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DOGNAPPED. BY CASSANDRA ANACONDA MORRISON As it happened, I was sitting in my office one sprightly October morning, contemplating the sign on my office door, "rotagitsevnI ST etavirP--nosirroM ardnassaC" I read musingly. When suddenly, the door flew open with a bang and a strange man rushed in. He was of medium height, with short black hair, pince-nez, and a silk cravat decorated with Budweiser frogs. "My name is Henry Dashiell!" he cried. "And I'm in terrible trouble!" "How," I replied, lighting a Virginia Slim and crossing my nyloned legs as I leaned back with an air of interested composure. "What seems to be the problem?" "It's my Great Dane, Hamlet. He's been...DOGNAPPED!" the man cried, falling into the well-stuffed armchair I had indicated with a wave of my dainty (yet aristocratic) hand. "You have a Great Dane named HAMLET?" "Yes, my wife named him that when he was but a puppy," the man replied. "Because he was always so melancholy, you know." "Go on," I grated. "Well," the man said. "It happened last night. I was visiting an old friend of mine who owns a Border Collie named Sir Robin of Locksley and he suggested a friendly wager as to which of our fabulously furry four-legged friends was FASTEST." I nodded to indicate my understanding. "M'yes, well, he happens to own a dog-racing for his own amusement, you know...and so it was decided that we'd have a little race. Well, to make a long story short...." "Too late," I mumbled. " Well, my friend made me out a check on the spot evidence of good will and we bade each other goodnight. Well, just after I had climbed into the front seat of my sedan and was showing Hamlet his purse I was suddenly struck on the head from behind. Well, naturally, I lost consciousness..." "Naturally," I murmured. "And when both Hamlet and the check were GONE!" "How mystifying," I commented. "Very," he said, nodding his head like anything. "Well, Ms. Morrison, I was in a frightful dither...had no idea what to do. Then, this very morning I received this message at my hotel!" and he handed me the message. I read it carefully: "Dear Hank (it said) Leave a Hundred Thousand by the Old Oak Tree It must be unmarked if you still want me If you don't leave their money by that old oak tree They'll get out their ax Gimme my pax Divide my Corpse in Three So, Henry, leave their hundred thousand by that old oak tree!" And it was signed with a paw print!!! 'Dear me!" I said. "How very all this is!" He gulped like a grief-stricken bovine. "Can you help me?" "Very possibly," I said, conscious as I was of my many successes as a Private TS Investigator. There was the Case of the Cockless Chameleon, for example..truly a story for which the world is not yet prepared. Not to mention the Adventure of the Avaricious Aunt. And what about that Bizarre Business of the Bosomless Beauty Queen? Well, what about it? It had nothing to do with this! Listen, Reader, I'll thank you not to get me sidetracked in the middle of a case! "I'll need some facts," I said, turning back to the unfortunate Henry Dashiell. "First, what is the name of this friend?" " that really NECESSARY?" he asked, squirming uncomfortably in his chair. "Of course," I said, looking at him in surprise. "Well, you see, it's just that my wife doesn't really approve of the company I keep. SOME of the company, anyway, we're separated as it is. And if she got wind of THIS well, you know what THAT would mean!" I nodded. "Alimony Alley for you," I said. "Quite so," he said. "Oh, good God!" "What is it?" "I' realized...tomorrow is Tuesday the Twelfth!" "Yeah?" I said. "So?" "Well, you wife and I SHARE custody of Hamlet, you see...he' like a son to us. The son we never had. And I have to return him to her first thing in the morning!" "Hmmm." I said, lighting another cigarette and sucking on the smoke like a nuclear powered Hoover. "In that case, we've got no time to lose!" I said. "Your friend's name, please!" "Bramwell," he replied. "Noah Bramwell." "Okay," I said, jotting it down. "And your wife's name and address?" "Why do you need THOSE?" "In case she TOO received a ransom note," I said. He paled and gave me the required information in a quavering voice. "Gladys Dashiell," he said. "Soaring Eagle Trailer Park, Space 18." "Thank you," I said, making a note of that also. "And the amount of the check that was stolen along with your dog?" " Two Hundred Thousand," he said. "A modest sum, I grant you, but it was a friendly wager, you see." I stared at him in admiration. Anyone who considers two hundred grand a modest sum is entitled to that. "Okay," I said. "I think that's all I need for now. I'll take your case, Mr. Dashiell." "God Bless You!" he cried, falling to his knees before me and salaaming me madly. "I get a hundred bucks a day, plus expenses." He stopped salaaming me and got back into his chair. "I suppose you'll want a retainer?" he said, taking out his checkbook and a pen. "It's customary," I replied. "I suppose two hundred will be sufficient?" he asked, preparing to write. "No," I said. "FIVE hundred will be sufficient. For now." "That's ridiculous!" he protested. "Much too much." "Fine," I said, rising from my chair and sashaying over to the door. "Give my regards to your wife," I said. as I held it open for him. "Five hundred," he said, writing hurriedly. I gave the check the once-over as I took it from his trembling hand and laid it on my desk. "That's fine," I said. "I'll be in touch." As soon as this Dashiell mug had left my office my secretary buzzed me on my intercom. "Yeah?" I said. "Don't forget you have an appointment with your shrink, Cassie!" she said. "Oh, yeah, right," I said. I hated going to my shrink. Not that I didn't like him. I DID. But I'm the kind of gal who prefers to avoid dealing with her emotional state whenever possible. Which is how I ended up meeting him, actually. I kinda slashed my wrists because I couldn't see any future for me. Sounds kinda stupid now, but there it is. "Okay," I said, grabbing my bag and heading out the door. "I'm off to see The Wizard. See what you can dig up on a Noah Bramwell while I'm gone, okay?" "Sure thing, Bosslady!" "Hola Bigenderita!" yelled this kid, as I hopped out of my heap at the Psychiatrist's Office. "You want I should watch your car for you? Only twenty bucks!" I looked at my decrepit heap and then back at the kid. "Why?" I said. "Have it your way, Gringo," said the kid. I just smiled at him and hurried in. I was late already. "How's the depression?" Dr. Agre asked as I sat down in his office, smoothing my skirt demurely. "Never more depressed," I replied. "And the situation with your father?" "The same. He still wants no contact with me." "And how does that make you feel?" "How do you think it makes me feel?" I asked angrily. "It makes me feel horrible. Sad, mad, name it." "Mad?" I nodded. "Mad...I don't understand how he can treat me like this. All this time I've done my best by him...nursing him when he was sick, doing his laundry, cooking his meals. Hell, I was even helping him get the hang of this computer a friend of his gave him. It was a real piece of crap too! MS-DOS is all it knows and it wouldn't even work with that until I ran a defrag program on it. At that point he was able to start writing on it. That was what we were doing the last time I saw him, as a matter of fact...I was trying to teach him how to name and save files on it. We were laughing and having a great time and then...the next morning...I get a call saying 'You've been a really big help to me for the last year and a half but, as you know, I don't really approve of what you are doing with your I don't want any further contact with you' and he hangs up. Just like THAT!" My psychiatrist looked at me and nodded. "I know this has to be tearing you up inside," he said. "When it first happened, in fact, you began cutting on yourself again. Are you still doing that?" I held up both my arms. "No," I said. "They're healing now, as you can see." He just shook his head at my fresh scars. "And school? You were taking Office 2000 and...what else was it?" "Filing and Keyboarding," I said. "I haven't been to class much. And when I DO go, I can't stay." "And why is that?" he inquired. I flung my long red hair back from my face with an impatient gesture. "It makes me too NERVOUS!" I said. "My instructor, Sherri, has okayed it for me to do a lot of my work at home...but, even THERE I can't seem to get STARTED! I can't concentrate! This thing with my Dad just keeps going round and round in my head. I haven't even opened the Office 2000 book!!" He nodded. "And the writing? How are you doing with that?" "I haven't done any for quite a while," I replied. "Which reminds me," I said, smiling for the first time since I'd entered his office. "I happened to check the Fictionmania site and found my last story 'Postcards' was up there and had gotten a couple of really nice reviews...kinda cheered me up. But I can't write," I added, lapsing back into my depressed state. "I can't THINK! About all I do is sit and stare at the television. Great, huh? And now September's almost gone. The semester ends in December. And I haven't accomplished JACK!" "You're still not taking the Prozac I prescribed for you?" I shook my head. "It makes me sick to my stomach," I explained. "And it also screws up my short-term memory so that I do really lousy on the tests. I could have gotten an A instead of a B+ on my last two courses if it weren't for that." "I think I'll try you on Remeron," he said. "Fine," I said. "And I'll need something to help me sleep too. I can't sleep at all lately. My Dad has murdered sleep and Sweet Cassie shall sleep no more!" "The Remeron will help you with that, also," he said. "As to the situation with your father and the feelings you are experiencing because of that...there really is no magic cure. All the Remeron can do, as an anti-depressant and soporific is to help you function just a little better than you are doing now." I nodded. "I know," I said. "Speaking of functioning...I DID get some work done on my website...CASSANDRA'S PEOPLE," I said, getting all girlish and excited. "I updated it and added a new Media Folder The (love)Craft. I added some new links too. Have you seen it yet?" "No," he said. "You'd better give me the url again." "http://," I told him. "Thank you," he said. "Now, you've always known that your father had a problem with your transsexuality, haven't you?" I nodded. "He's not alone in that," I said. "I've had some problems with it too." He smiled. "I know," he said. "But you must have known that as you became more yourself again he would have a negative reaction to it?" "Of course!" I said. "But this was totally out of the blue! One second we're getting along great and the next it's 'Don't let me see your face again.' I mean, what's up with that? The only thing I can think of is that his neighbors must've noticed that I'd colored my hair and said something to him about it." "That's possible," Dr. Agre agreed. "So now," I said. "I'm free to get my name changed legally (which is cool cuz I HATE being called 'Greg'). I'm free to get the surgery, I can do all those things I've been wanting to do since I was a why ain't I happy?" "Because this is NOT how you wanted it to happen," he said. "Isn't that right?" I lowered my head acquiescingly. "You're right," I said unhappily. "It isn't." Then I raised my head. "But," I said then. "Getting back to the fictional part of this story...I DO have a case on hand which should take my mind off all my, if you'll excuse me...." As I emerged from my doctor's office I noticed two things. One of which was that it had started raining. The second was the my heap had, like disappeared. "Next time maybe you'll pay me the money, huh?" said the kid. "Yeah, sure," I said. "NEXT time." and hoisting my bag over my shoulder I began walking down Fleishman Street towards Carson where I knew I would find a pay phone. It began to rain harder. "CASSANDRA MORRISON INVESTIGATIONS---NO CASE TOO SMALL---NO FEE TOO LARGE!" my secretary said brightly. "It's me, Chrissy," I said soggily. "Listen, I'm at a pay phone and...." Chrissy sighed noisily. "Boss," she said, more-in-sorrow-than-in- anger. "When are you gonna start payin' that kid?" "Never mind that now," I said. "What did you find out about this Noah Bramwell character?" "He's a small-time grifter," she replied. "Used to run the Jumping Frog Contest out of Calaveras County until the people got suspicious when one of his frogs 'Carlos the Croaker' jumped a record three and one-half miles one day and they found he'd been feeding his frogs mayflies coated with methedrine. Rumor has it that he's now connected with dog-racing though that has yet to be proved." "Good work, dollface," I said. "What's he look like and where can I find him?" "He's about six feet tall," she said. "Has long blond hair and steely blue eyes. Sports a goatee and a skull earring on his left ear. Wears black. He can usually be found at MacArthur Park around dusk. He likes to feed cyanide to the pigeons." "Okay," I said. "Call the cab company and ask for Ernie and tell him to pick me up here." "Right. But, listen, you really oughtta start payin'..." I hung up and waited for Ernie. "Where to, Ms. Morrison?" he asked, his one functioning windshield wiper squeaking annoyingly. "MacArthur Park," I said. "And step on's almost dusk." "Still not payin that kid, huh?" he asked, as he put his cab in gear and we took off at the speed of arthritic tortoises. "Shut up," I advised him. "So what do you think about this Y2K thing, Ms. Morrison?" he asked after a couple of miles. "Couldn't happen to a nicer civilization," I replied gruffly. And the rest of the drive passed in silence. "Here we are," Ms. Morrison," he said later. "Thanks," I said. "Wait here." "Sure thing," he said. "But wouldn't it be cheaper if you just started payin' that...." I slammed the door, effectively cutting off the rest of his verbosity and headed into the Park as the rain slowly stopped. MacArthur's Park was steaming in the dark and the rabid squirrels were rushing by. Some jackass had left a cake out in the rain and I damn near broke my neck as my stiletto heels skidded on its squishiness. "So much for the subtle approach," I muttered as I struggled frantically (and successfully) to regain my balance. But I went on, as a good little TS Investigator should, with hope in my heart and a song on my of Marilyn Manson's touching love ballads, actually. Then, suddenly, not six feet away, I saw a glint of gold as the last rays of the setting sun reflected off the skull that was dangling from Bramwell's left ear. I began sidling towards him surreptitiously noticing, as I did so, that the grass was littered with dead and dying pigeons. Gertrude Stein would've found it inspirational. But, as I moved towards Bramwell he began to move away. I began to walk faster. So did he. Soon we were running and just as I was saying to myself "Wow! Deja Vu!" I slipped on that damn cake and went sprawling. Tore a hole in my best nylons too. I tellya, TS''s tough out there. It's a jungle! By the time I scrambled to my feet he was long gone. "Take me to my office," I told Ernie. "You look TERRIBLE!" Chrissy said as I squelched in. "Thank you, " said, brushing a few soggy cake crumbs from my skirt. "Anything new?" "Mr. Dashiell just called," she said. "Apparently his wife just got wind of the fact that their dog is missing and all hell's broken loose." I fell into a chair with a stunned look on my face. "The dog!" I breathed ecstatically. "Of course! Why didn't I think of it before?" "What are you TALKING about?" Chrissy demanded. "'The curious incident of the dog in the night-time," I quoted. "But the dog did nothing in the night-time," Chrissy said quite unconsciously. "'THAT,'" I giggled. "'Was the Curious Incident!'" and I hurried off to change my clothes. "Call Dashiell," I yelled over my shoulder. "And tell him to meet me at his wife's trailer in an hour!" It was already after dark when my cab pulled up at the Soaring Eagle Trailer Park and I found my client waiting for me on pins and needles. "What are you doing?" I asked, as he rose to meet me. "Practicing yoga?" "No," he said, with a grimace, as he pulled a few remaining needles from his back. "I had a little accident with a sewing kit I was bringing my wife as a peace offering." "Oh," I said. "Well, come on, we have to see your wife right now!" "What's happened?" he puffed, as he rushed along by my side. But I was distracted for a moment by the most delicious sensation as a cool breeze wafted up the skirt of my powder blue shirt dress and caressed my thighs. I got goose pimples all over. "Hmmmm?" I said dreamily. "I said 'What's happened?'" he repeated. "Do you know what happened to Hamlet?" "Sure," I said. "Call him." "What?" "Call your dog." "What the...oh, never mind. Here, Hamlet! Here boy!" We were rewarded by a loud woof from the nearest trailer. Suddenly, the door flew open from a sudden impact it had never been designed to withstand, and a huge Great Dane came bounding towards us. "My God!" cried Dashiell, as the dog almost knocked him down in its eagerness to be reunited with its master. "How did he come to be here?" "Shall you tell him, Mrs. Dashiell?" I inquired. "Or would you prefer that I did it?" The slattern-faced little woman who had followed the dog out just glared at me. So I took up the explanation. "What first attracted my attention," I said, lying brazenly. "Were the actions of the dog on the night in question. According to your story, Mr. Dashiell, Hamlet, here had permitted a total stranger to climb into the back seat of your car and to assault you soon after with giving even a token protest. Now, no dog in the world would do that. If you trespass on what a dog consider's his master's private property, or make a threatening gesture towards his master, that dog will very probably fly at your throat. The least he will do is growl. But Hamlet did NOTHING. What, then, was the explanation of his incomprehensible behavior? Only ONE explanation would cover the facts: the assailant was someone whom the dog knew well. Someone he loved as much as his master. Who else but his Mistress?" Dashiell stared at his wife with disbelief. "But, why? Why would Gladys do such a thing?" "My theory is that she got tired of staying in this crummy trailer while you were living the high life in that swanky hotel of yours," I said. "So she figured out a way to add to her bank account. The ransom note was, of course, a ruse, she had no intention of harming Hamlet...she just wanted to throw us off the track. By the way, do you still have that check, Mrs. Hamlet? It might be wise to return it thus sparing Mr. Dashiell the unhappy experiance of actually having to press charges." She reached into the bosom of her threadbare dress and handed it to me. "Damned Flatfoo1" she said. "Bramwell and I were certain you'd take the bait and go afer him instead of me! He was much the more obvious suspect, what with his criminal background and all." "Quite so," I replied, lighting a Virginia Slim. "But the guilty person is always the LEAST likely to be suspected!" "Oh, damn!" she said. "I forgot that!" "Gladys," said Dashiell with a catch in his throat. "Ms. Morrison, too..I see now what a selfish pig I have been. Come back to me Gladys and I promise you you'll never want for anything again!" "Oh, Henry!" she cried, falling into his arms in an absolute orgy of mawkish sentimentality. "I love you so MUCH!!!" I patted Hamlet's head while they carried on for a couple of eternities. "Good boy," I told him. "If it hadn't been for your intelligent inertia I'd never have solved this case!" He wagged his tail in gratification. "Ms. Morrison," cried Dashiell suddenly. "How can I ever reward you? This ring perhaps?" he cried, tugging at the huge emerald which adorned the first finger of his right hand. "No thanks," I said. "I don't have much use for a man's ring these days." "Then a photograph of my wife? She is the greatest treasure I possess!" "I don't think so," I said. "I prefer to deal in cash." "Then this check for two hundred thousand? I shall endorse it over to you at once!" "I guess it will HAVE to do," I said. And that, dear Reader, is how I not only restored Dashiell's Hamlet. but acquired the Dane's Purse, as well!!! The End

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Secretly Watching

NOTE : This is an excerpt from my latest story. Max and Gina are married. Max works in an exotic night club in Las Vegas. The club has exotic dancers and Voyeur rooms. The women’s Voyeur room has a special chair with built-in vibrators. Angel watched Gina go into the employee’s lounge. She so badly wanted to go after her. But, being that this was her first week on the job, she figured that she’d better check with Max first. “Hey Max, is she okay,” she asked. “Yeah, she’s fine. She’s just...

3 years ago
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The Ultimate Living My FantasyChapter 6

It was finally Friday. We were all packed and driving to the airport where the private family jet was fueled and ready to go. I really should say every one else was packed. Myself I was wearing the only clothes that I would be allowed to wear on the month long trip. My collar, of course, the shorts the girls and Julie had made for me out of a pair of jeans. And the shirt, as described in chapter five. My nipples wear healed and I was wearing a pair of gold rings. They each were soldered...

1 year ago
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PsiLords Ch 1

I stepped out onto the street and pulled a joint outta my pocket. One of my boys stepped in with a lighter. I lit up and prepared to step up to the limo. That’s when I heard a voice that’ll haunt me for ever, the type of voice that sends a shiver down your spine that you’ll never forget. ‘Ah, there you are, you know how long I’ve been waiting? Tisk, tisk. Tres rude! ‘ I whirled. All my boys drew. Rico said, ‘What the hell you want? He fingered his piece expectantly. The man didn’t move. I...

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My Brother My Lover Ch 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! The next morning Callie woke up early feeling drenched between her legs. She closed her eyes still remembering that sexy kiss her brother gave her. "Ok get over it," She told herself. She looked outside and saw Nathan had gotten home. She had fallen asleep and didn't hear him come home last night. She got up to shower and visit her parents. She left without telling Nathan, since he seemed to be asleep. Nathan laid on his bed as he heard his sister...

4 years ago
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The Odd Couple

I guess we've always been a bit different, I don't mean odd ... or do I? Well, to start off with it's just my sister and me, so I suppose we are an odd couple, but I doubt we're alone in that. Oh! I know what you're thinking, well, you've been read too many stories on the internet, we are just brother and sister, nothing more. When we were kids we didn't worry too much about who saw what, not nudity, just not bothered, and since I've had to look after her it would have been difficult to...

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MySistersHotFriend Charity Crawford 23337

Charity Crawford’s friend isn’t home, but her friend’s brother Kyle is! It’s a pleasant surprise for Charity, because she’s been dying to get into Kyle’s pants for a long, long time. He happens to be fixing the hot tub for a soak outside when she arrives, and nobody else is home, which gives Charity an idea: it’s fuck time! She invites herself into the hot tub while he’s wrenching on it, but when he bitches at her —oops!, there goes her top, tits out. Dumbfounded, Kyle tries to quiet and cover...

3 years ago
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At the Theatre Ch 1 part 2

second part of the first chapter - see my profile for chapter 2Her companion, Madame Cameron, was somewhat older, possessing sleek auburn hair pulled tight into a bun and a shapely tanned body. Cameron wore a simple black cocktail dress cut high above the knees, with a scooped neckline that showed only the brown rounded tops of her breasts. Although pretty, she was in no way comparable in beauty to her companion. She carried a canvas gymnasium bag, which she set down next to the chair. The...

4 years ago
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the first time

I had looked at some tumblr sissy posts, and something appealed to me about them. Sissy videos on porn sites drove me crazy! The submission, the humiliation, the domination, they were all so overwhelmingly sexy to me. And even though my wife and I had been very open to each other about my curiosities, (her even allowing me to visit gay guys to serve them) it embarrassed me deeply to want these things. Eventually we talked about them, and she did show some interest. So one day I awoke leaning to...

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Ashleys Story Part Four

Chapter Four Howard stood there looking in the mirror. This whole thing was so frustrating. It was all he could do to keep from crying. And bawling out loud was not the thing to do right now. How was it possible to pass as a woman so easily and yet it was so hard to appear just being a guy? He didn't care if he was the strongest, most rugged guy in the world. But even when he wanted to just be male, Darlene said he still looked like a girl trying to pass. He felt dejected. Sure,...

2 years ago
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Speeding Ch 07

‘So?’ Jason asked as Reid slid into the car. ‘No help,’ he answered with a shake of his head. ‘Her parents haven’t seen or talked to her in years, and they raise the daughter.’ ‘You talk to the kid?’ ‘Not yet. Figure we’ll let her grandparents break the news and we’ll talk to her later.’ He didn’t envy his former in-laws that task. ‘Works for me,’ Jason agreed with a slight nod. Turning more fully towards Reid he asked, ‘How well do you know Dr. Marquette?’ Reid’s brows shot up. ‘You...

2 years ago
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A Model Child 2

A Model Child By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Two As Raymond headed off to school, his mother got ready for work and then headed off to her office on the final day before the show. She had barely slept, worried about finding a model and even worse now, worried about her son's intentions to help. As she got into the office, she headed right down to her studio to walk through her collection again and begin the process of final alterations. As she began the process...

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She is becoming the perfect submissive

She is becoming the perfect submissiveWhen they first met she did not know how much he would get into her mind. How much she would desire to be back under his control. They had grown to know each other over time each time she would visit the states they would talk and hang out. One day she finally went off alone with him and some would think it was dangerous for her but what she found was a deep submission that she yearned for. They were laughing and joking around at his house, they had played...

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Miss Addiscombes Virtue

"Ah," said my father as I strode into the drawing room at Harthorpe Manor "Stephen, this is Miss Addiscombe." I stared, she was dressed from head to toe in black, every single thing and although she might have been regarded generally as a great beauty the evil stare with which she regaled me dismissed any such notion of beauty instantly. "Enchanted," I smiled, "Your reputation precedes you, and your beauty is indeed, ah," I paused and cast my eyes around the high ceilinged oak...

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Exploring My Teacher 8211 Part 2 Blackmail

I was one of her favorites as I was good in academics and an innocent boy in her eyes. She used to take help from me whenever required be it anything. One day, she had asked me for my reference book as she was not able to understand some of the sums. She promised to give it back the next day. The next day I went to her for my book. She told that she will search for it and give it to me. I waited and she didn’t come even after a few minutes had passed. I decided to check and found her bent in...

1 year ago
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First time Bi suck with wife

After that, we left the still u*********s Simon on the couch with his pants around his ankles and cum oozing from his cock. Back in the kitchen, a few eyebrows were raised when Leanne walked back in with her tits still out, and they were raised even higher when people began noticing Lisa’s freshly-cum covered tits. There was a good crowd in the kitchen and conversation was flowing freely. Lisa and I got chatting to a young man around 25 years old. As we chatted, I noticed him stealing glances...

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Surprising gift

I’ve been flirting with this 19 year old girl in my photography class for a few weeks, shortly after that Cheryl and I started hooking up here and there, she was a machine. At 5’5” with a nice full C cup and a thought teenage body I was shocked how much she was into me. We would get together when ever we could, simple booty call when she or I were in the mood.But one evening things got a bit more crazy, I was chilling at home not doing too much when Cheryl text me “ you doing anything?””not...

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Summers of Love Part 1

A couple of weeks ago my wife hosted an Ann Summers party. I had hoped to sneak away for the evening as, though I would have been more than interested in the lingerie on display, I didn't fancy listening to the constant cackling common to "women only" parties and also the inevitable anti-partner jibes such as: "I ask are you in yet and he says I'm finished", "he picks his nose and farts afterwards" and "you'd think he was rodding a drain the way he goes about it" etc. The wife had other ideas...

1 year ago
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Episode 48 jenny and Rob

At HomeJenny’s smart-phone buzzed to announce a new photo message. “Who’s that from”? Demanded John, her faithful but dull husband. “Oh, just one of the girls I’m staying with this weekend” Jenny lied casually.Jenny opened the attached photo from Rob – her high school sweetheart. There was no need to zoom in to appreciate the detail – it was entirely cock. Jenny new every inch of that cock – the thick shaft, the tight balls, the shiny head just waiting to be sucked again. It was the most...

4 years ago
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My Brother Spread My Pussy

Hi…! I am Anuradha 32 years old and married last year. I am a regular reader of ISS but I was always afraid to write my experience as I am afraid of this society rules. Though sex is quite natural and people love it like anything, still they blame others especially females who are enjoying sex. I am not a story writer and I really do not how to write a story. But here I would like to narrate my first sex experience with none other but my own elder brother who screwed me when I was at 18 and a...

2 years ago
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Kitty Girl and the Girls of KINK V

It didn’t take long for me to become disoriented. Even if I’d been familiar with the house, blindfolded as I was, I’d have become lost very quickly. Without my sight, though, I had no idea of my surroundings. All I knew is that Laura still had the other end of my leash and Ally was behind me, running her hand over my ass, reminding me of my status as a sexual plaything. She wasn’t the only one who took liberties touching me, I should add. I’m not sure if they were encouraging it or not, but...

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Best Friendship Knot Tightened

Best Friendship Knot TightenedBy:Londebaaz Chohan Alfred heard Salem giggle a little and say, “I am sure, he is in the house”. Al turned saying, “Oh, fine” and closed the door behind him. He must have gone two steps down the hall, when he heard a wet slap sound coming from the shower and Salem called Alfred to come back. Alfred returned, opened the door a little, walked in and looked. He could see Salem fully naked standing in the tub. He just could not believe his eyes and thought, what the...

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Ass worship of a tennis lsquostarrsquo

So this story is from my personal experience while coaching a girl on the wta tour 20 years ago. It revolves around one weekend in Munich when the top female players were competing at an indoor tournament. The girl I’d been coaching was due to play a semi final on the Saturday so on Friday we were practising hard, because she was scheduled to play none other than the world no.1 at the time Martina Hingis. The swiss Miss was Martina’s moniker, and I knew she could be quite feisty, but had no...

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Mistress Nandi and Her kgotso

The Story of Naleli and kgotso Ishq. The Story of Mistress Nandi and kgotso. We have spent 2 years of bliss together. We have loved, laughed, and You have further enslaved Your boy to the point that i cannot refuse any order, and my sole existence is centered around pleasing You. Then You have to leave.? i go on to meet a hot, divorced, soccer mom at the gym, court her, and marry her. i "settle", because i am alone and need someone. It is nothing like what we had together, and I...

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After 2 Years The Rush Was On

Hello boys and girls. It has been a while since I posted a sex story here. Life took a busy turn, after college. Sex life has been reduced to shagging off, since that glorious time. That is, until I met her again. Swetha! To those who are not familiar with her, please do read my previous submissions. Anywho, after college, she left Kerala to Coimbatore when she got a job there. We used to talk a lot in phone and usually ended it with kinky stuff. She talked about all the dick she got there, and...

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Thank god for craigslist

I usually am just a looker when it comes to online hook up site like craigslist or grindr,but one night while I was feeling particularly horny I thought it couldn’t hurt to post an ad and see if I got any responses.I went on craigslist and i started to type my ad.Within 20 minutes it was up and all i had to do was wait,and wait I did.Most of the responses i got fell through and i had almost given up hope when I got an email from Jeff.Jeff was a scruffy looking man with a bit of a gut,but not to...

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The Park Chapter 1

Several weeks into college, I had my routine down to a science. I got up early and hit the gym with some friends before we grabbed a quick breakfast and began our day of classes. We would meet around mid-day for a lunch, people coming and going as their breaks came. There were a lucky few that didn't have to work, some that worked nights, and a few of us that just held weekend jobs. I opted for the weekend job; it was great during the week, allowing me to focus on class and homework and still...

Gay Male
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 576

???????????????? ???????? Alphqwe is being a shit disturber again!!! ???? (Insure that your health insurance is up to date first) If you really want your wife to remember this years Xmas, don’t buy her jewelry, furs or even a car. Buy her a mop. ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????? Biiguy came through again ???????? When Jesus brought the 5 loaves, Gautama made his contribution. So everyone has Bread and Buddha If tin whistles are made of tin, what do they make fog horns out of? Imagine a world where monkeys have given up...

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Moving Furniture With Mum

It started off as just another weekend. My mother had asked me to help her move furniture around the house. Mum was wearing navy-blue shorts and a white T shirt. Her long brown hair was tied back in a pony-tail.Mum was a real knock-out. Her breasts were large 38C. Her eyes are light blue and her long dark brown hair.Mum walked into the living room just as I was finishing moving the sofa to a new location. She watched me silently for a few moments as I grunted and strained and finally...

2 years ago
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Swimsuit fantasy sex 2

Swimsuit fantasy sex 2This one builds more slowly than my last story, hope it is just as hot at the end! My fantasy sex stories are unconnected to each other, are completely made up and are not a series. Maybe some of them might turn into series, but for now each one is a standalone story. This one was inspired by a sexy pic in my favorites, he's not hard to find :) EnjoyI was about 22 when I decided to go camping at a campground far from my home. I wanted to try sunbathing in a tiny...

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Stud7 Part III Fucks daughter in front of paren

(Everybody is above the age of 18) I stopped combing her hair and I am presently fingering the love hole of a sex slave now named Velvet She turned around . I could see her beautiful shapely body, her lovely shapely breasts, and her beautiful smiling face. She is so beautiful. I used to know her as that stunning brunette girl in the tight mini skirt and the low neck line top that displayed her ample cleavage with her nipples poking through. Now I have been ordered to fuck her in public. Slave...

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Amikas Baby

I’m a 42-year-old divorced guy working an IT contract in an Asian country for six months. My accommodations are in what we would call a rooming house with six small apartments. One of the benefits is that meals are provided along with cleaning and laundry. I’m on the top floor which gives me a view over the small city toward the mountains. I do quite a bit of my work in my room so I set my desk up to look out the biggest window. I speak little of the local language and my housemates likewise...

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His two girls

Nikki looked on while I undressed, I watched my wife dig through her lingerie dresser. She was obviously pulling out two outfits. As she was doing this, she started explaining. "You know hubby, I think you and I are pretty much the same size. You're a little taller that I am but you're also a little skinnier." When she was done, there were two sets of lingerie laid out on the bed. She turned around. I was standing naked in front of her. My little dick was standing at attention. Nikki started to...

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Lady With Pink No Blouse

I Atish kumar, age 25 just completed my MBA and employed in an MNC at Mumbai. I was on tour to New Delhi for a week and stayed in company provided hotel Shangrila. It was a seven star hotel where mostly very rich executives and foreigners used to stay. However, for me as my company had this hotel in their panel and had no issues. The breakfast was complementary as in most of the hotels these days. That was a Sunday morning and I reached the restaurant for breakfast at nine in the morning. It...

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On the second evening of the Yangtze River cruise, I slipped on deck and saw two women from our tour group kissing. They had found a niche formed by some superstructure and a lifeboat, where they thought they would be hidden, where they thought they could see anyone who approached. I slid to a shadowed area and watched them kiss. They were roommates, but more, always together. Any time one was there, the other was close. Of course there had been friendly speculation that they were gay, but...

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Its my husbands fault I became a slut

It wasn't my fault! Really! It was my husbands fault. I was just doing what I thought he wanted me to do. So here I am, on Literotica, telling you my story. I have to tell someone, and I know that can't be my husband. So here it is:Let's start at the beginning. My name is Stacy. I am 28 years old and I have been married to James for the past 5 years. We currently do not have c***dren, but we would like to start a family soon. We live in a nice suburban home in the Midwest. I guess I should also...

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Thats a Good Little Cum Slut Pegged

My wife was preparing her lunch for work as I finished my morning coffee. I was home for a few days after another long stretch away at work. I had arrived late the previous evening after she was asleep and tried my best not to disturb her as she had a full work day ahead of her. We hadn't been able to spend much time together lately and we both needed some time to reconnect. "Any plans for today?" she inquired."Just catching up on what I've missed over the past few days.""I know what I've...

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My first bdsm meeting

This is a real story about me, written by a lady friend and translated by google translate.My first BDSM meeting (by Hot Red)A friend of mine is curious about the world SM , ( me  ) that he had already told me often. I myself have nothing with it, so when he asked me if I wanted to SM gala I said no at first . He tried to get someone else , but that did not succeed. So when I heard that , thinking to myself that I had nothing else to do on Sunday and best moment was going to see what it was...

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TSINF 91 Recollections pt 1

Day 14 Steph woke up the next morning of the party. When she opened her eyes she didn’t recognize the bed she was in. But from the surroundings it seemed she spent the night at Matt’s place. She lifted her head and realized her head was pounding something fierce. Oh great a hangover she thought to herself. Just what she needed. Steph sighed to herself and thought she might as well get up and get her ass back over to Amanda’s place. She carefully sat up trying to make sure her head didn’t...

2 years ago
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Penny stared at the swollen, red, crying eyes of her son as he sat beside her and she realised what she must do.This realisation wasn't sudden at all. It didn't hit Penny like a thunderbolt. But certainly, over the last few months, it had started to become obvious to her that this is what had to be done. She was now certain this was the right thing to do. The alternative, doing nothing, was not going to sort things out. Positive action had to be taken. Her son, sitting beside her, had...

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