Melodic RedemptionChapter 31 free porn video

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Stoney's turn:

Okay, I do admit that meeting Dan Richards and his surprising wife Cindy left me thinking. I was serious. Cindy, barely fifteen, was a cutie.

"Jo, drag out the baby pictures," I said.

"Baby pictures?"

"Yeah, I want to see what you looked like growing up."

"I don't have 'em. Mom keeps those."

"I wanna see 'em," I said. "You might've been a horribly ugly child. I want to prepare myself for our offspring."

She slapped the back of my head. "I was a wildly beautiful child in an unconventional way."

I had no doubts. I thought about a gangly redheaded girl. Trouble was, I now HAD a picture of a fifteen year old redhead. Okay, Cindy's hair is not quite as bright a red as Jo's. Cindy's like a worn penny. Jo's is like one that's only slightly tarnished.

"We need to get those pictures. Scan them."

"I'll tell her to box 'em up and send 'em."

"I'm calling right now." She fast-fingered her iPhone and held it to her ear. "Hi, Mom!" Pause. "Yes, your son-in-law is doing quite well. He can walk short distances without a crutch." Pause. "Yes ma'am, I did have a reason to call. A bunch, actually." Pause. "First, I love my mom and dad. Second, my husband, YOUR son-in-law, wishes to see what I looked like growing up. Wants to make sure you don't get an ugly grand-child."

She held the phone away from her ear to avoid the expected, inevitable squeal. "Here, you talk to him." She passed me the phone.

"Hello, Stoney," Bridgette said. "Let me assure you that your wife was a beautiful child, in that knobby-kneed, freckle-infested, redhead tradition."

"And now her knees are no longer knobby," I laughed.

"How's your leg, Stoney?"

"Getting better every day. I can clump around the house without crutches."

"And our Johanna is being properly caring..."

"And nurturing," I added.

"What brought on the desire to see her pictures?"

"You mean, other than the fact that I adore her?"

"Is that her squealing?" Bridgette said. "Stoney, you're spoiling her."

"Happily so," I said. "We had another couple over, and the wife was a fifteen year old redhead..."

"Wife? Fifteen?" Bridgette gasped.

"Long story," I said. "Good ending. Anyway, it got me to wondering what my own Johanna looked like as she grew up."

"Ahhhh," Bridgette said. "At the risk of sounding like a doting mother, which I am, you will find her pictures a delightful history of my beautiful daughter. We'll bring them down next time we come to town."

"That's wonderful. You want to talk with your daughter some more?"

"Yes. Put her on. And Stoney, have a good evening."

"Thank you Bridgette. Tell Anders that I said hello." I passed the phone back to Jo and lifted myself up for a bathroom trip, leaving the two of them talking.

When I got back, I eased back down beside Jo. We lounged lazily for a while, listening to music, talking.

"Trade places," she said, wiggling out of my arms.

I know the drill. She gets up, I pull up to sitting position, she sits back down beside me, I lay back with my head resting on her thigh, and get the daylights caressed out of my face. Life could be better. I could have my leg back at what passes for a hundred percent, but for what things are right now, things are pretty good. She adores me and I adore her right back. Wonderful, it is.

Her fingertip touched my nose. "Can you stand a soup and grilled cheese sandwich dinner?"

"Yes. Anyone announced a visit for tonight?"

"Nope. Just you and me. All by ourselves."

"I regret that I can't chase you around the house naked."

Giggle. "Sometimes hunting is not about the chase. Sometimes the hunter waits and his quarry comes to him."

"Just so I get to eat my quarry," I said.

"Sir!" she squealed. "Take care. You hunt dangerous game. The hunter may become the hunted." The giggles came tumbling out as she settled into my arms.

I wrapped her in my arms, inwardly cursing my partially functional leg. Her back was against my chest. I nuzzled the top of her head, feeding my senses.

"I'll never get dinner made like this, sir," she said.

"We can live on love," I countered.

"Nuh-uh!" she squealed "I've heard your stomach when you get hungry."

"Well, dear, if that characteristic of my digestive tract is an impediment to our continued happiness, then perhaps a meal is in order."

"I will do dinner. Then we will shower, and I guarantee I will wear you out," she smiled.

"I see that as a challenge. I'm not the one subject to losing consciousness during orgasm..."

She kissed me long. "That's because I have YOU for a partner."

Okay, Jo has played with 'grilled cheese sandwich' and taken it further, eschewing the sliced American cheese and white bread in favor of something from a cheese case at the market and bread from the bakery, and soup is something we make a big pot of on occasion and freeze in serving-sized clods. So it was good soup. And good cheese sandwiches. And good company.

And I'm walking better. Around the house I dispense with the crutch or the cane. And in bed ... Well, Johanna still likes to be on top, leg or not, so I'll settle for that concession. I get to gaze up into that angelic face, blue eyes sparkling, the grin, the formation of freckles, and all that is given to me freely, lovingly, and in ways my feeble imagination never was able to generate.

That takes care of evenings. I was dying during the day. My doctor, despite my entreaties, wasn't ready to release me for work.



"You try too hard already."

"Doc, I've been through this before."

"You were ten years younger."

"I promise I won't walk but short distances, I'll rest, and I'll use the cane."

"Randall, the week before Christmas. NO sooner."

"You don't understand. I am an engineer. It's not like I'm scaling the high iron downtown."

"The week before Christmas."


Despite the fact that I was much more able to care for myself, Key's visits didn't stop. "Jo, really, I don't mind. He studies with me. We even play music together."

That got me the "Stoney. You and Key?" talk.

"Key's got Hutch. I LIKE Hutch. I'd never do anything but be a friend to Key for a million reasons, Johanna Elise."

"A Million?"

"Yeah, and nine hundred ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred of them are the love I have for every freckle on your pretty face."

Squeal. "I don't have THAT many freckles."

"They multiply in my head. You know how I am about your freckles."

"You're just strange. But Key..."

"Beautiful. Smart. But NOT you. I married you. That's a forever thing and I don't mean I get to dip in another pool from time to time."


"Exotic? No ... Well, yeah, but not as exotic as a freckled, redheaded, Irish-Norwegian concert musician who loves sailing."

"Because she's black?"

"Oh, heavens, no. The girl's a delight, but there are societal hurdles there. But the biggest hurdle, dear, is that I am in love with you."

"So it's safe, her coming over?"

"Yes. She's sane. I'm sane. We have something in common: You're adored by both of us."

"But she told me that if she was into 'white boys'..."

"When'd she say that?"

"When we first started dating."

"Baby, you know that she took me off the list when I became your possession. As I did with any other woman, when I met you."

She flopped atop me. "Good answer. Because I'm that way about you, too, Mister Jackson."

"So my friend can still come over and play?" I asked, smiling.

"As long as the game doesn't involve 'hide the pickle'." Giggle.

"Johanna, I love you."

"And I love you. And that's a forever thing."

Of course, I should know that such a conversation would be passed on between two girls who'd roomed together.

Key looked up from her iPad when I walked back into the living room. "You're limping less, Stoney."

"I'm doing pretty good between the kitchen and the sofa. I get kind of twitchy going across the parking lot," I replied as I sat down.

Dark brown eyes regarded me. "Jo talked with you about you an' me, huh?"

Okay. How much did Jo tell her best friend? "Yeah..."

"I think it's cute," Key said. "You know Jo's my best friend, huh?"

"That's the way I understood it. Why?"

"Because since you an' her connected, you're like one of my best friends, too."

"I count myself privileged."

She giggled. "As well you should. But..."

"But what?"

"Got me a Hutch."

"Got you a great guy, as best I can tell. Of course, he and I never have long conversations about relationships..."

Another giggle. "Not a guy thing," she said. "But yeah, I think so. But I know she told you that I said that if I was into white boys..."

"I count myself privileged again."

"You should. And I love you like a brother. An' I love Jo like a sister."

"Makes us good friends."

She smiled. "Yes it does. And your wife loves you to pieces. And me, too ... I love both of you."

So let's just leave it like that. So when Jo pushed the door open one afternoon, I was sitting on the sofa at one end with my banjo and Key was at the other with her oboe.

"Gitcha flute, white girl," Key laughed.

"We've reached a conclusion, Johanna," I said.

"Oh?" Her eyebrow arched. I'd seen the same expression on her mom.

"If you think that flute and banjo is incongruous, you oughtta consider banjo and oboe."

"An' I was gonna get 'im to wear blackface..." Key giggled. She caught Jo's expression. "Yeah, I can say that. I'm a black girl."

Squeal! "You ARE? I just thought you were just well-tanned!"

"PFFFFFFT!" Key stuck her tongue at Jo.

We played a bit, heard a soft knock at the door. Jo answered it. "Oh, please come in," she said.

The Hlinkas came in, accompanied by the aroma of freshly baked cookies.

"You don't have to pay your way in here, Mizz Betta," I said. "But you do make the best cookies."

Georg smiled. "A man who comes home to the smells of those in his home is a fortunate man indeed." He surveyed the room. "Of course, a man who can sit in his home and make beautiful music with two lovely ladies is equally fortunate."

"We're just playing around, Mister Georg," Key said.

"As we did in my youth, Miss Key," He said. "Betta and her friends would sit and listen and laugh as my friends and I loved and lived and laughed with our music. To be free, to have the power to make music, it was good." His old eyes slipped far away, then returned. "Very good. And I am able to see it again in you."

Key's face was soft, understanding. She's not a dummy in the first place, and not insensitive, in the second. She realized what she was hearing. "Mister Georg, thank you so much for saying that to me. Mizz Betta, no wonder you married 'im. He's got the heart of a poet."

"Oh, my dear, you should have seen him at twenty-two. He made my heart leap. He still does." She smiled. Fifty years of wrinkles disappeared as in my mind's eye I saw Georg and Betta as my Johanna and me.

"Mister Georg, play with us," Jo said.

He smiled. He had Key's old oboe case with him. "You young people make us remember..." as he opened the case and assembled the instrument. He and Key tuned up, then we played bits and pieces of familiar classical pieces for an hour before Betta gathered Georg up to return to their apartment and Key had to leave to go meet Hutch.

I sat there as Jo picked up a few plates and glasses.

"Do you see what we just did, Stoney-guy?" she queried.

"I saw something. What did YOU see?"

"Time travel," she said. " I know I saw Georg and Betta as themselves in 1968."

"That's what I saw."

She smiled. "I hope they saw it, too."

"I know they did," I said. "If, indeed, they ever stopped seeing it."

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Johanna's Turn: According to the stories I heard at my Momma's knee when I was little, I should be looking for leprechauns. This stuff got surreal. First, there's Dan and Cindy. Cindy could be a pixie. Dan showed up to talk with Stoney about picking up where Stoney left off on an engineering project when he had his accident. So I figured 'another engineer? What could it hurt?' Except this engineer shows up with a fifteen year old redheaded pixie of a wife, and we had a delightful...

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Stoney's turn: It actually WAS in Cindy's words, 'a riot'. I never did 'band camp' or anything like that when I was in high school. They didn't have 'science camp' and 'math camp' in my school district and I wasn't in band. Jo told me about her own experiences. "Wasn't anything like this," she said. Our trip home was as wondrous as the trip there. I can definitely see why Dan and Cindy (and everyone else in the bunch, apparently) would cling to personal aviation as a...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 35

Johanna's Turn: I walked out of the classroom with a definite spring in my step. I had several reasons to bounce, you know. Let's see. That test paper I laid on the GA's desk was, to the best of my knowledge, close to perfect. Stoney was home waiting on me. The semester was almost over and for the first time in my life I was not packing up to go spend winter break with Mom and Dad. The test. How ironic that I was testing at the end of a class on the history of Europe since 1945. I smiled...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 36

Still Johanna: Semester's over. Christmas break. And this was new. Ever since I started school, Christmas break was with Mom and Dad, even in college. Well, this year, people, it's different. Little Johanna Elise Solheim is now Mrs. Randall Jackson and with that status comes a whole new life. Christmas dinner. "Do you think we can manage something close to a Christmas dinner, Stoney?" He smiled. "Yeah, I think we can do that, in a restrained fashion." "Turkey. Little one. With...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 37

Stoney's Turn: That was a surprise. Of course, since last September I've had lots of surprises. That was pleasant. Same thing. Since I touched fingertips one day with this startling redhead, I've had lots of 'pleasant', too. I parsed Jo's comments, "A little girl with family issues." "I get the feeling..." I concurred. "She's quite comfortable when she's playing, though." My partner smiled. "I've seen the family issues. Us military brats get an introduction." She paused....

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 38

Stoney's turn: When I was walking out of the building, headed home, I called Jo. "Hello, sweetness," she said. "Hi, princess," I returned. "Did Kara come over?" "Oh, yes," she said. "We're cranking out the music. Come home and join us!" "I'm on the way. Pedaling as fast as I can." My wife giggled. "Just drive careful. You know how you are!" Ten minutes later I was parking. Locked the SUV, walked to the door. I could hear the music as I unlocked it. It stopped with the...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 39

Johanna's turn: It's not about sex. We're cuddled together. The sex is over for the night. And I still love him. Of course, right now we're both glowing. I mean, if we tossed the covers back, the room would light up. The post-coital (coital? - Damn you, Sheldon Cooper!) tingles will subside in a bit, but that loving glow hasn't. Nope. Hasn't. Not since I first admitted to myself that this was the guy for my life. I trust him. He trusts me. Kara's turn: Kara Sevinsky. That's me. I...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 40

Stoney's turn: I punched the button on my office phone. Rang twice. Sweet, happy voice. "Hi, my love." "Hi, my princess," I replied. "I'm getting ready to walk out the door. What's up for the evening?" "Me and you. Some deli roast beef. Muenster cheese. Artisan ciabatta rolls from the bakery up the street. A bottle of Reisling. And then ... I have designs on your body..." "No Kara this evening?" "Nope. We talked a bit ago. She's got a Skype session with the bunch in...

3 years ago
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Melodic RedemptionChapter 41

Kara's turn: I feel like Balboa. You remember him, don't you? And no, NOT Rocky. He's the guy who 'discovered' the Pacific Ocean, at least from the Eurocentric point of view. That's how I feel after meeting Jo and Stoney and subsequently the girls in that community in Alabama: like I walked out of the jungle and there's a whole ocean just waiting for me. I'm seventeen. It's time that I start taking some actions to control my own life. It hasn't been easy. I'm not a poor kid, at...

2 years ago
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Melodic RedemptionChapter 42

Stoney's turn: So let's see where we're at now. I have a rollicking good life. There were long, lonely nights in the not too far past that I despaired of finding the person who would fill the void in my soul. As I sit here, eyes closed to repair the strain from staring at the diagram on my monitor, there's a little metallic blue Japanese car leaving the campus of the university, headed to what used to be my apartment. It's not my apartment now. It's ours. The driver of that little...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 43

Johanna's turn: Friday! I was never one of that 'TGIF' bunch who LIVES for Fridays before. Before Stoney. Now? Maybe. Just a little bit. We swapped vehicles this morning. He drove my little hatchback to work. I took his SUV to campus. And at three, after class, I was loading bags into it at the apartment. That way, when he got home, we'd be ready to head to the marina. I can't wait. Yes! I get excited. I know, really, we have as much privacy as two people could possibly ask for here...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 44

Johanna's turn: Two more weeks. That's it. Two weeks! I will graduate college. Stoney says he's the first of his family to receive a college degree. For myself, both parents have degrees, Dad's masters includes four years from West Point, Mom's from Trinity College in Dublin. And now I'm getting ready to graduate here in Houston, Texas, US of A. Double major, too, music and business administration. I have that 'music' part nailed. I could take a position with the local symphony,...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 45

Johanna's turn: Back from ten wonderful days in Norway. Spent some time living out of Great-uncle Jan's place. He's got a beautiful home up a mountainside above a fjord overlooking one of his shipyards in the distance. It's a little shipyard, and this is Norway where shipbuilding is part of the national psyche, so it counts as scenery, understand? We did the touristy things, visiting museums and churches, seeing sights, absorbing the culture like a sponge. Phone call. I looked at the...

4 years ago
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Olivias Story

It is horrific growing up as a person you despise, feeling trapped inside a contradicting body. From a very early age I wanted to rip my penis off and flush it down the toilet. But much more than that, I hated looking like a man and being considered male to all who saw me. Even my name offended me. Every time I heard my name, Oliver, I wanted to be sick. I knew I wasn’t Oliver and just wanted to be known as Olivia, seen as Olivia, just, Olivia.My school days were endless and oppressive and I...

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fucking my brother

It had been a long time since I last saw my brother.he was actually my stepbrother, but it didn't matter.we had seen each other naked a lot of times, but still he didn't have any sexual interest in me.but me, I wanted him to fuck me.I was pretty young back then but still I bad lost my virginity and already had 2 my brother entered my house kt was 11 o clock and no-one was home.but very soon I came home, and after seeing my brother I gave him a big hug.this made my books press...

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Flowers For SarahChapter 7

"But it's been almost three weeks," said Michael into the phone. "I know, darling, but I just wonder if it will ever be safe again for us to meet in public." "David Bell is out of the picture. The tape is destroyed and the Dean threw out his accusations. He can't hurt either of us any more." "But there are rumors about us are all over town. If we're seen together..." "Then why can't I see you at your home? I can park a block away and use the rear door." "Michael, you know...

1 year ago
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Well What Would You Have Said If You Were Me

Let me introduce myself, my name’s Rick. It was a whirlwind courtship. I was chatting her mate up in the bar, she stood there looking quite plain, not saying a word. Her friend had a lot to say for herself, and I being me, was egging her on. Then she blurted it out, “My mate has fancied you for six months.” I looked at her friend as she blushed. “Who? Her?” I said dismissively. The quiet girl fixed my dismissive look with her blue eyes and said, “It’s not HER! It’s Chrissie, OK!” “Oh you can...

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Antheas Baby Part II

Anthea had arrived at her parents’ home that lunchtime with trepidation and she left a couple of hours later still filled with trepidation. But everything had changed. The issues surrounding her pregnancy were settled now. They had accepted it and they were supportive; she knew that they would be there for them all. Her problem now though was how to deal with their situation. Ten months ago she would have been totally perplexed by their revelations but now she understood. She had cuckolded her...

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Andys Training Chapter 6

Andy's Training Chapter 6 By Cissykay When we were through eating, Aunty Betty and Cissy sat back and each lit a cigarette. "Well Andrea, are you as happy as we are that your secret is now out in the open? To be honest with you, we've known about it for quite some time. We were just waiting for the right opportunity to show you. I'm really quite surprised that you never figured out that since I am a professional photographer, I would have several video...

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From a builder ENG

I invite you to my account:GayStoriesPLBelow, you can read the story "From a builder", I wish you a pleasant reading.From a builderThis is my second story is an adventure that I experienced at the beginning of May in his family home. We did a small painting and hired Paul. He mainly in construction matters but agreed to help in painting. As the parents were leaving on a picnic and I had no plans, we came to the conclusion that Paul can come in these free days and paint. On Tuesday parents left...

4 years ago
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A Beautiful MessChapter 5 Heat

I laid in bed thinking about a little encounter I'd had with Sheila at a party while I was trying to come up with a way to proposition her for the director's chair of our homemade porno movie. Sheila Unger and I had been friends since elementary school. She sat in the desk next to me a few years in a row, and we usually walked home together as kids, just talking and being ourselves. There was never anything romantic between us, but we did get naked together a couple of times since we'd...

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Caught by sister and friends

While still living at home with my parents and sister I used to like to go around naked when no one was home. This happened during one of those times.We have a pool in the back yard and with the trees and fence no one can see into the back yard, except from the house. I got up a litle late on Saturday and found myself alone at home. My parents had gone to visit friends and would not be back until late and my sister was at a girlfriends house for a slumber party that was to last all...

1 year ago
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BraceFaced Nia Nixon Orthodontic Orgasms

When this nerdy guy shows up at Nia Nixons house, she immediately thinks he is pretty cute. She even begins to imagine what it would be like to make a chocolate, vanilla swirl with his thick cock and her cocoa pussy. But she is embarrassed to show him her smile because she has braces. Amazingly, he reveals he has braces too, and the cute pair hit it off. The only problem is that when they kiss, they get stuck on each others corrective mouth gear! Finally, they unstick themselves and get into...

1 year ago
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A romance in Byzantium Part 1 Prelude

Istanbul! That means: ‘the Turk’s there,’… Constantinople, that means ‘the city of Constantine’… But for me it’s ‘Byzantium’ – and that was never Turkish, was never Roman, was never Greek. That was always just ‘Byzantium’, the melting pot of nations at the entrance to the Bosporus, where blend Orient and Occident, mingle…, mate… great people bringing forth. Byzantium…, that name should commemorate to Byzas, a mythical figure, a Megarian army commander (today would we say ‘warlord’). He, as...

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The Woman Next Door

Hi. I am 23, from Kolkata. I am still studying and working as a freelancer. I am 6 ft, chubby with a 5.5-inch dick. You can get in touch with me at I am a dedicated reader of ISS and this is my first time writing about one of my accounts. This was the first time that I noticed the family that moved into the ground floor apartment next door. The guy looked busy, his wife seemed like a housewife, and the kid must be in high school. Nothing out of the ordinary at first site. In a week or so,...

3 years ago
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Gf ki khuni chut2

1st part kaisa raha..agar koi female mere 10 inch ke lund se maza lena chahe to plz mail me..aur comment karna na story-maine dhire dhire uske shirt ka batan khol diya.uske chuchiya uske sas ke sat upar niche ho rate the fir mujhe raha nahi gaya aur maine dhire se uske badan se bra aur shirt dono alag kar diya.wo ankh band kiye leti thi mai uske ek chuchi ke muh me lekar chusne laga aur dusre ke pink nipple ko ungliyo se dabane laga.uski sase tej hone lagi aur wo mere muh ko apne...

1 year ago
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Just an Ordinary Couple

My wife and I have your typical marriage, we go out, have discussions, have bills, and yes, have sex… with just one little difference. After about 4 years of marriage my wife came to me one evening and said, “I need to talk to you honey.” “Sure, what is it?” “I need you to take this serious and don’t make fun of me or get mad.” “Okay, I promise.” “You know when we go to bed and make love.” “Yes.” “Well… I.. um…I like to pretend I’m asleep at times.” “You mean you want me to have sex with you...

2 years ago
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Im Not A Sissy

I'M NOT A SISSY by Throne My name is Joe and not Jodie. I'm an adult and not a kid. And I'm a man and not a simpering sissy. I keep telling myself that. But my wife Arianna thinks differently. I mean, ever since we got married two years ago she had been running my life more and more. Talking down to me. Turning me into her sex slave in the bedroom, demanding oral attentions and giving almost nothing in return. She mocked my small penis and made me masturbate while she watched....

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The Doom of Immortality

For many long centuries, a group of arcane and powerful sorcerers watched their fellow Humans kill each other in blood feud after blood feud, war after war, and were heartily sickened of it all. Slowly, they began distancing themselves from their fellow Humans, retreating into an isolation so intense that when the chieftains of the Humans finally realized they were gone, none could find them. None but a sole monk of the Flame Lord, Father of the Gods and Creator of All, that is. This monk,...

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My Wifes Secret Lover

 My Wife's secret Lover One day i caught my lovely wife cheating on me. Here is how it happened. My wife is a school teacher. She usually gets off from work at around 3:30 PM and arrives home at 4:00 PM. I work also. I am a salesman and my job keeps me on the road a lot, so me and my wife enjoy what time can have together. Dispite the fact we don't see much of each other, my wife had never given me any reason to doubt her fidelity. Now my wife is knockout gorgeous, with a sweet angelic face,...

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Blacked Jillian Janson Blonde Fiance Gets Huge Bbc In Her Ass

Jillian is one hot personal assistant. She gets along great with her boss, to the extent of him continuously flirting with her in the office. While at work, Jillian gets a text from her boyfriend, cancelling their plans for the evening. This pushes her over the edge on an already stressful day, and her boss notices she is upset and offers her a drink to relax for a while. It’s not long before he is caressing her body and kissing her neck as she moans softly. This beautiful blonde is going...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 21 Goddess Revealed

Wesley watched from his hiding place as the argument came to an end with Pol leading a reluctant Doc and Margaret away from the rostrum into the West where they seemed to disappear into the sun. Had they realized he was missing earlier, he would never have been able to remain hidden in this small world. But Pol’s plea to Doc and Margaret was so insistent, and their memory of the warning against the night so clear, that they disappeared along the Aquarius Avenue with a pang of...

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Vanessa No 1

THE FOLLOWING IS A WORK OF FICTION "'tis blasphemy you speak. Call of Duty doth be a game of glory and honor. Thine younger brother must become l33t through it's Nazi Zombie minigame," I argued to my cousin. 'twas Christmas Eve and the family was invited to my aunt's house for dinner. Much energy there was throughout the house...much warmth. Suddenly, I felt I had to use the bathroom. The only one I could remember was upstairs, so there I went. After I finished, I ran into her in the...

3 years ago
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Something to Be Thankful For

The Beginning As a child - and through my teen years - I don't believe my mother was the object of my friends' fantasies as their mothers were mine. My mother was, well, just a lot more motherly than their mothers. She didn't have a nice tight body with ample breasts that she readily displayed in skimpy bathing suits as did my friend Jim's mom. Nor did she have a rumored reputation of boffing school chums of her son as my friend Chad's mom had. To be sure, those two women, among others,...

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