TG Air, It Happened At 3000 Feet free porn video

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"TG- Air. It happened at 30000 feet" by Cj. Wenhurst It was a warm spring saturday morning at the Johnsons Florida home as Timothy Johnson finished his early morning task of cutting his lawn. Tim usually got started early on the weekends so he could be done the sweaty work before it got too hot outside. As he swept the walks and dropped the lawn clippings into the nearby trashcan, a call from the upstairs window came out. "Tim. You have a phone call," beckoned Tims wife Kate. "Who is it? Can't you see I'm busy and all dirty?" Tim shouted back. "It's someone named Coleway on the phone for you. He says it's important." Kate yelled back. "I'll be right there." Tim said as he hurridly wiped his hands on his pants with an obvious heightening of urgency. He quickly ran to the house. "Who is he honey?" asked Kate. "It's that job I was looking into kate. Remember? This could be the call I've been waiting for." Tim said. Tim got on the phone and after a few minutes of conversation scribbled some information down on a piece of paper. Tim hung up the phone and looked to Kate who was curiously looking on. "They want to see me. They want to see me." Tim said excitedly as he grabbed his wifes shoulders firmly. "You mean you got that job?" Kate asked. "No. No. They want me to fly out for an interview and tour. It's almost a sure thing," responded Tim. "This is great honey. You've been waiting so anxiously. When do you leave?" Kate asked. Tim replied. "I leave the first thing monday morning. They have the tickets already to go. I have to start packing." Tim quickly put all of his lawn work away, and cleaned himself up. Kate ran out to the store for some last minute things while Tim hurried to a barber to neaten his hair for the upcoming impression he would need to make. It wasn't too long when the two met back at the house to begin getting Tim ready for the trip. After a quick lunch the two packed his bags for his upcoming flight. Kate came into the bedroom where Tim was busy cramming suits, socks and shoes into the suitcases. "Don't forget your toothbrush honey," Kate offered. Quickly thinking, Tim said, "Oh yeah, I'll need that travel mouthwash too to put in there." "Here you go honey. Here's your aftershave and shaving kit too." said Kate. "Thanks babe. Your just as excited as I am aren't you?", asked Tim as he turned and bent down to kiss her. "I want you to succeed. Your a good manager and I want you to get that job. It means a lot more money for us." Kate replied after the long kiss. "You have an entire day to get ready tomorrow you know," she said. Tim said, "I want us to relax in bed most of the day. I want to make love to you all morning long since I'll be away for a few days." "Oh yeah?" replied Kate reaching up, hugging Tim and giving him another kiss. "Whats wrong with now?" Kate continued. Kate and Tim fondled and rolled on the bed for a few minutes until eventually Tim layed back to mentally inventory what he was taking with him. "A comb!" Tim suddenly shouted, slightly startling Kate. "I'll be glad when you get that job!" Kate humorously replied as she lay there somewhat aroused and frustrated as Tim jumped up to get a comb. The day went on. Tim and Kate packed a total of two suitcases with a couple of suit jackets, extra slacks, plenty of pairs of socks and enough toiletries for a week even though Tim was only to be gone for a few days. After a late dinner, the two turned in for bed slightly exhausted from all of the running about and packing. Sunday morning came and as Tim had suggested, the two made wild sporadic love throughout the morning. Kate, a very attractive middle aged blonde finally picked up out of bed to prepare a brunch for the two. She staggered out to the kitchen in her teddy and bare feet while Tim kicked back in bed to regain his strength. Finally Tim pulled on his pajama bottoms, and then walked bare chested to the kitchen. He walked to Kate and as she prepared the food, he kissed her on the neck from behind. "MMMM. That was great Timmy." Kate sighed. "That aught to hold you until I get back huh honey? said Tim. "MMMHhmhMM!" Kate responded as she turned once more to hug her man and ran her hands along his hairy chest. Tim took the liberty of returning the favor right there in the kitchen. Embracing each other, Kate slipped her hands down inside Tims pajamas and squeezed his buns, digging her nails in slightly. Tim pulled her in tighter against him where he ran his hands through her blonde hair as they kissed a short while longer. The rest of sunday proceeded restfully. Tim was all ready to go for his trip which was scheduled for the next morning. He doddled around the house with Kate all day spending as much time with her as he could since he knew he'd miss her during the week. Kate felt the same way. It was now monday, the big day. After a quick breakfast, Tim lugged the heavy bags into the car effortlessly and the two drove to the airport. "This is it." Tim muttered when they pulled in front of the busy airport. "Pop the trunk." He yelled to Kate. Kate opened the trunk witht he remote handle and without leaving the car, wound the window down to kiss her hurried husband a good luck kiss. "Good luck honey! It's too crowded for me to bother parking." Kate yelled. "That's okay. I'm in a hurry anyway." Tim replied , sweeping the loading area quickly with his eyes, " I have to get those tickets." He reached his head in the car window before finishing talking so Kate could maintain hearing him over the traffic noise. Pulling his head back out Tim couldn't help looking down his wifes blouse slightly to luckily get a parting glance of a generous portion of her breasts. He let his eyes wander down to the floor of the drivers side to see her V-shaped lap and tight- legged pants just before he pulled his head out. Kates open-toe shoed right foot remained steady on the brake. "I'll call you when I get to the hotal, okay?" Tim said to Kate. "Good luck," Kate replied, then slipped her foot on to the gas pedal and began pulling away from the airport. In the rearview mirror she saw her husband grab his suitcases and quickly walk to the ticket area just inside the door. Kate proceeded home. In the airport, after a short wait in line, Tim managed to get his tickets and check in his baggage. He had a chance to converse with the female ticket agent. "We're hoping to get you to Washington on time sir," spoke the agent. Tim replied. "Is there some sort of problem with the plane or something?" "There's a lot of air traffic being diverted around a storm and things are a little haywire right now. We're working on it," the agent continued, " you can proceed to the boarding area sir." Tim nervously replied," oh great! I hope I don't miss this job over a stupid thunderstorm." Tim went to the crowded boarding area. As he sat there, he saw another flight arrive and observed the peculiar behavior of the passengers and crew as they exited. Strangely the pilot and co-pilot appeared quite shaken while the flight attendants who exited were looking puzzled. Tim walked over to ask the crew what was wrong. "Rough flight?" Tim asked one of the stewardesses. Hesistantly she spoke,"Uhh, well, I don't know. Ask our captain. It was a bumpy ride that's all I'm allowed to say. We couldn't even serve the meal because it was so bumpy." Replied the stewardess. Figuring the storm which the ticket person had mentioned was probably the rest of the story here, Tim decided not to persue the conversation and before too long of a wait, the boarding call came for his flight. Tim was somewhat relieved to be finally getting underway although he looked back occassionally at the previous crew and the puzzled looks they maintained. Tim went up to the gate in line and handed his ticket to the taker as did the other passengers. It was a full flight. He walked onto the plane and went to his seat which was in the middle of the aircraft and he proceeded to immediately strap in. He mentally replayed the conversation he had with the previous crew minutes earlier. The loudspeaker came on. "This is your captain speaking. As soon as everyone is fastened in, we'll start taxiing to the runway. We've got a little storm activity you may have heard of between here and DC and we hope that's not going to bother us too much. We think we can work with it once we get there. Just relax and enjoy the flight." Tim sighed in relief hearing the captains confident words. Just as the captian had said, the plane began backing out and turning on to the runway for takeoff. The stewardesses, all very beautiful, stood and gave all of the instructions for the life vests, seatbelts and oxygen mask emergencies. Tim listened closely and definitely kept his eye on the woman speaker. She was beautiful. After seeing her, he had a chill and he realized he already missed his wife. Nevertheless, takeoff proceeded on time. The flight proceeded on. Occassional turbulance would hit but it wasn't too rough to begin serving meals as Tim had heard about. The meal tray came down the isle and lucky for Tim his favorite stewardess was serving. Tim unbuttoned his shirt slightly and pulled open his suit jacket to reveal his hairy chest slightly just to lightly impress the stewardess. He's a married man he reasoned, but a little flaunting wouldn't hurt. The tray stopped at Tim. "What can I get you?" the stewardess said to Tim as she stood there noticing his build and hairy chest stored up in his clean business suit. The stewardess responded with wetting her lips and leaned down extra far when handing Tim his napkin. It would appear she liked to flaunt as well. "Uhh. Coffee and please make it a large. I must say, you have got to be one of the most beautiful stewardesses I've ever seen." Tim replied to her. "Thank you sir. Oh you can call me Lisa." responded the stewardess sexily. Tim replied smiling, "Okay Lisa. " A few of the other passengers cleared they're throats loudly to politely ask for they're servings. The stewardess gave a wink and hurried on to serve the other passengers. Tim drank his coffee down fairly quickly from nervousness while watching the stewardess's every bend and reach. The stewardess was wearing what seemed to be a nonstandard skirt or at least one which was extra short, Tim noticed. About ten minutes passed since the servings came by. Turbulance of the plane was gradually picking up in intensity and the chance for second helpings on refreshments was waived as a result. All of the increased shaking was worrying Tim and he had a strong urge to go to the bathroom. The seatbelt sign was now on. Tim called the stewardess over to ask if it was ok to get up. The stewardess had an intense look on her face as she told Tim to go ahead, but for him to hurry. The plane then began shaking fairly hard. All of the passengers, including Tim, began looking out of the windows to see where the turbulance was coming from. They all began to notice an eerie pinkish cloud envelope the aircraft. "What the hell is that?" One passenger asked. "Man I don't know," another passenger said. "It looks like cotton candy building up. It's so thick." One woman replied. Tim quickly unbuckled himself and dashed staggeringly down the isle to get to the bathroom before it got too much worse. Tim worked his way to the bathroom and managed to get in and close the door to lock himself in. The air turbulance was becoming rougher by the minute. The captain urgently came over the loudspeaker to announce the possiblilty of an aircraft emergency if it got much worse and warned everyone to positively remain in they're seats including the crew. Tim could only hear a muffled warning while he was in the bathroom and was the only one not strapped in or aware of the captains warning. The aircraft began vibrating causing the passengers and crew to mumble among themselves. Some passenegers resulted to prayer. Outside the windows, the pinkish cloud thickened. Suddenly, on one hard jolt of the plane, all of the oxygen masks dropped from the ceiling even though cabin pressure was seemingly present. All of the passengers were urged to don the dangling masks as a precaution. Tim was oblivious and shaken as he held tight in the bathroom. He hyperventillated slightly in the small space, and couldn't help noticing a tangy metallic flavor to the unfiltered air he was breathing. It was a taste and smell he had never experienced before and being confined in the bathroom, was the only one aboard not using the tanked air the masks could provide. Several minutes went by. The vibrating peaked then began to subside. In the rest of the cabin everyone heavily drew on the pure oxygen the masks delivered. In the bathroom, Tim was zipping his pants when he began to notice a sudden dizziness. He fell to the floor and went unconscious. The aircraft began to resume normal flight once again. The captain announced all was returning to normal and apologized for not steering around the storm. The flight attendands took a status of all of the passengers, and noticed one seat was empty. It was Tim's seat. Lisa, the flight attendant Tim had exchanged flirts with, took particular notice and went about the cabin looking for him. She knocked on all of the bathroom doors and got no response from the locked one, the one with Tim in it. "Hello. Hello. Anyone there?" She called but there was no response. Fearing for worse, Lisa grabbed a special opener and pryed the door lock open. She flung the door open to see an unconscious person lying on the floor, except she expected to see Tim. Instead she saw a woman lying there, in a mans business suit. "Miss wake up. Wake up" she called to no avail. The other stewardesses came over to see what was wrong and helped carry this unconscious strangely dressed female to an area in one of the gallies to lie her down. After a few seconds of smelling salts the person began to wake. "Uhh. What the hell happened?" the awakening woman said. "Your okay dearie. You must have passed out from the storm we went through. The air got pretty thin fro awhile there." Lisa said kneeling herself next to the woman. "Huh? Dearie? Uhh yeah right. I must have passed out." The woman said. "Where are you from? What seat? " Lisa asked. "Ummm. Down there. Seat 21B I think. You remember me don't you?" the now fully conscious woman said. "Who? You? No I don't. In fact, I don't remember seeing you get on the plane. Don't tell me you were hiding in the bathroom since takeoff." Lisa said. "No. Not at all. I was the guy with the large coffee down there a while ago. You know. I'm Tim. Tim Johnson." Tim said. Lisa replied. "You? You sure your alright honey? You are obviously confused. Your even wearing a mans suit for heaven sake," Not knowing the full effect of the situation Tim replied, "No I'm him. I can prove it. Here wait a minute. I can tell you everything that's in my bags. I can show you my drivers license". Tim reached in his back pocket for his wallet and started to pull it out. While doing this, he noticed a serious change in the softness and sensitivity of his buttocks as he felt for the wallet. Stopping, he pulled his hands out in front of himself and saw he had womans hands. "What the.... [pause]". Tim looked at his hands, front and back, then felt down his legs in his suit pants. His shoes were loose. His clothese were lose. While looking around, long brown hair slipped passed his shoulder and into his face. "Can I have a mirror ? I don't think I feel so good." Tim said now noticing his voice wasn't quite right either. "Sure dearie. Here!" Lisa replied handing Tim a mirror from her purse. Tim took the mirror in his feminine hands and looked. Staring back was a beautiful brunette woman with long brown hair. "Holy shit!. What happened?" Tim shouted. "Dearie I don't know but you'd had better calm down. [she looked at Tim sitting on the floor in the baggy suit] Do you have any other clothes with you honey? Your drawing attention from the other passengers like this." Lisa said. "No. No I don't because I am man. I mean I was when I got on the plane. Look!" Tim said showing the wallet. "Oh my god. That's the guy I served the coffee to." Lisa said to the other attendants. "Yeah. That's ME! I tell you I'm him dammit. I'm on my way to DC for a job interview.[he paused] I'm getting confused. I'm not feeling too well. Christ, I can't stay like this. I..." Tim shouted as he patted the breasts in his suit. "Look miss. You look like a woman and sure sound like one. Why don't you just step back to the lockers with me and I'll lend you one of my extra uniforms. Everything will be okay." Lisa said. "I can't. I can't wear your clothes. I'm a man I tell you." Tim said. "Please?" Tina asked. Bewildered, Tim finally got up and walked with the stewardess to the locker area. He pulled off his pants and boxers which were now way oversize and put a skirt and extra heels the stewardess had given him unfortunately without undergarments. "I can tell you. This isn't me. Turn back to that pink cloud thing. That's what did it. That smell. That taste." Tim said still getting dressed. "Miss look. There is a gentleman missing since the storm occurred and we're trying to figure that out. Your being in there with no air seems to have disoriented you. Here's an extra blouse from my uniform for you too honey." Lisa said watching this female dress and hiding her from the rest of the passengers view. "I'll have to figure this out somehow." Tim continued. "Look. Go back to that empty seat there and sit down. We'll be landing soon." Lisa said. Tim awkwardly strutted down the isle in the heels and sat down. The skirt he had on pulled up slightly and a beautiful set of bare thighs became exposed. He was now in fitting heels and trying to figure how he could get back to normal or if this whole thing was just temporary from that strange air he inhaled. The plane landed. Everyone was asked to exit the plane after it taxied to the pier. Tim walked by the stewardess and thanked her for all of her help but insisted he was Tim Johnson. He uttered "I'm him. I tell you. I'll come back and return these clothese just as soon this wears off. You'll see." "Go to your hotel and lie down honey. You'll feel better" Lisa replied. All of the stewardesses chuckled to themselves over this seemingly confused woman leaving the plane. Lisa took a second look as she watched Tim struggling to walk in the heels. She wondered if somehow that woman was telling the truth. Tim left the plane and strutted to the baggage claim area. His hair was a mess and he certainly stood out as an attractive female in this tight skirt with no stockings. Every man in the airport eyed him. To them he was a beautiful stewardess. He began wondering to himself how he was going to manage this womanhood he'd acquired until it wore off, and IF it would wear off. While waiting for his bags he couldn't help noticing the stares from male passengers he was getting as he stood there flipping one of the high heels around with the bare foot that belonged in it. He slipped the shoe back on and flipped the hair from his eyes as he tapped his foot waiting for his luggage. A sexy soft sigh came from Tim as he waited. Finally the bags came down. He grabbed the heavily packed cases and tried lifting them. The weight of the cases was unbearable in his current condition. "Here gorgeous, let me take those for you. [a man spoke and paused] Are you with anyone? " He asked. "Uhh gorgeous? Oh shit." Tim mumbled. "Can you carry them outside for me buddy, to that cab out there." "Buddy?" The man said surprised this woman called him that. "Oh yeah. Anything for a lovely lady." The man added. The man put the bags down at the cab with Tim following behind him. him. Upon leaving, turned and pinched Tims Butt. "Oooh! Watch it. I'm married." Tim squeaked. The man smirked as he walked away. Tim hailed the cab and proceeded to his hotel in hopes of getting cleaned up and calling his wife to try and explain. After managing to get the hotel key and get to his room, Tim went in and jumped on the bed in the room. He called his home and his wife answered the phone. "Hello? " Tim said in a soft female voice. "Hello? Who is this?" His wife asked. "Honey. It's me. Who the hell do you think it is? It's me Tim" He said "What? Who are you miss? What did you say your name was?" Tim's wife said not sure of what she just heard. "Shit!" Tim mumbled to himself. "She doesn't recognize the voice. Uhhm. Sorry wrong number." Tim said before hanging up the phone. "Now I wonder who that could have been? Was she asking for Tim? I could have sworn she said she WAS Tim. Oh well. He should be calling me soon." She mumbled to herself. Kate reached over and flipped on the TV set and continued to wait for Tims call.. Back at Tims hotel, Tim had no choice but to call and cancel the interview until he could find out what had happened to him. He figured maybe he should take the advice of the stewardess and lie down for a while. Maybe when he woke up he'd be as good as new. Tim called the job office and cancelled the appointment by talking to the secretary there. Saying he was a lady friend of Tim Johnson on the phone he gave illness as an excuse. The cancellation went surprisingly smooth. "Maybe if I take a hot shower and lie down, I can sleep this thing off. I could probably do that interview tomorrow. Boy what a laugh this is gonna be when this blows over. Me, a woman for a day! Ha Ha" Tim joked to himself not knowing the total magnitude of this change. Tim went into the shower, pulled off what clothes he had on, which was all that the stewardess had given him. He turned to the huge mirror in the bathroom and gazed upon the nude young woman who stared back at him. Every movement he'd think of moving, the woman in the mirror performed. He couldn't believe he was actually controlling the womans body he saw in the mirror, but he reminded himself that he WAS her. He stood for a moment and put his hands on his hips as the image in the mirror did the same. His nipples were becoming errect. He began side to side bending to watch how the body performed and at the same time could feel the softness of his hips in his small hands. He ran his hands up and down the soft curves of his new waist before working them down firmly against the outside of his new thighs, then the insides. He was amazed at the softness. "I wonder how long this is going to last?" he thought to himself. "Kate is going to flip out if I show up home like this. It feels kind of neat but there's no way she's going to put up with another woman around the house, especially one thats her husband." He then snapped back into the reality of the situation and wanted to get in the shower to see if this transformation would perhaps wash itself away or wear off somehow. He got into the shower and soaped himself up all around and washed his medium long brown hair thoroughly. He scrubbed hard all over and breathed in as much vaporized water as possible to hopefully cleanse, whatever this material was, out of his system. He got out of the shower and toweled himself off being sure to thoroughly dry his hair by flipping it about. He took the towel, balled it up, then threw it in the corner. After using the courtesy hair dryer, he looked and found a courtesy white terri robe in the closet, tied it around himself then went to the bed to lie down. Tim awoke after a very restless sleep. He glanced over at the windows and noticed it was now dark outside. "God. How long was I out, I wonder?" Tim said to himself running his hand through his hair. He was suddently reminded once he felt his fingers running through his hair that his hair was still fairly long and still very soft. He sat up and looked down at himself then pulled open the robe. Two firm perky breasts and full female features were still with him. He hadn't returned to normal as previousy anticipated. Fear increased in Tim as he was beginning to wonder if this was going to be permanent. Not having any other other clothes with him that would suit his needs, Tim put back on the blouse, skirt and heels he was given by the airline stewardess. "I wonder if this has ever happened to anyone else? I wonder if I should call the airline. Yeah that's it. I need to see a doctor or something I guess, but who would believe me? I'd better work on getting home and maybe get Kates help. She's gonna flip." After finally calming down enough to think straight, Tim grabbed up his belongings, checked out and went to the airport once again. Despite the stares at his wrinkled clothing and worried look he wore, Tim approached the ticket counter to exchange the return ticket. "I have a one way ticket, maam, but it's a red-eye flight. It's all we have." The saleswoman said. "We'll if it's all you have, it will have to do". Tim said as he paid for the ticket. "Do you have any I.D. maam?" The attendant asked. "Well not one that matches this face anyway. You might say I lost my I.D. on my last flight and I tell you, you folks should be hopeful I don't sue for what you did to me on that last flight. " Tim said angrily to the ticket saleswoman. "I don't know what your talking about maam. I may need to call the manager if you don't have I.D.. Excuse me for a few minutes." The attendant said. The ticket sales person called over a manager who looked at the I.D. Tim was presenting, then the two had a conversation in a whisper after punching some things into the computer. The attendant, changing attitudes and expression after a long briefing from the manager, became polite and asked, "Maam, How do you know the person in this picture? I'm supposed to ask if you're returning home for any kind of medical reason." "Why yes. To put it lightly." Tim said. "I'm the person IN that picture although it might seem strange to you that I look like this now. How did you know?" The attendant replied, "We're sorry miss. All we're supposed to comment on is a series of flights from this morning in which all of the major airlines experienced unusual turbulance and some strange phenomenon which accompanied it." The attendant replied. "Yeah I'll say." Tim continued, "I don't know how wierd it's gotten with any other passengers on those flights, but I can vouch for some REAL wierdness on my behalf." "No need to explain maam ? Reports are still coming in." The attendant proceeded "I'm authorized to exchange this ticket. I don't know the whole story but my manager said not to argue with you. Normally, I'd say I didn't believe any of this but given the circumstances I'm hearing about, I'm forced to beleive it. Who WERE you previously miss? Were you this person here on this I.D.?", The attendant asked very generically. "What do you mean WERE? I'm still him, but now I'm not A HIM. I'm a HER. I've been converted in flight by some wierd foggy cloud thing I think as far as I can tell." Replied Tim. "Well, any airlines that crossed over North Carolina today and didn't have appropriate oxygen for they're passengers had a bizarre wave of male to female transistions among the personnel aboard and looking at need not say more..." The attendant said then started to smile at Tim. "Hey this isn't cute. Look at me. I am woman for Christs sake and I wasn't when I got on your plane." Tim responded. "Where did you get a stewardesses flight uniform then sir?" The attendant asked. "From one of your stewardesses on my flight. She didn't believe me when I told her who I was and sure I was falling out of my business suit. {displaying his smooth legs] I am married man for heavens sake. I've got a wife to deal with yet. " Tim replied. "It's apparently all over the news sir in case your wondering. There was a chemical leak which evaporated over the state of North Carolina and so far the effects seem irreversible and for sueing us, well good luck. Our legal department has ruled us not liable for this and we're now the lucky recipients of a batch of new female pilots that we've acquired as a result. I think it's great. Maybe some of you men will stop and think now the tide is changed on you. Oh, I've been authorized to approve your ticket without I.D." Said the attendant. "Great for you maybe. Your sex didn't change. Well, give me my ticket. I don't see anything funny in this at all." Tim shouted as he grabbed the ticket, gave the cash, then stormed his new femininity down to the ramps. For some strange reason, Tim seemed slightly sexier when he was angry. He stopped momentarily and purhcased an evening paper. At his home, Tims wife had by now had heard the news and was wondering if Tim was affected. She was unable to get him by phone since his last call and she feared the worse for her husband. "I wonder if that woman who called could have been him? No, that's unreal. Nothing like that could happen to my Timmy.", Kate wondered to herself as she prepared for bed in a skimpy pink nighty. Tim meanwhile, was back in flight sitting as a lady passenger eagerly looking down at the city lights out of his window seat. In the isle seat next to him was a well dressed businessman. Tim didn't bother to strike up conversation but instead sat there with his legs crossed and acted the part for now. He felt so helpless as he replayed the days events in his head. To relax, Tim opened his newspaper but, plastered all over the front page, was the incident of the chemical cloud. Pictures of victims and the new identities they had acquired filled the page. The male passenger next to Tim couldn't help glancing over at Tim sitting in his short skirt and bra-less blouse and in doing so noted the story in the paper. "Hey how about that?" the passenger said. "What?" Tim replied softly. "I heard a good part of the east coast morning flights got hit by that." The passenger added pointing to the article. "Your kidding. That's crazy!" Replied Tim. "Yeah. They're trying to come up with an antidote but right now they don't know what to do. They showed it on the news." He said. Tim replied. "Well, buddy, I have news for you. Would you believe I'm one of them to?" "Your kidding!" The passenger said turning and looking Tim up and down."You mean you went through that? What's with the heels and skirt though?" "Yep. I'm on my way home to my wife right now. I tell you what, that stuff did a number on me. I'm female all the way through. I don't know what I'm going to do. Just this morning I looked just like you... big, nice suit. Now look at me. Boobs, soft skin, a woman. Someone gave me the clothes. I've got two suitcases of useless mens clothes I'm taking back. That stuff, whatever it was, is serious." Tim replied. "Damn man. [he paused] Well, pal, if you don't mind me saying so you turned out pretty good. I mean for a woman." The passenger said reaching down and squeezing Tims knee. "Thanks but I ain't staying this way....not if I can help it. I was hoping after this trip to go home and make love to my wife. Now look. Christ I'm built better than her now." Tim said looking unintentionably sexy once again. The flight ended and Tim got off of the plane and ran straight to a pay phone. He called home. "Hello?" Kate answered. "Hello? Kate? Kate listen. It's me Tim. ", Tim replied unavoidably feminine. "Oh my god. Tim. Is that you? [she paused] I've been watching the news. Where are you?" Kate asked worriedly. "It's me alright. It was me earlier too. I'm back in town at the airport. [he paused] It's been a long confusing day." Tim said. "You poor thing. I know what you must feel like. I'll be right there to pick you up." Responded Kate just before hanging up. After about a half an hour Tim saw his wife pull up in the car out front of the airport. He jumped up off of his suitcases and waived her down. Kate saw this beautiful woman with Tims suitcases jumping up and down and waiving. She immediately couldn't believe this was her husband she was pulling up to. She wound the window down just to be sure. "Excuse me. Tim? Is it you." Kate asked looking at a gorgeous brunette. Out of breath, Tim ran up and responded, "Yes. It's me. DO I look pitiful or what?" He then tried to kiss Kate. Kate replied as she pulled her face back, " My god. You ARE a woman. What are we going to do with you?" "Help me load these suitcases in the trunk and we'll go home. I'm exhausted." Tim replied. The two woman lugged the suitcases into the car. Kate drove while Tim tried to explain the story, and what his day entaled. Tim, although now a female, was still a little taller than his wife but not nearly as much. Kate was mildly enveous of her own husband who sat there legs crossed as a brunette bombshell. They discussed the clothing arrangements and figured some of her clothes would probably fit but be a little tight on him. They're shoe size was about the same so he was covered there. He was eager to get out of the heels. Once home they went in and unpacked. Kate insisted Tim get into something more comfortable and particularly get some undergarments on. Tim agreed. She provided him with his own drawer of things temporarily. The two began dressing for bed and turned on the news. On the news were eyewitness accounts of what had happened on other flights. The two watched in awe as they saw plenty of other men who ran into the same dilema. Not really thinking, Kate put on sexy lingerie for herself. Tim stood there looking through the drawer of things she had provided for him and found one such piece of lingerie that was now capable of fitting him. "Argggg! I can't wear this! I just can't." Tim shouted. "Honey your going to have to wear something. Your pajamas have to be altered before you can go back to wearing them." Kate responded. "I don't care. Give me my pajamas." Tim said going into another drawer. Tim, wearing borrowed panties and bra, proceeded to put on his own pajamas. They were extremely loose on him but he held them up long enough to walk over to the bed. His soft feet protruded from the legs and the panties were slightly visible through the crotch hole. His breasts pushed out against the flannel and he unintentionally looked as sexy as a woman could while wearing mens pajamas. He climbed into bed with his wife and went to kiss her goodnight. Kate, with HER breasts visible through her nightie, reached over with her hand on one of Tims hips, and kissed him on the lips. She felt completely strange kissing another woman on the lips but to her, this was still her man in there. Tim curled up next to his wife and wrapped his arms around her. He tried to do some of his usual fondling but Kate just held his soft hand to her breasts. The next day came. Tim and Kate arose and sorted through what clothes were right for him in order get home life back to normal. Though awkward, having two woman in the same house went without incident. Tim had many adjustments to make in hygeine but he was still Kates husband inside. Kate resumed the normal household routine while Tim tried the same. The morning paper didn't reveal any hopes of a cure yet as Tim read it sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast. "Honey your not changing back at all. We need to get you to a doctor. You DO want to get rid of that soft butt and breasts right?" Kate said cleaning the dishes. "Yeah. I already miss being able to hold you in my strong arms. I mean look a this. I think whatever this is, it's getting worse." Tim replied. Tim was right. His breasts had enhanced themselves slightly and he was getting even prettier. Whatever this effect was, it wasn't wearing off. The doctors office was booked but they had Tim come in anyway. Kate gave Tim fitting clothes. After complaining about the shoes hurting his feet, Kate provided Tim with stockings and a garter. Looking completly gorgeous and not intending to, Tim met Kate in the car and they departed for the doctors office. Kate and Tim arrived to a full parking lot at the medical center. They walked into the office to sign in and among the room were numerous patients, male, female, young and elderly. Strangely enough, there was another pair of woman sitting together much like Tim and Kate were. One of the woman looked very uncoordinated and uncomfortable similar to how Tim was presenting himself. Tim and Kate began to wonder if perhaps they were not the only ones with this dilema. Tim crossed his sexy legs, cracked open a sports magazine and then heard a discussion behind him. It was a discussion between the pair of other woman. "Honey, they said they're going to give me disability pay until I can find another job. Isn't that great?" One woman said behind him. "That's great Charles. I don't see why they don't keep you in the automotive shop though. You can still fix cars like that." The other woman said. "Well, they said I'd be too distracting to the other guys there. I sure don't like having my ass pinched and guys whistling either. They seem to have forgotten I was the best damn mechanic in that place all of the sudden." The woman named Charles said. Just then Tim turned to Kate and said, "Did you hear that? That guy back there, I mean girl, has the same problem." Tim turned around to the couple behind him. "Hey. Which one of you is Charles?" "She is." One of the woman said pointing to the other. A fine looking young girl in a pink jogging suit, spoke up. "Hey if your going to make fun of me. I don't think it's funny and I don't want to hear it anymore." "Oh no," Tim said, "my name is Tim, Tim Johnson. I, uh, can relate to your problem there." Tim got up and walked over to sit next to this fine young girl that called herself Charles. Charles wife got up and sat with Kate. "Hi I'm Miranda. That's my husband Charles." Miranda said introducing herself. "Hi. I'm Kate. What are we going to do with these two?" Kate asked. "Well. We're here to find out how long this is going to last. Charles just came back from a mechanics seminar just the other day. There was some stuff smeared on one of his suitcases when he came home. While he was unpacking he dissolved into what you see over there right before my eyes. It was the wierdest thing I ever saw, a 200 pound grease monkey turned into a young girlish thing in a matter of a few minutes. I brought some of the stuff in a vial here to have it checked out." "Oh that's great. [she paused after hetting a strange look from Miranda] Oh, I mean it's great having a sample of that stuff." Kate replied. An attractive nurse came out and called both couples simultaneously. "Come on back folks." Walking into the small room they were directed into, the doctor stood with a puzzled look on his face. The doctor spoke. "Folks sit down. I've got some disappointing news." "What's wrong doctor?" Tom spoke ever so sexily. "I've been on the phone most of the morning. I see you've already met. You two are of a unique group of men in the area who have ingested, in one way or another, a material which has genetically altered your male chromosomes. We've seen this condition before overseas years ago and lots of research was published on it. This incidents on the airlines from the weekend and yesterday is the only such reoccurance known in the states. As a medical professional, I'm sincerely sorry for what has happened and what I'm about to tell you. It appears that a combination of chemicals, for what ever reason, combined and produced another agent. This new agent is very short lived but if the right conditions exist, it alters a mans genetic code to such a degree that it's as if he were a female from the start. The genetic code in each of you has been altered in this way. In other words, unless someone, somehow can creat a way to reconstruct the code you had, and every persons code is differant, the result is a permanent. To experiment with this type of medicine could be disasterous or even fatal. Until someone can come up with a fool proof way to untangle this in each of you, I suggest you begin getting used to your new selves. I see you have some material in a vial there." "Oh yes. Here." Miranda said with a tear runnig down her cheek. " "I'm afraid this will only help us avoid future dangerous combinations of materials, but the damage has been done folks. I'm terribly sorry. As for the two NEW woman here, adjust your lives accordingly. If you enjoy your men activites, fine. There's nothing that says you can't still go to the ball games, the gym, or enjoy the things your used to, but remember, and you wives can help train them somewhat on what to expect, you have full womans biological makup now and things are going to be a little differant. Find an employment that suits you and learn to buckle a bra. Make the best of it folks. Are there any questions? [he paused when none came] I think you all have a lot of talking to do otherwise." The doctor said. Tim was crying as was Miranda and Kate. Charles was just stunned and just sat imagining all of the girlie calendars in his shop which he shared with the other guys so often. He was now like one of the girls on the calendar. After looking at one another, they thanked the doctor, and left the office. The couples exchanged phone numbers once out in the parking lot and vowed to keep in close contact. They all drove off to begin adjusting to the new lives fate had dealt them, while in the distance, another 747 was taking off from the local airport with another load of eager businessmen.

Same as TG Air, It Happened at 3000 feet Videos

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Erotic Notion 27 Supersex 3000

Comic look at futuristic sex: In this age of virtual fucking, is it  still possible to fall in love? ..."This dream was not so much the dream of a perfect woman As a spectre, sick of unbeing, That had taken possession of his body To find herself a life." (Tales From Ovid, tr. Ted Hughes). "What would you like to do today?""I don't know. Are there any good programs?" "None of your favorite shows have new...

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Erotic Notion 27 Supersex 3000

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 17 Bloody hell took me a book and half to get here

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 6 Something in the Air

Monday, July 13th. Gatwick Airport. What the hell was wrong with me!? Why had I worked so hard to get here? How did I not realise that pretty much the last thing I ever want is to be away from my family, particularly my little boy? Why the fuck was I going to a country where I’d be practically illiterate, dependant on the good will of the very people I was going to spy on to speak English with me! And how in the world was I going to be a spy when I had a sodding Wikipedia page and an IMDB...

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Maira Matters

The glow in my genitals which had been slowly growing finally reached its peak and that wonderful pulsing of my penis throbbed out a small amount of man juice. Being in my 70s, I didn’t shoot too much anymore which made cleanup easier but didn’t give my partner as much of a thrill feeling it spraying on her insides. I removed my mouth from her nearest breast and gave her a long and tender kiss. She was on her back and I was on my side with my legs under hers. After about 10 minutes of...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 7 Miles from Home

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Clair Dee and the Visit

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Clair why cant I have a piece of ass

“Clair why can’t I have a piece of ass” was such a simple question. It started an unexpected chain of events, it is all the chaos theory. Clair is my beautiful, alienated older sister. Clair is a classic sociopath with few human emotions or feelings. She is a promiscuous slut because she gets pleasure from sex. Now Clair was not your run of the mill High School Cheer Leader slut, she has some class and is slutty with a few selected guys. Clair is a classic California Girl, blonde, slender,...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 2 I Spy With My Tired Eye

Saturday June 27th, 2015. Dallas Road, Ealing. “Good morning.” “You’re up early?” said Kelly, who I found scooping yoghurt into a bowl of muesli when I sauntered into the kitchen. She’d spent the night at my house, in her own room. “Are you kidding? It’s five minutes past eight! I’ve been staring at the ceiling for half an hour, trying to get back to sleep.” “Well, give it another go. Or give me ten minutes and I’ll come and wear you out.” “Cheeky cow,” I muttered, as I filled the tea...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 8 Now Pay Attention 327

I signed another document and followed Miles into a cavernous space, which was rather dark. Two men in lab coats scurried away. Miles waited until they were gone and then flipped a switch on the wall near the door. Bright lights in the ceiling clacked on and unveiled a turning plateau with a car under a black tarp. I could see the tyres, but not much else. Miles and Hugo shot each other a look and grinned. “Carstairs! Your new vehicle! Feel free to do the honours.” I stepped onto the...

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I woke up around eight in the morning, an hour later than I’m used to. I walked to the other side of the house, to Asim’s bedroom, and heard snoring. That was good. I had a quick yet annoying shower and took some time to spruce myself up. I’m not one of those men who are completely hopeless when they’re single, but what with Mel being a professional make-up artist and hairstylist, amongst many other talents, I rarely needed to groom myself nowadays. But now I was spending time shaving around...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 26 Si Vis Pacem Nolite Exacerbare Carstairs

It was about ten minutes to showtime. I’d be at the mosque in three minutes or so, although K-T would drop me off at the mall entrance and then proceed to another destination. We were making good time, because although some traffic kept moving, many cars just pulled to the side of the road wherever there was space near a mosque. Sometimes cars were abandoned in the middle of the road, blocking each other in. The police never made a fuss: after all, everyone was supposed to be praying. Men...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 4 Ask Me No Questions

Still Monday July 7th, 2015. A government building somewhere in London. (smiled.oddly.hosts) I was made to sit alone in a room for about ten minutes, so ordered by a man who clearly had no intention of getting me a cup of tea. And I did ask, twice. He was a bit shorter than me, but also a bit wider. Instead of a suit he wore something that was supposed to give him a military look but made me think of a fisherman: a brown shirt, brown carpenter pants, army boots. He was ginger, but his hair...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 9 In Which our Hero has Lots of Dates

“Crank up the A.C, sweetheart. Let me get some water ... Oooaaahhh...” “Sweetheart? Again?” “Yes. I suddenly cared for you in the wilderness, in the land of great drought. And especially for that bag with bottled water. Let’s get a move on. You drive.” “Destination?” “The most expensive hotel in Al Hofuf. Unless you can find one with a charger?” “I cannot execute that search. We will reach Al Hofuf in two hours.” “Okay. Then I’ll do a search and you drive. Stop at the next empty rest...

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Blairs Britain

Blair's Britain "Damn, where's my bra?" For those of you who don't think there's anything odd about this question perhaps I should explain. I am a heterosexual married man yet here I am typing out my story in stilettos, stockings, satin knickers and suspenders, a satin bra and a slip writing my story. I would never have thought this possible 10 years ago when "Things Can Only get Better" blared through the speakers and a triumphant Tony and Cherie drove to Downing Street. I...

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Chris really didn’t know when he first became fascinated with spanking. Spanking; certainly not the craziness of his mother chasing him around the kitchen with the dreaded “wooden spoon” in an attempt to land a glancing blow over something silly. No, a spanking as an adult that was formal over the knee spanking was what he was always curious about. If he had to guess, it was from the books he read and the movies and television that he saw growing up, as there seemed to be a lot of it going on...

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It all started out as a mild sexual tease. John's birthday was coming up and I wanted to give him something special. I had told him plenty of erotic tales of my childhood, but I figured I could add a little visual detail, something that would add flavor for him. I like to lie in bed next to him and stroke him off while I tell him the details of things that happened long ago. The more realism I can give him, the more it feels like he is a fly on the wall, watching it happen. There was one...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 14 In Which our Hero Sings for his Supper

If you’re anything like me (but maybe you got lucky and you’re not) you’ll know this feeling: there will be something on the news that makes you explode with rage. Say, some idiot gets behind the wheel, drunk as a skunk, kills three people who were just standing at a bus shelter minding their own Instagram and then he sues the bus company for placing the shelter near a pub. That sort of thing. Or a Belgian man locks up some girls in his basement and starves a couple of them to death before he...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 19 Cooling Down in Riyadh

They waited until her heart stopped pumping blood, which took about twenty seconds or so. Then the pressure got too low, and the trickle stopped. Two men dressed more like medics than soldiers came out of the main building with a stretcher. They wore gloves and aprons. Hurriedly they placed the body on the stretcher. The executioner helpfully placed the bag with the head above the neck, but only after he was done wiping down the blade and carefully sliding it back into its sheath. The Imam...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 20 Unexpected Benefit of Some Religious Instruction

There were also some messages. One was from Mr. Constable, the MI6 officer at the embassy. He told me they had analysed the recording, but that I’d have to come to the embassy to read the transcript. By appointment. But not on Thursdays. Another message was a transcript of a text message from Asim, which contained an invitation to join him on his next visit to Dubai. It seemed he was in the mood to catch a movie, and Dubai had cinemas. Well, two. The third message consisted of a somewhat...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 25 I had a Cunning Plan

Sunday, 30/8/2015. Saudi Royal palace. My day started slowly, with breakfast being served without any extra items. I called on Anaïs with an eye on a cheeky kiss or a bit of a fondle, but was told by a rather indignant Malaysian chef who caught me looking around in her kitchen that she had been seconded to another palace for the next few days, to help prepare for yet another banquet. He then demanded to know how I knew her and what my business was with her, but I just told him I was acting...

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Spoils of War 3000CE

The sun has set upon the sands of the American Wastes as we finish setting up camp, the concrete sand warm on our feet. After a long day of nothing but walking and the occasional skirmish with the wildlife, the whole squad is happy to hunker down between the wind-bitten ruins of whatever city this used to be. If only they weren't too degraded, we'd find an old luxury hotel and camp there. Maybe see if there were any canned peaches or whatever in the kitchen. Instead, we'll just be passing a...

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Claires Day Out

"Here we are, my dear. In you go," she murmurs in warm honey, holding the door open, so Claire can go before. As they walk to the center of the small store, a diminutive woman with spiky gray hair and piercing black eyes comes out from the back room."Good morning, Ruth, how are you today?"Very well, Kathryn. What are we in need of?Kathryn takes Claire by the shoulders and moves her between them, facing Ruth. She runs her crisp red nails down the girl's arms, straightening them to her...

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Claires Place

Claire's Place Synopsis: "Claire's Place!" The sign read across the top. Below it read: "Home cooking, and honey, if you leave here hungry, it's your fault." A cute sign on the side of a road hardly used since the new freeway. A perfect sort of road for a slow trip on a bicycle, and a perfect place to stop if you're hungry and Carl stopped. Starting off again, however, was going to be a lot harder. Players: Claire and Carla Simms; Sheriff Emmit Baker; Susan Day; Old Doc...

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Repairman Scores with White Wife Blacken

It was another boring Saturday for Betty. No matter the day, it was the same scene. There was her husband sitting on the couch watching one sport or another, while she kept herself busy with common household chores. Unfortunately for her, this is what life was like after marrying young and so many years had passed.Today's exciting chore was laundry.As she opened up the drying machine and hastily removed the warm clothes into the laundry basket in her hand, she could hear the game announcers...

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Airtight Night

 Some time shortly after the night with the two girls wearing nothing but oil we were invited over to Sue and Jake's place for a barbecue on a Friday night in a late Indian summer. Melanie donned a pretty summer dress with a button-through front and white, stiletto-heeled, strapped sandals and we went over around seven o'clock. Jake greeted us at the front door and led us through the house to the back yard, apologizing en route for the fact that Sue had been delayed at work but would be joining...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 3 There is an I in MI6

I was met by Kelly in the hallway. “Hi,” she said, leaning in for a kiss. A chaste one, on the cheek. More than enough for me, thanks. Although admittedly I’d have been disappointed with less than that. “Hello, gorgeous. I think you might have come at an awkward...” “Oh, I know. I was summoned. Caroline has been here all afternoon. She even had a lie down, because of a headache. Mel and Kate know everything.” It was ominously quiet on the other side of the door that led to the living...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 5 My name is Carstairs Reginald Carstairs

Caroline summoned me to my office on Friday. My ticket for travelling the next Monday had just been arranged. I was actually discussing something with Daphne, which always takes a while, but Alice, her secretary, was quite clear: I was to report to the fourth flour at once. “Sorry about that, but I think you got the gist of it. Winston will certainly be able to flesh out the code. It will give you a chance to hang out together.” “I still want to know why you’re leaving,” said Daphne, trying...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 12 The Stein Way

As meetings go, I’ve had worse. I had no particular reason to doubt John Stein, but you never know what Americans are really up to. The Saudi government is only one of many undemocratic regimes they support to the hilt. They’re also not particularly interested in bringing people to justice. Generally all they need is a set of coordinates, a license plate number or the exact time their target will be driving past a hospital or day care centre. I was fairly sure a couple of terrorist attacks in...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 21 The Ugliest Laptop Ever Made

I woke up at nine, which was fine except a bit too late to attend the buffet in the main building. Never mind: I called the kitchen again and ordered breakfast. It would take a while to reach me, but as long as I didn’t order any hot items that was fine. Yoghurt, a bun and some jam would do me. I selected a suit and showed up just in time for my daily session with Alexandra. Technically this was the start of a new week, although neither I nor Alexandra got any days off. It was crunch time...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 22 Say it Donrsquot Spray It

I went over the call with Kate in my head, slightly upset at the fact I had broken off our conversation just to get out of the heat. Maybe it hadn’t been the heat so much as the fact I didn’t want to be reminded of how much I missed her. That girl isn’t just catnip to me: she’s oxygen. And every time we were apart, there was nothing for it but for me to practice holding my breath. I also worried about the fact people had started to miss me, all over sodding Doctor Who! It’s the shittiest...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 23 The Beginning of the End

Tuesday, August 25th, 2015. My garage. It was about one a.m. when the door to the garage opened and K-T rolled in. I had called ahead, to let Anaïs know that I was fine and on my way. “How are you doing?” “I am drinking water and eating uh ... Maltezers. Very poor chocolate.” “Yes, it’s English chocolate. Could be worse, though.” “Hershey...” she shuddered. “Exactly. I’ll be there in about twenty minutes. Can you hang on?” “I can go nowhere else, Anglais. It is...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 24 Mosque Not Get Caught

Friday, August 28th, 2015. Royal palace, guest annex. The next morning I called Asim and offered to cook for him, so I’d be able to intercept any packages that might be delivered to his house. He was glad to have me and I took delivery of five boxes while he was out. I made us roast duck (honey roasted, with creamed cauliflower) and an old-fashioned trifle and then I stole one of his outfits: guthra, igal, thobe and sandals. Two thobes, actually, just to be sure. He only had fourteen left, I...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 28 All Out of Gum and Ass to Kick

Darkness had come and gone. Musa and I had worked all through the night. When I had answers to all the questions I could think of, and had copied the contents of the SD-cards to my laptop to make space on one of them, I had written a script for him to read. It was based on what he had told me, but we still went through it line by line. By that time he was struggling to stay conscious. The wounds on his wrists in particular hurt terribly, so much in fact that I had to cut him loose and bandage...

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21. It's not a mystical number by any means, its easily divisible by 3 and 7, and it doesn't hold any place in the heart of a supercomputer as the answer to everything. In fact, it's quite dull if you stare at it long enough. Still, 21 holds the key to unlocking the life hidden just beneath the surface as everyone, no matter of age or race or gender, everyone has had the thought once that maybe if they were just a bit different, if they could change just a small bit of themselves, they would be...

4 years ago
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Chapter one The old airstrip behind our neighbourhood was such a lovely place to exercise. I always loved skating on my in-liners, but after moving here it has become almost an obsession. The asphalt of the strip has held up nicely since it was closed down for airtraffic, giving me a very smooth surface - which by incident I have all to myself. The strip runs smoothly uphill from where I go onto it, and setting a hard speed uphill for a mile and a half gives me a nice sweat. Going downhill is...

2 years ago
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Claires Story

"Dude, did it happen?" John asked excitedly as he entered Kevin's room. "Yeah, two days ago. You're the first person I am telling," Kevin said and smiled. "FUCKIN' AWESOME!" John replied and went up for a high five. Kevin returned it, but with a lot less enthusiasm. "Keep it down. I don't want my parents to know yet," Kevin said. "Why?" Kevin replied. "You know all the shit that happens when someone's power's activate. I'll have to get Assessed and go to a different school,...

2 years ago
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Wheelchairs Teen Pussies and Fun

Wheelchairs, Teen Pussies, and Fun [1] Introduction to Passion Wheelchairs are a great inconvenience, yet they are invaluable when it comes to giving a means of transportation to those who have a disability. Damn, I hate that word ‘disability’! Disability does not mean ‘inability’ or helplessness. Take me; I am a nineteen-year-old sophomore at our local community college which is only a mile away. I speed to my classes in a motorized wheelchair and have the campus as my...

3 years ago
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Airplanes Arent Supposed to Break

It didn’t happen with a bang, but a whisper. One moment the newly rebuilt 235 horse power engine was roaring, filling the cockpit with an almost overpowering noise. The next instant, there was only the subdued sound of air rushing past the airplane’s windows. The near silence was deafening. Tim Dodson was not afraid when the engine fell quiet. He had expected it. It happened almost every time he flew with an instructor. While he was an accomplished small plane pilot, he was working on an...

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What just happened0

there was what looked like a jail cell-style toilet, a drain in the center and sorta weirdly a king-sized four poster bed – quite feminine in its appearance: frilly and fluffy pink pillows and quilt The last thing I remembered was smoking from a pipe with Danell and Donnell McPhillips ,twin brothers I knew from school. And drinking a coke they had told me had a little rum in it. We had become friendly in a kind of a weird way. They were juniors and varsity football players -all...

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it just sort of happened2

Toni gave me mainly bland things items for kitchen etc but I took a different approach I wrote a list for sexual things that I would like, it went like this: I would like a blow job. Sex in a new position or location, Slide up and drip the come from your pussy all over me after we fuck then make me lick your pussy clean while you lick me clean, wear only sexy see through nigh ties while we are home and no panties (which really is not a problem since she does not wear panties most of the time...

4 years ago
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it happenedon vacation and continued at home pt 5

I don't know why but fucking a girl in the ass is something I always had wanted to do. Sure pussy is great, hell its fantastic but there is just something about the thought of fucking a girl in the ass. Maybe its just the fact of going in thru the out door (so to speak) or a girl being in that submissive position and you know your about to enter where your not supposed to or that you know its a tight tight hole and it just has to feel so dam good, perhaps its all the above and the fact that...

2 years ago
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Mairi Heavy Figure Wali Best Friend Ki Chudai

Hello friends mera naam Sunny hai mairi umr 23 saal hai aur mera lund 8 inch kah hai ur kaafi sakht ur mota hai bilkul clean shaved but hard aaj may aap logon key saath apni life kah aik mzedaar din share karna chahta hoon aisa din meri life may aaj tak phir kbhi bhi nahi aaya yeh aaj sey aik saal pehley ki baat hai jab mai bsc final year may parrha tha. Tab meri dosti aik hot or sexy larki sey hue uska naam tha dipti who haal hi may chandhigarh sey delhi sift hue thi ur final year key liye...

4 years ago
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Claires Mountain

The Forest Service contract required me to be up in the Sierra for six months straight. I suppose I could have driven four hours up and four hours back every day, but the thought of that drive for six months had me looking for any other option. Unfortunately, where I was going, there weren't handy hotels. So, I got on the Internet and started praying. My prayers were answered by a Bed and Breakfast ad in a little town just twenty miles from where our base was going to be set up. I called...

2 years ago
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Fairies I

Fairies Daniel checked his traps. A shy boy, he had never really gotten along with his peers. He was too short for basketball, too light for wrestling or football, little hand to eye coordination so baseball was out. What could a kid do? He discovered an interest in insects. They never expected him to hit a glove at 90 feet. They didn't care if he could kick, hit, pitch or anything else. They went about their lives with indifference to anything they didn't need to do. Sometimes he...

4 years ago
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Fairies One Enchanted Evening

One enchanted Evening... Dandelion flew alongside the Queen toward the national forest. "It's so beautiful from up here." She sighed. "Yes. But the smog is murder," the Queen replied. They skimmed over a freeway, and entered the depths of the forest. Here, without the taint of man, it was a wonderland Dandelion would have never imagined. The few Fairy he had seen were multiplied fourfold. They danced, and in some places he saw two light merge, pulsing. She asked about the...

3 years ago
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Claires Little Helper

Claire's Little Helper By Emma Smith Sunday, 25 August 2002 Chapter 1 Update I suppose I should start by bringing people up to date with some of the things that have happened to me since last time. To be honest there isn't a great deal to tell but I'll give you the highlights, such as they are. I've had a few more trips out and my sister has been much more responsible on calling on me as her stand in. In fact she hasn't done it to me since last time. She did take me out to...

4 years ago
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Laird of the Loch

I was completely worn as I entered the glade to bathe in the loch. For the past several weeks I had done nothing but act as an aide to some English general or another as I attempted to ferret out troop movements and other valuable information that might help my own countrymen in this endless and brutal war. When I could slip away, I would quietly enter the Scottish camp and report my findings. Sometimes I was able to stay and rest for a few days among friends before I had to once again don my...

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Geiles Kaffeetrinken

ok hier meine erste Story, hoffe sie gefällt euchDiana und ich kannten uns schon viele Jahre, sie ist anfang 30 ca 170 groß schlank schulterlange dunkel blonde haare und hat ein schönes C Körbchen.Wir trafen uns mehrfach die Woche bei ihr zum Kaffetrinken und quatschen. Da ich sie schon länger geil fand freute ich mich umsomehr auf unsere treffen besonders im Sommer, da saßen wir immer bei ihr auf der Terrasse. Sie trug öfter Röcke oder Shirts mit ausschnitt so konne ich den ein oder anderen...

4 years ago
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iCarly iFeet

One day Carly and Sam were in the iCarly studio doing a rehearsal for an upcoming episode of their popular web-show when their technical producer, Freddie Benson, came bouncing in with a long, big box.“What’s that for?” asked Carly.“It’s a new device I found on Sky-Mall which allows the person strapped in to bounce around the room safely and securely. Almost like you’re bungee jumping, but in all different directions,” Freddie answered as he placed the box down onto the floor.“So you didn’t buy...

2 years ago
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Do you like footjobs and are you looking for a foot fetish tube like Feet 9? We all have our own dirty little secrets when it comes to pornography and the particular shit that makes our cock hard, and I am here with a site that is filled with hotties who love to use their feet and pleasure their loved ones; the There is a lot to be seen here, so I will happily explain everything you should know!This might be the first time that I was not really annoyed by the white background of the...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Do you Love Her Feet as much as you love a pornstar’s pretty face, luscious titties and perfect round ass? Some perverts don’t appreciate the curve of a feminine arch or a woman’s sexy pedicured toes, the kind that makes your mouth water just watching them wiggle on the screen. Me? I love a nice pair of tootsies so much my sister always had to hide her socks, lest they end up all soggy and sticky. This next website is just as much fun, without making Christmas dinners

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