Dognapped free porn video

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DOGNAPPED. BY CASSANDRA ANACONDA MORRISON As it happened, I was sitting in my office one sprightly October morning, contemplating the sign on my office door, "rotagitsevnI ST etavirP--nosirroM ardnassaC" I read musingly. When suddenly, the door flew open with a bang and a strange man rushed in. He was of medium height, with short black hair, pince-nez, and a silk cravat decorated with Budweiser frogs. "My name is Henry Dashiell!" he cried. "And I'm in terrible trouble!" "How," I replied, lighting a Virginia Slim and crossing my nyloned legs as I leaned back with an air of interested composure. "What seems to be the problem?" "It's my Great Dane, Hamlet. He's been...DOGNAPPED!" the man cried, falling into the well-stuffed armchair I had indicated with a wave of my dainty (yet aristocratic) hand. "You have a Great Dane named HAMLET?" "Yes, my wife named him that when he was but a puppy," the man replied. "Because he was always so melancholy, you know." "Go on," I grated. "Well," the man said. "It happened last night. I was visiting an old friend of mine who owns a Border Collie named Sir Robin of Locksley and he suggested a friendly wager as to which of our fabulously furry four-legged friends was FASTEST." I nodded to indicate my understanding. "M'yes, well, he happens to own a dog-racing for his own amusement, you know...and so it was decided that we'd have a little race. Well, to make a long story short...." "Too late," I mumbled. " Well, my friend made me out a check on the spot evidence of good will and we bade each other goodnight. Well, just after I had climbed into the front seat of my sedan and was showing Hamlet his purse I was suddenly struck on the head from behind. Well, naturally, I lost consciousness..." "Naturally," I murmured. "And when both Hamlet and the check were GONE!" "How mystifying," I commented. "Very," he said, nodding his head like anything. "Well, Ms. Morrison, I was in a frightful dither...had no idea what to do. Then, this very morning I received this message at my hotel!" and he handed me the message. I read it carefully: "Dear Hank (it said) Leave a Hundred Thousand by the Old Oak Tree It must be unmarked if you still want me If you don't leave their money by that old oak tree They'll get out their ax Gimme my pax Divide my Corpse in Three So, Henry, leave their hundred thousand by that old oak tree!" And it was signed with a paw print!!! 'Dear me!" I said. "How very all this is!" He gulped like a grief-stricken bovine. "Can you help me?" "Very possibly," I said, conscious as I was of my many successes as a Private TS Investigator. There was the Case of the Cockless Chameleon, for example..truly a story for which the world is not yet prepared. Not to mention the Adventure of the Avaricious Aunt. And what about that Bizarre Business of the Bosomless Beauty Queen? Well, what about it? It had nothing to do with this! Listen, Reader, I'll thank you not to get me sidetracked in the middle of a case! "I'll need some facts," I said, turning back to the unfortunate Henry Dashiell. "First, what is the name of this friend?" " that really NECESSARY?" he asked, squirming uncomfortably in his chair. "Of course," I said, looking at him in surprise. "Well, you see, it's just that my wife doesn't really approve of the company I keep. SOME of the company, anyway, we're separated as it is. And if she got wind of THIS well, you know what THAT would mean!" I nodded. "Alimony Alley for you," I said. "Quite so," he said. "Oh, good God!" "What is it?" "I' realized...tomorrow is Tuesday the Twelfth!" "Yeah?" I said. "So?" "Well, you wife and I SHARE custody of Hamlet, you see...he' like a son to us. The son we never had. And I have to return him to her first thing in the morning!" "Hmmm." I said, lighting another cigarette and sucking on the smoke like a nuclear powered Hoover. "In that case, we've got no time to lose!" I said. "Your friend's name, please!" "Bramwell," he replied. "Noah Bramwell." "Okay," I said, jotting it down. "And your wife's name and address?" "Why do you need THOSE?" "In case she TOO received a ransom note," I said. He paled and gave me the required information in a quavering voice. "Gladys Dashiell," he said. "Soaring Eagle Trailer Park, Space 18." "Thank you," I said, making a note of that also. "And the amount of the check that was stolen along with your dog?" " Two Hundred Thousand," he said. "A modest sum, I grant you, but it was a friendly wager, you see." I stared at him in admiration. Anyone who considers two hundred grand a modest sum is entitled to that. "Okay," I said. "I think that's all I need for now. I'll take your case, Mr. Dashiell." "God Bless You!" he cried, falling to his knees before me and salaaming me madly. "I get a hundred bucks a day, plus expenses." He stopped salaaming me and got back into his chair. "I suppose you'll want a retainer?" he said, taking out his checkbook and a pen. "It's customary," I replied. "I suppose two hundred will be sufficient?" he asked, preparing to write. "No," I said. "FIVE hundred will be sufficient. For now." "That's ridiculous!" he protested. "Much too much." "Fine," I said, rising from my chair and sashaying over to the door. "Give my regards to your wife," I said. as I held it open for him. "Five hundred," he said, writing hurriedly. I gave the check the once-over as I took it from his trembling hand and laid it on my desk. "That's fine," I said. "I'll be in touch." As soon as this Dashiell mug had left my office my secretary buzzed me on my intercom. "Yeah?" I said. "Don't forget you have an appointment with your shrink, Cassie!" she said. "Oh, yeah, right," I said. I hated going to my shrink. Not that I didn't like him. I DID. But I'm the kind of gal who prefers to avoid dealing with her emotional state whenever possible. Which is how I ended up meeting him, actually. I kinda slashed my wrists because I couldn't see any future for me. Sounds kinda stupid now, but there it is. "Okay," I said, grabbing my bag and heading out the door. "I'm off to see The Wizard. See what you can dig up on a Noah Bramwell while I'm gone, okay?" "Sure thing, Bosslady!" "Hola Bigenderita!" yelled this kid, as I hopped out of my heap at the Psychiatrist's Office. "You want I should watch your car for you? Only twenty bucks!" I looked at my decrepit heap and then back at the kid. "Why?" I said. "Have it your way, Gringo," said the kid. I just smiled at him and hurried in. I was late already. "How's the depression?" Dr. Agre asked as I sat down in his office, smoothing my skirt demurely. "Never more depressed," I replied. "And the situation with your father?" "The same. He still wants no contact with me." "And how does that make you feel?" "How do you think it makes me feel?" I asked angrily. "It makes me feel horrible. Sad, mad, name it." "Mad?" I nodded. "Mad...I don't understand how he can treat me like this. All this time I've done my best by him...nursing him when he was sick, doing his laundry, cooking his meals. Hell, I was even helping him get the hang of this computer a friend of his gave him. It was a real piece of crap too! MS-DOS is all it knows and it wouldn't even work with that until I ran a defrag program on it. At that point he was able to start writing on it. That was what we were doing the last time I saw him, as a matter of fact...I was trying to teach him how to name and save files on it. We were laughing and having a great time and then...the next morning...I get a call saying 'You've been a really big help to me for the last year and a half but, as you know, I don't really approve of what you are doing with your I don't want any further contact with you' and he hangs up. Just like THAT!" My psychiatrist looked at me and nodded. "I know this has to be tearing you up inside," he said. "When it first happened, in fact, you began cutting on yourself again. Are you still doing that?" I held up both my arms. "No," I said. "They're healing now, as you can see." He just shook his head at my fresh scars. "And school? You were taking Office 2000 and...what else was it?" "Filing and Keyboarding," I said. "I haven't been to class much. And when I DO go, I can't stay." "And why is that?" he inquired. I flung my long red hair back from my face with an impatient gesture. "It makes me too NERVOUS!" I said. "My instructor, Sherri, has okayed it for me to do a lot of my work at home...but, even THERE I can't seem to get STARTED! I can't concentrate! This thing with my Dad just keeps going round and round in my head. I haven't even opened the Office 2000 book!!" He nodded. "And the writing? How are you doing with that?" "I haven't done any for quite a while," I replied. "Which reminds me," I said, smiling for the first time since I'd entered his office. "I happened to check the Fictionmania site and found my last story 'Postcards' was up there and had gotten a couple of really nice reviews...kinda cheered me up. But I can't write," I added, lapsing back into my depressed state. "I can't THINK! About all I do is sit and stare at the television. Great, huh? And now September's almost gone. The semester ends in December. And I haven't accomplished JACK!" "You're still not taking the Prozac I prescribed for you?" I shook my head. "It makes me sick to my stomach," I explained. "And it also screws up my short-term memory so that I do really lousy on the tests. I could have gotten an A instead of a B+ on my last two courses if it weren't for that." "I think I'll try you on Remeron," he said. "Fine," I said. "And I'll need something to help me sleep too. I can't sleep at all lately. My Dad has murdered sleep and Sweet Cassie shall sleep no more!" "The Remeron will help you with that, also," he said. "As to the situation with your father and the feelings you are experiencing because of that...there really is no magic cure. All the Remeron can do, as an anti-depressant and soporific is to help you function just a little better than you are doing now." I nodded. "I know," I said. "Speaking of functioning...I DID get some work done on my website...CASSANDRA'S PEOPLE," I said, getting all girlish and excited. "I updated it and added a new Media Folder The (love)Craft. I added some new links too. Have you seen it yet?" "No," he said. "You'd better give me the url again." "http://," I told him. "Thank you," he said. "Now, you've always known that your father had a problem with your transsexuality, haven't you?" I nodded. "He's not alone in that," I said. "I've had some problems with it too." He smiled. "I know," he said. "But you must have known that as you became more yourself again he would have a negative reaction to it?" "Of course!" I said. "But this was totally out of the blue! One second we're getting along great and the next it's 'Don't let me see your face again.' I mean, what's up with that? The only thing I can think of is that his neighbors must've noticed that I'd colored my hair and said something to him about it." "That's possible," Dr. Agre agreed. "So now," I said. "I'm free to get my name changed legally (which is cool cuz I HATE being called 'Greg'). I'm free to get the surgery, I can do all those things I've been wanting to do since I was a why ain't I happy?" "Because this is NOT how you wanted it to happen," he said. "Isn't that right?" I lowered my head acquiescingly. "You're right," I said unhappily. "It isn't." Then I raised my head. "But," I said then. "Getting back to the fictional part of this story...I DO have a case on hand which should take my mind off all my, if you'll excuse me...." As I emerged from my doctor's office I noticed two things. One of which was that it had started raining. The second was the my heap had, like disappeared. "Next time maybe you'll pay me the money, huh?" said the kid. "Yeah, sure," I said. "NEXT time." and hoisting my bag over my shoulder I began walking down Fleishman Street towards Carson where I knew I would find a pay phone. It began to rain harder. "CASSANDRA MORRISON INVESTIGATIONS---NO CASE TOO SMALL---NO FEE TOO LARGE!" my secretary said brightly. "It's me, Chrissy," I said soggily. "Listen, I'm at a pay phone and...." Chrissy sighed noisily. "Boss," she said, more-in-sorrow-than-in- anger. "When are you gonna start payin' that kid?" "Never mind that now," I said. "What did you find out about this Noah Bramwell character?" "He's a small-time grifter," she replied. "Used to run the Jumping Frog Contest out of Calaveras County until the people got suspicious when one of his frogs 'Carlos the Croaker' jumped a record three and one-half miles one day and they found he'd been feeding his frogs mayflies coated with methedrine. Rumor has it that he's now connected with dog-racing though that has yet to be proved." "Good work, dollface," I said. "What's he look like and where can I find him?" "He's about six feet tall," she said. "Has long blond hair and steely blue eyes. Sports a goatee and a skull earring on his left ear. Wears black. He can usually be found at MacArthur Park around dusk. He likes to feed cyanide to the pigeons." "Okay," I said. "Call the cab company and ask for Ernie and tell him to pick me up here." "Right. But, listen, you really oughtta start payin'..." I hung up and waited for Ernie. "Where to, Ms. Morrison?" he asked, his one functioning windshield wiper squeaking annoyingly. "MacArthur Park," I said. "And step on's almost dusk." "Still not payin that kid, huh?" he asked, as he put his cab in gear and we took off at the speed of arthritic tortoises. "Shut up," I advised him. "So what do you think about this Y2K thing, Ms. Morrison?" he asked after a couple of miles. "Couldn't happen to a nicer civilization," I replied gruffly. And the rest of the drive passed in silence. "Here we are," Ms. Morrison," he said later. "Thanks," I said. "Wait here." "Sure thing," he said. "But wouldn't it be cheaper if you just started payin' that...." I slammed the door, effectively cutting off the rest of his verbosity and headed into the Park as the rain slowly stopped. MacArthur's Park was steaming in the dark and the rabid squirrels were rushing by. Some jackass had left a cake out in the rain and I damn near broke my neck as my stiletto heels skidded on its squishiness. "So much for the subtle approach," I muttered as I struggled frantically (and successfully) to regain my balance. But I went on, as a good little TS Investigator should, with hope in my heart and a song on my of Marilyn Manson's touching love ballads, actually. Then, suddenly, not six feet away, I saw a glint of gold as the last rays of the setting sun reflected off the skull that was dangling from Bramwell's left ear. I began sidling towards him surreptitiously noticing, as I did so, that the grass was littered with dead and dying pigeons. Gertrude Stein would've found it inspirational. But, as I moved towards Bramwell he began to move away. I began to walk faster. So did he. Soon we were running and just as I was saying to myself "Wow! Deja Vu!" I slipped on that damn cake and went sprawling. Tore a hole in my best nylons too. I tellya, TS''s tough out there. It's a jungle! By the time I scrambled to my feet he was long gone. "Take me to my office," I told Ernie. "You look TERRIBLE!" Chrissy said as I squelched in. "Thank you, " said, brushing a few soggy cake crumbs from my skirt. "Anything new?" "Mr. Dashiell just called," she said. "Apparently his wife just got wind of the fact that their dog is missing and all hell's broken loose." I fell into a chair with a stunned look on my face. "The dog!" I breathed ecstatically. "Of course! Why didn't I think of it before?" "What are you TALKING about?" Chrissy demanded. "'The curious incident of the dog in the night-time," I quoted. "But the dog did nothing in the night-time," Chrissy said quite unconsciously. "'THAT,'" I giggled. "'Was the Curious Incident!'" and I hurried off to change my clothes. "Call Dashiell," I yelled over my shoulder. "And tell him to meet me at his wife's trailer in an hour!" It was already after dark when my cab pulled up at the Soaring Eagle Trailer Park and I found my client waiting for me on pins and needles. "What are you doing?" I asked, as he rose to meet me. "Practicing yoga?" "No," he said, with a grimace, as he pulled a few remaining needles from his back. "I had a little accident with a sewing kit I was bringing my wife as a peace offering." "Oh," I said. "Well, come on, we have to see your wife right now!" "What's happened?" he puffed, as he rushed along by my side. But I was distracted for a moment by the most delicious sensation as a cool breeze wafted up the skirt of my powder blue shirt dress and caressed my thighs. I got goose pimples all over. "Hmmmm?" I said dreamily. "I said 'What's happened?'" he repeated. "Do you know what happened to Hamlet?" "Sure," I said. "Call him." "What?" "Call your dog." "What the...oh, never mind. Here, Hamlet! Here boy!" We were rewarded by a loud woof from the nearest trailer. Suddenly, the door flew open from a sudden impact it had never been designed to withstand, and a huge Great Dane came bounding towards us. "My God!" cried Dashiell, as the dog almost knocked him down in its eagerness to be reunited with its master. "How did he come to be here?" "Shall you tell him, Mrs. Dashiell?" I inquired. "Or would you prefer that I did it?" The slattern-faced little woman who had followed the dog out just glared at me. So I took up the explanation. "What first attracted my attention," I said, lying brazenly. "Were the actions of the dog on the night in question. According to your story, Mr. Dashiell, Hamlet, here had permitted a total stranger to climb into the back seat of your car and to assault you soon after with giving even a token protest. Now, no dog in the world would do that. If you trespass on what a dog consider's his master's private property, or make a threatening gesture towards his master, that dog will very probably fly at your throat. The least he will do is growl. But Hamlet did NOTHING. What, then, was the explanation of his incomprehensible behavior? Only ONE explanation would cover the facts: the assailant was someone whom the dog knew well. Someone he loved as much as his master. Who else but his Mistress?" Dashiell stared at his wife with disbelief. "But, why? Why would Gladys do such a thing?" "My theory is that she got tired of staying in this crummy trailer while you were living the high life in that swanky hotel of yours," I said. "So she figured out a way to add to her bank account. The ransom note was, of course, a ruse, she had no intention of harming Hamlet...she just wanted to throw us off the track. By the way, do you still have that check, Mrs. Hamlet? It might be wise to return it thus sparing Mr. Dashiell the unhappy experiance of actually having to press charges." She reached into the bosom of her threadbare dress and handed it to me. "Damned Flatfoo1" she said. "Bramwell and I were certain you'd take the bait and go afer him instead of me! He was much the more obvious suspect, what with his criminal background and all." "Quite so," I replied, lighting a Virginia Slim. "But the guilty person is always the LEAST likely to be suspected!" "Oh, damn!" she said. "I forgot that!" "Gladys," said Dashiell with a catch in his throat. "Ms. Morrison, too..I see now what a selfish pig I have been. Come back to me Gladys and I promise you you'll never want for anything again!" "Oh, Henry!" she cried, falling into his arms in an absolute orgy of mawkish sentimentality. "I love you so MUCH!!!" I patted Hamlet's head while they carried on for a couple of eternities. "Good boy," I told him. "If it hadn't been for your intelligent inertia I'd never have solved this case!" He wagged his tail in gratification. "Ms. Morrison," cried Dashiell suddenly. "How can I ever reward you? This ring perhaps?" he cried, tugging at the huge emerald which adorned the first finger of his right hand. "No thanks," I said. "I don't have much use for a man's ring these days." "Then a photograph of my wife? She is the greatest treasure I possess!" "I don't think so," I said. "I prefer to deal in cash." "Then this check for two hundred thousand? I shall endorse it over to you at once!" "I guess it will HAVE to do," I said. And that, dear Reader, is how I not only restored Dashiell's Hamlet. but acquired the Dane's Purse, as well!!! The End

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The Waiting Room

The Waiting RoomIt seemed simple enough... show up at the agreed upon address, let myself in, strip, and wait as appropriate "As appropriate" had never made much sense to me.  I hadn't taken her for being a form oriented domme, expecting me be to kneeling in supplication, palms up or hands behind my back, prefacing any and all responses with "Yes, Mistress."  I am a bottom, fairly dominant in my life, desiring experiences of erotic sensation, most all forms, sensuality to pretty severe, a...

2 years ago
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Deana and Mark have planned for a three week trip to Ireland for the past three years. It was the home of her ancestors. This year, their dreams would come true, they have booked the tour through Magical Escapes. On the fifth of March they’d fly to Dublin, see the sites, look up distant relatives, and immerse themselves in Irish culture. She could hardly contain her excitement as they boarded Delta Airlines, destination: Dublin, Ireland. They quickly found their seats and when the plane took...

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A Much of a Which of a WindChapter 11

We talked until about 2:00 a.m. but neither of us came up with much else useful that could be done. She suggested that I go see Brodine at some point, which seemed to be a good idea, but there probably wasn't going to be much he either would or could tell me that I didn't already know. And nothing else worth mentioning occurred to either of us. So I went back to bed. I'd slept so long and hard I doubted I'd be able to do much more, but it was a good idea to get myself back on a normal...

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Such Good Friends Chapter nineIncident at the High Lake

Chapter nine—Incident at The High Lake It was August and the day was going to be another scorcher. Mark was planning to hike up to the lake located high in the hills east of town. The “Terrific Trio” was coming with him and they planned on a whole day of swimming and sunning in the remote wilderness area. It was about an hour’s drive and a three mile hike, but they were counting on much cooler temperatures and sunny skies. Mark had finished his breakfast and was packing food and drink...

3 years ago
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Undercover Angel Ch 01

Undercover Angel Ch. 01 - Mike goes undercover as a transvestite to escape crime boss.When Mike Harris stole two point seven million dollars in cash from his employer, he knew that his life had changed forever. It's one thing to steal that amount of money from your bosses' safe; it's quiet another to steal it from a ruthless gangster who is heavily involved in narcotics, prostitution, gambling and murder.Mike was Tony Leonardo's bookkeeper, accountant and financial adviser. Far removed from the...

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I was in trouble. It only took a week to happen. Monday. I had borrowed my sister's white panties, as my normal white boxer shorts were missing. My underwear drawer was empty. I picked them up from the laundry hamper, after my morning shower. I dried my long black hair, and tied it in a ponytail. As i looked in the mirror, i became aroused by my feminine reflection. I saw a matching padded white bra, and put it on too. I got dressed in my white short sleeved school shirt, and tie,...

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Mardi Gras Reflections 3

Mardi Gras Reflections The Presents Chapter 3 My reverie was suddenly broken as I felt my arms lowering and released, just to be locked behind me. The vibrations in my ass and pussy stopped. A tap on the inside of my left inner thigh let me know I could bring my legs slightly together. After I had done so there was a tug on my collar, and knew I had been leashed. Following the directions of the tugs with alacrity I moved through the house blind, deaf, and mute. Falling would...

3 years ago
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Natasha Part 1

My captions blog @ ------------------------------------------------------------ "Thank you for taking the Soviet train Lines" He hesitated for a second,then looked upward and stamped my passport. "...Sir." It was rare that I slipped back into my true voice, I quickly recomposed myself and wished the young lad a great day. On the train, I found out I shared a cabin with a woman. She was pretty, and young. Judging from her clothing, she came from a...

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School Attraction Fulfilled In Job

Hi All, Agar sex story pasand aaye ya kisi bhi female jo delhi me rhti ho to uska mood ho to mail me at Ye story ki start tab hoti hai jab mai school me tha, 11th class me. Mujhe apni ek classmate jiska naam Manya hai pasand thi.Uske boobs 34 C the, ass 34 thi. Apni age ke according vo bahut hi zyada sey thi aur sabhi ladko ki uspe nazar thi. Vo aur mai same school bus me jaate the. Meri use thodhi bahut baat hoti thi and mai uski taraf bahut zyada attracted tha. Ek din maine himmat kar ke...

4 years ago
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Aakariki Kokukutho Ranku Satisfaction Echindi

Manam naa 2nd part story lo vochamu… Cheppanu kada.. Ma amma nenu commit ayyamu.. Ala amma nenu dengataaniki ready ga unnamu.. Amma sleeve less veskundu… Tharvaatha naako twist ichindi amma… Amma… Kanna thappu ra.. Nee life em avuthadi ra. Nenu…. Em kaade mana desham lo edhi thappu kaani.. Bayata deshalalloo.. Edhi common aaaa Amma… Naaku bayamesthundi ra.. Nenu… Intha manditho denginchukunnav.. Appudu veeyani bayam eppudu enduke… Amma… Edho enjoyment kosam cheshanu raa… Nenu… Naatho kuda...

5 years ago
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Aurora Sexy Assassin

Aurora Sexy Assassin -by Joaquin (a.k.a. "bootboy") Dedicated to the lovely Aurora EPISODE 1: " Death comes in black thongpanties " The long straight lonely highway stretch for several miles for as far asthe eye could see. On both sides of it, a vast desert landscape, warm and onlybeginning to show signs of life as the sun steadily rose on the far horizon.Other than a frightened gecko that scurried pass across the wide deserted avenueand a flight of vultures overhead, and one patient...

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The Stuff of Nightmares

A second kick knocked out the window. The supervillain’s fist reached out. Her segmented bracers ran the rim of the pane to clear away the burrs and shards that had been left behind. She swung out of the warehouse before the glass had shattered on the concrete walkway below. She was a blur of cloud white, soulless black, and wine red. The glass shards crunched under her armored boots as she dropped the story and a half to the ground. “Wrong exit, criminal,” came a loud, authoritative...

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The Cats Tale Boots

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story and any resemblance between real people and places is unintended. It does deal with Transgender themes and the supernatural. If these are not for you than stop here please! Thanks again to Janet Nolan, Hope, Nellie and Paula for their great work and patience in proofing and first reads. Any mistakes of course are mine. This work was originally named a little different, Boots the Cat's Tale. The reason for the somewhat altered title is I wrote other...

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Funtime with a whore

The following is a mail sent to me by a friend Soham (name changed) from Calcutta. Here he describes his experiences with a whore at a whore joint in the Park Street area of Calcutta, a place where I have been several times in the last 10 years. I am reproducing it with his permission. It’s great stuff. Read it… Last Sunday afternoon I had gone to the Park Street area to recover some long outstanding payment. I was expecting a cheque but I was paid a part in cheque and the remainder about...

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278 Worth of EscapeChapter 2

I was laying on my bed in that mental place between being drunk lucid and being just plain drunk. Thoughts rambled though my head, and if you had asked me what day it was, or even what I was wearing, I wouldn't have been able to tell you. Or possibly even focus on your face. The latest bottle empty, I had been laying on my back staring at the fan slowly spinning on the ceiling. Empty. Devoid of any interest in - well - anything really. I had stopped going to the pub to drown my sorrows,...

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Yesterdays Panties Part 2

Yesterday's Panties - Part 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - From Yesterday's Panties- Part 1: Tabitha took her hand and put it on my left breast and began to massage it. She pinched my nipple and looked longingly in my eyes. "Maybe you could start sharing bras with me too, then," she asked as she pinched harder and sent a shock of excitement through me. "Baby, I don't think I have the parts that it takes to fill out your bra. ...

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Half Dreams

Half Dreams by Kelley Rigney I realize that the following scenarios may be out of place in Fictionmania, but I do believe there might be someone who will appreciate this work. If on occasion you have ever been wisped away by your imagination but for only a few seconds or minutes and cherished those incremental sketches of wishful thinking I do believe you might find these interesting. I've never seen anybody write about their "half" dreams as I call them. What I am talking about...

3 years ago
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Jennifers Sexual Awakening Ch6 The Picnic

‘Alessa, David’s found a nice secluded place just out of town where we can go and sunbathe in complete privacy. Would you like to join us?’ ‘What do you mean “secluded?”‘ Jennifer, having just come from having a shower, was wearing only her robe. She let it fall to the floor then raised her arms, clasping her hands together high above her head. Totally naked, she arched her back, stretched upwards and turned around slowly showing a beautifully evenly tanned body. ‘Hey, you haven’t got any...

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After the FallChapter 5

Eve was pregnant! We celebrated her announcement with a feast of bar-b-qued pig. That pseudo tomato mixed with our true tomato produced an excellent bar-b-que sauce when we added the proper spices. Actually, I preferred the taste of this new stuff to what we had at home. I had also been working on a home-brew and had finally gotten it to taste well enough to offer to company, if we'd had any. Both Eve and I liked it, and we had developed a taste for beer while on military service. Eve was...

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Brother Sister and Virginity Part 1

I decided to get my 16 year old body off the bed; heading for the washroom, still thinking of what to do. After using the toilet, I realized that there was a pack of pills left beside the sink. There were several small pills which contained very different colours every two rows. What got me interested was that there were days of the week written on the package. The first few were taken out, including today's (Saturday). I poured milk into my bowl of cereal. My sister came up to the...

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Finally Letting Go Swinger Group Dp

There I was under a blanket reading again trying to escape from my reality of cleaning, cooking, refereeing and the constant frustration of being a stay at home mom. I was reading another sci-fi romance novel when I heard the rumble of my husband Ryan's car coming down the hill toward our house. It was the first day in a long time that the sun was out, it was winter in Seattle and sunshine was a welcomed change after months of overcast and rainy weather. I heard the door shut and Ryan's voice...

2 years ago
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SweetheartVideo Sarah Vandella Anne De Ville Make Love To The Camera

Sexy, blonde, MILF Sarah Vandella is a successful fetish photographer who knows what she wants out of her sexy models, but young, thin, brunette, Anna DeVille is clearly new and too nervous. Sarah needs Anna to smolder with sex in her pictures and knows just what it will take to get those shots as she soothes and worships the young beauties body. Anna blossoms under the older woman’s touch fully enjoy Sarah’s mouth and hands as her pussy drips with excitement. Anna cums deeply and...

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Home Invasion

Evelyn heard a noise. She wasn't sure, but it sounded like someone else was in her house. It was a house she had lived in for more than fifty years. The house she originally moved in with her husband after the war. The house she raised three children in. The house she had long since lived in alone since the passing of her husband more than twelve years ago. Her children insisted she move out of her home and into a nursing home where they could take better care of her, but she...

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Once in a while I review a website so disgusting, so depraved, so utterly fucked up that it changes my life for the better. is one of those sites. 5 seconds into their home page and I fell in love. First of all, I saw that they heavily feature Charlotte Sartre, a whore so talented and ruthless, she deserves her own genre in porn. Secondly, all the girls on the site go above and beyond every perversion that you can think of to satisfy every single one of your secret disgusting...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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life of elevator

Typically, my existence is not at all interesting. My doors open, one or more people step in, my doors close. I go up or I go down. My doors open, one or more people step out, one or more people step in, my doors close. I go up or I go down. Repeat ad nauseam.The Humans who ride me are almost always adults. I have noticed that the females generally have partially-bare legs, and their feet are often set at an unusual angle because of a short stick underneath the back of each foot.There are...

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The Glen Book OneChapter 4

Saturday nights were movie nights on campus. The campus film board would put together a single or double feature and show it in either the student union ballroom, or if it was a double feature, they would use one of the large lecture rooms in Kane Hall. So it was that Erin, Megan, Richard, Wendy, and Wendy's boyfriend Robert were walking across campus toward Red Square on Saturday evening. The first fat drops of rain had just started to fall, and the pace of the rain was picking up quickly....

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Feeding an addiction Part 2 Ch 5

Scarsdale, New York: Monday 12th December 2017Sue slowly came back down to earth, the tension now gone from her spent body. As her eyes opened and she looked at me I realized there was no hint of embarrassment or shame in her face. I’d thought that now the excitement had passed, there might be some adverse reaction. But Sue’s face was pure undiluted contentment. Fully satisfied and not caring whether the lover who’d pleasured her was male or female.As I kissed her softly and we shared a moment,...

Wife Lovers
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Destination AzaharChapter 31 The Big Pickup

[Note to readers: This chapter was previously published as A Pickup in Texas and has been included here for convenience and continuity. Those of you who are familiar with the story can skip this chapter. There's nothing new.] There is no geographic location on Earth that more clearly demonstrates how a few men with guns can change the course of history than the state of Texas. But, with their opening gambit being The Alamo, and its example being the standard for all that followed, what else...

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Having Fun

He had captured my attention from the first day he walked into the classroom. We sat next to each other, although not intentionally. We had never met before, even though my high school was small. Sure, we knew each others names, but beyond that, nothing. I knew he was a football player. So I had all these assumptions, Ill admit it. But after a week I knew that my assumptions were false. He was funny and smart, two things I didnt expect. We ended up becoming partners for a couple of projects and...

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Katies Interracial Experience

My wife and I have been married for 20 years and we are both in our mid 40's. Katie still looks quite hot even after having 2 k**s. She is 5'-1", about 120 pounds, full B cup boobs, dark hair and eyes and is quite curvy. She is aging nicely with all the little lines, creases and sags in all the right places. I think it really gives her that COUGAR look. I have had a better sex life than the average Joe. We have done some experimenting during our time together. Nothing on a regular basis, but...

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Spizoo Rocky Emerson Cum Slut

What do you get when you take a tall, elegant, high end super model and mix her with a hardcore, tattooed biker bitch?? Answer… Rocky Emerson. with the face of an angel and the mind of a devious slut, rocky can’t wait to blow your mind, and your cock. She teases, strips and plays with herself before gobbling down a hard cock, using her mouth to warm it up for her tight, warm hole. Witness the beauty that is Rocky Emerson taking it balls deep and loving every inch. In this gonzo...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 23

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 23 Paula went to town with Laura and Joanne looking for new school clothes. They took the bus, and on the way, the days events thus far dominated their conversation. "I don't get one thing," said Joanne. "How come the receptionist didn't question Paula's gender?" "I don't know. I'm sure it was the same one I spoke to on Wednesday," said Laura. "It makes no sense. We know about Paula, but she didn't," said Joanne. "We'll have to wait till Monday...

3 years ago
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The Little Fat Fairy and the Fucking Fungus

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. ‘Oh, Mr. Wankles! You just don’t understand.’ The little fat fairy plonked herself down onto the dandelion pouffe, causing her skirt to fly up and reveal her rather substantial knickers. ‘Ooo, purple lace today, Daisy,’ leered Mr. Wankles. ‘Certainly is, young-fella-me-lad,’ she sighed. ‘And what sort of a problem cannot be solved by purple lace knickers?’ The gnome sat back in his cumbersome velour...

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Undercover RoseChapter 23

After returning home I drifted into a boring routine. I tried to be patient, but it was impossible. I checked the mail three times a day. I was looking for anything from the Controller, or the Phone Sex Lady. I had two super secret Email accounts, and two separate burn phones. It was complicated but manageable. I loved the fucking intrigue, if the truth be known. Neither of the two people I was working with sent small talk emails so I got no email at all in either file for almost a week. I...

2 years ago
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HandsOnHardcore Jennifer White Takes Revenge on Cheating Husband by Fucking his Friend

Jennifer White knows her husband is cheating on her, so she heads over to his friend Jesse’s house to take revenge. After telling Jesse the situation and winning his sympathy, she goes into the bathroom, takes her clothes off, and comes back out only wearing her lingerie. At first, Jesse is hesitant but after Jennifer says that if he doesn’t fuck her she’ll just fuck a stranger, he can’t come up with a good reason not to. After getting his cock sucked, he starts slamming her from behind as she...

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soldier boy chapter 3

Sarah sat staring out of the window of the taxi on the journey home. She was not ashamed of what she had done but she was furious with her brother for dragging the soldier from her just as she was about to cum. Her body still throbbed with longing and she knew she would find it difficult to get to sleep but she also knew that she was in serious trouble. Glancing over at Shaun she also realised that he was angry at her behaviour and biting her lip she sidled over to him on the backseat slipping...

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Swingerrsquos night out

I have to tell you all about a story of two hot couples, and what happened one night when they met. One night my wife Jenny and me (Jimmy) were out on the town to Chicago. We were away from town on a personal vacation trip in a city in another state. we were eager to get out and have some fun with some sweaty dancing, and hot love making to come later, and drinks galore. Jenny gets pretty easy when I get some drinks in her, and tonight we were going to get pretty toasted, so I knew she...

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Our Dance

We both really liked to dance, but to dance by ourselves is always the best way to go. They say ‘dance like no one is watching’ and we do dance just like that when we are in each other’s arms. Let me set the picture here. We are wearing next to nothing and have not been able to keep our hands off of each other all bay or even through dinner. I pull out my phone and queue up our favorite play list. The music starts… She grabbed me by the hand and led me to the place we liked to dance. It always...

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Gangbanged By Strangers

Mai rucha raval hu. Meri age 20 hai. Mai gujarat se hu aur mai gujarati hu. Mai mera ye fourth time incident ap sab se share karne ja rahi hu, please comments dena raval rucha at yahoo dot com pe. Mai mere bare me batati hu, meri height karib 5 feet 5 inch hai, weight 56kgs hai, mai bohot fair hu, mai wealthy family se belong karti hu. Mei body size 34 29 38 hai. Mere hairs brown color ke hai aur sholder tak hai aur curly hair style hai. To ye hadsa kuch iss tarah se hua, barish ke din the, aur...

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