up easy , i bet you love the feeling ''''im gonna be fucking you so often now you will become a pussy''''shit noo noooo please ahhhh my god nooooo ''''oh yes oh yes...

1 year ago
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The Virtuous Woman

My peace and quiet was disturbed by a knock on my office door. Apparently my morning tea, a habit I had grown quite used to in my old age, was about to be disturbed by some idiotic student who must be unable to read the listed "office hours" on whichever syllabus they have for whatever class I'm about to fail them in. I shifted in my seat, sighed deeply, and said, "come in." It was instead Mark Cashew, an adjunct I'd hired a couple years back. "Wondering if I could have a moment of...

3 years ago
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ركبت الاتوبيس المكيف كان فيه ركاب قليلين وقاعدين قدام وانا قاعدة ورا خالص وقعدت جنب الشباك وبعد شوية لقيت شاب ساب الاتوبيس كله وجه قعد جنبيانا كنت مستغربه وحاسة ان حيعمل حاجة بس سكت ومفيش لحظات لقيت ايده بتتسحب على رجلي انا اتفاجئت بس فكرت وقولت اني مش خسرانه حاجة فقررت اني اتمتع بيه خصوصا ان السكه طويلة واسيبه يمتع فيا بايدهسبته لقيت ايده مشيت على رجلي ووصلت لكسي ولقيته بيحط ايده بين رجليا على كسي وبمنتهى اللطف وبيحرك صباعه على كسي طبعا كل ده على البنطلون القماش اللي لابساه بس ايده كانت محترفه...

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NFBusty Atlantis Deep Zlata Shine Deep Stretch

Hanging out on the couch, Zlata Shine is doing some work on her tablet. Her girlfriend, Atlantis Deep, joins her to see what’s going on. Atlantis is feeling the urge to stretch out. She asks Zlata to give her a hand, but Zlata insists that she still has more work to do. Atlantis ultimately puts her exercise towel down beside the couch so she can do her stretching while still hanging out with her girlfriend. Seeing those big boobs and that hot ass in athletic action is too much for Zlata....


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