Carstairs Of ArabiaChapter 2: I Spy With My Tired Eye free porn video

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Saturday June 27th, 2015. Dallas Road, Ealing.

“Good morning.”

“You’re up early?” said Kelly, who I found scooping yoghurt into a bowl of muesli when I sauntered into the kitchen. She’d spent the night at my house, in her own room.

“Are you kidding? It’s five minutes past eight! I’ve been staring at the ceiling for half an hour, trying to get back to sleep.”

“Well, give it another go. Or give me ten minutes and I’ll come and wear you out.”

“Cheeky cow,” I muttered, as I filled the tea kettle from the tap. Kelly just giggled. She had called me while dad drove me home after dinner, asking if it was okay for her to spend the night. Given that she slept at our house half the week and had her own room and front door key that wasn’t strictly necessary, but she would always check. I was a bit surprised, because she usually went out with friends on a Friday and her parents’ house was about as far from central London as ours.

“Hi, can I sleep with you?” she asked, because she loves double entendres.

“What, on a Friday? Are you planning to hide a hangover from your parents?”

“No. I just feel like it. I miss Eddie.”

“Edwin. He’s not a Martian crater.”

“Oh, there’s a crater called Eddie, is there? I found that Belgian singer, too. Eddy Wallie.”

“I didn’t know you kept track.”

“Well, I do. Anyway, I’ll be in at around midnight, so don’t wait up.”

“I won’t. Listen, sweetheart, there’s nobody home. Kate is on assignment and Melody is spending the night at her mother’s place and she’s got Edwin with her.”

“So you’re home alone?”


“Then I’m definitely coming over.”

I sighed.

“That joke is wearing rather thin, Kelly. I’m flattered, but tonight is not...”

“You should be, but that’s not what I mean. I’m coming over because of your night terrors. Suppose you get one tonight! God knows what you’ll do if nobody intervenes. Mobilise Ealing, probably. Or dig a moat around Dallas Road.”

“Very funny.”

“No, it isn’t. But you shouldn’t be alone. So you’d better sleep in your skivvies, because if I hear howling I’m coming in.”

Truth be told, I was glad she’d be there. There was every chance I’d have one tonight.

“I’ll leave the door off the latch, then. Have a great evening, Kelly.”

“You too, Martin.”

I’d gone to bed as soon as I came in, but I read a book until I heard her coming up the stairs. She saw the light through the transom window and briefly stepped into my bedroom.

“Hi. I’m home safe and sound. You can go to sleep now, Carstairs.”

“Thank you, Miss Kelly. I trust you had a pleasant evening?”

“Yeah. Plenty of offers to get laid. Turned them all down.”


Fortunately I had a quiet night, so we met again over breakfast.

“Got any plans?” she asked, as I joined her while I waited for the kettle to boil.

“Yes, I’m going to Homebase and I’ll wash the car on the way back. Wanna come?”

“God, no! So what’s the job today?”

“Replacing some tiles in the garden.”

“Well, have fun with that. Mum is picking me up in half an hour. Will you be here alone tonight as well?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“Good. Then I’ll sleep at home. Sunday morning coffee with something nice still on?”

“Always. I may get something from the supermarket, though. I might not have time to bake something.”

“I can bake a cake with mum. Give us a shout if you can’t manage. Can I shower first?”

“Sure. Just don’t leave any weird circles anywhere.”

“Oh, you bastard!”

Granted, that was a cheap shot. Even so, I got a kiss on my cheek before she went upstairs.

Kelly left the house while I was in the shower. I changed into jeans and a button-down shirt, grabbed the keys to my Seat Leon and drove straight to the Armstrong training academy, which is located just outside Twickenham. It used to be an airfield, in the days when those were dotted around London and consisted of little more than a fenced off field and a hangar. The grounds were surrounded by a trench and a metal fence, which you could see through if you were prepared to crawl through quite a lot of thorny brushwood. There was a model village, not model in scale but in that it contained fake houses, office buildings and, surprisingly, an oil rig where all sorts of dramas could be reenacted. They could stage a bank robbery turned hostage situation, a fire drill or a large scale riot there, depending on who was the customer that day, be it the police to practice crowd control or fire fighters getting their certificates renewed. That was the public face of Armstrong Security. But there was also a division that handled security for clients such as Keller & Fox. Clients who, on occasion, needed a protective detail or a secured transport. Our drivers all trained at this facility and I had joined them recently, to get some exercise and because Caroline felt I might benefit from knowing what to do in an emergency.

Right now the parking lot was half full with mostly black, mid-range cars. Volvos, Volkswagens, Toyotas. Everyone had backed into their space, one of the habits you get into when you do security for a living. Four silver Land Rovers stood parked nearest the door. Pray you never see those pull out of a side street when you’re driving around, because you are probably getting nabbed. Armstrong Securities solves all kinds of problems and they’re willing to break the law for their clients, up to a point anyway. They’re not murderers, but they will cheerfully kick your teeth in if you decide to jump on stage during a performance where you’re not wanted, or if you’re found hiding in a hotel room closet, waiting for your idol to go to bed so you can declare your love or offer your body. And they will also snatch you off the street if Caroline Keller says she will bear the consequences.

A woman in her mid thirties, dressed like a well to do soccer mom, opened the door for me. I could hear gunshots in the background.

“Carstairs! How have you been!”

Apparently we were on a hugging basis. I wasn’t aware, but I’ve learned to deal with that.

“Hi Lara, good to see you. Thanks for accommodating me.”

“Sure. Your guests are running a bit late. Care to join in some shooting exercises?”

“Don’t mind if I do!”

I’ve never had formal training in handling firearms, but I’ve had a go with a few courtesy of my friend Wayne. You may know him as ‘The Tank’. He’s done more movies than I’ve had hot dinners and two or three of them are actually worth watching. That’s his joke, by the way. Wayne lives on a farm ... I’m sorry, a RANCH, and has a shed ... BARN ... where he shoots glass bottles, old lamps, basically anything he can buy for cheap at a car boot sale. (Or is that a trunk sale?) He’ll buy five awful plates that belonged to someone’s dead grandmother, smile as he listens to the story of how granny once had the mayor over for dinner and how pleased she would be that her dinnerware will find a new home with someone who appreciates quality flatware and then he’ll take them to his barn and shoot the shit out of them. Same with small pieces of furniture, paintings, basically anything he can get for a few bucks and destroy with his shotgun. It’s hilarious. And it’s how I learned to shoot, or rather how I learned to shoot without killing or crippling myself. Lesson number one: shooting is loud. Very loud. If we all shot people like they do in the movies we’d go deaf in an instant and spend the rest of our lives battling with horrible tinnitus. Lessons two and three are basically the same, but they focus on toes and bystanders rather than ear drums. Only at around lesson four did Wayne discuss what happens when you actually get shot, which he seemed to consider far less likely and far less dangerous than hearing loss. So I learned that lesson well and the rest of it is mostly about not being an idiot and learning how much of a kickback you get from various sorts of weapons, or burning yourself on the barrel. There are a lot of ‘hilarious’ clips on YouTube featuring people who knock their own teeth out with the butt of a rifle or an oversized pistol, simply because they have no idea that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. So I knew a little about the earplugs, the stance, the safety procedures and the fact that a gun gets quite hot after you’ve emptied a clip. But a gun, to me, was just a gun. A tool to have some fun with, but not something that should become a part of your identity.

The Armstrong shooting gallery was exactly as you’ve seen them on TV, with five lanes and a metal rail that would deliver the target card to you after the Range Master had made sure it was safe to take off the hearing protection. I had shot five bullets on my first try and had missed three times. One of them hadn’t even hit the card. But the other two shots weren’t too bad: I’d hit the target’s chin and his left shoulder.

“Not too shabby, Carstairs!” said someone behind me, as a meaty hand landed on my shoulder.

“Oh, hi Tom! How nice of you to lie.”

I turned round and shook the hand of a tall, muscular guy I had met during my last training session.

“Yeah. William, actually. Tom was the other one. Never mind. Have you done this before?”

“Over a year ago. Shooting bottles in a barn.”

“What did you use?”

“Oh, I can never remember. Just a gun. Some sort of ... gun type gun. With bullets.”

Lara laughed and William rolled his eyes. I’m sorry, I just don’t know or care about guns.

“Take it outside, guys,” said the man who was supervising the shooting gallery. “Shooters! Approach the line!”

“Well, that was fun,” I said, as we left the shooting range and stepped into the canteen. It was all as homely and luxurious as a Serbian youth hostel, but most of the people who came here didn’t care and the others, such as myself, just had to suck it up.

“Lara! G-men are here!” yelled someone who had been put in charge of minding the main entrance.

“You can use my office. Why don’t you go ahead and take the best seat. Leave the blind up, so the sun is in their eyes,” said Lara, slapping my shoulder. Have I mentioned Lara owns the company and is quite dangerous? She pretends to be a waitress or a lost fan and then BANG, you’re on the ground with her shoe on your chest. I like her a lot, even though she gave me half a dozen bruises in the first week I trained with her. She’ll do whatever it takes to teach you about security, even if that means letting you pat her down five times in a row to find a razor blade she’s hidden on her person, in exactly the same place where a mad fangirl would hide it. I’ll leave that to your imagination. (What?! Not even an insane woman would hide it THERE, you pervert. Butt crack! Much safer. Wrapped in toilet tissue, obviously.)

I stepped into her office, which looked vaguely like Indiana Jones had stepped out for a smoke break. A steel desk, a black steel barrel that served as a side table, two wooden crates labeled ‘Peru’ and some maps on the wall. The seats were old office chairs and no two were alike. I leaned against the desk with my arms folded and waited for my guests to be shown in. William knocked and opened the door.

“Your visitors are here, boss. They’re clean. Go right in, fellas. Oh, I’ll hang on to that for ya.”

Two men walked in. I’d met them before. Sir Rupert seemed to find it all very amusing, as if he was being led through the pre-show of an amusement park ride. He scanned the room as he extended his hand.

“Martin! How lovely to see you! My, you have interesting friends!”

“FUCK!” said the second man, following Dupree in, as William relieved him of his suitcase.

“I’m sure you’ll get it back, Simon. Martin, you remember Commander Sixsmith with MI6, right?”


“Why are you bringing guns to a meeting?” I asked, as I pointed out two chairs and sat down behind the desk.

“Because I don’t leave them in the car and I have more to do today! Bloody hell, I thought we’d be meeting in some kind of office.”

“Well, you are. Kind of.”

Someone on the range unloaded a full clip. Others cheered.

“Are those gunshots?!”

“Yes. I’m surprised you don’t recognise them. Sir Rupert, thank you for seeing me.”

“Oh, the pleasure is all mine! Such a nice outing. I don’t really get out of the city all that often. Although we do have tables and chairs in Marsham Street, you know.”

Sir Rupert was a man in his sixties, with grey curls and rather a cheeky smile. Last time I saw him he was wearing a herringbone suit, but now he was dressed in slacks and a knitted vest. This man was the most senior civil servant at the Home Office. Ministers would come and go, but Sir Rupert had been a constant for the past thirteen years, the crowning glory of a life in the civil service. I was pretty sure that pleasant smile could disappear at any minute if this meeting went the wrong way, though. I’d seen it happen.

“Well, I can’t help hearing Caroline’s words echoing through my mind. And the fact that you threatened me stuck in my craw, too. So I’d rather play a home game for this.”

“Ah, yes. Very unfortunate. A misunderstanding, I’m afraid. But you do realise the Official Secrets Act still applies, right? These gentlemen...”

He gestured to the door, behind which many people were taking classes, shooting guns and presumably having a great time doing manly stuff. I know I enjoyed it.

“Know nothing. No details, at any rate. Just that I needed a place to have a quiet, unrecorded conversation. Which they provide, for a small fee.”

“Good. And your family?”

“I never said a word.”

“Excellent. Well, in that case I propose we get to business. I gather you have had a change of heart vis a vis our request?”

I answered with a question of my own:

“I’m sure you’re aware of the terrorist attack at Paddington Underground station?”

Dupree pulled a serious face.

“Very much so.”

“I lost someone in that attack. Someone very dear to me. And I came very close to losing much, much more.”

“I’m very sorry to hear that. May I ask what happened?”

“I’m friends with Diana Albinson.”

“Oh. I see. My condolences. And who else was involved?”

“I don’t really want to discuss the details. But I would like to know if there is a connection between the attack and the nephew of prince Asim you asked me to go keep an eye on.”

Dupree and Sixsmith exchanged a brief glance. Sixsmith nodded. Dupree cleared his throat.

“We do not usually discuss ongoing investigations outside the intelligence community, but I suppose in this case I should be open with you. While we are reasonably certain that prince Omar, the cousin you are referring to, is in some way connected to the explosion on the number thirteen bus, we have not yet tied him to the attacks at Paddington. However, that is our primary route of investigation. In our experience, it is very unlikely two completely unrelated entities conduct similar attacks.”

“They’re not that similar. The bus was just an explosion,” I remarked.

“Not quite. That explosion was intended to attract the emergency services and cause a panic. We managed to apprehend two men who were ready to start a shooting spree. The bomb on the bus appears to have gone off at the wrong time, because the person carrying it was unaware of its nature and so the thing had to be on a timer. This caused some confusion with the attackers, which allowed us to apprehend them. This has not been made public knowledge, for obvious reasons.”

There was a knock on the door. Lara entered after I answered, holding a tray with mismatched mugs and half a role of digestives. They weren’t even on a saucer: just half a role, torn in two as if we were builders on a construction site.

“Tea? I brought one coffee, just in case.”

She was doing it right now: playing innocent, pretending to be nothing more than a secretary or an office worker, charged with bringing in tea. The first time we met I fell for that act and ten seconds later she had me pinned down. Dupree reached for a mug.

“Lovely, thank you. I’m sure Simon would prefer coffee, am I right?”


“Tea for me, thanks,” I said.

“There you go. Everything alright here, luv’?” asked Lara, smiling as she took in the room. That was for me. If I needed assistance in any way, a carefully worded remark would get it done. But I was fine, so I just smiled back and nodded.

“My dear, our conversation has reached a somewhat sensitive point,” said Dupree. “We will certainly call on you if we need a refill. In the meantime, I must ask you to prevent any interruptions. Though I appreciate the tea.”

“And you better stay away from my briefcase!” bristled Sixsmith.

“I’m afraid we’ve x-rayed it. The boys do like to practice,” said Lara, still smiling. “Tell me, is there a kazoo in there?”

Rupert bit his lip and turned to Sixsmith.

“Simon? Is there?”

Sixsmith went beet red!

“It’s a TOY! For my SON! We had an office party the other week and I took one home for him. I just forgot to give it to him.”

I saw a bonding opportunity.

“Ah, that’s nice. How old is your son?” I asked, as I waved Lara off.

“He’s three.”

“Mine’s only fourteen months. I bought him a LEGO car the other day, even though that’s for three years and up. My wife nearly pulled my ear off.”

Don’t think that men are any less sentimental about their children than women. Our perspective may be different, but our experiences overlap quite a bit. Sixsmith smiled for the first time since we’d met.

“I got my boy a model train set. Battery powered, but my wife still blew a gasket.”

Dupree, the experienced diplomat, understood I was trying to mollify Sixsmith and asked us both some questions about our children. His were much older. In fact, he was a grandfather. But we spent close to ten minutes swapping our weirdest anecdotes about inappropriate but well intentioned gifts and the mood was a bit better when we resumed our original conversation.

“So, where were we?” said Dupree.

“You have people in custody. What have they told you?”

“Not much, I’m afraid,” answered Sixsmith. “They never do. It’s all compartmentalised. They use PGP for their emails, but there isn’t much communication between cells and their bosses. They were just another pair of brainwashed idiots, who’d had a few conversations in coffee houses with men they barely knew. That’s all it takes, sadly.”

“Perhaps if these men actually got a reply when they sent out a job application, or even an interview, they wouldn’t be so bitter about British society,” I observed.

“That may be true, but it is not an excuse to blow up women and children,” said Dupree. “But in answer to your question: we cannot guarantee that Omar Abdullah is part of the chain of command that instigated the attack that cost Miss Albinson her life. We think so, but there is very little evidence. In the case of the explosion on the bus we do have strong indications that he paid for the operation. When in doubt, follow the money, you see. These cells need financing. If the attackers were rich, they would not be drawn to extremism. Or at least, not the practical side of it.”

I nodded.

“So that’s why you want to me to get close to Omar. Bug his room. Copy his laptop, given the chance.”

“Yes. Not just to indict him, obviously. But because he likely pays for it all. It would help to unravel the web.”

I sipped my tea.

“And you’re quite sure that folding Asim’s towels will give me the opportunity to spy on his nephew?”

“Cousin,” said Sixsmith, sounding irritated. “You keep saying nephew. They’re cousins.”

“I’m sorry. In Dutch the terms are the same. We don’t differentiate. I never noticed that until I learned English, but it hasn’t stuck.”

Dupree chuckled and gleefully dunked a biscuit in his tea.

“You know, I keep forgetting that Mr. Carstairs is not actually an Englishman. In fact, he’s not even British. And it would be weird enough if you were from one of the Commonwealth nations, an Australian or some such, but you’re DUTCH. And yet here I am, feeling ever so slightly guilty because I’m dunking my biccie in front of Mr. Carstairs. Tee hee hee. Oh, I’m sorry. That’s just me, apparently. Carry on.”

“So how long would this take?” I asked. I’m used to people reacting like that. Sixsmith sipped his coffee.

“The mission? Well, that’s hard to say. Couple of weeks? You need to get close to Omar, but it’s not as if he and Asim live in the same house. They see each other quite often, near as we can tell. But to be honest, Saudi is a bit of a black box to us. Very hard to penetrate. Our footprint there is minimal. It’s the Americans’ turf, really.”

“WEEKS?” I asked, stunned. In hindsight that was a bit naïve, I’ll admit.

“Yes. At least. Look, it’s not ideal. But it’s the best option we have right now. Do you know how often we can plant an agent at the heart of the Saudi royal family?”

“Look, I have a family! What am I going to tell them?”

“I’m sure you had an idea when you called us,” said Dupree.

“Yes. Well, the thing is: I have a contract with Aston Martin to do some commercials and promotional appearances. I thought I might use that as an excuse to get out of the house. But a commercial doesn’t take weeks to shoot, and if it does they’ll definitely want to see it.”

Dupree nodded.

“Aston Martin, eh? It’s not bad, as covers go. We have friends there. A contractor, even. But the length of the mission is unpredictable, Martin. Have you spoken to prince Asim recently?”

“No, I haven’t. I’m not even sure the position is still open.”

“Well, then let’s start there. We could ... Hello, what’s this?”

There was commotion in the hallway behind the door that lead out of the office. People were shouting. A siren started up, or maybe a fire alarm. Sixsmith got on his feet at once.

“What the fuck?”

Footsteps thundered down the hallway. Glass shattered.

“MISS! YOU CAN’T GO IN THERE!” someone bellowed.

“We’ll see about that,” said a familiar voice. A very familiar voice. I buried my face in my hands, but just then the door flung open and two burly men, one of them William, burst into the room and grabbed me.

“I have the package!” said William, as the other one began to open the window.

“Now look here, what is this about!” asked Dupree.

Ominous sounds came around the corner. I was unceremoniously pushed to the ground, without a say in the matter. It helped I knew they were following protocol, so I didn’t struggle. They’d just knock me out, I learned that much.


“MARTIN! COME HERE AT ONCE! Get out of my way, you ape.”

“URK ... KGGGG...”

William turned over the metal desk I was, until very recently, sat behind.

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I went over the call with Kate in my head, slightly upset at the fact I had broken off our conversation just to get out of the heat. Maybe it hadn’t been the heat so much as the fact I didn’t want to be reminded of how much I missed her. That girl isn’t just catnip to me: she’s oxygen. And every time we were apart, there was nothing for it but for me to practice holding my breath. I also worried about the fact people had started to miss me, all over sodding Doctor Who! It’s the shittiest...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 23 The Beginning of the End

Tuesday, August 25th, 2015. My garage. It was about one a.m. when the door to the garage opened and K-T rolled in. I had called ahead, to let Anaïs know that I was fine and on my way. “How are you doing?” “I am drinking water and eating uh ... Maltezers. Very poor chocolate.” “Yes, it’s English chocolate. Could be worse, though.” “Hershey...” she shuddered. “Exactly. I’ll be there in about twenty minutes. Can you hang on?” “I can go nowhere else, Anglais. It is...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 24 Mosque Not Get Caught

Friday, August 28th, 2015. Royal palace, guest annex. The next morning I called Asim and offered to cook for him, so I’d be able to intercept any packages that might be delivered to his house. He was glad to have me and I took delivery of five boxes while he was out. I made us roast duck (honey roasted, with creamed cauliflower) and an old-fashioned trifle and then I stole one of his outfits: guthra, igal, thobe and sandals. Two thobes, actually, just to be sure. He only had fourteen left, I...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 28 All Out of Gum and Ass to Kick

Darkness had come and gone. Musa and I had worked all through the night. When I had answers to all the questions I could think of, and had copied the contents of the SD-cards to my laptop to make space on one of them, I had written a script for him to read. It was based on what he had told me, but we still went through it line by line. By that time he was struggling to stay conscious. The wounds on his wrists in particular hurt terribly, so much in fact that I had to cut him loose and bandage...

1 year ago
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StripChat Spy Shows

Sometimes, you want to watch beautiful cam models stripping and getting nasty on the camera for you. And other times, you want to watch them do all of that without their knowledge that you are watching. I know the idea of creeping into other people’s live shows and watching them without getting caught will get a lot of you fucks enables perverts like yourself to spy on the amazing camgirls on Stripchat. It is where you are going to find all kinds of cam girls that you can...

Live Voyeur Cams
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Black Widow Spy vs Miracle

This is a continuation:Black Widow submits to S.H.I.E.L.D Widow rises, while another falls between her... Widow Sexual Espionage prisoner shuddered awake with a start: bolting upright only to rattle the chains holding her in place. Twisting in the wooden seat, the redhead groaned, head still spinning. Leaning forward...

1 year ago
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BongaCams Spy Shows

Everyone knows BongaCams, but their Spy Mode is another matter. The feature is often overlooked, lost in the shuffle of all the other sexy, fun shit the website has to offer. I wonder, of the half-million pervs tuning in every month to watch live sex shows, how many of them even know about the voyeuristic pleasure of the spycam. Spy mode is pretty much what it sounds like: letting you peek in on another user’s “private” one-on-one sex show. If you thought peeking in your neighbor’s windows was...

Live Voyeur Cams
2 years ago
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The Spy Who Loved Me

The Spy Who Loved Me Part 1 The mouse scratched at the walls of the small Plexiglas box it found itself in. It didn't seem to notice when the lights in the room dimmed or when a robotic arm with a laser scanner descended from the ceiling and bathed it in a red wave of flickering light. A slight electrical hum filled the room. Moments later a shining object looking rather like a giant sparkplug lowered itself over the mouse. A slightly hollow sounding female robotic voice echoed...

4 years ago
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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 11 My French connection

I like to think I’m a decent man. I don’t leer at women, not even when I’m absolutely sure they’re not watching. I don’t turn around to check out ‘cabooses’, I don’t call women ‘darling’ unless I know them very well indeed and by and large you can trust me with your daughter. Unless she’s REALLY insistent and/or has grown legs and breast that make Marilyn Monroe look like a coat hanger. But even then I try really, really hard to ignore that. But being in a country where women were nothing...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 13 Irsquom something of an Esobe myself

When Asim and I came home, it was as if nothing had ever happened. I examined the lock, but that was only because my instructors had told me it’s a good habit to see if you can spot the scratches most lock-pickers leave. This guy was good: there were no scratches at all. I also reviewed the footage from my spy-cam, but learned nothing more. I also had no idea what prince Omar had been doing in other parts of the house, because I only had enough gear to monitor my own room. By the looks of...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 15 In Which our Hero Comes out of the Closet

Right. How to get to deck four, and more specifically into Omar’s private quarters? Doors wouldn’t be a problem: only the guest rooms had those card readers. Deck four was for family only. No, my problem was with the guards. One had already denied me access once. But there was that lift near the pantry, so that’s where I was now headed. I passed the Sayada lounge, where two guards eyed me as if I was going to take out my dick then and there and burst into the room, turned a corner and found a...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 16 And Now the End Is Near

I had to put my jacket back on in the hallway, so quickly was I ejected from the kitchen. Two phones really weighed it down, but if the Professor had recorded the meeting, I was sure my spymasters would want me to hang on to it. The pen had served its purpose, so that went into the water as soon as possible. And then I felt really odd for a minute. A man was dead right now, because of me. He was hardly the first, but it was different from all the other deaths I have caused. I planned this,...

2 years ago
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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 27 It Only Hurts When I Laugh

As soon as the rolling door had shut behind me, I began to undress. The plastic segments that allowed in some sunlight were so badly scuffed nobody would be able to see inside. Not unless they pressed their face up against them, anyway. My suit was in tatters. I wasn’t even sure why I wasn’t wearing my slacks and button down shirt. It’s think it may just be that wearing a suit seemed suitable for the occasion. If you’re going to commit mass murder, you should at the very least dress for it,...

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The Spy

The Spy     "What are you doing with the lord's papers?  You are readingthem!  You are a spy,"     "No, milady, I wasn't reading them.  I don't k now how toread."     "You pretend, but you are a spy!  Guards!  Guards!"  Shedrew a dagger from her girdle and backed the frightened maid into acorner.  Two men-at-arms rushed into the room.  "That slave is a spy. Take her to the courtyard and remove her clothes.  We'll have thetruth out of her."   The lord's house was not a proper castle.  It wasmore...

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AimlessChapter 7 Spy

“Peanut, I’m going to be traveling for a bit,” Master told me as I was lounging on top of him. I just sucked a load of his sperm into my mouth, and was feeling quite content just being next to him. I knew by now it was hormones and stuff from the collar, but I was starting to look forward to the closeness I felt just being there. As soon as he fell asleep, I would be a good little whore and retire to my little spot on the floor. Immediately, I panicked. I don’t know how I would survive...

5 years ago
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I Spy Jemma

I Spy JemmaCh 1 As ever, I am a little reluctant to go on this trip, as my boss at MI6 always seem to want to use my?feminism?and looks to their advantage. Just because I'm 23 and an attractive woman, at 5'9" tall with long blond hair green eyes and what they keep telling me, "model good looks baby!" They expect me to "tart it up" for them and help capture the infamous Yakuza and help break up their porn ring by pretending to be a model. Originally they wanted me to pretend to be a porn star...

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Tinker Tailor Goyim Spy

December, 2001, King Saul Blvd, Israel. Imi Morgenstern tried not to roll his eyes as his director of personnel continued his rant for what must have been the second year in a row. If Morgenstern didn’t know any better, he would have sworn that nothing got done in Human Resources but kvetching. ‘We still have all of these new kids who come in thinking that this is going to be all James Bond all the time, ‘ Yossi continued. ‘I mean, who wants to come into Mossad to be some oversexed goy?’ ...

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Lust of a Spy

The twin glass doors silently parted from each other as a silent woman walked through them. Wearing black clothing; from undershirt, pants, jacket- even belt- the silent stature moved itself to stand in front of the widely-spaced desk. Sitting with its chair back to the guest, another figure remained. The wall this man was facing was covered with countless amounts of paintings and other items hung precisely from the wall or small shelves pretruding from it. The doors from which the...

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A Spy Discovered Full Story

What follows is my recollection of the events that led to my current predicament, perhaps as a warning to others out there to be more cautious than I. Chapter 1: Bait and Catch My life as a spy for the United States was short lived. I wasn't your typical CIA recruit; with impeccable credentials, technical skills or fluency in other languages. In fact I was incredibly ordinary, which is perhaps why I'd been chosen. I was unassuming, and in my opinion unattractive. I was short for a...

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Somewhere in Far East is a big night club. Night club are for VIP persons only. Club Ran is almost an independent area in very big town. Club has own security and gun man's. Authorities never visit in club. They are paid out. Investors want only big money. They don't care if money comes from drugs, prostitutions, gambling or prostitutions. Business is hard and they are many competitors. Local mafia clans own all night clubs. They are sometime almost war between mafia clans and night clubs. ...

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Spy Swap

Spy Swap by Carol Collins Part 1 The beautiful scantily clad redhead teenager stood poised on the diving board as she waved at her sixty two year old Greek Banker companion. Her designer made green bikini consisted of two tiny triangles of thin silk covering the prominent pink nipples on her gravity defying cone shaped C cup breasts. Another pair of wispy silk triangles concealed the tiny red patch of pubic hair, vagina and cleft between the prominent cheeks of her very...

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Spy By Shrike. It had sounded so good, a new chance at the company and his mistake forgotten. But if he knew then what the consequences would be, he would have never done it. Maybe they wouldn't have asked him in the first place, if he hadn't botched the last job he did for the CIA. Although it wasn't all his fault, he just reacted badly to an unforeseen event. After his boss asked how he would like to have an increase in pay and a guarantee to become the best spy in the world, Daniel...

4 years ago
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Spy Affair Mission 1

Francine works at Envision Cable outside of Chagrin Falls, Ohio. She knows she is in line for a promotion from a sales rep to supervisor. She is sitting in little cubicle almost done for the day when she witnesses what she did not want to see. “Congratulations Amy on being highly considered for the supervisor position.” A co-worker says to the busty blonde. A few minutes later that same co-worker walks past Francine. “Excuse me, what were you talking to Amy about?” she asks. “Oh, she is the...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 23 Spy and Kempoist Hanya

Hanya: A spy of Edo Castle's Oniwabanshuu, Hanya. As ordered by the Okashira, I will guard this place to the death! Kenshin: I would avoid an unnecessary fight if possible. Will you stand aside? Hanya (striking his fists together): The commands of the Okashira are absolute. Sanosuke: A metallic sound... the bastard's wearing metal guards under his gloves. So that's why Kenshin didn't hurt him last night... Kenshin: The guards will certainly take the shock of the blow, but the act of...

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nightclub spy

I also went through a big peeking stage that i am not proud of. I used to go to a nightclub with mixed sex toilets, one of the cubicles had a crack in the joining wall where you could just see through a crack to catch glimpses at first and eventually when i worked out the positions get incredible views of the girls in the club a lot of which i knew lifting up their skirts or pulling down their trousers to expose their young pussies and asses. I had no interest in the peeing etc, but it was a...

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Secret Spy Surprise Ending Edited

I want to tell you a story from my youth.In the UK with have a six week long holiday/vacation from education during which many sports clubs, youth centres and leisure centres host clubs for k**s that have parents who work and don’t want their k**s left roaming the streets.My story happened when I was attending a summer club at my towns Arts & Leisure Centre. The main sports hall had been set up with different areas. The k**s could play football, basketball, or tennis. Or we could use the...

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Secret spy hole surprise ending

I want to tell you a story from my youth.In the UK with have a six week long holiday/vacation from education during which many sports clubs, youth centres and leisure centres host clubs for k**s that have parents that work and don’t want their k**s left roaming the streets.My story happened when I was attending a summer club at my towns Arts & Leisure Centre. The main sports hall had been set up with different areas. The k**s could play football, basketball, or tennis. Or we could use the...

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Spy Game

This story is custom written to Eric's specifications as a prize for my fourth story contest. Spy Game By Morpheus I was sitting at a small table outside of a Paris coffee shop, eating a cruller and sipping on a glass of wine. The whole experience might be enjoyable, and even a little romantic, if it wasn't for the fact that I was there for business rather than pleasure. My name is Nick Bennet, and I am 25, 6 foot 4 and heavily muscled, though trying my best not to stick out in...

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Secret Spy Surprise Ending ReEdited Sept

I want to tell you a true story from my youth.In the UK we have a six week long summer holiday/vacation from education during which many sports clubs, youth centres and leisure centres host clubs for older k**s so that working parents can safely leave them and not have them roaming the streets.My story happened when I was attending a summer club at my towns Arts & Leisure Centre. The main sports hall had been set up with different areas. The k**s could play football, basketball, or tennis....

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Honey Trap SpyChapter 3

Randy would return today and I was nervous ... no, better make that terrified. My name is Katie Holmes. Until recently I was an administrative assistant to the head of E Section. To my great surprise I went from high priced secretary to a spy who appeared to end up as a sexual object to both my boss and a senior female operations agent. In a Paris hotel room Randy and Anne had exposed my body to a sexual assault that was far beyond any previous experience. But it was a show. The purpose was...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 5 Spy in the Midst

Joseph’s troops had set up camp a short way up the neck of the valley. The sentries had been warned to watch for anyone attempting to straggle or to leave camp once it was set up. The news that someone in his camp had tried to alert the enemy of his presence had eaten at him since Genrico had shown him the note. He had kept the news from his closest advisers, choosing to try to watch his soldiers himself and ferret out who the spy might be. He realized during the rearward trek that it was a...

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Spy vs Spy

It is midnight. I am sitting at my computer naked, masturbating. If you are thinking I am camming or watching porn you are wrong. Well, not entirely wrong.I married Tom in 2001. It was the second marriage for both of us. At the time we married my daughter was already a freshman in high school, and Tom’s son Zack was nine. It was a rather uncomfortable fit from the beginning, because even though Tom and I love each other very much, as a career Navy man he was prone to be off on sea duty...

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I spy with my Minds Eye

I have no trouble to analyse myself and so I know why I do get turned on by masturbation, particularly masturbation by girls. I started masturbation even before puberty myself, and despite that I have very open parents there always was this feeling of guilt which accompanied the wonderful feelings in my lower stomach. In those days, I didn’t know what I was doing, it didn’t have a name, it was just a naughty secret which made me feel both ashamed and aroused. Luckily for me, books can teach a...

4 years ago
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I spy with my Minds Eye

I have no trouble to analyse myself and so I know why I do get turned on by masturbation, particularly masturbation by girls. I started masturbation even before puberty myself, and despite that I have very open parents there always was this feeling of guilt which accompanied the wonderful feelings in my lower stomach. In those days, I didn't know what I was doing, it didn't have a name, it was just a naughty secret which made me feel both ashamed and aroused.Luckily for me, books can teach a...

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my Spy

Well. Summer is almost over and it has been fun. Days I am not working I have been spending either jogging or laying out by my pool working on my all over tan. My backyard is pretty secluded with wooden fencing all the way around, and the houses on each side have windows that could catch a view of me if they really tried, but I thought I would know if they were looking. I am a 50ish Hispanic female with 36d breasts and am 5 foot 6inches weighing in at about 145. I have always enjoyed sex...

4 years ago
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I Spy Greek Holiday

After I posted 'Hair Cut' I had numerous mails asking me if my ex wife did anything more with her brother or with others men. Well to be honest I don't know but that doesn't stop me speculating. I'm sure I mentioned about seeing her cut her brother's hair while she was topless and I spied through the door jam, giving me the biggest boner I've ever had. I sometime lie awake at nights seeing them again in my mind and it would always have the same effect on me. Perhaps you think I'm a bit...

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A Spy Too FarChapter 3 Rolf Defects

Oberleutnant Rolf Steiger was a very troubled young man, in his mind was a well founded fear that the Gestapo would take him, and his family, because his cousin Tony had defected to Germany, and then returned to England. Tony was now strongly suspected, and now being labeled as having been a spy. There was no doubt that he had made utter fools of the Nazi regime, and that he had personally hoodwinked Hitler, and the Nazi hierarchy, and the whole of the Third Reich while he had been in...

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Brother SpyChapter 8 Jacqui in the Buff

I used the extra time to get a scrambler for the transmitter that I put on this unit. A matching descrambler on my receiver brought in a nice clean image from Jacqui's PEEPER. A few more days of testing would optimize the receiver. Jane had already spoken to Jacqui about my special radio receivers. Jacqui had come over to listen to Jane's radio and was eager to have one of her own. The camera was already removed from the PEEPER in Jane's room but I did manage to catch a very brief glimpse...

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mommy is a spy

on the other hand he did have a huge masculant dick. i did notice him take a look a my d-cups every once in a while. it took me about an hour to straighten every thing out in my head. i would see if he wanted me...and if not, i would just...say i was joking! YEA joking would be an amazing excuse! so i slowly walked up the stairs. i couldnt believe i was actually doing this! i took a deep breath and knocked on his door. i heard lots off shuffling and he said "hold on a minute im...changing"...

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Absent Minded Spy

Arnold Bond has always been referred to as a geek, dweeb or nerd, and humiliated by his high school peers. It was partly because he looked the part of a geek with two left feet. And he never stood up for himself. Some of the pranks ranged from shoving him in his gym locker to sending his boxers up the flag pole. He thought his life would change in college but nothing was different except his cock had grown to an enormous size. He had become a skinny kid with a gigantic cock. The harsh pranks...

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Quest Spy

“Ahhh!” the woman screamed as your tongue penetrated her pussy, hitting her g-spot and driving her over the edge. Her naked covered in sweat body, arched as she shook with an orgasm that was the finalization of an hour of love-making. She stays motionless that way for a moment before collapsing on the bed, unconscious. You smile – this is the least that you could do in return for the [A1] cunnilingus {you're a female} {3} [A2] blow-job {you're a male} {4} Anna gave you. You stand up, taking a...

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The Spy

The rain fell at a steady pace, hitting the windows like pellets. In the war room, there was once again confusion and anger. What had happened? How did the best-laid plans fail to do the job? The German high command was furious; someone would get shot for this. It was 1944 and the German High Command's best strategists had come up with a foolproof plan, that had somehow failed. There was a secret meeting to find out what had happened, all the usual suspects of the German military were present....

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Shower spy spank

Shower spy spankingsIt was the end of Games at Red hill College an exclusive private school. Due to the small class sizes games were usually 5 a side football for the boys and hockey for the girls.Mr Robson, blew his whistle and sent the boys to the changing rooms to shower. Miss Summers had left Amy Davenport in charge of the girl’s hockey game as she had some marking to catch up on. Amy had a plan in her head, she let her game go on for five minutes after she had heard Mr Robson blow the...

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Spy Games

You will spill all your secrets to me, he said. Every spy I've tortured has. You've been hard to catch agent Moon but I have you now. In defiance she said slowly do your worst. Then turning to the others he commanded, leave us. Then he turned his attention to her. Slowly he traced the curves of her luscious body with the tip of his blade. She was getting excited. The cold steel and razor's edge was exhilarating . She loved a sharp blade almost as much a good cock. He knows my weakness she...

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