Kristen and Jeffery s Incredible Adventure Part 2
- 3 years ago
- 130
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Day three, 5am
I woke up to a crying voice, and I slid out of bed. Going downstairs I followed it to the back to the room where Naomi was crying on her bed.
"Naomi, are you ok?" I asked as I sat on the bed. Naomi rolled over and clutched me tightly as she cried.
Stroking her hair I asked again and she responded.
"I miss Kat," she said.
"Who is Kat?" I asked.
"Kathleen, the girl I was staying at. She's my best friend. When Kari and I went into foster care, she was my first friend I made in the home. She was sent to live with the Grangers and Kari and I to the Mayfield's. I miss her badly," she cried out as she wept.
"I'm sure you will meet friends here. We just have to give it time to meet people," I said.
"James, you don't understand. Naomi and Katherine were lovers," Kari said as she sat on the bed next to me.
"Oh! I see," I said as I picked Naomi up and set her in my lap. "Sweetie, there is nothing I can do. I cannot go get her," I told her as I rocked her on my lap.
"I know. I just miss her. She's been my best friend for seven years, and my... " she blushed as she mumbled out the words, "for three years."
"How does she know so much about sex?" I asked. Kari shook her head at me and I quickly added, "It doesn't matter. You don't need to answer, Naomi."
Naomi wiped her eyes and sat up. "No, it's ok! I don't think she would mind me telling you. Kat's stepfather sold her out after her mother died. She was five years old when she was raped the first time in front of a camera. It went on for a year and then her stepfather screwed up and was busted by a cop posing online as a pedophile.
"She was sent into foster care and the Grangers got custody of her. She hated sex with men, but with females she didn't mind. One day I asked what it was like and she explained how it felt and I wanted to feel it. So she showed me, I had never felt anything like it. I wanted to try boys but she was scared of them. But last year, I think she was getting over her fear of men. There was a boy in class last year she really liked, but he moved away before anything serious could happen."
"I understand, well one day you can hope she will meet someone and get married and have children," I said as I handed her a tissue.
"She can't have them," Naomi whispered.
"Can't have what?" I asked.
"Children, one of the men who had sex with her when she was five hurt her real bad inside. She spent a month in bed healing she told me," Naomi replied.
"Poor, Kat. I knew she had been raped, but I didn't know she couldn't have children," Kari said.
"Yes the poor child, I hope the bastard got what he deserved!" I snapped out.
"He died in prison. They found him in the laundry room. He had been beaten and stuffed into a dryer. Or that's what Kat told me," Naomi said.
"Ouch what a way to go," I replied.
"Yeah, air dried," Naomi said as she giggled.
I hugged Naomi and asked her, "How about homemade waffles?"
"Yummy, with blueberries and whip cream?" she asked.
"Sure," I said as I got up and went up stairs, leaving the two sisters alone together. Pulling some clothes on, I walked downstairs, grabbed the rifle and a basket. I walked up the ramp and over to one of the refrigerators and grabbed a gallon of milk, the butter, sausage and the whip cream. I set the items in the basket and then grabbed the eggs too.
Going to the POD, I looked for the one we had marked as 'dry goods'. I opened it, and got a large box of the Jiffy mix, marked blueberry. Opening it, I pulled ten boxes out, and put the big box back. Going to a second POD I opened it and grabbed two of the round waffle makers I had placed in the front. Carrying the whole load to the RV I entered and went to the kitchen area where I set it down.
Sorting everything out, I plugged the waffle irons in and sprayed them with PAM. I then grabbed a large mixing bowl and dumped five boxes in it. Adding the milk and eggs I beat the mixture together and waited for the lights to go off on the irons. The lights went out and I poured the mixture into the irons.
As the first two waffles cooked, I slapped my head and ran out to a food storage container, and opened it. I started moving boxes around and finally found a box of Aunt Jemima pancake syrup. Yanking several bottles out, I then ran to the fridge and grabbed a butter container. Running up the stairs, I handed the butter and syrup to Naomi just as the irons' lights went off. Lifting the lids, I used a fork to drop them on the plate Kari had set next to the batter and quickly refilled the irons and lowered the lids.
I cooked up the first batch, and had just pulled the last two from the irons when Charlene and Jane came down stairs. I could see them sniffing the air and I pointed to the bathroom and they both went that way to clean up, first.
I started placing the waffles on plates. I slid the sausage and eggs that Kari had made up onto the platter. Looking at the eggs, I was going to have to ask how she made them so fluffy, while mine always looked like lumps of yellow batter.
While I was working on the next pair of waffles, Kari pushed me to the side and opened the oven. I never even noticed it was on as she pulled out a pan of biscuits to go with the food. I knew it was a lot of carbohydrates, but we were burning them up with all the work we were doing. Setting the last of the waffles down, I poured everyone a large glass of milk to chase the syrup down with and washed my hands once more.
Jane and Charlene came out of the bathroom and kissed me. They grabbed their morning coffee and slid into their spots as Kari sat beside her sister who was pigging out on her waffles. She was on her third one when I sat down. Shaking my head at the bottomless pit of a teenager I poured syrup on mine and started eating. We had a nice breakfast and talked about the plans for the day.
"I think we should work all day getting the rest of the stuff up here to the cave. I would hate to see any of it get wet if it rains in three days. Then I will start the door to the garage area and figure out the layout of our living quarters. I figure with you all helping; we should have it done in a month. It's not like we have to build the whole house. We can go room to room by what the plans say or we can change them. Charlene, Naomi and Kari., that means no sitting in front of the TV for three hours while Jane and I work. We are going to need all of your help," I said to my loves.
"Ok James, I think we can do that," Kari said, and continued, "But I want Naomi to have some fun time too!"
"I agree, but one of her chores is to feed and water the dogs. Can you do that Naomi? It would save us so much time," I asked.
Naomi just nodded her head, her mouth was full of waffles and I smiled at her. Pointing at the milk I said, "Better take a drink or you may get sick."
We finished eating, and I loaded the dishwasher. We all took showers together and then tossed our dirty laundry into the washer and trooped out to the vehicles. I dismantled the hot wire and Naomi ran to the doghouse while we drove to the barns and dealt with the cattle and horses. Checking their water troughs, I was surprised to see two fish swimming in them and I pointed them out to Jane. She looked and said they were goldfish and were in there to eat the algae that could form. I also noticed the tank had heating coils attached to the outside so the tank wouldn't freeze and thought it was a great idea. I also milked out the five cows and carried the cream to the truck where Jane happily took it.
Once back at the RV she handed Charlene the milk and she ran to one of the PODS and dragged a box back. I saw it said churn and I was confused for a second and then watched her set the churn up and poured the milk inside. She turned it on and said something to Naomi who nodded her head and sat down watching the glass container. Beside her were a spatula and a large bowl. We walked outside and went to the trucks.
We drove to the arrival point, and hooked up the loaded trailers. Without the tractor, I used a floor jack to lift the hitch up and remove the cinder block we used as a stand. The larger trailers had all the remaining rebar on them this time, while the rest had stacks of cement. I wanted to definitely get this all out of the open in case it rained as well as the stacks of sheetrock.
We drove the loaded trailers to the cave and unloaded them. I stacked the sheetrock in the back of the cave, on a stack of plywood, and then covered it with plastic to protect it from moisture. We unloaded the rest, and left two of the trailers there. We took just the two big trailers back. I told the girls to leave the empty truck, and we drove back to the arrival point.
The girls drove the two remaining trucks back to the cave and came back with the empty Dodge Ram. I loaded two of the pods onto each of the large trailers. While the girls were gone, I was peeking into some of the remaining plastic bins and figured out which was Naomi's room. She would be happy to have her clothes. I just wished I could find mine and the girls', so we could change out. Kalib had left some of our clothes in suitcases, but I knew the ladies would like the rest of their own clothing. Why they emptied the dressers I didn't know, but I wanted clean clothes to wear.
I heard the girls come back. I hooked one of the two remaining trailers. The girls took off. I climbed up into the tractor. I grabbed the binoculars, and climbed up onto the cab's roof. I slowly scanned around us.
I could see what looked like a rainbow to the north, and a large forest to the south. Seeing nothing but bison, and aurochs grazing, I climbed down and backed the tractor up to the portable sawmill and hooked it up. Driving the tractor to the cave, I unloaded the sawmill and then started to unload the cargo.
I set the first of the PODS down, and Jane came over. She yelled up at me, so I shut the tractor down.
"What?" I said.
"James, we need to start organizing. You're just dropping them anywhere. Unload the rest outside, and then we can get the rest of the house stuff up here. We need to be able to find things when we need them. So unload them out here and then we will put them where we need them. Do the same for the rest of the crates that Kalib supplied. The orange crates contain the house fixtures like the tubs, showers, and the kitchen items. We will need to get them in place so when we start building we can put them in," she said.
"Ok, can do," I replied and started the tractor back up and started placing the boxes where we could organize them. It took another twenty minutes and I yanked ten of the PODS out of the cave as well.
The rest of the morning was used to bring the remaining bags of cement back to the cave. Then we broke for lunch. While we had been working, Naomi had cooked three large supreme pizzas for us. We ate them and had ice tea, while we sat at the pool for lunch.
When we started back up, I brought the ten pallets of bricks up to the house and stacked them outside of the cave because they didn't need to be under cover right away. The rest of the afternoon was spent hauling more housing material; including pallets of shingles and tarpaper that I had no idea what I was going to use it for. I then started laughing as I unloaded the tarpaper, and thought of how the mastodons and animals like them were found in the LA tar pits.
By five o'clock, we were all hot and sweaty and I loaded the trailers up and we took a final load to the cave and parked the trucks. The ladies wandered over and Naomi came out of the RV with a tray of ice-cold lemonade for us. We took our glasses and drained the tart drinks, and I kissed Naomi on her lips, and said, "Thank you sweetie, that hits the spot."
"Ewww! You stink!" she said as she waved her hand in front of her face.
"Yeah, I need a shower, but ladies why don't you go first, then I will," I said laughing.
The girls ran for the shower, and Naomi stopped Jane at the door asked her something, I saw her nod her head as I filled my glass again and drank it down. I went to the cave entrance and looked out at the alien world and watched the sky. In the distance a bird was circling. Picking up the binoculars I focused on it and saw it was a large hawk like creature. The bird suddenly dove and I quickly lost sight of it as it disappeared to reappear a few minutes later with a fish clutched in its talons. The bird flew to the north and vanished into the peaks as I watched.
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The last day of school seemed to be dragging on forever as Lindsey sat in Math class. She just wanted to go to Ellie's hotel room and relax. Summer was going to be so great. She rubbed her abdomen. Jordan was sitting next to her. “So,” Jordan said, “I heard that Alex knocked you up.” “So it would seem,” Lindsey said with a smile. “I think it's sweet. You two are perfect together.” “Yeah. I just wish that my life wasn't so screwed up.” Jordan nodded. “Have you heard anything about...
Here I am driving a couple cities over to meet up with you my friend for the weekend. You texted Thursday afternoon to tell me to drive down Friday night, we have a long weekend planned. I have mixed feelings about all of this. My life has been wild at times but I've always seen myself as straight. I love women, I love my wife. Now I'm driving to see you and suck your cock and be fucked in the ass. How did this all start? How did I get so caught up in this adventure. It must have started...
I'm still in high school but I'm not stupid or totally innocent. I knew that both my mom and dad were having marital troubles. But I didn't realize how bad until one day coming directly home from school, which I rarely did, saw a man, not my dad coming out of my house in a rush, but not before kissing my mom fully and sexily on the mouth.It was then I knew that their marriage was over. Possibly my nice sweet life was done. But I had to think of something to stop her. I liked my life the way it...
"Would our paths cross if every great loss had turned out our gain? Would our paths cross if the pain it had cost us was paid in vain?" -Poi Dog Pondering; "Thanksgiving" Robert sat in the wrought-iron patio chair in the warming morning air wondering if there was any way he could possibly make today a good day. He lifted his coffee cup and considered before sipping. Tracy and Derek Zimmerman. Though he didn't know it then, meeting them had been an important moment in his life....
The weather was atrocious, rain was lashing down and I could barely see where the hell I was !! In fact I had no idea where I was!! I kept going for a couple more miles until I saw a sign for a layby. Just what I needed so I could get my bearings and check my map and see where I was. I pulled in and turned the engine off and grabbed the map book to see where I had gone wrong. I notice at the other end of the layby was a truck parked up. Hmmm I thought I wonder if he knows where I am no harm in...
Luke woke the next morning when his room was still dark. Glancing at the clock, he saw it was a little after six. At first, he thought he needed to be at work, but then yesterday came back to him in a sickening rush. Closing his eyes, he remembered holding Chelsea’s hand in the ICU. Luke sat up and squinted at his half-open door. He saw light drifting down the hall from the kitchen, and he could hear Doreen walking around. It was strange having someone else in the house after so many years....
Bethany didn't ask if she wanted a boyfriend again. As Allison had pointed out earlier, life was complicated enough right now. "We never got that last guy's name.""I know," Allison smiled. "Cool, isn't it?" Bethany nodded and squeezed her legs together. Damn, she felt needful. "How much time do we have left?""Another hour," Allison said.Café Joe's was attached to a small strip of stores that included a sandwich shop, a convenient store, a used book store and a couple small boutiques. They...
i like hidden sex so this happend one particular national park in was arround 1pm, school couple came.girl was wearing colouredand boy was in uniform.thay sat down in bench in corne side of the park.fisrt boy try to kiss the girl but she didnt allowed him.aft 15 mnts girl started touching his was so wonder ful.while kissing girl is stimulilating his cock ,girl was arond age 14 but she i good on toucihg his dick.but she diidnt allow him to touch her.then she open the...
His voice sounded confident on the phone: “Look, whore,” he said to her. I want you to free up your night. Meet me at the rialto at 8 PM; tell the usher, Chet, that you’re Pam and would like to sit in the balcony. Do you have all that?” “Yes,” she stammered, “yes, sir.” She was struck afterwards about how compliant she was, how compliant she’d gradually gotten in the days, since the original encounter. There was no thought in her mind about it; it was only and all this thing that was...
... Is where I want to put my hand, but slowly and secretly... so that no one will see what you are feeling? I want... to feel your naked flesh under your dress or skirt while you stand outside, facing a busy downtown street and your back close to the wall, where there is an inset of a lesser protruding wall about 30 inches in width, enough for me to sink in and be flushed among the wall, and what's more important is I can move back even further so that I am not seen and I pull you against the...
Angel wanted a touchup to 1 of her tattoos, actually she wanted an excuse to be gangbanged.--------------------------------------------------------We took a vacation for a week to Hawaii. I had promised Angel for years I would take her there& finally kept my promise to her.Our hotel was about 1/2 mile from the Hawaiian Hilton & maybe 1 1/2 miles rom Waikiki just off of the main road. Even though Angel had allowed the bellman to take part of his tip as a blowjob & a couple of days...
THE VISIT "Hey Dad, how much longer till we get there?" I ask anxiously."Oh, we should be arriving about this time tomorrow. Take it easy,we'll get there on time."We have been riding RT 93 up from Wickenburg, Arizona the wholeday. We're headed for Pablo, Montana to visit with a friend of Dad's whosehas a ranch up there."Anxious to see Mikey again?" He asks."Oh yea and the lake with the sand and diving boards, you bet Dad." Ireply"Anything else excite you?" Dad inquires."Oh and the good...
Kelly stepped out onto the deck of her beachfront condo. It was almost noon and the morning shadows had moved off the back of her home, bathing it in the warmth of the summer sun. She leaned against the solid railing and gazed at the deep blue of the Pacific. The sounds of the surf crashing on the shore and the salty smell of the ocean never failed to put her in a wonderfully relaxed mood. The bright sun was now high in the cloudless sky and felt warm on her bronzed skin. Kelly watched as a...
Hello readers, thanks for your response to the previous narration and sex story. ( Priya and me read all your mails. It was fun and intimidating at the same time. Priya is with me while I write this, but she wants to narrate her experience, so I am off and I don’t want to hear about her excitement. Many of you wrote asking for some good time with me, I sincerely say that I am happy with my husband and not interested. Have fun reading Priya’s...
i met a girl online, we made plans to meet, face to face..i suggest a local car wash, safe, and in public, right?she agrees, and if she's up for some playing, she'll give my the "go" signal...i get there about 15 mins. early, and wait, and wait, slowing getting hard, thinking about what might happen...i see the yellow truck she said to look for, and eagerly approach the stall...i see she's wearing a loose top, and a skimpy pleated skirt...i catch her eyes, and smile, she's smiles back, and...
This story is in continuation to “Step Mother – Part 2”. More parts are yet to come. I am extremely thankful to fans who express their love and gratitude by expressing themselves by comments at the end of story. Comments over here and emails to me prove that lots of people like “Narrations about Love and Love Making”. Keep commenting. Jaya’s convulsion was over. She was coming to senses. Her grips started loosen. Her body moved a little. Her right palm moved a little from neck to his head back;...
IncestSister Angelina was my favourite. I adored her with all my heart and while I loved and missed Mother Ingrid dearly I was overjoyed to be spending more time with Sister Angelina. However things were somewhat different now. There was a kind of tension in the air and a hint of secrecy became obvious to me from some of the Nuns. This made it difficult to discuss the events that had occurred on the night of Mother Ingrid’s death and I was confused and so wanted to talk to someone about...