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A hacker sat at his PC late Friday evening. Computer magazines, programming books, and software packages lay scattered everywhere--jammed in overstuffed plain wooden shelf units, on the desk, on the night tables, on the loveseat, and on the king size double bed. The hacker, also known as Erin, was a tall skinny nerdy looking geek of about 35, wearing old jeans and an AOL tee shirt. He pored over numerous tattered and dog-eared books with such titles as, "The Brain-Computer Interface", and "Principles of Cortical Detection and Stimulation." He reached across his desk to grab a slice of pizza and took a swig of a can of Jolt Cola, then proceeded to make some changes to a program displayed on the screen of his computer.

He picked up an old bicycle helmet, which has been altered by the addition of all manner of small antennas and wires fastened all over the top of it. He grabbed a length of ribbon cable from under his desk and plugged one end into the helmet and the other end into the parallel port on the back of his computer. Standing up from the chair, he walked over to the bed and shoved the pile of books off onto the floor. Placing the helmet on his head, he lay down on the bed and went limp.

Standing in the center of a large medieval throne room, Erin, a tall skinny nerdy looking geek of about 35, wearing old jeans and anQuark's Bar tee shirt, whirled around.

"Behold, my kingdom!" he shouted as he walked around the huge ornamental stone room.

"What detail! Incredible! I should be proud of myself!"

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"Ahhhhhh. A bit musty though. I think I'll take that out."

He walked up to the massive wooden throne in the center of the room. It was standing upon a raised section of the stone floor. Its cushions were luxurious violet silk, and it was curtained in sheets of red, blue, and green pleated sheets of silk.

"Aaaaaaeaaaah," as he took his rightful place upon the throne. He sat for a few minutes and began tapping his fingers on the arms of the throne. "Let's check out the rest of my kingdom." He said to himself.

Erin exited the massive castle, crossing between two guard towers and across the narrow wooden drawbridge. He walked down into the village where the empty streets, lined with quaint wooden shops and houses, crisscrossed at odd angles. Several streets came together in the square where, in the center, a large ornamental well stood proudly, its bucket swinging in the cool breeze. Erin sat on the edge of the well and dropped a coin into the water below with a plop. "I wish I knew how to program sentience."

Erin sat at his computer nearly all day Saturday, keying in another program, this time poring over a journal titled, "Consciousness Explained."

Erin sat upon his throne in fine saffron robes, wearing a bejeweled gold crown upon his head. Two of his subjects faced him from a respectable distance.

"My subjects! Bow to your king!" The two men leaned forward in unison.

"You may rise. What causes you to seek an audience with your king?" Silence. "Well, speak up! Tell me your names!"

"I. Am. Alpha."

"I. Am. Beta."

"How are you feeling, Alpha? Are you comfortable?"

"I. Do. Not. Feel. I. Do. Not. Experience. Comfort."

He sat staring at the screen until Saturday evening drew near. With a sudden start, he let out a whistle! "Spot! C'mere boy! C'mere Spot!"

A small brown terrier came running into the room. "Good boy! Sit, Spot! Sit! Now, stay. Stay! Good boy!"

Erin placed his bicycle helmet on the dog's head. The dog collapsed to the floor in apparent slumber as Erin keyed something into the computer. The hard drive light flickered for several minutes then stopped. The dog opened his eyes and looked up at Erin.

Erin removed the helmet from the dog. "Here, boy. Want a doggie biscuit? Good boy!"

The dog ran out of the room attacking his biscuit. Erin lay back down on the bed and placed his helmet back on his own head.

Erin sat at his throne, his loyal dog by his side.

"Spot! Fetch!" He tossed a ball over to the far end of the throne room. The dog bounded after it and returned, dropping the drool covered ball at Erin's feet, jumping and barking excitedly. "Good boy, Spot! Real good boy!"

Erin stared into the screen, his chin resting in his palms with his elbows on the desk. His eyebrows shot up and he rapidly began to key in another program as the Monday morning sun started to rise. He checked his watch and jumped up out of the chair scrambling to take off his jeans while replacing them with a pair of dress pants. He pulled a dress shirt on over his tee shirt and ran out of the house as he grabbed a tie from his closet.

The workday at the hi-rise offices of Megatelco Corporation in Piscataway New Jersey began promptly at 9:00. Erin arrived early Monday morning. Of course he dreaded this day. It was his birthday, and there was no way of avoiding his Birthday Beating.

Birthday Beatings were the brainchild of Glenn. Glenn was a member of the team of programmers of which Erin was also a member. Erin had endured several Birthday Beatings so far. Often, they involve tossing the victim's overcoat over his head and giving him a gentle pounding. Women were not excused from the practice either. It was more of a psychological trauma than a painful one. Still it was unpleasant. Yet he dared not protest. The Birthday Beatings had the blessing of the immediate staff manager and the staff manager's District manager.

A few years ago, some chap, a Bernhard somebody, complained about the Birthday Beatings to a different staff manager other than his own, but under the same District manager--and he became the victim of a cruel practical joke. A few days after the allied manager went to the District manager to resolve the problem, the District manager called up his Division manager saying that he had overheard Bernhard making a bomb threat against the company. The Division manager called the police, duped into falsely accusing Bernhard of making the bomb threat. The innocent chap was fired and went through a bloody hell of an ordeal to clear himself.

Thus, Erin endured the Birthday Beatings.

The remainder of the workweek was uneventful, and Erin made little progress in his virtual world.

That Thursday, Erin decided to forego his forays into virtual reality and attempt a go at real reality for an evening. He browsed the personals and answered "Intelligent Woman Seeking Intelligent Man." He called up "Intelligent Woman" and they hit it off straight away. The following evening, Friday, he drove to her flat and picked her up that night and drove to a restaurant for dinner.

On the way there, she asked, "Would you mind stopping up ahead here at the betting parlor for a second. I want to pick up my State Lotto ticket. I buy one every day, you know."

He stopped, and she got her tickets. Continuing on the way to the restaurant, Erin explained, "The State Lotto is a tax on the ignorance of probability theory, you know."

"What rot is that you say? I just won $150.00 last week! A couple of years ago, I won $200.00!"

"But if you buy one ticket a day, you're paying $365.00 a year to win $200.00 every couple of years. Instead, why don't you put a dollar into an envelope every day, and when your numbers come up, take the money out of the envelope. I guarantee you'll win more than $100.00 or $200.00 every time your numbers come up."

"Why should I? It's the only way I can save money. What if I stop playing and my numbers came up? I'd lose hundreds of dollars. So don't tell me what I should do!"

"I'm not telling you what to do. I'm just pointing out that you're losing money playing the State Lotto. If you're doing it to save money and you enjoy the gambling part of it, you can at least break even by playing it like I've explained."

"How dare you tell me what to do! And how do you really know I'm losing in the long run, eh?"

"Because I can count! It's obvious! $365.00 a year to average $100.00 a year back is losing money. I'm just explaining that to..."

"I can't deal with this! Let me out! I'll find my own way home!"

"Don't be silly, I'll take you home."

"Stop the car right now, or I swear I'll scream out the window!"

He let her out and drove home, all the while muttering about so-called "intelligent" women.

Erin awoke early that Saturday morning. He made himself up quickly and drove down to the local shopping arcade. He stopped in front of "Exotic Pet Shoppy" and entered. He glanced at the kittens and puppies and tropical fish as he walked through to the rear of the store where the exotic animals are on display. He stopped in front of a large cage labeled, "Ixblat." Inside was a small chimpanzee. "May I help you, sir?" asked the young female clerk.

"Yes, please. How much is the chimp?"

"The chimp is eight hundred and fifty American dollars, sir, plus VAT. He's really cute. Would you like to hold him?"

"Yes, please!"

"His name is Ixblat. Hold him like this."

"Uh. He won't..."

"No, he won't! Though he'll need to wear a diaper if he were to be allowed to run around loose."

"What's your return policy? Just in case he doesn't take to me?"

She raised an eyebrow at him before answering. "You have thirty days to return him for a full refund. But we will check to see that he hasn't been abused."

"Okay, fine, I'll take him."

"Oh! Good! He comes with the cage here, and his toys, but you'll have to buy a bag of his food."

"That's fine."

"Good! Follow me up to the register, please."

Spot ran and hid when Erin brought the chimp into the house. Erin went and found him under the sink. "Don't worry, boy! The chimp will only be here for a few weeks!"

Once again, Erin sat upon his throne to address those who seek an audience with their king. One lone man in plain white robes stood before the throne, looking rapidly left, then right. "Speak to your king!" said Erin.

"Aaaaaeeeeeeeccchhh! Aaacch! Aaacchh!" The man jumped and spun around and ran over to one corner of the room. Erin jumped down from his throne and ran after him. "Ixblat, don't be afraid! It's just a game!"

Ixblat ran along the wall away from Erin. "Aaaaaaeeeeeeeech! Oooh! Oooh! Eeeeeeeeech!" Ixblat stopped to tear his robes off, and then continued running wildly around the throne room naked. After a few moments, he sat and started scratching his bum.

Lunchtime at Megatelco Corporation was from noon to 13.00. Gary got up from his terminal to leave for the cantina. As he walked past the cubes of his co-workers, he noticed Erin unconscious in his chair wearing a strangely modified bicycle helmet wired to a laptop PC on his desk. "Hey! Erin! Wake up! You okay?" Gary glanced down at another similar helmet, also wired to the PC, on the extra chair in the cube.

Curious as to what game his colleague might be playing, Gary sat in the chair and donned the helmet.

Gary suddenly found himself in the town square of a medieval village. The town was eerily silent except for a dog barking near by and the occasional screeching of monkeys off in the distance. One seemingly blind man walked through the square. "Hey! Hey you! Where am I?" The man ignored Gary and entered a side street. "Where are you going! Where am I?"

Gary looked around quickly. Seeing no other activity, he started to shout.

Suddenly, Gary was, once again, sitting in that Erin's cube back at the office.

Gary looked Erin in the eye. "What was that? Where was I?"

"What did you think of my virtual reality world, Gary?" Erin asked.

Gary suddenly found himself in the town square of a medieval village. The town was eerily silent except for a dog barking near by and the occasional screeching of monkeys off in the distance. One seemingly blind man walked through the square. "Hey! Hey you! Where am I?" The man ignored Gary and entered a side street. "Where are you going! Come back here! Help me!"

Gary looked around quickly. Seeing no other activity, he started to shout. But then, Gary saw Erin enter the town square wearing royal looking robes and a sort of king's crown. "Greetings to you, Gary! Welcome to my world!"

Gary looked at Erin quizzically, "How the bloody hell did I get here?"

"You are in a cyberspace, Gary. You know, a high resolution full sensory virtual reality system. The helmet that you wore back at my cubicle this afternoon allowed me to record your mind."

"Wait a minute! You stop this thing right now and put me back in the real world!"

"I'm afraid that's not possible, Gary. You are now a disembodied mind. A mind needs a body in order to exist in the real world."

"WHAT! You can't be serious! Look, Erin, someone's going to notice me missing! Plenty of people saw me hooked to your helmet thing. They'll know who to come to if I suddenly disappear! So let me out! Now!"

"No, Gary. You don't understand. The real Gary is still alive and well back in the real world. He's probably home with his wife at this very moment, having dinner or watching telly, unaware that a copy of his mind was recorded when he put that helmet on this afternoon. You are nothing more than a digitized copy of his mind that is now being simulated inside my virtual computer cyberspace."

"The bloody hell!" Gary rushed at Erin and grabbed him. At that, however, Erin suddenly vanished in thin air! Gary stood there dumfounded.

Erin deleted that sequence and restored Gary's mind from the first backup he made just before he reanimated him and went to meet him.

Gary stood there rubbing his chin for a moment and then felt a strange spasm in his head which lasted barely a fraction of a second. Then as he looked up, Gary saw Erin enter the town square wearing royal looking robes and a sort of kings crown. "Greetings to you, Gary! Welcome to my world!"

Gary looked at Erin quizzically, "How the bloody hell did I get here?"

"It's a long story, Gary. Please, why don't you join me for lunch at the castle. I promise you a meal fit for a king!"

"Well ... I suppose so ... if you can get us back to work by the end of our lunch hour..."

Erin ran a backup of his hard disk, labeled the USB thumb drive "Cyberspace," and placed the USB thumb drive in his little Sentry vault labeled, along with another thumb drive labeled, "Gary: original copy." He then walked out to his car carrying his pocket PC and an assortment of wire and ribbon cable. His car, an old yellow 1973 Volkswagen Beetle, had full-height bucket seats with the headrest integral with the back of the seat. He opened the hatchback and, with a pen knife, carefully cut out a large circle of the cloth from the back of the headrest. He carefully strung his wires and chips into the padding of the seat. He then fished the ribbon cable down through the inside of the back of the seat and out the bottom. The then neatly patched the back of the seat with another piece of cloth.

Scrunching down, he gingerly mounted his pocket PC underneath the seat and connected the end of the ribbon cable to one of its USB ports. He fished the power cable from his PC's 12 volt converter adapter under the carpet to the fuse panel and hooked it up. He also ran a wire from the PC's reset jack to a push-button he mounted on the left side of his own seat so that he could easily reach down and press it without stretching or searching for it.

He sat in the passenger seat and relaxed.

Erin stood from his throne and walked to the end of the huge throne room into the grand marquis of his royal castle. His humble servant, R-Gary, waited there ever eager to serve his king. R-Gary bowed as Erin entered. "May I assist you, your highness?"

Just before lunchtime at Megatelco Corporation, a group of people hung around the copier. "So where do you want to go for lunch today? I'm sick of cantina food."

"Let's go to Tumulty's Pub in New Brunswick. It's right on George street a few blocks from the train station. How about there?"

"That sounds good."

"Yeah, I'll go for that."

"Yeah, me too."

"Who's gonna drive?"

"I'll drive." Said Erin.

"You! How're you gonna fit all of us in that putt-putt of yours?" guffawed Glenn.

"I can fit all of you. No problem."

"Well, okay."

"Sure, let's go."

They walked out into the parking lot and got into Erin's bug. As always, Glenn took the front passenger seat. This morning, Erin had placed a boot disk in the pocket PC with a special program that he wrote just for this purpose. Instead of placing the subject in the cyberspace, it simply copied the subject's mind without him experiencing the cyberspace world in the process. As he started backing out of his space, he reached down and pressed his concealed reset button.

I saw Glenn twitch slightly a few seconds after he pressed the button, recognizing the mild spasm he, himself, feels whenever he jacks in.

Erin glanced over at Glenn. Glenn looked back, rubbed his head and said, "So Erin, " he said, "this car going to make it all the way down Easton Avenue?"

"Sure! It's never failed me yet!" Answered Erin.

"But aren't you tired of driving this antique? I got a great deal on my Hummer a few weeks ago!"

"Yeah, but that's only because you seem to like to collect accidents on your way home from Deadhead concerts. Your dealer knows by now that you're a guaranteed repeat customer!" Erin smirked.!

Glenn shut up. It almost came to blows the last time somebody commented on his accident record.

Erin drove out of the office park and stopped before entering the main boulevard.

Their lunch passed uneventfully and they all returned to work by the end of their lunch hour.

"Thanks for the ride," bellowed Glenn as they all climbed out of the bug to return to the Megatelco building.

Erin carefully removed that thumb drive from his car that evening after returning home from work and brought it inside. He plugged it into his desktop PC and loaded its contents into the cyberspace.

Erin glanced over at Glenn. Glenn looked back, rubbed his head and said, "So Erin, " he said, "this car going to make it all the way across town?"

"Sure! It's never failed me yet!" Answered Erin.

"But aren't you tired of driving this antique? I got a great deal on my Hummer a few weeks ago!"

"Yeah, but that's only because you seem to like to collect accidents on your way home from Deadhead concerts. Your dealer knows by now that you're a guaranteed repeat customer!" Erin smirked.!

Glenn shut up. It almost came to blows the last time somebody commented on his accident record.

Erin drove out of the office park and stopped before entering the main boulevard. But as they pulled out onto the boulevard, a Jolt Cola truck came speeding literally out of nowhere at them. There was a loud crash and Glenn instantly found himself floating in blackness. It was eerie, for there were no stars or other sources of light were visible. He was in atmosphere since he was able to breathe. But it all seemed so surreal.

Then just as suddenly, Glenn found himself somewhere totally unexpected! He found himself in the town square of a medieval village. The town was eerily silent except for a dog barking near by and the occasional screeching of monkeys off in the distance. One seemingly blind man walked through the square.

"Excuse me! Hey, can you hear me?" The man ignored Glenn and entered a side street.

Then, not totally unexpected, Glenn saw Erin enter the town square, but in his street clothes. "Hi Glenn!"

Glenn looked at Erin quizzically, "Erin! You died too!"

"Yes. We both died drowning in Jolt Cola if you don't remember."

"Wow! This isn't what I expected heaven to be like. But what about the others, are they here too?"

"I haven't seen anyone else here but you, Glenn."

"Well, I saw one guy--some kind of zombie--walk through the square here just a second ago. I tried to talk to him but he totally ignored me. And there's that screeching off in the distance again..."

Erin tried a number of experiments. Starting each time from the original mind capture file, he animated Glenn in several different scenarios, and several different appearances. Sometimes Glenn woke after the accident on board an interstellar space ship, or in a high-tech underground bomb shelter. Once, Glenn woke in the body of a female. This resulted in severe emotional problems within days. Another time, Glenn woke in the body of a chimp. And one time, in a fit of cruelty, Erin merely allowed Glenn to float in that empty space for several months until he went insane.

As a result of his experiments with Gary and Glenn under different scenarios, Erin obtained some insight into the workings of the human mind--or at least the binary representation of one. He still could not consistently create a mind from scratch; only an unmodified copy of someone's mind would be a self aware continuation of that person's consciousness. But with the aid of a random mind generator program he wrote, he was eventually able to create minds which were halfway between mindless automatons and sentient self aware minds. Fully 99 percent of those minds were useless babbling morons, but that one percent turned out to be useful enough to serve his purposes. These cyber-people were not self aware sentient beings. They were still closer to adventure game computer controlled characters than to sentient intelligent people, but with the proper script they could fool someone, who didn't know they were in a cyberspace, into thinking they were ordinary, if somewhat dim, people.

His copy program also could capture a person's mental image of their own body, with all the birth marks, bruises, aches and pains, and other intimate details recreated, so as to be able to reproduce a virtual copy of that body that the virtualized mind would not be able to tell from the original.

One Wednesday evening at work, Erin was working late. He was about to leave when Maire, another programmer, stopped by his cubicle. She was about his age and height, fairly attractive, with long flowing black hair, emerald eyes, slender but with curves in all the right places!

"Hi!" Said Maire in a slight Polish accent. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I did something really stupid. I locked my keys in my car this morning and my husband won't get home till late. Everyone else has left, could you give me a ride home?"

"Yeah, sure Maire. I'd be glad to."

Erin drove her home, and then returned home himself in a state of exhilaration. He made certain to make several backups of the disk from his pocket PC before doing anything else. He waited until Friday to animate Maire's recorded mind in his virtual world.

While waiting at the light, Maire began rubbing her temples, then Erin asked, "Maire, which way now?"

"Turn right here, then left at the next light. I really appreciate the ride home, Erin."

"No problem, Maire, really!"

After the light turned green, they entered the intersection. As they drove through, Erin saw Maire's eyes go wide as a Jolt Cola truck barreled through the intersection at 100 kilometers per hour directly at them. He heard her scream to the sound of tearing metal as the truck smashed into the car ripping their bodies to shreds.

Sidding in his bathrobe, sipping a Guinness, Erin watched the scene a few times on his LCD monitor from different angles.

Maire was floating in mid air, in total darkness, naked. When her consciousness was activated, she immediately began screaming and flailing her arms and legs. This only seemed to cause her to begin tumbling head over heels and she screamed even louder. After a moment, she stopped screaming, and waved her arms as though to stop herself from tumbling. She eventually succeeded.

She looked around, seemingly by swimming through the air, though Erin was certain that she could not be seeing any detail. It was totally black in all directions. There was, however, an undetectable dim even light source coming from all directions so that she could see herself, though dimly.

He saw her wave arms as though feeling the breeze, blow on her hand, and even pinch herself with an "Ouch!" She eventually allowed herself to go limp, and began sobbing.

After several minutes, a point of light appeared in the distance. Maire didn't seem to see it at first, but she was slowly drifting towards it. After several minutes, it became so close and bright that she couldn't possibly miss seeing it. She appeared to be watching it intently as she flew into it.

Working the mouse, Erin zoomed in and placed his virtual body laying on the beach a few yards from where he placed Maire's virtual body, both laying face down in the sand, naked. He activated her mind again and continued watching her from his monitor. She awoke and looked around. She seemed to notice Erin's naked body laying down the beach a little bit. She walked up to the base of the palisades which rose high above them. She then walked out onto the beach to the water's edge, and seemed to stare out at the ocean for a while. Too bad, he thought, there was no way to know what she was thinking. That would probably take more programming skill than he possessed. After a few minutes, she looked back at Erin's sessile body. She walked over to him and, kneeling, began to shake him vigorously. "Wake up, Erin! Please wake up!" He lay down on his bed and positioned the helmet on his head.

"Ohhhhh," moaned Erin, as he looked up. Maire immediately backed away wrapping her arms around her chest and pressing her legs together while crouching down slightly.

Erin looked away and said, "What happened to us, Maire?"

"I ... I don't know. I think we died. And this must be ... heaven ... or maybe hell..."

Erin paused here and saved the state of his cyberspace at this point, then continued.

Erin sat up, still looking away from Maire, "That's crazy! We have to find help. I bet there's a hotel right around one of these turns! You search the beach in that direction and I'll search in this direction. Whoever finds someone first can send someone after the other."

"I ... I don't think that's such a good idea, Erin. I think we should stay together."

"All right. But which way do we go?"

"Well, those cliffs behind us seem to be getting higher in your direction, but lower in mine. Let's try this way..."

Erin stood and they started walking down the beach together. Erin tried to stare straight ahead without looking at Maire, and Maire seemed to be doing the same.

They walked for hours without saying another word to each other. The palisades had come down to luxurious tropical jungle. Eventually, the sun started to set and it was getting dark.

"Maire, are you getting hungry?"

"Yeah, what are we going to do?"

"See those trees over there? Those look like coconut trees. And those over there are banana trees."

"Oh yeah! And there's an orange tree! Erin! Do you think this is the Garden of Eden?"

"You still think we're dead, huh?"

Maire didn't answer. They had dinner of Bananas, Oranges, and Coconut milk. Through necessity, they had learned to ignore each other's nudity.

The sun had almost set and it was quite dark. Maire walked out onto the beach and sat down. She grew tired and lay down and fell asleep.

Erin saved the state at this point. He lay awake all night planning where to lead this scenario.

During the night, a scream broke the silence. Birds, awakened at the alarm, burst into flight. Erin had climbed upon Maire's sleeping body, waking her. He raped her. She cried out pleading with him not to, but he penetrated her over and over again. Finally, spent and exhausted, he left her as she cried.

Erin deleted that sequence. At a conscious level, he knew that it was only a computer simulation, and not a real live woman he had raped. Still he was shocked that he had enjoyed it. He restored from the previous save.

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The It was in the late nineties, 1998 to be exact and I was living in a small apartment in downtown Montreal. I’d been divorced now for over three years after 25 years of marriage. Thankfully my kids had been out of the nest and living on their own at the time of my divorce. Some think I was lucky as after my husband had taken off with a much, much younger woman, as I was left with everything. So after my divorce which was not contested, I was left with our house, the furnishings and our car. ...

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The It was in the late nineties, 1998 to be exact and I was living in a small apartment in downtown Montreal. I'd been divorced now for over three years after 25 years of marriage. Thankfully my kids had been out of the nest and living on their own at the time of my divorce. Some think I was lucky as after my husband had taken off with a much, much younger woman, as I was left with everything. So after my divorce which was not contested, I was left with our house, the furnishings and our car. I...

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Virtual Reality

“Walls have ears.” You may have heard someone say that; allow me to let you in on the secret – they have eyes and ears and can sometimes see into the minds of the people and creatures who live within those walls. Not every mind, not every wall: just special ones that are open enough, working on the right wavelengths, and so manage to connect. I can’t generalise, I’m a building, I can’t go around doing surveys and interviewing other buildings to aggregate their experience. I can read, I can...

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Dwight The Realtor

"So, what do you think, Jim?" I asked as we walked down the hall."It's okay," he answered, looking around."What's wrong with it? Dwight, how many square feet is this place?" I pondered, peeking at him."Roughly 18,000 square feet, with three bedrooms, and two full bathrooms too, among other things. It has been on the market for more than a little while; I guess it does need a little fixing up. I don't think it would cost more than five grand to get everything, but that has discouraged...

Oral Sex
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The Realtor

Marci, As you know, Danny and I have been looking for a new house. I know I have already sent you a million questions, but this time I really need your advice. Something happened today and I don’t know what to do about it. Since you are a realtor, I need your professional opinion on something. I wish you still lived here as it would have made this whole process much easier…and today wouldn’t have happened. Although I haven’t yet figured out if that is good or bad. Danny wanted to use one of his...

4 years ago
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The Realtor

Marci, As you know, Danny and I have been looking for a new house. I know I have already sent you a million questions, but this time I really need your advice. Something happened today and I don’t know what to do about it. Since you are a realtor, I need your professional opinion on something. I wish you still lived here as it would have made this whole process much easier...and today wouldn’t have happened. Although I haven’t yet figured out if that is good or bad. Danny wanted to use one of...

Straight Sex
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The Realtor

I’m not a big-time investor, but I like to dabble in real estate, rental property.  If I can purchase a house at a favorable price, the rent can cover the mortgage.  I wait a few years, hope it appreciates, and sell for a profit.  Happily, the realty market here in the suburbs of Washington, DC has consistently been strong.  It’s been a winning strategy.I was researching a house that had been on the market for a long time.  The asking price had been reduced more than once.  The area was...

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Virtual Reality Reality

Like so many people in this year of 2023, we had all hoped the worst was behind us. The vaccine programs were only partially effective and the virus kept mutating putting more and more people at risk. The changes in society were almost unbelievable. I know no one would have predicted a several year lock-down, but it is proving effective. You could literally go days without seeing anyone, except your immediate family.Shopping was all done online and delivered with drones. Groceries were packed...

4 years ago
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Family Reunion in Realms

{Author's Note: Is based on story where we all begin starting from family correct? I am correct on this, but not stroke my ego let go further. Idea is also that family reunions depending on how we update ourselves how families goes and how they live, people die and fact of matter why we go out our way to meet greet is distract you could always email, keep in contact with text messaging. Even chat which helps too. Keep in Messaging with family helps long way... However in Realms...

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Your name is it important? I guess it could be. IN realms there are some places where you have great way of working out on range, sometimes not so fortunate you get stuck in place too long your surrounded by monsters and they choose to vore you or worst case scenario world decides to change your fate and end up in different fate. Names I offer to whom it concerns: Prince Dawn(25) luckless with ladies Caroline Wheat(18) immortal Sarah Hastings(18) naive virgin Thomas Basking(21) virgin unknown...

3 years ago
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The Realms

According to some theories in physics there exist an infinite number of worlds. Each of these worlds would have their own history and even their own laws of nature, some being very different from our own. These worlds all exist side by side and rarely interact, but with infinite worlds there are infinite possibilities. This is a story of when few of these worlds reach out into are own and grabs few unlucky sorts. One was very similar to ours while the other very different. The demon lord ruler...

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Virtual Reality

It all seemed so simple to begin with. They'd all played the parlour trick where you stand in a doorway, close to one side, with your arm straight down by your side, but pressing outwards. Nothing happens of course, because your arm is pressing against the door jamb, and what are you going to do, make the opening bigger? After a couple of minutes you step away from the doorway. Then, if you relax, your arm will of its own accord start to rise. You've played a trick on your body. Except Nick...

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The Realtor

I told him to make the appointment with the realtor a week ago, and the day was fast approaching. Poor Greggy had no idea that I'd already had a very intimate tour of the house before he'd ever made the call. We drove up to the house and parked on the street. A beautiful Victorian on a brick-lined street. I'd known the realtor for 20 years; long before Greg moved here and into my life. Mike and I'd had a long-standing flirtation that had only gotten more explicit over the years. I knew, when I...

4 years ago
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Virtual Reality

Kelly stared at the paper in her hand with excitement, her heating beating rapidly in her chest. 'I can't believe it!' she thought, her eyes brightening. 'I've actually been chosen!' Nearly skipping in excitement, Kelly quickly reached her phone and dialed the number that she had gotten from the sheet, excitedly declaring her positive response. Now, to get prepared. "Virtual Reality is the most advanced gaming and training technology found on Earth," the man talking to her said. He was leering...

4 years ago
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The Devils Pact Chapter 17 Doctors and Realtors

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Seventeen: Doctors and Realtors Mary was looking quite fetching in her black, short skirt and blue blouse as we walked out of the house, through the ruined front door. Fucking FBI. Bad enough they had to raid my house, did they have to smash down the door? Desiree was tracking down a contractor that could get the door replaced today while I ordered five of the sluts to go get their pussy's waxed at the Heavenly Creature's Salon. Violet, Fiona,...

3 years ago
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Il sogno diventa realt

Sono venuto a prenderti all'aeroporto di Milano. Appena mi hai visto mi hai   fatto un radioso sorriso e mi sei corsa incontro. Ci siamo abbracciati   come buoni amici, quindi ti ho accompagnata al tuo albergo. Appena giunti in stanza, ti ho donato un bouquet di rose rosse. Ad una rosa avevo tolto tutte le spine e ci avevo messo sopra un   biglietto. Tu hai preso i fiori con un grande sorriso, poi hai visto   la rosa senza spine con il biglietto attaccato. L'hai aperto e l'hai...

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“Oh Amy, my love!! The show is begun!” I hurried to run a brush thru my hair, I hit a snag and cursed. I, like many others, love my long wavy hair, but maintenance is not its main asset. “You are going to miss out on all the fun!!” I picked up my favorite lipstick, but pictured having to go to a restaurant with a horrible red rush job and said screw it, leaving it on the counter. “Hurry, hurry, hurry, mascara on one eye, no rouge, hurry, hurry, hurry,” my satanic boyfriend, Dan, chanted. I...

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Professor Knowles Realizati

Jack Knowles had been interested in science as far back as he could remember. As soon as he could get his hands on Dad’s tools, he began dismantling and reconstructing household things, always successfully. When he first saw his Mom make bread and saw the dough rise, he became interested in chemicals and their interaction. His parents gave him a chemistry set, which he quickly took to, and completed all the possible experiments in only a couple weeks. They bought him a more advanced one, which...

College Sex
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In der Hochzeitsnacht meines Freundes Etwas Reali

Fortsetzung der Hochzeitsnacht bei FreundenAn dieser Situation knüpft ein meiner Träume an. Ich stelle mir vor, Birgit berührt mit dem Metermaß mein Glied und fragt meine Freundin, ob sie mal anfassen dürfte. Meine Freundin guckt daraufhin erst mich an um dann mit etwas Verzögerung „Warum nicht“ zu sagen. Birgit bekommt ein breites Grinsen im Gesicht. Ich genieße es wenn die Hand meiner Bekannten sich das erste Mal um meinen Schaft legt. Sie fühlt meine Wärme und Härte. Sie übt leichten Druck...

2 years ago
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iWant To Kiss 2 iRealise

[After an iCarly segment that wasn't fully thought through, "just friends" becomes nearly impossible for the girls.]Freddie couldn't help but smile at the girls' dancing routine. At one of the rehearsals earlier that week, they had decided that Random Dancing wasn't as random as it could be. Hence the duct tape binding their ankles together, and the pillows for the many times they fell over. In Freddie's opinion, it was an improvement, and not just because Sam missed the pillows at one...

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Realignment By AlterEg0 A nerve impulse travels with the speed of thought from your eyes. That jolt of pain that is not pain when you are awoken by someone turning on all of the lights at once. Involuntarily you squint. Eyelids slamming shut as tears form at their corners. Only for a moment and then they begin to adjust. You don't know this room. "You have been chosen," says the voice. The voice is being altered says your mind. Lowered in pitch by some electronic device you...

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It started as just a fantasy and became Realit

Both Angel and I were looking for someone who would treat her like a woman, to not look at her like a slut that they could take advantage of. Then I had the perfect solution. My best friend's brother and a very Good and Cool friend, Bob, had always showed an interest in Angel. I could tell that there was a connection between the two of them. A lust or desire. Since Bob was in Santa Monica Ca. and Angel and I lived in Riverside Ca. I had moved there to do Paint Contracting wit my Dad. Bob was...

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Realizations By: Ann O'Nonymous "Well, so far, so good! Now to get to my apartment," Jack Roberts thought as he tried to make his way up the sidewalk. "Only a half block to go!" He staggered along, occasionally almost stumbling in the very unfamiliar 3" heels, trying to maintain his balance and keep his cuffed wrists as much out-of-sight as possible. There he was -- a Master's degree candidate -- wearing a frumpy dress, cheap perfume any "real" woman...

2 years ago
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Deseos Hechos Realidad

Es curioso como resultan los desos a veces. Antes de que todo esto sucediera, nunca hubiera deseado que pasara. Entonces deseaba cosas como ahorrar suficiente dinera para abrir un negocio en mi pa?s, o conseguir la green card. Es chistoso como puede resultar la vida - tambi?n so?aba con coger a rubias americanas, aunque no es que me prestaran mucha atenci?n. En cuanto al f?sico, era como muchos otros adolescentes latinos - piel morena, ojos negros y pelo negro lacio. Era menos velludo y m?s delgado qu...

2 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 44 Repercussions And Realizations

They sat there, cuddling close to one another, occasionally kissing, and chatting as the sun rose over the lake. "You know, it feels like it might end up being hot enough to go swimming in this lake," Warren said. "Yeah, finally. 65 degree days when you're on vacation in July can be a bit of a drag." Sophie picked up her travel mug. "I'm just about out of tea. You?" "Pretty much. You want I should get a refill?" "I'll take care of it, Romeo, you just make sure the sun don't...

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Semper FiChapter 13 The Realizations

Denver turned out to be a dense hub of civilization compared to other places they'd seen along the way. Granted, they had generally avoided cities and towns, preferring to do as little as possible to draw attention to themselves. There'd been more cars closer to Colorado and the blurry borders between Free America and the Chicago-based United States, and they'd been able to catch rides the last hundred miles into the city. There were only a few military checkpoints, and they were largely...

1 year ago
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A Good ManChapter 22 Realisations

There was a surprise waiting for me when I walked out the front door on Tuesday morning. “Hi, Sweets.” Clarissa was sitting on the bonnet of her car, looking stunning. “You can put your bag back in the house. We’re skipping it today.” “Skipping what?” “School, silly.” “Any particular reason or just ‘cause you feel like it?” “Of course there’s a reason.” She stood and walked up the path to me. “I didn’t know what day today was until you told me, which I really should have done, so I’m...

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The Devils PactChapter 17 Doctors and Realtors

Mary was looking quite fetching in her black, short skirt and blue blouse as we walked out of the house, through the ruined front door. Fucking FBI. Bad enough they had to raid my house, did they have to smash down the door? Desiree was tracking down a contractor that could get the door replaced today while I ordered five of the sluts to go get their pussy's waxed at the Heavenly Creature's Salon. Violet, Fiona, Karen, Chasity, and Thamina all needed bare cunts. They could have landing...

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CadeChapter 26 Realizations

Cade had a lot to think about after his talk with Lonnie's father and he decided to take some time to be alone so that he could absorb everything. It was his day off, and he drove his car to the far edge of town and parked high up on a hill overlooking the town. He got out of his car and stood next to it, smoking a cigarette. He breathed a heavy sigh and allowed his mind to drift back to his time in prison, for the first time in a long time. Every day in prison had seemed like an eternity....

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The Catalyst RebornChapter 69 Sudden Realizations

Charlie POV: On Thursday, Bob, Linda and I went out to our new place to do a quick, preliminary layout of the 300’ x 400’ footprint of our new place. We needed to see where we might put the new RV trailers that were to be delivered on Saturday morning. We didn’t want them to be in the way of the construction crews. The first thing we saw was that if we centered the new place perfectly on the flat area within the copse of palm trees, the existing house was going to be mostly inside the...

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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 37 Surprising Realizations

January 1, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “Good afternoon, Father Deacon,” I said. “Good afternoon, Mikhail Petrovich. Sit down, please.” Tasha and I exchanged a look and we sat down on the settee, but with about a foot of empty cushion between us. “I would like the truth, Mikhail Petrovich. Have you and Tasha been behaving inappropriately?” That was a good question to which ONE answer was ‘yes’, but another answer was ‘no’. I was reasonably certain he was asking the second question, not the...

2 years ago
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Enter the DarknessChapter 9 Weltbild und Realpolitik

July, 1988 My father had not returned from Fernando and Hilde's yet when I got home that night looking a little shell shocked. I went to my room to get clothes and then got in the shower. I was halfway through the shower when I realized I forgot to bring a knife into the bathroom with me. Considering what I had just been talking to, that was a little scary and my heart started to race. Washing off the soap quickly, I left the shower on and got out, wrapping a towel around me for a dash to...

1 year ago
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Reddit Real Girls, aka r/RealGirls! When we jerk off to porn, we’re jerking off to a substitute for the real thing – as humans, we mostly want sex and food in this life, everything else is second to those two basic animalistic necessities, so it’s imperative that we eat and fuck as much as we can in this life before we die. Now seeing as how we’ve evolved into a never before-comprehended society with incredible technology and socioeconomic factors which people living 1000s of years ago could...

Reddit NSFW List
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Ah, Virtual Real Porn! We live in beautiful times, my friend. Never before has porn been as prevalent, high-quality, or close to reality than it is right now. And it is only getting better with each passing day. In fact, I read an article recently about a company that just uploaded hundreds of thousands of hours of blowjob data into a robot equipped with artificial intelligence whose sole purpose will be to provide oral stimulation.Pretty fucking awesome, no? I’m not even worried about a...

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Real Life Cam! Just face it: you are a creepy old man. Why else would you be interested in spying on other people on You are precisely the skeevy guy that girls are warned about and told to watch out for all their lives—the stranger danger stalker, the guy offering candy to girls if they’ll just get into his windowless van, the peeping Tom lurking outside in the dark, beating his meat while a girl gets ready for bed.There is one main difference, come to think of it, between you...

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Sex Like Real aka SLR VR! You’re ready for the future, aren’t you? Hell, you’re already living in the future. That’s why you’ve got your VR headset all set to pump hot sex directly into your eyeballs, letting you live the dream of fucking your favorite pornstars. Your only problem now is deciding which of the VR porn sites are worth your hard-earned spank money. Today, I’m going to take a look at Sex Like is fairly new to the sex movie industry, but so is VR tech....

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Reddit RealAsians, aka r/RealAsians! Asians… the most beautiful species of men; also, the ones who have the dirtiest kinds of pornography. Those who are into Asian babes are more than welcome to check out since this place is basically filled with them. Of course, I am not here to talk about that; I am here to talk about r/realasians/, a subreddit dedicated the Asian girls who love posting their selfies in this subreddit.Now, if you are here for something other than Asians, you must...

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Reddit RealPublicNudity, aka r/RealPublicNudity! Ah, Reddit, we meet again. This is a wonderful place filled with a little bit of everything, so no matter what the fuck you might be searching for, there is no doubt that you will find it right there. Well, now, let’s get down to what really matters, and the reason for you checking out this review. So, I heard you like to see horny girls expose themselves in public?Lucky for you has thousands of amazing subreddits for you to check out,...

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Reddit RealAhegao, aka r/RealAhegao! Sometimes, I feel like such a fucking Boomer… with all these new fetishes rising, and them having some weird-ass names, I can’t help but think that I am getting old. Good thing one can never be too old for porn, and that is why you are also here. Let me just start by saying that Reddit has it all, no matter what the fuck you might be searching for.As for those who have read the name of this subreddit and instantly clicked, yes, I am here to talk about...

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Virtual Real Japan! If there was ever a great time to be alive, it’s 2022, right? It’s never been easier to catch a devastating respiratory virus, get laid off or stung by a murder hornet than it is right now. On the other hand, all this alone-time through social distancing gives us plenty of opportunity to appreciate the high-tech marvels of the modern age. VirtualRealJapan, for example, will let you experience Asian schoolgirl sex, lesbian encounters and kinky cosplay anal bangs from the...

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Reddit RealMoms, aka r/RealMoms! Like all normal men, I find curvy women attractive. For some reason, women generally build powerful curves only when they start to fall into the MILF category. So, for some goddamn reason, I am also obsessed with cougars and older chicks. Many dudes are in the same boat as me, and they love nothing more than to watch a gorgeous mom in some great fucking action. So, if you're one of those dudes, today, we'll all explore our deep and hidden mommy issues together,...

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What exactly is a Real Porn Clip? Most of my daily viewing arguably falls into the broad category, but for some, it’s more precisely defined. The word Real, in particular, has certain connotations. It’s often associated with amateur porn, since it’s more likely to be unplanned and unscripted. Still, that only leads to more questions: if Real means Amateur, what does Amateur mean? has a particular vision of Real Porn, and a growing number of masturbators around the world agree....

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