Melodic RedemptionChapter 14 free porn video

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The old boat had been, from the day I brought her home and made her mine, a refuge. Yes, there were days that I brought friends along, but mainly the boat was where I went when I wanted to get away from the world. Now I was on her, and I was clothed only in my boxers and before me, beckoning, was Jo, in my mind the epitome of red-headed perfection, herself clad only in hip-hugger panties and a dark blue sports bra.

And she was beautiful. Absent any light from the skylight hatch, we had a little electric cabin light on. "Come here, Stoney. Lay with me." In the dim light, my mind filled out the details, the blue eyes, how red that hair was in the sunlight, rendered brown in the dim cabin. I was adding new details like the exact curve of her waist, the perfect rounded butt, the legs, the long, athletic legs. I crawled in towards her, intent on taking this slowly.

My beautiful mate had other ideas. I was wrapped up and dragged against her, her right leg thrown over mine, pulling me into complete contact. I couldn't talk. My lips were occupied. So were her hands.

"Stoney, I've never seen you in shorts except that one time. You have strong legs. Muscular." Her hands emphasized her observation. "And I am not the only one to notice that you have a great butt." Her hands tracing my butt caused a surge in my groin.

Giggle. "I felt that."

"Johanna ... My lovely Johanna..." My hands at first cradled her head, then slid down her back, relishing the bare, youthful skin, ending up, naturally, on the curve of that delectable ass.

She moaned into my mouth as we kissed. Our lips parted. "Touch me, Stoney. You are the one to touch me. Everywhere."

I squeezed the curved cheeks of her ass. A little "Mmmm" came through the kiss. She did the impossible, pulling us together even tighter. I felt my erection pushing against a warm mound, the heat penetrating two layers of fabric. She felt it too, and moaned gently. One soft, exploratory hand disappeared from my butt. Reappeared between us, pushing its way downward.

When it reached the almost inevitable destination, when I felt HER fingers touch my straining erection, it was more than I could stand. I came. Pulsing, jetting, throbbing, I came. While I was coming, I let a little whimper escape my being, through our kiss. She pulled back. "Oh, Stoney ... You ... You ... I..."

"OHGOD, Jo, yes I did. I'm sorry. All this is more than I can stand. You don't understand how much I adore you, Jo. Intellect, talent ... and you're the single most beautiful woman on the planet. This was inevitable."

"I ... Stoney, I'm not experienced. Is that good or bad?"

I kissed her. "Good. Just more good than this mortal is able to stand."

"We ... I can stop."

"Nooooo, little angel. But I have a mess."

Giggle. "I feel it. You weren't supposed to do that there."

"Kiss me again, then I have to clean this mess up."

She kissed me. I rolled backward away from her and stood, the front of my boxers a sticky, sodden mess. I retrieved a clean pair from my knapsack and started towards the head.

"Don't," she said.


"Don't put those on. I'm being terribly brave and I don't want you to put those on. Clean up and dry off and come back here."

I snagged the plastic tub with that new yachtsman's sanitary necessity, baby wipes, and cleaned myself up. When I turned, Jo's feet were in the air and she was sliding her panties up her lovely legs.


"Hush, Stoney! I'm trying to parse all this right now. This is going down in my memories as so many things and it is so strange and so absolutely perfect. You can never sell this boat because it is here, our honeymoon suite, that we become one."

"If that does not in fact happen, I intent to throw myself overboard, redhead," I said as I crawled in beside her. I had planned another session of the two of us lying on our sides facing each other. Wrong again.

As I crawled in, she slid herself under me, trapping me between a pair of thighs for which poems should be penned. She shifted to make sure that the appropriate parts contacted one another and we held on to each other in embrace. Kissed. We ground against each other, my dick sliding along between hot wet labia in a way that I never had experienced before.

I am not inexperienced. I actually lived with a girl on one assignment when I was in the Army. Even thought we were in love. I knew about sex. Comparing that to this was like comparing a picture of a storm to standing out in it, having the winds buffet, the rain beat, the thunder shake.

I raised up a little, and Jo shifted underneath me. The safe slide between the lips was about to change as I felt the head of my dick catch in her opening. Her eyes widened and I thought about pulling back but her mouth opened. "Stoney, I love you." And she pushed her hips upward. I took that as a cue and met her motion with my own. Hot. Wet. Tight.

"Oh, Stoney..." she sighed.

"Are you okay, Johanna?"

"Very much so. Please..." Her hips punctuated her request. No, this wasn't some variety of animalistic humping. I'd dreamed of Jo for weeks and I wanted to love her body. We arched into each other, connecting, merging, mating, in the most physical and spiritual senses of the word. Each stroke put an "mmmmm" or an "ooohhhhh" in my ears.

"Stoney ... It's ... you're ... we're ... wonderfulllllll"

"My Johanna," I breathed. "My perfect, lovely Johanna..." That previous surprise orgasm was a blessing in many ways, the most obvious one being that I had half a chance of lasting more than twelve seconds in paradise. Her hip movement took on an insistent tempo, like she was searching for something. I made an adjustment and a sigh and a hard grind told me that she was where she wanted to be.

"Oh. Stoney. I'm. Just. Right. Theeeeeere! Nnnnnnngggghhhhhh!"

And I came again. This time I was deep into a place I was made for.

In the afterglow we were still intertwined. "I love you, Stoney. And it's wonderful between us."

"I love you, Johanna. And it truly is."

She pulled my face to hers and kissed me. "And always will be."

"Yes, my love."

"Stoney, I'm glad it's you."

"What's me?"

"You that is the first man to make love with me. Because I will never love another, you'll be the only one."

"And you will be the only one, from this day forward. And the thought makes me very happy, Jo."

"Good," she said. "And you love me very much?"

"Yes, I do."

"Enough to do something about this huge cold wet spot we made?"

"This is a heck of a time to discover you're deceitful, right after I seal my life with yours," I said.

She giggled. "Not deceitful, practical."

Add two towels to the laundry I'd haul away from our weekend.

She was holding the blanket up to her chin. "Chilly in here."

"I can turn the heater up."

"No," she said. "You get under here with me. You're the engineer. You know all about friction."

I dove under the blankets with her. In a matter of minutes it was a twisted pile at our feet as we went at each other. Jo's eagerness was like a dam-burst and for myself, well, it had been a very long time since I thought of a woman as ... correction ... I'd never thought of a woman as I found Jo.

After the third round for the evening we finally curled unfamiliarly in each other's arms and let sleep overcome us.

In the wee hours of the morning I sat up with a start, the dream too real. Again. Seconds passed before I regained senses enough to ... a soft hand touched me. "Stoney?"

"Jo," I said softly, "I'm sorry..."

"Is this what happens?"


"When it comes back?"

"I don't know why ... Why, on this night, of all nights, I don't know why..."

"Can I hold you, love?"

"Of course, Jo." She slid up to a sitting position beside me, wrapping me in her arms.

"You're mine, Stoney. I'm yours. I'm here for you." She eased her lips to mine, eyes bright, caring, and I couldn't help but respond. My own arms wrapped her in return, pulling her to me.

"Is it better this way, Stoney? With me here?"

"Yes, it's better."

"You're sweating."

"I know."

"You could open the companionway for a minute, cool off."

I unwrapped from her, and for the first time I saw Johanna standing, nude, in the dim light of a full moon coming through the little cabin portholes. It was dim light, to be sure, and shadows played enticingly over her form.

"Beautiful," I said.

"Come on, let's cool off," she smiled, taking my hand. Gingerly we made our way through the cabin. I opened the hatch to the cockpit, felt a cleansing cascade of cool air, even cold, on my bare skin. The light of the full moon flowed inward. "Go up. Out."

"No clothes, baby. I'm naked."

"Nobody out there for miles, Stoney. Me and you in the moonlight."

I ascended the little ladder, turned, took her hand and helped her out. What I saw evoked almost primal memories from deep in ancestral blood. Naked in the moonlight, she turned, stretched, the moonlight barely showing the red of her hair, the cool light glinting off alabaster skin. An angel. An ethereal being come down to earth. A forest nymph. A dryad. No, we were on the water. A siren. Nothing mortal could explain what I saw before me.

"Stoney, you're not saying anything."

"Johanna, you are the most beautiful creature I have ever imagined."

"And quickly becoming one of the coldest. Hold me, Stoney."

I pulled her in against me, her skin cool, dry, and we embraced, clad only in the moonlight. I kissed her.

"Randall Jackson, under the light of this moon, I wed myself to you," she said gravely.

"By the same moon, I take you, Johanna Solheim, as my wife and give myself to you only."

"Then it's done," she said. "In a very old way. We have mated. We have sworn under the light of the moon. We can go fill out a government form somewhere and get a functionary to log us into a public record. But make no mistake about it, my husband, we are married."

In the moonlight her face was beautiful and deadly serious. "I understand it no other way, dearest wife."

She shivered. "Are you cooled off?"

"Most of me, I think."

She looked around, the moonlight glinting off the wind-blown chop. "Get us blankets. This is too beautiful to give up right away." In a flash I returned with the blankets and wrapped the two of us as we sat in the cockpit.

"Jo, angel, I love you."

"That's good, Stoney," she said, "Considering that you're my husband."

"So who's gonna know this upon our return to civilization?" I asked.


"About being engaged? Or being married?"

She put her hand on my cheek. "Stoney ... I'm serious about this. Married."

"Move in with me. We tell everybody. Get rings. Let 'em think we planned it and eloped, thus making you a beautiful young widow when your father hunts me down and kills me."

"He won't do that. Remember, love of my life, that my parents approve of you."

"Uh, that was when they thought we were just getting engaged."

"I am their only daughter. I have been the proverbial 'good girl' all my life. I have not paraded a bunch of guys in front of them. Just you. I think I can make this work."

"Why don't we tell them that we are going to get married at a Justice of the Peace next weekend?"

"Why don't we tell them we got married THIS weekend in the old way? Mom used to tell me the folk tales and the oral history stuff. She was raised Catholic, but she's got a strong undercurrent of the old ways in her."

"What about your dad?"

"Dad dotes on Mom. And me. And he will be happy. And we can make it official at our leisure." She pressed me back against the coaming and administered a kiss that fairly made me glow. She sighed, said softly, "Stoney, when I was a young girl (said the 21-year old!) I used to daydream about kissing the love of my life under the light of a full moon. I didn't know I was prescient."

"Better do it again to make sure," I said. We molded together, my erection pressing against her.

"We can do more than kiss, can't we?" she asked, her voice almost like a shy little girl.

"Yes, I believe we can," I said. We worked together, me sitting back up, her straddling my lap, the heat of her center seeking my hard staff. We managed to make that connection. She tossed the blanket backward off her shoulders, threw her head back and howled.

I was momentarily startled. "Howl with me, Stoney! We won't be able to do this every time, but howl with me."

There's something primal about that. Never knew it. Never thought of it before, but if Jo asked, I would see that Jo got. Thrusting up into her, I howled with her. The chill of the air cooled my skin but did nothing to lessen ardor. She found a method of rocking that stimulated both of us mightily. I was trying my best to hold off an immediate urge to come, wanting to see where she got with this. Where she got was rapid progression to clamping her mouth to mine, her tongue invading, searching, then she did a little mewing sound, her lips still pressed to mine, her body shuddered, and we both came.

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Stoney's turn: It actually WAS in Cindy's words, 'a riot'. I never did 'band camp' or anything like that when I was in high school. They didn't have 'science camp' and 'math camp' in my school district and I wasn't in band. Jo told me about her own experiences. "Wasn't anything like this," she said. Our trip home was as wondrous as the trip there. I can definitely see why Dan and Cindy (and everyone else in the bunch, apparently) would cling to personal aviation as a...

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Johanna's Turn: I walked out of the classroom with a definite spring in my step. I had several reasons to bounce, you know. Let's see. That test paper I laid on the GA's desk was, to the best of my knowledge, close to perfect. Stoney was home waiting on me. The semester was almost over and for the first time in my life I was not packing up to go spend winter break with Mom and Dad. The test. How ironic that I was testing at the end of a class on the history of Europe since 1945. I smiled...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 36

Still Johanna: Semester's over. Christmas break. And this was new. Ever since I started school, Christmas break was with Mom and Dad, even in college. Well, this year, people, it's different. Little Johanna Elise Solheim is now Mrs. Randall Jackson and with that status comes a whole new life. Christmas dinner. "Do you think we can manage something close to a Christmas dinner, Stoney?" He smiled. "Yeah, I think we can do that, in a restrained fashion." "Turkey. Little one. With...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 37

Stoney's Turn: That was a surprise. Of course, since last September I've had lots of surprises. That was pleasant. Same thing. Since I touched fingertips one day with this startling redhead, I've had lots of 'pleasant', too. I parsed Jo's comments, "A little girl with family issues." "I get the feeling..." I concurred. "She's quite comfortable when she's playing, though." My partner smiled. "I've seen the family issues. Us military brats get an introduction." She paused....

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 38

Stoney's turn: When I was walking out of the building, headed home, I called Jo. "Hello, sweetness," she said. "Hi, princess," I returned. "Did Kara come over?" "Oh, yes," she said. "We're cranking out the music. Come home and join us!" "I'm on the way. Pedaling as fast as I can." My wife giggled. "Just drive careful. You know how you are!" Ten minutes later I was parking. Locked the SUV, walked to the door. I could hear the music as I unlocked it. It stopped with the...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 39

Johanna's turn: It's not about sex. We're cuddled together. The sex is over for the night. And I still love him. Of course, right now we're both glowing. I mean, if we tossed the covers back, the room would light up. The post-coital (coital? - Damn you, Sheldon Cooper!) tingles will subside in a bit, but that loving glow hasn't. Nope. Hasn't. Not since I first admitted to myself that this was the guy for my life. I trust him. He trusts me. Kara's turn: Kara Sevinsky. That's me. I...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 40

Stoney's turn: I punched the button on my office phone. Rang twice. Sweet, happy voice. "Hi, my love." "Hi, my princess," I replied. "I'm getting ready to walk out the door. What's up for the evening?" "Me and you. Some deli roast beef. Muenster cheese. Artisan ciabatta rolls from the bakery up the street. A bottle of Reisling. And then ... I have designs on your body..." "No Kara this evening?" "Nope. We talked a bit ago. She's got a Skype session with the bunch in...

3 years ago
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Melodic RedemptionChapter 41

Kara's turn: I feel like Balboa. You remember him, don't you? And no, NOT Rocky. He's the guy who 'discovered' the Pacific Ocean, at least from the Eurocentric point of view. That's how I feel after meeting Jo and Stoney and subsequently the girls in that community in Alabama: like I walked out of the jungle and there's a whole ocean just waiting for me. I'm seventeen. It's time that I start taking some actions to control my own life. It hasn't been easy. I'm not a poor kid, at...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 42

Stoney's turn: So let's see where we're at now. I have a rollicking good life. There were long, lonely nights in the not too far past that I despaired of finding the person who would fill the void in my soul. As I sit here, eyes closed to repair the strain from staring at the diagram on my monitor, there's a little metallic blue Japanese car leaving the campus of the university, headed to what used to be my apartment. It's not my apartment now. It's ours. The driver of that little...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 43

Johanna's turn: Friday! I was never one of that 'TGIF' bunch who LIVES for Fridays before. Before Stoney. Now? Maybe. Just a little bit. We swapped vehicles this morning. He drove my little hatchback to work. I took his SUV to campus. And at three, after class, I was loading bags into it at the apartment. That way, when he got home, we'd be ready to head to the marina. I can't wait. Yes! I get excited. I know, really, we have as much privacy as two people could possibly ask for here...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 44

Johanna's turn: Two more weeks. That's it. Two weeks! I will graduate college. Stoney says he's the first of his family to receive a college degree. For myself, both parents have degrees, Dad's masters includes four years from West Point, Mom's from Trinity College in Dublin. And now I'm getting ready to graduate here in Houston, Texas, US of A. Double major, too, music and business administration. I have that 'music' part nailed. I could take a position with the local symphony,...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 45

Johanna's turn: Back from ten wonderful days in Norway. Spent some time living out of Great-uncle Jan's place. He's got a beautiful home up a mountainside above a fjord overlooking one of his shipyards in the distance. It's a little shipyard, and this is Norway where shipbuilding is part of the national psyche, so it counts as scenery, understand? We did the touristy things, visiting museums and churches, seeing sights, absorbing the culture like a sponge. Phone call. I looked at the...

3 years ago
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Happy Halloween CaitlinChapter 2

Dullichan: from Celtic Mythology; a headless black rider, death follows where he stops That tongue swirling around her swollen clit was nothing short of heaven itself. As it twirled round and round so did her thoughts spin round and round cycling from pleasure to passion to pleasure again in Caitlin's expanding consciousness. She lay there breathing heavy, moaning, letting herself freefall deeper down the rabbit hole of ecstasy abandoning reason if just for a season... Caitlin awoke that...

1 year ago
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My First CD experience with a female

I had been a private CD for years, any and every chance I could get to dress up, hehe. I had built quite a collection of sexy outfits from slutty dresses to classy Basque & suspender sets, a suitcase full in fact. However since being in a serious relationship, things changed. I had to hide this side from her. We had been dating for around 18 months without her suspecting anything.Until one morning I received a text message from her. It was a picture, a screen-grab in fact… Yes, she had...

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Helping out a Classmate Chapter 18

After a holiday at Puerto Rico you and Danielle have returned to your hometown. The holiday has passed quickly, mostly because you slept a lot. You had to sleep as much as you did, though, because you and Danielle fucked and fucked and fucked. Not a day had gone by without fucking. Now you’re back at Danielle’s place. You and Danielle are looking for another apartment. You want to live together, but Danielle doesn’t want to live in this apartment much longer. She says it reminds her of her...

Straight Sex
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Fucking in a Teacher8217s Lounge

Today I found out that I am pregnant and not by my husband. Let met tell you the story as it happened. My name is Keri; I am 5 ft 7 in, Auburn hair, 36b-23- 37, 33 year old white female. I have been happily married to my husband for 12 years. I had never been with another man, except for him. I went back to work teaching a few years ago and most of the other male teachers are in their late 40’s or fat or both. There has been one teacher, Gil, that in the past few years had been...

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The Cocksuckers Learning adventure 1

It was about 2 o'clock in the afternoon and I went online and looked at thelatest ads for men seeking men and emailed a guy who had just posted an adfor afternoon fun in an adjacent town. He was looking to suck guys outdoorsor in their cars in the vicinity of the turnpike. He met me at the parkinglot of a restaurant and I had him follow me to an office park that used tobe a boy scout camp I went to on overnights and hikes with my troop. Ipicked a random office building and we parked in the back...

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Sexual Encounters of a Young man 28 Threesome with Rupali Manavi

Maanvi and Rupali started to give him food every alternate month as he got stomach upset due to outside food for long and on one fine morning when she went there to give him morning Coffee on seeing his erect 9 Inch cock while he was asleep and she was lured into sucking it and then while bathing she fell in bathroom and Montu Kumar treated and helped her and then fucked her. They were facing problems to find a safe and secluded place for regular fucking afterwards so one day he fucked her in...

2 years ago
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Fun at the Bank

My name is Angad, I am 18 years old, 5:11 ,Indian guy, dark hair, green eyes, fair and very atheletic. My cock is 6.5/7 inches and relatively thick and this is the story of how I lost my virginity. It happened a couple of months ago, my 1 semester at college had just ended and I had come back to my hometown.I went to the bank one day as I had to withdraw cash and deposit a cheque. There was a long line and I was getting really bored so I started noticing all the people around me. At the...

1 year ago
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Connie The Junior Maid

CONNIE THE JUNIOR MAID by Monica Graz PART 1 - Connie becomes a maid My name is Connie and I'm a 23 years old gender fluid male. I work by choice as a full-time live-in housemaid for almost a year now. But let me tell you my rather unusual story and how it all started. I was born as Michael (Mike) Allen the only child to a well-off family and I grew up as a privileged boy going to the best private schools and eventually to a prestigious university where I was studying...

2 years ago
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Watched my wife double penetrated

Friday after dinner my wife and I where setting on the deck enjoying an adult beverage. I couldn't help but bring up the subject of sex because my wife was wearing a very tight pair of leggings and a thin tank top without a bra. The Spandex meteral of the leggings was all up in her pussy and her nipples where hard and easy you see through the thin cotton top. She came out on the deck with fresh drinks and I reached out a pinched her pussy lips through the shiny black Spandex. She didn't mind...

3 years ago
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Alternate UniversesChapter 4

The next evening, after supper, I approached Mr. Holmes in the living room. "Sir, I would appreciate some advice from you, if you don't mind." "Sure, Derek, go ahead. What can I do for you?" "Well, Sir, I have a problem with this." I handed him the chunk of gold. "I have a number of those which I would like to sell, but I don't know the best way to go about getting what they are worth. I was hoping that you could advise me." "What the hell!?! Is this what I think it is? It looks...

3 years ago
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Who Needs Men

WHO NEEDS MEN Hi this is Mridula with second part of THE BITCH, a lesbian story sent to me by my reader Meghna. I hope you will like it and email your comments on sexy_ The night that I spent with Aarti was a memorable one. I sucked her cunt, drank her juices and spanked her beautiful round ass. Aarti simply adored what I did to her and she moaned and groaned in ecsrast in my arms. The cones of her delicious nipples were sooo sweeeet and the nectar flowing from her juicy choot was a life...

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Boss Deceives Employee Into Being A Cuckold To His Voluptuous Wife

My name is Phil, and my wife, Denise, and I have lived in the Atlanta area since graduating from college. We’re fifty years old now, with two kids grown and out on their own, and I’m the marketing vice president for a large corporation. My alpha male traits helped me get ahead, and I’ve always been aggressive and go after what I want, especially with girls in high school and college, fueled by my high libido.I’m athletic, played football, basketball, and baseball in high school, and stay fit...

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Youngsville Part 5 Meacutenage

I was laying on my bed listening to music when I looked out the window. Darkness had fallen over the ranch and I looked at the note Sybil had given me earlier. On it was an address she had written down for me. I remember her words: “Come to this address after dark.” I had been wondering what was waiting for me at this place. While I was examining the note I noticed a small marking on the bottom. It looked like a small scribble, it was a word: Ménage.I got out of bed and put my jacket on. I...

2 years ago
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Jackie Makes a Move

It was 3 weeks before Jackie's plan began to move forward. She had been checking the nursing schedule every week and was acutely aware that she had become obsessed. She didn't care. She was going to make damned sure that she didn't miss her opportunity. Since Jackie had started at Banner Hospital, her name regularly appeared on the list of nurses who were willing to pick up extra shifts around the hospital. Graduating from the from the nursing program at Boise State University the previous...

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Losing my virginity

This happened many years ago as a boy in my last year at high school, when a tall blond girl moved into the my math’s class, which was for the brainier pupils.She ended up sitting next to me as we lived only a few streets away from each other, but had never really talked much, that was about to change as after only a few lessons she asked me to help her with her math’s homework, as I found math’s easy to do I said yes so that afternoon after school we when to her house.She told me that her mum...

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Fuads HareemChapter 4 A Little Skills Inventory

Charlotte called them all to sit at the "kitchen table" again. Again Su Li was allowed to remain in her cot. Charlotte asked Lucinda and Dana to make coffee for the group. When Dana didn't get up from her seat immediately, Lucinda yanked her hair and told her: "C'mon you lazy whore. Haven't you figured out yet that she's the fucking general's sweetheart? She's in charge here, hey? That wasn't a request, it was a fucking order. Get off your lazy ass and do as you're told!" Dana...

2 years ago
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My First Sex With A Foreigner

Hello my self Sachin living in Shimla and if you want to email me my email id is when i was 19 year old and in present i am 22 and height 5,11 , well build body andfair complexion working as an spa asst manager this story is realy true incident of my life.and this was my first sex ever with a foriegner. mera bcom suru hua tha or mai collage na jakar bhaiya ke jo mere cousine hai unke Massage centre pr baithta tha mujhe bahut si different tarah ki massages aati hai western,aayurvedic jiske liye...

4 years ago
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Sex at 35000 Feet

I travel quite frequently on business. I almost always fly first-class or at least business-class. But airplane sex could not happen anywhere except in the economy section. That's because in the upper class sections, the seats have permanent armrests between them, while in economy the armrests in most seats can be folded up, allowing almost unlimited access to the person in the next seat, and she to you! I have a huge crush on a woman in my office. She has an enormous erotic effect on me....

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Hi hello sabhi ko meri taraf say mera naam rajan hai mai Punjabi may rehta hoon. meri age 23 hai about me mera rang saaf hai and meri height 5 feet 7 inches hai mere penis ke size ke bare may to mai yehi keh sakta hoon ki kisi ladki ko satisfy kar sakta hai apko padne ke badn meri story kaisi lagi mujhe iske liye mujhe e mails kare meri e mail id hai Ye meri story mere aur meri class fellow Nidhi ki hai ye baat tab ki hai jab hum 10 plus 2 may padte the meri class may ek ladki padti thi Nidhi,...

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Training the Professor

It was my Sophomore year in college when I dominated my history professor. His name was Professor O'Reilly, but he made the big mistake on the first day of telling the entire class they could just call him "Jim."Those professors that insisted the students call them by first name always intrigued me. I mean, what were they thinking? Trying to fit in, to recapture their youth perhaps by not being too old, too out of touch to be on a first name basis with the entire class?Or was it an attempt at...

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Grabby Gabby

"Hi, My name is Gabrielle and I have a problem... It's sort of embarrassing but, well everyone knows allready so I might as well say it out loud. I have no self controll. Specifically I can't stop myself from groping people. It's not everyone and it's not all the time but if I see a big phat ass, or a pair of megga titties, a guy with an extra big bulge, a round and squishable belly... Well then I have to touch it, squeeze it, rub my face on it. I know we live in an enlightened time and this...

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