Melodic RedemptionChapter 5
- 2 years ago
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Mark it on your calendar. Today's a first for me. The first time I ever woke up to a work week with my partner. The alarm went off and I did not want to get out of bed because when the music started, Jo slid down and wrapped her arms around my waist, purring.
"I really don't want to leave, sweetness," I said. "But I have work to go do."
"Mmmm, I know, baby. I have a class at nine, too."
"Let's just do what we have to do. At the end of the day, though, we come home together."
Sigh. "Yes we do, baby," she said.
I got a kiss when I climbed out of bed, another and a hug before I headed out the door. And then I was at work.
I didn't make a show of my new ring. Didn't take long to get noticed. Made it all the way to the Monday morning staff meeting.
"Hey, wait a minute! That's a wedding band!" Brad snorted. "When you left last week I thought you were going to spend the weekend on your boat." He said it loud enough to catch the ears of several others.
"You caught me. I knew I should've gotten a stealth wedding band."
"Anybody we know?"
"Not likely. D'you think that if I married somebody here it would be any kind of a secret?"
Brad's eyes flashed as thought patterns connected. "Hee-eeyyyy! Last time we talked you were seeing that college girl. Her?"
I smiled. "I am the husband of Johanna Elise Solheim Jackson," I said.
"And you just broke several hearts that were hoping to snag you," Jennie, our Documents Manager, said. Jennie was married, but she had a bunch of friends who weren't. I'd dated some of them. Some even twice. Wasn't anybody I considered a keeper in the whole herd. Jennie was just about jaded enough to understand what I meant when I told her I was begging out of the dating scene for a while.
"Okay," she said, "I know you have pictures. Trot 'em out."
"Step into my office. The good ones are on my computer," I said. I saw Brad start to open his mouth. "And Brad, get yer mind outta the gutter."
"Yeah, Brad!" Jennie said.
I pulled up a picture of Jo on my big monitor, full-screen. It was one of my favorite shots from the first time on the boat, a close-up of her face, showing the blue eyes, the freckles, the smile, that red hair wisping across one cheek.
"Shit!" Jennie said. "No wonder! That's a stunning young lady. College, Brad says?"
"Graduating in the spring. Business and music majors. When she plays the flute the choirs in heaven stop and listen." I connected with Jennie's eyes. "Seriously. She's a soloist with the university orchestra. Has been talking with the Symphony."
"Wow!" Jennie said. "So that's what it took."
"Yes, that's what it took," I said. "But I appreciate your trying."
"Thank you. I wish my motives were as pure as you act like they are," she laughed.
Several people dropped by my office during the day as word worked around. Lot of smiles. Lot of congratulations. And naturally, several 'you'll be sorry's' and 'what are you thinking's'. But that's just guys. I knew many of their wives and I knew that one of the 'you'll be sorry' bunch was happily married with a kid in high school and one in middle school.
Lunch was the sandwich shop around the corner. That was the plan. A phone call altered it.
Jo. "You goin' to the sandwich shop for lunch?"
"That's the plan," I said. "Where are you?"
"Just stepping out of class. Not to intrude, but I could meet you for lunch."
"Sweetie, that's no intrusion. You're the big news today. I don't mean to put you on exhibit, but if you show up, expect stares. Comments, too. And some of my co-workers wouldn't know sensitivity if it walked up and bit 'em in the butt."
"I think I can handle whatever they want to dish, baby," she said. "I already had a taste at class."
"Okay, then, sweetness, I'll see you there at eleven thirty."
"'Kay, baby. I love you."
"Love you too, princess," I said.
"I heard that," Brad hollered. "I wanna meet 'er."
"If you can restrain your baser instincts," I said.
"I, sir, am a college graduate engineer. I HAVE no baser instincts!" he laughed.
"Yeah, I know, dude," I laughed. "And Jo needs to see the adverse conditions under which I labor," I laughed. We went back to work for another hour until we were close enough to lunch, then streamed out. I couldn't shake Brad. I know that several others were headed in that direction out of curiosity.
Phone rang. "That's her!" Brad said, hearing the flute snippet that was Jo's special ringtone. "Hi, baby!" I said.
"Hi!" said the happy reply. "I got us a table. Four okay?"
"Yeah. I have Brad with me. The rest of them can have a fistfight over who gets the last chair."
"Oh, that's just NEAT!" Brad said. "She shows up and saves you a table."
"Your wife could do it," I said.
"Yeah. Let's see how that goes. 'Honey, get out of the office and go save me a table. That dick of a lawyer you work for won't mind!' And when she gives me that look, I say 'But Stoney's wife does it for him.'"
"Make sure you whine a little when you do it," I said. When we checked in with the cashier, a lady who knew us from our frequent visits, she said, "She's back there in the corner. You better hurry before we have a riot over that table."
We weaved our way through the burgeoning lunch crowd, Me, Brad, Jennie having caught up with us. Jo stood, said, "Hi my Stoney," and kissed me a quick one. She turned to Brad and Jennie. "I'm Jo. Stoney's wife. I suppose..."
"Hon, it's the news item of the day," Jennie said. "I'm Jennie.
"I'm Brad," Brad said, offering his hand. "I saw this coming weeks ago."
"Are you two... ?" Jo started.
Jennie laughed as she sat. "Oh, gosh, no! There's not enough alcohol in the world. I'm the Documents Manager. He's got a wonderful, it not horribly deluded, wife. I've got a husband that is learning after a decade and a half that I am a goddess."
Jo giggled. "Sorry. You two just looked so happy..."
"That's because we didn't have to wait for a table," Brad said. "This place fills up fast."
"I saw that," Jo said.
"And just so Mizz Jennie knows she's been doing it wrong, Stoney already thinks you're a goddess."
Jo smiled. "I suspected as much, but I don't like to brag. How did you arrive at that conclusion?"
"Oh," Brad smiled, "for weeks his office is an altar to this redheaded thing. Jo wallpaper on his computer. Pictures of Jo on his wall."
"I have the same thing.," Jo said. "My roommate thinks I went crazy, but good crazy.",
"Uh, yeah," Jennie answered. "Stoney's been dodging women ever since I've known 'im."
"That's what he says," Jo smiled. "Nice to hear it from somebody who's known him for a while."
"Yeah," Brad said. "I don't know that I would have exercised as much self-restraint."
Jo glanced at me with a twinkle in her eye. Smiled.
"Stoney goes on about your music," Brad said.
"Oh, he's not bad himself. We cross genres like nobody's business."
"We?" Brad blurted.
"Yeah. You didn't know he plays banjo?"
"Uh, that's not on his curriculum vitae on the company website," Brad answered.
"See, Brad, Stoney's hiding things from his co-workers," Jennie said.
Jo fixed me. "Honey, as good as you are, you didn't tell them?"
"Uh, baby," I said, "in a lot of circles proficiency on a banjo ranks right up there with marrying your cousin in things you want to tell people."
She giggled and my co-workers smiled. "You should hear him. And I have 'im playing Mozart."
"Last time I looked, Mozart didn't write any banjo parts," Jennie said. "I know a bit about music. Maybe that part escaped me."
"No, you're right," Jo said. "But I gave him sheet music for the harp part of Mozart's Concerto for Flute and Harp and asked him to try. He's actually doing it. Pretty impressive."
"Oh, really?" Jennie said. "I'd almost want to hear that."
"Not ready for prime time," I said. "Jo is a very good teacher. She makes me play better. But she smiles and encourages."
"And I'd talk about you like a dog? Oh, come on, Stoney, you know me better than that."
"Jo does quite well in a concert hall," I said. To Jo I said, "I caught some screen captures from your Austin concert. You know which ones."
"My spouse is a video voyeur," Jo giggled. "Yeah, it's still kind of scary standing up for a solo."
"You're going to do that for the Veteran's Day concert, though," I said.
Jennie questioned, "What are you going to solo on, dear?"
Jo smiled. "Only ONE thing that I've been wanting to do. It's the Piccolo lead in Stars and Stripes Forever. That reminds me, Stoney, I need to borrow your dress uniform jacket."
"Yes. Last year when I did it, I had Dad's dress blues coat. This year, it's you. I know you still have it."
"Oh, that's cute, Jo," Brad said. "You know, I need to see that."
I knew about the concert. This was the first I'd heard about her wearing my coat. Made me feel good. Nerd guys in high school didn't have athletic team letter jackets, so I missed that whole schtick. Jo and I were both well past that stage. But this, her, her music, a concert, and she had a choice. She could've done her dad's coat with a colonel's eagles. Instead, my first lieutenant's silver bars.
After lunch we parted ways with a kiss and I trooped back to the office with Brad and Jennie and a dozen others who I had to introduce to Jo. She left with a smile on her face. Typical Jo. The only time she really wasn't smiling was the day I had to shut David down. I wasn't the only one to notice.
"She's a doll," Jennie said. "That smile. I'd die for that hair. Is that it, Stoney? You just had high standards for looks?"
"Nope," I said. "I had no standards. She just ... I dunno. We were like a couple of magnets. Got close and -click- and it's been that way for the last few weeks."
"Hope it stays that way, Stoney. Really I do. And I can throw that list away."
"List?" I asked.
"Oh, yeah," she laughed. "I had some good ones lined up. But ain't none of 'em anything like the one you got."
"Ain't nobody I ever met that comes close to being like Johanna," I said. "Completely snuck through my radar."
"Well good for you," she said. "Really. Is she gonna do that lunch thing very often?"
"I dunno," I said. "I guess if it doesn't interfere with classes or whatever. Mondays might be a possibility. I'll talk to 'er."
"Yeah," Brad said. "I like how that worked out. Plus, she's a whole lot prettier to look at than you are."
"Uh," I said, knowing I had him in my sights, "what about Jennie?"
"Yeah, asshole," Jennie said. "What about me? I'm what? Chopped liver?"
"Yeah, Brad! Jen's been the house cutie for years. All those cute young temps come and go, and ol' Jen here just keeps plodding along. Plus, she's got a brain."
"Thanks, I think, Stoney," Jennie said.
Back at the office, I went back into the project. Work is easy to get lost in. I look at lines and numbers on drawings and imagine the hardware that goes with them. And in this case the exotic environs of Central America where they'll be used. Makes the day fly. Quitting time came and I found a good stopping point, grabbed my computer bag and headed out the door. Gone were the days of hanging around shooting the breeze. I had a hundred and ten pounds of redheaded incentive waiting on me at home.
We walked toward the door of the restaurant. Now I was thinking that here I am, meeting her family for the first time, and public displays of affection might not be on the agenda. After we worked our way past the maître d' (yeah, I don't usually eat at restaurants with a 'maitre d'' even though I know they exist) and into the dining room, Jo's hand hooked the inside of my arm. Apparently she knows more about me than I give her credit for. "There they are," she said, smile broadening....
"You were in the hospital for a while, I imagine," Jo said. "The whole spectrum. Infection. Orthopedics. Recovery. Rehabilitation. I do okay now, but every now and then one thing or another talks to me." "Like that walk we took in Austin," she said. "Now I understand why. You should've said something." "And miss a chance to walk down the street with you? I'm not stupid." "Sit!" she commanded, patting the sofa beside her. "Lemme go put my other clothes back on," I...
The rest of Friday dragged but eventually four-thirty came around and I was out the door. At four-forty-five I was in traffic and my phone played me a flute solo. Jo. "Hello, princess," I said. "Hi, Stoney," she said. "Are we still on for tonight?" "I'm headed home right now. Whenever you want to show up." Giggle. "I'm on the way. I'll get there about the same time you do." "Okay," I said. "I was hoping to have time to clean up, though." "You work in an office, Stoney....
Okay. So Key worries about Jo. Can't fault her for that. I worry about Jo too. It's not hard. I close my eyes, let my mind drift, and there's Jo. So she was grocery shopping on a Saturday morning. I picked up my phone, pushed the button and said "Johanna". Siri replied, "Calling Johanna Solheim mobile". I held the phone to my ear. "Hi, Stoney," she said. "Hi, my baby," I replied. "Why didn't you call?" "Let you sleep late. I'm just getting some groceries for the week. The...
We were timing things and that's what kept us moving. At my apartment there was time for the washing of faces and brushing of teeth and then there was a flurry of kisses and I'm not sure who initiated that but we ended up in a knot on the sofa, hot, breathless and quite happily bothered. She was mostly on top of me, I was noticeably erect inside my jeans, and she knew it. I know she knew it. She smiled, cradled my face between her hands and kissed me, adding a wiggle to her snuggle that...
We came up with a plan pretty quick. After all, this wasn't Columbus looking for the Spice Islands. We planned a menu. Talked about what would happen if the weather cratered on us. "We can stay home." "No," she said. "I don't have a home. Key's, well ... there's this guy she's been seeing and I told her that she'd have the place to herself. Which likely means she won't be by herself. And I get very uncomfortable with the idea of a guy staying in my apartment." "Oh." "So...
The old boat had been, from the day I brought her home and made her mine, a refuge. Yes, there were days that I brought friends along, but mainly the boat was where I went when I wanted to get away from the world. Now I was on her, and I was clothed only in my boxers and before me, beckoning, was Jo, in my mind the epitome of red-headed perfection, herself clad only in hip-hugger panties and a dark blue sports bra. And she was beautiful. Absent any light from the skylight hatch, we had a...
Sunlight pushed through the tiny cabin portholes, brighter on the starboard side because the northerly wind had our bow pointed into it, swinging at anchor. Okay. One sensation. It was morning. Second sensation. I was on my boat. Third sensation. Wasn't my boat any more, it was OUR boat, because I had a soft, naked form beside me, breathing softly. Jo. Twenty-four hours ago, she was my girlfriend. After last night, she was my wife. Unless I was dreaming. I touched the smooth skinned flank...
Going to tell everybody. "I know. I think I'm gonna lease the Goodyear blimp," I said. "Can we get rings?" "Yes, we can get rings," I said. "What does your taste in wedding rings look like?" "I think I would like a simple band. Gold. Yours?" "I shall match yours. You sure though? No large rock?" "Oh, come on, Stoney. This is me and you. Married by the light of the full moon. I need to ask Mom what the appropriate Celtic take would be." "She collected a Viking..." Jo...
Jo is ticklish on the bottoms of her feet. A lot of people are, I know, but finding that a fingertip dragged gently down the sole of her foot leaves her uncontrollably giggly and therefor perfect for scooping into one's arms for loving. Monday was the previously discussed informal practice session. Tuesday was the real thing at the music department. Still, Jo is a responsible sort and we missed nothing of her schedule. So am I. She's an accomplished musician, and that translates to...
I didn’t have to be psychic to read Jo’s mind. The touch of her hand in mine was usually a delicate thing. This time she was tugging. I couldn’t understand, so I did the one thing that husbands have been doing since the beginning of time. I said, “Yes, dear.” “Don’t be condescending, Randall Jackson,” she said. “We need to talk.” Less than twenty-four hours since she and I stood in front of friends and family and God and pledged marriage to each other. Now I was wondering exactly what I’d...
Stoney: She loves me. She REALLY loves me. We're married. I killed a guy. I'm supposed to feel remorse. I'm supposed to receive counseling by caring professionals who will help me grieve or some such crap. Therapy? I'll tell you what therapy is. It's having the woman you just protected put her arms around you and tell you that she loves you. And when the thought crossed my mind that this scum wanted to touch my Johanna, I tensed up. "Stoney?" a little voice said. "Yes,...
Johanna and I discussed the idea of taking off from our lives for a few days for an abbreviated honeymoon, but neither of us were really at points in life to do so. I mean, I could have just begged off, but I was in the middle of a project with a time limit, I'd already given my word on its completion, and Jo? "I really shouldn't take off in the middle of the semester. Academically it's not good. And musically, we have the Veterans' Day thing in two weeks, and then a couple of big...
"Somebody you know?" Jo asked. "I saw the 'USA Retired'." "My platoon sergeant in Iraq," I said. "Good guy." "I'll let you read it, baby," she said. She started to turn away. "Where are you going?" "Was giving you some room. Privacy." "I don't need privacy. I need Johanna. This is just part of the past. He's a good guy. Wonder what he's got to say." I opened the envelope. A single printed page was inside. I read: Dear Lieutenant Jackson- I haven't heard from you...
Johanna's turn: Glorious Saturday morning, drifting along with the light pushing its way through the little gap in the drapes. I hear soft, regular breathing next to me, calming, protecting. That would be my husband. He's sleeping. He's slept all night and I get the best feeling about that. We've been sleeping together two weeks. Married, that is, 'officially' with the public ceremony and a marriage license, for a week today. In that two weeks, he's wakened in the middle of the night...
Johanna: Yes, it's primal. The urge to mate. Sociologists talk about it. Religions talk about it. Poets talk about it. It gets couched in various cloaks: love, duty, morality. But it's never right until two people decide it's right for them. And I'm thinking this in the dim light of the sun streaming into the cabin through the portholes. I hear the sound of waves slapping the hull and the whistle of the wind on the mast and the rigging. And the breathing of this guy next to me. Sometime...
Lovely, languid, quiet Saturday morning. Waking up next to a soft form. I have to touch that sweetly curved hip, just to tell myself I am not dreaming. The touch elicits a purr and a movement, several movements, actually, one of which put an arm around me. The hand at the end of the arm started exploring, finding morning wood. "Mmmmm, Stoney, is that for me?" "Yes, but be careful. It's loaded." "I thought we emptied it last night," she said, twisting in the bed. Her head dipped for...
The week went by with nothing major going on to interrupt our lives. Waiting on Friday. Before Johanna, I wasn't one of those people who worshipped Fridays, but now it was not a matter of escaping FROM something, it had become a matter of escaping with somebody, TO something. The weather was warm in the afternoon, cooler enough at night to be comfortable, and a cold front was due through late Saturday. When I got home Friday, the weekend's provisions were stacked by the door. I walked...
Johanna's turn: Almost magical, waking up in the morning on the boat. Not sure exactly what time it is, reminding myself that it really doesn't matter, feeling the form of this MAN touching me, rolling to face him, snuggling in against him. The boat is rocking gently and there's the wind and the waves and the sound of our breathing. I know my guy is drifting along because he hugs me closer and resumes his even breathing. I know several things that would be very pleasant for both of us,...
Stoney's turn: Aside from the idea of leaving Jo behind, I was not feeling bad when I left for work. After all, I had her kiss still tingling on my lips when I got in my car. A push of the button and I had the classical music station on the stereo. Oh, yeah, I have the iPod plugged in, too, but I liked giving the radio station a shot at titillating my ears on the way to work. This technique insured that my tastes received some variety. I hated the commute. Traffic is aggravation. After a...
Johanna's turn: I brought my Stoney home. My poor, broken, battered Stoney. Well, actually, a medical transport brought him home and ceremoniously deposited him in bed. The bed is a rental hospital bed, at least for the time being. I have home health technicians setting up trapezes. One over this bed. One over our bed. One over Stoney's favorite recliner. He's got crutches. "But do NOT try using them for a week," the doctor said. "And not while under the influence, either. I just...
Back to Stoney: Wasn't bad enough that I got T-boned by an illegal alien a couple of weeks ago, but now my beloved wife has thrown me under a bus. Admittedly, it's a bus full of musicians. Doctor Bob, the conductor/instructor of the university's chamber orchestra is complicit. Early in the relationship with Jo, she'd intimated to me the desire to play Mozart's Concerto for Flute and Harp, an idea I'd mentioned to Bob. When Jo saw that I was somewhat adept at my banjo, she railroaded...
Stoney's turn: Okay, I do admit that meeting Dan Richards and his surprising wife Cindy left me thinking. I was serious. Cindy, barely fifteen, was a cutie. "Jo, drag out the baby pictures," I said. "Baby pictures?" "Yeah, I want to see what you looked like growing up." "I don't have 'em. Mom keeps those." "I wanna see 'em," I said. "You might've been a horribly ugly child. I want to prepare myself for our offspring." She slapped the back of my head. "I was a wildly...
Stoney's turn: I don't know exactly what I was expecting, but life with Johanna had turned me quite a bit more optimistic, even if some bozo broke my leg. Yeah, I can drive again. Insurance popped for a replacement of my SUV, mostly. By this stage of the game I could be mobile if I needed to be, on my own. Bumping around the apartment was not a problem. If I started getting messages from my leg, I just eased it straight on the sofa or in the recliner. Walking out to my parking spot,...
Johanna's Turn: According to the stories I heard at my Momma's knee when I was little, I should be looking for leprechauns. This stuff got surreal. First, there's Dan and Cindy. Cindy could be a pixie. Dan showed up to talk with Stoney about picking up where Stoney left off on an engineering project when he had his accident. So I figured 'another engineer? What could it hurt?' Except this engineer shows up with a fifteen year old redheaded pixie of a wife, and we had a delightful...
Stoney's turn: It actually WAS in Cindy's words, 'a riot'. I never did 'band camp' or anything like that when I was in high school. They didn't have 'science camp' and 'math camp' in my school district and I wasn't in band. Jo told me about her own experiences. "Wasn't anything like this," she said. Our trip home was as wondrous as the trip there. I can definitely see why Dan and Cindy (and everyone else in the bunch, apparently) would cling to personal aviation as a...
Johanna's Turn: I walked out of the classroom with a definite spring in my step. I had several reasons to bounce, you know. Let's see. That test paper I laid on the GA's desk was, to the best of my knowledge, close to perfect. Stoney was home waiting on me. The semester was almost over and for the first time in my life I was not packing up to go spend winter break with Mom and Dad. The test. How ironic that I was testing at the end of a class on the history of Europe since 1945. I smiled...
Still Johanna: Semester's over. Christmas break. And this was new. Ever since I started school, Christmas break was with Mom and Dad, even in college. Well, this year, people, it's different. Little Johanna Elise Solheim is now Mrs. Randall Jackson and with that status comes a whole new life. Christmas dinner. "Do you think we can manage something close to a Christmas dinner, Stoney?" He smiled. "Yeah, I think we can do that, in a restrained fashion." "Turkey. Little one. With...
Stoney's Turn: That was a surprise. Of course, since last September I've had lots of surprises. That was pleasant. Same thing. Since I touched fingertips one day with this startling redhead, I've had lots of 'pleasant', too. I parsed Jo's comments, "A little girl with family issues." "I get the feeling..." I concurred. "She's quite comfortable when she's playing, though." My partner smiled. "I've seen the family issues. Us military brats get an introduction." She paused....
Stoney's turn: When I was walking out of the building, headed home, I called Jo. "Hello, sweetness," she said. "Hi, princess," I returned. "Did Kara come over?" "Oh, yes," she said. "We're cranking out the music. Come home and join us!" "I'm on the way. Pedaling as fast as I can." My wife giggled. "Just drive careful. You know how you are!" Ten minutes later I was parking. Locked the SUV, walked to the door. I could hear the music as I unlocked it. It stopped with the...
Johanna's turn: It's not about sex. We're cuddled together. The sex is over for the night. And I still love him. Of course, right now we're both glowing. I mean, if we tossed the covers back, the room would light up. The post-coital (coital? - Damn you, Sheldon Cooper!) tingles will subside in a bit, but that loving glow hasn't. Nope. Hasn't. Not since I first admitted to myself that this was the guy for my life. I trust him. He trusts me. Kara's turn: Kara Sevinsky. That's me. I...
Stoney's turn: I punched the button on my office phone. Rang twice. Sweet, happy voice. "Hi, my love." "Hi, my princess," I replied. "I'm getting ready to walk out the door. What's up for the evening?" "Me and you. Some deli roast beef. Muenster cheese. Artisan ciabatta rolls from the bakery up the street. A bottle of Reisling. And then ... I have designs on your body..." "No Kara this evening?" "Nope. We talked a bit ago. She's got a Skype session with the bunch in...
Kara's turn: I feel like Balboa. You remember him, don't you? And no, NOT Rocky. He's the guy who 'discovered' the Pacific Ocean, at least from the Eurocentric point of view. That's how I feel after meeting Jo and Stoney and subsequently the girls in that community in Alabama: like I walked out of the jungle and there's a whole ocean just waiting for me. I'm seventeen. It's time that I start taking some actions to control my own life. It hasn't been easy. I'm not a poor kid, at...
Stoney's turn: So let's see where we're at now. I have a rollicking good life. There were long, lonely nights in the not too far past that I despaired of finding the person who would fill the void in my soul. As I sit here, eyes closed to repair the strain from staring at the diagram on my monitor, there's a little metallic blue Japanese car leaving the campus of the university, headed to what used to be my apartment. It's not my apartment now. It's ours. The driver of that little...
Johanna's turn: Friday! I was never one of that 'TGIF' bunch who LIVES for Fridays before. Before Stoney. Now? Maybe. Just a little bit. We swapped vehicles this morning. He drove my little hatchback to work. I took his SUV to campus. And at three, after class, I was loading bags into it at the apartment. That way, when he got home, we'd be ready to head to the marina. I can't wait. Yes! I get excited. I know, really, we have as much privacy as two people could possibly ask for here...
Johanna's turn: Two more weeks. That's it. Two weeks! I will graduate college. Stoney says he's the first of his family to receive a college degree. For myself, both parents have degrees, Dad's masters includes four years from West Point, Mom's from Trinity College in Dublin. And now I'm getting ready to graduate here in Houston, Texas, US of A. Double major, too, music and business administration. I have that 'music' part nailed. I could take a position with the local symphony,...
Johanna's turn: Back from ten wonderful days in Norway. Spent some time living out of Great-uncle Jan's place. He's got a beautiful home up a mountainside above a fjord overlooking one of his shipyards in the distance. It's a little shipyard, and this is Norway where shipbuilding is part of the national psyche, so it counts as scenery, understand? We did the touristy things, visiting museums and churches, seeing sights, absorbing the culture like a sponge. Phone call. I looked at the...
Nothing speaks about a website's sense of style as much as a toilet paper pattern as a background. I am not talking about that expensive, all-white, three-layers shit paper that smells like peaches. No, I am talking about the cheap, recycled one that you tear with your fingers while you wipe your ass. This would make some sense if was about scat, but it's not. It's about huge facials, but I guess that a chick needs something to wipe her face when the cameras turn...
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xmoviesforyouLiving in the rural area around Winston-Salem allowed him to hunt and fish when he wanted and still be able to go to town and have all the amenities of the city. Plus North Carolina is famous for being loaded with very attractive ladies who are extremely friendly and fun loving. Not that there weren’t a lot of wonderful ladies at school, it just seemed like they had a different attitude. Bill had a couple regular girls he dated and fooled around with, but he had not met anyone that really set...
Bill was sweating and hot and his cock felt like a steel bar, and he wasn't sure if he could last. Then he remembered his wife's advice and the image of a $10 000 Visa bill flashed through his mind, and that helped a little. He looked at Theresa over the girl's naked, squirming body, saw the excitement in the big green eyes, and waved his head toward his bag. "Get the camera. We want some pics of this." He tried to be deliberate and calm, but only with very limited success because...
It was inevitable really. I was never going to be able to hide the fact indefinitely from Jackie that even though I am 25 years old and we had been married for three years my Mother has continued to spank me. Mum insisted I tell her so when I was getting undressed one night after a spanking Jackie, my beautiful but easily riled 24 year old wife asked “what happened to you? That is one red bottom.” I had in my mind that maybe Jackie would tell my Mother to stop spanking me and being spanked...
I started to move down from her lips, stopping for a while at her breasts. I can’t believe I used to judge a woman by the size of their bosom. Now it seems like a lifetime ago, and I now love the smaller simple symmetrical stunning breasts in front of me. I started at the top of them, where they jut away from her neck licking the gentle slopes as they came to the tip of her now hard nipples. I licked them too. They became even harder and my tongue loved that even more, now switching to the...
(MONDAY, MORNING.) I thanked the pilots for their service, knowing that we would be here in Oklahoma for at least a week. We all put our luggage in the outside storage areas beneath the seats before climbing aboard the ROLLING THUNDER coaches departing for the Reservation, finally. I am not sure just who was the most nervous of those of us on my coach, as we all had at least one loved one we couldn’t wait to see. Plus knowing we should be greeted by more than one brand-new baby, had all of...
Beth: Frieda was all over me as soon as I walked in the door. "So? What happened?" I shrugged. "We went to Antoine's." "Come on -- there was more to it than that!" "Well, yeah," I admitted. "There were eight or ten other people there. We had a private dining room at the back and I sat with Jack while the muckedy-mucks talked about this and that for like three solid hours, then Jack took me home." "Eww! That's it?" Frieda looked disgusted, and I knew I had her. "Okay,...
Living the Dream; part 7 By Malissa Madison "Oh man I hope that wasn't your Sister or something," I said. "Hi I'm Malissa by the way." He laughed, "I finally get to meet you in person, sorry Gary Hollingsworth. But yeah that was my Sister. And I think she's just a wee bit pissed that you showed her up in public." "Gary," Donnie clapped him on the back. "Are you going to be safe going home tonight?" We were walking back into the shop and I laid the blades down on the counter...
It was a warm summer afternoon. I was wandering along Main Street, killing time. My wife Linda was at the salon having her hair done. We were newly-weds. Near the end of the street I entered a small, barn-like building that featured hand-crafted wood furniture. The furniture craftsman was a young guy, twenty-five or so with sandy hair. He was not wearing a shirt. Right away I was jealous. I've always been jealous of guys with good bodies. They can take off their shirts whenever they please. He...
BisexualOlivia Hastings was beside herself with anguish. Her neighbor Steve had just caught her masturbating and got it on video. What was worse, he was planning on using the video, and the subsequent pictures to blackmail her into God knew what. Now she found herself dressed in nearly nothing, and being led like a lamb to the slaughter. Steve led the scared girl down into the basement where he told her to sit down on an old sectional couch. "Welcome to my humble abode," he announced. "Let's...
You know, they sl**p in separate bedrooms. Mike and I are never going to be like that. I just don’t want you to be shocked. Mike told me they’ve only ever been with each other. Can you imagine?! I listened to my best friend since c***dhood ramble as we drove to her in-laws vacation home. I was single again and spending a 2 weeks holiday with her at her husbands f****y vacation home in Hatteras. We arrived and I hugged her hubby, Mike. Then shook hands with her mother-in-law Amy, and her...
You are somewhat shocked and a little displeased. This is not what you were expecting, but accept that it happens. Of course, payback is a bitch. You wipe your mouth and climb out of bed, starting to get ready for the day. As you walk to the bathroom you turn and tell me that I will pay for my little discretion. I of course feel bad and a little worried about the repercussions of my action. We go about our morning, getting ready for work and the day and nothing else is mentioned. We...
Eva Long arrives home from work to find her son’s buddy Rion sitting alone, waiting for his friend to arrive so they can go to the basketball game. As Eva heads upstairs to her bedroom, Rion gets a call from his friend who tells him the game is off because he’s stuck at work. How convenient! Rion takes it upon himself to tiptoe up the staircase to see what Ms. Long is up to, and he gets well more than what he bargained for! The sexy MILF is not only in her undergarments, she’s masturbating on...
xmoviesforyouHello all guys and gals hope you are doing well. Today I am going to share an incident which happened to me when I was 19 in my full youthfulness I’m Rahul and I am from Hyderabad, This is a real story actually my first experience of having a sexual encounter with my Mothers Sister my aunt. Now let me explain my aunt, she was then in her mid 30s but still she was looking very young. She was fair as milk and had a very cute face. She was a widow with no children. She had an attractive sexy...
IncestI can’t stop thinking about him: his touch, his scorching gaze and deep voice, his teeth sinking into my flesh. Hmm, God, those teeth, penetrating my skin, the small pop when it gave way, the short moment of pain and then that magical heat surging through me. My fingers trace the twin circular scars below the collar of my t-shirt, the proof that my memories are not a dream. I rub my thighs together trying to relieve some of the ache suddenly flooding my sex. “Kim!” Cindy swats my arm to get my...
SupernaturalA Delightful Arrangement Part Two As I bustled about the kitchen organizing the trays of cold food and readying the oven to warm the rest, I marveled at how lucky I was to be portraying a woman in front of a crowd of strangers. I knew my maid outfit was convincing from the white princess collared blouse to the club heeled lace up tied heels. My hair was certainly feminine and I had done a great job on my makeup. All I needed to do was maintain my female persona and I had a great...
I’ve talked about my ‘sex education’, and over the decades back to the 60s, there’s a lot I can’t remember along the way. But the contrast between clicking on a porn site today, and what could be seen back then couldn’t be greater. Nowadays girls have their own sites and nothing but nothing is left to the imagination (more’s the pity). Back then, yes there was porn of a sort. I remember Harrison Mark’s magazines had nudity, but anything below the belt was airbrushed out (we’re talking women of...
Note : This story is completely fictional! The car drove off and he knew that this was the time. He called down and had the estate closed, the staff sent off and the house cordoned off. He went to the den and prepared himself in the master bathroom. After showering and dressing he pulled the doors closed and subdued the lighting; the huge room bathed in a low but clear light. His wife was due gone for two weeks, her family expecting to pick her up at the airport in four hours, the need a jumble...
IncestThe stranger turned back to the woman and began looking her figure up and down. She sat up straight to flaunt her breasts while coyly eyeing the two men before her. "You'd have to agree to a few things:" the man was saying, "First, you'll have to wear a condom at all times. Second, you only do what she tells you to do. And third, you can never breathe a word of this to anyone." The stranger turned back to the man and said, "You have a deal." The door to their hotel room opened and...
Having transported the bags up to our room, I joined the family on the patio, repositioning between my cousins Jane and Emily. An ideal vantage point, I could observe the delicious teenager's wonderful boobs at close quarters. The night air was warm, the temperature generous and doubtless helped up by the sexy young girl to my left. I wondered if she had a thing for older men. With grandad's generous hospitality, it wasn't long before I'd polished off half a dozen bottles of beer,...